In This Issue
03 Upfront
Impressive results from Portugal's footwear industry.
Stats show SA's footwear industry started well last year, then ran out of steam.
05 Productivity
Employers, unions in talks to 'make SA footwear manufacturing more competitive'.
06 Crime
Counterfeit Fila product seized in raid.
09 Sector Reports
Sport: Golf is out of the rough and forecasting very good growth. Comment by Rhys Hughes, former director of the Pro Shop, Jesse Henney, GM of Acushnet SA, Adolf Stoffberg, CEO of Duca del Cosma SA, and Danie Theron, operations manager of The Pro Shop.
Safety: With increased recycling, Wayne seeks to increase its sustainability credentials.
13 Foot Health
The near eradication of polio has all but wiped out the need for surgical footwear, writes Gerrit Ferreira of Northcliff Orthopaedic Centre. The focus of orthotists and prosthetists has changed to providing prostheses for amputation victims.
14 Sustainability & Compliance
Southern African Vinyls Association launches 'green tick' for