3 Sam Setter's Pills
- A new quip from Sam Setter in each issue.
03 An Eclectic View
- H. Proctor writes about Zeolites, an option for tanners thinking of the circular economy.
06 Tanning Science Decoded
- Use of chrome leather shavings as a cement retarder shows promise, writes the ISTT's Dr Clive Jackson-Moss.
09 Automotive Leather
- Newly renamed Pangea - formerly Seton in SA and GST AutoLeather in the U.S. - "is rethinking how to do leather".
10 Game Skins and Taxidermies
- SA Taxidermy & Tannery Association (SATTA) has joined the Sustainable Use Coalition, a group of hunting- and game farming-orientated NGOs which aims to counter international anti-hunting campaigns.
13 Exotic Leathers
- Exotic Leather Research director Prof. Gerry Swan has retired.
- The man at the centre of the ostrich industry - Saag Jonker - has turned 80, but shows no sign of slowing down. Various people close to him give their views on what makes him tick.
19 Agriculture
- Agricultural exports are set to reach