03 Upfront
- A new quip from Sam Setter in each issue.
- World Leather Day: Fighting the good fight.
04 An Eclectic View
- Cactus and Leather: No material exists that can claim to be perfectly sustainable and offer the best performance, writes H. Procter.
07 Tanning Science Decoded
- Synthesis of a formaldehyde-free resin for retanning leather that is more environment friendly: A review by Dr Clive Jackson-Moss.
09 Weights & Measures
- Compiled by the ISTT.
11 Trade Statistics
- Imports and exports for February and year-to-date from SARS.
12 Sector Reports
- Crafters & hobbyists: Contributions from
- Denzil Spolander, African Gameskin.
- Richard Harris, Woodheads.
- Clive Jackson-Moss, The Leather Shop.
- Brian Zyster, Tanielz Leather Products.
- Game skins: Preparations for COP19 - a detailed report from the CITES 74th Standing Committee held in France in March.
20 Chemicals
- Buckman announces price increases - and others follow suit.
20 Fairs & Events
- SLTC UK Conference: Virtual op