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Classroom Portfolio
Madelene Cifrulak
Nursing Major
Diane Boehm e-Portfolio Award
Madelene Cifrulak of Midland, Michigan, graduated in Winter 2022 with her bachelor of science in nursing. During her time at SVSU, she was involved in the Honors Program, the Roberts Fellowship Program, and the Student Nurses Association. After graduation, Madelene began a new position as a NeuroTrauma Intensive Care Unit nurse in a nurse residency program at the University of Colorado in Denver.
Madelene’s e-Portfolio project was created gradually through the first four semesters of the nursing program. At the end of each semester, she was assigned to add a new section to her e-Portfolio highlighting how she met the Standards of Nursing Practice set forth by the American Nurses Association (including how she would use her newfound knowledge going forth and artifacts to support those claims), her greatest accomplishments, and specific goals for the upcoming semester. She included, to name just a few items, nursing concept papers; group presentations; her Honors thesis, “A Comparison of Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine and Related Health Behaviors”; and information on a community gardening project with the Children’s Grief Center of the Great Lakes Bay Region that was completed as a part of her Roberts Fellowship. By the time it came around to applying for jobs, she had an organized representation of what she has accomplished over the past three years.
Madelene states that the biggest challenge of writing this piece was setting specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely (SMART) goals for the next semester. A big part of nursing education is clinical hours within the hospital setting, and it is impossible to know what situations will come up or that one may be put in. This makes it difficult to get extra practice in certain skills. In assembling this e-Portfolio, Madelene learned how to create SMART goals that were adaptable to any given situation.
Madelene’s e-Portfolio can be accessed at https://canvas.svsu.edu/eportfolios/4564?view =preview