Antique Town views and plans

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Town plans and views (1493 - 1880)

Selection of town views from our December 3 - 8th auction

Paulus Swaen old maps auction & Gallery

Not until the late 15th century, as a result of the wider dissemination of books and documents made possible by movable-type printing, do we find printed topographical works containing town views in any number. The first, a very rare volume called "Sanctarum Peregrinationum" by Bernhard von Breydenbach, printed in Mainz in 1486, covering a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, contained woodcut views of Jerusalem, Venice and other places on the route. Still rare, but more commonly seen, is the Nüremberg Chronicle (1493), published the year that Columbus returned to Europe after discovering America. In May of 1493 appeared in the Latin language one of the earliest voluminous books, fully illustrated with 1809 woodcuts printed from 645 woodblocks. The woodblock cutters were Michael Wolgemut, the well-known teacher of Albrecht Dürer, and his stepson Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Wohlgemut was Albrecht Dürer's tutor between 1486-90. Many views are however imaginary. The illustration shown above is of a town view (Nuremberg) is one of the few accurate town views this incunable. Thereafter, for most of the sixteenth century, German cartographers led the way in producing town plans in a more modern sense. In 1544 Sebastian Münster issued in Basle his Cosmographia containing about sixty plans and views, some in plan form, but many still using the old type of outline in elevation, and still others in bird's-eye view. Very soon afterwards Frans Hogenberg, who engraved maps for Ortelius, together with a noted painter/drawsman of the time, Georg Hoefnagel, compiled and issued in Cologne a City Atlas intended as a companion work to the "Theatrum Orbis Terrarum". Entitled "Civitates Orbis Terrarum" : The modern town book was born!

Types 1. The panoramic town view was of great importance for the 16th century traveller. The profile of the town was the first encouter with a new town. 2. The Plan is a scaled representation as viewed from directly above, usually produced with surveying technique by engineers. 3. The Bird’s-eye view, is a combination of both panorama and plan. This type demanded artistic skills, the pictorial detail made it enduringly popular. The "Civitates Orbis Terrarum" was edited and annotated by theologian and publisher Georg Braun, and largely engraved by Franz Hogenberg. Over a hundred different artists and cartographers contributed to the sumptuous artwork, which not only shows the towns but also features additional elements, such as figures in local dress, ships. The majority of views in the book are, naturally, of European cities with a particular emphasis on the Low Countries and Germany, but there are also views of Middle Eastern cities, North and West African ports, Indian Ocean ports, Cusco and Mexico. This great work, in the systematic tradition of Ortelius, is one of the great books of the Renaissance. The town views are often the earliest view of the town or city. After the book’s last edition in 1618, the copperplates remained in Cologne until about 1653 when they were acquired by Jan Jansson and reissued four years later with reset text. Some of the plates were subsequently reissued by Jansson’s heirs in 1682, by Frederik de Wit in 1710, and by Covens and Mortier later in the century. The success of the Civitates led to a variety of imitations - later editions of Münster’s Cosmographia included copies of many of the plans. François de Belleforest incorporated copies of the Civitates originals in his own edition of Munster’s work. Francesco Valegio pruduced in Venice in 1595 a miniature version of the town book. Daniel Meissner produced in 1625 a miniature town books in a noteworthy style.

The great Dutch publisher Joan Blaeu, published in 1649 his town books of the Low Countries, including about 220 town plans. . Additionally, from 1663 Blaeu issued three town books of Italy. This work has been re-issued by Pierre Mortier and later Alberts. Eighteenth Century Publishers in France, Germany, England and Holland produced an large output of town views for the demanding buyer. In 1729 Pieter Van der Aa published in Leiden his 20 volume "La Galerie Agréable du Monde", containing over 3935 fine engravings on 2571 double-folio leaves.- primarily by using older copperplates. From about 1630 a important German publisher, Matthaus Merian (father and son) published for about 100 years an enourmous output of town plans and views of all parts of the world. Johann Baptist Homann and George Matthaus Seutter published large folio sized town plans often bound into their atlasses. Probst is famous for his large size town views. Most of the Paris publishers were all based at rue St.Jacques; Jean Boisseau, Jollain, Aveline, Chéreau, Crépy, Bellin, A.M.Mallet published townviews. Copper plates also here often changed hands. A type the town views better known as "optical prints" or "vue d'optique" are not to forget. The earliest works are made in Augsburg, but followed by Paris, London and Italian based publishers. (+more) John Andrews published in 1771 his "Collection of Plans of the Capital Cities of Europe and some remarkable Cities in Asia, Africa and America", including 40 plans including New York, Iedo (Tokyo) and other Asian and European cities. From 1829, a collection of maps and some plans published under the ‘Superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge’, (i.e., S.D.U.K.) - detailed plans. Italian publishers, Francesco Ambrosi, Coronelli, and to a certain extend Piranesi published typical Italian style town views, but in a much smaller number. Folding case plans In addition to plans issued in atlases and books, there have been from around 1750 large numbers of separately issued town plans published for practical use. Loosely folded into covers or slipcases, mounted on heavy paper or cloth, or even printed on silk, these everyday accessories were especially vulnerable, hence their proportionately small survival rate.


26670 ACADEMIE Vue de Quebeck.Augsburg, 1750. 310 x 398mm. Original colours. Estimate $ 480 - 600 A so-called optical print showing a decorative imaginary town-view of QuĂŠbec seen from the harbour, with a large vessel in the foreground. Engraved by Balthasar Frederic Leizelt. This print is a fine example of this illusionary printmaking, but also as a testament to strong interest by Europeans in America at the time and also as a fine example of the perspective view, complete with the lovely and bold original color and reversed title at the top. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular specialty establishments in Paris, Augsburg and London which produced optical viewing devices and special engravings to be viewed through them. In the 18th century the optical print or vue optique came into existence, whose exaggerated converging lines were intended to produce the optical illusion of deep recession. The viewing devices for which these perspective prints were produced consisted of a lens and a mirror, this requiring the use of reversed or mirrorimage pictures.

An optical mirror with print. (Mirror is not included in the lot.) . (26670)

Paper slightly age toned, as usual. Marginal staining. Some browning in right hand part of the print.

09101 BODMER,C. RĂŠunion de la riviere Pierre Jaune avec le Missouri.Paris, 1834. 300 x 435mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 360 - 450 Original aquatint engraving after Karl Bodmer. Engraved by SalethĂŠ and printed by Bougeard. Karl Bodmer was engaged by Prince Maximilian to provide a record of his travels among the Plains Indians of North America during 1833-34. The most important part of their travels started from St Louis, whence they proceeded up the treacherous Missouri along the line of forts established by the American Fur Company. At Bellevue they encountered their first Indians, then went on to make contact with the Sioux Tribe, learning and recording their little known ceremonial dances, their powerful pride and dignity. Transferring from the 'Yellow Stone' to another steamer the 'Assiniboine', they continued to Fort Clark, studying there the Mandan, Mintari and Crow Tribes, then the Cree and Assiniboine tribes at Fort Union, the main base of the American Fur Company. . (09101) Aquatint plate, title captioned in German and French. Slightly browned and stained, With some red stains, can easily be removed.

26271 BELLIN, J.N. Plan de la Nouvelle Orleans. . .Paris, 1757. 190 x 300mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 400 - 550 An important transitional and very detailed early map of New Orleans, copied after the original manuscript plan of the city drafted by Le Blond de la Tour in 1722. It captures the symmetrical layout of the city, and individually labels each of the streets. The boundaries of every property lot are delineated, and the placement of every building is marked. with a list of 18 specific buildings at top, located on the map (includes hospital, prison, church, arms depot, etc.). Also shows many more buildings rendered in outline form, as well as gardens, plots of land, etc.). The waters of the Mississippi River are vividly expressed through especially fine engraving, and the canal that runs along the eastern side of the city, built in 1729, is depicted. A most desirable mid-18th century urban plan.. Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772) was one of the most important and proficient French cartographers of the mid-eighteenth century. He was appointed the first Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine, and also Official Hydrographer to the French King. In smaller format, he issued the Petit Atlas Maritime (1764), which contained 580 charts, as well as maps to illustrate l AbbĂŠ Prevost's Histoire GĂŠnĂŠrale des Voyages (1746-1757). Bellin also produced a substantial number of important separately issued maps, particularly reflecting continuing discoveries and political events in the Americas. . (26271) In very good condition. Printed on heavy paper.

24468 VAN DER AA, P. Novum Amsterodamum. . .Leiden 1729. 335 x 405mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 1320 - 1650 A good example of one of the earliest available views of New York. Set in a border with two other prints. To the right a couple from the New England area. In the bottom a fancy full depiction of the local animals, together with the legendary Unicorn with an eagle on its back. The print of New York (125x165mm) showing the small settlement viewed from aboard a ship in the harbour. The prominent features includes a windmill, flagstaff, church, fort and most prominently a gallows and swinging gibbet. This engraving has been attributed to Laurens Hermansz Block who was the artist aboard the Dutch ship Lydia that visited New York in 1650. From Galerie AgrÊable du Monde, a sixty-six volume atlas complied in 1729 and said to have been issued in an edition of 100 copies only (Tooley, p. 1). The work contained over 3000 plates and maps. Van der Aa states in the preface that nearly all the plates had been purchased from various Dutch publishers. Pieter van der Aa was born in Leiden in 1659, became apprenticed to the booksellers trade at age 9 and died in 1733. Many of his atlases were made to order from outdated plates acquired from many of the older well-known cartographers. A rare issue. ° . (24468) A good and dark impression. 4 copper plates printed on one sheet. Some very light discolouration along center fold, hardly notable.

26668 ACADEMIE Vuë de Salem. (reversed) Salem - eine stadt in Engelländischen America, in der Grafschafft Essex, ... Salem - une ville de l'Amerique Angloise dans le Comte d'Essex, ... / gravé par Balth. Frederic Leizelt..Augsburg, c. 1750. 250 x 392mm. Original colours. Estimate $ 550 - 650 A so-called optical print. A lively town-view and harbor scene of Salem, Massachusetts, with many people loading a vessel. Engraved by Balthazar Frederic Leizelt. This view is said to be of Salem, "Une Ville de l'Amerique Angloise dans le Comté Essex…" [A village in British America in Essex County..]. The image is actually of a European city, as the publisher did not have access to a drawing of the actual town. It was a common practice among European printmakers, especially for perspective views, to use European scenes for far-away places that the audience would never have seen and thus would be unlikely to realize the deceit. This print is a fine example of this illusionary printmaking, but also as a testament to strong interest by Europeans in America at the time and also as a fine example of the perspective view, complete with the lovely and bold original color and reversed title at the top. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular specialty establishments in Paris, Augsburg and London which produced optical viewing devices and special engravings to be viewed through them. In the 18th century the optical print or vue optique came into existence, whose exaggerated converging lines were intended to produce the optical illusion of deep recession. The viewing devices for which these perspective prints were produced consisted of a lens and a mirror, this requiring the use of reversed or mirrorimage pictures.

26268 BELLIN, J.N. Plan de la Ville de Boston et ses Environs.Paris, 1750. 165 x 271mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 500 - 600 One of the earliest obtainable town plans of Boston and Charlestown, with an extensive index of 16 specific sites at left, each located on the map. Shows Boston 13 years prior to the American Revolution and at a very early stage in it's evolution. Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772) was one of the most important and proficient French cartographers of the mid-eighteenth century. He was appointed the first Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine, and also Official Hydrographer to the French King. In smaller format, he issued the Petit Atlas Maritime (1764), which contained 580 charts, as well as maps to illustrate l Abbé Prevost's Histoire Générale des Voyages (1746-1757). Bellin also produced a substantial number of important separately issued maps, particularly reflecting continuing discoveries and political events in the Americas. His maps and charts were finely engraved and produced, and set a high standard of accuracy. Tooley #105, Phillips 3508.. (26268) Two horizontal folds as issued. Paper slightly age-toned. In good condition.

16560 MILBERT, J. View in Albany-House of the first Dutch Governors.Paris, 1829. 230 x 300mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 600 - 750 Decorative print after Jacques Milbert, and lithographed by Tierpenne and the figures by Victor Adam. From Amérique Septentrionale. Printed by de Bove and Noöl ainé &Cie. An oustanding view from Milbert's Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord. Milbert arrived in the United States in 1815, with the backing of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, with instructions to explore, record and collect as much information about the topography, social history, and flora and fauna of the north east of the country as possible. The task took him seven years, and in addition to the 8,000 natural history specimens he sent back to France, he made a series of highly significant sketches of the areas through which he travelled. The present image, an important early example of the use of lithography for topographical prints, is part of this eye-witness record of life in America in the early 19th century which forms the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of the country at the time. As 'an artist, Milbert loved to paint American landscapes, particularly those that showed the Hudson, "King of Rivers", flowing majestically through the mountains... the pictures of what he saw, as of the time he drew them, constitute a unique and valuable record' (Sherman, A French Explorer in the Hudson Valley). Deak p.299; Howes M-592; Ray French 110; Sabin 48916.. (16560) Lithograph on india paper mounted (as issued). In very good condition, fine imprint and wide margins.

01556 HESSE, J. New York von der Seeseite aus gesehen.Berlin, c. 1850. 235 x 365mm. Original colours. Estimate $ 850 - 1100 J.Hesse was known as a portrait painter and publisher of lithographs. A long panorama of the shoreline from the sea, with sailing vessels and American steamships in the busy port. Thieme-B.XVI 592.. (01556) Original hand coloured lithography printed on tinted ground.

26803 MILBERT, J. View of Boston and the South Boston Bridge. . [title in French, English, German & Latin] N°42. Pl. 2.Paris, Bove dirigée par Nöel ainé & Cie, 1892. 235 x 300mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 950 - 1200 A view of Boston and the South Boston Bridge. From 11e Livraison Amérique Septentrionale - Etat de New York. After Jacques Milbert and lithographed by Deroy and figures by V. Adam. Printed by E. Ardit. An outstanding view from Milbert's "Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord". Milbert arrived in the United States in 1815, with the backing of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, with instructions to explore, record and collect as much information about the topography, social history, and flora and fauna of the north east of the country as possible. The task took him seven years, and in addition to the 8,000 natural history specimens he sent back to France, he made a series of highly significant sketches of the areas through which he travelled. The present image, an important early example of the use of lithography for topographical prints, is part of this eye-witness record of life in America in the early 19th century which forms the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of the country at the time. As an artist, Milbert loved to paint American landscapes, particularly those that showed the Hudson, "King of Rivers", flowing majestically through the mountains… the pictures of what he saw, as of the time he drew them, constitute a unique and valuable record' (Sherman, A French Explorer in the Hudson Valley). . (26803) Lithograph printed on China paper and pressed onto wove paper. Good and dark impression.

26654 MILBERT, J. Albany-Capital of the State of New York. . . [title in French, English, German & Latin] N°13. Pl. 1.Paris, Bove dirigée par Nöel ainé & Cie, 1892. 235 x 300mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 600 - 750 A view coastal of Albany-Capital of the State of New York.. From 4e Livraison Amérique Septentrionale - Etat de New York. After Jacques Milbert and lithographed by Deroy. Printed by Nöel ainé & Cie. An outstanding view from "Milbert's Itinéraire pittoresque du fleuve Hudson et des parties latérales de l'Amérique du Nord." Milbert arrived in the United States in 1815, with the backing of the Museum of Natural History in Paris, with instructions to explore, record and collect as much information about the topography, social history, and flora and fauna of the north east of the country as possible. The task took him seven years, and in addition to the 8,000 natural history specimens he sent back to France, he made a series of highly significant sketches of the areas through which he travelled. The present image, an important early example of the use of lithography for topographical prints, is part of this eye-witness record of life in America in the early 19th century which forms the most comprehensive and accurate depiction of the country at the time. As an artist, Milbert loved to paint American landscapes, particularly those that showed the Hudson, "King of Rivers", flowing majestically through the mountains… the pictures of what he saw, as of the time he drew them, constitute a unique and valuable record' (Sherman, A French Explorer in the Hudson Valley). Deak p.299, Howes M-592, Ray French 110, Sabin 48916.. (26654) Lithograph printed on China paper and pressed onto wove paper. Good and dark impression.

28419 MALLET, A.M. Havana.Frankfurt, 1684. 144 x 98mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 90 - 110 Handsome town-view of Havana and its harbour, assaulted by several vessels. Title garland on top. From the French text edition of Description d'Univers, 1683. by Allain Manneson Mallet (1630-1706), a well travelled military engineer and geographer who worked in 17th century France under King Louis XIV. . (28419) Very slight water staining marks covering engraved area.


28441 DANCKERTS, D. Constantinopolitanae urbis effigies ad vivum expressa.Amsterdam, 1660. 400 x 510mm. Uncoloured Estimate $ 4000 - 5000 A rare panoramic town-view of Istanbul with over the whole length of the lower part 3 columns of poems in Latin, Dutch and French and a numbered key 1-29 to the principal buildings in town. Published by Dancker Danckerts (1634-1666). . (28441) A very good and dark impression. Paper slightly browned. Very good throughout.

28264 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Constantinople ville de Romanie et capitale de l'Empire des Turcs.Paris, ca.1750. 340 x 509mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 4800 - 6000 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Istanbul, including a numbered legend in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. With " fait par Aveline avec privile´ge du Roy" and plate number "92" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28264) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.

26997 OLIVIER, E.Plan de Constantinople, non compris ses faubourgs. Grave d'apres les documents du ministere de la Guerre par E. Olivier.Péra, Istanbul, 1851. 1480 x 1370mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 9500 - 12000 A very rare lithographic plan of Istanbul, Scale 98 yards to one inch., printed in Pera, Istanbul by E. Olivier. The ornate design on the top of the title is a tughra, which is a highly stylized and individualized signature (or monogram) of the reigning Ottoman Sultan. Provenance: Abdülmecid I. This print has on cover a gold manuscript "Tughra" of Abdülmecid I, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1839-1861).

Abdülmecid I was a well educated, liberal minded, and the first sultan to speak French, Abdülmecid continued the reform program of his father, Mahmud II, and was strongly assisted by his ministers Mustafa Resid Pasa, Mehmed Emin Âli Pasa, and Fuad Pasa. The reform edicts were in part directed toward winning the support of European powers. The edicts proclaimed the equality of all citizens under the law and granted civil and political rights to the Christian subjects. The main purpose of the reforms, however, remained the preservation of the Ottoman state. The army was reorganized (1842) and conscription introduced; new penal, commercial, and maritime codes were promulgated; and mixed civil and criminal courts with European and Ottoman judges were established. In 1858 a new land law confirming the rights of ownership was introduced, and an attempt was made to establish a new system of centralized provincial administration. The sultan’s educational reforms included the formation of a Ministry of Education and the establishment of military preparatory schools and secondary schools; he also established an Ottoman school in Paris (1855). . (26997) In 11 joined sheets. The paper is on foldings on several places separating, however with no paper loss.

28106 BALDAEUS, P. Goa.Amsterdam, 1672. 280 x 354mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 540 - 680 A combined panoramic and bird's eye-town-plan of Goa, the main Portuguese trading post in India. From Philippus Baldaeus "Naauwkeurige Beschryvinge Van Malabar en Choromandel". There is a cartouche identifying 43 buildings and the plan includes the harbor full of ships, a royal seal, a small compass rose, and even two elephants working on the harbor. Landwehr, VOC, 556, plate 6.. (28106) Right hand margin cut to neat line. Overall good condition

28103 WAGNER Die Statt Malacca in Indien.Augsburg, Koppmayer, 1685. 174 x 282mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 840 - 1000 Panoramic town-view of Malacca, published in Wagner, "Delineatio Provinciarum Pannoniae". Unsigned engraving. The engravings for Wagner's book were executed by Johann Christoph and Melchior Haffner. Extensive V.O.C. and Chinese shipping in the foreground, and the town (the historical city centre has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 7 July 2008) in the back ground. In April 1511, Afonso de Albuquerque set sail from Goa to Malacca with a force of some 1200 men and seventeen or eighteen ships.[2] They conquered the city on August 24, 1511. It became a strategic base for Portuguese expansion in the East Indies. The Jesuit missionary Francis Xavier spent several months in Malacca in 1545, 1546 and 1549. In 1641 the Dutch defeated the Portuguese to capture Malacca with the help of the Sultan of Johore. The Dutch ruled Malacca from 1641 to 1795 but they were not interested in developing it as a trading centre, placing greater importance to Batavia (Jakarta) in Indonesia as their administrative centre. . (28103) Overall good condition. Some marginal light staining.

28101 RASPISCHEN HANDLUNG Grundriss des franzosischen Haupt Comtoirs Pondicheri. . .Nurnberg, 1763. 212 x 355mm. In original colours. Estimate $ 240 - 300 Early town-plan of the French trading-post of Pondichery (now-a-days Pondicherry ). With a numbered key (1-39) to the most important site in town. The Compagnie des Indes, the French equivalent of the British East India Company, was established in Paris with the blessing of King Louis XIV in 1644. Thirty years later, in 1674, its representatives acquired the territory around PutucĂŠri from a local Tamil ruler, and set about establishing a French trading post which they renamed Pondicherry. Over the next century this enterprise enjoyed mixed fortunes. For four years, between 1693 and 1697, the post was occupied by the Dutch, who endowed it with strong fortifications before handing it back to the French in a peace settlement. Real difficulties began in 1740, however, when Britain and France, at war in Europe, carried their rivalry to the quiet shores of India's Coromandel Coast. . (28101) Overall good condition. Paper slightly age-toned.

05567 HOMANN HEIRS. Der Hollaendisch-Ostindianischen Compagnie Weltber端hmte Haupt - Handels und Niederlags stadt BATAVIA..Nuremberg, 1733. 457 x 540mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 1900 - 2400 Very fine decorative town-plan of Batavia (Jakarta) showing the City and its immediate environs, the surrounding rice fields intersected by a network of waterways, canals and outlying fortifications. A detailed lettered key identifies the buildings and sites of importance. Inset views depict the city, the town hall (the head quarters of the V.O.C.) and the castle whilst below a fine full-length panorama depicts the city from the sea, embellished on each side by portraits of native Javanese figures and exotic wildlife such as leopards and cayman. Brommer, Historische plattegronden van Nederlandse steden, IVBAT K33, P33: Feith 35.. (05567) Paper very slightly age-toned. Center fold contemp. under laid. Else good.

12826 SUHARAYA MOHE Bunken Edo oezu. [Tokyo]Edo, ca. 1803. 1600 x 1940mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 6000 - 7500 Based on map by Ochikochi Doin. Oriented with north to the right. An extraordinary colourprinted town-plan now-a-day Tokyo, and a fine example of Edo cartography. The present map is exceptionally detailed with accurate delineations of daimyo residences, temples, shops, private properties, fields, and much more. As is true with all maps of Edo from the Tokugawa period, the site of the Shogunal Castle (located in the center of the map) is left blank -- due in part to security concerns, although this feature clearly enhanced the Emperor's mystique. The large legend includes information on tides, pilgrimage routes, daimyo residences, star constellations, distances from Nihonbashi to various places in the City, lucky and unlucky days, and more. The first map to bear the above title was published by Suwara Jiemon in 1727: for obvious reasons, the map was revised regularly. The first Kanamaru edition dates from 1778, and it too was revised regularly. Edo zu somokuroku / Iwata Hoju. p. 102.. (12826) [Large Map Showing the Divisions / Properties of Greater Edo]. Large folding map, engraved in wood and printed in colour. Minor repairs to folds, but generally in very good condition.

25945 BERTRAND, Arthus. Vue de la Pagode de Shoe Dagon. Prise des environs de Rangoun (Pégou.).Paris, ca 1834-1838. 160 x 230mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 120 - 150 View different pagodas after a drawing by Paquet and Charles Bélanger. Charles Bélanger (1805-1881), French naturalist and explorer in Asia and the East Indies. Lithography taken most probably from Voyages aux Indes orientales. . . Pendant les années 1825, 1826, 1827, 1828 et 1829.. Lithographed by Jacottet and printed by Lemercier. Published by Arthus Bertrand of Paris. . (25945) Artist proof with manuscript annotations and signature by the artist himself : Charles Belanger. Paper age-toned. A good impression.

28422 STOOPENDAAL, B. Jerusalem.Amsterdam, 1682. 360 x 459mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 480 - 600 Engraved by Bastiaan Stoopendaal from Juan Bautista Villapando's imaginary town-plan of Jerusalem. This bird's-eye view is surrounded by 12 scenes, views and portraits of Salomon and the High Priest. A key identifying 60 points of interest. Poortman, Kaarten in Bijbels, G1.4.. (28422) In very good condition.

03161 STOOPENDAAL, B. Jerusalem.Amsterdam, 1682. 360 x 459mm. In original colours. Estimate $ 1150 - 1400 Engraved by Bastiaan Stoopendaal from Juan Bautista Villapando's imaginary plan of Jerusalem. This bird's-eye view is surrounded by 12 scenes, views and portraits of Salomon and the High Priest. A key identifying 60 points of interest. The map is lavishly coloured using gold for the title and further embellishment. The figures and decorations are painted in a somewhat impressionistic way. Varnish is used for the dark shadow areas to highlight the colours. Many parts heightened with gold. Clearly from an show-piece bible produced for a wealthy merchant or nobleman. 造 Poortman, Kaarten in Bijbels, G1.4.. (03161) Repair of some paper thinness along centre fold and two additional vertical folds. Stunning contemp. colours. Title and cartouches heightened with gold.

09682 SEUTTER, M. JERUSALEM, cum suburbiis..Augsburg 1740. 573 x 492mm. In original colours. Estimate $ 2400 - 3000 Bird's eye town-plan of Jerusalem. Lower part of print an extensive numbered key (1-254) to principal buildings in town. Title in Latin and German. The print is published by T.Lotter. Laor 1129. (09682) Age-toning and marginal fraying, repaired, overall good.

28269 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Jerusalem comme elle est a present.Paris, ca.1750. 340 x 518mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3200 - 4000 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Jerusalem, including a numbered (1-36) key in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. The numbered key and address re-worked " à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and plate number "96" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. ¤ . (28269) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.


60408 BRAUN, G. / HOGENBERG, F. ALGERII Sarace norum urbis fortissimae.Cologne, 1580. 345 x 490mm. In original colours. Estimate $ 720 - 900 An attractive town-plan of the Alger, including a numbered key legend in the lower part. From the greatest publication in this genre!. The "Civitates" was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun gathered together vast amounts of information and draft plans to produce over 500 city views/maps published in six parts between 1572 and 1617. . (60408) Paper slightly age toned. French text on verso.


26698 VISSCHER, C. J. Marchionatus Sacri Romani Imperii. Nobilissimo,. . . Dedicat, consecrat, Nicolaus Janssonius Piscator. C. J. Visscher Excudebat. Anno. 1624. From the atlas by Kaerius.Amsterdam, 1634. 460 x 560mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 1650 - 2100 Beautiful and decorative plan of the city of Antwerp with its surroundings. Three panoramic city views of Antwerp and ten vignette views of remarkable buildings, together with a small table of historical explanations and coat of arms. Inset of the southern region of Brabant. One of the most beautiful maps of Antwerp, glorifying the beauty and the richness of the city. Engraved by Claes Janszoon Visscher and published by his son Nicolas Janszoon Visscher. Koeman III, p.176 (4). (26698) Repair of split center fold, hardly visible. Good and dark impression.

13124 CHEREAU, F. & J. Anvers.Paris c.1720. 141 x 218mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 600 - 750 A very RARE panoramic town-view of Antwerp, including a numbered legend in both lower corners and several very fine ships. Published by the brothers Chéreau, active in Paris at rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy . François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engravers and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. Very rare print with a high standard of engraving. Inventaire du fonds Français, vol.4p.317341.. (13124) Mint condition. Wide margins.

61041 PROBST / WERNER, F. B. Ostende in Flandern.Augsbourg, 1729. 340 x 1002mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 3600 - 4500 Panoramic town-view of Oostende. With a numbered key (1-11) in lower part. Text in German. . (61041) Central fold consolidate. Little russet colour in margin upper. Two sheets joined.

28273 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. A view of Westminster bridge. Vue du pont Westminster.Paris, ca.1750. 370 x 578mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 1900 - 2400 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of river Themes and Westminster bridge in London, including a six line description in French and English. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). With the address " A Paris chez Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq proche la Fontaine Dt. Severin." and plate number "60" in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28273) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.), in very good to mint condition.

03730 BEEK,A./ BRAUN & HOGENBERG Schlanium vulgo Schlani Bohemiae oppidum.The Hague 1700. 443 x 498mm. Original colours. Estimate $ 1200 - 1500 The engraver and publisher of prints, Mrs. Anna Beek of the Hague, enlarged this print, originally published by Braun and Hogenberg in 1620, and coloured them in pastel colours, adding extensive clouds and brilliant yellow borders. The height of the print is enlarged with c.8cm (3 inches). This way of enlarging prints is also known from the famous Van der Hem/Prinz Eugen Atlas and those in the former Royal print-collection kept in Jemniste in Czechoslovakia. 째 . (03730) Contemporarily laid down on larger paper the engraved title from the original print almost invisibly integrated in the enlarged part.

13084 AVELINE,P. / CREPY Bude Ville capitale de la Hongrie.Paris, 1690-1720. 196 x 318mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 300 - 350 A very RARE panoramic view of the city of Budapest. The plate is numbered in red pencil in upper right corner. Engraved by Pierre Aveline (Paris, c.1656 - 23 May 1722). He was also a print-publisher and print-seller. He probably trained with Adam PĂŠrelle and, like him, specialized in topographical representations. He engraved in suites many views of Paris and of provincial, European and African cities, mixing etching and burin. In 1685 he obtained a royal license for ten years, authorizing him to reproduce 'le profil des maisons royales'. Among the 412 items that comprise his oeuvre, there are only two portraits and two prints of historical subjects. The print carries the privilege du Roy . With the publishers address of Crepy . Etienne Louis Crepy (c.1700-1759) was active as an engraver and publisher active at rue St.Jacques a StPierre in Paris. He was specializing in maps and geographical prints. In 1731 he acquired the stock of copper plates of topographical content from his father Jean Crepy. Collectors item!. Thieme-B. II, 273 (Aveline). (13084) Upper margin cut close, just shaving the upper right printed area. Dark impression.

28442 DANCKERTS, D. Praga. [Prague]Amsterdam, 1660. 400 x 513mm. Uncoloured Estimate $ 3600 - 4500 A rare panoramic town-view of Prague with over the whole length of the lower part 3 columns of poems in Latin, Dutch and French and a numbered key 1-34 to the principal buildings in town. Published by Dancker Danckerts (1634-1666). . (28442) A very good and dark impression. Paper slightly browned. Very good throughout.

28132 AMBROSI, Fr. Marseille.Padova, c.1780. 358 x 488mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 2400 - 3000 Extremely rare town- view of Marseille. Engraved by Francesco Ambrosi. With a numbered key (1-19) in French in lower part to the principal places of interest in town. . (28132) In very good condition. Printed on heavy paper. Dark impression.

27805 DE WIT, F Die Stadtt Leijptzig.Amsterdam, ca. 1694. 375 x 505mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 1200 - 1500 Engraved bird's-eye view of Leipzig, with key (1-26) in German below. Frederick de Wit published after 1694 a town book of European and Asian cities (Theatrum Praecipuarum Totius Europae…) composed of 132 plans and views, mainly printed from the plates obtained from Janssonius. The date of publication is uncertain, but must be after 1694 when he bought the stock of copper plates from Janssonius. He also published in or after 1698 two editions of a town book of the Netherlands with 124 plans and views. Usually F. de Wit added his address " Wit Excudit Amstelodami" and a scale border, when not originally added. This plate is printed from a Janssonius plate but has no address added, and has a blank verso. His widow continued the business after his death, but in 1710 the stock was sold to Coven & Mortier, who on his turn sold the stock to Pieter van der Aa of Leiden, who used the plates to print his multi-volume work, "La galérie agréable du Monde". . (27805) Paper slightly age-toned. Very good. Repair of split lower part center fold, 4cm. Into engraved area. No text on verso.

27804 DE WIT, F Hamburgum.Amsterdam, ca. 1694. 386 x 500mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 1800 - 2300 Engraved bird's-eye view of Hamburg, two keys below. Frederick de Wit published after 1694 a town book of European and Asian cities (Theatrum Praecipuarum Totius Europae…) composed of 132 plans and views, mainly printed from the plates obtained from Janssonius. The date of publication is uncertain, but must be after 1694 when he bought the stock of copper plates from Janssonius. He also published in or after 1698 two editions of a town book of the Netherlands with 124 plans and views. Usually De Wit added his address " Wit Excudit Amstelodami" and a scale border, when not originally added. This edition has no address, nor a scale, and a bank verso. His widow continued the business after his death, but in 1710 the stock was sold to Coven & Mortier, who on his turn sold the stock to Pieter van der Aa of Leiden, who used the plates to print his multi-volume work, "La galérie agréable du Monde". . (27804) Paper slightly age-toned. Very good. No text on verso.

13533 SCHEDEL, H. Quarta Etas Mundi. Bononia. [Bologna] LXIINuremberg, 12 July 1493. 457 x 323mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 600 - 750 A very nice presentation and one of the earliest obtainable views of the city of Bologna. Verso, portraits of Merodach and Nabuchodonosor, kings of Babylon. On the lower part, a representation of Bysance is depicted. Page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronicle , published the year that Columbus returned to Europe after discovering America. The woodblock cutters were Michael Wolgemut, the well-known teacher of Albrecht D端rer, and his stepson Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Wohlgemut was Albrecht D端rer's tutor between 1486-90 and recent scholarship has shown, Albrecht D端rer may also have collaborated, since some of the cuts bear a remarkably close resemblance to the Apocalypse illustrations. The printing was carried out under the supervision of the great scholar-printer Anton Koberger, whose printing were famous throughout Europe A opportunity to acquire a 15th-century book illustration by named artists.!. (13533) Some very minor marginal staining, very good condition, wide margins and attractive colours.

26485 ORLANDINI, J. Il vero ritratto di Nettvno al presente oaupato da gl'imperiali.Rome, 1557 / 1602. 280 x 380mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 2100 - 2700 Rare and early plan of Nettuno, a town and commune of the province of Rome, with now-adays a touristic harbour. Issued by Joannes Orlandi who acquired many Lafreri plates, which he re-issued at the beginning of the 17th century. Rare, separately published, “Lafreri” map. ¤ . (26485) Very good condition.

22359 BOISSEAU, J. Desciption de lopulente et manifique ville de Venise.France 1646. 275 x 694mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 6000 - 7500 Extremely rare panoramic town-view of Venice and neighboring islands (Murano, Burano, Torcello and Mazorbo), clearly depicting the city's architectural landmark. The surrounding lagoon is animated with a great variety of sailing vessels. Exceptional bright, sharp example. The print is skillful copy of the print of Matthieu Merian, now with an extended title in top. Published by Jean Boisseau (fl.1637-1658) a French geographer, topographer, and genealogist who styled himself 'Enlumineur du Roy'. In lower right signed A Paris chez J.Boisseau en Isle du Palais. From Théâtre des Citez, one of the rarest French collections of views. The master engraver H.Picart was appointed to engrave the plates in 1641 in 1648 he engraved a total of 28 views of France and 28 of other European and Asian cities. It was until 1648 that the available plates were sold on an individual base. Pastoureau has found only one complete copy of the book in a private collection. ¤ Pastoureau, Les Atlas Français, Boisseau 1.. (22359) A strong impression. Printed on two sheets of paper. Wide margins. Small brown spot in middle. Repair of a small marginal tear, not affecting engraved area. Very good and dark impression.

28418 AVELINE, P Profil de la Ville de Rome.Paris, ca.1700. 200 x 307mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 840 - 1050 A very decorative and extremely rare view of Rome, including a numbered key ( 1-10 ), in lower part. The Vatican with St.Pierre in the right, with great detail. Engraved by Pierre Aveline (Paris, c.1656 - 23 May 1722). He was also a print-publisher and print-seller. He probably trained with Adam PĂŠrelle and, like him, specialized in topographical representations. He engraved in suites many views of Paris and of provincial, European and African cities, mixing etching and burin. In 1685 he obtained a royal license for ten years, authorizing him to reproduce 'le profil des maisons royales'. Among the 412 items that comprise his oeuvre, there are only two portraits and two prints of historical subjects. The print carries the "privilege du Roy". Thieme-B. II, 273 (Aveline). (28418) In very good condition.

28270 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Messine. Anciennement Messena Ville . . .Paris, ca.1750. 335 x 503mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3300 - 4200 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Messina on Sicily, including a numbered (1-16) key in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. The numbered key and address re-worked " à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and plate number "90" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28270) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) Repair of a split upper part of print, 10cm. Into engraved area. Generally in very good condition.

28266 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Naples, Ville de la Province de Labour, Archiépiscopale, et Capitale du Royaume de Naples.Paris, ca.1750. 343 x 509mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3850 - 4800 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Naples, including a numbered (1- 18) key in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. The numbered key and address re-worked " à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and plate number "89" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28266) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.

28276 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Florence. Florence Ville d'Tialie, capitale de Toscane. . .Paris, ca.1750. 345 x 515mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 2750 - 3400 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Florence, including a 4-line text in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. With "à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and the plate number "75" in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28276) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.), in very good to mint condition.

28265 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Venise / Ville capitale de la Re´publique de me^me nom en Italie.Paris, ca.1760. 340 x 515mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 4800 - 6000 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Venice, including a numbered legend in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Pierre-Alexandre Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. With " fait par Aveline avec privile´ge du Roy" and plate number "73" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engravers and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28265) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.

28274 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Rome. Profil de la Ville de Rome.Paris, ca.1760. 337 x 510mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 2600 - 3300 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Rome, including a numbered key ( 1-47 ), in lower part. The Vatican with St.Pierre in the left, with great detail. Published by Jacques Chéreau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Pierre-Alexandre Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. With " Aveline fecit et excud. C.P.R. à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and plate number "76" in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engravers and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28274) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.

28278 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Turin. Ville Capitale du Piemont et Residence du Duc de Savoye Roy de Sardigne.Paris, ca.1760. 340 x 515mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 4000 - 5000 A very decorative and extremely raretown-viewof Turin, including a numbered key ( 1- 28 ) in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Pierre-Alexandre Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. With " fait par A.Aveline e se vendà Paris chés Chereau rue St.Jacques au Coq." and plate number "69" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engravers and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28278) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.

28417 RIZZI-ZANNONI, G.A. Planta della citta di Napoli come esifte nel prefeute Anno MDCCXC.Naples, 1790. 550 x 805mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3000 - 3500 Stunning plan of Naples, prepared by Rizzi-Zannoni and engraved by Giuseppe Guerra from Naples. To the right and left a key to the important places of interest, among the names of important Naples families. Giuseppe Guerra was one of the most famous engravers active in Naples. Due to his skills the maps engraved for Rizzi-Zannoni, between 1781 and 1814, became such an success. Old owner stamp above scale cartouche. . (28417) Printed on heavy paper. Paper slightly age-toned. Some marginal repairs, two small repairs to left and right running a few cm. into printed area, hardly notable. Dark impression.

23101 PIRANESI, G.B.Veduta della Dogana di Terra a Piazza di Pietra. [Rome]First Paris edition, 1800–1807. 402 x 688mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 1500 - 2000 Decorative view in Rome. Signed in the lower right corner : Piranesi Archittetto fec.. In lower bottom Presso l'Autore a Strada Felice nel palazzo Tomatti vicino alla Trinita de Monti. Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778) was an Italian etcher, draughtsman and architect. He was born in Venice on the 4th October 1720. In 1740 Piranesi left Venice for Rome and started to draw Roman architecture. He studied etching under Giuseppe Vasi. With the help of Giuseppe Wagner, a successful engraver and publisher of Venice, he returned to Rome, where he had a workshop on the Corso. Most of his life was passed in Rome, etching, writing, publishing, and directing a workshop in which the restoration and sale of antiques played a considerable part. Although perhaps Piranesi’s most discussed etchings are those of his visionary Prison series (Carceri), his Views of Rome (Vedute di Roma), produced as single prints between 1748 and 1778, are his best-known mature works. Comprising 135 large-scale etchings of the buildings of classical and post-classical Rome, these images contributed considerably to the city’s fame and to the rise of Neoclassicism in art, architecture, and interior design in the second half of the eighteenth century. Piranesi’s unparalleled accuracy of depiction, his personal expression of the structures’ noble simplicity and calm grandeur (in the words of the art historian Johann J. Winckelmann), and his technical mastery made these prints some of the most original and impressive representations of architecture to be found in Western art. The present print appears to be from the Paris edition of 1800–1807. Following Piranesi’s death in 1778, his children carried on his publications in Rome until 1798. Two years later, the artist’s sons moved to Paris, taking with them their father’s original copper plates and from their new location reissuing his prints until 1839 when the Camera Apostolica bought the plates. A strong and desirable impression from his most important architectural series. . (23101) Good and dark impression. Fine: No chips or tears. Large margins.

06191 VIERO, T. Nuova Pianta Iconografica.. Venezia.Venice, 1818. 470 x 540mm. In original o/l colours. Estimate $ 600 - 1100 Precise bird's-eye town-plan of Venice, clearly depicting the city's architectural landmark. At bottom center a extensive key to listing palaces, churches, offices, etc. Decorative title cartouche. Theodor Viero was a map seller active in Venice and Merceria. . (06191) A good and dark impression. Some very minor discolouration.

61615 REALE OFFICIO TOPOGRAFICO. Pianta della Citta di Napoli e de' soui contorni.Naples, 1828. 680 x 945mm. Estimate $ 2200 - 2400 Uncommon large scale town-plan of Napels. Drawn and engraved by the "Reale officio topografico". . (61615) Mounted on canvas. Small marginal tears consolidated.

25394 VALMAGINI, Fr. [Milan and environs]Milan, ca. 1850. 1260 x 126mm. In original colours. Estimate $ 3600 - 4500 Extremely rare large folding hand coloured lithographed town-plan of Milan and its environs on 9 sheets, 11 of which each dissected into 12 sections of 14cm. sq. the central section with 9 sections and printed lists of sites on either side, the sheets overlapping and duplicating each other by 3 or 4 sections each resulting in an overall map of 9x9 sections i.e. 81 sections measuring 126x126 cm. Contained in original green card folder and slipcase. The map shows the Strada Ferrata per Monza (opened 1840) and the Strada Ferrata Ferdinandea (1846) but no other railways. It extends from Bresso (N) to Quinto Sole (S) and Novegro â‚Ź to Baggio (W). Scale is circa one inch to 500 passi. With a printed label on slipcase : Die Pläne sind beim Verfasser selbst zu bekommen. Adresse Professor Franz Valmagini, Cont del Carmine. N1647. . (25394) Some wear to covers, overall condition very good.

28424 ANONYMOUS Malta.The Netherlands ? 1650. 175 x 243mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 720 - 900 Attractive birds-eye town- view of Valetta on Malta. With coat of arms lower right. With page number 398 in top. Latin text on verso. . (28424) Paper very slightly browned.

05931 VAN DER AA,P. Valetta Civitas Nova Maltae olim Millitae.Leiden 1712. 406 x 502mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 3000 - 3750 A beautifully engraved and richly detailed birds-eye plan of the harbour and city of Valletta seen from the northwest. Left hand corner map of Malta and Gozo with decorative cartouche with coat of arms. Upper right hand corner key to 41 principal spots in the town. From van der Aa's very rare work La galerie agrĂŠable du Monde . . (05931) In good condition. Repair of very small tear lower left hand corner. Else very fine.

28263 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Les Villes forts et châteaux de Malte capitale de l'isle de ce nom. Dessignée sur le lieu par un Ingr du roy.Paris, ca.1750. 350 x 509mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3400 - 4250 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Valetta, including a numbered legend in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. With plate number 91 in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28263) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.

26091 BASSET. Vue de Malte.Paris, 1780. 250 x 395mm. Original colours. Estimate $ 960 - 1200 Uncommon optical print of the harbour view of Valetta on Malta. Text in French. Basset was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in Paris, rue St.Jacques. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular specialty establishments in Paris, Augsburg and London, which produced optical viewing devices and special engravings to be viewed through them. In the 18th century the optical print or vue optique came into existence, whose exaggerated converging lines were intended to produce the optical illusion of deep recession. The viewing devices for which these perspective prints were produced consisted of a lens and a mirror, this requiring the use of reversed or mirror-image pictures. An optical mirror with print. (Mirror is not included in the lot.) . (26091)

So-called optical print. Paper slightly age-toned. Some marginal staining. Some discolouration of paint in sky. Else in good condition.

01495 BLAEU, J. Breda Obsessa Et Expugnata a Celsissimo Friderico Henrico..Amsterdam, 1649. 410 x 540mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 1200 - 1500 Fine map of Breda and environs to show the siege of the town by Frederik Hendrik, Prince of Orange, in 1637. Lower left a decorative cartouche with a dedication and coats of arm of Willem Maurits. In upper corners coats of arms of Breda and Brabant. From Blaeu's famous town book of the Netherlands. Of all the Blaeu atlases, the town books of the Netherlands are held in the highest esteem in the Netherlands. This is partly due to the fact that their composition is linked up with the struggle for independence from Spain of the Dutch Republic in the seventeenth century. Bound up, by sentiment, with the most dramatic and heroic period of the shaping of the Dutch State, it shows the proud and industrious cities of the north in their full splendor. Towards the end of the battle with Spain, Joan Blaeu planned his town books which were to contain c. 220 maps, evenly distributed over two volumes: The towns of the Republic in volume 1, the towns belonging to Spain in volume 2. . (01495) In mint condition.

06326 PANHUIZEN, P. Church of Oirschot after a lightning stroke of 1904.Oirschot, 1904. 475 x 260mm. In original colours. Estimate $ 180 - 225 Fine pastel drawing by Piet Panhuizen of the church of Oirschot after it was hit by a lightning stoke in 1904. Piet Panhuizen was born in Helmond and started as designer at the textile company Van Vlissingen in Helmond. It was A.Ouwerling who encouraged him to make drawings, paintings and engravings. Afterwards he founded an engraving work shop with several employees. . (06326) Pastel drawing on paper.

00222 GUICCIARDINI, L. DELFT. Delphium urbs Hollandiae cultissima. . .Amsterdam, 1612. 230 x 314mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 480 - 600 A bird's-eye view of the town of Delft. From the first Dutch translation of Guicciardini's description of the Netherlands. In this town-plan three buildings, still dominating the old town centre of Delft, have been drawn in: the Nieuwe Kerk, the Oude Kerk and the townhall. The many windmills on the ramparts, used for different industries, are strikingly present. Delft was the first town in Holland which used mills for the refreshment of the water in the canals. . (00222) Very good condition.

22360 BOISSEAU,J. Profil de la renomée ville et port d'Emstredam cappitalle des estats de Hollande.Paris, 1647. 275 x 735mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 7200 - 9000 Extremely rare panoramic town-view of Amsterdam seen from the river IJ. Exceptional bright, sharp example. The print is skillful copy of the print of Matthieu Merian, now with an extended title in top. A lettered key 1-33, A-C in bottom. Published by Jean Boisseau (fl.1637-1658) a French geographer, topographer, and genealogist who styled himself 'Enlumineur du Roy'. In lower right signed A Paris chez Jean 1647. From Théâtre des Citez, one of the rarest French collections of views. The master engraver H.Picart was appointed to engrave the plates in 1641 in 1648 he engraved a total of 28 views of France and 28 of other European and Asian cities. It was until 1648 that the available plates were sold on an individual base. Pastoureau has found only one complete copy of the book in a private collection. ¤ Pastoureau, Les Atlas Français, Boisseau 1.. (22360) A strong impression. Printed on two sheets of paper. Some paper thinness at paper joints. Wide margins.

28444 ANONYMOUS Amsterdam.Paris, ca. 1680. 290 x 505mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 700 - 900 Beautiful panoramic town- view Amsterdam seen from the IJ. Extensive shipping in the foreground. Coats-of-arms of the town in top. A label has been pasted underneath the coat of arm of Amsterdam with a numbered key (1-25) in French, to the most important buildings in town. In the center in manuscript a poem. . (28444) Image cropped on the plate mark, in top slightly into engraved area. Remarginined missing parts re-drawn.

28272 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Amsterdam Ville du Comté de Hollande et la plus considerable des Provinces Unies. . .Paris, ca.1750. 332 x 513mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3300 - 4200 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Amsterdam, including a numbered (118) key in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re- issue, with a reworked plate, of ca.1750. Still with the address " Aveline fecit exc cum P. Regis. AParis Ches Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and plate number "2" in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28272) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.), in very good to mint condition.

28288 MONDHARD Vue gĂŠnĂŠrale d'Amsterdam.Paris, ca. 1750. 240 x 385mm. Original colours. Estimate $ 180 - 230 Showing Amsterdam seen from the IJ. Lively scene with extensive shipping. Likely published by Mondhard, who was a well-known publisher of optical prints, established in rue St.Martin in Paris. In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries there were many popular specialty establishments in Paris, Augsburg and London which produced optical viewing devices and special engravings to be viewed through them. In the 18th century the optical print or vue optique came into existence, whose exaggerated converging lines were intended to produce the optical illusion of deep recession. The viewing devices for which these perspective prints were produced consisted of a lens and a mirror, this requiring the use of reversed or mirrorimage pictures. See our article about optical prints !. . (28288) So-called optical print. Contemporarily cut on the neat line and margins extended, with a title in manuscript. Good condition.

14989 BRAUN,G. / HOGENBERG, F.Dordravum vulgo Dortt.. (Dordrecht)Cologne 1575. 308 x 490mm. In attractive original colours Estimate $ 360 - 450 A panoramic town-view of Dordrecht with noble figures in the foreground. From the greatest publication in this genre!. The ,Civitates, was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun gathered together vast amounts of information and draft plans to produce over 500 city views/maps published in six parts between 1572 and 1617. Most of these engravings were made by Simon Novellanus and Frans Hogenberg, many after drawings by Joris Hoefnagel. Examples in fine original colours are hard to find now-a-days. . (14989) Good impression. Paper slightly browned.

14995 BRAUN,G./ HOGENBERG,F.Urbis Campensis. (Kampen)Cologne, 1575. 340 x 479mm. In attractive original colours Estimate $ 300 - 380 Fine panoramic town-view of the town of Kampen. From the greatest publication in this genre!. The ,Civitates, was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun gathered together vast amounts of information and draft plans to produce over 500 city views/maps published in six parts between 1572 and 1617. Most of these engravings were made by Simon Novellanus and Frans Hogenberg, many after drawings by Joris Hoefnagel. . (14995) Good impression. Paper slightly browned, repair of split lower part centerfold, 10cm. into engraved area, hardly notable.

28268 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Middelbourg Ville la plus considerable de l'Isle de Walcheren et du Comté de Zelande l'une des huit provinces Unis des pais-bas . .Paris, ca.1750. 335 x 503mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 1800 - 2250 A very decorative and extremely rare town- view of Middelburg, including a numbered (119) key in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a reworked plate, of ca.1750. The numbered key and address re-worked " à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and plate number "64" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28268) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.

28428 BELLIN, J.N. Plan de la ville d'Astracan.Paris, 1764. 220 x 178mm. In original o/l colours. Estimate $ 120 - 180 Early town-plan of Astrakhan on the Volga River at the northern end of the Caspian Sea. Depths shown by soundings. From Bellin's Petit atlas maritime.Tome III N.6. Jacques Nicolas Bellin (1703-1772) was one of the most important and proficient French cartographers of the mid-eighteenth century. He was appointed the first Ingenieur Hydrographe de la Marine, and also Official Hydrographer to the French King. Bellin also produced a substantial number of important separately issued maps, particularly reflecting continuing discoveries and political events in the Americas. His maps and charts were finely engraved and produced, and set a high standard of accuracy. Phillips 638 & 3508. Shirley BL M. Bell 5a. Nordenskjold Collection 1 no. 10, Maritime Museum no. 211.. (28428) Some light outer margin discolouration. In good condition. Good margins, printed on heavy paper.

28425 HERBERSTEIN, S. VON Mosqua so vil mit der Maur eingefangen / Ist das Schlos genent / Ausserhalb ist die Stat gross und weit mit Hulzen heusern.Vienna, 1557. 240 x 315mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 1050 - 1350 One of the earliest obtainable town-plan of the Kremlin fortress and Moscow from the German edition of the first authentic account of Russia written by a western traveler: "Rerum Moscoviticarum Comentarii" (‘Description of Moscow and Muscovy’), by Sigismund von Herberstein’s. The book remains a significant source for understanding the geography, politics, religion and social conditions of sixteenth century Russia. The first edition of Herberstein's book, written in humanistic Latin, was printed in Vienna in 1549. A second edition appeared two years later, followed by a third edition in 1556. . In 1557 the author's own German version was published. Sigismund von Herberstein made two visits to Russia. In 1517-1518 he travelled as a diplomatic envoy of the Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian I. He returned in 1526-1527 as an ambassador of Ferdinand I, King of Bohemia and Hungary. His combined visits amounted to a period of sixteen months during which he was able to see "... the land and city of Moscow and much of their manners and customs... Thus I can bear witness not merely from hearsay but as one who has seen partly for himself..." (Translation by J B C Grundy: 1969, p15). ¤ . (28425) Wood block print with letter press. Some marginal discolouration.

25800 BRAUN, G. / HOGENBERG, F. Moscavw. Moscovia, Urbs regionis eiusde nominis metropolitica, duplo maior. . .Cologne, 1580. 350 x 490mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 3000 - 3500 Showing Moscow within the walled city and figures in the foreground. Title cartouche in the lower right corner Moscovia, Urbs. Regionis ciusde nominis metropolitica, duplo maior, qua Praga Boiemiae, lignea aeduficia habet, multas plateas, fed dispersas, latifsimi campi interiacent : Mosca amnis, ipsam irrigat . Also including a coat of arm in the upper left corner. From the greatest publication in this genre!. The Civitates was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun gathered together vast amounts of information and draft plans to produce over 500 town-plans and views published in six parts between 1572 and 1617. Most of these engravings were made by Simon Novellanus and Frans Hogenberg, many after drawings by Joris Hoefnagel. . (25800) Paper slightly age-toned. Some minor marginal spotting. Repaired marginal tear on upper and bottom center fold and lower right and left margins.

27807 DE WIT, F Moscovia urbs Metropolis totius Russiae Albae.Amsterdam, 1697. 345 x 455mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 5250 - 6500 Detailed bird's-eye town-plan of Moscow from Frederick de Wit's rare townbook. With a key (1-20) to important spots in town. Frederick de Wit published after 1694 a town book of European and Asian cities (Theatrum Praecipuarum Totius Europae…) composed of 132 plans and views, mainly printed from the plates obtained from Janssonius. The date of publication is uncertain, but must be after 1694 when he bought the stock of copper plates from Janssonius. He also published in or after 1698 two editions of a town book of the Netherlands with 124 plans and views. Usually F. de Wit added his address " Wit Excudit Amstelodami" and a scale border, when not originally added. This plate is printed from a Janssonius plate but has no address added, and has a blanc verso. His weduwe contined the business after his death, but in 1710 the stock was sold to Coven & Mortier, who on his turn sold the stock to Pieter van der Aa of Leiden, who used the plates to print his muli-volume work, "La galérie agréable du Monde". . (27807) A good and dark impression, some discolouration of paper and repair of split lower part centerfold, 5cm. Into engraved area.

26356 TARDIEU, P.F. St. Petersbourg.Paris, 1783. 470 x 766mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 1750 - 2000 Large plan of St. Petersburg. From the Atlas Volume of "Histoire physique, morale, civile et politique de la Russie Ancienne" by N. G. Le Clerc. The plan is a reduced version of the 1753 plan of the Academy of Sciences and Arts. Engraved by P. F. Tardieu. To the right a 74 numbered and 5 lettered keys (A-E) with a reference to the main places in town. Decorative title cartouche with scale. . (26356) Slightly browning, minor creases in lower margin. Some paper rubbing in the right text column, not affecting printed text.

28161 JEAN, P. Plan gĂŠomĂŠtral de la ville de Moscow ancienne capitale de l'empire de Russie. . .Paris, 1801. 470 x 715mm. Original colours. Estimate $ 2100 - 2700 Uncommon and detailed town-planl of the city of Moscow. To the left and right numbered keys to the most important spots in town. The lettered key stating the different Street names. . (28161) With old vertical and horizontal folds. Repair of tear in left hand text border, no text missing. Small repair in left margin, just affecting the key. All together in good condition.

26813 TURGIS, L. Palais ImpÊrial de Petrowski. Environs de Moscou. N° 17.Paris, ca. 1850-1860. 230 x 330mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 360 - 500 Decorative view of the Imperial Palace of Petrowski. After a design by Vander Burch. Printed by L.Turgis active in Paris and New York. Turgis is best known for his series of lithographed American seaports. . (26813) Lithography. Wide margins. Very good condition.

26353 BRAUN, G. / HOGENBERG, F. Vegel. / Velis Malaga.Cologne, 1575. 330 x 484mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 700 - 900 Two panoramic views of Vegel (top half) and Malaga (bottom half) on one page. From the greatest publication in this genre!. The Civitates was compiled and written by George Braun, Canon of Cologne Cathedral. Braun gathered together vast amounts of information and draft plans to produce over 500 city views/maps published in six parts between 1572 and 1617. Most of these engravings were made by Simon Novellanus and Frans Hogenberg, after a drawing by Joris Hoefnagel. . (26353) Good impression. Paper slightly browned. Very good.

28267 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Seville. Ville Archiepiscopale et Capitale du Raume d'Andalousie en Espagne. . .Paris, ca.1750. 350 x 508mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3200 - 4000 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Seville, including a numbered (1-37) key in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. The numbered key and address re-worked " à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and plate number "54" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28267) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.) in very good to mint condition.

28279 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Madrid Villa Capital Del Reyno D'Espana.. / Madrid ville capitale du Royaume d'Espagne . . .Paris, ca.1750. 340 x 510mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3600 - 4500 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Madrid, including a numbered key ( 117 ) in Spanish and French in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. With "à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and the plate number "52" in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28279) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.), in very good to mint condition.

28129 AMBROSI, Fr. SevillaPadova, c.1780. 325 x 477mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 2600 - 3200 Extremely rare town- view of Seville. Engraved by Francesco Ambrosi. With a second title in lower part "SEVILLA, Ciudad Arรงobispaly capial.." and a numbered key (1-37) to the principal places of interest in town. . (28129) In very good condition. Printed on heavy paper. Dark impression.

28271 CHEREAU, J. / AVELINE, P.A. Barcelone, Ville Capitale de la principauté Catalogne. . .Paris, ca.1750. 340 x 515mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 4500 - 5500 A very decorative and extremely rare town-view of Barcelona, including a numbered key ( 1-29 ) in lower part. Published by Jacques Chereau, (1688 - 1776). Engraved by Aveline and first published in 1692 by Crepy, here the rare Jacques Chereau re-issue, with a re-worked plate, of ca.1750. With "à Paris chés Chereau rue St. Jacques au Coq." and plate number "53" added in upper right margin. The brothers Chéreau, where one of the most prolific print publishers active in Paris at "rue st.Jacques au Grand St.Remy". François Chéreau was born in 1680 in Blois, it is unknown when he settled in Paris. He was student of Gérard Audran and Pierre Drevet. In 1718 he acquired the stock of copperplates and prints of his tutor Gérard Audran. He was a very talented engraver. After his death in 1729 the copperplates were sold by his widow. His brother Jacques (le jeune) (1688-1776) was also engraver and publisher and worked for one year in England. He was well known as engraver of portraits. . (28271) A larger paper copy (495x645mm.), in very good to mint condition.

28130 AMBROSI, Fr. BarcellonaPadova, c.1780. 342 x 475mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 4500 - 5500 Extremely rare town- view of Barcelona. Engraved by Francesco Ambrosi. With a second title in lower part "SEVILLA, Ciudad Arรงobispaly capial ", and a numbered key (1-37) to the principal places of interest in town. . (28130) Good condition.

28131 AMBROSI, Fr. Madrid.Padova, c.1780. 345 x 475mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 4500 - 5500 Extremely rare town- view of Madrid. Engraved by Francesco Ambrosi. With a second title in lower part "Madrid Ciudad Capital Del Reyno D'Espana y real corte de los reyes catolicos vista de la puente de Sogovia", and a numbered key (1-17) to the principal places of interest in town. 造 . (28131) In very good condition. Printed on heavy paper. Dark impression.

08309 WOLFF HEIRS, J. Bern in der Schweitz.Augsburg, 1740. 335 x 1005mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 3200 - 4000 Very fine panoramic view of Bern. With a numbered key (1-25) of principal buildings in town. 造 . (08309) Printed from two plates. A good and dark impression. Paper a little wrangled and some light water staining, else fine.

08308 WOLFF HEIRS,J. Freyburg in der Schweitz.Augsburg 1740. 335 x 1005mm. Uncoloured. Estimate $ 2900 - 3600 Very fine panoramic view of Freiburg. With a numbered key (1-38) of principal buildings in town. . (08308) Printed from two plates. A good and dark impression. Paper a little wrangled, else fine.

09396 After BRAUN, G./ HOGENBERG, F. Novesium vulgo Neus - Verona nunc Bonn Brula - Sontina, Zunsz Oppidum. . .Cologne, c.1590. 335 x 498mm. In original colours. Estimate $ 2400 - 2700 Four pen and ink with watercolour views of - Novesium vulgo Neus urbs ubiorum Rhenana Aº. Dm M.D.L.XXV ad viuum delineata. (10,5 x 46 cm) - Verona, nunc Bonna, Communiter, Bonn Oppidum Supra Coloniam Agrippinam, ad Rheni flumen, illus Fre. 1575. (11,3 x 46 cm) - Brula, vulgari idiomate. Broell. 1575. (10,3 x 23 cm) - Sontina, Zuns?. Oppidum ad Rheniripas, telonio famosum. Anno 1575. (10,3 x 22,8 cm). One sheet of paper. The drawings are contemporarily and copied after the plates by Hogenberg. On verso is the original text printed from the ‘Civitates Orbis Terrarum’. RARE. The question now is why does the plate has the original text on verso, but not the engraved plate. During the printing of atlases it is known that first the text was printed (with letter press) and afterwards the copper plate !. An intriging item. The upper two insets are showing Bonn. The other showing Buhl and Zons. The panoramic views are very detailed with many houses, churches, river, trees, garden, peoples, a fortress around the towns, ships on the river Rhine, etc. ¤ . (09396) Four pen and ink with watercolour views on one sheet of paper. Paper a little brittle due to oxidation of green paint. Painted on sheet with Latin text on verso.

12337 SCHEDEL, H. Nuremberga. Folio CNuremberg, 12 July 1493. 340 x 525mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 4800 - 6000 Double page panoramic town-view of Nuremberg. As most town view in the book are imaginary views, the view of Nuremberg as being the town where the book was published, the view must be one of the few accurate. One of the earliest obtainable view of this period. Two page from the richest illustrated Incunable, the famous: Nuremberg Chronicle , published the year that Columbus returned to Europe after discovering America. The woodblock cutters were Michael Wolgemut, the well-known teacher of Albrecht D端rer, and his stepson Wilhelm Pleydenwurff. Wohlgemut was Albrecht D端rer's tutor between 1486-90 and recent scholarship has shown, Albrecht D端rer may also have collaborated, since some of the cuts bear a remarkably close resemblance to the Apocalypse illustrations. The printing was carried out under the supervision of the great scholar-printer Anton Koberger, whose printing were famous throughout Europe A opportunity to acquire a 15th-century book illustration by named artists.!. (12337) Double page wood cut. Two sheets joined, excellent.

27678 RIZZI ZONONI, G.A. Plan de Varsovie levé par ordre de son Exc.e Mr. Le C.te Bielinski grand Maréchal de la couronne didié à son exc.e Mr. Le c.te Wielhorski. . .Paris, 1772. 380 x 555mm. Coloured. Estimate $ 1050 - 1350 Giovanni Antonio Rizzi-Zannoni (1736-1814) published in 1772 in Paris his famous map of Poland. This map was published in the form of an atlas, but could be easily assembled to a large wall map (177x202cm.) In the upper left corner e find this town-plan of Warschau. The town plan is surrounded by 17 insets of buildings, the lower part is filled with a panoramic view "Vue de Varsovie du côté de la Vistule". Also a numbered key (1-82) to important places in town. Engraved by N. Chalmadrier after a design by J. Arrivet. T.Niewodniczanskiego, Imago Poloniae K123/1.. (27678) In good condition.

Paulus Swaen Internet Auction is the first internet auction specializing in old maps, Medieval manuscripts and prints. It is a unique place for buying and selling old maps, atlases, books, and medieval manuscripts. We have been in the map business for 30 years!

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