AM 3 - U.S. EPA José Font

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Recycling in Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands

Mr. JosĂŠ C. Font Acting Director Caribbean Environmental Protection Division

Puerto Rico • Waste Generation: 4.5 – 5 lbs/person/day • Recycling Rate: 8-12% • Disposal Alternatives: 29 non-compliant landfills

US Virgin Islands

• Waste Generation: 12 lbs/person/day • Recycling Rate: Very Low • Disposal Alternatives: 2 non-compliant landfills

Partnerships… Why • Sustainable materials recovery • Reduction of carbon foot print • Recycling and reuse businesses now employ over 1.1 million people. • GREEN JOBS • Impact of recycling on other industries creates jobs “indirectly” • Recycling saves money.

Overview of the Partnerships    

Created in May 2010 Regional Administrator’s priority Solid Waste Crisis Sustainability on the islands

Partnerships About bringing together federal, state and local government, businesses and not-for profits to work together in developing a comprehensive recycling program in both Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands.

Purpose of the Partnership • To promote waste reduction, recycling and clean composting which in turn will help deal with the solid waste crisis

• Integrated Solid Waste Strategy (sustainable materials management)

Integrated Solid Waste Strategy • Improve state laws and regulations with respect to reuse, recycling and composting • Create a database for market development • Reduce waste through source reduction initiatives • Address financial barriers • Launch a comprehensive educational campaign • Enhance implementation and infrastructure development • Expand current planning and citizen participation • Expand and or encourage municipal ordinances

Plans for FY 2013 • •

Support the partnerships Continue development of action plans to implement Solid Waste Strategy Work with Governors to increase funding for curbside recycling programs and recycling centers Work with Municipalities

Education • After the training, • An Internship was some schools have established by PRRP to give developed an Environmental training to college students. Club and started to operate and (“Train the trainer”) give maintenance to their school compost • The trainers visit selected schools. They give training to • Activity duration: students and employees Approximately one school year who are interested in learning how to make compost Second Training Section: Almost developed; start soon

Coming soon….. • REMAG – a Magazine/Catalog Recycling & Customer Reward Center

Enforcement • Recycling projects implementation through negotiation of enforcement actions

CEPD Office Relocation • Generation of wastes was minimized through donations: – US Army Reserve • All the system furniture, chairs and other office equipment • Telephones • All printers and scanners

– Central High School • All the system furniture, chairs and other office equipment • Telephones

– John Dewey College • All the system furniture, chairs and other office equipment • Telephones • Laptops, desk top computers and spare IT parts

CEPD Office Relocation • Over 8.4 tons of paper was recycled, of which 4.6 tons helped to raise funds for a not-forprofit Children Hospital.

• This effort not only helped extend the life of Puerto Rico’s landfills, but supported local recycling jobs and entities in need.

CEPD Office Relocation Environmental Management Systems (EMS) – The EMS is a framework that helps us achieve our environmental goals through consistent control of our operations. – EMS was redesigned as part of the relocation to CEPD's new office space in City View Plaza

– CEPD team: • Consist of 11 individuals that monitor compliance

– Significant Environmental Aspects (SEA) • Energy consumption, paper usage, fuel consumption, green purchasing and discarded material management.

CEPD Office Relocation • The EMS is an agency wide effort. The EPA has a central EMS coordinator that monitors activities • EPA has established a at all agency sites. 2-year audit program • This year objectives are: • • • •

• • • •

Energy Management Water Use and Stormwater Management Vehicle Use and Transportation Programs Sustainable Design / Green Buildings and Regional/Local Planning Chemical Management Sustainable Acquisition Electronics Stewardship Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan

•We are proud to say that CEPD is part of the EPA EMS high profile locations.


CEPD New Office Location

US Environmental Protection Agency Recycling Partnership Program Presentation José Font

Questions? José Font US EPA R2 CEPD 787-977-5815

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