Waste Management Extracting Value from the Waste Stream RenĂŠ R. RodrĂguez Environmental Protection and Safety Manager
Second SWANA Caribbean Symposium October 4th, 2012
Company Overview
Š2011 Waste Management
Four Platforms of Focus
Renewable Energy
Conversion Technologies
Utilizing the entire waste stream or converting landfill gases to valuable energy sources
Converting segments of the waste stream into valuable energy sources
Platforms of Focus Recycling Technologies Repurposing segments of the waste stream
Š2011 Waste Management
Sustainability Services & Consumer Products
Promotion of the WM brand, green messaging and sustainability through various retail and/or consumer focused business models
Š2011 Waste Management
Recycling Industry Benefits •
Provides stable, beneficial jobs
Generates state and local government revenues
Stimulates capital investments
Helps the environment
Recycling is great for the economy, our environmental health and sustainability
Recycling helps the environment by: •
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
Lessening the need for new landfills, thereby preserving open space
Saving energy
Cutting air pollution
Conserving resources for future generations
©2011 Waste Management
Recycling Rates in US •
Americans are recycling more – and the U.S. EPA hopes this will continue, setting a goal of 35% MSW Recycling Rates 1960-2008 35.0%
33.2 82.9
30.0% 25.0%
15.0% 10.0%
9.6 6.6
8.0 0.0%
5.6 1960
0.0 milion 1970
Recycling Rate
Total Tons Recycling (millions/year)
©2011 Waste Management
Recycling Industry Challenges in the US • •
• • • • •
Climate Change Materials Theft Design for recycling Contamination Transportation issues Lack of end users Plastics consumers starving for materials
©2011 Waste Management
Waste Management Recycling Services in US
Š2011 Waste Management
We capture a variety of materials
Š2011 Waste Management
Single Stream Recycling • Single-stream recycling greatly increases participation - on average up to 50 percent more recyclable materials
• Helps lower costs and emissions by reducing transportation while capturing new volume • Employs advanced recycling technology including magnets, screens and optical scanners to automate the sorting of recyclables • Improves local recycling programs by increasing capacity while maintaining material quality ©2011 Waste Management
Organics Recycling in the US • WM estimates that 30-35 million tons are organic in nature from the materials we manage (excluding recycled paper, OCC, etc). • WM currently manages over 1.70 million tons of organics to beneficial uses including composting, mulch operations • WM currently operate 34 organic facilities, including more that will start up in the next several months, and more in the permitting process.
©2011 Waste Management
E-Waste Recycling in US • Fastest growing commodity in the waste stream
• In 2009, WM processed 12 million pounds of e-waste • Operate over 200 eCycling collection depots North America, with a goal of having a recycling center within 20 miles of 95 percent of the population • Founder of the Basel Action Network’s E-Stewards Program and adopted the R2 standards ©2011 Waste Management
Think Green From Home Through mail-back programs, WM allows customers to recycle fluorescent lights, batteries and CFLs without ever leaving their home.
Š2011 Waste Management
The Puerto Rico Challenge
The Puerto Rico challenge • Geographical location • No local processing and end use facilities • Many recyclables are shipped overseas • By mail or courier assisted recycling programs not viable
• Variable demand for recyclable materials • Market is driven by pricing overseas
• Some materials don’t have local processing capabilities (i.e. glass) and transportation costs are high • High energy costs in the Island keep investors away
©2011 Waste Management
The Puerto Rico challenge • Limited resources at the municipal level • Recycling is an additional expense for most municipal governments • Regular MSW collection plus recycling collection • Recycling revenues may not support additional expense to be able to break even • Municipalities may have to pay a fee for the processing of recyclables • Residential garbage collection contracts are usually a fixed price per housing unit regardless of volume
©2011 Waste Management
The Puerto Rico challenge • Old condominiums and commercial buildings may not be able to accommodate recycling containers • Condominium associations and homeowner associations may need to increase maintenance dues to pay for recycling. • Waste disposal contracts are usually based on a fixed price per month and not based on volume or weight.
• New construction projects may not have a requirement to provide space for recycling programs. • New condominiums constructed in limited space • Residential developments permits must include requirements for recycling programs.
©2011 Waste Management
The Puerto Rico challenge • Some citizens are not interested in recycling • Don’t know their impact on the environment • Recycling is inconvenient because of segregation requirement • Recycling is inconvenient because there is no curbside collection • Recycling is inconvenient because drop-off centers are too far or at an inconvenient location.
• Past experiences make citizens think that the collected materials end up in the landfill regardless. • Average citizen only cares about having the garbage can emptied by the city or the contractor weekly. • Some city officials’ only concern is that the garbage is collected weekly and there are no complaints by the residents.
©2011 Waste Management
Recycling Challenges in Puerto Rico
Š2011 Waste Management
Improvement opportunities Single stream collection makes recycling easier and more convenient for the citizens and industry
Š2011 Waste Management
The plastic bottle challenge
Š2011 Waste Management
The Plastic bottle challenge What can we do with the plastic bottles? •Is recycling the real answer? •Consider waste reduction over recycling •Citizens must create conscience of the effect of their consumer habits on the environment.
©2011 Waste Management
Thank You
Š2011 Waste Management