Our Workforce
Equality Scheme 2018-2022 OBJECTIVE 4: Develop our workforce to deliver our values and embed these in all that we do • Develop a culture of inclusivity where our staff and residents thrive by delivering a programme of training and events that help to raise awareness and knowledge around equality and diversity • Utilise our Diversity Action Forum to add value and further embed Equality and Diversity into all roles
During 2019/20 we: • Continued to provide mandatory EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) training, which includes cultural awareness training for new employees: Seven sessions were run, attended by 63 employees. • Provided a number of opportunities for employees to engage directly with our customer base in a voluntary capacity, to enable them to build closer links to our customers; • Agreed and delivered an action plan for project work to be undertaken by our Diversity Action Forum; and • Continued to publish articles / blog posts on the intranet that relate to various equality, diversity and inclusion related awareness days / weeks / months that include positive diversity messages.
Opportunities for employees to engage with our customers as volunteers A programme of volunteering opportunities for 2019/20 was developed. As part of Swan's Christmas Kindness campaign, in December 2019 19 Swan employees volunteered to support a number of activities and events including Christmas lunches, carol concerts and social events for older people, fundraising for St Luke's Hospice and Christmas parties for older residents in Laindon and at the Exmouth community hub.
Swan’s Diversity Action Forum, SwanProud and Diversity Day Our Diversity Action Forum consists of representatives from various departments / sections within Swan and our repairs partner Axis who, as Diversity Champions, are responsible for: 18