Diversity in Leadership
Equality Scheme 2018-2022 OBJECTIVE 1: Promote Diversity in Leadership • Continue to ensure that we create an environment that is transparent and strives to deliver against external best practice.
During 2019/20 we: • Published our gender pay gap data in line with legislative requirements and continued our Gender Balance work; • Contacted all employees for whom ethnic origin is not currently held and encouraged them to provide it as the first step towards calculating our race pay gap; • Continued to act in accordance with the pledges we have made under the Future of London Speaker Diversity Pledge; • Completed work to meet the CIH Leading Diversity by 2020 challenges; and • Developed and delivered a training programme for the Board, Committees and Executive Team to support the promotion of Diversity in Leadership.
Gender Balance We published our Gender Pay Supporting Statement (including our April 2019 gender pay gap data), along with a Gender Pay Action Plan ahead of the April deadline. The analysis of our gender pay gap figures reveals that our gender pay gap as at April 2019 (median gender pay gap of 12% and mean gender pay gap of 33%) arises because women hold fewer senior roles than men. Similarly, our bonus gap is driven by fewer women in senior roles as bonuses are a percentage of salary. We also have a higher proportion of women working in part-time roles, which generally fall within the lower quartile of pay. We shall continue to focus our attention on increasing the number of women in senior roles within our organisation and managing better our talent pipeline. Our aim is to provide an inclusive and diverse culture in which everyone is able to thrive and succeed in their career goals. Women are represented at our highest levels, both as members of the Board, including the Chair of the Board, and the Executive Team. We also have a number of women within our Senior Management Team, Development Management Team and Heads of Service.