The Talon May 2017
Volume 11 Number 4
Nation Ford High School
1400 A.O. Jones Blvd.
Fort Mill, SC 29715
Class of 2017
Women Should Be Drafted p3
Seniors Go To College p6-7
The Mandela Effect Hoax p8
2 • OP/Ed
Prison Companies Violate Basic Human Rights Abbie Knight Should human rights apply to criminals? Companies like CoreCivic and other prison agencies say no. Since 1990, the number of prisoners in privatized prisons has gone up 1,600 percent, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. Private prisons serve poor health care, exploit prison labor, and get a payoff from all of it.
“ the past five years, the company was burdened with 660 lawsuits.”
Corizon, a for-profit healthcare firm, has hired vocational nurses to perform the same jobs as registered nurses. The ACLU says this saved Corizon 35 percent on each nurse’s salary, but in the past five years, the company was burdened with 660 lawsuits. Martin Harrison was a severe alcoholic and inmate in a private prison. When he went into withdrawal, a vocational nurse did not supply him with the addiction drugs he needed. This caused him to suffer Delirium Tremens, which led prison guards to shock him with a taser and beat him. “After jail deputies beat and tased their father to death, Martin Harrison’s children beat them in court to win the largest wrongful death settlement in a civil rights case in California history,” Michael Haddad, one of the family’s lawyers, said. The family of Harrison won $8.3 million in the lawsuit. Corizon should lose all authority in jails. The 660 lawsuits that have been filed show that they care more about saving a few dollars than saving human lives. If a medical agency were to act this irresponsibly outside of an isolated facility such as a prison, there would be more repercussions. In addition to exploiting the medical rights of convicts, private prisons impact taxpayers. When there are
more people in a prison, they profit more. Because of this, many companies have a certain minimum bed count that inmates must fill. If a prison cannot meet this count, taxpayer money pays for the gaps in capacity. When the average American pays taxes, most people want their money to go to schools, roads, and beneficial construction in their communities – not for big corporations that will pocket tax dollars like candy. These corporations also campaign against the legalization of marijuana and lenient immigration laws, as it would change the number of people incarcerated. A statement from their 2014 report said, “Any changes with respect to drugs and controlled substances or illegal immigration could affect the number of persons arrested, convicted, and sentenced, thereby potentially reducing demand for correctional facilities to house them.” The report also said, “The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by the relaxation of enforcement efforts, leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices or through the decriminalization of certain activities that are currently proscribed by our criminal laws.” Marco Rubio, a former 2016 presidential candidate, received nearly $40,000 in campaign donations from GEO, the second largest for-profit prison company. During his time as head of the house of the senate in Florida, GEO was awarded a $110
“... the justice department announced that they wanted to reduce the use of private prisons.” million contract for a private prison. Companies like GEO and CoreCivic have endorsed candidates with
The Talon Staff Staff: Jadyn Barrett Carly Cashatt Daniela Castrejon Geoffrey Crump Julia Farr Precious Fisher Olivia Gummo Cecelia Hilton Phoebe Howie Hannah King Abbie Knight Julia Lako
Madelyne LeVassiur Jon Luther Jacob Martin Ariah Massey Leah Nguyen Jada Queenan Adrienne Ruffalo Editor-In-Chief: Gracie Barnett Editors: Morgan Cummis Nathan Tyson Adviser: Beth Swann
1400 A.O. Jones Blvd. Fort Mill, SC 29715
The Talon
ideas that align with their profits in the past. Rebuilding America Now, a super PAC with strong ties to Donald Trump received $225,000 from GEO. Brendan Fischer, the associate counsel for the Campaign Legal Center commented on this contribution: “By contributing to a super PAC closely associated with Trump—the only presidential nominee to endorse private prisons—GEO presumably sought to influence the government contracting process and to ensure that a Trump administration would protect its access to taxpayer dollars.” In August, the Justice Department announced that they wanted to reduce the use of private
prisons. Trump seems to differ. “I do think we can do a lot of privatizations, and private prisons. It seems to work a lot better,” he said. His immigration plans will surely require prisons that don’t exist. Detaining the 11.4 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. will need to take place before they can be deported. Privatized companies will gladly fill this slot. Prisons should not be outsourced to companies that not only exploit, but abuse incarcerated people. Unfortunately, the multi-million dollar lobby is growing more each year. Poor prison conditions keep more people in jail, but that’s what corporations want anyway.
The Talon Policy The Talon provides students with an opportunity to discuss information related to Nation Ford High School. The paper’s objective is to notify the school community of the news in a timely and informative manner and to entertain them through articles and columns. The staff encourages letters to the editor. Nation Ford High School students, staff members, and the public can express their opinions and reactions to the articles in The Talon. Letters should be signed and should not exceed 150 words. Letters submitted may be published in the paper at the discretion of The Talon staff and will be edited for accuracy, length, and grammar, as well as offensive or inappropriate content. The staff may permanently keep all unpublished letters for reference or guidance for future writing. All submissions should be submitted to Mrs. Swann, room D517, or via email to Please keep in mind that opinions voiced in the articles and personal columns are not those of the Nation Ford High School newspaper staff or Nation Ford High School’s administration, faculty, or staff; opinions are solely those of the author who submitted the article.
2015 Best Newspaper in South Carolina 2015 Newspaper Palmetto Award ALL STATE Rating for 2015 International 1st Place by Quill and Scroll Society MAY 2017
OP/Ed • 3
U. S. Draft Lacks Equal Female Representation
Jacob Martin
he Supreme Court heard a case regarding the idea that women should have to sign up for the draft just like men currently do. Known as Rostker vs. Goldberg, the case was overruled on March 24, 1981. Dr. Nora Bensahel, an expert on the U.S. defense policy, believes that the change in the draft is inevitable. The idea for draft equality was revisited in 2015 by Sen. John McCain and Gen. Robert B. Neller when all roles in the military were opened to women. Gen. Neller stated, “Every American who is qualified should register for the draft,” but some conservative senators such as Ted Cruz and conservative groups like the Heritage Action for America disagree. In a statement these people said tha “Allowing our daughters to be forced into combat if there is a draft is a clear example of Washington placing more value on liberal social engineering than military objectives and preparedness.” However, women should be required to sign up for the draft because the military could always use extra soldiers for the reserve in a time of
“... women could fill [posititions] such as medical and dental jobs, laundry and clothing repair, or administration and support jobs...” need, and there are certain jobs in the military that aren’t physically demanding that women could fill. One argument against the requirement of having women sign up for the draft is that we have plenty of men already signed up for the draft, so why do we need women to sign up, too? In the Vietnam War, the U.S. sent about 9 million soldiers to fight, and as of right now there are about 17 million men signed up for the draft, as reported by the Selective Service System, so there is no need for women to sign up, too, right? Well, it’s not that the U.S. is in a deep need for extra soldiers currently, but if there is ever another large war that the U.S. is involved in then a female draft ensures we will have more than enough soldiers at the ready. According to the United States Department of Defense, there are about 1.3 million people who are signed up for the armed services, which are scattered in more than 150 countries. Even though we have a lot of active soldiers as of right now, having women sign up for the draft could further increase the military’s ranks.
Children Waiting To Be Adopted in the U.S.
“...women should sign up for the draft.”
Another argument against the requirement of having women sign up for the draft is that women are physically weaker than males and may not meet the requirements for a soldier. In 2012, the Marine Corps. ran tests that had a team of males and a team mixed with both males and females compete in a series of challenges. The fully-male team won al-
“...the males almost always did better in combat situations than the females...” most every challenge, which showed that the males almost always did better in combat situations than the females, and so the males will also perform better in real combat situations. However, many jobs
in the military aren’t physically demanding and are low risk that women could fill such as medical and dental jobs, laundry and clothing repair, or administration and support jobs, as reported by the US Military. Recently, technology has also played a large role in modern warfare, such as flying drones and flying planes. All of these jobs would take place in a military base and away from locations where combat is taking place, so instead of having to carry 80-130 pounds of equipment, as reported by the Seattle Times, the soldier would just have to have some experience in their current role. Ultimately, equality is a “double-edged sword,” so an individual can’t just pick what would be considered the positives in terms of equality and freedoms. Some men dread the day they have to sign up for the draft, especially in a time of war, but all able-bodied people should sign up to serve their country. Therefore, women should sign up for the draft.
Adoption By Gay Couples Helps Children In Need Get Homes
Ariah Massey
n this day and age we are a nation of opportunities, the land where dreams come true, and a place where everyone is supposed to be created equal. But that’s not really true is it? More than 51,000 children are placed for adoption each year in the United States. These unadopted children are waiting in foster homes for that one special family to adopt them and to finally have a home. Children who deserve a loving family are being denied this opportunity and are forced to grow up through the foster care system – simply because of certain couples’ sexual orientation. This year there are more than 2 million gay and lesbian couples waiting to adopt a child, and some people are attempting to deny this chance for them. Some people think that it’s not the best thing for a child to be raised in a homosexual
household, which is not true. According to a study conducted in Tufts-New En gland Medical Center in Boston, children raised by same-sex couples are no different from children raised by heterosexual couples. In the study, experts compared factors like self-esteem, behavior and gender identity in which each participant showed ‘normal’ actions or choices. This shows that the sexual orientation of adoptive parents,does not affect how their adoptive child will be raised by them. No matter the adoptive parents’ sexual preferences, to deny them a chance to be a mother or father is unconstitutional. When refused, there will still be more than 51,000 adopted children with a lesser chance at adoption. If all potential parents are accepted, the rate will go down dramatically and children will live happily in a loving family. We as a nation can grow, and thrive together as diverse families. the U.S. should accept people as they are. ajfkkjklfjlskfjlksfjlsjflfjalfjlafjlsfjlsfjslkfj;lkfa
...51,000 unadopted children are waiting in foster homes for that one special family to adopt them...
MAY 2017
The Talon
4 • OP/Ed
Mandarin Chinese: Language Of The Future
Madelyne Levassiur
here’s an illusion in America. An outdated ideology proclaims speaking a language other than English is not necessary to achieve success in the global economy. The truth is that students of America are being set up for failure in a globalized labor force because students are not required to learn one of the most internationally significant languages – Mandarin Chinese. Nation Ford High School’s mission is to “graduate students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in college and the workplace” and yet if students do not have the opportunity to learn Mandarin Chinese, are we living up to our own promise? A mere 20 percent of American citizens are bilingual compared to around 56 percent of Europe’s population. Nation Ford hinders job seekers who are not equipped with the advantages of bilingualism if we do not prepare students with significant skills in a language, such as Mandarin, which is crucial to the future. There are numerous cognitive advantages to mastery of two languages. “Bilingualism has been associated with improved metalinguistic awareness (the ability to recognize language as a system that can be manipulated and explored), as well as with better memory, visual-spatial skills, and even creativity,” according to Viorica Marian, PhD, and Anthony Shook’s article: “The Cognitive Benefits of Being Bilingual.” To put it briefly: the bilinguals are smarter. DLSLSKS;S;DKF;;;;;;. The undeniable perks of speaking more than one language are fascinating, but there are additional benefits to learning Mandarin in particular. Because Mandarin is a tonal language – meaning the pitch in which the word is spoken changes the meaning – speakers use both temporal lobes of their brain, whereas English speakers need only the left side to understand speech. A correlation between the process of writing Mandarin characters and math-based skills have also been made evident in New Zealand studies. Mathematical abilities such as “counting, grouping, ordering, and identifying similarities and differences” are found in character writing, according to the Asia Society’s article on learning Mandarin. This is, however, not an excuse for the lowbrow Chinese/math jokes – they are racist, not hilarious. English is currently the global lingua franca, a common language that is used among groups of varying native languages. However, Mandarin Chinese is likely to be the future’s. Even ignoring fields of business, a student who has interest in seeking a career as a diplomat, doctor, humanitarian, or scientist should proficiency in Mandarin.
“To escape or ignore the significance of communicating with such a global presence is not an option,” says Ms. Tran, who speaks Vietnamese and will be teaching in the English Department next year. Mandarin is already the lingua franca of China and is a likely to be Britain’s, due to the country’s separation from the European Union. Britain will be searching eastward for trading partners and
the U.K. government’s website already is warning those without fluency: “Mandarin Chinese is the language of business. You should not assume Chinese firms will have English-speaking staff.” We’ve all heard Nelson Mandela’s famous quote: “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” Striking up a conversation in someone else’s native tongue- one that can result in an immediate sense of intimacy. “I am able to connect to people almost instantly if I can speak their language,” says Ms. Tran. “People do not think twice if you speak English to them here, but if I walk into a grocery store and speak Vietnamese to the owner, I usually have gained a new friend.” Concerns regarding the difficulty of Mandarin is an obstacle to embracing the language as a legitimate option to study. The tonal system of speaking and writing in characters appears to be a daunting task to English speakers. “Mandarin is typically more challenging to the English speaker in comparison to a language like Spanish since there are few cognates to relate to, a different letter system, and a different grammar structure,” says Ms. Tran. While it can be conceded that Mandarin is an arduous language, there are easier aspects from a grammatical standpoint. English grammar is, in short, a tragedy. Complicated rules always seem to have exceptions. In Mandarin, the sentences have a fixed structure – they always follow a subject, time, location, verb, object order – tenses are nonexistent, and the nouns have no plural/gender modifications. While it’s true that proficiency will require otivation and time commitment play a significant role in the task of adopting a new language. However, two languages actually benefit your skills in your native dialect. “Learning a different language improves your own. Many people do not pay attention to the nuances and syntax of their language until they are faced with a different one from another language,” says Miss Tran. English class just got a whole lot easier. Beginning instruction in elementary and middle school children is an ideal solution, but that doesn’t exclude the need to institute a Mandarin course at Nation Ford. It should be made a priority to employ Mandarin teachers to educate the student body in the language of business. At the very least, an online course is also a viable option. There are no downsides to learning a second language, and Mandarin is an excellent choice, one that Nation Ford students unfortunately do not have access to. We need to better provide options for students to add to their repertoires of skills.
Asian Characters Not Represented In Media Leah Nguyen Very few TV shows or movies include Asian American leads. Most of the time when Asian Americans are in films, they are either stereotyped or supporting characters. For example, few of the many stereotypes are having the characters as a martial arts master, a foreigner, a nerd, and most times Asian males are casted as “unattractive” and subordinate to whites. In Nation Ford’s own musical, The Drowsy Chaperone, the audience was subjected to stereotypical depictions of Chinese people. The scene, named Message from a Nightingale, served not as a humorous disruption from the musical, but as reinforcement for narrow-minded assumptions. While it’s true some roles that include Asian American actors Constance Wu and Randall Park in Fresh Off the Boat, Steven Yeun in The Walking Dead, Ki Hong Lee in the Maze Runner, and Conrad Ricamora in How to Get Away with Murder, they are supporting roles. Although it seems as if Asian Americans get some recognition, they should be featured as main characters instead of sidekicks. Oddly, Asian Americans are constantly replaced by white people in films. For example, although the live-action movie remake of “Mulan” scheduled for a 2018 release is based on the retelling of the popular Chinese folk tale, the directors almost casted a white female but they didn’t because of a petition signed by 100,000 people asking the studio to cast Asian acThe Talon
tors. Another example is an actual movie called “The Last Air bender” based on the cartoon where the characters of Asian and Native American descent are trying to stop the Fire Nation from taking over. In the movie, they replaced the main cast of characters to all white actors. A movie that came out March 31 called “Ghost in the Shell” is supposed to be based on a Japanese manga series, is starring Scarlett Jo-
Although it seems as if Asian Americans get some recognition, they should be featured as main characters instead of sidekicks. hansson instead of an Asian actor. While white actors have played Asian characters countless of times, no actors of Asian descent have been used to replace a white character from a book or another movie. Only one Asian American show that has a full Asian American cast. The show is called “Fresh off the Boat.” The show is about a family who moves away from Chinatown Washington D.C to suburban Orlando based off a true story told by Eddie Huang showing the life of an Asian American in an all-white community. Asian Americans should be recognized more and shown more on the big screen because they can do just as much work as typical white actor in Hollwood. May 2017
news • 5
Searching for Summer Jobs, Solved.
By Carly Cashatt
veryone wants a summer You might also need to check on job that's fun and easy, yet your state's laws. only for the summer so that For example, in Alaska, no one they can make money and younger than 18 can work at a doorstill focus on school when to-door sales job, but many other states the time comes. don’t regulate this industry.” I recently got a job at Carowinds, Stated in the research from Stanford the fun-loving amusement park of the Children’s Health. Apparently workCarolinas. ing isn’t healthy for young adolescents, My first day was stressful, yet excit- but can be proven helpful in the future. ing. Most of my hours will come dur- Make sure you ask the place of eming the summer, because they don’t ployment where you're applying if want you working on school days. they want a list of references, or other If amusement parks are not your important information. thing, then there are more food related If you're looking for a quick buck, places hiring around town. apply to places that are small, or really Like pizza places, and cute tiny fam- big. ily owned ice-cream places. Like a personal owned place or a There are always jobs available to franchise like Carowinds. the public A few tips, that need one, “...There are always jobs available to first start early. mostly during for a the public that need one, mostly dur- Looking the summer. summer job, The process is ing the summer. The process is easy then apply beeasy and painfore summer, and painless...” less. you don’t want Looking online and searching for to be looking for a job during the sum‘summer jobs around me,’ for teens, mer. brings up a large variety of options, Also most places are looking for like a server at Cracker Barrel. employees before the summer, so they “For younger teens, the summer- can get training and get started. jobs picture is especially bleak. Last Second, think seasonally, it's duryear’s summer employment rate for ing the summer, find places that are 16- to 17-year-olds was 20%, less than mostly booming during the summer or half its level as recently as 2000. is open more. For 18- and 19-year- olds, the sum- Like summer camp counselors, or a mer employment rate last year was life guard. 43.6%, still well below the 62.6% aver- Third, be businesslike, teens are not age rate in the summer of 2000.” the only people looking for jobs, all This research was conducted on the ages, most of the time they have more PewResearch Center. experience than a teenager. These days, kids are becoming more Fourth, depend on yourself, people tech-savvy and like to stay indoors. who are employing you don’t want to The numbers of teens that want or get talk to your parents, to ask questions jobs during the summer, are decreas- or tell them stuff if you're the one that's ing rapidly after the past few reces- going to be working for them. sions. Lastly, be confident, it might hap “Parents often wonder whether pen on the first try, but it takes time. their child is ready to get a job. One Most places are looking for experiway to answer this question is to check ence, and if this is your first job then it's on the labor laws that affect children going to take a while to get some bites and youths. on your hook. For example, according to federal law, You will rile in a big fish after prepteens must be at least 15 to work as a ping and knowing what could make or lifeguard, and even then they must break your opportunity to find a sumhave had specific training. mer job.
The Caffeine Scene To Offer Readings, Music, Food, Fun By Nathan Tyson The launch event for Voices literary magazine, Caffeine Scene, will taking place on Wednesday, May 3 from 7 p.m., and will showcase the literary and visual works of talented Nation Ford students. The Caffeine Scene will feature readings, live music, refreshments, and the unveiling of Nation Ford’s newest issue of Voices. whose theme of “Inferno,” will be sure to ignite the night. Ten musical acts including guitar, piano, ukulele and vocalists will be featured between readings from this year’s magazine by the poets and writers. A variety of snacks and desserts will
“I’m so proud of the hard work the staff has put into this year’s Voices,” said Beth Swann, creative writing teacher and adviser to the literary magazine. “Last year’s magazine earned top honors in the state and the region, and this year’s is equally impressive.” At 56 pages, the magazine includes a wide selection of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, a script and screen play that won Best of Show at the Southern Interscholastic Press Association Annual Conference in March, as well as art and photography by students. “The Caffeine Scene is always an awesome experience, and I was proud to be a part of it last year,” said Gracie Barnett (‘18).
Fantastic Four: Nation Ford Students Win Fort Mill School District T-Shirt Competition “Children First”. This year the District Office contacted Nation Ford’s Digital Art and This month Fort Mill District T-shirts Design teachers, Joe McConkey and Carly designed by four Nation Ford students be- Brock. The District asked each of their stucame availabe to order online. The designs dents to create a T-shirt for them to choose were selected as finalists in a contest spon- from. During the judging process of the sored by the Teacher shirts, the four stuof the Year Commitdents designs were “It was a really cool tee as a means to unite chosen, and the Disexperience to be all schools in the Fort trict selected aspects Mill District. The four of each individual chosen as a finalist finalists were Cece Radesign to combine for my design.“ hal (‘18) , Kellie Faninto one. ning (‘18), Sam Eaton All faculty (‘18), and Olivia Audette (‘18). throughout the district will be wearing “It was a really cool experience to be these designs to support both the students chosen as a finalist for my design,” Audette and the philosophy of education. said. More than 400 shirts have been sold so Each year, the York 4 School District far, raising $1,256.43, with the potential of creates T shirts that represent their motto, raising even more in the future. Gracie Barnett
May 2017
The Talon
6 • centerspread
Class of Leaving Their Mar Clemson University Andrew Barnes Emily Bott Jonathan Cope Todd Gardner Morgan Gummo Anna Hardymon Dillon Hassing Michael Holmes Nicholas Jungels LIkhita Kavuru David Knode Alexa LaFranca Benjamin Long Kristen Mason Lindsay Molina Claire Nelson Abhishek Patel Nhat Phan Emily Skroly Emily Tobik Aaron Toler Taylor Tom Courtney Wells William White Rylee Vanterve Benjamin Kelly Daniel Martin Noah McCarter
University of Alabama
York Technical College
Livi Battle Gretchen Johnson
Cade Kerns James Bou Emily Marshall Nicholas Curtis Tyler Moltrup Lindsay Estes Taylia Pharr Isbella Rosales Michelle Garcia Ezequiel Gonzalez Quintana Gracey Rowan Elmer Hernandez Lendos Rodrigo Hernandez Rubio Shatara Jones Emily Latini Courtney Lyons
Winthrop University Savanna Swords Lainie Collins Dylan Curtsinger Jacob Tanda Kristina Duong Katelyn Hartrum
University of North Greenville Kendall Moore Kirk Rygol Darcy Muttillo
Armed Forces
Hawaii Pacific University Cierra Wall
Hollyann Beckner Rese Turner Casey Ramos Abigail Audette
Queens University
Brigham Young University–Hawaii
Chanel Turner Emily Bucciarelli
Corbin Tesimale
Florida State University Jessica Malinow Lindy Miller
Auburn University Cameron Clark
The Talon
Wofford University Andrew Sharp Grayson Loftis
Newberry College Joshua Victorin
Kennesaw State University Quinn Sutphin
May 2017
centerspread • 7
f 2017: rk and Moving On University of South Carolina Beaufort Jori Benton Destiny McNeil Lauryn Fraiser Kayla Sowul DJ Greene Claudine Victorin Zaria Harris Preethi Wilson Emma Kessler Gabriela Lilavois
University of South Carolina
University of South Carolina Lancaster Ashlyn Fisher Alexey Carlson Duncan Lee Megan Sloan
Coastal Carolina University Joseph Wyatt Carter McCrain Megan Anderson Jakob Gravely
Univerisity of Tennessee Abbey Thoden
College of Charleston The Citadel
Jordyn Williams Morgan Mann Madeline Mahmood Lauryn Butler Tre Cooper Jane Gwinn Bryce Kopyta
Andrew Parnell
Furman University Anne Reigel
Anderson University Cheree Stauffer Morgan Broom
University of Virginia Tech
Georgia Tech University
Darby Trull
Zoe Albert Emily Berrill Brooke Bowman Jackson Bridges Lydia Bass Dominique Barriga Ben Bruckner Chynna Crawford Austin Deem Luke Gardner Sandra Hanna Annie Howie Asia Mason Miguel Ramos Victoria Schmidt Landrie Smith Alina Smoleva Reed Strawhorn Cindy Tran Dan Torre Zane Tolbert Logan Willis Bryson Wood Ryan Woods Christopher Layle Sabah Bhamani Bryce Cook Akarsh Dasari Thomas Giarratana Hayley Hall Meriwether Minnix Alexis Campbell Melanie Welliver Maggie Wright Emma Pittman Kat Hartleb Brittani Malone Jalen Hodges Inan Ismailov Rachel Smith
Deep Patel
Western Carolina University Jared Grabko
May 2017
Lee University Carissa Leonhardt
The Talon
8 • features COLUMN
Carly’s Corner: Tusk, Tusk, Tusk Carly Cashatt Elephants are the most provided a home to tens amazing creatures that of thousands of elephants have ever walked the and thousands of rhinocearth. Yet they are still be- eros. ing hunted to extinction. Looking at the stats of In an article in The Smith- poaching throughout the sonian, pilot Gary Roberts years, some people make tried saving a baby ele- an effort, I’ll give them phant calf, after it survived that, I know it's hard to a massacre protect an of over 86 animal over “Sanctuaries exist elephants, in a large plot in Africa and Africa in the of land. They year 2014. India, but it’s not should pass A n i more laws. a lot of land...” mal rights The United groups say States can’t that in Africa, between have any say because this 25,000 and 35,000 elephants issue is international, but are hunted and killed ille- they could help the United gally, 104 die each day. No Kingdom make internaone takes this seriously. In tional laws, preventing Kenya, the 157 poaching- poaching and the killing related cases in the past of elephants and any other three years, less than 5 per- vulnerable animals. cent have been prosecuted, One big reason people and only three of those are poaching elephants convicted were sentenced is for their ivory in their to jail. Kenya is home to tusks, which is used in many national parks and medication long time ago national reserves that have and it's still a tradition. It’s
scientifically proven that ivory from elephants tusks does not alter the condition of the person who takes the medication. Elders in tribes and churches in Africa and India are stuck in the old times, and they are over killing elephants for ivory, and also for clothing. They’re not giving them a chance to repopulate before killing more. Making international laws will help strike fear into the poachers, and though the U.S.A. can’t make any laws they can provide troops and or guards for the preserves in Africa and India. Sanctuaries exist in Africa and India, but it’s not a lot of land, and it’s not really connected, so it's hard for creatures to make it to the other patches of land without being killed, and even the low number of guards are often killed by hunters. The United States should provide people in numbers, and help other countries make laws, then making sure they are followed. We walk this earth side by side with animals, they also help earth flourish, we need to protect, and preserve the beautiful wild life of the African plains and the Indian and Idonesian forests.
African v. Asian Elephants Central Africa 90%
Western Africa 84%
Southern Africa 51%
= Poached
* 5 Tons * Dark gray to brown with pink patchs. Eastern * 4 subspecies Africa * Population- <32,700 * Status- Endangered 59% * The trunk has about 150,000 muscle units and tendons that provide the elephant precision as well as strength of movement.
*6 Tons* Brownish gray *Status- Vulnerable * 2 subspecies * Population <690,000 *More than 12,000 each year are poached in Central Africa. *The main thing that the poachers are after in the elephants body, is Ivory from their tusks. China Ten Asian Counties with the most ivory 90,600 seized, 1990-2011 (46 tusks) Total weight in pounds by country. Thailand
= 2,000 pounds
Hong Kong 47,100
Taiwan 45,500 40,500
Jessie Raniszewski
Philippines 23,500 Vietnam Singapore Malaysia 29,600 India Japan 18,800 14,900 17,700 19,000
Skaters Look For Hot Spots Senior Assassins Cale Bock, Matthew Nicholas Enjoy Skating Liquidate Rivals Daniela Castrejon & Adrienne Ruffalo
The scrape of rolling wheels on the concrete. The crack of splitting boards among frustrated shouts. If a sport is something that you can work on to better your own skills, then skateboarding is most definitely a sport. Take it from any of the shaggy-haired, flannel-clad guys flipping boards off of poles. And even if it’s not an official sport, it’s something that these guys are passionate about. Skateboarding is not just something to pass the time. Cale Bock (‘19) and Matthew Nicholas (‘20) have nothing but praise for the sport. They went as far calling it “liberating.” “It gives me and my friends freedom,” Bock said. If it's one thing skaters have, its perseverance, and it all had to start somewhere. That first proud
“It’s stupid. There aren’t many places to skate around here.”
The Talon
moment is a big one for many skaters, and these athletes would give anything to feel like that again. “My proudest moment would probably be when I landed my first kickflip. I was like, 11, I think -- and I was so hyped!” said Bock. And Nicholas? He remembers that first big trick, too. “I think it was when I ollied a ninestair,” Nicholas said. Skating serves as an escape for the concrete surfers. Riding the concrete swells provide the liberation every skater seeks out. At the same time though, their board is what keeps them from their freedom. “NO SKATING” signs appear in or on many pavilions and neither of them cared for the rules. “It’s stupid. There aren't many places to skate around here,” said Nicholas. Bock has been skating for five years now, and he has strong opinions on the topic. “We should be able to skate anywhere we want to,” he said. Legal restrictions are a nuisance for the skilled skaters, but knowing their rights and reading up on the rules can keep them on their boards – and out of the slammer.
Winner Avoids Getting Soaked Phoebe Howie & Olivia Gummo “Tonight at midnight senior assassin begins. Your target is…” All seniors participating in Senior Assassin got the text on March 19 at 10 p.m. Seniors avoided their assassins and planned attacks on their own targets inside the safety of their homes. Cars were saran-wrapped as targets and switched between owners as means of confusing wouldbe assassins.
“Todd’s lucky I didn’t get him.” Rules were to be strictly followed. No student could be shot immediately before or after school or work. No shooting inside any public buildings. If shot by the target, the victim is frozen for 24 hours before being able to participate again. Seniors could advance through the game as long as they avoid their own assassin. Every student paid $5 to play, and the winner got all of the money. “My favorite part about senior assassin is the intensity of the game, said Alex Stennett (‘17). Alex was eliminated in the third round, but Todd Gardner (‘17) survived until the endeventually winning the game
Winner of Senior Assassin, Todd Gardner (‘17) shows off his lethal weapons after knocking off the competition. by shooting target Alexa Lafranca (’17). Gardner won by playing “very carefully and by trusting no one.” His favorite part of senior assassin was getting his target, Jay Davis (‘17). Alex reflected on the outcome of the game. “Todd’s lucky I didn’t get him.” Now that Senior Assassin is over, Gardner, Stennett, and the rest of the participating seniors can stop looking over their shoulders.
May 2017
9 • features
LGBT+ Children Feel Fear, Rejection By Family, Church
Mary Kelly
very time he yells to come downstairs, there’s a constant fear that he’s calling me down and telling me that he knows. In the back of my head it makes me anxious even when I’m hanging out with people because I feel like he’s going to find out. It’s lots of secrets,” said Molly, a bisexual student. Her father is homophobic and is not in any way accepting, she says. His views impact her mental health and her stability. “If my dad finds out, first of all, I’ll lose my relationship with him and probably end up in conversion therapy,” she says. Concealing a sexual orientation from someone under the same roof is extremely exhausting and frustrating, experts say. A national study of middle and high school students shows that LGBT students (61.1 percent) were more likely than their non-LGBT peers to feel unsafe or uncomfortable as a result of their sexual orientation, according to the Center for Disease Control. Molly’s sister, Olivia is also bisexual. She graduated from Nation Ford in 2016 and moved to a more liberal area. Olivia’s anxiety and stress from being bisexual is different from Molly’s. Because she is 18, it doesn’t impact her quite as much, but the fear still exists. “Personally it doesn’t affect me heavily because I’m in a heterosexual relation-
ship. I think it affected Molly more because she dated a girl. “I’ve come to terms with the fact that my dad will never accept that part of me,” she said. So why do some people have so much prejudice against gay people? “I think it’s due to the way he was raised,” Olivia said. “His parents are very Catholic and homophobic and basically believe that gay people are possessed by demons. I think that’s the main reason, like a combination of his faith and his upbringing.” So is the entire Christian faith itself homophobic as a rule or do peo-
“So why do some people have so much prejudice against gay people?” ple just perceive it to be? A study conducted by Gregory M. Herek, a psychology professor at the University of California found that “for persons with symbolic attitudes, certain reference groups appear to be particularly influential.People who are involved in church groups (as indicated by frequent attendance at church services) reflect the historical religious bias against lesbians and gay men, and this is especially so for Christians.” Most of the time, people with prejudiced views base most of their opinions off influences such as their parents or church base on what they were taught from a young age.
It is a common understanding that a large number of Christians are against gay rights. However, there are some churches that welcome all people, regardless of sexuality, race, nationality, etc. “Some Christians go to the extreme ... and perceive gay people to be possessed by demons or have the whole’ ‘gays will burn in hell’ mentality,” Olivia says. “Other milder Christians take the standpoint that it’s wrong and sinfu, but they can repent and still be saved and good,” she added. “And the most accepting of Christians don’t see a problem with it, and don’t judge the people, just love them and accept them into their church. I think it all depends on who you’re talking to.” Living in a more accepting region, Olivia experienced a culture other than that of South Carolina. She says that homosexuality is “completely accepted” where she lived, and that it is “embraced even.” Olivia’s time away allowed her to be a more authentic version of herself, she said. She attends intersectional feminist events and other human rights campaigns. She is proudly vocal with her views, therefore supporting her beliefs and enjoying freedom. “LGBT+ people are no less deserving of equal rights and fair treatment than anyone else. We’re humans. We feel the same pain and we feel the same love. We deserve happiness just as much as the next person,” she says.
Frights of the Falcons Julia Farr & Madelyne LeVassiur
Do you have any
How about the Chick-
deep dark fears that
Fil-A Cow? Well, we
haunt you day and
asked your peers what
night? A teacher
their top phobias are,
perhaps? Slithering
and here is what
snakes or creeping
The Talon staff
Fac t or Fic tio n?
‘ Mandela Effect’ Hoax
Nathan Tyson
o time for losers, cause we are the champions… Now, what comes next? Is it a long lasting: of the wooooorld? Surprisingly enough, that’s wrong. The actual lyrics of Queen’s ‘We Are the Champions’ have never once had those ending words in them, not once! But for some strange reason, everyone thinks that is how the song ends. Why is this? People have come to refer to phenomena such as this, a result of the mysterious ‘Mandela Effect.’ The phenomenon gets its name from one of these very occurrences, and by far one of the most famous.
In the 1980s, it was reported that Nelson Mandela had unfortunately died in prison, with news coverage galore, yet many will also remember the headlines of his actual death in December of 2013.
cases, even memorabilia) of something that doesn’t exist in reality. So these differing memories, strangely enough, are explained by the conjoining of… different realities – not mere differences of perception, but different realities. It surely is something weird to think about, but it gets even more bizarre as the mountain of evidence keeps climbing higher and higher. For instance, Curious George, the playful little cartoon monkey, actually doesn’t have a tail. And remember the Berenstein Bears? Apparently not, because in this reality it is spelled as Berenstain.
Two deaths for one man just doesn’t add up, but the explanation is even
Nelson Mandela, South African Civil Rights Leader
The Talon
harder to grasp. How can this be? Two deaths for one man just doesn’t add up, but the explanation is even harder yet to fully grasp. The Mandela Effect is described as when someone has a clear memory (in some
May 2017
10 • Entertainment “
Summer Concert Must Sees 21 Savage * Issa Tour
The Fillmore Charlotte, NC May 4
This year’s Warped Tour will be taking place at the PNC Music Pavilion in Charlotte NC starting on July 6. The setlist contains many bands, some of which include: Attila, Bowling For Soup, CKY, Futuristic Hawthorne Heights, I Prevail, Jule Vera, Never Shout Never, New Years Day, Sammy Adams, Watsky, American Authors, and Andy Black. That’s a lot of bang for the buck.
J. Cole * 4 Your Eyez Only Tour
Ed Sheeran * Divide Tour
The Spectrum Center, formerly known as the Time Warner Cable Arena, will be hosting the “For Your Eyez Only” Tour on August 9, where the tickets range from $29 to $429 and the lawn seats will start at $79 and go up from there. Here, Jermaine Cole, formerly known as J. Cole, will be showcasing his “For Your Eyez Only” Album that came out this year and became J. Cole’s fourth number one album on the Billboard 200.
Spectrum Center Charlotte, NC August 9
Travis Scott * Birds Eye View Tour On May 5, the hip hop music artist, Travis Scott will be coming to Charlotte to promote his Bird's Eye View Tour. Lawn tickets start at $30, though most seats are already sold out. There, he will be promoting the two albums that he dropped in 2016, “Day Before Birds,” and “Birds In The Trap Sing McKnight.” That latter album resulted in the 24-year-old landing the number one album on Billboard's top 200 albums, which featured Drake, Rihanna, Beyonce, and Frank Ocean.
Charlotte Metro Credit Union Amphitheatre May 5
Warped Tour
21 Savage performs his songs from new Album 21 UZI. Shayaa Bin Abraham-Joseph was born on Oct. 22, 1992, in Dominica. He and his four brothers and six sisters were raised by his mother Heather, who is of Dominica descent. On Nov. 12, 2014, 21 Savage’s debut single, Picky, produced by DJ Plugg, was released. It was later released on his debut mixtape, The Slaughter Tape, released on May 25, 2015. He has been trending ever since.
On Sept. 3, 2017 Ed Sheeran will be performing at the spectrum Center at 7:30 p.m. Divide Tour is currently rumored to be Ed Sheeran’s final album, as he may be quitting music for good after this tour runs its course. But, that is not known for a fact and is only speculation at this time. Only time will tell what is truly in store for the future for this popular musician. You may want to check this concert out, just in case.
Sam Hunt * 15 In A 30 Tour
The ‘Montevallo’ star Sam Hunt will be coming to the PNC Pavilion in Charlotte on July 29 to promote his 15 In A 30 Tour. The album sold 1 million copies within a week of releasing the album. Ticket prices range from $32 to $226. This country singer has been recognized with many awards, including one American Music Award, and one Country Music Television Award. Fans will be sure to enjoy the show in Charlotte this summer.
Daniela Castrejon
PNC Music Pavilion Charlotte, NC July 6
Spectrum Center Charlotte, NC September 3
PNC Music Pavilion Charlotte, NC July 29
’ Tired of re-watching the same old shows and movies on Netflix? Have no fear, there are plenty of exciting new shows coming these next two months for you to binge on.
The Talon
May 2017
11• sports
Warming the Bench
Sitting Out Games Doesn’t Mean It’s All For Nothing fans may think the benchwarmers are no good at the sport. However, while “I didn’t even play a single snap.” benchwarmers don’t get to play much, Sean Grennan (‘20) wanted to see they can still stand in the spotlight of some playing time on a walk-on team the game as a member of the team. for the Falcons football team in the fall. “Some benchwarmers play a few Even though benchwarmers go to games sometimes,” Baseball Coach practices and learn the rules of the Stas Swerdzewski said. “But some game and they know exactly what benchwarmers also do become some to do when the time comes to play of the best players and develop faster but they won’t be put in the game. than most star players do.” “All I did as a benchwarmer when Even players can see warming the bench isn’t all bad. I played football was “Some benefits of bestand on the sideline “ can practice ing a benchwarmer and watch my team is you can learn from and cheer for my with the starters some of the best a beteam,” Grennan said. come better than you and learn how “I really hated being were before. Some a benchwarmer. Most they play the game other benefits are you people made fun of can practice with the me because I didn’t so you can play starters and learn how get to play football.” just like them and they play the game All benchwarmso you can play just ers get to do is stand be the best.” like them and be the on the sideline, best,” Hamilton said. warm up the benches, watching the game and nev- An example of a former benchwarmer participate in any games. er is Aaron Rodgers. When he was “I put so many hours into practice,” drafted for the Green Bay Packers in Aaron Hamilton (‘19) said, “throwing 2005, he sat on the bench learning from and catching extra passes after prac- starting quarterback Brett Favre. Later tice and practice after school with my in Rodger’s career after Favre went to younger brother Geoff and catching the the Minnesota Vikings, Rodgers started perfect throws he makes with his strong for Green Bay and has turned into one arm he makes those throws with.” of the best quarterbacks in the league. Some people think it’s embarrassing Another example of a famous benchto sit on the bench and do nothing. Most warmer is Michael Vick. After going to Geoffrey Crump
Pheobe Howie
Falcons watch a fellow teammate bat at an early game on their home field. prison for 18 months for dogfighting, Vick got a second chance. When he got out of prison he signed with the Philadelphia Eagles. Vick sat on the bench until Eagle’s starting quarterback got traded to the Washington Redskins, but he finally got to start a game when the second string quarterback got hurt. When Vick started the next game, he continued to show his athleticism and was the most ath-
letic quarterback in NFL history. “It’s hard being a benchwarmer,” Julia Farr (‘18) said. “It’s boring being a benchwarmer because kids put a large amount of work in and try to impress the coaches but they still don’t put them in and let them play – but you’re able to assess the skills you lack in and have skill sets as the other players to be better.”
Falcons Still In Swing
been successful,” Swerdzewski said. “We have played one of the toughAt press time, the boy’s baseball est non-region schedules in the state team heads into the weekend with a because I believe that the purpose of first round game against the regular season is to Dorman. With a win, prepare our team for they head into state play“We have the playoffs. We have offs. learned throughout the The Falcons’ confi- played one of the season that we can comdence should be strong toughest nonpete with anybody in the as they are coming off an region schedules state. Playing this tough 8-1 win against Dorman. schedule should give in the state.” They lost to Fort Mill in us confidence as we ena regional game Friday, ter the playoffs because – Coach Stas April 21 with a score of we have played against Swerdzewski 7 to 13. and sometimes beaten “To win a state chamthe best teams in the pionship, we have to state. This team is ‘battle-tested’ and play our very best baseball and miniready to compete in the post-season.” mize mistakes,” Coach Stas SwerdzeThe team’s tough schedule seems to wski said. ”Special things can haphave prepared them to make it to playpen when a team gets hot at the right time. If we don’t beat ourselves, this offs. post-season could be very special.” “We are not content with simply The boys are playing well as they making the playoffs or winning a couple make their way to playoffs. of playoff games,” Swerdzewski said. “Overall, our regular season has The expectation is to compete for Morgan Cummis & Jon Luther
At the scrimmage game against Charlotte Stampede on Feb. 24 at Nation Ford’s field, Evan Lammers (’18) pitches. The Falcons came away with the win. the state championship. “Regardless of that we can achieve our goal if we play who we face in the playoffs, we know our best baseball,” he said.
8 Athletes Sign With Colleges Madelyne Levassiur
Seniors Nick Catan, Darcy Muttilo, Kayla Sobas, Alex Stennett, Harry Goodwin, Nick Hoffman, Matt Thomas, Chanel Turner.
The Talon
Eight Nation Ford athletes signed with colleges during the Signing Ceremony on Monday, April 17, 2017: Boys LAX: Nick Catan – Greensboro College; Boys LAX: Darcy Muttillo – North Greenville University; Girls LAX: Kayla Sobas – Southern Virginia University; Baseball: Nick Hoffman – Spartanburg Methodist College; Baseball - Alex Stennent - Spartanburg Methodist College; Football Harry Goodwin – Averett College; Volleyball – Chanel Turner – Queens University; Matt Thomas -Erskine University.
May 2017
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