One Text Big Effect Tech, Social Media Harms Environment
Taryn Chase
ell phones, tablets, computers. turing, use and disposal of the devices that Technology is a normal part of you access social media platforms on, such daily lives in the 21st Century. as smartphones, laptops and desktops. And though this access to the Then there is the background infrastrucworld at the tip of our fingertips is great, ture required to provide access to those behind the scenes our google searches platforms . . . things like data centres, and hashtags are taking a toll on Mothinternet routers and the base stations . . .” er Nature. Social media and the world’s Data centers in particular consume a new-found dependgigantic amount of ability on technological electricity. With every There are an estimated 2.5 devices can be partly text you send, and blamed for some of the each web page you billion people around the world’s greenhouse gas open, energy and world connected emissions and the new electricity is needed. carbon footprints we’re Data centers are used to the internet. leaving behind. We to store data and should be cognizant of process messages sent that impact and make responsible decibetween servers. A website can typically sions regarding the use of our electronic produce 6.8 grams of carbon emissions devices. every time a page loads. Data centers get Andie Stephens, associate director of their electricity from fossil fuel centers, a corporate carbon measuring agency many of which are not using steps that known as The Carbon Trust, says that involve renewable energy. there are two sides that need to be studGreenhouse gas emissions are not the ied when looking for the impact of social only negative effects technology is having media on the environment. In an interview on the environment. When people rethat appeared in the March 25, 2018 Vice place a smartphone or laptop, they tend to U.K. magazine, she discussed these points. throw away their old ones. Although land“First,”she says, “there is the manufacfills worldwide have already raised notable
Spring 2020