1 minute read
How would you prefer to receive Open House?
Open House is currently circulated as a paper copy to over 14,000 tenants and leaseholders. It’s also available in other formats such as CD, large print and on our website.
We are always looking at ways to improve Open House and save on costs at the same time. So we’d like to hear from you if you’d prefer to read Open House online. Instead of sending a paper copy, we’ll send you an email version. You can then read it where and when you want to, using your phone, tablet or PC – it couldn’t be easier! This makes it more accessible, sustainable and more cost effective as we’ll be reducing the number of printed copies.
If you’d like to receive Open House online, you will need to complete our “sign up” form www.swansea.gov.uk/openhouseemail Please provide us with your: • Name and address • email address • telephone numbers Just remember to keep us informed of any changes to your contact details. If you prefer to continue receiving a paper copy of Open House, there’s no need to do anything.