Our story - Swansea Council

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Working Together, Innovation, People Focus

www.abertawe.gov.uk www.swansea.gov.uk @cyngorabertawe @swanseacouncil

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Our Story Book 2

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Our Story Book The Council and its staff play an essential role to make sure our services reach everyone in Swansea. ‘Working together’ allows us to deliver the right services, to the right people, at the right time and at the right cost. For us all, our vision and values are at the heart of our organisation. Reflected through our people, the focus is to embed a culture that celebrates individuality, innovation, collaboration and empowers ownership. This book sets out what we do, how we do it and what we want to achieve. It is about you. For you.

Thank you to all the Staff who have helped to make this book a reality. Also, a big THANK YOU to all our Staff for your dedication, hard work and for doing what you do every day for the people of Swansea. www.swansea.gov.uk


What is our Story Book? This book has been designed as a guide to ‘how we do things in Swansea’ with a focus on the ethos of the organisation – our vision and values. Our values set out how we do things in Swansea. They are: Working together / Innovation / People focus What makes our culture is our contribution towards achieving these values. It’s who we are. What we do. How we do it. And why we do it. We have divided Our Story into sections to make it accessible and easy to read. Please dip into the sections that matter most to you. Our Story is a living staff handbook. As we change, the book will change. We want to know what you think and how we can improve it for the future. Drop us a line here: ABT_letstalk@swansea.gov.uk


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

What is our organisational culture? Culture is the heart and soul of our Council – Our culture is how people work. How decisions are made. And how we work with others – within the council, with partners and with communities. It influences, our engagement, motivation, satisfaction and performance and is key to the success of what the council achieves. And by supporting you and celebrating your successes we will continue to create a culture where people feel connected and have the right environment to thrive



Swansea Council


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Swansea Council Swansea is the second largest city in Wales. The council is one of 22 across Wales supported by over 10,000 plus members of staff, it covers not only the city, but also communities like Gower, Gorseinon, Morriston and Pontarddulais and surrounding areas. Swansea Council has an impact on every single one of our 240,000 plus residents! For some their contact with the Council will be around services such as collecting their refuse or maintaining the roads; for others it could involve lots of direct touchpoints, educating their children, housing their family, or looking after their elderly either in day-care or residential care. No matter how much or little of our services people access, we will interact with all of them in some capacity. We provide a multitude of services, ranging from education to housing and issuing birth certificates, to planning and highways maintenance; and each of our services is supported by a wide range of internal support services which we could not function without. Regardless of your role in the Council, each of us plays a part in our success in delivering our vision of “To Work Together”.



Our Vision & Corporate Plan 8

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Our Vision & Corporate Plan The Council wants to deliver the right services to the right people at the right time and at the right cost. Our vision is “To work Together”. swansea.gov.uk/corporateimprovementplan Our corporate plan sets out how we’ll achieve our goals. We will get things done by using our 5 ways of working, these are: • Involving people in the things that matter to them; • Making sure everybody works together; • Thinking of the future; • Sharing plans with partners so we help each other meet priorities; • Stopping problems from happening or getting worse.



Well-being of Future Generations The Wellbeing of Future Generations Act is a law set up by Welsh Government. It’s there to make sure the council and other public services do what we do in a sustainable way. It asks us to think about the big picture and the longer-term. How will the decisions we make for today affect others in the future? We want to work with communities and our partners when making decisions, taking a joined-up approach. This will help us create a city and county that we all want to live in, now and in the future. Welsh Government have produced a short animation which gives a useful overview of the Act and what it hopes to achieve for Wales. You can find this and other information here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/staffnetfuturegenerations


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Our Wellbeing Objectives Our wellbeing objectives set out how we’ll meet the goals the Act asks of us. They help us to think about the long-term impact of our decisions. Our wellbeing objectives are: • Safeguarding people from harm; • Improving Education & Skills; • Transforming our Economy & Infrastructure; • Tackling Poverty; • Delivering on Nature Recovery and Climate Change; • Transformation & Future Council development



Our Values


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Our Values Our values are what guide the way that we work, how we develop as an organisation and our decision-making through the years ahead. Our values are at the heart of every decision, action and task that we undertake. Our Values will drive the Council’s success, but only if each us live by them in everything we do at work. • People Focus – We will focus on community needs and outcomes and on improving the lives of the people who live and work in Swansea. We will also respect, value and support our employees and demonstrate the highest standards of integrity. • Working Together – We will promote a whole partnership approach, working across services to maximise resources and knowledge and joining forces with others outside the Council to ensure we prioritise our resources and get the best for our communities. • Innovation – We will promote and support a culture of innovation. We will think and work differently to improve our ability to deliver and to meet the financial, demographic and societal challenges we face. www.swansea.gov.uk


Our Principles


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Our Principles Our principles complement and support our Values and identify additional behaviours essential to drive the success of the Council and support us to deliver our Corporate Plan. Our Plans and priorities will be underpinned by these three key principles. These principles are essential to deliver our well-being objectives and are woven into the way that we work. • Sustainability – We will work to improve the economic, social, cultural and environmental well-being of Swansea. This means making sure that the needs of the present are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. • Prevention – We will intervene earlier in order to support people at greatest risk, change behaviours and prevent the need for costly specialist services, often with a long-term support programme. • Partnerships – We will work together with our partners across the public, business and voluntary sectors through the Public Service Board and through other collaborative means in order to meet the shared challenges that face Swansea and its communities. www.swansea.gov.uk


Corporate Leadership


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Corporate Leadership Our Corporate Management Team are the directors and chief officers responsible for the key strategies and priorities for the council! The Directors and Heads of Service are responsible for devising key strategies and priorities that support and drive the Council’s success.

They are: • Chief Executive – Martin Nichols (INTERIM) • Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Corporate Services – Adam Hill • Director of Education – Helen Morgan-Rees • Director of Finance & Section 151 Officer – Ben Smith • Director of Place – Mark Wade (INTERIM) • Director of Social Services – Dave Howes • Monitoring Officer & Chief Legal Officer – Tracey Meredith



Leadership Team When our Corporate Management team are joined by their Deputy Officers and Heads of Service, they form our Leadership Team: Corporate Services

Financial Services

Place Directorate

• Deputy Monitoring Officer & Deputy Chief Legal Officer

• Deputy Section 151 Officer & Deputy Chief Finance Officer

• Head of Building Services

• Head of Communications & Marketing

• Head of Commercial Services

• Head of Digital & Customer Services

Social Services

• Head of HR & Service Centre

• Head of Adult Services

Education Directorate • Head of Achievement & Partnership Service • Head of Education Planning & Resources • Head of Vulnerable Learner Services 18

• Head of Revenues & Benefits

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

• Head of Cultural Services • Head of Highways & Transportation • Head of Housing & Public Health

• Head of Child & Family

• Head of planning & City Regeneration

• Head of Integrated Services

• Head of Property Services • Head of Waste, Cleansing & Parks



Our Elected Members 20

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Our Elected Members Swansea Council has 75 councillors representing 32 electoral wards. Ordinarily every five years Councillors are elected to represent both their local community in the running of Swansea Council and to deal with casework for individual constituents who raise issues or concerns within their locality. Councillors help to decide how local services are provided, funded and prioritised. Councillors work with the employees of the Council to make sure that services are relevant and delivered effectively, as well as promoting and supporting good governance of the Council and its affairs. Councillors are also supported by colleagues within our Democratic and Scrutiny team who are responsible for developing and supporting effective decision-making processes and committee arrangements, as well as providing advice and support for elected Members. Want to know more about how decisions are made and delivered? Click for more information: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/democraticservices

The Cabinet consists of the Leader, two Deputy Leaders and the Councillors the Leader appoints as Cabinet Members. The Cabinet carries out all of the local authority’s functions, which are not the responsibility of any other part of the local authority, whether by law, or under the Council Constitution.



Transformation, Innovation & Reshaping 22

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Transformation, Innovation & Reshaping Our transformation programme is called ‘Achieving Better Together’. It aims to shape the future of the council so our residents benefit from sustainable services in the years ahead. The programme is set up to help us become a sustainable, efficient and effective council. There are many projects up and running to help us refocus the council’s work. These are already beginning to bring change and benefits to the people of Swansea.




Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

To help facilitate, promote and influence joined up solutions within the Council, Third Sector and other statutory and non-statutory partners in Swansea we have created West Glamorgan Volunteering Support (WGVS) a multi-agency project creating shared resources to develop the knowledge, management and coordination of volunteers and volunteer involving organisations. They have launched and published available for use – 12 info sheets, 6 Toolkits and animated video about ‘First Steps to Volunteering’: youtube.com/watch?v=wm90vB8tNJshttp:// www.westglamorgan.org.uk/wgvs/ A partnership approach to Calling Project to provide free refurbished smart phones with free credit via partner organisations to residents; the programme is growing and we have distributed many phones since the start of the project. More partners are engaged to donate mobile phones. The launch of the new website will enable residents to do more business with us online than ever before. That project will mean residents can get in touch with us more often to pay bills or book services at times that suit them while, for us, it means less paperwork so our teams can get on with helping ensure our services are the best they can be.

The next phase of our programme is long term, we will drive opportunities for transformational change that reshapes our communities, our work and our resources. Do you have ideas that could help reshape the Council? Please share them here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/ ideashub www.swansea.gov.uk


Climate Change & Nature Emergency 26

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

The Climate Emergency We are committed to reducing our carbon emissions to net zero by 2030 to help tackle the world’s climate and nature emergency. Andrea Lewis, the council’s joint deputy leader and cabinet member for climate change and service transformation, said: “The council is committed to do all it can to tackle the world’s climate and nature emergency – and we want to bring the rest of Swansea along with us”. Some of our staff have made pledges to reduce their carbon footprint; do you have a pledge to make? We welcome innovative ideas, and are ready to listen, learn and change. We are working together towards a legacy we can all be proud of. Do you have ideas that supports our drive to reduce carbon emissions? Please share them here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/ideashub If you’d like to publicly state your wish to help make Swansea net-zero carbon, you sign the city’s climate pledge now swansea.gov.uk/climatepledge

Alyson Davies: My pledge is to become more self-sufficient by growing my own fruit and veg. Sue Woodward: My home’s oil central heating has a high carbon footprint; in the future we’ll change to a more environmentally friendly air source heat pump. www.swansea.gov.uk




Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Engagement Effective and meaningful consultation and engagement is important. Listening and learning from colleagues, residents visitors and partners helps ensure we make the right decisions in the right way. We have a toolkit that can help you with consultation. You can find this on staffnet at staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/consultation An engaged workforce is also important. When employees are engaged they build better, stronger and more resilient organisations. We want to celebrate our people who go the extra mile, show good practice and showcase what we do in a positive light. Whether we tell that story internally or with the public, drop staffcomms@swansea.gov.uk a line and we’ll discuss the next steps.



Our Behaviours


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Our Behaviours The employee behaviours have been developed by staff for staff. Around 100 members of staff across the council gave their views on behaviours they would like to see from all colleagues across the Council. The working group produced a set of six employee behaviours. Our behaviours will: • Helps us to achieve the Council’s Vision and values; • Informs the way we shape and evaluate future employment policies; • Helps both managers and employers to review their contribution at work; • Be a point of discussion as part of the performance process; • Be evaluated as part of the employee survey and be reviewed accordingly. The importance of the behaviours is that they have been framed in partnership with employees, whilst they do not seek to replace agreed policies and procedures they aim to make clearer the terms of the employment relationship.



We have agreed In delivering the best possible customer service, we at Swansea will act in a professional manner, promoting a positive image of the council.

We will • Have a ‘can do’ attitude • Work as a team • Respect and value everyone • Lead by example • Focus on the future • Be honest and trustworthy If you or your team are a shining example of these behaviours in action and have reaped the benefits then please let everyone know. You can recognise an employee or team of employees by e-mailing: StaffComms@swansea.gov.uk


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus



Equality, Diversity & Inclusion 34

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Here in Swansea we recognise that equality, diversity and inclusion is more than policies, programs, or headcounts. Our equality representatives from each part of the council meet monthly to ensure equality is embedded throughout everything we do. They also provide support, advice, guidance and training. You can get in touch with them via your department’s equality representative for more information or e-mail accesstoservices@swansea.gov.uk

The Workforce Equalities Group Do you want to help make a positive change, develop and maintain a culture where equality of opportunity exists for all and help us create a more inclusive workforce that is more reflective of Swansea’s diverse communities? Then why not join The Workforce Equalities Group. The group meet bi-monthly to support the delivery of equalities solutions and engage with the workforce to deliver those solutions. Interested? Drop an e-mail to HRandOD@swansea.gov.uk www.swansea.gov.uk


Ethnic Minority Communities Network Do you want to join our new staff support community network? Respecting the unique needs, perspectives and potential of all our staff, we will have a diverse and inclusive workplace with trust and commitment from us all. Contact communitycohesion@swansea.gov.uk to get involved. A member of staff will share with you, the progress so far and how you can be part of this new exciting staff community.


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

LGBTQ+ Network The Swansea Council LGBTQ+ staff group are an inclusive group of staff members who either identify as LGBTQ+ or want to offer their support as an ally. The group offers support, information and awareness raising of LGBTQ+ issues, you can find out all you need to know here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/LGBT



Y Gymraeg Welsh Language 38

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Welsh Language

Y Gymraeg Mae tua 45,000 o breswylwyr yn Ninas a Sir Abertawe’n siarad, yn darllen neu’n ysgrifennu Cymraeg.

Around 45,000 residents of the City and County of Swansea speak, read or write Welsh.

Mae siaradwyr Cymraeg yn byw ledled yr ardal, er mae gan rai ardaloedd ganran llawer uwch o sgiliau nag eraill. Rydym am sicrhau ein bod yn trin y Gymraeg a’r Saesneg yn gyfartal.

Welsh speakers live throughout the area, although there are some areas with a much higher percentage of skills than others. We like to ensure we all treat Welsh and English equally.

Mae gennym nifer o gyfleoedd i’ch cefnogi chi ar eich taith i ddysgu’r Gymraeg – am wybod mwy?

We have a number of opportunities to support you on your journey as you learn the Welsh language, want to find out more?



Cymerwch gip ar yr holl bethau rydym yn eu cynnig yma: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/learnwelsh

Check out all we have to offer here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/learnwelsh

Mae gennym ganllawiau defnyddiol a Hyrwyddwyr yr Iaith Gymraeg wrth law i’ch helpu: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/welshguides

We have handy guides and Welsh language champions at hand to help you: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/welshguides

NEU os oes angen rhywbeth wedi’i gyfieithu arnoch, cliciwch yma: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/welshtranslations

OR If you need something translated just click here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/welshtranslations



Health Safety & Well-being 40

Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Health, Safety & Well-being Your working environment should be a safe and healthy place to work. This is not only a legal requirement but studies have shown that working in a positive and safe environment is good for your wellbeing and mental health. As an employer, Swansea Council is committed to its legal and moral health, safety and wellbeing responsibilities in protecting and supporting its staff. We demonstrate that commitment through: • H&S policies; • Effective risk management; • Communication e.g. health and safety committees; • H&S training programme; • Support and guidance from professional H&S officers; Occupational health team; Stress Counselling officers.

We recognise that by promoting good health, safety and wellbeing within the council, we create a positive health and safety culture through our shared organisational values and shared working practices. All employees have a legal duty placed on them. You are not only responsible for your own health and safety at work, but you are also responsible for the safety of those around you, such as pupils, service users, members of the public and your colleagues, regardless of role, seniority or job title. We would emphasise that a safe and healthy workplace can only be achieved by co-operative effort at all levels within the organisation. If you have any health and safety concerns within your workplace, you should speak with your line manager in the first instance. If you need further advice or guidance, you can speak to a health and safety officer (Corporate Health and Safety section) on 01792 636210 or e-mail healthandsafety@swansea.gov.uk You can also seek support and guidance through your Trade Union representative. www.swansea.gov.uk


Occupational Health Unit Occupational health is concerned with the promotion of health to protect the worker, prevent sickness and support a return to work wherever possible, for employees that are absent by providing medical reports, advice on reasonable adjustments from our Occupational Health Doctors and Advisors.

As an employee of Swansea Council, there are some simple steps you can take to help us become a resilient organisation: • Familiarise yourself with some of the Council’s emergency plans;

This may be achieved by an occupational health advisor working together with managers, health and safety officers and employees to develop programmes to meet the needs of individuals, providing health fairs and checks, health promotion information, policy and guidance, signposting to additional support and through providing training to managers in supporting employee wellbeing.

• For Managers If you haven’t already done so, write a Business Continuity Plan for your service. For staff make sure you’re familiar with the plan;

The Occupational Health Advisors and Doctors, offer an impartial consultation whilst maintaining your confidentiality. The service is based at the Guildhall and is available during office hours and offers health surveillance checks where identified through risk assessment, health screening programmes, work related assessments and health promotion.

• Undertake the Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) E-Learning package.

Further information can be found: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/occupationalhealth

Find out more here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/ emergencymanagement



Helping Hands Helping Hands is here if you need support, we are an independent confidential support, information and guidance service. If you are experiencing difficulties with any aspect of your job or personal life or if you feel that it would be helpful to have someone impartial and completely confidential to talk to – maybe you could do with a helping hand. We offer employees support, information and guidance by providing a confidential telephone support service, a range of wellbeing workshops and a drop-in service. Just text or call 07890 028 038 (9.00am-4.30pm) The service is coordinated and delivered by a team of trained staff volunteers. Would you like to volunteer – If you are an employee who would like to help support employees who are in need of advice and information please contact the stress management advice and counselling team for a volunteer information pack.


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Stress Management & Counselling Service Counselling can help. It is a way of helping another person or persons through purposeful conversation. Talking through issues can be helpful and sometimes it can be useful to talk to someone other than friends, family or work colleagues. Someone who will listen, who is not emotionally involved and, through training, has gained additional skills and knowledge to help. The Stress Management and Counselling service provides professional, specialist advice to employees and Managers by: • Supporting employees and Managers; • Reducing stress; • Promoting well-being. We reconise the need for preservation of confidentiality between an employee seeking support or counselling and the Stress Management and Counselling Service and the need for a safe environment in which such work can take place. A referral can be by telephone, letter, e-mail (marked confidential) or in person. Text/call 07890 028 038 OR e-mail: Confidential.counselling@swansea.gov.uk www.swansea.gov.uk


Trade Unions


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Trade Unions Swansea Council has three main trade unions, they are organisations of workers who have come together to achieve common goals for Staff, such as improving safety standards, attaining better wages, benefits (such as annual leave and retirement), and working conditions through the increased bargaining power wielded by solidarity among workers. The delegate staff of the trade union representation in the workforce are made up of workplace volunteers who are appointed by members in democratic elections. If you would like to find out more or how you can become a member of a Trade Union, click here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/unions



Clubs & Societies


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Clubs & Societies We know that it is not all about work. Joining a social club or society can play a big part in enriching our lives. It gives us the opportunity to build new friendships, explore our personal interests, create excitement in our lives, switch up our routine and develop skills and knowledge valuable for life. Whether it is playing badminton, singing your heart out or going for a walk we have a club or society waiting to invite you along to join in. You can find out all about the different clubs here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/clubs If you run a club that is not listed here then please let us know so others can join you.



Learning & Development


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Learning & Development We believe that self-development is an active, participative process that everybody has the right to enjoy at every stage of his or her career. You are, of course, in charge of your development and your future but we want to be there to offer you opportunities and experiences, to develop your talents, learn new skills and realise your maximum potential. We have available for all staff: • Training and Development through E-Learning and face to face courses; • Let’s Talk About...; • Leadership and Management Development Sessions; • Mentoring & Coaching Provision; • Access to a range of courses and qualifications, including through our partnership arrangement with Gower College; • Welsh Language training provision; • A range of apprenticeship Schemes. Find out more here: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/training www.swansea.gov.uk




Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Recognition We want every member of our organisation to feel respected, appreciated and valued for the contribution they make to the success of the Council. All of our recognition approaches are centred around our values: Working Together / Innovation / People Focus If you or your team have had exciting progress with a project or have some good news story to shout about then please let everyone know. You can recognise an employee or team of employees by e-mailing: staffcomms@swansea.gov.uk Our Citizens like to recognise and tell us when they appreciate and value the hard work of our Staff too, have you or a member of your team had a letter/phone call or email to say thank you from a member of the public? If so, please share your story with us or better still ask that the member of public recognises your hard work by telling us about their experience here: swansea.gov.uk/complimentsandcomplaints



Staff Benefits


Working Together / Innovation / People Focus

Staff Benefits You have exclusive access to a range of benefits, offers and discounts to help you save money on high street shopping, groceries, travel, eating out, cinemas, attractions and loads more using your Vectis card. You can also choose from thousands of bikes at hundreds of stores with our Cycle2Work scheme, take advantage of offers on car purchase, car hire, servicing and tyres or if you fancy some fun, use our discount codes on crazy golf and drinks in our town centre. Want to know more and have your Staff Benefits? Click here to see what is on offer: staffnet.swansea.gov.uk/staffdiscounts Sign up here for your Vectis card: swanseacouncilreward.co.uk



www.abertawe.gov.uk www.swansea.gov.uk @cyngorabertawe @swanseacouncil

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