Schools july 2018 newsletter

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Cooks, KA's, EWO's, Cleaners, TA's....UNISON: the union for ALL school staff

JULY 2018

Swansea Council UNISON's school bulletin


Are you trained (and PAID!) for

school medication? Support staff at some schools are being asked to administer medication and care for pupils’ medical needs without training – including tube feeding, a recent survey by UNISON shows. The work, for which the staff in get no training or extra pay, includes monitoring blood glucose levels, applying eczema cream and eye drops, as well as helping with inhalers and hearing equipment at mainstream schools. Those working at special schools report tube feeding pupils unable to feed themselves. The findings from a union survey also show support staff across all schools are regularly asked to help administer antibiotics, Ritalin for attention deficit disorder and Epipen for allergy relief. Tube feeding A Unison spokesman said the picture was reflected across Wales and could put both pupils and staff at risk. “More children than ever in mainstream education require specific health care, yet support staff receive little or no training in

this area and many do not feel confident undertaking such an important task,” the union said in a statement.” Later this year, for the first time in Wales, school support staff in Swansea will work under new guidelines on the administration of medicines to children in their care. However it is important to note that unless you have it specific in your JD (Ysgol Crug Glas/Comprehensive School Nurse) personal/medical care is on a voluntary basis even if staff have training. Voluntary Welcoming the move Unison has said support staff, including teaching assistants, have reported feeling obliged to administer medication in order to allow some children to come to school, despite it not being part of their job description. “Generally, no additional payment is offered to staff for this work which can include tube feeding of pupils, catheterisation to permit the passage of urine, monitoring blood glucose levels, applying eczema

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UNISON is the largest union for in schools, representing over 250,000 members in support staff roles across the UK. UNISON represents staff across all types of schools and special units, including academies in England. We negotiate nationally, regionally and locally to improve pay, terms and conditions and job security for all school workers. UNISON representatives help to ensure a safe working environment. UNISON campaigns to improve the professional status and recognition of schools support staff and provides training and briefings on a range of professional topics and skills.

Did you know UNISON Cymru Wales' lawyers, Thompsons, won £48,000 for members in personal injury settlements in April 2018 alone? Legal support didn't cost these UNISON members a penny. Advice, support and help when you need it. Join UNISON today.

'Swansea Unison'

Stars in our Schools

UNISON celebrates all school support-staff. Find out more at:

Medication: continued from front page cream and eye drops, as well as helping with inhalers and hearing equipment,” Chris Cooze, Unison Branch Secretary, has said. Schools cannot survive without support staff. They help to support Special Educational Needs children and those under performing, help teachers to cope with big classes, release teachers for preparation time and help those with English as an Additional Language.

Catering Staff When there are school cuts, why is it always catering and cleaning services cut first? Our view is, this should not be the case.

Despite it not featuring in their terms and conditions they are called upon to provide intimate medical care to children on a daily basis. Many have not had proper training to administer medication and they have told UNISON they simply don’t feel confident.

These services are vital. In catering our members know they are valued no differently than teachers, Admin, caretakers and cleaners. We are all UNISON


The major benefits are:

Guidelines to be issued to Swansea schools from the autumn term follow Unison’s two-year campaign to get more protection to members of staff administering medication. The document would provide consistency between schools, confirm administrating medication to pupils is done on a voluntary basis and that staff can choose not to do it if they don’t feel competent. It also means support staff will be covered by medical insurance.

♦ better working conditions such

Unison’s survey in Swansea schools received 200 responses from support staff.It showed that of those who responded: ♦ 58% did not feel completely confident administering medicines in their school ♦ 96% administer medicines on a voluntary basis ♦ 43% of those required to administer medicines have not received appropriate relevant training ♦ 67% are required to support children with toileting needs (including changing soiled clothing, supervising self-catheterises and toilet training) In 2015 the union called on Swansea council to recognise that many support staff administer medicines in schools and submitted a formal grievance on behalf of all Unison members who may be asked to administer medicines to pupils.

So…you want to change Union? The Branch has had a number of queries recently about members changing Union. If you’re moving to UNISON, but paying Union subs to another Union through your pay, please email the Service Centre Helpdesk using: and join UNISON by using the following link:


as improved health and safety or pay;

♦ training for new skills to help you develop your career;

♦ advice on your legal employment rights;

♦ advice on finance and problems at work;

♦ Full support and representation. Do you have an article or idea for our school newsletter? Do you have an issue you want us to tackle? Please get in touch.

We want a steward or point of contact in every kitchen and every cleaning team in every school. It will only take a phone call from you for us to be there supporting and representing you. No Gimmicks We don’t offer freebies as incentives to join UNISON. We don’t offer second class membership. Unison has many trained union reps throughout the council, schools and FE colleges. We will advise, support and represent you collectively and individually on issues from sickness, disciplinaries to legal matters inside and outside the workplace.

01792 635271 Branch Secretary: Chris Cooze

Unison Office, Rm 153-G, The Guildhall, Swansea SA1 4PE

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