Migraine headache: A quickie regarding its basic causes and remedies!

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Migraine headache: A quickie regarding its basic causes and remedies!

Having a migraine and learning to live with it is probably, the biggest pain in one’s life. This is such a headache that almost nothing can be done about it. The triggers are quite next to unbelievable in terms of their effects. Certain neurotransmitters which transmit messages within brain cells suddenly disrupts, causing severe pain. Quite unfortunately, this headache mostly affects women with 15-18% women being worst sufferers of it. It is a matter of great pity that for such a disease no permanent cure has still been found. What is it all about? A migraine headache is a type of neurological disease, which results in recurrent headaches associated with certain symptoms of automatic nervous system. It results from certain physiologic changes within the brain. Generally causing excruciating pain on one side of the head, this can last from a mere time period of 2 hours and to 3 days. It is said to be a mix of environmental and genetic factors since, and is prevalent in many families. It can also develop in pregnant women. What triggers this migraine headache?      

Change in weather conditions are primary reasons for triggering of a headache. People who suffer from it mainly feel this pain during seasonal changes. Since it is mostly prone to happen to women, hormonal changes are a prime reason. Loud sounds and excessive smell of anything are instant triggers of a headache. Bright lights are next to dangerous to the patients. They tend to have problems with their vision and everything seems to turn dark before them. Intake of alcohol can be dangerous in certain cases. Also sudden lack of caffeine intake also creates problems. Every disease has a major relation with certain food items. This is no less; Cheese, nuts, chocolates, oral contraceptives, food preservatives as well as sweeteners such as aspartame can also cause a trigger of headache. Dehydration and lack of peaceful sleep are two of the most important factors for causing of a headache.

This migraine headache comes with a variety of symptoms which are an instant reckoner for this type of headache. It includes nausea, vomiting, severe throbbing of pain in the head and eyes, reaction to lights and other disruptive features in a body.

This can easily be classified by two main features:  

Its unilateral location Pulsating quality of its nature.

Medicinal remedy: It is quite expected that certain medicines such as paracetamol and ibuprofen are generally used. In case of severe pain, ergotamines or triptans are useful. In certain cases, narcotics, medications of blood pressure, anti depressants, and anti-seizure medications are also recommended. Although all these are possible options, you must not choose a medicine o your own. Visit a doctor to diagnose whether your pain is migraine or not. The doctor will recommend a proper remedial treatment mode. Remedy for a long term: Since a migraine headache is something that will continue for a lifetime, hence it is best that certain changes be brought in our lives so that if not an end but definitely will cause reduction in terms of its crucial nature.    

A regular eating and sleeping schedule is necessary. This will help body maintain a regular pattern. The body should be kept completely hydrated, so that there is no dryness pull in it. Exercise is a must. It is this physical activity that heals very many diseases. Meditation has also been suggested in many cases, since it helps in relaxation of one’s brain.

A neurological issue like migraine headache is something that can only be controlled never completely ended. Hence, reaching out to people and talking about it, sharing psychological problems and being in a happy space are the only alternatives. You can share your story at http://www.mewithoutmigraine.com/share-your-story/.

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