PART S - Design for Sharing of Building and Programme

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The Building Building Regulations 2016 2010 The

Design forfrom sharing of Protection falling, buildingand andimpact programme collision APPROVED DOCUMENT APPROVED DOCUMENT S1 K1 S2 K2 S3 K3 K4 K5


New buildings Stairs, ladders and ramps Conversion of Existing buildings Protection from falling Public Realm Vehicle barriers and loading bays Protection against impact with glazing Additional provisions for glazing in buildings other than dwellings K6 Protection against impact from and trapping by doors

2016 the UK* 2013 edition –- for use in England*


The Building Regulations The following is a high level summary of the Building Regulations relevant to most types of building work. Where there is any doubt you should consult the full text of the regulations, available at

Building work Regulation 3 of the Building Regulations defines ‘building work’. Building work includes: a. the erection or extension of a building b. the provision or extension of a controlled service or fitting c. the material alteration of a building or a controlled service or fitting. Regulation 4 states that building work should be carried out in such a way that, when work is complete: a. for new buildings or work on a building that complied with the applicable requirements of the Building Regulations: the building complies with the applicable requirements of the Building Regulations b. for work on an existing building that did not comply with the applicable requirements of the Building Regulations: (i)

the work itself must comply with the applicable requirements of the Building Regulations


the building must be no more unsatisfactory in relation to the requirements than before the work was carried out.

Material change of use Regulation 5 defines a ‘material change of use’ in which a building or part of a building that was previously used for one purpose will be used for another. The Building Regulations set out requirements that must be met before a building can be used for a new purpose. To meet the requirements, the building may need to be upgraded in some way.

Materials and workmanship In accordance with regulation 7, building work must be carried out in a workmanlike manner using adequate and proper materials. Guidance on materials and workmanship is given in Approved Document 7.

Energy efficiency requirements Part 6 of the Building Regulations imposes additional specific requirements for energy efficiency. If a building is extended or renovated, the energy efficiency of the existing building or part of it may need to be upgraded.


Approved Document S, 2016 Edition

Building Regulations 2016

Notification of work Most building work and material changes of use must be notified to a building control body unless one of the following applies. a. It is work that will be self-certified by a registered competent person or certified by a registered third party. b. It is work exempted from the need to notify by regulation 12(6A) of, or Schedule 4 to, the Building Regulations.

Responsibility for compliance People who are responsible for building work (e.g. agent, designer, builder or installer) must ensure that the work complies with all applicable requirements of the Building Regulations. The building owner may also be responsible for ensuring that work complies with the Building Regulations. If building work does not comply with the Building Regulations, the building owner may be served with an enforcement notice.

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition



Approved Document S, 2016 Edition

Building Regulations 2016

Contents The approved documents The Building Regulations Approved Document S: Design for Sharing of Building and Programme Section 1: New Buildings Criterion 1: Programme and space standards


Criterion 2: Reuse


Criterion 3: Access and use


Criterion 4: Studio flats


Criterion 5: Building services


Criterion 6: WIFI


Criterion 7: Internal Joinery


Section 2: Existing Buildings Criterion 1: Programme and space standards


Criterion 2: Reuse


Criterion 3: Access and use


Criterion 3: Studio flats


Section 3: Public Realm Criterion 1: Slowness


Criterion 2: Reuse


Criterion 3: Fencing/boundary treatment


Criterion 4: Access to transport


Key Terms Appendix 1 - Documents Referred to Appendix 2 - Projects Referred to Appendix 3 - Applications Referred to

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S1 Section 1 : New Buildings This approved document deals with the following requirement from Part S of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2016.

Requirements Requirement S1. New Buildings Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use new buildings in more efficient manner.

S2. Existing Buildings Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use existing buildigns in a more efficient manner.

S3. Public Realm Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use the public realm in a more efficient manner.

Limits on Application

Requirement S1 does not apply in buildings where efficient use of space will be detrimental to the character (ie. in places of historic or sacred interest). Where funding is not immediately available, requirements should be part of a long term plan for building.

Requirement S2 does not apply in buildings where efficient use of space will be detrimental to the character (ie. in places of historic or sacred interest). Where funding is not immediately available, requirements should be part of a long term plan for building.

Where funding is not available, requirement S3 does not apply immediately, but should be considered as part of long term plan.

Objectives: The regulations aim to facilitate sharing of space and programme for all new developments and existing buildings undergoing redevelopment. The regulations recognise that sharing is not a new or exclusive trait but one which is more relevant than ever in spatial planning for all. It is expected that Part S will become the adopted standard for all types of building. The document adds to, and must be read in conjunction with, the existing body of regulations; this requires the designer to exercise judgement in their application and prioritisation.


Approved Document S, 2016 Edition

Building Regulations 2016

S1 Criterion 1 - Programme and space standards 1.1.1 Any new building must ensure it allows for a mixed programme. 24hr, 7 day, 1 month and 1 year programmes of the building should be submitted with planning applications. Shared facilities to include but not be exclusive to: - Workshops; office space; childcare facilities; studios; gyms; 1.1.2 Target Building Use (TBU)

Calculation of TBU Target building use is the requirement for use of space over 24hrs.

First calculate: minutes in use per day for each programmed area*. (x) (x) / floor area (m2) *includes programmed public realm

1.1.3 Shared Ownership Rooms replace individual spare bedrooms, when not booked for guests, these are advertised on community run platforms akin to Air BnB. The number required is calculated to suit building use. 1.1.4 As the programme of buildings is shared by a greater number of different uses, the importance of defining spaces which are for eating, sleeping, working and washing become greater. see Table 1 for advice on definining rituals. Table 1 Definition of rituals Ritual Definition Sleeping

See EDGY report, May 2016


See EDGY report, May 2016


See EDGY report, May 2016


See EDGY report, May 2016

1.1.5 All buildings should have a communal entrance. 1.1.6 All buildings should have a communal space accessible from the main entrance. This space will provide one of the facilities stated in 1.1.1 and should be at least 15% of total building footprint.

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S1 Criterion 2 - Reuse 1.2.6 The waste from the construction of every 4 houses built equates to enough materials to build another new house. Where possible, waste building materials should be shared and resued through the SWARM KIT platform (See Appendix 3). 1.2.7 Where possible, the building materials for temporary or pop-up structures should be recycled when their programme comes to an end and reused through SWARM KIT. 1.2.8 Design and construction of temporary/pop-up structures should plan for their eventual deconstruction and reuse.


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Building Regulations 2016

S1 Criterion 3 - Access and Use 1.3.9 All entrances, lifts, stairs and corridors to encourage slowness and allow collisions, see Appendix E. 1.3.10 All external doors to be a minimum of 1200mm wide to accommodate a multiplicity of uses. See Diagram 3.1. 1.3.11 All internal doors on the ground floor, except to bathrooms, to be a minimum of 1200mm wide to accommodate a multiplicity of uses. See Diagram 3.2.



800mm 1600mm

Diagram 3.1 External door access



800mm 1400mm

Diagram 3.2 Internal door access

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S1 Criterion 3 - Access and Use 1.3.12 All staircases should meet Part M as a minimum for accessibility. Seee Diagrams 1.3 and 1.4.

Steps without projecting nosing are preferred

280mm to 425mm 60 min.

25mm max. Overlap 150mm to 170mm

Diagram 3.4 Key Dimension for internal stair



Diagram 3.5 Key Dimension for internal stair width


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Building Regulations 2016

S1 Criterion 4 - Studio flats 1.4.13 New studio flats will consist of 1 bedroom with basic sanitary provision and food preparation facilities. New studio flats do not contain kitchens/bathrooms.

Diagram 4.1 Typical Layout of Studio Flat

1.4.14 New studio flats will have city/ townwide access membership to kitchen rooms, party rooms, bathing houses, studios and workshops, rather than city as campus, the city as home. Buildings that are underperforming can improve their TBU through housing one of these facilities.

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S1 Criterion 4 - Studio flats 1.4.15 Studio flat open facilities will have mobile access keypads for users to check in/out.

Diagram 4.2 Typical Access Panel (Card) 1.4.16 Studio flat open facilities will have card access keypads for users to check in/out.

Diagram 4.3 Typical Access Panel (Phone)


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Building Regulations 2016

S1 Criterion 5 - Building Services 1.5.12 All spaces to be heated through local warming technology, cooled through local ventilation technology and lit through local lighting technology on advanced PIR sensors. 1.5.13 Heating to be partially provided from data furnace radiators. Heat from building’s computer servers will be transferred to heat building. 1.5.14 Acoustic provision i.All internal partitions to be resistant to up to 85 db sound minimum.

Diagram 4.4 Internal partition detail plan and section

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S1 ii.Doors between live/work dwellings rated at 85db to accommodate multitude of uses.

Diagram 4.5 Junction between work/live units detail iii.Junction between shared utility and dwelling rated at 85db to accommodate multitude of uses.

Diagram 4.6 Junction between wall and internal non load bearing wall


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Building Regulations 2016

S1 Criterion 6 - WIFI 1.6.18 Wifi for all new buildings to be from one centralised hub which is easily accessible for maintenance. 1.6.19 A single building should have an access point linked by ducting to a network termination point.

Access point

Network termination Point

Terminal chamber Shared Provider’s duct

Diagram 6.1 External access point a. Where the access point is on an outside wall and connected by a through-wall duct to the network termination point.

Network termination Point

Access point inside or outside

Service Provider’s duct

Building developer’s duct

Diagram 6.2 Internal access point b. Where the access point is below ground and remote from the building, inside or outside the curtilage.

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S1 Multi-dwelling buildings 1.6.20 A multi-dwelling building should have a common access point, and dedicated vertical service route, so that service providers can make connections from the access point to the network centeral termination point. Diagram 5.3 shows a schematic of a possible arrangement for the physical infrastructure for a multi-dwelling building with existing on the left and new system to adopted.

Network termination Point in each dwelling

Ducting trays in riser

Common access point

Service provider’s duct

WIFI shared thourgh out dwelling

Ducting trays in riser

Common access point

Shared provider’s duct

Diagram 6.3 Internal WIFI configuration

Further guidance 1.6.21 Publicly Available Specification (PAS) 2016, Next generation access for new build homes – Guide, provides best practice guidance to achieve new build installations. Developers will need to consult their chosen service providers for guidance on duct dimensions, bending radii, etc.

*1 The diagrams show underground ducts for network cables outside the building, but this does not preclude the use of overhead lines *2 For copper cables, the duct may simply be a hole drilled in the wall. Note the downwards slope to outside


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Building Regulations 2016

S1 Criterion 7 - Internal Joinery 1.7.22 All new joinery to encourage minimum use of materials. Diagram 7.1 demonstrates replacement of typical skirting detail with neat corner and small shadow gap to define edge. 1.7.23 All joinery to encourage minimum use of materials. Diagram 7.2 demonstrates door opening without typical architrave.

Diagram 7.1 Floor to wall detail

Diagram 7.2 Door opening detail

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S2 Section 2 : Existing buildings This approved document deals with the following requirement from Part S of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2016.

Requirements Requirement S1. New Buildings Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use new buildings in more efficient manner.

S2. Existing Buildings Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use existing buildigns in a more efficient manner.

S3. Public Realm Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use the public realm in a more efficient manner.

Limits on Application

Requirement S1 does not apply in buildings where efficient use of space will be detrimental to the character (ie. in places of historic or sacred interest). Where funding is not immediately available, requirements should be part of a long term plan for building.

Requirement S2 does not apply in buildings where efficient use of space will be detrimental to the character (ie. in places of historic or sacred interest). Where funding is not immediately available, requirements should be part of a long term plan for building.

Where funding is not available, requirement S3 does not apply immediately, but should be considered as part of long term plan.

Objectives: The regulations aim to facilitate sharing of space and programme for all new developments and existing buildings undergoing redevelopment. The regulations recognise that sharing is not a new or exclusive trait but one which is more relevant than ever in spatial planning for all. It is expected that Part S will become the adopted standard for all types of building. The document adds to, and must be read in conjunction with, the existing body of regulations; this requires the designer to exercise judgement in their application and prioritisation.


Approved Document S, 2016 Edition

Building Regulations 2016


Criterion 1 - Programme and space standards 2.1.1 Any new building must ensure it allows for a mixed programme. 24hr, 7 day, 1 month and 1 year programmes of the building should be submitted with planning applications.

2.1.2 Target Building Use (TBU) - Although this is more difficult in existing buildings, during any changes to the building, reasonable provision should be made to ensure that the building is used to 60% TBU. 2.1.3 For individual, single occupancy dwellings, to meet TBU it is likely that a portion of the entrance level of the property should be made available for alternative uses. These uses may be: Work unit for residents; place of worship; public gallery space (see case study of Public Work’s Whitechapel Gift Shop/Balin House in Appendix E.); Scale free school classrooms (see case study of Architecture 00’s Scale free schools in Appendix E).

Diagram 2.1 Alternative ground floor uses

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S2 Criterion 2 - Reuse 2.2.4 The waste from the construction of every 4 houses built equates to enough materials to build another new house. Where possible, waste building materials should be shared and resued through the SWARM KIT platform (See Appendix 3). 2.2.5 Where possible, the building materials for temporary or pop-up structures should be recycled when their programme comes to an end and reused through SWARM KIT. 2.2.6 Design and construction of temporary/pop-up structures should plan for their eventual deconstruction and reuse.


Approved Document S, 2016 Edition

Building Regulations 2016

S2 Criterion 3 - Access and Use 2.3.7 All new entrances, lifts, stairs and corridors to encourage slowness and allow collisions, see Appendix E. 2.3.8 All new external doors to be a minimum of 1200mm wide to accommodate a multiplicity of uses. See Diagram 3.1. 2.3.9 All new internal doors on the ground floor, except to bathrooms, to be a minimum of 1200mm wide to accommodate a multiplicity of uses. See Diagram 3.2.



800mm 1600mm

Diagram 3.1 External door access



800mm 1400mm

Diagram 3.2 Internal door access

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S2 Criterion 4 - Studio flats 2.4.10 For individual, single occupancy dwellings it is encouraged that the loft be converted into a studio unit. 2.4.11 New studio flats will consist of 1 bedroom with basic sanitary provision and food preparation facilities. New studio flats do not contain kitchens/bathrooms. studio flats have city/townwide access membership to kitchen rooms, party rooms, bathing houses, studios and workshops. Rather than city as campus, the city as home. Buildings that are underperforming can improve their TBU through housing one of these facilities.

Diagram 4.1 Typical Layout of Studio Flat

2.4.12 Existing garages and space created due to reduction in car use to be converted to shared facilities. These are local money making opportunities for residents who receive monthly fee from users.

Diagram 4.2 Typical layout of garage converted to pottery studio


Approved Document S, 2016 Edition

Building Regulations 2016

S3 Section 3 : Public Realm This approved document deals with the following requirement from Part S of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2016.

Requirements Requirement S1. New Buildings Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use new buildings in more efficient manner.

S2. Existing Buildings Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use existing buildigns in a more efficient manner.

S3. Public Realm Reasonable provision should be made to share, access and use the public realm in a more efficient manner.

Limits on Application

Requirement S1 does not apply in buildings where efficient use of space will be detrimental to the character (ie. in places of historic or sacred interest). Where funding is not immediately available, requirements should be part of a long term plan for building.

Requirement S2 does not apply in buildings where efficient use of space will be detrimental to the character (ie. in places of historic or sacred interest). Where funding is not immediately available, requirements should be part of a long term plan for building.

Where funding is not available, requirement S3 does not apply immediately, but should be considered as part of long term plan.

Objectives: The regulations aim to facilitate sharing of space and programme for all public realm undergoing development/redevelopment. The regulations recognise that sharing is not a new or exclusive trait but one which is more relevant than ever in spatial planning for all. It is expected that Part S will become the adopted standard for all types of building. The document adds to, and must be read in conjunction with, the existing body of regulations; this requires the designer to exercise judgement in their application and prioritisation.

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S3 Criterion 1 - Slowness 3.1.1 The landscaping of the public realm should encourage slowness. 3.1.2 All new residential roads should be planned according to shared space/homezone/living streets principles.

Diagram 1.1 Homezone plan 3.1.3 Public realm programme and activity is included in the building programme and is therefore part of TBU. 3.1.4 Public realm and highways can be booked, hired and activated/deactivated through community management schemes. See PARK PLAN App in Appendix 3.

Diagram 1.2 Homezone plan


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Building Regulations 2016

S3 Criterion 2 - Reuse 3.2.5 The waste from the construction of every 4 houses built equates to enough materials to build another new house. Where possible, waste building materials should be shared and resued through the SWARM KIT platform (See Appendix 3).

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S3 Criterion 3 - Fencing/Boundary Treatment 3.3.6 All hardstanding where children’s play may take place to be rubber mulch or equivalent soft landscaping. 3.2.7 If fencing/boundary treatment is required all fencing/walls between private space and public realm to be no higher than 500mm. 3.2.8 Front gardens to become absorbed into the public realm if at all possible.


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Building Regulations 2016


Criterion 4 - Access to Transport 3.4.9 New streets should include adequate bike hire provision. (Quantity required should be calculated from local interest at planning stage) 650mm 650mm


400mm 1800mm

400mm 1800mm

Diagram 4.1 Bike hire provision 3.4.10 New streets should include adequate car share locations on streets. These should be located at ends of roads where possible. (Quantity required should be calculated from local interest at planning stage).

Diagram 4.2 Car parking locations

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


S3 3.4.11 With higher bicycle and zipcar use, all extra street space gained is given over to public realm at ground level. Porticos and balconies may be allowed if pedestrian way is suitably light.



Diagram 4.3 Section of street

Diagram 4.4. Axonometric view of street


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Building Regulations 2016


Key Terms

Data furnace is a proposed method of heating residential homes by running servers in them, which release considerable amounts of waste heat.

Local heating technology is a responsive heating system where elements are guided by sophisticated motion tracking, creating a precise personal climate for each occupant. Individual thermal ‘clouds’ follow people through space, ensuring ubiquitous comfort while improving overall energy efficiency by orders of magnitude.

Local lighting technology is a responsive lighting system where elements are guided by sophisticated motion tracking, creating a precise personal lighting for each occupant. Individual lighting ‘clouds’ follow people through space, ensuring ubiquitous lux levels while improving overall energy efficiency by orders of magnitude.

Local ventilation technology is a responsive ventilation system where elements are guided by sophisticated motion tracking, creating a precise personal climate for each occupant. Individual cooling ‘clouds’ follow people through space, ensuring ubiquitous comfort while improving overall energy efficiency by orders of magnitude.

Sharing Economy is a socio-economic ecosystem built around the sharing of goods, services, ideas, information and skills, typically facilitated by internet connectivity,

Sharing is activities that create social, economic or environmental value by jointly using space, information and expertise.

Shared Ownership Rooms replace individual spare bedrooms, when not booked for guests, these are advertised on community run platforms akin to Air BnB.

Shared Space is an urban design approach which seeks to minimize the segregation of pedestrians and vehicles.

Target Building Use (TBU) the calculated or measured amount of use needed to maximise the use of space over 24hrs.

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


Appendix 1: Documents Referred to Documents referred to: Borasi, Giovanna & Zardini., What you can do with the city, Sun Publishers, 2008. Parvin, Alastair., The Profit Function: Navigating Architectures Bottom Line, 2008. Parvin, Alastair & Saxby, David., A right to build: The next mass-housebuilding industry. Space Caviar., SQM: The Quantified Home, Lars M端ller, 2014. Spatial Agency Make Sunday Special - Street Parties, Bristol City Council Brickstarter, Dan Hill


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Building Regulations 2016

Appendix 2: Projects Referred to Architecture 00: Scale Free Schools Scale Free Schools is a design proposal for a new infrastructure of education in the 21st century. What do the changing roles of educators, new ideas for learning, emerging technologies and constrained resources mean for the infrastructure of learning?

EDGY: Research into rituals for Generation Y Edgy are a Think Tank dedicated to constructing new models of housing for Generation Y. Their research looks at emerging patterns in living rituals.

Public Works: Whitechapel Gift Shop The Whitechapel Gift Shop is mixed use development that combines a public cultural programme with private living.The back, private space was then reconstructed with collected objects, furniture and building materials with previous history. Performance of “Plastic” in collaboration with 30 bird productions was planned for the end of the building works in March 2010. Together with the owners Pilar and Pele Cortizo Burgess public works started and an artist residency program, bringing the public into the semi private realm of the shop attached to the front of their home.

Ravintolpäiä: (Restaurant Day) Restaurant Day, is a festival that now happens four times a year where ordinary citizens are encouraged to run a ‘restaurant’ in their living room, on the sidewalk, or just about anywhere for a single day.

Selgas Cano: Second Home Located in a former carpet factory in Shoreditch, Second Home is a collaborative workspace for various small companies, featuring transparent acrylic walls, over a thousand plants and a so called ‘flying table’ [Dezeen]

Building Regulations 2016

Approved Document S, 2016 Edition


Appendix 3: Documents Referred to SWARM KIT* Swarm kit is a platform to post, share, store and utilise waste construction materials,

PARK PLAN* Park Plan is a platform which enables locals to book public realm for a variety of activities.


Approved Document S, 2016 Edition

Building Regulations 2016

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