1 minute read
Yet Grace Would Set Me Free

Yet Grace Would Set Me Free
By Sawyer Lake
“I’m good-natured” I thought, thinking virtue my own. Little was I aware, of Your Almighty Throne.
I was utterly lost, a veil before my eyes. All I claimed to have: a pseudo-righteous guise.
With pride an ocean deep, my heart refused to see, the weight of the event, that happened on a tree.
Why do I need saving? My sins unclear to me. No excuse was valid, yet Grace would set me free.
I had a heart of stone, but You loved me still. You chased down my heart, You had Your perfect will.
Once living for moments, things subject to time, now with Jesus Christ, His endless love is mine.
I neglected Your love, but You soon made me see. Love is not love, apart from Thee.
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