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Christianity: Gain, not Loss

Christianity:Gain, not Loss


by Sawyer Lake

No later than a week into my freshman year, I heard the misconception; a misconception based in unfamiliarity. When new friends inquired about my life, I shared with them my foundation of faith. Initial remarks from most were, “props to you” and “I couldn’t do that.” Further conversation only substantiated what I feared—hesitancy toward Christianity stemming from the idea that one must abstain from a number of things to become a Christian. To many, the thought of giving up habits, activities, or words ingrained in day-to-day life is so daunting that it leads some to simply think it’s not for them, or that it’s too laborious. Attention is centered on loss, not gain. I understand the reluctance. But while certain aspects of life will undoubtedly change when one begins to live their life as a Christian, they will gain the greatest joy.

In my early teens and throughout high school, I was hesitant about devoting myself to something greater, God’s will. I grew up in a Christian home and thought God was just someone I could rely on and trust whenever I faced difficult circumstances. I wanted to continue living a life stained by vulgarities, lust, broken relationships, and conceit. But little did I know, the greatest joy came from putting God at the center of my life. By submitting my life to him, I began loving and caring for others in ways I never had. This, of course, was not by my own doing. I had always cared for those other than myself, but I noticed a greater willingness to serve and help, however I could. No sense of obligation or self-glorification stirred this within me, but a genuine eagerness to love in a way I imagine Jesus would today did.

While experiencing an abundance of love and joy, Christians are also called to be obedient. Not obedience to one’s own notion of right and wrong, but obedience to the teachings of Jesus and

obedience to the truths of the God-breathed Bible. While Jesus was here on earth, he taught people to cast their eyes away from sinful, earthly desires and to fix their gaze consistently upon him. “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” 1 This truth is further expressed in Luke, one of the gospels recounting Jesus’ life, when he says to his disciples, “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will save it.” 2 With this call, Christians cannot cling to the world or those they love in the world. They must adhere to Jesus’ truths and be in relationship with him. Although Jesus clearly told those on earth to believe and obey what he says, it is important to understand what exactly Jesus is calling them to do.

He is straightforward when he says, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” 3 Although it is easy for me to value and cherish grades, awards, (the little) money I make, I am called to reject temporal, earthly pleasures, trusting in God’s promises of eternal life all throughout the Bible and believing Jesus’ words to humanity. When Jesus was asked, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” he replied, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” 4 When I made my faith the number one priority in my life, committing myself in love to a relationship with God, I began to see everything else fall into place. Not that I lived perfectly, but that my peace

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and happiness came and still comes from my relationship with God. In situations where I previously would have acted out of anger, talked poorly about others, or quit caring for someone, my primary concern became: how can I love others well and live for God? I will never be able to accomplish this by believing in my own ability to do this, but it requires me to ask for God’s guidance and ask that I reflect his love. Through this relationship and faith, “God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead.” 5

Knowing and feeling God’s love is an incredible joy. He wants a relationship with all people. The gospel of John emphasizes and always reminds me just how much God desires to have this relationship with everyone. “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 6 He sent his son into a world of sin, a world I have sinned in, to pay the price for all people. Once I grasped this inundation of love, I began to receive and recognize the immense amount of love God shares and desires to share with every single person. Although everyone is separated from God by sin, “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 7 That is amazing grace! All of humanity has been given salvation through Jesus Christ because of God’s love. By no means did we merit this deliverance, but God gave us redemption and favored us.

The beauty of the Christian faith is the relationship. God doesn’t need us, but he cares for us, his created beings, so much

that he has given us the ability to live in his love forever. No sum of earthly loss could amount to the greatness of God’s love and glory. Letting go of one’s self and placing one’s identity in God’s son Jesus Christ is the essence of the Christian faith. His love is always available, and our obedience to God’s desires demonstrates our love for him. Submitting to God and committing to a relationship with him delivers us from bondage to an inevitably selfish, godless life. Jesus makes it clear. “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” 8 I live for a God who brings such joy, so it becomes easy to be obedient to his will. I have gained the most significant relationship in my life. Others may not understand why I don’t party on Saturday nights, or laugh at crude jokes, but they know something is different about my life. It’s made all the difference to me, and that has been a profound gain, not a loss. r

When I made my faith the number onepriority in my life, committing myself inlove to a relationship with God, I beganto see everything else fall into place.

Endnotes 1. John 14:6. 2. Luke 9:24. 3. Matthew 6:19-21. 4. Mark 12:30-31. 5. Romans 4:24. 6. John 3:16. 7. Romans 5:8. 8. John 15:5.

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