Class 11 Political Science Notes CBSE Notes for Class 11 Political Science Notes
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● Class 11 Indian Constitution at Work Notes ● Political Theory Class 11 Notes
Class 11 Indian Constitution at Work Notes CBSE Notes for Class 11 Indian Constitution at Work Notes Get answers to your textbook. If you have any problem in finding the correct answers of Class 11 Indian Constitution at Work Notes then you can find here. This page will help in finding those NCERT Solutions of books. Here you find complete chapter detailed questions
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Constitution: Why and How? Class 11 Notes Rights and Duties in the Indian Constitution Class 11 Notes Election and Representation Class 11 Notes Executive Class 11 Notes Legislature Class 11 Notes Judiciary Class 11 Notes Federalism Class 11 Notes Local Governments Class 11 Notes Constitution as a Living Document Class 11 Notes The Philosophy of the Constitution Class 11 Notes
1. Constitution: Why and How? Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Constitution: Why and How? Class 11 Notes Constitution describes different organs of the government and their powers specifically. It clarifies the powers of decision-makers. Constitution clarifies the types of government and establishes the division of powers based on decentralization. Constitution gives the authority to the Parliament to decide the laws of the society. A constitution is to enable the government to fulfill the aspirations of a society and create conditions for a just society. Most modern constitutions create a form of government that is democratic in some respects, most claim to protect certain basic rights. Indian Constitution was created by the Constituent Assembly. Please refer Constitution: Why and How? Class 11 Notes for more information.
2. Rights and Duties in the Indian Constitution CBSE Notes for Rights and Duties in the Indian Constitution
As a citizen of India, we are entitled to certain rights as well as obliged to certain duties. It is our duty as responsible citizens that we abide by these laws and carry out our duties. Similarly, knowledge of our fundamental rights is important so as to prevent injustice. Let us update ourselves about the Fundamental Rights and Duties laid down by the constitution of India. Please refer R ights and Duties in the Indian Constitution for more information.
3. Election and Representation Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Election and Representation Class 11 Notes
● Elections are the most important for the sustenance of democracy. Elections are the process by which people of 18 years vote for their representatives. Representatives then take decisions on behalf of public and formulate welfare policies. ● We distinguish between direct and indirect democracy. Direct democracy is a process where people do not elect representatives. Here people directly participate in decision making. People sit together, discuss and make their own decisions which are then implemented by them. Please refer E lection and Representation Class 11 Notes for more information.
4. Executive Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Executive Class 11 Notes what is an executive?
Legislature, executive and judiciary are the most important organs of the government. any organization whether it is private or public requires a group or body of people that will take everyday decisions and look after the working and functioning of the organization. they coordinate with different departments and carry out proper functioning of its organization. Please refer Executive
Class 11 Notes for more information.
5. Legislature Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Legislature Class 11 Notes Lawmaking is one of the functions of the legislature but it is not the only function that parliament does. It acts as a center of all democratic political process. The term parliament refers to the national legislature. Legislatures are losing a central place to the executive. The legislature of the states is described as the state legislature. The parliament in India has two houses. Countries with large size and much diversity usually prefer to have two houses of the national legislature to give representation to all sections in the society and to give representation to all geographical regions or parts of the country. Another advantage of bicameral l legislature is that it makes it possible to have every decision reconsidered. Please refer L egislature Class 11 Notes for more information.
6. Judiciary Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Judiciary Class 11 Notes we all know judiciary is important for settling the disputes between individuals and private parties. but besides, sorting out disputes it aso performs a very vital political function. that is to protect rights of individuals. it interprets the provisions of constitution and protects the rights of citizens. Please refer Judiciary Class 11 Notes for more information.
7. Federalism Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Federalism Class 11 Notes Our constitution adopted a federal structure where states can govern independently yet center will maintain its control over the states.
The characteristics of federalism are:
a. It is an institutional mechanism to accommodate two sets of polities - one at the regional level and other at the national level. so here in india, we are having two types of government one at the state level and other at the national level. and these governments are independent. in some countries, like the USA there is a system of dual citizenship which means that USA citizens have two citizenship, one of the USA and other of there state. but in india we have only one citizenship that is of indian nationality. our constitution does not recognize any other nationality that is of being Assamese, Bengali, etc. Please refer Federalism Class 11 Notes for more information.
8. Local Governments Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Local Governments Class 11 Notes Local government is government at the village and district level. These bodies are known as Panchayats in rural areas and Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Nagar Panchayats in urban areas. Democracy is about meaningful participation. It is also about accountability. Strong and vibrant governments ensure both active participation and purposeful accountability. Lord Rippon, the viceroy of India during 1882, took the initiative in creating elected local government bodies. During Freedom struggle, Mahatma Gandhi strongly pleaded for decentralization of economic and political power. In 1989 the P. K. Thungon committee recommended const situational recognition for the local government bodies. The 73rd and 74th amendments were passed by the parliament in 1992. Please refer L ocal
Governments Class 11 Notes for more information.
9. Constitution as a Living Document Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Constitution as a Living Document Class 11 Notes
The Constitution of India was implemented on 26th January 1950. Our Constitution accepts the necessity of modifications according to changing needs of the society. Secondly, in the actual working of the Constitution, there has been enough flexibility of interpretations. Both political practice and judicial rulings have shown maturity and flexibility in implementing the Constitution. A constitution is an instrument that societies create for themselves. Our Constitution makers placed the Constitution above the ordinary law, so that, the future generation will respect the document. Flexible constitutions are open to changes and easy to modify w whereas Rigid constitutions are difficult to amend. Federalism means that the powers of the states must not be at the mercy of the central government. Please refer
Constitution as a Living Document Class 11 Notes for more information.
10. The Philosophy of the Constitution Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for The Philosophy of the Constitution Class 11 Notes The constitution consists of laws, which has not only legal and political philosophy but moral content as well. In fact, there is a connection between the laws and moral values. It is a Means for Transforming Society. The Indian Constitution is a source of democratic adaptation. An attempt was being made by the constitution-makers to guide Indian society with a set of values. The features of the Indian constitution symbolize Indian state as a tolerant, democratic, egalitarian, secular, federal, open to community values, responsive to the requirements of religious and linguistic minorities and the deprived groups. Freedom of expression is an important part of the Indian Constitution. The idea of social justice in the Indian Constitution is quite different from the western idea. The constitution-makers made an attempt to link the concept of liberalism with social justice. Please refer T he Philosophy
of the Constitution Class 11 Notes for more information.
Political Theory Class 11 Notes
CBSE Notes for Political Theory Class 11 Notes Political Theory is one of the core areas of political science. It helps to understand the concepts and terms used in a political argument and analysis. For instance, the meaning of freedom, equality, democracy, justice, rights, etc. The Political theory Class 11 Notes also examines the extent to which freedom or equality is actually present in the institutions that we participate in, everyday life. It helps to develop a mechanism in order to transform the present imperfect society into a perfect one. The objective of political theory is to train citizens to think rationally about political questions and assess the political events of our time. Aristotle says that Ethics and politics are closely linked and a truly ethical life can only be loved by someone who participates in politics. No society can exist without some form of political organization and collective decision making. Politics is not confined to the affairs of government. Government affects the lives of the people in many different ways.
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Political Theory: An Introduction Class 11 Notes Freedom Class 11 Notes Equality Class 11 Notes Social Justice Class 11 Notes Rights Class 11 Notes Citizenship Class 11 Notes
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Nationalism Class 11 Notes Secularism Class 11 Notes Peace Class 11 Notes Development Class 11 Notes
1. Political Theory: An Introduction Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Political Theory: An Introduction Class 11 Notes Politics is not confined to the affairs of government. Government affects lives of the people in many different ways. The government determines our economic policy, foreign policy, and educational policy. We form associations and organize campaigns to articulate our demands. We negotiate with others and try to shape the goals that governments pursue. Ideals like democracy, freedom or equality have inspired people and guided policies. These values were protected by different governments by enshrining them in their constitutions. Constitutions did not emerge overnight; they are built on the ideas and principles debated since time immemorial. Constitutions set guidelines for the government. Please refer
Political Theory: An Introduction Class 11 Notes for more information.
2. Freedom Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Freedom Class 11 Notes Freedom is the absence of constraint. Another aspect of Freedom refers to existence of conditions in which an individual can develop their talents freely. Aung San Suu Kyi said, ‘Real Freedom is freedom from fear and unless you can live free from fear you cannot live a dignified human life’. Swaraj can be understood to mean both the rule of the self and rule over self. Constraints refer to a state of being restricted or confined within prescribed bounds. Social and economic inequalities lead to internal constraints. We need some constraints or else society would descend into chaos. Constraints should be based on ‘harm principle.’ John Stuart M Mill says ‘---the principle is that the only purpose for which
power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community against his will is to prevent harm to others.’ Mill here introduces the concept of ‘Self regarding actions’ and ‘other-regarding action’. For Minor harm Mill recommends only social disapproval and not the force of law. Negative liberty implies the absence of restraints and maximum freedom of action. Please refer Freedom Class 11 Notes for more information.
3. Equality Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Equality Class 11 Notes Equality commonly refers to the idea of equal treatment. As a political ideal the concept of equality invokes the idea that all human beings have an equal worth regardless of their color, gender, race, or nationality. Due to common humanity, human beings deserve equal consideration and respect. It is this notion of shared humanity that lies behind notions of ‘Universal human rights’ and ‘Crime against humanity’. When people are treated differently just because they are born in a particular religion, race or caste or gender, we regard it as an unacceptable form of inequality. The commitment to the ideal of equality does not imply the elimination of all forms of differences. Natural inequalities are considered to be the result of the different characteristics and abilities with which people are born. Social inequalities are created by society. Natural differences which were considered natural, now no longer be seen as unalterable. Please refer E quality Class 11 Notes for more information.
4. Social Justice Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Social Justice Class 11 Notes Social Justice is an area only partly covered by the law; rest is covered by social and political ideas and practices. Justice involves giving each person his due continues to be an important part of our present-day understanding of justice. In ancient Indian society, justice was associated with ‘dharma’. Plato in ‘Republic’ discusses the meaning of justice and
whether the just man is happier than the unjust man. Socrates explained that justice does not mean doing good to our friends and harm to our enemies. Justice can be defined as ‘the way in which human rights are manifested in the everyday lives of society’. There is three principle es of social justice: equal treatment for equals, proportionate justice and recognition of social justice. The principle of treating equals equally requires that there is no discrimination on the grounds of class, caste, race or gender. Justice implies rewarding people in proportion to the scale and quality of their efforts. Please refer S ocial Justice
Class 11 Notes for more information.
5. Rights Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Rights Class 11 Notes Rights are justified by claim or entitlements. Rights literally mean those freedoms that are essential for personal good as well as for the good of the community. Political theorists of seventeenth and eighteenth centuries emphasized that rights are given to us by nature or God. In recent years, rights are seen as guarantees that human beings seek to lead a good life. The natural rights are those rights, which persons possess by nature. John Locke argues that everyone has Natural Rights that we are entitled to in a state of nature, which proceeds society. Kant said that human being, unlike other objects, possesses dignity. He emphasized the moral aspects, i.e., treating others in the manner that we like to be treated and another person should not be treated as a means to achieve our ends. Human rights are "basic rights and freedoms to which all humans are entitled to”. Each human being possesses intrinsic value, hence we must have equal opportunities to be free and realize our full potential. Please refer R ights Class 11 Notes for more information.
6. Citizenship Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Citizenship Class 11 Notes
Citizenship has been defined as full and equal members of a political community. It involves rights, duties and privileges. Citizenship implies that a citizen has the right to vote, the right to hold governmental offices. Citizenship is not just a relationship between the state and its members. It is a citizen-citizen relationship as well. It involves not just legal obligations but moral obligations as well. Indian Constitution includes provisions about citizenship. Constitution provides that citizenship can be acquired by birth, descent, registration, naturalization or inclusion of territory. The state should not discriminate between citizens s on grounds of race, caste sex, place of birth, etc. Full and equal membership means that citizens should enjoy equal rights and opportunities wherever in the country they may decide to live, study or work. Full and equal membership does not lead to equal rights. Equal rights for citizens does not imply that uniform policies to be applied to all people since different groups of people may have different needs. T. H. Marshall, in his book ‘Citizenship and social class’ emphasized on the relationship between citizenship, equality, and rights. Please refer C itizenship Class 11 Notes for more information.
7. Nationalism Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Nationalism Class 11 Notes Commonly understood, Nationalism is a love of a country and willingness to sacrifice life for it. There is strong belief that our national interests are superior to any other interest. It is difficult to arrive at agreement regarding the definition of terms like nation or nationalism. It is commonly believed that nations are constituted by a group who share certain features such as descent, language, religion or ethnicity. A nation is to a great extent an imaginary community, held together by the collective belief, aspirations and imaginations of its members. Nation is constituted by shared belief (faith). It is the collective identity an nd vision of future of a group, which aspires to have an independent political existence. The citizens of a nation share a common history including common experiences and memories of struggles, triumphs, joys and sorrow. Nations perceive themselves as stretching back
into the past as well as reaching into the future. Please refer Nationalism Class 11 Notes for more information.
8. Secularism Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Secularism Class 11 Notes Secularism is an approach to become neutral in the matters of religion. It is a doctrine that states that one should not dismiss or criticize the religious beliefs of other people having different religions. The Constitution of India declares that every Indian citizen has the right to live with freedom and dignity in any part of the country. But in reality, we find that many forms of exclusion and discrimination continue to persist. The concept of secularism opposes any inter-religious domination. The developed countries like the US experience religious fundamentalism, which endangers peace. Non-religious sources should guide the principal and goals of a secular state. The American model of mutual exclusion inspires the concept of secularism that states that neither the state will intrude in the domain of religion nor religion will interfere in the affairs of the state. In the Constitution of India provisions related to secular nature of state have been incorporated that deal with Absence of inter-community religious domination. Absence of intra-community religious domination. Individual’s freedom of religion and the absence of any state religion. Please refer
Secularism Class 11 Notes for more information.
9. Peace Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Peace Class 11 Notes Humanity has learned to value peace after paying a huge price for its absence. German thinker Friedrich Nietzsche advocated war and conflict and said that these could help human civilization to develop. Italian thinker Vilfredo Pareto argued that people who were able and willing to use force constituted the governing elites in most societies. Cause of
peace occupied a central place in the original teachings of almost all religions. The modern era witnessed advocates of peace both in spiritual and secular domains, like Mahatma Gandhi. The impetus to peace efforts started after the world witnessed the fascism, Nazism and world wars. Peace is often defined as the absence of war. But this definition is misleading. Peace is the absence of violent conflict of kinds including war, riot, massacre, assassination or simply physical attack. Please refer Peace Class 11 Notes for more information.
10. Development Class 11 Notes CBSE Notes for Development Class 11 Notes Development is a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage). In a narrower sense development is identified with the completion of projects like dams, factories, hospitals, etc. In the broader sense, development is identified with enhancement, progress, and aspiration for a better life vision for society as a whole. Concept of development gained momentum in the post-World-War II period. The development models which have been adopted in many countries have proved very costly for the developing countries. The social cost of development is that a large number of people has been displaced from their homes and localities due to the construction of big dams, industry and mining activities. The economic cost of development is Environmental degradation, Global Warming, Loss of forest, Drying up of rivers and ponds, Falling groundwater levels and Increasing use of energy (non-renewable resources like coal, or petroleum) The benefits of development are Increase in growth rate and Reduction in poverty. But a country’s high growth rate doesn’t ensure a fair distribution of its benefits. Please refer Development Class 11 Notes for more information.