Google Glucosamine Market Size, Share and Research Report 2020: Radiant Insights, Inc This market insight report on Glucosamine analyzes the market by Type and Application at global level and for each of the geographic regions - North America, Europe, China, AsiaPacific, and Rest of World. The Glucosamine market is segmented by Type into D-Glucosamine and N-AcetylGlucosamine; and by Application into Nutraceutical/Pharmaceutical, Feed Additives, and Food Ingredients. Global market by Volume in Metric Tons and Value in US$ is also included. Business profiles of 45 major companies are discussed in the report. Access This Full Report @ The report serves as a guide to Glucosamine industry covering more than 240 companies that are engaged in Glucosamine R&D, processing, production, and distribution. Information related to recent product releases, product developments, partnerships, collaborations, mergers and acquisitions, ethical issues, regulatory affairs, and other areas of concern is also covered in the report. Compilation of Worldwide Patents and Research related to Glucosamine is also provided. Estimations and predictions are graphically illustrated by 173 exclusive exhibits for all geographic regions. Table of Content I. SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY 1 II. REPORT SYNOPSIS 3 2.1 Introduction 3 Joint Supplements 3 Glucosamine 3 D-Glucosamine Hydrochloride (HCl) Glucosamine Sulphate 4 N-Acetyl-Glucosamine (NAG) 5 Poly-N-Acetyl-Glucosamine (Poly NAG) Glucosamine Acetyl 5
Chondroitin 6 Combination Supplements 6 Chitin and Chitinases 6 Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM, or Dimethylsulfone) 6 Uses of Glucosamine 7 2.2 Segmentation of Glucosamine Market 7 Exhibit 1. Segmentation of Global Glucosamine Market by Type, and by Application 7 2.3 Glucosamine - Global Market Analysis 8 Exhibit 2. Glucosamine – Global Value Market Analysis (2005 - 2020) in US$ Million 8 Exhibit 3. Glucosamine – Global Volume Market Analysis (2005 - 2020) in Thousand Metric Tons 9 Access This Full Report @ Exhibit 4. List of Global Major Glucosamine Companies 10 III. MARKET DYNAMICS 11 3.1 Market Overview 11 3.2 Global Glucosamine Market 11 Exhibit 5. Glucosamine – Global Value Market Analysis (2005 - 2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World in US$ Million 12 Exhibit 6. Glucosamine – Global Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World 13 Exhibit 7. Glucosamine – Global Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2011 - 2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World in Metric Tons 14 Exhibit 8. Glucosamine – Global Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World 15 3.3 Asia-Pacific Glucosamine Market 16 Exhibit 9. Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific in US$ Million 16 Exhibit 10. Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific 17 Exhibit 11. Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific in Metric Tons 18 Exhibit 12. Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific 19 3.3 (I) Chinese Glucosamine Market 19
3.3 (II) Japanese Glucosamine Market 19 3.3 (III) Australian Glucosamine Market 20 3.3 (IV) Indian Glucosamine Market 20 3.3 (V) South Korean Glucosamine Market 20 Exhibit 13. List of Major Asia-Pacific Glucosamine Companies 20 3.4 North American Glucosamine Market 22 Exhibit 14. Glucosamine – North American Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for United States and Canada in US$ Million 22 Exhibit 15. Glucosamine – North American Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United States and Canada 23 Exhibit 16. Glucosamine – North American Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for United States and Canada in Metric Tons 24 Exhibit 17. Glucosamine – North American Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United States and Canada 25 3.4 (I) US Glucosamine Market 25 Access This Full Report @ 3.4 (II) Canadian Glucosamine Market 25 Exhibit 18. List of Major North American Glucosamine Companies 25 3.5 European Glucosamine Market 26 Exhibit 19. Glucosamine – European Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe in US$ Thousands26 Exhibit 20. Glucosamine – European Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe 27 Exhibit 21. Glucosamine – European Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe in Metric Tons 28 Exhibit 22. Glucosamine – European Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe 29 3.5 (I) UK Glucosamine Market 29 3.5 (II) German Glucosamine Market 29 3.5 (III) Spanish Glucosamine Market 29 3.5 (IV) Czech Glucosamine Market 30 3.5 (V) Russian Glucosamine Market 30 Exhibit 23. List of Major European Glucosamine Companies 30 3.6 Rest of World Glucosamine Market 31
Exhibit 24. Glucosamine – Rest of World Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for South Africa, Brazil, Israel and Other Countries in US$ Thousands 31 Exhibit 25. Glucosamine – Rest of World Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for South Africa, Brazil, Israel and Other Countries 32 Exhibit 26. Glucosamine – Rest of World Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for South Africa, Brazil, Israel and Other Countries in Metric Tons 33 Exhibit 27. Glucosamine – Rest of World Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country South Africa, Brazil, Israel and Other Countries 34 3.6 (I) South African Glucosamine Market 34 3.6 (II) Brazilian Glucosamine Market 34 3.6 (III) Israeli Glucosamine Market 34 3.8 Global Companies in Glucosamine Industry 35 3.8.1 Producers of Glucosamine 35 A & Z Food Additives Co., Ltd. (China) 35 Access This Full Report @ Amicogen, Inc. (South Korea) 35 Bayir Chemicals (India) 36 Cargill, Inc. (USA) 36 Coastal Laboratories (India) 37 Cyalume Specialty Products (USA) 37 Ethical Naturals, Inc. (USA) 38 Fraken Biochem Co., Ltd. (China) 38 Golden-Shell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China) Hygieia Health Products (Hong Kong) 39 Koyo Chemical Company Limited (Japan) 40 Kraeber GmbH & Co. (Germany) 40 Lytone Enterprise, Inc. (Taiwan) 41 Newsmart (Nantong) Group (China) 41 Pacific Rainbow International, Inc. (USA) 42 Sai Gluco Pharma (India) 43 Shandong Yibao Biologics Co., Ltd. (China) 43 Shreeji Pharma International (India) 44 Shubhmets (India) 44 Sinochem Qingdao Co., Ltd. (China) 44 Sinoway International (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. (China)
Stauber Performance Ingredients, Inc. (USA) 45 TSI Health Sciences (USA) 46 Wanbury Ltd. (India) 47 Wellable Group Marine Biological & Chemical Co., Ltd. (China) 47 Yaizu Suisankagaku Industry Co., Ltd. (Japan) 48 Zhejiang Aoxing Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China) 48 Zhejiang Candorly Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China) 49 Zhejiang Freemen Shinfuda Co., Ltd. (China) 50 Zhejiang Medicines & Health Products I/E Co., Ltd. (ZMC) (China) 3.8.2 Producers of Glucosamine Products 52 Aim Companies (The) (USA) 52 AniMed (USA) 52 Astamed Healthcare (I) Pvt. Ltd. (India) 53
Access This Full Report @ Bio-Alternatives (USA) 53 Bioiberica SA (Spain) 54 DTC Health, Inc. (USA) 54 Norbrook Laboratories Ltd. (UK) 55 Nutri-Pet Research, Inc. (USA) 57 Nutramax Laboratories, Inc. (USA) 58 Perrigo Company plc (Ireland) 59 Rottapharm | Madaus GmbH (Italy) 60 Seven Seas Ltd. (UK) 61 Synflex America, Inc. (USA) 62 Ultimate Nutrition (USA) 62 Unipharm, Inc. (USA) 63 3.9 Major Activities in Glucosamine Market 64 Health and Harmony LLC Launches Shellfish-Free Glucosamine that Naturally Reduces Joint Pain 64 Royal Canin® Expands Breed Health Nutrition™ Product Range through Addition of Beagle and West Highland White Terrier Nutrition Products 64 PetVitalix Launches Mobility CARE+, Glucosamine Supplement for Dogs 65 Bioberica Farma Launches Duartron® Glucosamine Capsules 65 Sergeant's Pet Care Products Launches Vetscription® Joint-Eze™ 65 TSI Pharmaceuticals Expands with the Acquisition of National ProPack 66 IVC’s Glucosamine Preparation receives accreditation as Scientific Product by JSTD 66
Cargill, TSI Group Ltd. and TSI USA Inc., Change their Settlement Agreement Concerning Cargill’s Patented Technology 66 Nutramax Laboratories Launches Cosequin® and Dermaquin® for Dogs in Wal-Mart Store Nationwide 67 TSI Group Renames Its Australian Corporate Acquisition 67 TSI Group Completes Yessamin Ltd., Deal and Enhances the Existing China Base 68 Clinical Trial to Validate the Efficacy of Chondroitin Sulphate and Glucosamine Combination with over 450 Knee Osteoarthritis Patients 68 STAUBER Acquires Pharmline 69 Norbrook Presents Noroquin Range for Horses 69 Bioiberica Farma Concludes New Clinical Trial to Analyze the Efficiency and Safety of the Combination of Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate 70 Bio Bodyfuelz’s Products Go Online after Tie-up with MyNutraMart.com70 USPTO Approves Cargill’s Patent for Glucosamine Production Process 71 Bio-Glucosamine Forte Named the Leading Glucosamine in the Netherlands 71 Review Supports Safety of Glucosamine 72 Access This Full Report @ Cargill Obtains Patent for Glucosamine Production Process 72 TSI declares GRAS Status for PUREFLEX® Chondroitin for application in Conventional Food products72 LE Strengthens Position in Rheumatology with the Buyout of Navamedic’s Glucomed 73 Connectin® of In Clover, the Solitary Proven Safe Product in Crowded Joint Market 73 Convenient and Portable New Powder Format Packs from Elations 73 Cargill Finalizes Issues with Hygieia and TSI 73 Hygieia Unveils GlucosaGreen™, Range of Vegetarian and Vegan Glucosamine 74 NO DOL Muscle and Joint Cream 74 Triarco Unveils Liquid Glucosamine 74 Mega Lifesciences Introduces Glucosamine based Products 74 Bayer HealthCare to Acquire Sagmel Inc 75 Ethical Naturals Introduces 100% Vegetarian GreenGrown™ Glucosamine 75 Hygieia Health Launches New Vegetarian Glucosamine 75 William Ransom Unveils the Alateris 76 Navamedic Introduces Mobilat Glucosamin in Germany 76 William Ransom to Supply Navamedic's Glucomed, the only Approved Glucosamine Products Exclusively for 10 years in UK 77
Cargill Attains GRAS Status for REGENASURE® Glucosamine 77 Zylera Pharmaceuticals Introduces RELAMINE for Osteoarthritis Treatment 78 Glucomed/Flexove Attains EU Approval 78 Navamedic Signs an Agreement with PacificPharm for Supplying Glucomed in Korea 79 Zylera Commercializes RELAMINE 79 Lytone Buys Chitin from ChitiNor of Navamedic 80 Navamedic Signs an Agreement with Nergård Group 80 3.10 Analysis by Type 81 Exhibit 28. Glucosamine by Type - Global Value Market Analysis (2005-2020) for DGlucosamine and N-Acetyl-Glucosamine in US$ Million 81 Exhibit 29. Glucosamine by Type – Global Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) for DGlucosamine and N-Acetyl-Glucosamine 82 Exhibit 30. Glucosamine by Type - Global Volume Market Analysis (2005-2020) for DGlucosamine and N-Acetyl-Glucosamine in Metric Tons 83 Exhibit 31. Glucosamine by Type – Global Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) for D-Glucosamine and N-Acetyl-Glucosamine 84 3.10.1 D-Glucosamine 85 Access This Full Report @ Global D-Glucosamine Market 85 Exhibit 32. D-Glucosamine – Global Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World in US$ Million 86 Exhibit 33. D-Glucosamine – Global Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World 87 Exhibit 34. D-Glucosamine – Global Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World in Metric Tons 88 Exhibit 35. D-Glucosamine – Global Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World 89 Asia-Pacific D-Glucosamine Market 90 Exhibit 36. D-Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific in US$ Million 90 Exhibit 37. D-Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific 91
Exhibit 38. D-Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific in Metric Tons 92 Exhibit 39. D-Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific 93 (I) Chinese D-Glucosamine Market 93 (II) Japanese D-Glucosamine Market 93 (III) Australian D-Glucosamine Market 93 (IV) Indian D-Glucosamine Market 94 (V) South Korean D-Glucosamine Market 94 Exhibit 40. List of Asia-Pacific D-Glucosamine Companies 94 North American D-Glucosamine Market 95 Exhibit 41. D-Glucosamine – North American Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for United States and Canada in US$ Million 95 Exhibit 42. D-Glucosamine – North American Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United States and Canada 96 Exhibit 43. D-Glucosamine – North American Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for United States and Canada in Metric Tons 97 Exhibit 44. D-Glucosamine – North American Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United States and Canada 98 (I) US D-Glucosamine Market 98 Access This Full Report @ (II) Canadian D-Glucosamine Market 98 Exhibit 45. List of North American D-Glucosamine Companies 98 European D-Glucosamine Market 100 Exhibit 46. D-Glucosamine – European Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe in US$ Thousands 100 Exhibit 47. D-Glucosamine – European Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe 101 Exhibit 48. D-Glucosamine – European Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe in Metric Tons 102 Exhibit 49. D-Glucosamine – European Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe 103 (I) UK D-Glucosamine Market 103 (II) German D-Glucosamine Market 103 (III) Spanish D-Glucosamine Market 103 (IV) Czech D-Glucosamine Market 104 (V) Russian D-Glucosamine Market 104 Exhibit 50. List of European D-Glucosamine Companies 104 Rest of World D-Glucosamine Market 105 Exhibit 51. D-Glucosamine – Rest of World Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Country for Israel, South African, Brazil and Other Countries in US$ Thousands 105 Exhibit 52. D-Glucosamine – Rest of World Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for Israel, South African, Brazil and Other Countries 106 Exhibit 53. D-Glucosamine – Rest of World Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for Israel, South African, Brazil and Other Countries in Metric Tons 107 Exhibit 54. D-Glucosamine – Rest of World Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for Israel, South African, Brazil and Other Countries 108 (I) South African D-Glucosamine Market 108 (II) Brazilian D-Glucosamine Market108 Access This Full Report @ (III) Israeli D-Glucosamine Market 108 3.10.2 N-Acetyl-Glucosamine 109 Global N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 109 Exhibit 55. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – Global Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World in US$ Million 109 Exhibit 56. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – Global Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World 110 Exhibit 57. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – Global Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Geographic Region for Asia-Pacific, North America, Europe and Rest of World in Metric Tons 111 Exhibit 58. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – Global Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Geographic Region for North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Rest of World 112 Asia-Pacific N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 113 Exhibit 59. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of AsiaPacific in US$ Thousands 113
Exhibit 60. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific 114 Exhibit 61. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of AsiaPacific in Metric Tons 115 Exhibit 62. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – Asia-Pacific Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for China, Japan, Australia, India, South Korea and Rest of Asia-Pacific 116 (I) Chinese N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 116 (II) Japanese N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 116 (III) Australian N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 116 (IV) Indian N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 117 (V) South Korean N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 117 Access This Full Report @ Exhibit 63. List of Asia-Pacific N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Companies 117 North American N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 118 Exhibit 64. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – North American Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for United States and Canada in US$ Million 118 Exhibit 65. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – North American Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United States and Canada 119 Exhibit 66. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – North American Volume Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for United States and Canada in Metric Tons 120 Exhibit 67. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – North American Volume Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United States and Canada 121 (I) US N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market121 (II) Canadian N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 121 Exhibit 68. List of North American N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Companies 121 European N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Market 123 Exhibit 69. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – European Value Market Estimations & Predictions (2005 -2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia & Rest of Europe in US$ Thousands 123 Exhibit 70. N-Acetyl-Glucosamine – European Value Market Shares (2010, 2015 & 2020) by Country for United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Czech Republic, Russia and Rest of Europe
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