New Study - Push Telecommunications for Tele-Medicine (PTT) and M-Health Analysis Research Report

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Push Telecommunications for Tele-Medicine (PTT) and MHealth Market Share and Analysis Report 2015-2021: Radiant Insights, Inc In 2014, push telecommunications for tele-medicine (PTT) and m- health market contributed total share of $1.5 billion and is projected to cross over $40 billion 2021. People taking additional conscientiousness for their individual health will drive Telemedicine and m-health market attributed to healthcare relief in office and home. Although, m-health which appears in several type of applications and tele- medicine is augmenting towards smart phone devices growth. Tele-medicine cost for the US veteran’s administration is $1, 6300 for each patient per annum. This cost is significantly lower than nursing home care and trained nursing facility programs which cost approximately $100,000 per annum. Optimistic understanding of VHA with implementation of home tele-medicine worldwide is encouraging adoption by hospitals. Tele-medicine is cost effective and suitable way of administering chronic care patients in collectively rural and urban settings. View Full Report with TOC @ Cost of care is the major concern as tele- medicine adoption rate is mounting rapidly. Remote tele-medicine equipment and mobile applications are driving augmented adoption and the adoption rates. Improvement in concerns related to efficiency of care during tele-medicine in healthcare market is projected to positively impact the PTT and m-health market. Advanced technology is bringing enormous change to the market .Furthermore; patients are being supported to take more liability for their own care. Also, High proportion healthcare investment is aimed to cure of chronic disease is impacting the industry. Content is pushed out to be patient on custom basis with chronic disease tele-medicine systems. Content varying is to keep the experience fresh for patients and to access different key aspects of care.

This feature helps care providers to send customized notifications to the entire population or specific patients. Message that appears, are archived and audited by system, allowing tracking the messages status by care provider. Furthermore, Care provider holds the patient record in the case of remote presence tele-medicine systems. Smart phone applications segment is projected to experience high growth Profiling of health behaviors coupled with Electronic personal monitoring is projected to grow significantly. The unparalleled accessibility of sensors that detect exercise patterns, vital signs monitoring and sleep patterns are expected to bring out enormous change in the market. TELE-MEDICINE AND M-HEALTH PUSH PTT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 53 Tele-Medicine and M-Health Market Driving Forces 53 Real-Time Monitoring Of Physiological Data 56 PTT Push Telemedicine 57 M-Health and Tele-Medicine Market Convergence 58 Tele-Medicine and M-Health Market Shares 59 Telemedicine Chronic Disease Tracking Devices Market Share 59 Tele-Medicine And M-Health Market Forecasts 61 View Full Report with TOC @ 1. PUSH TELECOMMUNICATIONS FOR TELE-MEDICINE (PTT) AND M-HEALTH MARKET DESCRIPTION AND MARKET DYNAMICS 64 1.1 Definition of PTT 64 1.2 eICUs 64 1.3 Remote Monitoring as Standard of Care 66 1.3.1 Telemonitoring Systems Premise 68 1.3.2 Sedentary Get Exercise And Heart Failure Patients Pay Attention To Swelling In Their Feet, Ankles Or Legs 68 1.3.3 Telemonitoring Systems Improve Home Health Care 69 1.3.4 Vital Signs And Health Status Are Measured Daily 70 1.3.5 Telemonitoring at Home 71 1.4 Federal Medicare Program for Seniors Health Apps - CMS 71 1.4.1 Cardiac Monitoring 71 1.5 Telemedicine 75 1.5.1 Nursing Stations 76 1.5.2 Telemedicine Services 78 1.5.3 Service Provider Adoption of Tele-Monitoring 79 1.5.4 Telemedicine Delivery Mechanisms 83 1.5.5 Telemedicine Point-To-Point Connections 83 1.5.6 High Definition Video Communication 84

1.6 Telemonitors Customized To Meet Individual Needs 86 1.7 US Makes Telemedicine Priority 89 1.7.1 Federal Funding for Telemedicine 91 1.7.2 US Telemedicine Medicare – 91 1.7.3 US Veterans Health Administration (VA) Use of Telemonitoring 92 1.7.4 Tele-monitoring Demonstrates Positive Results In Improving Health Care And Reducing Costs Of Veterans 93 1.7.5 US VA Tele-monitoring Targeted Innovation: 95 1.8 Tele-Monitor Devices 97 1.8.1 Customizing Tele-Monitors 97 1.8.2 IntelŽ Health Care Management Security 98 1.9 Telemonitoring Research 100 1.9.1 New England Journal of Medicine Research 101 1.9.2 NEJM Has Published Several Letters That Critique The Study 103 1.9.3 Bosch Health Buddy Desktop Research 106 1.9.4 Physician Notification on CHF 107 1.9.5 US Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 110 View Full Report with TOC @ 1.10 Federal, State, Local, And Foreign Laws Compliance 112 1.10.1 Government Regulation of Medical Devices 113 1.10.2 Before And After A Medical Device Is Commercially Distributed, Ongoing Responsibilities Under FDA Regulations 115 1.10.3 Tele-monitoring Third-Party Reimbursement 117 1.11 Health Information Privacy HIPAA Requirements 117 1.11.1 HIPAA Enforcement 124 1.11.2 OCR Responsible For Enforcing HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules 126 1.12 Hospital and Insurance Company Telemedicine Services 127 1.12.1 Hospital Telemedicine Systems 128 1.13 Postacute Care Co-ordination: Healthcare Reform Readmission Penalties 129 1.13.1 Federal Crimes Under The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA 129 1.14 Partners Mass General Cardiologist Program for High Risk Heart Failure Patients 131 2. TELE-MEDICINE / M-HEALTH MARKET SHARES AND MARKET FORECASTS: 133 2.1 Tele-Medicine and M-Health Market Driving Forces 133 2.1.1 Real-Time Monitoring Of Physiological Data 136 2.1.2 PTT Push Telemedicine 137 2.1.3 M-Health and Tele-Medicine Market Convergence 138

2.2 Tele-Medicine and M-Health Market Shares 139 2.2.1 Telemedicine Chronic Disease Tracking Devices Market Share 139 2.2.2 Bosch 142 2.2.3 Viterion 143 2.2.4 Care Innovations / Intel / GE 144 2.2.5 Honeywell 144 2.2.6 ProConnections Telemedicine Systems Enhance the Delivery of Healthcare 145 2.2.7 Tactio 145 2.3 Tele-Medicine And M-Health Market Forecasts 147 2.3.1 Telemedicine and M-Health Market Segments, Clinical Tracking of Chronic Disease, Physician Remote Presence, Smart Phone Apps, and Video Conferencing Telepresence 150 2.3.2 75% of Home Healthcare Organizations Have Funded Home Telemedicine Initiatives 155 2.3.3 Telemedicine Devices 156 View Full Report with TOC @ 2.4 Telemedicine Push Technology 157 2.4.1 Telemedicine Video Conferencing Telepresence Market Shares 157 2.4.2 Telehealth Remote Presence Telemedicine Market Shares 160 2.4.3 M-Health Telemedicine Apps Market Shares 166 2.4.4 M-Health Apps Market Forecasts 168 2.4.5 IBM Watson Cognitive Computing Drives the Market 171 2.4.6 IBM Watson Cognitive Computing 174 2.5 M-Health Wireless Tele-Health Apps 176 2.5.1 Cigna MDLive App 177 2.5.2 Carrier Service Provider Telemedicine Challenges 179 2.5.3 Telemedicine Carrier Service Providers 180 2.5.4 AT&T 180 2.5.5 Healthcare Providers Use Technology To Improve Effectiveness Of Care Providers 181 2.5.6 HHSC 182 2.6 M-Health and Tele-Medicine Insurance Initiatives 183 2.6.1 Aetna 183 2.6.2 Kaiser 183 2.6.3 Humana 183 2.6.4 UnitedHelathOne 184 2.6.5 Cigna 184 2.7 M-Health and Tele-Medicine Key Clinical Initiatives 184 2.7.1 Massachusetts General 184 2.7.2 WellPoint 185

2.7.3 Mayo Clinic 185 2.7.4 MD Anderson and Sloan Kettering 186 2.8 M-Health Apps 186 2.8.1 FDA 187 2.8.2 FDA Types of Mobile App Regulated 188 2.8.3 From B2B to B2B2C: Making Meaningful Use of mHealth 190 2.9 Tele-Medicine Alarm Devices 195 2.9.1 Telemedicine Computer Industry Vendor Market Share and Forecast 199 2.9.2 Healthcare Decision Support Market Forecasts 199 2.9.3 Tele-health Originating Site Facility Fee Payment Amount Update 201 2.9.4 Healthcare Decision Support Market Forecasts, Facility, Research, and Insurers 203 2.9.5 Medical Criteria to Ensure Hospitalizations Are Necessary Gets Outdated Too Fast 203 2.10 Rapid Readmissions 204 2.10.1 Medical Criteria to Ensure Hospitalizations Are Necessary Gets Outdated Too Fast 205 View Full Report with TOC @ 2.10.2 Telemedicine Sensors Market Share and Forecast 206 2.10.3 M-Health Apps 207 2.10.4 Telemedicine Carrier Services Market Shares and Forecast 208 2.10.5 Telemedicine Videoconferencing Market Shares and Forecast 211 2.11 Statistics Describing Telemedicine Market 215 2.11.1 Congestive Heart Failure 215 2.11.2 Diabetes Chronic Illness Numbers 218 2.11.3 Incidence of Chronic Disease 220 2.11.4 Chronic Diseases Account For Two-Thirds Of Worldwide Healthcare Spending 222 2.11.5 Clinical Staff / Patient Ratios: Physician Shortages 222 2.11.6 Tele-medicine Disease Statistics Incidence and Prevalence 223 2.11.7 Aging Of The Population 224 2.11.8 Robotic Therapeutic Stroke Rehabilitation 229 2.11.9 Disease Rehabilitation 230 2.11.10 Rehabilitation of Hip Injuries 231 2.11.11 Medical Conditions Requiring Supplemental Oxygen 232 2.11.12 Tele-medicine Market Driving Forces 234 2.11.13 Measures of Tele-Medicine Effectiveness 235 2.11.14 Home Patient Monitoring Supports Patient Education 236 2.11.15 Real-Time Monitoring Of Physiological Data 237 2.11.16 Tele-Medicine IBM Watson, Honeywell, Vitarian, and Bosch

Diagnostic Support Expert Systems 239 2.11.17 Huawei Telemedicine Helps Treat Chronic Diseases in an Aging Population 241 2.12 Telemedicine Device and App Prices 243 2.12.1 Tele-Medicine Prices and Reimbursement 243 2.12.1 Cost of Honeywell Homemed Home Health Monitoring & MedPartner 244 2.12.2 TouchPointCare 244 2.12.3 Cost of Honeywell Home Health Monitoring 251 2.13 Telemedicine Regional Markets 253 3. PUSH TELEMEDICINE (PTT) / M-HEALTH PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 256 3.1 Bosch Healthcare Telemedicine Solutions 256 3.1.1 Bosch Health Buddy 256 3.1.2 Bosch Heath Buddy System 258 3.1.3 Bosch Health Buddy Integrated Cellular Modem 259 3.1.4 Bosch Healthcare, Bosch Telemedicine and Care Solutions 262 3.1.5 Bosch Healthcare Supports Independent Living At Home 263 3.1.6 Bosch Telemedicine Solutions 263 3.1.7 Bosch Telemedicine Provides Daily Report About Patients with Chronic Conditions 264 View Full Report with TOC @ 3.1.8 Bosch Devices for Patients with Diabetes 265 3.1.9 Bosch Health Buddy Decision Support Tools 266 3.1.10 Bosch Patient Support System 270 3.1.11 Bosch Telemedicine Results 271 3.1.12 Bosch Healthcare Telemedicine Wireless Systems 271 3.1.13 Bosch Healthcare Telemedicine Custom Messaging Feature 272 3.1.14 Bosch Healthcare Advancing Telemedicine Solutions Through Dialogue 274 3.1.15 Bosch Healthcare Telemedicine Growth 274 3.1.16 Bosch / McKesson Telemedicine Advisor 276 3.1.17 McKesson Channel Partner - The Bosch Group 279 3.2 Viterion 279 3.2.1 Viterion Improves Healthcare Delivery 282 3.2.2 Value VA Derives from Viterion Telehealth Technologies 289 3.2.3 Viterion Systems Efficiencies at UK Department of Health (DOH) 291 3.2.4 ViterionNET Capabilities 296 3.2.5 ViterionNET Data-Encryption 298

3.2.6 ViterionŽ Telemedicine Monitor For Diabetes Care 298 3.3 Honeywell 300 3.3.1 Honeywell Lifestream Manager 301 3.3.2 Honeywell Lifestream Analytics 303 3.3.3 Honeywell Lifestream View 306 3.3.4 Honeywell LifeStream Connect 307 3.3.5 Honeywell Genesis DM 308 3.3.6 Honeywell Tablet Telemedicine App 310 3.3.7 Honeywell Telemedicine Devices 311 3.3.8 Samsung Galaxy Tablet Runs Honeywell Cloud Telemedicine App 311 3.3.9 Honeywell Genesis Touch Allows the Galaxy Tablet 312 3.3.10 Honeywell Genesis LifeStream Dashboard 312 3.3.11 Honeywell Health Monitoring System: Visiting Nurses Association (VNA) 315 3.3.12 Honeywell MedPartner 317 3.3.13 Honeywell Health Monitoring System Criteria for Monitoring 318 3.3.14 Honeywell Health Monitoring System FDA Class II, Hospital Grade, Medical Device 319 View Full Report with TOC @ 3.3.15 Honeywell Med Partner 321 3.3.16 Honeywell Genesis Touch Telemedicine App 322 3.3.17 Honeywell Genesis Touch include the Fuze Meeting Visual Collaboration 324 3.4 Care Innovations / Intel / GE 325 3.4.1 Care Innovations SOA Software 325 3.4.2 Care Innovations Patient Reports 326 3.4.3 Care Innovations™ Connect Can Help Seniors In Independent Living Facilities 332 3.5 Medtronic / Cardiocom 333 3.5.1 Cardiocom Telehealth Systems 333 3.5.2 Cardiocom Commander Flex 335 3.5.3 Cardiocom Telescale 338 3.5.4 Cardiocom Glucocom & Autolink 341 3.5.5 Cardiocom Teleresponse 343 3.5.6 Cardiocom Netresponse 345 3.5.7 Cardiocom Linkview 347 3.6 Philips 350 3.6.1 Philips Secure Data Infrastructure Supports Patient at Home 352 3.6.2 Philips HealthStart MRx Monitor/Defibrillator 354 3.6.3 Philips HealthStart FR3 AED 356 3.6.4 Philips HeartStart Telemedicine System 357

3.6.5 Philips Heart Start 360 3.6.6 Philips IntelliVue Application Server 362 3.6.7 Philips Application Server Positioning 365 3.6.8 Philips Steady Scale 366 3.7 Global Med Telehealth: Benefits of Video Conferencing 369 3.7.1 Global Med WallDoc® 369 3.7.2 Global Med LiteExam™ Mobile Telemedicine Station 371 3.7.3 GlobalMed Tele-Health Carts 374 3.7.4 GlobalMed Telemedicine Products | Telehealth Equipment | Medical Technology 375 3.7.5 GlobalMed Telemedicine Carts | Telehealth Carts 375 3.7.6 GlobalMed i8500™ Mobile Telemedicine Station 377 3.7.7 GlobalMed TES (Transportable Exam Station) 377 3.7.8 GlobalMed FirstExam™ Mobile Telemedicine Station 379 3.7.9 GlobalMed Teleaudiology Cart | Mobile Medical Carts 381 View Full Report with TOC @ 3.7.10 GlobalMed Medical Technology Products | Mobile Medical Carts 381 3.7.11 GlobalMed Mobile Telemedicine Carts One Design Care Delivery 381 3.7.12 GlobalMed TotalExam™ HD Examination Camera 384 3.7.13 GlobalMed Diagnostic Imaging | Medical Imaging 384 3.7.14 GlobalMed Diagnostic Imaging | Medical Imaging Equipment 386 3.7.15 Global Med Health Care IT | Advanced Medical Technologies 387 3.8 IBM / Telemedicine 388 3.8.1 IBM Watson Boston Children's Hospital Partnership 388 3.8.2 IBM Cognitive Computing 388 3.8.3 IBM's Watson Health Division Incorporates Patient Data from Apple389 3.8.4 IBM Partners with Johnson & Johnson 390 3.8.5 IBM Partners with Medtronic 390 3.9 Google 391 3.10 CDAC MERCURYTM Web Telemedicine 391 3.11 Telemedicine Video Conferencing 395 3.12 Cisco HealthPresence 395 3.12.1 Cisco TelePresence System 3200 Series 396 3.12.2 Cisco 399 3.13 Polycom Video Conferencing 400 3.13.1 Polycom Telemedicine Addresses Aging Population Problem Combined With Too Few Doctors 400 3.13.2 Polycom RealPresence Cloud Collaboration Center 404 3.14 Logitech Lifesize 408 3.14.1 Logitech Lifesize Video Conferencing Helps Extend Patient Care 410 3.14.2 Logitech Lifesize Global Medical Collaboration 411

3.14.3 Logitech LifeSize Telemedicine Featured Customers 411 3.15 Vidyo Telemedicine Healthcare 412 3.15.1 Vidyo for Healthcare Applications: 416 3.15.2 Vidyo API 417 3.16 Sony Telemedicine Video Conferencing 418 3.16.1 Sony Virtual Tumor Board 418 3.17 Huawei’s Telemedicine Solution 420 3.18 Apps: Telemedicine Applications for Smartphones and Tablets 424 3.18.1 US FDA Encourages The Development Of Mobile Medical Apps 425 3.19 MedApps 439 3.20 Biotronik Cardiac Telemonitoring Devices 440 3.20.1 Biotronik Home Monitoring Lumax 540 Series State-Of-The-Art Features 441 3.21 Influence Health 443 3.22 Tactio 443 3.23 Teladoc 445 3.23.1 Teladoc Capitalization Of Inflection Point In Telemedicine Market 447 3.23.2 Teladoc Client EMC 447 3.23.3 Teladoc On Target To Complete More Than A Quarter-Million Medical Consults Across U.S. 448 View Full Report with TOC @ 3.23.4 Teladoc Doctors 448 3.24 1Life Healthcare 449 3.25 American Well 449 3.26 iRobot and InTouch 449 3.27 InTouch 451 4 . TELE-MONITOR TELEMEDICINE TECHNOLOGY 453 4.1 American Telemedicine Association 453 4.2 Patient-Centered /-Participatory Congestive Heart Failure Telemonitoring455 4.2.1 Heart Failure 459 4.2.2 TIM-HF Study CHF 460 4.2.3 TheTEHAF study 462 4.2.4 Johns Hopkins Home-Based Telemonitoring 464 4.3 Clinical Video Telehealth Protocols 466 4.3.1 Synchronous Clinical Video Telehealth 466 4.3.2 Asynchronous Clinical Video Telehealth 467 4.4 Diabetes Remote Monitoring 467 4.4.1 Diabetes Remote Monitoring Drivers 467 4.4.2 Partners HealthCare Diabetes Remote Monitoring Program Overview 468

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