Snake Robots Market Size, Share, Growth Report to 2015-2021 by Radiant Insights, Inc

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Snake Robots Market Size, Trend and Research Report 2015-2021: Radiant Insights, Inc The snake robots market is set to expand considerably in the future. This comes from next generation units offering movement & access devices that are helpful and distinctive across different industries. Target markets are for limited spaces. Confined spaces are present owing to the inability to dismantle constituents. Confined spaces are present in nuclear reactors in which injurious radiations are emitted. Roads, buildings, pipelines, and other man-made constructions also possess confined spaces. Snake robots are self-controlled transportable extensions & instruments to existing systems. They bank on hardware & software technologies. Snake robots are utilized in surgeries and help gain access to tiny spaces, aeroplane wings, etc. They can reach places other products can’t. Snake robots considerably enhance conventional open surgeries by turning minimally invasive access ports to one. The ability of these robots to penetrate places, earlier deemed impenetrable, augurs well for the snake robots market and steers market revenues. View Full Report with TOC @ Demand for these devices across the healthcare industry also propels major market sales. During surgeries, snake robots offer access to initial ports chosen by doctors. The aging U.S. and global populations have prompted the demand for these instruments. They are susceptible to chronic illnesses and often require snake robots during surgeries. Intuitive surgical is a snake robots market segment that leads on the basis of technological developments. It has attained market penetration for colorectal surgeries in the United States. Surgical organizations are expected to expand their reach via acquirement of smaller firms. The market is marked by technological innovations. Snake robots are highly fascinating and assist minimally invasive surgeries take the place of open surgeries. They assist doctors in executing complicated surgical procedures and also involve on-board visualization. The skilled movements of smart robots arise from automated connections to concentric systems.

By utilizing a patented ‘chase the leader’ approach with varying states, these products can be administered into differing shapes via comparative references of their linkages. Increased demand for robotic surgical procedures demanding accuracy & efficiency also drive the snake robots market. Chronic ailments among the young populace and demand for state-of-the-art technologies to ensure fast patient recovery & safe minimally invasive surgeries also support the market Table of contents Snake Robots Executive Summary Snake Robot Market Driving Forces 38 Snake Robots Market Shares 49 Snake Robot Market Forecasts 51


View Full Report with TOC @ 1. Snake Robots Market Description and Market Dynamics 53 1.1 Snake Robots Automate Process 53 1.2 Modsnake Robots54 1.2.1 Modsnake Robots Support Human Workers 55 1.3 Snakelike Robots Slither over Rough Landscape 56 1.4 Snake Robots Locomote 56 1.5 Serpentine Robot Applications 57 1.5.1 Seizing the Robotics Opportunity 58 1.5.2 Modular Self-Reconfiguring Robotic Systems 59 1.6 Mobile Robotics 59 1.7 Next Generation Snake Robotics 61 2. Snake Robots Market Shares and Market Forecasts 62 2.1 Snake Robot Market Driving Forces 62 2.2 Snake Robots Market Shares 73 2.2.1 HiBot / Hirose Fukushima Lab ACM 76 2.2.2 OC Robotics Snake-Arm for Aircraft Assembly 78 2.2.3 Sarcos Snake Robot Magnetic Track 79 2.2.4 Sarcos Robot Inspection Of Ship Ballast Tanks 80 2.2.5 Medrobotics Minimally Invasive Equipment Surgical Robots 80 2.2.6 Medrobotics Positioning 81 2.2.7 Medrobotics highly articulated robotic probes 81 2.2.8 SINTEF Robot Snakes Climb Pipes 84 2.3 Snake Robot Market Forecasts 84 2.3.1 Industrial, Medical, and Military Snake Robot Market Segment Forecasts 90

2.3.2 Nuclear, Oil & Gas Snake Robots Markets 95 2.3.3 Construction and Mining Snake Robots Market 99 2.3.1 Surgery Snake Robots Market Forecasts 102 2.3.2 Medical Surgical Snake Robot Market Forecasts 104 2.3.3 Military Snake Robot Market Forecasts 105 2.3.4 Aerospace Snake Robot Market Forecasts 107 2.3.5 Confined Space and High Wire Snake Robot Market Forecasts 113 2.4 Snake Robot Prices 116 2.4.1 Inaccessible Spaces - OC Robotics 116 2.4.2 Medrobotics 116 2.5 Snake Robots Regional Market Analysis 118 3. Snake Robot Product Description 121 3.1 OC Robotics 121 3.1.1 OC Robotics Addresses Confined Space Problem 121 3.1.2 OC Robotics LaserSnake for Decommissioning Complex Structures In Hazardous, Confined Nuclear Environments 124 3.1.3 OC Robotics Snake-Arm Robots For Aircraft Assembly 126 3.1.4 OCRobotics Snake Robot Aerospace Applications 128 3.1.5 OCRobotics Snake-Arm Tools 129 View Full Report with TOC @ 3.1.6 3.1.7 3.1.8 3.1.9 3.1.10 3.1.11 3.1.12 3.1.13 3.1.14

OCRobotics Aerospace Applications 131 OC Robotics Snake-Arms For Security 134 OC Robotics Snake-Arms for Construction 135 OC Robotics Snake-Arms for Industrial Application 136 OC Robotics The Explorer Range 137 OC Robotics Snake-Arm Control 142 OC Robotics Snake-Arm Simulator 143 OC Robotics Snake-Arm for Aircraft Assembly 143 OC Robotics Extender Snake Range Of –Motion Robots Reach The Unreachable 144 3.1.15 OC Robotics Snake-Arm – 148 3.1.16 OC Robotics 149 3.1.17 OC Energy & Environment Robotics 150 3.2 Sarcos Guardian S Snake Robot 152 3.2.1 Sarcos Snake Robot Magnetic Track 157 3.2.2 Sarcos Guardian S Snake Robot Climbing Ferromagnetic Surface Pole 158 3.2.3 Sarcos Guardian S Snake Robot Camera Applications 161 3.2.4 Sarcos Guardian S Snake Robot Ship Systems Inspection Applications 163 3.2.5 Sarcos Robot Inspection Of Ship Ballast Tanks 163 3.2.6 Sarcos Robotic Arm For Inspecting On Board Water Tanks 164

3.2.7 Sarcos Guardian S Snake Robot Traverse Capabilities 168 3.3 Medrobotics Technology 169 3.3.1 Medrobotics FlexŽ Retractor 171 3.3.2 Medrobotics Flexible Robot Platform 172 3.3.3 Medrobotics Snakelike Robots for Oropharynx, Hypopharynx and Larynx Surgery 173 3.4 University of Michigan All-Terrain Robotics: 176 3.4.1 University of Michigan Mobile Robotics Lab Omnitread 180 3.4.2 OmniTread Robot Snakes 182 3.5 Applied Robotics Technologies, LLC 184 3.5.1 The FLEXnav Proprioceptive Position Estimation (PPE) System 184 3.5.2 Applied Robotics Technologies Pricing 185 3.5.3 Heuristic Drift Reduction for Gyros in Vehicle Tracking Applications 186 3.5.4 Applied Robotics Technologies Key Benefits 189 3.5.5 Applied Robotics Technologies Pricing 189 3.6 NASA Robotic Snakes 189 View Full Report with TOC @ 3.7 Canadian Robotics Ltd. 190 3.8 Japan Guru World-Class Snake Robotics 190 3.9 Hibot Thesbot 191 3.9.1 Hibot Pipetron 192 3.9.2 HiBot Expliner 192 3.9.3 HiBot ACM-R4H 194 3.9.4 HiBot ACM-R5 194 3.9.5 Hibot ACM-R5 Amphibious Robosnake 196 3.9.6 HiBot Japanese Snake Robot 197 3.9.7 Maintaining High Voltage Transmission Lines Using Robotics 199 3.9.8 Hydro-Quebec Research Institute (IREQ)LineScout tele-operated obstacle crossing system 199 3.9.9 HiBot Expliner 200 3.9.10 America’s Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Autonomous 200 3.10 Tesla Unveils Snakelike Robot Charger for Electric Cars 201 3.11 Unifire Robotic Nozzles 202 3.11.1 Unifire Advanced, Fully Automatic Robotic Nozzle System 208 3.12 University of Southampton. 210 3.13 CCTV Inspection 210 4. Snake Robot Technology 212 4.1 Actuated Joints In A Tight Volume 212 4.2 OC Robotics 213


4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

OC Robotics Develops Snake-Arm Robots For Confined Spaces OC Robotics Snake Arm Actuator Pack 216 OC Robotics Snake Arm 217 OC Robotics Tool 217 OC Robotics Confined Space Piece Manipulation 218 OC Robotics Confined Space Reach 219 OC Robotics Snake-Arm Robot Basics 221 OC Robotics Snake Robot Curvature – 225 OC Robotics Protective Skins 227 OC Robotics Manages Hazardous Environments – 228 OC Robotics Software - SoftSnake 229 OC Robotics PipeSnake 230 OC Robotics Snake-Arm Robots Aircraft Assembly 234 CISST ERC Snake Robot 239 Bio-Robotics Lab 240 Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute 243 Sintef 244


View Full Report with TOC @ 4.7.1 Sintef Aiko Snake Robot With Electric Motors 246 4.8 NTNU and SINTEF in Norway World-Class Snake Robotics 248 4.8.1 Sintef Anna Konda 248 4.8.2 Anna Konda Firefighting Snakebot 254 4.8.3 Sintef Aiko 257 4.8.4 Sintef Pneumosnake 258 4.8.5 Sintef PiKo 259 4.8.6 Sintef Climbing Robot 262 4.8.7 Sintef Robot Learning 264 4.8.8 Department of Engineering Cybernetics at NTNU Pneumosnake –Snake Robot With Pneumatic Bellows 265 4.9 Hirose Fukushima Lab ACM Land and Amphibious Robot Snake 268 4.9.1 Hirose Fukushima Lab ACM-R5 Control System 269 4.9.2 Hirose Fukushima Lab ACM Slim Slime Robot 270 4.9.3 Hirose Fukushima Lab Pneumatically-Driven Slime Robot 272 4.9.4 Hirose-Fukushima Lab at Tokyo Institute of Technology Amphibious Snake Robot ACM-R5 281 4.10 DrGavin S7 Snake Robot Rectilinear Locomotion 282 4.10.1 Nottingham Trent University 286 4.11 Israeli Army Deploys Robot Snakes 287 4.11.1 Israeli Military Develops Robot Snake Bomb Hirose Fukushima Lab 289 4.12 Merlin Robotics, Nottingham Trent University Robot Snake Dance 292 4.13 Snake Bot at Carnegie Mellon 293

4.13.1 Carnegie Mellon Conforming Loop 295 4.14 CardioArm Biomedicine Snakelike Robots for Heart Surgery 4.14.1 Snake Robot Helps Wounded Soldiers 301 4.15 Hughes Aircraft R7 Early Robotic Snake 303 4.16 British 'Serpentine Spy' 304 4.17 IDF Spy Robot Snake 305 4.18 ASA Snake-bot VS InnoSTAR 306 4.19 Applied Robotics Technologies, LLC 307


5. Snake Robots Company Profiles 310 5.1 Applied Robotics Technologies, LLC 310 5.2 Fanuc 310 5.2.1 FANUC Corporation 320 5.2.2 Fanuc Revenue 322 5.2.3 Fanuc Joint Venture With General Electric in the FA field 324 5.3 HiBot 325 5.3.1 HiBot Inspects High-Voltage Transmission Lines 325 5.3.2 HiBot Snake Robot 325 View Full Report with TOC @ 5.4 Kawasaki Robotics 326 5.5 Kuka 328 5.5.1 KUKA Dominant Customer Segment, Automotive Industry 329 5.5.2 Kuka Revenue 331 5.5.3 Kuka Competition 334 5.5.4 Kuka Innovative Technology 336 5.5.5 Kuka Well Positioned With A Broad Product Portfolio In Markets With Attractive Growth Prospects 337 5.5.6 Kuka Strategy 337 5.5.7 Kuka Corporate Policy 339 5.5.8 Kuka Customers 345 5.5.9 KUKA Acquires 51% of Reis Robotics 347 5.5.10 Kuka Positioning in Robotics and Systems 348 5.6 Medrobotics 351 5.6.1 Medrobotics Closes On $10 Million Financing 353 5.6.2 Medrobotics Several Generations Of Snake Robot Platforms 354 5.6.3 Medrobotics Advances Clinical Development of Snake Robot for Surgery 354 5.6.4 Medrobotics Positioning 355 5.6.5 Medrobotics Cardiac Surgery Gold Standard 355 5.6.6 Medrobotics Snake Robot Technologies For Use In A Wide Range Of Surgical And Interventional Applications 357

5.6.7 Medrobotics Technology & Research Center 359 5.7 Mitsubishi 360 5.7.1 Mitsubishi Electric Corp. 361 5.8 OC Robotics 363 5.8.1 OC Robotics Technology & Innovation 364 5.8.2 OC Robotics Robots Extend Reach Of Manual Process 366 5.8.3 OC Robotics A CANDU Snake-Arm Robot 367 5.8.4 OC Robotics Snake-Arm Robots 368 5.9 Sarcos Corp 370 5.9.1 Sarcos Dexterous, Tele-Operated Robotic Systems 371 5.9.2 Sarcos Snake Robot Unmanned Ground Vehicle 372 5.9.3 Sarcos Robots Inspection of Ballast Tanks on Ships 374 5.9.4 Sarcos Guardian S Robotic Systems Replace Current Dangerous And Inspections 375 5.10 Sintef 376 5.11 Tesla 377


View Full Report with TOC @ 5.12 Tokyo Institute of Technology Research Laboratories 5.12.1 Tokyo Institute of Technology / Hirose Fukushima Lab ACM 5.12.2 Hirose Fukushima Lab ACM Hibot 382 5.13 Unifire 383 5.14 University of Michigan Mobile Robotics Lab Omnitread 5.15 Yaskawa 388 5.15.1 Yaskawa Revenue 389 5.15.2 Yaskawa Business 391 5.15.3 YASKAWA Electric Motion Control 392 5.15.4 YASKAWA Electric Robotics 393 5.15.5 YASKAWA Electric System Engineering 393 5.15.6 YASKAWA Electric Information Technology 393 5.15.7 Yaskawa / Motoman 393 5.15.8 Yaskawa Motoman 394 5.16 Selected Robot Companies 395 5.16.1 Selected Robot Companies 422 5.17 Selected List of University and Research Snake Robots 452

380 382 385

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