Spanish Verbs With Spelling Changes-Verbs Ending In Ger And Gir

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English-Spanish Helpful Handouts

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Spanish Verbs With Spelling Changes – Verbs Ending In Ger And Gir Verbs that end in ger and gir change their spelling in the first person singular of the present indicative tense. These verbs change the g to j in the first person singular.

proteger – to protect yo protejo tú proteges él protege ella protege usted protege nosotros protegemos nosotras protegemos vosotros protegéis vosotras protegéis ellos protegen ellas protegen ustedes protegen

dirigir – to direct yo dirijo tú diriges él dirige ella dirige usted dirige nosotros dirigimos nosotras dirigimos vosotros dirigís vosotras dirigís ellos dirigen ellas dirigen ustedes dirigen

Here are some other verbs that end in ger and gir that change the g to j in the first person singular. acoger – to greet

afligir – to afflict

encoger – to shrink resurgir – to re-emerge

escoger – to choose rugir – to roar

coger – to grab, to hold, to catch exigir – to demand sumergir – to submerge, to drown

corregir – to correct

dirigir – to direct

elegir – to elect

emerger – to emerge

fingir – to pretend surgir – to emerge

infringer – to infringe urgir – to urge

recoger – to pick up

restringir – to restrain

Two of the above verbs are also stem changing verbs. They are corregir and elegir. These 2 verbs change the e to i in the stem. The conjugations are below.

corregir to correct yo corrijo tú corriges él corrige ella corrige usted corrige nosotros corregimos nosotras corregimos vosotros corregís vosotras corregís ellos corrigen ellas corrigen ustedes corrigen

elegir – to elect yo elijo tú eliges él elige ella elige usted elige nosotros elegimos nosotras elegimos vosotros elegís vosotras elegís ellos eligen ellas eligen ustedes eligen

Please remember that with the exception of corregir and elegir, all of the other verbs presented in this handout are conjugated just like proteger and dirigir.

Free handout – Written by S. Watson.

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts

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Spanish Verbs With Spelling Changes – Verbs Ending In Ger And Gir Match the infinitive to the first person singular form to the verb. 1. acoger 2. afligir 3. coger 4. corregir 5. dirigir 6. elegir 7. emerger 8. encoger 9. escoger 10. exigir 11. fingir 12. infringir 13. proteger 14. recoger 15. restringir 16. resurgir 17. rugir 18. sumergir 19. urgir 20. surgir

_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

yo cojo yo acojo yo elijo yo exijo yo escojo yo sumerjo yo rujo yo dirijo yo protejo yo aflijo yo surjo yo emerjo yo finjo yo encojo yo recojo yo corrijo yo infrinjo yo urjo yo resurjo yo restrinjo

Practice conjugating these 8 verbs.

acoger yo _______________ tú _______________ él _______________ ella______________ usted_____________ nosotros___________ nosotras__________ vosotros__________ vosotras__________ ellos_____________ ellas_____________ ustedes___________

rugir yo _______________ tú _______________ él _______________ ella______________ usted_____________ nosotros___________ nosotras__________ vosotros__________ vosotras__________ ellos_____________ ellas_____________ ustedes___________

afligir yo_______________ tú _______________ él _______________ ella______________ usted_____________ nosotros___________ nosotras__________ vosotros__________ vosotras__________ ellos_____________ ellas_____________ ustedes___________

sumergir yo _______________ tú _______________ él _______________ ella______________ usted_____________ nosotros___________ nosotras__________ vosotros__________ vosotras__________ ellos_____________ ellas_____________ ustedes___________

coger yo _______________ tú _______________ él _______________ ella______________ usted_____________ nosotros___________ nosotras__________ vosotros__________ vosotras__________ ellos_____________ ellas_____________ ustedes___________

surgir yo _______________ tú _______________ él _______________ ella______________ usted_____________ nosotros___________ nosotras__________ vosotros__________ vosotras__________ ellos_____________ ellas_____________ ustedes___________

corregir yo _______________ tú _______________ él _______________ ella______________ usted_____________ nosotros___________ nosotras__________ vosotros__________ vosotras__________ ellos_____________ ellas_____________ ustedes___________

elegir yo _______________ tú _______________ él _______________ ella______________ usted_____________ nosotros___________ nosotras__________ vosotros__________ vosotras__________ ellos_____________ ellas_____________ ustedes___________

Free handout – Written by S. Watson.

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts

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Spanish Verbs With Spelling Changes – Verbs Ending In Ger And Gir Review the vocabulary in the box below. Then, fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.

el avión - plane,

la bolsa - bag,

la compensación - compensation,

encogerse de hombros - to shrug one’s shoulders, hay que –must, los exámenes - exams,

el hotel - hotel,

el profesor - professor,

la tarde - afternoon,


el león - lion,

infringir la ley – to break the law,

la opción - option,

el presidente - president,

ver - to see

Nosotros ____________ (elegir) al presidente.

2. Yo ____________ (exigir) una compensación. 3. El profesor ____________ (corregir) los exámenes. 4.

Ellos ____________ (fingir) no me ver.

5. Vosotros ____________ (coger) el avión a las dos de la tarde. 6. El león ____________ (rugir). 7. Ellas hay que __________ (escoger) una opción. 8. Me (yo) ____________ (encoger) de hombros. 9. Me (usted) ____________ (dirigir) al hotel. 10. Me (tú) ____________ (acoger) con cariño. 11. Usted ____________ (coger) esta bolsa un momento. 12. Ellos ____________ (infringir) la ley.

After you finish the fill in the blank exercise above, go to page 4 and try to solve the double puzzle.

Free handout – Written by S. Watson.

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts

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Spanish Verbs With Spelling Changer – Verbs ending In Ger And Gir

Double Puzzle Unscramble each of the clue words. Take the letters that appear in boxes and unscramble them for the final message. Write the final message in the boxes at the bottom of each puzzle. The scrambled words are in Spanish and the final message is in English. The answers are on page 5.

Don’t forget! Go to page 5 to see the answers to the double puzzle.

Free handout – Written by S. Watson.

English-Spanish Helpful Handouts

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Spanish Verbs With Spelling Changer – Verbs ending In Ger And Gir

Double Puzzle Answers The Scrambled Words yo acojo tú ruges él aflige nosotros sumergimos vosotros cogéis ellos surgen The Final Message Verbs that end in ger and gir change the g to j in the first person singular.

Free handout – Written by S. Watson.

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