14 minute read

August Issue 2019


Challenging the Status Quo


Singbawi Sing

From the Editor

Welcome one, welcome all. Welcome to Southwestern Adventist University where you can stay or soar as you please. SWAU is your home away from home, where you learn together, joke with one another, and lift each other. A place is only a place until people come in and make it a home. Join us and get acquainted with us. You are here for us; we are here for you. You are significant and unique; you are a part of something much larger than yourself.

President Shaw once said that God created the stars, and He created a star in you; I believe that’s true. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:10) Sin, through time, has degraded us and concealed the star that God created us to be. We are the pinnacle of His creation, but Satan has lowered the status quo for us that we may give up hope of ever attaining the heights of excellence that God planned for us.

Come, let’s work together, bring out the star in you that God has created. Shine, shine for the Lord, and see Him work miracles in your life. I challenge you this year; shine like the star God made you to be, Challenge the Status Quo and rise above it, become the man and woman of God that will shake the very foundations of Satan’s kingdom. God will not give you this task if He doesn’t believe you can do this. Just the fact that you’re here speaks volumes. Connect with others, connect with God. Change people’s lives. God believes in you; I believe in you. You got this!

Singbawi Sing Status Editor, SA

Meet Your Student Association

Raul Alvarez

Hello, my name is Raul Alvarez and I am the Student Association President. I am a double major; theology/ business. The things that I enjoy doing are playing the piano, working out, and talking to my family and friends.

Yu Hu

I am Yu Hu, the Executive Vice President and I am from China. I want to have my own business that helps peole to eat healthy and to start my own non-profit organization one day.

Jacob Kendrick

My name is Jacob Kendrick, I am the Financial Vice President, and I love resistance training.

Eliangel Fermin

I am Eliangel Fermin, Ministries Vice President and I enjoy eating bread.

Yuiza Faith

My name is Yuiza Faith. I am the Student Association Secretary and you will most likely find me sleeping in a corner.

Mickynzie Sexson

I am Kynzie Sexson your Social Vice President and I love ice cream.

Josben Rodriguez

Hello, my name is Josben Rodriguez. I’m the Public Relations Director and I love photography and sports.

Ryan Madhiri

I am Ryan Madhiri. The famed MIZPAH Editor! I enjoy LIFE. :)

Singbawi Sing

Hey guys! I’m Sing. I am your Status Editor for the year. Come along and sing with me!

Thomas Abdalla

I am Thomas Abdalla your Parliamentarian and I love people... and oreos :)


And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." Mark 16:15. It is difficult to follow instructions in this New Testament text due to cultural differences, language barriers and a variety of other things. Yet as Southwestern Adventist University Singers, it is our goal to share the message of Christ through our music with all those we encounter around the world.

In the first few weeks of May, our group of 34 traveled to sing throughout Spain and Portugal. As you can already imagine, this was an incredible experience. The countries were beautiful, the people friendly and the concerts inspiring. We sang at several Adventist churches and were welcomed so warmly by the congregations. This year, we also had an opportunity to participate in a choral festival in Aveiro, Portugal.

During the Portugal choral festival we were joined by two other choirs, one from Portugal and the other from France. Together these choirs presented a magnificent concert our first Sunday evening of tour. The cathedral space was amazing and it was thrilling to listen to as well as sing with other choirs. The director of the festival later wrote to thank us for participating,as well as to express her personal compliments, “. . .your performance demonstrated that choral singing is a craft. It showed how magic occurs when highly skilled singers unite and collectively give their very best under excellent leadership. Your attention to every detail, your beautiful phrasing, your excellent diction, your impressive vocal control, your lovely vowels, your stage presence, your sense of performance and commitment to the music, as well as being part of the music as an organic ‘whole” (rather than separate entities accompanying the music) ensured that your performance was definitely the best I have heard during my time here, and I’m not alone in thinking this. . .”

Our musicality is not something that simply came to be. As a choir, we rehearse an hour each day, as well as attend sectional and individual rehearsals. Each choir member dedicates themselves fully to attending rehearsals, memorizing music, participating in performances as well as understanding the music on a personal level. Our director is always encouraging us to express the meaning of the text by relating to it personally. That is where the “magic” comes from; when each person is singing from their heart about the love of our Creator. A Facebook comment on a video of our tour performance of I Believe reads: “My evening yesterday was filled with a marvelous concert where I attended a performance of this sublime piece by the fantastic Southwestern University Singers, conducted by Jonathan E. L. Wall. A rare experience, of profound beauty that was offered to the city of Aveiro (...)”

When not rehearsing or performing, we enveloped ourselves in the culture. From trying new foods to visiting beautiful historic places and attempting to learn a few words of Portuguese and Spanish. New cultural experiences allow us to better understand people from all over the world. For example, in Spain and Portugal giving a kiss on each cheek is a very common greeting equivalent to a handshake. As we stood in the lobby of the church to greet and thank the audience members, dozens upon dozens of grateful church members poured out of the door and showered us with kisses, which surprised many of us! Learning about different customs from around the world is an incredible opportunity. “I never thought I’d have the opportunity to travel abroad, so being here feels like a dream! It’s amazing getting to see how different this part of the world is and everyone is so nice. I’m so thankful to have had an opportunity to travel with friends and do what I love most: sing with my choir family.” - Brianne Teich, freshman Music Major.

The greatest reward from tour occurs at the end of each concert, the moments when we get to interact with the audience. They are always so appreciative and excited to let us know how thankful they are to have heard us. One lady came to me after a concert and said, “Through your music, you have brought me to the foot of the throne of God.” Those are the moments that mean the world to us. It’s the reason we rehearse hours on hours. It’s the reason we wake up before dawn to catch lengthy flights. It’s the reason we sing our hearts out, regardless of sickness. Being able to share the Gospel message through music is powerful and is not meant to be kept to ourselves, it is meant to be shared with the world.

Lindsey Johnson, Junior Music/Premed

Lindsey Johnson


Many of you have heard the expression, Mi CASA es tu CASA”, but how many of you actually know what that means. It means receiving the same level of attention, courtesy and respect you would find in your own home. That is exactly what we at CASA (Center for Academic Success and Advising) will offer you!

We are a student-oriented resource on campus whose main purpose is to service all students with respect attention, and courtesy. We offer academic support in all subject areas, career advising, and collaborate with you as you navigate through career decisions, major course of study and academic demands. We have over twenty qualified peer coaches willing and waiting to service you. As you begin the semester, consider making CASA part of your Academic Experience. CASA is open Monday-Thursday from 6pm to 9pm. We are located in Hagen Hall, room 100. CASA will begin the second week of school

Renata Ocampo, MS ED Academic Administration, Director of Academic Support & Advising


Walking into St. Chappelle on the first day of the trip, I was not in a good mood. Earlier that day I had finished packing up and checking out of my residence hall room, gotten to the airport to board a nine-and-a-half-hour flight across the ocean, and navigated through the hustle and bustle of the Charles de Gaulle airport in France. I was tired, feeling out of place, and honestly ready to just get back on the plane and go home. The first floor of the St. Chappelle was beautiful, I will admit, but because of my mindset, I was wondering if this all was worth it.

It all changed when I went upstairs. Stained glass windows stretched from floor to ceiling, each panel depicting a story from the Bible. Instantly, my mood changed. Because of the breath-taking beauty, I was finally ready to enjoy myself.

Thus, began the two-week Honors Study Tour for the class American Writers in Paris.

Throughout the trip we went to many famous places in Paris such as the Louvre where we saw the Mona Lisa in person. The Eiffel Tower’s view took our breath away, and the Notre Dame where we stood in solemn respect for that important piece of history.

Our professor, Dr. Laue, guided us through several literary walks around Paris. During the semester we had read about Gertrude Stein, Ernest Hemingway, James Joyce, and F. Scott Fitzgerald. Our literary walks took us to Hemingway and Stein’s apartments, the original location of Sylvia Beach’s Shakespeare and Company, and all the cafes and restaurants where the American writers wrote and ate. Having the opportunity to see the places we had been reading about all semester was mind-blowing.

Dr. Laue also took us to some of her favorite eateries around Paris. We had bobun at Un Jour a Hanoi and we had delicious falafel at L’ As du Felafel. Several times I went to the crepe stand in Place St. Michel, where they made huge crepes that I carried around as I explored Paris with my friends. We went to bakeries galore of course. My favorite was Eric Kayser which was right near the Louvre.

We were given a lot of freedom during the trip. When not participating in the planned locations for the day, Paris was ours to explore. I enjoyed finding bookshops all around Paris including Shakespeare and Company and The Abbey Bookshop. Others in the group found things they were interested in all over the city, proving that Paris has a little bit to offer for everyone.

Paris was not our only destination. Our first Sabbath in France we went to Monet’s gardens in Giverny. Spending the Sabbath walking around in God’s beauty was restful and perfect after the constant movement in the city. We also visited Versailles and explored the huge sprawling gardens and mini villages that Marie Antionette built.

Near the end of our trip we said a final goodbye to Paris as we traveled to Bayeux. There we learned about lacemaking and viewed the Bayeux tapestry which is quickly becoming my favorite piece of art. On a more solemn day, we went to Normandy to the American cemetery at Omaha Beach and the museum at Utah Beach. For me, it was a day to realize how great of a sacrifice it took, and still takes, to preserve our freedom.

Without being in the SWAU Honors program, I would not have been able to enjoy this experience the way I did. The study tours offered every year really allow a more hands-on experience for all types of disciplines. I will never forget the things I learned and the things I saw on this trip to Paris.

Jaclyn Myers, Junior English Major

Jaclyn Myers

When everything falls apart,Faith is the glue that'll holdyou together

You Matter

Have you ever wanted a superhero power when you were younger? Maybe you wanted to fly or have the ability to run fast. Well, I wanted the power of invisibility when I was younger. I often thought, “How cool would that be? I would be able to run around, walk around, do whatever I want, and people would not know that I was there. I could go to museums and amusement parks without having to pay a dime. I could have fun all day!”

Once there was a group of friends who decided to play a prank on one of their friends. They told the little girl that they would count to three, and then she would turn invisible; no one would be able to see her. Intrigued a bit, the little girl nodded, and they counted to three. Then she waved and made funny faces at her friends, but they pretended not to notice her. Quite amused actually that no one could see her, she went around to her friends and was enjoying herself till a car drove up to the driveway. Her parents came out, and she went out to say hi. Not knowing that her parents were in on the prank, her parents pretended not to see her. They showed no reaction at all as if she wasn’t even there. Now a slight panic started to weasel its way into her heart till it reached the epitome of despair. At last, she couldn’t handle it any longer and cried out, “Can anybody see me?!?!”

King David, when he was young, was pushed aside to the mountains where he caused no trouble and tended sheep. It was a job only for the incompetent. When prophet Samuel asked his father to gather all his sons, David wasn’t even on the list; his very own father forgot him. No one noticed David, no one could see that he existed; but he served a God who notices. Even David’s father forgot about him, but God never once did. When David’s father forgot he had a son named David, God reminded him and anointed David king. God called David out of the wild and showed his father the star that God created in him.

Even when no one can see you, God has a plan for you. Even when you’re in doubt and saying I can’t, God knows. God sees every tear you cried in the dark. He hears every heartbreak and felt every pain. The God of heaven says, “I see you, I know you, and I want to make you whole.” Sometimes it seems that you don’t matter to anyone, but that’s not true. If all fails, you matter to God. You matter to Him more than His life. Realize your importance, realize your worth, and hold your head high. God sees you. You are His child, and you are not alone.

Singbawi Sing, Communication Major, Status Editor, SA

Singbawi Sing

Join Status Today

Come join the Status Team. We still need photographers, writers, designers, creative minds and people who like to help now and then with handing out magazines and taking surveys. Let your voice be heard and help others do the same. Contact me today and see if it would be something you’d be interested in.

Contact me at: swaustatus@gmail.com

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Status Magazine • swaustatus@gmail.com • www.swaustatus.com • 2019-2020

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