BWD Grad 2015

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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Presenting the

Class of

2015 Keepsake Edition

A Special Supplement to the

• Bangs • Blanket • Brookesmith • Brownwood • Brownwood Accelerated School • Premier High School of Brownwood • Early • May • Victory Life Academy • Zephyr

Congratulations High School Grads

Page 2 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

For Taylor Snow, nothing beats HPU. “ I knew I wanted to attend a quality, Christian university,” says Taylor Snow, a May 2015 HPU graduate with a degree in family studies. “I looked into several, but nothing beat the scholarship I was given to attend HPU.” HPU’s Heart of Texas Scholarship allowed Taylor to attend a nationally recognized university while staying close to home. Now that she’s graduated, she wants to continue spreading the word about the scholarship to students from Brown and surrounding counties. “ I still feel like I went away to college,” says Taylor. “I love HPU, and the scholarship was the main reason I came. And I got it just for living in Brownwood.”

1000 Fisk Street, Brownwood, Texas 76801 325-649-8020 • 800-880-4HPU •

HPU’S HEART OF TExAS ScHOlARSHiP awards $56,000 over four years to eligible applicants from Brown county and other counties in the Heart of Texas area. contact HPU today to learn more!

Mollie AbernAthy

Winter Aich

KAMden bArclAy

of Brown County

Allison brAMblett

chAne burton

Willie cAlvin

eMAlee blAnKenship

MerricK boAse

dylAn bosticK

cAMeron cAstillo

MichAel chAMpion

Bangs Flower & Gift Shop

MAson cArpenter

Bangs ThrifT MarT Picture

Not AvAilAble

richArd chAndler

AlexAndrA clArK

April constAnciA

breAnnA cooper

Trucks, ETc.

lAKyn dent

Love Mom, Michael, Tristen, Adam, Dillon, Granny & Grandmommy

Bangs, TExas

dAvid dill

JordAn coronAdo Go confidently in the direction of your dreams and live the life you’ve imagined. We are proud of you and can’t wait to watch your future unfold.

conGrats! Love Dad & Grandma

christopher dulAney

cheyenne edWArds

shAylA-MArie eoff

BAngs Volunteer Fire DepArtment

American Legion

Bangs Drug Mart

Lynn Snow Post 308

tAylor frAncios

christopher freelAnd

American Legion Lynn Snow Post 308

Page 3 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

2015 Bangs HigH scHool gRaDUaTEs

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Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Bangs HigH scHool gRaDUaTEs

Clay Funderburg

brayden James

danielle gomez

dalton JoHnson

Jake gravell

daniel Hall valedictorian

keegan Hall

Rippetoe Pharmacy

Bangs Medical Clinic

BAngs Volunteer Fire DepArtment

niCk JoHnson

maCkenzie keilers

aliCia lattig

Dr. Hall

HeCtor Hernandez

Hays lawson

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

CHarly lipsey

luis lopez

kimberly lutriCk

SaleS & leaSe

bryan makuta, Jr.

viCtoria maldonado

Jesus martinez

kelCy merritts

Colton miller

Bangs Medical Clinic

Dr. Hall


Not AvAilAble

Colt mCbee Colt “45” You are awesome & we are super proud of you. We love you! Mom, Dad, & Remington

Proverbs 16:3 “Commit to the LORD whatever you do and your plans will succeed.”

Jayme mCginty

Quentin mCkinnerney

Paw Paw’s Auto

Juan meJia


Not AvAilAble

Jonathan Miller

Box-n-mail ExpREss

Jacob Perry

Kyler Mitchell

chasity Morris

Forest Motley

courtney owen

nicholas Perez

Melissa reynolds

taylor reynolds

robert richardson

Justin robinson

Bangs ThrifT MarT

Congratulations! We are all so proud of you and look forward to watching to do great things!

of Brown County

brady reeder

Congratulations Jacob! We are very proud of you!! Love all of your family

rachel rudloFF

Jose sandoval

Kylynn shuMate

From the Wells and Geron families

Karisha stone

talon taylor

rachael willard

Garrett wilson

Mills County State Bank

Trucks, ETc.

Early Banking Center 325-646-0313

david wells finally made it!! We are so proud of you and can’t wait for you to keep us on our toes as you start the next chapter.

Kristen wheat

Bangs, TExas

MiKera walKer

Mom, Shelby, Mimi, PawPaw, Gran, Lynn, Aunt Nona, Aunt Crystal, Colton and Rylie

austin walKer

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Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Bangs HigH scHool gRaDUaTEs

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Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Blanket HigH ScHool gRaDUateS

AlisA Britton

skylAr ChAsteen

kAnyA Johnson

Denise Jones

esperAnzA MAres

MAriA MAres

noe vAlle

roDolfo vAlle

Whistle Stop General Store

AAron MArtinez

ChArles MusiCk

Whistle Stop

Mills County State Bank

General Store


Early Banking Center 325-646-0313

Wesley MusiCk vAleDiCtoriAn

AyshA roDriguez

CMS Health Care, Inc.

Are you looking for a new & satisfying career? AlissA West

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

We’ll help you find the job you’re looking for!

Start your job search at (325)641-8583 or (888)388-3928 1200 Looney Street Brownwood, TX

Nicole Allgood

gArrett crouch

trAvis crouch

Brownwood Muffler & Automotive

giNo vAlAdez

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

mArcus villArreAl

scott WilliAms

cheyeNNe FrAkes vAledictoriAN

Mills County State Bank Early Banking Center 325-646-0313

emilly gomez sAlutAtoriAN

kAcee stepheNs

Oak Ridge Manor

dAriA WillsoN

Oak Ridge Manor

Never miss what’s going on in your hometown! Online on your smartphone or tablet, desktop or laptop, get your local news and information where, when and how you want it.

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2015 brookesmith high school grADUAtes

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Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Brownwood HigH ScHool grAdUATES

Gabriel adamez

ebonie adams Central texas armory

caitlin barnum

Katherine bautista

Freddy aGuirre

Wishes you all the best in your future.

delaney bennett

anGelie alicea-laureano

Jayson allGood

Kutter allGood

marissa blincoe

Victoria bossier

Brindley Bookkeeping

colt bertrand

Runaway Train Cafe

destiny bowen

Journey buitron

mason cabaniss

Pedro de barros

Oak Ridge Manor

autumn cadena

eVan cain

addie castillo

Juan castillo Jr.

CMS Health Care, Inc.

Jacob cardenas

taran cardenas

trenten carlton

carlton automotive

austin carroll

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

AlexA CerverA “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” - Phil 4:13 We Love You, Alexa! Natalie & Tiffany

AmAndA Collins What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us! Congratulations! Isabela & Brittany

luis ConstAnCiA

miCAh Cortez

Kolton Cotton


robert diCK

Davis-Morris Funeral HoMe


Flor dominguez sAnChez

hunter doud

brooKe ellis

Kimberly ervin

Ashton estes

KristA FrAguA

diAnA FrenCh

JAred Fulton

JAzmin gAmez

brAndon gArCiA

giovAnni gArCiA

Jesse gArCiA

JordAn gongorA

Alexis gonzAlez

ChAnCe goodgion

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

oliviA gArCiA Remember who you are, where you came from, and whom you represent. Trust in that and you will never falter. We’re so proud of you! Love - Mom & Alex

Ashleigh geis

Justin gomez

Lucero Masonry

Mills County State Bank Brownwood Branch 325-646-1798

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2015 Brownwood HigH ScHool grAdUATES

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Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Brownwood HigH ScHool grAdUATES

Nicole Gravitt

JordaN GriffiN

MarGarita Gurrola-SaNchez

Michael heMM

loreNa herNaNdez

Maricella herNaNdez

Longhorn Auto Sales

Patricia herNaNdez

valeria herNaNdez

eli heywood

oPhelia hickerSoN

JeNNifer hiNoJoSa

SherlyN hoGue

RobeRts & Petty, Inc.

heather hollaNd

abiGail hubbard

huNter hull

Matthew hull

NaShota iSbell

tyler JackSoN

hailey JoNeS

thoMaS kerby

trevor kiNG

NathaN lacy

elizabeth laNGley

SaleS & leaSe

uNique JefferSoN

Ray LaRa

KeLsey Leon

aRLiss Lewis

Lexie Lewis

Ryan Lewis

Joshua LittLe

Oak Ridge Manor

MichaeL Livingston

LoRena Lopez

sean LudLow

Jessica Lynch

Juan MaLdonado

JennifeR MaRtinez

nataLie MaRtinez

Rosa MaRtinez

caRson McanaLLy

Josie MccLung

JaMes MccuLLough

shannon McneiLL

destiny MoRaLes

Mia MoReno

Oak Ridge Manor

Matthew MeRKet

Dr’s Kent Comolli & J. Randall Ethridge, O.D.

Jason MiLLeR

John MontgoMeRy

aveRy MoRRis Congratulations Avery! We know you will do great in college and in life. Love - Scot, Amy, Jakob & Luke

Page 11 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Brownwood HigH ScHool grAdUATES

Page 12 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 Brownwood HigH ScHool grAdUATES

Emma mullins

EdEn muniz

JosEph myErs

daisy nava

madElinE oinEs

amanda ontivEros

abraham oviEdo

JoEl padilla

siErra pEarcy

Jaron pEllham

samantha pEña

EliJah pErEa

Congratulations Joel! We love You!

Mo 3 ve - rite transport

Justin pricE

laikEn rainEy

dEEnna ramirEz

- Your family -

Erika pErEz

darian philbrick

bEthany pittman


Paw PawÕ s Auto

christophEr ramplEy

kimbErlEE randlE The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams, dream big! Love, Mom & Dad

dakota ribblE

First Aide Agency

cody richardson

not an ending but a beginning. Keep moving forward! and call aunt Michelle if you need money! Love, Mom & Dad

GabriEla rincon

C.T. Ham Insurance Agency

danna robErtson

Coraima rodriguez

miChael rodriguez

Cruz SalaS

Benito Salazar iV

PaBlo Salazar

iSreal SamuelS

iSaaC SanChez

margarita SanChez

VeroniCa SanChez

ViCtoria SanChez

Colten Sawyer

Longhorn Auto Sales

alexiS SanChez


to the graduating class of 2015! naomi SCott

CaSey Shannon

daniel SharP Jr.

Jonathan Sheffield

hunter ShieldS

ShelBy ShieldS

allie Standridge

Jeane’ Standridge

mikah Stone

Section Hand Restaurant

dalton SimmonS

merCedeS Sliger

roger Soto

Brownwood | 1221 Austin Ave. |325-646-6500 Peters Insurance Early | 305 Early Blvd. |325-643-2748 Agency

Senior Citizen Specialist

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2015 Brownwood HigH ScHool grAdUATES

Page 14 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

2015 Brownwood HigH ScHool grAdUATES Restaurant

onathan Sodriguez heffield JJConathan S heffield oraima r

h unterrS Sodriguez hieldS unter hieldS mh iChael

ShelBy helBy SShieldS hieldS S Cruz S alaS

Longhorn Auto Sales

aa llie Standridge tandridge a llie S lexiS SanChez

eane Standridge tandridge JJeane ’’ S iSaaC SanChez

alton SimmonS Bd enito Salazar iV Brownwood BrownwoodBulletin Bulletin/ /Graduation Graduation/ /Sunday, Sunday,May May24, 24,2015 2015

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

r.. r

Section Hand

mikah ikah S Stone tone m margarita SanChez

Peters Insurance Insurance Peters Agency Agency

mPerCedeS Sliger aBlo Salazar

roger Soto iSreal SamuelS

2015 Brownwood HigH

SSierra toutt ierra S SS toutt VSeroniCa anChez ierra Stoutt

rady aylor Brady rady t aylor VBB iCtoria anChez ttS aylor valedictorian valedictorian

randall t andall thompSon hompSon Coltent ShompSon awyer rrandall

phillip rowBridge hillip t rowBridge hunter ShieldS pp“In hillip ttrowBridge life you make the small

m k enzie ucker mSccchelBy kenzie enzie t ucker ShieldS m k ttucker

~ Omid Kordestani ~ Omid Kordestani

Love Love Mom, Mom, Dad, Dad, Caitlin Caitlin & & Jackson Jackson Love Mom, Dad, Caitlin & Jackson

k iana aSSon kiana iana w waSSon aSSon k w Jeane ’ Standridge

Bailey ailey w watkinS atkinS BBailey mikahwSatkinS tone


igH gH ScHool grAdUATES

Son on

er er

& & h! h!

ackson ckson

Senior Citizen Citizen Specialist Specialist Senior

on toBiaS nJJaomi SCott on toBiaS

hay tompkinS C aSeytSompkinS hannon SShay

caniel inthia torreS d SharP Jr. c inthia torreS

Section Hand Hand Section Restaurant

Section Hand

kortney ortney vela ela mkerCedeS Svliger

angelica ngelica villarreal a villarreal roger Soto


paxton axton vaughn p vimmonS aughn d alton S

JJordan ordan t tSrammell rammell JJonathan heffield ordan trammell


“In life you make the small “In life you make the small decisions decisions with with your your head head & & the the decisions with your head & the” big big decisions decisions with with your your heart. heart.” big decisions with your heart.” ~ Omid Kordestani Love Love Mom Mom & & Dad Dad Love Mom & Dad

k ayli addle kayli ayli w waddle addle w ak llie Standridge Mills Mills County County State State Bank Bank MillsBrownwood County State Bank Brownwood Branch Branch Brownwood Branch 325-646-1798 325-646-1798 325-646-1798

You You make make us us proud proud & & You make us proud & we we love love you you very very much! much! we love you very much!

Peters Insurance Agency Senior Citizen Specialist

Brownwood Branch 325-646-1798

2015 Brownwood HigH ScHool grAdUATES

Caven oraima r odriguez JoShua miChaelilBourn rodriguez r aven weSt eSt oShua wilBourn

CruzilkerSon SalaS hayden ayden wilkerSon

Baylie enito Salazar iV h wilkerSon

Pevon aBlo Salazar d williamS


iSreal ShelBiSamuelS winStead Mills County State Bank

Auto Sales

Brownwood Branch 325-646-1798

Brownwood High School Graduates Not Pictured Are:

alexiS SanChez

kalin alin young oung

iSaaC SanChez

Brian rian zamora amora

margarita SanChez

daniel aniel zilinSki ilinSki

Tristen Allred Joshua McBride Shaun Day Edgar Muñoz Brianna Espinoza Kristian Nieto Cody Gonzales McKinze Smith Lohse ViCtoria SanChez Christopher Summers VeroniCaASlexis anChez Colten Sawyer Reid Longabaugh Hugo Yebra CONGRATULATIONS ALL GRADS ON YOUR ACHIEVEMENT!

Southwest Appliance & Furniture

2015 Brownwood AccelerAted HigH ScHool grAdUAteS

naomi SCott

CaSey Shannon

daniel SharP Jr.

Jonathan Sheffield

hunter ShieldS

ShelBy ShieldS

Section Hand Brandon allgood

lakisha anthony


Zakary Blake

gaBrielle Bocknite

merCedeS Sliger

roger Soto

angelica chavarria


Songbird Lodge

Love Mom, Tom, Wyatt, Madison, Aubrey, Papa, Grandma, Dad, Cara, Kolbin & Dominic


dalton SimmonS

teara Burleson

allie Standridge

Jeane’ Standridge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

mikah Stone

Peters Insurance Agency Senior Citizen Specialist

cheyenne dees

susanna garcia

gavin gill

pecan Valley electric co.

shyann henshaw

Mayra hernandeZ

Pedro hernandeZ

Page 15 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015


Page 16 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

pecan Valley electric co.

2015 Brownwood AccelerAted HigH ScHool grAdUAteS

sarah hernandeZ

Brandon allgood

gerardo iBarra

Marshall Jefferson

lakisha anthony

Zakary Blake

Melisa Jones

gaBrielle Bocknite

CMS Health Care, Inc.

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

Mason Prosise

cheyenne dees

susanna garcia CMS Health Care, Inc.

ryan layton

angelica chavarria

Section Hand


Songbird Lodge

Love Mom, Tom, Wyatt, Madison, Restaurant Aubrey, Papa, Grandma, Dad, Cara, Kolbin & Dominic


John MoBley

kaitlan kiMe

teara Burleson

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

aMador Puentes

Phliscity russell

rudy sarate ii

courtnie sherwood

gavin gill

shyann henshaw

Mayra hernandeZ

Pedro hernandeZ

2015 Brownwood AccelerAted HigH ScHool grAdUAteS pecan Valley electric co.

Sean Smith

Bradley SowardS

Kia Spruill

Zachary thompSon

Samantha torreS

JacoB watt

sarah hernandeZ

gerardo iBarra

Marshall Jefferson

Melisa Jones

kaitlan kiMe

ryan layton

CMS Health Care, Inc.

Section Hand Restaurant

Brownwood accelerated GraduateS not pictured are: Katelyn mathewS and

aShley reed camon worSham

John MoBley

conGratulationS all GradS on your achieVement!

Mason Prosise

aMador Puentes

Phliscity russell

rudy sarate ii

courtnie sherwood

Nicolas alcorta

clarissa arreola

Mills County State Bank Brownwood Branch 325-646-1798

DaltoN ashworth

aNseN Bailey

Taylor’s Mini Mall

Brownwood Nursing & Rehab At Brownwood Nursing & Rehab, We offer: • Transitional Care • Long Term Care • Respite care • 24 hour Skilled Nursing Services • Wound Care 101 Miller Drive Brownwood, TX 76801


ethaN BeaNe

laNDoN Beck

We’re proud of you!

Mom (Bolton), Mema Henderson, Meme Harms & Henderson, Lowe & Lee Families

Christy Denton, LNSF Administrator

We are always available 24/7 to assist you!

GraDy BeNtoN

aBraham cooper valeDictoriaN

Zachary BesseNt

samuel cox

katheriN BrowN

trevor De la rosa

colt callaway

tracey carrier

Mills County State Bank Early Banking Center 325-646-0313


tomera Dickey

richarD Diehl

Heard BrotHers automotive

samuel eDwarDs

GraysoN eBarB salutatoriaN

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

emily ehlers

leoNel espiNosa

We’re proud of you and love you so much!

Mills County State Bank

Dad, Mom, Griffin & Kodi

alice carter

Brownwood Branch 325-646-1798

Jeremy eure

huNter FerGusoN

summer Flake

Smith Roofing Company, Inc.

Abe Giles Motor Co.

Page 17 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

2015 early HigH ScHool graDUaTeS

Page 18 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 early HigH ScHool graDUaTeS

samantHa Garrett

James Holland

Jacey Guest

audrey Horton

colten Guidry

Jourdan Harper

Mills County State Bank Brownwood Branch 325-646-1798

Davis-Morris Funeral HoMe

cHristopHer JoHnston

cody Jones

amanda Harris

Justin Hicks

kristy Joyner

Joel Justice

Dr’s Kent Comolli & J. Randall Ethridge, O.D.

HannaH Justice

samuel kinnin

Justice laird

melodie landa

mandy lanGe

connor marsH

Mo 3 ve - rite transport

cambri mcclunG

JoHn mcdaniel

Haley mcdonald

Southwest Appliance & Furniture

kaitlynn mitcHell

alicia narvaez

crystal ocHoa

JessiCA odoM

RobeRt oRR

CMS Health Care, Inc.

RobeRts & Petty, Inc.

devin sAtteRfield

MeAgAn sessleR

Ashley Poole

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

RAyMond silvA iii

dillon WAlteRs

Abe Giles Motor Co.

bReAnnA ZeigleR

geRRit ZondAg

Chloe RutheRfoRd

Austin siMPson

SaleS & leaSe

sydney singleton

Peige sMith

ChRistoPheR Whited

Alyson Wiggins

CMS Health Care, Inc.

Early Banking Center 325-646-0313

JosePh tongAte

Andee Jo Rose

Songbird Lodge

Mills County State Bank

AnessA sPARks

tRistAn RenfRoe

RiCky WAtson

Oak Ridge Manor

Page 19 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

2015 early HigH ScHool graDUaTeS

Page 20 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 may HigH ScHool gRaDUaTES

AmAndA ChAmbers

GAGe FreelAnd

Congratulations! We Are Proud of You! Dad, Mom & Austin

hunter kilGo

mAtthew kunkel

CAleb hArdy

Cobey hArris

May God guide & protect you on every step of your path. We love you & are so proud of you! Mom & Dad

Congratulations! We Are Proud of You!

JenniFer mAldonAdo

ZAChAry mCAbee


Amber holster

shylee Jenkins

Wash Brite Laundry

Harris Dairies


thomAs newmAn

mAtthew rAdle

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

ryAn riGGs

AAron sAdler

isAAC williAms

Good luck in whatever . e k a t u o y h pat

Congratulations to all local 2015 Graduates!

Devin BrumBelow

Drew Buchkowski

kelsey elliott

taylor Johnson

chasey kellar valeDictorian

RobeRts & Petty, Inc.

elizaBeth lamB

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center


Not AvAilAble

alicia manning

shyann morelan

CMS Health Care, Inc.

kaitlyn munguia

Paw Paw’s Auto

Jeannie reynolDs

lacey scantling


Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May XX, 2015

2015 Victory Life AcAdemy GrAdUAteS

Sam Haley

Sem oScar JoSePH

Patricia KemP

lyn norway

torrie Patton valedictorian

deStiny Salazar

candyce ScHwing

reba SHaffer

Santa Anna Police Department

Kaleb taylor

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

miranda robleS

Potters Industries

Oak Ridge Manor

Julianne tHomaS

martin venegaS


Heating & Cooling

Page 21 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

2015 premier HigH ScHool grADUATeS

Page 22 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

Brownwood Bulletin / Graduation / Sunday, May 24, 2015

2015 zephyr high School grADUATeS

Jacob allgood valedictorian

angel baker

timothy choat

christopher dixon

CMS Health Care, Inc.

seth Jesko

kade miller

Mills County State Bank

Mike MillerÕ s Auto


Early Banking Center 325-646-0313

bryan staggs

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

2015 University of north texas gradUate JAcKie heNdersoN We’re proud of you! Dad, Grandy & Mema and Bolton, Lowe & Lee Families

chandler nelson

James newton

SAleS & leASe

C.T. Ham Insurance Agency

christopher green

Songbird Lodge

Nursing & Rehabilitation Center

trevor pafford Diamond

R Store & Cafe

adriana hernandez

Frontier Body & Paint

Jaci rockafellow

Page 23 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015







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Page 24 / Graduation 2015 / May 24, 2015

2015 Chevy Sonic LS


2015 Chevy Cruze LS


2015 Chevy Equinox LS



Every new car purchase includes the Bruner Advantage A Lifetime Powertrain Warranty, and so much more! (800) 568-2277 Brownwood/Early Across from Heartland Mall *Bruner Advantage not available for commercial purchases. All prices plus tax, title, license and dealer fees. Subject to prior sale. Stock#153005 MSRP $16,775 less $2,516 Rebate, and $264 Bruner Discount. Equinox Lease: $293 per month for 39 months WAC w/$293.96 due at lease signing. 10k per year lease. Cruz Lease: $282 per month for 39 months WAC w/$282.08 due at lease signing. 10k per year lease. Expires 6/2/15.

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