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YourHome DECEMBER 2015 / JanuaRY 2016

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SPORTSMAN PARADISE Amazing hunting property with 196 plus acres. Heavy brush cover, creeks, and two hunting cabins. LEARN MORE, PAGE 16 flickr commons

INSIDE THIS MONTH’S EDITION: n Open Up! Make rooms feel larger, 6 n Splash! Show off personal style, 7

Wood iS Good

n Easy does it! Say goodbye to tools, 10

As a popular flooring choice, wood stands test of time throughout home mainstays

By melissaCerickson HECK

O U T L I S T I“As N Gpresident S & I NofFthe O RNational M AT I O NtheFearmark R O M TofHa Eclassic,” S E Gsaid R E AT A“We D V are E R seeing T I S E hardwoods RS: Kitchen and Bath AssociaNeil Kelly design consultant on the ceilings, walls, floors M C C L U S K E Y & A S S O Ction, I ATI’m E S able , T EtoXtravel A S BtoAour N K , T EKathleen X A S RDonohue, E A LT Y, who M I has LLS CO UN T Y S TAT E B A Nin K, and everywhere in between the homes T E XfAyou’ve S G Odecided L D S TA R R72Echapters A L E S across TAT Ethe , TUnited O O T I E Kdesigned E L LY projects R E A L all E Sover TAT E, AC M E today,” B R I C Donohue K & T I Lsaid. E

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Heartland Your Home

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Table of ConTenTs REAL ESTATE McCluskey & Associates Texas Realty Texas Goldstar Real Estate Tootie Kelly Real Estate

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LENDING INSTITUTIONS Mills County State Bank TexasBank

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11 A publication of the

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NOTICE All Rental and Real Estate Ads are subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, or family status or national origin.

4 benefits to being an off-season homebuyer Winter months typically bring a lull in real estate sales, but this can be an ideal time for homebuyers. In fact, there are several reasons to keep up your house hunt at yearÕ s end. Less competition. Even hot markets see a decline in buyers during the winter. This can mean fewer multiple-offer situations and more time to present your strongest offer. Motivated sellers. Sellers who list during winter months are often highly driven to sell. And fewer buyers means fewer offers, so sellers may be willing to make extra concessions to close the deal. Potentially faster closings. Mortgage brokers, inspectors, and other professionals involved in the deal

may help you get to the closing table sooner since theyÕ ll be dealing with fewer transactions this time of year. A chance to see how the home performs. Systems such as the heater, insulation, and plumbing are put to the test when the temperature drops, and youÕ ll be able to witness how they handle winter stress. If youÕ re thinking about starting or continuing your house hunt during the winter, ask your Texas REALTOR® about the benefits of purchasing a home at the end of the year, including tax write-offs for homeowners. You may decide itÕ s worth donning those mittens after all. - See more at advice for consumers at

Brownwood BULLETI BULLETIn Your Community u Your Story u Delivered Your Way

Serving the Heart of Texas Since 1886

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Heartland Your Home



Heartland Your Home

Sunday, December 20, 2015

(Safe, Healthy) Laura Firszt More Content now Christmas is known as a time of peace and joy. Unfortunately, itÕ s also a time when the rate of tragic accidents -- especially fires -- skyrockets. Keep your Christmas merry and memorable ... in a good way by following our holiday safety tips.

Fire-saFe Lighting

HereÕ s to a sparkling Christmas, aglow with fire-safe lighting! Decorate only with lights certified by a safety testing laboratory. Check light strings and discard any that are frayed or damaged. Electricians recommend LED holiday lights as safer and more

energy-efficient. Keep candles away from your Christmas tree and giftwrap, as well as out of reach of small children or pets. Replace conventional wax candles with batteryoperated versions whenever feasible. Extinguish all decorative lighting, electric or otherwise, before leaving your home or going to bed.

More Fire saFety tips

A well-hydrated Christmas tree is less flammable. The ideal is to have one cut for you at a local farm. If you buy a precut tree from a lot or nursery, try to do so by daylight so you can look for a fresh appearance, with green, perky needles. Saw another inch off the bottom

It is Really Coming Down Out There!


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when you get home to allow water absorption, and plunk the tree into a gallon or more of H2O immediately (a bucket will do if the stand isnÕ t ready yet). Replenish the water daily, and dismantle the tree after three weeks. Alternatively, buy a living tree or an artificial one which is rated fire resistant. Never burn wrapping paper. It can cause a flash fire. What’s more, inhaling the burning pigments irritates your lungs. Most important of all, have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors installed on every floor of your home. Test regularly and replace batteries as needed.

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An emergency evacuation plan is an excellent idea any time of year and especially during the hustle-bustle of the holidays. Practice calmly with your entire household on a regular basis, so that everyone knows how to identify an emergency, how to get out of the home fast, where to rendezvous with other family members, and whom to call for help. At Christmas, make sure that the tree, decorations, and gifts are not blocking an exit.

speCiaLLy For ChiLdren

We know youÕ re even busier than usual. Christmas is a time for multitasking; decorating, wrapping, preparing meals, and entertaining. But pay attention to what your kids are up to in the midst of all the festivities. Nuts, raw vegetables chunks, and similar hard foods shouldnÕ t be left within reach of young children, as they

may be a choking hazard for ages 5 and under. Avoid introducing unfamiliar foods to babies or toddlers; you donÕ t want to add a rush trip to the hospital to deal with an allergic reaction to your to-do list. Choose gifts for children that are flashy and fun, yet age-appropriate. Avoid toys with cords or small parts. Watch out for sharp edges, splinters, and toxic finishes. Anything with electrical components should be labeled UnderwritersÕ Laboratory approved. Ride-on toys such as scooters are a great way to exercise young muscles. They are also a major source of injuries. Why not accompany them with the gift of a helmet? If you are planning to get your children a kitten or puppy, substitute a pet toy or gift certificate for the actual animal under the tree. Christmas Day can be noisy, busy, and overwhelming for small kids and small animals, leading to bites or scratches. Later during the vacation, take your offspring to your local shelter to pick out their future pet.


Keep that cup of holiday cheer cheerful. Don’t drink and drive. (Don’t drink and cook, hang holiday lights, or do anything potentially dangerous, for that matter.) Whenever you attend a celebration where alcohol will be served, appoint a designated driver. When itÕ s your turn at bat, watch out for the other guy on the road, who may be under the influence. And remember this advice from my brother the emergency medic, Ò More important than going to the gym, taking vitamins or following the latest diet craze, the best health advice is this -just buckle up your seatbelt. Please!” Ñ More Content Now

Sunday, December 20, 2015

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By Melissa Erickson

Heartland Your Home


remodeled home is a healthy home. That’s the main takeaway from the first Healthy Home Trends study of users in the United States. Another key finding: Homeowners are concerned about the health of their homes; they just aren’t too sure about what exactly a “healthy” home means: While 60 percent of homeowners rate their homes as “healthy,” more than one in four are uncertain of major health hazards both indoors and outside of their homes, according to the study. The home design website also found that the majority of homes lack health-promoting and safety systems, including basic devices like carbon monoxide detectors. Homeowners recognize the need to address these gaps, and nearly 50 percent say preventing health problems and maintaining a healthy lifestyle are motivating factors for home renovation.

Top concerns Homeowners who rated their homes as “healthy” tend to have newer homes and report better natural and artificial lighting, as well as lower levels of noise, allergens and mold, and fewer encounters with pests than homeowners who rated their homes as “unhealthy.” On average, however, more than one in four homeowners say they are uncertain about many risk factors inside their home, including contaminants in drinking water, formaldehyde, lead and exhaust from gas-burning appliances or furnaces. A fifth (21 percent) of







owners of “healthy” homes and more than a third (34 percent) of owners of “non-healthy” homes said they weren’t sure about the presence of asbestos in their homes. One in five homeowners perceives their home as having a negative impact on health, with baby boomers and Gen Xers being the most critical of their homes’ environment. “The data reveals that there is a large gap between how healthy

homeowners perceive their homes to be and their awareness of real health hazards in their homes,” said Nino Sitchinava, principal economist at Houzz. Inside the home, homeowners were most concerned about moisture, indoor air quality and germs, the study found. Outside the home, homeowners’ concerns were toxins in the soil, air pollution and allergens.

SIMPLE CHANGES FOR A HEALTHY HOME: n Install a carbon monoxide detector near each sleeping area of your home. n Invest in dehumidifiers and air purifiers for bedrooms and living areas. Houseplants can also improve indoor air quality. n Consult local professionals to test your home for lead, asbestos, water impurities and other risk factors that concern you or that are unknown.

Upgrade for health The study also examined the presence of health-promoting systems such as ventilation and humidifiers. Whole-house ventilation systems and even inexpensive stand-alone fans are absent from over half of “healthy” homes and over twothirds of “non-healthy” homes. Only half of homes have dehumidification systems or devices, and less than a third have air purification systems or devices. Nearly a third of all homes lack windows or skylights in every room. Despite the lack of healthpromoting systems in all homes, homeowners who rated their homes as healthy were more likely to have made upgrades in the past 12 months, with interior painting (41 percent), lighting (28 percent), flooring (27 percent), windows (21 percent) and insulation (20 percent) topping the list of improvements. One in five owners of “healthy” homes also upgraded their heating, ventilation and air conditioning system in the past 12 months. Those who rated their homes as less healthy are more likely to renovate these systems in the next 12 months. “There’s an emerging recognition among consumers that homes can have a significant impact on their health but less awareness of the systems and products they can put in place to create a healthy home,” said Tom Kelly, owner, Neil Kelly Co. in Portland, Oregon, and Seattle. “Remodelers have a critical role to play in helping people to make changes — large and small — to improve their home environments. We believe that the healthy home is the next frontier in home renovation.”


Heartland Your Home

Sunday, December 20, 2015




By Diana Mackey American Profile

re you feeling a bit confined by your less-than-spacious accommodations? Learn how to get the most of every square inch from’s community of design experts.


In living areas A favorite room-enlarging trick among interior designers is to hang the curtains up high and let them flow all the way to the floor. The room will seem taller and more spacious. Mirrors are also a tried-and-true method for making rooms feel larger. And finally, free up existing floor space by using multi-use furniture, like bench seating that doubles as storage.

Make a small home feel much larger

space. Switch some cabinets to open shelving, and install glass cabinet doors. Overall, the color white will make any room seem more spacious and airy. Max out your kitchen’s storage abilities — clear counters and tables to instantly make a room feel more spacious. And lastly, increase the amount of natural light coming in.

more space. Design experts also often advise their clients to tuck and store away as much as possible. Use vertical storage like shelves, particularly in your closet. The visual tricks from elsewhere in the house can work here as well — clear, glass furniture; light colors; and mirrors. Metallic accent furniture will have a similar effect to a mirror.

In the bedroom

In the bathroom

To create the illusion of more space in the bedroom, make sure your furniture is all of a similar color palette. This secret trick is so effective because mismatching furniture visually breaks up the room and gives an overall disjointed In the kitchen impression. Place a few brightly colored accent items decidedly apart, so the eye must travel to There are quite a few visual tricks that can be applied in the kitchen to create an illusion of more each one. This will trick your brain into seeing

Many professional redecorators say the trick to creating more space in a small room like a bathroom is to use glass or lucite as much as possible to create the optical illusion of more space. Switching out storage baskets and shelves for clear glass ones is an easy and effective change. Opt for a non-bulky sink or vanity, it will appear to take up less space.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Heartland Your Home



a g n i mak



h s a l sp

By Melissa Erickson More Content Now


itchens are a major focal point in modern home design, and backsplashes are an obvious and often affordable way for homeowners to show off their personal style therein. “The trend in kitchen design is exposing more wall with more open shelving and fewer wall cabinets. That allows backsplashes to play a major role in the kitchen,” said Jason Landau, owner and designer of Amazing Spaces of Briarcliff Manor, New York. Kitchens are increasingly “on display,” and homeowners are putting more thought into their design now, Landau said. If you’ve got money to spend, a kitchen backsplash can be more than just an artistic accent, with glass and metal tile options that can cost upwards of $100 a foot. The average cost of a kitchen backsplash falls around $10 a foot, Landau said. With a purpose of protecting walls from messy splashes and cooking grime, backsplashes can be a kitchen’s focal point, bringing together the room’s larger elements.

Porcelain Versatile and affordable, porcelain has long been an excellent choice in backsplashes. What’s new is designers are now using large porcelain slabs — 4 by 8 feet or larger — as faux natural stone backsplashes. The porcelain is printed to look like more expensive (and heavier) Carrara marble or granite. “It’s got the look, but it costs less, there’s less weight and it’s more durable,” Landau said.


Glass For a fresh look in the kitchen, tile is still very strong, but there’s been a little pull back on glass tile, Landau said. For some, though, the easy-to-clean aspect of glass tile is a big draw. Simply spray on a mild cleanser and wipe clean. While glass provides unlimited color choices and can be sleek and modern, playful or classy, the upscale market is moving away from glass. What drives the market is first the higher end embraces a look, then it hits the middle and when it’s available at the big box hardware stores and

“The trend in kitchen design is exposing more wall with more open shelving and fewer wall cabinets. That allows backsplashes to play a major role in the kitchen.” — Jason Landau

everyone can have it, “we start seeing new trends,” Landau said.

Patterns Technology is also playing a role in backsplash trends, with manufacturers cutting tile with water jets instead of saws, allowing for more sophisticated, intricate patterns, Landau said.

Stone and ceramic • Love it or hate it, simple subway tile is classic and understated, and still very popular. • Printed stone tiles in elegant, repetitive patterns are also trending for spring 2015, with patterns showing the influences of art deco, art nouveau, or Middle Eastern or Turkish mosaics. Geometric designs are not as hot right now. • Textured ceramics (rather than smooth) with three-dimensional patterns and arabesque shapes add visual interest and depth to a kitchen backsplash, Landau said. The design can be as calm and relaxed or eye-popping and strong as desired.

Mixed media For a more custom look, designers are blending random sizes and shapes and mixing elements such as glass, stone and metal. Size matters, and the options range from dramatic oversized tiles to cute-as-a-button tiny ones. Larger tiles that appear to be a collection of smaller tiles are also gaining popularity because less grouting means it’s easier to clean, Landau said.



Heartland Your Home

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Heartland Your Home


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Heartland Your Home

Sunday, December 20, 2015



does it

Say goodbye to outdated tools, here are some that can ease gardening pains

here’s no doubt that gardening can be tough on an aging body. Garden work often requires a lot of repetitive stooping, squatting, kneeling, gripping and lifting, which can lead to back and knee pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and various other injuries. To help make chores a little easier is a slew of gardening gear that’s lightweight, comfortable to use, and ergonomically designed to help protect bodies from the physical strains of gardening. Here are several that can help.


Gloves: There are a number of specially designed gloves that can improve grip and protect hands. Two of the best are the Atlas Nitrile Touch Garden Gloves (available at for under $6), which are coated with a flexible synthetic rubber. And the ReliefGrip Gardening gloves (, $35), that have extra padding in the palm and finger joints that can improve grip, and cause fewer calluses and blisters. Digging tools: Some good options include Radius Garden tools (radiusgarden. com), which make a variety of curved-handle hand tools (scooper, weeder, transplanter, cultivator and trowel) and shovels that run between $10 and $50. And Corona tools (, which makes the ComfortGEL and eGrip hand garden tools. Another excellent product is the Cobrahead Weeder and Cultivator (, an all-purpose digging and weeding tool that’s available in a short handle version for close-up work for $25; and a long handle for standing work for $60. Knee and back aids: Kneepads and garden seats can also protect knees and save backs when working close to the ground. Some popular products sold through the Gardener’s Supply Company ( – a leading developer and manufacturer of innovative garden equipment – are the GardenEase Kneeler ($70), which is a kneeling pad with support handles; the Garden Kneeler ($35) that’s a kneepad/garden bench combo; and the Deluxe Tractor Scoot with Bucket Basket, which is a height-adjustable, swivel garden seat on wheels ($90).


Pruning tools: Fiskars ( makes some of the finest ergonomic pruning tools that have also earned the Arthritis Foundation’s Ease of Use Commendation, because of their patented PowerGear mechanisms that increases leverage to make cutting three times easier than traditional pruners. The Fiskars PowerGear Hand Pruners, Loppers and Hedge Shears all run between $25 and $48. Bahco and Corona also make a nice line of ergonomic pruning tools and handsaws that you can see at or coronatoolsusa. com. Watering: To help make watering chores a little easier, there are lightweight garden hoses, soaker or drip hoses that can be snaked throughout the garden, and hose chests that can automatically rewind themselves. Some good companies that make these products include Water Right Inc. (, which makes a variety of super lightweight garden and coil hoses. The DIG Corp. ( makes convenient drip irrigation kits and micro sprinkler kits. And Suncast ( is the leading maker of self-winding hose reels and hose carts. Container gardening: Raised garden beds, trellises and container gardening are easier ways to grow plants and flowers because it brings the garden to you, eliminating most stooping, squatting and kneeling. The Gardener’s Supply Company ( offers a wide range of raised beds and garden containers at prices ranging anywhere between $10 up to $350. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior. org.

11 repair

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Heartland Your Home

Troubleshooting garage door problems

Contact Us Phone: XXX.XXX.XXXX

correctly programmed. Still not working? You might need to purchase a new remote; make sure that it is compatible with your opener, or select a universal model.

By Laura Firszt



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Having trouble with your garage door opener? Now’s the time to take care of any problems. Chances are good that come winter, you do not want to arrive home from work on a cold, dark evening and be stuck outside. Even in a mild climate, garage doors that can’t be closed securely will provide would-be intruders with easy access to your home. Troubleshoot the potential malfunction sources to figure out whether you can fix the opener yourself or you need a professional. Here is a guide to common garage door problems.



remote doesn’t work. TROUBLESHOOT: If the door opens and closes fine when you use the wall switch, there’s a problem with the remote control. Make sure you are holding the remote within range of the garage door opener and that the motor unit’s antenna is hanging down. Replace the batteries in the device if necessary and check that it has been


remote works, but the door still does not move. TROUBLESHOOT: When the garage door opener does not work with either the remote or the wall switch, look at the lights. If they’re not on, the unit is not receiving power. Verify that the motor unit is connected. See whether the outlet is working and check the circuit breaker, fuse or ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) to determine whether you

have an electrical problem on your hands. After you’ve checked out the electricity, investigate the emergency release chain. Pull the chain to disengage the carriage and allow the garage door to function independently of the opener. Then attempt to open the door manually.


door doesn’t close fully or reverses as soon as it hits the floor. TROUBLESHOOT: Have a look at the close limit switch. It may need adjustment. If this doesn’t solve the problem, try manually raising and lowering your garage door to make sure that it is binding.

Acme Brick, Tile & Stone is a complete masonry resource for builders, architects, designers, contractors, and consumers. Our stores offer all the elements of success for a stylish floor or wall project, which include: • Installation tools and materials, • Sealing and cleaning supplies, and • Expert tile and stone consultants on duty during store hours. Our locations also carry hard-fired Acme Brick in a broad selection of appealing colors and textures, as well as: • Engineered fireplace systems that combine the beauty of a traditional fireplace and the benefit of energy efficiency – up to 200,000 Btu per hour. • Hard-fired clay brick pavers, for sidewalks, driveways, and patios. Many locations also carry VAST composite pavers, which are manufactured from recycled materials such as plastic bottles and car tires. • Attractive glass block accents that splash light to the core of your home or commercial project: windows, walls, skylights, showers, floors, walkways, and now glass stair treads. The IBP Grid System™ uses a sturdy aluminum structure to hold the glass units in place.

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Heartland Your Home

Sunday, December 20, 2015

outdoor living Just for fun, you could also paint your back door to match the patio. Use paint specially made for patios. This ensures that it’s suitable for outdoor floors and will not peel. Purchase long-lasting, durable paint that is suited to your local climate conditions. For example, in sunny San Diego, your concrete patio should be treated with glare-resistant paint. Look for a product that cleans up easily with water so that all you’ll need to do is hose it down. Estimate that you’ll require one gallon of patio paint per 250 to 400 square feet, more if you will be applying a second coat or if your patio is exceptionally porous or rough.

Get to work


transform your patio with


Even though it’s fall, you can bring some brightness to your home by paiting your outdoor space By Laura Firszt

Is your patio looking tired and dull? Why not give it a lift? Painting an outdoor floor a color you love – or even adding a DIY brightly patterned “rug” right onto your patio surface – is a fast and fairly inexpensive fix for a case of the decor doldrums.

Prepare the area Move your patio table and chairs safely out of the way. Make sure that children and pets will not have access to the patio until the paint job is complete and has had time to dry. Clean first – get rid of dirt, debris and stains. Remove mold or mildew (concrete, because it is a porous material, is susceptible to moisture and mold). Scrub or scrape off any wax build-up or peeling paint so that

the new color will adhere and the completed patio will be smooth and even. However, if there is an existing coat of paint that is still sound, it does not need to be removed, only cleaned. Pressure-wash your patio floor and dry well. To roughen the floor surface, etch it with muriatic (hydrochloric) acid. This will improve paint adhesion. CAUTION: Muriatic acid must be handled with care; wear eye goggles, heavy gloves, protective clothing and a breathing mask. Thoroughly flush the floor with water after etching.

All about patio paint Now comes the creative part – choosing a color. Patio paint comes in a wide variety of appealing hues, from warm, earthy reds to cool blues and grays. It’s best to select a shade that will go well with your house paint, bricks or siding, to create a harmonious effect. That doesn’t mean your patio needs to be boring – you can coordinate or contrast, as well as add exciting pops of color by way of your outdoor furniture and accessories.

Ideally, plan your painting project for a day when the weather forecast is between 50 and 85 degrees F, with low humidity. Protect your home’s walls and door with painter’s tape. Depending on the size of the patio, use a synthetic paint brush, a roller with a cover that has at least 3/8-inch nap, or a sprayer. Your brush or roller should have a long handle so that you can work comfortably without straining your back. Stir the paint before using. You may wish to add a non-skid floor finish additive to the paint to prevent slipperiness. If your patio is made of brand new or badly worn concrete, you might need to put on another coat. Let your paint dry for 4 to 6 hours between coats. Apply the second coat in the opposite direction to the first. Wait 72 hours after the final coat before using your patio. Do not wash for 30 days.

Special effects For an extra-elegant patio, add a lively design in a complementary paint color. Try bold stripes, abstract swirls, chevrons or a large-scale checkerboard pattern. Trompe l’oeuil effects such as painted-on “rugs” or “tiles” are trendy and fun. If your artistic skills need help, there is a huge selection of floor painting stencils that can be used as a guide.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Heartland Your Home


By Laura Firszt


here’s nothing cozier on a crisp fall day than sitting in front of your fireplace, enjoying its warmth and the hypnotizing play of the flames. Add in some good company, your favorite munchies, and maybe a faithful fourlegged friend snoozing on the hearth rug, and you’ve got a recipe for total relaxation. FREE IMAGES

If you’re committed to going green, the fireplace in this cozy picture could very well be an electric one. Let’s take a look at 10 reasons why electric fireplaces are an excellent ecofriendly option. Unlike traditional wood-burning versions, electric fireplaces do not give off any toxic greenhouse gases, a no-no as stricter laws on emissions control are passed. Even burning logs in a new “clean combustion” wood stove or retrofitted fireplace insert produces a certain amount of carbon monoxide, a colorless, odorless gas which can be lethal if the room is inadequately ventilated. Many electric fireplaces, in contrast, are equipped with air filters that actually improve the quality of the ambient air. A flue is not required for an electric fireplace, avoiding the related heat loss. In fact, homeowners in Massachusetts frequently have a Boston roofer cap their chimney to block the cold air, rain, and snow that comes with a New England winter. The new electric fireplace can then be set up on their existing hearth. An electric fireplace is an efficient source of heat. One hundred percent of its electrical power is converted to heat,





unlike wood-burning or natural gas fireplaces, which may dissipate as much as 50 percent of their heat energy into the atmosphere. The best electrical fireplace for conserving energy is one which has a thermostat, allowing you to control the level of heat desired. Your electric fireplace also provides zone heating (a localized source of heat), with the capacity to warm a room of up to 400 square feet. Why waste power running your central HVAC system if you are alone or your family is gathered in one room? Just turn on the fireplace instead. When you’re ready, switch off the heat immediately with a flick of the remote. The fireplace can also be operated by means of a timer. If you would like to enjoy just watching the realistic “flames,” there’s no need to waste energy. You can select the powersaving option for display only, without heat. This is a feature that is obviously not available with gas or wood fireplaces. You may choose to mount the electric fireplace either in place of the old wood-burning one or on a wall, or have a customized surround built. On the other hand, you might prefer to leave the fireplace as is, so that it will be portable and can easily

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be moved to whichever room you choose. Try that with a wood-burning fireplace! An electric fireplace is perfect outdoors as well as inside. Enjoy your porch or patio for more of the year. Don’t worry if you do not have an outlet; many models can run on batteries. A battery-operated electric fireplace is a terrific source of both heat and light during a power outage. It is safe to use in an unvented room indoors even on the coldest winter day, because it doesn’t emit fumes. In fact, an electric fireplace scores high marks for all-around safety. There are no sparks or burning branches to deal with. The safety tilt switch and shatterproof glass screen offer protection even if the fireplace is knocked over. Some models come with a “stay cool” surface, making them especially suitable for use when children and pets are around. (As with any electric appliance, the electric fireplace must be kept away from sources of water and flammable materials or vapors.) Once their productive days are done, electrical fireplaces are recyclable, adding to their many green qualities.

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Heartland Your Home

Sunday, December 20, 2015 flickr commons

Wood Wood iS Good iS Good As a popular flooring choice, As a popular flooring choice, wood stands test of time wood stands test of time throughout home mainstays throughout home mainstays

“As president of of the “As president theNational National Kitchen and Bath AssociaKitchen and Bath Associatraveltotoour our tion,tion, I’m I’m ableable to to travel 72 chapters across theUnited United 72 chapters across the f you’ve decided f you’ve decided States Canada, talkingwith with andand Canada, talking to undertake a States our members about all the difto undertake a our members about all the different aspects of kitchen and kitchen or bath ferent aspects of kitchenIand kitchen or bath bathroom remodeling. can tell remodel, wood flooring bathroom remodeling. I can tell you that wood flooring remains remodel,and wood flooring cabinets may be highyou that wood flooring very popular in today’sremains kitchen,” and cabinets may high John in Petrie, owner of very said popular today’s kitchen,” on your Hardwood Mother Hubbard’s Custom said John Petrie, owner of Cabon your flooring list. Hardwood and cabinetry are inetry, Mechanicsburg, PennsylHubbard’s Custom Cabpopularare with Mother vania. “NKBA also provides its flooringextremely and cabinetry inetry, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylmembers a yearly trend report. homeowners, who can vania. extremely popular with “NKBA also provides its The results of over 420 designchose from domestic fa- members a yearly trend report. ers surveyed showed that wood homeowners, who can vorites like oak or hickoryThe results flooring of wasover extremely popular 420 designchose from domestic faand will continue to be in the to exotic hardwoods like ers surveyed showed thatsowood coming year.” vorites like oak flooring was extremely popular acacia or or thehickory fast-growing “I wouldn’t say wood is either and will continue to be so in the surging or waning particularly, to exoticand hardwoods sustainablylike harvested coming year.” just staying strong, which is parota. acacia orMexican the fast-growing “I wouldn’t say wood is either

By melissa Byerickson melissa erickson more Content Now more Content Now


and 10 sustainably harvested Summer 2014 home&GArden Mexican parota.

surging or waning particularly, just staying strong, which is

“We arehardwoods seeing hardwoods theearmark earmark a classic,” seeing the of aofclassic,” said said “We are on the ceilings, walls, floors Neil Kelly design consultant on the ceilings, walls, floors Neil Kelly design consultant in between Kathleen Donohue, whowho has has and everywhere and everywhere in in between in Kathleen Donohue, today,” today,” DonohueDonohue said. designed projects all over the thehomeshomes said. designed projects all over wood, like any other Northwest and who wrote “Of course, wood, like any other Northwest and who wrote “Of course, material, can be over“Kitchen & Bath Theme Desurface material, can be over“Kitchen & Bath Theme De- surface done, so care should be taken sign: An Architectural Styling done, so care should sign: An Architectural Styling to balance any material with be taken Guide.” to balance any material with Guide.” other, complementing materiother, materials so that onecomplementing thing does not More than flooring overwhelm space,one thereby als soa that thing does not More than flooring Homeowners choose wood diluting its impact.”a space, thereby overwhelm “Today’s prefinished wood because of its beauty and duraHomeowners choose wood diluting its impact.” bility, Petrie said. flooring, finished by the because of its beauty and dura“Today’s wood “Wood flooring is almost manufacturer in theprefinished plant as flooring, finished by the bility, Petrie said. everywhere in the home today. compared to finished on site “Wood flooring is almost by themanufacturer in the plant as installer, is extremely Wood is also very popular choice for countertops in the durable to the demands of a everywhere in the home today. compared to finished on site busy kitchen. That durability is kitchen. While quartz surfaces Wood is also very popular by the installer, is extremely are the number choice of homthe reason looking of a towood the demands choice for countertops in the one ofdurable tile is become more popular,” eowners, wood is a strong seckitchen. While to quartz surfaces ond and expected continue Petrie busy said. kitchen. That durability is are the number choice of homone of the reason wood looking in 2014,” he said. eowners, wood is a strong second and expected to continue in 2014,” he said.

tile is become more popular,” Petrie said.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Heartland Your Home

Classic hotel room featuring natural color hardwood floor. BOa fraNC/fliCkr COmmONS

What’s trending now “There was a time when we were painting out naturally finished wood trims and doors indiscriminately for an updated look, but now natural wood finishes throughout the home are more common, especially in natural settings,” Donohue said. “Wood flooring, in particular, has always been a classic and is very typical in kitchens – especially ones that are open to a dining area and/ or living space. Wood flooring is a natural choice when combining living spaces together.” While ceramic and porcelain tile are also trending, “wood flooring is so popular right now that tile manufacturers are producing tile that looks

very much like a wood floor,” Petrie said. In terms of color, wood’s palette runs from natural to dark woods, classic browns, yellows and tans to white-painted or espresso-stained. “I’m seeing more use of natural finishes and less stained woods,” said Donohue. “For example, if you want a dark, rich wood tone, choose walnut or aged cherry, and if you want a lighter look, go with maple or pine. There is a trend in cabinetry for dramatically dark finishes, though, which tend to be combined with much lighter finishes and materials so they do not make a room seem heavy or dark – just dramatic.”

Joeckel Cabinet. Sitka prOjeCtS/fliCkr COmmONS



Heartland Your Home

Sunday, December 20, 2015

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