Visitors Guide BWD 2015

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County Visitors


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Brownwood Bulletin

Visitors Guide 2015


Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

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Brown County Courthouse

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Apartment Guide Letter from the Editor Letter from Judge West Civic Clubs Lake Brownwood Brownwood Brookesmith Early Bangs

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May Blanket Zephyr Brownwood Reunion Brownwood Country Club Community Centers Community Events Higher Learning Worship Directory Business Directory

Cover Photo: Moon Gate at the Star of Texas B&B. Brianna VanHorn - 325-998-4462. Model is Amanda Aquirre (512) 574-2255 The Brown County Newcomers and Visitors Guide is an annual publication by the Brownwood Bulletin. 700 Carnegie Brownwood, TX 76801 Phone: 325-646-2541 Fax: 325-646-6835 BrowNwoodTX.CoM Publisher: david Compton Managing Editor/Page design: Brent Addleman Advertising Staff: Melissa Horton, Jessica Allen, Chris Phelps, Matthew Hinman, Sharon Hannah, Breanna Hodges

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Brownwood Bulletin

Visitors Guide 2015

Apartment Directory Brownwood Housing Authority (BHA) seeks to assist low-income families, including those who are elderly, disabled, or handicapped, with safe, decent, and affordable housing opportunities. Equal Housing opportunity

For more information call 325-646-0790 or visit: Main Office: 1500 Terrace Dr, Brownwood, TX 76801

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Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

Brown County has something for everyone I

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n small communities, you always hear the days when Texas was a republic. the same thing Ð there is nothing to While Brownwood is a relatively new do around here. city Ð by history standards Ð the commuWell, the 2015 Brown County Visitors nity has enjoyed growth over the years. Guide is here and we aim to disprove that The city has been known as the hub of theory. the central and west Texas oil fields, and With two new grocery stores there were many wells drilled in in town Ð Aldi and United Suthis region, which has directly permarkets Ð combined with the led to economic growth over the already burgeoning shopping years. district and plentiful outdoor The city and the county are recreational activities, Brown named for Henry Stevenson County provides residents with Brown. a well rounded list of activities The area was settled by farmany day of the week. Brownwood, and the surrounders and cattle ranchers like ing communities, feature a CenWelcome W. Chandler and J. H. tral Texas flair with outstanding Fowler. When the sparsely popudining endeavors from tradilated county was organized in Brent Addleman tional home-cooked meals to 1857, the hamlet of Brownwood barbeque and Tex-Mex, and arts was chosen as county seat. A district that is bustling with acpost office was opened in the tivity and cultural opportunities abound town the following year. that hold the interest of the young and The town was originally located on the old alike. east side of Pecan Bayou, but in the late In the first half of 2015, the region has 1860s a land-title dispute and problems been blessed with lucrative rainfall that with an inadequate water supply induced has filled Lake Brownwood to its brim. the residents to move to a 60-acre site on Through boating, beach-going and camping and hiking, not to mention hunting the west side of the bayou and fishing opportunities, the outdoors Brownwood is a tight-knit community enthusiasts have found Brown County to where the fabric is so much stronger be a mecca of the outdoors sportsman. when everyone is working together to Each town features a unique flair comreach a common goal. LetÕ s continue to plete with festivals, restaurants and peokeep that fabric strong and keep workple working together to make their coming together to make Brownwood the best munity the best it can be on an everyday place to live in Texas and the country. basis. Whether it is the Mayfest in Bangs, Brent Addleman is managing editor of the BrownwoodÕ s Reunion Celebration or EarBrownwood Bulletin. He can be reached by lyÕ s Pioneer Days, there are a great deal of activities within a short drive from home. calling 325-641-3110, or email baddleman@ Twitter: @BWD_EdiBrownwood has a rich history dating tor. back to the civil war, and before, and in

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What doesnÕ t Brown County have?


hit a gold mine! Lake Brownwood provides the hat does the Brown County and Brownwood community have to offer? The best skiing, boating, fishing and swimming facilmuch simpler question is what does the ity in central Texas. Accessible by public boat ramps, and with over 100 miles of Brown County and Brownwood comshoreline, Lake Brownwood is home to munity not have to offer. over 1,500 residents. Brownwood State A family new to this community will, Park, with its 2 1/2 miles of hiking generally, seek a place of worship. This trails, cabins and campsites available community is blessed with dozens of for rental, is a true gem. churches for all faiths, all denominaThis community is also home to tions and nondenominational churchthe Bert V. Massey II Sports Complex, es. unrivaled in West Central Texas for The next consideration is the quality its public league baseball and softball of education for children. Brown Counfields. Adjacent to that complex is the ty has seven excellent public school Camp Bowie Aquatic Center which prodistricts with forward-thinking leadervides swimming and simple water reJudge ship. For advanced education, Howard laxation to the public during the sumE. Ray West III mer months. There are no fewer than Payne University offers a wide range of 20 public parks in Brownwood alone. curriculum. Ranger College and TSTC Clearly, recreation and relaxation are each have campuses in Brownwood for readily available in this community. secondary education and technical/vocational If you are interested in golf, Brown County is training. Not many communities of this size can home to two beautiful country clubs, one located boast three institutions of higher learning! near Brownwood, and the other adjacent to Lake If itÕ s recreation you are interested in, you have Brownwood, both with excellent courses and unsurpassed dining. If you are a hunter, there is literally no end to the availability of hunting acreage and plentiful game. Visitors come to this area from far and wide to enjoy all of the hunting seasons. In 1940, Camp Bowie encompassed approximately 120,000 acres. Camp Bowie was an Army training facility during World War II, and from 1943 to 1945 was home to some 2,700 German prisoners of war. At the close of the war, the Department of Defense declared Camp Bowie Ò surplus.Ó Looking to the future, local businessmen acquired a large tract of this surplus property for the specific purpose of industrial development. Today, Brownwood, and its immediate vicinity, is home to an industrial center usually found only in large cities. Visitors are surprised when they see the massive 3-M and Kohler manufacturing facilities, and then astounded when they see the numerous other manufacturing plants and service industries É Phillips-Drisco Pipe, Superior Essex and Danhill Containers, to name only a few. Hundreds of residents are employed by companies located in the industrial park. Brownwood Regional Medical Center is located in the Industrial Park, and for a community of

Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

this size, it is simply phenomenal. The level of available health care for the Brown County community is on a par with that found in a much more densely populated community. And we are fortunate to have highly skilled physicians who excel in their chosen fields of specialization. These same physicians could easily locate their practices in larger cities, but they are the kind of people who enjoy the benefits and slower pace of a rural community É our home. If you want to relax on a beautiful West Central Texas evening at the end of a brutal week at work, Ò Friday Night LightsÓ shine in Brown County in the fall. You can enjoy the fast pace of six-man football with the May tigers (1977 state champions) or the Zephyr Bulldogs, perennial playoff teams. Or, you can enjoy a game at


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The Brown County Courthouse sits on Broadway Street near the center of Brownwood.

the stadium named for the legendary coach Gordon Wood, home to one of the most storied football programs in the state of Texas, the Brownwood Lions. Downtown Brownwood has undergone an extensive Ò remodelÓ and numerous retail stores are available for casual

Dual Credit

Career Pathways

shopping in a wonderful atmosphere. All in all, you will not find a more Ò comfortableÓ place to live than Brown County Texas. No matter what your profession, avocation, hobby, or interests in general, there is a place for you here.

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! s s e c c u s r o f s t n e d u t s Preparing

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Brownwood Bulletin

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Brownwood Bulletin

Visitors Guide 2015

Civic Clubs are the backbone of the community

Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis all work to make the world a better place BY BRENT ADDLEMAN


Civic organizations are the backbone of any community, quietly working behind the scenes to help their fellow man. In most cases the help they provide goes toward building tomorrowÕ s leaders. Brown County is no exception as three main civic organizations are present Ð Rotary Club, Lions Club and Kiwanis. These three organizations are out there each day performing work that oftentimes goes unnoticed. Each club is unique, as they are comprised of leaders of different ages, professions, religious beliefs and creeds. Each club makes its own mark on the communities in Brown County. Each organization has a rich history in not PHOTO COURTESY BROWNWOOD ROTARY CLUB

The Brownwood Rotary Club holds true to the motto “Service Above Self.” Rotarians perform many programs at the local level that benefit the community, especially children, while at the international level the club has played a key role in the near eradication of polio.

only Brownwood, but around the county and the world. Rotary Club International Just over 100 years ago, Rotary International was started in Chicago and is comprised of

Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

local leaders that come together to exchange ideas, build relationships and take action to make the communities they serve a better place to live. While the Rotary Clubs at the local level work to make a difference, Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation back the clubs. Through this three level partnership, Rotary Club is able to not only make an impact in Brownwood but around the globe as well. Rotary International supports Rotary Clubs worldwide by coordinating local programs, campaigns and initiatives. “This is For Dion White, president especially of the Brownwood chapter, true with our Rotary Club, Ò strives to make a youth such as difference in the commuour dictionary nity by giving back. This give-away is especially true with our program for youth such as our dictionary give-away program for third-graders third-graders within the within county and also scholarthe county ships for selected graduating seniors.Ó and also Locally, Rotary Club, in scholarships addition to giving away for selected free dictionaries, places flags through Brownwood graduating on selected days throughseniors.” out the year, according to White. Ò Our fundraising – Dion White, takes place via an annual Rotary Club golf tournament and an president arts and crafts fair.Ó on community There are 29 members in the Brownwood chapter programs of Rotary Club and serving the community is Ò very important to our club,Ó according to White. Ò We are a club of service to the community. It is our core goal.Ó While the Brownwood Rotary Club has made a difference locally, the clubÕ s activities also have an impact across the globe. The club has partnered with Aga Khan University; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Global FoodBanking Network; Mercy Ships; ShelterBox; UNESCOÐI HE;

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UNICEF; United Nations and World Health Organization. Rotary was founded on Feb. 23, 1905 in Chicago and within 16 years had clubs on six continents. Today, there are 1.2 million members worldwide, and has been working to eradicate the Poliovirus. That fight began in 1979, and, today, there are only three countries listed as having a Polio endemic Ð Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria. Throughout history the club has featured prominent individuals such as Warren G. Hardin, a U.S. President; Dr. Charles H. Mayo, co-founder of the Mayo Clinic; and Admiral Richard E. Byrd, an American explorer. The clubÕ s motto is Ò Service Above Self,Ó and the club is active with speech contests for students along with hosting a foreign exchange student program. Lions International of Brownwood As the largest service club in the world with over 1.4 million members, Lions Club Inter-

Visitors Guide 2015


The first Meeting of the Brown County Lions Club was held on May 27, 2010. The club received its charter on June 27, 2010. Lions Club serves the community in many ways.

national has a chapter in Brownwood and its main focus is making sure children and adults have eyeglasses and seniors who donÕ t have enough food get to eat. Lions Club has also volunteered to offer disaster relief for natural disasters and offer health programs that focus on sight, hearing and diabetes. The club, known as Ò Knights of the Blind,Ó features programs and services for the blind and visually impaired, and the aim is to eliminate preventable and reversible blindness. Lions also support local and larger-scale health initiatives around the world to control and prevent diabetes and diabetes retinopathy, the leading cause of vision loss in adults of

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Brownwood Bulletin

working age. The club will arrange hearing screenings, host recreational camps for the deaf and also is involved in hearing aid recycling programs for children and adults. To aid the youth, Lions collect food, clothes and books, along with organizing vision or hearing screening, in addition to providing immunizations through vaccination drives. The club is also involved in literacy by starting reading programs and nutritional programs for undernourished children. The club also works to foster a spirit of understanding and takes interest in civic, cultural, social and moral welfare initiatives in the community. Lions Club International dates back to June 7, 1917, also in Chicago, where Melvin Jones laid the groundwork for the club. Kiwanis International Kiwanis, located in 80 nations, serves the community in many ways. The clubÕ s focus is on changing the world by serving children, one

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The Kiwanis Club works in many ways to create better leaders from our youth.

child and one community at a time. The club sponsors K-kids for primary school children and has a builders club for adolescents and Key Clubs for teens. There are also clubs at the university level and action clubs for adults living with disabilities. For Lorin Wolf, who serves as president of

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the Brownwood Club, Ò I think the great attribute is that we focus on helping children in our community. So, that to me is the biggest thing Ð giving back to the community and the children.Ó The club performs various fundraising activities, and that money is donated to organizations such as Boys & Girls Club, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and Ò there are about 12 to 15 different organizations we help,Ó Wolf said. Ò There are a lot of different organizations we give money to in order to assist them, and our local Key Club as well,Ó Wolf said of the clubsÕ penchant to help others.Ó Wolf became involved with Kiwanis because he saw the good things the club does for the community. Ò They were doing something for the community, and it was a group that was involved in doing something good for the community,Ó Wolf said. Kiwanis International is located in 80 nations and help communities in countless ways. The manner in which the club helps the community differs, as each club is different. Founded in 1915 in Detroit, Michigan, Kiwan-

Visitors Guide 2015

is is celebrating 100 years of service. The early focus of the club was on social networking, but has shifted to focus on community service. The club implements programs such as: Bring up grades Ð Recognizes students who raise grades to an acceptable range and continue to raise them each grading period. Terrific kids – Promotes character development, self-esteem and perseverance. Students work with teachers to improve behavior, peer relationships, attendance or schoolwork. Key leader Ð Focus on service leadership with workshop lectures and team-building exercises. Read Around the World Ð Focuses on literacy and the joy of sharing books. To learn more about these organizations, seek out a local member of visit each club online (Rotary Ð; Lions Ð www.; Kiwanis Ð Brent Addleman is managing editor of the Brownwood Bulletin. He can be reached by calling 325-641-3110, or email Twitter: @BWD_Editor.

Find us on the web at

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Lake Brownwood – mecca of the outdoors enthusiast

Population Ð 1,352 (2013)

With hundreds of residents calling north Brown County home, Lake Brownwood is a community unto itself. But many of the homes Ñ including some of the most elegant residences in the region on some of the most valuable real estate Ñ are weekend or recreational getaways. Lake Brownwood is home for approximately 1,532 residents. Lake Brownwood is a 7,300-surface-acre reservoir that was created back in the 1920s by damming the Pecan Bayou Ñ a tributary of the Colorado River and Jim Ned Creek. The need for the lake was apparent after a series of devastating floods in downtown Brownwood in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The lake is home to a wide variety of fish — large mouth bass, white bass, stripers, white crappie, yellow cat, flathead cat, perch and gar



Lake Brownwood serves as the focal point for swimming, boating and hiking in the area.

which keeps the sportsmen happy. For others, itÕ s the boating, skiing, scenic beauty and opportunities for recreation that keep them coming back year after year. When full, the lake covers 6,500 acres and has 100 miles of shoreline, and the watershed. Lake Brownwood is owned and operated by the Brown County Water Improvement District No. 1, and its lake patrol, along with the Texas Parks and Wildlife, enforce local regulations and state laws.

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Lake Brownwood State Park, with its 580 acres, offers a vast array of recreational opportunities for Brown County area residents and visitors from across the nation, and even foreign countries. The park has modern RV campsites with hookups. Cabins that were originally only screened are now totally enclosed with airconditioning and heating Ñ all the comforts of home. Additional funding approved for the state parks system by the Texas Legislature in 2007 enabled facilities to be enhanced for the next generation of users. The park is northwest of Brownwood, off State Highway 279, on Park Road 15. For more information on facilities at the Lake Brownwood State Park, call (325) 784-5223. To make reservations, call the state parkÕ s central reservation center at (512) 389-8900. Another extremely popular Lake Brownwood destination is the Texas 4-H Conference and Retreat Center. Its meeting, lodging and conference facilities bring people to the county throughout the year, with a focus on educational programs of the 4-H program and the Texas Extension Service. The facilities are also available to the public for meetings and social events, such as weddings and receptions. Comfortable, motel-like accommodations make the center even more popular for longterm stays. Information is available by calling (325) 784-5482.


Boaters have been enjoying Lake Brownwood in May and June 2015 as the lake is near capacity.

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Brownwood Bulletin

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Brownwood Brownwood Bulletin

Visitors Guide 2015

A history of...


Population Ă? 18,965 (2013)

rownwood, located on Pecan Bayou at the intersection of U.S. Highways 67, 84, 183 and 377, Farm Road 2524, and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway in south central Brown County, is the county seat and largest city in Brown County. Residents enjoy a low cost of living that is 21.80 percent below the U.S. average. The city and the county are named for Henry Stevenson Brown. The area was settled by farmers and cattle ranchers like Welcome W. Chandler and J. H. Fowler. When the sparsely populated county was organized in 1857, the hamlet of Brownwood was chosen as county seat. A post office was opened in the town the following year. The town was originally located on the east side of Pecan Bayou, but in the late 1860s a

land-title dispute and problems with an inadequate water supply induced the residents to move to a 60-acre site on the west side of the bayou donated by Greenleaf Fisk. As late as 1872 Brownwood was a small community of two stores, a log courthouse, and about five dwellings. In 1873 John Y. Rankin purchased land around the business district and began to build homes in what became known as the Rankin Addition. In 1876, when the town had an estimated 120 inhabitants and about three churches, the first


The Lyric Theatre lights up downtown Brownwood at night.

Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

bank was opened and a schoolhouse was built that also served as a town hall and a church. Because Brownwood lay on a feeder line of the Western Trail, stores and saloons served the needs of the cowboys who drove the herds through town. A cotton gin was built in town in 1877 as the State of Texas began to offer the land BULLETIN FILE PHOTO to farmers. Brownwood has a rich sports tradition. The courthouse burned in 1880, and a new one was completed in 1884. That same year, Brownwood became incorporated. At the time, the town had two banks, nine general stores, five saloons, two hotels, and steam cotton and gristmills. The following year the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railroad was built through Brownwood, and in 1886 the town built its first waterworks. A second railroad, the Fort Worth and Rio Grande, built through Brownwood in 1891. Significant developments in education occurred during these years. Several local schools were consolidated to form the Brownwood Independent School District in 1883. In 1889 two colleges opened their doors in Brownwood Ñ Daniel Baker College, founded by the Presbyterians, and Howard Payne College, a Baptist institution. Daniel Baker closed, and its campus became part of Howard Payne College in 1953. By 1900, the city was dominated by the cotton industry. It supported the West Texas Compress Company, the Brownwood Cotton Oil Mill, and 16 cotton gins. Severe flooding that year covered parts of the town with up to 10 feet of water. Prohibition became popular in the town in the 1890s, and in 1903, after a series of violent incidents, the townÕ s saloons were closed. Equally rowdy-drinking clubs sprang up in response to the saloon closings, and a stretch of

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one street became known as Ò Battle Row.Ó A third railroad, the Brownwood North and South, was built in 1912 to connect Brownwood with the Brown County community of May, but the short-lived railroad lost money and was abandoned in 1927. Brownwood went through two boom periods in the first half of the 20th century, the first stimulated by the oil industry, the second by the building of a military installation during World War II. Oil was first discovered near Brownwood in 1917, but the town did not become a major oilindustry site until the 1920s. The population of the city shot up from 8,223 in 1920 to 12,789 in 1930, and estimates from the late 1920s indicate it might have been as high as 15,000. At one time during the boom the city had 25 manufacturing and industrial plants in operation. The city benefited from the completion of Lake Brownwood in 1933 and several area WPA projects. In 1940 Brownwood had 13,398 inhabitants, some 52 percent of the Brown County population. In the fall of 1940, as part of the military buildup associated with the peacetime draft, a military-training installation, Camp Bowie, was built to the south and southwest of town. The

Visitors Guide 2015


Camp Bowie played a central part in World War II as it was a training facility and also housed prisoners of war.

camp eventually became the largest military training center in Texas, and had a major impact on the city of Brownwood. By December 1940 the 13,500 workers at the camp exceeded the 1940 population of the city; by March 1941 BrownwoodÕ s population was counted at 22,479, and by some estimates the wartime population eventually reached considerably more than 50,000. With the closing of Camp Bowie in 1946, BrownwoodÕ s wartime gains began to slip away. Attempts to sustain the growth rate of the war years were blocked by the seven-year drought of the late 1940s and early 1950s and its deleterious impact on the agribusiness of the region. In spite of the postwar depression, the city numbered 20,140 inhabitants, 71 percent of the county population, in 1950. Business revolved around wool, oil, poultry, livestock, peanuts and pecans. BrownwoodÕ s population declined during the 1950s by more than 15 percent to 16,974 in 1960, and has remained relatively static over the next 40 years, with 17,368 inhabitants in 1970, 19,203 in 1980, 18,387 in 1990, and 19,288 in 2010.

Brookesmith Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

A history of...


Population Ð 439 (2013)

small community approximately 17 miles outside of Brownwood, Brookesmith has a cost of living thatÕ s nearly 11 percent below the U.S. average. The unincorporated community is located between Clear Creek and Spring Branch in southwestern Brown County and was named by David Smith in 1902, in honor of Brownwood banker Brooke Smith. A post office was established in 1903. Early settlers included David Smith and Brooke and Aaron Lee. The town had three cotton gins and several other businesses until cotton farming declined in the 1950s. In the 1980s, Brookesmith had the post office, a store, a gas station, and a 12-grade school. In recent census reports, the communityÕ s population has stabilized at just more than 60 with many more families living in the rural areas around the town. Brookesmith is also the hometown of Shauna and Sarah Dodds. On January 26, 2014, the two sisters were awarded a Grammy for Best Recording Package, for their design of the CD packaging for an album by the Austin based band, Reckless Kelly, entitled Long Night Moon.

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E arly

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A history of...


Population Ð 2,807 (2013)

esidents of Early enjoy the positive aspects of living in a small city with the big city amenities within an easy

drive. Located on U.S. Highways 67/377 at the intersections of U.S. Highways 84/183. Early is within 100 miles of Abilene and San Angelo, and only a few hours away from even larger metro areas of Austin, Fort Worth and Dallas. The area was settled by farmer Welcome W. Chandler in the early 1850s, and in 1856 the land was part of the site of Brownwood. In 1858, Brown County’s first post office was established in ChandlerÕ s home. Named for Walter U. Early, who donated land for the first Early schools, the community incorporated in the 1950s. The school before the city process, however, seems to


Early is a community of nearly 3,000 people nestled right beside Brownwood.

have fostered a special community working relationship. A large measure of the communityÕ s social and cultural advantages are through partnerships with the school system. The people of Early take great pride in their schoolÕ s academic and athletic programs and successes. The Early Lions Club was organized in 1957. Early grew to 819 inhabitants by 1960 and to 1,097 by 1970. A Methodist church was built in 1979 and a second Baptist church was con-

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Brownwood Bulletin

structed in 1984. Heartland Mall, the first mall in the Brownwood area, opened there in 1980, when the community had 2,313 inhabitants. Early Chamber of Commerce members work toward the singular goal of promoting positive business growth and retention while utilizing civic, cultural and community resources to enhance the quality of life for the City of Early. The City of Early is a regional shopping destination, thanks to Heartland Mall and other neighboring retailers. Hollywood Theaters, a multi-cinema facility with all stadium seating and all-digital sound, is one of the mallÕ s anchor businesses, along with J.C. Penney. The Early Economic Development Corporation manages the cityÕ s half-cent economic development tax and funds are available for business financing and other economic development opportunities. The business community is extremely diverse from a satellite plant of Loadcraft Industries, formerly R&S Industries Ltd., a manufacturer of concrete plants, parts and accessories with a worldwide market; and Leak Survey Inc., whose patented infrared cameras are used to detect oil leaks at oil refineries around

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Early athletics play an important role in the community.

the world; to Aldersgate Enrichment Center, a United Methodist Church affiliated residential program that employs mentally handicapped or impaired individuals for basic assembly and carpentry jobs to assist local industry. For more information about the Early Chamber of Commerce, call (325) 649-9317, visit the website or e-mail

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Visitors Guide 2015

3RD Weekend in October • October 16-17, 2015 Early ISD Homecoming Weekend


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Brownwood Bulletin

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AUGUST 21ST AND 22 ND, 2015


Spring swing 5th Annual Early Spring Swing Golf tournament 1st place



Visitor and Tourism Bureau BR-SPAD0615082747

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A history of...


Population Ð 1,590 (2013)

esidents in Bangs say they love the small, hometown feeling the community of 1,600 gives them. The cost of living is low and residents describe their community as one in which Ò everybody knows your name.Ó They like the Ò good country feeling,Ó Ò personal touchÓ and Ò family oriented environment.Ó Bangs, located in west central Brown County, is on U.S. Highway 67/84 about 10 miles west of Brownwood and the same distance south of Lake Brownwood. The city was named for Samuel Bangs. He was given the land for his services as a printer in the 1836 Texas Revolutionary War. Railroads built tracks from Brownwood to San Angelo, and a depot was established in Bangs in 1886. That year a man opened a general store and applied to have a post office established in the store. In 1892, Bangs had eight businesses and 50

Visitors Guide 2015

residents. The first school was built in 1892. Bangs incorporated in 1915, when it had 600 residents, 21 businesses, four churches and a weekly newspaper. The following year a water system was installed, and natural gas was piped into the community in 1920. The Bangs Independent School District was created in 1927, eventually consolidating nine other school districts. The first highway — 67 — was built through the town in 1932. After World War II, several additions added new housing units to Bangs. Brownwood began supplying Bangs with filtered water in 1946. In 1963, a new high school was built, and passenger train service ended for the community in 1965. Today, Bangs residents are committed to investing in themselves and in the future of their city. In 2005, voters in the school district approved two bond issues totaling $9.25 million for campus improvements. In 2007, voters approved three sales tax propositions for community development projects. And less than a decade after a small group of Bangs business owners envisioned an organization to promote the local economy, the Bangs Business Association has developed into a catalyst for a variety of activities, from events to attract tourists to marketing and promotion of Bangs area merchants. Since its creation in 1994, Mayfest has been held the first Saturday in May at the Bangs City Park. The event kicks off with a parade through town and ends with a street dance. Highlights of the festival include live music, local and out-of-town vendors, pony rides and much more. In 2011, Bangs City Council members approved $1.5 million in certificates of obligation to fund projects that could include a swimming pool, an events center, a walking trail, ball field and park improvements and a downtown pavilion. In 2014, the city opened its new baseball and softball fields, providing youth teams with a stateof-the-art venue for summertime competition.

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M ay

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A history of...

Population Ð 1,731 (2013) May is at the intersection of U.S. Highway 183 and Farm Road 1689. This unincorporated community has been on the rise since 2000 with a population growth of 4.47 percent and also has a low cost of living, which is more than 20 percent below the U.S. average. May, located in northeastern Brown County, was named for pioneer settler W.D. May. Since the local land was sandy, settlers were slow to move there. Nathan L. May started a store at the site in 1879, and in 1881 a post office was established with May as postmaster. The nearest school was at Verbena, about 10 miles away. May was a station on the Brownwood North and South Railway from 1907 to 1927, when the line was abandoned. In 1940, May had several churches and schools, 14 businesses and 500 residents. By 1980, its population had declined to 285, and has remained relatively stable. However, rural development Ñ especially around the north area of Lake Brownwood Ñ has swelled the number of residents who use the schools and post office.

May, Texas

Visitors Guide 2015

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Blanket Brownwood Bulletin

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A history of...

Population Ă? 1,731 (2013)

While it may be a small town, Blanket has shown steady growth since 2000 with an increase in population of 8.42 percent. The cost of living is low Ă‘ 17 percent below the U.S. average Ă‘ in the town located in eastern Brown County, 10 miles northeast of Brownwood on U.S. Highway 67/377. According to some accounts, Blanket Creek was named in 1852 by a group of surveyors who came upon a band of Tonkawa Indians who had been caught in a downpour and had spread their blankets over sumac bushes near the creek for protection. Later, the name was transferred to the community that developed on its banks. Two of the earliest settlers in the area were F.M. Cross and Dan Pinkard, who arrived in 1862. Pinkney Anderson established a store in 1873 and was the first postmaster when a post office

was established in 1875. When the Fort Worth and Rio Grande Railroad was extended from Comanche to Brownwood in 1891, Blanket was moved from its former site to its present location. It had a population of 304 in 1904 and 472 in 1929. In the 1930s it had 20 businesses and a population of more than 300. By 1970, it had seven businesses and its population remained at around 300. In the late 1980s, Blanket had five businesses and 388 residents, and in 1990 its population was 381. By 2010, the population was up to 390. Artist Harold O. Kelly lived for a while in Blanket. The Blanket Museum of History, located at 712 Main, was opened on July 29, 2006, to display and preserve the history of the community. Not only does the museum have many historical artifacts, but it is also a research center for family histories in that area. There are many books and notebooks with family histories, as well as other resources, available for those who are interested in genealogy or just the history of the community of Blanket. The museum is housed in the former Blanket State Bank building and the former Ernest Allen Drug Store building. The State Bank building was built in 1901 and following a fire that destroyed the former drug store, that building was reopened in 1928.

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Brownwood Bulletin

A history of...

Zephyr, located on U.S. Highway 84, is 12 miles east of Brownwood in southeast Brown County and is another unincorporated community that has a cost of living more than 16 percent below the U.S. average. Zephyr was originally on the banks of Blanket Creek, a mile east of the present site. The town was supposedly named in 1850 by land surveyors after they were trapped there by a blue norther. Their ironic name for the fierce wind stuck, and the town was named Zephyr. The Lazarus Vann family arrived in 1863 and was joined in 1876 by 10 or 12 more families. J.M. Wilson opened a small store in 1878; a post office in the store opened a year later. A school was founded in 1876. The Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe Railway completed the line from Brownwood to Lampasas in 1885, missing the town by about a mile. Wilson moved his store and the

Visitors Guide 2015

Population Ă? 879* *Population as of 2012, based on zip code.

post office to the present site, and the next year Zephyr became a station on the railroad. In 1909, a tornado demolished the town, leaving more than 30 people dead and many injured. Rebuilding followed, and the population BULLETIN FILE PHOTO in 1940 was 750. Zephyr is a tiny hamlet named in A high school was 1850 by land surveyors after they built in 1940 and is were trapped by a blue norther. still in use. In 1958, Zephyr was voted an independent school district so that the few students there would not have to be bussed to a nearby school. As of 1989, churches in the town included the First Baptist, United Methodist and the Church of Christ. Cotton was the mainstay of the economy until the boll weevil devastation and market conditions led to the closing of the last gin in Zephyr in the early 1940s. In 1989, the town was primarily a farming and ranching community. From 1925 to 1950 it had a population of 750 but declined to 270 throughout the 1960s and 1970s. The population was 198 in 1980 and has remained relatively stable. However, rural development has swelled the number of residents who use the schools and post office.

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Brownwood Reunion biggest hit in town It was 2001 when the idea of the first Brownwood Reunion Celebration was conceived, and the event held on the third weekend of September continues to grow as the biggest festival the community holds continues into its second decade. From established and rising country stars to a myriad of vendors lining Carnegie Street and spilling through much of downtown Brownwood, thousands continue to flock to the event to enjoy music, food, rides and attractions. Approximately 1,500 volunteers are involved in staging each yearÕ s event. The 14th annual Brownwood Reunion Celebration will be held Sept. 19-21, 2014. This yearÕ s headliners include 80s band Survivor and the country band Restless Heart. Ticket sales and prices will be announced. The Celebration Parade starts at 10 a.m. Saturday and the Honor a Hero Parade will be held at 11 a.m. The event covers a large part of the downtown Brownwood area with tents, booths, stages and

23 city blocks filled with continuous live music and performances as well as activities for children of all ages. Competitions for this yearÕ s event include a BrownwoodÕ s Got Talent, Hands on a House, BBQ Cook off, 5K/10K Run, car show and more. For those who cannot attend in person, the Reunion is broadcast over the Internet Ð which is actually how the event got its start. For iPhone users, the Celebrate Brownwood app can be downloaded for free at the iTunes Store. The first Brownwood Reunion Celebration was organized to introduce the community website to the world. The site, which was designed by Brownwood native Roy Spence Jr. of GSD&M Idea City in Austin, features information about the Brownwood area and many of its organizations. Spence, as president of one of the nationÕ s leading advertising agencies, unveiled the new site in 2001. Its goal is to Ò share and highlight people, places and things that make Brownwood Ô Feel Like Home.Õ Ó

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2 great places to hit the links Brownwood Country Club, located at 5875 CR 225, is the countyÕ s oldest course and features 18 holes of Bentgrass greens, driving range, chipping green and a putting green. Under new ownership, the private club has been undergoing several renovations including a new pool and clubhouse redesign and upgrades. The club also features a 26-acre lake stocked with large mouth bass, crappie and catfish along with a racquetball court, bar and grill and banquet facilities. Memberships are available which include access to the course for members and their guests. Carts are available for rental. For more information, contact the Pro Shop at (325) 646-1086 or visit the website at The Hideout Golf Club at KingÕ s Point Cove Resort, located on Lake Brownwood, features an 18-hole championship layout design by Bill Johnston of Phoenix, Ariz. The Hideout, located at 6680 FM 2632, features many well-placed bunkers and water features to provide a challenging yet relaxing round of golf. The four sets of tees accommodate golfers of


Brownwood Country Club and The Hideout Golf Club give golfers two pristine places to hit the links.

each skill level. For more information, contact the golf shop at (325) 784-4653 or visit the website at Other area golf courses include: n Brady Municipal Golf Course 200 Brady Country Club Road, Brady, Texas (325) 597-6010 Nine holes, public Approx. 50 miles from Brownwood n Coleman Country Club San Angelo Highway, Coleman, Texas (325) 625-2922 18 holes, semi-private Approx. 30 miles from Brownwood

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n Goldthwaite Municipal Golf Course Highway 16 South, Goldthwaite, Texas (325) 938-5652 Nine holes, public Approx. 35 miles from Brownwood n PAR Country Club 1658 Highway 2861, Comanche, Texas (254) 879-2296 18 holes, semi-private Approx. 40 miles from Brownwood n Rolling Oaks Golf Club CR 266 South, Rising Star, Texas (254) 643-4563 18 holes, public Approx. 30 miles from Brownwood n San Saba Municipal Golf Course Highway 190 E, San Saba, Texas (325) 372-3212 Approx. 50 miles from Brownwood

Brownwood Bulletin

Visitors Guide 2015

COMMUNITY CENTERS Adams Street Community Center, 511 East Adams, has rooms to rent for various events. For more details, call (325) 646-0146. Bennie Houston Community Center, 505 Cordell, operates as a recreation center from 1 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday. Basketball and table games are available. Building is available for rent on weekends. For more details, call (325) 6460620. Brownwood Coliseum, 500 East Baker Street, can host a variety of events. Call (325) 646-3586 for details. Depot Civic and Cultural Center, 600 Depot, is a historical building restored with rooms available for various functions and receptions. For more details, call (325) 646-0146.

COMMUNITY EVENTS From festivals to parades, musical programs to rodeos, something is always happening in Brown County Ñ and thatÕ s not just Texas bragging. The area is home to a wide variety of annual events and many other special occasions, which provide residents and visitors alike with a number of sites to see, activities to take part in and plenty to enjoy. The list below highlights many of the annual events held in Brownwood, Early, Bangs and Lake Brownwood, but these are just a sample. For details about the exact schedule for these events, contact the local chambers of commerce Ð or read the Brownwood Bulletin. Events are subject to change. January • Brown County Youth Fair • Community Economic Summit

Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

February • Stars of Texas Art Exhibit • Brownwood Day in Austin (on odd-numbered years when Texas Legislature is in session) • Martin Luther King Jr. parade and program • Business and Industry Appreciation breakfast March • Bluebonnet Invitational Baseball Tournament • Bluebonnet Relays • Cowboy Capital Rollergirls Roller Derby season opens • Home & Outdoor Annual Show • Lone Star Fair and Expo and Rattlesnake Roundup • Silver Spur Gun & Blade Show • • • • •

April Great Indoor / Outdoor Extravaganza Brownwood Bass Club Open Texas Scholars luncheon Pecan Valley Fin or Feather Fund-raiser Brownwood City-wide Cleanup

Page 35

• Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce Banquet • Heart of Texas Quilt Show • Heart of Texas Wildflower Show Early city-wide yard sale May • Bangs Mayfest • Brownwood Regional Medical Center Health Fair • Lake Brownwood State Park Open House • Gordon Wood Hall of Champions induction • Heart of Texas Cow-Calf Clinic • Bluebonnet Junior Golf Classic • Memorial Day Service at Eastlawn Memorial Park Spring Swing Golf Tournament June • Heart of Texas Rod Run and Classic Car Show • American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Brown County • Brown County Rodeo & Parade • Juneteenth Celebration • Lyric Performing Arts Company musical performance

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Brownwood Bulletin

Visitors Guide 2015

July • Regional and state baseball and softball tournaments • Arts in the Park August • Open Bass Tournament • Silver Spur Gun & Blade Show • Cow Pasture Xtreme Golf & Sporting Clays Early Skeet Shoot • • • •

September Shrine Circus Brownwood Reunion Celebration Brownwood Business Showcase St. John’s Church Arts and Crafts Fair

October • Howard Payne University Homecoming (dates vary) • Early Chamber of Commerce annual banquet • Family Services Center Big Bass Benefit Early Pioneer Days Early Chamber Award Banquet


Josh Turner, left, and Uncle Kracker will headline the 205 Brownwood Reunion Celebration on Sept. 19.

November • Kiwanis Club Pancake Supper • Deer hunter welcome activities • Rotary Club Arts and Crafts Show • Early FFA Classic Stock Show • Community Thanksgiving Feast • Various high school football playoffs Early HunterÕ s Appreciation Dinner December • Christmas Under the Stars Festival • Lighted Christmas Parade • Multiple concerts & Christmas Services City of Early Beautification Commission Christmas Tree Lighting Early Chamber of Commerce/Economic Development Corporation Open House

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We returned $5.2 million to our customers this year in patronage refunds.

ad creation by cr publishing lp • 979.826.4347

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Brownwood Bulletin

Visitors Guide 2015

HIGHER LEARNING societies, service and social clubs, departmental Howard Payne University groups, athletics and intramurals. Founded in 1889, Howard Payne University is a Professors, staff members and many students Christian, coeducational university offering a full are integral members of the Brown County comarray of bachelorÕ s-level liberal arts, pre-profesmunity, serving on boards and in a variety of volsional, and honors studies, as well as a graduate unteer positions in churches and organizations. program in certain disciplines to its students. The university also elevates the cultural and Located on a residential main campus in Browneducational experience for residents by welcomwood, and at extension centers elsewhere in the ing the public to its variety of musical, theatrical state, the university is affiliated with the Baptist and educational programs and seminars held General Convention of Texas. throughout the year. Howard Payne was ranked eighth in the Western region of the United States among schools Texas State Technical College offering a great value according to Ò AmericaÕ s Texas State Technical College-West Texas is a Best Colleges,Ó published by U.S. News & World two-year, state-funded higher education instituReport. Howard Payne regularly appears in the tion in Abilene, Breckenridge, Brownwood and publicationÕ s rankings among the best values in Sweetwater offering associateÕ s degrees and cerhigher education. Enrollment at HPU averages 1,400 students with tificates through its traditional programs as well as customized training in critical and emerging a student to faculty ratio of 12:1, which guarantechnologies from its Ò corporate college.Ó tees a close interaction between the professors The Brownwood TSTC center opened in 1992 and students. The university offers students more than 50 majors, minors and pre-profession- in a 13,000-square-foot renovated grocery store, employed five full-time staff members and had al programs to choose from in the six schools 71 students enrolled. Today, the five-building Ñ Science and Math, Business, Christian Studies, complex encompasses more than 43,000 square Education, Music, Fine Arts and Humanities. The student life at Howard Payne includes more feet with an expansion recently completed in the facilities that are now owned by TSTC. More than than 50 student organizations including honor

Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

300 students are enrolled in a typical semester here, and Brownwood has been a leader in the increase in student enrollment among West Texas TSTC centers over recent years. With an increasing demand for technicians in health and science fields, TSTC West Texas has health and science programs to prepare professionals in fields such as chemical dependency counseling; emergency medical technology/paramedic; environmental science technology; health information technology and vocational nursing. In the global economy, the need for high-speed communication systems is growing constantly. TSTC West Texas offers training in computer network systems and administration; computer science technology; and digital imaging and design technology. In addition to offering associateÕ s degrees in a variety of fields, TSTC also works extensively through its Ò corporate collegeÓ with local industries, economic development entities and workforce agencies to improve the skills of employees to keep up with technological advancements. The Brownwood center expanded into the former social service offices, and has also expanded its offerings for short-term community education courses that include computer programs, photography, bookkeeping, customer relations, professional cashier, welding for the general public and bank teller training. Offerings vary, as they are tailored to the needs of students and local employers. Visit for more information. Ranger College Ranger CollegeÕ s campus at Heartland Mall in Early represents the newest facility for post-secondary education in Brown County, although the college has offered classes here for years. The main campus is located in Ranger, in Eastland County about 65 miles northeast of Brownwood, and its website asserts that it Ò is one of the oldest public two-year colleges in continuous operation in the state of Texas.Ó In conjunction with its main campus in Ranger, the college offers adjunct classes in neighboring cities, including Early and Stephenville. Enrollment has been soaring in recent semesters throughout the Ranger system. The official service area of Ranger College, as defined by the Texas Legislature, includes part of the Ranger Independent School District located in Eastland County, excluding the area known as the Ò old Bullock School Land,Ó plus all of Brown, Comanche, Erath, Young, Palo Pinto and Stephens counties, excluding the portion of the Graham Independent School District in Young County. Visit for more information.

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Brownwood Bulletin


Visitors Guide 2015

2015 orship Services Directory

May First Baptist Church

The Newcomers & Visitors Guide to Local Worship Services

18955 Cunningham St. May, TX 254.259.2182 Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship - 11 a.m. Sunday Youth & Adult Bible Study - 6 p.m. Wednesday Team Kids - 5:30 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting - 6:45 p.m. Nursery provided for all services.

EvEryoNE WElcomE!

4th & Stewart Church of Christ 3201 4th St. 646-7102

Ave. W Church of Christ 800 Ave. W • 643-6003

Grace Lutheran 1401 1st Street

(1st & Coggin)

Johnny McCaghren, Minister

Service Schedule Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship: 10:40 a.m. evening Worship: 6:00 p.m. Wednesday evening Worship: 7:00 p.m.

EvEryonE WElcomE


Ministers: Billy Willis Darrell Kirbo Bruce Stewart Roland Finch Sunday Services: 10:30 am and 2:00 pm Wednesday Service: 7:00 pm

Central United Methodist Church


Rev. Curtis W. Schneider Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:00 am Morning Worship 10:15 am Church of the Lutheran Hour

1501 2nd Street 646-9621 “God Cares, We Care” Sunday School 9:30am Morning Worship10:50am Rev. Tim Boeglin, Minister

Everyone Welcome

Catholic Community of St. Mary Queen of Peace Church

Saturdays: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Saturdays: Sacrament of Reconciliation: 4:30 – 5:15 p.m. Saturday Evening Mass: 5:30 p.m. Sunday Mass: 9:00 a.m. Bilingual; 11:00 a.m. English; 2015 5:30 p.m. English Daily Mass Schedule: Monday and Wednesday: 12:00 noon Tuesday and Friday: 9:00 a.m.; Thursday: 6:30 p.m.


unless otherwise noted in the parish bulletin

1103 Main Avenue; Office/Mailing: 1101 Booker St. Brownwood, TX 76801 325-646-7455 office; fax 325-646-6643

Rev. Francis Njoku

1040 Early Blvd • 325-646-8349

Pastors - Jim and Anita Maxwell Sunday Worship and Children's Church - 10:30 a.m. Liberated Youth - 7:00 a.m. • A Study in the Word - 7:00 p.m.

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Brownwood Bulletin

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1st Christian Church

Salt Creek Baptist Church Jimmie Mize

Sunday Worship - 10:30 am

First Baptist Church of Blanket 504 Main Street • Blanket, TX 325-748-5721 Pastor Jerry Payne

Wednesday Bible Study - 6:30 pm

Sunday School - 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship - 11 a.m. Youth Bible Study - 5 p.m. Evening Worship - 6 p.m. Wednesday - 6:30 p.m. - Youth Activities, Children’s Church, and Adult Bible Study Nursery Available for all services. Everyone Welcome!


First United Methodist Church Brownwood

Dr. Don Scroggs, Minister Located at the corner of Tenth Street & Asbury across from the high school • (325) 643-1555 • Regular Sunday Services Worship 8:30 a.m. Common Ground Service 10:30 a.m. Traditional Service 10:45 a.m. Sunday School 9:40 a.m. Youth & Kids in Mission

Phillip Bertrand


Student Minister

Minister of Music

Children’s Minister

Dr. Randy Ethridge Sierra Damron

2411 Coggin Ave. • 646-8901

Sunday Services 11:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Youth 6:30 p.m.

Sterling Lentz, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 am Sunday WorShip 10:50 am WedneSday BiBle Study 6:00 pm

7775 FM 3100 • Early, TX • 646-3897 •


“A warm welcome awaits you...”

Austin Avenue ChurCh of Christ 1020 Austin Avenue Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.


1815 Coggin Avenue Brownwood, tX 76801 325-646-1506 Church office pastor tim skaggs

-RLQ XV IRU µ/ , ) ( 6HVVLRQV¶ Join us for ‘L.I.F.E Sessions’

-RLQ XV IRU µ/ , ) ( 6HVVLRQV¶ Sunday: 9:15 - 10:30 a.m. Family Worship

• Come early and enjoy Coffee, Specialty Drinks ϭϬ͗ϯϬ Ă͘ŵ ͘ ͙͘͘​͘​͘ &ĂŵŝůLJ tŽƌƐŚŝƉ x ŽŵĞ ĞĂƌůLJ ĂŶĚ ĞŶũŽLJ ŽĨĨĞĞ͕ ^ƉĞĐŝĂůƚLJ ƌŝŶŬƐ and Pastries at The Heartrock Cafe. Θ WĂƐƚƌŝĞƐ Ăƚ 7KH +HDUWURFN &DIp x ŽŵĞ ĞĂƌůLJ ĂŶĚ ĞŶũŽLJ ŽĨĨĞĞ͕ ^ƉĞĐŝĂůƚLJ ƌŝŶŬƐ Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. ‘Life In The Word’ 2845͙͘​͘​͙͘​͙​͙​͙͘​͙͘​͙ Hwy 279 • Brownwood, ͚dŚĞ hŶŝƚ͛ zŽƵƚŚ DŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ ϲ͗ϬϬ Ɖ͘ŵ͘ Θ WĂƐƚƌŝĞƐ Ăƚ 7KH +HDUWURFN &DIp TX 76801 (325)-646-7306 • tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͗ ͙͘​͘​͙͘​͙​͙​͙͘​͙͘​͙ ͚dŚĞ hŶŝƚ͛ zŽƵƚŚ DŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ ϲ͗ϬϬ Ɖ͘ŵ͘

^ƵŶĚĂLJ͗ • Come early & enjoy a Specialty Drink in


ϵ͗ϭϱ Ͳ ϭϬ͗ϯϬ Ă͘ŵour ͙​͙͘​͘​͘ &ĂŵŝůLJ tŽƌƐŚŝƉ Coffee Shop.

͙​͙͘​͘​͘&ĂŵŝůLJ tŽƌƐŚŝƉ Wednesday: 6:30 p.m. Bible Study x ϵ͗ϭϱ Ͳ ϭϬ͗ϯϬ Ă͘ŵ ŽŵĞ ĞĂƌůLJ Θ ĞŶũŽLJ Ă ^ƉĞĐŝĂůƚLJ • Food & Fellowship from ƌŝŶŬ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ŽĨĨĞĞ ^ŚŽƉ͘ 6:00 - 6:30 x ŽŵĞ ĞĂƌůLJ Θ ĞŶũŽLJ Ă ^ƉĞĐŝĂůƚLJ

601 Wallis • Santa Anna, TX 76878

tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͗ ƌŝŶŬ ŝŶ ŽƵƌ ŽĨĨĞĞ ^ŚŽƉ͘ (325)348-3271

ϲ͗ϯϬ Ɖ͘ŵ ͙​͙​͙͘​͙͘​͙​͙​͙͘​͘​͘​͘ ŝďůĞ ^ƚƵĚLJ ϲ͗ϯϬ Ɖ͘ŵ͙͘​͙͘​͙͘​͙​͙​͙͘​͙͘​͙​͙​͙​͙͘​͘ ͚>ŝĨĞ /Ŷ dŚĞ tŽƌĚ͛ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͗ tĞĚŶĞƐĚĂLJ͗ “May the LORD bless you and protect you. May the LORD smile on you and be gracious to you. x &ŽŽĚ Θ &ĞůůŽǁƐŚŝƉ ĨƌŽŵ ϲ͗ϬϬͲϲ͗ϯϬ

x &ŽŽĚ Θ &ĞůůŽǁƐŚŝƉ ĨƌŽŵ ϲ͗ϬϬͲϲ͗ϯϬ

May the LORD show you his favor and give you His peace” — Numbers ŝďůĞ ^ƚƵĚLJ 6:24-26 NLT ϲ͗ϯϬ Ɖ͘ŵ ͙​͙​͙͘​͙͘​͙​͙​͙͘​͘​͘​͘ ϲ͗ϯϬ Ɖ͘ŵ͙͘​͙͘​͙͘​͙​͙​͙͘​͙͘​͙​͙​͙​͙͘​͘ ͚>ŝĨĞ /Ŷ dŚĞ tŽƌĚ͛ ϲϬϭ tĂůůŝƐ ^ĂŶƚĂ ŶŶĂ͕ dy ϳϲϴϳϴ WE FEATURE A DYNAMIC CHILDREN’S MINISTRY FOR ALL SERVICES. Ϯϴϰϱ ,ǁLJ Ϯϳϵ ƌŽǁŶǁŽŽĚ͕ dy ϳϲϴϬϭ x &ŽŽĚ Θ &ĞůůŽǁƐŚŝƉ ĨƌŽŵ ϲ͗ϬϬͲϲ͗ϯϬ x &ŽŽĚ Θ &ĞůůŽǁƐŚŝƉ ĨƌŽŵ ϲ͗ϬϬͲϲ͗ϯϬ Senior Pastors Ken & Dawn ;ϯϮϱͿ ϯϰϴͲϯϮϳϭ Smith ;ϯϮϱͿ ϲϰϲͲϳϯϬϲ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƵƐΛŚĞĂƌƚůĂŶĚͲĐŚƵƌĐŚ͘ŽƌŐ

“Committed to the SuCCeSS of every PerSon” ϲϬϭ tĂůůŝƐ ^ĂŶƚĂ ŶŶĂ͕ dy ϳϲϴϳϴ Ϯϴϰϱ ,ǁLJ Ϯϳϵ ƌŽǁŶǁŽŽĚ͕ dy ϳϲϴϬϭ :( )($785( $ '<1$0,& &+,/'5(1¶6 0,1,675< )25 $// 6(59,&(6 ;ϯϮϱͿ ϯϰϴͲϯϮϳϭ ;ϯϮϱͿ ϲϰϲͲϳϯϬϲ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚƵƐΛŚĞĂƌƚůĂŶĚͲĐŚƵƌĐŚ͘ŽƌŐ


New Life

:( )($785( $ '<1$0,& &+,/'5(1¶6 0,1,675< )25 $// 6(59,&(6 ³&200,77(' 72 7+( 68&&(66 2) (9(5< 3(5621´



³&200,77(' 72 7+( 68&&(66 2) (9(5< 3(5621´ Assembly of God ůĂƐƐĞƐ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ ĨŽƌ /ŶĨĂŶƚƐ ƚŚƌŽƵŐŚ WƌĞͲ<ŝŶĚĞƌŐĂƌƚĞŶ

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Brownwood TX • 325-646-7222 ,ŽƵƌƐ ϳ͗ϬϬ Ă͘ŵ͘ Ͳ ϲ͗ϬϬ Ɖ͘ŵ͘

Everyone Welcome

Coggin Avenue BAptist ChurCh


Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Family Worship ^ƵŶĚĂLJ͗ ϭϬ͗ϯϬ Ă͘ŵ͘ ͙͘͘​͘​͘ &ĂŵŝůLJ tŽƌƐŚŝƉ

A loving, caring, friendly congregation with a place for you. 646-0855

Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Wednesday Midweek Service 7:00 p.m.

Tom Washburn, Pulpit Minister Sean Fitzgerald, Youth Minister Roland Bowen, Minister of Education & Missions Julie Moore, Director of Children’s Ministry

*' ''& 614' *' ''& 614'


Nursery Provided For Each Service



Bible Study 9:45 AM Worship Services: 8:30 AM (Blended) 11 AM (Contemporary)


Wee Kids Mother’s Day Out: 9 AM

Wednesday Activities:

Wee Kids Mother’s Day Out: 9 AM Prayer Meeting: 6 PM Awana Children’s program: 6 PM (School year only) 180 for Youth: 6:45 PM


Celebrate Recovery: 7 PM


MOPS (Mother’s of Preschoolers): The 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month

9:30 AM (school year only)

There are many other activities and events throughout the year such as children and youth camps, mission trips, women’s conferences, etc. For more information, please call the church office.

You are always welcome at...

May United Methodist Church Jo Lynn Davis Pastor

18005 N. Hwy 183 May Tx 76857 254-259-0011

Ϯϴϰϱ ,ǁLJ Ϯϳϵ ƌŽǁŶǁŽŽĚ͕ dy ϳϲϴϬϭ ;ϯϮϱͿϮϬϬͲϲϳϱϲ Sunday School 9:30a.m. • Sunday Worship 10:45a.m. Kids Church 10:45a.m. • Wednesday Service 7:00p.m. ͞:KHUH &KLOGUHQ DUH /HDUQLQJ WR /RYH DQG /RYLQJ WR /HDUQµ

Experience God, Share Life, Impact the World

Sharing God's love through His word, our caring spirit and faithful service.

Sunday Morning Worship 11:00am • Sunday School 10:00am

Page 42

Brownwood Bulletin

New BegiNNiNgs ChurCh Service TimeS: Adult SundAy School 9:30 A.m. SundAy WorShip 10:30 A.m. SundAy EvEning 6:00 p.m. WEdnESdAy SErvicE 7:00 p.m. nursery at all services

WedneSday nighT youTh: thE young hEroES (AgES 4-9) thE roc uÕ th (AgES 10-14) SEnior youth (AgES 15-19) ouTreach ServiceS: Food PanTry 3rd mondAy of thE month 10:00 A.m. - noon PriSon miniSTry At t.r. hAvinS unit SEcond fridAy of thE month

1001 Belle Plain • 643-6089

2515 Ave D (Corner of Ave D & 14th)

Phone: 643-3500


Visitors Guide 2015

Faith Baptist Church

ChurCh of the Good Shepherd Mon-Thur morning prayer: 9:00 am Sunday Holy Eucharist: 10:00 am Sunday AM Church School Wednesday: Holy Eucharist: 6:00 pm Thursday Mens Bible Study: 3 Brentwood Circle, 6:00 pm Brown Bag

The Rev. Robert (Bob) McBride 1800 Good Shepherd Dr. 646-8791

Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. (Junior Church Included) Afternoon Worship 1:30 p.m. Wednesday 7:00 p.m.

CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH “Where YOU are family! 1719 9th Street * Brownwood 325-646-6139 9:30am 10:45am 6:30pm 6:30pm

- Sunday School - Morning Worship - Evening Worship – Wed. Prayer Service

2001 14th • 646-7147 Everyone Welcome

The Early Church

High Mesa Cowboy Church

1023 Early Blvd. • Early Tx • 325-646-2935 Are you looking for that OLD TIME RELIGION that makes you love everybody?

YOU ARE INVITED to come and be a part of a Bible based church that strives to be “Led by the Spirit” If you’re looking for a friendly, casual and down home atmosphere, Cowboy Church is the place for you.

Sunday 10 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Pastor - Ken Colegrove “You can learn the Bible at home! Call or e-mail for more information!”

1100 High Mesa Dr. Brownwood, TX 76801 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. Wed. Worship 7:00 p.m.

Pastor: Todd King Church 641-9192 Secretary 642-0474 Pastor 642-0355

We believe you will feel the love of the Holy Spirit as soon as you walk through the door.


SuNDAy AM: Coffee and Donuts served - 9:30 am Morning Service - 10:00 am WEDNESDAy PRAyER/BIBLE STuDy - 6:00 pm

ALL ARE WELCOME to our Non-Denominational Services!

St. John’S ChurCh


Presbyterian ChUrCh

Schedule of Services:

Sunday Morning Service: 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, 1928 Book of Common Prayer 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I, 1979 Book of Common Prayer Wednesday Schedule: 6:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist with Unction for Healing 7:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study The Rev. Michael S. Mobley Th.M., RecToR Serving the community (those in need) Food & Toiletries Ministry

a congregation of the P.C. (U.S.A.) 700 Fisk Ave., Brownwood, Tx


Dr. Mark S. White, Interim Pastor

Christian Education (all ages) - 9:30 a.m. • Fellowship Time - 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship - 10:30 a.m. • Soaking Prayer - Noon-1:00 p.m. Wednesday

Main & Depot Streets • 646-7482

Ò Take Care of Your HeartÓ

View Brownwood Bulletin’s Saturday Devotional Page for more local church listings and times.

Brownwood BULLETI BULLETIn Your Community u Your Story u Delivered Your Way

Serving the Heart of Texas Since 1886

700 Carnegie Brownwood, TX 325-646-2541

Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

We are innovators.

We are Kubota.

RTV-X900 Utility Vehicle

Standard L Series Compact Tractors

• 21.6 HP Kubota Diesel Engine • Exclusive Variable Hydro Transmission • Front and Rear Independent Suspension

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M-GX Series Mid-Size Ag Tractors

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Moore's Service Center 1425 US Hwy. 84 East Star,TX 76880 (325) 948-3595

Optional equipment may be shown. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2015

Page 43

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Brownwood Bulletin

2015 Area Business Directory 1893 Trading Post Antiques and Collectables 40 years 622 Main, Blanket.......................................325-642-2576

Bill J. Stewart Construction 46 years P.O. Box 1446, Brownwood ........................325-643-3905

Visitors Guide 2015 Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar 1 Year 511 W. Commerce, Brownwood ......................325-641-1400


Black Plumbing 3 years Brownwood, 24/7 Plumbing..............................325-643-5215

Cadenhead Veterinary Clinic 46 years 3807 Hwy 377 S., Brownwood .........................325-646-8775

Box-N-Mail Express 19 years 901 N. Fisk, Brownwood .............................325-643-1037

Cain Electrical Supply Corp. 22 years 2000 Fisk, Brownwood .....................................325-643-4851

A-Action Bail Bonds 37 years 1038 W. Commerce, Brownwood ..................325-643-1827

Brindley Bookkeeping 25 years 314 Brown, Brownwood ...................................325-646-7057

Camelot Apartments 44 years 2001 Slayden, Brownwood...............................325-643-4591

Aaron’s Sales & Lease 15 years 103 Early Blvd., Early .......................................325-646-8023

Brownwood Bulletin 114 years • 700 Carnegie, Brownwood ...............................325-646-2541

Abe Giles Motor Co. 35 years 103 Early Blvd., Early .......................................325-643-3836

Brownwood Country Club (a private Country Club) 87 years • 5875 Country Club Rd, Brownwood ....................325-646-0237

Care Nursing & Rehabilitation Retirement Community 45 years 200 County Rd. 616, Early ...............................325-646-5521

3M Company 50 years Brownwood Industrial Park, Brownwood ..... 325-646-3551


Academy Lanes 48 years 1101 Austin Ave., Brownwood .........................325-646-0637 Ace Tree Service 34 years Brownwood .......................................................325-646-7956 Advanced Auto Parts 10 years 300 N. Main, Brownwood .................................325-643-2330 Allstate Insurance Company Shane Oliver, Agent 28 years 3663 E. Hwy 377 S. Brownwood .....................325-643-4243

Brownwood Evangelism Center UPC Pentecostals of Brownwood 67 years 2515 Ave D, Brownwood..................................325-643-3500 Brownwood Flying Service 42 years Cisco Hwy / Municipal Airport ..........................325-646-8047 Brownwood Funeral Home and Cremations 4 years 2512 Belle Plain, Brownwood ..........................325-646-5551 Brownwood Glass & Alignment 110 years 106 N. Main, Brownwood .................................325-643-2690

Angerstein Concrete Contractors, Inc. 38 years 3427 Milam Dr., Brownwood ............................325-646-2730

Brownwood Housing Authority 74 years 1500 Terrace Dr, Brownwood .....................325-646-0790

Apollo Computers 11 years 611 Early Blvd, Early ........................................325-643-8184

Brownwood Janitorial & Fire Extinguisher Supply 28 years 1200 C.C. Woodson Rd., Early ........................325-643-2711

Austin Ave Church of Christ 127 years 1020 Austin Ave., Brownwood .........................325-646-0855

Brownwood Manor 31 years 300 Center, Brownwood ...................................325-643-6611

Auto Glass Magic Windshields 22 years 100 N. Main, Brownwood .................................325-646-9789

Brownwood Muffler & Automotive 42 years 406 Early Blvd, Early ........................................325-646-0716


Brownwood Music 26 years 201 W. Baker, Brownwood...............................325-646-1365

Bangs Nursing Home 51 years 1105 Fitzgerald, Bangs ....................................325-752-6321

Brownwood Nursing & Rehabilitation, L.P. 47 years 101 Miller Dr., Brownwood ...............................325-643-9555

Carrousel Child Care Center 35 years 1303 Phillips, Brownwood ................................325-646-2461 Carry Safe Concealed Hand Gun Classes 19 years • Dr. Dan Chapman Call for class times ...........................................325-646-3943 Central Texas Farm Credit, ACA 97 years 1038 Early Blvd., Early .....................................325-643-5563 Central Texas Women’s Clinic 40 years 2201 Coggin, Brownwood ...........................325-643-1526 Central United Methodist Church 93 years 1501 2nd, Brownwood......................................325-646-9621 Chicken Express 10 years 221 Early Blvd., Early .......................................325-643-3100 Chili’s Grill and Bar 11 years 210 E. Commerce, Brownwood .......................325-641-1314 The Chatfield Assisted Living 6 years 1605 Calvert Rd., Brownwood .........................325-200-4904 Church of the Good Shepherd 61 years 1800 Good Shepherd, Brownwood ................. 325-646-8791 Citizens National Bank 81 years 1 Carnegie, Brownwood ...................................325-643-3545 City Sewing Center 41 years 410 Center Ave., Brownwood ..........................325-643-1132

Visitors Guide 2015 CMS Health Care, Inc. 27 years 1102 Early, Blvd., Early ............................. 325-643-4900 Cook’s Fish Barn Restaurant and Catering 31 years Highway 36 Between Rising Star and Comanche ................................................................... 254-842-5409 Corina’s Restaurant 27 years 7601 Hwy 279, Lake Brownwood.............. 325-784-5360 Cross Country Healthcare Center 29 years 1514 Indian Creek Dr., Brownwood .......... 325-646-6529 C.T. Ham Insurance Agency Farmers Insurance 38 years 2800 A Austin Ave., Brownwood ............... 325-643-1583

Brownwood Bulletin Ed McMillian Plumbing 26 years 2514 Waco, Brownwood ........................... 325-646-6102 Edward Jones 38 years 500 Main, Brownwood ............................... 325-643-2544 1105 Riverside Dr., Brownwood............. 1-800-441-2356 Elliott Electrical Supply Inc. 19 years 4300 Danhil Dr., Brownwood .................... 325-646-6566

F Firestone Complete Auto Care 67 Years • 509 W. Commerce, Brownwood ............... 325-646-6513


First Aide Agency 15 years Brownwood ................................................ 325-641-2512

Davis Floral 108 years 505 Fisk, Brownwood ................................ 325-646-9595

First Christian Church 128 years 2411 Coggin Ave., Brownwood ................. 325-646-8901

Davis–Morris Funeral Home 89 years • 800 Center Ave, Brownwood .................... 325-646-5555

First United Methodist Church of Brownwood 129 years 2500 11th St., Brownwood ........................ 325-643-1555

Day Stone 15 years 2800 Hwy 279, Brownwood ...................... 325-641-9040

Flagship Inn 54 years 8875 Hwy 279, Lake Brownwood.............. 325-784-7656

Depot Liquor 5 years 1001 Vine St., Brownwood ........................ 325-646-3500

Flour Power Bakery 5 years 2300 Austin Ave., Brownwood .................. 325-643-2253

Diamond R Store & Cafe 4 years Hwy 183-84, Zephyr ................................. 325-739-2068

Frames and Things 67 years 408 Center, Brownwood ............................ 325-646-8811

Digger’s Diamond Electric 16 years 1814 Third St., Brownwood ....................... 325-646-6147 Dr Pepper Bottlers Brownwood Inc. 88 years 3321 Milam Dr., Brownwood ..................... 325-646-9583


G Glamour Shop 63 years 405-411 Center Ave, Brownwood ............. 325-643-2633 GLB Enterprises (Texas America Safety Co.) 27 years 4400 Danhil Dr., Brownwood .................... 325-646-5346

Early Chamber of Commerce 36 years 104 E. Industrial Dr., Early ........................ 325-649-9317

Good Shepherd Apartments 35 years 1700 Good Shepherd, Brownwood ........... 325-643-5182

Early Trailer Sales LLC 6 years 901 Early Blvd., Early ................................ 325-646-2022

Guitar Veterinary Clinic David Guitar D.V.M. 11 years 9251 CR 232, Brownwood ........................ 325-646-8886

Eastlawn Memorial Park A Perpetual Care Cemetery 64 years 1921 Early Blvd. - Fort Worth Highway ..... 325-646-9125


Page 45 Hampton Inn 5 years 1103 Riverside Dr., Brownwood................ 325-641-1122 Handy Tobacco 9 years 3501 Hwy 377 S, Brownwood ................... 325-641-2421 Harris Broadband Video + Internet + Phone 10 years 500 Fisk, Brownwood ................................ 325-646-9493 Harris Insurance Agency Farmers Insurance 9 years 2421 Austin Ave, Brownwood ................... 325-643-1600 Heard Brothers Automotive 41 years 403 Early Blvd., Early ................................ 325-643-1725 Heart of Texas EMS 4 years 1102 Early Blvd., Early .............................. 855-641-0210 Heart of Texas Mechanical Contracting 24 years 203 Cordell Street, Brownwood ................ 325-646-1655 Bangs ........................................................ 325-752-6602 Heartland Funeral & Cremation Services 23 years 303 Early Blvd., Early ................................ 325-646-9424 Heartland Pools & Spas 16 years Brownwood .........................325-641-2855, 325-647-9832 The Hideout Golf Club 7 years 6680 FM 2632, Brownwood ...................... 325-784-4653 Higginbothams Funeral Home 114 years 309 Northeast 4th St., Cross Plains .......... 254-725-6153 Hi-Way Auto Inc. 60 years 2805 Hwy 279, Brownwood ...................... 325-646-8254 Hi-Way Auto Scrap Metal Recycling 4 years 2805 Hwy 279, Brownwood ...................... 325-646-9590 ................................................................... 800-646-9590 Hope For Tomorrow 22 years 1305 Early Blvd, Early ............................... 325-646-4673 Hopkins Mini Storage 6 years 100 Coleman St. Brownwood.............Day 325-643-6627 ..........................................................Night 325-998-2875

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Brownwood Bulletin

2015 Area Business Directory Howard Payne University 126 years 1000 Fisk Street, Brownwood ....................325-646-2502

I Ingram Concrete 52 years 4301 Danhil Rd., Brownwood.....................325-646-6518


Leland’s of Early - Portable Buildings 9 years 109 E. Industrial Blvd., Early ......................325-203-1609 Lemons’ Bar-B-Q 20 years 3202 Coggin Ave, Brownwood ...................325-646-9655 Little Creek Auto Sales 4 Years 702 Early Blvd., Early .................................325-643-8116

J & E Co. Recycled Reading 25 years 1207 Coggin, Brownwood ..........................325-643-6628

Little Dude Ranch Child Development Center 39 Years 1601 Stewart, Brownwood .........................325-646-8877

JC Penney 93 Years Heartland Mall, Early ..................................325-646-3537

Longhorn Auto Sales 39 years 903 W. Commerce, Brownwood ................325-643-2994

Julie Gribble Town & Country Real Estate 17 years 302 2nd St., Brownwood ............................325-641-1900 ....................................................................325-646-2077

Longhorn Campers, Inc. 50 years Blanket........................................................325-748-5741


Lydick – Hooks Roofing Co., Inc. 85 years 2001 S. Fisk, Brownwood ..........................325-646-9581

KBWD 1380 AM, KOXE 101.3 FM 74 years 300 Carnegie, Brownwood .........................325-646-3505


Kent Comolli, O.D. & J. Randall Ethridge, O.D. 45 years 1200 Austin Ave., Brownwood ...................325-643-5511 Kidz Town 11 years 107 Longhorn Dr., Early .............................325-649-0944

M & F Gauge & Specialty Co., Inc. 54 years 3104 Morris Sheppard Dr., Brownwood .....325-643-2655 Main Street Car Wash & Detail 18 years 410 Main St., Brownwood ..........................325-643-5001

Kirbo’s Office Systems 43 years 3005 Hwy 377 S., Brownwood ...................325-643-3383

McCluskey & Associates Real Estate Luann McCluskey, GRI, Broker/Owner 16 years • 1515 Austin Ave., Brownwood ...................325-643-3200

Kroger Food Store 37 years 302 N. Main, Brownwood ...........................325-646-7546

McCoy’s Building Supply 41 years 3605 Hwy 377 S., Brownwood ...................325-643-2638

Kwik Kar Oil & Lube 24 years 212 E. Commerce, Brownwood .................325-643-6415

Mid-Tex Federal Credit Union 54 years 3808 Hwy 377S, Brownwood .....................325-646-4571


Mills County State Bank 126 years 3101 Austin Ave., Brownwood ...................325-646-1798 411 Early Blvd., Early .................................325-646-0313

Landmark Life Ins. Co. 82 years P.O. BOX 40, Brownwood, 76804 ..............325-646-6579 ................................................................ 1-800-299-5433 Leach Bros. Manufacturing U-Haul Rental 98 years 210 North Main, Brownwood ......................325-646-9301

Morrison Supply Company 19 years 1501 Center Ave., Brownwood ..................325-643-4492 ....................................................................800-979-4333 Move Rite & Transportation 14 years 901 N. Fisk, Brownwood ............................325-641-2690

Visitors Guide 2015

N Napa Auto Parts 27 years 1101 Riverside Dr. Brownwood..................325-643-3926 Nathana’s Tanning & Hair Studio 18 years 106 S. Broadway, Brownwood ...................325-641-2145 ....................................................................325-280-7792 Nelson Wholesale Service, Ag-Mart 68 years 2400 Hwy 377 S., Brownwood ...................325-643-3636 Netherton Funeral Home & Cremation 13 years 1412 Belle Plain, Brownwood ....................325-646-9000

O Oak Ridge Manor 27 years 2501 Morris Sheppard Dr., Brownwood .....325-643-2746

P Painter & Johnson Financial 38 years 201 W. Adams, Brownwood .......................325-646-2959 Pecan Valley Electric 98 years 302 2nd, Brownwood..................................325-646-3566 Performance Pipe 52 years Camp Bowie, Brownwood ..........................325-646-6561 Peters Insurance Agency 30 years 1301 Ave A, Brownwood ............................325-643-1723 PF&E Oil Co., Food Plaza 49 years Brady Highway, Brownwood ......................325-646-1584 Porter Insurance Agency 75 years 100 N. Fisk, Brownwood ............................325-646-9586 514 Early, Blvd., Early ................................325-643-6550

R Red Wagon Restaurant 41 years 401. N. Main, Brownwood ..........................325-646-1599 Reed Memorial, Inc. 66 years 2300 Crockett Dr., Brownwood ..................325-646-7625 RG Pro Floors 25 years Lake Brownwood ........................................325-784-5904

Visitors Guide 2015

Brownwood Bulletin

Page 47

Roberson Rent-All 59 years 3102 Morris Sheppard Dr., Brownwood .....325-646-7732

Sonic Early 8 years 974 Early Blvd., Early .................................325-643-3434

Trans-Texas Tire 30 years 109 S. Broadway, Brownwood ...................325-643-1541

Roberts & Petty, Inc. 51 years Building 113 Stephen F. Austin, Bwd.........325-646-6452

Southside Village Apartments 42 years 2801 4th, Brownwood.................................325-646-1749

Trans-Texas Tire #2 8 years 706 W. Commerce, Brownwood ................325-643-6200


Southwest Appliance, Furniture & Service 49 years 1000 C.C. Woodson, Brownwood ..............325-646-8773

TSO (Texas State Optical) 34 years • Dr. Stanley W. Cavett 310 Early Blvd., Early .................................325-643-1826

Spring Crest Carpet & Drapery 30 years 609 S. Main, Brownwood ...........................325-646-6793

TWT Moulding Co., Inc./DBA Wall Moulding & Associates 58 years 203 W 8th St., Brownwood.........................325-643-2521

Salt Creek Baptist Church 126 years 7775 North FM 3100, Early ........................325-646-3897 Schlotzsky’s Deli 18 years 919 N. Fisk, Brownwood ............................325-643-6661 Senior Care of Brownwood Health and Rehabilitation 5 years 2700 Memorial Park Dr., Brownwood ........325-643-9801 Service Master of Brown County 21 years 307 W. Baker, Brownwood.........................325-646-1266 Shaw’s Laundry Dry Cleaning & Linen Service 97 years 508 N. Center, Brownwood ........................325-646-7559 Sherwin Williams 68 years Commerce Square 509 D. W. Commerce, Brownwood ............325-643-4217 Shoppa’s Material Handling 15 years 4511 Danhil Dr., Brownwood .....................325-643-8115 Sivalls, Inc. 33 years 2300 Dickman Rd., Brownwood .................325-643-3621 Smith & Sharpe Agencies 108 years 201 W. Adams, Brownwood .......................325-646-4578

Catholic Community of St. Mary Queen of Peace Church 119 years 1105 Main Blvd., Brownwood.....................325-646-7455 St. John’s Church 126 years Main at Depot St., Brownwood...................325-646-7482

V VFW POST 3278 - Men’s & Ladies Auxiliary 81 years Camp Bowie, Brownwood ..........................325-646-8113

State Farm Insurance • Larry G. Pullin, Agent 40 years 400 CC Woodson, Brownwood ..................325-643-2624


Sterling Monument Co. 12 years 2701 Hwy 377 S., Brownwood ...................325-641-5701 Sue’s Backyard Plants & Gift Shop 7 years 404 E. Depot, Brownwood .........................325-646-4634 Superior Essex 51 years 2900 Morris Sheppard Dr., Brownwood .....325-646-8591

T Taco Bell 12 years in current location 547 W. Commerce, Brownwood ................325-643-1466

SMK Fabricators, Inc. 20 years 16901 Hwy 183, May .................................254-259-3906

Texas Realty 10 years 8603 Hwy 279, Lake Brownwood...............325-784-5100

Songbird Lodge Nursing & Rehabilitation Center 23 years 2500 Songbird Circle, Brownwood .............325-646-4750

Thrift Mart 45 years • 108 S. 1st, Bangs .......................................325-752-6113

Sonic #2 9 years 1500 Austin Ave., Brownwood ...................325-643-5510

Union Presbyterian Church 140 years 700 Fisk Ave, Brownwood..........................325-646-8569

State Farm Insurance • Mike Hall 41 years • 807 Center Ave., Ste C, Brownwood .........325-646-8600

Smith Roofing 68 years 713 Belle Plain, Brownwood ......................325-646-7516

Sonic #1 42 years 211 W. Commerce, Brownwood ................325-646-6812


Tootie Kelly Real Estate 39 years HWY 279 (1 mile S of Lake Bridge) ...........325-784-5270 7 years • Early Branch Office 111B Early Blvd., Early ..............................325-646-2444

Wally’s Party Factory 13 years 601 Fisk Ave., Brownwood.........................325-646-8533 Wally’s Woodworks 33 years 205 S. 1st, Bangs .......................................325-642-5605 Weakley-Watson True Value Hardware 140 years 1414 Austin Ave, Brownwood ....................325-646-0536 Welch Brothers Truck & Trailer Towing, Repair, Road Service 8 years 6435 Hwy 279, Lake Brownwood...............325-784-8403 ....................................................................800-830-2395 Weldon Wilson Electric, Inc. 35 years 4507 Danhil Dr., Brownwood .....................325-643-3110 Wendlee Broadcasting KXYL 1240 AM, KXYL FM & KQBZ FM 62 Years 600 Fisk Ave., Brownwood.........................325-646-3535 Wild Duck Marina 6 years • 320 High Top St., Lake Brownwood ..........325-784-7100 Williamson Financial Services 28 years Brownwood .................................................830-257-9673

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