College speaker and author, alexander myles uses magic to inspire students to reach their new years

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College Speaker And Author, Alexander Myles Uses Magic To Inspire Students To Reach Their New Years Goals

2015 is here and many people are setting New Year's resolutions, yet so few will actually keep them. Speaker, Author, and Magician Alexander Myles believes that everyone including students should be setting goals to help them make 2015 their best year yet. "It’s not just a silly exercise done once a year.” Myles says, "If you take goal setting seriously and measure it, you would be surprised how much you can make happen in your life. I think students can do anything if they put their mind to it." Myles speaks to groups all across the country in order to help businesses build stronger teams, students excel in school, or help students become stronger student leaders. He incorporates stories and uses magic as metaphors to keep his audiences entertained. Myles continues, “The simple things we do every single day makes a big difference in the quality in our lives. And this goes for making resolutions and goals while having a clear vision of our life.”

Many other experts agree with Myles, including experts Anthony Robbins and John Maxwell. They believe that goals play a vital role in creating success in life. Robbins says, "Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” For 2015, it's important for people to take three simple steps to achieve their goals. Myles believes, “You must first decide what you want in life. Step two is to develop a clear map to make it happen and step three is to go out and take action each and every day.” Myles say that most students don ’t set goals at the beginning of the year and that most people who do, break them within the first few weeks. Myles explains, "I simply talk to the students and help them create a vision to excel for the rest of their college years as well as through the rest of their life.” To find out more about how Myles uses magic and motivates groups, go to:

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