2018 July – September
Інститут Громадянського Суспільства
Decentralisation for Democracy Ukraine Swedish-Ukrainian project «Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine»
2014 — 2017
Децентралізація задля демократії — Україна
http://sklinternational.se/projects/project/support-to-decentralisation-in-ukraine https://www.facebook.com/DSPUkraine/ більШ детальнУ інФормаціЮ щодо діяльності ПроектУ ви моЖете ЗнаЙти на наШих каналах та сторінках
2015 2015 2015 Інститут Інститут Інститут Громадянського Громадянського Громадянського Суспільства Суспільства Суспільства
Local Self-Governments in Nordic and Baltic Countries, and in Poland
Decentralisation of education in Poland. Lessons for Ukraine
Manual on effective education management in ATC «New School in New Hromada»
Education Finances in Ukraine: Selected Strategic Issues
Education decentralisation in Poland: 25 years of experience
Myths and truths about the education reform
Fiscal Decentralization and Local Government Finance Reform: 2014-2017
An evaluation of Decentralisation Impact on transparency and efficiency of public expenditures
Scandinavian ways of local government reforms
2018 PLANS EDUCATION DECENTRALISATION Capacity building for MES in the following areas: Support with setting up of monitoring tools, budgeting process on the national level, and budgeting procedures on the local level Support with legal drafting, in particular as concerns finance and management parts of the new Law on Secondary Education, the related decrees of the CMU and of the MES Strengthening the capacities of the MES in managing, monitoring, and planning education finance, and especially on implementation and adjustment of allocation formula for education subvention Support to associations of local governments in the area of education
finance, to strengthen their capacity to represent the interests of their members through a dialogue with the Government of Ukraine Work on local and regional level: Support to new hromadas with establishment of education function and prepare and carry out optimisation of school networks Preparation of methodological guidelines and model documents Implementation of the capacity building strategy on education (click to view) Identification of the relevant partners for the transfer of the project’s outputs, processes and methods.Development of the institutionalisation road maps and their implementation
FISCAL DECENTRALISATION Complete the approach for sub-national data collection, systematisation and sharing for monitoring and analytical purposes Perform analysis of 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 sub-national finances: revenues and expenditures Capacity building of relevant staff within MinReg, Minfin as well as other relevant bodies, like LSG Associations, in the areas of data collection, analysis and evidence-based policy making Set up framework for joint decentralisation reform monitoring framework by MinRegion and MinFin Support fiscal decentralisation related work of the Central Reform Office in the MinRegion
REFORM COMMUNICATION Support capacity building of regional media in the field of education decentralisation Continue promoting reform experiences from Ukraine and other countries Dissemination of information about the reforms and best practices from the amalgamated territorial communities Supporting agents of change at regional level, including communication specialists Communicate project activities, outputs and results
SUPPORT TO THE UKRAINIAN ASSOCIATION OF AMALGAMATED TERRITORIAL COMMUNITIES Strengthening the legitimacy and membership base of the Association to achieve the legal requirements set for the LGAs in the Ukrainian legislation Capacity building, coaching and advisory support to help Association represent its members and undertake proactive and evidence-based lobbying and advocacy towards national and regional institutions Support with setting up and delivery of services for the members of the Association Introduction and implementation of institutional and organisational changes that would help Association to perform effectively and democratically
SUPPORT TO THE PARLIAMENTARY COMMITTEES Supporting the organisation of the ‘out-of-house’ Committee meetings to showcase the specific challenges or the examples of developments taking place in Ukraine’s regions Showcasing European practices (Swedish and Nordic) through study visits, case studies, analytical papers, reports etc
Decentralization 2014— —2017 2017 Decentralizationfor forDemocracy Democracy ––Ukraine Ukraine 2014 2014——2017 2017 Decentralizationfor forDemocracy Democracy– –Ukraine Ukraine 2014 Decentralization
Інститут Громадянського Суспільства RESOURCES ON WEB:
Project’s web-site sklinternational.org.ua
Official web-site on decentralisation: Finances
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