Result framework July - December 2016 ENG

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Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine, 2014 - 2018 Report for July - December 2016

Overall objective: Contribute to strengthened democracy, improved governance and better service delivery to the citizens of Ukraine Results (change to contribute to)

Indication of Progress (how do we know we are moving towards our intended results)

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 PLANNED

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 ACTUAL

Fiscal Decentralisation Data bases and tools developed, simulations conducted to establish analytical basis for fiscal decentralisation

1 MoF and MoRD have ability and analytical Parliamentary Committee informed by international tools to track impact experiences of drafting, amending and overseeing legal provisions on municipal supervision of policy changes that have already been made, and to simulate financial effects of the changes that will come. 2 Fiscal reforms are analytically grounded and based on principles of reasonableness, fairness & transparency

Analytical, communication and policy making capacities improved in MoRD and MoF Consensus across MoF, MoRD and the LGAs on the need to engage in common policy research

Establishment of the framework for monitoring local government financial performance and for municipal borrowing

Sub-national revenue and expenditure data was obtained from the Ministry of Finance and sorted out into comparable formats for 2014, 2015 and for the first six months of 2016. Project is awaiting data for full 2016 in order to develop a statistical analysis of the development of sub-national finances over a three year period (2014-2016)

Support with design of financial monitoring methods. Support with design of formats for publishing sub-national financial data by Ministry and by LSGs

Methodology for systematisation of sub-national data was developed. Methodology is needed to make the data comparable, as data categories in the UA budget change from year to year. In parallel - experts continued work on making the World Bank Boost system available to UA Government bodies

Expert support to specific, content related tasks prioritised in the Green Paper, including in the areas of health care sector financing and in improving the LSG revenue basis

The reform package for the health care sector was finalised and submitted to Cabinet of Minister's approval at the end of November 2016. The package includes concept for health care decentralisation and the new health care financing model. Project experts worked as part of the key working group preparing the package. The package was adopted by the Cabinet of Ministers on 30 November. Project experts also contributed to drafting and discussing Public Finance Management strategy for Ukraine.

Organisation of the FDTF meetings, meetings of the FDTF working groups

Under the new Minister of Finance, the work of the decentralisation working groups continued in the field of health care. Other activities had been temporary slowed down.

Engagement of the new Reform Support Offices in the policy research and policy analysis activities of 3 the ministries and widening of the circle of Government Officials reformers engaged in decentralisation policy

presents objectives and anticipated effects of the fiscal reforms to the parliament and the public at large in clear and empirically grounded ways



Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine, 2014 - 2018 Report for July - December 2016

Results (change to contribute to)

4 The community of experts and politicians involved with fiscal reforms including the LGAs share a common and more robust empirical foundation for policy making

Indication of Progress (how do we know we are moving towards our intended results)

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 PLANNED

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 ACTUAL

Government Officials have ability and are prepared Maintaining continuous dialogue with and to present fiscal reforms in a clear and empirically between Ukrainian stakeholders - relevant ministries, LSG Associations. Coordination of grounded way Community experts, politicians and LGAs have a continuous and constructive dialogue on empirical foundations for fiscal reforms

Coordination continues and is deepening in the fields of health care decentralisation and education decentralisation, including with regional and local actors. expert and donor work in specific thematic areas Efforts still needed to establish cross-sector coordination identified by the Green Paper in the field of fiscal decentralisation. 20-21 December - project experts supported the meeting with the oblast health departmenrs where the creation of health care districts was discussed Field visits were organised to problematic rayons of Odessa oblast, to discuss the optimal solution

Decentralisation in the Education Sector Financial and statistical education data is collected, sorted and linked by the Institute of Education Analytics (IEA).

Legal support

An Analysis of patterns of education expenditures is conducted. Key factors to be used in the allocation formula are identified.

Support with sorting and linking of financial and

Support related to establishment of the new organisation framework, divison of functions

statistical education data, and with establishing 1 indicators for monitoring of quality of education Decentralisation services reforms in the education sector are Allocation simulator and scenarios are prepared effectively managed and discussed with MES leaders by MES and founded on reliable analysis Staff within MES and IEA capacited to identify best approaches to the allocation of grants and to draft allocation formula for educational categorical grants for 2017.


State information (statistics) database DISO is functional and covers 99.98% of Ukrainian schools. Over 15 on the Job ะกoaching Sessions for the IEA were conducted on data collection Over 15 on the Job ะกoaching Sesions for the IEA were conducted on Education Indicators Over 20 individual meetings and coaching sessions for MES leadership and IEA staff Number of analysis of Education Subvention Allocation paterns were conducted (produced electronic/on-line tool) A set of National Education Indicators were developed by the Institute of Education Analytics based on the available data Simulator of Allocation of Education Subvention for 2017 was developed and sucessfuly tested BUT the Formula was rejected by MinFIn Road Map for Cooperation of MES and MF on elaboration of a new 2018 fromula has been drawn up 2 Analytical Papers on DISO content and functionality expantion possibilities 3 analytical papers containing Case studies for Education Subvention Allocation submited to stakeholders 2 explanatory papers in support of the Draft Alocation Formula by MES for MinFin


Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine, 2014 - 2018 Report for July - December 2016

Results (change to contribute to)

Indication of Progress (how do we know we are moving towards our intended results)

A proposal for allocation formula for 2017 is submitted to Cabinet of Ministers by MES Necessary sub-legislative acts are drafted by MES Key personnel in IEA able to conduct its own analyses and work

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 PLANNED Support MES and IEA to apply, monitor and follow-up on the allocation formula Prepare procedures for yearly evaluation and adjustment of allocation formula

Preparation of monitoring process, including public information about the use of education budget

Key personnel in MES and IEA able to apply and Support to MES in setting up functions for follow-up on the approved allocation formula monitoring, legal and methodological oversight. Support in the development of new cooperation for education finance MES and IEA able to prepare new budgeting procedures that will give local governments a more decisive role MES and IEA able to implement and monitor new budgeting procedures

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 ACTUAL Allocation Proposals on Education Subvention for 2017 were developed by IEA, approved by MES BUT the Formula was rejected by MinFIn Proposals for the Allocation Formula for Special Aid Children were developed as well as comments for nessesary sub-legal acts Conducted analytical work on possible options for Formula upgrade, developed materials and calculations. Conducted a number of bilateral presentations and negotiations on the possible scenarios (MES, IEA, MinFin, Parliament etc.)

and communication framework for a decentraliased education system Advisory and capacity building support to MES and Institute of Education Analytics to design and prepare for, implement and monitor new budgeting procedures with focus on local budgeting processes

A dialogue between key education stakeholders Continuous support to the inter-institutional on what the allocation formula should achieve cooperation in the field of Education Decentralisation, working groups developing and in what manner laws, Ministry's management

A number of bi- and multi- lateral meetings and discussions conducted Road Map for Cooperation of MES and MF on elaboration of a new 2018 formula has been drawn up.

Dissatisfactions and complaints about the reform process in the education sector are recorded, analized and discussed openly 2 MES & all key education stakeholders participate in the reform process, have access to relevant information, address concerns and strive to achieve consensus

A section on the MES web-site "Hub Schools" with Q&A and other relevant information in operational

MES departments & all key education stakeholders have access to relevant documentation and information on the decentralisation process in the education sector

Project publications were circulated and also available online. An assistant to the Deputy Minister of Education and Deputy Head of the Department of Secondary Education act as a focal point regarding decentralization within Genereal Secondary education field

MES departments & all key education stakeholders participate in the decentralisation process, can formulate their concerns and ask pertinent questions



reform process, have access to relevant Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine, 2014 - 2018 information, address Report for July - December 2016 concerns and strive to achieve consensus


(change to contribute to)

Indication of Progress (how do we know we are moving towards our intended results)

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 PLANNED

15 November - A National Conference "Ukraine on the path towards education decentralization" was held for the first time bringing together local, regional and national level actors responsible for education

All education stakeholders have a continuous dialogue on decentralisation in the education sector and strives to build consensus

Help Desk in MES established, staffed and ready as part of the Ministry's communication strategy. Internal procedures for Help Desk staff documented and agreed. Help Desk staff capable to address requests and concerns of stakeholders

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 ACTUAL

Providing continuous information flow on all things related to education decentralisation. Establishing information and knowledge hub on Internet. Management of FAQ and Q&A lists

Since summer the function of the help-desk has been taken over by the project experts and education department of the Khmelnitsky oblast state administration. Experts and head of department provide advice and answer questions over the telephone and ePreparing and distributing regular newsletters on mails education decentralisation related issues, progress of Hmelnick pilot project etc. A section on the MES web-site "Hub Schools" with QandA and other relevant information in operational Maintaining media relations. Organising meetings and events with direct target groups For coverage in media see Annex D of this Report

Working materials for Help Desk staff ready and approved 3 Reforms in the education sector are communicated effectively and leads to increased understanding and engagement among national, sub-national and education stakeholders

Communication messages and materials for presentations are clear, understood and used Methodolgical material prepared and approved by MES for distribution to rayon and oblast education departments AU staff capacitated to review and analyze help desk data and identify communication areas that need be strengthened

This is done continuously through the help-desk function performed by project experts and colleagues from education department of Khmelnitsky oblast administration

Help Desk monitors which changes that need to be better communicated and adjusts communication strategy accordingly

Acceptance of the reforms among local stakeholders and population is noticed. It is our hope that this is partly a result of the activities project has been carrying out - we hope that coaching and seminars contribute to better awareness of the reform objectives and increased initiative and autonomy to deliver the changes required to improve the quality of education

MES has established permanent communication strategies and allocated resources Acceptance of education reforms among local stakeholders and wider population



Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine, 2014 - 2018 Report for July - December 2016

Results (change to contribute to)

Indication of Progress (how do we know we are moving towards our intended results)

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 PLANNED

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 ACTUAL Initial advice wa provided during drafting of the Law "On Education" curently the Draft awaits 2nd reading by the Parliament (no requests were made for additional advice)

Parliamentary Commission informed by international experiences of drafting, amending and overseeing education laws, as well on the new roles of the Parliament in the management of a decentralised education system

4 Parliamentary Parliamentary Commission has improved Commission on capacity to draft and review new framework Education considers law on education evidence when performing its task A working relationship established between Parliamentary Commission and IEA to better inform the parliament

Not possible during the period due to a weakened Parliamentary Committee

Parliamentary Commission continuously ask for and considers evidence during the process of legal deliberations

Not possible during the period due to a weakened Parliamentary Committee



Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine, 2014 - 2018 Report for July - December 2016

Results (change to contribute to)

Indication of Progress (how do we know we are moving towards our intended results)

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 PLANNED

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 ACTUAL

Reform Process Management: Work on Local and Regional Level Monthly coaching sessions to the pilot hromadas in Pilot hromadas/oblast will "learn by doing" in Pilot project in Hmelnick Oblast, support to selected amalgamated hromadas. Establishment Khmelnitsky oblast, and monthly meetings with the terms of the amalgamation process and taking of education function in these hromadas Education Department of the State Oblast Administration on of new responsibilities and functions. were on-going 20-25 November - a study visit to Poland for the pilot hromada colleagues. Study visit was organised together with the Polish Solidarity Foundation and Polish Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives Experts used the inputs from the work in Khmelnitsky to update the methodological guidelines with chapters on strategic planning and public communication and dialogue

The experience from the pilot oblast is used by 1 other hromadas/oblasts, Regional Reform Improve individual Offices, LG associations, Ministries and organisational capacities to manage the change process

Amalgamation of all hromadas happens by Autumn 2017

Transfer of Hmelnick experience to other amalgamated hromadas throughout Ukraine. Development of model documents and processrelated guidance. Running of a reform help desk

Five regional seminars for new and potential hromadas were carried out: 10 October - Kherson 11 October - Mykolaev 16 November - Chernihiv 20 December - Chernivtsi 21 December - Vinnytsia By the end of the year more than 2000 copies of the methodological guides had been disseminated to local, regional and national actors

Collaboration with Lviv Oblast Administration in setting-up oblast level framework for education management.

Decision made to establish education decentralisation knowledge centre in Dunayevetska hromada. Concept of the Knowledge Centre developed, expert contracted to start the work. Task of the Knowledge Centre - to collect Collaboration with U-LEAD project in setting up and disseminate good practices from hromadas across country-wide capacity building framework in the Ukraine. field of education decentralisation and education Dialogue started with the EU's U-LEAD project on management on local level cooperation to scale up capacity the building activities



Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine, 2014 - 2018 Report for July - December 2016

Results (change to contribute to)

Indication of Progress (how do we know we are moving towards our intended results)

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 PLANNED

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 ACTUAL

Reform Communication Better understanding of how to communicate in a strategic way

Inputs into the design of the Communication Strategy and Branding Strategy for the Decentralisation reform

Continued support to reform communication Communication is managed from a more working group strategic approach eg reflection on and prioritisation of target groups, systematic collection of information about the effect of communication effort, responding to stakeholder enquiries, continuously monitoring and responding to changes in the environment, understanding relationship between communication and change objectives

Participation in the meetings of the reform communication working group Quarterly Newsletters on project progress and outputs Direct dissemination of project outputs to relevant target groups (ie education management methodologies and supporting documents are sent to all amalgamated hromadas and all regional reform offices)

Communication is prioritised by Ministries and Continued support to regional communication officers other key actors. There is a systematic, coordinated approach to communication

3 October - workshop on education decentralisation for regional media of Mykolaev Oblast, together with Ukrainian Crisis Media Centre

1 Supporting and complementing the existing reform The main target groups of the reform process Information materials about the LSG related communication (amalgamated hromadas and their citizens) are issues in European countries efforts informed about the reform objectives, receive support during the reform process, and are 2 engaged in relevant policy discussions and Advocate the benefits decision-making of decentralisation

Due to high demand additional copies of the brochure "Local Self-Governments in Nordic and Baltic countries and in Poland" were printed Numerous case studies on education reforms in Poland and Latvia were under preparation for incorporation into the final version of the methodological guide and for separate publications

Participation in the Annual Forum of the AUC, 9 December Participation in the Annual Forum of the Amalgamated Hromadas, 15 December Participation in the press-cafe for regional communication managers and regional media, organised by the AUC, 21 December Regular information flow on project accounts on Facebook, YouTube, ISSUU and SlideShare Dissemination of project outputs and news via the websites of the project, MES and MoRD For details of media coverage see Annex D

Recipients of information have a better understanding of the benefits of decentralisation and how the process has worked in other countries.



Support to Decentralisation in Ukraine, 2014 - 2018 Report for July - December 2016

Results (change to contribute to)

Indication of Progress (how do we know we are moving towards our intended results)

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 PLANNED

Processes and activities JUL- DEC 2016 ACTUAL This happens as a result - when hromadas, regional atcors and regional media begin promoting, communicating and engaging in dialogue on education related issues

Recipients of information themselves become advocates for decentralisation.

KEY: Change we expect to see; relatively within the project's control Change we would like to see; somewhat in the project's control Change we would love to see; dependent largely on the result owner



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