Swedish Press N Y A
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April 2013 Vol 84:3 $4.95
Maritime Sectors Making Waves Gothenburg Going for Growth
In Memory of Princess Lilian Swedish Oscars Winners Stockholm on the Top
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As North America’s exclusive source for all things Swedish since 1929, Swedish Press is your window back home. Available in both digital and print editions, Swedish Press is published 10 times a year from its headquarters in Vancouver, B.C. SWEDISH PRESS (ISSN 0839-2323) is published ten times per year (Jan/Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June, July/Aug, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec) by Swedish Press Inc, 862 Peace Portal Drive, Suite #101, Blaine, WA 98230 for $35 per year. Periodical postage paid at Blaine, WA 98230-9998 (No. USPS 005544).
4 Letters to the Editor
OFFICE: 1321 West 33rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC, Canada V6M 1A6
5 From the Editor’s Desk
WEBSITE www.swedishpress.com E-MAIL info@swedishpress.com TEL +1 604 767 9721 TOLL FREE +1 866 882 0088 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Claes Fredriksson claes@swedishpress.com EDITOR Sydney Vickars sydney@swedishpress.com CO-EDITOR Anton Fredriksson anton@swedishpress.com ART DIRECTOR Joan Law Fredriksson joan@swedishpress.com REPRESENTATIVES Calgary: Carin Pihl +1 403 931 0370 Toronto: Claes Holmquist +1 416 496 7907 Thunder Bay: Elinor Barr +1 807 344 8355 Winnipeg: Ellen Boryen +1 204 897 1216 Denmark: Elisabeth Andersen +45 3045 6062 Continental Europe: Anton Fredriksson +33 618 432 056 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Björn Bayley, Olof Flodmark, Lars Romert, Ulf Waldén, Paul Horn af Åminne, Peter Ladner, Brian Antonson, Christer Garell, Anders & Hamida Neumuller SWEDISH PRESS SOCIETY President: Lennart Österlind Secretary: Suzanne Rahmberg Treasurer: George Cook SUBSCRIPTION rates per year $35, 2 years $65, 3 years $95, 1 year abroad $105. Digital edition $28. Subscribe Toll Free at 1 866 882 0088 or at www.swedishpress.com. VISA and Mastercard accepted. In Sweden PG 248505-0. ADVERTISING rates at www.swedishpress.com or phone Claes Fredriksson at +1 604 767 3635 SweMail TRANSLATIONS to English of the Swedish parts of Swedish Press are available free of charge every month if you register at www.swedishpress.com © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Reproduction in whole or in part without written consent of Swedish Press is strictly prohibited. Unsolicited material is welcome, but never the publishers responsibility. Enclose stamped self-addressed envelope for return. Statements and opinions expressed by the writers and claims in the advertising are their own and do not necessarily represent Swedish Press.
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CONTENTS (April 2013 )
US POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Swedish Press, Box 188, Blaine, WA 98231
US MAILING ADDRESS: (for subscriptions only) Box 188, Blaine, WA 98231
Swedish Press
Swedish Headlines 6 Headline News: Pontus Schultz Foundation 7 News at a Glance 7 Sport 8 Swedes in the News Business 9 Business News 9 Company File: Stena Features 10 Maritime Comebacks: The Swedish North American Line and the Swedish East India Company Interview 12 Magnus Kårestedt Travel Insider 14 Stockholm on the Top Heritage 15 Valborg och 1:a Maj 16 Samuel’s Diary 17 Maclayhem Lifestyle 18 Top Sju 20 Theatre 21 Movie
Agnetha Fältskog
Hemma hos 22 Design: Highlights from the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair 23 Treats a la Nelson In the Loop 24 Landskapsnyheterna 27 Canada & US Update 28 Calendar and Events 29 Ads and Info 30 Sista Ordet
‘Bake Me A Cake’ lamp by Morten and Jona for Northern Lighting.
On the cover: The Ostindiefararen Götheborg making waves. Below: The East Indiaman Götheborg III was built between 1996 and 2005.
CANADIAN PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT No. 40010214 Return Undeliverable Canadian addresses to Swedish Press, 1321 W 33rd Ave, Vancouver BC V6M 1A6
We acknowledge the assistance of the Government of Canada through the Canada Periodical Fund of the Department of Canadian Heritage. PRINTED IN CANADA NEXT ISSUE DEADLINE: APRIL 10
April 2013 3
Letters to the Editor
New members welcome!
Dear Editor, The Swedish Club in Seattle is delighted that Swedish Press will continue to speak for, report on, and represent the Swedish American community. Congratulations, Claes and your crew! You have kept the best parts of the magazine (for one thing, who wanted to lose the recipes in the Treats section?), while updating the look and feel to appeal to an increasingly sophisticated Swedish American audience. Here at the Swedish Club, we reward our most generous donors with a subscription to the Swedish Press and we remain confident that receiving the magazine will hit the mark with them. It surely does with us! Thank you, Swedish Press! Kristine Leander Executive Director, Swedish Cultural Center, Seattle Congratulations and good luck with your paper. I like very much the new format, and the paper it is printed on. Marianne Leek Spokane, Washington
Stop by our club or visit
1920 Dexter Avenue North Seattle, WA 98109 206-283-1090 www.swedishculturalcenter.org info@swedishculturalcenter.org
April 2013 4
Postcard from Arizona Wow, Claes, the new design is incredible, certainly living up to your own celebration of “Swedish Design”. Good luck to you. Don Lago Flagstaff, Arizona Looking forward to our January/ February Swedish Press, I found myself stunned by disappointment about the new format. My favorite mag., which I have read and enjoyed from front to back, for years, have turned into a sleek business magazine (this aside from the 1 øre on the front – but fitting). At least that is how I feel about it. Images stylish, maybe, but not a draw to read articles. I am sure
some of them are good – but I have put the magazine down. I do wish you well and hope I am only one of a few. Ellen Gamst Sacramento, California Dear Claes, We received our first Swedish Press of the year yesterday! Congratulations on a fantastic new beginning. We love the layout and all the color. It is a sharp looking publication. Tack så mycket for all your work and new ideas. Marty Bergman (Mrs. Rolf) Cleveland Heights, Ohio Warm welcome The new magazine looks really beautiful and fresh. I am really enjoying the new layout and the modern look. A warm welcome to you ... I wish you a lot of fun in your new adventure. Laurel McCallum (Anderson) Winnipeg, Manitoba Note from longtime subscribers We wanted to let you know that we are enjoying the “new” Swedish Press. We love the new layout, printing, graphics, and articles. Beautiful! Eric & Ana Johansson Portland, Oregon First impression is pleasing to the eye and the touch. Good layout, well organized with a “well behaved” continuous flow and good stock. But why take the reader to hot and humid Barcelona when sparkling and oh so cool Stockholm beckons the traveler.... Venice of the North. Kerstin Frykberg Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Dear Kerstin, Please see this issue Travel Insider on page 17.
From the Editor’s Desk
Swedish Press April 2013
t’s already been a month, and it is time for our next issue of Swedish Press. I have been somewhat surprised to realize how connected many of you are to Swedish Press and how strongly you feel about the changes made. Over the last few weeks we have received mails and calls with comments concerning the changes we have made, in addition to requests to make fewer changes. Well, change is never easy and we have tried to maintain the core of the former magazine, while giving it a fresh and modern look. We are adjusting the course carefully and looking for a suitable direction, so please bear with us as we work through this transition. As you can see from this issue, Swedish Press is currently on a diet. We are reducing costs to ensure we can keep producing the fresh Swedish Press for you. We will carefully navigate through the challenges during the next few months and with your help, we will make it out to open seas. When we introduced the revamped Swedish Press, we increased the page count by 50%, made it all in colour and doubled the normal print quantity to ensure that we would reach as many readers as possible with the new look. Our plan was also to reach more and higher paying advertisers with a product that is sharper and more contemporary. We have not seen the anticipated response yet and would like to ask our dear readers, for a little extra support: kindly ensure that Swedish Press reaches as many readers and potential readers as possible. Please share the magazine with your friends, neighbours and acquaintances, and perhaps suggest a subscription to Swedish Press. Our feature this month is on the Swedish East India Company and the sailing ship Götheborg, a unique piece of Swedish maritime history which recently got “ny vind i seglen”. Swedish Press is also pleased to present you with an update from the Port of Gothenburg as seen from the bridge by Magnus Kårestedt. There is much more to read and explore in Swedish Press this month. So please come onboard as we continue to make waves! Claes Fredriksson Editor-in-Chief
Svenska Skämt-Tecknare Claes Stridsberg är medlem i Svenska Tecknare, Illustratörscentrum och Seriefrämjandet, och frilansar som illustratör och animatör sedan 1999. Claes skissar alltid för hand men slutför det mesta av arbetet i datorn. Förutom illustrationer och animationer gör Claes också cartoons och serier. Hans skämtteckningar har bl a publicerats i Sydsvenskan, Serieparaden, Seriepressen och Svenska Serier och min serie “Ossian’s Zoo” har publicerats i flera svenska dagstidningar.
© Claes Stridsberg
April 2013 5
Swedish Headlines PONTUS SCHULTZ FOUNDATION – for a More Humane Business Environment Nominations for “the first Pontus Schultz prize” are now open.
Pontus was always full of energy and he was a media superstar for whom anything was possible. His motto was: “just give yourself a chance and you will go very, very far.” Here is how Sara Örvall describes Pontus:
he overall purpose of the Pontus Schultz Foundation is to support the changes that Pontus Schultz wanted to see in the world of business: to increase diversity and equality and to better utilize our planet’s resources. Pontus viewed business as a good force in society and the foundation will encourage initiatives that work in this direction: that is, towards a more humane economy. The foundation will recognize, in the form of a prize awarded annully, individuals that contribute to a more humane business environment.” In particular, the foundation intends to promote and encourage efforts made in the spirit of entrepreneurship and creative thinking. There has been significant interest developed in the initiative and recently, a board consisting of many top leaders in the Swedish business community was established. Some of the board members include Sara Örvall, Head of R&D with Bonniers and former CEO of Electrolux; Hans Stråberg, current CEO of Swedbank; Michael Wolf; and Mattias Fyrenius CEO of Nobel Media. Pontus Schultz was, at the time of his accident during a French bicycle race (the Haute Route in August 2012), the Editor in Chief of Veckans Affärer (This Week’s Business). The publication is the mainstay of the Swedish business community and has been around for decades.
April 2013 6
We loved his sharp intellectual mind and his capacity to always understand the bigger picture. His notes were a mess. His presentations sometimes a bit chaotic. But there would always be a clever analysis and he would sell his story with passion. And at the end of it, his reflections in media triggered a lot of discussions and changed the world one story at the time. And it was all possible while laughing and having fun. Was there ever anyone with as many laughs per minute as Pontus Schultz? No matter how difficult and complex a situation would be, and Pontus did seek the difficult and complex challenges, he would still approach any problem with energy, a sense of humor – and a laugh. Where others would have found hundred of reasons to cry, he saw reasons to smile and move forward. There is a Swedish saying that describes Pontus more than anything else – he was one of a few who could “manage to juggle 100 balls in the air”. None of us ever understood how he did it. Yet, he would be absolutely present in any situation sharing the flow of energy that was so much a part of him.
It is this spirit and energy that the Pontus Schultz foundation aspires to keep alive by continuing to honour Pontus through the work of the foundation. The basic principle is that business establishments must play a part in remedying the challenges that humanity is facing. As entrepreneurs and investors see business opportunities, they also need to be involved in the associated challenges. Specifically: – Entrepreneurs work for diversity and equality; they create an environment that finds common values and where differences lead to creativity and innovation, which is needed in a world of change. – Entrepreneurs also work for sustainability. They work towards optimizing processes and utilizing resources. They create structures that provide a fertile soil for human productivity and maximize potential. – Entrepreneurs have the courage to lead. To encourage more entrepreneurship these leaders need to be encouraged and acknowledged. The challenges of today should also be brought to light where they can be discussed in an open and honest way. A more humane business environment is better prepared for the future and will handle the challenges to come in a more confident manner. The nomination process for the first Pontus Schultz price is now open. Nominations can be submitted until April 30th and the prize will be awarded on September 16th, 2013. The award ceremony will provide an important meeting place for everyone in the business world concerned with these issues. For more information about the foundation please visit http://www. pontusschultz.com/
News at a Glance
Arabic Newspaper in Malmö
Athletics Success at Göteborg
fter conducting a market survey, a Swedish publisher concluded that publishing a newspaper in Arabic would be a lucrative venture in Malmö. Though Lotta Wahlqvist was already well appointed with 27 local newspapers, this new one in Classical Arabic seeks a new readership and with it, new advertisers. Quoted as wanting to develop and “make money,” Wahlqvist also cites the fact that Malmö’s residents speak somewhere in the range of 150 languages in total. One male and one female journalist will make up the full time writing team, which is important to Wahlqvist because it will give the newspaper “contrast,” something which, according to her, an Arabic newspaper in Sweden needs. Wahlqvist hopes to spark debate about Arabic issues in Sweden and has recently focused on language instruction in schools.
Lavin överaskade Åre
n lavin som var cirka 400 meter bred och 250 lång ledde till ett stort raddningsuppdrag fredagen den 8e mars. En man hittades först vid halv fem-tiden cirka två och en halv meter ner i snömassorna. Mannen hade då legat i snömassorna i drygt tre timmar och var ordentligt nerkyld. Trots upprepade försök med hjärt och lungräddning gick mannen inte att rädda. Lavinrisken i Åre är just nu en trea på den femgradiga skalan, vilket innebär att lavinrisken är betydande. 9 000 skidåkare befann sig i Åres skidområde när lavinen gick.
Swedes Like EU-Citizenship
recent survey has found that Swedes are among the most enthusiastic about European Union citizenship. 27 countries make up the
T EU and nationals in countries such as the United Kingdom and Cyprus are particularly skeptical about their citizenship in the union. The Eurobarometer is the process by which engagement with citizenship is measured. The only country to be more informed than Sweden of their rights as European Union citizens was the Czech Republic, which measured a mere 2 percentage points higher, with 87%. The Swedes have, according to the survey, increased their understanding and knowledge of EU citizenship in the past decade, while most incorporated nations’ understanding has remained relatively stagnant. Cracks Down on Speeding Truck Drivers
he first week of March saw great success for Sweden’s indoor athletes in Göteborg at the European Indoor Athletics Championships. While the team left the Olympics emptyhanded last year in London, six medals at these championships seems to have made up for it. Ethiopa-born Abeba Aregawi – who married a Swede and attained Swedish citizenship in 2009 – won gold in the women’s 1500-metre race; Erica Jarder won bronze in the long jump competition with a jump of 6.71 metres; Moa Hjelmer also won bronze in the 400-metre race, simultaneously setting a Swedish record with a time of 52.04 seconds; Michel Tornéus won silver in long jump with a jump of 8.29 metres; and Ebba Jungmark and Emma Green Tregaro won silver and bronze respectively in the women’s high jump event.
he Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) states that upwards of 70% of truck drivers carrying trailers on Swedish highways are speeding. Furthermore, two more associations recently carried out a collaborative investigation which found that 40% of Swedish trucks carrying heavy loads were speeding.
Ebba Jungmark of Sweden won silver. Photo: Ian Walton/Getty Images Europe
T Credit: photowall.co.uk
In fact, these trucks were going over 80 km/hour. The potential effects of an accident at those speeds with those weights are disastrous. Police are currently taking measures and discussing possible means for bringing down the severity of possible accidents on Swedish roads.
Vasaloppet 2013 Winners
his years 56-mile Vasaloppet was won by Norway’s Jørgen Aukland and Laila Kveli. It was a big win for the Auklands with brother Anders finishing third. The race was decided in a sprint between Jorgen, the Swede Daniel Tynell and Anders. Jorgen finished at 3 hours 50 min and 48 seconds with Tynell only 2 seconds behind. In women’s race Kveli came in at 04:22.22 ahead of Switzerland’s Serain Boner and Sweden’s Sandra Hansson.
April 2013 7
[Swedes] in the News
Swedish Success at Oscars
In Loving Memory of Princess Lilian
Three Swedes won Oscars this year, including an award for Best Documentary. The Academy Awards, held every year in Los Angeles, awarded statuettes to Hollywood’s best and brightest for its 85th year this year. Swede Malik Bendjelloul won Best Documentary for his film “Searching for Sugar Man,” citing his muse, Rodriguez, for the success. Per Hallberg – who already has two Oscars under his belt – won the award for Best Sound Editing for his work on “Skyfall”. Paul NJ Ottosson also won Best Sound Editing for his work on the film “Zero Dark Thirty”.
Malik Bendjelloul at the Oscars. Photo: ilovestyle.com
Urged to Ignore Vilks’ Art Lars Vilks has produced a scandalous art show, according to Swedish religious leaders, who joined together in Malmö to discuss possible means of tackling what is to be a controversial art show this summer. This art exhibit will contain images of Muhammad, with the body of a dog, projected on to works of classical artists
April 2013 8
as asking the public not to attend the show. The exhibition will open to the public in July. Hasselbad Award Winner
Photo © Kungahuset.se
er Royal Highness Princess Lilian, Duchess of Halland passed away on March 10th at 97 years of age, after a love story of a lifetime. Born in 1915 in Swansea in south Wales, Lilian May Davies was a model, ballerina and singer in Britain. During World War II while working at a wireless factory for the British Navy, she met Swedish Prince Bertil at what some say was a cocktail party. The two quickly fell in love and in 1957, Lilian moved to Sweden. Due to the strict rules of the Swedish monarchy, the pair were not allowed to marry until 1976, at which point it was too late for them to bear children. Prince Bertil passed away in 1998 and Princess Lilian remained living in Sweden, having won the hearts of the Swedish public, until her passing.
such as Monet and Zorn. Vilks has stated on his blog that he will not apologize for his artwork and that his
purpose is to “play down criticism of Islam.” Even Malmö’s mayor, Ilmar Reepalu, has been cited
On March 7th, this year’s Hasselbad Award winner was announced. The prize handed out annually since 1980, is bestowed on “an individual who has made a pioneering achievement in photography, who has had a decisive impact on one or more younger generations of photographers, or who has implemented one or more internationally significant photographic projects.” Today the award “comprises the sum of SEK 1,000,000, a gold medal and a diploma.” This year, the award was granted to Joan Fontcuberta, a Catalan photographer, whose “work is distinguished by original and playful conceptual approaches that particu-
Photo: fotografiad.com
larly explore photographic conventions, means of representation and claims to truth.” His work will be exhibited at the Hasselbad Centre at the Gothenburg Museum of Art.
Handelsflottan krymper Svensk sjöfart har tagit sig igenom ännu ett besvärligt år i en hårdnande internationell konkurrens. Tuffa tider för sjöfarten och avsaknaden av en tydlig sjöfartspolitik har bidragit till flera omorganisationer inom rederinäringen och utflaggning från Sverige till andra länder. Sverige är ett av världens mest exportberoende länder med Europas längsta kuststräcka. Genom drygt 100 hamnar passerar varje år 180 miljoner ton
[Business] News
gods. Det är större delen av den svenska utrikeshandeln. De svenska hamnarna anlöps dagligen av omkring 300 lastfartyg och färjor, allt mer sällan med svensk flagg. Långt flera av dessa fartyg kunde vara svenskflaggade med en stor andel svensk sjöpersonal sysselsatt ombord. 100 handelsfartyg har flaggats ut de fyra senaste åren, främst till nordeuropeiska länder som Danmark, Färöarna och Finland. Utflaggningen berör även ett antal större högsjöbogserbåtar med flera. Vid ingången av 2012 hade den svenskflaggade
Company File
A young Sten A Olsson. Photo credit: Stena Line
Stena Sphere
he company that started in Gothenburg, back in 1939 and was originally called Sten A Olsson Metall produkter has grown significantly in its almost 75 years. Today Stena has operations
around the world, has 20,000 employees and is divided into three main companies wholly-owned by the Sten A Olsson family. The companies are Stena AB (publ), Stena Sessan AB and Stena Metall AB, and their wholly or partly owned subsidiaries. Together they constitute one of Sweden’s largest family-owned corporate groups. Sten A purchased his first vessel back in 1946. The business developed gradually and by 1960 a ferry service started from Gothenburg to Skagen. Stena continued to expand its freight service business
handelsflottan minskat till 137 fartyg. Av dessa var 100 (115 samma tid 2011) fartyg i fjärrfart och 37 (38) färjor och kombinerade last- och passagerarfartyg (RoPax), i linjebunden närsjöfart. Staying Accountable With half of all global trade transactions passing through tax havens, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland and Iceland are joining forces to crackdown on missing tax revenues. Spearheaded by the Nordic Council, the project will unite 400 tax experts from the region to track down hidden assets belonging to both individu-
and in 1972 the company was divided into Stena Metall and Stena Line AB. Meanwhile the shipping business expanded and Stena made investments in offshore vessels, RoRo vessels and more. In 1980 the Sessanlinjen and Stena Line were merged into a larger ferry operation. During the 90’s the company expanded into offshore drilling and later on into an investment company focused on longterm investments. The company Stena Adactum has made a considerable number of its investments in the energy sector, including oil and offshore
als and companies. Skatteverket, Sweden’s tax agency estimates that SEK400bn ($63.4bn) is being concealed from its agents which amounts to SEK46bn ($7.3bn) in lost tax revenues for the government over the past half-decade. Popular destinations for nordic tax evaders are Hong Kong, UAE as well as Singapore.
[ ] Top Industrial Stocks Stocks in SEK
Mar 14th 52 week 52 week 2013 Low High
ABB Electrolux Ericsson SAS SKF A Volvo A
147.70 169.00 84.40 14.65 165.30 99.65
107.00 132.60 55.55 4.80 125.30 73.80
148.80 186.00 84.40 15.30 173.10 100.60
but also in alternative energy sources. The little company that was started by the son of Gustav from Donsö is now active in developing energy products, shipping products around the world and is also a leader in recycling. We can only imagine what Gustav would think if he could see how far the name StenA has reached in only 75 years.
Photo credit: Stena Line
April 2013 9
MARITIME COMEBACKS: The Swedish North American Line and the Swedish East India Company 5 By Sydney Vickars
wo Swedish shipping companies – and two of what were once the grandest fleets in the world – are making a contemporary comeback. The Swedish America Line and its fame were highlighted this year in an exhibit at South Philadelphia’s American Swedish Historical Museum. The Swedish East India Company is also returning in an altered form, with its vessel making journeys around Scandinavia and Northern Europe during the summer of 2013. Known colloquially as the “White Viking Fleet,” the Swedish America Line (SAL) was a crucial player in the connections between Scandinavia and North America. As passenger transportation, the SAL was committed, as the exhibit at the American Swedish Historical Museum states, to “beauty, comfort, entertainment and style.” Specifically, those on board the SAL between its reigning glory years of 1914 and 1975, were treated to top “quality, fine China, gorgeous interiors detailed by famous designers, Orrefors A Brief History of Ostindiefararen Götheborg, the East Indiaman Götheborg
Götheborg reached the Chinese coast in summer of 1744.
Founding of Svenska Ostindinska Companiet, Swedish East India Company.
Götheborg was built in just 18 months and launched in 1738.
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April 2013 10
and Kosta crystal, and even the officer’s uniforms were all top of the line products.” With this in mind, the exhibition at Philadelphia’s museum exudes a sense of return to these days, and highlights the great Swedish attitudes and techniques that were upheld by the SAL and carried across the Atlantic ocean. Specifically designed to meet the needs of tourists, business people and emigrants, the ships in the SAL fleet made journeys between ports in Scandinavia (Gothenburg, Copenhagen and Oslo) and North America (Halifax and New York). The history lies both in the luxury provided by the fleet and in the functionality of it. Many Swedes made their emigrant journey across the Atlantic in the ships and during World War II, the ships, according to the exhibit at the museum, transported “over 30,000 prisoners of war, diplomats, women and children, between the war faring nations.” For this reason, the so-called “comeback” of the SAL for this exhibit has been especially meaningful for many Swedes across North America. Similarly, the Swedish East India Company (or Svenska Ostindiska Companiet, SOIC) and its reinvigoration of the local maritime industry in SweSAL advertisement from 1923. den are currently being highCredit: www.salship.se lighted. The SOIC was founded in 1731 and built its ships in Sweden, and goods such as bar iron, pitch and tar were loaded on board. These goods were then traded in Spain for silver. Travelling then to China, the silver was traded for luxury goods such as tea, silk and porcelain. The SOIC was most lucrative during the years of the 1700s but declining profits saw the company bankrupt in 1813, after 132 trips with 37 vessels – only 8 of which ever sank. 180 years later, the SOIC made a comeback with the construction of the East Indiaman Götheborg III, a replica
Götheborg hit an underwater rock and sank outside Gothenburg Harbour.
The Company went bankrupt due to high prices for silver and falling demand.
SOIC ceased trading.
Amateur archaeologists dived at the site and found plenty of broken china on the sea floor.
of the original Götheborg ship which sank in 1745 on return from its familiar merchant route to Canton, China. Sweden, which had been an economic and cultural hub during the reign of the SOIC, was given the opportunity to revisit her maritime glory days. Interest in the ship and its history was established once again in the Swedish public between the years of 1986 and 1993 when excavation took place followed by construction from 1995 until 2005. Indeed, “millions of people around the globe, not least in China, have been fascinated by the findings and by the historical facts about the Swedish East India Company.” Furthermore, the new ship set sail for China, following a slightly different route, in October 2005. She carried 80 crew, officers and trainees, and 12 passengers. Currently, her upkeep and journeys are funded partly by public funds and partly by private sponsors. Today, after years of limited funding, the ship has a new sponsor, Greencarrier, which will see the ship through a new reinvigoration process. Sweden has a rich shipping history and reminiscing about what was both cultural and economic glory days for the Scandinavian country has been made a concrete vision by these two marine legends. It is fascinating to note that interest in these fleets is far reaching and global, just as Sweden seems to have touched most corners of the world. In fact, if you are interested in joining in on the sailing adventure on the Götheborg III, for the summer of 2013, you are invited to visit www.soic.se.
Gothenburg support makes everyone a winner.
wedish Press recently had the opportunity to check in with Stefan Björk, Chairman and owner of Greencarrier AB. The call provided clarity from Stefan about the sponsorship of the Swedish East India Company (SOIC) and the East Indiaman Götheborg III. As you may know SOIC and Greencarrier recently agreed on a sponsorship program. The support from Greencarrier enables the ship Götheborg to continue sailing for the next two years in northern Europe and the Baltic sea. The two companies have a “yes it’s possible” attitude in common. Greencarrier has grown from 4 to 725 people under Stefan’s leadership. The Swedish East India Company, the owner of Götheborg, has taken wreckage from 1743 and built one of largest wooden sailing ships in the world. Both feats may seem impossible but can and have been done with the right mix of people, attitude and leadership. Greencarrier sees a link with Götheborg as a way to strengthen its brand and ride the wave of Götheborg’s brand. The company, which recently changed its name, sees the sponsorship as en effective way of publicizing the new name. Stefan also believes that the sponsorship is good for Gothenburg harbour and the city itself. As the ship sails to different destinations, an increased awareness for the harbour might spark more shipping traffic to Gothenburg or more tourists to the city. On a final note, Stefan also sees international trade as a way to peace and prosperity.
Photo credit: www.soic.se
The excavation started in July 1986 and the last season ended in 1992.
The new Ostindiefararen Götheborg was launched on Sweden’s national day, 6 June 2003.
The ship followed the same route the original East Indiaman took and set sail for China.
After 615 days at sea, 14 towns on 5 continents and 300,000 visitors aboard, Götheborg returned home on June 9.
Europe Tour 2012 is the fifth voyage. It sailed to the Netherlands, Brest in France, and Bremerhaven in Germany.
Europe Tour 2013 is now open for applications to join the crew. Contact application@soic.se.
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April 2013 11
Gothenburg: Going for Growth Swedish Press recently had the pleasure of discussing the future of shipping and the expanding role of Port of Gothenburg with Magnus Kårestedt. Here is what Magnus had to say.
Magnus Kårestedt, CEO and Marketing, Port of Gothenburg | Photo credit: Port of Gothenburg
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April 2013 12
Magnus Kårestedt
Magnus (52) has been President and CEO for the Port of Gothenburg since 2003. Prior to joining the Port, Magnus was the Managing Director for Uponor Wirsbo, a company in the plastic piping business. He has also worked with the Swedish Trade Council in Germany. Magnus holds an MBA from the University of Gothenburg. His core expertise lies in the area of business model development and change management.
he Port of Gothenburg is the biggest port in Scandinavia. The port sees some 11,000 ships arrive every year. A total of almost 30% of all exported goods from Sweden are shipped through Gothenburg. The port has been in operation for many hundred years and is the base for Gothenburg’s existence. In fact, the port was created in 1620 and the city was founded in 1621.
The port sees some 11,000 ships arrive every year.
Over the years the port has had many owners and has undergone massive changes. The port today exports forestry products, cars, steel, paper, energy products, food and other items. In terms of imports, most goods used in Sweden today have very likely entered through the port. Swedish Press recently had the opportunity of connecting with Magnus Kårestedt the President at the Port of Gothenburg. Magnus has been with the port for almost 10 years and has seen and driven much of the change during the last decade. We asked Magnus what he has worked hardest with during the last few years. “The most important aspect for us is growth, and in order to grow the world needs to know about us, so put-
“The most important aspect for us is growth...”
ting Gothenburg and ‘Port of Scandinavia’ on the map is crucial for us and we have worked hard with that. The Port has received attention for its role, but the shipping industry in general does not get much government attention. The reason is that the port and the shipping industry normally ‘mind their own business’ and do not ask for support from the government,” said Magnus. The issue of Swedish shipping companies shifting to a foreign flag is a concern for Magnus. He said that “in the short term maybe not so much, but longer term we want to keep a strong shipping skill base in Gothenburg and Sweden.” Furthermore, posits that “if we lose the Swedish flagged ships we will eventually lose the skill base too.” Magnus explains that 8,000 direct and 14,000 indirect jobs are related to the Port of Gothenburg. Specifically, according to Magnus, “the reason growth is important is to bring more shipping routes to Gothenburg and more direct routes to Asia and North America. If the large vessels come directly to Gothenburg then both shipping time and cost can be reduced which is crucial for the industry.” Currently Gothenburg is competing with Hamburg, Rotterdam and Bremerhaven over shipping
volumes. Gothenburg is a great port for reloading and is positioning itself to handle more Russian imports more efficiently than the other ports on the continent. Magnus was pleased to let Swedish Press know that the Triple E vessels with 18,000 TEU * capacity (the largest container ships in the world) will begin shipping to Gothenburg from the Fall of 2013. When asked about the impact on the city itself from the increased flow, Magnus says: “the people of Gothenburg are used to being a port city and react positively to the growth. One key aspect of handling the traffic is shipping by rail – more than 50% of all incoming goods is shipped by a daily train service to 26 inland ports. The concept of inland ports means Gothenburg can extend its daily customer base across most of Sweden. To make the flow even smoother and handle the capacity better the current single port track will be twinned by 2016.” This is something that Magnus is very pleased with.
“The people of Gothenburg are used to being a port city and react positively to the growth.”
The environmental aspects of the port are very important and Magnus says that he and his team “are actively working on that”. The train strategy is one method and the availability of cold ironing, the capability to connect ships to electric power from the port – reducing the running time of ship engines while in port – are some further green steps. Today, this is done for all ferries and “roll-on roll-off” vessels. The port is also working on alternative fuels and will have low sulphur bunker fuel (under 0.1%) available beginning in 2015 and LNG Liquid
Harbour of Gothenburg. Photo credit: Malin Skoog/imagebank.sweden.se
Natural Gas available for 2015/2016. These fuels will reduce particle emission significantly. Already the port is favouring cleaner ships by offering lower port fees to shipping lines that exceed the regulatory requirements. Magnus has been with the port for 10 years now. He previously worked in the plastic piping industry and in the floor heating business where he ran a company called Wirsbo for a number of years. “The common theme from these companies is change management and concept sales,” says Magnus, “in the Port we have developed the concept of providing logistical systems and solutions rather than simply loading and off-loading cargo”. The biggest difference in working with the port has been getting used to the connection with the political landscape and learning to work within the timelines of such a political agenda. “It is important to have patience in these situations” says Magnus. As for the future, Magnus is back to the growth topic again. “Our goal,” he says, “is to double the volume of container traffic in 12-13 years. We also need to grow our shipments of energy products and we need to make sure that the auto industry remains strong.” This appears to be a big goal
for a port that is already larger than the 2nd, 3rd and 4th largest ports in Scandinavia combined. Furthermore, says Magnus, “we feel a strong sense of responsibility to the Swedish industry – if we do our job well, it is easy for the industry to reach the export markets efficiently and they can remain competitive. If not, well that would be of concern to all of Sweden.” As for Magnus himself, he is originally from Gothenburg, and really enjoys the challenge he has set for himself and the port: to keep growing. As our interview draws to a close, Magnus shares that the volumes to North America from Gothenburg is 10-11% of the total volume. To North America exports are twice the volume of imports. The volumes to Asia have grown like a rocket the last years, both import and export. * TEU – Twenty-foot equivalent unit
Photo credit: Port of Gothenburg
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April 2013 13
Travel Insider
Stockholm on the Top
By Philippe Kjellgren, Hotel Insider
tockholm, one of the most beautiful cities in the world, consists of 14 islands and an impressive 57 bridges. With Photo credit: Ola Ericson/imagebank.sweden.se its now over 750 year history and rich cultural life, Stockholm offers a wide selection of world-class museums and attractions. Most of the city’s attractions can be reached on foot, and you can experience most of them in a short time; big-city life, the archipelago, museums, art galleries and natural scenery. The green island of Djurgården is home to some of the city’s most popular attractions. Visit the world-famous warship, the Vasa, the world’s oldest open-air museum, Skansen, or Astrid Lindgren’s Junibacken. And don’t miss the chance to see Stockholm from the water. Naturally, this city built on fourteen islands offers marvelous views over the water. There are many different sightseeing tours to choose from.
Popular things to do as a tourist include: visiting Stockholm City Hall and going to the top of the City Hall tower for a fantastic view of Stockholm. A must is visiting the Old Town (Gamla Stan), Stockholm’s oldest attraction and one of the best preserved medieval city centers in the world. Walk through small winding streets lined with stores full of handicrafts, restaurants, antique shops, art galleries and cafés. Recently a number of new hotels have emerged that truly show excellent Swedish design at its best. These include some of my favourites: Lydmar Hotel, also a great place to eat and Hotel Nobis, housed in a former bank made famous in the 70’s for its terrorist attack, but now another revolution has taken the majority of the ground floor – the flagship store of the Swedish jeans manufacturer Acne. Of course one cannot forget about the Grand Hotel, Sweden’s only “Grande Dame” with impressive views of old town and the Royal Palace in Gamla Stan. We could go on and on about this city, but the best way to experience it is in person, so hop on the next flight and make it a wonderful trip. Book through Hotel Insider and receive complimentary upgrade and other VIP benefits simply by emailing vip@hotelinsider.com with your request.
Grand Hotel
Lydmar Hotel has neither the rigid minimalist look nor the exaggerated grandness which guests are used to in a five-star context. It is an ease of freshness in combination with a contemporary classic look, featuring culture, top quality and strong personal impressions to create the added value of belonging.
Ett Hem was a private residence built in 1910, for two people who loved art and beautiful things. They left their mark on this townhouse, situated in a peaceful, residential area of Stockholm. This arts and crafts building is a tranquil home away from home, steeped in the Scandinavian aesthetics of Carl Larsson and his wife Karin.
www.lydmar.com www.etthemstockholm.se
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April 2013 14
Photo: Torkild Berglund | Island Lodge
Island Lodge
Photo: Grand Hotel Stockholm
Photo: Ett Hem
Photo: Lydmar Hotel
Ett Hem
The Grand Hôtel in Stockholm has been home to celebrities, highprofile events and everyday bonvivants since 1874. Situated in the best waterfront location imaginable, the hotel overlooks the Royal Palace and Gamla Stan, Stockholm’s old town. The Grand is also home to the classic Swedish Veranda restaurant, renowned for its traditional smörgåsbord and Mathias Dahlgren’s Michelin star restaurants.
A highly exclusive archipelago experience, this is a concept designed to be in harmony with the surrounding environment. This hotel presents a mix of genuine ”hardship” still benefitting from a luxurious and comfortable habitat. Island Lodge offers its guests a high quality, sustainable, all-inclusive concept based on outdoor tented accommodation – leaving “green footprints” and memories for a lifetime.
Heritage Walpurgis Night and May Day
By Sydney Vickars alborgsmässoafton – or Walpurgis Night is celebrated on April 30th of each year. On this day, the return of spring is officially celebrated by lighting bonfires and singing traditional spring songs. Originating from times when fires were lit to scare away predators, this night traditionally marked the time of year when farm animals were let out to graze. In modern days, ideally, all of the junk accumulated over the preceding year – old doors and fencing, branches from pruned trees and old cardboard boxes to name a few items – is burned on this evening. For students specifically, this night signifies a sense of freedom from exams and lectures. On this evening, students will wear their traditional student caps, drink beer and sing songs. The largest celebrations of this event – the sista april – take place in such university towns as Lund and Uppsala. The
Valborg och 1:a Maj
end of the evening is often marked with a warm dish to warm you up when the fire dies. Because the next day is a national holiday in Sweden, many party throughout the night, and will continue on at house parties or restaurants which are decked out for the occasion. The following day, May 1st, has been celebrated since 1938 and marks a special holiday for the working classes. On this day, socialist parties all over Sweden organize meetings and demonstrations throughout the country. May Day celebrations include parades which involve people marching through the streets under banners donning slogans. As part of the celebration the dark winter student cap is changed to the white summer version. In the past and contemporarily, pertinent issues such as global human rights have been taken up by the May Day participants. Very generally, these two days together mark the coming of the spring season and give the Swedes a good reason to celebrate, enjoy one another’s company and have a good time.
The Power of Knowledge Engineering Introducing SKF BeyondZero - a product portfolio designed specifically to reduce negative environmental impact
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April 2013 15
Moving to America in 1868 What triggered the exodus of Swedes to the New World? There were several reasons. A major one was poverty. In 1850, before industrialization came to Sweden, 40 percent of the population consisted of landless farm laborers. For this large group, there was little hope for a better life. The Hill Family shared that feeling.
Samuel’s Diary Part 2
Diary Kept on the Journey to America 1868 by Samuel Magnus Hill Introduction and translation by Lars Nordström [Tuesday May] 5th
n the morning of the fifth our departure was at 8 o’clock, and we got up well ahead of that to make ourselves ready. And even though the innkeeper told us that we did not have to go to the waiting room until seven thirty, were arrived there an hour early. I think it was the worst hour of my life, because the room was so overcrowded that we were packed like sardines, unable to move. I had my sick brother August to take care of, and I was busy the whole time pushing people away so that he would not be squeezed to death. The crowding was all the more dreary due to the deafening noise—some cried and prayed, others swore, and very few were calm, because they feared that the train would depart before they could board it. But finally the train arrived, on schedule, and we all got on after some trouble and shoving. Then off we went, first to Jönköping, where a number of emigrants waited to join us, and we were 1,600 traveling to Gothenburg, all of us emigrants to America. The train consisted of 150 cars when we arrived in Gothenburg. Terrible chaos erupted there, since some of the checked luggage had been left behind because the train had become too long. There were three locomotives pulling the train. (Addition. We had more traveling companions than we had anticipated. My Uncle Johannes had come along to Eksjö to keep us company. But he was ahead of us in Jönköping and had traveled ahead to get out of the way. Kalle on Risön had done the same thing, as had Kalle in Modala, if I don’t remember wrong. The times were hard in Sweden, and quite a few ran away from wife and children. My Uncle Johannes had made an agreement with my aunt to leave, and she was to remain in Sweden. But after a few years she sold their home and followed after. They lived in Stanton where Uncle Gustav lived.) On the trip between Nässjö and Gothenburg we got see many remarkable things, some of them pretty, some of them stark. First we traveled through the forests, hills and hillsides of Småland, [with] meadows and lakes among them. After that, in Västergötland, moorlands with sand and heather spread out in front of us. Down toward Falköping there were some small hills covered with deciduous forest cut through by a stream or a creek. Further down near Gothenburg high, barren rocky hillsides and hills rose up, and between them [there] were valleys with beautiful fields and meadows, and even a few lakes and streams meandering in between them. Among them was the mighty Göta River, on which big ships rocked as far as the eye could see, so that the river appeared covered with masts. The railroad also had to wind in and out between the hills, and sometimes inside them. One place was especially remarkable, because we had the sea on one side and a sky-high rock wall on the other. And there were so many curves that we could not see the end of our train. After much trouble and unpleasantness we obtained lodging for the night in an inn, a beerhouse, on Köpmansgatan No. 2. There too it was so crowded that when we had settled down on the floor, we could barely turn around. Our spot was in the vestibule and it was quite cold.
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April 2013 16
Moving to Sweden in 2012 Tatty and her family recently moved from Scotland to Sweden. Half-Swedish and half-English, Tatty grew up in the UK and works as a journalist. This is a journal of her first year in Sweden with her Scottish husband and four young children.
Maclayhem: thoughts from the motherland by Tatty Maclay
y eldest son, who’s nine, came home from school the other day and greeted me with a cheery ‘Tja morsan!’. Which was a bit of a shock – partly hearing him speak Swedish (although, after six months here, it’s about time), and partly the use of this very slangy expression. It made me think about how quickly language evolves and how my children are learning a very different Swedish from the language I studied 15 years ago. Although my mother is Swedish, she’s lived in England for such a long time that we only ever spoke English at home, and her Swedish now sounds pretty oldfashioned, even to my ears. She thinks the word ‘fika’ is not ‘proper’ and is running her own little one-woman campaign to bring ‘Ni’ (the formal word for ‘you’) back into common use. It used to drive me crazy that she didn’t teach us her mother tongue as children, which is one of the reasons I’m so pleased my own children are now learning Swedish. And how easily they learn! Though, obviously, the rude words were learnt first and endless fun is had with words like ‘kiss’ (wee), ‘kock’ (chef), ‘infart’ (entrance) and ‘sex’ (six - and sex) It’s not quite as effortless for my husband, but after plugging away at SFI for a few months he now has a good basic understanding of Swedish and makes a spirited stab at communicating in it. With his curious hybrid Turkish/Scottish accent, it’s fair to say there’s no danger he’ll ever be mistaken for a native speaker but he doesn’t care and happily stumbles through, telling people he’ll give them a ‘hiss’ (elevator) instead of a ‘skjuts’ (lift) and pronouncing cinnamon bun (kanelbulle) so that it sounds alarmingly like ‘knullebulle’ (something else altogether…). He finds it hilarious that the word for married (‘gift’) also means poison, and loves the literalness of words like ‘sjukhus’ (hospital, literally sick house) and ‘dammsugare’ (vacuum cleaner, literally dust sucker). He has also adopted ‘lagom’ ( just the right amount) and ‘fredagsmys’ ( family cosiness on a Friday night) – as both words and concepts. New words are constantly entering and altering the language (see our Scrabble - or Alfabet - picture for some of the words that officially entered the Swedish language last year), reflecting Sweden’s changing culture. Trying to stem this organic flow (as some people have attempted to do with the gender-neutral pronoun ‘hen’) is as pointless as trying to stop snow melting in the spring. A living language is a fascinating thing - not to mention a really useful way for each generation to make their parents feel extremely oldfashioned and uncool.
Photo: © Joe Maclay | www.joemaclay.com
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April 2013 17
Lifestyle Top Sju
1 Robin Stjernberg wins Melodifestivalen Efter en rafflande final utsågs tillslut vinnaren som ska representera Sverige i Eurovision Song Contest som går av stapeln i Malmö den 18e Maj. Robin Stjernberg med låten ”You”, som han också skrivit själv, vann med några poäng över Yohio som kom in på andra plats trots att ha fått flest röster av det Svenska folket. Det var den internationella juryns röster som tog Robin över målsnoret. Detta är första gången som en låt från ”Andra Chansen” går och vinner hela Melodifestivalen. Nu spekuleras det om Robin’s låt ”You” har möjlighet att ta hem segern för Sverige för andra året i rad i Eurovision Song Contest.
2 Swedes on the Forbes Billionaire List This year, 14 Swedes have made the Forbes list of billionaires. The highest ranking Swede on the list was H&M owner Stefan Persson, coming in at number 12 with an estimated fortune of $28 billion. TetraPak big wig, Hans Rausing also placed within the top 100 list of elites, with a fortune of $11 billion, giving him the 94th spot. Antonia Johnsson of
the Axel Johnsson Group placed 118th; Bertil Hult who made his own fortune in education came 316th on the list; and Ikea founder, Ingvar Kamprad, placed 412th.
3 ABBA Superstar Makes a Comeback
Robin Stjernberg jublar efter segern. Photo: Sara Strandlund/Expressen.se
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April 2013 18
One of the members of ABBA has come out with a new single and will release a new album this coming May. Agnetha Fältskog’s
song “When You Really Loved Someone” is the first on her album entitled “A” to be released to an eager crowd on May 13th. Though it is rumoured that the band, which sold over 100 million albums during its heyday before the bandmates split up in 1982, will be getting back together for a possible reunion, it is Fältskog who deserves credit this year. Working with Hollywood giants, Agnetha is excited to be writing music again. “I hadn’t written any music for a long, long time. But I sat at the piano, and suddenly it was there.” This release has apt timing as well, since there will be a museum dedicated to the band opening this May in Stockholm.
4 Marabou: A Swedish Favourite Marabou is a favourite among Swedish chocolate lovers. First launched in 1916 by Norwegian chocolatier Johan Throne Holst, this chocolate has long been enjoyed by Swedes and was, up until September 2011, sold internationally by IKEA and enjoyed by folks in the UK, the US, Canada, Netherlands, Spain, Poland and Australia. The chocolate was first sold to the Norwegian public under the name Freia, and Holst’s first son, Henning, took ownership of the Swedish Marabou factory in Sundbyburg in 1918. Milk chocolate was the first Marabou claim to fame and in the 1950s, cara-
mel was added to the recipe. In 1993, Freia and Marabou – which had joined forces – were bought out by Kraft Foods for 3 billion Norwegian kroner ($515 million).
731 Japanese Plants to Be Digitized from Sweden
5 H&M: Bigger than Ever? Recently two exciting events have propelled Swedish fashion giant H&M into the limelight. Rapid expansion has seen the chain open 2500 new stores all over the world. In Paris, a fashion show in early March lasting nine days, highlighted 25 of H&M’s looks for Fall
and Winter 2013. Making another debut at the Oscars in LA, H&M showed off a midnight blue gown. Helen Hunt, nominated for Best Supporting Actress, donned the look on the red carpet, accessorizing the dress with jewelry.
Linaeus’s disciple Carl Thunberg was well known for his collection of almost 28,000 plants almost 350 years ago. He collected his large sample on his journey with the Dutch East India Company to Japan through South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Java and in his collection, 731 of the plants were
Cyclist Accidents Prevented with Volvo New Technology
A Japan Cypripedium (Cypripedium japonicum) collected and described by Carl Thunberg. From the Thunberg collection at the Museum of Evolution, Uppsala University, Sweden. Credit: Mikael Wallerstedt
Japanese. The collection is currently located at the Museum of Evolution at Uppsala University and previously required researchers from all over the world to either visit in person or make do with photographs. Now, thanks to funding granted by Vinnova and JSPS, and in conjunction with the National Museum of Nature and Science in Japan, the collection will be digitized and available in this format beginning in September 2013.
The idea of cyclists and drivers sharing the road has long been an issue. In the US alone, cycling is up 47% since 2000. Now, Volvo is unveiling a new technology that will allow its vehicles to detect cyclists around the car. The technology uses a unique set of cameras and radars. Specifically, “a radar in the car’s grill and a camera pointing towards the front of the car from the interior rear view mirror are constantly monitoring what’s in front of the Volvo.” If a cyclist makes an unexpected move, the braking unit in the car is automatically employed. Available from 2013, the Pedestrian and Cyclist Detection technology will be available on the S60, XC90, XC70 and S80 models.
Top and Right: Backstage at the H&M Paris Fashion Week debut with its Autumn 2013 show. Photo credit: Stéphane Fugier/H&M. Left: This year, at the Oscars 2013, actress/director Helen Hunt chose to wear a beautiful gown designed by H&M. Photo credit: H&M
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April 2013 19
Rainman, Rival: Lysande samspel mellan Robert Gustafsson och Jonas Karlsson
ta honom till Los Angeles. Där han tror sig kunna fixa testamentet så det blir mer ”rättvist”. När det visar sig att Raymond är hysteriskt flygrädd blir det en resa By Sthig Jonasson med den ärvda Buicken från väst till öst, men bara på ainman” som nu spelas på teater Rismåvägar eftersom Raymond också misstror motorval i Stockholm bygger på den flerfalvägar. digt Oscarsbelönade filmen från 1988 Under resan kommer bröderna allt närmare där Dustin Hoffman och Tom Cruise varandra och Charlie finner den bror han aldrig haft. spelar de två udda bröderna på resa Pengarna förlorar sin betydelse – genom USA från Cincinnati till Los broderskärleken vinner. Faktaruta Angeles. Det är en ganska händelselös Jonas Karlsson är lysande som Scen: Rival, Stockholm roadmovie som helt bygger på bröderden självupptagne cynikern Charlie Pjäs: Rainman nas inbördes relationer. i total avsaknad av empati. Med sitt Manus: John Weidman På Rival spelas bröderna av Jonas uppskruvade sätt, sin känslokyla och Översättning: Martin Luuk Karlsson och Robert Gustafsson. sina många manér sitter Charlie fast i Regi: Emma Bucht Scenografi: Zofi Nilsson Jonas Karlsson som gör Charlie ett närmast maniskt beteende och är Ljus: Ellen Ruge Babbitt, en konkursmässig bilskojare egentligen lika socialt handikappad Kostym: Clara Ahlström i Kalifornien i stort behov av pengar som Raymond. Robert Gustafsson får Medverkande: Robert nås av beskedet att hans förmögne här användning för alla sina komiska Gustafsson, Jonas Karlsson, Tanja far har avlidit. Charlie flyger från Los talanger, men utan att söka skratt. Lorentzon, Magnus Ehrner, Sanna Krepper, Nils Moritz, Angels till Cincinnati för att få ut sitt Under hela föreställningen ändrar Lotta Östlin Stenshäll arv, bara för att finna att allt han fått han inte ansiktsuttryck en enda gång. Speltid: ca 3 tim. 15 min. är en 1949 års vit Buick och några Alla Raymonds ritualer, upprepninprisbelönta rosenbuskar medan hans gar och ryckiga rörelser blir en del okände storebror Raymond fått sju i syndromet. Gripande är en scen miljoner dollar. Robert Gustafsson spelar den autisdär Charlie lär Raymond att dansa och sakta börjar tiske Raymond som levt hela sitt liv på en institution. Raymond lära sig leva. Gustafsson och Karlsson har ett Raymond har det s.k. savantsyndromet som gör honom lysande exakt samspel med perfekt tajming. ”Raintotalt socialt omöjlig, men han minns, bokstavligt man” är en uppvisning i kvalificerat skådespelande. talat, allt han sett, hört och läst. Charlie praktiskt taget Regissören Emma Bucht låter ingen av dem spela över, kidnappar Raymond från behandlingshemmet för att som pjäsen annars kan locka till.
Producent Johan von der Lancken
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April 2013 20
Swedish Success at the 85th Academy Award
By Martina Söderlund
t was a historic Swedish success at this years 85th Academy Awards in Los Angeles. Three Swedes won Awards for Best Documentary and Best Achievement in Sound Editing. Malik Bendjelloul, born 1977 in Ystad Sweden, won the prize for Best Documentary with his film “Searching for Sugar Man”. This is the first Academy Award for a Swedish movie since Ingmar Bergman’s “Fanny & Alexander” (1984) and the first to a Swedish Documentary since “Kon-Tiki” (1960). “Searching for Sugar Man” is a remarkable true story of a musician named Rodriguez who had no idea he was famous. Folk-singer Rodriguez was working as a construction worker in the USA while his music made it over to South Africa where he became a super star. The documentary follows the search for the legend that most people thought was dead, and who had no idea he had helped inspire and transform a whole country with his music. Malik Bendejlloul came across the story when he was travelling in South Africa and found it so compelling he decided to start production without even hearing a note of Rodriguez’s music. Malik has won several nominations and awards internationally for “Searching for Sugar Man” including Best Screenplay, best Outstanding Producer of Documentary, and Best Edited Documentary to name a few, includ-
Per Hallberg receiving his Oscar with Karen Baker Landers for Sound Editing of Skyfall. Photo: Chris Pizello, DN
Paul Ottosson with his third Academy Award for Sound Editing of “Zero dark thirty”. Photo: John Shearer, DN
Simon Chinn and Malik Bendjelloul (right), who won the best documentary award for Searching for Sugar Man. Photo: John Shearer/Invision/AP
ing the 50th Guldbagge for Best Documentary earlier this year in Sweden. The second and third Academy Awards to Swedes were in themselves remarkable stories. Not only was the prize for Best Achievement in Sound Editing for the 6th time in the Academy’s history shared between two nominees, this year it was shared by two Swedish nominees; Per Hallberg and Paul Ottosson. Per Hallberg won the Award for Best Sound Editing of the latest James Bond movie “Skyfall”. Per Hallberg, born 1958 in Borgholm Sweden, has previously won the Oscar two times for “The Bourne Ultimatum” (2008) and “Braveheart” (1996). Paul Ottosson won the Award for Best Sound Editing of the American historical drama “Zero Dark Thirty”. Paul Ottosson has also previously won the prize two times for Sound Mixing and Sound Editing, both for the action movie “The Hurt Locker” (2010). These are all remarkable achievements. Per Hallberg and Paul Ottosson are now in company with one of the most iconic movie producers in history as only one Swede has before earned three Oscars – Ingmar Bergman who won three times in the category Best Foreign Film. And it will be interesting to see what 35 year old Malik Bendjelloul will do next in his directing career. “Searching for Sugar Man”, directed by Malik Bendjelloul, is a documentary about the hunt for folk icon Sixto Rodriguez.
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April 2013 21
Hemma hos
Highlights from the Stockholm Furniture & Light Fair
the idea of sleek and beautiful, and despite the fact that it has the appearance of a crumpled up piece of paper it proves to be remarkably comfortable. Also high on the favourite list was Norwegian design duo Morten and Jonas for Northern Lighting. Their clever ‘Bake Me A Cake’ lamp was inspired by the classic story of baking a file into a cake to help prisoners escape. While the design of the lamp is perhaps more on the humorous side, the manufacturing process is entirely
By Kristi Robinson
outed as the design event of the year for Scandinavian furniture the Stockholm furniture fair has been an annual event since 1951 making 2013 its 62nd year running. The 5 day showcase of Swedish and international designers and design companies is a smorgasboard of what’s new and innovative in furniture, lighting, and textiles. Taking place in early February and housed in Scandinavia’s largest exhibition and conference center, Stockholmsmässan, the fair covers an impressive
‘Moodies’, a set of playful stool monster designed by HDK student Radost Kerefeyna. Photo credit: HDK
40,000 square meters. This year 31 countries were represented at the furniture fair for a total of 729 exhibitors. Not surprisingly, Sweden had the largest presence accounting for about 61% of the exhibitors. The fair’s exhibitor’s range from established designers to students hoping to leave their mark in the world of design. University of Gothenburg’s HDK School of
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April 2013 22
‘80 Sheets of Mountains’ installation by Oki Sato, founder of Japanese design studio Nendo. Photo credit: blogs.artinfo.com
Design and Crafts, and The Lund School of Architecture made a notable showing. The Greenhouse, often a favorite area for fair goers, is an area designated for independent designers and students to exhibit their prototypes with the hopes of making connections in the industry. Enter this year’s guest of honor Oki Sato, founder of Japanese design studio Nendo. It was exactly ten years ago that he exhibited at the fair as an independent designer in The Greenhouse. This year he was offered the coveted role of designing the lounge at the entrance, one of the fair’s major highlights. Sato’s laser-cut installation was inspired by snow-capped mountains. Stockholm based designers o4i DesignStudio created a buzz worthy piece of furniture called the ‘Dent Chair’ for Swedish manufacturer Blå Station. The chair challenges
‘Dent Chair’ by o4i DesignStudio for Blå Station.
‘Bake Me A Cake’ lamp by Morten and Jonas for Northern Lighting. Photo credit: northernlighting.no
purpose driven. Made by inmates at a Norwegian prison near Bergen the aim of the project is twofold, to create high quality products within Norwegian prisons, and to provide meaningful activities for inmates to change thoughts and actions. What is always evident at the Stockholm Furniture and Light Fair is the great level of ingenuity. Just when you think you’ve seen everything you get to experience a piece of furniture in a new and exciting way.
[Treats] M
a la Nelson
y father’s family came to the US from Sweden in the latter part of the 1900s. My father’s father came from Kulleberga in Skåne and his mother’s parents, who met in the US, came from Harnösand, near Sundsvall, and Gräsmark in Värmland. Like many Swedes who immigrated to North America at that time, my family came to pursue economic opportunities and settled in Kansas and Colorado. I was born in Napa, California and grew up understanding how important my Swedish heritage was. In fact, we continue to celebrate holidays as a way to connect with Swedish traditions that have been maintained since my family first arrived in North America. I made my first trip back to Sweden as an adult in 1981. I felt a genuine sense of familiarity due in large part to our family’s continued connections to Sweden. My grandfather, who helped support each of his grandkids through college, insisted that we all travel to Sweden upon graduation. My intended short visit ended up lasting nearly four months. My own children, Sonja and Elise, have also grown up connected to their Swedish heritage. My older daughter Elise, 24, is completing a teaching credential at the University of California, and Sonja is still in high school. Both girls have much experience with the recipes included and throughout the Christmas season our kitchen is buzzing with a regular output of traditional holiday treats.
I’ve also been fortunate enough to connect with my heritage through my career. I am the CEO of the Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle. Working in the museum for the last five years has strengthened my appreciation and knowledge of the entire Nordic region and allowed me numerous opportunities to return to Sweden and connect with many wonderful, creative and talented Swedes. I’m looking forward to the
opening of the new museum, as the family rosettes and gravlax will be sure to be on the café menu! By Eric Nelson
Gravlax Ingredients: 3 to 3 ½ pounds fresh salmon, center cut, clean and scaled* 1 large bunch fresh dill ¼ cup coarse kosher salt or sea salt ¼ cup sugar 2 tbs white peppercorns (or substitute black), crushed 3 tbs Aquavit *Cut the salmon in half lengthwise and to remove bones as well.
Place half of the fish, skin side down, in a deep glass, enamel, or stainless steel baking dish. Wash and then shake dry the bunch of dill, chop it coarsely to release its flavor and sprinkle it over the fish. In a separate bowl, combine the salt, sugar, and crushed peppercorns. Sprinkle this mixture evenly over the dill, rub in a few drops of Aquavit, top with the other half of the fish, skin side up. Cover with aluminum foil and on it set a heavy platter (or book) slightly larger than the salmon. Pile the platter with 3 or 4 cans of food; these make convenient weights, as they are easy to distribute evenly. Refrigerate 48 hours. Turn the fish over every 12 hours, basting with the liquid marinade that accumulates, separating the halves a little to baste the salmon inside. Replace the platter and weights each time. When the Gravlax is finished, remove the fish from its marinade, scrape away the dill and seasoning and pat it dry with paper towels. Place the separated halves skin down on a carving board and slice the salmon halves thinly on the diagonal, detaching each slice from the skin.
Rosette/Struva Ingredients: 1 cup flour 1 cup whole milk pinch of salt 1 tsp vanilla sugar 2 eggs
Combine the ingredients with a whisk, mixing well, and let the batter sit in the refrigerator a few hours or overnight. This helps it to settle and prevents bubbles on the Rosettes. Use a deep fryer or a heavy pan to heat the oil to 360-370. Let the Rosette Iron sit in the oil for a minute or so to make sure it is hot. Shake to remove excess oil, then dip into the batter until it comes to the very edge of the Rosette Iron. Let the excess batter drip off for a few seconds then plunge the iron into the hot oil for 20-40 seconds, or until a golden color. Remove the finished Rosette with a small fork onto paper toweling. When slightly cooled, sprinkle powdered sugar onto the Rosettes with a sifter.
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April 2013 23
En 37-årig man från Göteborg hyrde en kompis att sitta av hans fängelsestraff. Själv försvann han utomlands. Det tog drygt ett halvår innan bluffen avslöjades. Den dömde ska ha lyckats få ett körkort utfärdat med den andre personens fotografi. Att fel person satt inne upptäcktes av polisen som 8
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April 2013 24
Kommunfullmäktige i Botkyrka har sagt ja till böneutrop från minareten vid Fittja moské. Samtliga politiska partier utom Sverigedemokraterna har ställt sig bakom böneutropen. Det är första gången som den möjligheten ges i Sverige och beslutet kan bli ett prejudikat för liknande fall. Böneutropen möjliggjordes efter att en majoritet i samhällsbyggnadsnämnden rev upp en bestämmelse i detaljplanen inför moskébygget 1994 om att inga böneutrop fick ske från minareten. Det ansågs att bestämmelsen inte skulle hålla i en rättslig prövning. I och med kommunfullmäktiges ja till böneutrop skjuts frågan över till polisen som får fatta det slutgiltiga beslutet. Polisen kan som sista instans säga nej till böneutrop om det bedöms att de står i strid med den lokala ordningsstadgan om meddelanden riktade till allmänheten med hjälp av högtalaranläggningar. Enligt Islamiska föreningen i Botkyrka handlar det om ett kort böneutrop per vecka, inte fem gånger om dagen som är normalt i muslimska länder.
sorgsförvaltningen efter internutredning satt in ett åtgärdsprogram med åtta olika punkter. Ett åläggande får dock det aktuella äldreboendet om att säkerställa att det ingår i vårdansvaret att uppmärksamma, åtgärda, dokumentera och följa upp eventuella problem med munhälsan.
skulle hålla förhör med mannen på anstalten. Polisen visste hur den dömde mannen såg ut och den person som satt i fängelset var klart någon annan. Nu är den dömde internationellt efterlyst. Förutom fängelsestraff väntar en skatteskuld på honom i Sverige hos kronofogden på 5,6 miljoner kronor och ett skadeståndskrav från ett läkemedelsbolag på 4,8 miljoner kronor. Enligt Per Ole Träskman, professor i straffrätt vid Lunds universitet, har båda personerna begått brott. – Att få ut ett körkort som inte är äkta kan ha att göra med någon typ av förfalskningsbrott. Däremot kan Per Ole Träskman inte se att det skulle vara brottsligt att betala någon för att sitta av ens fängelsestraff, inte heller att ta emot pengar för att ta på sig någon annans straff.
SKÅNE Klockan 8.16 inkom ett larm om en trafikolycka i Gärsnäs – en personbil hade kört in i en stillastående pickup på Storgatan. Väl på plats fick polisen en chock – föraren av personbilen visade sig vara fyra år gammal. Där satt lillkillen i pyjamas och med napp i munnen. Han räckte knappt upp att se ut. Han hade tagit mammans bilnyckel medan hon låg och sov. – Han lyckades ta bilnycklarna ur min jackficka, jag trodde inte han kunde nå upp. Sedan låste han upp ytterdörren och gick ut. Han lyckades låsa upp bilen, sätta sig vid ratten och starta, berättar mamman. Fyraåringen hade kört bilen, som hade en manuell växellåda, i flera hundra meter. Han lyckades även göra tre nittiograders högersvängar innan han krockade. Ingen kom till skada vid olyckan, även om personbilen fick vissa plåtskador. Pojken fördes dock till sjukhuset i Ystad för kontroll.
GÄSTRIKLAND Ett äldreboende i Sandviken måste bli bättre på att ta ansvar för de boendes munhälsa. Det blir resultatet av en granskning som Socialstyrelsen gjort efter en artikel i Arbetarbladet om påstådd vanvård. I artikeln berättade dottern till en demenssjuk man om munhygienen som var så dålig att pappan till sist tvingades dra ut alla tänder, om naglar som var så oklippta att de växte in i huden och om mat som ibland fick stå orörd för att pappan inte fick hjälp med att äta. Socialstyrelsen gjorde på eget initiativ en granskning av fallet. Av rapporten framgår det att äldreom18
SMÅLAND För fem år sedan åkte ett 40-tal anställda på en klinik på Länssjukhuset Ryhov i Jönköping på en personalresa till Prag. Den totala kostnaden för resan uppgick till 141 750 kronor. 28
Varje deltagare betalade 250 kronor, alltså sammanlagt 10 500 kronor. För att täcka resterande del av resekostnaderna utnyttjades behållningen på ett klinikkonto. Dessutom bad läkarna om ekonomiskt bidrag på sammanlagt 64 000 kronor från olika läkemedels- och implantatföretag som var leverantörer till landstinget. Det ledde till åtal för mutbrott respektive bestickning. Åklagare Nils Erik Schultz hävdade att läkemedelsföretagen sponsrade läkarnas nöjesresa mot att sjukhuset band upp sig att köpa just bolagens produkter. Läkarna nekade dock till anklagelserna om mutbrott och menade att resan var en studieresa. Både läkarna och läkemedelsföretagen friades av tingsrätten men Göta hovrätt ändrade domen och dömde läkarna för mutbrott. Däremot friades läkemedelsföretagen med motiveringen att de inte kunde veta vilken typ av resa som de var med och finansierade. Fallet blev extra uppmärksammat eftersom det var första gången som lagstiftningen om mutbrott prövades inom vårdsektorn. VÄSTERBOTTEN Lärare i Umeå kommun tvingades delta i en undersökning där arbetsförmågan skulle bedömas. Som en del i undersökningen fick de svara på en enkät med 700 frågor som handlade om bland annat deras sexliv, tupplurer, avföringen, väderkänslighet, kyrkobesök. Efter att ha svarat på frågorna som uppfattades som udda och kränkande, fick den anställde samtala en halvtimme med en psykolog. Det slutade med att några lärare bedömdes som olämpliga för yrket. 42
Ett tiotal lärare stängdes ute från yrket och omplacerades. Arbetsgivaren behövde inte motivera beslutet på något sätt, utan hänvisade till undersökningen. De som bedömdes som icke-sociala rekommenderas att jobba med, till exempel, arkiv eller lagerarbete. Efter mycket diskussion och hård kritik bland annat från facket och Psykologförbundet har kommunen nu stoppat enkäten. Vad som händer med dem som redan omplacerats efter undersökningen är oklart. VÄSTERGÖTLAND En kvinna som arbetade på en förskola i Borås har dömts vid Borås tingsrätt för att ha stängt in tre små pojkar i ett- till två-årsåldern i ett torkskåp, efter att de inte hade lyssnat på hennes tillsägelser. Enligt åtalet hade kvinnan också ofredat barn genom att “smätta” eller knäppa till med fingrarna i huvudet på dem och dra dem i håret. 54
Efter att händelsen uppdagades stängdes kvinnan av från arbetet men avskedades inte. Kommunen och facket enades om att anklagelserna inte kunde bevisas. Kvinnan flyttades till en annan förskola. Men en polisanmälan gjordes för att kunna gå till botten med uppgifterna och åklagare beslutade att väcka åtal. Kvinnan dömdes till villkorlig dom och böter. Hon har överklagat domen till hovrätten.
ÖSTERGÖTLAND Internutredningen efter att en polispatrull sköt Göran Hjalmarssons katt är nedlagd. Därmed leder den polisanmälan Göran gjorde efter att hans id-märkta katt hade skjutits ingenstans. Brott kan inte styrkas utifrån de uppgifter som finns tillgängliga. Katten Cissi hade ett mycket stort värde för Göran Hjalmarsson sedan hans dotter dog i cancer. Cissi väntade troget på altanräcket när Göran var hemifrån. Oron blev stor när hon inte fanns på plats en kväll. Efter mycket sökande fick Göran höra att Cissi hade legat på en granntomt och att hon var halt på ett bakben. Grannen hade larmat polisen som visserligen hittade id-märkningen i örat, men fick via polisens kommunikationscentral svar att det inte fanns någon ägare till det nummer som lästes upp. Då sköt polisen katten och slängde den i en elledningsgata utanför Åtvidaberg. Det tog lång tid innan Göran fick veta var katten hade slängts. De två polismännen som utförde avlivningen gav olika besked och Göran ägnade dagar åt att söka efter kroppen. Nu vilar Cissi i trädgården i Nygård. Men frågorna om vad som egentligen hände katten kvarstår. 64
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April 2013 25
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Canada & US update
Local Community News in Swedish North America
375 years ago, the New Sweden Colony was founded in Delaware. On Saturday, April 20th at 6pm at the Swedish American Museum, this anniversary will be celebrated in style. Following the two ships that left Göteborg in December 1637 which anchored in Delaware on March 29th, 1638, this event will celebrate the establishment of the first Swedish settlement in the New World. Lasting only 17 years before being incorporated into the settlement of New Netherland, New Sweden’s tenure was significant and meaningful to the population which spawned from it. Kim-Eric Williams, who is a leading translator of Swedish script and who holds the post as director of the Swedish language program at the University of Pennsylvania, will be speaker at the April 20th event.
New York Between April 27th and July 27th, 2013, the American Scandinavian Foundation (ASF) will be holding an exhibition entitled 58
“MUNCH/WARHOL and the Multiple Image”. This exhibition will take place at the Scandinavia House: The Nordic Centre and will showcase a combination of work by Norwegian artist Edvard Munch and American artist Andy Warhol. Works originally by Munch in the early 20th century and revisited by Warhol in a 1984 collection will make up the thread of the exhibit which examines common themes – such as alienation, ideal beauty, sex and morality – between the two artists. There will be works on loan from The Munch Museum, The Museum of Modern Art and The Andy Warhol Museum.
Philadelphia On April 14th from 1pm to 3pm, join the American Swedish Historical Museum as they celebrate the opening of their exhibit entitled “Art by Sigelle”. There will be family activities and an introduction to the exhibition which showcases Swedish-born Sigelle (Sigrid Elisabeth Oldenburg) and her artwork – full of “vibrant colour and collage”. Using simple resources and techniques – such as “felt markers and paper” – Sigelle was known for her masterpieces of imaginative style and form. This exhibition will have a space dedicated to the harnessing of the guests’ own imaginations with the opportunity for guests to create their own masterpieces. The exhibition will be in the gallery until August 25th, 2013.
Andy Warhol (1928-1987) The Scream (AfterMunch), 1984. ©2013 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc./Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York 8
2013 Colonists’ Day will be held at Fort Christina Park on April 13th. This is an exciting opportunity to learn about colonial America and experience, especially, the remarkable history of the New Sweden Colony, which existed from 18
The Kalmar Nyckel
1638 until 1655. It will be an integral part of this year’s celebration of the 375th anniversary of the first landing of Swedish and Finnish settlers in what is now Wilmington. Attendees will learn about the earliest settlers to this region and see re-enactors dressed as settlers! They will also see skits, hear music from the time, and learn about how the earliest settlers in Wilmington and Philadelphia survived and later prospered in exciting historical presentations. The Kalmar Nyckel, the Tall Ship of Delaware, will also be open for tours at the adjacent shipyard. This event will be held from 11:00 AM till 3:00 PM in Fort Christina Park and adjacent areas, only steps away from where the earliest settlers to the region, Swedes and Finns, came ashore after several long sea voyages, in the late 1630s and early 1640s.
Wisconsin On Saturday, May 11th, 2013, look into Sweden’s glass making industry. The history of this industry, its techniques and the beautiful area known as “glass country, where talented artists developed the exquisite and attractive pieces still produced and widely collected today,” will be exhibited at the Redemption Lutheran Church. This presentation is free and will allow you to view glass treasures from members’ personal collections, thanks to the Swedish American Historical Society. 28
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April 2013 27
Calendar & Events
Guide to interesting and fun events in Swedish North America 66
CHICAGO Swedish American Museum 5211 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60640 Tel: 773-728 8111 | info@samac.org
Apr 9 – Tuesday 6:00 pm: Swedish American Museum annual meeting, dinner and recognition of volunteers. Apr 20 – Saturday 5:30 pm: Swedish-American Historical Society dinner and program on 375th anniversary of establishment of New Sweden Colony on Delaware River. Apr 25 – Thursday 7:00 pm: Talk by artist Corinne Peterson about the exhibit, “Entangled Routes”. Apr 27 – Saturday 11:00 am: Guided tour of the permanent exhibit, “A Dream of America: Swedish Immigration to Chicago”. Apr 28 – Sunday 4:00 pm: Valborg Celebration with family fun, followed by 5:00 pm concert of Scandinavian choruses, North Park University. Continuing through Sunday Jun 23: Entangled Routes, an exhibit of works by sculptor Corinne Peterson and her sons, collage artist Tim Klassen and woodworker Stephen Klassen, that reflect their Scandinavian heritage and travel experiences.
DETROIT Swedish Club 22398 Ruth Street, Farmington Hills, Detroit, MI 48336 | Info: 734-459 0596 www.swedishclub.net 56
Apr 27 – Saturday 4:00-9:00 pm: Valborgmassoafton May 5 – Sunday 1:00-2:30 pm: Buffet
LOS ANGELES SACC-LA The Lot 1041 N. Formosa Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90046 Tel: 310-622 3616 | info@sacc-la.org
Apr 30 – Tuesday: Swedish Spotlight at Newport Beach Film Festival 8
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April 2013 28
American Swedish Institute 2600 Park Ave Minneapolis MN 55407 Tel: 612-871 4907 | info@ASImn.org
American Swedish Historical Museum 1900 Pattison Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145 | Tel: 215-389 1776 | info@americanswedish.org
Apr 2 – Tuesday 7:00 pm: Airmail Book Release Party – an evening celebrating the friendship and letters of Robert Bly and Tomas Tranströmer. Apr 30 – Tuesday 7:00-11:00 pm: Cocktails at the Castle: Bonfires & Birchwood Plaques. Celebrate with bonfires, live music and a “makeyour-own birchwood” plaque activity. Through May 26 – Exhibition on Eight Seasons in Sápmi, the Land of the Sámi People.
NEW YORK Scandinavian House: The Nordic Center in North America 58 Park Ave @ 38th St. New York, NY 10016 | Tel: 212 779 3587 Apr 6 – Saturday 10:00 am-6:00 pm: Nordic Outbreak Symposium – An all-day symposium in conjunction with the Streaming Museum’s Nordic Outbreak, an internationally touring exhibition of over 30 video and new media artworks by groundbreaking contemporary Nordic artists. Apr 27 through July 27 – Munch|Warhol and the Miltiple Image – the exhibition of two of the 20th century’s most prolific and inventive printmakers – Norwegian Edvard Munch and American Andy Warhol.
LYNDHURST Messiah Lutheran Church 5200 Mayfield Road, Lyndhurst OH 44124 | Tel: 216-371-5141 office@messiahlyndhurst.org Apr 7 – Sunday 2:00-5:00 pm: Kaffe Stuga Open House, Bake sale, Swedish Butik, Live Accordion Music. May 5 – Sunday 2:00-4:00 pm: Vasa Voices Spring Concert – in Swedish. 18
Apr 14 through Aug 25 – Art by Sigelle – an exhibition of multi-media artworks by Sigelle Oldenburg. Apr 27 – Saturday 7:00 pm: Valborg: Concert and Bonfire
SEATTLE Swedish Cultural Center 1920 Dexter Ave N Seattle, WA 98109 Tel: 206-283 1090 info@swedishculturalcenter.org Apr 6 & 7 – Saturday and Sunday 9:00 am-4:00 pm: Antiques & Great Finds Sale – delicious Swedish pea soup, meatballs and cookies. Apr 12 – Friday 6:00 pm-12:00 midnight: ABBA Night – music & fun guaranteed, 70s costumes optional.
CALGARY Scandinavian Cultural Society of Calgary 739-20th Ave NW, Calgary AB T2M 1E2 | Tel: 403-284 2610 scanctr@telus.net 58
Apr 12 – Friday 7:30 pm: Valdy, Gary Fjellgaard in Concert with Saskia & Darrel de La Ronde at the Centre.
VANCOUVER Scandinavian Community Centre 6540 Thomas Street Burnaby, BC V5B 4P9 | Tel: 604-294 2777 info@scandinaviancentre.org
Apr 13 to 14 – 10:00am-4:00pm, and Saturday evening at 7:00 pm: Nordic Spirit 2013: To Canada with Hope – A festival of photos, talks, and activities depicting Nordic immigrant life in North America, to 1960 April 28 – Sunday 6:00 pm: Celebrate Valborg at Ambleside Beach, West Vancouver. 28
[Ads] & Info Calgary Organizations Svenska Skolan i Calgary bedriver undervisning för barn 3-15 år gamla på lördagar kl 9:30-12. Alla barn är välkomna. Undervisningen sker på svenska. Kontakta Svenska Skolan genom Scandinavian center 403-284 2610 eller skicka epost till contact@swedishschool.com. Läs merom vår skola på www.swedishschool.com
BC Organizations Consulate of Sweden Tuesday 1-5 pm, Friday 10 am-2 pm or by appointment. #1480-1188 West Georgia Street. 604-683 5838 Scandinavian Business Club meets every second Wednesday of the month. New members welcome. Phone Ben Marklund 604-524 2915. Visit us at www.sbc-bc.ca The Scandinavian Centre 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, B.C. V5B 4P9. 604-294 2777 Svenska Kulturföreningen Ordförande Monica Olofsson, 604-987 6086. Kassör är
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Linda Olofsson, 604-418 7703 www.swedishculturalsociety.ca Email:swedishculturalsociety.ca@ gmail.com Svenska Skolan en gång i veckan för barn mellan 3 och 14 år. Ordförande Mia Logie 604-725 8431, Administratör Anette Anastacio svenskaskolanvancouver@gmail.com Sweden House Society President Robert Toren 604-980 9241, Vice-President Lennart Österlind, Treasurer Ron Spence. SWEA – Swedish Womens Educational Association. Du, svensktalande kvinna. Kom med i SWEA. Vi träffas en gång i månaden för att ha kul, lära nytt och prata svenska. “Kontakta Alexandra Roos tel:778990 9130, email: vancouver@swea. org eller Pia Hilton tel:604-261 2484 email:sweavanmemb@gmail.com. Besök oss på www.sweavancouver.org Swedish Canadian Village Swedish Canadian Manor and Gustav Vasa Place at 1800 Duthie Avenue in Burnaby, B.C. V5A 2R4
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604-420 3222 provides retirement apartments, beautiful grounds. Just steps from the bus. Swedish Canadian Resthome Association President Erik Nordholm.
Victoria BC Organizations Swedish Club of Victoria Meetings held third Wednesday of each month at 1110 Hillside Ave. Contact Annabelle Beresford 250656 9586.
Washington Organizations Nordic Heritage Museum in Seattle, 3104 N.W. 67th St., Ballard 206-789 5707 Open Tuesday – Saturday 10 am - 4 pm, Monday closed. Swedish Cultural Center 1920 Dexter Ave., N, Seattle, Wa 98109; Tel: 206-283 1090. Open MonSat. Catering available for all events.
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Jakob Sebastian Swenson, 14 år Ann Karneus, 15 år Tomas Kent Dahl, 7 år Leif Ericsson Munsterman, 13 år Logan Childers, 15 år Eowyn Magnusson, 7 år Amelia Nickoloff, 12 år Sebastian Wolff, 10 år Jonathan Edward Skulsky, 17 år
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April 2013 29
Sista Ordet Swedish-English Dictionary Svenska skämt-tecknare Swedish cartoonist vind i seglen wind in your sails handelsflotta merchant navy Ostindiefararen East Indiaman sju seven hemma hos at home at... landskapsnyheterna provincial news press byrån news agent sista ordet the last word
Eat in a new culture. Swim in a new language.
Play and learn
at a Minnesota summer camp! Register now for Swedish language programs! Youth • Adult • Family • Day Camp Scholarships available. For more details visit ConcordiaLanguageVillages.org/scholarships.
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April 2013 30
Poetry by Arthur Antonius Andersson
rtur Antonius Andersson left Sweden in 1924 when he was 29 years old. He had 180 kroner to his name, a wife, two infant boys and a heart full of hope. His son reveals that Andersson became his own person in North America and that he was intent on securing the well-being of his fellow Swedes: what he refers to as his Landsmen. Specifically, Andersson worked for the Swedish American Passenger Line, edited Svenska Canada Tidningen, conducted the Swedish Male Voice Choir, helped to found the Viking Club, and was ultimately appointed Swedish Consul by Lester Pearson, in 1955 and given an extension to his tenure. As his granddaughter, Laurel McCallum, so fondly puts it, the depth of his passion for his homeland and humanity now remain in the poignancy of his poems. McCallum says that about a year ago, she was wondering what her grandfather had written in the Swedish book of poetry sitting on her shelf. The book had been published in 1934, ten years after his arrival to Winnipeg from Gällivare, Norrbotten, Sweden. She proceeded to have the book translated and was surprised at the depth of the poetry. The translator, who had been doing the work in Sweden, was also intrigued with the poems, as were the Swedes she was visiting. McCallum began to do more and more research on the poetry and on the information from her grandfather’s life that she had been unaware of. The book, Stoft, is in the National Archives of Canada Library and McCallum plans on publishing an English version soon.
8 Det går ett pilgrimståg igenom världen av vandrare från grottekvarnens land. Och trötta händer famna vandringsstaven, ty tung är ledens djupa ökensand. De vandra emot solbelysta höjder med blicken lyft mot ljusets tempelsal. Men, lång är vägen, målet ligger fjärran från livets skumma, dimomhöljda dal. Jag såg dem uti nattens tysta timmar, jag ser dem än när dagen bränner het. Och om du frågar dem vart färden gäller, de tiga tyst, ty ingen enda vet. Utopia! – Var ligger lyckans rike? Finns ingen här att skänka vandrarn tröst? – Det enda svar som klingar genom natten är ekots bittra, skoningslösa röst Och fastän pilgrimsskaran ständigt växer den aldrig dock sitt drömda rike når ty genom själviskhetens täta dimmor och hatets törnestigar färden går.
8 8 8 En gång måhända skall det ljusa segra, och solen stråla för en bättre dag, och nya släkten trotsa stigens faror, – när mänskligheten glömt sitt eget jag.
Arthur Antonius Andersson
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