Westlaw UK Advanced Guide

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REUTERS/Tim Shaffer


contents Topic


Westlaw UK Login Screen


Westlaw UK Welcome Page




Cases questions




Legislation questions




Journals questions


Current Awareness




EU questions




Books questions


Terms & Connectors


Terms & Connectors questions


Alerts & Folders


Scenario Training


Westlaw International


Westlaw International questions


Westlaw UK Login Screen As Westlaw UK student reps, you will be provided with your own individual username and password. So you can login for the main Westlaw UK Home page: www.westlawuk.co.uk

Select New Westlaw UK from the options on the right and enter your username and password. You will need to enter a Client ID as well. You can use this to keep track of your research.


Westlaw UK Login Screen

Logging in via My Westlaw UK My Westlaw UK lets students create their own profile which will give them access to alerts, research trail and help them create customised folders for their research. This feature is free but the university needs to contact us in order to enable it From the log in screen, you will be promoted to enter your details or create a profile using the red link on the left hand side.

Create a profile by entering your first name, last name and email address. You will then be sent an email with a temporary password. Once you login, you can start creating folders and setting up alerts.


Westlaw UK Welcome Page From the Westlaw UK Welcome Page search for cases, legislation, journal articles, current awareness and EU materials. At the top of the screen are your navigation tools. These are visible from all screens and will help you to search and navigate the site.

24 hour Customer Support The helpdesk contact details are provided at the bottom of the screen. The desk is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Cross Database Search Enter your terms into the search box and select the content using the check boxes. The cross database search does not contain News or Books as these material types would dominate the results retrieved.

Index to Legal Terms Start your legal research in a whole new way. You can search 3 leading dictionaries (Jowitt’s Dictionary of English Law, Stroud’s Judicial Dictionary of Words and Phrases and Osborn’s Concise Law Dictionary) and Westlaw UK content like cases, legislation and journals for concise, expert definitions of thousands of legal terms Click on the link in the blue box on the right hand side on the home screen to begin your search You can search for Latin phrases like Lex Loci or a single word like Murder


Westlaw UK Welcome Page

The dictionary definitions will be listed at the top and definitions from cases, legislation and journals will be at the bottom. All content in the dictionaries are hyperlinked so you can link to a case or journal directly from the dictionary definition screen


CASES Cases date back to 1220 giving a very comprehensive coverage. The screen is split in two: from the top half of the screen you can search for results using the Search template, from the lower half you can access individual documents by using the Browse function.

Search by Citation Citation

2000 1 ac 524


CASES The results are listed in the standard results screen and are in reverse chronological order, so the most recent documents will always be at the top of the list. Each result is listed as a headline. This gives brief information about the result. The blue links take you directly to all of the case documents available for that result. Status icons: indicates some form of positive or neutral judicial consideration.


• To find out the positive or neutral judicial consideration go to the case analysis and look for the headings “Appellate History” and “Key Cases/All Cases Citing”

Case Analysis document Provides links to all of the important information about your case. Some helpful headings in the analysis document are detailed below:


CASES • Where reported – list of law reports where this case has been reported • Case Digest – this section outlines the summary and abstract of the case. Also provides details of the judge, counsel and solicitor firms for the case. • Appellate History – details the appeal history for the case • Related Cases this section will list any other cases between the same parties on different points of law. • Significant Cases Cited – provides links to the significant case cited within the judgement • All Cases Cited the analysis document will list every case cited within the judgment. • Key Cases Citing our editors have picked out the key cases which have cited the case you are viewing • All Cases Citing - lists all cases that have cited this case afterwards • Significant Legislation Cited – lists the significant statue cited in this case • Legislation Cited – all the legislation cited in this case • Journal Articles lists links to all journal articles discussing the case. • Books this section will have links to citing paragraphs from our practitioner texts such as Chitty or the White Book. • Tabular View view the Case Analysis as one long document or view in tabular format. • Graphical History helps to view and understand complex histories. • Full Text Cases to access a full text case report use the document navigation menu on the left hand side of the screen. • Star paging available in full text case reports and relates to the page number in the hard copy report series. • Folders/ Delivery/Alerts and Full Screen - use the options on the right hand corner of the screen to add the case to a folder, to print/save or email, to create a case alert and view the case in full screen.


• The PDF case report is a reproduction of the hard copy law report • Use PDF case reports for Moots!

Search by Party Name Party name

Pepper v Hart


CASES Status icons: indicates mixed or mildly negative judicial consideration. The case is still good law but needs some interrogation. Check the Key Cases Citing and All Cases citing section in the Case analysis document to find out how other cases treated this case. There may be one case that has not applied it. Status icons: indicates if a case has been overruled by a subsequent case or reversed by a higher court Other Icons Party Name:

Day v Hosebay Ltd

Our Appeal Status Tracker enables you to track cases on appeal to the Court of Appeal, Civil Division or to the Supreme Court . Our “Appeal Outstanding� status icon appears next to your search results and at the top of case documents so that you can instantly tell the status of your case. The icon sits alongside any existing status icon, but is removed once there is an outcome to the appeal. We will be tracking appeals in progress from the lower courts to the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court as well as applications for permission to appeal from lower courts to the Supreme Court. Term Defined This search feature will retrieve cases that have defined or discussed judicially (i.e. by the courts) a particular term. The word wheel will bring up alternate suggestions. Term defined

Bad Character



Free Text Search Use this search box to find exact words or a phrase mentioned in a case. This feature will search across the full text of all cases on Westlaw and retrieve cases that mention the word or phrase you have entered. This search box can also be used in conjunction with other search options under basic or advanced search.

Advanced Search The advanced search template gives more search criteria, so you can filter for cases by topic, legislation cited and court.

Subject/ Keyword “Human Rights” Discrimination Edit the search to enter more search criteria and narrow down results. Legislation Title “Human Rights Act 1998” Use the search within results option to filter quickly through your results list Search within results Religion




• Always use “Advanced search” • More search criteria means fewer results


• Quotation marks” returns results as a phrase, meaning more relevant results


• Use as many search boxes as are relevant • To narrow down results, Edit search or Search within results


• House of Lords has been changed to Supreme Court • Search for “Supreme Court” or “House of Lords” to return older and newer cases

Images in Cases Any image that is published within a case report, piece of legislation or journal article will be shown in line with the text of that document on Westlaw UK. You can save, print and email the document with all images appearing as they should within the text, as not as separate documents.

Westlaw UK Advanced Skills for Cases Judicial Consideration for Cases cited in a Case Always check the judicial consideration of significant cases by clicking on the link for the case and checking the status icon. Status icons do not appear in the case analysis document Party Name:

Pepper Hart (1993 ac 593)

Go to Significant cases cited Link to R. v Secretary of State for Trade Ex p. Anderson Link to

Key case citing in Case analysis for R v SOS EXP Anderson



The Key Cases citing section of the analysis document for the Anderson Strathclyde will show you that Pepper and hart overruled this case. This case has an icon because of this

Checking the Currency of Legislation Cited in a Case It is important to make sure that the legislation that was cited in a case is still in force and is good law. The legislation cited section in the case analysis document will let you link directly to the most recent version of this section. The icons at the top will indicate if the section has been repealed or if it is still in force. Citation

2005 2 ac 278

Link to

Legislation cited Mental health act 1983 S16



This is a 2005 decision so the law for this section would be as it was in 2005. S16 was repealed on 3rd Nov 2008 so this section is no longer considered good law and has the




Browsing for Cases

Using the lower half of the screen you can search for results by browsing to an individual document. You can browse to a full text case report transcript or case analysis document. Law Reports and Transcripts > Appeal Cases > By Year: 2007 The Case Analysis Documents link will outline all the law reports including the All England Law Reports but will only link you to law reports for that case that we have available on Westlaw UK Case Analysis Documents > All England Law Reports > By Year: 2011


CASES questions


• Find the case of Donoghue v Stevenson. Does it make a difference if you include the v in your search?


• Find the Queen’s Bench decision for Horkulak v Cantor


• Retrieve the full text case report PDF for the above case (Horkulak). How many pages long is it?


• Find all cases which mention the phrase implied incorporation. How many are there?


• How many of these also mention equality?


• In the 2009 Weekly Law Reports there was a case involving a well known supermarket which mentioned the word apples. What is the name of the supermarket?

Fitzgerald International. This case has an

icon, why?


Legislation Westlaw UK contains Statutes and Statutory Instruments: Statutes date back to 1267 and Statutory Instruments date back to 1948. The screen is split in two: the top half of the screen has a search template and the lower half of the screen enables you to browse legislation from different jurisdiction.

Statutory Definitions Statutory definition Outer Space


Legislation Statutory definition returns all legislation that has defined the term outer space.

Basic Search Search by title Welfare Reform Act 2007 The results list will retrieve both statues and SI’s with that title. Linking to the Welfare Reform Act 2007 takes you to the Arrangement of Act or Table of Contents for the act. The Arrangement of Act provides links to sections of the act, a PDF of the entire act and icons at section level.


In Force - this section is currently in force. The version in force date is the date that this consolidated version came into force. This is not the commencement date. Not in Force -this section is not in force yet and will come into force at a later date Partially In Force – only part of this section is in force (a specific paragraph) or it’s only in force in certain jurisdictions Repealed - section is not in force anymore Superseded – this version has been superseded with a newer version Amendments Pending -this section has an amendment pending and will change in the future Prospective Law – this is what the section is going to look like in the future when the amendment comes into force


Legislation Viewing Historic and Prospective versions View prospective law using the forward arrow on the versioning tool (version 1 of 2) This will take you into version 2 of 2

Prospective law is indicated with the prospective law icon . If there is an in force date for pending amendments it will be shown, if not it will say “date to be appointed”. View historic law using the backward arrow on the versioning tool Legislation Analysis There is a Legislation Analysis document for every section of every statute. The Legislation Analysis documents provide important information about every section like the Commencement dates, Extent, SI’s made under the act, Modifications and Related Legislation. Commencement date gives the date the section first came into force on Annotations This symbol in your search results indicates that legislation has been annotated. Annotations will link to concepts located in the General Notes Library. Search by title only

Counter Terrorism Act 2008, S 1


Legislation Pepper v Hart Notes- The Pepper v Hart case allowed reference to Hansard (parliamentary debate transcript) to clarify the meaning of legislation. A Pepper and Hart note on Westlaw UK gives the relevant extract from Hansard with a link to Hansard on the parliament website. Questions and Answers- Questions and answers are helpful for new legislation untested in courts and legislation with linguistic anomalies as they clarify ambiguity.. Annotations may also include definitions, link to explanatory notes and related legislation Jurisdictional Amendments Westlaw UK will now display legislation as it should be read for different jurisdictions. Clear warnings allow you to instantly tell whether a provision is relevant for your jurisdiction. It will cover 5 jurisdictions (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Other). Other will include jurisdictions like Jersey and Guernsey. Warnings will appear within PDFs of Acts and SI’s

Advanced Search Advanced Search enables you to search for historic and prospective versions. It also lets you view a statue or SI at a point in time or since a particular date.


Legislation Browsing Legislation The lower half of the screen is for browsing statutes and statutory instruments from the UK, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland legislation includes Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly, Northern Ireland Statutory Rules, Northern Ireland Orders in Council and UK Legislation for Northern Ireland. Coverage goes back to 1991.

Browse > Acts of the Northern Ireland Assembly> By Year? 2010-2012> 2011> Caravans Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 c. 12 Westlaw UK Advanced Skills for Legislation Modifications A Modification means that the words in a provision should be read or interpreted differently in a specific situation. So essentially a Modification is to do with the interpretation/definition or substitution of words Act/ SI Title Counter Terrorism Act 2008 Section 1 – (POWERS TO GATHER AND SHARE INFORMATION) The section is about the power of police to seize documents in the course of a terrorist-related search for the purpose of ascertaining whether they may be seized. This includes electronic documents, i.e. pictures on mobile computer etc. Section 2 has the word constable in it. Go to Sub section (2) - constable


Legislation Select Legislation Analysis Go to modifications Modifications –– For Counter Terrorism Act 2008 Section 1 - modifications are for Subsections 2, 3 &4 –– In subsection 2, the word constable is modified by Counter Terrorism Act 2008 Section 9(2).

Link to

Counter Terrorism Act 2008 Section 9(2).

“Constable” can be substituted with “authorised officer” So section 9 of the Counter terrorism Act is modifying section 1 of the same act, by substituting “Constable” with “authorised officer” Related Legislation Citing Related Legislation shows the background or full picture of the law. It also shows certain situations where the law should be applied differently. Related Legislation falls under 3 categories: Applying, Referring and Displaying Related Legislation Citing: Applying Applies and expands conditions of the legislation or gives specific circumstances where the legislation could be applied. Search by Title

Coroners Act 1988

Select Section 2 - Qualifications for appointment as coroner The section is about who can be appointed as a coroner. Go to S 2 Subsection (2)



Subsection two means a councillor can be a coroner but can’t be a coroner in their own district. They can also not be a coroner in their own district for 6 months after they cease to be a councillor in their district. Select Legislation Analysis Go to Related Legislation Citing > Applying Link to Local Authorities (Elected Mayor and Mayor’s Assistant) (England) Regulations 2002/975 Reg 2a


Legislation –– SI 2002/975 Reg 2 A – Says an elected Mayor to be treated as a councillor –– Therefore a mayor could be not a coroner in his own district –– This is related Legislation applying to another piece of legislation.

Related Legislation Citing: Referring Expands on an area of law and gives more information on it. It is generally made at the same time Go to Rights of Light Act 1959 S2 Go to S 2 Subsection (2) -Subsection 2 – states that you need to fill in a “Prescribed form” to make an application for the registration of a notice. It does not say which form you need to fill though

Select Legislation Analysis Go to Related Legislation > Referring Go to Local Land Charges Rules 1977/985, rule 10(1)


Legislation Rule 10 (1) text mentions that the “Prescribed form� you have to fill in is form A. So this is related Legislation referring to another piece of legislation. Related Legislation Citing: Disapplying Disapplying means that the provision should not take effect in a given situation, i.e. the provision does not apply in certain facts are met. Search by Title

Ancient Monuments (and archaeological areas)

Act 1979 S2

S2 is about protecting monuments. S2 Subsection (1) states that if you do anything listed in subsection 2 you are guilty of a criminal offence. Select Legislation Analysis Go to Related Legislation Citing > Disapplying Select

Channel Tunnel Rail Link Act 1996 c. 61, Sch. 7 para. 4(2)



Para 4 (2) - section 2 of the Ancient Monuments Act 1979 shall not apply therefore if demolition is required for the building of the channel tunnel or cross rail Overview Document The overview document gives you information about the act as a whole. Search by Title

Companies Act 2006

Link to the Overview Document from the blue menu on the left


Legislation Questions


Find the Parliamentary Standards Act 2009. Are s. 3(3)-(4) in force?


Find s. 27 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 as it stood on 5th July 2003. When did this version come into force?


When was s. 27 commenced?


S. 9 of the Insolvency Act 2000 has an amendment pending. Which Act will be amending this section?


Journals Westlaw UK contains journals dating back to 1986. There are around 1000 journals abstracted from the Legal Journals Index and around 100 full text journals. The screen is split in two: the top half of the screen has a search template and the lower half of the screen allows you to browse journals.

Search You can search by article title, author or term defined. Alternatively, use the advanced search option to retrieve journal articles by subject, journal name or legislation cited. Use more than one search field to retrieve specific results Free Text

“Star Wars”

Subject/Keyword “Intellectual Property” Legislation Title

Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988


Journals Browsing Browse for journal articles using the options at the bottom of the screen. You can choose to either view all the abstracted journals or just the full text journals that are available on Westlaw UK. The Publication Indexed will give you information on the publishers for the journal. European Human Rights Law Review > By Year: 2011 > By Issue: Issue 6 > Disability rights: from charity to equality Link to the Abstract and the Full Text article can be found on the left hand side of the screen. The purple number with a star is the star paging for the journal. This relates to the page number in the hard copy journal.

Browsing and Searching You can combine Browsing and Searching to restrict your searches to particular content or publications. Browse Full Text Journals Select Journal

Criminal Law Review

Article Title Sentencing Murder This search will only retrieve journal articles from the criminal law review that have the words sentencing and murder in the title



However, there is an exception to this. The cases cited/party name search field does not work when you select Full Text articles as this searches only across the abstracts of the journals. Browse Full Text Journals Cases cited/ Party name

Donoghue v Stevenson

Total number of results: 0 To run the search for full text articles citing Donoghue v Stevenson, browse to full text journals then run the search. Browse Full Text Journals Free Text

“Donoghue v Stevenson�

More results will be returned with free text searching rather than cases cited party, as Westlaw UK searches the document text.




• If an article has only an abstract, don’t panic! • If there is no full text article from the abstract, take down the citation, journal article and author. Find the article either electronically or in hard copy.


• Citing journal articles for bibliography • The citation does not appear in the full text article • You can find the citation from the result headline in the results list or the abstract


• The “recent dropdown” shows the last 10 documents you have accessed • This is a helpful workaround for a research trail! • Very useful for PLR assignments




Find the article by Catherine Barnard that discusses unfair dismissal and psychiatric harm. What is the name of the journal?


Browse into the European Lawyer for the year 2007. In Issue 72 one of the articles mentions the word carrot. What is the title of that article?



Find journal articles about “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”. Are they available in full text?


Current Awareness Current Awareness contains abstracts for cases, legislation and legal developments from official publications, press releases and legal news. It’s updated every 15 minutes so it’s a great place to check that you are up to date with the latest law.

You can run a basic or advanced search across information from the last 90 days or Archive. Alternatively, you can use the browse feature to locate recently added information by day or my subject area or topic.


• Just before submitting an assignment make sure you check currnet awareness • Citing the latest law is a great way to ensure your highest marks!!


EU The EU documents are provided by Ellis and Eu�Lex; the official database of the EU.

Basic Search Searching for an EU case Parties or Title Dassonville There are two results for this case the first is the judgment from ECR and the second is the advocate general opinion.

You can search for EU cases in the Cases link as well. You will retrieve the Case Analysis document and any full text case report. Remember, in the EU link you will retrieve the judgments and AG opinions from the European Court Reports ECR.



From the result you can link to the Case Analysis, the full text case report from Common Market Law Reports [1974] 2 C.M.L.R. 436 and Fleet Street Reports [1975] F.S.R. 191 In order to obtain all the EU documents you need to run a search in the EU link and the Cases link.

EU link

Cases link

• ECR-Judgment • ECT -Advocate General Opinion

• Case analysis document • Full text case Reports

All EU case documents • Case analysis • Full text reports • ECR Judgment & AG Opinion

Advanced Searching Cases link If you have no case name or citation it’s easier to find results in the cases link than the EU link.


• Entering “European Union” in the Subject/Keyword search box will restrict your results to just EU decisions • You can enter EU terms into the advanced search boxes to refine your results to specific EU cases.

Free text

“Computer games”

Subject Keyword:

“European Union” “Competition Law”

Legislation Title

Maastricht Article 81



CD Contact Data GmbH v Commission of the European Communities Link to case analysis and Common Market Law Reports 2009 5 C.M.L.R. 5 From the result headline you have found out the EU case citation 2009 ECR 1021

Go to the EU link and enter the ECR citation to retrieve the ECR documents.



Advanced Searching – European Human Rights Cases Party Name

“Human Rights” Discrimination


“European Court of Human Rights”


• Cases from the European Court of Human Rights can only be found in the cases link NOT the EU link • European Court of Human Rights is NOT an institution of the European Union so cases are not found in the EU link


EU EU search terms to help you find cases from the cases link



Legislation Title

European Union

Restricts results to EU decisions

European Court of Justice

Returns cases referred to the ECJ

Human Rights

Returns human rights Cases

European Court of Justice

Returns decisions from the ECJ

Court of First Instance

Returns decisions from the CFI

European Court of Human Rights

Returns decisions from the ECHR

Maastricht Article 1

Returns cases that have cited Maastricht Article 1

To make sure you have all your EU case documents remember you need to search the cases link and EU link.

Cases link

EU link

• Case analysis document • Full text case Reports

• ECR-Judgment • ECT -Advocate General Opinion

All EU case documents • Case analysis • Full text reports • ECR Judgment & AG Opinion

Advanced Search Parties or Title Document type

“Working time” Directive



The results will be in reverse chronological order, with the most recent document at the top. Once you click into the result, the blue menu on the left hand side includes links to navigate to specific parts of the document including implementing national measures.

National Measures shows national implementation for directives or regulations. Implementation (transposition) deadlines are included in the Bibliographic references section of the legislation. Table of Authorities lists all the legislation, treaties and other acts that mention this directive. This means you get the full picture of the Act like related information in the Legislation Analysis document for UK legislation. All related documents lists cases and legislation citing this directive and preparatory acts (drafts of this directive).


EU Advanced Search - Superseded Legislation Case or document number OJ 1993 L307/18 The no entry icon means that the directive has been superseded.comes into force


• EU legislation is not consolidated so any legislation that has been superseded will be identified with a no entry icon

Advanced Search EU Subject Areas Subject areas are quite broad so use a number of subject areas. Example: Anti Spam directive might come under several subjects. Document Type Directive Free text

“Anti Spam”


“Consumer Protection” or telecommunications

Link to result use term forward arrow to show Subject/Keyword section with Subjects highlighted.




• PDF icon -You can print the full text directive using the PDF icon at the top right hand corner. • This means you could take this document for moots!!

Advanced Search EU Merger Decisions Document Type Merger Decision Parties or Title Thomson Reuters Browsing EU Materials The lower half of the screen is for browsing EU cases, legislation, treaties, preparatory acts and information and notices.


• Finding treaties - Browsing for treaties is a really easy way to loactes them!!

EU Materials Browsing and Searching Again you can search at any level of browsing, by browsing in the lower half of the screen and using the search template in the upper half of the screen.


EU questions


Find Directive 1999/99/EC which relates to the engine power of motor vehicles. Which Statutory Instrument implements this Directive in Great Britain?


What is the publication date for the Greenland Treaty?


Find the EU case from 2008 about Marks and Spencer from the European Court of Justice. What is the full text citation for this case?


What ECR documents are available for this case?




books Westlaw UK Books include the text of leading practitioner titles online.


• Citing from practitioner texts in assignments is a great way get higher marks! • Important - do not copy and paste from the White Book that’s plagiarism!

Civil Procedure (White Book) The White Book online integrates the content of the White Book with links to Westlaw UK’s research tools like the Analysis documents and full text law reports. Browse to Civil Procedure White Book 2010

Table of Cases and Statutes and Statutory Instruments



Link to Table of Contents > Section A > Part 2 ‐ Application and Interpretation of the Rules >Rule 2.6 “Court documents to be sealed”

The civil procedure rule is listed at the top and the commentary is at the bottom. Links to the practice directions can be found on the left side of the screen Finding practice directions in the White Book Search Practice Direction/Protocol 19A This shows the practice directions for Part 19. The Practice Direction – gives guidance on how to practice under the rule, the scope of the rule and what forms to fill in. Not all parts have practice directions.



Finding Pre Action Protocols in the White Book Pre action protocols outline the steps that parties should take in particular types of disputes: to seek information from and to provide information to each other prior to making a legal claim. Link to Table of Contents <Section C

Searching for forms in the White Book Advanced Searching Forms

“Payment into Court�

Forms are available in PDF and are expandable. This means you can type into a text box and it will expand if you need more space, without affecting the format of the form.


books questions


What is the number for the Witness Summons form?


Using the White book find out many practice directions are there for part 7 of the CPR?


Terms & Connectors Connecters and expanders are powerful tools that help you refine your search and return fewer, more relevant results. The list of connectors and expanders that you can use on Westlaw UK are listed below.

How to use Connectors and Expanders It all looks really complicated, but once you know how it’s quite simple to apply. Write out what you are looking for in plain English, then “fix it up” using the list above. What are the grounds for unfair dismissal? Get rid of common words like: is, the, of, etc. these words will appear in all the documents and have no relevance to your search. So your terms for this search are: Grounds unfair dismissal Apply the rules above. Start with the list of connectors applying each rule from the top to bottom of the list. Work across your terms from left to right. Use grammatical and numerical connecters last of all so you don’t limit your results too much. I’ve outlined these steps below: OR

Grounds OR criteria unfair dismissal

“” Phrase

Grounds OR criteria “unfair dismissal”

! Root expander

Grounds OR criteria “unfair! Dismiss!”

* Universal Character

No universal character required

Irregular Plurals

All terms are in singular already

- Compound Terms

No compound terms required

Run the search. If you retrieve lots of results use grammatical and numerical connectors to further refine your results. /p

Grounds OR criteria /p “unfair! Dismiss!”


Grounds OR criteria /s “unfair! Dismiss!”


Grounds OR criteria /3 “unfair! Dismiss!”


Grounds OR criteria +3 “unfair! Dismiss!”


Terms & Connectors

Using connecter will retrieve fewer results that are more relevant.


• Search connectors can and should be used on all basic and advanced screens and all search boxes on Westlaw!!


Terms & Connectors

• Write out your query in plain English

Step 1 • Delete common words like, the, of, in, at, etc

Step 2 • Or Connector

Step 3 • Phrase “”

Step 4 • Root expander !

Step 5 • Universal character *

Step 6 • Irregular plurals

Step 7 • Compound terms

Step 8 • Run your search!

Step 9 • Grammatical connectors

Step 10 • Numerical connectors

Step 11 49

Terms & Connectors

Natural Language Natural language will allow you to describe your search in plain English. Westlaw UK will identify the key terms and legal phrases within your search and retrieve a maximum of 100 results. Your results will be in order of statistical relevance, with the most statistically relevant document at the top of the list. Search

What are the grounds for unfair dismissal?

When you access your results the most relevant section will be highlighted in green.


• Natural language is a great starting point! Especially for assignments as you can type in your essay questions! • Documents including synonyms and alternate legal terms will automatically be retrieved!


Terms & Connectors Questions


• I’m looking for cases on abuses of the Human Rights Act in relation to children. Which is the best content link to use for this search?


• What connecters and expander search would you use?


• I’m looking for recent journal articles on the protection of registered internet domain names particularly from pornographic cybersquatters. Which is the best content link to use for this search?


• What connecters and expander search would you use?


• I’d like to find out if a landlord is liable for nuisance on his land by trespassing. Which is the best content link to use for this search?


• What connecters and expander search would you use?


Alerts & Folders

Setting up Alerts If you log in to Westlaw via My Westlaw UK or with your individual student rep username and password, you will have access to alerts. You can set up alerts to keep track of changes made to a case or to monitor new content in Cases, Legislation, Journals and Current Awareness. To create a new alert, click on the Alerts link at the top of the Westlaw UK screen.

From the Alerts List page, click on the “Create a New Alert� button at the top left of the page. You will be taken to the Alert Creation screen where you can select the type of content and subject areas on which you wish to receive updates.


Alerts & Folders

Enter details like name of alert, email address and frequency. Then select “Save Alert” to complete the alert set up. In addition to the Create a New Alert feature, alerts can also be created from a search result. This feature is particularly useful if you wish to monitor Current Awareness sources or to create alerts on very specific subjects. Begin by running a search in the normal way. In addition to search terms, use the browsing functionality to focus your search.

Once you have a result list you are happy with, Click on the alarm clock icon” at the top right hand corner of the screen. This will take you to the Manage this Alert page where you can set the delivery settings and save the alert.


Alerts & Folders

Create Case Alert The Case Alert feature on Westlaw UK makes it possible for you to set up entries to automatically monitor the status of a particular case and sends you updates when information relating to that case changes. To create a Case Alert, go to the Case Analysis document, full text document or Graphical History for the desired case and click on the Create Case Alert link at the top right hand corner of the screen.

On the following page select the required option and click on next.

This will take you to the Manage this Alert page where you can set the delivery settings and save the alert. My Folders The My Folders feature allows you to organise your research without leaving Westlaw UK. You can store your Westlaw UK documents in folders that are named and organised exactly as you wish. In order to use My Folders you must access Westlaw UK with a username and password or via My Westlaw UK. Creating a New Folder Research filed in My Folders is constantly updated with the latest amendments. There is no limitation to the number of folders you can create or how many documents you can add to a folder. To create a new folder, click on the My Folders tab at the top of the Westlaw UK screen.


Alerts & Folders

From the My Folders page, click on the New icon at the top left of the page. Enter a name for your folder and click on the Create folder button. Your newly created folder will now appear in the My Folders panel on the left hand side. You can create Sub-Folders, by selecting your current folder on the left hand side and clicking on the new icon.

All types of documents on Westlaw UK can be added to My Folders. These including Full text documents, Summaries/ Abstracts, Chapters of books or paragraphs of books, definitions and PDFs where applicable It is not possible to add content which is not included in your Westlaw UK subscription to your folders. You can add documents to your folders in two ways, from your search results list, or whilst viewing the document itself, From your search results list: Tick the boxes of the documents you are interested in. When you have selected the appropriate document(s), simply click on the Folder icon. Select either Add to Folder or Add PDF to Folder (where available). You will then be taken to the My Folders drop down list, allowing you to browse and save the document in the folder that you wish. A confirmation message will indicate that the documents have been added to your folders.

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Alerts & Folders

Whilst viewing the document itself: Open the document you are interested in. Click on the Folder icon. Select either Add to Folder or Add PDF to Folder (where available). You will then be taken to the My Folders drop down list, allowing you to browse and save the document in the folder that you wish. A confirmation message will indicate that the documents have been added to your folders.

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Scenario Training INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAW Scenario Beta Music Ltd owns the copyright to the song “It’s a Magical Life”. They were approached by an advertising company to use the song in an advert. The advertising company said they would like the lyrics slightly changed and so Beta Music asked a local musician to advice. The musician, Mr Scarlett said they should simply substitute the name of the product “Magnetise” for the word “Magical”. Beta Corp renamed and re-recorded the song as “It’s a Magnetise life” for use in the advert and also uploaded the song to their website for publicity purposes. Mr Scarlett is now claiming co-authorship of the new song, “It’s a Magnetise life” and is stating that the availability of the song on the website was infringing his copyright. Is his claim likely to succeed?

Work through using Westlaw UK


• What are the principles of law involved in this scenario?


• Find the statutory definition of Authorship? If the term Authorship doesn’t appear, what alternative does Westlaw UK suggest?


• Using the results from your previous search, find the relevant legislation that defines the term “Work of Joint Authorship”


• Using the legislation analysis document, find a relevant journal article that cites that provision of legislation.


Scenario Training


• What are the main principles of law mentioned in the journal article? What significance does it have for our scenario?


• Link to the case mentioned in the journal article. Is this case good law? How can you tell whether the case is still good law?


• Link to the cases that have cited this case. Are they good law? Do they add anything to the principle of law you found?


• What conclusion can you make from the above research for the claim mentioned in the scenario?


• If you were acting for Beta Music Ltd, what would you advise them about the likelihood of success in defending Mr Scarlett’s claim?


Scenario Training Working through using Westlaw UK What is the principle in this case? How much input does a contributor have to make to an artistic work to be eligible for a co-authorship credit? What is needed for a claim to succeed? We’ll start by finding the definition of authorship. Go into legislation on Westlaw UK and within the Statutory Definition field type authorship. You’ll see that it suggests the term work of joint authorship.

Go into legislation on Westlaw UK and within the Statutory Definition field type authorship. You’ll see that it suggests the term work of joint authorship. Select this term and click Search. You should get 5 results.The last two are related to Resale rights rather than the whole principle so we’ll ignore those for now. Read through the three remaining definitions to get an idea of the scope. The text of the second results actually points you towards the first result, s11 of the Copyright Act so we’ll look at that provision – link to that section. This section specifies that (3)

In this Act “Work of joint authorship” means a work produced by the collaboration of two or more authors in which the contribution of each author is not separate from the contribution of the other author or authors.

Now we could argue that that Mr Scarlett’s contribution was entirely separate from the original song but we should find precedential material.


Scenario Training

Using the links on the left-hand side we can see that there are Cases and Journal Articles citing this section so link to look at those. You should find that there are 11 cases and one article. The journal article is entitled “Joint authorship of a copyright work: the ‘Bluebells’ case” so would seem to be on point. Click on this article and read through it. This article really helps distil the elements of the principle of law mainly: Had the claimant made a “contribution” to the song? A “contribution”, the Court held, requires “the right kind of skill and labour” on the author’s part. There is a de minimis level of effort which must be reached, with the result that mere ideas or suggestions may not qualify as contributions to a work. In this case, the claimant had clearly expended sufficient skill and labour in composing the violin part which was found to be a significant and original contribution to the song. That contribution was, the judge said, part of what made the song an original copyright work. Furthermore, the claimant’s contribution was held not to be separate because it was dependent on the other parts of the song. According to the Court, “stripped of the voices and other instruments, the violin would sound odd and lose meaning”. The Court contrasted this with a literary work where separate authors have contributed specific chapters. This would not constitute a work of joint authorship, because the individual contributions are separate entities in themselves, distinguishable from each other. It looks like there is a very good argument that suggesting a change of a single word would not constitute a ‘contribution’ or be classed as ‘separate’. If you go back to the top of the article you can link either back to s.11, or to the case itself. Link through to the case (Beckingham v Hodgens).

You can see from the icon at the top of the case that this case is still good law. You should always check that this is the case as journal articles may well have been written before any overrule or appeal. Now you have found a relevant case, it may be worth setting up a Case Alert to track your case so you will immediately be notified if another case cites it, it gets appealed, or if a journal discusses it. You can also see that this case has been subsequently cited elsewhere so click to view “All Cases Citing”. Two cases have subsequently mentioned this case, so read through these to see if they add anything to the principle of law we have found. These cases refer to an addition to an existing work being “sufficiently different” and that it required “effort, skill and time”. Before you finish, it is worth just running quick searches in Current Awareness and News to check that nothing related to your area of law has happened in the last few days.


Scenario Training Principle of Law: In order for a contribution to an artistic work to be sufficient to claim joint authorship, the applicant must show: • The contribution required “the right kind of skill” as well as “effort and time”. • The contribution must be a “significant and original contribution” • The contribution must be “significantly different”

In addition, the courts have said that “mere ideas or suggestions may not qualify as contributions to a work” (from the Bluebells article). It could very well be argued on the face of the facts that Mr Scarlett made a suggestion rather than a significant contribution. Remember: Ensure that any relevant cases you find are still ‘good law’. Use the status icons, terms in context and the case digests to quickly scan materials to see if they are relevant or not. Read the cited/citing material – you may find cases which are even more pertinent to your facts. Check the most current material (in News & Current Awareness) as something may have happened today or yesterday which could affect your case. Once you have found relevant materials you intend to use, set up alerts to ensure that if anything does happen, you’ll get emailed straight away. Check details of any pending amendments – you should be aware of what the law will be, as well as what it is now.


Westlaw International Access Westlaw International from the thin blue tool bar at the top of the Westlaw UK screen. Click on the white “Services” link and select “Westlaw International”. This will open up another page. This is where you will access international and US Material.

Westlaw International Content Westlaw International covers several thousands of databases, covering legislation, case law, legal journals, but also news or business information from around the world. You can access this information in 3 ways: by using a relevant tab (dedicated search screen), by using the Search for a Database option, by using the directory. If you have an exact citation of a document you can also use the Find feature. Westlaw International covers primary law, journals and law reviews for US, Australian and Commonwealth jurisdictions. All jurisdictions covered have a common law base. Only English language primary law is covered, therefore we do not hold law in any other language. For example there is no EU national law. Customisable tabs Because of the enormous amount of information from different sources, Westlaw International does not have a single search box to search across the complete collection. To help you start your search on a particular topic or within a specific jurisdiction you can use different dedicated search screens, represented in different tabs. Each tab will give you access to the most relevant sources and tools to help a researcher to start searching within a specific set of content. Each user with a password can select which tabs they want to use by selecting the Add a tab link. This will first show you which tabs you have selected, but by clicking on Add Westlaw tabs you can choose between all available tabs. You can permanently select tabs by checking the box or you can choose to use it for the duration of one session by clicking on the link. If you access Westlaw International by IP-authentication you will not be able to permanently select a tab. Tabs include all of the important sources you require for a jurisdiction, practice area or content type. Tabs differ from country to country and are designed by specialists in the practice area or jurisdiction. Westlaw International tab There are three ways to access international sources: Searching, Browsing or adding a content tab. Searching by publication Search the Westlaw Directory:

Maine Law Review


Westlaw International

This returns sources for the Maine Law Review. To find out what is contained in each source select the “I� icon for further information. The abbreviation in brackets is known as the database identifier Searching by citation Find by Citation:

95 US 714

Enter any citation to retrieve the document. Citations could include journals, cases, and legislation citations. Browsing folders Australia >cases > Law Reports Cases shows all reports or cases


Westlaw International

Adding Content Tabs Content tabs differ from country to country and are designed by specialists in the practice area or jurisdiction. However each tab will have a similar layout. The screen will be split into two panes: on the left you will find search tools and on the right you will find a list of sources. Helpful content tabs are included below. This lists jurisdictional headings. Under each heading there are sub headings which are linked. Linking from a heading will add a tab for the jurisdiction, practice area or content type.


Westlaw International Westlaw International

Primary and secondary sources for commonwealth jurisdictions

Westlaw International Academic

As above. Checkboxes allow you to search several sources – great for comparative law!

World Journals

International journals and law reviews. Checkboxes allow you to search several sources – great or comparative law!

International Law

International materials including international court of justice. Checkboxes allow you to search several sources – great or comparative law!

International Arbitration

United Nations law

Law School

US law

Westlaw Australia

Australian Law


Canadian Law


• Tabs with sources with check boxes are great for comparitive law!! • For example Westlaw International Academic and World Journals.

Add a tab This session is going to cover the following tabs: World Journals, Law School, Westlaw Australia and Westlaw International. Select the option from the right and select the tabs below: World Journals WLI Academic Law School Westlaw Australia Westlaw International International Arbitration World Journals tab


Westlaw International Once you have selected a tab you will notice it is displayed in two parts: on the left some research tools to assist you in your search and on the right your main search box as well as a list of databases. Specific for the World Journals tab is that you can choose to search in collections of legal journals or in individual titles (eg. European Competition Law Review, Harvard Human Rights Journal). The 3 most important databases to search in a collection are: Combined World Journals World Journals and Law Reviews (WORLD-JLR): almost 2000 titles from around the world US Law Reviews Combined (LAWREV-PRO): almost 1000 titles published in the US Legal Journals Index (LJI): abstract database covering UK and EU titles You can find out more about the contents of a database by clicking on the Scope link .

In Westlaw you have two ways of searching: Terms and Connectors and Natural Language. Terms and Connectors: also known as Boolean searching. This way of searching allows you to type in the words you are looking for and define in which relation they should appear in the results. Terms & Connectors:

human rights and prison (will look for all documents with the word human or the word rights and prison)

Terms & Connectors:

“Human rights� and prison (will look for all documents with human and rights next to each other and the word prison)

Select Combined World Journals option


Westlaw International Results will be over 10,000 results. Refine search using the edit search! Edit to:

“Human rights”/3 prison!

(will look for all documents with human and rights and the word prison in the same sentence. Will also look for words with multiple endings to prison –i.e. prisoner)

This way you can set up a very specific search combining different search terms. When you set up a Terms & Connectors search you will retrieve ALL results with the words in the combination you asked for, sorted in reverse chronological order. Narrow down the results by Locating within results Select Title


Remember to put it in quotation marks otherwise it will automatically assuming an “or” between the words.

Natural Language The second way of searching is called Natural Language and works very different. When you use Natural Language you can enter a phrase, question or list of words in plain English. Westlaw will now display the 100 most relevant documents, sorted by relevance. Natural Language:

Can you trademark a smell?

Select the Combined Law Reviews database


Westlaw International

Law School tab for US materials Adding Content Tabs Add a Tab > Add a Westlaw Tab: Law School Tab The law school tab is designed by US practitioners and includes common US materials.

Finding US Secondary Sources Key US secondary sources are indicated below: Black’s Law Dictionary: Dictionary of US Law American Jurisprudence (AMJUR): Like Halsburys, covers every area of law.Gives facts and references to cases and statutes. Browsing AMJUR Click AMJUR > Top Right link to Table of contents> Browse to: Annulment of Marriage > Defences > Antenuptial Knowledge of Ground for Annulment > Section 43. Existence of undissolved prior marriage.


Westlaw International

The text of the section details the law and links to relevant cases. Finding US Cases

Find By Party Name: Ritter Meijer research warning. Means some negative discussion. Clicking on the yellow flag takes you to the full history of a case (see negative treatment) Within the full history of Ritter Meijer: Means reversed h Means positive history c Means Citing refs Means cases discussed Means significant cases discussed These icons will appear for all international materials not just US.


Westlaw International

Finding US Legislation Go to Statutes > Link to United states code annotated (USCA ) > Link to Table of Contents

This opens up the United States code annotated Open up the Organic laws of US > Link to the Declaration of Independence


Westlaw International

The Declaration of Independence opens up in a new window. Go back to the United States code annotated Link to the (Bill of rights) Constitution of the United States Annotated> Open up 5th Amendment

The 5th Amendment – this protects witnesses from being forced to incriminate them selves (right to remain silent) Go back to the United States code annotated Link to > Title 3: The President >Chapter 2 office and compensation of president > 102 compensation of the president $400,000


Westlaw International This gives the salary of the US President. Go back to the United States code annotated > Index to Statutes > Act of God

You can claim tax relief for lost beer due to an act of God! Searching within sources Australian Law Adding Content Tabs Add a Tab > Add a Westlaw Tab: Westlaw Australia Tab

The Westlaw Australia tab has been designed by Australian practitioners and includes common Australian materials. Search options for all Westlaw International sources include terms and connectors or natural language. Select the check box for:

Australian Cases

Natural Language Search:

Dingo attack


Westlaw International

Go to the second result for Chamberlain v The Queen

The left hand menu links to helpful analysis information for the case. Keycite is the same as we saw for the US case.


• Natural Language searching is the easiest way to retrieve results for Westlaw International • Natural Language searching works the same way for Westlaw international as Westlaw UK


• Terms and connectors work in the same way for International as UK - EXCEPT a space between two words means “OR” not “AND” so you must write “AND” between evey word!!


• Using field restrictions on Westlaw International is similar to using a specific search box on Westlaw UK • This means you can refine your search criterea and return fewer more relevant results!!


• Westlaw International has a research trail!!


Westlaw International Questions


• Find International Shoe Co v State of Washington 326 US 30. On which date was the case decided?


• Find Teitz “The Hague Choice of Court Convention: validating party autonomy and providing an alternative to arbitration” (2005) 53 American Journal of Comparative Law 543. What is the author’s full name?


• Find the Maine Law Review. What does the following field restriction abbreviation mean SO( )? What information is found in this field?


• Find the publication European Commercial Cases. What is the database identifier? What is the coverage date?


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