Sweet Briar Alumnae Magazine | Fall 2012

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MAGAZINE fall 2012




n this issue of the Sweet Briar Magazine you will find several pieces on various aspects of the arts, among them a profile of artist and alumna Fay Chandler and an article on the new Barton-Laing Professorship in Art History, along with highlights from the theater, dance and creative writing programs. At a liberal arts college, studio and performing arts play a central and rich role. Some students make art in preparation for a career or a lifetime avocation. Others make art to explore the possibilities for expressing ideas in new media. Research increasingly indicates that asking students to express themselves artistically fosters creativity that expands their ability to analyze and solve problems in any field. Many students who do not make art study it. The arts can be viewed through the lenses of many academic disciplines — economics, history, psychology, sociology, cultural studies, philosophy, religion, anthropology. And the arts play a role in many of the professions students will enter — obviously, for example, arts management (a very strong program here at Sweet Briar, by the way) or education; perhaps less obviously, economic development or psychotherapy. Whatever their majors or career goals, students benefit from contemplating paintings, drawings, photographs, sculptures, installations and videos by learning to look attentively and thoughtfully. The same is true, of course, of listening to music or watching theater or dance. If we learn how to attend to them, the creative expressions of others open vistas that our own experiences could never reveal. The arts of all cultural traditions are an indispensable stimulus to thinking inclusively and broadly about what it is to be human. For all these reasons and more, at Sweet Briar the fine and performing arts remain at the center of the liberal arts. I hope this issue will provide you an interesting peek at the many ways the arts infuse campus life. Best,

Jo Ellen Parker, President

Thanks to former editor Zach Kincaid for his tireless energy and creativity in remaking this publication. Zach has accepted a position as director of marketing and communications at another private institution.

SWEET BRIAR COLLEGE MAGAZINE POLICY The magazine aims to present interesting, thoughtprovoking material. Publication of material does not indicate endorsement of the author’s viewpoint by the magazine or College. The Sweet Briar College Magazine reserves the right to edit and, when necessary, revise all material that it accepts for publication. Contact us anytime.


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MAGAZINE STAFF Jennifer McManamay, editor/staff writer Janika Carey, staff writer Meridith De Avila Khan, photographer Sarah Lindemann ’13, contributing photographer Catherine Bost, designer Contact information Office of Media, Marketing and Communications PO Box 1056, Sweet Briar, VA 24595 (434) 381-6262 jmcmanamay@sbc.edu SWEET BRIAR COLLEGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Paul G. Rice, chair Please see sbc.edu/about/board-directors for the full Executive Committee and board members.

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SWEET BRIAR COLLEGE ALUMNAE Association Mollie Johnson Nelson ’64, president Please see sbc.edu/alumdev/current-board for the full board.


Contents Sweet Briar Magazine | Fall 2012



Boston Art’s Grande Dame At 90, still coloring outside the lines



Big Cat-roversy Wildlife economists study environmental cost of hunting ban

Real-world Experience Sweet Briar interns covered the map


Stage Wright 2012 graduate follows her passion


Home Away From Home? UVa’s young writers dig this place

Departments Cover artwork:

“Mirror Image,” 2005, 64 x 48 inches, latex on canvas, Fay Chandler, from the collection of Larry Bell


On the Quad Summer Scholars; Teaching Teachers; A New Dean; Yoga Man; Salty Winners; Arts Galore


Because of You 21st-Century Learning Spaces; Art History Gets a Lift; Seniors Up the Ante


Class Notes & Alumnae News Fulbright in Turkey; The M&M Files; Reunion Snapshot; A Poet and a Painter

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Summer Scholars Spencer Beall ’14 was one of nine Sweet Briar students who received an Honors Summer Research Program scholarship in 2012. Beall spent much of her time in Cochran Library researching the project, in which she translated art commentaries from pre-20th century French writers and critics and discussed how changes in social and cultural norms are reflected in these texts. Professor Marie-Therese Killiam supervised her work.


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Wrangling Wigglers in the Name of Science In June, Sweet Briar and Lynchburg College hosted the “Central Virginia Consortium Conference,” the result of a 19-month project funded by a $199,502 grant from the Virginia Department of Education. During the 2011-12 school year, 17 local teachers were trained in inquiry pedagogy and developed, implemented, assessed and reviewed experiment-driven lessons to create six fully integrated STEM (science, technology, engineering

The project launched in March

and math) units for grades 4 and 5. During the

2011 under the lead of chemistry

conference, the 17 teachers demonstrated the new

professor Jill Granger and

lessons for their “students” — 80 of their colleagues from across the region. Teacher participants were walked through the hands-on lessons and

engineering director Hank Yochum, along with adjunct biology professor Arlene Vinion-Dubiel.

techniques, which ranged from introducing squeamish kids to live

All six STEM lessons and instructional videos can be

earthworms to racing matchbox cars carrying magnets to learning

downloaded for free at stem4teachers.org. Conference

about induction and electrical engineering. Fifth-grade lessons

instructors and attendees planned to implement the lessons

included “Earth Shaking Tsunamis,” “Dance by Numbers” and

in the 2012-13 school year in the city of Lynchburg and

“Cookie Mystery.”

surrounding counties.

25 and Counting In October, Professor Bill Kershner celebrated his “first 25 years” in the theater department with a “Silver Soiree.” The party was held following the Oct. 20 performance of the Sweet Briar Theatre musical “The King and I.” Kershner is theater’s longtime director and became chair of the Performing Arts Division when it was formed in spring 2011. The division is composed of the music, theater and dance programs, as well as musical theater, which was added as a major at that time.

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Artsapalooza Everywhere you looked on campus

Page 26). The five-week camp brought in nearly 200

this summer, a young scribe, thespian, painter or

high school students interested in fiction, non-fiction,

sculptor was liable to look back at you. The College

poetry and song- and scriptwriting.

hosted the second Blue Ridge Summer Institute for Young Artists, known as BLUR, attracting 30 high school writers, actors and visual artists from all over the country.

Both art camps also engaged with Endstation’s Playwrights Initiative through workshops and readings and attended several performances. In addition, they visited the neighboring Virginia Center

Meanwhile, Endstation Theatre Company, a theater

for the Creative Arts, where practicing artists-in-

troupe in residence at Sweet Briar, added an extra

residence of all genres shared their experience with

month for the fifth season of its Blue Ridge Summer

the youngsters. Even the June 29 derecho that cut

Theatre Festival, with a second outdoor Shakespeare

some sessions short couldn’t suppress the vibe brought

production. BLUR students were able to work

about by this confluence of eager young talent,

with the festival, as did the University of Virginia’s

veteran teachers and dynamic artists, all brimming

renowned Young Writers Workshop, which took

with excitement for their crafts.

place at Sweet Briar for the first time (Read more on

‘Salty’ Winner One to Watch Leah Busque, a 2001 Sweet Briar computer science graduate, took home the award for overall Entrepreneur of the Year at the Sweet Briar business department’s second Salt Block Project Awards Dinner in October. Busque is the founder of TaskRabbit, a website that lets people and companies outsource odd jobs to pre-screened “runners” who bid against one another for the work. Since launching in 2008, her company has raised $40 million in funding and operates in nine U.S. cities. TaskRabbit has been profiled in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian and on CNN, Fox News and ABC News. Earlier this year, Busque made Fast Company’s list of the “100 Most Creative People In Business,” and Inc. Magazine named her one of “15 Women To Watch In 2012.” TaskRabbit’s most famous runner is ABC’s Katie Couric, who recently tested the service on her show. Other “Saltys” went to Marti Beller, CEO and co-founder of PlanG, and Bob Vosburgh, founder and president of 9g Enterprises.


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New Dean of Enrollment Steven W. Nape began work as dean of enrollment management at Sweet Briar College on May 29. Nape started his career at Gordon College in Barnesville, Ga., where he served as director of institutional research and director of enrollment services. In 2000, he moved to Randolph-Macon College, where he was director of admissions, then dean of admissions and financial aid. From 2009 to 2011, he served as vice provost for enrollment planning and management at Radford University. Nape comes to Sweet Briar from Enrollment Intelligence, an enrollment management consultancy where he worked as the managing vice president. He holds a bachelor’s with a double major in philosophy and economics from the University of South Carolina, where he was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. He also received his Ph.D. in economics from USC.

Slave Dwelling Project Joe McGill of the National Trust for Historic Preservation created the Slave Dwelling Project to preserve and interpret structures that once housed enslaved blacks. On Oct. 7, McGill spent the night in the Sweet Briar College 19th-century slave cabin along with eight other individuals, including Crystal Rosson. Rosson is the greatgranddaughter of Sterling Jones Sr., the last person to live in the cabin.

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Technological Steppes Professor of anthropology Claudia Chang

ancient plant and animal remains, prehistoric ceramics and

was in Kazakhstan this summer and fall, leading an archaeological

architecture at Iron Age sites circa 400 B.C. to A.D. 100.

research project in the Talgar region steppes. She is taking notes on her fieldwork on Bento, the blog of the

Transecting endless crop rows, the team used handheld GPS

Smithsonian’s Freer and Sackler Galleries. Her writings appeared

devices to record the precise location of each artifact they

weekly during the exhibition of “Nomads and Networks: The

found. Nowadays the process is quick and easy, says Chang,

Ancient Art and Culture of Kazakhstan” in the Sackler Gallery

who began teaching at Sweet Briar in 1981 and has conducted

from Aug. 11 to Nov. 12. She also contributed an article for the

field research in Kazakhstan since the mid-1990s. Back then, it

“Nomads and Networks” catalog.

took up to 15 minutes with a compass and map.

Chang’s project in Kazakhstan was funded by a National

She marvels at how high-speed computing, satellite imagery

Science Foundation grant. She is a principal investigator on the

and “good hard field work” reveal landscapes used by ancient

collaborative research, titled “Bronze and Iron Age Prehistory

people, the size of their settlements, and the nature of their

on the Margins of the Eurasian Steppe,” with Irina Panyushkina

ceremonial and burial practices.

of the Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research at the University of Arizona.

“After a long day of walking amongst the soy plants, there is nothing better than being able to come home, plot our artifact

The researchers were trying to reconstruct prehistoric climatic

scatters or kurgan locations on a Google Earth map, and see

conditions through dendochronology — dating trees through ring

the pieces fit together,” Chang says.

analysis — and palynology and geomorphology, disciplines related to earth science. The archaeological component involves studying


Recently plowed earth is good hunting for archaeologists.

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Many Hands, Light Work O n the morning of S ept . 2 8 , about

campus. Sweet Day is a revival of the Patchwork Day tradition

1 8 0 students, staff and faculty participated in the College’s

when students donned their grubs and set to work with rakes,

second Sweet Day of Service. Everyone pitched in to complete

paint brushes or whatever tool the job called for.

17 projects such as trail maintenance, landscaping, cleaning, interior and exterior painting, and generally sprucing up the

Bend it Like Magruder Sweet Briar College dance program director Mark Magruder has released a CD of original music compositions, “Yoga Dreams.” He wrote and performed the works to use during his yoga classes. “I wanted at least an hour of music that could be used for relaxing, meditating and practicing yoga postures, a collection of soothing sounds that would help to relieve stress from today’s busy lifestyles,” said Magruder, who has taught dance at Sweet Briar for nearly 28 years. Magruder plays a number of

A Mighty Wind For physical plant workers, it was all hands on deck in the wake of the June 29 derecho that left behind widespread destruction and power outages across the region.

instruments and frequently composes

Sweet Briar sustained some

and performs music to accompany his

structural damage and numerous

dance choreography. He wanted to combine

downed trees, limbs and power

several instruments with looping pedals and other expression effects to create an ideal music set for yoga practice. The result is “Yoga Dreams.” The CD is available on iTunes and Amazon.

lines. Summer programs were disrupted and the College closed for a week while crews worked to clean up debris and restore power.

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not convention

Art Connection founder doesn’t mind life as an ‘oddball’

Story by Katie Beth Ryan ’08 | Photos by Thomas Baker sbc.edu | Sweet Briar Magazine


At age 4, Fay Martin Chandler ’43 was denied the chance to hold her baby cousin, and instead was offered a doll to play with.

“elevator music.” “All of my life, I’ve been sort of an oddball,” she muses. “I think it’s just been my life to be that way and not really mind it.” Chandler’s home is only a glimpse of what is

This was not a consolation prize that Chandler,

literally a colorful life. The term “whimsical” is often

who turned 90 in September, was willing to accept. Her

used to describe her bright, figurative paintings. She

recourse was to stick out her tongue at a photographer

uses bold hues to create the larger-than-life characters

who snapped her picture.

in her paintings, which she gives fun, unpretentious

Chandler displays the photo in the converted

titles. “Hold Tight” features a dirt bike racer and

firehouse in Brighton, Mass., that doubles as her home

“How I Wished I Looked In the First Grade” depicts a

and the studio where she paints. The image is proof that

pretty blonde girl in a blue flowered dress. The figures

her rebellious streak began early in life. It never really

dominate the canvas, inhabiting colorful micro worlds

went away, judging by the other accoutrements around

of their own.

her living space. A sign tells visitors, “If you’re not barefoot, you’re


Belafonte’s “Banana Boat Song.” Chandler calls it her

Fifty years ago, art wasn’t such an integral part of Chandler’s life. She was happily married and raising four

overdressed.” A family of prickly red, orange and green

children. She had met Alfred Chandler, a former Navy

cacti in small pots line the windowsill in her kitchen,

man, in her hometown of Norfolk, Va. They married a

giving off an air of friendliness. A plush monkey in the

year after she graduated from Sweet Briar, where she’d

building’s cramped elevator serenades riders with Harry

followed her sister Alpine “Piney” Martin Patterson ’41.

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At Sweet Briar, Chandler studied sociology and enjoyed her classes with professors Belle Boone Beard and Fritz Rohrlich. She was tapped as a Chung Mung and elected to the May Court. She socialized on the weekends with students from Hampden-Sydney and UVa, and once showed up at a dance at the U.S. Naval Academy with purple hair after a peroxide experiment went awry. She and Alfred moved north when he took a job at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was the first stop in a storied academic career that led him to prominence at Harvard Business School. Meanwhile, Fay sometimes struggled in Cambridge’s academic community. She once went to a neighborhood picnic in blue jeans, only to find everyone else in cocktail attire. “I felt like a misfit,” she recalls. Nearing 40, she began to sketch and paint portraits. Her drive to paint came from a spiritual longing; it was “time to learn to pray,” she says. She had begun

“Vote Today,” 2008, 36 X 24

reading about spirituality, and the words of Christian philosopher Paul Tillich — to make full use of one’s eyes in order to see — resonated with her. “I got the message that learning to look was very important. It could be a very important start in learning to pray, and a good way to learn to look was to learn to draw,” she says. Seeing anew the world around her, Chandler essentially received a second education. She kept Tillich’s words in mind as she taught herself about art. Looking was paramount. While visiting museums Chandler observed, “Everybody would go and stare at something and then everybody would go another place. I didn’t like that. So I just would wander around and look.” She didn’t try to overanalyze the pieces she saw. She was learning to see the world through new eyes, and recording her visions on paper and canvas. While Albert was in residence at All Souls College at Oxford, she toured the U.K. by bus, people-watching

“Face the Facts,” 2011, 36 X 24

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90th birthday celebration at Irish pub

Converted firehouse

“Sometimes if you just … let it happen, sometimes the result is quite different than what you expected it to be. Or maybe it will lead to something that’s more exciting than you thought it could be.” — Fay Chandler all the way. “I had a wonderful time, traveling all around with a sketchbook,” Chandler says. Coupled with

pieces and draw their own conclusions about them, but

formal training at the Maryland Institute College of

she knew art has healing properties, too. She recalls a

Art, she moved from portraits to more figurative-based

client served by an Art Connection-affiliated nonprofit.


After years on the streets, the woman had come to the

By her early 70s, she had accumulated a backlog of

nonprofit to rebuild her life. She was drawn to one

unsold work in her home. Not wanting her children to

of Chandler’s paintings: a piece juxtaposing light and

face tax liabilities on the work they inherited from her,

darkness. It was the perfect analogy for her life.

she founded the Boston-based Art Connection. It’s an

“She said, ‘I look at this painting every day. I come

exchange that lets artists display their work instead of it

and I sit beside it and I see my life on the street, which

sitting unseen and unsold in an attic. At the same time,

was no longer what I could do. … On the other side, I

nonprofit organizations can select pieces to display that

see the way it is now and the way it’s going to be.’ ”

they otherwise can’t afford. “I always say it was the best idea I’ve ever had in


Chandler liked that people could view the donated

Chandler pauses, letting the story take hold. “Boy,” she says.

my life. And I’ve had a lot of ideas,” Chandler says,

Chandler’s involvement with The Art Connection

grinning. It’s also a successful idea: Some 350 artists

has solidified her status as the grande dame of Boston’s

have donated more than 3,000 pieces of art through The

art scene. In 2010, a retrospective show of her work,

Art Connection.

“Just As I Am,” was held at the Boston Center for the

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Freshman fashion show

Arts, where she was one of the earliest studio artists.

1941 May Court

These days, much of the vision in her right eye is

And one of her paintings adorned the buttons worn by

gone, and she usually wears an eye cap or tinted lens

revelers at the city’s 2012 First Night celebration.

over it. Her diminished hand-eye coordination has led

“You say her name and people smile,” says Mary Coogan, a longtime friend and former chairwoman of The Art Connection board. “She’s extremely generous, not only financially, but with ideas and emotional

her to stop making her multi-media mini-sculptures. “It wasn’t because I lost interest in making things. It was too confusing, I guess,” she says. But Chandler has no room in her life for negative

support and helping people see how to manage their

thinking. She invites other artists into the basement

careers and manage their work.

“junk room” to sift through the plastic bins full of

“She’s a model for women artists in Boston, and maybe all over the country.” Chandler also recently decided to extend the

assorted objects that she once used in her sculptures. It’s fun, she says, to see what other uses fellow artists find for unmatched earrings, rotary telephone parts and

organization’s reach by making a $50,000 gift to Sweet

party poppers. In this sense, Chandler considers herself

Briar’s arts management program to support a local

a Pollyanna of sorts. “She saw the sunshine where maybe

partnership with The Art Connection.

it was gloomy.”

Chandler moved to her Brighton studio after Alfred

And in many ways, the visions she imparts in vivid

died in 2007. Down the street is an Irish pub where, in

colors to her canvases at age 90 are clearer and brighter

true Boston fashion, everyone knows her name. Their

than they have ever been.

faces light up when she walks through the door. “This

“Sometimes if you just … let it happen, sometimes

is Fay’s home,” a waiter explains. She’s on a first-name

the result is quite different than what you expected it

basis, too, at Big Daddy’s, the pizza joint next door to

to be. Or maybe it will lead to something that’s more

the firehouse, and at the Benjamin Moore store where

exciting than you thought it could be.”

she buys her paint samples.

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Hunt 14

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ting for Data Conservation research informs animal rights debate Story by Amanda Wisz Keener ’08 | Photos by Rob Alexander sbc.edu | Sweet Briar Magazine


It’s not uncommon for the work of Sweet Briar researchers to impact audiences far from home. Rob Alexander, professor of economics and environmental studies, hopes folks in South Africa are paying attention to his latest research.

Alexander, a wildlife economist, studies the economic incentives behind human behaviors that contribute to global species decline and endangerment. This year, in collaboration with former Sweet Briar assistant professor of economics Joseph Craig and researchers from the wild cat conservation group Panthera, Alexander published a study in the South African Journal of Wildlife Research titled “Possible relationships between the South African captive-bred lion hunting industry and the hunting conservation of lions elsewhere in Africa.” Lions are among the most coveted big-game African trophies. According to the study, hunters visiting southern and East Africa pay $1,800 to $3,200 a day for two- to three-week safaris and the chance to shoot a lion. Up to half never encounter one. Those who book trips in South Africa, however, may spend thousands less and, 99 percent of the time, head home with a trophy after a few days. How? The latter participate in “put-and-take” or “canned” hunting, which takes place in an enclosed compound stocked with captive lions bred to be hunted. About 90 percent of South African lion hunting is canned hunting, but the practice remains highly


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controversial. It’s unpopular among animal welfare groups

Another claims that canned hunting increases demand for

such as the Humane Society and the International Fund for

bones of both wild and captive lions in Asia, where they’re

Animal Welfare, which recently co-sponsored a petition

used in traditional medicine.

to list the lion as endangered under the U.S. Endangered

Alexander joined his longtime collaborator Peter

Species Act. An IFAW commentary described canned

Lindsey of Panthera to bring some clarity, and data, to the

hunting as “the cruel practice of containing animals (mostly

controversy. The two had published a paper together in

lion) to fenced-in areas, with animals often drugged or

2006 gauging the potential of wild lion hunting to create

sedated and conditioned to trust humans.”

incentives that promote habitat and wildlife conservation

Some also see canned hunting as detrimental to South

in several African countries. This concept was supported

Africa’s tourism image. Earlier this year, the international

in a study Lindsey published this year that was met with

activist group Avaaz launched an ad campaign throughout

debate from animal rights groups.

Johannesburg Airport calling for an end to the practice. In 2010, more than twice as many lion trophy exports came out of South Africa than from the rest of Africa combined. How a ban on canned hunting in South Africa would influence wild populations throughout the rest of the continent remains unclear. “Would there be a sudden surge in demand for wild lions?” Alexander asked. One argument asserts that hunting captive-bred lions should remove the pressure from wild populations.

Alexander, who is also an accomplished wildlife photographer and has traveled in Africa, tries to remain unbiased. “It’s something I’ve found to be ironic,” he says. “I’m not a hunter, but as a conservationist, I’m willing for our society to do these things for the sake of conserving the land and the animals that live on it. I have to acknowledge the positive role hunting plays in conservation.” He and Lindsey saw the potential for a ban on canned hunting to increase danger for the species and its habitats throughout Africa. “This is not just an animal rights issue,”

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Alexander said. “There is a whole different question about conservation of wild lion populations.” To determine if canned and wild hunting are

all hunters who had been on wild hunts (96 percent of those surveyed) said they would not be interested in a

related, Alexander and the Panthera researchers asked

canned hunting trip. It’s possible the differences in cost

if the two industries share overlapping markets. They

and time needed for the two types of hunts create two

designed and administered a survey to hunters and

disparate markets, and those who can take wild hunting

operators at hunting expos in the U.S. and Germany.

trips already do. The survey also revealed, however, that

The survey helped them compare several aspects of

20 percent of hunters who have gone on canned hunts

wild and canned hunting, including length of the hunt,

would consider trying a wild hunt. According to the

hunter success rates and impressions about the two

study, such a shift could have a big impact:

types of hunting. Alexander brought Craig into the study to

“Owing to the large size of the captive-bred lion hunting industry, even if a small proportion of the

work on the statistics and technical aspects of the

market was transferable, the increase in demand for

analysis. This was the first project the two economics

wild lion hunts could be significant if the hunting of

professors had worked on together, and Craig’s first

captive-bred lions was ever prohibited. A shift of 20

environmental project.

percent of the captive-bred market could lead to an

“It was really cool for me to work outside of my normal niche,” he said. His main question was simple: “How responsive are people to changes in lion hunting costs?” Answering the question was not so simple. “Getting accurate data in pricing in Africa is almost impossible,” he said. In the end, he had too few observations to make

increase of 42.9 percent in the demand for wild lions.” “If we did have a ban,” Alexander says, “it would be very important for governments of African countries to exert more control over hunting.” He is quick to note that this study is preliminary. Still, he hopes it will invite people to consider the relationships observed and take precautionary

statistically supported conclusions. Craig conceded that

steps, responding to changes in demand rather than

it’s unlikely any hunting company would agree to the

dangerous changes in lion populations.

invasive study that would be necessary to really answer his question, fearing bad publicity.


The survey data did uncover strong trends. Nearly

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i f y o u g e n e r at e t w o , w h at c o u l d i t d o ? We recently challenged every member of the Alumnae Board to generate two admission applications to Sweet Briar College. Thank you to all those who participated; your support is critical to our success. Now, we are extending the challenge to every alumna and parent. To “sweeten” the deal, we will waive the fee for the two applications you refer. What will just two applications do for the College? Here’s the math:

50 alumnae x 2 applications = 100 applications 100 applications = 24 young women who will find their place at Sweet Briar College To learn more, contact: Steven Nape, dean of enrollment management (800) 381-6142 | snape@sbc.edu Paula Ledbetter, associate director of admissions (800) 381-6142 | pledbetter@sbc.edu

You can make a difference! sbc.edu | Sweet Briar Magazine


{ w h at t h ey d i d t h i s s umm e r } Whether you’re looking for that first job or the perfect internship, networking often is key. Last spring, while assisting the editorial staff of this magazine on an assignment in Washington, D.C., Sarah Lindemann ’13 seized one such opportunity. The story featured the women of Sweet Briar’s extensive alumnae community working in and around the nation’s capital. Susan Scanlan ’69, president of the National Council of Women’s Organizations and newly elected Sweet Briar board member, was among them. Scanlan gave her card to Lindemann, who called a week later and netted an unpaid public relations and photography internship with the council. “She essentially created the position for me,” Lindemann said. “If I hadn’t followed up with her, I never would have gotten this amazing internship!” All summer, Lindemann photographed highprofile events in the capital, including a rally in support of Betty Dukes’ gender discrimination case against Wal-Mart, a briefing on the current status of Title IX in honor of its 40th anniversary, a press conference on the Paycheck Fairness Act, and the Girl Scouts 100th birthday celebration. The internship went beyond taking pictures (some of the images in this story are hers) says Lindemann, who is still exploring career options. As an environmental studies major with a minor in journalism, new media and communications, her interests are varied. “I’ve learned so much more about the inner workings of D.C. and how important networking and maintaining professional relationships are. “I’ve worked on teaching myself more about photographing events and creating an efficient workflow,” she added. “I have also learned how much I still have left to learn. Every day I have more questions about certain aspects of photography or politics, and how they can impact one another.” Lindemann wasn’t the only one to land a killer internship this summer. Sweet Briar students fanned out across the globe, doing great things and gaining incalculable experience.


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Jessica Murphy ’13

MAJORS: Liberal studies, dance Student-teacher assistant at R.S. Payne Elementary School, Lynchburg, Va.

Alyssa Berkeley ’13

MAJOR: Elementary and special education Student-teacher assistant at R.S. Payne Elementary School, Lynchburg, Va.

Murphy was one of two Sweet Briar students interning at R.S. Payne Elementary School in Lynchburg in May and June. She taught one of the fifth-grade classes in the school’s Gifted Opportunities Center — a perfect fit for her: “An unexpected surprise when I first began teaching was to find that they were working on their spring musical. When I informed my mentor teacher of my dance background, she allowed me to choreograph several of the numbers.”

Sarah Hibler ’14

MAJOR: Business MINOR: Anthropology Intern at BritBound, a travel company in London BritBound is an international travel company that offers assistance to people who are moving to the UK. In addition to connecting with “BritBounders” and helping them to relocate, Hibler wrote articles for the company’s website, scoped tourist attractions, organized events, and traveled around the country and to Italy.

Berkeley taught mostly science to fourth-graders in the gifted center. “The best part of this internship by far has been having my students tell me that learning science with me is the best part of their day. It has inspired me to want to learn more and become a better science teacher for them.”

Lilian Tauber ’14

MAJORS: International affairs, history MINOR: German Writer, editor at online forum E-Joussour in Rabat, Morocco

Madeline Hodges ’13

MAJORS: History of art, studio art Arts Management Certificate Curatorial assistant interning for the U.S. Army Center of Military History at its Museum Support Center at Fort Belvoir, Va. Hodges assisted the head curator of the Army Art Collection for credit toward her Arts Management Certificate.

E-Joussour is an online forum that highlights the work of civil society organizations (CSOs) and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) in the Middle East and North Africa region. As part of the editorial staff, Tauber wrote, edited and translated various publications for the website on human rights issues in the region. E-Joussour publishes in English, French and Arabic. Tauber posted several original reports, including one titled “Diplomacy unlikely to ease humanitarian crisis in Syria, despite recent massacre in al-Houla.”

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Amanda Johnson ’14

Elizabeth Hansbrough ’13

MAJORS: Engineering science, physics Student researcher in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology Summer Institute in Biomedical Optics program in Boston

MAJOR: Business MINOR: Government Legislative research intern in the public policy and governmental affairs group at Grant Thornton LLP in Washington, D.C.

Johnson was one of 20 student researchers who were selected from the U.S. and Korea to participate in a project at the Wellman Center for Photomedicine at Massachusetts General Hospital. Johnson worked on a new detection system that would “allow for more rapid diagnosis and therapy determination of tumors.”

“I am particularly interested in the intersection between business and government and I think helping Grant Thornton with researching legislation related to the accounting profession will be a great exposure to that area. I am hoping the internship helps me decide if I would like to pursue a career in corporate law in the future.”

Katie Holloway ’13

MAJOR: Studio art Intern for the University of Virginia’s Young Writers Workshop

Suzannah Feldman ’13

MAJOR: English MINOR: Journalism, new media and communications Public relations intern, South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston “Being behind the scenes at the aquarium is my favorite part. I’ve already shared a ride in the [staff] elevator with some pretty cool fish! It’s not unusual to share a ride between floors with a sea turtle, otter or some fish on its way to get a check-up or coming out of quarantine.” Feldman says science just isn’t her thing, but animal species conservation is. “I come from a long line of veterinarians, so saving animals is definitely my passion. I knew I couldn’t contribute in that way, which is why I’m working on publicity that raises awareness about threatened environments.”


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Holloway gained valuable experience this summer as an administrative intern for UVa’s Young Writers Workshop — and she didn’t even have to go anywhere. For the first time, the camp took place at Sweet Briar. “It is a wonderful experience to watch so many brilliant, flexible people work together and brainstorm to re-establish this program in a new place.”

Pamela Webster ’13

MAJOR: Economics MINOR: Business Accounting intern at the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Charlottesville, Va. “My favorite part about working at Monticello was learning how a nonprofit ran, and how strongly the foundation held to its main purpose.”

Frankie Beyer ’14

MAJOR: Psychology Intern at Kurn Hattin, a home for at-risk children in Westminster, Vt. Beyer combined two of her passions this summer — psychology and riding — working with at-risk children through the school’s therapeutic riding program. “Many of the children have attachment disorders and other psychological issues due to their family situations. This kind of work is something that I am very interested in and could see myself doing as a career after Sweet Briar.”

Ashley Rust ’13

Ashley Baker ’15

Noelle Ames ’13

Rust worked with area leaders to develop programs to enhance the community. Such efforts included initiatives to attract and retain young professionals, and to collaborate with nonprofit organizations and other community partners in the field of philanthropy.

Baker spent the summer doing something she has been interested in since high school: testing consumer products. Besides testing, she brainstormed editorial projects, contributed to blogs on the Good Housekeeping website, and attended research and publishing press events.

Ames worked on a project related to geographic information systems and environmental prediction. The work expanded skills she learned in Professor Rebecca Ambers’ GIS class and gave her the opportunity to explore new technologies.

MAJOR: History MINOR: Spanish Arts Management Certificate Intern at Danville Regional Foundation, an economic development organization in Danville, Va.

MAJOR: Chemistry Intern, Good Housekeeping Research Institute (home appliances/cleaning products/ textiles department), New York City

MAJOR: Environmental science Environmental intern with the Naval Research Lab at the Stennis Space Center in Mississippi

Scan for more stories.

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A ‘Quiet Passion’

When Sierra Wright ’12 graduated from high school, her career path was clear — at least as far as her parents were concerned. They urged her to study science, so Wright enrolled in the engineering school at the University of Virginia. In May, the Prince William County resident graduated from Sweet Briar College — with a degree in theater.

She also starred in the musical “Hello, Dolly!” at the Academy of Fine Arts in Lynchburg and landed her first paid gig as the lead actress in a North Carolina theater production this summer. Wright first discovered acting the summer after eighth grade, when she auditioned for a community play. She was cast for two roles in “Fiddler on the Roof ” — a boy and Grandma Tzeitel. “I didn’t realize what I was getting into because I’d never done theater before,” she remembered. “But once I got into it, I really enjoyed it. I realized that this is something fun that I could do.” But she didn’t act again until her senior year, when she studied vocal music in a magnet program. Again, Wright loved it, but the idea of theater as more than a hobby never fully formed. Then she took a theater class at UVa. “This was like a turning point for me. It was the most fun I had ever had. I never got any pleasure like that from my engineering classes.” Wright quit the engineering program and moved back home. After several months of working and thinking about her future, she applied to Sweet Briar. “I said, ‘Theater is what I’m going to do,’ ” she recalled. “It was scary because up until that point, I had

Story by Janika Carey | Photos by Meridith De Avila Khan 24

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never made major decisions for myself. But by that point, my

Wright didn’t spend all of her time at Sweet Briar in

mother was like, ‘Well, you’ve got to figure out what makes you

the theater department, and she’s glad she didn’t. She was

happy because I don’t want you to be in college for six years

involved in tap clubs, worked as a resident advisor for three

trying to figure out what I want you to do.’ ”

years and in the Annual Fund’s Phonathon. She also explored

Today, she’s happy with the decision. At Sweet Briar she was able to gain more practical theater experience than she would have at a larger college or university. “If you know nothing about theater, you can come in and work on sets or be a stage manager … you can do things that you wouldn’t expect to be able to do right off the bat.

classes unrelated to theater and enjoyed making connections between different subjects and with her professors. More determined than ever to pursue acting, Wright drove through the night for the North Carolina audition. It was during the week and she didn’t want to miss any classes. It was worth it. Snow Camp Outdoor Theatre, one of

When you audition for a show at UVa, a lot of times the

more than 75 companies scouting for actors at the Institute

graduate students get the lead roles and upperclass students

of Outdoor Drama, liked her immediately and offered her the

get the supporting roles, whereas you come here to Sweet

lead role of Esse in “Pathway to Freedom.”

Briar, and your first year you could get a lead role.” Wright performed in plays every year and had opportunities to work with professionals when companies

“It was exciting for me because I’ve never had a job offer for a role before,” she said. For the first time, Wright signed a contract and was

such as Philadelphia’s Walnut Street Theatre performed and

getting paid for doing what she loves. Through July and

held workshops on campus. For her senior project last fall,

August, she performed almost every day.

she directed “Doubt,” putting the entire show together —

What’s next? Wright is practical, but she has dreams.

including designing the set — in just one month. “It was a

One of them is working in New York. Graduate school is

little stressful, but I’m pleased with the results,” she said.

an option and in the short term — well, she has restaurant

When she was awarded Sweet Briar’s Jessica Steinbrenner Molloy Theater Arts award in April, it was icing on the cake. “I was really excited. I even started crying,” she said. “It’s

experience to help pay the bills and save money. But even then, theater isn’t far from her mind. “It’s funny, but last time I worked there I kept thinking

one of those things that you hope will happen, but you don’t

of the restaurant as a theater, and anytime I had to go in the

expect it. … I’m not your typical ‘loud’ theater student. When

kitchen, I’d accidentally say, ‘I’m just gonna go backstage.’

people meet me, they don’t think I’m involved in theater at all.

People thought, ‘What is wrong with her?’ ”

I guess you could say I have a quiet passion for theater.”

It’s that quiet passion coming through.

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Young Writers Dig This Place It’s a sultry July morning and the second session of UVa’s Young Writers Workshop is in full swing. In a tiny classroom, a handful of songwriting students have picked up their guitars, their fingers searching for notes that might inspire words. Handwritten signs taped to the wall with bright pink duct tape read “Contribute,” “Take risks” and “Revisions.” In the kitchen lounge just outside the classroom, another student is listening to hip-hop beats on his computer, his head nodding as he scribbles down lyrics. For 30 years, high school kids from across the country and abroad have been gathering during the summer to immerse themselves in their art. There are workshops in fiction, poetry, non-fiction, script- and


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songwriting. Some students have been coming for years; others became counselors and now teach some of the writing labs. The second session, which lasts three weeks, typically draws 50 percent of its applicants from workshop alumni, according to assistant director Jeff Martin. One thing is different in 2012: It’s the first time the workshop is taking place on the campus of Sweet Briar College, and not at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. “It’s been wonderful,” says Margo Figgins, founder and director of the program, which admits between 150 and 200 students each year. After renovations at UVa forced a hiatus last year, she’s glad to have a new home for her young writers — at least for the moment. It’s too early to say whether Sweet Briar will become a permanent residence, but so far the campus seems like a natural fit for the program. “The location here is much nicer,” says scriptwriting student

Natcher Pruett, a 17-year-old from Minneapolis. It’s his second time participating in the workshop. “It’s nice to wake up in the morning and see the mountains when you look out of the window.” Chicago native Leah Barber, 16, agrees. “I really like Sweet Briar College as a location because it brings character to the program.” Some students call the landscape “inspiring.” The campus environment emerges as a theme so often that it prompts Figgins to speculate on its impact. “It’ll be interesting to see what role the landscape plays and how it enhances their experience,” she says. There’s something else, too. “Here at Sweet Briar they’re surrounded by other arts programs, which wasn’t the case in Charlottesville,” Martin says. “Between BLUR [Sweet Briar’s interdisciplinary arts camp] and [the College’s theater company-inresidence] Endstation, we’ve had opportunities for collaborations that we’ve never had before, and the effect of that is pretty powerful. After a while, students simply accept that they’re surrounded by all kinds of different artists, and when art becomes the comfortable norm, the creation and sharing of it becomes much easier to do.” Scriptwriting students assisted Endstation playwrights with some of their new scripts, and all workshop participants attended at least one Blue Ridge Summer Theatre Festival performance. The Young Writers Workshop also collaborates with the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, an artists’ colony just across U.S. 29 from Sweet Briar. VCCA fellows come to campus to read from their works and to teach electives — classes that fall outside of the students’ disciplines, but are always tied to writing. They’ve explored

“Queer Theory in Beatles Songs,” invented a sock puppet world based on a YouTube video of an old MTV show, and delved into the art of a concept album, which involved listening to “Ziggy Stardust.” “The VCCA is such an amazing resource,” says poetry student Zoe Jeka, 17, from Maryland. Pruett, Barber and Jeka’s eyes light up when they talk about their classes. One of their favorite experiences was the 24-hour play, a workshop tradition in which students write and rehearse an original play in just one day. Barber and Jeka also loved finding random science books in the library to use as inspiration for their poetry. On weekends, counselors organize field trips to local orchards and farmers’ markets; during writing labs, students occasionally visit coffee shops and antique stores in Lynchburg. Sometimes, activities are meant to inspire, other times they’re just for fun. But the one thing everyone wants to do — all the time — is write. With just days left in the workshop, all three students say the time has gone by too fast. They’re not ready to part from newly found friends and return to high school, where writing is just one of many subjects. “I wish it was all summer,” Barber says with a sigh. Martin steels himself for “lots of tears” come closing day. “Which is a little sad to watch, but it also means we did our job.”

Story by Janika Carey | Photos by Meridith De Avila Khan sbc.edu | Sweet Briar Magazine


Moving Forward All across campus, philanthropy is remaking Sweet Briar’s learning spaces.

Fletcher, Benedict and Pannell Makeovers of seven seminar rooms are nearly complete and funding is in hand to renovate eight additional “smart” classrooms across campus by fall 2013. The College matched $310,000 in foundation grants to make it possible. New features include: › Crestron touch-panel controls to operate all audio/

visual equipment, with help screens and instruction video for easy use › True videoconferencing capability using H.323/SIP

standards › Interactive smart board › Widescreen TV, Blu-ray and DVD player › Document camera for projecting non-digitized


The Margaret Jones Wyllie ’45 Engineering Program used its endowed funding to refurbish and improve several classrooms and labs, including better storage, wheeled tables, extra whiteboards, dedicated studentfaculty research space and personal workstations for engineering students. “The renovations have not only bonded our class by giving us [the circuits lab] to work out of both as a

› Standard ceiling-mount or short-throw projectors

study group or individually, but it has also made us

› Mac mini computers with AirServer software for

proud of the engineering department.”

simultaneous projection of multiple mobile devices



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— Grace Caskey ’14, engineering major

Cochran Library The $8.8 million donor-funded historic renovation and expansion project is slated for completion in 2014.

Babcock 127 With new drywall and wainscoting, window treatments, flooring, fresh paint, and new audiovisual equipment, the piano studio is a much-improved space for teaching,

Plans call for preserving and honoring the original Ralph Adams Cram building while creating a library for the 21st century — filled with digitally plugged-in “people spaces” to learn, research, study and collaborate.

rehearsing and performing. A group of individual

“The best academic libraries today provide points of

donors got together to redo the room in honor of music

connection between scholars, locally and globally.”

professor Rebecca McCord.

— President Jo Ellen Parker

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Inspired Teaching, Inspired Giving Eleanor Barton and Aileen “Ninie” Laing ’57 didn’t know each other despite both arriving on campus in 1953. Laing studied chemistry and left for George Washington University after two years, never taking a course with the art history professor. In 1971, Barton, who chaired the art department for much of her 18 years at Sweet Briar, had a hand in recruiting Laing for a vacancy in art history just as she was leaving. Bridging these slim karmic gaps is Winnie Leigh Hamlin ’58, who knew one as a teacher and the other as a contemporary — and who grasps the profound influence of both women. That’s why she gave the College $1 million to establish the Eleanor Barton and Aileen “Ninie” Laing ’57 Endowed Professorship in Art History. The Barton

new chair was announced in August along with the appointment of the first person to hold the title of Barton-Laing Professor in Art History, Christopher L.C.E. “Chris” Witcombe. “We can all remember the teacher who made the biggest difference in our lives, the one who inspired us to work our hardest and to explore new fields,” Hamlin says. Over the years, Hamlin has heard from Laing’s students, too. “I realize that they appreciated her as much as we did Eleanor Barton,” she says. “Hopefully, starting the Barton-Laing Professorship will motivate others who benefitted from their courses to contribute to

By Jennifer McManamay 30

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Elizabeth Glassman ’71 echoed the rigors of the discipline, noting that today more than ever it’s important to be able to decode the images in front of us. “Art history educates you on how visual images take their meaning and helps you create the larger context for that meaning.” Glassman is president of an international art organization, and credits Barton with nurturing her passion for art history. “Being in her class as a young college student was like lifting a veil on a whole new world of history, images, ways of looking at things,” she says. She remembers a tall woman with great presence who seemed at once distant and yet generous. Barton was patient with students even as she pushed them. And she stressed Laing

seeing original works, although it meant a three-hour drive to the National Gallery of Art. Her emphasis on learning how to look has stuck with Glassman.

the fund in their honor, or to establish a professorship named for the professor who most affected their lives.” The gift supports one outstanding faculty member and can be used for salary, research or professional development — a significant benefit to any department. Laing could hardly have been expecting the tribute when the phone rang last summer. “When Heidi [McCrory] called I thought she was going to ask me for money,” she said. Instead what she heard from the vice president for alumnae and development was validation and appreciation for her years of service. “I was very honored,” she says.

Thirty years later Emily Pegues ’00 and her classmates hustled to keep pace with Ninie Laing, now professor emerita after retiring in 2002. “You used to have to sprint to keep up with her because she went walking down the National Mall at Mach speed,”

“I fell into the thing

Pegues said, describing a brisk, organized

that I absolutely adored,

your socks and get on with it.”

I love art history and I

tough but kind. And funny.

love telling other people

person who was apt to tell you to “pull up Like Barton, students say Laing was “She was teaching you but she was also keeping her eye on the big picture of trying

about it. I still love the

to develop young women. And she did that


Pegues said from London, where she is

And pleased, too, with the support for what she sees as a quintessential liberal arts major. Art historians must understand the culture that produced a work of art and be

–Ninie Laing

both in teaching but also as an example,” studying for her doctorate in art history at the Courtauld Institute of Art.

“I think students [wanted to be like her] and in every aspect,” she says. “She was always doing interesting things, she had classes

able to interpret and articulate what they are seeing, which is

bulging with students who wanted to be there. I think in

not so easy, she says.

some ways my being here is trying to emulate Ninie.”

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Pegues isn’t the only one. Amy Barton ’90 switched from biology after taking an elective with Laing. “I wanted to be the type of professional art historian she represented,” Barton says. “Today I investigate and make discoveries about the 19th-century art in the U.S. Capitol.” There seems no mystery to how these women inspired their students. Each was accomplished and widely published. Barton earned her art history degree from Vassar in 1938, her master’s at New York University and her Ph.D. from Harvard. She was considered an authority on sculpture and wrote her dissertation on Alessandro Algardi, for which she spent a year in

To join in honoring Barton and Laing, gifts may be

Rome as a Sachs Fellow. She taught at Smith for 11 years prior to

made to the Eleanor Barton and Aileen “Ninie”

Sweet Briar and later at the University of Hartford. She died in

Laing ’57 Endowed Professorship in Art History,

1987 in Windsor, Conn.

Sweet Briar College, P.O. Box 1057, Sweet Briar,

Laing was a certified medical technologist at the GWU hospital when she completed her undergraduate degree in art

VA 24595. Call (434) 381-6131, (888) 846-5722 or email giving@sbc.edu for more information.

history at the university. Encouraged to go to graduate school, she won two Woodrow Wilson Fellowships to support her doctoral studies and dissertation at Johns Hopkins. A medievalist with a

so compelling to students. It’s why among the professional

focus on manuscripts, she later studied the decorative arts and

accolades on her curriculum vitae, none means more to Laing

architecture of England and America.

than the 1990-91 SGA Excellence in Teaching Award.

She had discovered her love for art history while traveling

“I fell into the thing that I absolutely adored,” Laing says.

abroad; she stumbled on teaching in graduate school. The passion

“I love art history and I love telling other people about it. I

for both is what unites these two women and it’s what made them

still love the discipline.”

First of a Kind Chris Witcombe, Sweet Briar’s first Barton-Laing Professor

maintains Art History Resources, a top Google-ranked website that turned 17 in October. He has also produced a popular series of podcasts called “Art History in Just A Minute,” available on iTunes.

in Art History, has taught at

Being named to the chair is immensely gratifying, Witcombe

the College for nearly three

says, because it reflects the College’s strong support for faculty

decades and is a prolific scholar.

scholarship as well as teaching. And one is informing the other.

He has published more than 30 articles and essays and three books,

He and his colleagues are working on changes to the art history

including the award-winning “Print Publishing in Sixteenth-Century

program at Sweet Briar — some of them based on his research and

Rome: Growth and Expansion, Rivalry and Murder” in 2008. A

writings on vision and perception over the past decade.

fourth book is due out next year and three others, including a novel,

The new approach is intended to ensure students acquire the ability

are in progress. His third book is an interactive digital iBook Author

to analyze and understand how images work and how they affect

textbook for the Apple iPad, “The Visual Experience of Art.”

us. One goal is to better articulate the value of image studies and

Witcombe has long embraced digital technology in the classroom

bring them to the fore more than they have been in the past, as an

and began teaching web-based courses in 1996. He created and

essential skill students need to have today, he says.


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Because of You From left: Lauren Morgan ’13, President Parker, Sarah Lindemann ’13 and Torry Mott ’13 at the Senior Campaign Kick-off event for the Annual Fund. The senior class surpassed its goal of $6,000, thanks in part to two anonymous $1,000 gifts.

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Fulbright Scholars: Destination Turkey Erin Dalvini ’12 is the second Sweet Briar graduate in as many years to receive a 10-month Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship in Turkey. She is teaching at Amasya University in Amasya. Kat Alexander, a 2011 graduate in government, recently completed her assistantship in Trabzon, on the Black Sea in the country’s northeast. Dalvini, who graduated from Sweet Briar in the spring with a degree in anthropology, has returned to a country she fell in love with on two previous visits. Her most recent


Frances Bailey Brooke 405 Jackson Ave. Lexington, VA 24450


Ann Morrison Reams

771 Bon Air Circle Lynchburg, VA 24503 amrsbc42@gmail.com Reunion was great, though I missed you! Even though I was the only one representing our class, everybody welcomed me into their functions. As always, the panels of faculty, administrators, students and other alumnae were fascinating. I hope all of you read the College magazine and keep up with all the additions and renovations. However, the overall look and feeling of the campus we love remains the same. Unfortunately, none of you have sent any news. I saw Sally Schall VanAllen at the Mother’s Day tea, given each year by her son Kent and wife Kay. Once in a while, I hear news from one of your grandchildren. Lucy Call Dabney’s granddaughter, Lucy, continues to do a good job running the dining facilities at the Craddock


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experience there was on an eight-week Critical Language Scholarship from the U.S. State Department last summer. Dalvini sought the State Department scholarship because she wanted an experience that would allow her to learn a language while “fully immersed in the society that it belongs to,” she said. The intensive language instruction and cultural enrichment program, which she attended at Ankara University TÖMER, provided just that, and affirmed her affection for Turkey and its people.

Terry Hotel. Laura Graves Howell’s daughter, Laura Howell James, is an outstanding artist in Annapolis. I’m still in pretty good health, still live in my home of 50-plus years and enjoy my yard. I continue to go to SBC for the summer theater and Friends of Library. The new expansion is unbelievable. We mourn the loss of our dear friends, Virginia “Beasle” Thayer Boothby, Jessamine Boyce Morris, Nancy Goldbarth Glaser, Elizabeth Chamberlain and Mary Stone “Stoney” Moore Rutherfoord. I’d love to hear from you whether or not you have any news.


Alice Lancaster Buck

21085 Cardinal Pond Ter., Apt. 106 Ashburn, VA 20147 alicelbuck@gmail.com


Dale Sayler Morgan 486A Beaulieu Ave. Savannah, GA 31406 dalemorgan@comcast.net

She didn’t speak a word of Turkish when she arrived, and her host mom spoke no English. “It led to some pretty confusing, as well as hilarious, situations,” Dalvini says. “Despite the initial language barrier, we lived well together. She really took it upon herself to introduce me to her family and friends. These interactions allowed me to experience how open and hospitable Turks are with those who want to learn about their way of life.” Those eight weeks made applying for the Fulbright a no-brainer and, she believes, made her a stronger contender for the prestigious grant. “I loved the CLS experience — having to rely on myself and my new language skills to navigate through everyday life,” she said. “When I was in Turkey, every day was an adventure. Waking up in the morning and knowing that you are not going to understand most of what is being said around you is an experience like no other.”

Julie Mills Jacobsen 4416 Edmunds St. NW Washington, DC 20007 ljamj@erols.com

Mary Haskins King 501 Kimberly Dr. Greensboro, NC 27408

Our class numbers 52 today. Julia Mills Jacobsen, whose sight is impaired, ran her electric scooter into the side of the house a year ago. She nearly lost her leg and had a lengthy hospital stay. She hopes to visit SBC one more time—our 70th? Julie stays in touch with Peggy Wyllie. Anne Dickson Waldrop and her second husband are living in Salem, Va. In Roanoke she sees Edie Page Gill Breakell, who suffered a stroke in Jan. and is still recovering. Amanda Parsley Worth was widowed in 1991 after 43 years. She has 3 children, 3 grandchildren and 5 greatgrands. She reads, cooks, walks, knits and visits the beach. Mary Kathryn Frye Hemphill says: “Find a good retirement place, a good solution to your children’s worries about what to do with Mama.” Wyline Chapman Sayler (88) and

husband Henry (my brother, 91) still love St. Petersburg. They have their circle of travel, church and Racquet Club; she still drives. Of 4 boys, 2 are in town—one across the state and one in Ellijay, Ga. They have 10 grandchildren. Jean Ridler Fahrenbach had a busy summer with a cruise on the Great Lakes and trips to Portland, Maine for family reunions. She looks forward to a Rhodes Scholar Program at Glacier Park in Sept. She stays busy with Mah Jong, volunteer work and her computer/iPad. Betty Gray is in a retirement community. She keeps in touch with friends. Mary Haskins King sees her Lookout Mt. friends occasionally. Hilda Hude Chapin and her husband, Ed, are still in their home. Mary’s daughter is taking her to visit SBC in Oct. Frances Estes Seibels has 11 greatgranddaughters and another on the way—amazing after having 2 daughters and 2 sons. Hedy Edwards Davenport built a house on the brow of Lookout Mt. at age 72. She plays golf and bridge, travels and spends winters in her house in Fla. She goes to Spoleto in

Charleston, S.C., every year and the Music Festival in Aspen, Colo., in the summer. She has 9 great-grandchildren. Cappy Price Bass has 4 children, 8 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. Her husband Bruce is 94, and they’re celebrating 66 years together. Lile Tucker Bell (90) lives at Westminster Canterbury, Richmond. Her dear Tom died in 1997. She has 3 daughters, 6 grands and 4 great-grands. A son and daughter-inlaw live in Staunton. Recent highlight was a grandson’s wedding in Raleigh. Mildred Carothers Healy has lived in an assisted living facility since her Bill died 2 years ago. They had been at Vicar’s Landing Retirement Community in Ponte Vedra, Fla. for 18 years. They have 8 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. Nancy-Ellen Feazell Kent and her husband divide their time between Atlanta and Hilton Head. They have 4 grands and 5 great-grands (4 boys, one girl). Harriett Porcher Barnwell is in a retirement home in Charleston, S.C. She’s a widow; has 3 children, 3 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. She uses a walker, reads constantly, does water aerobics, drinks martinis and tries to laugh! Sarah Temple Moore is having fun with old friends, going out to social events, family reunions held at the Homestead, Richmond and Savannah. She’s a proud matriarch of 22 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. She still lives in the same “yard” where she was born 89 years ago. She keeps up with Mary Haskins King and Hedy Edwards Davenport. Ellen Marcus Kates says that her son and daughter-in-law, who live nearby, bring her much pleasure. She reads, knits, goes cruising, works word puzzles and studies earth sciences. Mary Symes Anderson celebrated her 90th birthday (in Woody Creek, Colo.) with her 5 children, 6 of her 9 grandchildren and assorted in-laws and friends. After graduation, Doreen Brugger Wetzig worked in a research lab where she met her future husband, a Dr. from Colo. They moved from N.Y., with a son and daughter, and lived in Colo. for 60 years; where they had another son and daughter. She now has 3 great-grandchildren. Her husband passed away in 2006. She has had a stroke, but improves daily. Mary Herbert Taylor in Columbia, S.C., still lives in the house they built 57 years ago. Edward (96) still plays tennis and she walks 1 1/2 miles each day. They’re indeed blessed with lots of family and a first great-grandchild (girl) born 8/28/12. I, Dale Sayler Morgan, lost my dear Philip 10 years ago and have missed him every day. I’m still active with Trustees’ Garden Club, Colonial Dames; needlepoint, bridge twice a week, attending church, civic events and social events. My thanks to Sarah Temple Moore for sending me a clipping with my picture from The Garden Club of America August Bulletin, greeting the delegates at the GCA Annual Meeting held in Savannah last April. My 2 sons and their families live here. My daughter Diane and her husband Dick Viall are still in Sewickley, Pa., except for late Nov. thru April when they’re in San Martin de los Andes, Argentina. I have 7 grandchildren. My fondest memories are of SBC and the friendships made when we were there.


Mary Vandeventer Saunders 955 Harpersville Rd. Newport News, VA 23601


Linda McKoy Stewart 18 Osprey Ln. Rumson, NJ 07760 lmckstewart@verizon.net


Nancy Vaughn Kelly 4800 Fillmore Ave., Apt. 614 Alexandria, VA 22311 dmkelly01@comcast.net

Peggy Sheffield Martin 2525 Peachtree Rd. NE, Apt. 24 Atlanta, GA 30305 msm700@comcast.net


Catherine C. Reynolds 20 Loeffler Rd.T408 Bloomfield, Ct. 06002 reynolds@duncasteremail.com

I’m writing this column on 8/20/12, having just returned from a reunion in Aspen, Colo. with Preston Hodges Hill and Carolyn Cannady Evans. We stayed for a week in Preston’s condo talking about old times, attending many concerts, lectures and plays and taking scenic walks and rides. Preston Hodges Hill is busy with children and grandchildren as well as activities in Denver. She still plays tennis and participates in a book and bridge club. Carolyn Cannady Evans lives in a retirement community in Ashburn, Va. She’ll be taking over as our class secretary with the next edition of the SBC magazine. Please send news to her at 21045 Cardinal Pond Ter. No.1199, Ashburn, VA 20147-6124, tel.(703) 729-1133 or email ccevens49@ verizon.net. My last report was inadvertently omitted from the SBC magazine. Those of you without email may not have received it from the college. Sadly my news contained many obituaries. A more recent death is that of Judy Baldwin Waxter who died July 30 in Cockeysville, Md. She and Bill lived at Broadmead, a retirement community outside Baltimore. Bill survives. I’ve enjoyed being in touch with so many of you as your class secretary. I’m sure Carolyn will do a fine job as my successor. Please send her your news and start thinking about our next reunion in May of 2014.


Patty Lynas Ford

2165 West Dry Creek Road Healdsburg, CA 95448 patella2@sonic.net Thank you all for contributing to our class notes. I am sorry to report that we lost 2 of our classmates this year: Joan Widau Marshall died on 4/17/12 and Anne Adams Coulbourn died on 8/31/12. Should you wish to write to the families, please contact the alumnae office. Lynne McCullough Gush: We’re performing “Midsummer Night’s Nightmare” 4 times

before 9/1, then on to “The Nutcracker” for Dec. I’m much engaged with fall schedule, working until 7:30 each night. Janet Broman Dingle: In 11/11 I moved into a retirement village. My new address is: 200 Hamlet Hills Dr., Chagrin Falls, OH 44022. My husband, Larry, resides in a nearby Alzheimer facility and, sadly, his health is declining. I enjoy visits from my 2 daughters and their families. How surprised I was to be reading my College magazine this past fall and run across a picture of my grandson, Jeff Carl, who was performing a concert at my alma mater! Rosalie “Pinkie” Barringer Warnham: I’m Tom’s caregiver. I still swim a half mile every day at the Bishop’s pool. We recently adopted Charlie (Cairn/poodle). I keep up with my Altar Guild duties at St. James by the Sea. I never thought I’d live to be almost (Nov.) 83. Cataract surgery scheduled for fall. Angie Vaughan Halliday: Susan Taylor Hubbard came to visit us on 4/25 for the Wildflower Weekend at Natural Bridge State Park, Ky., and returned to Norfolk on the 30th. She had not been to Louisville for many years—wonderful time! Jean Graham “Randie” Randolph Bruns: We’re slowly recovering from the wild storm. Wonderful community spirit, but everyone is still frazzled. For the first time in 30 years the sound of the approaching wind sent me into my inner closet with lamp and flashlight. Lightning was blinding long into the night. Ruth Oddy Meyer: I’m still a hospital volunteer and attend painting and exercise classes, but had our last visit to London in June as our eldest son and family returned home after 7 years of living in the U.K. We now have a freshman granddaughter at U. Richmond, another one a junior at U. Miami, Fla., a third who graduated from Middlebury a year ago and is now living and working in N.Y., and a 4th who is a freshman in h.s. Mona Wilson Beard and I keep in touch by email, but if anyone has any news of Sis Hayden D’Wolf, I’d greatly appreciate hearing from them at CMeyer6169@aol.com. Sue Lockley Glad: I’m at Black Butte Ranch for the summer enjoying golf, bridge, family. Two quick trips, one to L.A. to see the USS IOWA, now open as a museum in San Pedro Harbor. My husband, Ned, had served on the ship from 1943-1945. Accompanied my daughter and granddaughter to N.Y.C. to check out Columbia U. Having lived in N.Y.C. for 9 years, I acted as tour guide. Ann Mountcastle Gamble-Blechta: In 2/12 I lost “The Love of My Life” George Blechta (98). He died peacefully, quietly and quickly. I went to Richmond, Va. this spring and had lunch with Mary Pease Fleming and Sue Taylor Hubbard. I’m off to Paris this week until the end of Aug. I do this every year. My 5 grandchildren are 16, 17, 17, 21, 24. Ann Benet Yellott: Excerpts from an article written by daughter Andie Yellott ’67. “…She took every opportunity to ride anything and everything available, riding at SBC as Huntsman to a pack of 2 ½ couple foxhounds with her roommate Billie Herron as her Whipper-in, and finding horses to ride on the various Marine Corps bases she lived on as a young bride with her beloved husband, Kin. Raising 2 children then took precedence and her riding career was back-burnered until the mid-70s when she returned to riding with

More class notes online sbc.edu/magazine a vengeance...Thereafter she hunted… before turning to dressage in the early 90s. In addition, she has owned many horses, and most recently her Century Club ride, the Andalusian Icastico ‘Ferdie’ (18)…On 5/26/12, the pair received a score of 60.645% at First Level, Test 3, at MDA’s Heavenly Waters’ Recognized Dressage show to join the Century Club!… Annie has volunteered for MDA, MCTA and the Therapeutic Riding Program of Carroll County to name a few.” Mary Pease Fleming: We moved to Cedarfield on 5/30/12 and are happy, but gradually settling in to a 3-room, 2-bath apartment. New address: 2300 Cedarfield Parkway, Apt 368, Richmond,VA 23233; new email address: rfleming2300@ comcast.net. Our tel.is the same: (804) 288-4835. Patty Lynas Ford: We recently had lunch with Julie Micou Eastwood and Dick in our favorite restaurant in St. Helena in the Napa Valley. We had a brief visit with our daughter and family in Leesburg, Va. in May. Watching our great-grandson grow up is a pleasure. Alas, we didn’t have time to drive down to see Jean Graham “Randie” Randolph in Warm Springs, Va. I’m now in my 16th year as a volunteer at the Healdsburg Animal Shelter. I don’t work with big dogs anymore, but there are plenty of little ones who need cuddling and walks.


Jane Russo Sheehan 600 S. Main St. Mansfield, MA 02048 dqjane@aol.com

Thanks to Pat Layne Winks and Joanne Holbrook Patton for help with these notes. Our 60th Reunion was a blast. The weekend was beautiful, but went by too quickly. Joanie and I flew to Washington where we met Nancy Morrow Lovett and drove to SBC together. We caught up on the ride. Joanie was in process of negotiating with the Town of Hamilton to gift the Patton estate to the town. (It has since been accepted.) She’s about to move into a smaller house down the street: 135 Asbury St., Topsfield, MA 01930. Nancy is active with DAR, traveling, dancing and more. Others present at Reunion were: Grace Wallace Brown, Nancy Hamel Clark, Grace DeLong Einsel, Grace Jones Fishel with husband Harry, Mary Barcus Hunter, Sue Judd Silcox with husband Jack, Patricia Beech Thompson with husband Calvin and daughter Jennifer, and Pat Layne Winks with partner Henry. Pat Beech Thompson impressed everyone with her one-woman show, “Women Thru the Ages.” Beginning with women in antiquity, Pat brought to life the contributions of famous women, including SBC’s founder, Indiana Fletcher Williams. I think we have a lot to be proud of in SBC’s efforts to preserve the best and keep up with the times to prepare young women for a rapidly evolving world. Our 60th Reunion Class Gift, with a participation rate of 65%, was $55,683! $11,280.19 of that was from a fund from income earned by the note cards and shirts with folk art scenes of life at SBC provided by Grace

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Wallace Brown and sold at the bookstore. Sunday morning we ended Reunion with a memorial service in the chapel. Our classmates who passed away this past year were remembered: Winifred Collins Brister, Edith Marsh Fonda, Mary Gesler Hanson, Suzanne Bassewitz Mentzinger and Catherine Coxe Page. Shortly after Reunion, we heard the sad news that Donna Reese Godwin had died in Jackson, Miss., on 6/08. Other news: Kate Shaw Minton has moved from her home of 54 years to 122 Palmers Hill Rd., Stamford, CT 06902. Joanie Patton and Ginger Dreyfus Karren met for lunch in N.Y.C. with Suzanne Bassewitz Mentzinger a few months before her death. Nell Dumas Herff regretted missing Reunion, but her grandson was being married on their ranch. Martha Legg Kates and Bill cited health issues holding them down, but said they’re taking care of each other. They were able to get to Fla. with family (15 of them in all) to see sister Sallie (SBC ’49) shortly before she died. Lillian Thu Pham sent regrets, but had a granddaughter graduating from law school. Nancy Morrow Lovell visited her after Reunion in Washington, D.C. Kier Henley Donaldson also had a granddaughter graduating from college. She’s still active with the Pawling, N.Y. Concert Series, selecting artists and doing promotions. She has 2 sons, 2 granddaughters, works out, reads and plays bridge. Ann Hoagland Plumb Kelsey went on a cruise through the Panama Canal, then flew to Boulder, Colo. for Jack’s grandson’s graduation from U. Colo. Granddaughter Sarah Plumb graduated from Dartmouth. Polly Plumb deButts had surgery this year, which kept her down. Benita Phinizy Johnson spent Christmas in N.C. with her sons. Mary Lois Miller’s husband High has been having health problems. Carroll Morgan Legge has moved to Blakehurst Community, 1055 Joppa Rd. Apt #206, Towson, MD 21204. She has 3 married daughters and 8 grandchildren—4 boys, 4 girls. She still plays golf and bridge, takes art, writing and other courses. She tells us that Louise Warfield Stump hasn’t been well. She also is in touch with Marianne Vorys Minister, who has sold her decorator business and moved to a retirement community in Columbus. I also heard that Peggy Nelson Harding lost her husband Nort, and that she had been ill. Pat Layne Winks and Henry had a trip to Paris. I see Betsy Wilder Cady from time to time. Betsy told me that she saw a film about Harvey Milk in which our classmate Sally Gearhart plays a big part. Coincidentally, I just learned that one of Sally’s former drama students in Texas in 1963, Carla Blumberg, has endowed $1.2 million to U. Ore. for the Sally Miller Gearhart Chair of Lesbian Studies. Sally had already donated her papers there. Carla said, “I wanted to honor Sally because she is one of the bravest women with the most integrity of anyone I have ever met.” Nancy Laemmel Hartmann and Bruce are still in Nashville and enjoying the grandchildren. Dick and I are still in our farmhouse. I still ride, but gave up dressage judging. I went to Dallas in June to my granddaughter Julia’s Bat Mitzvah. Diana and Ethan, Julia and Emmett were here several times over the summer. The rest of the family isn’t too far.


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Joanne mentioned that her reunion report to Marion “Shug” Graves was returned from her last Lexington, Ky. address. Do any of you know about her? The alumnae office has quite a list of our classmates classified as “lost” or “no mail.” Any help in locating those folks would be welcome. Please send me your news for the next issue. I wish I had known all of you better when we were students, but I am trying to make up for it now!


Florence Pye Apy 67 Rivers Edge Dr. Little Silver, NJ 07739 floapy@verizon.net

Shortly after submitting the last class notes, Edie Norman reported that Shirley Rankin Dumesnil’s husband, Ed, died on 1/29/12 of leukemia. Edie expressed her condolences at a later date at lunch with Shirley. Edie also reported that Jane Dawson Mudwilder of Anchorage, Ky., died on 5/18/12. Jane was a retired realtor. Her husband Robert predeceased her. She was survived by 4 children and 6 grandchildren. Caroline Miller Ewing attended the viewing. Our class extends sympathy to both families. Our sympathy also goes to the family of Louise Somerville Krotzer, who died in Philadelphia, Pa., on 11/10/2008. She was survived by her husband, Henry, 3 daughters and 3 grandchildren. I spoke with Louise several months before she died. She had completed her freshman year at Sweet Briar. June Arata Pickett’s husband Bob died on 5/8/12. C. J. and Katzy Bailey Nager attended the funeral. June and Bob’s son had already made plans before Bob’s death to move to Vero Beach to be near June and Bob. Again, our sympathy to June and her family. Happier news: Jack and Kirk Tucker Clarkson celebrated the 60th anniversary of her Junior Year in France with her Paris roommate. She saw all the members of her French family and stayed in a country home near Tours with the son of the lady with whom she had lived. This was followed by a trip to England to visit her World War II pen pal. Caroline Miller Ewing wrote that she had moved to a “smaller place.” She added that the skills in theater and set design she learned as a member of Paints and Patches have helped her in “downsizing.” She takes joy in having her granddaughter matriculate at Georgetown U., husband Bud’s alma mater. Nan Locke Rosa and Frank are looking into a Panama Canal cruise to celebrate their 55th wedding anniversary. For Nan’s 80th birthday her daughter, son-in-law and husband feted her with a surprise party for 30 friends and family members. Polly Sloan Shoemaker and Jimmy and Betty Behlen Stone spent a weekend in April with Jack and Kirk at their Fla. home. Kirk also sees Eleanor Johnson Ashby and Katty Turner Mears frequently. In May the last 2 of the Clarkson’s 4 grandchildren graduated from college, Jack III from Ole Miss and Tucker from U. of Ga. The Apys expect the last of their 10 grandchildren to graduate in 2033 on a date which may conflict with our 80th reunion! In the meantime we enjoyed a mini-reunion with Princeton’s Class of ’54, which took us to Portugal and Spain via the

Douro River. Hope to see all of you in May at our 60th Reunion (May 31-June 2).


Bruce Watts Krucke 7352 Toogoodoo Rd. Yonges Island, SC 29449 bwkrucke@gmail.com

Our sympathies and condolences go to the families of classmates who have passed away recently. We can be proud of their lives of service. We lost our May Queen, Fran Reese Peale, last March and Nancy Maury Miller in July. It’s a shame that the first we’ve ever heard about Louise Skinner McLaughlin is that she has died. Full obituaries for these classmates can be read in the online version of the notes located on the alumnae website. Sally Gammon Plummer had a family reunion in July. She rented a cabin near Bozeman, Mont. Eldest daughter Lisa and husband Bill came from Portland, Ore.; son Dave came from Missoula, Mont.; and Sally drove up with her younger daughter Nancy, who lives in Arvada, Colo. On Sept. 8 Sally leaves for a weeklong birding trip to Cape May, N.J., and has high hopes for reaching 500 North American species seen. She still volunteers weekly at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science and is active at church. Lamar Ellis Oglesby lost her husband in Feb., had her knee replaced in May and will have cataract surgery in Aug/Sept. Her knee op was successful, and she is walking without pain. She and 19 family members are going to Costa Rica together after Christmas. Lamar solicits our prayers for her daughter Frances who has been fighting cancer for 7 years. Jean “Sissy” Morris Long writes: We’ve just moved and love our new digs. Anne White Connell is across the street. She just got home to stay from Houston and her long round of successful chemo. Our Friday night supper club has dwindled, and Betty Gene Orr Atkinson is mostly at home now. I visit her often. I do see “Peaches” Davis Roane. She lost Jack on Mother’s Day in May. She went to Sea Island this summer with her daughters. I published my book, “Finding Kate,” last Dec. (history of my grandmother who came to Ark. from Va. to teach school in 1885). Elaine Colmer ’55 also lives here in an apt. with husband Bob. Magaret “Peggy” Jones Steuart writes from Jamaica: We’re in Jamaica right now with some of our family, Brad, middle son and his 5 children. All 28 have been here this summer at one time or another. Ages of the grandchildren range from one to 28! I see Doreen Booth Hamilton occasionally and a group of alumnae in other classes, Tuttie Webster, Kay Diane Bowles ’57 to name a few. We’re fortunate to have 4 lovely daughters-in-law and a great son-inlaw. Everyone lives about 15 minutes from us. Still volunteering as chair of the garden committee at the Washington Cathedral and on the Board of Tudor Place Historic Home and Gardens in Georgetown. Jerry Dreisbach Ludeke: My big trip this year was to Iceland and Greenland with Overseas Adventure Travel. Since then I’ve had 2 camping trips in the High Sierra. One was an Elderhostel starting with a hike from 6000’ to 8000’ elevation in the first mile and finally settling down at 7600 for a week. The second one was

a week with my San Francisco family at Camp Mather on the Hetch Hetchy road bordering Yosemite. Our older son is still in Costa Rica where he and his wife both work for the American Embassy. Their 3 children are all in the states, 2 in Calif. and the married one in Washington, D.C. Our younger son and wife plus 3 sons (10, 13, 15) are still in San Francisco. Dallas “Dilly” Johnson Jones: Daughter Louise ’84 and Jim have son Charlie, a sophomore at Wofford playing soccer, and son Giles, a freshman at W&L playing soccer. Their daughter Lucia is a freshman at the Atlanta International School. They still live in Atlanta. Daughter Sanford and husband Gene are in Great Falls, Mont. where Gene is president of the Univ. of Great Falls. Their triplet boys are freshmen in h.s. (Dilly might get to see Vicky Toof Johson when visiting in Great Falls.) In May, Ann Collins Teachout and Bill came to visit and later Vaughan Inge Morrissette spent a night! The news from Ruth Frye Deaton and Hugo is not so cheery. Several years ago Ruthie had bone surgery on one of her ankles, and it hasn’t gone well. Hugo has had cancer. He’s had a procedure and chemo. They’re home with help. Last I heard from Merrill Underwood Barringer and Paul, they were taking a condo in Charlottesville, but were also keeping a place in Weldon. One more thing: I recently received an invite to a party in Highlands, N.C., to educate people about a Historic Trust house here in Macon. The hostess for the party was listed Mrs. Frank McLain. When I called to regret, I told the lady that I had a classmate named Mary Lee McGinnis McLain and her husband was Frank. Could this be the same person? Indeed it was! Ann Collins Teachout says Dilly will be visiting them in Oct. She and Bill are busy volunteers and have had an eventful year with grandchildren: 2 graduating from college and one of those marrying, another producing twin girls making them greatgrandparents. They also took a spring cruise to the Caribbean with his older sisters. Their oldest daughter moved to New Haven last year and they love that excuse to visit New England. Ann Thomas Donohue had news of the derecho in June. In Arlington, where Ann lives, it consisted of a weird ‘sturm und drang’ with lots of lightning and formidable winds, which did in countless trees and wiped out electricity for a spell. Ann and Tom spent a few days on the eastern shore with kids, grandkids and dogs. Our London classmate, Joan Oram Reid, wrote: Husband Bob and I still live in central London as he’s still the chairman of ICE Futures, the oil trading exchange. I’m still busy with my historical research, mainly to do with Benjamin Franklin. I’m also curating a small exhibition at The Wallace Collection Feb. through April 2013, showing the 300-year silver inscription collection of the Past Overseers Society of Westminster. The family is busy with 4 small businesses starting up. Cirrus Communications, Frog, Fish and Scoobits. Fish has just sold some software to the FBI in Washington. Joan’s grandchildren are all growing up, with 2 of the Australians with them at the moment for their work and gap year activities. Joan noted that they’re devastated by the loss of Anne Sheffield Hale and her husband Bradley.

I spent a week with a friend who lives in Merida on the Yucatan Peninsula in Feb. In May I spent a long weekend in Savannah with a photo club from Southern Pines, N.C., as the guest of a member. June saw us at North Topsail Island, N.C., for another get together with my sister, Virginia Watts Fournier ’44, and family. In July, Bill and I enjoyed a boat trip down the Elbe River from Hamburg to Prague. I’m into photography, gallery website, journaling trips, choir, folding bulletins and driving senior citizens to appointments. It doesn’t take much to keep in touch—email me!


Emily Hunter Slingluff 1217 North Bay Shore Dr. Virginia Beach, VA 23451 emilyslingluff@aol.com

It’s sad to report the deaths of 2 of our classmates. Mary Judith Trevor Nettles died on Jan. 21. Carolyn Neighbors Hart died on July 2. Their names will be read at the memorial service during Reunion 2013. I know we all send love to their families. Frankie Marbury Coxe writes from Menerbes, France: Tench and I loved Atlanta and for 40 years, threw ourselves into the life of the community. Our 2 children, Tench and Molly, went to Dartmouth, Princeton and Harvard. Today we live in the medieval village of Menerbes, France, in a restored 11th-century chateau. Tench Jr. is a venture capitalist in Palo Alto, Calif., and Molly is writing and illustrating children’s books in Bellingham, Wash. They all come to Provence at least once a year for 2 or 3 weeks. Camille Williams Yow writes from Atlanta: In June, I spent a week in Rome immersed in music provided by Robert McDuffie’s Rome Chamber Festival, now in its 10th year. (Robert McDuffie is Camille’s son-inlaw and a famous violinist.) The music was performed in the Palazzo Barberini in the Quirinale area and, also, one evening at the residence of our ambassador to Italy. Then on to Paris for another week of music and a day trip to Normandy. In Aug. I spent a week in Aspen. All 4 of my grandchildren are now in college. Newell Bryan Tozzer sees our Atlanta classmates often. Kathleen Peebles Ballou had a luncheon for Mary Reid Daugette, who moved to a retirement area. Classmates who attended were Newell, Sue Lawton Mobley and Camille Williams Yow. Meta Space Moore in Charleston, S.C. is very involved with ministry at St. Michaels Episcopal Church. She sees a lot of her children, some in Charleston, and also keeps up with our classmates Derrill Maybank Haygood and Nella Gray Barkley. Betty Byrne Gill Ware writes from Richmond about their travels and their visits with their children. She plays lots of golf and bridge plus does important volunteer work; she and Hudnall exercise regularly when in Richmond and in Naples, Fla., in the winter. Honey Addington Passano writes from Gibson Island, Md., where they spend much of their time, that life there is full as always with family and friends and boating. When in Baltimore, they enjoy living in a nice retirement place.

Emily Hunter Slingluff, Virginia Beach: Life is full and exciting. Friends tell me that it is good that I am busy rather than bored, but I think of my mother telling me, and I agree, that an educated person is never bored. Love to all. We’re the tops!


Frances Shannonhouse Clardy 1700 Queens Rd. W Charlotte, NC 28207 clardyfw@aol.com

Nancy Salisbury Spencer 2580 Club Park Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27104 jyspencer@aol.com

Before our last reunion, our classmates received questionnaires asking for the news of their lives. Half of the news appeared in the last magazine. The remaining classmates’ news appears here. First we received sad news that our classmate, Catherine Colquitt Blue of Shreveport, La. died. After 2 years at Sweet Briar she graduated from the Univ. of Ok. She is survived by a son, daughter and several grandchildren. Sally Ann Hyde McMillin lives in Ithaca, N.Y., and is a ticket manager for the Cornell Concert Series. A widow, her husband’s book on musical theater was published posthumously and won the George G. Nathan Award in 2007. She has 3 children and 4 grandchildren. Anne Parker “Parksie” Carroll Mulhollend and husband Jack, a retired doctor, divide their time between Fort Myers, Fla. and Charlottesville, Va. She received a degree in radiologic technology from John Hopkins Univ. and is a retired radiologic technician. They have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. She enjoys the winters in Fort Myers and plays lots of golf. Helen Turner Murphy and husband Tayloe still live in the country near Mount Holly, Va. Tayloe is now retired. They have a daughter and grandson. Helen enjoys all outdoor activities including fishing, tennis, sailing and gardening. She has served on many boards and has been Senior Warden of her church. Margaret Anne “Peggy Anne” Rogers received an M.A. in journalism on a grant at Univ. of Iowa. She worked for Saturday Evening Post and Lippincott Publishers in N.Y. She also served as a guidance counselor at a Catholic school and worked as a truant officer. Now she lives in a retirement community and enjoys traveling. Allison Scott “Scottie” Boykin Parsons received her B.A. at Univ. of Md. She and husband Jim live at a retirement home in Glenwood, Md. Jim worked at the U.S. Senate Sergeant of Arms Office and Scottie worked for the National Cathedral and Hillwood Museum. She keeps active through exercise, tennis, bridge and 5 book clubs. Five of her 6 children live nearby. They also have 11 grandchildren. Betty “Bett” Forbes Rayburn received an A.B. from Univ. of Ga. She and her husband Donnie live on her 150-year-old family farm. She’s a farmer and he’s a great gardener and tractor driver. She has 3 children and 5 grandchildren. Brandon Forrest Rohr graduated from George Wash. Univ. A widow, she and her husband both had careers in the insurance business. They were married 53.5

years with 2 children, 7 grandchildren and 2 great-grandchildren. She is a liberal Democrat and a devout Episcopalian. Ann Train Ross, our Scottish classmate, received a degree from the U. of St. Andrews in Scotland. She retired from medical research and training and lives in England with her husband. She volunteers at the Village Primary School as a reading tutor. They have 3 children and 6 grandchildren. Kathryn “Kay” Smith Schauer spent a year at Stanford after Sweet Briar. She teaches elementary school, is a book keeper and tax preparer. Kay and husband Bob have been married for 51 years. They have 3 children. She has enjoyed participating in political activities and is currently organizing her community’s plans to deal with natural disasters. Nancy Salisbury Spencer and husband Jim, a retired captain airline pilot, live in Winston-Salem. Nancy has 2 children. She and Jim, between them, have 12 grandchildren. Nancy remains a “passionate gardener.” Her beautiful garden is well known in the state, and she generously opens it to visitors throughout the year. She is also active in her Episcopal Church and has served on the board of visitors of Kanuga Episcopal Conference Center. Jane Street Steele lives in Raleigh. Her husband Henry is an adjunct professor at Maryland College and an industry consultant. Jane has a son and daughter. She served as a docent at the N.C. Museum of Art for 20 years and currently serves as a Stephen Minister at her church. She and Henry have traveled extensively.

Leila Thompson Taratus graduated from Emory Univ. with a B.A. degree. Her husband Kenneth is a retired orthodontist. She had open heart surgery in 2011. She enjoys golf. They have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. Her daughter, Leila, married Helen Wolf Evans’ son, Thomas. Recently, she had lunch with Weesie Grant, Laura Bowen and Pryde Brown, whose daughter is an art professor at Emory. Marguerite Geer Wellborn graduated from Univ. of Ga. Her husband Marshall is a retired banker. They have 4 children and 9 grandchildren. Mary Ann Hicklin Willingham has been married 12 years to husband Jim. She lives in her family home in Asheville and is a retired realtor. She has 3 daughters and 6 grandchildren. She is blessed with good health and continues to be active in her community and church. Joan Broman Wright and husband Jim, a retired account executive at Merrill Lynch, live in Charlottesville, Va. They chose to retire there after living many years in Fla. They have 2 children and 2 grandchildren. She is active in a gardening club and opera guild and enjoys gardening and reading. Frances Shannonhouse Clardy has lived in the same house in Charlotte, N.C. for 47 years. A widow, her husband Jim for who she was married to for 51 years was an investment banker. She has 2 children and 5 grandchildren. She enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, gardening and volunteer work. She continues to be very active with the Colonial Dames.


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Carol McMurtry Fowler 10 Woodstone Sq. Austin, TX 78703 carol@curnon.net

Notes were written by Nannette McBurney Crowdus and Jane Pinckney deButts. The Class of 1957 was well represented at our 55th Reunion last May. Attending were Judith Ruffin Anderson, Kay Diane Moore Bowles, Mary Landon Smith Brugh, Nannette McBurney Crowdus, Jane Pinckney deButts, Baba Conway Debicki, Catherine Meacham Durgin, Ninie Laing, Joy Peebles Massie, Cynnie Wilson Ottaway, Virginia Marks Paget, Chips Chao Pai, Dee Robin, Sandra Stingily Simpson and Charlotte Heuer Watts. Accompanying them were John Bowles, Bill Crowdus, Hunter deButts, Jimmie Massie, David Pai and Bob Watts. Honorary class member and former president, Betsy Muhlenfeld, and her husband, Larry Wollen, joined us. Jane Fitzgerald Treherne-Thomas, Margie Scott Johnson and Day Gibson Kerr planned to come, but were unable to because of illness or injuries. We missed everyone who wasn’t there! The scrapbook that Carol McMurtry Fowler put together was poured over from cover to cover by all who attended. Thank you, Carol, for your usual fabulous job. It is indeed a great way to catch up with everyone. Friday evening we gathered for cocktails and picture taking on the deck of the Elston Inn. We enjoyed a brief visit from President Jo Ellen Parker and Louise and Scott Zingaro. Our “hangout” was the reception room at the Inn, wonderful spot! Sat. morning we found our way to the Prothro Dining Room for a fine breakfast featuring omelets made to order, which fortified us for the bean bag toss challenge from the Class of 1982. Cynnie’s daughter Lele is a member of ’82 and had set up everything in front of the Senior Stairs. For “everything,” think Bloody Marys, Mimosas, water, etc. plus the bean bag boards made by Lele and her daughter featuring Vixens. The winner received a bottle of champagne (we won, of course). There will be a rematch during our 60th, so practice. President Parker’s college update meeting Sat. was packed. She’s quite attractive and held our attention completely with reports concerning the strategic plan. One thing which caught our attention was the information that a matching grant of $20,000 is available for every $20,000 raised to renovate classrooms with cutting edge technology. We have been challenged by the Class of 2007 to match their gifts up to $10,000. If you want to be a part of this effort, let Nannette know. The Reunion luncheon and the evening cocktail buffet were held in the gymnasium of the new Fitness and Athletics Center, which is an impressive multipurpose facility with rooms and offices donated by some of our class members. We announced that our lifetime gifts to Sweet Briar total $12 million! No other class is even close to that number! The applause was deafening. And of course, we still hold the record for the most ever given by any class at any Reunion with our gift for our 50th: $617, 657.57. Pictures were taken at Prothro in front of the plaque commemorating our achievements. Thanks


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to all of you who participated in our 55th Reunion Gift to establish scholarships for students who will be named “Class of 1957 Scholars.” By the way, you can still donate to our scholarship effort with any Annual Fund gift. Nannette agreed to continue as class fundraiser and Carol as our permanent journalist. Note: Jane and Nannette are writing this because Carol messed up her dates and was in France during Reunion. No comment on her planning. Jane was elected president because she hasn’t done it before; she will do a good job and she is back in Va. Many thanks to Cynnie for serving for the last 5 years. Quite a few of us visited Nancy Godwin Baldwin in her nursing home in Amherst. She was thrilled to see us and she was all dressed up for us, wearing her wonderful frog necklace. Breakfast with Jo Ellen Parker for the 55th ladies was on the agenda Sunday morning, followed by church, then a visit to Sweet Briar House where we were entertained by Daisy Williams, a most charming young lady. It’s time to mark your calendars for our 60th!


Jane Shipman Kuntz 4015 Orchard View Pl., No. 1 Powell, OH 43065 Jsk05@att.net


Ali Wood Thompson 89 Pukolu Way Wailea, HI 96753 travisnali@hawaii.rr.com

For those of you that sent in your news, so many thanks to you! Mark your calendars for our 55th Reunion in 2014, May 30June 1! Passings: Susan Timberlake Thomas of Staunton, Va. died Monday, 8/20/12. Contact Updates: Mary Boyd Davis: 1000 Vicar’s Landing Way # D201, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082. Tel. (904) 285-7118. Pat Davis Stuker: 8548 Pepper Tree way, Naples FL 34114. Tel. (239) 417-4012. Lucy Frost Dunning: lucdunning37@gmail. com Mary Boyd Davis: Irvin and I are moving to a local (Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.) life care community on Aug. 14. We hate to give up our home of 25 years, but the time has come. We still have a guest room! I plan to meet with Jini Jones Dyer, Sarah Murdock Moore, Erna Arnold Westwig and Sandi LaStaiti Sylvia in Williamsburg in Oct. Pat Davis Sutker: We just sold our summer cottage, hurrah! Betsy Duke Seaman: Hope everyone’s well and surviving the summer heat. Thanks to Judy for organizing a reunion. Alice Cary Farmer Brown: We’re at our summer house on an island off the coast of R.I., but just leaving now to go down to Fla. for a week where we’re renovating my recently deceased mother-in-law’s house. Pat Frawley Gates: Three years later a beautiful display from our 50th Reunion Sweet Briar Rose—the dear little blooms lasted all of 10 days, then I gave it a drastic hair cut. Anyway, it’s all good, and I knew if I kept singing our College song it would finally bloom its heart out.

Jini Jones Vail: In the last 12 months I was on book tour most of the time, giving 26 talks and loving my new life! Still working full time—breaking records! Photos on Facebook and website: jinijonesvail.com. Virginia MacKethan Kitchin: Spent a trip at our Sandbridge Beach cottage in Aug. with our 6 grandchildren, 7th due in December. Still working at selling real estate and being a docent at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk. I am not playing tennis anymore, but I love watching the pros. Jane “Puss” Moore Banks: At 75 I decided to turn the day-to-day operation of the family assisted living business over to my daughter, Bunny. She has worked with me side by side for more than 20 years and has taken on the mantle with grace and dignity. Judy Nevins LeHardy: Ward and I and all our family were very proud to attend our grandson Barrett LeHardy’s graduation from West Point in May. He won special recognition as the fastest runner on the cross country team. His sister Annie will be a sophomore at UNC this year. She is on a full scholarship for her running! The other 8 grandchildren are ages 11 to 31, and our youngest son, Peter, was married last year. They live in Annapolis. The other 3 families live in Fredericksburg, Arlington and Roanoke. Three adult grands live in Los Angeles. None are married, but the eldest is engaged. I enjoyed going to Judy Chalmers Simpson’s luncheon for the “Richmond gang” in June and seeing classmates I hadn’t seen for years. Debbie Von Reischach Snyder: What a beautiful summer; great weather, grandchildren (7), sailing, tennis, golf. We’ll be in Maine until the beginning of Oct. Have to leave for a week to go to Shelter Island, N.Y. to my great aunt’s 100th birthday party. Don’t want to leave Maine, but it could be worse. We travel to Portugal and Spain for 3 weeks the day after Labor Day, return to Maine for 10 days and then drive home to Williamsburg. Ann Smith Heist: We took the 4 grandchildren and Mommy on a week’s cruise to Bermuda where they snorkeled till they dropped. Our daughter is sorry to leave the Boston area, but they will make Ridgefield, Conn., home now—2 hours less for us to drive up from Fla. I still write schedules and do flower shows through GCA and Federated, and John stays a step ahead of new technology. If our health holds up we may head out for the islands in the Baltic in the spring. Traveling with oxygen gets tricky, but we have surmounted all obstacles so far. Polly Space Dunn: Playing lots of golf, painting and enjoying our home in the mountains. My daughter Eleanor and her son Austin (5) live in Statesboro, Ga. about 50 miles from Savannah. Elizabeth, our older daughter, lives in Rumson, N.J. with her daughter (12) and son (9). Tabb Thornton Farinholt: Several of us gathered at the cottage Judy rents in Gloucester each summer. For that occasion (in June) Barbara Sampson Borsch came to stay with me for several days on her way to Los Angeles! It’s so good to reconnect with classmates. Blair and I are just about to fly to N.H. to Camp Pasquaney’s final weekend to see grandsons perform in plays: “Mark Antony” in “Julius Caesar” and “The Paperboy” in “Our Town.”

Ali Wood Thompson: I guess it’s time to get the calendar out to find out what I have done in the past 6 months…My cousin (80) from Maine came out for a visit so we decided to go paddling in a 6-man outrigger canoe twice. Off to Nice in April for a week and then caught a plane to Amsterdam where we picked up an 11-day boat trip up the Rhine to Zurich and then home to Maui. In early June, it was off to Freeport, Maine to see my oldest granddaughter graduate from Cheverus HS. Then a few days later we went on down to N.J. to see Travis’ sister for a nice visit. I thought it would be good to get some more exercise at the senior center, so I signed up for a Line Dance and Diva Ball and Stretchy Bands class right after Line Dance (a lot of stretching to jazzy music). In July we hosted the top 4 teenage girls (ages 15-17) from the state of Ariz. for the Girl’s Junior America’s Cup Tournament here in Wailea. There were 18 teams from the western third of the U.S. And lastly, we had to fly off to Bellevue, Wash. for a memorial service, but we were able to see many of our old friends and meet up with our son because he was in Seattle on business—hadn’t seen him in 2 years, a real treat! Keep me abreast of all address, phone and email changes. Remember, if you want me to resend you the address list just drop me an email and I will send it on to you.


Carol Barnard Ottenberg 1420 41st Ave. E Seattle, WA 98112 ottenbergc@aol.com


Elizabeth Hutchins Sharland 1724 Aberdeen Cr. Crofton, MD 21114 thefroghall@verizon.net


Parry Ellice Adam 33 Pleasant Run Rd. Flemington, NJ 08822 908-782-3754 peaba@comcast.net

Since so many of us gathered at Reunion, much news was shared then. It was a spectacular event (including the weather) with about 50 classmates in attendance. A lovely memorial service was held on Friday evening prior to our class dinner. We certainly missed those of you who were unable to attend and hope to hear from you in the near future. Just a repeat of how to access the Scrapbook: you can download it for a limited period of time at the following link: http://wikisend.com/download/138974/ classof1962(1).pdf .The password is: sbc1962. Please be advised that there may be some compatibility problems between WikiSend and Internet Explorer, which may prevent it from downloading correctly to your computer. Should that happen, or if you prefer, you can send Adele Vogel Harrell a check for $6. She will send you a CD with a copy of the Scrapbook on it. Adele’s address is: Stonewall Farm, Box 234, Hume, VA 22639.

Photo by Nathan Weber

Medaling in the Arts Elizabeth “Liz” Glassman ’71 will flatly tell you that her junior year abroad changed her life. She arrived in Paris in the fall of 1969 as an international relations major eying a career in diplomacy. “I went back my senior year as an art history major,”

In Bonheur’s day, achievement in arts and culture could only be officially recognized through the Order of the Legion of Honor. Since the government established the Order of Arts and Letters in 1957, American recipients have included author Paul Auster, jazz artist and composer Ornette

she said by phone from her Chicago office at the Terra

Coleman, architect Richard Meier, and actors Robert

Foundation for American Art. “I was seduced by the

Redford, Morgan Freeman and Meryl Streep.

discipline and the excitement of looking at original masterpieces.” Nor was Glassman immune to France’s charms, then

Glassman appreciates France’s efforts to acknowledge cultural contributions. “To recognize achievements in the arts and letters with

or in the ensuing years. Her charge as president and CEO

one of its highest honors says something about the country,”

of Terra is to share American art with the rest of the world.

she said. “And it makes the recipient that much more

Yet the foundation has a special relationship with France

attached to the country.”

that dates back to 1992, when founder Daniel Terra

For Glassman, the journey that led to the recognition

opened a museum in Giverny. Since Glassman became the

began even before her junior year — international relations

organization’s leader in 2001, she has demonstrated both her

is a useful background to have in her position. After Sweet

devotion to her mission and to the country.

Briar, she earned a master’s in art history from the University

The French government took notice. Not long ago,

of New Mexico and an M.B.A. from the University of

she opened a letter informing her that she had been named

St. Thomas, Houston. Her accomplishments include

an officer in the Order of Arts and Letters. The distinction,

establishing the Georgia O’Keeffe Foundation, of which she

signified by a medal corresponding to the rank awarded,

is president emerita.

recognizes “eminent artists and writers, and people who have

Nonetheless, when the medal is placed around her neck

contributed significantly to furthering the arts in France and

in a ceremony later this year, she will know it’s because she

throughout the world.”

chose to study abroad, she says.

Glassman remembers calling Terra’s Paris office. “I

“I think this is really about Sweet Briar’s Junior Year in

said, ‘What does this mean? Who do I write to say yes?’ ”

France program and how an international experience has

she recalled. “One of my associates there told me that the

grown into a lifelong passion.”

[renowned] French artist Rosa Bonheur was the first woman to receive the honor.”

sbc.edu | Sweet Briar Magazine



Jane Goodridge 31-C Archdale St. Charleston, SC 29401 Jane1729@att.net

Our class co-presidents Betty Stanly Cates and Allie Stemmons Simon want to remind you to put the dates of our 50th Reunion on your calendar—please save May 31-June 2, 2013. Do it now! We’re counting down and hoping for a huge turnout! The artists among us have been busy. Irene Pschorr Belknap is getting ready for a show in Paris in Sept.; her son was going to be married in her garden in July; her stepdaughter lives in Wash. and has a one-year-old, and her daughter is moving back to Manhattan. Jean Meyer Aloe received 3 awards from the National League of American Pen Women and the Biennial Celebration in D.C. in May: one for a prose poem, one for a free verse poem and one for a one-act play. Then she was invited to read her poetry at the Library of Congress. In July 2 of Nerissa vom Baur Roehrs’ piano pieces were performed in Leipzig and were reviewed in the local paper. In Dec. 2013 the famous St. Thomas Boys Choir (Bach’s church) will perform a 4-part Christmas carol with organ accompaniment. A couple of her art songs were sung recently in Beijing, Shanghai and Sydney; her 2 songs for contralto will be sung in recital in Zwickau (Schumann’s birthplace) in March 2013. She has CDs of her music and next year will make a 4-CD version of collected works taking the best of each and adding a couple of new things. Sue Jones Cansler and Chuck will mark their 10th year of retirement and relocation to St. Simons Island, Ga. They volunteer for the regional symphony and the St. Simons Land Trust. This year they traveled to Australia and New Zealand, then visited Israel for 2 weeks with a church group. This summer they were back on the road again (literally) as they took 2 of their grandchildren to a family reunion in Leesburg, Va., and then on to Gettysburg and Williamsburg. Allie Stemmons Simon and Heinz continue to go back and forth between Texas and Colo. Ann Clute Obenshain had a great family reunion at their cottage on Seneca Lake in upstate N.Y. and is planning a trip to Paris and London over the holidays with daughters Liza and Meg. Ginger Cates Mitchell came to Charleston for the Spoleto Festival with Laura Lee Brown and Cecil Collins Scanlan! She and Mitch had an adventure in the Arctic this summer watching wildlife, hiking on the tundra and in the Norwegian fjords among fields of wildflowers. Back in Ga. they have welcomed their son Edward and his family back from years in Mexico. Their other 2 children continue with their own entrepreneurial endeavors in N.Y. and N.C. while raising 3 more grandchildren. Susan Scott Robinette retired from real estate sales in Litchfield, S.C., married her husband and moved to the Clemson, S.C. area. They live with 4 dogs and 2 donkeys on a 37-acre farm near Clemson. They hike, go boating on nearby lakes, and attend concerts and lectures at the university and in Greenville and Atlanta. They travel a lot, mostly to Europe, and try to get back to the beach twice a year.


sbc.edu | Sweet Briar Magazine

Cynthia Hubard Spangler was treated by her son and daughter-in-law to a glorious 70th birthday dinner party. That was followed by a family vacation at her partner Charles Askew’s family cabins in Glacier National Park, Mont. They had all daughters, spouses and grandchildren along with her son and grandchildren. Mary Trabue Meyer went to Teotihuacan, about an hour’s drive from Mexico City, in June to see the temples and pyramids of the Toltec. Her daughter Molly opened a yoga studio, Studio Dakini, in Nashville; her son Will has an architectural business in N.Y., Meyer Davis Studio. She continues with her artwork and is working in watercolor. Her mom (95) is still a big part of her life. Marta Sweet Colangelo had a visit with Cathy Detmar Nicholls and her husband Peter prior to traveling around in England, Scotland, and Wales in May and June. Cathy lives near the English coast in Somerset. In summer 2011, Marta and Susan Terjen Bernard had a delightful trip to Greece and Turkey. Lee Kucewicz Parham, Stevie Fontaine Keown, Kathy Caldwell Patten and May Bowers Morris were going on a “girl” trip to Sedgwick, Maine, in mid-Sept. and will stay at Kathy’s home there. Lee is still involved in the DAR, as is Keitt Matheson Wood, who is regent of her chapter in Louisville. Lee is also in 2 very active book groups. This is the last year of teaching history at UNC-Greensboro for Rinda King deBeck. Parker McColl and Jim enjoyed many beautiful days in Blowing Rock, N.C. during the summer with lots of tennis. Their 2 granddaughters in Charlotte (4 and 2 ½) are a joy. Nancy McDowell still works. She has cut her clinical hours to about 20 per week. She’s still struggling with health issues; last year she had spine surgery. Lynn Gabel-Brett is retired, but her spouse Leslie is supporting both of them and is the director of education and public affairs for Lambda Legal, the largest gay rights legal organization in the U.S. They have an apartment in Park Slope and a home in West Hartford, Conn. She alternates between the 2 and visits her mother in Rochester who just celebrated her 101st birthday and is doing well. They have 3 granddaughters; the oldest is at Hampshire College (Mass.) and the youngest is Jasmine (4). I want to thank everyone for contributing to the column, and I hope to see you at Reunion.


Virginia “Ginny” deBuys H16 Shirley Ln. Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 gdebuys@comcast.net


Sally Hubbard

52 Sherwood Trail Sewanee, TN 37375-2166 sally@hubbard.net Vicky Thoma Barrette took a 4-day windjammer cruise in Aug. while looking forward to a big trip in the fall: Nancy MacMeekin and Vicky will be off for 7 weeks of travel in Australia and New Zealand.

Melinda Musgrove Chapman is going to Germany in Oct. to visit her son and his family. His oldest son has just started college in Fla. so he won’t be there. Lurline Tolbert Sweet sent her news since 1990. Her husband Paul Buppert died at age 47 in 1990, and she was on her own for 11 years, preparing taxes and working as a church secretary. In 2001 she married Jim Sweet, a pastor and widower, so abruptly had 3 stepsons, 3 daughters-in-law and 6 grandchildren. Jim has served as interim pastor in several churches—in Port Charlotte, Fla., where Hurricane Charley demolished their home; in Cleveland, Ohio; and now in Ocala, Fla. Life with him has been an adventure. Gabrielle “Babette” Fraser Hale is expecting her first grandchild in Sept. She has retired from her energy job and re-entered the publishing world. Her husband Leon has celebrated his 91st birthday, and they’ll continue to spend a lot of time at their country place and fit in grandbaby visits to N.Y. Sally McCrady Hubbard’s husband Charles died at home on 8/19/12 under hospice care. His 81st birthday and their 38th anniversary were in June. Their children, stepchildren and several of his 10 grandchildren came to Sewanee for his funeral Sept. 8. Thanks to all of you who sent kind encouragement. Harriotte Dodson McDannald invites Sweet Briar friends to the Oct. 8 lecture in the Dodson Memorial Lecture Series at St. John’s-Roanoke. The Rev. Fleming Rutledge ’59 will speak on “Jesus Christ and the New Skepticism.” Nancy MacMeekin and Vicky Barrette skied twice this year, at Zermatt and Crested Butte; and went to Austria in May. This summer she made weekly early morning kayak outings, exploring the local tidal creeks of southern Md. She’s been riding bike trails with her kayak friends. She also tutors literacy/ESL, and stays busy with church work, home maintenance and watering flowers. For Laura Haskell Phinizy, it was the year of the grandchild. She flew to D.C. to help daughter Laura drive the twins, Spencer and Sarah Frances, to Augusta for 2 1/2 weeks. Then she met daughter Marion in south Ga. to pick up Stewart and Wesley. Four grandchildren (6 to 9) played baseball and other sports in the yard. Then they all went to Kanuga for vacation. Milbrey Sebring Raney and her husband Bev are well and enjoying their grandchildren in Charlotte and Austin and some travel. Carol Reifsnyder Rhoads and her husband Bob went to China in June with their Chinese daughters-in-law and 3 grandsons (6 to 14). Bob is nearing retirement, but will work one more year as chairman of biochemistry at LSU Medical Center. Soon they plan a life of 6 months in Shreveport and 6 months in Colo. Magda Salvesen, curator of the Jon Schueler Estate, sends news of 2 Schueler exhibitions in N.Y. this fall. The current exhibition of 5 very large paintings is in the Lobby Gallery at 499 Park Ave. until Jan. 5. The next exhibition, “Jon Schueler: The Mallaig Years, 1970-75,” will be at the David Findlay Jr. Gallery with opening reception on Sept. 6. Magda spent 3 weeks in Pompeii in June and is preparing the course on Ancient Roman Gardens that she will give at N.Y.U. this semester.

Saralyn McAfee Smith and husband Hamp will attend his 50th high school reunion near Haddonfield, N.J. Their older granddaughter Sierra (7th grade) debuted in a local production of “Persephone.” Their younger granddaughter Cheyenne is in kindergarten. Saralyn is on the board of their local senior center.


Penn Willets Fullerton 124 Linden Ln. San Rafael, CA 94901 pennhome@aol.com

Susan Sudduth Hiller 4811 Garrison Rd. Little Rock, AR 72223 ssdh22@yahoo.com

Keenan Colton Kelsey 101 Hawthorne Ave. Larkspur, CA 94939 kkelsey@earthlink.net

Jane W. Nelson

407-C N Hamilton St. Richmond, VA 23221 jnelson@wcrichmond.org Our SBC 50th is not too far away! Let’s start preparing now to be there! Our 45th was a meaningful weekend at Sweet Briar. The best part, I think, was sitting around and getting to know classmates whom we perhaps hadn’t gotten to know well when we were at SBC. Thanks for your news! Let us know if you did not receive the email requests so that we won’t miss you next time. Robin Cutler Maw’s 2 high school reunions last fall were wonderful. She still lives in N.Y.C., but commutes often to Calif. to see children and grandchildren. So Keenan, Randi Miles Long and I hope to hook up with her soon! Robin got together with Ann Mason Curti and Ginny Butters. Robin is in the midst of publishing a book. Penny Steketee Sidor’s first grandchild, Danny, was born this past Christmas Eve, and on Labor Day weekend her second son was married. Randi Miles Long and Herb went to their 50th high school reunion in Westport, Conn. and 2 more in Md. this fall. Preparing for her mother’s 90th birthday has been a huge focus: boxes of letters, genealogy, finding people she thought were lost, all rewarding but overwhelming! Randi has 4 grandchildren from daughter Melissa in Charlotte, and son Kent lives nearby in the Bay Area. She looks forward to seeing everyone at Reunion! Andrea Pearson Pennington welcomed her first 2 grandchildren born in 2011. She retired after 28 years as juvenile court referee and now volunteers with children. She works with the League of Women Voters. Another project is civic engagement with teens from a distressed community in Mobile. In D.C., Martha Madden Swanson and David enjoy classes at Georgetown as well as athletic events on campus, especially the sailing team. They’ve been traveling abroad this past spring. She and David continue to raise funds for a Jesuit school in the slums of Kenya, for children whose parents are AIDS victims. Martha and Dave’s children live in the D.C. area and in L.A.

Joe and Pamala Jones Brown celebrated 46 years of marriage in Aug. and enjoy living close to their 4 sons and 5 grandchildren. Pam’s jewelry design business, “Stoneprints Jewelry,” is going well. Pam uses her French major often and feels that Sweet Briar prepared her for every aspect of an entrepreneurial business. Muriel Wikswo Lambert continues to teach and do research at N.J. Medical School. She too has a new granddaughter and expects the second one mid-Dec.! All 3 of her children are in medical school! Tom and Mary Anne “Coon” Calhoun Farmer have been on the road since Tom’s retirement from real estate: South Africa, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Spain and France! They now have 6 grandchildren and celebrated their 45th anniversary in Oct. A note from “Memaw”—do you know who this classmate is? Anyway, we are sending her news, because many of you probably do know! She’s blessed with 5 beautiful grandchildren to enrich her life, with a granddaughter off to college this fall! Memaw is a real estate specialist for Baltimore County, Md., and has just bought a second home on Lake Champlain in upstate N.Y. where she plans to spend the better part of the year when she finally retires. A cross-country trip took Sally Kalber Fiedler and Jay (Richmond, Va.) to see their grandkids last Christmas. A Black Sea holiday was scheduled for this fall. You may have heard that our class has lost 3 wonderful people in the past year. It is with great sadness that I relay the news of their passing: Anne Mercer Kornegay, Cindy Michel Blakely and Patricia Martin Rodier. If you should want to contact their families, the alumnae office can supply you with addresses. Sidney Turner in Baltimore has polycystic kidney disease. Her husband also shares this same condition! She’s exploring whether or not she is a candidate for a transplant. Sid and her husband are both participating in a study at the Rogosin Institute in N.Y.C.—they’re the only married couple with this same disease! Judy Wilson Grant writes from Denver that she plans for her 2-year-old granddaughter to be Sweet Briar bound! Her new grandson arrived July 24! Jeannie Jackson Exum and Marcia Pace Lindstrom have had wonderful times over duplicate bridge, even attending a workshop with Nancy McLean Parker ’67. Four others who have managed an annual visit each year (!) are Keenan Colton Kelsey, Jane Nelson, Susan Sudduth Hiller and Penn Willets Fullerton. This year’s venue is N.H. to see fall colors. Last year we gathered for Penn’s daughter Lucy’s wedding in the Calif. wine country. Jane loves her work as chaplain at Westminster Canterbury, Richmond, where many alumnae live. She enjoyed a Holy Land pilgrimage last Feb. with a church group. High school and family reunions in Culpeper have been wonderful. Susan and husband Chuck celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary last spring with a trip to Warsaw and Krakow, Stuttgart and Budapest. Her life includes regular visits to see her daughter and grandchildren, as well as continuing work with 2 hospices and one lay chaplaincy group in Little Rock. When we meet in N.H. it will be partly to celebrate Keenan’s retirement after 18

years of active Presbyterian ministry! In the midst of a compelling career she managed to travel to the Baltic area last year and Cuba recently. She gets to care for grandbaby Betty every Friday and vacations with grandboys Miles and Sammy whenever she can. Penn has 5 grandkids, 3 of whom are close by. She teaches creative writing in the public schools and is trying to get some picture books published. She and George have a little place in the Sierras for weekends. Once again, many, many thanks to those of you who helped create this class message. Mark your calendars for Reunion, May 2016. Let’s aim for a record turnout!


Gail O’Quin

2651 Kleinhert Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 cgrobins@ix.netcom.com As new class secretary, I now know what a job Toots has performed over these many years. Many thanks, Toots. Those attending our 45th Reunion: Gretchen Bullard Barber, Katharine Barnhardt Chase, Stephanie Ewalt Coleman, Diane ‘Toots’ Dalton, Linda Fite, Pam Ford Kelley, Lynn Lyle, Mellie Hickey Nelson, Lindsay Smith Newsom, Gail Robins O’Quin, Bonnie Blew Pierie, Page Munroe Renger and Judi Benson Stigle. Toots was honored for all of her service to Sweet Briar. Our class raised the most money that we ever have; our Annual Fund total was $65,254 and our 5 Year Giving total was $196,465! We also have 40 Consistent 5-Year donors and 78 Silver Rose members, classmates who have included Sweet Briar in their last will and testament. Reunion was fantastic. Some roommates were even paired together in their old dorms. I won’t recount the discussions that took place in the smoker after everyone had been celebrating, but I will say that we are still a fun-loving class—no holds barred! Lindsay Smith Newsom and Page Monroe Renger want everyone to make it to our 50th. Page and husband Mac are spending the summer at Atlantic Beach, N.C. Feb. saw them in Cambodia and Vietnam where they had a wonderful visit with Lindsay’s goddaughter and her family in Ho Chi Minh City. She calls the week they spent outside Verona in June “agritourism” because of all the wineries, cheese making, balsamic vinegar making, etc. places they visited. Judi Benson Stigle and Bonnie Blew Pierie were once again roommates in Grammer where they started as roommates in 1963! Judi, still our class president, has organized calling lists from those who attended the 45th. She and her committee will be contacting class members to attend the BIG 50TH in 2017. If you need encouragement for the 50th, Judi states that she and Bonnie had “lots of wine and lots of laughs!” For Judi’s off-campus activities, she’s still working and playing lots of golf. She has a new Yorkie puppy. Diane Mann Lankford still works in the interior design and architecture industry. Diane has 5 grandchildren (1 mo. to 8 years) living close by. She’s going to the antique market with Melissa Sanders Thomas, still talks to Kay Hightower and

Susan Tucker, and sees Mimi Harrison and Flossie Mobley a couple times a year. Barbara Tillman Kelley and Carlton are still in Birmingham; they’re both retired now and love traveling. Two years ago, they visited Egypt! They take 2 or 3 big trips a year. Barb reports, “Dave, our oldest, is a manager at Gramercy Tavern in N.Y.C. Our daughter, Darcy, is a veterinarian here in Birmingham. Trey, our youngest, is in Charleston, S.C., and is a financial manager with a large company. I just retired as the president of Assistance League of Birmingham, spending most of my free time volunteering with Assistance League. I’m still a docent at our local history museum. Carlton still enjoys backpacking and he and Trey are taking a trip to Australia and New Zealand and going backpacking there in Dec.” Victoria Baker is still dancing and enjoying retirement with dance partner/life partner Lee. She was working on 12 anthropology lectures she will give in an enrichment lecture series on a Panama Canal cruise in Nov. Jane Stephenson Wilson is enjoying this time of life, especially her grandsons. They are close by, one 4 years old and his twin brothers almost 2. Diane ‘Toots’ Dalton sent in a brief report: “After a busy year of retirement, I’m enjoying a month in Canada mostly off the grid.” Anne Stuart Brown writes, “Suffice it to say I’m still married to the same husband (45 years so far), have 2 married sons who live nearby, and am blessed to have 2 grandsons and 3 granddaughters. I’ve lived in Bethesda, Md. since 1975.” Eleanor Crossley sadly reports the passing of her beloved husband of 56 years. He died a few months ago, and she is bravely trying to make a new life for herself. When she started Sweet Briar, she was the first married student with children they had ever had; her 3 preschoolers are now in their 50s. Eleanor, our prayers are with you and your family. Toni Naren Gates writes: “I still have hair (sometimes in places I wish I didn’t, but a good magnifying mirror takes care of that); glasses? You bet! Hearing? Selective—at least that’s what I tell everybody (deaf is such an ugly four-letter word). And assorted aches and pains that seem to have settled in for the rest of the ride. But really, at 67 I’m feeling well, staying active, and having fun. We spend 9 months in Wichita being real people and 3 months in upstate N.Y. relaxing. My recent passions are tennis, pilates and Zumba, planning events for our art Museums, some continuing education, movies, books and Girls Night Out! We have 2 grandchildren and one on the way. Every Christmas we have been going to the Turks and Caicos. This year we’re attempting a trip to South America. Definitely on the list is a trip to Chile and Argentina wine country.” Toni keeps up with Betsy Kurtz Argo. Maria Wigglesworth Hemmings writes: “I haven’t retired. I’m a staff nurse in an ICU step-down unit at Norwalk Hospital. My husband, Jeff, retired last Nov. and that is another reason for me to keep working. We continue to travel, having visited the Ukraine/Black Sea last year and Morocco this year, and go to Australia to visit my brother next year. Eldest daughter Emery is still in Jackson, Wyo. and has her own landscaping/gardening business and daughter Anne is in N.H. having just

More class notes online sbc.edu/magazine received her MBA. I guess our next reunion in 5 years is the 50th one!” Barbara Annan writes: “I missed the 45th Reunion as I was trekking in Tibet in the spring. I live in Madison, Wis. with 2 Siamese cats. I will be completing a certificate in folklore studies from U.W. this fall, a hobby after years as a Ph.D. psychologist. I am enjoying active travel and last week went on a kayaking trip in Canada.” Judi, Bonnie and I drove over on Sun. after Reunion to see Randy Brown on the Va. coast. Randy has had health issues and has bought a darling house close to her son and her mother. She still sees Hallie Darby Smith who was not able to come to Reunion; Hallie is an Episcopal priest and had duties Reunion Weekend. As for me, I am in Baton Rouge, La., waiting for Hurricane Issac. My husband Bill and I live with 2 standard poodles and a junkyard dog. We have 4 grandchildren with one on the way. My daughter Madeleine lives 4 blocks away with her 9-year-old and 2-year-old—great, but I am not a good grandmother nor frequent babysitter. Please, if you’re ever in this part of the world (New Orleans, although a third world country, is included), please get in touch with me. We have lots of room and run a B&B for wayward travelers, not Bed & Breakfast but Bed & Bar—kitchen is closed here! Best to everyone and keep in touch so my job will be easy. I do hope Sarah Ramage is not rolling in her grave over this report. I’ll never forget that you “raise chickens and rear children,” nor should you!


Lynne Gardner Detmer 448 Styles Brook Rd. Keene, NY 12942 lgdetmer@aol.com


Nancy Crawford Bent 14 Dopping Brook Road Sherborn, MA 01770-1049 ascb614@comcast.net

News from classmates has been scarce, except from those I’m personally in touch with, and I feel reluctant to share their news every time because that doesn’t keep faith with the idea of CLASS notes. Maybe it’s because SBC doesn’t send the postcards out anymore. Or because all of you are on Facebook except for me? How about putting me on your holiday card lists? I did hear from Almena Hill Pettit (Tallahassee, Fla.) a while ago. Brooks and she had 9 grandchildren at the time and were still involved in community volunteer efforts, but were backing off more and more “to let the younger people have opportunities!” And I heard from the alumnae office that our 45th Reunion weekend is on the calendar: May 30 - June 1, 2014. Please save the date and make your best effort to be there. As always, Reunion will certainly be fun and, given the way things are going with the Class of ’69 (or is it me?), it may be the only way for us all to catch up.

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Stuart Davenport Simrill 4945 Dupont Ave. S Minneapolis, MN 55419 stuart.simrill@gmail.com


Carol Remington Foglesong 1750 Chippewa Trail Maitland, FL 32751 cfoglesong@cfl.rr.com

Anne Milbank Mell 16 Valley View Ave. Summit, NJ 07901 anne.mell@yahoo.com

Beverly Van Zandt

220 North Zapata Hwy No. 11 Laredo, TX 78043 beverlyvz@gmail.com Rhoda Allen Brooks’s son and his wife and baby moved back to Cincinnati last summer. Rhoda and John have a cottage in northern Mich. for recuperating and escaping the Midwestern heat. Louise Archer Slater purchased Brighton Pavilion in 5/99 after a career as a founding regional director and national marketing director for the Worth Collection. Brighton Pavilion (a furniture-making company) has won the prestigious “MADE: In America Build It in America” Award, the only company owned by a woman to be selected for this honor. Also in 7/12, Louise was selected as one of the 90 women honored for the “90 Years, 90 Women of Achievement” award by the Junior League of Memphis, of which she is a member. Carol Remington Foglesong and Louise hoped to meet up when Carol is in Memphis in 8/12. Frances Barnes Kennamer and husband, Martha Roton Terry and several friends visited southeast Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and then took a Danube river cruise from Nuremberg to Budapest. Back home in Montgomery Frances plays golf often. Since she visits her married daughter in Nashville frequently, she has also joined a fun ladies’ golf group there. They’re considering a second home in the Nashville area and have already been in touch with Linda Whitlow Knight. Andrea Bateman was officially 63 on 7/30, but is still working. She stays busy and runs into Carol Remington Foglesong and another alumna from time to time at the library. Kristi Bettendorf’s son, an Air Force captain in N.M., has married another Air Force officer. Her “baby” daughter finished graduate school at G.W. in political management. They went on a graduation trip for her around France at the end of July 2012. Two years until retirement for Kristi; she’s enjoyed the last 33 years as a prosecutor and doesn’t know what retirement holds beyond more time to spend on her botanical illustration hobby. Becky Bottomley Meeker (Gloucester, Va.) says they’re now happy grandparents of 3 boys and 2 girls with one more on the way—all 3 years and under! They’re fortunate to see their 3 sons and their families often either at home or by traveling to Bethesda, Jacksonville or Sebring, Fla. Their daughter Ashley is still between Napa and San Francisco in the wine


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business. Kathy Wilson Lamb and Becky have gotten together in Lexington. Judy Brown Fletcher says: “I’m having fun in the dog show world with a bitch I bred and co-own. She’s currently the top bitch in her breed (GCH Sawmill’s Nymph of Riverwalk). We took ‘Daphne’ and her mother Deme down to Perry, Ga., for the Peach Blossom Cluster—at the GSMDCA Cotton Classic Daphne won the Specialty and her mother CH Riverwalks Lunar Diademe won Best Veteran. Katharine Brown Grala is still working at Provident Bank in N.Y., running and biking. She just watched her youngest finish the N.Y.C. Ironman. He works at JPMorgan in the private bank. Her daughter is a resident at Johns Hopkins and her oldest is living and working in Vt. in between mountain climbing, skiing and rock climbing. She looks forward to retirement soon. Jeannette Bush Miller had an emergency appendectomy in 7/12. All is healing, but the “bugger” ruptured while she was waiting for the surgery to begin, which made it a bigger pain. Thankfully, she’s doing well. Cami Crocker Wodehouse hiked with friends for 10 days in Grindelwald and Zermatt, Switzerland in 9/11 (bucket list). Her second grandson, Austin, was born to her son and his wife in 10/11, joining his brother, Trent, who is 17 mos. older. The family recently moved to Birmingham from Richmond. Cami’s daughter and husband are still in Richmond. In 9/12 she went on a cruise to Greece and Turkey. Cami volunteers at an elementary school, tutoring in reading and math and serves on the Leadership Development Committee at Sawgrass CC. Rosemary Dunaway Trible works with students and helps her husband Paul at Christopher Newport U., where he is president. In 2010 Rosemary published a book, “Fear to Freedom,” in which she shares her journey from fear to freedom after being raped at gunpoint when she was 26. She has launched a nonprofit (www.fear2freedom.org) dedicated to helping others who have suffered sexual abuse and to making college students aware of this issue. Her daughter, Mary Katherine, just gave birth to Rosemary’s second grandchild, Truitt, in Richmond. Her son, Paul III, also lives in Richmond and started the online men’s fine shirt company, Ledbury (www.ledbury.com). Betty Duson and husband Al spent this last year settling estates, negotiating the sale of rice farms and learning about types of soil, mineral rights and farm subsidies. Betty and her husband, also a psychologist, will present a workshop in Oct. in Newport, R.I. to university counseling center directors on ethical decisionmaking. Then they’ll add onto that a trip through Maine and N.H. Betty will be joining family in N.Y.C. earlier in Oct. for a surprise celebration of her sister-in-law’s 50th, and will then spend 10 days with hubby in Honolulu and on Kauai right after Christmas. Michela English writes to report that she and her husband Rob moved into a hip urban condo between Dupont and Logan Circles in D.C., 11/11. They spend many weekends at their house in Mathews County, Va., on the Chesapeake Bay. Their daughter Eleanore was married over Memorial Day weekend. Rob and Michela then took off for 2 weeks in Morocco with Martha Holland ’72 and her husband.

Kathy Fisher Morland loves retirement. She’s hiking regularly with a great group of women friends, teaching adult ESL, and keeping up with 2 grandsons in Boston and parents (92 and 95) in Ohio. The big event of the summer was their younger son’s wedding in 9/12. Kathy Garcia Pegues and her husband retired 2 years ago. They bought a condo in Charlottesville. At home in the Warrenton, Va. area, they’re serious gardeners. Kathy teaches seminars at the governor’s school and works as an educational consultant. They’re looking forward to the SBC trip to France in Sept. Liz Glassman was awarded the rank of officer by the Order of Arts and Letters of the Legion of Honor of French Government. Certainly this is no indication of the strength of her French capacities from SBC, but her Sweet Briar Junior Year in Paris did start her on a road of loving all things French. She will be “medaled” sometime during 2012 or early 2013. Liz remains president of the Terra Foundation for American Art in Chicago and Paris, and their work was featured in the 3/15/12 New York Times. Lendon Gray continues to teach dressage focusing on programs for youth riders at the local, national and international levels. Sioux Greenwald still works. She crossed paths with Gil and Wendy Weiss Smith in Tokyo in 5/12, as they were on different vacations to Japan. She visited with Mollie and Robi Randolph at the end of 7/12 for D.C. touring and catching up. Anne Helms Cooper went on a trip to England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales this year. She discovered her husband’s family is from the Edinburgh area in Scotland. She has grandsons (13 and 11) as well as a granddaughter (3). Anne and her husband retired in the fall 2011. They’ve been working on projects at their home and their house at Smith Mountain Lake. Pam Henery Arey writes, sadly, that her husband Pat died from pulmonary fibrosis on 7/31/11. They were married for 40 years and have 4 children (2 with spouses). Pam is adjusting to widowhood and still teaches 3-year-olds and serves as the director of His Kids Preschool. She sings in her church choir and serves on the Steering Committee for Camp Amazing Grace that serves children whose parents are incarcerated. She is sorry to have missed Reunion. Louise Jackson loves retirement. She’ll host Christmas Eve dinner again, where she feeds hordes of family and relatives. Carolyn Jones Walthall writes: “I’ve been retired from my youth leadership development work for about 2 years, and Julian retired May 31 as a full-time Presbyterian minister. We have our first grandchild, Madeleine Douglas Walthall, born in Dec. 2011 to our son Claiborne and wife Beth outside Albany, N.Y. Our son, David, still lives in Siena, Italy.” Carol Johnson Haigh and her husband returned from 7 weeks in England, Scotland and Wales. Their travels included the Henley Regatta, Wimbledon and the Olympics. They sold their house in Sudbury, Mass., 10/11, and divide their time between Boston and Ludlow, Vt. Linda Lewis Brauer moved into a condo. In less than one year they lost 3 parents and had one wedding for their daughter. She says she’s lost track of a lot of people and it’s time to find them. She needs some good laughs!

Gina Mancusi Wills and Ashley are living in Arlington, Va. Gina retired in 5/12 from her job in the U.S. State Dept. Their son Zachary is working in the finance sector in N.Y.; daughter Olivia married in 6/12 and is a therapist in Los Angeles. Lynne Manov Echols (note the new name) was married on 7/28/12 and plans to bring Frank to our next reunion. Amanda Megargee Sutton reports that things have changed since 2007. That is when Robert Goodman (aka Goody), her beau when she was in graduate school at UVa got in touch with her. And he did it through SBC! He wrote to the alumnae office and asked them to forward an email. They corresponded regularly, and visited when they could. Amanda’s mother died that Friday, 1/9/9, of a sudden heart attack. Goody came to Md. from N.Y. to be with her. Later, Amanda retired and moved to N.Y. Amanda loves retirement and is involved at church, garden club, the library and her garden. She’s now a Master Gardener. Amanda’s son Jamey is living in her house in Va. He finished grad school in 12/9 with an M.L.S. in archiving and works at the Petersburg Public Library. Anne Milbank Mell and John are still working, although retirement is looking better. Daughter Meredith and husband in San Francisco have 2 boys, while John, his wife, and Caitlin are still in N.Y.C. Daughter Meredith and her boys came to Summit for 2 weeks. Liz Mumford writes that she’s still in her house in Hyannis Port, painting, taught summer school at the community college (art history intro class). Her son (24) is living here as well. She got a new knee last winter so is enjoying golf and gardening. Wendy Norton Brown had her first grandchild in 9/11 and got to babysit him 4 days a week for almost 3 months. His parents are in town so they can see him often. Mary Frances Oakey Aiken reports, last year they sold their Roanoke, Va. home and their Naples, Fla. condo and bought another home in Naples and a summer/ holiday home in Manakin Sabot, Va. They love being closer to their children (4 of the 5 live in Richmond) and grandchildren at least part of the year. She and John are looking forward to the Sweet Briar trip to France in Sept. Jacque Penny is heading to Newfoundland this summer to visit relatives. And then she’s going on to Prince Edward Island to stay with her parents for a week. Carol Remington Foglesong now has 4 grandkids and another will arrive in 11/12, and the son with 3-plus kids has moved into her neighborhood. She’s finished up her terms as volunteer president of 2 national groups involved with land records, thinking of retirement. Rene Roark Bowditch retired 2 years ago from being an adjunct professor of law at the William & Mary Law School and volunteers full time at the breast health organization she cofounded 5 years ago, Beyond Boobs! It focuses on women who are diagnosed with breast cancer before menopause, as she was. They plan to go nationwide. Check out their website (beyondboobs.org). Their annual “A Calendar to Live By” for 2013 will premiere on 9/15/12 in Williamsburg at the BB! Rene is also helping her husband, David, and his brother with their B&B in Yorktown, the Hornsby House Inn. Lastly, their daughter Tilden is starting her senior

year at Washington & Lee. Son, David (24), is working in Bel Air, Md. Martha Roton Terry and Frances Barnes Kennamer went to southeast Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and then down the Danube from Nuremberg to Budapest. Fantastic trip! Martha and her son, Caldwell, have purchased (as of 8/1/12) the Wild Birds Unlimited franchise in Mobile. Her daughter has just begun a new career as a copywriter for J. Jill in Boston. Trudy Slade McKnight moved back to her home in Atlantic Beach, Fla. with her husband, Jack. She has enjoyed spending time with Kathy Burns Beaudreau. She loved her 17-year adventure of moving around the country but is happy to be home. She works part time in her life coaching business. Martha Stewart Crosland reports that she and Ed celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary in early Aug. They’re trying to spend more time at their house in Palm Beach Gardens. Brooke Thomas Dold and Wylie still live in Houston. Two of their 3 children are married, no grandchildren. Brooke is a paralegal at a public/municipal law firm and has worked with the same lawyer since 1998. They did get out to Calif. in 6/12 to visit with their daughter Lindsay and husband Conor.

Caroline Tuttle Murray and Rick still live in Reidsville, N.C. She spends most of her time enjoying their 2 grandkids, Lilly (4) and Caleb (1). Their daughter, Cassidy, is a CPA with E & Y in Greensboro, and son, Scott, graduated from UNC Law, works in Raleigh, and is getting married in Dec. Rick closed his law practice many years ago due to health. She sees Diana Zeidel and Mimi Pitts Dixon from time to time. Libby Tyree Taylor works on projects and boards that focus on education and women’s issues in the Bay Area. She travels the world and U.S. with her husband. Daughter, Alexa, is getting married 5/13. Her son, Lee (also a UVa grad), lives in San Francisco and works at a high tech company. Libby has seen Anne Milbank Mell, Jeannette Bush Miller and Kathy Cummings Catlin recently. Beverly Van Zandt still loves living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Both daughters are doing well. Beverly is back in school heading toward a new career in medicine, and Roberta continues with Blackstone in N.Y.C. Miriam Washabaugh Meglan and Vaughn vacationed in the Canadian Rockies and are making major home improvements. She is happy in her church job but finds herself growing weary of maintaining the schedule.

Wendy Weiss Smith wrote that overlapping trips allowed her and Gil to enjoy Sioux Greenwald’s company in Tokyo this spring. They now have a Plott hound, the N.C. state dog. Wendy is teaching ESL and volunteering with the woman’s organization at Duke Plus at Duke Gardens. She enjoyed celebrating her mother’s 96th birthday this summer with Sweet Briar ’74 sisters, Cathy Thompson and Chris Pfeil. Kathy Wilson Lamb and Rex continue to love their retired life in Lexington, Va. They were expecting their third grandchild (a boy to join his sister and his boy cousin) in 9/12. Kathy spent a night with Becky Bottomley Meeker last spring, and spent a night with Lee and Wendy Norton Brown in 6/12. Nancy Young Gilpin told us that she’s moving to Boston for a few years and asked about classmates in the Boston area. We provided her with information on those in the area, so you may be hearing from her. Alisa Yust Rowe is still a board member for Arts for Rural Texas and is running the auction in Nov. She always needs original art to auction if any generous artistic classmates would like to donate. Rowan (16 mos.) makes grandchild number 4. Alisa and Richard celebrated their 40th anniversary in spring 2012.


Jill Johnson

2012 Wolftrap Oaks Ct Vienna, VA 22182 jilljohnson@isisllc.us Facebook Private Group: Sweet Briar Class of 1972. Please consider joining. There are great posts, photos and lots of good info sharing. How can I not mention Reunion? Our 40th. Can it really be? First, let’s pat ourselves on the back for yet another amazing fundraising success led by Susan Snodgrass Wynne. The Class of ’72 has now achieved a fifth Reunion Class Gift award. NOTE: We hold 4 current Reunion Class Gift Award records on the Award Wall in Glass—the most of any SBC Class! Next, check out the photos from Reunion Weekend at sbc. edu/reunion2012 to view the fun. Susan sends a big Thank You to all our classmates who participated in our 40th Reunion fundraising effort and found it great catching up with those who were able to attend. When not leading the charge for ’72, Susan and husband John “Dubby” enjoy their 3 young grandchildren, 2 girls and a boy (3, 2 and 1), living in Virginia Beach and Charlotte. They enjoyed a wonderful 40th anniversary trip this summer to France and Italy.

Alumna Explains Why One M&M Isn’t Enough Alexandra Gold DiFeliceantonio ’08 is the lead author behind a recent study that explains why we can’t stop eating chocolate. The study was published in the journal Current Biology and is featured in the Smithsonian’s online magazine. The question they asked was: What is it in our neural system that prevents us from knowing when we’ve had enough? To find out, the researchers measured enkephalin levels in rats. Enkephalin is an opium-like chemical naturally occurring in the neostriatum, an area of the brain supposedly related to craving. In the first step, the rats were offered unlimited amounts of M&Ms, while their enkephalin levels were monitored. When they started to eat, enkephalin levels surged. In the second step, the researchers injected synthetic enkephalin into the neostriatum to determine whether the chemical might actually cause the rats to eat more. The results were astonishing. With the stimulation, the rats ate twice as many candies as they did before.

“They ate the equivalent of a 150-pound human consuming seven pounds of M&Ms,” said DiFeliceantonio, a Ph.D. candidate in biopsychology at the University of Michigan. “We then asked whether the injection was making the rats just want to eat more or actually making the M&Ms taste better.” Through a test using lip-licking as an indicator, the researchers found that while the rats ate more, they didn’t like the M&Ms any more than before. “So, enkephalin in this area is a purely motivational signal saying, ‘Eat more now!’ ” DiFeliceantonio explained. “This means that the brain has more extensive systems to make individuals want to over-consume rewards than previously thought,” she said in the Smithsonian article. “It may be one reason why over-consumption is a problem today.” The study may also explain some of the underlying mental reasons behind other addictions, the magazine notes. “It seems likely that our enkephalin findings in rats mean that this neurotransmitter may drive some forms of overconsumption and addiction in people,” DiFeliceantonio said.

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In Memoriam

If you wish to write to a member of the family of someone recently deceased, please contact the Alumnae Office for name and address.

Waxter Forum Creator Dies The Sweet Briar community was saddened to learn of the death of Julia “Judy” Baldwin Waxter ’49 on July 30, 2012. Waxter, who earned her degree in political economy, had a strong interest in the sciences and environmental issues. A longtime supporter of the College, she and her husband, Bill, created a fund to host the annual Julia B. Waxter Environmental Forum at Sweet Briar. Since 1999 the forum has featured such notable speakers as naturalist E.O. Wilson, environmental journalist Mark Hertsgaard, and food journalist and activist Michael Pollan, as well as a spirited debate between Virginia state climatologist Patrick Michaels and climatologist Michael Mann on global warming. Her survivors include her husband, her children Susan and Peter, and grandson James Waxter. A memorial service was held Aug. 12 at Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Baltimore. The family requests that memorial contributions be made to Irvine Nature Center, 11201 Garrison Forest Road, Owings Mills, MD 21117. An obituary appeared in the Baltimore Sun on Aug. 3.


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Belle Hancock Mrs. Asa I. Atkins Nov. 20, 2001

Doris Albray Mrs. D.A. Bardusch May 12, 2012

Clarita Fonville Mrs. Neal Buie July 5, 2011

Janet Blood Mrs. William K. Brown Jr. Oct. 15, 1993

Juliet Fisher Mrs. Winfield Firman July 24, 2012

Joyce Sentner Mrs. Joyce S. Daly Jan. 4, 1995

Margaret Nelson Mrs. William Hartman May 8, 1997

Marion Webb Mrs. Barclay Shaw June 11, 2012




Sallie Legg Mrs. Robert B. DeMartine May 6, 2012

Dorothy Prince Mrs. George S. Oldfield Jan. 1, 2012

Mary Stone Moore Mrs. Julian H. Rutherfoord Aug. 1, 2012

Patricia Davin Mrs. Alexander C. Robinson June 29, 2012



Emma Glass Mrs. Emma G. Beasley June 12, 2010

Marion Graves Mrs. Robert Arrington Dec. 10, 1996

Jean Taylor Miss Jean G. Taylor May 27, 2012

Amelia Hewlett Mrs. Marion Bowers March 24, 2004

Primrose Johnston Mrs. Arnold B. Craven Sept. 9, 2012

Cornelia Armfield Mrs. Cornelia A. Cannon June 16, 2007

Margaret Swindell Mrs. M. Paul Dickerman II Sept. 4, 2011

Jean McLean Mrs. Richard Davis Aug. 16, 2012

Genevieve Clary Miss Genevieve A. Clary Oct. 21, 1998

Jane Gilbreth Mrs. George P. Heppes Jr. Jan. 10, 2006

Barbara Favill Mrs. Barbara F. Marshall July 13, 2012

Billie Smith Mrs. Joseph T. Dickinson April 20, 2012

Helen Rawn Mrs. Lockwood Miller Jan. 15, 1994


Dorothy Mather Mrs. John E. Goyert Jan. 18, 2012

Louise Moore Mrs. Louise M. Nelson Aug. 14, 2012

Margaret Kearns Miss Margaret C. Kearns June 23, 2004

Barbara Briggs Mrs. William Y. Quinn March 23, 2010

Jane Job Mrs. W. B. Manning Jr. April 14, 1997

Catherine Parker Dr. Catherine Silverman July 31, 2009

Elizabeth Loudon Mrs. William S. Steele Aug. 13, 2007



Martha Williams Mrs. Robert Norman Alday Sept. 10, 2012

Cherrie Willson Mrs. Cherrie W. Arrington July 1, 2012

Virginia Gowen Mrs. Robert G. Brown III May 15, 2012

Jane Miessner Mrs. Richard K. Beauchamp June 27, 2012

Cecile Waterman Cecile W. Essrig June 29, 2012

Suzette Boutell Mrs. John H. McLeod Jr. Oct. 24, 2011

Marion Saunders Ms. Marion Montgomery July 10, 2012

Julia Gray Saunders Mrs. Richard A. Michaux Sept. 11, 2012



Anna Mary Chidester Mrs. Anna Mary Heywood Aug. 22, 2012

Marion Daudt Mrs. Thomas W. McBride April 6, 2012

Rosemary Newby Mrs. C. Sutton Mullen Jr. July 2, 2012 Amanda Hamblett Mrs. Robert W. White April 19, 2012

Julia Baldwin Mrs. William D. Waxter III July 30, 2012


Anne Adams Mrs. Robert M. Coulbourn III Aug. 31, 2012 Joan Widau Mrs. Gordon E. Marshall Jr. April 17, 2012 Lois Annette Aitken Mrs. Robert H. McRoberts Jr. May 18, 2012

1952 Donna Reese Mrs. George W. Godwin Jr. June 8, 2012

1953 Anne Clark Mrs. Michael M. Gildea Aug. 28, 2012 Louise Somerville Mrs. Henry Krotzer Nov. 10, 2008 Jane Dawson Mrs. Robert Mudwilder May 18, 2012

1954 Louise Skinner Mrs. Edward H. McLaughlin Aug. 10, 2012 Anne “Nancy” Maury Mrs. Bruce Miller July 28, 2012

1955 Carolyn Neighbors Mrs. Lamar Hart July 2, 2012 Judy Trevor Mrs. Lawrence B. Nettles Jan. 21, 2012

1956 Catherine Colquitt Mrs. Robert Bruce Jr. May 24, 2012

1959 Susan Timberlake Mrs. Colin J. S. Thomas Jr. Aug. 20, 2012

1961 Barbara Stanford Mrs. Keith T. Mason May 21, 2012

1963 Frances Graham Mrs. William L. MacIlwinen July 5, 2012

1964 Sheila Carroll The Rev. Sheila Cooprider Feb. 8, 2012

1966 Anne Mercer Mrs. Anne Mercer Kornegay May 28, 2012

1970 Katharine Potterfield Miss Katharine B. Potterfield July 22, 2012

1971 Paula Sherrill Marks Mrs. Sherrill M. Byrd April 27, 2012

1973 Pamela Ivens Mrs. Michael D. Renner Nov. 26, 2010

Non-alumnae Susan Kitchen, staff July 20, 2012 Emma Johnson, staff Sept. 19, 2012

Patricia Rodier (right)

Remembering a Pioneer in Autism Research Patricia Martin Rodier, Ph.D., Sweet Briar College Class of 1966, died May 3 at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, N.Y. She was 68. A professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Rochester Medical Center, Rodier was the “first scientist to formulate and study the idea that autism can originate long before a child is born,” according to an article on the university’s website. Her research, along with advanced clinical work conducted at the medical center, earned the autism program national recognition. From 1998 to 2008, the program was designated by the National Institutes of Health as one of 10 Collaborative Programs for Excellence in Autism in the United States. Rodier was also a world expert on mercury toxicity, analyzing how single exposures to the chemical during pregnancy influence a baby’s brain development. Much of the research on mercury exposure and birth defects continues to rely on Rodier’s early findings. Rodier served as a key government witness for the highly publicized court cases regarding vaccines containing thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative. She played a key role in determining that the preservative and vaccines are not linked to autism.

A native of Roanoke, Va., Rodier received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Sweet Briar, where she graduated in 1966 alongside her twin sister, Donna Martin Zahorik. Rodier later completed her master’s and doctorate degrees in psychology at the University of Virginia. Her career at the University of Rochester began in 1980, where, after studying anatomy and embryology as a post-doctorate fellow, she taught anatomy until the early 1990s. Rodier was a passionate traveler and loved art, frequently visiting museums around the world with her husband, Robert Kern. She also enjoyed the opera and was an avid sports fan “able to recite statistics on any sport, from professional baseball to NCAA basketball,” according to the article. Aside from her husband, Rodier is survived by her twin sister, as well as a younger brother and two stepchildren. It was Rodier’s wish that her body be donated to the Anatomical Gift Program at the University of Rochester Medical School to further medical education. A memorial to honor and celebrate her life was held this summer.

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Marion Walker, our Class President in Perpetuity, reports she felt the 40th Reunion was a wonderful success. Connecting at the campus was as special as ever. After 6 years with Ford & Harrison, Marion went out on her own and is now sharing office space with some law school friends in downtown Birmingham. She is still a labor and employment defense and business litigation attorney. Fortunately there is time for golf, sailing, reading and gardening. Her grandniece is adorable; another nephew to graduate law school next year and marry; nephew Jesse Walker graduated from Ga. this year and was inducted as a second Lieutenant in the Marines; her niece, Mary Kathryn, has moved back to Birmingham and has a darling boyfriend. In Tallahassee, Rosie Brache Leparulo and husband William have 2 grandchildren—Gracie (4) and Anthony (2). In 7/10, Rosie retired from teaching after 32 years. William is still on the faculty at FSU, and they’ll soon celebrate their 38th anniversary. Their sons are 36 (single) and 34 (married with children). Her mother lives on her own about a mile away; at 88 and twice widowed (Rosie lost her Dad in ’92), she is doing well. Carol Cody Herder and husband Charlie are busy building a new home that is half an hour outside of Aspen on a horse ranch. Carol has just moved her mother into a retirement home. Carol continues to be an active volunteer in her DAR chapter and the annual Theta Charity Antiques Show. Both kids, Sarah (29) and Charles (25), are happily married. Vivian Finlay is enjoying living in Homer, Alaska, in her new home of almost 3 years. She and husband Clyde Boyer are active in their Rotary service clubs and have again traveled to Siberia in June for Rotary (the last trip of many in recent years). They were able to visit Vivian’s sisters in England and Ireland en route to and from Russia. Vivian also participated in a vocational and cultural exchange through Rotary as leader of a maternal and child health professional team to New Zealand and Fiji in March and April. Vivian continues a very limited part-time practice doing psychotherapy in Homer. “So enjoyed Reunion last May,” writes Bev Horne Dommerich. Her first! Later in May, John, her brother Coco, and Bev took a back roads trip to the Piedmont area of Italy. After a week of riding bikes through the Piedmont area, they took a train down to the Italian Riviera for a week and walked Cinque Terre as well as to Portofino from Santa Margherita. Holly Smith has been made a trustee of Sulgrave Manor, the ancestral home of George Washington’s family, near Oxford, England. She does fundraising for the charity, a task she is also carrying out in her role as a trustee of the International Friends of the Natural History Museum (the one in London). Holly and her husband Neil Osborn have just returned from a vacation in Calif., where Holly lived in her mid-teens. From Richmond, Barbara Tessin Derry has taken up bridge again and thinks fondly of the marathon bridge sessions she and Marcia Wittenbrook played in the basement of Grammar and the Pit instead of studying. Her son Will (27) is a radiology resident at UCLA; daughter Alice (25) is a Spanish teacher at Thoreau Middle School in Vienna, Va. She enjoyed catching up 46

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with our classmates who came to Reunion and is still playing Words With Friends with Carter Frackelton. DeDe Conley and her husband went to France at the end of April and planned to go home by boat via Southampton in Oct., so organized 2 weeks in southern England before sailing, their first visit to London and England. She had a wonderful summer, a week in Venice, visits with friends, construction on their house, working on their garden and lots of good food and open air markets. In Aug. she took a 2-day “organic” gardening class near Grenoble at “Terre Vivante.” She belongs to an organic coop there, and in the summer she put on an Organic Festival. In Sept. DeDe went to Tunisia where she was a Peace Corps volunteer just after SBC. She had meetings with the American Embassy personnel and more to try to jump start a development project to help Kasserine, where I served. Dede is VP of the Friends of Tunisia that represent the 2600 Peace Corps volunteers that have served in Tunisia, and they think a memorial center for the 6,500 Americans who died at Kasserine Pass during WWII (first battle with Rommel) could be a visitor center that would attract tourism and create jobs. Mary Sue Morrison Thomas was truly delighted to reunite with close friends and classmates at our 40th Reunion and is inspired about helping to increase our class attendance for the 45th in 2017 and beyond. She was able to locate some of the ‘lost’ members of our class and has pledged to try to find more. She also urges all ‘72ers’ to check our Facebook page frequently for pictures, information, announcements, etc. and to keep up with news at SBC by following Pres. Jo Ellen Parker’s blog at sbc.edu/blogs. I (Jill) continue to have a wonderful time with forever friends from SBC. This past June Karen Medford entertained Mary Heller, Eileen Gebrian, Janet Nelson Gibson and me at her lovely Rehoboth Beach house. Ginnie B Payne Sasser and Carter Frackelton would have joined us, but Ginnie B got a bad cold and Carter had to prepare for a trip to Mich. and then her “camp” in the Adirondacks. Karen continues to travel a lot, with a trip to London and Bath in the fall and then off to N.Y. for a 3-month extended play in the Big Apple. Eileen Gebrian has been after me for years to visit her and husband Tim Barberich at their Nantucket beach house. I overcame my fear of little planes by finding a 2-leg jet trip and had a wonderful time with Eileen and Tim, as they were preparing for daughter Sophie’s wedding on the island in Sept. Eileen looks terrific and I thought I looked the same, too, until I saw the photos. Oh well. Please, please consider joining the Sweet Briar Class of 1972 Facebook private group. Post some photos and share your news or non-news. From the experience at Reunion, I can tell we all want to know what’s happening in our classmates’ lives, mundane or not.


Evelyn Carter Cowles PO Box 278 Free Union, VA 22940-0278 ecc52@earthlink.net

Kathy Pretzfelder Steele and husband Dave built a house on a lake in Mount

Dora, Fla., and moved from N.J. in June. “I work remotely for my N.J.-based company. Our daughter Kelly delivered our first grandchild, Hailey Brynn, on July 1. Our other daughter Tracy moved from Chicago to Atlanta. Can’t wait until our 40th next year!” Renee Sterling sent a notice: “Morgan Stanley Smith Barney’s Renee Sterling is recognized as a 5 Star: Top 100 Wealth Manager appearing in Texas Monthly… Renee Sterling has been recognized for the second time in 4 years in Texas Monthly as one of the 2012 5 Star: Top Wealth managers in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. The article appears in the August 2012 issue of the publication and less than 4 percent of licensed wealth managers in the area were recognized.” Lisa Fowler Winslow: “I still work as a law librarian at a law firm in Century City (L.A.) My son and daughter are attorneys. I keep busy with travel, golf and Bocce ball league. I hope to make Reunion.” Trish O’Neill is in the process of moving to Greenwich, Conn. “As one son is in N.Y.C. working on his M.B.A. and the other is in Fla. doing the same, they’re happy to have us closer by. We still visit Hawaii and consider it home. I went to Oman for a few days last month.” Linda Lipscomb: “I have now moved to my new place in Richmond. My first guests for some wine and inspection tour were Jane Potts, in town for the weekend, Lisa Wickham Haskell and Lacy Williams.” Kristy Alderson: “We just came back from a 6-day road trip looking at colleges with our daughter Tegwyth. I will gladly tell you how the search comes out at our 40th! Or Tegwyth will tell you since she (and Mark) have been to every single reunion with me.” Jane Potts: “I was just in Richmond in Aug. and got together with Lisa Wickham, Lacy Williams and Linda Lipscomb. Linda has moved to Richmond from Dallas and has a job at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. I’m going to Highlands, N.C. with Deborah Zeigler Hopkins over Labor Day and hope to see Harriett Broughton Holliday who has a house in Cashiers. Also in June, we had a dinner party in Charleston at Jane Perry McCutcheon McFadden’s house, with lots of SBC classmates: Mac Cuthbert Langley, Susan Craig, Robin Harmon O’Neil, Diane Leslie, Lisa Marshall, Nan Robertson …and more I think!” Nan Robertson Clarke: “Our 2 youngest sons Charlie and Robbie both engaged. They plan to get married in the summer of ’13, one in Charlotte and the other in Fort Worth, Texas, only a month apart. I also went to a mini-reunion this past spring at the beach and saw Susan Craig, Emily Garth Brown, Diane Leslie, Robin Harmon O’Neil, Lisa Marshall Chalmers, Mac Cuthbert Langley, Jane Potts, Jane McCutcheon McFadden, and I may have left someone out!” Marion Humphreys: “I’m now dividing my time between 3 grandchildren, Hunter (5), Madelyn (2) and Tucker (1). I’m still swimming, lifting and now biking on our fabulous new green line. We go to our lake house in Ark. about 2 weekends a month. Everyone is now in Memphis, and one son is a lawyer (like Dad) and the other teaches at Soulsville Academy, a charter school. I’m involved in a chronological Bible study that keeps me on track.” Ann Major Gibb: “Our son David got his M.D. and Ph.D. from VCU in May and has

moved to New Haven to begin his residency and fellowship at Yale. Our daughter Emily is in Philadelphia with our twin grandsons (2). Ernie is looking forward to retirement in a few years, and I continue to write grants for Snow Hill, Md.” Diane Dale Reiling: “We’re enjoying sunny Medford, Ore. Chuck and I plan to be at Reunion 2013. We have a Class Facebook page at “Sweet Briar College, Class of 1973” and would love to have everyone join as we approach Reunion. We already have 39 members! Homecoming is Oct. 19-21, 2012 and will be a great planning session, if you are close enough to come to both! I cannot wait to see y’all, so start planning your road trip now.” Mary Buxton: “My son graduated from h.s. I’m learning outrigger canoe and do other sports. I’m traveling to see my mom a lot more. I hope to attend Reunion.” Kristin Howell writes “still in Key West halftime and on the Cape Fear River half-time! Going to Belize in Nov., Texas as usual for Christmas, and to Peru in Feb. (Texas is always the wildest!)—still love adventure and the animals!” And right now I am in Mont. enjoying fishing, hiking and photography with some Va. friends. Still riding, painting and gardening when in Va. and Reynolds is still working. I will be attending homecoming to start planning our reunion and attend the Riders Visiting Committee weekend. I went to the riding reunion weekend at SBC, and it was a blast. Join our Facebook page and try to come to Reunion. I know the last one was great!”


Rosalind Ray Spell 2710 Orchard Knob SE Atlanta, GA 30339-4625 rossiespell@yahoo.com

Meredith Thompson Sullivan PO Box 1283 Livingston, MT 59047-1283 gigiinmt@aol.com

With sadness I report the passing of our classmate Peggy Crawford Reichard on 4/14/12 after a courageous battle with cancer. Peggy was a resident of Amherst and was a primary school teacher for many years in schools in Va., Ohio and S.C. Sally Brice-OHara writes, “On July 1, I retired from the U.S. Coast Guard. In my 37-year career, I reached the rank of Vice Admiral and for the final 2 years, was the Vice Commandant, which is the second highest position in the Coast Guard. I’m on the boards of 2 nonprofit organizations and the Board of Trustees at the Coast Guard Academy. I only spent one year at Sweet Briar, yet my experience and friends are never forgotten!” Lynn Watson Norfleet loves her retirement job in finance at the U. of Mary Washington. Daughter Kate is finishing her doctorate in physical therapy, and son Drew is finishing his undergrad in civil engineering technology. Lynn caught up with roommate Carol Martin after 38 years thanks to Facebook! Carol Martin married a Spaniard and has been living in Madrid since 1975. After working in the travel industry for 35 years she is now retired. Mary Shaw Halsey Marks still lives in Greenwich, Conn., doing architecture work, traveling with husband Rob to places

like India and China. Oldest son Ned is an executive recruiter in N.Y.C. Daughter Caroline graduated in June from Stanford where younger son Tyler also attends. Kathleen Kavanagh writes, “I’m still in philanthropy for nonprofits, a career that started way back in 1974 when SBC gave me my first job. I moved into consulting in 1995 when I joined GG+A; I get to work with a terrific set of colleges, universities, independent schools, medical centers and cultural organizations. I moved from downtown Boston to downtown Chicago 6 years ago.” Elaine Mills and husband Bob Kline, parents of son Chris (25) and daughter Jenny (21), have lived in the same Sears bungalow in Arlington, Va. for 27 years. When not working in her garden, Elaine sings in the church choir, and in July she and Bob joined about 25 other choir members for a performing tour of Wales and Ireland. Jane Piper Gleason writes, “The week after our 35th Reunion in 2009 Joe and I moved from our house in Webster to a condo in Clayton on the 23rd floor. Nine months later Joe was dead from a massive stroke. I was in England in 6/11 and went with Sherrie Snead McLeRoy to the Trouping of the Colour. This June, I was in London for the Jubilee celebrations. Mimi Hill Wilk is excited to have oldest son Beau back from Alaska and living in Ariz. where he is a department chair at Northern Pioneer College in the White Mountains; daughter Liz still lives close by. Mimi had the best time with Lou Weston Rainey and Rip traveling in Ariz. last summer. Lee Wilkinson Warren joined the international hunger and relief organization Stop Hunger Now in 2006 and now serves as the community relations manager. Lee and her husband have been married almost 40 years and have one granddaughter with another baby on the way. She stays in close touch with Ruthie Lentz and Susan Stubbs Brown. Debbie Pelham Bigum and Randy have relocated to Miramar Beach, Fla. Ruthie Willingham Lentz still works as a financial advisor for Wells Fargo Advisors, where she was recently awarded the “Premier Advisor” distinction for the firm’s highest level of client service and production. She’s active in her church’s More Than a Meal neighborhood meal program, the West Tennessee Haiti Partnership and Leadership Memphis. Ruthie enjoyed a week at Edisto Island with Liz Thomas Camp and Robin Christian Ryan, whom she’ll also join in Philadelphia with her aunt Ruth Preucel ’49 over Labor Day weekend. Betsy Banks Daley is back in school learning sign language, which she hopes will help aid her in teaching children with autism. She and her husband celebrated their 30th anniversary. Andria Francis still lives in northern Calif. and works at CTB/McGraw-Hill (her 26th year) developing educational tests. She and her sister took a transatlantic cruise from Fla. to Rome with a stop for shopping in Provence on Market Day. Andria’s daughter Ashleigh (27) was in Kazakhstan last year on a Fulbright scholarship and has just returned to England, where she is completing her doctorate in archaeology. Ann Pritchett Van Horn loves being grandmother to her son’s 3 boys (5, 2, 4 mos.) In May, she was in Cardenas, Cuba with a

group from her church installing a Living Waters for the World clean water system. Barbara Ashton Nicol and Robert are both still working in Tuscaloosa, Ala., but hope to retire in 2014. Three of their 4 boys are engineers—Robinson (recently married) in Atlanta, Sage in Corpus Christi and Ben in Tuscaloosa. Chris is still figuring out what he wants to do with his life. Barb joined Ellie Plowden Boyd, Nancy Lea Houghton and Beth Jones Elkins (’75) at the wedding of Liz Thomas Camp’s son in Mobile. Emory Furniss Maxwell: “We had a minireunion when my daughter, Christy ’03, was married in Atlanta last spring. Jane Hutcherson Frierson, Edie McRee Bowles, Liz Thomas Camp, Barbara Ashton Nicol and Mary Bush Norwood were there. Other SBC alumnae present were Mary Emory Hill Rex ’42, Aline Rex McEvoy ’67, Kimberly Olmsted Calhoun ’92, Amy Gardner Adams ’02, Shandy Hamner ’04, Sonya Truman ’02 and Kylene Smith DeFrate ’03. Charles is retired and we still live in Ariz.” Ellie Plowden Boyd is pursuing a long-term interest in painting with a focus on portraits and landscapes. She just organized a plein-air group, Pomperaug Outdoor Painters (POP), which meets and paints around Southbury, Conn. Oldest son Clayton lives in Brooklyn and is a photographer for Gilt Group. Youngest son John is studying engineering at Vanderbilt and Ellie hopes to catch up with Wendy White Feinberg (whose daughter also attends Vandy) at parents’ weekend. Ellie and husband Doug have been married 28 years. Ceci Kirby Wraase still lives outside Washington, D.C. with husband Dennis and is most involved with Neighbors in Need, a program to assist safety net charities, and the Trust for the National Mall. Daughter Beth is in her second year as a Teach for America elementary school teacher in eastern N.C. Stepson Reid and family live about an hour away. Karla Kline Bradshaw and Ceci enjoy visits at the Wraase’s lake house in the Allegheny Mountains. Bonnie Chronowski Brophy’s daughter Meghan is PR manager at J. Mendel so Bonnie gets to go to Fashion Week every year. Son Chris, asst. brand manager for ketchup at Heinz in Pittsburgh, is engaged. Bonnie took up bridge and is going to a tourney in Bermuda in Jan. 2013. She has coordinated Bible study in her parish for 6 years with a good friend. Jan Renne Steffen and husband Jim have been married 15 years and live in Fallbrook, Calif. Jan has retired, but still quilts and teaches quilting. They travel in their 5th wheel about 3-4 months a year and just returned from a 2-month vacation through northern Calif., Ore., Wash. and Vancouver, B.C. They drove to Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, then down to Meridian to visit family before heading home. Haideh Khosrowshahi Partovi writes, “I have been enjoying grand-motherhood for the past 16 months! Little Rochanne (meaning light) is half French and responds to Farsi, French and English. I’m still enjoying working as a therapist in a hospital and privately.” Elizabeth Andrews Watts and Bobby are planning to retire in 2014 after a long career at Episcopal HS. Daughter Betsy had a baby girl, Elaine “Laney” Andrews Metcalf, on July 9. Son Rob lives in Norfolk with his wife and 2 young sons. Elizabeth

had a mini-reunion in 10/11 at the Greenbrier with Jane Hutcherson Frierson, Susan Stephens Geyer and Leslie Elbert Hill. Marcia Brandenburg Martinson and husband Terry are moving to the town of Plymouth, Mass. after living in a church parsonage for the past 34 years. Marcia and Terry became grandparents with the birth of granddaughter Hadley Jane on Aug.15. They spent 2 weeks in England (with family) and France (with friends) in July. Tricia Barnett Greenberg and Phil spent 2 weeks in Spain and France this summer. Daughter Patty is getting married April 6 in Charleston, S.C., son Barnett is in real estate in Charleston and son Andy practices dentistry there. Tricia and Phil divide their time between Debordieu, Charleston and Florence, S.C. Laurene Sherlock’s first job as a travel agent took her to many interesting places over 25 years. Then her best friend, Sandie Schwartz Tropper ’73, suggested that she consider becoming a personal property appraiser. “And so here I am in career 2 after a few years of courses and apprenticeship to get to accredited antiques appraiser.” Sandra Taylor will become the Alumnae Association president in 2013, joining Janie Reeb Short, who is currently serving on the Alumnae Board. At the time of this writing, Meredith Thompson Sullivan and husband John were spending Labor Day weekend at their condo on Flathead Lake in Mont. Fortunately, their home in Livingston, Mont. was spared from forest fires. Rossie Ray Spell: I had my best birthday ever on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France in July. My husband, Penn, planned a memorable trip to celebrate my 60th. I am also thrilled to have begun serving on the Board of Trustees of Atlanta Girls School along with fellow SBC alumna Anne Mobley Hassett. My daughter Anna graduated from AGS in 2011. Mark your calendars: Reunion 2014 will be May 30-June 1. Hope to see everyone there.


Johna Pierce Stephens 1703 Beard’s Creek Ct. Davidsonville, MD 21035 johna_pierce@yahoo.com


Cissy Humphrey

5016 Les Chateaux Apt. 234 Dallas, TX 75235-8750 cissy1234@yahoo.com Kari Andersen Shipley writes: “1977 classmates Angela Scully Elser, Cindy Webb, Linda Guardabassi Michael, Paula Brumm Hennessey, Vera Blake Theirs and Janet Williams Osborne spent a 4-day weekend together at the Shipley home. They celebrated Cindy Webb’s recent retirement from the CIA where she was head of counter-intelligence and was awarded the Presidential Award for Meritorious Service by President Obama and General Petraeus. Kari continues to fundraise for 4 charities and paint. Youngest son Matt will finish his 2-year Peace Corps term in Paraguay this year. Middle son is off to law school; oldest son is working in south Fla.

Beth Bates Locke’s husband Claude produced 2 Texas Health Resources commercials. Daughter Becky finished summer school and will continue her studies at Brookhaven College in Dallas. Beth is still in agent sales at Briggs Freeman/ Sotheby’s in Dallas. Sherry Buttrick continues her work (20 years!) for Virginia Outdoors Foundation as assistant director of Easements in Charlottesville, Va. Sherry and her husband Forbes are building a house on about 80 acres they own. Teesie Costello Howell’s youngest child, Suzannah, graduated from William and Mary. Oldest child, Jackson, finished a year of teaching in France and is now in N.Y.C. Teesie continues to originate mortgage loans, and husband Chris is still at Dom. Resources. Teesie’s father passed away in 2/12, so she is spending more time with her mom. In Chicago, Melanie Coyne Cody has just finished renovating her home. The Cody family went skiing after a train trip from Chicago to Colo. last Jan. They spent Easter in Hilton Head, and in July sweltered in the hottest week in Wis. (over 100 degrees) with Missy Briscoe McNatt. Fun connection—Melanie hired a summer intern from Scripps College (daughter Sarah’s alma mater) who turned out to be Julie Pettinga Stalnecker’s daughter Zoe Stalnecker. Galvin Gentry called in her update from Baltimore, Md., saying she appreciated being contacted and her news was “she has had a heart attack and stroke, but still is glad to be alive!” We all wish Galvin a speedy recovery! Lynn Kahler Rogerson is living in her 1815 home in Old Town Alexandria, Va. Her daughter is now in 8th grade at National Cathedral School in D.C. and continues with piano and is on Pointe in ballet. Lynn continues organizing exhibits for museums. Ann Kiley Crenshaw’s son Clarke married Whitney Walker in Charlottesville on July 7. Classmates Sally Old Kitchin, Lisa Nelson Robertson, Catherine Adams and Melanie Rice Holland were there for the festivities. Clarke Jr. is living in Houston. Younger son, Gordon, lives in N.Y.C. In Virginia Beach, Ann stays busy with law practice at Kaufman & Canoles and volunteering. Ann had a mini-reunion with Mary Beth Hamlin, Sally Mott Freeman, Sally Old Kitchin and Cathy Slatinshek Prillaman in northern Va. in Aug. From Rye, N.Y., Mare Moran works as marketing and client relations director for the law firm of Dorf & Nelson, LLP. She enjoyed some time off traveling to Phoenix, Scottsdale, Sedona, Grand Canyon, Myrtle Beach and Colo. Son Chris (h.s. junior) works as a part-time photographer. In 2011, Tennessee Nielsen joined Jewish Family Services of Dallas as an employment counselor. She enjoys facilitating an employment networking group for Women 50+. Daughter Kelsey Indorf relocated from Atlanta to D.C. to be a campus recruiter for PricewaterhouseCoopers. In April, Dede Ryan Ale moved from Houston to Santa Monica, Calif. John is now general counsel of OXY (occidental petroleum). Son John graduated from UVa in 2010; son Matt graduated from Vanderbilt in 5/12. Both boys are working in Richmond, Va.

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1 From left: Preston Hodges Hill ’49, Katie Cox Reynolds ’49, Ann Millardi (Preston’s childhood friend) and Carolyn Cannady Evans ’49 at Maroon Lake and Maroon Bells near Aspen, Colo. 2 2006 classmates Lindsey Cline, Kelly Rogers Bell, Abby Adams, Jodie Weber Kavanah and Emily Burke at Jodie’s wedding on March 31, 2012.



3 Jesse Durham Strauss ’96 threw a birthday pool party with classmates, left to right: Sarah Chaffee Paris with Bella (9) and Charlie (2); Bridget Bayliss Curren with Aoife (1); Jesse Durham Strauss with Anna (5), Audrey (4) and Ari (2); Lee Foley Dolan with Henry (10), Mattie (7) and Fred (4); Laura Lechler with Sarah’s son Stevie (5); Rachel Baltus Price with Winona (1). 4 Stacey Sickels Locke ’88 and Lyn Locke were married in Annapolis, Md., July 2011. 5 Lisa Thompson Barnes ’88 and Trevon Barnes, Nov. 2011, Vero Beach, Fla. 6 Kat Allen ’12 (left), visiting the sites in Cambodia. 7 Ginny Wood Susi’s (2004) baby girl, Evelyn “Evie” Sheffield.



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8 Betty Skeen ’07 and fiancé Hunter Gorinson.






9 Morgan Roach ’07 and fiancé Stephen Vina in Aruba. 10 Allie Garrison Bridges ’10 and Kevin Bridges married at Sweet Briar on June 2, 2012. 11 1976 classmates gathered in August; front row: Sally Mott Freeman and Mary Beth Hamlin; second row: Ann Kiley Crenshaw, Cathy Slatinshek Prillaman and Sally Old Kitchin. 12 Bev Horne Dommerich ’72 with her husband John on their summer bike trip in Italy. 13 Owen (preschool) and Jackson (third grade), sons of Sarah Dennis Roberts ’96.


14 Katie Niemeier ’05, far left, hosted a tea party at the Jefferson Hotel in Richmond, Va. The following alumnae were in attendance: Lauren Wade ’05, Laura Denson ’05, Karen Dennehy Godsey ’05, Krystal Dean Tucker ’05, Laura Brockman Bryan ’05, Lyndsay Welsh Chamblin ’05, Angela Grisby Roberts ’02, Tiffany Williamson Norwood ’02, Hilary Cooper Cook ’05 and Ashley Forehand Oakley ’05. 15 From left: Morgan Harris ’14, Grace Herion ’15, Mehegan Morgan ’15, Caroline Baker ’15 and Kristen Frey ’16 at Sally Old Kitchin’s annual Hampton Roads back-toschool event.


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20 16 Vivian Yamaguchi Cohn ’77 with her husband and sons in Japan on a family trip. 17 Bev Horne Dommerich ’72 with her brother Coco on their summer bike trip in Italy. (Many in our class know Coco well.) 18 Mary Copeland Dellinger ’96 and her fiancé, Martin. 19 Jeff and Ashley Forehand Oakley ’05 welcomed their first daughter, Bradleigh Scott Oakley, on 8/3/12.


20 2002 classmates Monique Moshier, Jen Brown Robinson, Heather Minor Gelormine, Leigh Riddell, Corinne Wieland Zeruto and Shannon Robison. 21 Alumnae from the class of 1977, back row: Janet Williams and Cindy Webb; front row: Kari Anderson Shipley ’76 and husband John, Vera Blake Thiers, Linda Guardabassi Michael, Angela Scully and Paula Brumm Hennessy. 22 The wedding of Samantha Adams ’12, with alumnae from left to right: Caitlin Philips ’11, Petra Weisbrich ’10, Samantha Adams Newburn ’12, Katheryn Coombs ’12 and Megan Moncure ’12



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23 1988 classmates Katie Keogh Weidner, Kathryn Ingham Reese, Kate Cole Hite, Mary Halliday Shaw and Whitney Bolt Lewis.






24 Bridesmaid Nancy Kleinhans Carr ’06, bottom left, and husband Chris Carr with family celebrating at the Sinner/ Kleinhans wedding with bride Megan Sinner Kleinhans ’04 and groom Hugo Kleinhans IV. 25 Megan Owen Thompson’s (’04) son Aiden Michael. 26 Betty Stanley Cates and Allison Stemmons Simon, co-presidents for the Class of 1963. 27 Victoria Bradley Gentry ’12 surrounded by Sweet Briar wedding attendees and friends. 28 1974 classmates had a mini reunion in April in Atlanta at Emory Maxwell’s daughter Christi’s (’03) wedding. Left to right: Liz Thomas Camp, Mary Bush Norwood, Edie McRee Bowles, Jane Hutchison Frierson and Barbara Ashton Nicol at the bridesmaid’s luncheon.


29 1974 classmates at Liz Thomas Camp’s son’s wedding in Mobile, left to right: Nancy Lea Houghton, Sophia Camp, Ellie Plowden Boyd, Barbara Ashton Nicol, Liz Thomas Camp, and Beth Jones Elkins ’75. 30 1996 classmates at an Easter mini reunion.


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Karina Schless is still working at Shire Pharma in HR Ops, riding her quarter horse Angus (now 21 but doing great) and off to Jackson Hole for ranch holiday. In Tenn., Gina Spangler Polley and husband David are doing fine with their carpet business. Gina is starting to show her Jack Russell Terrier in rally obedience classes. She got her therapy dog certification and is taking her dog to schools and nursing homes. Gina and David will take a river cruise in China next Aug. Susan Verbridge Paulson is still the principal at Ranch Creek Elementary School in Colo. Springs, and is awaiting the birth of her first grandchild in Nov. Sue Walton Klaveness retired from The Coca-Cola Company after 25 years! Susan and husband Mike are making travel plans, beginning with N.Y.C. then Ireland. They still enjoy ballroom dancing, Indie movies and their cats OK and Thomas. Mary Woodford has been in Pinehurst, N.C. for 2 years. She works part time and on her golf game. Mary’s 2 stepdaughters continue to impress; one has completed her Ph.D. in history from Yale, the other is working on Ph.D. in public health at Berkeley. Mary and husband Jim were to connect, albeit briefly, with Sally Crickenberger Brady and husband Gordon at their son’s wedding in June. Gail Ann Zarwell Winkler continues her job in sales management for Doncaster in Neenah, Wis., while husband John works for the Small Business Development Center for Wis. Daughter Laura is back from graduate school in Wales and working on her thesis in event management while son William is in his second year of business school at William and Mary. And I, Cissy Humphrey, continue to work in Dallas and occasionally have dinner and fun times with Beth Bates Locke, Tennessee Nielsen and Kay Ellisor Hopkins. Keep sending me your news and notes!


Sally Bonham Mohle 5039 Lewisetta Dr. Glen Allen, VA 23060 SallyBonhamSBC77@aol.com

Reunion was fun! Vivian Yamaguchi Cohn made SBC and our class proud as National Reunion Giving Chair. If you didn’t get an email from me soliciting this news, please send me your email address. Ebet Little Stevens: “Sad to report that my mother (93), who lived just a few miles away in Chapel Hill, died in June. Daughter Liz and her family, including baby Libby who was born in Jan., are still in Houston. Daughter Anne and her husband have moved back to N.C. to Raleigh. Son Rob is off to Madrid for a semester. Reunion was a lot fun.” Barb Bernick Peyronnet: “I enjoyed a fun time at our 35th Reunion. We’re planning a Nov. wedding for Maggie and searching for colleges for Annie!” Linda Guardabassi Michael: “Some of us had our own mini-reunion in Delray, Fla., at Kari Shipley’s (’76) house. In attendance besides Kari and me were Cindy Webb, Angela Scully, Paula Brumm Hennessey, Janet Williams and Vera Blake Thiers. Vera wins the prize for coming all the way from Germany. This spring Doug and I


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picked up our youngest, Krista (21), from her semester abroad in Barcelona. After her program we flew to Milan and traveled between there and Amsterdam. Best of all, we visited Vera’s home in Frankfurt.” Vivian Yamaguchi Cohn: “We took a family trip to Japan to visit son Cliff (23) who is working for Rakuten in Tokyo. Oldest son Clay (25) trades options in L.A. Youngest, twins Charlie and Will (18), are heading to Colo. College and U. of Denver this fall. Stu and I will celebrate our 30th anniversary in Sept.” Dee Hubble Dolan: “I enjoyed seeing everyone who attended our 35th Reunion. I still work in sales and marketing at Brandermill Woods Retirement Community in Midlothian, VA. At home, I still take in rescue animals until a foster home is found.” Debbie Koss McCarthy: “It was great seeing a small but stalwart group of classmates at Reunion. The Augustine Literacy Project continues to thrive and grow. David and I have a new grandbaby: Miles David, born in June, joining sister Anna Grace (3). Alex has met a special girl.” Ellen Sellers McDowell: “We had a great time at Reunion and wished for more classmates to attend. After Reunion our family took a trip to France to celebrate Mary Susan’s graduation from TCU. We stayed with Jill Steenhuis ’80 who gave us an artist’s tour of Provence to see where Cezanne and Van Gogh painted. Then we met my sister Susan Sellers Ewing ’71 in Paris with her daughter Caroline. Emily and Mary Susan are working in Houston, Ginny is working in Dallas and Kate is a junior at Samford in Birmingham, Ala. I enjoyed having lunch with Lochrane Coleman Smith ’76 and Eve Jackson London’ 78 when I was in Birmingham.” Missy Flanigan Clark writes that her daughter and husband made her a grandmother this year thanks to baby Isabelle. Gay Owens Gates: “Bob and I are finally in the same residence again after 3 years. Lily heads to Westfield State U. on 9/2 majoring in special education. Lauren graduated in May and is juggling different theater jobs in Philly. Seeing Lisa Carangelo ’80 soon, can’t wait!” Roxane Clement: “I’m working on the Obama campaign and will be going to the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte next month.” Sarah Bruce Kelly: Last winter, my historical novel, “Vivaldi’s Muse,” won an international literary award. I’m still teaching music and Latin at St. Michael Catholic School as well as courses at Coastal Carolina U. Last Nov. I was invited by the university to lead a student trip to Italy. Frank came and we celebrated our 32nd anniversary. Mary Catherine is married and living in Bethlehem, Pa., and Frankie is in San Diego. Pete and I, Sally Bonham Mohle, took our first overnight trip in 4 years in July. Drove up through New England, flew to Nova Scotia, all to see friends and family and eat lobster…then turned around and came home. I really enjoyed Reunion in May.


Suzanne Stryker Ullrich 820 Waverly Rd. Kennett Square, PA 19348 suzullrich@aol.com


Mary “Robbie” McBride Bingham 2044 Murdstone Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15241 Bingham123521@yahoo.com


Phyllis Watt Wilson

3939 Livingston St. NW Washington, DC 20015 phylliswjordan@hotmail.com

Fran McClung Ferguson 1917 Maylin Dr. Salem, VA 24153 franferguson@comcast.net

We send out requests for notes by email: if you didn’t hear from us, then Sweet Briar doesn’t have your email address. Please send your news to either of us! Felecia Bernstein and John live near the ocean in a small N.J. town. Son Sam (29) lives in Sonoma Valley, Calif. Felecia works as a surgical coder and has launched a nonprofit called Rose’s Fund for Animals (rosesfund.org). Lisa Faulkner O’Hara took daughter Evan to Paris. Next spring, her son Bud will graduate from Boston College and Evan will graduate from h.s. Lisa works in advertising. Karen Black Meredith continues to love being a real estate agent in Santa Fe, N.M.! Catherine Mills Houlahan works 2 parttime jobs in Newport News and Hampton, Va. and is a full-time single mom. She enjoys her jobs as a course administrator and a paralegal at a software company while waiting for one to hire her full time. Her eldest is in college 6 states away. She has one daughter in h.s. and one in middle school. Amy Campbell Lamphere’s son graduated from Nebr. Wesleyan U. Daughter Sarah is at KU. Amy and Jim celebrated 25 years last Nov. She dances, teaches Nia and baby ballet/tap, and writes. “Business-y” trips have given her a chance to see Mary Cowell Sharpe, Eithne Broderick Carlin, Ann Connolly Simpson, Mimi Walch Doe, Ashley Wilson Brook, Beth Blair McKinney, Megan Coffield Lyon and Catherine Flaherty. Eithne Broderick Carlin writes from Cape Cod where she’s building DJ’s Family Sports Pub #2 in Falmouth. Her husband and children (a senior and a junior) love life. Eithne got to visit with Amy Campbell Lamphere, Mary Sharpe and Missy Gentry Witherow. Carolyn Hallahan Salamon enjoys living in Frederick, Md. Her son (13) and daughter (11) are both in middle school. She works in IT in project management. Phyllis Watt Jordan saw Lisa Ward Connors and Kevin, and Flo Rowe Barnick this year. Phyllis works as a communications consultant for nonprofits and foundations to get children to attend school and learn to read by 3rd grade. (Her kids, 8thand 10th-graders, read just fine.) Lisa’s last child left for college this fall. She works for World Education Services in N.Y. Barbara Wesley Bagbey teaches preschool in Richmond. Her daughter is also a teacher and her son is in his second year at Clemson. Her husband is back from Iraq, Italy and Germany.

True Dow-Datilio’s sons have gone to school in Kent, Ohio and Lake Forest, Ill. True has left her job of 12 years for a new career path in the arts. Brooks Cunningham Dykes’ 3 boys are all in college, one at SCAD, one at Tulane and the youngest in school in Colo. Pam Koehler Elmets’ twins have graduated from college and are employed! Her youngest, Caroline, is a h.s. junior. Pam enjoyed a visit with Missy Gentry Witherow this spring. Missy’s eldest daughter, Somer, graduated from h.s. and is a freshman at Skidmore. Both of Fran McClung Ferguson’s children graduated from college in the past year. Robert is an educator at Discovery Place in Charlotte, N.C. Carol graduated from Sweet Briar and is now studying at Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, Va. Jill Steenhuis Ruffato’s book “Art, Soul & Destiny” is available on her website (jillsteenhuis.com) and the SBC Bookshop. She’s still painting and having shows and still with Serge, now a full-time sculptor and lithographer. They had a show in Paris and in Aix in 2011. Jimmy Lee is a h.s. senior, Sergio graduated from SCAD, and Alexander is married to Erin and does marketing for semis-Paris.com. After many years in D.C./Bethesda, Mary Jane Young Thistlethwaite and family moved to rural Ky. Mary Jane is a founder of the Museum of American Music in Helena, Ark., serves on the Advisory Council for the Governor School of Arts, is finalizing 2 screenplays and writing music. Bill (W&L) is a surgeon. They have 2 sons: Taylor (26) works as an American specialist with Case Antique and Auction in Knoxville. Clay (17) is a junior at Glasgow HS. Betsy Thomas Rook’s husband Roger had prostate cancer last year, but has been cancer free since March 2011. He is a retired actor and president of the Southwest Herpetological Society in LA. Son Wiley (18) attends community college in Salt Lake and works as a nursing assistant. Son Kirby (14) is in h.s. and big into sports. Betsy is writing and auditioning, and will be participating in “Monologue,” a show on Pasadena public access TV similar to “America’s Got Talent.” She enjoyed seeing Susan Boline Thompson and Myth Monnich Bayoud in Dallas last year. Laurie Newman Tuchel’s eldest son graduated from Emerson College (Boston) in May and is relocating to LA. Her youngest has entered his final year at the U. of Edinburgh, Scotland. She and Chas have a home in the Bahamas and one in Edinburgh. Sandra Rappaccioli Padilla and husband Max live in Managua where Max is a full-time coffee grower. Their eldest son Max Carlos works in Atlanta. Jorge graduated from SMU and is back working in Managua. Sandra Lucia is studying culinary arts at Johnson and Wales U. in Miami. Violeta just started her freshman year at Villanova. Felipe is a sophomore in h.s. Anne Secor and husband live in the Laurentian Mountains north of Montreal and have opened a store called TECHSPA, which specializes in technology. Anne also started a new full-time job in Jan. as art & design director for a community newspaper called Main Street (themainstreet.org). Her twin girls, Romy and Naia (6), are now first-graders!

‘Art, Soul & Destiny’ Jill Steenhuis ’80 recently published “Art, Soul & Destiny: An Artist’s Journey from America to Provence.” The 162-page book is a culmination of Steenhuis’ 31 years as an American living in Provence.

Diana Tarride Palmer was diagnosed with breast cancer in March. After chemo in Ft. Worth in Oct. she was scheduled to go to MD Anderson in Houston for radiation. Her daughter Anna is a senior in h.s. this year. Francie Root had a fascinating trip to Cuba with Georgia Schley Ritchie in Jan. Francie’s summer was spent recouping from bilateral knee replacement and waiting for the bionics to kick in. Georgia’s son Addison moved to Ohio Wesleyan for his freshman year. Georgia is headed to Marrakesh in Sept. Nancy Bade Fuller and Drew travel to see their daughter Caroline and her husband Tee and baby Tripp in Philadelphia, where Tee goes to business school. Elizabeth works in Houston and Craig, their youngest, is a sophomore at Ga. Lind Robinson Bussey plans to spend a lot of time in Charlottesville, Va., where daughter Jenny Lind lives. They were expecting a baby boy in early Oct. While visiting her daughter this summer, Lind ran into Missy Gentry Witherow and her daughters, Ann Darden Self with her daughter who is a sophomore at UVa, Martha Fruehauf, and Lisa Sturkie Greenberg whose youngest son Christopher is at UVa. Back home in Jackson, Miss., her son John is working with his dad. Her youngest son, Anderson, is a senior at Ole Miss. Liz Swearingen-Edens enjoyed a summer visit to Canada. Her eldest is driving and her “baby” has started h.s. Her design/illustration business continues, as does Liz Paper (lizpaper.com). Toni Santangelo Archibald (Rye, N.Y.) is divorced, happily living in a great apt. at Westchester Country Club, and working at her h.s. alma mater, Holy Child. Her eldest Johnny (25) works in Denver. Her other kids are 23 and 20.

Beth Blair McKinney feels content in Wilson, N.C. Her law practice is going well and Mac is in D.C. working on the Hill. Shannon Thompson Eadon’s son Logan graduated from MICA in June and is looking for a job in graphic design in N.Y. Tucker is a junior at Endicott. Shannon fundraises for the Count Basie Theatre, an arts and education venue. Gordie is an investment banker. They’re coming up on 30 in May. Ann Connolly Simpson traveled this summer in Va. and N.C. with her new beau and celebrated 22 years at The Dragon’s Nest toy store. Hannah (23) is in grad school at Simmons for her M.Ed. Claire Dennison Griffith works with juniors and seniors on SAT and ACT prep through Direct Hits Education and oversees the publishing and sales of 2 vocabulary books. Find her on twitter @directhitsfan. Ted (26) works in Atlanta and Charlie (20) is a sophomore at TCU. Luther is in venture capital. Florence Rowe Barnick is still with the newspaper (associate publisher of the Free-Lance Star). Her twins received associate degrees from Landmark College and are now at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston. George is a sophomore at Stafford HS. Catherine Flaherty has sent her eldest, Killian, to college at Creighton in Omaha. He’s there with his cousin, son of Catherine’s sister-in-law Anne Riordan Flaherty ’78. Catherine’s son Callaghan is a junior at Benilde St. Margaret’s and a starting linebacker on the varsity team. Macartan is a h.s. freshman and plays soccer. Her direct mail business, Money Mailer, is doing well. She mentioned good times with Fannie Zollicoffer Mallonee, Ginny Faris Hoffman and Amy Campbell Lamphere.

Wishing there was room for every word from Ginny Faris Hoffman! Even though, or maybe because we’ve all skidded past 50, Ginny is more grateful than ever for her Sweet Briar sisters. She’s “had as good times with my SBC buds as ever before, maybe even better” with friends, “each a remarkably resilient, smart and funny vixen.” So, who’s ready for Reunion? Lots of us, apparently! 2015 is just around the corner!


Claire McDonnell Purnell 4 Thompson St. Annapolis, MD 21401-3833 cpgd@verizon.net

Facebook page: SBC Class of 1981—We have 44 members! May Carter Barger is taking a weeklong visit to Jill Steenhuis ’80 and oil painting in Aix, France. May writes, “Daughter Josie (17) is a senior. Son Ben (15) is in 9th grade. My husband’s glass fabrication business is picking up.” May’s kids are also learning to drive! Elaine Arozarena splits time between N. Y. and Madrid, Spain. She writes, “I’m on some boards for some nonprofits and very busy trying to get some new ventures going. My husband Carlos (Spanish), retired some years ago, but is very active as a historian, a Chevalier of Malta.” Elaine stays in touch with Wendi Wood, Sandra Rapaccioli ’80 and Wendy Weiler ’71. Mary Kate Ferguson is living in Baltimore and writes that she “got back into horseback riding last spring with Brendy Reiter Hantzes. It took me back to my first experience with riding 31 years ago at Sweet Briar.”

Susan Graham Campbell is living and working in Philadelphia. She writes “I had a great time on a riding trip in Carmona, Spain in early July and then went to my first away horse show (Saugerties, N.Y.) in late July. My daughter Sarah (26) has moved back to the Philadelphia area after almost 7 years in N.Y.C.” Lynn Croft Reeves and husband Jack are still living in Hanover, Va. Lynn says: “I enjoy playing tennis and volunteering at my church. Son Henry (19) began his first year at VMI. Savannah (17) is a senior in h.s. This past May I got to see Naomi Weyand Smith and her daughter Emily.” Deborah Donigan Bullett (Ashburn, Va.): Son Xavier is graduating from Randolph Macon Coll. in Ashland and Jax (Jacquelyne) is a sophomore at SBC. Hope Keating is still living in Tallahassee, Fla. She and her fiancé, G.W. Harrell, are looking forward to their upcoming spring 2013 wedding. For so long I (Claire McDonnell Purnell) have written how things are the same in Annapolis, but now they are different since my older daughter Mary (18) has left for the U. of Del. We’re looking forward to Parents Weekend in Oct. Lizzie (15) is a sophomore. A note to everyone: With each issue of the magazine, I get a new set of email addresses from SBC. I send out the request and still, many of them bounce back to me. However, email seems to be the best way to reach you. PLEASE contact SBC and give them your correct email address. Thanks and take care.


Jennifer Rae

1013 Debeck Drive Rockville, MD 20851 sbcclass1982@gmail.com

sbc.edu | Sweet Briar Magazine


Mary LaVigne’s daughters, Eugenia and Henley, will be together in h.s. Eugenia is preparing for the college process. Henley will be a freshman. She and her daughters all ride together. They played polo cross at camp, and Eugenia has been invited to ride in Nationals! Mary went to a 2-day intensive seminar at Joel Salatin’s Polyface Farm.” Cathy Miller and husband had a trip to Russia in May. They took a cruise from St. Petersburg to Moscow. After a summer family trip to Blowing Rock, N.C., they’ll take the girls off to their colleges, Ferrum and Randolph-Macon. Mary Ames Booker is still enjoying work as the curator on the Battleship NORTH CAROLINA in Wilmington. In her Episcopal church she assists with stewardship, finance and the annual fundraiser. Her aunt Suzanne VanHorne ’47 and uncle still live in Columbus, Ohio. Heather Pirnie Albert is getting settled in Fate, Texas. She took a job as a district manager for Ace Cash, a financial services company, and runs a district in east Dallas. Michael is looking for a teaching job. Her oldest, Rebecca, is getting married in Nov. Heather’s youngest, Samantha, graduated in May from the U. of the South, and is a business analyst for Mercer Capital in Memphis. Monika Keiser Neheim shares Alexa graduated from the U. of Miami, Frost School of Music with a double major in musical theatre and English literature, as well as a minor in music business. Julius will start his senior year in h.s. this Aug. She and Julius visited her family in Germany for 2 weeks in June. Richard is still with Pepsico International. They’ll celebrate their 25th in Jan. She’s still volunteering at school with the PTSO, the school calendar committee and the drama dept. Heidi Willard was in a life-threatening horse riding accident in July out in Mont. She has a broken back and her shattered left leg. She’s so glad that she saw everyone at Reunion and sends her love and an open hand for those reunion donations! Chip McPheeters was sorry to miss Reunion, but she went to the riding reunion in April with her daughter. Her son James and his wife had their first child, Mary Elizabeth McPheeters, on 1/27/12. Daughter Heather Ann McPheeters ’10 became engaged this July. They’re busy planning her wedding for 5/18/13! Francie Belliveau’s son Ned (20) is in his third year at Hampden-Sydney. Michael (18) is getting ready for college next year. Anna (16) may be an alumna one day! Scott is still at VMI writing, teaching and occasionally acting! She still loves teaching 3-year-olds! Ethel Burwell Dowling and her family love living in Lexington, Va. She sees classmates Anne Edmunds Hansen and Francie Mantho Belliveau. Over the summer Molly Johnson gave the Dowlings a tour of Chicago, including a tour of Molly’s favorite tire store. Martha Cordell will be an empty-nester in 2 weeks with a son at Tulane and a daughter at TCU. She continues to serve as dean of students at The U. of Tulsa Coll. of Law, plays bridge, belongs to a book club and continues to run and play tennis. In their free time, David and she like to spend time at their condominium on the Gulf Coast. Early this summer, she met her dear friend Althea Hurt Randolph ’80 in N.Y.C.


sbc.edu | Sweet Briar Magazine

Anne Pridgeon Bortz is married and living in Brentwood, Tenn. She’s the founder and CEO of Franklin Card Company, a new photographic e-card website. In 2010, she climbed to Mount Everest Base Camp for her 50th birthday. She enjoys staying in touch with Jennifer Rae and Heidi Willard. Rosemary Hardy works as a behavior/ autism specialist in the Shawnee Mission School district—been with them now for 23 years. She vacationed in Mass. with her brother and his family. In all, she now has 15 nieces and nephews ranging in age from 30 to a newborn—loves being the doting aunt. Jean Bryan is back from their family reunion and has 2 children in college! Jean had a blast at Reunion. Peter and she celebrated 24 years of marriage. Marie Engel Earnhart shares that Mary Whitney is a junior at SBC. She’s doing a semester abroad in Panama City, Panama. Son Chandler starts college this fall. Angela V. Averett has been living the dream, retired in Jaco Beach, Costa Rica this past year. Son Daniel (25) lives and works in Brest, France; daughter Claire (23) lives in Brooklyn and works at Time, Inc. in Manhattan; daughter Catherine (22) lives and works at an Equestrian SurgiCenter in Tampa, Fla. Beth Reed retired from teaching in 2011. A number of years ago she began showing Cavalier King Charles Spaniels. Besides showing in AKC, she trains for obedience and therapy. Daughter Kate (Vanderbilt) is now an area coordinator for housing and residential education on the Peabody Campus at Vanderbilt just 3 hours away. Son Matthew, after graduating from the U. of the South (Sewanee ’10), works in Birmingham. Kate hopes that even more of the class will be able to attend our reunion in 2017, and as our current class president, she welcomes all communication any one would like to share. Jennifer Rae was thrilled to be at a class reunion. She has been busy with rebranding of her public relations consulting LLC. She enjoys conversations with Anne Bortz and reconnecting with all of our classmates as class secretary. She reached out with some phone calls and thanks those for talking. She sends a big thank you to all of our classmates connecting on LinkedIn and Facebook. Want to extend a big thank you to our past class board 2007-2012! Well done, you all! Her hubby, Luigi, enjoyed being with a handful of our class at Molly Grenn’s.


Cary Cathcart Fagan 329 Kelford Ln. Charlotte, NC 28270 cary1983@bellsouth.net

As I’m writing these notes my beautiful city of Charlotte is being frenzied with the Democratic National Convention. It has brought back a great memory of when Nancy Trimble Howell ’82 and I were 2 of the 8 delegates from ZBT representing N.M. at the W&L Mock Convention in May 1980. We built a float, rode in the parade and were on the floor when we nominated Ronald Reagan. He called and thanked all of us over the loudspeaker! More recently, my stepson Christopher Fagan II finished his tour of duty in the Air Force, has graduated from college as a medical assistant and continues living in San Antonio, Texas.

Thanks for the great responses. Chris and I can’t wait to see everyone at Reunion! Alice Cutting Laimbeer and Rick still foxhunt. They have 2 Welsh pony broodmares in foal. Rick and Alice are traveling to Italy to pick up Margot when she finishes her semester in Florence. Alice hopes to get together with Wylie Jamison Small, Lucy Chapman Millar and Anne Little Woolley for sporting clays in the fall. Alice will see everyone in May! Alicia Nygaard Formagus and Nace were proud to present Mr. and Mrs. Lee William McNutt IV on 7/28/12 in Knoxville, Tenn. The couple lives 2 miles from Alicia and Nace while son William returns to law school and new daughter-in-law Michelle begins teaching 3rd grade at a nearby school. Thankfully, younger son Thomas was out of the area during the Texas A&M shooting, 100 yards from his home. Alicia continues her work as a business consultant working primarily with First Responders. Leslie Malone Berger is a speechlanguage pathologist for Roanoke County Public Schools. Leslie’s son Alex is a junior at Washington and Lee. Kiernan started his freshman year at High Point U. Emilie is a sophomore in h.s. Leslie looks forward to Reunion! Amy Boyce Osaki is celebrating being self-employed since 1996. Their travel business is thriving and has 2 websites: mountainhikingholidays.com for mountain hiking trips and walkingsoftly.com for walking trips with a focus on art/history/architecture. Amy has been married 26 years and has a daughter (12) in 7th grade this year. She saw Desiree Bouchat last year. Amy is considering attending Reunion. Amy Painter Hur is divorced and still living in Austin. Her daughter attends U. of Texas, Austin. Her oldest daughter is a senior at the U. of Ala. Amy is attending Reunion! Angelia Goodwin Ashley lives in Richmond, Va. and still works in bio-tech sales. Jimmy and Angelia went to the Olympics in London! Angelia is riding again at a farm next to Kathy Barrett Baker and her husband Jim and sees them often. Ann Sterling Hart has been working hard running dressage horse shows and dodging Hurricane Isaac. Ann began Mixed Martial Arts classes 2 years ago. Youngest daughter Ali is a senior at U. of Fla. and applying to vet schools. Her oldest, Steph, is in Vail, Colo. Anne Little Woolley has a senior at Elon U., a freshman at U of Ga. and a sophomore in h.s. Anne has seen some SBCers over the year—Melissa Byrne Partington and Elizabeth Taylor Seifert. Anne is still in Richmond, Va. Bobbie Serrano Black’s 2 oldest girls are at Sewanee. Her oldest, Lizzie, is a senior and her middle daughter, Anna, is a junior. Bobbie’s youngest, Gracie, is a h.s. senior. Bobbie has enjoyed seeing Sally Davis Daniels ’82, Ellen Claire Gillespie Dreyer and Lilli Gillespie Billings ’84, all with kids at Sewanee. Bobbie and Paul celebrated their 27th wedding anniversary last summer! Carolyn Hall Ringhoffer is a practicing OB GYN in Mobile, Ala. She and husband Joe have 2 daughters, Alexandra (13) and Ava (18). Alex is a freshman at SMU. Joe is an investment broker in Mobile. Deirdre Platt (Pto Lopez, coastal Ecuador) spent most of last year concentrating on

her physical health and well-being. After defying her doctor’s advice to have radical surgery, she regained her wellness thanks to her wildlife garden, daily yoga, a session of reiki and E-lyber treatments and consuming only the most wholesome foods. She and her husband gave up their government jobs in 11/11 and are now awaiting positive outcomes regarding a couple of proposals for either ecological fieldwork or a conservation awareness campaign. She misses daughters Tanya Salas Platt ’10 (23) and May (16), both excellent students: one is at CalArts, the other is in her last year of h.s. in Quito. Deirdre writes son Martin (8) isn’t keen on school and prefers cooking! Diana Duffy Waterman had just returned from Tampa, Fla., where she had been a Md. delegate at the Republican National Convention. Her daughter Caty Waterman ’11 flew in from London (where she had just finished her master’s at the London School of Economics) to come along. After the convention, Diana was heavily involved in the Republican politics in Md.: Eastern Shore of Md. coordinator for the Romney campaign, the county coordinator for her congressman’s re-election campaign, chairman of her County Republican Central Committee, and up to her eyeballs in Republican state party activities! Last summer Diana and her husband visited Caty in London. They’re also excited that their son and daughter-in-law live so close because they can see their grandson Liam (16 mos.) often. Elena Quevedo has been dating a wonderful man, Kevin, for the past 2 years. They have had adventures in Nova Scotia, Hungary, Poland, El Salvador and last July to Turkey! Elena and Kevin both have 2 children the same ages. Elena’s daughter, Olivia, left the coop to attend Bates College in Lewiston, Maine. Son Sebastian (16) is doing beautifully in his school, in spite of his disability. Last year he was invited to participate year-round, once a month, in a mentoring leadership program at the camp he attends in the summer in upstate N.Y. While at the camp he learned to mentor other children with autism. Elena still fundraises and manages the major gifts program for The MacDowell Colony’s N.Y.C. office. She looks forward to seeing everyone 30 years later! Ellen Claire Gillespie Dreyer’s daughter Gilly is a junior at Sewanee and is studying this fall in Madrid. Daughter Sissy is a freshman at SMU. Son Stone is a sophomore in h.s. Gigi Harsh Mossburg was thinking about Sally Ride, the first woman astronaut in space because she passed away in 7/12. Sally Ride was a guest lecturer at SBC in 1983. Gigi was impressed meeting her and thinking how great it was to be a student at SBC. Kathy Barrett Baker and Jim vacationed in Bermuda last year for a belated birthday present. Kathy keeps busy with her 4 stepgrandchildren. Her nephew (16) visited them from Miami for a month last summer. Kathy’s step-granddaughter Ashley (12) is quite a dancer and artist. Please send prom, wedding, graduation, and any other life event photos to Kathy for our class scrapbook (with this being a reunion year we really want to fill it up!) Send to sabotschool@hughes.net , through FB or snail mail. Last summer, Kim Howell Franklin and husband shared a week in Paris with their

daughter Isabelle “Izzy.” Izzy is in 10th grade at St. Stephen’s & St. Agnes School in Alexandria, Va. Kim had a fabulous Reunion Weekend last May in Chicago with Melissa Pruyn Vaughan, Dani Depaul Morganthaler ’85 and Ellen Howard Attar. Kim is still working in the Relocation & Immigration Team at Booz Allen Hamilton in the D.C. area and her husband continues his career as a preservation architect on Capital Hill. Kim plans to attend Reunion. Libby Glenn Fisher and husband Charlie’s son Wil is in his junior year at Pepperdine; daughter Mary Kathryn is a freshman at UVa. Charlie retired from P&G last June and has started a consulting business that doesn’t tie them down to a city, so they have bought a house in Santa Rosa Beach, Fla.! Libby plans to attend Reunion. Lucy Chapman Millar dropped off her son Schuyler at SMU last summer. He joined the freshman class along with Ellen Claire’s daughter Sissy. Daughter Peyton will graduate from UGA in Dec. Lucy sells Etcetera women’s clothing and is in charge of her local agency. Elizabeth Sprague O’Meara sells with her. Lucy plays lots of tennis, shoots sporting clays and goes to tournaments. She is co-chairing a big 3-day sporting clays charity event in the spring that will benefit local Atlanta children’s charities! Lucy will attend Reunion. M. Churchill Bird McMurrain is living in Vail, Colo. She dropped off the first of her 4 children at college last summer, SBC that is! Churchill has lived in Vail for 7 years. She caught up with Tish Littleton Byrne Eliades. Mandy Beauchemin’s son Zachary (Zack, 18) is now a 4/C Cadet at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn.! Mandy was promoted to practice administrator and manages about 45 employees. Mandy is looking forward to Reunion and hopes to attend. Mary Ware Gibson still teaches 3rd grade at the Charlotte Latin School and writes they have several alumnae there! Husband Brian continues his ENT practice in Charlotte. Taylor (24) is an EMT with Medic and part-time student at UNCC; Andrew (21) is a senior at Appalachian State U.; and Claire (19) is in the Textile School at N.C. State. Mary enjoyed the girls’ weekend with Mason Bennett Rummel, Lea Sparks Bennett and Kathy Barrett Baker. Mary and Brian are attending the 30th. Mason Bennett Rummel is almost finished with her master’s degree in philanthropic studies. Oldest son, Bennett, lives in N.Y.C. Daughters, Annie and Emma, are at U. of L. Mason expanded on the girls’ weekend getaway in W.Va. Mason, Mary, Lea and Kathy stayed in a cabin and lost power for the entire weekend the thunderstorms came through. She and Rick are planning to visit Costa Rica. Mason will attend Reunion. Mimi Kitchel DeCamp’s younger son will graduate from h.s. the weekend of Reunion, so she won’t be attending. Her older son will be graduating from college. Mimi is still in Nashville, still selling residential real estate. Miriam Baker Morris oldest son, Claiborne, started working in Birmingham at an accounting firm. Daughter, Sally, is a senior at College of Charleston. Pamela Weekes spent most of last spring traveling between N.Y.C. and Williamsburg, Va., where her parents retired to from

N.Y. Pam’s mother is struggling with Parkinson’s. Back in N.Y. Pam has 3 stores open full time, running between N.Y.C. and the Hamptons. Pam is still loving the peace that practicing yoga brings her. Ruth Lewin met family at the Vineyard, where she calls home, for a reunion. It’s been 7 years since they’ve been there. Sarah Sutton Brophy attended the riding reunion with Sarah Babcock. Son #1 is finishing up an aerospace engineering degree at Drexel and son #2 started at Paul Smiths in natural resource management. Sarah’s environmental sustainability consulting to museums is full time, and she is co-leading the national summit on green standards for museums. Sharon Patton Massie and husband Sammy are still with Massie Insurance Agency Inc. on Main St. in Amherst. They’re no longer on the farm but have moved further up the mountain. Sharon is still working, healthy, and happy to no longer be farming. Susan Hughes Huffman has received her master’s in school library media from Longwood U. and has moved from the classroom to be the librarian at Tye River Elementary School. She and Roger are busy with their picture framing and custom furniture/cabinet business. Tracy Gatewood is putting her real estate license to good use. Please send Tracy every single referral from your friends sending their kids to the U. of Ala. tracygatewood@mindspring.com Wendy Chapin Albert is doing well in Ruxton, Md. Daughter Annie is spending fall semester in Perugia, Italy! Daughter Eleanor is a junior at St. Paul’s School for Girls. Both girls ride and show. Wendy is trail riding with their large pony Boysenberry. Tolly is a stockbroker at Chapin Davis, plays golf and trains race horses! Wendy sells residential real estate, loves gardening and riding. She is taking an oil painting class. Wylie Jameson Small’s son Rudy (18) started his freshman year at Hobart & William Smith College. Wylie and Stuart are thinking of getting another Jack Russell to add to their brood of Peyton (5) and Maris (15). In May, Wylie will be taking on the presidency of a Rochester club that her grandmother founded in 1923! She can’t wait for Reunion in May! Wynn Henderson, Atlanta, is working at her mom’s jewelry store and is the assistant to children’s ministries at her church. Wynn has 2 children, Adelaide (18) and Jack (16). She also has an exchange student from Germany, Florian. Adelaide spent last year (as a junior) in Germany and was awarded a scholarship from the State Dept. Jack and Wynn loved being able to visit her overseas. When Adelaide returned, the family went to St. Martin. Wynn has exchanged emails with Tracy Gatewood, Joan McGettigan, Kim Howell Franklin, Ellen Howard Attar, Lizzie Pierpoint Kerrison, Penney Hartline ’84, Bobbie Serrano Black, Dani DePaul Morganthaler ’85 and Nancy Cunningham Mauck trying to arrange a reunion but has yet to be successful, but will keep trying! I have an idea Wynn, why don’t all of you from ’83 plan on coming to the 30th in May? Tracy G. has great idea of organizing an Amtrak trip for all the girls on the southern train route to take the trip to SBC together and arrange a shuttle from the Amherst Station. Sounds like a blast!


Debbie Hodgkinson Jones 4416 Bromley Ln. Richmond, VA 23221-1140 elliesam@aol.com

Debbie Jones: Staying connected with Ginger Reynolds Davis ’84 with fun trips. Still riding my horses, working in mortgage banking and helping my sister with her Square One Organic Spirits biz. Juliet Jacobsen Kastorff: Running whitewater trips internationally during the winter along with a business in N.C., and this year our new RioQuijos Eco-Lodge opened up in Ecuador. Ginger Reynolds Davis: Jeffery has graduated. He now drives heavy equipment. Carter has just begun his junior year at Presbyterian Coll. Can’t wait to see y’all at Reunion. Vida Henry Fonseca: I’m back in the Nashville area to be around family and care for my dad and looking for a job. Shannon Young Ray: The triplets (Megan, Taylor and Carson) are seniors this year so we’re busy with all that entails x3! Our “middle child” Peter is a junior at Texas A & M, business school. Our oldest, Breck Jr., graduated 2 years ago from St. Louis U. and has now returned to Fort Worth as a private banker. He’s engaged to be married June 2013—right after the triplets graduate and before we take them to their 3 separate colleges. Sloane Yeadon Mills: Mary Pate (21) is at King’s College in London for JYA. She’s majoring in art history with pre-med focus. Daisy is a senior at Wesleyan and editorin-chief of the school paper. Jack is in 7th grade at Wesleyan. Sloane is going on 23 years with FDIC.


Ellen Reed Carver 1315 Bolling Ave. Norfolk, VA 23508 ellenreed8@yahoo.com


April Adelson Marshall 7809 Coddle Harbor Ln. Potomac, MD 20854-3253 adm1127@yahoo.com

Leigh Ann White

165 Gray St., Apt 2 Arlington, MA 02476 leighann.white@gmail.com Holly McGovern Barber was working on the 2012 Republican National Convention since March 2011. Holly and Ralph have sent their oldest, Chas (18), to Ole Miss this summer. Caroline (17) is in her junior year in an International Baccalaureate program, and Will (7) is starting first grade. Holly had a reunion this spring with Ashley Simmons Bright, Meme Boulware Hobbs and Linda Cudd Miller in New Orleans, where Ashley’s daughter Ella was named the Queen of Mardi Gras. Holly will have a fall reunion with Linda Cudd Miller and Ann Irby Smithey. From Hermosa Beach Calif., Shelby Burns writes in to say she’s working, doing some freelance web-writing and taking care of her 3 boys Jack (12), Calvin (10) and Sam (7). Sadly, Shelby’s father died last year.

Harriette Cooper Liederbach has a new career teaching 8th-grade science at the school her children attend. Harriette’s oldest is a sophomore at N.C. State U.; her second is a freshman at Appalachian State U. Their youngest is in 8th grade. Burke Morrow is still teaching h.s. earth science and chemistry. She had a blast seeing everyone at Reunion. Beth Ann Trapold Newton reports that son Gus (19) received his Eagle Scout award last year and is a freshman at Christopher Newport U. in their Presidential Leadership Program. Her daughter Bonnie (17) went to the summer Explore Engineering course at Sweet Briar—loved it! Annie (10) is in 5th grade. Beth Ann is in her third year as the executive editor at The Social List of Washington (aka: The Green Book). Mary Jo Biscardi Brown and Frank still reside in the Philadelphia area. They visited Portland, Ore., for the first time in June, followed by a relaxing week in Cancun. Mary Jo serves on the Boxwood Circle Giving Committee. Thank you for your gifts to the College! Michelle Miller Haddad and Sam celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary in March, followed by the marriage of their oldest daughter, making Michelle and Sam in-laws! Michelle is nostalgic about her study abroad in Spain as her middle daughter prepares to take off for a year in Madrid. Elizabeth Lindsay is doing contract copyediting for the United Methodist Publishing House again. She still takes figure skating and ballet lessons and continues to drive Elsinore Basset-Hound to her monthly “job” at a hospice. Mimi Holland Dinsmore is still living in Charleston, W.Va. She and Tyler celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. Son Mac is a freshman at Dickinson Coll. in Carlisle, Pa. Ingrid Weirick Squires is still teaching 2nd grade in Virginia Beach, Va., married to Dave and mom to Thomas, in 6th grade. Thomas went to Australia for 2 weeks this summer without his parents. He plays lacrosse in Williamsburg every spring so Ingrid visited with Sue Finn Adams and Mike who came out for Thomas’ game. Missy Duggins Green’s son Miles is in 8th grade; Nancy is in 7th. Ken celebrated his 50th birthday in March and they continued celebrating it for several months after by visiting Las Vegas in May and then Cabo san Lucas in July. She catches up with nearby Jennifer Frost Holden. Katie Hearn and Karen Gonya Nickles will join Jennifer and Missy for the Chiefs versus Ravens in Oct. McKenzie Reed van Meel has 2 middle schoolers: Mercer in 6th grade and Madison in 8th. McKenzie is a soccer and field hockey mom. While the kids are in school, she tends to her growing homebased reiki practice in Old Greenwich, Conn. Colleen Handte Jones lives in Charlotte, N.C. with husband Jonathan and daughter Emma (8), who is in 3rd grade at St. Patrick Catholic School. Colleen enjoys working part time at Emma’s school as a teacher assistant for 3 different grades. They had a fun summer visiting D.C., Tenn. and Hilton Head, S.C. Meme Boulware Hobbs spent a great extended weekend in New Orleans last Feb. with Holly McGovern Barber and husband Ralph. They were guests of Ashley

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Poetry Her Way Sweet Briar last reported on 2010 graduate Carina Finn when she was nominated for a 2012 Pushcart Prize. Now her first book of poetry, “My Life Is a Movie,” has sold out of its first run and gone into additional printings since its release in June. “That’s not just remarkable for a small [publisher] like Birds of Lace,” says poet John Casteen, Finn’s teacher and mentor at Sweet Briar. “It’s unheard of for first books of poetry. ... In the poetry world, this is a home run.” He oversaw Finn’s honors thesis, which included “I Heart Marlon Brando,” the poem cycle that eventually earned her the Pushcart nomination. “She’s a spectacular writer with a raw, gritty, ferocious talent, and it comes as no surprise to me … that she has found such profound and early success,” Casteen says. Except given Finn’s non-traditional approach to publishing her work. “I’d never want something in a magazine, however ‘prestigious,’ if I don’t respect the writing or the way they operate, and I only submit manuscripts to presses I actively read,” she says. Hers is not the quickest route to a tenure-track teaching position, something she thinks she’ll want one day. In May, she completed a Master of Fine Arts at the University of Notre Dame, then immediately returned to New York City after spending last summer there on a Nicholas Sparks Fellowship and working for a big publishing house. She snubbed subsequent 9-to-5 jobs to immerse herself in the city’s bountiful poetry scene, freelance, bartend, and make art through poetry and playwriting, music and film. She’s involved in The Poetry Society of New York, runs the interdisciplinary performance series Bratty Poets and occasionally blogs at ladyblogblah. It’s all research for that “steady-ish” teaching gig down the road. “I’ve had more amazing teachers than any one person could hope for, and I’m going to pass on all the knowledge and energy that has been given to me,” she says. “I feel like it’s important, though, for students to get a perspective from way outside of academia, to have teachers who can show them many ways of making the same thing.”


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Simmons Bright and Edgar whose daughter, Ella, was the Queen of Carnival. As for Meme’s children, Libby (18) is a freshman at Texas Christian U. in Ft. Worth Texas and Whit (16) is a junior at Woodberry Forest School in Orange, Va. Sarel Cousins has her master’s in natural resources from Virginia Tech. She’s looking for a job in the environmental field with the government or a nonprofit in the Baltimore-D.C. area. Catherine Stevens works as an analyst at the Southern Virginia Higher Education Center (South Boston, Va.). She completed a graduate certificate program in higher education assessment through JMU. Son Henry started 7th grade and plays on 2 soccer teams, plays baritone saxophone, takes voice lessons and serves as patrol leader for his Boy Scout troop. Linda Thoma Parson retired from teaching math, and Bill retired from project management at the Nevada Test Site. Linda had a transatlantic vacation to Italy with Jean Notestein and Bea Fore. Linda and Bill are enjoying their horses, gardening and traveling. Gail Glifort completed a 3-year adoption process and brought Emerie (4) home with her from Russia. Emerie is a sweet, animated, affectionate little girl. Mary Beth Miller Orson is still living in Scottsdale, Ariz. with her husband Carl and children Caroline (13) and Eric (9). She is still VP and associate general counsel in charge of the business law function at Apollo Group, Inc., still active in the Ariz. Alumnae Club, and still busy with work, family, friends, travel, school and various sports and activities! Eve Hill was married 2 years ago to Henry Claypool, a disability health policy expert. Eve was appointed senior counselor to the assistant attorney general for civil rights at the Dept. of Justice where she supervises the Civil Rights Division’s disability rights work. Eve and Henry live in Arlington, Va. with Eve’s cat (20) and dog (14). Laura Hand Glover says it feels incredible to be back at home in Okla. She loves her new job, being close to her mother and daughter again and gardening in good Okla. dirt. Her son’s concert and jazz band contributed to his h.s. being the first to win the sweepstakes in every band category at a state contest. From Boston, Leigh Ann White and Brian and their 2 cats have moved into a home in Arlington, Mass., 2 1/2 blocks down on the same street. Her job as a health economist at Biogen Idec has been by far her favorite; it’s both rewarding and challenging to work toward the hopeful success of a new drug for ALS. April Adelson Marshall is now a Virginian, still single, and an official empty nester! April needed a change, said goodbye to Potomac, Md., and moved to Tysons Corner, Va., where she is renting an apt. in Heidi Belofsky Turk’s (’85) home. April is recruiting for the IT industry. Evie Newell Angevine is living in Earlysville, outside of Charlottesville, with her husband, son (10) and daughter (12). She’s involved in her children’s schools and works part time in property management. Evie reports that a poetry professor at SBC helped her organize an overnight trip at the Outing Cabin with her Girl Scout troop 2 years ago—it was great! Terry Cerrina Davis, an at-home mom, is busy running around with daughter Lindsay Claire (11). This summer they

went to Disney World with Lindsay’s dance school. Also this year, Terry begins a 2-year term as co-president of her school’s PTO and looks forward to continuing as leader of the girls in the Girl Scout Troop. Dayna Avery Hulme is still a carpool mom with 9th-grade daughter, Alexandra, who is at Harpeth Hall School. Older daughter Courtney is a sophomore at TCU in Ft. Worth. More recent alumnae and current students from Nashville gathered for a Back-to-School event at a local frozen yogurt favorite, Sweet CeCe’s. Among the group including some parents (and me) were Allison Stansberry ’11, Noelle Adams ’13, Lydia Ethridge ’15, Tobi Adegore ’16, Elizabeth Lindsey and Jonna Lee Ashwood ’87. Liz Maraffi Michaud is still enjoying, after 18 years, her job at PC Connection and her current position as operations manager. Her 2 daughters are both in middle school this year. Liz will be leading their Girl Scout Troop again this year. Robyn “Bynnie” Bailey-Orchard is busy teaching 8th-grade English, directing plays, coaching forensics, advising the school newspaper and cheering for son Jem (17) at soccer games. Her older son Tatt (20) is pursuing a culinary career. BTW: Her 1986 yearbook was damaged beyond saving; does anyone have a suggestion about how she can get another copy, if at all? Louanne Woody teaches at the Dare County Alternative School, Outer Banks, N.C. She’ll be coordinating and teaching in a program that will give suspended h.s. students a second chance at improving their behavior and academic performance. On the family front, her daughter-in-law is expecting twin girls! Sally Engleby Farrell still lives in Bedford, N.Y. Her oldest son finished his first year of college in Durango, Colo. He is an EMT and very involved in the local volunteer fire dept. Sally’s twin boys will be starting h.s. this fall. Husband Chris works for Verizon. Sally finished her first year as director of St. Mark’s Nursery School in New Canaan, Conn. She is the interim director of children’s ministries at St. Mark’s Church. Sally is earning her M.A. of Christian formation at Virginia Theological Seminary.


Lee Carroll Roebuck 11423 Mays Chapel Road Lutherville, MD 21093 leeroebuck12@gmail.com

Pamela Miscall Cusick 1328 Rayville Road Parkton, MD 21120 pjcusick1@msn.com

Holla Holla to our very own Teresa Pike Tomlinson, recipient of Sweet Briar’s Distinguished Alumna Award for 2011. Along with a host of other accomplishments, Teresa was elected the first female mayor of Columbus, Ga. in 11/10. Teresa writes, “My husband Trip and I had an incredible time at our 25th reunion. It was wonderful to see Verda Andrews Colvin, Vikki Schroeder and others in Columbus, Ga., this summer for the Distinguished Alumna Award. Trip is still practicing law and I’m headed into my 20th month as mayor. Heading to Sweet Briar in fall to speak to a few classes on government and leadership.”

Shannon Wood Bush writes from Texas, “We finished building our house and the kids are at boarding school! Eleanor will be a junior at Cranbrook in Mich. and Bennett is in 8th grade, starting the boarding school search. I’m sailing competitively about once a month. Sorry to miss Reunion, but I was back for the annual alumnae Old Lady Lacrosse Game in April.” Mary Hunter Adams and Jim have one son, Hunter (13), and have lived in Barboursville, W.Va. for 12 years. Mary is a family nurse practitioner for a nonprofit. Louise Gilliam Williams was married in Charlottesville on 6/9/12 to Jim Williams. Kem McCoid Roth ’88 and Brooke Rinehart Dunn ’88 attended. Mary Yorke Robison Oates is still coaching 8th-grade field hockey at Charlotte Latin. “Taking my oldest son to BirminghamSouthern Coll. this fall; he’ll be playing lacrosse.” Carol Sue Jones Smith lives in Kathmandu, Nepal, with her husband Will and 4 children (2 in h.s. and 2 in primary). “We love living in this crazy country! I’m involved with a group of women seeking to battle sex trafficking throughout the sub continent.” Angela Callis Ellis got her M.Ed., teaches full time and lives in the northern neck of Va. She married Mike Ellis (VMI ’86) and has 2 children, Quinn, a third-year at VMI this year, and Mary Katherine, in the 8th grade. Sydney Marthinson Coffin lives in Charlotte, N.C. with Charlie and 3 kids, Detlow (12), Hugh (10) and Kit (8). “I have a small stationery business and keep up with Dede Connors King in Spartanburg, S.C. and run into Mary Yorke Oates. I touch base with Ellen Carver ’85. Every summer, Catty Hubbard Andry ’85 and I spend a girls’ week at her family’s cabin near Mount Mitchell, N.C.” Anne Farrell has been busy practicing veterinary medicine in Antioch, Ill., for almost 20 years. “Occasionally, I’ll get to some of the Chicago SBC events.” Melanie Nelson Gibbons is senior director of marketing at CoStar Group in Washington, D.C. She gets together with Christina Knowles for beach time. Caroline Trask Wallace writes, “I work for Brownell Travel and book high end trips worldwide— carolinetravelstheworld.com. Our oldest daughter Lizzie is a senior at St. Catherine’s in Richmond, Va., and our youngest daughter Anna is in 9th grade. I keep in touch with Blair Beebe Smith, Liz Wilson Parrish, Amy Watkins Tankard, Cameron Clark Sipe, Ansley Merritt Conner and Carol Goodman Doty.” Paige Taylor Hall lives in Mount Pleasant, S.C., with her husband and 2 children, Taylor (8) and Breeden (6). “We went to Jupiter, Fla. for a year or so, but are pleased to be back in the Charleston area. Evan Wright Castelo and I met in D.C. this summer with our families and had fun touring Mount Vernon and the International Spy Museum.” Angelyn Schmid writes, “I’m a stay-athome mom. My daughter (12) and son (9) both play sports and piano. My husband John weathered the telecom meltdown, landing a great job he enjoys at Eaton Corp. I’ve got a blog: angelynschmid.com.” Amy Watkins Tankard lives on a farm in the eastern shore of Va. on the

Chesapeake Bay with husband Ed and 2 daughters. “I have spoken with Paul Cronin numerous times this year about some foxhunting advice in the Va. area. He reminds me of all the support I have received over the years through my Sweet Briar contacts.” Beth Nelson Suhr has lived in Denmark since 1990. “It was through a Sweet Briar friend (Marianne Jensen ’88) that I ended up here. My husband Johannes and I have 2 kids: Caroline (13) and Johannes (11). I enjoyed our 25th—looking forward to next reunion.” Deborah Brennan Leslie moved to Perth, Australia, for her husband’s job. “With the kids beginning an age of independence, it has allowed me to reevaluate my life.” Paige Franson is in Falmouth, Mass., on Cape Cod working for MEDITECH in the Fall River, Mass., building. “I have been there for 25 years as of 6/12, programming software. I play softball, take figure skating lessons and play ice hockey. In the spring, I coach youth lacrosse. I visited Elizabeth Lindsey ’86 in Nashville in 2011.” Blair Beebe Smith, her husband and 3 children have been in Richmond since 1990. “Sarah attends Denison U. and is spending her junior year in Prague. Peyton is a freshman at William and Mary, and Harvard (15) is the last one at home. I keep up with Cameron Clark Sipe, Caroline Trask Wallace, Liz Wilson Parrish and Mary Via Cuoco.” Cameron Clark Sipe is still in Charlottesville. Charles is a freshman at Hobart Coll. in N.Y. where he will play lacrosse. Clark (16) and Ann Carter (11) are still home. Verda Andrews Colvin writes from Macon, Ga.: “I’m assistant U.S. attorney for the Middle District of Ga. serving as anti-gang coordinator and POC human trafficking. My son is a senior in h.s. and my daughter a 4th-grader. I went to the ceremony honoring Teresa Pike Tomlinson as SBC Distinguished Alumna. I’m so proud of my classmate and road trip buddy.” Kim Houtman lives in San Francisco and works at PG&E as a compensation manager. “My domestic partner, John, and I are happily child-free. We enjoy frequent travel. I keep in touch with Robyn Bailey Orchard ’86.” Sam Lewis Guergai just joined Fairfax County Public Schools teaching Spanish at McLean HS. Ellen Tozzer Smith just helped oldest daughter, Gingy, move into her dorm at Agnes Scott in Ga. Mamie is a junior in h.s. and Asa is a freshman. Ellen and Powell (W&L ’87) will celebrate their 25th anniversary in Sept. Ellen was glad to visit Stacy Lee Pae at her art studio in Calif. last spring. “We miss the Blue Ridge Mountains and our college friends and would love to hear from you: Lnbts@yahoo.com.” Stacy Lee Pae reports, “Just visited SBC with my second daughter in Aug. while driving through Va. to visit family. I’m living in Irvine, Calif. and opened up an art studio, Art Smart Studio & Gallery, in Tustin (artsmartsg.com). My daughter Emily (19) is a sophomore at Fordham U., N.Y. Ashley (16) is a senior at Beckman HS. Been happily married 22 years to Peter who is the technology editor for the LA TIMES.” Sharon Staley Kelly is still caretaking for her grandmother (100) as well as her

daughters Contessa (5) and Kendall (9). “My husband, Steve, and I celebrated our 12th anniversary in April. I still work with seniors to keep them active.” Malinda Bradley Bergen lives in Savannah, Ga. with her husband, Fred. Their 23rd anniversary is this Oct. Fred Jr. is a junior at UGA and Fontaine is a freshman at UT-Austin. Mary Sue Cate Mayes is still in Iowa with her husband Larry. “We celebrated our 25th anniversary. I’m still on the staff at Iowa State U. I’m an assistant scientist in the Animal Science Dept. Andy is a freshman at Simpson Coll. and Jenny is a sophomore at Gilbert HS.” Tami Trebus-Ross is still living in Morristown, N.J. with husband Eban and 2 boys, Jack (12) and Sam (10). She is a graphic designer and works out of her home. She’s still in touch with friends, Moira Carroll, Dana Ostrowsky and Charlotte Hudson. Dana lives in N.Y.C., Moira in Chicago and Charlotte in Va. Maggie Fogarty, husband Tim and their 2 children Danny (14) and Mary (11) are enjoying life in Dover, N.H., making annual return trips to Bolivia where they lived for almost 4 years when the children were younger. Maggie is a community organizer and policy advocate for the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization working on peace and social justice. Brooke von Maur Fleming lives in Duxbury, Mass. and has 3 children, daughters Peyton (15), Quinn (13) and son Jan (11). “I now work as a gardener/landscaper. Since graduation I’ve started 2 businesses, one private and one nonprofit and worked several corporate jobs. I often visit Dena Driver and her family who live in Brooklyn.” Pam Miscall Cusick and I, Lee Carroll Roebuck, have both ended up in Baltimore. Pam and Ted (VMI ’88) have 2 sons, Conor (12) and Colin (10). Pam is special projects manager for a healthcare consulting firm based in Norfolk. When Pam travels to Norfolk, she sees Kristen Kreassig Carter, husband Dave (VMI ’88) and son Scott (12). Charles and I will be celebrating our 20th anniversary in 2013. Our children, C.J. (16) and Emily (14) are busy high schoolers. I volunteer and coach field hockey. Emily plays club field hockey, so I travel with her to national tournaments. Missy Ackerman and I were able to catch up at a tournament in Richmond, Va. where Missy is athletic director at St. Gertrude HS. Our 25th reunion was a lot of fun. A special shout-out to our classmates who attended: Beth Nelson Suhr all the way from Denmark! Julianne Burkhardt, Teresa Pike Tomlinson, Junie Speight Meyers, Kristen Kreassig Carter, Teeki Taylor, Vikki Schroeder, Teresa Aagaard, Pam Miscall Cusick and me. Look forward to seeing more of you in 2017!


Maia Free Jalenak 605 Camelia Ave. Baton Rouge, LA 70806 maia_jay@cox.net

Our class presidents Katie Keogh Weidner and Kathryn Ingham Reese are actively planning for our big 25th reunion the weekend of May 31-June 2, 2013. A highlight of the weekend will be a Boathouse

More class notes online sbc.edu/magazine party especially for our class. Please make plans to be there! Kathryn Ingham Reese (Wilmington, Del.) keeps busy with her 2 daughters and their activities. She continues to teach 5thand 6th-grade English at Tower Hill and coaches middle school lacrosse. She looks forward to Reunion. In Pa., Katie Keogh Weidner’s oldest son Jake is a sophomore at Penn State. Second son, William, is a senior in h.s. Daughter Caroline is in 8th grade. Kate Cole Hite reports from Md. that she, Katie Keogh Weidner, Kathryn Ingham Reese, Whitney Bolt Lewis and Mary Halliday Shaw got together in Feb. in D.C. for their annual girls’ weekend. She writes, “We had a blast—a given when we get together.” She adds, “Son Chase is a junior this year, Mackenzie is in 8th grade, and my youngest, Cole, will be in 4th grade. This year I attempted not one, but 2 halfironman triathlons.” Amy Gould-Pilz sends greetings from Bonsall, Calif. (in north San Diego County) where she lives with daughter Maddie (16). She writes, “Since getting my teaching credentials in 2008, there have been few openings, so I’ve been scrambling with long-term substitute positions and shared contracts for a few years. I have found my passion in teaching! I’m looking forward to coming to the reunion with my daughter. We’ll do a college seeking/trolling mission this summer as our annual trip.” Caroline Corum returned to the D.C. area and started nursing school. Caroline sees Beth Stookey Sargent regularly. Caroline and Beth got together with Cecilia Moore last Christmas. Cecilia still teaches at the U. of Dayton. Denton Freeman writes from Richmond, “I’m bringing back my handbag firm, Poesis (poesisonline.com), with a limited edition release of some of the bags featured in Lucky and InStyle magazines. Connect with me on Facebook (Poesis Handbags) to check them out!” Kelly Meredith Iacobelli (Marietta, Ga.), husband John and daughter Kathleen are attending our 25th. She went to reunions for our sister classes in her role on the alumnae board—such fun to see everyone. Kelly is a Girl Scout leader, Sunday school teacher and still loves her job at CocaCola. Daughter Kathleen (10) is a competitive gymnast. Kathryn Deriso Schwartz’s daughter Kacki (20) will be a senior at FSU and then is heading off to medical school 2 years early. Twins, Burgen and Webb (18), will be seniors in h.s. Daughter Chandler (13) will be in 8th grade and is in the photography magnet program. “I’ve been busy playing duplicate bridge and getting ready for tournaments. I have also picked up a new sport—stand-up paddle boarding. Alan and I will be celebrating our 22nd wedding anniversary in Jan.” She is looking forward to the reunion. Susan Detweiler (in Jackson Hole) and partner Ned guided climbers in the Tetons this past summer. Jennifer Bach Rosen’s son Matt (15) was in one of her tour groups. Suz and Ned hope to be working together in Antarctica guiding scientists this fall. She and Jennifer Roach Childs

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will attend Reunion. She enjoyed a visit with Kim Belcher Harvey’s son AJ (20). Liza Dalehite Brinkmann (SBC our freshman year and transferred to UT Austin) lives in Austin with husband Johannes and their 3 children. Their oldest, Patrick, is in college at UT Austin, and daughters Monika (15) and Robin (10) are in 10th and 5th grades. She’s a pediatric nurse practitioner at a pediatric endocrinology clinic. Her husband is the CFO with an Austin based semi-conductor related company. Liza writes, “Warm greetings to my old SBC third floor Reid buddies Robin Frazier, Lisa Thompson Barnes and Stacey Meadows Apter.” Lisa Thompson Barnes says “It’s been almost a year since I married Trevon. We’ve traveled to La. (Trevon’s home state) for his daughter Emily’s h.s. graduation and to Key West. My law practice is busy and serving as chair of trustees for First Presbyterian of Vero. Stacy Meadows Apter and I keep in touch and plan to attend Reunion. Stephanie Wilt Smirnov went on a family vacation to the London Olympics and renovated their home. Stephanie was promoted to CEO of DeVries Public Relations, the PR agency in N.Y. at which she’s worked for the past 12 years. She keeps up with Kate Cole Hite, Tina Savage Lytle, Stacey Sickels Locke and Kelly Meredith Iacobelli on FB. Stacey Sickels Locke has a new job working in development for the University of Md. She’s enjoying life with husband Lyn and her boys. Lee Ann Conard is a pediatrician. She moved to Cincinnati to work at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in the Division of Adolescent Medicine. Denise Landau Blind visited with Julie Martin Collins when she and her family came to visit in N.J. in May. She writes, “We’re looking forward to Reunion next year!” Denise’s son, Tyler, is a senior in h.s. He hopes to be recruited to play college baseball. Daughter Chelsea starts h.s. this year. She’s on the competitive gymnastics team. Denise and husband Fred continue their work in the family truck tire business. Heather Gregory Skeens writes from Raleigh that her daughter, Mckinsey Skeens, is a senior at SBC (class of 2013), a double major in religion and creative writing and editor of the newspaper—The Voice. Son, Taylor, is entering N.M. Military Institute as a freshman this year. Brenda Payne writes about her granddaughter, “Kenzie Dawn Godsey was born on 6/29/10 at 5:50 a.m. in Lynchburg, Va.” They celebrated her mother-in-law Elizabeth “Dolly” Ball Payne’s 95th birthday in April and son, John, and grandson, Austin, came in from Calif. Jeanne Rovics Mexic married Scott Dees on St. Simons Island, Ga., on 4/7/12. Jeanne now has stepdaughter Madeleine (8). Her son Blake (14) isn’t quite sure what to do with a little sister. Jeanne loves her job with Hilton WorldWide, which continues to take her to many international cities. Kristen Petersen Randolph was at Jeanne’s recent wedding. I (Maia Free Jalenak) had the pleasure of seeing Jeanne and meeting her new husband this summer when his family in Ocean Springs, Miss. had a party celebrating the recent wedding. My son is a sophomore at LSU and daughter is in 8th grade.


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Husband Jay and I look forward to his H-SC reunion in Oct. and to my reunion in May.


Emmy S. Leung 7102 Wynnewood Ct. Richmond, VA 23235 fan-han@prodigy.net

Lisa Claypool Stevenson found our class banner! It’s ready for our next reunion! Raquel Hickman Thiebes and family have moved to the resort town of Garmisch, Germany! Husband George is attending the Marshall Center there. Alex is in 10th grade at the Munich International School, and Matthias is completing the 8th grade at the school on the U.S. Army base. Raquel’s blog: lifelessonsmilitarywife.com. Elizabeth Fokes is working on her master’s in information technology with a focus on information security and digital forensics. Ellen Duffie-Fritz, Keith and their 3 teenage daughters have relocated to the Philadelphia area. Ellen leads Strategic Consulting & Analytics Practice for the global marketing products division of GSI Commerce, an eBay company. Pauline Hanson Palm and husband Chris celebrated their 20th anniversary and her 20th year of teaching. Kimberly Willock Pardiwala lives in Larchmont, N.Y. with husband Cyrus and their son Becket (2). She keeps in touch with Lisa Claypool Stevenson, Sarah West Reeves and Heather Daly Jones ’92. Kimberly and other like-minded classmates are raising funds for the SBC music dept.! The long-term vision is to support the growth of the music program. If you are interested, contact Kimberly at kimberly@affinityforte.com. I have enjoyed catching up with many of you. Other than work, I’m continuing my fundraising and volunteer work for the American Heart Association and Lab Rescue of Greater Richmond. I still trail ride. Feel free to send news and photos. I’ll start working on the next update and our scrapbook, too! Take care!


Kelly Wood Erickson 104 S Winterberry Ct. Smithfield, VA 23430 skjs2@charter.net

Kelly Wood Erickson: Started a new job in a different school district as a K-5 reading specialist. Husband Steve is finally stationed back in Hampton Roads. Jack (14) starts h.s. this fall. Sophie (12) will be in 7th grade. Julie Brooks Nyquist: We’ll be moving to Chicago at the end of 2012 where my husband Stephen has taken a position with Ernst and Young. I completed 10 years at the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. Andrew (3) looks forward to being near grandparents. Kelleigh Klym Friesen: I went to the SBC riding reunion in April. We have 3 foals. Ava (4) has a pony, Tippy-Toes, and was in her first lead-line. Pediatrics is super and we have a new colleague to assist with clinical coverage and teaching. I hope to be out in Va. next spring. Brandy Beck: After 16 years in Los Angeles, Dasha (7) and I moved to N.Y.C. Rosanna Jones Thruman (Papillion, Neb.):

I have private psychology practices in Omaha and Council Bluffs, Iowa—work in both states. My oldest son (22) manages a fitness center. My other 2 sons are in h.s. and junior high. My husband manages a fitness center as well. We travel with my husband’s power lifting and see family in Calif., Va. and Fla. Allison Novellino: I keep up with Sallie McIlheran Wunner who is living in Freising, Germany. She’ll be in Dallas at the Norwood Flynn Gallery this Nov. Elizabeth Horsley: I moved into a new house this summer. Still in Richmond working at Williams Mullen and was selected as a Va. “super lawyer” in trust and estate litigation. I ride in my free time and catch up with Lisa Waldrup Hammerschmidt at local shows. Sallie McIlheran Wunner: I joined a delegation from Ft. Worth, Texas in April and went to Guiyang, China with the Fort Worth Sister Cities Organization and represented Fort Worth as an artist. I had a showing in Vienna, Austria in March. 11/10/12, I’ll be having a solo-exhibition at the Norwood Flynn Gallery in Dallas, Texas. Website: sallie-mcilheran.de. Amy Donnelly Tobik: We moved from Fla. to Fort Mill, S.C. over the summer when Siemens transferred my husband, Steve, to the Charlotte, N.C. facility. After 8 years as the main feature writer for a Fla. newspaper, I now work from home as a technical writer for a financial website. Daughter Katie (16) travels with her new h.s. marching band and daughter Emily (13) keeps us busy with her intense Charlotte United soccer schedule.


Lorraine Haire Greer 38 Maple St., Unit 2 Derry, NH 03038 lhgreer@gmail.com

Carey Bates is an independent consultant for a software company in Manhattan, creating her own LLC and running her own business. She has had a couple of visits with Amber Vellenga. She enjoys keeping up with Karen Hott, Suzanne Petrie Liscouski and Kathryn Hagist Yunk on FB. Carey has plans to go to Paris this summer. Joan Dabney Clickner writes from Charlottesville that Ian (10) and Georgia (5) are great playmates. Joan may soon work from home as a copy editor for an Atlanta-based publishing firm. Karen Holland Carlisle still lives in Fla. and works at Chico’s. Hayden is starting kindergarten. Keeping in touch with Elise Scott. Bless Karen Hott, who keeps us all informed. Kristen L. Walberg: Moving from D.C. to R.I. and will be working for the U.S. Sailing Association as director of membership. My daughters are entering 5th and 6th grade. Laura Rose Martin: Chris and I will be celebrating our 22nd anniversary in ’13! We’ve been in Dothan, Ala. for 20 years. We have 3 kids: Kyle (17) is a senior and is hoping to attend VMI; Nathan (15) is a sophomore; Elizabeth (12) is in 7th grade. Our family keeps busy with Boy Scouts, swim team, SCUBA diving, dock dog diving and our 3 Morgan horses. Mamie Farley: My youngest Joanie (8) and I went to Austin to visit Christine and her family. We’ve had lots of family events—my

brother-in-law got remarried in May in Rocky Mount, N.C., and my youngest sister Katharine had her first baby in Aug., a girl. My husband Matthew and I have been helping his mother and stepfather through health issues. We made a trip to Tybee Island with my family in June, and then Matthew took Harry (11) to N.Y. while Joanie and I were in Texas. My oldest Miller was away at camp. Allene Doucette: Alastair started kindergarten this year. Mary Price (Fairfield, Va.): I’m writing for VMI’s newsletter, the Institute Report. My husband, Tim, is a computer programmer. Ginny and Elaine, fraternal twins, turned 7 in May. Tori Hutcheson and I met at the Virginia Horse Center for a show in March and saw Tori’s daughter Megan (10) ride in a jumper class. Lorraine Haire Greer: We re-located to New England. Alex is growing so fast. I’ve been doing lots of volunteering in various groups including (of course) SBC Riding. I’ve been traveling to obtain some specialized training certificates/endorsement. I plan to start my own educational consulting services. I’ve been grateful for the support of some of my close SBC and N.C. friends, such as Jen Kemper Wallis, Beth Hensley Martin, Stephanie Berger, Melanie Duke, Karen Hott and Amber Vellenga. I hope to send a class newsletter every quarter to keep us focused on giving back to SBC. Be on the lookout for the next newsletter in late Nov.—ideas/ comments welcome. Please update your personal information with the Alumnae Office in order to receive our quarterly newsletter, etc. Much of our personal class information is outdated. In regards to our 20th reunion scrapbook, please submit your photos and captions to me. For those who were able to attend you will receive a small questionnaire to be added to the book of memories. Al Doucette has offered to head up and coordinate a minireunion for next year. Please contact her directly if you are interested and she will be able to provide you will all the details of the trip. Check the FB page for updates. Thanks to Elliot Pitt for helping it. Thanks to our class president Karen Hott for keeping us focused.


Charlotte Bonini PO Box 145 Ashburn, VA 20146

Amy Peck Driscoll 3848 Thalia Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23452


Stacey McClain

1856 Christopher Point Rd. N Jacksonville, FL 32217 stacey.mcclain@gmail.com Tracy Meir Mason and husband Derek are proud to announce the birth of Jacob Burbank Shaw Mason on 5/22. They had a great visit from Carolyn Imperato and her family this summer. Our 20th reunion is set for May 31-June 2, 2013. Save the date and be on the lookout for more information—check our FB page regularly for updates! facebook.com/ groups/sbc1993/


Mary-Linda “Molly” Morris Flasche 152 N Remington Rd. Columbus, OH 43209 molly.flasche@gmail.com


Beverley Stone Dale 2006 Ashcrest Ct. Richmond, VA 23238 bsdale@comcast.net


Sarah Reidy Ferguson 1915 Edinburgh Ter. NE Atlanta, GA 30307 serferguson@gmail.com

Mrs. Kelly Collins Lear 24 Prescott Dr. Hudson, OH 44236 kellycollins13@yahoo.com

Abby Phillips Hinga: Still in Denver and having fun with Laura Powell Gatling and her 3 kids! We also went back to D.C. to visit friends, including Easter at the Durhams’ with Jesse Durham Strauss, Bridget Bayliss Curren and Rachel Baltus Price. We’re also very excited to be expecting baby #2 this fall. Annie Pankoski Sherman: Enjoying summer in Larkspur, Calif. Found time to visit Janeen Sharma in Boulder, Colo. Annie and husband Peter have 2 children, Max (6) and Elsa (3). Annie is a busy stay-athome mom as she shuttles Max to various therapies; Max was diagnosed with autism in 2009. Mary Copeland Dellinger: Just got engaged! We’re living in Pala, Calif., and planning the wedding for 2013. Jennifer Smith: I’m going into my second year as a h.s. administrator in Charlottesville City Schools. In Dec., I visited Andie Thomas-Young ’95 and husband Terance in N.C. as they were preparing for the arrival of their son Christopher, born in Jan. I’m in constant communication with Yolanda Davis Saunders as we prepare for our 20th h.s. reunion! Jesse Durham Strauss: I enjoyed a pool party birthday on 8/1 with several classmates: Laura Lechler; Rachel Baltus Price and her daughter Winona (1); Sarah Chaffee Paris, husband Jon and children Bella (9), Stevie (5) and Charlie (2); Lee Foley Dolan and children Henry (10), Mattie (7) and Fred (4); and Bridget Bayliss Curren, husband Rich and daughter Aoife (1). My children Anna (5), Audrey (4) and Ari (2) loved getting to play with their Sweet Briar pals! Sarah Reidy Ferguson: I sell hand-selected vintage decor and one-of-a-kind finds through One Kings Lane. My blog, Duchess Fare: duchessfare.com. Robin Bettger Fishburne: Joseph “Parker” was born on 7/7/12. Gibbs (7) is in 2nd grade. Sarah Betz Bucciero ’97 is Parker and Gibbs’ godmother. We see them more often now that they moved to Greenwood, S.C. Sarah’ son Carter (3) lost his battle with cancer on 8/13/12. Carter and big brother Mason (4) are our blessed godsons. Thank you to everyone who has contacted me from SBC and all your messages. I’ve been in real estate for 11 years.

Tara Moran Weyer: Celebrating 15 years working for Discovery Channel and living in Md. with my husband of 10 years and Julia (5) and Evan (3). Catharine King Laufer: We moved to Aiken, S.C. in June for Jordan’s new job. I started teaching at a private school and Jackson attends the 3K program there as well. Sarah Dennis Roberts (Oklahoma City): Jackson (9) and Owen (3) are happy attending Crossings Christian School. Jackson enjoys playing whatever sport is in season, and Owen is trying gymnastics. Sarah is working at Inasmuch Foundation and Hayden is working at Western Heights Public Schools. Over the summer, we took a great trip back to Tenn. for the 4th of July and we look forward to a trip to N.Y.C. this fall. Heather Baskett: My partner Layla and I purchased a townhouse in March and have been enjoying northern Va. I’m a biologist in the Dept. of Nutrition at Smithsonian National Zoo. I keep in contact with Penelope Spain and Melanie Vracas. Amy Daugherty Michel: Sam and I are expecting baby #3 around 10/5, a girl! Xander (5) is in Kindergarten. Owen is 3. Paige Vaught Campion will visit later in the fall. Jen Beck Locke: Hunter is the general manager for RockTenn Corporation in the Jacksonville and Gainesville areas. We just moved (move #8). Marte (9) is in 4th grade and is playing soccer and golf. Thomas (6) is in K. Trae (4) is in Pre-K and playing sports. I volunteer at the school, as well as several local autism and Asperger’s support groups. I’m the proud aunt of Chris and Susan’s first child, Ann Mason “Macey” Chastain Beck. Kelly Collins Lear (Hudson, Ohio): Evelyn is in first grade, Teddy is in K. I’ve been volunteering in school and am home with Penelope (2). Aaron is practicing sports medicine at Akron General Hospital. Amelia Dudman Atwill: Thank you to my fellow Vixens for your love, prayers and support during Pierce’s surgeries last fall. Pierce is doing very well, has grown about 2.5 inches and thriving. We aren’t out of the woods (all clear will be when she is 1718), but we have jumped a hurdle. (Pierce has a condition called craniosynostosis.) On 4/14/12, Charles Bailey Atwill III arrived! Janna McLarty Chandler and her kiddos passed through Richmond on their way to a family event. Looking forward to our next reunion.


Amy Leigh Campbell

PO Box 134 Sweet Briar, Virginia 24595 AmyCampbell1975@gmail.com If you haven’t yet visited and fallen in love with MacaroyKangaroo.com, you should! The cute shop for mamas and kiddos is run by our very own Kristen McCowan DeLargy! Kristen and her husband are living in Leesburg, Va., with kids Daniel (8), Davis (6) and Sullivan (3). This past spring, Kristen and kids took a beach vacation with Nicole Kelleher Linkonis and Holly James Trent. Nicole and her husband, Rich, make their home in Richmond, Va., with their 3 children Gabi (5), Valentina (3) and Porter (14 mos.). Nicole completed her radiology residency and then a

breast imaging fellowship at MCV in 6/11. Since then, she has been with Radiology Associates of Richmond, where she works at the HCA Breast Centers. After 12 years of locking up drug dealers while in the narcotics unit of the Richmond City Police Dept., Amanda Acuff is now on the Mounted Squad. Yes, she rides a horse around the city conducting PR and enforcing law! She’s planning her Oct. wedding to Scott, a Va. State Trooper. “Whoomp” and Scott have been living together in Chesterfield for close to 3 years with their 3 dogs. Cassie Thomas Campbell and Katrina Balding Bills ride as often as they can. Cassie works at Peaks View Animal Hospital and lives in Lynchburg, Va., with her daughter Lexi, boyfriend Tim and Tim’s son Timothy. Together, they’ve been traveling to places like Bonaire and Fla. Cassie is becoming an amazing photographer, too! Katrina Bills and hubby Kevin are building 2 businesses. Her Mary Kay business continues to grow, and Kevin is now, in addition to his job at Sprint, a full-fledged BrewMaster for and co-owner of Corcoran Brewing Company in Waterford, Va. Keara (3) started preschool and Kenny (9) is in 3rd grade. Katrina writes that all sister Vixens are welcome in Corcoran Brewery’s tasting room. Kerri Rawlings Burtner was the first one to give it a try! Kathryn Black Watson still calls Jackson, Miss., home. She and Allen celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary! She is teaching again. Caroline is in 8th grade, Elizabeth in 5th and Robert in Kindergarten. Jill Gavitt is in her second year teaching h.s. Spanish in Staunton, Va., where she lives with her hubby and 2 dogs. Besides seeing the crew at Reunion, she’s been keeping in touch with Kathy Johnston and Jill Butcher. She also saw Alicia King briefly this summer as Alicia and friends embarked on a week of hiking the Appalachian Trail. Alicia and 5 of her friends completed their 50-mile hike, and she’s now safely back in Atlanta, Ga., doing SEO for WebMD and walking down the aisle in Nov! Alicia Allen is stationed in Mauritania with the Army. She writes that she truly sees the resilience of the human spirit in her work there, and I promised to send out a loud Holla Holla to her favorite Vixen, Christy Jordan, who is halfway through her graduate program at Notre Dame. Lisa DuCharme Elwell and Tristan are enjoying life in London with their 2 boys Evan (3) and Edward (1). She works part time at Fidelity International and enjoys belonging to the American Women’s Group. Rachelle Colquitt Rose and husband Lenny lived in England for 2 years after they were married in 2009. Rachelle is VP of Colquitt Company, a land development company in Chaparral, N.M. and VP of Lake Section Water Company in the same city. Rachelle and Lenny moved to San Antonio, Texas. That means she can hang out with Lucretia Bock, our new class president! Lucretia lives in her hometown of New Braunfels, Texas, in a very cool 1850s cottage retro-fitted with running water and electricity. In addition to hanging out with Rachelle, who is only 50 minutes away, Lucretia recently caught up with CeCe Valentine ’95.

In Aug., Gina Miller Brown and family moved to Pittsford, N.Y., just outside of Rochester. Gina’s husband has been working there for 1½ years so they’re thrilled to be together again! Mason (5) just began Kindergarten and Garett (3) in now in nursery school. Plus, Baby Brown #3 will arrive late Feb.! Stephanie Pappanikou Foley is expecting a baby girl this winter! Good thing that Steph and her husband recently moved into a 4-bedroom home in Raleigh, N.C. What they thought would be a guest room will come in handy as a nursery for a baby sister for Parker (4) and Conner (1). Leigh Wilson gets to play Auntie and visit the Foleys on occasion! Alison Hall also enjoys the role of aunt for her 2 nephews, Trevor and Preston. Dothan lives in Auburn, Ala., serving as the city’s community and special programs director. She’s also been named county chair for the United Way of Lee County fund drive! Dothan did take time to travel back to SBC and have a blast at Reunion, which she followed up by traveling to various civil war sites with Jess Hiveley. Way up in New England, Christina Benson Stanton works part time and lives in Stamford, Conn., with her husband, 2 boys, a cat and a dog. Katherine Seder Karon and Ticia Harbour Berg caught up in Aug. while Ticia was in Boston, where Katy lives with her husband and 2 boys, Stephen (2) and Max (5 mos.). Katy previously worked for a hedge fund, but is now staying at home. Ticia and her husband live in Vienna, Va., with their 3 kids, 2 of whom are in French Immersion school. Northern Va. is also home to Becky Moats Miller and Kerry Coleman-Proksch. Becky and husband Chip, along with Michael (4), live in Warrenton, Va. They enjoy working in their real estate business, as well as on their farm raising Angus beef. Becky sees Julie Nelson ’96 and her growing family regularly. In addition to attending our class reunion in May, Becky had a mini-reunion with Vaiana Teriitehau Williams and Tasha Swales Newill. Kerry still lives in Woodbridge, Va., with husband Steven and their 2 sons, Jack (6) and Patrick (3), and works part time as an adjunct professor at NOVA-Woodbridge. Kerry visited Tanya Ketchum Young and her daughter Talley while she was in Tenn. in July, and took the boys on their annual visit to see Amy Cook Rexrode and her family in Petersburg, W.Va. Cape Healey Boyd lives in Charlotte, N.C., with husband Brian, twins, Aiden and Katherine (6), and Brendan (3). Cape is a stay-at-home mom. Aiden loves baseball and basketball, while Katherine loves soccer and her Daisy Troop. They also swim and are already prepping for their First Communion to take place during 2nd grade. Brendan attends preschool. Tamber Marea Hannah graduated from nursing school and lives in Miles City, Mont., with her fiancé, Doug Dalton. They enjoy horseback riding, camping, fishing, hunting, their chickens, cats, dogs, turkeys and tending to their large garden. After moving all over for med school and residency, Jennifer Swisher Lynes lives in her hometown of Tallahassee, Fla., with her husband, Richard and daughters Morgan (4) and Madison (18 mos.). She commutes to a small ER in Cairo, Ga., and loves the job, which she’s been doing for

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the past 3 years. Being a doctor came in handy, to put it mildly, when her dad had a cardiac arrest while driving just outside her home. Jen’s training and quick action saved his life! She writes that he is almost back to normal, and is even playing baseball again. As for me, Amy Leigh Campbell, 2012 marks my 10th year as an entrepreneur! Pink Collar (pinkcollarink.com) has grown to include e-learning and training, and the web programming/mobile apps piece of our business has grown large enough to be self-supporting. The new entity is branded HTMelle (thehtmelle.com), and will be my day-to-day focus beginning Nov. 1! 2012 has been a roller-coaster year for so many 97ers, but none more so than immediate past class president Sarah Betz Bucciero. In 8/11, Sarah gathered 10 of our amazing classmates to focus on Reunion Giving, and thanks to her leadership and all of your generous contributions, the Class of 1997 broke not one, but 2 giving records! Reunion was a wonder-full, joy-full, and tear-full event, highlighted by our class’ generosity in giving to SBC, but also in another special way. Lucretia Bock organized and pulled off a Not-So-Silent Auction, assisted by many of our classmates and fellow alumnae, which raised over $10,000 for Sarah’s son, Carter, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor in 10/11. Carter and his big brother Mason (5) were a huge hit at Reunion, entertaining everyone and enjoying the festivities with Sarah and their dad, Paul. Despite treatment at St. Jude, and an army of prayer warriors pulling for him, Carter earned his angel wings on 8/13 and was buried in Cincinnati, Ohio, on 8/20. Stacy McKimm Stevens, who lives in Memphis, Tenn., with husband Rich and 2 girls, Mattie (5) and Lily (1), made several trips to visit Sarah while Carter was receiving treatment at St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital in Memphis. Stacy also attended Carter’s funeral in Ohio and carried to Sarah all our love and sympathy. Over 30 alumnae from our class and sister classes traveled to Concord, N.C., after Carter’s passing to support our dear Sarah, and attend Carter’s memorial service. Sarah and her family have established Sweet Briar’s Carter Bucciero Memorial Scholarship, which will ease the financial burden of a student that has survived a bout with cancer or has been impacted by a sibling or parent with cancer. Please visit CarterBucciero.com or contact SBC’s development office for more information and ways to give! Cancer has touched so many lives in our Sweet Briar family, and we’re not taking it lying down! In Sept. 2011, Ticia Harbour Berg completed a century ride (100-mile bike ride) and raised $6700 for breast cancer research in honor of her little sister, who is a survivor after a double mastectomy and chemo in 2011. Rachelle Colquitt Rose was diagnosed with thyroid cancer our senior year at SBC and it took her 8 years, but she beat it, and now she helps other women who have the disease and runs marathons to raise money! Cancer took the life of my nephew Thomas (2) in May, as well as my aunt Becky this past July, and Liz Drendall Zinckgraf is also praying for a cure after losing both her mother and grandmother to breast cancer.


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Let’s all join together to support Alison Hall as she walks in honor of Carter Bucciero, as well as her nephew Preston, in the St. Jude 5K in Dec. in Memphis. She welcomes all classmates to join her! If you can’t walk, you can still give—donate to her walk page at heroes.stjude.org/alisonhall! Stay in touch on our class Facebook page and send your updates to me at amycampbell1975@gmail.com!


Chantel Nicole Bartlett 7775 Tiverton Dr. Springfield, VA 22152-2021 pinkgreen1998@yahoo.com

Cynthia Bumgardner Puckett

7123 High St. Floyds Knobs, IN 47119-9538 cpuckett@sbc.edu Our 15th reunion is about 9 months away! You’ll be hearing from a fellow classmate very soon with Reunion updates and fundraising. Valerie Walston still lives in Santa Barbara, Calif. She works from home writing freelance. This allows her to work as an EMT for the Santa Barbara County Search and Rescue. Another Calif. girl, Candice Broughton Maillard’s husband Richard became an American citizen on 8/24. Rush Harris’ Kattie Anne just celebrated her first birthday. Her town of Mooresville, Ala. (only 53 residents) will be featured in the Dec. Southern Lady Magazine. Bobbie Hedrick Atristain was recruited by IBM, so now works near Atlanta. She flies down on Mondays and returns home on Thurs. for the weekends. She’s in charge of the web infrastructure for online sites of Macy’s and Bloomingdales. She’ll celebrate her 10th wedding anniversary in Nov. In Aug., Anne-Claire Wackenhut Kasten started her 5th year of teaching at the Friends School of Atlanta. She and Scott took Jacques (b. 04/30/11) on his first trip to France, where he thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Anne-Claire and Jacques have also connected several times with fellow Atlanta-area alumnae: Tanya Ketchum Young ’97 and Lisa Tedder Baker ’97. Anne-Claire’s sister Sophie Wackenhut Szymanski ’02 has also returned to town with her children this past year, and her parents now live there permanently as well. Diana Jordan Avery is part-time job sales associate at Soma Intimates in Richmond. Daughter Meredith started 2nd grade. She keeps asking when she gets to go to college and can’t wait to get to SBC! Son Aaron started 3-day preschool in Sept. Kelly Bowman Greenwood caught up with Sophie Simonard ’97 on her recent trip to Calif. They had a blast with Helen Greenwood (class of ’28, if a double major in drumming and paleontology is offered) at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Page Darney is now Deputy Attorney General in the Civil Litigation Section for the Pa. Office of Attorney General. She is in love with her new white German Shepherd puppy, Samson! Cady Thomas visited with Serena Putegnat and sister Tara ’00 this summer in Texas to celebrate their brother’s

(William HSC ’04) 30th birthday. Cady hopes as many of you as possible with participate in Reunion. Heather Smith is relocating to Birmingham, Ala., this fall for her job. She still works as a dietetic technician in enteral nutrition. Chantel Bartlett is 5 months into her new job. She’s looking forward to Reunion. Babies born: Jacqueline “Jake” Weiner Flaherty announced the arrival of Jack Liam Flaherty born on 7/5/12. Tonya Grudier Montgomery welcomed baby girl Ryan Marie in July. Jenny Hogan Kohen and husband David welcomed a son, Alden Burke, on 6/14/12. He joins big sister Adella (2). This Sept., Cynthia Bumgardner Puckett welcomed her 4th child, a 2nd son! In addition to homeschooling, she’s co-chairing our Reunion Committee. She looks forward to reconnecting with fellow classmates! Alicia Foster Wilbun announced the birth of their 3rd daughter, Roslyn Victoria (Dec. ’11). Krista Wigginton Gravatt ’99 came for a visit in April. Estelle (2nd daughter) had to have her adenoids removed. Alicia’s dad was in the hospital for a while with blood clots in both lungs and legs, but he has recovered. Alicia is trying to keep her sanity, being a mom of 3 little girls! Expecting babies: Courtney Morgan Harris is expecting baby #2, a boy, in Dec. Courtney also told me that Emily Meger will be getting married in Oct. to Ohad Braha.


Ms. Lindsey Neef Kelly 15012 Ashby Way E Carrollton, VA 23314 lindseyckelly@verizon.net

Devon Vasconcellos Bijansky left a bad job situation earlier this year and has been enjoying exploring opportunities in sustainability-related fields and especially loved reconnecting with Lindsay Watrous during a trip to Phoenix. Rachel Bratlie and husband Chris Taylor welcomed their first child, Zachary Ryan Taylor, on 10/14/11. They still live in Oakland, Calif. Amy Brown got together with Megan Leypoldt in Atlanta. Christy Carl Allison is in Leesburg with husband James and Laurel (3). When she’s not working for conscious-awareness expert Suzanne Scurlock-Durana, she’s singing and assisting worship at Unity of Loudoun County. This past spring, Marisha Bourgeois traveled to Austin, where she visited Catherine Zahrn ’98 and Shannon Zahrn and met their magnificent baby, whom she calls “Koala,” along with Heather McLeod and Devon Bijansky. In Dallas, she saw Jennifer Crutcher. Nessim Yafi, Julie Harju and Kelly Gatzke visited her in D.C. She moved cross-country and met up with Jill Meadows in W.Va., Erin Vlasaty in St. Louis, and Becky Hamby in Oklahoma City. Now she is a speech language pathologist at a rehabilitation hospital in Ariz. and the southwest correspondent for Cool Like Pie. Kristine Brown had a baby boy, Tyler Alexander Brown, on 1/16/12. Kristine continues to work at Connecticut Renaissance and has been there for almost 6 years.

Angela Walton Carpita, husband Chris and son Tommy (2) welcomed baby Morgan Christopher Hughes Carpita with open arms and hearts on 3/26/12. Angela continues to be in touch with Kibby Ferguson, Astrid Liverman and Mary Lea Harris. Constantly she remembers Jessica Tinfo with deep fondness, pure laughter and now loves her from a greater distance. Sarah Dorminey is working at Earth Fare and coaching JV field hockey at Charlotte Country Day School. She is also designing landscapes on the side. Kelly Turney Gatzke and family are still stationed at West Point (Ben is teaching math). Amelia and Cameron are getting big. The Gatzkes will be on to new adventures in summer 2013 to wherever the Army sends them! She also had a minireunion in D.C. this spring with Julie Harju Miskinis, Kelli Rogowski, Erin Vlasaty and Marisha Bourgeois! Becky Hamby has been working as an executive assistant at Chesapeake Energy in Oklahoma City. Just celebrated her 5th year with the company. She’s training for her first triathlon. She looks forward to traveling to the UK this fall! Lindsey Neef Kelly and Sean are proud to be sending their oldest, Catherine (5), to Kindergarten this fall. Rachel (4), Alice (3), and Joe (1) are still at daycare/preschool. Lindsey’s taken up running, sewing, homebrewing, thrift store shopping, fantasy football and making homemade spices. In her free time (otherwise known as 9-5 job), she continues her crusade to keep the banks and mortgage servicers afloat. Deborah Lanham finally joined Facebook and has been having a great time reconnecting with so many great SBC friends! She and the kids still live in Sneads Ferry, N.C. on the coast. Heather McLeod and TJ Griffin are still in Austin and have children who are 3 and 5. Heather recently took up freelancing with Simon & Schuster again after taking several years off to parent full time. Emily Sartor Patterson and husband Brad are celebrating having both kids in preschool this year: Claire (3) and Tyler (2)! Emily continues to work part time at Duke Medical Center providing marriage and family therapy for those affected by cancer. Tina Hansel Snover and family now live in Grand Junction, Colo. She is still maintaining her résumé business and is also the graduate coordinator at Colo. Mesa U. in the Center of Teacher Education. Her oldest, Brenae (6), started Kindergarten. Lizzie is 3. Tina has also started playing soccer again and put together a whole team of moms. Their team name is the “Mom Squad.” Tiffany Tyler just got married to Jesse Rodriguez, a wine director for a resort, and lives in San Diego; Tasha White Gamboa was in attendance. The reception was in Palm Springs. Erin Vlasaty is unexpectedly enjoying being a grantwriter in St. Louis. She and husband, JP Cooper, are expecting their first son and first child in Nov.


Marilen Jordas Sarian 212 Rock Creek Ct. Yorktown, VA 23693 artinspired@loveandmojo.com


Julia Varner Kientz Ambersley 912 N Glenwood Trl. Southern Pines, NC 28387 jambersley@sbc.edu

Julia Kientz Ambersley was so excited to see Ashley Moring Voss, Angela Browning Montgomery, Leigh Harpel, Emily Keating Haag and son Nicholas and Dawn Martin and daughter Katie when they all came to visit for Gus’s 6th birthday party in Sept. Julia is Nicholas Haag’s godmother, and she was able to go to Philadelphia to visit him in April and again for his christening in May. She’s busy teaching 5th grade at Vass-Lakeview Elementary and serving as the grade level chair. Ashley Moring Voss and her husband, Jason, are expecting their first baby at the end of Oct. Angela, Leigh and Julia all attended Ashley’s baby shower in Sept. Angela Browning Montgomery is busy working towards her real estate license. She and her husband, Joey, are closing on a new house in Fairhope, Ala. Emily Keating Haag and Nick have been very busy with Nicholas (6 mos.) Both Natasha Nickodem Stevens and her husband got promotions this summer! Natasha is an associate director for Individual Giving at the Art Institute of Chicago and her husband Matt is now a VP for Insurance at Mesirow Financial. Natasha and Matt are godparents of Stephanie Sherrard’s son Cullen Hawkins. Natasha traveled with Christine Rangel to Baltimore for Misa Sarmento’s (’02) wedding to Rob Francis on 9/8/12. Sarah Bellanger Levison also returned to the east coast in Sept. for Misa’s wedding and enjoyed a great reunion with Casey Perlow Davidson ’02, Whitney Bryant ’02, Allison Funkhauser ’02, Donyele Gibson Wilkerson ’02, Sarah Belanger Levinson and Victoria Zak Rosenthal ’00. Sarah enjoys living in St Louis. She has started to volunteer with the local chapter of Girls on the Run. Christine Rangel was happy to attend the wedding of Kim Martin ’02 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Palm Beach, Fla., in June. She also got to see Megan Beley-Withrow and her husband Brett and meet their new baby, Avery. Christine was lucky enough to catch some of the London Olympics excitement during a trip to Scotland this summer, with sisters Victoria ’04 and Jane ’06. She was also happy to see Natasha Nickodem-Stevens in Chicago. Sarah Houston Kenning announced that Lauren Elizabeth Kenning was born 7/24. Sarah stays home with Lauren. Her son Jackson is in preschool. Meghan Frier Stawasz and husband Nick welcomed Katherine Elizabeth on 5/15/12. Erin Wiley still works as a speech pathologist in Seattle. She and her husband have been traveling a lot this year due to his job with the Seattle Sounders soccer team; they were fortunate to go to London in Feb. and Sydney, Australia in June. Their daughter Holiday just started preschool and will turn 3 in Nov. Over Labor Day Erin met up with Elizabeth Puckett Haworth, Sarah Riggs Stapleton, Marian Spivey Estrada and Rachel Souder Arguedas in Sedona, Ariz. for their annual get-together. Olive Eiley lives in her hometown island of

Ambergis Caye in Belize. She got married in 2009 and has a girl (2) and a baby boy. Olive and her husband have a cleaning service and a restaurant. Olive says she “has been very lucky to meet up with SBC family here in Belize, such as Natasha Stevens ’01, Professors Leigh and Susan Piepho and family of Lori Kovatch Long.” Erin Packard Harrison and Phill just celebrated 11 years of marriage. They also welcomed their 2nd son Zayne in July. Catherine Peek and Ariana WolynecWerner are writing these class notes jointly over weekly Sunday night dinner. Catherine just moved to North Bethesda, Md., to continue her architectural creativity and legacy in the national capital region. Her husband and twins enjoy their new home. Thank you to everyone for your votes in favor of Catherine’s submission, “Field of Stars,” to the Washington Monument Ideas Competition. She’s served on several expert panels and taught underserved students how to express their budding architectural prowess to redesign the 11th Street Recreation Bridge over the Ancostia River. Catherine and her work have been featured by National Public Radio and highlighted in Metropolis Magazine (a solicited authorship for their blog, “Point of View”), the Washington Post and other renowned periodicals. Follow Catherine on Twitter @cpeek. Ariana is training for her 7th long-distance endurance event and looks forward to the 5-mile Austin Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day. At this writing, Ariana is actively pursuing unsuspecting victims on eHarmony and Catholic Match. Lori Kovatch Long and her husband are enjoying their new bundle of joy, Caelee Brooklyn Long who was born 4/3/12. They are still living in Massanutten, Va. She is enjoying the challenges of her job at Merck. Erin Alberda has had a busy couple of months juggling her acupuncture practice and campaigning for the London Paralympics. Erin did not make the team this time, but she is grateful for all the support of her Sweet Briar sisters, and Rio is just 4 years away! Erin still lives in Woodinville, Wash., with her longtime boyfriend Brian. Erin Bronson Phillips still lives in Charlotte, N.C., with husband Josh and daughter, Libby (3), who is in preschool. In April their family moved to a house right down the road. Meg Bronson Braddy lives down the road from Erin with her husband and their 2 children, Colston (3) and Laine (15 mos.). Meg and Erin plan to have lunch with Meg Eubanks soon. Alden Rivers Potts had a baby boy, Brooks Pinckney Potts, on 9/13/11. Jana Putnam Sayler and husband Erik welcomed their 2nd child, Kirk Putnam Eiriksson Sayler, on 9/4/12. In May, Tamara Trout completed an M.S. in biomedical sciences with an emphasis in medical sciences from Marshall U. She’s now working as a lab technician and medical scribe and applying to medical school. Her daughter Elyse (10) will be playing Flounder in a local production of the Little Mermaid, Jr. Her twins, Layth and Nadia, are 4 and in Pre-K. She divorced in 2010 and is now in a committed relationship with a third-year medical student. Elizabeth Finch Wright graduated with a B.S. in dental hygiene from Old Dominion U. in May and is working as a registered

dental hygienist for a progressive dental practice in Virginia Beach. Katherine Morse is taking college courses toward a degree in nursing. Her M. K. Wellington Art, LLC business has grown, and starting this fall a new location will be added. Plus she’s expanded into doing outdoor portraits. Katherine has completed her second show by doing the Shrimp & Grits Festival on Jekyll with the help of Sarah Peterson ’03 this Sept.! Katherine has now been with Jekyll Island Club Hotel for over 6 years and has met a few SBC graduates that have stayed. She’s been able to see Nathalie Benton not only in D.C., but also in Hilton Head this summer, and Rachel Roth ’02 and Sarah Peterson ’03 for lunch in D.C. Nia Fonow Ravenstahl had a busy year. She assumed department leadership for special education at Cherry Run Elementary school in the ’11-’12 school year. This past summer Nia and her daughter Cassidy spent 6 weeks in Beijing visiting family and consulting for an English summer camp. When they got home the family was in one place for a few weeks and then Maris, Nia’s oldest stepson, left for his freshman year at VCU. Seth (15) is the starting freshman quarter back and Cassidy (3) started preschool. Nia’s husband Matt continues to work on his doctorate at Durham U. in northern England, which means Nia gets to enjoy her annual catch up with Jessica McClosky over Thanksgiving this year.


Lori Smith Nilan 14600 Windjammer Dr. Midlothian, VA 23112 Lori.nilan@gmail.com

Margaret Brooks Buck 4436 Yoruk Forest Ln Charlotte, NC 28211 brookiebuck@gmail.com

We had a great turnout at Reunion this past May! For those of you unable to attend, please plan to come to our 15th! Aja Grosvenor Stephens still lives in the Detroit metro area. She’s expecting her first, a boy, in Oct. She recently saw Amy Mullen, Tia Trout Perez, Ashley Trantham, Alicia Watson, Jee Park Pae and Katie McNamara in Washington, D.C. Liz Waring McCracken and her family have been settled in Boone, N.C. Chris is busy with his family medical practice, and she’s busy raising Isadora (3). They’re expecting their 2nd daughter, Athena Lee, in early Sept. Liz writes it was great seeing old friends at Reunion. Corinne Weiland Zeruto and husband welcomed a little girl, Cynthia Grace, on 3/5/12. Alicia McCartney’s boyfriend was transferred back from Paris in 10/11. They spent their last weekend in Europe visiting Nice, Cannes, Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat and Saint-Paul-de-Vence. They are settled in D.C. Alicia returned to Freddie Mac in June and works as a project management analyst in the Multifamily Division. They visited Istanbul during Thanksgiving 2011 and London, Scotland and Geneva for a week after Labor Day 2012. Brook Buck and her husband Trey are selling their townhome and are excited about moving into a house with a backyard for their lab, Beaufort. Brook recently saw

Maria Thacker Goethe, Sonya Truman, Kelly Monical Goossens and myself during a girls’ trip to Oak Island, N.C. Ashley Johnson McGee ’03 hosted us all at her family’s beach house. I am still working in my family’s lighting showroom and am currently training for my third marathon in Nov.


Courtney Arnott Silverthorn 152 Clubhouse Dr. SW, Apt 203 Leesburg, VA 20175 courtney.silverthorn@gmail.com

Courtney Yerdon Gleason and husband David welcomed Rosemary Ruth Gleason on 7/5. Lindsay Kinyon Ashton threw her a shower in Richmond Va., which Danielle Ross Oberg, Jane Mckenzie Davis and Lara Hansen attended. Sara Shank Sims and husband Tim had a baby girl, Adelaide Temperance Sims, on 7/26. Shirley Pinson Hendricks and her husband welcomed their first child, John Rallson Hendricks, on 12/23/11. Shirley is looking forward to seeing everyone at Reunion next year! Megan Gaillerdet Steiner is expecting her first child around 12/25—she says “it’s a girl!” She’s still working for a national insurance company in downtown Charlotte, N.C. while her husband owns an executive recruiting firm also in Charlotte. Tiffany Williamson Norwood received a promotion to senior analyst at BrownGreer PLC. She made time to visit Angela Grisby Roberts and Megan Gaillardet Steiner. Angela and husband Gregory joined Tiffany and her husband for a vacation in Jamaica in 4/12. They missed Megan on the trip, but recently visited her outside of Charlotte. Their next mini-reunion was in 10/12 for Megan’s baby shower. Tica Stoevhase Fetiveau is now leading a team of women responsible for customer success. She adopted a cat, “Chaussette.” Laurel Speilman Rodgers recently moved to Winchester, Va., and is starting a position as assistant professor of biology at Shenandoah U.


Virginia Wood Susi 7975 Dunstable Cir. Orlando, FL 32817 ginnysusi@gmail.com sbc2004@gmail.com

Our facebook page: Sweet Briar c/o 2004 Ginny Wood Susi and her husband Phil welcomed Evelyn Sheffield on 2/28/12. On 8/4/12, Ginny hosted Sarah Ruff, Diana Marshall, Denva Jackson ’05, Michelle Badger ’06, Alex Grobman ’12, Lindsay Profenno ’15, Kait Goodwin ’15 and incoming first-year Madi Cromwell at her summer house for the Maine Back-toSchool Barbecue. Sarah Ruff purchased 19 acres in Waterville, Maine, and is currently having it cleared for building. She got to see Michelle Badger ’06 when Michelle stopped in on her way back from Canada with her parents. Denva Jackson ’05 also came to spend a couple days with Sarah before heading to the SBC Maine Backto-School event that was hosted by Ginny Wood Susi. Stephanie O’Sullivan Fitzpatrick loves living in Falls Church, Va., and working in

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Washington, D.C., at FBI Headquarters. Along with husband Brendan and son Bailey, she welcomed Chloe Amelia on 7/2/11. She planned to attend Shannon Smith’s wedding in 11/12 and Lisa Moore’s wedding in 9/12. Cat Scheer Rymer gave birth to Samuel Thompson on 3/13/12. Briana Beckham Pitt and husband John have just moved to Knoxville, Tenn., to begin his medical residency, specializing in family medicine. Briana takes care of Beckham (16 mos.) and works part time as an online contract editor for American Education Corporation in Oklahoma City, Ok. Brienna McLaughlin Pruce and her husband are ecstatic about their first baby due this winter as they transition from England to Calif. Brie continues teaching yoga and selling her art at brienna.net. Andrea Staton Koplowitz and husband Dale are buying their first house near Charlottesville, Va., and will move in Sept. Andrea continues to work full time for UVa Medical Center Laboratories while making art and exhibiting in galleries. She exhibited 3 drawings in a group show, titled “Sin,” at Firefish Gallery in Charlottesville, Va., during the month of Feb. She sells prints on Etsy.com. Erin Coleman continues her Hollywood pursuit and signed with a commercial agent. She also has a film premiering at the Seattle Bumbershoot Music and Film Festival. This past March, she ran the Los Angeles marathon. This fall she’ll be participating in the Los Angeles AIDS walk. Tiffany McCabe Carr is starting her 9th year of teaching elementary music for Southampton County Public Schools in Va. She still lives in Franklin with her husband Joseph, son David (3) and 2 wild dogs— Lola and Ruger. Last June, Tiffany participated in the local Relay For Life event in honor of fencing coach Jennifer Crispen. Jozanne Summerville and Sascha Rogers visited campus during the spring semester to host the Black Pearls’ Sparkling Cider Brunch. Jozanne has a new position in the Navy and lots of traveling. Looking forward to Rio’s World Cup in 2014! Kerry Keins Mutschelknaus left her marketing career in 2011 to stay home with son Connor (2). Kerry and husband Joe welcomed second son Quinn Walsh on 8/9/12. Kerry and family still live in Arlington, Va. Schyler Ellis Burke’s husband Peter received a promotion with Halliburton. He’s now the account manager for EQT. Schyler, Peter and their 3 children, John, Victoria and Marin, will be moving to Pittsburgh. Lisa Moore married Marshall Walton on 9/2 at Beale Manor in Parkesburg, Pa. Lisa and Marshall live in Hendersonville, Tenn. Virginia Fowler Voigt is still happily living in Nashville, Tenn., with her husband John and daughter Rosie. Virginia teaches 3rd grade at The Ensworth School. Virginia and Rosie traveled to Va. this summer where they enjoyed a visit with old roommate Erin Keck Walsh ’03 and her 3 daughters. Anne Oakes lives with her partner, Randi, in Durham, N.C. She manages a group home for adult men with autism and enjoys fishing and volunteering at Carolina Tiger Rescue on weekends. Jennifer Warde Darrell is in her 5th year at Yale, hoping to finish her dissertation


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and graduate with a Ph.D. in Spanish next spring. She and her husband enjoy biking and running together. She caught up with Sarah Ruff while biking the Trek Across Maine this past June. She has also loved singing with her church choir, with whom she had the opportunity to travel to England and sing in Westminster Abbey, St. George’s Chapel at Windsor, and Gloucester Cathedral in 8/11. Megan Owens Thompson and husband Mike welcomed their first son, Aidan Michael, on Mother’s Day. Two weeks before Aidan’s arrival, they moved from Charlotte to Concord, N.C., to where Megan works. Megan just returned to work at Cannon School, where she is the middle school counselor and community outreach coordinator. In April, Nicole Basbanes started her first full-time library job serving children and young adults at a local public library. She married Billy Claire on 6/16/12 at Nashoba Valley Winery in Bolton, Mass. They honeymooned in London, Paris, and Rome for 17 days. Camille Simmons is starting her 8th year of teaching middle school Spanish in Bermuda. She was able to hang out with Caville Stanbury ’06 and Khadine Fisher in the Big Apple in Dec.


Mindy Wolfrom

5925 Almeda Road No. 10711 Houston, TX 77004 mindywolfrom@gmail.com Mindy Wolfrom has been living in Houston, Texas, for the past year and teaches Latin and ancient Greek at a private school. She and Virginia Myers (Amherst County native and daughter of SBC alumna Margaret Gillmer Myers ’66) hosted a large Cinco de Mayo rooftop party, and Carolyn Burton came out from Colo. to plan, coordinate and attend. Brentz Basten East is a portfolio manager at API Funds and Portfolios. Her children, Rosa (4) and William (19 mos.), had a full summer of swimming and beach trips. Brentz still plays a lot of tennis and has had only one loss in the 4.0 Lynchburg Women’s Summer League. Brentz caught up with Laura Densen, who was passing through. In Nov., Brentz will head down to Disney with Lauren Byrne ’04, Cat Brumley and Tamara Himelright Helton to brave the Mickey’s Jingle Jungle 5K. Lynsie Watkins Steele still lives in Charlottesville with husband Colin. They’re building an addition to make room for their newest “addition,” Declan Shea, born 3/26/12. Lynsie tries to see Megan Knight and Samira Hossain when she can. Lynsie is still training for and running races: her next race is a half-marathon in Nov.! Sarah Kidd Burchett lives in Richmond and has been working at Renew Dermatology as an aesthetician for 2 years. She recently passed her NCEA exam to earn a national certification in aesthetics. Sarah enjoyed attending a back-to-school gathering held at Hilary Cooper Cook’s house in Richmond and had fun meeting a variety of alumnae. Sarah hopes that she and other alumnae in Richmond can set up a happy hour. Leah Reedy Revelle and her husband welcomed Mary Clay Marlowe “May” Revelle on 11/12/11.

Erin Mays started graduate school at Purdue U. (an online program, so she’ll be staying in northern Va.). She hopes to complete a M.S. in education in spring 2014. Erin was elected president of the Braddock Dogs Assoc. in June, which is working to build new dog parks in Fairfax County. She said they’re now collecting pledges of support for the first dog park, which will be located in Burke, Va.! Otherwise, she went to Kings Dominion with Liz Churchill Beazley and her husband in June, and she sees Diane Lotz Warren when she joins her role-playing group on the internet. Heather Wright is still working with the Dept. of State. She just started her next assignment in Lisbon, Portugal. She is working on energy, environment, science, tech and health issues and is currently filling in as acting economics unit chief. Liz Eager Marvell finished her first year of graduate school at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary where she is working on an M.A. in history. She and husband Brett are expecting a baby girl at the beginning of Oct.! She plans to continue school part time this fall and return full time next spring. In Aug., Liz spent a week at the beach with Lauren Wade, Karen Dennehy Godsey, Kerry Martin Sprurill, Erin Gibbs and Maggie Murray Watts ’06. She also met up with Lyndsay Welsh Chamblin in Boston this summer.


Nicole Brandt 105 Prestwick Ct. Yorktown, VA 23693 brandt06@sbc.edu

Abby Adams is in grad school for her master’s in Advanced Practice Pediatric Nursing. She’s still working full time as a nurse caring for newborns. She lives with her boyfriend and their “zoo”: 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 bearded dragons and a snake. She keeps in touch with Jenn Wiley Schmidt, Meg Shortlidge, Joanna Meade and Lindsay Cline. On 3/31, Abby served as maid of honor at Jodie Weber Kavanah’s wedding to William Kavanah. Kelly Rogers Bell, Emily Burke and Lindsey Cline attended the wedding. Jodie is working for CarMax in Charlottesville as a senior sales consultant and received a promotion to sales manager in training. Jennifer Jones Collins and husband Thomas still live in Germany. Jennifer welcomed her first child, William Thomas, on 4/5/12. They moved for the third time in 2 years and now live in Birkenfeld, Germany. She was sad to leave her teaching job at Heidelberg Middle School, but enjoys being a stay-at-home mom. Jessica Mercier Andryshak came to visit in May. Ivey Tabor Godfrey lives near Raleigh, N.C. She has established her own graphic design company called Godfrey Design Company while husband Ryan Godfrey (HSC ’05) works towards a Ph.D. in philosophy of religion. Their kids Caroline (4), Gabriel (2) and Levi (1) are happy and healthy. Nancy Kleinhans Carr is so happy to have Megan Sinner Kleinhans ’04 as her sister-in-law! Megan was married to Nancy’s older brother Hugo in 5/11. In the fall, Nancy will be attending the U. of South Fla. to receive a master’s in English education.

In June, Cara Cherry moved to St. Paul, Minn., to start her residency in Veterinary Public Health and Preventative Medicine at the U. of Minn. She is working on her master’s in public health along with her residency duties and will be in the Twin Cities for the next 2 years. Julie Drake is in San Jose enjoying starting her 4th year teaching 2nd grade at Challenger School. Melissa Massy graduated from Colo. State U. with a master’s in social work in May. She took advantage of time off and visited family and friends in the Fla. Keys, Santa Barbara, Atlanta and Charlotte, as well as a few relaxing weeks in Trinidad. Melissa just began a new job as a school-based therapist at an elementary school. Victoria Chappell Harvey is looking at her last year in Japan as an ESL teacher. She hopes to travel with her husband around Japan, and possibly venture to South Korea, Hong Kong and Thailand. Michelle Badger spent time on a mini cruise to Boston on the T.S. Kennedy and is beginning a new job with the Mass. Maritime Academy. Kerri Faust de Monsalve lives in Columbia, teaches school and is enjoying her first year of marriage with Felipe. They’ve been working with indigenous shelters in downtown Bogota, teaching English and working with the children’s ministry. And I, Nicki Brandt, will be returning to St Augustine, Fla. for another winter near the beach, working with Florida Fish and Wildlife doing aerial surveys to study North Atlantic right whales. I spent the summer in San Juan Island, Wash., working for the Soundwatch Program, a boater education program conducting research and monitoring of boat/whale interactions, specifically with endangered Southern Resident killer whales; and working towards my USCG Captain’s License. During road trips between the 2 locales I was able to visit with Melissa Massy in Denver.


Emily Olson

382 E. Scripps Rd. Lake Orion, MI 48360 emilynicoleolson@gmail.com The class of 2007 held our first reunion in May. I, Emily Olson, had a fantastic weekend! At our reunion class meeting it was decided that I would continue as class secretary and Rachel Moretta and Martha Loftin were elected co-presidents. Our class will partner with the Class of 1957 in sponsoring a new classroom on campus. Our efforts are being coordinated by our new presidents and class giving chairwoman, Maggie Saylor Patrick. On 5/29, Morgan Roach’s boyfriend of 2 years, Stephen Viña, proposed while they were vacationing in Scotland. Stephen, from McAllen, Texas, is counsel for the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. They’ll be married next May in Washington, D.C. Morgan’s sister Ryan Roach ’10 will be the maid of honor. Morgan continues to work at The Heritage Foundation where she leads the Africa portfolio. In July, she traveled to Johannesburg, South Africa and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Megan Meighan lived and worked in N.J. and N.Y. for the last 3 years at SRSsoft, an electronic health records software company. She recently moved back to

Charlotte, N.C., and continues to work for SRS from her home. Danielle Briggs-Hansen continues to work at Systems Planning and Analysis as an accountant. She writes, “I’ve been working on some commissioned paintings in my spare time. I’m still playing volleyball and will be playing for 2 teams this fall.” Heidi Trude was planning on attending Reunion, but was ill and couldn’t make it. She writes, “I traveled to France and Spain with 20 students in 6/12. I’m entering my 5th year of teaching at Skyline HS. I’ll be returning to campus in Oct. to participate in the Modern Languages Career event.” Maggie Saylor Patrick writes, “This past May I headed down to Washington, D.C., where I helped plot the secret proposal to Rachel Reynolds on the part of her boyfriend, Dean. Natalie Pye, Laura Schaefer, Jennifer Wolf and Margaret Loebe ’06 were also there. We then all traveled down to SBC together for Reunion!” Maggie is working towards her M.A. in political science part time, as she works full time in the development office at Miami U. She and husband Martin recently adopted a retired racing greyhound named Temi. Emily Fitzpatrick is starting grad school at the U. of West Florida and is a graduate hall director for the Village West apartments on campus. Laura Schaefer writes, “I made the trip out to Va. for Reunion, coming a few days early to celebrate Rachel Reynolds’ recent engagement. I loved being back on campus and catching up with everyone.” Betty Skeen is getting married! She met the man of her dreams 4 years ago and they’re tying the knot next Sept. Caitlin Ashley still works for the State of W.Va. She passed the CGBP exam in May and then reached her 5-year anniversary in Jun. She writes, “My last trade mission was to Santiago, Chile. I’m working on an upcoming trade mission to Seoul, South Korea.” She recently had lunch with Carey Fleming ’78 and says, “It was great to connect with another Vixen in Charleston.” In May, Caitlin made a visit to Rosanna Hawkins Winner and celebrated her sister’s graduation from Shenandoah U. She says, “I also got to see Avarose—what a personality! Her baby brother Wade will be here soon!” Following that visit she drove through Va. to attend Erin Coyne’s (’08) bridal shower. She got to see several alumnae including Claire Bryan. This fall Caitlin is planning a trip to N.Y.C. to visit Betty Skeen and also to visit Rosanna and her new baby in Va. Whitney Wheeler earned her M.B.A. in organizational leadership/management and Certificate of Adv. Grad. Studies in human resources management from Johnson & Wales U. in Providence, R.I. She moved back to hometown Charlotte, N.C., and is a personal stylist/sales consultant at Nordstrom, Inc. She is an active member of The Junior League of Charlotte (JLC). “First of all, I want to say that I had a fantastic time at our 5-year Reunion” writes Jennifer Dick. In June Jennifer moved to Centreville, Va., from her hometown Staunton, to be with boyfriend Adrian (VT ‘06), and also for more job opportunities. She says, “I hope to finish my M.A. once I adjust to life here. I’m working at a preschool right now. If you live in the NOVA area, I’d love to get together! I have had phone dates with SBC friends and have been able to meet up with Eleanor

O’Connor and Elsa Mittelholtz Cannon since my move!” Natalie Pye graduated cum laude from A.U., Washington Coll. of Law in May and accepted a position at Shiffman & Ricci, P.C., a boutique personal injury law firm in Washington, D.C. She writes, “I enjoyed seeing my fellow class of ’07 members who made it to the one evening of Reunion that I could attend and can’t wait for 10year! I also enjoyed the mini-reunion of Laura Schaefer, Jennifer Wolf and Maggie Saylor Patrick who were in D.C. to celebrate Rachel Reynolds’ engagement.”


Kathryn Purnell Mills 6004 Treyburn Pl. Glen Allen, VA 23059-5483 kpmills@affiniongroup.com


Julia McClung

5111 Block House Ct. Apt 728 Charlotte, NC 28277 Julia.McClung1@gmail.com


Alaina Cavelier McKee 100 Kimball Ave. Apt. M149 Salem, VA 24011 Mckee.alaina@gmail.com

Katie Taylor is a behavior analyst for Individual Advocacy Group in Romeoville, Ill. In July, Catherine Gumpman was promoted to assistant director of admissions at Sweet Briar. Sydney Davis works for a mortgage firm called Dominion Capital Mortgage as a licensed mortgage loan originator. Alysha Norbury works in Real Estate and volunteers with Rising Tide, a therapeutic equestrian center for people with disabilities, and will soon be teaching there. Laura Jett lives in San Diego with her roommate Michelle Anderson ’11 and is a market research analyst with Cricket Communications. This year Laura also received her M.B.A. from Claremont Graduate U. Alaina McKee graduated with her M.A. in history from UNC-Greensboro and began her job this past April as the education coordinator for the History Museum of Western Virginia in Roanoke, Va. Celeste Rustom has moved to Wash. and is stationed at Joint Base Lewis McChord. She’s now officially an engineer officer. On Memorial Day weekend Celeste got a visit from her family as well as Rachael Vaughn and Alle Taylor. Helen Bradshaw completed an M.A. in Anglo-Irish literature and drama at the University College Dublin in 2011. Since then she has been working as a bookseller for Bubray Books. She lives in Bray, Ireland. Next year Helen will be working towards a second M.A. in children’s literature at Trinity College Dublin. Helen Phillips is in the M.A.T. program at Randolph Coll. and also teaches biology at Brookville HS in Lynchburg, Va. This fall Alli McGill is earning a Psy. D. in clinical psychology from Antioch University New England in Keene, N.H. Lindsey Davis has started the DVM program at St. George’s U. Ashley Carroll started a graduate program at Hollins

U. for a degree in liberal studies with a concentration in humanities. Carina Finn graduated with an M.F.A. in poetry and a minor in gender studies from the U. of Notre Dame in May. She has since moved to N.Y.C. and is working in the proposals dept. at Sotheby’s, N.Y. Carina serves as a coordinator/publicity assistant for the Michael Mut Gallery’s Love Yourself Project. Carina has also published “MY LIFE IS A MOVIE,” been interviewed by Thethe Poetry & PANK magazine, reviewed by The Poetry Foundations’ Harriet the Blog, and became a contributor to the literary/cultural theory blog Montevidayo. Last Dec., Sarah Maroney graduated with her master’s in criminal justice from the John Jay College of criminal justice in N.Y.C. She has since graduated from the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy and is now a certified law enforcement officer. She works as a police officer with Clemson U. Madeline Davis has accepted a teaching position at Kecoughtan HS in Hampton, Va. She’ll be teaching sculpture. Kathleen Thomas graduated in May from the U. of Mass. with an M.A.T. in Latin and classical humanities. In Aug., she started a job teaching Latin in Pembroke, M.A. In addition, Kathleen is engaged to Joseph Gamache and the wedding will take place in the summer of 2013. Also working towards her M.A.T. is Melissa Ramos who has been accepted into the M.A.T. program at UNC at Charlotte. In 8/11 Paige Kaylor graduated with her M.B.A. from Loyola U. of Md. She lives with Leighanne Arnold and Cynthia Roden in Va. In Jan. Paige became engaged to Jack Ruddy (HSC ’10). Allie Garrison Bridges married Kevin Bridges on June 2 at Sweet Briar College. Alumnae present included the maid of honor, Alaina McKee, Melissa Ramos, Misty Purvis and Caroyln Vaccaro ’11. Allie and Kevin honeymooned in Jamaica and currently live in Greensboro, N.C. Since the wedding Allie has started a new position as a h.s. Spanish teacher. Heather McPheeters became engaged to Will Lake on 7/7 at his new home in Charleston, S.C. They’ll be married on 5/18/13 in Columbia, S.C. Leigh Anne Arnold will be Heather’s maid of honor. Petra Weisbrich started boot camp on July 24 for the Air Force where she has taken a job as a medic. She was also a bridesmaid at the wedding of Samantha Adams to Bradley Newburn on 5/26. The maid of honor was Caitlin Phillips ’11 and the other bridesmaids included Katheryn Coombs ’12 and Megan Moncure ’12. Changes of Address: Carina Finn, 157 E 2nd Street, Apt. 4b, New York, NY 10009. Alaina McKee, 100 Kimball Ave., Apt. M149, Salem, VA 24011.

More class notes online sbc.edu/magazine


Ms. Ashley Corren Hinkle 1124 Lady Ginger Ln. Virginia Beach, VA 23455 hinkle11@sbc.edu


Elizabeth Davey

1317 North Decatur Rd. Atlanta, GA 30306 davey12@sbc.edu Only 3 months after graduating from beloved Sweet Briar, the swans of ’12 waste no time in living up to their motto, “Actions not words.” From William and Mary’s School of Accounting to the U. of Essex, alumnae are traveling far and wide to change the world. Katarina Allen has ventured to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, to receive TESOL certification via LanguageCorps. During this training, she teaches at the International School in Phnom Penh. She’ll later travel to China to complete a one-year teaching contract, educating children from ages 4 to 18. Follow her blog at katsmanyadventures. blogspot.com. Victoria Bradley Gentry married Jesse Gentry (Longwood ’12), her fiancé of 2 years and h.s. sweetheart, in Suffolk, Va., June 1. Sarah Melvin ’11 served as maid of honor, Jordan McIntire ’11 as a bridesmaid and Khristian Salters read scripture during the ceremony. Simone Morris ’11, Hilary Bowie, Chiquita Sharp ’14, Eleftheria Treklas, Lydia Marsh, Emily Jones, Martha Schley Kemp, Kelly Mosher, Brook Watts, Caroline Heltzel, Lauren Babineau, Rachel Lasky, Carolyn Hicks, Tiffany Hunter, Caitlin Daniel ’15 and Peggy Hoy McFadden ’74 also attended the wedding. In July, Victoria and Jesse moved to Lynchburg and they now attend Liberty U. School of Law to pursue law careers with a Christian foundation. We congratulate Victoria and all other members of the Class of 2012 for the achievements already accomplished so soon after beginning this new chapter in their lives.

Please submit your notes to classnotes@sbc.edu as follows: • Spring 2013 magazine by February 18, 2013 • Fall 2013 magazine by August 19, 2013

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Reunion 2012

Reunion student assistants


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Ann Morrison Reams ’42 (center) with President Parker and Joanne Holbrook Patton ’52

Vivian Yamaguchi Cohn ’77, national reunion giving chair

Class of 1962 celebrated its 50th Reunion last May

Class of 1952

Class of 1957

Saturday night dinner and dance

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2012 Outstanding Alumna Award recipients Diane Dalton ’67 (left) and Nancy Hudler Keuffel ’62 (right) with Mollie Johnson Nelson ’64, president of the Alumnae Association

Class of 1967

Class of 1972 celebrates gift

Class of 1972

Class of 1977

Class of 1982


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Members of the Class of 1952 with Vixen mascot, Indie


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Class of 1987

Class of 1992

Class of 1997

Class of 2002

Class of 2007

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Join us for Reunion 2013 May 31-June 2, 2013

If you are a member of a class ending in a “3” or “8,” or if you simply want to join the festivities, please mark your calendar now! Go to sbc.edu/alumdev/reunion for more information.

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