Sweet Briar Alumnae Magazine | Vol. 90, No. 1 | Spring 2020

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Dear Sweet Briar alumnae and friends, As we were putting the finishing touches on this magazine, the unthinkable happened: a global COVID-19 pandemic. As you know, we had to make the difficult decision to spend the rest of the semester engaging in remote teaching and learning and postpone graduation and Reunion. I’m sure you share my sadness that we won’t be celebrating the spring traditions that define life at Sweet Briar. The campus is so beautiful, with everything is bursting into bloom. The colors and the light are glorious. But it’s too quiet! I miss our students very much. But let me assure you: “There is nothing you cannot do” applies to this crisis, too. We have been tested before, and it’s only made us stronger. We are determined to prevail, because we believe that Sweet Briar graduates are exactly what the nation and world are going to need in the coming years: women leaders committed to a more sustainable world. Clearly, our mission is striking a chord, because more and more people are investing in our future. March Days of Giving resulted in more than $1.8 million in gifts to the college. Thanks to generous donors, our core curriculum is ramping up, and our beloved stables will soon be undergoing a complete renovation (more on pages 39). Our agriculture initiative, also fueled by philanthropy, continues to build momentum-even in the face of COVID-19. You’re going to see enormous progress the next time you’re on campus. Everything we’re doing—from vineyards to greenhouses—is going to be a tremendous asset for campus life, and an economic lifeline for Amherst County. (For more on our new partnership with the American Farmland trust, see page 28.) I’m so proud of all the people who are standing up for Sweet Briar. Now, let me ask you: Can we count on you, too? Your gift the Sweet Briar Fund is more important than ever. Unrestricted funding gives the College the flexibility to direct dollars where they are needed most, especially in this unprecedented time: emergency funding for students who facing hardship, maintaining our technological infrastructure, making it possible to continue paying salaries to our hourly employees. Visit sbc.edu/give and make your gift today. Be the fuel for our resilience and our innovative spirit. Help us take good care of this place, which holds such a special place in your heart, until you can come back to see it. Remember: We are family. Nothing can change that. Be well.


Meredith Woo President

Spring 2020, Vol. 90, No. 1



Years of Equestrian Excellence: 2 100 Forward thinking, forward riding

This magazine aims to present interesting and thought-provoking news about the College and its alumnae. Publication of the material does not indicate endorsement of the author’s viewpoint by the College. We reserve the right to edit and revise all material that we accept for publication. If you have a story idea or content to submit for publication, contact the editor, Amy Ostroth, at aostroth@sbc.edu.

10 Lisa Powell: Rooted in communities

Magazine Staff Amy Ostroth, Editor Clélie Steckel, Director of Annual Giving and the Sweet Briar Fund SilverLining Design, Lead Design Cassie Foster Evans, Photographer

14 Aaron Basko: Helping others find their purpose

Contributors: Joe Blum, Courtney Hurt ’10, Abby May, Dana Poleski ’98, Kathleen Placidi, Sybil Slate Contact Information Office of Communications P.O. Box 1052 Sweet Briar, VA 24595 434-381-6262 Office of Alumnae Relations and Development P.O. Box 1057 Sweet Briar, VA 24595 800-381-6131 Parents of Alumnae If this magazine is addressed to a daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please email us at alumnae@sbc.edu with her new address. Thank you! Cover photo: Riders in front of Mary Helen Cochran Library in 1935 holding a trophy from the Sweet Briar Horse Show. Photo this page: Field hunter show, 1943 Find Sweet Briar Online sbc.edu

2020 marks 100 years of the Sweet Briar College riding program. Read about the program’s history from the earliest days to its recent successes.

In January 2020, Lisa Powell joined Sweet Briar College as an associate professor in environmental science and director of the Center for Human and Environmental Sustainability.

Aaron Basko came to Sweet Briar in January 2020 as vice president for enrollment management, and he hopes to have an immediate influence on the College’s future.

18 The Smiths: Metal, black, blade and tin

Metalsmithing may not be the first thing that crosses your mind when you think of Sweet Briar, but it’s becoming more and more common for students and alumnae alike.

and Ella Magruder: 24 Mark A legacy of Sweet Briar dance

Mark and Ella Magruder have been the heart and soul of the Sweet Briar dance program for more than 30 years. Their long career at the College will come to an end this spring.

35 Can You Hear Us Now?

It is with great pleasure that we announce a podcast series about Sweet Briar being produced in partnership with Caperton Morton ’85: Sweet Stories in the Dell.


26 On the Quad 36 Giving

41 In Memoriam 42 Class Notes

100 Years of Equestrian Excellence:


Forward thinking, forward riding


The Early Years

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Sweet Briar board member John McBryde had big plans for the College. He worked with Ralph Adams Cram to develop the vision and construct the reality of the Sweet Briar campus. His vision, however, extended beyond academic buildings and dormitories. He saw potential in the beautiful land. He planned to build a barn for milk cows and pleasure horses for the use of the students. He dammed the little stream where Daisy used to fish, forming the lake to use for boating. He built a boat house. The woods nearest the buildings were to be cleared and converted into a park.




From the very beginning, land and horses occupied leading roles at the College and were a source of pride and distinction. Sweet Briar welcomed the first class in the fall of 1906, and in 1909 Eugenie Morenus from Vassar arrived to teach mathematics and Latin, but horseback riding was her chief joy. She had her own horse October—known as Toby—who would become one of the best-known figures on campus. During spring vacation, Miss Morenus would often take girls for 10-day rides to the Peaks of Otter, Apple Orchard Mountain, Natural Bridge and to Bellevue near Bedford. In 1911 Mr. Martindale, the farm manager, took her and three others on a four-day trip with him to collect the rent from outlying farms. Mr. Martindale had arrived a few months before Miss Morenus, and one of his first jobs was to supervise the reconstruction of the dairy and horse barns, which had burned in the spring of 1907. He was an enthusiastic arranger of drag hunts and fox hunts, and even those who never rode were thrilled by the excitement on Thanksgiving morning when, in the frosty air, the traditional hunt assembled on campus. Even though there was a small dairy and horse barn at Sweet Briar Farm, students who wanted to ride had to rent horses from the livery stable in Amherst. They enjoyed pleasure rides, picnics and fox hunting. The concept of competitive riding was still more than a decade away. An Athletic Association was created in 1907 with the purpose of promoting athletic sports. By 1910, students were riding and boating, as well as playing tennis and basketball. By 1917, field hockey, basketball, tennis, riding and lacrosse were all firmly established as inter-class competitions. In 1918, the Athletic Association adopted a new constitution that contained specifications for a point system, enabling more students to be recognized for their athletic performance. Riding was introduced as an organized sport in 1920, but in these early years, it mainly was a recreational activity and a way to earn points towards the physical education requirement. But change was on the horizon.

Systems of Riding Equestrians today recognize two main systems of riding. The oldest system is Classical Dressage in which the horse and rider are schooled to be in central balance enabling quality collected gaits in a flat arena. The result is a picture of elevated motion, precision and strength under almost invisible control of the rider. The second, more contemporary system, developed in the late 1800s by Federico Caprilli, and championed in the U.S. by Captain Vladimir Littauer, is the Forward Riding System, also known as Hunter/Jumper Equitation. The horse and rider are schooled to be in connected forward balance. The result is a harmonious picture of efficient ground-covering strides and free movement over obstacles under soft, precise controls of the rider.

Harriet Howell Rogers Arrives

A few years after riding became an organized sport, Sweet Briar welcomed one of the most influential people in the development of the riding program: Harriet Howell Rogers, who served as a professor of physical education and the director of riding from 1924 to 1963. Harriet recognized how popular riding was with the students and how influential it could be for both academic and personal development. In 1925, Harriet persuaded Sweet Briar leadership to establish a riding stables in the old dairy barn on the

Establishing a Top Riding Program

Harriet retired in 1963 and one of the instructors, Pat Horst Moon, took over as director until Clayton returned to campus and became the director in 1964. But the stables and facilities were too small and showing their age. The maintenance and operational expenses were great, and there were talks of closing the program due to lack of funding.

Captain Vladimir Littauer riding during a clinic, 1935

Paul Cronin on Never Explain, 1970

But President Anne Pannell saw the value of not only continuing the riding program, but of funding its development and building a state-of-the-art facility. In 1967, Anne hired Paul Cronin as the director of riding. When he arrived, the program had dwindled, and the original facilities were far from being in good condition. But plans for a new riding center were taking shape. Over the next several years, Paul planned the new facility and Anne sought out donors and funding. Their efforts and the generosity of one anonymous donor in particular led to the construction of the new riding center, named for Harriet Howell Rogers, which opened in 1971. The new facility was impressive. Its 120’ x 300’ indoor ring was the largest in the nation. Forty-nine stalls in two stable wings flanked a courtyard with a large classroom and lounge area in the center, overlooking the indoor area. Beyond the main barn complex was an enormous outdoor riding ring, two large jumping fields, two small barns and numerous paddocks and turn-out fields. Add in the 3,250 acres of ridable land, and the expansive facility was unique.

Sweet Briar Grows Under President Pannell During President Pannell’s tenure, the College benefited from a number of major gifts for buildings. Two new residence halls, Dew and Glass, were built; the Babcock Fine Arts Center brought the arts under one roof; the Guion science building was erected; a new chapel in 1966 replaced the inadequate assembly hall in Manson; the Charles A. Dana wing was added to the library; and the Wailes Center opened in 1970.

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northeast side of campus, just off the road that served as the main entrance to the College. It was an impressive facility for its time with a stable, a barn and an outdoor ring. Harriet organized the first May Day Horse Show in 1927, which later became the Annual Sweet Briar Horse Show. Fox hunting remained one of the most popular activities on campus, and a Sweet Briar Hunt Team was formed around 1929. Riding for pleasure and friendly inter-class sport grew with each passing year. As the 1920s ended, another pivotal figure entered the picture: Captain Vladimir Littauer. Vladimir first visited the College in 1930, and for the next 30 years, he was a regular instructor, teaching both riding clinics and educational sessions. Vladimir’s method, the Forward Riding System, became the foundation of the riding program that we know today. Vladimir, Harriet and a third important figure, Clayton Bailey, Jr.—who everyone called June, short for junior— Xxxxxxxxx recognized the importance of the Forward Riding System and the growing interest among the students. As the College’s instructors applied the new theory and practice of forward riding, the program began to gain a reputation for producing top riders. In a world where older riding traditions were lingering, Sweet Briar became a leader in the evolution of hunter/jumper riding.


A Sweet Briar Olympian Paul developed a rigorous riding program that produced numerous top competitors, trainers and teachers. One of the most recognized is Lendon Gray ’71 whose achievements catapulted the College’s already well-known program further into the national spotlight. She placed third in the American Rally and first in the Canadian Rally, where she was the only American rider and was invited to train at the Olympic Center in 1970. Lendon returned to graduate from Sweet Briar in 1971 and then went on to represent the United States on the Dressage team in the 1980 and 1988 Olympics. Today, Lendon serves on the Sweet Briar Board of Directors.


“Even with the new center, we continued to use the entire campus and began developing more trails,” says Paul. “Students not only enjoyed the large riding arenas, but regularly ventured out on the trails and trained in the Proving Grounds and fields behind the lakes and green barn. Fox hunting, hunter trials and hacking out continued to be an important part of the riding program.” It didn’t take long for interest in competitive riding to flourish, especially through the Affiliated National Riding Commission (ANRC), Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) and local hunter/jumper show circuit. The ANRC, which is based on Vladimir’s Forward Riding System, organized competitions and rating centers that tested riders in three phases of riding and a rigorous written exam. Sweet Briar had close, foundational ties to the ANRC, hosting many events and winning many championships. The


IHSA was also expanding and becoming very popular, and Paul was instrumental in organizing the regional division to which the College belongs. This new beginning with one of the best facilities in the nation and a reputation for equestrian excellence and achievement, set the stage for the next 50 years of remarkable competitive and educational accomplishments. As the program developed, there was a natural ebb and flow of interests and experiences of student riders—whether they were recreational riders, competitors or looking to pursue a career in the equine industry. In the 1990s, Paul began to notice another change. In the early years, students arrived with a background of riding on the land and were taught how to ride in the ring. Now, most students arrived with show experience and were taught to ride in the field. While still an important part of the riding program’s curriculum, field riding, hunter trials and fox hunting were giving way to show hunters, jumpers and eventing. “Above all, no matter what type of riding the students were interested in, we wanted them to understand forward riding and that it was a complete system,” says Paul. “It’s a progression of position and controls through the levels for both horse and rider. We always emphasized the consideration of the horse. That was our main focus.” As the 21st century dawned, Paul implemented a number of facility improvements and worked on a series of programmatic initiatives aimed at ensuring the quality of the riding program. The initiatives were not new concepts to Sweet Briar riders, as they had been an informal part of the program for some time. The instructional side of the riding program offered three areas of concentration: teaching, schooling and management. “We wanted to teach our students how to not only to be riders, but horsewomen,” says Paul. “Our program had a

USEF/Cacchione Cup Winner Makayla Benjamin ’18

strong educational component that taught riding theory, horse care and farm management. We also began a teaching assistant program where students learned methods of instruction and taught beginner classes.” The Riding Council, which originated in the 1920s, also played a large role in developing leaders and expert horsewomen. “They were so important to the success of the riding program,” says Paul. “They supported all aspects of it: riding, horse care, facility and show management and student support.” “But everyone, not just the council, contributed to the program,” Paul pointed out. “They came from all over the country with different riding experiences, and you could learn a lot from them. One of the best things that helped me develop as an instructor was the anonymous evaluations. I learned how to adapt to various students’ needs and sought out more opportunities for interaction and the exchange of ideas.” Having successfully developed hundreds of riders into well-rounded horsewomen and winning competitors and setting up the riding program for continued success in the next century, Paul retired in 2001, becoming a professor emeritus of the College.

Riding Into the 21st Century

Shelby French joined Sweet Briar as the associate director of the riding program in 2000 and took over as director upon Paul’s retirement in 2001. One thing about the College that stood out to Shelby was the administration’s high

level of support for the riding program, particularly from President Betsy Muhlenfeld and Dean Jonathan Green. They, and many others, recognized how riding benefited students in their academics and other athletic pursuits. “Riding students tend to have a strong work ethic, come prepared, are self-disciplined and balance multiple demands of their time,” says Shelby. “They develop valuable leadership and teamwork skills, respect for others, empathy and the ability to communicate in many ways. All of these are integral parts of the Sweet Briar woman.” In 2003, the three programmatic initiatives started by Paul—teaching, schooling and management—were formalized into the College’s Equine Studies Certificate. The program offered riders the best of both worlds: a strong liberal-arts foundation combined with preparation for careers in the equine industry. “Many of the students that participated in the certificate program often were focused on learning for their own personal benefit rather than to become an equine professional,” says Shelby. “They wanted to be contributing members of society in many other fields. They were focused on life after college in a broader sense and the certificate program helped them build lifelong skills that could be applied anywhere.” As more students joined the riding program—typically 150 each semester—the riding center saw another burst of growth with the construction of the South Barn, Hunter Barn, storage areas and more fenced-in fields and paddocks, not to mention a new truck and trailer for competition travel.

spring 2020

Andrew Ryback Photography


Pairs class at the May Day Horse Show, 1928.

“My years there as a riding student were the beginning of learning to wonder and ask ‘why,’ and to then experiment and search for answers. I would not have stayed, and graduated, without that awakening.”

Shelby French (right)

Kit Sydnor ’66


Merilee “Mimi” Wroten ’93


Shelby led the riding program through a steady phase of competitive success and teaching beginner and intermediate riders. Loved by her students for her enthusiasm and playfulness, she left an indelible mark on the program. “As an instructor, I learned that you can’t take yourself too seriously,” says Shelby, “You had to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. You have to let your mind get out of the way of what your body wants to do. I encouraged the students to work hard but have fun and not get hyper focused on the outcome.” Merilee “Mimi” Wroten ’93 returned to Sweet Briar as an instructor in the fall of 1996. She coached the IHSA team and riders for local shows and field riding. In 1999 she became the associate director then assumed the director

position when Shelby left in 2011 to lead the United States Hunter Jumper Association. “The riding calendar is now more year-round than it used to be, with various opportunities to compete available nearly all the time,” says Mimi. “This change matched the students’ desire for more competition. The riding program became more structured to better support the multi-faceted and continuous calendar.” Mimi has many great memories of being challenged and learning the theory and history behind riding, which expanded her thoughts on teaching. “Educating students on the Forward Riding System creates horsewomen who are considerate of a horse’s needs and address them through schooling,” she says. Learning to communicate with different

Britt Larson-Jackson ‘22, a member of the NCEA team.

Competitive Excellence To this day, Sweet Briar’s IHSA team consistently achieves top rankings and titles. It is the most popular riding team at the College as riders at every experience level can compete. The College joined the National Collegiate Equestrian Association in 2017 and competed in its first national championship competition in 2018. In 2019, the team was ranked in the top 10 team nationally and made it past the first round of the national championship. A complete description of the riding program and facilities today, including a list of award highlights from the past decade, can be found on the riding program’s website at sbc.edu/riding.

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horses is part of the training and also is a key component of IHSA and National Collegiate Equestrian Association (NCEA) competitions. The Forward Riding System continues to be a proven method of improving a rider’s skill. “But one must have an open mind,” says Mimi. “With the prolific number of trainers, methods and competitive strategies, it can be daunting to adopt a new method of riding and schooling once arriving at Sweet Briar. But typically, once students understand how the system can help at any level, they become intrigued with it. Rather than only being concerned with advancing in competition, they begin to see how the system can support the development of themselves and their horses. By learning in-depth about the theory behind riding, schooling and communication with the horse, the rider solidifies her foundation in horsemanship and soon realizes that rather than slowing down her progress, it propels her to new heights.” Today, the College owns 50 horses and boards 20 student-owned horses. There are 85 Sweet Briar students in the riding program with the largest group being at the intermediate level, followed by the advanced riders then beginners. The IHSA team has an impressive 35 riders and the NCEA team has nine. Here’s to the next 100 years. Ride on, Vixens.



Rooted in communities


Sometimes it’s easy to forget all of the systems that have to work together in an integrated way to bring food to our tables.


We know that a farmer or rancher has to produce the food, of course, but the process really is more complicated than that. Someone has to transport the food from the farm or ranch to our supermarket or farmer’s market. Growing produce requires management of pests and diseases. We need to know how to prepare the food we’ve purchased. There are industries related to all parts of that process as well as policy implications at national, state and local levels. There are conservation and sustainability issues. There are health and

safety issues. There are economic and social factors. Understanding all of that is part of understanding food systems, or having food literacy, an area of research expertise of Lisa Powell, Sweet Briar’s new director of the Center for Human and Environmental Sustainability and associate professor in the environmental science program. “When people first started talking about and studying food literacy, the focus was on knowing basic ideas around where food comes from, knowing how to identify and pick healthy food, and having some basic cooking skills,” she told us. But in the last few years, she says, the notion of food literacy has gotten broader and come to mean understanding that food is not just the carrot on the table in front of us but that it is part of food systems that are entangled with other economic,

Lisa Powell is doing some pretty amazing things at Sweet Briar. If you’d like to support her efforts, you can do so by making a gift to help Sweet Briar complete fundraising for the Judith Haskell Brewer Fund Challenge Grant. The Brewer Fund has pledged a total of $500,000 in funding if Sweet Briar can raise an equal amount. For every $100,000 we raise, the Fund will release $100,000. We’ve raised a little more than $385,000 and received $300,000 in matched funding. We’re very close to reaching the $400,000 mark, which will lead to the release of another $100,000. To receive the full match, we’ll need to raise the rest of the money by Dec. 31, 2020.

Some of the funds from the Brewer Fund will go into the College’s endowment, ensuring Sweet Briar is able to perpetually support sustainability at the College. The rest will provide funding for sustainability programming and the community garden as well as operating money. If your philanthropic goals include sustainability and Sweet Briar, this is a great way to support both. To make your gift, visit sbc.edu/give, select “Make a Gift” and click on “Brewer Fund Challenge Grant.”

environmental, social, political and cultural systems. “Part of developing food literacy is learning to understand power structures in food systems,” she says. Food systems have been part of Lisa’s life since childhood. She grew up on a farm and is still very much a part of her family’s grain farm in Western Kentucky. The family dedicates a substantial amount of land to soil and water conservation projects that benefit wildlife and provide ecosystem services to the community. For Lisa, that farm was one of her earliest field experiences. “I learned through observing and working with my dad and mom, through working on research trials hosted on our farm, and through building my own on-farm projects as an FFA member,” she recalls. “I’ve known since I was a tiny tot that I wanted to be both an academic and a farmer, and as I have progressed through my career, those two things have become increasingly integrated.” Early in her career, while she was completing her doctoral work, she was involved in oral history projects documenting barbecue in both Texas and Kentucky for the Southern Foodways Alliance. She enjoyed meeting the people who cooked and served barbecue, but she was drawn to finding

people involved in other parts of the system. “I interviewed the person who managed forests and cut and transported the wood that supplied the pits of many Central Texas barbecue restaurants, and a beef cattle producer, and the owner of a sausage factory,” she told us. In fact, that project led to one of her earliest academic publications: a book section titled “It Ain’t Easy Being Green When You’re Smoked,” which was a look at barbecue from a sustainability standpoint. For the last six years, Lisa has been working in British Columbia, Canada, active in the operations of a campus farm, where she facilitated student engagement through experiential learning. She studied issues of land use governance and marketing models, developed and strengthened community partnerships and built resources for farmers. In short, she brought the farm’s many activities together into an integrated whole. All the while, she was researching and teaching as well. For her, Sweet Briar was the perfect opportunity to put all of that prior experience to work. Not only will she help integrate the College’s agricultural initiatives with its academic offerings, but she will also help the College increase the sus-

spring 2020

Brewer Fund Challenge: You can support sustainability at Sweet Briar




tainability of its campus operations. “Part of the excitement of coming to Sweet Briar is the opportunity to collaborate with the community to figure out and build what Sweet Briar’s unique campus farm and sustainability model is going to be,” she says. She acknowledges the importance of involving the broader Sweet Briar community with the farm and the center. “This is not quick work, and I will be engaging in conversations and collaborative work not only in my first months at Sweet Briar but in my first year here and beyond,” she told us. In fact, she’s already had conversations with students about what they are hoping for, on both the academic and operational sides of the College and has also been hearing from faculty about their ideas for sustainability in the curriculum and operations. She has also been charting out potential collaboration paths with alumnae and community partners. On her first visit to campus, she became fascinated by a part of campus that has delighted many people over the years: the train station and caboose. “The possibilities just started exploding in my head,” she says. “Between when I first visited and when I permanently moved to campus, the train station and caboose were constantly on my mind—and they still are! To me, that space is a physical representation of the bridge between the campus academic classrooms and the agricultural operations—on one side are Guion

and Babcock and on the other are the vineyard, wildflower meadow, apiary and historic hay barn.” In short, it’s the perfect home for the center. In fact, she’s already teaching a class in sustainable agriculture and food systems in the train station and looks forward to increasing the activities that take place there, including “Caboose Conversations” where small groups can gather to talk about sustainability and agriculture issues. She has a lot of other ideas as well. Some which may come to fruition soon, and some that may take several months—or even years—to be complete. For example, she wants to develop an area of campus for student agricultural plots, student and faculty field agricultural research, and demonstration areas for approaches to soil health and other aspects of conservation and sustainable agriculture. “Because of the land resource we have at Sweet Briar, students have an opportunity that few if any other campuses in North America can afford—they could work on the same piece of land for multiple years over their undergraduate careers,” she observes. “For example, if they formulated a research question in their first or second year at Sweet Briar, they could then have the opportunity to collect multiple years of data. Or, if they had an idea for a new crop opportunity or farm business plan or soil health management strategy, they could test it out over multiple years on campus.”

Lisa knows that Sweet Briar’s land is an asset, not just to the on-campus community, but to the local area. She looks forward to working with community partners to build effective working relationships. That process provides learning experiences for students as well and she plans to implement community-based experiential learning to her courses. “In this approach,” she says, “the knowledge, skills, and experience of community partners is valued highly, and we emphasize that our students and faculty have as much or more to learn from community members as community members have to learn from them, and that we will likely be learning many things together.” Indeed, Lisa’s life, from her youth on the family farm to her academic and personal interests today, are firmly rooted in her belief that communities are important. It’s that belief that makes her a perfect fit for Sweet Briar. She followed the events of 2015 closely and admired what the entire community—faculty, students, staff, alumnae and supporters—was able to accomplish. “The deep love and dedication that Sweet Briar alumnae have for this institution really came through, as well as their determination and wide-ranging talents,” Lisa says. “I knew that if there was an opportunity, I would love to work with Sweet Briar! I am in awe of this amazing community.”

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Students prepare the raised beds for spring plantings.


“Sweet Briar was trying to push the envelope. It was an exciting challenge that I wanted to be a part of.”

A college counselor made quite an impact on Aaron Basko’s life, so perhaps it’s not surprising that he ended up following a path that led him to Sweet Briar’s Office of Admissions. Growing up in a small town in Maine, Aaron became friends with several international students who were studying at his public high school. As a result, he was inspired to travel abroad and did an extra year of high school in Argentina as an exchange student. While there, he lived with a family, took an internship at a bank and brushed up on his Spanish. When he returned to the United States for college, he knew he wanted one with a strong international program.


Enter Paul Willis


Paul was a college counselor at West Virginia Wesleyan College, located in Buckhannon, about 70 miles south of Morgantown. A native Briton, Paul built a rapport with the young Aaron, explaining that he was a great candidate for one of the school’s most prestigious scholarships. Aaron attended a competition for that scholarship—not unlike Sweet Briar’s Presidential Scholars competition—and felt good about what he learned about the school. Paul even came to Aaron’s high school awards ceremony to make the announcement that he would be a Wesleyan Scholar. After graduating from Wesleyan, Aaron attended the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and earned a master’s degree in Latin American history without really knowing where he wanted to go from there. He worked at a technology company for a while, but didn’t love it. Needing

advice about his next step, he turned once again to his former counselor Paul, who observed that Aaron might enjoy doing college admissions work. Wasting no time, Aaron accepted an offer from the first school to which he applied: Rivier College, a Catholic school in Nashua, N.H., with an enrollment of about 2,000 students. In his three years with Rivier, Aaron worked an admissions territory and enjoyed getting to know the students and helping them discover who they could become if they attended the college. After a while, he and his wife began thinking about buying a house and starting a family, something that would have been challenging for the young couple to do in New England. So, they headed to Franklin and Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., where his wife had family. While there, Aaron overhauled the school’s visit process, worked in diversity recruiting, oversaw all of the interviewers and more. He gained skills and moved up and, in the end, he was in charge of nearly half of the admissions activities at the college. Wanting a new challenge and to expand his experience in admissions, he headed to Salisbury University in Maryland, where he eventually became an assistant vice president. While at Salisbury, he led a strategic enrollment planning effort, something he really enjoyed doing. “I like thinking about how to position the university well and getting all the pieces of campus working together to achieve goals,” he says. He spent 11 years at Salisbury, but it came to a point where he felt like he needed a new challenge.

spring 2020

Aaron Basko:

Helping others find their purpose


Aaron meets and speaks with incoming students and families at a recent Presidential Scholars event.

As he looked for that challenge, there were a few things he says were important to him. He wanted a school that wasn’t afraid to be entrepreneurial and bold. He wanted to connect with a school’s mission and for the school itself to be committed to that mission. He wanted to know he would have more of an impact than simply bringing in another class. “I wanted to do something important,” he said.


Enter Sweet Briar College


It was actually his wife who saw the job posting and sent it to him. They had friends in the Lynchburg area, and Sweet Briar met a lot of his criteria. Plus, he was fascinated by the College’s agricultural initiatives and innovations. “Sweet Briar was trying to push the envelope. It was an exciting challenge that I wanted to be a part of,” he said. He applied, and just before Thanksgiving, he found himself on campus for a gauntlet of interviews with folks from across campus. Aaron hopes his wide variety of experiences in admissions—from small private schools to a larger public university—has given him expertise that will be valuable to Sweet

Briar. Still though, he plans to spend time thinking carefully about what will work here. “I want to find out what really works for this institution,” he observes. He’s a father himself, so when contemplating how to position Sweet Briar, he thinks about what parents would want for their daughter. “They want a place that will empower her, challenge her, inspire her and make her feel like she could do anything she wanted to do and has the passion to pursue,” he says. He knows that admissions work is ever-evolving and hopes that his own entrepreneurial spirit will fit in well at Sweet Briar and inspire the school to try new things. “I like the challenge of doing something different,” he says. “What has been the most fun is figuring out how to engage all parts of an institution in enrollment. It’s important to ask, ‘How does the whole institution see itself, think strategically and move forward?’” In fact, he sees himself as kind of a portfolio manager. “You want a nice diversity of what you’re doing. You have to work with traditional freshmen and transfer students. You want to work with international students. You want some of

generation needs to hear that. You want to be able to say, ‘This is our promise to you: If you come here, you can forge your own destiny. This is that kind of empowering place. You can let your true self out and let her run.’” That notion is one that Aaron finds personally powerful. “I believe deeply that people have a sense of purpose, that there is something they are supposed to do, and finding that is important,” he told us. “That’s what higher education is for, and it’s something I try to bring to my work.” Aaron lives on campus with his wife and two children. In his spare time, he likes to write, play guitar and sing. He looks forward to exploring his new environment and perhaps taking on some new hobbies in the beautiful landscape that surrounds the college.

spring 2020

“I believe deeply that people have a sense of purpose, that there is something they are supposed to do, and finding that is important.”

your enrollment to come in the spring. The more diversified you make your enrollment, the stronger you are institutionally and the more able you are to weather the ups and downs of the market.” He looks forward to correcting misperceptions of what a Sweet Briar education is all about and what a women’s college can mean to young women. “Sweet Briar actually offers a level of freedom from certain pressures that they’re probably not thinking about,” he says. Aaron also wants to correct assumptions about Sweet Briar being so traditional that it isn’t groundbreaking or adaptive. “It’s one of the most highly entrepreneurial institutions I’ve seen,” he says. Aaron knows Sweet Briar is a place where students can make new discoveries about themselves and pursue whatever they’re passionate about. “This is an empowering place without judgement or social pressure,” he says. “And this




Metal, black, blade


and tin


There are a lot of benefits to our high-tech, digital world, but there’s a cost associated with it too: We’ve lost our connection to the process of creating art, honing a craft and

With so much time being spent in front of screens, many people are developing an urge to push back from the desk, look away from the phone and create something with their hands. In creating works of art, troubles often become distant and artists are often flooded with a sense of power and accomplishment. For many folks, there is a need to release pent-up stress and fall into a creative flow or zen-like state. For them, an active, intense and hardcore craft often fits the bill. Picture a fiery orange forge blazing with intense force and heat. Picture an anvil, chunks and sheets of metal and a range of hammers and aggressive looking cutting tools. Picture large sheets of tin that are snipped and folded cold then soldered into kettles, trays and lanterns. Now picture who’s working with these intense materials and tools: more and more, it’s women. They are finding their creative calling as blacksmiths, bladesmiths, metalsmiths, tinsmiths and sculptors. They fall into a rhythm and find satisfaction and pride in creating something out of nothing. Apprentice Tinsmith Jenny Lynn '06 in the tin shop at Colonial Williamsburg. Photo by Wayne Reynolds, The Colonial Willimasburg Foundation.

spring 2020

utilizing old-world techniques.


Rose Murphy ’22 (left) and Riahn Holcomb-Selbert ’23 fire up the coal forge.


Learning the Tricks Behind the Trade


Michelle Gervasio, adjunct professor of engineering at Sweet Briar, picked up on the growing trend of women getting into metalsmithing. Its principles, techniques and underlying chemistry fit neatly into her engineering curriculum. In spring 2019, Michelle taught materials science and engineering. She assigned a research paper where students had to select a simple tool or object and determine the best material that would meet the object’s performance requirements while also optimizing around things like cost, difficulty of fabrication and the ethical and environmental implications of that material choice. “Several students wrote their papers on blades such as swords and survival knives,” said Michelle. “Their enthusiasm was so great that I told them about the TMS Blade-

smithing Competition organized by The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society.” The competition will be held in February 2021. Entrants must present their blade and a 10-page technical report. What sets Sweet Briar metalsmith students apart is the fact that they only work with hand tools, a coal forge and 3-lb hammers. No fancy tools or power machinery in sight. They don’t need it. More than that: they built their own coal forge, too. Word spread about the competition and there was such a large number of students interested in participating, that Michelle decided to offer a course dedicated to metallurgical techniques: Practical Metallurgy. Sure enough, the class is full with a waitlist. “I’m excited to teach them the science that goes into forging and blacksmithing because I think a lot of people don’t recognize the technical rigor behind the techniques and view it as a craft or hobby,” says Michelle. “Metallurgy is a large discipline within materials science and the academic rabbit

hole goes just as deep as any other subject. Of course, the students will also get a chance to have some fun putting hammer to steel in a series of hands-on projects.” Of course, the students are also tapping into the contemporary desire for old-world creativity. They’re energized by learning the methods behind the process. In fact, the two students who wrote papers on swords and survival knives—Lizzie Martin ’22 and Rose Murphy ’22—are so interested in it that they’re going to do summer research leading up to the bladesmithing competition. And, because steel is such a prominent structural material, a great number of engineering jobs are related to the study of metallurgy. With the expertise they’re learning at Sweet Briar, students can go on to work in many fields such as conducting research in the aerospace industry and managing operations to cut down production costs.

Erin Bell Nelson ’23 discovered her love of blacksmithing through her grandfather who is a welder. Growing up, she worked with him and his team at the shop, and he gave her a set of extra small welding gloves, which are difficult to find. Seeing the large machines and learning how they can make something out of nothing was fascinating. Erin’s mother connected her with someone who had open workshops on welding and blacksmithing, and she ran with it. “I enjoy working with fire, metal, all of it,” says Erin. “In high school, I combined my senior project with my Girl Scout Gold Award project for blacksmithing and welding. I made metals sculptures of birds, frogs and tulips. I also held workshops for other Girls Scouts and really enjoyed teaching girls because it was such a male-dominated field.”

Apprentice Tinsmith Jenny Lynn '06 in the tin shop at Colonial Williamsburg. Photo by Fred Blystone.

spring 2020

Metal as Art Medium


In her work, Erin uses a lot of silverware. It’s plentiful and inexpensive to pick up at a local thrift store, and it has a low melting point, which makes it simultaneously easy and challenging to work with. She also used a variety of metals, and there is one particular piece of which she’s especially proud: a beautifully shaped feather that appears weightless. To make the piece, Erin used a forge, banged out the shape with a hammer, used a plasma cutter to get precise cuts, created details with a grinder and smoothed the edges with a band saw. Erin will be taking Michelle’s metallurgy course where she can learn more about what’s behind the process of melting metals to create something entirely different. She is interested in geothermal engineering and sees how welding is present throughout all facets of the field—including

mechanical, environmental and electrical—but she also loves the artistry and basic craftsmanship. “Everyone should know how to do old-world techniques,” she says. “I want to solve the mystery of how Damascus steel is made by replicating the technique of linking metal hexagons, which is used to make shields and swords.”

The Apprentice Tinsmith

Not too many people can put apprentice tinsmith in their email signature, but Jenny Lynn ’06 can. For the past five years, she has worked in the tin shop at Colonial Williamsburg. When Jenny started at the 18th century living history museum, she floated between the trade shops: woodworking


Riahn Holcomb-Selbert ’23 hammers metal on the anvil while Lizzie Martin ’22 maintains the forge.


Professor Stephen Loftus, Lizzie and Riahn.

she is stuck on coffee pots. “I make lots of cups of all sizes, one day, sewing the next. When the tin shop opened up in cooking kettles, trays, punched lanterns, teapots, tinder 2013, and they taught her the trade, she fell in love. Jenny grew up in a sailboat shop and regularly worked with boxes and wall sconces,” she says. “They are put to use around Colonial Williamsburg and in the other trade shops. wood, fiberglass and some metal. “I’ve always loved working with my hands, using specialized tools and making stuff very Sometimes I make enough to sell in the shop. I also can take special orders for visitors, and reenactors frequently make quickly,” says Jenny. requests as do other museum looking for authentic 18th After graduating with a degree in history, a minor in art century replicas. history and an arts management certificate, Jenny became Tinsmithing is very different than a museum educator at a lighthouse in other metalsmithing. Artisans take large, Florida, then worked at the Henricus flat sheets of tin, cut out shapes with Historical Park, a 17th century living patterns, bend and fold them cold, and history museum outside of Richmond. then solder them together. There is no Then, at a Civil War reenactment, she forge work involved, but Jenny regularly ran into a woman she recognized from a works with blacksmiths and architectural PBS series who told her about Colonial experts. Williamsburg needing apprentices. “Social media is booming with makers “This was a perfect fit for me,” says and old-world interest,” says Jenny. “I’m Jenny. “I didn’t want to only give tours, - Erin Bell Nelson ’23 always connecting with the new fans.” I wanted to show people how to make Jenny wants to continue her apprenthings hands-on, the 18th century way.” ticeship, become a journeyman and ultimately be the master Jenny is now in her 3rd level apprenticeship in the tin tinsmith in charge of the shop. “I want to continue to learn shop, which means she’s halfway through. It is the only tin and educate people about this nearly lost old-world techshop doing 18th century work in the country and they are still figuring out how a lot of the tin pieces were made. Each nique. Not much is known about it,” she says. “I want a better understanding of how tin household items were made trade shop has its own apprenticeship program so that the and used in the period. I want to be a groundbreaker in trade can be passed on to new employees. With each level, you learn skills. There are only ever three people in tin shop: undertaking and presenting more research.” We raise our tin cups and steel blades to the Sweet Briar the master tinsmith, the journeyman and the apprentice. women who are forging their own paths. Jenny’s primary job in the shop is public education, which she does while crafting useful items out of tin. Currently,

spring 2020

“Everyone should know how to do old-world techniques.”


Mark and Ella Magruder:


A legacy of Sweet Briar dance


Mark and Ella Magruder have been fixtures at Sweet Briar for more than three decades. At the end of this school year, however, their careers at the College will come to an end. They will be deeply missed. To honor their commitment to Sweet Briar, one of their students, Courtney Hurt ’10, took a look back at their incredible careers. There are many things that make Sweet Briar College special—the gorgeous campus, the small and challenging learning environment, the friendships forged that last a lifetime—but perhaps the thing that leaves the greatest impression is the excellence of the professors. I recently attended a meeting where we were asked what professor had the greatest impact on our college experience. I could name many professors quite easily. However, there are two who forever changed my experience at

Sweet Briar College and my life: Mark and Ella Magruder. They are Sweet Briar dance. In fact, I had no intention of becoming a dance major when I entered Sweet Briar. I first met the Magruders at Accepted Applicants Weekend. At check-in, I met Mark, with his vivacious spirit and infectious grin. He encouraged me to come see a dance class. Having taken dance on and off for years, I thought why not? When I came to the class, Mark’s presence filled the whole room as he danced with us or played the drums shouting across the room to do “Super Spam,” which is a giant leap forming a kind of arrow shooting through space. Before I knew it, he had us all bounding, twisting, whirling and testing any preconceived limits we had on our bodies. I felt like a bouncy ball let loose in an open space for the first time. It was fun. I never

had experienced a class quite like it before. After the class, I met Ella. I was struck by her warmth and depth of knowledge about dance. In just one hour, I felt like my body and mind had been unlocked. So in the fall of my first year, dance became the first major I declared and the Magruders became my guides along a path of self-discovery. And that truly has been their role for 35 years teaching at Sweet Briar College. They do not require their style of dancing or way of thinking to be permanently embedded in their students. They sincerely strive, urge and cultivate each of their students to find their own unique voice through movement. They have the gift of helping to unearth the true dancer within each of us. Mark unleashes the unbridled spirit that we did not realize was harnessed. He helps us learn to let that spirit run wild and helps us discover our phys-

All of this passion pours into his classes on dance history and anatomy and kinesiology. It is not unusual for his classes to run long because he covers so much, so enthusiastically that he loses track of time! From Tudor era dances to exploring dance from cultures all over the world and teaching about his favorite muscle—the serratus anterior—there is no lack of fascinating facts in his classes. He imbues his students with the desire to pursue the world around them, always ask questions and keep learning. The Magruders are just as passionate about learning opportunities outside the classroom. They have ensured that students can gain invaluable experience abroad. They have regularly participated and contributed to the Dance and the Child International Conference, held every three years in a different country, often taking students with them. At the most recent conference held in Adelaide, Australia, in 2018, the Magruders took five students with them. The students were able to take classes and even perform their own choreography in front of an international audience. Beyond the daCi conferences, the Magruders have also connected their students to summer programs with companies in New York City, Europe and beyond. Sharing my passion for circus arts, the Magruders encouraged me to go to the summer program at the National Institute for Circus Arts in Australia. Upon my return, they helped me continue my training and exploration of aerial arts which had never been done before at Sweet Briar. There is truly nothing that they will not do to help their students. Whether you were a dance major, took just one class or even came across the Magruders while at Sweet Briar, their warmth, you won’t forget their encouragement and generosity. Mark’s classic sayings like “bee bop bareebop rhubarb pie”— which will bring a smile to anyone’s face—and Ella’s quality

for making whomever she is talking to feel like they are respected and heard illustrate why they are not only great professors, but also a wonderful part of the Sweet Briar community. Their love for Sweet Briar College carried them through the attempted closure and they still gave support and encouragement even as they were in uncertain waters. Their love for their students transcended the classrooms, and they were often supportive friends in times of personal crisis. They opened their hearts and led by example, teaching empathy both in and out of the classroom. Their model of empathy was an integral part of my education, one that I could have little expected to learn when I met them that day during Accepted Applicant’s weekend. As their last semester teaching at Sweet Briar College comes to a close, I find it impossible to imagine campus without their unwavering love, support and energy. Of course, that is the beauty of professors at Sweet Briar College: their legacies live on in the students they taught, their impressions embedded deeply in the landscape and their knowledge forming the foundation for those that are to follow. My life was forever changed, not only by attending Sweet Briar College, but also by learning from the Magruders. As they begin the next chapter of their lives, I am excited to see what they will create, what new adventures they will undertake and what new avenues they will dance upon! I know I can speak for many of my fellow Vixens when I say: Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your time and dedication to Sweet Briar College. Your impact cannot be measured in words. We love you and will miss you. Your legacy will continue to dance upon the stage in our hearts. Merde, Merde Courtney Hurt ’10

spring 2020

ical and spiritual power and take it beyond where we thought possible. He lets us feel the pure joy and wondrous abandonment of finding ourselves in movement. Ella’s gift is helping us examine movement from a physical and mental perspective simultaneously, seizing each moment and filling each phrase of music and fusing it together with intentionality, finding the precise arc of movement and the beauty in exactness while also finding the moment to let go. She has a way of making you think critically about movement without thinking at all, but letting the intention move your body. Whether it is contemplations on circles or learning to stag leap and pitch turn, together Ella and Mark form the perfect balance as dance professors. Each piece of choreography, year after year, is a rare gem and glimpse into who they are as artists—always different yet unique to who they are. As professors, they are interested in helping your mind, your body and your spirit work together to create your own path. It is not just in the dance studio that the Magruders have shone over the years, but also in the classroom. Ella pioneered the teaching of creative movement and dance into one of the pillars of the Sweet Briar dance major. Ella prepares her students to be successful teachers in any avenue of dance. She prepares her students to teach creative movement to different age groups, to structure lesson plans and write grant proposals. Her work in teaching creative movement and dance has made the Sweet Briar dance major unique among peer institutions. Mark is known for his inexhaustible curiosity and pursuit of knowledge. He has endless stories spanning a wide variety of interests including ichthyology, flute making, horticulture, Jeffersonian architecture, tea, crab shucking in Alaska, the Chicago Bears and much more.



on the QUAD

news & notes around campus

IHSA equestrian team.

IHSA Equestrian Team




Sweet Briar College’s Intercollegiate Horse Show Association varsity team won the Regional Championship for the third consecutive season after an impressive showing in the finals at Mary Washington on Feb. 15. Some of the top performances included Sarah Miller ’20 who won the intermediate fences class. Abbey Narodowy ’20 took the limit flat class win, and Sita Moses ’23 won the novice class. Madeleine McAllister ’21 was first place in the pre-novice class and Madeline Rucker ’23 won her intro class. The team returned to Mary Washington for the Region 4 Show on Feb. 22 where a trio of Vixens qualified for the IHSA 2020 Zone 4 Show. Kaitlin Duecker ’21 took the Zone 4, Region 4 Intermediate Flat Championship while Sarah Miller ’20 claimed the Limit Flat Championship. Chloe Kerschl ’22 finished as the Region 4 Reserve Champion in open flat. Here’s what some of the team members had to say about being part of the IHSA team: Sarah Miller ’20, team captain, never thought she’d occupy that role but has enjoyed it immensely. “It’s like being a big sister to a big family. My teammates come to

me with everything and anything that’s on their mind, and I love being able to help them.” Sarah didn’t know about the IHSA until she came to Sweet Briar but she always liked catch-riding and knew she wanted to be on a team. Catch-riding is often considered the ultimate test of good horsemanship. To ride one’s own horse or usual mount well is one thing, but to be able to hop on any horse and ride it well requires a true understanding of equine communication and demonstration of skills. “Our team strategy is to watch the home team warm up their horses,” says Sarah. “We look for issues and try to determine if it’s due to the horse’s or the rider’s behavior. We study everything and make mental notes so that when it’s time to draw for the horse we’ll ride, we can recall what we observed and adjust our plan. It’s similar to studying and preparing for an exam.” Jenna Steinle ’22 joined the team her first year. She already had been competing for several years and had heard wonderful things about the IHSA. “I love how IHSA tests your skills with different horses,” says Jenna. “When you only ride your own horse, you tend to form certain habits, and riding other horses helps you develop as a rider. It’s a


Members of the IHSA team celebrate their regional win for the third year in a row.

Briar horses are very special. I also work at the barn where standards are high in order to care for the horses in the best way possible, and I’m proud to be a part of it.” Sita Moses ’23 started riding at a very young age and showed on the hunter circuit for many years, including IEA shows which introduced her to the format of drawing for the horse you’ll ride in the competition. This made for an easy transition to the IHSA format at college. “The IHSA makes it easier to be competitive while keeping the cost down, compared to owning your own horse,” says Sita. “I love the experience of riding so many different horses. I used to get stressed out and anxious at shows, but now I enjoy the whole process. Sweet Briar’s program is intense with equal focus on the development of the rider and the horse, but it’s been fun as it’s helped take some of the pressure off results by focusing on improving yourself and the horse.” Kaitlin Duecker ’21 competed in hunter/jumpers with ponies then horses in the IEA before joining the IHSA team at Sweet Briar. “I enjoy the IHSA because you’re judged on how you ride. It’s challenging when you’re competing on a horse you’ve never ridden before, but that’s part of the fun: to figure out how to communicate with each horse to get the correct response. I’ve grown a lot in the last three years. I am much more confident and love the opportunities to ride at bigger shows. I also love working at the barn. You learn so much about horsemanship and how to be a leader. There are always people to back you up. Everyone is open and helpful. I couldn’t imagine a better setting to be in to grow as a rider and horsewoman.” For a complete list of competition results, visit vixenathletics.com.

spring 2020

challenge not knowing the horse you’re going to ride, but you keep riding as you normally would and instinctively draw on the skills you’ve learned.” Caroline Waters ’22 grew up riding other people’s horses and then her own. “IHSA is challenging,” says Caroline. “You need a clear and calm head to accomplish the job in front of you. You have a checklist of what you need to do for a successful ride on a particular horse. You need to ride what’s underneath you. It’s the luck of the draw which horse you’ll get. This is part of the reason why the team environment is so important. They are so supportive. On the morning of the show, everyone has the attitude of ‘Wake up! Let’s go do this!’ There’s always people around you to help.” Chloe Kerschl ’22 showed hunter/jumpers for many years on the same Southwest Virginia Hunter Jumper Association circuit as Sweet Briar, so she was familiar with the team before arriving at Sweet Briar. “I was drawn to the IHSA team because you get to go to a lot of competitions and are able to ride a lot,” says Chloe. “IHSA both tests skills and teaches skills, and you need to adapt those skills to each situation. But what I love most is the team support. We have a fun and friendly motivational saying of ‘Get over it!’ that keeps us focused and moving forward. There really is a strong sense of team happiness.” Abbey Narodowy ’20 competed in the Interscholastic Equestrian Association before arriving at Sweet Briar. “I love the IHSA because it provides an equal opportunity for all levels of riders, from walk-trot-canter to the over fences. I also love being able to ride so many different horses. You learn a lot that way. I’ve become a much more confident horsewoman and rider since joining the IHSA team. Everyone at the barn is so supportive, and the Sweet




Sweet Briar College and American Farmland TRUST


Sweet Briar College and American Farmland Trust (AFT) have agreed to collaborate on a number of programming initiatives that will support the future of women in agriculture, natural resource management and conservation. The collaboration will begin with the 2020 – 2021 school year and plans include hosting a one-day conference on agriculture in Virginia and related issues across the Southeast, inviting program leaders from AFT to speak to students at the College, providing internship opportunities for Sweet Briar students at AFT, and using the College as a host site for an AFT Women for the Land Learning Circle for the

are an increasingly important part of agriculture in the United States. As of 2017, women made up 36 percent of all agriculture producers in the country. These female-operated farms accounted for 38 percent of U.S. agriculture sales—$148 billion annually— and 43 percent of U.S. farmland. Over the last year, Sweet Briar College has established an apiary, planted a wildflower habitat and 20 acres of grapevines, and constructed a 27,000-square-foot greenhouse. It is integrating these agricultural initiatives with its academic program and its new Center for Human and Environmental Sustainability to offer hands-on learning and research opportunities as well as demonstration projects. These activities will involve students, faculty, alumnae and the wider population of Central Virginia. The College’s interests in agriculture, sustainability and natural resource management provide a unique opportunity for young women who are interested in becoming leaders in those areas and complement its women’s leadership core curriculum. Furthermore, in recent years, the College has seen an increase in the number of alumnae who are engaged in farming, ranching and other agricultural and environmental professions. “We are excited to offer those alumnae the opportunity to be a part of this collaboration as well,” says Claire Griffith, senior director of alumnae relations and development at Sweet Briar.

Mid-Atlantic region. There may also be future opportunities to partner on scientific field-based and social science research. “Agriculture is the leading private industry in Virginia and more women are participating in this business and managing farmlands,” said Sweet Briar President Meredith Woo, in announcing the alliance. “ The partnership with American Farmland Trust is an opportunity to work with a national organization that shares our commitment to educating women and giving them the opportunity to lead in an Annika Kuleba '22 industry that has an impact on the in the apiary. lives of every citizen.” The partnership is timely. Women


Engineering students at the WE19 conference in California.


In November, 15 engineering students and Professor Hank Yochum attended the world’s largest conference and career fair for women in engineering: WE19. Hosted by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and held in Anaheim, Calif., the annual three-day event attracts approximately 16,000 attendees. For many, the immersive experience will directly influence their professional careers after Sweet Briar. SWE’s conference enables juniors to make early connections and find summer internships required for their degree, while for seniors, the conference is a great networking opportunity and a chance to launch their careers. In addition to a career fair, approximately 400 sessions are held throughout the conference, ranging from a meetup of working moms and individual career consultations to tours of local companies and technical talks. “ This is a great way for our students to delve more into areas of interest

that they haven’t yet had a chance to explore, network with professional women engineers and work on their professional development,” said Associate Professor of Engineering Bethany Brinkman. Before students can go to the conference, they go through a rigorous preparation process. “Each of them must write or update their resumes and elevator pitches and have them reviewed and approved by the engineering faculty and Barb Watts in career services,” said Bethany. The seniors reviewed the list of companies at the career fair ahead of time and developed a game plan to increase their chances of landing an interview with their top choices. Polished resumes and cover letters in-hand along with persuasive and succinct elevator pitches, the students presented themselves as business professionals. “I spoke with a hiring manager at General Dynamics which ultimately

led to an internship offer,” said Angelika Lindberg ’21. “I will be working at the General Dynamics and Systems branch in Westminster, Md., this summer helping design and program military robots.” Other notable corporate exhibitors included Goldman Sachs, Intel Corporation, Microsoft and United Airlines, just to name a few. “My favorite part of the conference was hearing the stories of successful female engineers and learning about the amazing technological advancements that have been made in the past several years, as well as the roles that women played in these projects,” said Angelika. SWE’s international conference gave Sweet Briar engineering students the invaluable ability to network efficiently and connect with opportunities that place them ahead of the game in the search for a career after college.

spring 2020

Network at WE19 in Anaheim, California



Emerging Leadership Retreat Empowers Students to Lead Confidently


In January, Sweet Briar students had the opportunity to attend the Emerging Leaders Retreat held at the University of Lynchburg in Lynchburg, Va., where students from colleges in the surrounding area learned about developing leadership skills and how to handle common issues. Eleven students from Sweet Briar attended the three-day retreat where they were able to broaden their leadership skills and network with other college professionals. Sweet Briar 2023 class president, Ingrid Kalwitz Blanco, had a specific reason for taking advantage of the opportunity. “I think being a leader is a life-changing experience in many ways. The most important thing though, is why we do it. For me, it is to give a voice to


Students were encouraged a group of people and to help to speak up and use their own them as much as I can,” said voices throughout the weekIngrid. end. In addition to attending While some the students lectures, participation included learned skills to improve their hands-on activities with every leadership ability, others group session. enjoyed interacting with experts “I learned how to Students found from surrounding think deeper about themselves creating art, a colleges. “I liked leadership and find music playlist or meeting people out my ‘why’ — even finding their from other schools and seeing how why I get involved way out of an escape room. they were leaders and want to help The retreat proon their respective others.” vided Sweet Briar campuses,” said students with a Iris Williams ’22, - Reesa Artz ’22 fresh outlook for who also works as their own leadership positions an admissions ambassador. on campus. It’s safe to say that Students attended lectures students left feeling empowin a larger group setting then ered, ready to return to campus broke out into smaller workand take the lead. shops to discover and discuss “My participation has valuable lessons in leadership. motivated me to be a better Eiizjarae Dillon ’23 said, “I leader and dedicate even more learned that to progress time to my leadership roles,” as a leader, you must be Ingrid said. willing to collaborate with “Even if you don’t think of others.” yourself as a typical student The retreat also facilileader, you are,” Reesa told us. tated thought-provoking “Everyone is a leader in their ideas and self-reflective own way, and you have an moments for the students influence on how people themselves. “I learned how to think deeper about perceive you and the things leadership and find out my you are involved in.” ‘why’ — why I get involved and want to help others,” said Reesa Artz ’22.


Sarah McConnell meets members of the Sweet Briar community.

Ariel Levy speaks at the Mary Helen Cochran Library.

Special Guests Add to the Sweet Briar Experience Sweet Briar was connected to the College’s core reading and writing class for first-year students, The Mindful Writer. In late October, well-known radio talk show host Sarah McConnell visited campus to talk with faculty, staff and students about her show, “With Good Reason.” In her weekly show, McConnell interviews college professors covering topics such as politics, science, history and the arts. McConnell shared her experience as a writer and radio host and shared with students, faculty and staff that she always knew she wanted to do something with journalism. In college, she worked at the school newspaper and radio station, and yet, she said, “I was undistinguished at both.” Eventually, she found herself at a radio station where she gained experience with daily breaking news and in-depth weekly interviews. When students asked her how to get started in writing, her response was, “everyone needs good writers.”

In early November, Sweet Briar hosted a virtual Q&A with Madeline Miller, author of the novel “Circe,” which reached number one on The New York Times Best Seller list. “Circe” was chosen as this year’s Common Read selection alongside Emily Wilson’s translation of “ The Odyssey.” The New York Times called “Circe” a “bold and subversive retelling of the goddess’s story that manages to be both epic and intimate in its scope, recasting the most infamous female figure from the Odyssey as a hero in her own right.” In 2012, Miller’s first novel, “ The Song of Achilles,” was awarded the Orange Prize for Fiction and was also on The New York Times Best Sellers list. “Circe” is currently short-listed for the Women’s Prize for Fiction, and won the Indies Choice Best Adult Fiction of the Year Award and the Indies Choice Best Audiobook of the Year Award. Taking it beyond the literary world, “Circe” is being made into an HBO Now miniseries. spring 2020

Part of what makes college years so special is the opportunity to meet and talk with visiting experts. Sweet Briar has long been committed to bringing such people to campus and that tradition continued this year. New Yorker magazine staff writer Ariel Levy came to campus in early October to speak with the community about her career as a journalist. Levy joined The New Yorker in 2008 where she’s written about prominent figures such as the South African runner Caster Semenya, the artist Catherine Opie, the swimmer Diana Nyad, the former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and many others. In addition to these notable profiles, Levy writes regularly about literature, arts and culture, sports, food as well as national and international politics and events. Levy won a National Magazine Award in 2014 for her essay, “Thanksgiving in Mongolia,” and her memoir, “ The Rules Do Not Apply,” is a New York Times Best Seller. Her visit to



Bailey Goebel '20 (left) works in the fields with other students in the program. Photo by Kristal Miller.




Sweet Briar has now been partnered with the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation (SMSC) for a little over a year. The partnership enables students to spend a semester at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Va., where they gain hands-on experience in conservation biology training. The program admits up to three students per semester, and during those 16 weeks, students have a chance to practice conservation firsthand with experts from the Smithsonian Institution, George Mason University and wildlife protection agencies around the world. Students can choose their area of focus: conservation, biodiversity and society, endangered species conservation, or wildlife ecology and conservation. Each program is divided into multiple courses, carries 16 credits and incorporates an individual practicum or research experience. Since the partnership began, three Sweet Briar students have taken

advantage of this unique academic opportunity. “ This is a great compliment to Sweet Briar’s biology and environmental science programs,” said Linda Fink, professor of ecology. “Our formal partnership makes the financial and academic logistics work smoothly.” Kirsten Reinhart ’20, an environmental studies major, attended the program in the spring of 2019. Kirsten pursued the program not long after declaring her major. “I didn’t really know where my major could take me or what I wanted to do with it, and SMSC seemed to open a bunch of doors,” Kirsten told us. “I had the feeling that if I went there, I could really find out what I had a passion for in the environmental field.” She believes that the time she spent at SMSC had an impact on what she thought about her major. “It solidified my interests, and then really caused me to excel in the classroom and learning settings,” said Kirsten.

Bailey Goebel ’20 spent the fall semester of her senior year navigating the field and “realizing the interconnectedness of conservation and other social justice issues.” Bailey said that the “ability to learn from other professors and get different perspectives on environmental issues” was one of the most significant reasons she was attracted to the program. “ The semester made me a more critical thinker, and engaged more in environmental and social issues,” said Bailey. Although this program has been a significant opportunity for students majoring in the sciences, it isn’t just for them. Certain areas of the program relate to students interested in more than biology. “ The conservation, biodiversity and society program is appropriate for any student who cares about the natural world and has taken a few natural or social science courses,” Linda said. “I encourage all our social science and humanities students to apply for this program.”


Sweet Briar College has added a new logo to the athletics brand. This fresh and dynamic logo joins the legacy Vixen identity to create an expanded, powerful and meaningful brand. Sweet Briar College spent more than a year reflecting on what Vixen ath-

letics means to the Sweet Briar family and worked closely with athletes, coaches and alumnae to develop the Vixen. The new logo uses the same colors as the College’s admissions branding, highlighting the important connection between the college and its athletic teams. Sweet Briar’s Office of Communications worked with David Stanley of SilverLining Design and Hal Neal of Neal Studio to develop this new athletics logo. “The end result is amazing. The Vixen is truly a distinctive and identifiably athletics logo,” said Jodi Canfield, the College’s athletic director.

Sally Old Kitchin ’76, a Sweet Briar alumna, former board member and dedicated supporter of athletics, has seen the enormous positive impact athletics has had on the college over the years. “Athletics have consistently drawn students to Sweet Briar. You can sense the joy they have for their sport and pride in representing their college. The mascot encourages athletes and everyone in the Sweet Briar family to rally around college spirit, both on and off the field.” The existing Crispen Vixen will continue to be a prominent part of the overall athletics brand.

spring 2020

Sweet Briar College Unveils New Logo for Athletics




Roses Bloom Everywhere: COVID-19


Earlier this year, nations and leaders around the world found themselves in an unprecedented situation: navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, planning their response and shifting gears. The College’s administration was, of course, carefully monitoring the situation and consulting extensively with other institutions and health experts. On March 12, 2020, like many colleges and universities around the nation, Sweet Briar made the difficult decision to transition to remote teaching and learning. After all, the health of our students and community was— and always will be—our top priority. In the days immediately following the shift, the entire community came together to develop and implement the plans, resources, tools and processes necessary to ensure a smooth transition for every member of the community. Sweet Briar faculty are conducting

their courses over Zoom and Google Meet, enabling students and professors to interact virtually. Supportive webbased tools such as Canvas also are being used to further facilitate communication and provide a home-base for materials and resources. Professors are using video to incorporate campus, classroom and lab resources and equipment to help foster the highly interactive environment that students have come to expect from Sweet Briar. In true Sweet Briar fashion, the effort was a remarkably swift demonstration of the College’s ability to lead with confidence and support each other with strength and empathy. This, perhaps, highlights some of the many positive traits of a smaller institution: We are agile, efficient and unified. The heart of the College has always been deeply rooted in providing a hands-on, personal and tailored edu-

cational experience for every student in a residential setting. It’s the type of education that leaves a lasting impression and instills a feeling of home that extends well beyond a student’s four years. Now, the concept of Sweet Briar’s strong extended family has taken on a new meaning as students adapt to remote learning. Wherever they may be—at home or elsewhere—their College is with them. The well-established bond between friends, students, faculty, staff and mentors is serving them well as they embrace this temporary learning environment. Truly, there is nothing that we cannot do! For more information on ways you can help Sweet Briar and its students, call 1-800-381-6131 or email alumnae@sbc.edu. You can also visit sbc.edu/give.


Caperton Morton ’85 interviews Lisa Powell for “Sweet Stories in the Dell.”

Listen to the teaser episode of “Sweet Stories in the Dell” on Soundcloud at sbc.edu/podcast.

It is with great pleasure that we announce a podcast series about Sweet Briar being produced in partnership with Caperton Morton ’85: “Sweet Stories in the Dell.” Caperton began her career as a graphic artist, but then transitioned to a career called “Mom,” where she spent years as a tireless volunteer in her children’s schools and in her community. When her oldest child was in college, he encouraged her to find her figure out what she wanted to do. “A few years later, I was at the Center for Documentary Studies (CDS) at Duke University, walking through an exhibit of documentary photographs,” she recalls. “I began to realize that I was a photo documentarian too, thinking of my love of photographing the process of art, events, and just life too. So, the next day, I applied to the CDS’s Continuing Education Certificate program to learn how to properly document.” In 2019, Caperton reached out to the College with an idea to produce a series of podcasts focused on Sweet Briar. The inspiration was an interview she’d done with Carol McMurtry Fowler ’57, a member of the Sweet Briar Board of Directors. An interesting conversation between the two women led to an interview and that interview turned into the idea for the series. For Caperton, that’s how things often start. “I talk to people and sometimes they share stories so full of sparks that they inspire me to share them too,” she tells us.

Sweet Briar released the teaser episode featuring Carol —“ The Value of a Woman”—in March, as part of Sweet Briar Forever month. In episode one, we get to know President Woo better. “She is as fascinating as she is and brilliant and this becomes even more clear with each part of her life that she revealed during our interview,” says Caperton. In episode two, we learn more about President Woo’s vision for the women’s leadership core curriculum. Episode three features Lisa Powell, director of the Center for Human and Environmental Sustainability, and focuses on the College’s Centers of Excellence. Future episodes will highlight other people, programs and stories unique to the Sweet Briar community. Caperton’s interest in Sweet Briar not simply because she’s an alumna, but because of her family’s long association with the College. Cherrywood, the family farm, is just a few miles away from campus. Caperton’s great-grandmother and her sister played with Daisy. Her grandmother attended Sweet Briar, as did her great aunt, Bertha Wailes, who went on to teach sociology at the College for years. For Caperton, this new podcast is one way for her to support the institution that has meant so much to her. “I’m pretty good at producing audio stories and there are hundreds of Sweet Briar stories to tell, so a podcast seemed like a great way both give back and to spread the word about how unique the College truly is,” she says.

spring 2020

Can You Hear Us Now?




ONE SWEET BRIAR During her four years on campus, a Sweet Briar student forges her own path. Majors, classes, residence life, clubs, athletics and friendships combine in an alchemy wholly individual. Yet as any alumna will tell you, there exists a shared “Sweet Briar experience,” a bond and knowledge anchored in the College’s capacity to support and challenge students—and to prepare them for lives and careers of significance. Of course, the Sweet Briar community includes students, alumnae, current and former parents, as well as current

and former employees and many others. The love for this place unites us and we are all committed to the young women who will benefit from the education provided to our students. Our community has just come together to celebrate another successful March Days of Giving, raising more than $1.8 million for the Sweet Briar Fund in just 8 days. It is the fifth year of March Days of Giving and through this annual celebration, alumnae and friends have raised more than $9.6 million.



Launching Leaders for Tomorrow


In today’s competitive college environment, scholarships motivate exceptional students to choose Sweet Briar. Through the generosity of our donors, Sweet Briar has been able to provide considerable merit scholarships for our current students. However, these scholarships, often supported by restricted gifts from alumnae and families of Sweet Briar, do not cover the total need for merit scholarships for the 2019 – 2020 academic year. Your gift to the Sweet Briar Fund will help us cover that gap and give us the freedom to offer competitive award

packages, increasing the appeal of Sweet Briar for students and their families.

Faculty and Academic Program Support

At the heart of every student’s experience at Sweet Briar are the dedicated faculty members who guide and shape the academic year. Faculty ignite innovation and inspire students to learn and to grow beyond their greatest expectations. Our faculty empower students to make positive change in their communities and share their inspiration with the world.

GIVING Your gift to the Sweet Briar Fund means we can recruit and retain the best professors and mentors and provide the resources they need to develop intellectually stimulating classes that attract and retain students.

Stewardship of the Campus

The College’s historic buildings, 22 of which are on the National Register of Historic Places, require stewardship and care to honor our history and ensure their active role in each academic year. They form the center of our community of learning and embody our shared history. Ours is an expansive canvas for learning and research, giving our students opportunities not available to them anywhere else. The driveway that meanders through old-growth tree sanctuaries is the first impression that inspires prospective students to choose Sweet Briar and it is the call that beckons our alumnae home. Thanks to visionary investments from donors, the College has established vineyards, an apiary and a wildflower meadow pollinator habitat, all of which will produce revenue for Sweet Briar. With these investments, the former Sweet Briar Farm has been reinvigorated in a way which will sustain the College for decades to come. Your gift to the Sweet Briar Fund will help us advance these efforts, establishing Sweet Briar as a leader in artisanal agriculture and providing young women with a rich setting for learning, living and leadership.

Every Gift Matters—Every Year

Alumnae participation is one of those things that is greater than the sum of its parts. On the surface, it’s a simple calculation that gives us a number. Dig a little deeper, and it becomes a formula that represents more than just giving. Alumnae participation is used by U.S. News and World Report (and other key publications) as one of seven factors they use to rank colleges and universities. So, the higher the alumnae participation rate, the higher the ranking. The higher the ranking, the more prospective students Sweet Briar can attract. Many granting agencies also use alumnae participation as a factor in considering potential grants.

To give you an idea of what it takes to increase participation, 127 alumnae making gifts to Sweet Briar will increase participation by 1%. If another 2,083 alumnae make their gifts to Sweet Briar before June 30, 2020, we will reach our 30% participation goal.

So, How Do We Get There?

If you are an alumna, contact your best friends from your class. Ask them to be sure that they’ve made a gift to the Sweet Briar Fund this year. Then, ask them to call their other friends in your class and ask the same question. If you are an alumna class leader, use the resources Sweet Briar has provided you—class giving lists, instructional documents, and webinars—to leverage giving to Sweet Briar. If you need help with your class giving and participation, please contact Clélie Steckel, director of the Sweet Briar Fund at cdsteckel@sbc.edu or 434-381-6299.

One Sweet Briar

Anyone whose life has been touched by Sweet Briar— as a student, alumna, parent, faculty member, staff or friend—knows lives are shaped here. We are all stewards of the institution and are responsible to the next generation of Sweet Briar women. Your gift to the Sweet Briar Fund will leave a legacy of support for young women who will go on to lead the world. This unifying experience is part of the philosophy of One Sweet Briar: We come together to support each other and to support the future of Sweet Briar College. We celebrate our triumphs and overcome our challenges—together. As this magazine goes to press, COVID-19 has changed so much about life at Sweet Briar. For more information on ways you can help the College and its students, call 1-800-381-6131 or email alumnae@sbc.edu. You can also visit sbc.edu/give.

In short, your gift, of any size, increases our alumnae participation rate and makes us more appealing to prospective students and their families as well as to potential grantors. Sweet Briar’s participation goal for 2019 – 2020 is 30%. As of March 10, 2020, the participation rate was 14.6%, having increased by 4.6% during March Days of Giving.

spring 2020




Sweet Briar is Grateful to Its Donors The last few months have been banner ones for Sweet Briar on a number of levels, not least the generosity of several donors who have made combined contributions of $8.3 million that affect a wide range of activities at the College.


Supporting the Leadership Core


Philanthropist John Nau, along with two Sweet Briar alumnae, Virginia “Ginger” Cates Mitchell ’63 and an anonymous donor, have pledged a total of $3 million to support Sweet Briar College’s innovative leadership core curriculum. Their gifts will fund faculty development to refresh and update course content; support learning activities that take place be-

yond the classroom; and enhance core courses with guest speakers, visiting professorships, symposia, special events and learning opportunities, including remote learning. “Gifts to the academic program,” said President Woo, “allow Sweet Briar to offer a superlative education that is relevant to the needs of our time, preparing women to take ownership of solutions to global challenges and opportunities. I am profoundly grateful to these three donors.” John Nau, a graduate of the University of Virginia and former member of its board of visitors, is a life-long student of American history, particularly of the Civil War era, and is committed to the preservation of national parks and significant historic sites. He cares

deeply about America’s place in the world and, as the father of two daughters and two granddaughters, wants to help ensure that women are integral to the nation’s global leadership. The two alumnae donors exemplify the tradition of strong women leaders produced by Sweet Briar College. Ginger Mitchell, who has contributed to the College for decades and is a passionate advocate for homeless women and their children, has been closely involved with the Atlanta Children’s Shelter, the Atlanta Day Shelter for Women and Children and continues to volunteer as a tutor for young children in her local community. The anonymous donor, a business and community leader, is also a longterm supporter of her alma mater.


Advancing the Equestrian Program

Well-known philanthropist Richard “Dick” C. Colton Jr. has given $1 million to Sweet Briar College to support the renovation of the College’s stables, which will be named the Howell Lykes Colton ’38 Stables in honor of his mother. Sweet Briar started its formal riding program in 1920, making it one of the oldest and most distinguished programs in the United States. From the program’s earliest days, its student riders have also excelled as student leaders, as demonstrated by the accomplishments of Dick’s mother, Howell Lykes Colton, a member of the Sweet Briar Class of 1938. Howell was a member of a number of clubs and organizations on campus, and also served as the student head of riding. As a student and an alumna, she exemplified the traits of leadership, confidence and service that Sweet Briar has always sought to instill in its students. Dick’s donation will enhance Sweet Briar’s ability to cultivate scholar-athletes who are accomplished leaders and supportive team members—and to maintain a nationally-ranked program that attracts top riders, instructors and trainers. The renovations should be complete by September 2020. Dick is glad to be able to support the school his mother loved so much. “To this day, my mother’s life and what she

did with Sweet Briar has definitely impacted us,” Dick said. “We really admired Sweet Briar. Being part of its comeback is honoring my mother and has been a wonderful part of my life. Also, Sweet Briar is really well-known for its riding and I want to help keep it up. I’m satisfied to be able to help.” In fact, Sweet Briar has become something of a tradition for the Colton family. Although Dick wasn’t able to follow his mother to Sweet Briar—he graduated from Washington & Lee in 1960—his sister, Keenan Kelsey ’66 did attend the College and both have been generous to Sweet Briar. In fact, Keenan is a current, dedicated member of the Sweet Briar Board of Trustees. “My mother was very happy that my sister went to Sweet Briar and had a good career there,” Dick told us. “She would be proud that her son and daughter have supported the College. Dick is the author of a recently published book, “No More. No Less.: An Artful Cancer Journey. A Remarkable Community. A Rediscovered Purpose.” The inspirational memoir tells the story of Dick’s decades-long fight against cancer and the lessons it taught him. The book is available at Amazon in print and electronic formats and will soon be available as an audio book. For more on Richard Colton, his cancer journey and the roots of his philanthropy and rediscovered purpose, visit richardcolton.com.

Cultivating Our Agricultural Priorities

Cornelia Matson ’58 has pledged $500,000 to support Sweet Briar College’s viticulture activities, which are a centerpiece of the school’s agricultural enterprises. Cornelia’s gift is timely, not just for Sweet Briar, but for Virginia. Farms cover more than 7.8 million acres in the state and about 36 percent of primary farm operators in Virginia are female. Grapes account for more than $19 million in cash receipts for Virginia farmers and agriculture provides more than 334,000 jobs in the Commonwealth. Sweet Briar President Meredith Woo has prioritized the stewardship of the College’s natural and built environment—with agriculture playing a central role in this vision. “More and more women are going back to the land,” President Woo said. “Sweet Briar’s farm and focus on women’s leadership puts us in a unique position of being able to train a generation of young women to be leaders in areas of agriculture, natural resource management and environmental sustainability.”

In addition to these gifts, an anonymous donor has made a $5 million donation, much of which will support Sweet Briar’s prestigious Presidential Scholars Program, its highest scholarship award. These generous investments in Sweet Briar demonstrate the continued commitment of alumnae and friends to President Meredith Woo’s vision for the College.

spring 2020

Curious about the history of the Sweet Briar Riding Program? Read all about it on page 2.


No matter where you are in the world, you can Shop Sweet.

Did you know that The Book Shop has an online store? No matter where you are, The Book Shop is your source for all kinds of Sweet Briar swag, including sweatshirts, T-shirts, caps, mugs, decals and more. Show your pink-and-green pride!


in MEMORIAM 1930





Elaine Alberts Fanjul Nov. 16, 2019


Helen Doss Bishop Feb. 23, 2019

Elsie Day Mack Oct. 4, 2019


Emory Gill Williams Feb. 12, 2020


Doris Huner Swiech Nov. 23, 2019


Deborah Wood Davis Sept. 1, 2019


Cynthia Ellis Dunn Feb. 6, 2020

Nell Greening Keen Nov. 4, 2019 Nancy Drake Maggard Nov. 24, 2019


Shirley Pekor Fatum Dec. 4, 2019 Mary Street Montague Oct. 6, 2019


Marianne Vorys Minister Jan. 14, 2020

Roselle Faulconer Scales Jan. 12, 2020

Katharine Babcock Mountcastle Jan. 22, 2020


Louise Kelly Pumpelly Jan. 26, 2020

Mary Perkins “Perk” Traugott Brown March 8, 2020


Anne Stubbs Fitzsimmons Dec. 9, 2019 Elizabeth “Betsy” Gurley Hewson Oct. 20, 2019 Alice Kennedy Neel Date unknown


Lucinda Converse Ash Jan. 29, 2020 Mary “Jonni” Moore Jan. 1, 2020


Faith Mattison Nov. 6, 2019 Evalena Sharp Vidal Dec. 19, 2019


Ann-Barrett Holmes Bryan Nov. 29, 2019 Joan Johnston Yinger Dec. 30, 2019

Nancy Hinton Russell Jan. 24, 2020


Susan “Sue” Gordon Heminway Feb. 6, 2020

Julia “Judy” Watts Buchanan Oct. 9, 2019 Beverley Birchfield Derian Oct. 26, 2019 Deborah Dunning Feb. 22, 2020


Maureen Robertson Baggett Oct. 15, 2019


Katherine “Kitty” Litchfield Seale Sept. 17, 2019


Ellen Weintraub Dec. 5, 2019

Jane Headstream Yerkes Feb. 11, 2020

Regina “Gina” Mancusi Wills Sept. 20, 2019



Margaret “Sister” McCall Engelhardt Jan. 6, 2020


Margaret Mayher Badcock Aug. 2, 2010

Sandra Harte Feb. 2, 2020 Elizabeth Marble Hartwell Sept. 5, 2013 Alexandra “Sandra” Wilson Johnson Aug. 9, 2015

Deanna Boggs Lewis May 22, 2018

Carolyn Prince Mealer Sept. 13, 2019


Wendy Schnering Meehan March 7, 2020


Mary Cave Jan. 31, 2020

Teresa “Terry” Reece Michie Nov. 22, 2015

Ann Carter Marsh Dec. 2, 2019

Polly Sloan Shoemaker Dec. 28, 2019



Margaret “Peggy” Tilghman Bothwell Jan. 8, 2020

Felecia Bernstein-Chunga Oct. 5, 2019

Emily Maxwell White Jan. 16, 2020

Elizabeth Tyson Aug.19, 2019



Mary “Ashton” Barfield Nov. 5, 2019

Elizabeth “Ashton” Nesbit Moynihan Jan. 24, 2020

Anna Christine “Tina” Platt Kemper March 1, 2020


Anne Joyce Wyman March 12, 2020


Nancy Lee Edwards Paul Jan. 3, 2020 Charlene Jackson White Oct. 16, 2019


Phyllis Herndon Brissenden Dec.17, 2019 Gladys Bondurant Lee Nov. 1, 2019


Louise “Lou” Galleher Coldwell Oct. 29, 2019 Helen Turner Murphy Oct. 17, 2019


Jenna Evans Oct. 4, 2019

Peggy Jones Nov. 5, 2019 Dana Wasson Paulus May 11, 2012 spring 2020

Eleanor Bruce McReynolds June 1, 2004


CLASS notes 1949


Preston Hodges Hill 3910 S Hillcrest Dr. Denver, CO 80237 edhillj@earthlink.net


I am sorry to report recent deaths of classmates Joan Johnston Yinger who left after sophomore year and Ann-Barrett Holmes Bryan. Both were outstanding individuals with marriages of over 60 years each. Joan was a devout Christian, serving her community and Ann-Barrett had a great interest in animals and saved the local zoo. On a happier note, our class president Caroline Casey Brandt reported that over 15 of our 28 living class members gave generously to SBC. She says her health is pretty good, she did make it to our 70th reunion last spring and spent Christmas with much of her family in Richmond. At Christmas I heard from fewer friends than usual. Katie Cox Reynolds said it was the first year she did not send cards but enjoyed those from others. She and Phil, both 92, took a river cruise in Portugal last June accompanied by 2 daughters. They plan to visit me in CO this spring as they have 2 grandchildren living in the Denver area. I also had cards from Libby Trueheart Harris who is in the medical unit of her retirement home in Richmond. Don and Mary Fran Brown Ballard in Austin, TX, sent greetings. My other suite mate, Margaret (Larry) Lawrence Simmons writes that due to extreme deafness and failing eyesight she rarely travels. Last May she did visit her brother who lives in the family home in OH. Carolyn Cannady Evans has moved from Northern VA to Raleigh, NC, to be near family there. She sent a family photo of her and her children. Her good friend Deborah Carroll Conery recently called me seeking info on Carolyn. Deborah still lives in New Orleans and vacations in NC. She reports that

she is in good health for her age and sounds in good spirits. I have connected on social media with Peggy Cromwell Talliferro. She sounds fine and keeps in touch with Susan Waxter, daughter of our classmate, Judy Baldwin Waxter. Susan goes to SBC annually to attend the environmental lecture series established by her parents. In spite of several falls I remain in my home of 54 years and plan to age in place as long as possible. As usual I spent Christmas in Aspen with over 18 family members. The star attraction was great-grandson Enzo Hill who turns 3 soon. His dad is an emergency room MD in Chicago, granddaughter Alyssa Hill and Harry Murphy will be married in Nantucket in May. Both are lawyers in NYC. Grandson Greg Hill has been working in the wine industry in CA. Grandson Palmer Hilton is a water lawyer in Sacramento. Twins Michael and Karen Martinson are juniors in college. He is at CO Univ. in Boulder in aerospace engineering. Karen studies Music at Berklee in Boston. My 3 children all continue their busy lives. Gene III is in Pebble Beach, CA, Margaret is in Las Vegas and Ginny in Ojai, CA.


Pat Layne Winks 312 Arguello Blvd., Apt. 3 San Francisco, CA 94118 415-221-6779; (cell) 415-350-2994 plwinks@earthlink.net Did you attend your local Sweet Briar Day gathering? Here in San Francisco, many alumnae enjoy reuniting each year for this special event. I’m now by far the eldest in attendance, and enjoy telling incredulous young alumnae about the many regulations in our Sweet Briar handbook. This year, Board of Directors Chair Georgene Vairo brought us up to date on the College’s exciting changes and plans. If any of you have college bound granddaughters, be

Kitchie Tolleson and President Woo at a Charlottesville event

sure to tell them about the terrific free fly-in program for prospective students. Some of us are relocating. Grace DeLong Einsel and husband Dick have moved to Simsbury, CT. Benita Phinizy Johnson has taken up residence at the retirement home where she has worked in marketing for the past 32 years. Grace Wallace Brown spends winters with her daughter Catherine and family in Scottsdale, AZ. And three of our classmates – Ginger Sheaff Liddel, Kate Shaw Milton, and Jackie Razook Chamandy – live in the same Stamford, CT, retirement community. Others of us are staying put. Our much loved class president Joanne Holbrook Patton lives in her Topsfield home. She refuses to be sidelined by physical infirmities, and remains an active participant in local community events. The Essex County Greenbelt Association, an environmental preservation organization, has pledged to protect the Patton open lands by offering trails,

agricultural development by local farmers, and other environmentally appropriate conservation uses. Nancy Morrow Lovell remains in her country home, where she can watch the resident deer, rabbits and

At the Sweet Briar Day in Seattle, Nancy Morrow Lovell was ready for the Seahawks playoff game with her festive nails


Florence Pye Apy 40 Riverside Ave, Apt. 6Y Red Bank, NJ 07701 floapy@verizon.net Dear Classmates: I suspect that you were as surprised as I was to find the Class of ’53 notes were missing from the most recent Alumnae Magazine. When I investigated it, I found SBC received them, and sent them to the printer, but we never saw them again. So I am reprinting them now and will add a more recent addendum at the end. I sadly report that we have lost another classmate, Patricia Whitner Rothwell, of Apollo Beach, FL, who died June 23, 2019, after spending a brief time in hospice. Pat had been lost to our records shortly after she left Sweet Briar. I was glad to hear that someone sent her obituary to the Sweet Briar office. Pat was born on April 18, 1933, in Reading, PA. Her father died when she was 12. Following graduation from high school she entered Sweet Briar at age 16. At 18 she left college to assist her mother, who was working as a supervisor of a boarding house for students in Boston. Later she worked for United Airlines when they first began transcontinental flights, married David Michael Norris and moved to Oakland, CA, where she raised 5 daughters. Following David’s death she became an active member of the Discalced Carmelites Secular Order. She served Eucharist and provided home visitation to members of her parish. She married Bernard J. Rothwell and was widowed again. After moving to Cincinnati; Weston, MA; and Wentworth, NH, to be near her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, she finally settled in Apollo Beach, FL. She is survived by her 5 daughters, 11 grandchildren and their children. I regret that we were not able to locate Pat following her years at SBC. I received an email from Sug Cantey Patton. Unfortunately, while shopping with her daughter in Atlanta, Sug fell on the escalator at Macy’s. Despite injuries to her lower legs and some bad scrapes, nothing was broken. She is now dependent on a walking cane but expects considerable improvement with time.

Reminder: The older we get the more time it takes to heal. Sug was in attendance at both the Atlanta SBC Presidential Event in December 2019 and Atlanta Sweet Briar Days in January 2020. On a happier note, in July Kirk Tucker Clarkson wrote that she and Jack had just returned from a 12day cruise to the five Great Lakes. The cruise, an outstanding success, sailed from Toronto and returned to port in Chicago. Next on their agenda were plans to visit friends in Virginia during the summer. In September they were to go to Costa Rica to visit a granddaughter and her family who live on the west coast of Pavones. Their family is growing: They now have 6 great-grandchildren, 3 of whom live in Jacksonville. They certainly don’t lack places to go and things to do. Harriette Hodges Andrews reports that her twin grandsons graduated from college in May 2019. One is working for the sports editor of the daily newspaper in Bluefield, WV; the other is job hunting in CA. Ginnie Hudson Toone reports that she is now back in her digs after spending time recuperating in a nursing home from back surgery as a result of working too conscientiously in the garden. Recovery is slow but she is coping well with the help of friends. Jeanne Duff and I still have lunch together although we take a hiatus during the summer months. Each month we try to find a place that is not noisy so we can carry on a conversation. (What happened to those nice, little, quiet tearooms our mothers frequented?) Lately our conversations have dwelt on our medical problems—macular degeneration, dental implants etc. More seriously Jeanne is recovering from an early stage lumpectomy and is doing well. More recently I received a note from the alumnae office that Mary (Polly) Sloan Shoemaker passed away on Dec. 28, 2019. She was a beautiful girl who will be remembered as our May Queen. She attended Greenville, SC, public schools, and graduated from Chatham Hall in Virginia. She majored in Religion and became a life-long member of Christ Episcopal Church. After graduation she worked for Steuben Glass in NYC prior to her marriage in 1959 to James M. Shoe-

maker. They lived in Charlottesville and Tokyo, Japan before returning to Greenville. She spent a very active life in service to her Greenville community. As member and past president of the Carolina Foothills Garden Club Polly was heavily involved in the development of Reedy River Falls Historic Park. She also served on the Greenville Zoo Commission and the Greenville Beautification Committee. An accomplished equestrian she was active with the Greenville Tryon Hounds. With her family, she enjoyed skiing, sailing and scuba diving. Polly is survived by her 3 sons and 6 grandchildren. She faithfully attended our reunions. We will miss her.


Bruce Watts Krucke 201 West 9th St. N.-Unit 184 Summerville, SC 29483 bwkrucke@gmail.com Many thanks to those who responded to my late plea for news. We wouldn’t have an article without you. As usual, first we send sympathies and condolences to the families of these 2 animal-loving classmates who died since our last issue. Nancy Lee Edwards Paul died in January. From her obit: After graduating from Sweet Briar, she worked for the National Security Agency in Washington, D.C., learning Indonesian as part of her analyst job. She and Norman had 4 children. Always active in scouting, Nancy was offered a position with the National Girl Scouts. Later she worked at Harper & Row as an editor of medical textbooks before becoming an employment counselor for the state. She was very active in the American Association of University Women, the Antietam Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and All Saints Episcopal Church. Nancy Lee loved animals and when the family moved from D.C. to a property outside of Gapland, MD, they designated it a wildlife sanctuary. Many abandoned cats, dogs and a retired horse were also valued residents. Nancy Lee became involved with

spring 2020

even bears. I’m relieved that she now relies on others to drive the tractor around to mow her five acres. Pat Beach Thompson still loves her Mt. Kisco home. She was hit by health issues – but only temporarily! Though she and Calvin no longer climb mountains or go snorkeling, they did travel to St. Thomas with their son and daughter-in-law. Pat says she is counting on her 3-yearold great-granddaughter to attend Sweet Briar. Another prospective Sweet Briar student is Harriet (Binji) Thayer Elder’s great-granddaughter. Binji continues to go to the Y, walk, delight in her great-granddaughter, and host a meditation group. “Life is good,” she reports, and with her wonderfully positive attitude it’s no surprise. Our children provide us with joy and support. Pauline Wells Bolton’s daughter Mary has a yoga studio in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Recently, Pauline’s daughter Elizabeth, who lives in Washington State, visited her mother and they were able to Facetime Mary and all do yoga together. Ann Whittingham Smith’s two daughters live just a few miles away and visit her often. Casey Black Underwood sees her daughter, granddaughter, and great-grandchildren each week. My daughter Cathy accompanied me on a wonderful trip to Venice (just before the terrible floods) and London – two magical cities. Nancy Hamel Clark enjoys regular visits from daughter Ann and son Jim. Each year Ann surprises her mother with a birthday trip to an undisclosed locale. Last time they went to Asheville, where they visited the splendid Biltmore House. Sweet Briar notified me of the September 2019 death of Barbara Baker Bird. Reading Barbara’s obituary, I found myself wishing I had known her better. She lived a remarkable life as a social activist. She was a leader in numerous areas: rural development in third-world countries, education for special needs children, the establishment of a battered women’s shelter, and American Friends Service Committee programs in Asia. I don’t like to nag, but I do wish you would call/write/email/text your college roommates, your friends across the hall, Joanne, me. We’d love to hear from you.


how they managed to get where they are today. Quite a group of generous, dedicated hard workers.” Mary Hill was particularly excited about the environmental work on Campus–bees, wine vines, etc. She and I agreed that we would have majored in engineering if we were there now. Remembering my constant admonition about participation counting, thanks to all of you who sent a donation to the College during the March giving month.

Bruce Krucke and Missie McClain ’54


Betty Walker Dykes ’54 dancing at her grandson Ross’ wedding


programs that work to expose end the terrible exploitation animals endure on factory farms, in entertainment, fur production, etc. She volunteered for PETA and participated in numerous conferences and protests around the country. Charlene Jackson White passed away in October. She lived at the Episcopal Church Home in Louisville. She was a past member of Harmony Landing Country Club and the Long Run Hounds Fox Hunting Organization. She was an accomplished floral arranger and created many beautiful arrangements for family and friends. Always busy, as a seamstress, she created many unique articles of clothing and pillows which she

sold at local bazaars. But her greatest passion was animals. For years she ran a no-kill animal shelter and throughout her adult life she surrounded herself with an abundance of furry friends. Charlene is survived by her 2 children, Bruce LeLaurin and Brad White, and 5 grandchildren. She requested not to have any type of funeral or ceremony. If you care to make a donation to the Kentucky Humane Society she would be pleased. And if a stray cat happens to wander in your yard, Charlene would like you to feed it. Vaughan Inge Morrissette writes that she is expecting 4 more great-grandchildren. That makes 11 greats! Her granddaughter, Seline Vaughan Morrissette, was Queen of Mardi Gras this year in Mobile, the nation’s oldest Mardi Gras celebration. They had a busy, fun time with all the pre-Lenten activities. Shirley Paulson Broyles and Norris were still waiting for their retirement condo, promised for last October, to be finished when this was written. Their house sold quickly so they were renting it back temporarily while they waited. They should be in by now. Shirley plans to attend her 70th reunion at St. Catherine’s in Richmond this spring. She too is expecting her 11th great-grandchild. Mary Hill Noble Caperton had a nice family Christmas. She went to an SBC luncheon at the Boars Head Inn Resort in January. “It was interesting to hear all about the college happenings and


Emily Hunter Slingluff 1217 North Bay Shore Drive Virginia Beach, VA 23451-3714 emilyslingluff@aol.com 757-428-6167 Gladys Bondurant Lee died on Nov. 1 in San Antonio. While she did not stay 4 years, but graduated from the University of Texas, we remember her fondly and send sympathy to her family. Phyllis Herndon Brissenden, a friend to many classmates, died on Dec. 17 after having sounded chipper only a few weeks earlier when Mitzi Streit Halla said she spoke with her on the phone. She had lived her whole life in Springfield, IL, in the same house growing up and after marriage when she and her husband moved into what was formerly her parents’ house. After her husband died some years ago, Phyllis remained in the house. She was involved with many organizations including the Board of Trustees of the Springfield Symphony and the Illinois Symphony Orchestra where she was named a life trustee. She was also a founding supporter of Opera Theatre of St. Louis and a member of the National Council of the Metropolitan Opera of New York. Many other groups benefited from her help. She served on the vestry of Christ Episcopal Church. Much more is in her obituary online. Derrill Maybank Hagood sounded as dear as always when we talked about the sadness of her husband dying. Benjamin Ambler Hagood died on Nov. 9, 2019, and all of their children and grandchildren were with him in their house

in Charleston when he died there. Many of us remember going to Derrill and Ben’s wedding after Derrill had left Sweet Briar after just 2 years to marry Ben. Many of us have remained close to her. On Jan. 25, Derrill’s brother, David Maybank, died. Many of us knew him well when he was at UVa and we were at Sweet Briar. Camille Williams Yow in Atlanta, sounds as happy and smart as ever. She has moved from her beautiful house which I enjoyed seeing when my daughter and her husband lived in Atlanta for several years. She is in a retirement place near it which is evidently extremely nice because Camille sounded wonderful. She did have knee surgery some months ago but said she is getting better after lots of recuperating. She sees lots of friends, plays bridge, and has other projects too and among them the Sweet Briar project which she helped start some years ago and still manages along with Louise Jones Geddes ’84, the daughter of Dilly Johnson Jones ’54. It is called the Sweet Briar College Atlanta Alumnae Club Living Room Learning. Evidently it is hugely popular. For some years, they found good speakers who came to the living rooms of Sweet Briar alumnae. With time, many others besides Sweet Briar Alumnae became involved and hundreds of people started coming to the talks, so they now meet in the Atlanta History Center. She said that the head of that center is the son of Anne Sheffield Hale ’54. For the past several years, Camille and Louise along with a professor friend, have been concentrating on talks about the history of this country in the twentieth century. Each year, they have a program consisting of 2-hour meetings one afternoon a week for 7 weeks. They surely deserve credit for all they do. Anne Kilby Gilhuly, in Cos Cob, CT, writes so happily about her life. She has a great-granddaughter and another on the way which she says seems extraordinary because she is actually “only 28!” She says she is thankful, too, that she is “still walking around.” Also, she is still teaching courses on the Greek classics. Her husband died some time ago. She said her children and grandchildren are well and spread around the world. Four of the grandchildren work in NYC so she sees them

before Sweet Briar and Anne Lyn was nearby at National Cathedral School. So, they go way back. Gretchen Armstrong Redmond has been living at Westminster Canterbury in Winchester in an apartment she says is so nice. She stays as busy as she would like with activities there, plays lots of Bridge, does water aerobics, and even has been taking a sculpture class. Next, she may go for a sketching class. Her husband died 20 years ago. She has a son, retired from the Navy who lives with his wife in Annapolis and still works in a civilian way with the Navy and they have three children. One is a junior at the University of Maryland. Gretchen also has a married daughter living in Falls Church who graduated from Mount Holyoke some years ago and has continued to care about that college, even recently being named the Outstanding Alumna of the Year by Mount Holyoke. Gretchen said another Sweet Briar alumna at Westminster Canterbury is Katie Wood Clark ’65 who is the daughter of Elizabeth Bond Wood, the director of alumnae affairs when we were at Sweet Briar. Jane Feltus Welch says she has had some physical problems and goes to physical therapy so is all right. She is still in her special house with grand gardens outside of Louisville. I saw her garden in a book I have, Gardens of Kentucky. She still goes back and forth to the apartment she has had in New York City for almost forty years, usually staying about a week when she goes. She enjoys seeing friends there who had been in shows with her and she also loves keeping up with Phyllis Joyner and enjoys going to shows and to the opera there. She sounds as happily active as always. Pamela Compton Ware, our May Queen, at her house in Richmond, says she is fine and she sounds wonderful. In May she went to England and France for a 12-day trip with 2 of her 5 sons, Sam who is an RN in Los Angeles and Wit, who is a CPA in Richmond. Pam said it was particularly good because of the incredible Art History course she had at Sweet Briar. She saw places and objects she had studied including the world-famous Bayeux Tapestry in Northern France. She went to cathedrals she had studied and even to the

cave in southern France, in Dordogne, where cave drawings were first done around 2000 BC and said some still have some color. Her sons are both fluent in French she said, and that was a help! Kathleen Peebles Ballou, in a nice retirement place in her home town of Macon, GA, says she is fine except for having COPD. However, she says she only needs to use oxygen at night and if she has to walk any great distance. She plays Duplicate Bridge 3 or 4 times a week and is a Silver Life Master! She says she is thinking maybe about writing a helpful book for children about good manners. Emily Hunter Slingluff, me, still in my wonderful house in Virginia Beach on Linkhorn Bay. What a treat to be at my main computer right now looking out of the windows which are only a few inches from the computer, at ducks swimming in the water which is only a few feet from the house and farther away, sometimes a boat passing by. Almost every night, the sunset on the water is spectacular. Importantly, I appreciate my wonderful family and friends and I enjoy Bridge and my writing and being on shows about the importance of the job of parenting. I continue to speak about kind parenting being the way to reduce violence and have more peacefulness. More is on my website, emilyslingluff.com, including blogs. My son, Craig, a surgeon and cancer researcher, is at UVa and daughter, Molly, lives a few houses from me on Linkhorn Bay. Both are happily married and also my granddaughters and great-granddaughters are happily doing so well! Dear wonderful classmates, please keep sending me news of you and include photos if you like. Hoping to see everyone from our class on campus May 29–31 at our 65th Sweet Briar Reunion!


Mary Ann H. Willingham P.O. Box 728 Skyland, NC 28776-0728 hicklinw@bellsouth.net The sad news first: 2 of our classmates have died since my last column. Helen Turner Murphy died Oct. 17

at her beloved King Copsico Farm on the lower Potomac River. Surviving are her husband of 63 years, Tayloe, daughter Ann Carter Brumly, son in law, 4 grandchildren and her sister, Katherine Turner Mears ’53. Amid Helen’s many accomplishments, she was named June Scholar (1952) and Distinguished Alumna (2012) at St. Catherine’s School in Richmond which she attended for 13 years. At SBC, among many other things, she was chair of the judicial board and elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Her active life thereafter Included the Episcopal Church, the Garden Club of VA (of which she served as president) and numerous other organizations, for which she either served on the board or was a Trustee. Needless to say, and surprising no one who knew her at SB, she gladly gave her time and talent to make the world in which she lived a better place. Then on Oct. 29, Mimi’s life-long friend, Louise Galleger Coldwell, with whom she once taught in a one room school in Culpeper, VA, departed this life. Lou spent most of her life in Richmond. She loved all things green and was happiest with her hands either in dirt or amid the pages of a 1000-page biography. She traveled extensively: Uzbekistan, India, Mexico and beyond. She was active in the JL of Richmond, the VA Historical Society, St. James Episcopal Church and the Richmond Community Action Program. Lou had a marvelous talent for friendships, remaining life-long friends with so many. Lou was predeceased by one sister, Susan G. Askew, yet survived by another, Joanne G. Young, 3 daughters, 2 grandsons and many nieces, nephews and cousins. Janet Monroe Marshall admits she is over 80 and is loving it, even though who knew pattern baldness meant eyebrows as well? Who knew that “sleeping in” meant 7 a.m. in order to do all the things one wants to do, such as working out, acting in plays, attending Baltimore Symphony concerts, studying for Great Decisions, attending foreign affairs briefings, going to the state legislature to enact legislation for retirement communities, all sorts of social activities, meeting and making new friends and so much more? Who knew life in the fast lane after 80 is better than computer brain games and so much more

spring 2020

more often, which she loves. And she says she has a new car which keeps her from backing into anyone as she pulls out of a parking space! She wrote that she probably will not make it to Reunion because she is planning to go to France for a while in May with her daughter, Kate. Will miss you, Anne! Bexie Faxon Knowles, in her words: I’m back full-time in Maine! Beautiful all-day and all-night snow just stopped! (Written in January.) New activities include singing in the 4-part chorus, attending French class in which we’re reading and discussing a Simenon murder mystery “tout en français,” and I’m joining the staff of The Log, the wonderful monthly magazine! Having been pet-less for 40 years, I’ve adopted a big, beautiful, black and white cat from a local shelter. He’s a love! I’ve joined the local Episcopal Church, the largest in Maine, although only about 1/4 the size of the wonderful parish in Florida I left after 20 years. I hated leaving the wonderful Naples Philharmonic Symphony but am so pleased that the Portland Symphony has improved 10-fold since I was last a subscriber. I have season tickets for the Portland Stage Company, whose large ads appear in The New Yorker. Many of my very active neighbors here at Piper Shores are well into their 90s! In a twinkling, I will be too! Love to all, Bexie Mitzi Streit Halla is thankful to be recovering well from a fracture above one knee last summer which led to 10 weeks of not being allowed to put weight on that leg. She is involved on several committees at her retirement campus. And Mitzi and Roman did travel from McLean to Chapel Hill to visit their son and his family for Thanksgiving. Mitzi says she has joined Instagram and Facebook to keep up with her eight grandchildren! Having been friends with Phyllis Herndon Brissenden even before Sweet Briar and then rooming with her, Anne Lyn Harrell Welsh and Pat Meyer Robinson our senior year, that Phyllis’s death in December is very sad for her. She said that Anne Lyn and her daughter are planning to join Mitzi at the chapel where Mitzi and Roman now live and have prayers there for Phyllis. Mitzi and Phyllis were together at Mt. Vernon Seminary




fun? She sends the greeting of “Happy Living” to all her SBC classmates in 2020! Ann Greer Adams’ most recent news is at the young age of 84, she allowed her arm to be twisted into giving one more benefit recital on stage. Says she had only a few glitches but the crowd was wild with applause! And she hoped Miss Marik was looking down from Heaven with approval! Lee Chang Crozier wishes she could put a picture in your mind of her sporting a bikini in the South Seas! Instead she is trying to keep warm from the cold winter fog in San Francisco Bay! She is going groovy at 85 with an unexpected new experience of playing the synthesizer for her church band! Her youngest grandchild just flew the nest by moving into her own apartment joining the 4 other grandchildren. Lee and Al are proud to have done their part in developing some good citizens! Lee and Al stay busy, but at a slower pace than yesteryear. Parksie Carroll Mulholland writes that her winter life in Fort Myers is good, enjoying lots of golf, bocce, entertaining, theatre and music. During the summer she now resides in a retirement community in Charlottesville, the Colonnades. Her cottage there has woods on one side and grass and deer on the other. She feels very lucky that she is healthy and can do whatever she wants. From Betty Buxton Deitz who, with her husband Burt, is staying very busy. They celebrated their 85th and 90th birthdays this January 1st and 2nd! They live in their same 3-story house purchased in 1967 and thank 2 flights of steps that keep them going in spite of Betty’s new hips 16 years ago. As family matriarch she says she is good at finding answers for any and all questions concerning family. Betty volunteers at Church, the NC Symphony and the GOP, all sitting down of course! The grandchildren are all in college now, 2 about to graduate! Karen Steinhardt Kirkbride wrote that her NY son Trevor, his wife and their children, Penelope and Silas came for a Thanksgiving visit, followed by son, Kevin and Britt who came from the west coast for Christmas. As son Steven lives in Northern VA, all their families visited over the holidays. For vacations

they still manage to drive to their house on the Delaware coast, except in the winter when they try to catch up on many other things. In August Marty Field Fite’s whole family came from everywhere to celebrate her 85th birthday. This meant all her living children and 16 of 17 grandchildren were present (the 17th and his family had visited in the spring). At the weeklong gathering they enjoyed sharing their lives and love. This July, Marty plans a Baltic cruise with her grandson Anthony. She is blessed in life with the love of God and family as well as good health which she hopes is true for all who are reading this. From Mary Koonz Gynn comes the news that she is getting older on her farm but no longer actively farms which she did for 50 years. She stays busy with golf, yardwork, pickle ball and riding her bike. Macie Clay Nichols reports that she and Robert are aging in place, staying upright and enjoying a reasonably active life. Their big time in 2019 was 8 days in a favorite place, St. Remy de Provence in France with both their children and their families. The temperature was 100 every day and no AC! It was a major campaign that turned out very well! Most Tuesdays she, Meredith Smythe Grider and several other friends have coffee at Meredith’s retirement home. Meredith is happy to have her third daughter now living back in Louisville along with her other 2 daughters. Rose Montgomery Johnston lives in her home of over 60 years in Memphis. She is still recovering from the broken hip that happened last May. She enjoys visiting her children and grandchildren, all of whom live away from Memphis. She recently traveled to NYC with one of her daughters to visit two granddaughters now working there. Rose continues her private practice as a psychologist. As for me, Mary Ann Hicklin Willingham, I am blessed with good health and plenty to do! I am living in the house I grew up in, in what used to be open country eleven miles from Asheville, NC, then a little town, which now has exploded! I have 6 grandchildren (2 out of college, 2 in college and 2 in HS). I was invited to go with the NY family to Santa Fe at Christmas. No, I

did not go skiing! But I did blow a glass vase from molten glass, utilizing a 2100-degree oven! Fun experience! Sarah, my oldest grandchild, will graduate from med school this spring! We are blessed to be a very close and all-inclusive family!


Eleanor St. Clair Thorp 3 Stoneleigh #6D Bronxville, NY 10708 schatzethorp@gmail.com Spring is here again (well, will be), as is our Sweet Briar Spring Alumnae Magazine. Although not many of you responded to my emails, my many thanks to those of you who did. I am happy to share all of your news with the rest of our classmates, the most exciting is that we have 2 new great-grandmothers. I wonder how many of us can claim that title? Our class of 1958 was very special, and we are fortunate to have a way to keep connected through this Alumnae publication. So get ready for the fall 2020 edition! Cornelia Long Matson sent me her notes last summer but too late to get into our fall edition. She reports that May was busy when she was at granddaughter Nix’s graduation from Vanderbilt, where her father and daughter Julie also graduated. Then the following week, granddaughter Sarah Murphy graduated from the New School in Manhattan. Sarah is a performing songwriter with a contract from Sony. Their son, an ER doctor, and his wife live in Chapel Hill, NC. Cornelia and her husband Dick live in Hound Ears, NC. and spend their winters in Sarasota, FL. Ethel Ogden Burwell sent the very exciting news that she is now a great-grandmother of fraternal twin boys! Her daughter Lisa Burwell Reichard ’84 is the grandmother and Lisa’s son and daughter-in-law the parents. Congratulations to Ethel and her extended family. Mary Taylor Swing and her husband Bill have always been avid travelers, for business or pleasure. They had 2 wonderful trips in 2019. One was to Alsace Lorraine on a barge with 5 other couples, cruising to the area where the Schwings (Bill’s family) were glass blowers. The second

was to Brazil for the United Religions Initiative. There they visited Sao Paolo and Brasilia, in order to visit the many URI Cooperation Circles there. Julie Boothe Perry tells us that she and her husband Charlie are now in East Boothbay, ME, for eight months of the year and then travel to other climes in the winter. She shares three things that occurred this year (two of which I gleefully share): The first was this summer when classmate Eleanor St. Clair Thorp and husband Peter came to Boothbay to visit friends, and we all had a delightful evening together. The second was lunching with Eleanor in Washington, DC, over Thanksgiving, with husbands and 1 daughter each. And the third is that she and Charlie are to be great-grandparents in June, when their only grandson Boothe Perry will be the proud father. Boothe and his wife live in Atlanta. Congratulations to all the Perrys! Julie and Charlie’s daughter, Katherine, lives in Brisbane, Australia where she has lived for 32 years. Fortunately, Julie and Charlie get to visit her often. Lynn Prior Harrington still spends her summers in Bay Head, NJ, and winters in Skidaway Island, outside of Savannah. She keeps very busy playing tennis, golf, bridge and pickle ball and keeping up with her sister Kay who lives nearby. Betsy Pender Trundle Carlson is widowed and living in a condo in downtown Charlottesville. Betsy enjoys playing duplicate bridge 3 or 4 times a week and especially enjoys keeping up with her 7 grandchildren. Woody Coggeshal Nock is still working at the Columbia Museum of Art in Columbia, SC, where they just finished an exhibit of the works by Van Gogh. Next fall there will be an exhibition of Indian Art. Since that was all her news, obviously, Woody enjoys her work! Beedy Tatlow Ritchie sent a correction from the last Class Notes: She and her husband Bruce have not been married 75 years, as I wrote, but they were in Normandy for the 75th Anniversary of the Landing! Correction noted. News is that she and Bruce love Palm Desert where they have the best weather, and where there is an abundance of activities and sports. Their entire family was together in Palm Desert for Christ-

Jini Jones Vail

Meriwether Rumrill’s sons and their kids at her farm

Gay Hart Gaines’ 60th anniversary

Ali Wood Thompson ‘59 and her Plunkers Band

mas, including a 5-year-old granddaughter and a 1-year old grandson. Penny Meghan Martin is still enjoying life in Ashaway, RI, and suggests that we all come and visit. Peter and I have, and it is a lovely community in which Penny, with her art and her gardening talents, is certainly an established member. Elizabeth Gallo Skladal writes from Kauai, where she and her husband are vacationing. Their house survived the 2018 Anchorage earthquake but they have had several family medical issues during the past year. They continue to be active in Anchorage, where Elizabeth sings in the Anchorage Concert Chorus and is very active in her local church. Her husband George is an artist and continues to paint wonderful color paintings. George and Elizabeth will be back in Lynchburg again this summer and hope to get over to Sweet Briar for a visit. Eleanor St. Clair Thorp (that’s me) and her husband Peter are still in Bronxville, NY, and spend their summers on Cape Cod and the

Fleming Parker Rutledge ’59 and daughter

month of March on Hutchinson Island, FL. The most memorable events this summer and fall were the dinner and lunch with Julie Boothe Perry that she mentioned. It is very wonderful to connect with good friends after not seeing each other for over 60 years! On the home front, our 3 daughters and sons-in-law are all thriving, as are our 7 grandchildren.


Ali Wood Thompson Ali Wood Thompson 89 Pukolu Way Wailea, HI 96753-7710 travisnali808@gmail.com Passings: B. B. Birchfield Derian died Oct. 26, 2019 Julia ( Judy) Watts died Oct. 9, 2019 Caroline Blake Whitney: “I am off to Puerto Rico to visit my daughter and her family.” Patsy Bulkley O’Brian: “Not

much news, life surrounds horses and dogs and grandchildren when they are not too busy. I am in NC for most of the winter returning to ME in May. Still competing a pony in combined driving, a fun sport for those of us that can’t ride the way we used to.” Mary Boyd Davis: “Nothing new from the home. All is well so far. You may know that Polly Taylor, Erna Westwig, Jini Vail, Sandy Sylvia and moi have been reunioning somewhere in the US for many years. You may know that Sandy’s husband, Ed, passed away Jan. 9, 2020. A sad, sad shock for all of us. He was a brand and wonderful man that we have come to know over these past decades. We will miss him, though Sandy and her family are, of course, beyond sorrow.” Patricia Chandler Burns: “We are doing as well as can be expected for our ages. Can’t travel much anymore, but enjoying our college age grandchildren.” Deborah Dunning: Deborah’s daughter Hilary hosted a tea to “Cel-

Polly Space Dunn’s grandson, Austin

ebrate Being Younger in Spirit” on Jan. 25 that was fun and festive. She adds that she’s also being “bolder in purpose” by agreeing to co-chair an event in Providence, RI, on Climate Change: Risk or Opportunity? With national leaders sharing innovative ways to rescue our beleaguered planet without breaking the bank, this free forum took place on March 26. Alice Cary Farmer Brown: “My best news is that President Meredith Woo is coming to Florida where we spend the winter now. My husband Lee and I will have dinner with her and others in February and Gary Hart Gaines and I will have lunch with her 2 days later. It is always great to hear a firsthand report about the exciting events at Sweet Briar.” Penny Fisher Duncklee: “I have not been doing too much lately, except for being a weather watcher. I don’t know how many weather watchers there are, but I see my pictures often on the local NBC weather report. Of course I don’t get paid anything except for the big smile that spreads over my face. Good enough.”

spring 2020

Pat Chandler Burns ‘59 and family




Gay Hart Gaines: “Biggest news of all is that Stanley and I celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary in Nov. 2019 when all of our family except one granddaughter who was pregnant, could attend, since they were all with us for Thanksgiving. We had a beautiful dinner dance in the Everglades Club Orange garden and since it was our Diamond Jubilee everything was white and silver and lots of hanging, sparkling decorations and a blown-up Marquise for my engagement ring as place cards. It was the best party we have ever had and friends came from Colombia, Germany, Hungary and all over the US. We were thrilled that Lee and Alice Cary Brown could be with us. They have been married 60 years too. Our granddaughter Ashley gave birth to a boy, named Chilton, on Dec. 20, 2019, so we now have 2 great-grandsons. 2020 is my fourth year of doing ‘The Founders and Us’ series at the Four Arts in Palm Beach and it is hugely popular. In October 2019 I received the William G. Buckley, Jr., Liberty Award from National Review Institute and Rush Limbaugh received the prize for Political Thought. It was an amazing evening and I was very grateful for the honor. Rush and I are close friends and we each received a Betsy Ross Flag as a gift. Mine is hanging in our guest apartment for lots of friends and family to enjoy. Stanley celebrated his 80th birthday in January, so we have had lots of happy celebrations. Life is good. Our economy has never been better and here in FL our Governor is doing a great job. I will be seeing Meredith Woo in February, I think she is a remarkable woman and if anyone can save Sweet Briar, it is her!” Elizabeth Johnston Lipscomb: “Lloyd and I had a wonderful trip to Yellowstone National Park in September, accompanying our son Bill, daughter-in-law Geri and granddaughters Emily (13) and Sophia (10), our first family journey to that spectacular part of this country. We later visited our son George and his family in SC, attending his son Josh’s confirmation and watching grandson Burke play rugby-a first for me. We continue to be well taken care of at Westminster Canterbury in Lynchburg, and I’m still finding time for community activities, serving as

co-president of our local AAUW branch this year. Sweet Briar has just reminded me of the March Days of Giving, March 2–10.” Jini Jones Vail: “I have just published my new book. Summering in France’s Loire Valley and beyond is a memoir of 10 consecutive summers of study and adventure in France with generous portions of art, cuisine, history and music. I sincerely hope you will find my new book and inspiration and would appreciate your feedback.” Virginia MacKethan Kitchin: “Lucky to have my 4 boys, 2 daughters-in-law and 7 grandchildren here with me in Norfolk to celebrate Christmas.” Ginny Marchant Noyes: “This missive is a response to our devoted and dedicated and diligent class secretary, the amazing Ali, rather than a particularly interesting personal anecdote or activating of mine. But as the way in the floral world (in which I still exist as an exhibitor, judge, mentor and lecturer) ‘Bloom where you are planted.’ I have recently been planted in India (three weeks exploring southern art, architecture and food) and will soon be in Costa Rica and Panama and in the meantime I am digging out of a snowbank in suburban Chicago.” Fleming Parker Rutledge: “Dick and I and our younger daughter spent Christmas in Colonial Williamsburg. I mention this because it really is an impressive and enjoyable experience. The 50+-year-old introductory movie is as good as it was long ago. The actor-interpreters do a very good job for the most part, and there has been a moderately successful effort to tone down the erstwhile Disneyland look. Duke of Gloucester Street now looks more like a dusty horse-traveled unpaved surface and the formerly pristine paint jobs look worn in places, so it’s more convincing. The taverns are better and more fun to eat in than they used to be. They’ve made a point of incorporating slave narratives and black actors. My other news is that I am going to be on a lecture/preaching tour of England during the whole month of February, just in time to lament Brexit. And our older daughter is the new CEO of Rite-Aid, so look for your local store to be noticeably spruced up any minute now—if it

hasn’t already become a Walgreens.” Rew Price Carne: “Nothing going on here. We spent quiet holidays—lots of tv and movies. I keep company with the radio most days. Impressed to hear all about Gay and Stanley Gaines 60th anniversary party on Rush Limbaugh show, he said it was fabulous.” Virginia Ramsey Crawford: “Not a lot of news here. But I am taking advantage of a course taught by our local community college on the history of art. The teacher is wonderful and the subject is fascinating. I’m recovering from pneumonia, so I haven’t been doing much.” Debbie Von Reischach Swan Snyder: “Living at Williamsburg Landing Retirement and loving it.” Mary Blair Scott Valentine: “Stukie and I have moved to SC to be near our children.” Polly Space Dunn: “No new news although Mitchell just turned 89! We are both well despite aches and pains. Elder daughter Elizabeth has moved back from NJ and lives just down the road. One of her kids is in college in CA and one in boarding school in CT. LOVE having them here. Other daughter, Eleanor lives about 30 minutes away and sees her every weekend with her son Austin. She is an addiction counselor in Statesboro, GA. He goes to school there. I’ve gotten back into painting some and playing mahjongg and loving it.” Tabb Thornton Farinholt: “Here’s a nugget. Do you know that Mary Blair and Stukie Valentine moved to Seabrook Island, SC. I went to see them in early fall and found them doing well.” Anne Wimbish Kasanin: “I am leading my usual life, looking after the house, animals and garden and also attending lectures at the Fromm Institute and the Society for Asian Art. Every Monday I volunteer at the Performing Arts Center desk in San Francisco.” Ali Wood Thompson: “Our Plunkers Band is just beginning its 50th year and I am in my 25th year of leading that band. What a joy it is each week to see nursing home residents light up with smiles when we perform. Of course, others may be napping here and there which goes with the territory. My husband Travis will join us on his mandolin once

a month which is a bonus for us. Our youngest granddaughter just visited us for about 10 days to escape the Boston cold and our daughter Lynne and Scott will visit for some rest. Sunshine and whale watching. As many of us are experiencing problems of ageing, I too am having them. Both inner ears are dysfunctional so it affects my balance and sometimes understanding-also memory impairment—nice name for “can’t remember.” So, we will see how much longer I can keep up doing this 59ers letter. Fingers crossed. If I forgot something you sent me, I’m sorry.”


Julie O’Neil Arnheim 41 Pitt St. Charleston, SC 29401 jarnheim@princeton.edu Bess Hutchins Sharland 1724 Aberdeen Circle Crofton, MD 21114 thefroghall@verizon.net Judy Greer Schulz is enjoying a second year teaching music at Sweet Briar. Students are engaged with classes and the many activities on campus. “While its mission may seem different from that in our time, it offers an excellent and relevant curriculum for today. I am proud of our college for adapting to current needs!” In the meantime, Judy is delighted to keep up with Mary Denny Scott Wray, Celia Williams Dunn, Jane Garst Lewis and the many alumnae in Lynchburg who contribute so much to good causes there. Judy sends her best to us of ’61! Carolyn Foster Meredith married Michael Alan Meredith in 1965. They raised their 4 sons in Baltimore, 3 of whom are married. Now they enjoy watching their grandchildren as they grow up. Carolyn and Michael have attended many soccer, basketball, futsal and lacrosse games over the years. Carolyn reports she had no idea she would spend so much time on the sidelines cheering for boys’ sporting events! She spent many years volunteering for the Women’s Board of the Johns Hopkins Hospital and serving on the Women’s Committee of the Walters Art Museum. She plays bridge with

(l-r) Julie ONeil Arnheim ‘61 and Frédéric Grzybowski (almost SBC ‘61) with Margaret Wadman Cafasso ‘61 at Margaret’s 80th birthday party on board the Lady Delray in Delray Beach in Jan. 2020, ready for an intra-coastal cruise

several local groups. Michael retired at the end of 2019 after a 54-year career as a wealth manager at Merrill Lynch. Planning their “active retirement” will begin with downsizing from the big family home in Baltimore to something “more manageable.” For a time, they hope to live in their second home at Gibson Island, located on the Chesapeake Bay. Michael is working on his golf game and attending 6 classes at the nearby Renaissance Institute of the College of Notre Dame of Maryland. Carolyn plans to join him once she completes the downsizing. In fall 2019, she had a great visit with SBC roommate Caroline Schwartz Sutton in Wilmington, DE. Both have granddaughters who are interested in the same college. What fun that might be! They hope to enjoy good times together again in the very near future. Faith Bullis Mace signals that all is well in Florida again after emergency gallbladder surgery last summer, which made her cancel a much-anticipated Danube River cruise. “Now I am as fit as a fiddle and looking forward to a healthy 2020” where she plans to celebrate her 80th birthday in the summer by taking her 4 children, 7 grandchildren, and (N.B.) significant other on

a 7-day cruise in the western Caribbean. Life is good chez Faith! Our generally sage Janna Staley Fitzgerald says that 2019 turned out to be “startling” for her. “While attending a birthday party in NYC, I suffered a cerebral aneurysm, fortunately as the party was ending. I did manage to get back to Williamsburg. Wouldn’t you think I should have taken advantage of NYC’s ‘world class’ hospitals?” Her wonderful GP there ordered a CT scan, which resulted in a med transfer to a Newport News hospital, surgery (via the coil method through arteries, no cutting) and 2 weeks in the ICU plus several weeks at home, mostly in bed. She is fine now; and, other than some need to search for correct wording, has no residual effects. Considering the length of time between onset and diagnosis, “our fault—we thought I had food poisoning—until we finally saw the doctor, I was very lucky.” So, now to continue with their interrupted travel plans maybe with a trip to Western Canada in 2020. Otherwise, everything is fine here, Janna reports. Hans stills gardens, is writing a book and takes 4.5 mile walks every other day. She plans to start more exercise, but so far weekly yoga is it. In the small world department, Penny Stanton Meyer thinks Bee Newman Thayer may live part time at a lovely retirement complex in Hanover, NH, where 2 of her friends reside and near where she lived when she lived in VT. Penny’s 2019 included trips to Florida and Colorado to see children and grandchildren and a big 80th gathering at

home in Maryland in August. She is still upright and mobile with all her original parts and “can pass through TSA without special attention.” She got together in Norfolk, CT, with her 3 Goucher/Cambridge friends. “I loved Sweet Briar! But lucky me to have had two great college experiences.” For 2020, she anticipates trips to see family and, hopefully, a trip down the Rhone in October after her job at the garden center winds down. She updated her yard’s squirrel count: 9 were relocated, but 3 still freely munch on her bird food. She sends love and gratitude for friends and family and hopes that 2020 brings less turbulent times. In early summer 2019 Nancy Coppedge Lynn and Jerry moved from their home of 56 years to a condo not too far from their old home. During and right before the move Nancy was very sick, in the hospital and then in rehab to get her strength back. Their daughter had to handle the move—what an undertaking! “Thank heavens I am well now and back to normal whatever that is.” She was able to go to Maine for a couple of weeks in August and had lunch with Rue Wallace Judd. They get together each summer. “It’s so great keeping up our friendship!” Nancy continues to play Mah Jongg and a card game called Hand & Foot once a week. “Hope all of you are well and are hanging in there’”! Downsized to a townhouse near both of her children in Chevy Chase, MD, Sally Mathiason Prince is planning a trip to South Africa, which she thinks could be her “swan song” adventure, but time will tell.

spring 2020

Sally Hamilton Moore ‘61 and family celebrating her 80th birthday

Widowed after a long, happy marriage to Ted, whom she met at UVA law school, she now has only one store, Lemon Twist, in Chevy Chase, which is managed by a “wonderful Hollins girl.” She sees roommate Jill Babson Carter and Bee Newman Thayer in Hanover, NH, near where she summers. Sally’s grandson is going to Dartmouth, so she hopes to be in Hanover a lot. She sends greetings to all for 2020! Eleanor Briggs arrived at her 80th birthday party in her small town’s brand new, expensive ($500K) fire truck! Very fun, and unique, I’d say. Eleanor continues, “The party was held at the Harris Center (named for my first cat) for Conservation Education, an environmental education organization I started in 1970. Very local in activity, the staff works in local schools, protects tens of thousands of acres and holds programs and hikes on weekends. In the 60s, I became a photographer when I couldn’t figure out how to paint and have been volunteering with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) for the past 22 years, photographing for them mostly in Southeast Asia and Bolivia. In late December, I returned from Cambodia where WCS celebrated their country program’s 20th year. I had convinced them to work there starting in 1999. And now, it’s a whole new year, a new decade and we are in the middle of a global climate crisis. Trying to figure out what to do!” Eleanor also lives in NH, which has attracted its share of SBC ’61. Susie Prichard Pace in Richmond was waiting for something momentous of interest to everyone to occur, but decided it was best to just say, “hi,” and remind us of our upcoming 60th next year. She is still involved in real estate rental investments, tennis teams and family— their sports, studies, lives and loves. Susie stays in touch with co-secretary Bess Hutchins Sharland who reports that her Crofton, MD, area is finally getting its own high school. She sees our bi-coastal classmate, Margaret Gwathmey, when she comes east to Harwood, MD, from her home in San Francisco. At 80 years old, Mimi (Marion) Lucas Fleming is still working parttime as a Family Law Judge, hearing dissolutions, domestic violence, ter-


mination of parental rights trials, abuse and neglect cases and contested adoptions. She has not slowed down at all! Married in Savannah on June 9, 1960, Peter and Marion will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary in June 2020 in Savannah, GA, where they were married. The family will gather along with ’61 classmates Celia Williams Dunn, Lou Chapman Hoffman, and me, Julie O’Neil Arnheim. Sally Hamilton Moore and husband Tom celebrated her 80th at Emerald Isle with daughter/husband/granddaughter-in-law and son/wife/4 grandsons. Ever the student, I, Julie, am taking only one class this spring—the history of disease. This was intended to force me to do more than simply consider another downsizing, but will it work? I had a wonderful 80th birthday in November with all my children and grandchildren at a house on Folly Beach rented by son, Richard, who lives in Indianapolis. It was he who enticed my husband and me to purchase in Charleston in 1998; then he moved to Indiana for a job. I joined my Junior Year in France and senior year roomie, Margaret Wadman Cafasso, in Delray Beach, FL, in January 2020 to celebrate her 80th. 63 friends and family were treated to an inland waterway dinner cruise and other entertainment for a weekend of sun and fun. Keep on keeping on! We have a reunion to attend in just one year!



Parry Ellice Adam 33 Pleasant Run Rd. Flemington, NJ 08822 peaba@comcast.net


Ann Ritchey Baruch writes that after 20 wonderful years in Spring Island, SC, she is returning to Philadelphia, living in the Beaumont Retirement Community in Bryn Mawr. Although she will miss her 1/4 acre native plant garden, she will be reuniting with many good (and long-time) friends. She has 5 grandchildren ages 3–8. Son David lives in Darien, Richie in Mill Valley, and Marcy in Boulder where she is a talented singer and song-writer.

Martha Baum Carlson spent 2 weeks last summer visiting her niece at the U. of NM in Los Cruces, the on to Silver City and Gila National Forest where she had 4 days of jamming with a group of blue-grass musicians. Next was a visit with her son in Brentwood, TN. Upon her return to FL she hosted twin preteen grandchildren for 2 weeks. After the loss of her 11-year-old dog, she adopted a chocolate lab “rescue” who has already graduated from pet therapy instruction. Bettye Thomas Chambers, along with Tappy Lynn ’64 participated in the “Italian Immersion” program sponsored by Yale Educational Travel in June 2019. Just staying in the 16th century Palazzo Arrivabene was reason enough to spend a month in Mantua, even if it didn’t offer myriad delights, which it does. She and Anne Carter Lee Gravely look forward to attending the 60th reunion of 1960–61 Junior Year in France group in May and hope they might lure Janie ALDRICH East from Montana for the occasion. Jocelyn Palmer Connors’ family celebrated a wonderful wedding in July of their granddaughter Jocelyn Cassada to Brad Harder (whose grandmother is the best friend of Fran Oliver Palmer). The bride wore Jocelyn’s wedding gown as did her mother, Kaky CONNORS Cassada ’86! Jocelyn and Tom have been going to the Chautauqua Institute in NY for the past 4 years. This year they will be there for Week Seven, where the theme will be the U.S. Constitution...how timely. In Winston Salem, they enjoy church, golf, gardening, bridge and friends. Their girls are in Charlotte and Spartanburg, and their son is in Norfolk. They have 7 grandchildren ages 1530. “We have great faith in Meredith Woo and her leadership and feel that Sweet Briar is well on the road to recovery with a revitalized and up-todate image for young women. We are thankful that the stewardship of the beautiful and relatively pristine land is predominating as the plans for the future are being made.” Cary Lamond Courier took a wonderful Viking Cruise from Santiago to Buenos Aires—around the bottom of the world—over the Christmas-New Year holiday. Sandy and I attended a lovely

SBC brunch here in NJ in January, hosted by Caroline CHAPPELL Hazarian ’09 and Wendy Weiler ’71. It was a pleasure to meet Theresa Garrett, our new dean of the College. She is delightful and a perfect example of the upward direction of Meredith Woo’s leadership. Adele Harrell Parker and are happy to be living the good life in South Florida and enjoying pretty good health. We play duplicate bridge several times a week, go to lectures at the Society of the Four Arts just north of us in Palm Beach, and watch every Washington Nationals Game. Winning the World Series was a thrill. With church activities and visits from our 8 grandchildren we stay busy. I could brag on and on about their accomplishments but will just say they are, in the words of Garrison Keillor, “all above average.” Three are out of college and two in college so they are now young adults—very gratifying. The often of what a wonderful class we are and hope to see you if you come this way.


Virginia (Ginny) deBuys 7312 Saint Georges Way, University Park, FL 34201 gdebuys@gmail.com It was a pleasure hearing from everyone; keep the news coming anytime! Libby Kopper Schollaert writes: What a wonderful year! We welcomed baby Jack in July, son of Chrissy and Charley. I enjoyed a fun visit to Mexico with my grandchildren Caroline and Henry, both 17. And then had a grand adventure with friends this fall to Machu Picchu in Peru, Quito, Ecuador, and the Galapagos Islands. In addition to this year’s adventures, I am thankful for all my friends and family, both near and far. Happy New Decade! Barbara Little Chuko: My son Ed and I visited relatives and attended the NAMI convention in Seattle in July. It was my first time in an Airbnb, and my first visit to Seattle. Lots of hills, beautiful buildings, views, and a fun underground tour. In September, I went on a two-week painting tour in China—a Yangtze

River cruise and time in the beautiful Karst hills, towns, and cities, of the southwest. I am now using my many photos in painting classes at the Cultural Arts Center. Before the trip I audited a Chinese intensive 2nd year oral class at OSU. I went to a local Chinese Church—fun but ALL in Chinese. I didn’t understand much but people were very friendly and it motivated me to study! Nelie Clark Tucker: Dave is still loving work and I read, help with grandkids (we have 11, 10 in this area of New Jersey!), visit friends, and enjoy a Bible study group. Virginia Del Greco Galgano: Michael and I finally retired from teaching at JMU! It is a bit of a shock for me (How will I continue to contribute?) but we took a fabulous month-long European trip to help the adjustment. France and Italy are always a good idea! Any suggestions for what is next? Rosamond Sample Brown: Greetings to my SBC classmates. I am very grateful to report that my health is good and I continue to live between Dallas and San Diego, have 2 or 3 overseas trips each year, and visit my sons and their wives. I enjoyed every moment of our Reunion in late May. Elizabeth Pidgeon Parkinson: Life continues to be busy in CT with PEO, managing the church bookstore, and working with area schools on campaigns to sponsor land-mine detection dogs (a Marshall Legacy Institute program called CHAMPS). The big event of our year was the marriage of our oldest granddaughter in October at the UVa Chapel. The bride and groom both graduated from UVa, as did the officiating minister, our oldest daughter Heather (who is also a pastor at our church in Greenwich). We now have 7 Wahoos in our family! Wishing you all a happy, healthy 2020.” Gail Rothrock Trozzo: I’m busy with tennis games, various civic and preservation activities and enjoying all of Washington’s wonderful museums, music and theater. Hoping to make it to Sweet Work Weeks this summer. I introduced Jackie Nicholson Wysong to a good friend of mine who lives in her building. [Ginny Note: Sweet Briar keeps giving to us!]

Grace Mary Garry Oates: Last spring my brother Jim and I spent several weeks in Ireland, where we met recently discovered cousins, one of whom showed us the ruins of our great grandparents’ Donegal cottage on a windswept bluff overlooking the wild Atlantic. For 2 weeks, we explored the coast as far down as the Dingle Peninsula: we hiked, visited literary landmarks (Yeats and Synge), monastic and Neolithic remains, and ventured over rough seas to the Aran Islands. In June, my cousin and I struck out from her home in Raleigh on a Southern literary road trip, driving through beautiful little towns on blue highways and visiting the homes of Flannery O’Connor, Eudora Welty, Ernest Gaines, Walker Percy, and celebrating our grand finale with Faulkner in Oxford. In October, I returned to Rome, where I was joined for a week by an old St. Andrews friend. In addition to Reunion, I joined the Sweet Work Weeks crew with Jo Ann, VM, MC and her husband Doug, who goes above and beyond in his volunteer efforts. SWW is great fun and I encourage more of our classmates to join us. Jo Ann Soderquist Kramer: VM, Grace Mary and I are going to be in the audience cheering on Marcia Thom Kaley, dean of students— and our honorary ’64 classmate!—as she defends her dissertation. Virginia (Ginny) deBuys: Jerry and I enjoyed a visit to Paris and a Uniworld River Cruise to Normandy in the Fall, all arranged by Susan Baxter. The trip was wonderful. We splurged and had lunch at Jules Verne in the Eiffel Tower, saw an interesting Van Gogh exhibit, had a parade go right by our hotel, walked miles, and then hopped on the boat for a great cruise and many fine local tours. And no one forgets their trip to the Normandy beaches. I am happy to join husband Jerry on his trips to various southern golf resorts because I usually have a classmate nearby. Elizabeth Matheson and I almost connected in Pinehurst, NC, but cold viruses intervened. I talked to Susan Deasy Maguire while there too. Call a classmate! It’s fun. If you are on Facebook, don’t miss Elizabeth’s photographs that she posts from time to time. I am busy with a very active Women’s Club

where I live, help Sweet Briar as an Alumnae Ambassador, and volunteer as an Employment Counselor at the Women’s Resource Center in Sarasota. This work makes me particularly grateful for all that I have. Many of you wrote that you were very happy with Sweet Briar’s recent good news about significant donations, success of the leadership core program, and more. So, here’s a cheer for everyone’s efforts and a promise to keep the good news coming!


Sally McCrady Hubbard 47 Parsons Green Circle Sewanee, TN 37375 931-598-5338 cell: 931-636-7320 sally@hubbard.net Eugenia Dickey Caldwell is slowly recovering from her stroke last August, while Peter is slowly recovering from taking care of Eugenia. They had to cancel their birding trip to Guyana in January, but have rescheduled for January 2021. This experience has made us realize how lucky we are to enjoy (or have the hope of enjoying soon) good health. They wish the best of health to us all in 2020! Melinda Musgrove Chapman’s family is a little less scattered across the country this year. Her son David and his wife Lindy have moved to Boston. Her daughter Jennifer is in New York as are two of David’s children—Katie who graduated from Northeastern in May and is working in NYC, and Harrison, a sophomore at Kings College. Five

relatives are close together! David’s third child Ashley graduated from nursing school in Auburn and is working at Vanderbilt. Her younger daughter Brook is in Birmingham with her, and her daughter Anna is a junior in high school. Brook’s older daughter is a senior at Appalachian State in Boone, NC, and she visits her often. Melinda recently had back surgery and is having a slow recovery, but expect to be back to normal in a few months. She is still selling real estate still but at a slower pace, and she hopes to make it to Reunion. Foy Robson Cooley lost her husband Ken to a stroke on May 26, 2018, the day after their 49th anniversary and the day of his 90th birthday celebration. Foy is figuring out widowhood and running their large self-storage business: 22 properties in NJ and NY. Foy’s in great health and just back from 6 days of downhill skiing at Snowbird and Deer Valley, UT. She finds it hard to slow down and smell the roses with 4 kids, 3 grandchildren and a business to run. Her son Eric and Ida gave birth to her 3rd grandchild, Walter Kenneth Ydo Cooley, on Jan. 6. Foy’s stepdaughter Millicent was married in July to Tony the Juggler, with a full-page spread in the New York Times about their courtship. Bunny Sutton Healey and Jay continue to welcome granddaughters with excitement. Late last summer Jocelyn joined Eliza, then 2, and now they are awaiting a third in June. Sally McCrady Hubbard’s older brother John remarried at 83, so a family honeymoon was in order, and they chose a trip to the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick in Sept. She spent Thanksgiving with son

Janie ’65 and Sandy Sommer at McKinnon Neck Farm, Glenwood, Nova Scotia

spring 2020

Mary Ball Morton: We have had a great year. My husband, John, had a successful knee replacement and is back golfing. We had our kitchen remodeled in April and LOVE it! In July, we took the train to California from Washington, DC, enjoyed beautiful scenery and met many interesting people from the US and abroad. In California we visited our son, David, who lives in Sonoma County and took a weeklong trip with him to Oregon before flying home. This fall, I chaired two galas for Wilmington non-profits that netted $100,000 each. We are waiting to hear our grandson’s college choice in 2020—these years have passed too quickly! Marsh Metcalf Seymour: This year began with a trip to the big island of Hawai’i and will end on its neighbor Maui, as son Randle and I continue exploring the islands and their history. It is fun to revive childhood memories in the context of the 21st century. I loved being back on campus for our 55th reunion with my classmates, amazing women who have remained friends, deeply committed to their alma mater, and to each other. In October, I travelled to Dublin, Bath, Oxford, and London with the Society for Asian Art at the AA Museum SF. We focused on Asian art in collections and museums in these lovely cities. Highlights for me were (again) the Chester Beatty collection and a private home full of fascinating literary and artistic treasures in Dublin. I was enchanted to see these cities from a different perspective and with a new group of friends. My life revolves around my interests in literature and art/art history. I attend several lecture series, but plan to limit them to give me more time in the garden and perhaps with a paintbrush. This year again, we are thankful that the annual wildfires spared our family’s properties in both southern and northern CA. The CA grapes were good and Honig Winery sold cases of our very own 2016 Cabernet. Susan Dwelle Baxter: We had our annual mini reunion in Ponte Vedra Beach in October. Vicky Commander and I hosted Susan Croft, Nancy Hall Green, Dottie Norris Schipper, Harriet Houston Shaffer and Caroline Keller Theus. Lots of fun!




Hayne and daughter Anna in Fort Worth, where Hayne is VP of Internet Sales for Mouser Electronics. Hayne’s daughter Margaret is a very happy sophomore in theatre at Carnegie Mellon. Sally’s been challenged this year to find speakers for a lunch meeting every Wednesday during the school year. She sings in a seminary choir, and is training both muscles and French to hike a third section of the Camino de Santiago, this part entirely in France, in May. Bonnie Chapman McClure and her husband are still in France, in the parc regional du Vexin, on the Seine. They are both retired and still riding, hanging in with the usual age-related health problems. Mary K. Lee McDonald spent the month of February at her timeshare resort in Scottsdale, AZ. Kay Knopf Kaplan came to spend a week with her. She hopes to have lunch with Whitney Jester Ranstrom one day and a phone call if not a visit with Anne Lutz Dravigny. She’s looking forward to seeing all of us on campus for our 55th reunion, so sign up and be sure we have your current address, telephone numbers, and email so we don’t lose anyone. Marianne Micros has recently retired from full-time teaching at the University of Guelph in Ontario. Her first story collection, Eye, has been named #1 of 5 finalists for the prestigious Governor General’s Literary Award for Fiction. Eye explores the mythology, folklore, Greek customs, and old-world cultures that have always fascinated her. It tells of evil-eye curses, women healers, ghosts, a changeling, and people struggling to retain or gain power in a world of changing beliefs. Marianne’s previous publications include the poem sequence Seventeen Trees, a bibliographical monograph on Al Purdy, and essays on important Renaissance and contemporary subjects. She has completed a new book of poems and is writing stories for her next collection. Carol Ann Reifsnyder Rhoads enjoys being in NC close to their daughter and other SBC grads. There are at least 5 SBC alums at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Winston-Salem. She and her husband anticipate an atmosphere of success at our 55th reunion in May, compared with the “Saving Sweet Briar” movement and painful uncertainty

about the future at our 50th. Her roommates from senior year, Susan Strong McDonald, Anne English Wardwell, and Katy Weinrich van Geel, will also attend. Carol and her husband enjoyed a river trip on the Douro River of Portugal—especially the salt-baked sea bass and the port wine, the vineyards and countryside. She plays bridge 3 times a week and finds it a great way to meet people. She encourages our classmates to come to Reunion in May. Magda Salvesen took the fall semester off from teaching Garden History at NYU to have more time for dealing with the Jon Schueler exhibitions and presentations. She had hoped to also work on the Schueler archives, but somehow the time rushed by and ruefully she acknowledges the necessity of putting that off until the summer. On March 14, Magda gave a talk on Schueler in Redding, CA, during the first showing of the touring exhibition Lost Man Blues: Jon Schueler—Art and War. Jane Hamill Sommer and Sandy are thoroughly enjoying life both in St. Louis where she is an advanced research candidate at the STL Psychoanalytic Institute, and at her 1700s farm in Nova Scotia 6 months of the year. They keep Norwegian Fjord horses, heritage chickens and bees, and grow their own produce organically. In this living template of peace and civility, they are blessed with wild foxes displaying the rare silver phase fox gene—black fox kits with their red littermates. Classmates traveling in Nova Scotia are welcome to visit. Their high altitude trekking days in Pakistan, Ladakh, Nepal and Tibet are behind them, but they continue to enjoy long-distance hikes like the coast-to-coast walk across England. As for family, their eldest son Sandford is senior VP at a multinational pharmaceutical company. Sandford and his wife Karine have a daughter at Colorado College, a son at the University of Michigan, and another at Haverford School. Daughter Jane Millard, an art therapist and painter of large abstract canvases and her attorney husband Alden have a son at NYU, a daughter at Colgate, and younger son at. Bronxville High School. Their youngest, Graydon, is a lawyer in NY and MA. Two years ago they celebrated their 59th wedding

anniversary with the whole family at the A-A Ranch in Wyoming where she and Sandy first met at age 19. Because of 4 grandchildren graduating this spring, they will sadly miss the SBC Reunion, with appreciation for its past and its prospects for the future. Lurline Tolbert Sweet and her husband Jim have moved from Florida to San Angelo to be near their son, a pastor. She finds west Texas open, loving, and gracious and she loves being near family for the first time in 19 years. Their granddaughter has begun her first year at University of North Texas where she is studying vocal performance and working as worship leader in a church’s contemporary services. Their 8th-grade grandson is an award-winning actor and saxophone player in his school band. They are looking forward to the next season of their lives.


Gail Robins O’Quin 2651 Kleinert Avenue Baton Rouge, LA 70806-6823 cgrobins@ix.netcom.com Susan Sumners was the first to send in her notes; unfortunately, I have no prize to award her other than a thank you. She’s made some changes. “I’ve left Maui after a year— too crowded, too noisy, too touristy and way too expensive! Have moved to southern Oregon to be close to my son and his new blended family. I’ve come out of retirement (the second time!) to serve the Ashland, OR, Congregational United Church of Christ as interim associate pastor and am loving it. Next on the agenda is a 3-week trip to México to help my kids build a retreat center. Life is absolutely amazingly full of surprises. I continue to be grateful for my Sweet Briar education, which taught me “girls can think!” Yes, I think all of us ‘oldies but goodies’ feel the same way! Good luck in your new position! Judy Bensen Stigle reports “The snowbirds are back in FL. And the traffic is terrible again. We get so spoiled here in summer. And I always say I could walk naked down the Main Street and no one would notice. Well maybe a few would peek. Life is great. Still working. En-

joying having no snow or cold. Looking forward to Ross’s daughter’s wedding in May at South Seas resort on Captiva and NO, I am not the flower girl!” Shucks; you’d be adorable in a little tutu sprinkling rose petals and we’d even publish the picture! Carroll Randolph Barr claims “There is not much new going on in the Barr family. Mike is still struggling with his knee but improving daily. Done with the antibiotics and PICC line which was a challenging process for both of us but we’ve learned a lot. (This is not the kind of learning that is fun!) I’m still working in as much tennis, golf, pickle ball as I can—Motion is Lotion and loving UVA athletics—follow the men and the women’s bball and football of course. It’s a fun and passionate pastime. The boys and grandchildren are all good—Angus here in Powhatan and Michael and family in Larchmont but they were here for a few days before Christmas which was a treat. Love to all and Happy New Year!” Jane Stephenson Wilson enjoyed a trip to Paris in April with her family. Her son and grandsons visited Notre Dame the day before it burned. She is enjoying old age! No alarm clocks to set and no lessons to plan! Kat Barnhardt Chase wonders how we juggled so many things while we were working? Age, my dear, age! “Bob and I continue to serve with various food outreach organizations—hot lunches weekly served in 2 parts of Amherst County, Meals on Wheels, and backpack food for children over the weekends. We stay more or less physically fit through the Y and yoga. After an August beach trip with our grandson, we took a paddleboat cruise with friends on the Lower Mississippi at the end of October. Fun, relaxing, and informative—quite revealing to see Civil War battlefields and troop lines you have studied on paper as well as to experience the more whole and accurate stories of various plantations. Montana is calling our names next summer for some fishing. I am still serving as supply clergy for the Episcopal Diocese; one of my joys is to serve the Monacans at St Paul, Bear Mountain, just 8 miles from SBC. Bob and I had a delightful time mid-January at the campus-wide luncheon to honor Rose Award re-

cipients, faculty, and retirees. President Woo spoke enthusiastically about where SBC is and where it is going—exciting and hopeful.” Sounds like you are still juggling lots of activities, whatever you say! Victoria Jones Baker, our girl on the go, claims, “The second half of 2019 was just as busy as the first half. Following an extensive August vacation in MA, Lee got a pacemaker, which—we’re happy to say—has ended his AFib episodes so far. We celebrated my mother’s 100th birthday in September with a big family bash. Mom looked radiant in her ‘100 and Fabulous’ sash and tiara. Late November was filled with a Panama Canal cruise that took us through the new Agua Clara locks. I’m just now finishing lecture preps for a cruise from Santiago to Buenos Aires in February. Must do it while we still can! I enjoy reading the articles posted on Prof. Claudia Chang’s SBC Dr. Evil’s Anthropology page. Generally pleased with how well Sweet Briar is doing. Fingers crossed for a good 2020 for all!” Yes, indeed! Linda Fite, in typical Fite fashion, details her happenings. “I made a trip to Colorado to visit one of

my sisters, a way-cool ol’ hippie girl who bought a round house up on a knoll, off the grid, solar energy, funky construction with three stories, the topmost of which was too freaking high up and was reachable only by a narrow, spiral stairway. But the views were incredible! Big sky, astounding mountains. I was there in mid-October, and sure enough it snowed. And snowed. And snowed! I had a devil of a time driving back up to Denver AND getting out (it was still snowing) on my scheduled flight. A great trip, gorgeous scenery, but never again after mid-September! My gratitude list includes decent health, enough money, cozy (low-cost) house, thriving children/grandchildren, two working cars—both 2003 models! You know that Yankee adage: ‘Use it up, wear it out. Make it do, or do without!’ I live that (aka parsimonious, thrifty, cheap!). Love that we’re still 1967 strong!” I’ve got to get my granddaughters to meet Linda. They think I’m definitely ‘over the hill’ and have absolutely no cool friends! Bill and I are semi-behaving in Baton Rouge. I fell on Halloween and broke my nose—not fun but at

Kate Schlech in Egypt

least it was a non-displaced fracture. Will have to admit that a Halloween party that we had might have contributed to my accident, but I then proceeded to get a head cold—yes, it was terribly painful but the cold had the good sense to move to my chest and I’m just recovering. We did go to New Orleans for the National Championship—a most exciting time was had by all even if I had to give my ticket to my baby child (who is 40 but he’s still my baby). I’m back in the saddle but not quite at full speed. We are planning to go to Africa in March so I’ve got to quit whining and make hay while the sun shines!


Mardane McLemore 719 Jones St Suffolk, VA 23434 jlmmrm39@gmail.com Thanks for all the great updates I enjoyed hearing from everyone— think Reunion! Almost everyone is looking forward to our 50th and

Barbara Rau Santandrea in Aruba

catching up on 50 years! Please come! Susan Holbrook Daly: “Skip and I are still in Alexandria, VA, and are getting ready to celebrate our 50th anniversary this summer. Skip retired year before last and plays golf 3–5 times a week. I retired from over 30 years as a real estate broker in 2015 and jumped into business with a long- time friend and international designer. We have a boutique at 313 Cameron St. in Old Town, Alexandria if anyone is in the area! Our daughter, Andrea who lives in Rome, GA, (husband is Head of School at Darlington School) has 3 sons: 15, 13 and 12. Andrea is a CPA and teaches accounting in the GA state college system. Stephanie practices law in Charleston, WV, with Goodwin & Goodwin and has two sons: 16 and 14.” Emmy Moravec Holt: “I’m planning to be at the reunion, along with Joan Hennessy Wright, Betsy Edwards Anderson, Mary Scales Lawson. All is well here in Greenville, SC. I continue to enjoy teaching children diagnosed with dyslexia several days a week and also love traveling. Connie Haskell and I

Deborah Warren Rommel and Ross

Jane Gott with family

Mary Jo Murphy and Katy Warren Towers at Hanging Lake outside Glenwood Springs, CO

Sue Holbrook Daly and daughters

spring 2020

Deborah Warren Rommel and daughters


Suzy Cahill Yates

Carpe Diems: May Fox, Wallis, Frances, Katie, Lorie, Jessica, Mary Jane


Deborah Warren Rommel and Ross


Kim Mitchell Bethea and family

Barbara Offut Mathieson ’70 and Tom

went to Iceland in September. I’ll be in Spain in March. Being a grandparent is such fun! Bill and I now have 9 grandchildren, ages 11-1 month; 8 boys and one bossy pants/princess.” Marcia Pollock Ragsdale: “Bill and I are still in South Carolina near Greenville. He with our 2 sons, Will and Craig, are running the only family owned heat set web printing company in SC. I keep busy with club and volunteer work and 5 grandchildren (9–13), including 2 sets of twins. We are headed to St. John with some friends soon and later to the Finger Lakes in NY. This year we will celebrate our 50th anniversary. PS: I still love our Clemson Tigers!” Nia Eldridge Eaton: “The paycheck is about the only thing I miss about retirement. I manage to keep in touch with my closest friends & customers. I am a docent at Winterthur Museum Garden & Library— the Henry Francis Dupont’s country estate that houses his extensive collection of American decorative arts. I also volunteer at the Brandywine River Museum which focuses on the Brandywine School, most notably Howard Pyle & the Wyeth family—NC, Andrew & Jamie. I’m going to NYC for the day with a group from Winterthur to visit Christies & Sotheby’s in advance of the major Americana auction week. Keeps my mind alive learning all the time. I also

volunteer at a local hospital gift shop and will be working the Help Desk at the Philadelphia Flower Show— which is a great way to welcome spring. My boxer dog gives me great joy daily. We spent the weekend at my condo in Bethany Beach, DE, to celebrate the unseasonably mild weather.” Kay Parham Picha: “We have 4 grands (8, 7, 6 and 10 months). David and I have been married 48+ years, and we are retired mostly. We have moved to a 3 BR, 2 BA house in the River Landing retirement area near High Point, NC. We enjoyed a river cruise on the Danube in June with classmates. I visited the Silver Lake Preserve Ranch in Tampa, FL, with Susan Lykes Mueller and husband John, Pam Piffath Still and David, and Karen Hartnett and George Gayle. The men shot birds and the women talked and played Scrabble. We treasure our friends that we made 50+ years ago and laugh and drink champagne like 20-year-olds when we get together.” Betsy Edwards Anderson: “I live in Charlotte, NC. I have 3 children and 7 grandchildren. I see them all as much as I can. My life is very full which keeps me busy. I’m grateful!” Debbie Ohler Bowman: “I enjoyed seeing classmates at Sweet Work weeks, a beach get-together, a

Mary Jo Murphy

visit to Heather Tully Click’s home in Alexandria, and at Barbara Hastings Carne’s memorial service and luncheon at SBC. I am so grateful I can visit and do lots of volunteering.” Sarah Embrey Bass: “My husband Marty ( James Martin) and I still live in Fredericksburg, VA— home for over 40 years. I am ‘retired’ from the University of Mary Washington, where I was Assistant Director of the Art Galleries of Mary Washington. I still have a very active, small catering business out of my home and am also a member of numerous clubs and civic organizations. I enjoy landscape design and gardening. Marty retired 5 years ago from the Virginia Courts, where he served as a juvenile and domestic relations judge and then a circuit court judge for 20 years. He still serves the courts as a substitute judge and taught business law at UMW for several years. We have 2 married children and 3 grandchildren, ages 5, 7 and 10 who we see often. Since retirement, we have been able to travel quite a bit, both in the states and abroad.” Suzy Yates Cahill: “Life is good for us in Richmond. Taking care of our 2 grandsons is our greatest pleasure. Only 2 days a week though, as they are 3 years and 1 year and keep us running. We visit VCU hospital with our therapy dog and I love my watercolor painting classes.”

Tauna Urban Durand: “I still live in Sarasota, FL and love life here. My husband, Doug, and I still enjoy traveling and do as much as we can while we can! We also volunteer a lot and our latest work is registering voters, especially ex-felons, who now have their voting rights restored (many don’t know they now have this right again—so sad). We continue to volunteer in the schools helping elementary kids learn to read and mentoring middle and high school students in a program that provides college scholarships. Our three sons are spread out across the country, but we try to spend as much time visiting them (and grandkids!) as much as possible. I keep up with my one roommate, Carol Covington Bellonby.” Putnam Mundy Ebinger: “Kudos to Ann Gateley and Jessica Holzer for donating so much time and labor to Sweet Briar. My husband Charley and I are enjoying our retirement with more travel, this year to Morocco, England, the Brandywine Valley of PA and our usual summer months on Nantucket. We spent Thanksgiving in Charleston and Savannah with my sister, Jere Mundy ’74, and then Christmas in Rockport, Maine with my goddaughter Cheryl and her husband Mark and their sons Will and Graham. In between travels, I am a vora-

cious reader. All book recommendations are welcome!” Heather Tully Click: “I took an 8-day rafting and camping trip down the Colorado River in July. It was an amazing trip which pushed the envelope of our physical stamina, but we are proud to say ‘we did it!’ I am excited to attend the 50th Reunion and celebrate my 50th wedding anniversary in 2020. I am grateful that SBC thrives and Richard and I (with Debbie Ohler Bowman) thoroughly enjoyed Sweet Work Weeks this past summer, although I must say it is hard to keep up with Kate and Gateley!” Ann Gateley: “I still thoroughly enjoy SWW and another year traveling heavily—trying to outrun deteriorating joints. Running 27 marathons over the years probably wasn’t the wisest thing I’ve done, however, getting married was. We are in Europe celebrating our 5th and making every year count! Please give generously to our alma mater so I don’t have to keep dunning you with beseeching letters (we were first in the decade of the 70s last year in terms of percentage!).” Tricia Mast George: “While still maintaining our residence in Dallas, Kenn and I are now living in Monte-

video, Uruguay, as he is now the ambassador for the US! We have been here since October, just in time for the presidential election. Everyone is very excited about the new president-elect, and our US relations going forward! Our 4 children and their families all joined us for the holidays, which made for a busy household. We are thrilled to be here in Uruguay, and making it our new home!” Mary Jane Hipp Brock: “We have a group of classmates—we call ourselves the Carpe Diems and have regularly gathered together since our 50th birthday year. The Carpe Diems include Frances Gravely, Connie Haskell, Wallis Wickham Raemer, Lorie Harris Amass and me (all of whom went to St. Catherine’s together before SBC) plus May Humphreys Fox, Katie McCardell Webb and Jessica Holzer. We are eight strong SBC Class of ’70 lifelong friends. Our most recent gathering was at Katie McCardell Webb’s home in Virginia Beach in September. We were beautifully cared for by Katie and had a fabulous time together, as always, and are looking forward to a couple of 2020 gatherings!” Lorie Harris Amass: “Bill and

I live in NW Montana in summer, CO, the rest of the year. I regularly get together with my fellow Carpe Diems.” Baird Hunter Campbell: “Bill and I are still in Hilton Head where we moved 10 years ago. We are near 2 of our children and 2 of our grandchildren. Our oldest Neal and his wife and 2 boys live near Fernandina Beach, FL, only 2 hours away so we are able to see them at least once a month. Our daughter lives in Columbia, SC, also about 2 hours away. Our middle son Clay lives on the Eastern Shore of Maryland with our youngest grandson. Retirement is great, and I cannot imagine a happier existence in a prettier place. Every day is packed with activities and the company of wonderful new friends.” Barbara Offutt Mathieson still lives in Oregon with her husband Tom, but gets close to Sweet Briar fairly often these days while visiting her son, daughter in law, and twin grandchildren in Great Falls, VA. While there, she enjoys checking in with Jane Gott and husband Ron, who live conveniently close. Two more grandsons (including a baby born last April) live in San Francisco, and her daughter frequently brings them north to spend time here. Bar-

bara’s dream for years had been to hike in Switzerland, but knee problems seemed like a deal breaker. But in September she decided to just give it a try with shorter hikes. She and Tom spent 3 wonderful weeks in the Alps, and her rickety knees allowed them to hike 3 or 4 miles a day. She is looking forward to seeing everyone in May at the Reunion. Diane McCabe Reid: “To sum up 50 years after grad—I returned to NYC and worked for many years in finance and Wall Street where I met my husband Brandon; we have 2 daughters Brittany (35) and Jillian (32) both of them live in Brooklyn and work in Manhattan. We moved from Bedford NY to Palm Beach, FL, 15 years ago. Brandon retired last October and we look forward to spending more time at our Adirondack house and traveling.” Kate Schlech: “I remain in good health except the usual arthritic and other old ‘age-y’ complaints like cataracts and newly-obtained hearing aids. Bah! Had a wonderful 3-week trip in Feb 2019 to Egypt and Jordan with a Nile River trip for 5 days. Fabulous! Summer and Xmas 2019 were taken up with family outings. February 2020 I’m off to Zambia, Zimbabwe and Botswana on a 2.5

Connie Haskell and Emmy Moravec Holt

Stuart Camblos and daughters

spring 2020

Schuyler Gott Andrews




week safari (and a visit to Vic Falls) with several days in Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa on the front and back end of the trip. Other than travel, I am still really enjoying having my sister nearby. I have a ton of volunteer activity at Library of Congress 2 days a week, local library once a week and I am a volunteer at the International Spy Museum another day. Looking into being a volunteer at a new DC museum devoted to language. What’s not to like about that?” Lawson Calhoun Kelly: “To be close to our children and grandchildren we moved from Macon to Atlanta. We have not been disappointed. We moved to a very friendly townhome neighborhood only 10 minutes from our daughter and 15 minutes from our son. We go to basketball and baseball games, drum and cello concerts! It is delightful! In the summer we spend our time in Cashiers, NC, where Frank plays golf, as well as promoting the local Central Park. My time is spent in the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, so we are both happy as clams!” Betty Rau Santandrea: “My husband Bob and I have been enjoying living in Santa Fe, NM, since 2017. I finally caught up with Ann Gateley last spring. We went to the Bio Park in Albuquerque. This fall Ann treated all the SBC alums who live in Santa Fe to lunch. I just got back from a week in nice and warm Aruba with my daughter Sara and her family. All my 3 kids and 5 little grandkids live back east and so once or twice a year we make the rounds: Ithaca, NJ, Montclair, NJ, and Lynchburg to see them all.” Frances Dornette Schafer: “In August I took a quick trip to Big Sky, Montana to visit my son. We visited Yellowstone, a place that always amazes me. In October I took a fabulous river cruise on the Danube bookended by visits to Budapest before and Cesky Krumlov and Prague afterwards. Other than the impressive scenery, spectacular architecture, and delicious food, the best part of the trip was spending time with my son and his girlfriend who also went. I have always wanted to visit the Czech Republic since taking government courses from Milan Hapala at SBC, and it exceeded all my expectations. Just before Christmas I joined Sandy Hamilton Bentley and her husband Bob in Charleston, SC, for a few days of eating and sightseeing.

I continue to annually revise a 2-volume treatise on the income taxation of trusts and estates, which always makes this time of year hectic as the revisions are due to the publisher by Feb. 1.” Carey Cleveland Swan: “When I last wrote, I was enjoying swim class, yoga and walking, working at Bayou Bend (Museum of Fine Arts Houston), traveling some (though nowhere exotic), various community projects, and enjoying family life with Mike, our 2 sons and 6 grandsons. However, due to a recent merger and acquisition, we now have 9 grandsons. It is hysterical and fun. I still do all the same things. My only new interest is genealogy, and so far I have joined DAR and Descendants of the Mayflower.” Joanne Hicks Robblee: “Paul and I are currently enjoying living in Lexington, VA. We moved up from Marietta, GA, almost 4 years ago after we both retired. The Shenandoah Valley is a beautiful place to live. Lots of Sweet Briar alums in the area. Our grandchildren are in Raleigh, so it is an easy trip to get together.” Jane Gott: “I see Barbara Offutt Mathieson often because her son and his family live really near me. I made 2 quilts this year. I am enjoying taking a watercolor through art history class in Alexandria, VA, that focuses on particular artists and their style. For example, we visited the Phillips Gallery to see an exhibit of Bonnard and Vuillard paintings and then tried to paint similar subjects in a style resembling the paintings we saw. I post my paintings on Instagram under Jane Gott Watercolors. Since we have no grandchildren we have ‘adopted’ the 2-year-old next door. We really enjoy both he and his parents. We get to enjoy Barbara’s twin grandchildren too.” Page Kjellstrom: “I retired and live in Palm Beach, FL. I still play a lot of tennis and am on a team. I also play bridge, canasta and Mah-jong. I enjoy some summer time in NC mountains and DC. I like to travel, organize my own trips with friends/ others. In the past few years have been to England, Scotland, Russia, Austria, Poland, Slovenia, Croatia, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar. I have finally completed all major tennis championships by going to Australian Open this year. I enjoy seeing my nieces (Richmond, Charleston) as much as possible.”

Elsa Jones Forter: “I celebrated the holidays with both children and families and had a full house and lots of entertainment! I have been in touch with Ann Wheeler Ehrich and RoseAnn Feldman and we are all thinking of coming to Reunion. Of course, I will miss going with my good friend Katherine Cummings Catlin who always enjoyed a good time.” Katy Warren Towers: “Last year presented some health challenges for me—I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January and started having knee problems in the spring which stopped my being able to run—but God has taken great care of me and I’m doing well now! I was able to travel to Eastern Europe (on a Viking Danube River cruise), Puglia in southeastern Italy (on a Tauck tour), and Niagara Falls (in a camper with my brother!) in 2019. In May of this year I am planning on visiting Poland and seeing the Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany and hopefully the SBC Reunion as well! I stay busy with friends, church work, book club, garden circle, reading to 4-year-olds, keeping up my house and big yard, and more.” Mary Jo Murphy: “I live in Colorado now, and I’m taking my children and grandchildren to Amelia Island for a vacation about the time of Reunion so I won’t be able to make it. Not much has changed: still playing tennis, hiking, biking and walking my sweet Lab-mix, Salem. I’ve seen Katy Warren Towers in the past couple of years when she’s been out here for conferences. We spent a week in 2017 and in 2018 hiking, sightseeing around here and talking, talking, talking.” Laura Sickman Baksa: “My daughter Erin, got married in Puerto Rico on January 11. She and Kristoffer currently live in San Francisco but are gathering the families from the East Coast for a tropical getaway. We are very excited for her!” Johanna Yaple Wolski: “My husband and I live in PA and NJ. We are not too far from our children and grandchildren, Annabelle (8) and Emerson (5). My sister and her family live in Honolulu and we try to visit her as often as we can.” May Humphrey Fox: “Charlie and I visited Ukraine this past September before Ukraine became a household word! Beautiful country! Love to be with the Carpe Diems.”

Tracy G. Savage: “I’ve had decades of a deeply rewarding, successful career in not-for-profit fundraising. After a serious partnership with a woman, I married—at age 57—a man who truly loves strong women. Poor guy. But it’s been blissful. He brought to our marriage 3 extraordinary children and 3 spectacular grandchildren. They call me, with astounding devotion, ‘Wicked.’ They are a joy, and a boon in these days when husband Jeremy faces serious health challenges. I expect I join you all in suffering the loss of parents and friends. In between some home health care duties, the straggling end of my road to retiring, and a bit of golf, gardening, model railroading and some absurdly time-consuming volunteer work on the Boards of other educational institutions. Home is Saratoga Springs, NY (this Virginia girl has struggled to adjust), but a couple months in the land of old people (FL) makes the NY winters bearable.” Deborah Warren Rommel: “Ross and I are enjoying retirement in Hunt, TX. We are both busy with civic and church duties plus other fun things like Mahjong. Our oldest daughter got married in San Miguel, Mexico in July.” Schuyler Gott Andrews: “We had a wonderful time celebrating with Melissa and Jeremy and their 2 children (our grandchildren!) ages 4 and 7—a great age! I have had my leg in a boot—3 months is a long time to be laid up, but I am just now starting to get out! I see Jessica Holzer regularly, and hear occasionally from Mary Jane Hipp Brock and Wallis Wickham Raemer... would love to hear from others! Otherwise, we are traveling as much as we can...Umbria, which frankly was my favorite vacation in a long time, and a wonderful Viking cruise to the Baltic Sea and Russia!” Kim Mitchell Bethea: “We spend most of the year at the Villages in Florida.” Jean Carmichael: “The 13th Floor is planning on singing again at the reunion! I understand Stuart Camblos, Kay Parham Picha, Sue Lykes Mueller, Kate Schlech, Deb Jones, Tracy Savage, Margaret Sharp Howell are all planning on being there! I’m finishing up my 2nd 3-year term this year on the Board of YMCA Retirees (YMCA Alumni) and excited to be stepping into the shoes of president in 2021.”

Competition finally appeared in the Jan/Feb 2020 issue.” Mardane McLemore: “Well I am ‘over-volunteered’—I almost have another full-time job—I’m slow, but finally learning to say NO! I love to travel and last year enjoyed a trip to Zimbabwe and Botswana. I frequently visit a friend in Jackson Hole and I also have a group that I have been traveling with for over 20 yearsand last year we enjoyed St. John. This year, I’m going to Egypt and Jordan and driving around Southern France. I have 5 grandchildren, 16–11, and I am very happy to say all my children are doing well.” To repeat what everyone has said: Looking forward to our 50th Reunion! I hope everyone in our class will make an effort to come!


Mary Frances Oakey Aiken jmaiken4@me.com Anne Milbank Mell anne.mell@yahoo.com Beverly Van Zandt beverlyvz@gmail.com Mary Frances Oakey Aiken writes that she and her husband John recently moved into a new home in Naples, FL. They also attended a lovely wedding in Mill Valley, CA, visited Zion National Park, the Grand Canyon and Jackson Hole, WY (with fresh snow). Summer was spent in Richmond recuperating and enjoying their 7 grandchildren (ages 2–12) and their parents. Mary Frances recently toured the Edison/ Ford FL Winter Estate with some local SBC alumnae which included Kristin Herzog ’70. Mary Frances wants to remind us that it’s only 1 more year until our 50th Reunion! Wendy Brown loves having her 4 grandchildren living in Richmond and growing up nearby. They are 8, 6, 4 1/2, and the late bloomer, 1. Wendy sends her best wishes for 2020 and so hopes to see everyone at our 50th reunion. Martha Crosland writes that “Life is Good.” She continues to work in the general counsel’s office at the Department of Energy on civilian nuclear issues including advanced reactors. When not working Martha is playing with their oneyear-old grandson, Edward, who fortunately lives only a couple of blocks

from their home. Other time is spent taking yoga, Zumba and barre classes and playing golf. Maggie Mather Feldmeier also writes that “Life is Good” at least on a local level, if not the national scene! She and Jake are still working after a brief retirement in 2011. Jake then started his own company, and Maggie has helped in administrative ways. As the company has grown, they have been able to take more time for travel and fun. Their big trip last year was to South America (Chile, Argentina and Brazil)—and this year we’re going to the Baltic region (Estonia, Latvia, Helsinki) and Russia. Maggie and Jake live in Cazenovia, NY, where one of their daughters (Kate) lives along with her husband and 2 boys (ages 10 and 6). Their other daughter Julie recently moved to Charlottesville where her husband is a doctor at the UVA hospital. They have a 3-year-old named for her grandmother (Mather Margaret) and are expecting #2 in late May. Margaret and Jake are grateful to be healthy and are trying to heed carpe diem. Laura Mink Gardner is having a wonderful time being a grandmother to 2 little girls. She will have a new granddaughter and grandson in March—not twins but a baby to each of her children. Laura continues to work part time as a court reporter and is not ready to retire. She is taking a year off to sing with her local symphony and to simply enjoy extra free time. Laura will run her 6th Blue Ridge 1/2 marathon in March and has come in 3rd for her age group twice, and first once. According to Laura there is not a lot of competition in our age category, but I sure think these are great accomplishments regardless. Lendon Gray writes that since retiring from running her own stable

10 years ago most of her time is now spent teaching and running programs for young dressage and event riders. Lendon began the non-profit Dressage4kids 22 years ago. She also spends 3 winter months doing an extensive program for riders in Wellington, Florida, and nine months traveling to teach youth riders and instructors. Lendon is now on the board at Sweet Briar—Congratulations! And Lendon also writes that “Life is Good.” Susan Greenwald laughed at the photo in the last SBC magazine because George is really Dee Kysor’s spouse, not hers. “We share many things but not husbands.” This past October she visited with Dee and George to celebrate Dee’s 70th birthday in Manakin-Sabot. Susan also had an afternoon with Val Murphey at Ginter Park Botanical Gardens, and toured Cuba with Wendy and

Ann Gateley, ‘70, Kate Schlech,‘70, Barbara Brand, ‘71, and Kathy Garcia Pegues, ‘71, enjoy a welldeserved break after a busy day during Sweet Work Weeks 2019

NJ/NY Sweet Briar Day in Jan. 2020 hosted by Wendy C. Weiler ‘71 and her daughter Caroline Chappell Hazarian ‘09

spring 2020

Betty Glass Smith: “I am alive and still kicking, although these old bones are getting creakier every day. Still enjoying retirement in Virginia’s Northern Neck, especially being away from the city and becoming a ‘country girl’—love the quieter life and being on the river. Bill has some health issues and hope so much they will not interfere with my coming to our 50th reunion.” Candace Buker Chang: “My best accomplishment for the past year was getting thru with no major medical intervention—although it did take a long time to recover from the knee replacement I had in Dec. 2018, as soon as I recovered from chemo, radiation and surgery for breast cancer. I am now well, walking, and looking forward to good times ahead. I’m loving retirement— more time to travel to Montana to see old friends, to Colorado to visit Jo Shaw Lawson at her summer home near Estes Park, to Cape Cod for visits with Laura Sickman Baksa, and to St. John to visit my daughter’s family where she is the Curriculum Director at a school. Retirement also means more time to spend with my Boston daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren, who live very conveniently upstairs so that I get very early morning visits from the 4- and 6-year-olds. This daughter is the state Senator for Boston—I love being able to vote for her! I’m looking forward to a river cruise in Europe in April with Jo.” Kristin Herzog: “I just packed up three large paintings and shipped them off to El Salvador. After being in the new house only two years, despite upsizing, it’s become obvious there simply is not enough room to store all the paintings. Enter the U.S. Department of State to the rescue with their Art in Embassies Program. Three paintings were chosen to be part of a show at the U.S. consulate in San Salvador and they will be gone for 3 years, or however long the ambassador is in office. In case of kidnapping or dismemberment the paintings are fully insured and I am completely thrilled with this new storage option. Somehow in searching for space solutions, El Salvador never once came to mind! Since classmate Jonna Creaser Clarkson runs her mission there she may perhaps be able to see the show. In other painting news, Kristin’s painting chosen for honorable mention in the Artist’s Magazine National Annual




Gil Smith last winter. Sue celebrated her 70th birthday in Rome and noted that “Ancient Rome makes 70 seem juvenile!” Carol Johnson Haigh and her husband, Tim, visited Alaska and enjoyed a sport fishing trip followed by a wonderful cruise on one of the National Geographic expedition ships. One of her daughters, Jessie, accompanied them on the cruise. Tom and Carol then travelled to Scotland with a group of golfing friends and stopped over in Iceland for a few days on the way home. Carol’s 2 grandsons keep them busy when they are home in Boston or Vermont. Dee Kysor is still enjoying her position as music director at Grace Episcopal Church in Goochland, VA. She is riding now that her retired school horse, Badger, is sound again. Dee had a good visit with her daughter Jennifer and her family in Buffalo last June. George and Dee are still hiking, although the hot weather has kept them indoors on the treadmill more than they would like. George and Dee led a storytelling workshop for the Unity Church Summer Camp in July. George taught storytelling, and Dee sang songs to go along with the stories. Their performance team is called “Woven Yarns.” Kathy Wilson Lamb and her husband Rex are continuing to enjoy life in Lexington. They have put European trips on hold to travel more by car. Kathy plans to see Louise Dempsey McKean, Maureen Conway, and, hopefully, Jacque Penny for lunch when they are in Florida. Kathy notes that their grandchildren are wonderful! There’s nothing better than being a grandmother! Lynne Manov Echols is dedicating 2020 to her business teaching horseback riders how to improve their seats. She calls the business the Rider’s Seat Doctor. Her niche is older riders who’ve finally recognized that THEY are their horses’ biggest problem and are ready to make the effort to become more balanced riders. This involves specific exercises that create new neural pathways quickly and easily. Lynne can take a rider who can’t sit the trot or the canter and have her/his butt glued to the saddle in 5 minutes. She is currently booking clinics all over the USA and in Europe. If you’re involved with horses and want to give

Lynne’s business a boost, or just learn more, you can contact her through her Facebook page (search The Rider’s Seat Doctor – Lynne Sprinsky Echols). Mimi Fahs reports that this has been a tremendous (and good) year of change. Her son Craig married his college sweetheart, Mimi retired after 40 years as a public health academic, and she now has a new professional career as a musician! Her 7-piece band, the Mudflats, plays every month at a local venue on Long Island, plus at benefits and private parties. They play Southern Appalachian-style fiddle music. She and Elizabeth are topping off the year with a Jan.—Feb. trip to Cartagena, Medellin, the Galapagos, Machu Picchu, and Lima, celebrating their 40th anniversary! Mimi’s excited for the year ahead, and looking forward to our 50th SBC anniversary. “See y’all there!” Louise Dempsey McKean and her husband Ted are still dividing their time between NH and Québec, with an occasional trip south to get warm. They have also been able to enjoy some nice trips to England and France lately to visit family and friends. She is looking forward to seeing Maureen Conway, Kathy Wilson Lamb and Jacque Penny in late February in Florida, followed by Ted’s 50th UVa reunion in June and their 50th wedding anniversary next fall. Louise and Ted are thankful that their 3 children and their families all live nearby (NH, Maine and Montréal). They wish a happy, healthy new year to all. Anne Wiglesworth Munoz and her husband are pretty much settled in Tucson now. It’s been almost a year since they bought their home and love living in the Sonoran desert. They love all the wild animals that roam their 3 acres, and also enjoy the fact that there are so many great restaurants to try in Tucson. Plus, now they are closer to their daughters and their families in Phoenix. Anne reports that “Turning 70 has been good.” Claire Kinnett Tate writes that life is about the same for her—happy and healthy with her husband of 47 years—grandmothering and grandfathering, traveling, still learning, family business with 5 siblings, friends of many years, new friends, community and church involvement, reading, walking. Happily enjoying

all of the above. Claire just found out that her mother was not accepted at SBC so she went to Agnes Scott where she fell in love with her father who was at GA Tech. She is expecting their 3rd granddaughter in January. Claire reports that she is probably just like so many others in our class—worried about our country. Worried about our planet. Thinking a lot about roles and responsibilities of women today. I (Bev Van Zandt) share Claire’s concerns and try to help make meaningful changes in my current hometown, San Miguel de Allende. Volunteering with three NGO’s (Amigos del Parque Guadiana, Feed the Hungry, and Amigos de la Presa) is rewarding. 2019 has been a special year because my first grandson was born, and one more is arriving soon. This past fall was especially fun and exciting when classmate Anne Holler’s 2-day festival, “The Rebellious Nuns of San Miguel,” was produced—it was a great success and kept everyone wondering what was coming next. The singing nuns were amazing—all volunteers who sang complex hymns a cappella. Our last report is from Marguerite Willis who “jumped into the political world with both feet.” In 2018, she ran for the Democratic nomination for SC governor and garnered over 70,000 votes. More importantly, she had the opportunity to speak about subjects that really mattered to her—rural poverty, public education and equality (especially economic) for women. This past year, Marguerite was a state co-chair for the presidential campaign of Senator Kamala Harris. Although Senator Harris withdrew from the race, the experience broadened Marguerite’s horizons as to what must be done to help folks, both here in SC and across the country. Marguerite lives in Florence, SC, with husband, Frank, and their three Labradors. She commutes every day to Columbia, SC, to practice antitrust and unfair competition law and be a voice in politics. As you have read, many of our class reported that in 2019 “Life is Good.” In other respects, 2019 was a sad year. We lost 5 wonderful members of our class: Christine McLain, Anne Howe Nelson, Amanda Thrasher Segrest, Ellen Weintraub and Gina Mancusi Wills. If you are reading the SBC newsletter and didn’t receive Anne’s, Mary

Frances’ or my appeal for class notes, we may not have a current email address for you. Please contact me at beverlyvz@gmail.com so we can include you in the future. I’ll pass your correct email address on to the others. And don’t forget—our 50TH reunion is June 4-6, 2021. Please put it on your calendars now!


Jill Johnson MarySue Morrison Thomas 98 Pine Bluff Portsmouth, VA 23701 72sweetbriar@gmail.com Georgene Vairo, Jean Andrews and Margaret Craw enjoyed a mini ’72 Reunion at the San Francisco Sweet Briar Days event. Georgie, who continues to serve as chair of the board, gave an update on the College, and Jean and Margaret provided updates on the incredible careers and lives they have lived since we graduated way back when. At last, Jeannette Pillsbury makes Virginia her home, again! In November 2019, she moved back to Amherst. She taught school there for 2 years after we graduated. She can walk to town and she is just 3 miles from Sweet Briar! Slowly, she is getting involved in bits of life at Sweet Briar: Community Choir (with Peggy Hoy McFadden) and Bible studies, with students. She is looking to do more. She went to most of Virginia’s Sweet Briar Days in January: Charlottesville, Richmond, Amherst/Nelson Counties and Fredericksburg. She loves interacting with alumnae! She is hoping the Episcopal bishop of Southwestern Virginia will give her something to do, too. She has a guest area in her house (bedroom, sitting room, and full bath). She would love SBC visitors! Dale Shelly Graham already loves 2020 because she’s going to be a MOB and a MOG this year! She and James are absolutely delighted and looking forward to both weddings this year. For a week in October, Greyson Shuff Tucker, Rhonda Griffin Durham, and Susan Snodgrass Wynne enjoyed exploring Tuscany and Florence together. They stayed at Casetta, a lovely villa in San


Evelyn Carter Cowles PO Box 278 Free Union, VA 22940 ecc52@icloud.com Joan May Harden: “We have a new grandson, Theodore James Harden (Teddy) born in Richmond on Jan. 7. (5 lbs 6 oz and 18”)” Sue Dern Plank: “I had a busy Sept. with my Scottish friend from my year at St. Andrews and his wife visiting us for nearly a week, a visit from a CA cousin and her husband, followed by my 50th high school reunion. We went to VT for my husband’s 45th Reunion at Norwich Univ , which was also the university’s 200th birthday, so it was quite a party weekend! In Oct. we spent a week in TN with our grandchildren during their fall break. Thanksgiving activities included a visit from our daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren and their two large dogs. We hosted 25 for Thanksgiving dinner; cousins from 4 to 41 years having fun catching up till late in the evening. Ten days later we flew to Belize for a few weeks with our ‘winter friends.’” Mary Buxton: “We spent a wonderful week immersed in all things Americana on the American Queen cruise up the Mississippi! I finished paddling around Lake Tahoe. I am blessed in so many ways but particularly in being connected with dear friends. Finally, my climate/environment advocacy work is making a difference.” Cindy Bekins Anderson: “Our

big news is that we had a granddaughter get married last fall and have a daughter getting married next summer! We’ve been able to take a few trips here and there as well.” Glenys Dyer Church: “I am continuing to enjoy retirement. I scrapbook and make cards. My husband is also retired but he is active in the Rotary, the Central Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, and the boards of the local and national ARC, an advocacy group for disabled people.” Noreen Conover Reid: “Busy traveling and planning weddings! My son, Craig, married on St. Patrick’s Day in Chapel Hill, NC. My daughter, Melissa, will be married on Sept. 1 here in Greensboro. Life is good with family expanding exponentially!” Carol Anne Provence Gallivan: “Mills and I have found our lives busier than ever before! He still loves practicing law and we have enjoyed being involved with various US and international legal organizations, which have kept us traveling and enjoying the company of other wonderful members. He has been honored to have been president of most of them. We have just moved back into our house after a yearlong renovation; we certainly underestimated the difficulty of such! The greatest gifts of the last 7 years have been the births of our 6 grandchildren (3 boys and 3 girls); they give us immeasurable joy!” Anita McVey O’Conner: “My husband, John and I are living in Lancaster County, PA. John is retired; I’m still working at a senior center, but hoping to retire from that position this year. I plan to continue to work by working remotely and traveling. I saw SBC grads recently at a get-together of the Philadelphia Club. A video of what’s happening at SBC was presented and I was thrilled to see how SBC is evolving and growing.” Christine Eng Leventhal: “Peter and I are still living in Wilton, CT; I am in my 17th year of teaching science at Darien High School. We are excited about our daughter Amy’s upcoming wedding this summer in Block Island and we love getting together with friends and family every Christmas and summer. I’m still teaching fitness and taking dance as well. Peter and I walk the many trails around our town and he is an inspiration to us all as he works out

with his Tai Chi, the Y, and physical therapy despite having Parkinson’s disease for 17 years.” Deidre Conley: “I stay in touch with Nora Murray since we all had contacted people for our 45th. Nora just moved from CA to OR and is very happy there. I received Christmas wishes from Rita Anselmo and spent Christmas at the Sivananda Yoga Retreat in the Bahamas where I love to sing in the Christmas Choir as they do an interesting International Yogi, Christian, Jewish, Hindu celebration with speakers from around the world. I have also been working on recruiting for SBC, planning to do 3 college fairs Jan. and Feb. Still spending as much time as possible traveling, I had a wonderful 2-month trip to China last spring with my French husband. Back to France for the summer.” Nancy Lenihan Conaty: “Jay and I love living in Hilton Head Island, SC, where we have been since 2007. Our son, Matt, and his wife, Holly, were married in Napa in 2016 and welcomed our first grandson, Pierce, in Jan. 2019. They live in the San Francisco area so we are spending a lot of time out there and enjoying it!” Kathy Pretzfelder Steele: “Husband Dave and I continue to enjoy retirement in FL while keeping busy on community clubs and committees, playing pickleball and golf, traveling and spending lots of time with our grandchildren. Our two granddaughters (4 and 7) live nearby and we see them frequently. We have a new grandson, born last Nov. who lives outside of Atlanta, so we will be making numerous trips to GA this year. We are looking forward to a June vacation with all the family in Hilton Head.” Linda Lipscomb: “I am continuing to consult with arts organizations and just completed a 14-month stint with the museum in Vancouver, B.C. The thought of retirement results in a big question mark so I will continue to work for the next year or so. Fortunately, work provides the opportunity to reconnect with SBC classmates. Gypsie Bear Van Antwerp and I had a great visit in Mobile. I saw Cary Davis King in New Orleans and Lisa Wickham, Melinda Williams Davis and Lacy Williams on a brief visit to Richmond. In Sept., a bucket list trip to Morocco awaits!”

Kristin Howell: “I’ve had a good, busy year! I’m still in Key West part time and in NC. I love to go camping (with my dog) and do so often in FL and NC. Love to travel so I went to Belize again in June and to Chile in Sept. —fabulous! I had my own guide and my own tracker and saw lots of puma (etc.) fairly up close but in the wild! I had a big high school reunion (you know which one!) in Oct. and re-connected with lots of old chums. I did much of the planning and over 200 people came. It was a blast!” Debbie Pollock Arce: “2019 was a travel year with a trip to Australia and New Zealand in Jan./Feb., a visit to Savannah in Feb. and a trip to Prince Edward Island in Aug. I met Lisa Fowler Winslow for a fun weekend in San Francisco in Oct. My youngest son, Reed, is a Navy pilot and had his first deployment this year to Okinawa, but I’m happy to say he is back in Jacksonville. My grandchildren continue to delight. Eva (5) is in kindergarten and Will (3) is in Montessori. I was fortunate to have my entire family home over the holidays!” Ginger Woodard Gast: “We welcomed our family’s newest member, Graham Luukkonen, son of youngest daughter and husband Kyle. They are local, so we see them often. Son Mike and family moved to Leesburg from FL to experience VA’s 4 seasons and take advantage of Northern VA’s excellent school system. Daughter Caroline is in SC with her gang, and daughter Annelyse attends Wharton studying for her MBA. Life is busy but good! Hubs and I went to Italy this fall to teach English in the Italian schools. We made lifelong friends. I even try to write in Italian.” Jane Perry McCutchen McFadden: “All is well with the McFaddens in the Charleston, SC, area with two sons and their families living in Mt. Pleasant, and another son and his family in Berkeley, CA. Our new address is Yeamans Hall Club, PO Box 9455, Charleston, SC 29410.” Jane Garland Lucas: “Retirement has been good. After selling my Boston interior design business and our 2008 relocation to Austin, I continued the teaching part of my professional life until 2014. I remain active in the American Society of Interior Designers. The last 2 years I have volunteered my design ser-

spring 2020

Vincenzo a Torri, home of Xenia Lemos, a dear friend of Greyson’s cousins Susan and Frances Gravely ’70 who founded the fabulous VIETRI handcrafted Italian tableware company. They visited stunning cathedrals, leaned into the Tower at Pisa, made pizza from scratch on an outdoor wood oven and pulled fresh pasta, spent hours appreciating the Uffizi Gallery, surveyed and purchased a goodly number of leather goods, and began a quest to find the very best Gelateria in Italy (to be continued). With lots of laughing and story sharing, their time together was a magical reminder of how deep and long-lasting are the ties of classmate friendships.


vices to the Salvation Army’s efforts to complete a new 57,000 SF Austin family center. On my family side, we welcomed a new great-grandson in July 2019, adding to our 2 sons and 4 grandchildren in Denver. My husband and I still spend summers on our off-grid island in ME and enjoy traveling.” Kathryn Thilking Maginnis: “2019 was our year of downsizing with a move from VA to FL. My husband is also now retired. I enjoyed attending my Punahou high school 50th reunion in Hawaii.” Evelyn Carter Cowles: “My 6 months have been very slow due to a fall from a ladder breaking two bones in my ankle and requiring surgery. With eight weeks of nonweight bearing and not driving until Nov. I am fortunate to have some very good friends. Now focusing on PT—these old muscles just don’t seem to want to bounce back. Husband Reynolds is finally cutting back working but stays busy fox hunting, bird hunting, fishing and helping on committees and boards. Following in my footsteps Diane Dale Reiling broke her leg in Nov. She reports she is off crutches and out of her bootbut has an ankle brace until mid-Feb. She has returned to driving and life is much, much better now!”


Helen Travis 533 Cold Spring Rd Syosset, NY 11791 hwillardt@aol.com


Ann Stuart McKie Kling anticipates moving into their newly constructed home in March, eager to enjoy the view of north Lewisville Lake. In Fall, ’19 she and her husband took their first cruise along the New England coast and Canadian Maritimes, ending in Montreal. Busy Carol Bebb writes that


Sarah Knoblauch, Chris Pfiel and Betsy Helmuth and class of 1974 well represented at Ohio Sweet Briar Day

she and her husband, Jeff, retired in June 2018 after 36 years with UOP LLC, a chemical engineering co. in the Chicago area. Over the last 18 months they have traveled to Tahiti, Hawaii, many UT and AZ national parks, and Captiva, FL. While Jeff has been helping his middle daughter with her new Kumon franchise, Carol has been volunteering with Paws Chicago animal shelter to find new homes. As a new SBC Admissions Ambassador, she recruits Illinois HS students. She is also looking into becoming an AARP Advocacy Volunteer for IL. SBC reunion, a cruise to the Baja Peninsula and Sea of Cortez, and trips to Cape San Blas, FL and India are on tap for 2020. Barbara Ashton Nicol and her husband, Robert, still live in Tuscaloosa, but spend time at their condo on Dauphin Island, AL. They enjoy their 5 grandchildren, adding 2 this past summer: Charlotte is in Mobile, AL, and Luisa is in Corpus Christi, TX. Luisa spent her first 2-1/2 months in NICU in Corpus Christi and Houston for a genetic breathing disorder (CCHS) on a ventilator (she is doing well, learning to breathe on her own while awake). They took a wonderful trip to Scotland with 26 others to commemorate the 200th anniversary of their Presbyterian church in summer 2019. Barbara says it’s so nice having Emory Furniss Maxwell in the Atlanta area. Sarah Johnston Knoblauch just finished hosting her 5th Sweet Briar Day luncheon. She’s been busy painting commissions, teaching watercolor classes to 12 adults, riding her Polly Wolly Doodle warmblood horse, and playing bells at St. Paul’s Church, as well as enjoying grandsons, Liam and Damian with husband, Michael. Sarah joined Lou Weston Rainey at her beach house in June for a mini reunion with Penny Lagakos, Mimi Hill Wilk, Ceil Linebaugh, and Jane Hucherson which was great fun! (Tell the MIAs

to come to the next SBC reunion!) Mimi Hill Wilk celebrated grandson Georgie’s 6th birthday on Feb. 2; Heath is only 2. She loves being a grandma: bubbles, the grands’ excitement and high energy. Husband, Greg won a trip to PR, and Mimi’s looking forward to her 50th HS reunion at St. Catherine’s School in Richmond, VA. Leslie Elbert Hill: Leslie Hill says she doesn’t have any really fun news because moving is not fun! Only 3 miles away—same zip code—but decades of stuff still has to be sorted and boxed. Mary Landon Darden is grateful all of her children (Dan, Rachel, Van and significant others) are happy and gainfully employed, and grandchildren (Asa 11, Eilan 9, Rhett 6, and Archer 3) are healthy and thriving in TX. Husband, Bob was just named a distinguished alum of Baylor University. Mary hopes to semi-retire from her company, HEI, sometime next year, and fully retire in a few more. Free time is spent visiting family in Denton, San Antonio and Houston. She hopes to get some of our classmates (particularly Susan White Hough and Hannah Pillsbury to volunteer with her during SBC’s summer beautification week. Chris Weiss Pfeil writes that the Class of ’74 was well represented at a January Sweet Briar Day for Ohio alumnae at the lovely home of Sarah Johnston Knoblauch along with Chris Weiss Pfeil and Betsy Bigger Helmuth (right). Jana Sawicki (jsawicki@williams.edu) has been on a Winter Study travel course in Morocco through Jan. 24, and says Salaam Alaikum! Elaine Mills had an enjoyable summer, spending two weeks at Sandbridge Beach, VA (one week with her sister, Christie Mills Allen, and extended family) and a week at Massanutten Resort in VA. In the fall, she worked with fellow Master Gardeners to renovate a large por-

tion of the garden she helps to coordinate in Arlington, VA, and created new signage to be installed in the spring. She is currently developing educational presentations on plants for winter interest, native plants, and climate-conscious gardening, which she will deliver to the public throughout the year. Marcia Brandenburg Martinson traveled to Lisbon, PT, in December for a brief stay before boarding the Viking Sky for a transatlantic sailing. She and her husband had such a wonderful time that they’ve booked Viking’s Into the Midnight Sun sailing in May 2021: London to Bergen and invites anyone to join them! Helen W. Travis has found a new tenant for her barn apartment—one who is fixing it up on her own dime. Who knew there were such people?! Helen continues to work full time at The LiRo Group in Accounting, attend her health club, and go to AA meetings. At the end of May several Cold Spring Harbor High School classmates will be staying with her over the 50th reunion weekend she’s helping to organize. Helen’s only sibling Betsy is concerned about the financial situation in Beirut, Lebanon as the revolution continues on. Julie Shuer writes from LA that daughter, Sofia just completed pastry school and is working for Christina Tosi. Married son, Benji lives in Jerusalem, has a toddler and is pursuing a Ph.D. Daughter Gaby, a nursery school teacher, lives in Tel Aviv. Julie continues to travel between two continents with side trips last spring to Bulgaria and Romania. Husband, Steve loves practicing law and playing tennis while keeping the home fires burning with 12 lb. Manchester terrier, Maddy, AKA Mad Dog, for company. Cooking, pilates, yoga, swimming and book club occupy any free time. Janie Reeb Short writes that 2019 marked some family milestones: FIL Winthrop Short, Sr.,

2020 Mini-reunion in Williamsburg with Mary Will, Jane Frierson, Sandra Taylor, Jane Short

Class of 1974 at Reunion 2019

The Boxwood Girls ’74

Susan Geyer, Leslie Hill, Jane Frierson and Elizabeth Watts at The Greenbrier

turned 100, and oldest twin granddaughters became teenagers! She and husband, Win, Jr., split time between homes in Norfolk and Virginia Beach. Both are still working FT as a partner in a small wealth management firm and an attorney, respectively. Janie Chaired the United Way Women United board last year, and Win chairs the VA Symphony Foundation board. They Made time for a ski trip to Aspen, visits to Prague, Vienna, Budapest, Bratislava and Salzburg, and 10 days relaxing at the Short family compound on Mt. Desert Island, ME. She’s in touch with Betsy Biggar Hellmuth regularly, caught up with Elizabeth Andrews Watts at her mom’s memorial service (we send condolences) and enjoyed lunch in Williamsburg, VA, with Mary Witt Will, Jane Frierson, and Sandra Taylor. Elizabeth Andrews Watts, Susan Stephens Geyer, Leslie Elbert Hill and Jane Hutcherson Frierson spent a wonderful few days at The Greenbrier enjoying the facilities and each other. This summer Elizabeth and husband, Bobby have had fun boating and welcoming visitors, and are planning a Caribbean cruise aboard the Queen Mary 2 in October. Bonnie Chronowski Brophy writes that she, husband Jim, and her dad, Tom, 92, who lives with them are eagerly awaiting the birth of daughter Meghan Persutti’s baby girl (in late February) who’ll join brother, Connor, 3, who keeps them all hopping. Bonnie attended the Pilgrimage March for Life in DC in Jan. with the Order of Malta, taking some time out to grab a fun

lunch at the Trump Hotel. Speaking of whom, her HS’s 50th reunion is coming up in April: The Mary Louis Academy (where the student was chosen to go into space) in Jamaica Estates, NY, where Pres. Trump grew up. This is the 13th year she’s run a bible study in her parish for 40 women—this year: The Rise & Fall of Ancient Israel, not for the faint of heart. Valerie Gordon-Johnson: and Doug attempt to balance NYC theater (upcoming, Martin McDonaugh’s dark comedy, Hangmen, on Broadway), their working cattle ranch in WO and some winter time on Hawaii. Noni Campbell is still on her short list of best friends, and Meredith Thompson Sullivan is a Western neighbor. Susan Stephens Geyer is excited to be heading to The Broadmoor in CO Springs on May 1 for a week with Jane and Elizabeth. She stays busy with the opera, symphony, church and Bible study. Dallas saw a great turnout for Sweet Briar Day where the new dean spoke about the student’s embracing the culture. There is no longer any fear of closure! She spent the holiday season in Dallas and CO with her siblings and families enjoying the breathtakingly beautiful snow. Coleen Dee Butterick writes that she’s still working and living in Asheville, NC, with husband, 2 dogs, 2 grown kids (both still in NC) and a grandson; still in touch with Christine Cummings Bass and Ellen Bass Brady, and invites us to please check in if in the vicinity.


Anne Cogswell Burris 1437 Headquarters Plantation Dr. Johns Island, SC 29455 acburris@comcast.net Juliana Tu: “I was a graduate of the 1975 class of Sweet Briar College and have enjoyed following the lives of the other ladies in my class as reported through the alumnae magazine. I remember most of them, of course, and can even picture them as they looked way back when. On my to-do list for this year was a decision that I should update my life and whereabouts to anyone from SBC who is interested. Besides Anna Ho (yes, I remember her but I don’t know if anyone else does) I was the other Chinese member of the class. So, a little piece on me. After our graduation I pretty much flew straight to Los Angeles, CA. My father left the diplomatic corps (Republic of China -Taiwan) and my parents and siblings left Portugal and settled here. Shortly thereafter I fell into this industry that handles real estate settlement services and here I have remained. In other parts of the country the purchase/sale of real estate are handled either by attorneys or Title Agents. In CA, they are handled by escrow agents and that’s what I have been doing the last 40 some years. I have my own small escrow company and have thoroughly enjoyed working and being involved in this industry of mine. This year I became the president of the California Escrow Association (CEA), their very first president of Chinese


Peggy Weimer Parrish 862 Main Street Danville, VA 24541 peggyparrish@gmail.com Lisa Nelson Robertson writes that life is busy in VA Beach! She and husband Tim will soon have 13 grandchildren spread out around the country! Her first book “The Path of Life: Walking in the presence of God” was published in May 2019!

spring 2020

Emory Maxwell, Barbara Nichol and Liz Camp

descent, an honor of which I am most appreciative. I tell my board that I hope the organization survives me! Thank goodness it is only for one year; it’s only been a month or so into the start of my tenure and I am already up to my ears. I have been married for almost 40 years although I have never taken my husband’s last name. A good percentage of Chinese women never do once they have established themselves in business separate from their spouse. I have 2 grown children, a son and a daughter, neither are married yet. Life has been a whirlwind for many years but it has been good to us even as the real estate market, of which we are very dependent on, has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. We survived the early 80s years of 18% interest rates and we survived the economic crash of 2007–2008. I wrote a book “The Art of Escrow” a few years back to educate the general public on what this escrow or settlement process is all about. I wanted to write a second book on war stories but I can’t seem to find the time. Retirement? Maybe in another 10 years. Too much going on now. Having your own company does that to you, doesn’t it. I welcome anyone to contact me, through email is best. For anyone interested in what I do they can visit my company website, www. vivaescrow.com, on which I post educational articles. I also have my own website—JulianaTu.com—where I share more personal information. I am on Facebook and LinkedIn but no Instagram, no Twitter. I had the opportunity to meet with President Meredith Woo when she came out to L.A. a couple years back. Great meeting and enjoyed hearing about her plans for SBC. All the best and a Happy Chinese New Year (Feb. 5th – Year of the Pig) to all!”




And for the mothers and grandmothers, she created The Faithful Beginnings School Readiness guide to help parents of children 0–5 prepare their children by helping them learn how to learn before they start Kindergarten. It’s available for free and can be downloaded from The Family App. Tim and Lisa have been married 43 years and we continue to enjoy life. Kay Ellisor Hopkins retired from Neiman Marcus after 30 years in August 2018. In March of 2019, she and husband Joe enjoyed a 2-week trip that included stops in Santa Fe, NM; Moab, UT; and Durango, CO. They met their middle daughter, her husband and 2 granddaughters in Park City, UT, for a week. In April, Kay met other Texas alumnae in Waco, TX, to cheer the Vixen equestrian team at NCEA, and hopes even more alumnae will join the party in April 2020. Kay enjoys getting together with Beth Bates Locke, Cissy Humphrey and Tennessee Nielsen from time to time. Linda-Jean Smith Schneider is in her ninth year of managing global research systems at Morgan Lewis in Philadelphia, and anticipates wrapping up her decades-long career as a legal information professional soon. It’s been a great ride, but she is looking forward to her next ‘chapter’ in life, which should include singing, volunteering, traveling, writing and spending time with friends, far-flung family and hubby, Lee. During the past year, she enjoyed attending 2 January Sweet Briar Day brunches hosted by Joanne Hopkins ’98 and Suzanne Stryker Ullrich ’78 in the Philadelphia area, as well as seeing SB President Woo and many alums at the Devon Horse Show in May. She is hopeful future volunteering will include a stint or two at Sweet Work Weeks as she is eager to return to campus. Lynn Rogerson Shirey is happy to now be retired, having closed her non-profit organization which developed international art exhibitions that we traveled to museums across the US, and is serving on the board of the Center for Creativity, Design and the Arts at SBC. Her daughter, Olivia, is now a junior at Sewanee. A SBC get-together in December included Lynn as well as Sally Mott Freeman, Maureen O’Hearn Slowinski, Janet Whitehurst Binder ’75

and Lelee Frank Hazard ’84. Melanie Coyne Cody plans to retire sometime in the first quarter 2020, and is alternately excited and terrified. She’s been working in downtown Chicago at various ad agencies since she was 21, and has loved the lunacy and really enjoys being around creative people. In her free time, as the immediate past president of the Woman’s Club of Evanston, she’s working on a Landmark Fundraising Campaign. She’s also been enjoying grandson Charlie (born May 2019) and is planning a trip in June to South Africa. Last year Ann Kiley Crenshaw welcomed another granddaughter to the family, Louise Clarke Crenshaw, who joins her cousins Kiley Davis Crenshaw and Carlisle Sullivan Crenshaw. At the time of her writing, Ann was awaiting the birth of Kiley and Carlisle’s sister, and hopes to get at least one Vixen out of the Crenshaw clan! Ann is still practicing law and probably too involved in community activities. A group of SBC classmates joined together at the Cavalier Hotel in Virginia Beach to celebrate their 65th birthdays; while chronologically older they still knew how to have a great time! The VA Beach alumnae club hosted a number of SBC events, and were honored to have another visit with Meredith Woo, Mary Pope Hutson and Claire Griffin. Liz Farmer Jarvis writes that her daughter had a boy in October, and 13 days later her daughter-in-law had twin boys to join their toddler, older sister. Over the holidays it seemed as if everyone was holding a baby. Liz is still working in the museum field part-time, and working on two historic preservation projects as a volunteer. She has seen Lisa Schubert, Holly Weaver Kenreich, and Jill Wentorf Wright in the last year, who are all prospering. A little longer ago she visited with Maureen O’Hearn Slowinski, who has since also become a grandmother! Cynde Seiler Eister writes that she and husband Ron are enjoying their 6 grandchildren. In June they will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with their first trip back to the Outer Banks, NC, where they spent their honeymoon. They continue to be blessed with good health so are happily still working, with no plans to retire anywhere else. Ron in a rural family medicine practice

and Cynde with her rental real estate business. She spends as much time as possible with her 16-year-old Tennessee walking horse learning western gaited dressage and volunteers in her church as well as on several boards in her community. Peggy Weimer Parrish had a wonderful visit with Margaret Milnor Mallory, Teesie Costello Howell, and Elliott Graham Schoenig in September, and the 4 of them have reconnected via phone with Mary Aiken Wright. Peggy enjoyed a 2-night stay at the Florence Elston Inn with JoElla Schneider Samp ’77 in November while touring historic Virginia sites, including our beloved Sweet Briar College. Maureen O’Hearn Slowinski and her husband, Hill, are enjoying our beautiful first grandchild, Caroline Isabelle Steed who turned one on Jan. 14. She had a wonderful visit with Holly Weaver Kenreich and Liz Farmer Jarvis during their visit to DC last July. Lynn Kahler Shirey and I drove down to SBC for an overnight visit, stayed at the Elston Inn, and received a personal tour of the vineyards, green house, and the honey hives. Very impressive! Teesie Costello Howell had a great time with so many SBC friends in VA Beach in September. The beach girls, Sally Old Kitchen, Anne Kiley Crenshaw, and Lisa Nelson Robertson get a real highfive for their hospitality and generosity, as well as the others. There’s nothing like rooming with your freshman and sophomore roommate again, which is what she did with Margaret Milnor Mallory. It was also great spending the night at Elliott Graham Schoenig’s beautiful home/farm in Charlottesville. On the home front I am still working in the mortgage business while husband Chris is retired and loving life. Daughter Suzannah is married & living in Greenville, SC, and son Jackson is single and living in Boston, MA, after finishing a master’s in design from Harvard. Karen Adelson Strauss is now a full-time resident of Park City UT, and would love to know any other SBC families who visit/live here/ near. She will be renting out her home at various times of the year, so asking folks to keep her in mind if you are coming to Park City winter or summer. It’s a lovely welcoming community to start a new chapter of

life. She is still active in the environmental and public health fields. Never enough time to devote to these causes that are my personal and professional passions. She is eager to travel this year both to new places, and to renew friendships. Part of her known travels include visits to MN and CT where her children and their families live. Other wonderful news includes looking forward to meeting two more grandbabies in 2020. Karina Schless still has her quarter horse Angus (turning 29 years old this May!) who she rides lightly and Spencer-cat who is a lot of fun and a lovebug. She is returning to London at the end of April to look up some UK friends and back to Red Rock ranch in Jackson Hole, WY, this August with a bunch of other cowgirls! Tennessee Nielsen retired from corporate America in August. She enjoyed a trip to South Dakota/ Mount Rushmore, and a visit with former roomie, Jennie Bateson Hamby, in Palm Beach.


Suzanne Stryker Ullrich 820 Waverly Road Kennett Square, PA 19348 suzullrich@aol.com It’s always hard to believe, when that email comes saying there is another Class Notes due date, that we—as class secretaries—have to jump into high gear! And just when we thought we could catch our breath after the holidays! However, it is always wonderful to hear from the many classmates who share the highs, and lows, of life. It is such a fun way for all of us to stay in touch! There’s been a little partying going on down in Vero Beach, FL, on Orchard Island! Mary Page Stewart and Bob hosted Kathy Jackson Howe and Root, along with Cannie Crysler Shafer and Win, for a few days to welcome 2020. A wonderful time was had by all with Kathy adding “It’s been so much fun to gather with husbands too and share a holiday together. Cannie has more stories than a country dog has fleas! Good laughing and good friends— good for the soul.” In February, Mary Page was looking forward to seeing Cannie and Jackson again when they returned to FL along with Barbara

Kathy Jackson Howe, Cannie Crysler Shafer and Mary Page Stewart in FL, NYE 2019 Carey Fleming, Liz Williams, Suzanne Ullrich, Michelle Hostler, Paula Kelley, Katherine Heller and spouses celebrate Carey’s birthday

Behrens Peck, Dru Springer Oswalt and (hopefully) Lisa Wray Longino, “if Sweet Briar lets her have some time off.” (Yes, Lisa is bopping around the country, all for dear old SBC! Many thanks to her!) It was hoped that Becky Dane Evans would be able to coordinate her visit to Catharine Slatincek Prillman ’76, so they could all get together. When not hosting peeps in FL, Mary Page looks forward to sharing in the antics of her three grandchildren in Houston. Lisa Wray Longino: “I am continuing to enjoy my work with Sweet Briar and meeting hundreds of alums all over the country. I am tremendously inspired by the gracious and generous friends and alumnae who work tirelessly to promote the college. Class of ’78: it is really fun to see all of you! Additionally, George and I have been able to fit in a few trips to fly fish in Montana, cruise the Baltic Sea and enjoy a week in Italy!” Kathy Jackson Howe also wrote in “Our son Trey and his wife had just had their first child in late January—Claire Ivey Howe was born about 4 weeks early but everything is just fine. Jess will head home today

Mary Page Stewart’s grandchildren

but the baby will stay to be monitored for a few more days.” Glad all is well! Katie Renaud Baldwin wrote in from Oregon where she enjoys being able to spend time babysitting the grands. After the loss of her father last year at 97, she admits that her mother “has more of a social life than all of her children put together!” They are all healthy and happy, while “still hoping for a wedding someday in my family!” Carrie Ruda Carlsen still feels like a newlywed, while enjoying a number of trips this past year, most notably, spending a week aboard the historic Dover Harbor, a restored 1930s Pullman to New Orleans. The train car was pulled by the Amtrak Crescent, and served as their B&B while they stayed in NOLa. During the Christmas holidays in Nashville, Carrie enjoyed a get together with Ann Taylor Quarles Doolittle and Drusie Hall Bishop over coffee. “We had such a great visit and it only reinforced the blessing of our SBC sisterhood!” While Carrie is still involved with member communications at the American Bankers Association, she admits that the word “retirement” is now in her vocabulary.

Lauren Place Young, Joan Grant ’50 and Suzanne Ullrich

She continues to oversee publication of all the targeted e-bulletins, acts as editor for the ABA’s Agricultural Banking bulletin and is managing editor of the bank directors print newsletter. (Watch out Carrie: with all of that experience in publishing, you may end up working on class notes, eventually!) Anne Taylor Quarles Doolittle seconded the great time had by the Nashville trio! “We could have talked all day and were so busy yapping we forgot to take a picture!” ATQ also mentioned her very own art exhibit that will take place on campus Aug. 15—Dec. 15, 2020, in the SBC library. That will surely be worth a trip to campus next fall! Becky Mulvihill McKenna had lots to write about! All three daughters are married now and off creating their own adventures. While they are all “far, far from St Louis” Becky is very proud and excited for the lives they lead and the good work they do. Oldest, Katie, was married last St Patrick’s Day, tying the knot with her longtime friend and former fellow med student, Peter. They are both out in Hood River, OR, practicing rural family medicine, where they can live out their professional and

personal dreams with lots of outdoor adventures! Second daughter Maggie and husband Joey are living in Minneapolis, juggling family and careers (Racial Equity Training) with their 2-year-old, Amina—”a fiery redhead!” (Maybe a fierce redheadto-be??) Youngest Erin and her husband Teron, are expecting their first while living in Seattle, both hoping to move back to St Louis after the baby’s arrival. In the meantime, they work with high school teens dealing with trauma. Becky’s husband Ken has been getting more involved with Irish music, while Becky starts dialing back her group therapy work, but intends to keep her small practice in marriage and family therapy, as well as a little bit of teaching and presentations. Goals? A lengthy list, most importantly: spending time with children and grandchildren, as well as friends/roommates; traveling whenever I want; and visiting SBC campus in more depth. “I am so fired up about the pioneering/cutting edge approach that our SBC is offering to young women. I want to learn more about it and see where I might get more involved. As many of us are experiencing, time is feeling precious now. I don’t want to waste it or take

spring 2020

Susan Negaard and family skiing Christmas 2019




it for granted. I want to seize these moments. As you and others might be feeling—I may be winding down in one way, but I’m gearing up in others!” Yes, I think many of us can relate to that statement! Now having time to get back to interests we once thought of pursuing years ago are now those perhaps long-lost hobbies or other concerns about which we can again be passionate! Well said, Becky! Our own Chef Jean (AKA Jean Beard Barden) spent a large part of last summer in Italy, taking yet more cooking classes, visiting old friends from her NYC banking days in Germany, enjoying a visit from Lu Litton Griffin and her daughter, as well as enjoying the sun, fun and wine! Daughter Lelia is now Dr. Lelia Barden, DVM, after graduating from St George University in Grenada and spending her clinical year at Auburn University. Since passing her boards recently, Lelia anticipates specializing in radiology. Before finding out which programs she will be accepted into in March, she was looking forward to taking “some time off and enjoying this patch of unscheduled freedom!” In early Dec. Jean, Lauren Place Young and Suzanne Stryker Ullrich took time to visit Marianne Hutton Felch ’79 for a few days. Lots of fun memories, and good-byes, were shared. Ending on a sad note, Marianne died on Christmas Day, but despite the sadness, the many memories of her sweet spirit, and her fierce fight, were all shared by SBC friends Jean Beard Barden, Lauren Place Young, Suzanne Stryker Ullrich, Janet Myers Deans ’77, Toni Bredin Massey ’77, Nancy White ’79, Mary Cowell Sharpe ’79 and Harriet O’Neil ’79 at the service on Nantucket in early January. As for Lauren Place Young, she sent in her Aloha from VT where she has discovered, again, that she is happiest when painting after so many years away from her palette and brushes! She had her very first art show last fall, as well as being signed up with her daughter Makenna, to participate at a show to be held at Jay Peak this past February. Still working full time in Hanover, NH, Lauren was visited last October by Suzanne Stryker Ullrich and Rick for her birthday, with Jean Beard Barden visiting in early Dec. to see Makenna’s newly purchased home

Maggie Laurent Gordy seated, (l-r) Ann Thrash Jones, Susan Negaard Harley, Janet Rakoczy, Leigh Ramsay Simmons

in Montgomery, VT. From there, Jean and Lauren dashed down to Nantucket to hug and say goodbye to Marianne Hutton Felch ’79. With the many SBC graduates attending Marianne’s beautiful service on Jan. 4, Lauren summed it up “I will miss her more than I could ever express in words.” But with all the sadness came reflection and reconnection with old friends. While on Nantucket in earlier in Dec. Lauren, et al, met up with Lindsley Matthews to tour Cisco Brewery, which was led by Lauren’s eldest daughter, Brittany! Lots of laughs! Toni Christian Brown was looking forward to a year without meetings, rotating off the Board of Directors of Virginia Realtors after 6 years! Toni and Jim took a sailing trip to the BVI last summer with college friends of Jim’s, where they experienced beautiful water and weather! Time was also spent at N. Litchfield Beach, SC, with family, getting the little cousins together and having a blast. Finishing the bathroom renovation on the second floor of their farmhouse was a welcome completion, and additions and modifications were made to the apartment, making it AirB&B ready! (https://www.airbnb.com/ rooms/32836514?source_impression_id=p3_1580160822_wPf7KTIv3okoHnoI) It’s an awfully cute place to spend time in the Lexington,

VA, area! Toni also stated that “Life on the farm is grand! I love having my horse in my backyard, as long as he stays healthy.” Daughter Claibourne is now working part-time with both her parents at J.F. Brown Real Estate Services in Lexington, making it a family affair, while continuing to raise her 3 little girls. Second daughter, Finley, is in Raleigh, NC, and back in school. There are a few others who wrote in about their joy of still having the opportunity to ride! Deb Davison Klein is still riding and showing Zula, “my cute jumper,” in the 3.6 adult division, which is her therapy! Deb spends as much time as possible, traveling to see her two granddaughters, Callie (8 mos.) and Brooke (21/2 yrs.). Christmas was spent with Whitney, husband Alex and Callie in Atlanta, but Deb was sad to have missed seeing the many Atlanta SBC ’78 classmates during that trip. Oldest son Bo is living in San Juan Capistrano, nearby, but son Peter, his wife, and Brooke will be moving near Rosedale, NY, so Deb will look forward to satisfying her longing for the East Coast periodically! Also riding these days is Carey Johnson Fleming who got the chance to share her beautiful Parker with roommates who came for a birthday party in Pendleton, SC, last Nov. A trek to the barn was fun for all before the festivities, including el-

dest son who was visiting from New York with his family. Carey’s first granddaughter loved meeting Parker nose to nose! The weekend was filled with eating, hiking, site-seeing, more eating, and…well, a little bit of wine! In attendance were SBC roommates Michelle Youree Hostler and Bobby, Paula Brown Kelly, Liz Williams and Chuck, Katherine Powell Heller and John, Suzanne Stryker Ullrich and Rick. (The Bio Majors were well represented!) Later in the fall, Carey was able to meet up with MaryBeth Lipinski Perez-Soto in Savannah, GA, to attend the 2019 Adequan/US Dressage Federation (USDF) Annual Convention. Included was seeing a really unique Christmas parade in downtown Savannah! The two of them loved seeing the sights in the historic downtown area. Liz Williams was hoping to join in the fun but ended up with a conflict. (Luckily Liz did get to see a fair amount of Carey Johnson Fleming, Paula Brown Kelley, Michelle Youree Hostler, Suzanne Stryker Ullrich, Mikie Gupton McKelway and Marybeth Lipinski Perez-Soto at other times recently, in between finishing projects at home with Chuck.) In early January Carey and David became grandparents again when youngest son and his wife had a little boy. The grands are just that: grand! Before coming down to SC for Carey’s celebration, Katherine attended her 45th High School Reunion in VA. Katherine and John are also looking forward to joining the ranks of grandparents as their oldest daughter was expecting a mid-May arrival of her own. Rumor has it that this one could be SBC eligible! Katherine’s biggest challenges for 2020 are to “repaint and reupholster most of the surfaces in our house, just in time for fruit juice and tiny handprints!” She remarked on what some friends called her biggest pre-baby preparation task, that of picking an appropriate grandma name. “What happened to the baby naming you?” Mimi Borst Quillman had a few bits of news. During this past summer, Ginny Craig, Mary Goodwin Gamper and Bill, Dick Gamper (Maria Rixey Gamper’s husband), Mimi and Scott did their annual NH Hut Hike to Carter Notch and Wildcat. The fall provided a

busy with the downtown Greenway project in Greensboro and was looking forward to the trip to Mary Page Stewart’s house in FL with other SBC friends in February. Cannie Crysler Shafer and Win both retired from Camp Susquehannock last summer, which will be an enormous summer adjustment for them, especially for Win who had also retired from teaching! Cannie says, “I am however still very employed!” He is now very involved in all sorts of things including woodworking, officiating HS and college soccer games, and now that he has a new knee will continue skiing, golfing, hiking and running at his usual fast pace! Son Blake moved back to the U.S. from New Zealand last October and is now working in Seattle and loving it. Daughter Francie and husband Matt are enjoying life in NYC! A trip to the SE Passage of Alaska took place last August. The Galapagos are next on the list! Also having been hit by the travel bug was Ann Key Lucas. While there wasn’t much to report from St. Louis other than trying to renovate a place in FL long distance, building a new barn at the farm, and moving into a condo (whew), Ann was finding time to go to Spain to walk the Camino de Santiago to absorb it all! (Be sure to take a breath from time to time!) Also from St Louis, Cathy Mellow Goltermann wrote in about her continued joy of teaching “her Nuggets at preschool, baby and dog sitting!” Daughter Christen and hubby Peter are enjoying their new home (“five minutes from us!”) and traveling in Europe, the Cayman Islands and winter in Vero Beach. Twin sister Catherine continues in her pursuits with Girls on the Run, as well as baby and dog sitting on weekends. Son Woody is finishing up his third year at law school, while filling any free time with running marathons and bicycling, hiking or surfing! Husband Chris is still working and playing hard as well. Donna Mihalik Gelagotis Lee is still writing prolifically, with some books resulting in awards (Intersection on Neptune won Prize Americana and was reviewed in the Kelsey Review) and some poems being published in other books or journals (“I Don’t Remember” appears in Earth’s Daughter, and “Moon Over Blue

Ridge” appears in Southern Humanities Review.) An interview online at River Heron Review (“Conversations”) is also a recent accomplishment! Anne Riordan Flaherty admitted that, living in the Midwest, she never runs into any Sweet Briar grads. Well, almost never! “You can imagine my surprise last August when I boarded a flight in Denver and saw Michele Youree Hostler on the plane! Although we only had time to greet each other, it sure made me wish our reunion was coming up soon! Perhaps the mini-reunion will work with my schedule.” (To all SBC grads: Reunion is now always open to all alumnae and there are lots of benefits to attend in off years. As for the mini-reunion? Yes, there is one in the works for the Class of ’78! Stay tuned!) Carol Baugh Webster wrote in as one happy grandmother! Son Blake and his growing family had moved back to TN from VA with Rylie (4-year-old) and newest granddaughter Emerson Rose, born Dec. 26, so Carol was looking forward to much more family-time with the grands! Dec. 26 took on an even greater meaning when Carol’s oldest son Brandon became engaged to Alison. A 2020 wedding will be a wonderful event, bringing Alison, ‘daughter-in-love’ as we call her, and our new granddaughter Ella, who is a freshman at UT, Knoxville.” More weddings in the family were to come when oldest grandson Logan finished college in May, to be followed with a marriage in June to his fiancée Kara. Youngest grandson Evan was graduating from high school in May and was going to be off to U. of Chattanooga in the fall to study entrepreneurship, having had his own successful lawn and landscaping business for several years. Hubby Tim retired and enjoys woodworking in his shop. Carol was debating ‘semi-retired’ sometime this year— need more time to enjoy this growing family of ours! 2020 is going to be a crazy year!” But oh, how joyful! From northern CA, Holly McGlothlin wrote that she was able to have dinner with Toni Christian Brown when she was in the San Francisco area for a conference, as well as having a long chat with Lisa Wray Longino when she was in town for the local Sweet Briar Day.

“If anyone is coming out to SF, let me know. I’d love to get together!” Jane Sullivan Hemenway is staying very busy in NYC, and elsewhere! It’s been a few years that Jane has been involved with Dragon Boat racing (much like crewing), and stated “It was really fun having Ieke Osinga Scully attend my Dragon Boat race in Hartford. Her cheers made us win the gold there!” Jane was very involved with planning the Empire Dragonboat Gala in March. “My team is the BCS (Breast Cancer Survivors) and we are #1 in the East Coast, at the moment! We will be paddling in an international competition this coming August in Aix-LeBain in the French Alps.” Jane and Jay were anticipating a trip in the spring to Dublin, Ireland to visit son John, a junior at Trinity, before he returns to St. Andrews to graduate in 2021. Their daughter was working for Skadden but also applying to Law School. Jane continues to also by active in her women’s club, giving lectures and introducing speakers. Jane also spends much time traveling back and forth between DC and NYC, visiting her father (93). She is spending less time in GA now that her historic house renovations are complete. “Yay! It looks stunning and has its own FB page! Now we would like to have history tours and special events there.” (Sounds like a great place for a mini-reunion!) Jane talked about all of the fun she has when Katie Keogh Weidner ’88, and Anne Cross are in town for SBC events (“Sweet Briar girls just know how to have fun!”) and hopes that anyone visiting The Big Apple will call when in the area. “I love giving tours and I had a blast with Sally Polson Slocum and her husband when they visited.” Ieke Osinga Scully wrote in from NE CT, where they are working on their latest endeavor, that of restoring the Ensign House right in the heart of Simsbury. The wonderful historic building was slated for possible replacement with a huge condo unit, but Ieke and husband Mark felt very strongly about maintaining the historical integrity of the New England town. Turning the original house into a series of lovely, unique apartments slated for completion in March 2020, as well as a joint venture with an area restaurant looking to expand into a larger location,

spring 2020

fun SBC Event at the Devon Horse Show in PA where Mimi was able to catch up with Elizabeth Perkinson Simmons who had come up to see her niece participate in the show, along with many SBC peeps including Dee Hubble ’77 and Suzanne. Mimi and Scott were then down south exploring the Tryon, NC, area with SBC residents Caroline McKissick Young and Suzanne Collins Kilborn and Kyle. January 2020 was a busy time for Mimi, first attending SBC Day at Suzanne’s. “Love the Philadelphia group, so many decades of incredible women!” The following weekend was a wonderful celebration for Mimi and Scott’s son Ian’s marriage to Elyse McGlumphy in Baltimore. Elyse is an ophthalmologist doing her fellowship in glaucoma at Johns Hopkins, with Ian working in DC for the International Trade Commission. Joining the celebration were classmates and friends Meg Richards Wiederseim, Mary Goodwin Gamper, Ginny Craig and Katie Keogh Weidner ’88. It always amazes me when the notes come in, from all over the world! Carolyn Ennis continues to work for the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, a UN Refugee non-profit) but is now in Jordan after three lovely years in Geneva. Her 2 daughters are grown, with the eldest working in Freiburg, Germany and the younger at Northwestern in Chicago. Sadly, Carolyn lost her 96-year-old father last August. Living in other parts of the world certainly provides the opportunity to visit some pretty amazing places! Carolyn spent a vacation in Siwa Oasis in western Egypt, as well as time in Baden-Wuerttemberg in southern Germany. She continues to work 50+ hours per week, but still manages to fit in time for some running and yoga! Barbara Behrens Peck was relieved that the August wedding for daughter Sarah went well after a summer’s worth of renovations and was thankful for the bit of quiet when the weekend was over! Spending a fair amount of time traveling back and forth between NC and VT, she “really feels we have the best of two worlds. Both of our girls are well and happy, and with Sarah and Cyrus living in Portland, ME, and Haley in Charlotte, our north/south lives work well!” Barbara still keeps




there is now a lot of synergy taking place. And, if I’m not mistaken, an SBC sister was going to be moving into one of the gorgeous apartments! Lucky lady! During the renovation of the building, both Mark and Ieke focused on sustainability, using existing materials to maintain the historical integrity of the building while implementing many available energy efficient standards to reduce the ‘footprint’ in the future. No wonder, as Mark is deep into promoting sustainable energy with his non-profit organization, Peoples Action for Clean Energy. From experience, the building and rooms are stunning and cozy, with a marvelous restaurant, Metro Bis, on the lower level. If you are in the area it would be worth the stop! (And you’d get to see Ieke, too!) As for children, “two sons were home last fall while transitioning to their next steps, and boy, was that fun! Dinner time discussions were so very interesting! Third son, William, is a teacher and crew coach at the Hill School in PA, loving it!” And from SC we hear from Susan Negaard Harley who, while “working way too hard!”, had time to meet up with Janet Rackoczy, Leigh Ramsay Simmons and Ann Thrash Jones at Maggie Laurent Gordy’s beautiful place is St. Augustine, FL, last September. “Lots of shopping and eating, and we even went to an alligator farm!” Christmas was spent in Steamboat Springs with her children and friends, taking some time to ski and snowshoe, “and once again, eating way too much!” While “Miss Muffy” (Muffy Hamilton Parsons) didn’t really write in, I know she is busy with so many great endeavors on behalf of SBC. She has recently taken on a new role on the Alumnae Alliance in a board position, working as a co-chair on the Admissions Ambassadors Working Group. There are many alumnae all over the country who represent SBC, not only at college fairs, but also at local high schools. Muffy and others work to coordinate and support all of those great AAs as they continue to tout the benefits and joys of an SBC experience (feel free to be in contact if you would like to share any info with your area HSs. It’s oh-so easy!). Before gearing up for the next season of college fairs, Muffy and husband Don, along with some other family members, took off on a long cruise in the Pacific focusing on eastern

and northern Australia, Papua New Guinea, and Bali. Long before the cruise was over Muffy reported that she had already taken over 2K pictures! Besides the many beautiful locations, she was enjoying the great diversity of wildlife—kangaroos and Komodo Dragons, among others. When back at home, she frequently meets up with Cindy McKay for lunch, resulting in way too many laughs! (Sounds like a great workout to me!) Both McKay and Lynn Spilman Williams each became grandmothers as well, both named Charlie! Actually, Charles and Charlotte, respectively, and both bringing great joy to both parents and grandparents alike! I was able to get an updated email address for Tricia Mason Terraneo-Pompo, (anyone else need to update theirs? Please send it to Suzanne or directly to school and reconnect). She is living in San Diego and loving it. A recent chat with Michelle Tarride Frazier brought to mind a situation in which many of us may find ourselves downsizing and all of the fun chores that come with it; painting, pitching and fine-tuning what to keep! Talking about shared interests, we both agreed that creating in the kitchen and pulling weeds were way more fun than cleaning! But the bottom line is where to land! In all of Rick’s and my travels visiting children and friends, you can always hear me saying “I could live here!” way too many times! It is indeed a hard decision, as I would love to be close by to so many! But in the meantime, I get to spend a lot of time bopping around the country, seeing friends and sites…It never gets old! October included a great road trip, fitting in visits (and yummy meals!) with so many classmates, including Nancy Robinson Lindberg, Julie Pfautz Bodenstab and Lauren Place Young (all in NH) and Ieke Osinga Scully in NW CT, so you can imagine the wonderful colors. That first week of October seems to be about peak for leaf-peeping if you are ever going to New England. I am always amazed at the incredible treks taken on by Nancy and her husband, learning about the group she travels with, and will look forward to hearing where she heads to next. An afternoon with Julie and Mark was lovely, including a fun golf-cart ride around their little piece of heaven on Lake Winnipesaukee. November included the fun times in Pendle-

ton, SC (mentioned by others) with classmates and roomie, along with time in Savannah with Rick on business, and a spin over to Madison, AL to see Ned (31). Being in the middle of the northeast corridor, I never know who will pop in! Last November, Cassandra Smith Babbitt stopped in while on her way down from Orono, ME, to pick up her husband Jim in DC, home from a long stint in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He was home for a few weeks before heading back. Cassandra has never been shy from putting a few miles on a car! Short visit but packed with great conversation and catching up. Life’s been busy with other endeavors and activities, including our youngest Ned (31) marrying Mariah Ford, which meant a trip to Boulder to meet her parents and experience the gorgeous area. Mariah is teaching at Vanderbilt Law School in Nashville, and Ned is working near Madison, AL, so the two decided to split the difference and have moved to Columbia, TN. Guess that means more opportunities to see the Nashville Crew, especially with an arrival in May! Grandchildren, as well as children, are indeed a joy! Slowly but surely, Rick and I are getting the chance to give our other sons, Alex (39) and Andrew (36), and their wives, a break when they take off on much needed vacations alone. We are looking forward to a week with Leo (28 mos) in early March when Alex and Kellie take off for their 10th anniversary. He is a busy little boy, but since I have experience with them, it shouldn’t be too hard! Unfortunately, the energy levels I have won’t quite be the same as a few years ago! (Thank goodness, Rick put a travel ban in place for that week!) Laurel (3-1/2) comes for a visit periodically, and it’s always fun to see the incredible changes that happen oh-so fast! In early January I had reached out to Toni Bredin Massey ’77 to discuss the trip to Nantucket for Marianne Hutton Felch’s ’79 service, only to find that she…at that moment…was just three tenths of a mile from my house, stocking up on coffee for her trip back to VA! Of course, I had her come to the house for something more than coffee for a short but great visit! I again hosted a Sweet Briar Day event in January, on the heels of my trip to Nantucket, but I was lucky to have Claire Dennison Griffith ’80, arrive while I was away, using

the house as her own B&B (complete with wine and two cats) until I could get home. It is always fun to see the Philadelphia Club group and, as stated earlier, the range of decades adds so very much to the conversation! So much shared history! So, that’s about it for this round! It is always so wonderful to know that you are all getting together, sharing wonderful memories and times, a few good meals and a glass or two! Hope you all enjoyed the 2019 picture collage and remember to send in those pics during the year for a 2020 update! Continue to reach out, wherever your travels take you! And that mini-reunion? We will continue to try for a midwest get-together again, but for now… look forward to September 2020 in Bethany!


Anne Garrity Spees 1136 Springvale Road Great Falls VA 22066 nelson.anne@gmail.com Amy Smith: “Living with my 95-year-old Dad. A WWII vet and 30-year Air Force man. He does a lot but could not live by himself. I am learning so much more about his life and am grateful for each day with him. I work part time doing ghost tours for the Original Ghost Tour in Colonial Williamsburg. I also am an assistant chief at the voting polls. How sad that we are now required to take Active Threat and Stop the Bleed classes. But it’s rewarding to see so many voters coming in to vote!” Mary South Gaab: “Terry and I are now living in West Palm Beach. Our Meghan and her husband Dion have been living with us since the birth of our first grandchild Sefa. It is such a joy to see that sweet baby every day. He is 5 months old and a smiling happy boy. Meghan and Dion work remotely, so they have lots of time with him. Terry now works for Italian Rose as their corporate controller. I stay at home and try to keep everyone happy. After 2 back surgeries I am still looking for relief from this pain.” Mary McBride Bingham: “Oldest Sam is going to Clemson this fall for graduate school. Will is finishing HS and will probably work with cars. I am loving working as a


Myth Monnich Bayoud 6269 Oram St. Apt. 21 Dallas, TX 75214 mythbayoud@yahoo.com

(l-r) Joanie Dearborn Choremi ‘79, Jenny Kelsey Breining ‘79, the Rev. Ted Pardoe, and Laura Willits Evans ‘79 after the rehearsal dinner for the daughter of Jenny Kelsey Breining ‘79

substitute teacher at local elementary schools and educator at the Pittsburgh Botanic Garden. Life is good.” Susan Anthony Lineberry: “2019 was a great year! It was wonderful seeing everyone at Reunion and I look forward to the next time we can all be together. Neal and I both retired this year. The best thing is no more alarm clocks! We also have time to visit family and friends and do all those little projects we have put off for years. Here’s wishing everyone a great 2020!” Lauren McMannis Huyett: “All is well in Concord, MA! Only new news is that grandchild number 2 is due in June. Phil and Megan live in the next town so great to see them often with Charlotte who is now 16 months old. Peter is nearby in Boston, Chip is in San Fran, Kate in NYC and Susan is in London finishing grad school in set design. Sill working as a decorator, and Bill at a Pharma company in Cambridge.” Jenny Kelsey Breining: “I was so grateful that I had Laura Evans, Joanie Dearborn Choremi and Mimi Walch Doe ’80 by my side

Toni Santangelo Archibald: “I am looking forward to Reunion in May! I am still living in Rye, NY, and working at my high school alma mater, Holy Child, as the director of community engagement and special events. It is still rewarding and fun every day! I travelled to South Africa last summer with eight students and three other adults and enjoyed spearing fishing in 400-year-old fishing traps, game drives, water safari, and exploring Cape Town. I was so moved to visit Robben Island where Nelson Mandela was imprisoned. I am excited to visit Greece and Germany this summer with some colleagues and friends. One of the highlights will be visiting the city of Oberammergau in Germany for a performance of the famous Passion Play which occurs once every 10 years.” Flo Rowe Barnick: “I spent much of last year cleaning out my childhood home in Fredericksburg after my father’s passing. Came across LOTS of reminders of my (and my mother’s) SBC days, passed a few things on to the college museum. I have seen Swee Lan Wong Dolan several times as our families have been connected since our college days. She is now in Ithaca, NY, loving life on the lakes. My local Sweet Briar alumnae group meets bi-monthly for wine and fellowship, but I can’t wait to see classmates at reunion!” Susan Capozzoli: “I am currently chief of staff for a private family.

Scotch and I had a rough year as my apartment caught fire, an electrical fire. However, Scotch, my hero dog, opened the window, so the fire department could get in and save him and the building. Hope to see everyone soon!” https://newyork.cbslocal. com/2019/05/23/super-cute-dogopens-window-helps-save-himselffrom-apartment-fire/ Cari Clemens: “All is well here in Baltimore. I reached my decade point as the director of the donation department at Second Chance Inc., a 501-c workforce development nonprofit with a civic and environmental mission. My 3 girls: Caroline (31) lives 20 mins away with her family. Two cute grandchildren to brag about: Hays (5) and Lila Virginia (3). She has followed her dream and owns an Inn in St. Michaels on the eastern shore and a restaurant in Severn Park, MD. Virginia (28) lives in Baltimore in Fells Point. She is a nurse on the neuro acute floor at University of Maryland Medical Center. I am blessed to share that Virginia is now a 3-year survivor of brain cancer (thanks to ALL your prayers and support.) Eliza (25) lives in New York City with 2 dear friends from her Bryn Mawr School high school years. She sees a lot of her Vanderbilt friends and enjoys working for Heidrick & Struggles worldwide executive search firm. Our whole family had many blessings this past year close to our hearts. That includes traveling to North Carolina for a glorious wedding of Ralph and Carolyn Birbick Ownby, where we reunited with SBC and W & L friends. We also traveled to Virginia Beach to grab some powerful hugs, hours of laughter and a few cold ones with Frank and Ann Vandersyde Malbon.” Lisa Heisterkamp Davis: “I’m doing fine, enjoying (mostly!) these early days (I hope!) of later years. Josh and I take more time off these days. Augusta (30) Ioves her social work job and Dashiell (27) is in his final semester of law school. I’m singing, and Dash is playing guitar in our upcoming church talent show—a dream come true to make music with him! Mary Gearhart ’79 and I are planning a 40th reunion trip to England in April. We traveled there after my freshman year in time to be part of the throng outside Buckingham Palace celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s 25th Silver Jubilee. I look forward to our reunion.”

True Dow: “I’m currently watching the massive bluebird migration head to—wherever they go from seacoast NH. Attempting to lower my HCI while working a 50-hour week at the golf club and keeping our Gymnastics Academy off-thegrid and on-track to producing little champions as we push our 47th year of operation as a back-yard family hobby. I don’t believe anyone ever said running your own business was lucrative or easy. But it is a daily challenge that keeps me sharp and wily. Missing my OLB’s something terrible and all the rest of you. Vixens with whom we ran the dairy-run, cross-countries to W&L, snarked beer from the grocery store, stayed up all night in the basements of our dorms and conquered the Bum Chums...the BEST that you can be...” Shannon Thompson Eadon: “I just moved to Delray Beach! I am the new president and CEO of Old School Square, we have an amazing modern art museum, 2 theaters (320 seats and an outdoor amphitheater) and a fine art school. I’m still happily married to Gordon after 36 years. My daughter Logan (29) is a graphic designer and got married last fall, and my son Tucker (27) is in IT sales. Both children live in Philadelphia. I walk 2 days a week with Susan Posey Ludeman!” Lisa Faulkner-O’Hara: “I’m working at a nonprofit senior center

Tinsley Lockhart and granddaughter

Laurie Tuchel and Silky Hart painting in Abiquiu, N.M.

spring 2020

SBC group at Memorial Service for Marianne Hutton Flech – Jean Beard Barden ’78, Lauren Place Young ’78, Suzanne Stryker Ullrich ’78, Harriet O’Neil, Toni Bredin Massey ’77, Mary Cowells, Nancy White, Janet Myers Deans

at my daughter Kelsey’s wedding to Andrew Garcia in Highlands, NC, on June 18, 19. Both Joanie and Mimi are Kelsey’s godmothers! Unfortunately, Graham Maxwell Russell had a family baptism or she would have been there celebrating as well!” And I, Anne Garrity Spees, am still enjoying retirement and traveling quite a bit. Thanks to all who contributed to our class notes. Would love to have everyone participate next time! Cheers all!




handling publicity, social media and general communications—which I’m really enjoying. I won’t be able to attend the SBC reunion because a good friend’s son is getting married in Charleston that weekend. While I’m there, I’ll be staying with Sally Gray Lovejoy, who’s very involved with the Spoleto Festival. Our son, Bud, is getting married later this summer so I’ve been working on the few MOG (Mother of the Groom) requirements lately. I’m sorry to be missing the reunion but please tell everyone hello for me!” Fran McClung Ferguson: “Nothing has changed in our dayto-day in years, but we have big 2020 news: daughter Carol Ferguson ’12 is marrying Erron Prickett on June 6. We couldn’t be happier!” Catherine Flaherty: “We have changed our residence to Ft. Myers, FL, very close to my sister in law Anne Riordan Flaherty ’78, and Kevin, my brother, who are at Sanibel Harbor. I have been selling yachts and RVs for 3 years now. If you are in the market, let me know. Our 2 eldest sons, Killian (25) is practicing law in Chicago and living with his brother Callaghan (24), who is a consultant. Our youngest, Macartan, is in his fourth of 5 years in an architectural program at Notre Dame. The whole family visited him in Italy last year. We had a great New Year’s and sailing vacation with boys in British Virgin Islands this year. Looking forward to seeing you all in May at SBC, when we return from a 6-week vacation in Spain & Portugal. Does anyone from our class live there? Can’t wait to reconnect at SBC! Love my SBC sisters! “ Martha Frehauf: “I am really looking forward to seeing everyone at reunion this Spring.” Wanda McGill Fry: “I’m happily living in Oro Valley, AZ, with my husband Peter and my 2 children, Patrick and Megan. I enjoy hiking the mountains and other outdoor activities.” Silky Hart: “I’m excited for a brand-new art show in April with Laurie Newman Tuchel. High Desert Road Trip is the culmination of a longtime desire for the 2 of us to collaborate. “ Phyllis Watt Jordan: “I’m enjoying my work in education and healthcare policy at Georgetown University. I had an op-ed published

in the Richmond Times-Dispatch in February looking at the impact of free college programs on small, private colleges, something that’s too often overlooked. Most of my travel is piggybacking with my maritime security lawyer husband’s schedule. Possible trips this Spring include Hawaii and Rome.” Claire Dennison Griffith: Can’t believe that she has worked at SBC for almost 5 years. She can’t wait to welcome you all back to campus for our Reunion this May! Amy Campbell Lamphere: “Time is passing too quickly! Does anyone else feel like we are living in ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ times? Still teaching dance/Nia, still loving Minneapolis, founded a start-up clothing company (StorylineCollection.com) that is manufacturing travel perfect clothes, ready for our next chapter! Daughter Sarah is in Chicago, son Jake moved to Minneapolis where we see him, and his precious rescue dog Bindi All. The. Time. Blessing? Curse? I will let you know in May at Reunion!” Tinsley Place Lockhart: Tinsley Place Lockhart is very grateful for a family-filled 2019–2020. Son Beauregard, wife and their daughter Elodie (2) moved to Dubai in the United Arab Emirates—he works for HSBC bank as associate director Middle East operations. Daughter Esmeralda will marry in October and is buying a house in London with fiancée Alistair Pitts. She’s global director for Volkswagen’s Digital Marketing. “I’m not nearly as grown up as my children, and look forward to seeing you all in May, with husband John.” Sally Gray Lovejoy: “In January 2019, I lost my Mom. She was 93 and had a great life, but it is never easy to lose your mother. I spent the summer in the cool NC mountains at her mountain home near Boone, where numerous friends came to visit including Lisa Faulkner O’Hara. I had a wonderful fall trip to the Balloon Festival in Albuquerque, where I had a great visit with Megan Coffield Lyon in Santa Fe. Also visited Sedona and the Grand Canyon. Finally, I attended Jill Steenhuis Ruffato’s Spartanburg art show, and we caught up over brunch. I am still living in Charleston, SC, working for the Spoleto International Arts Festival and enjoying retirement. I

will miss our 40th, but will be there in spirit.” Megan Coffield Lyon: “My husband Frank and I are dividing our time between Santa Fe, NM, and Austin, TX. Our son, David, is a junior at Sewanee majoring in ancient Greek as he continues his quest to be an archeologist. I lost my dad at 88 in November 2018. I’m thankful for having been able to spend a lot of time with him in Santa Fe in the last few years of his life. Now I have not only our storage units, but my dad’s to clean out! Had a great visit with Annie Ivey Leonard in Greenville, SC, last June and with Amy Campbell Lamphere last fall in Austin. Looking forward to reunion.” Emily Quinn McDermott: “Ed and I are empty nesting. Our younger daughter is graduating from Scripps College in May, and her older sister bears an amazing resemblance to a fully functional adult! She works as a consultant for Deloitte and lives in DC. Isn’t it great when they’re on someone else’s payroll?! I’m still involved in our town government as an elected district representative. Bridge lessons are high on my fun list as is my work with a local arts center where I brought in Jill Steenhuis Ruffato for a lecture and a sold out 2-day workshop this past fall. Ed is kind of retiring soon (lawyers never fully retire, so I’m told) and we may relocate somewhere. That will be a challenging decision as we reassess our wants, our needs and what to do with all the crap we have accumulated over the years. Y’all know what I’m talking about! But all in all, we feel blessed and are very grateful for the lives we have led so far. And I am so looking forward to reunion! Holla Holla.” Carson Freemon Meinen. “I can’t believe it has been 40 years, we can’t be that old. In Fort Worth, I am enjoying my semi-retired life now. More time for travel to visit the children in Denver and San Antonio. Hope to drag Susan Mengden and Allison Becker Chapman back for reunion in May.” Ellen Clement Mouri: “Richard and I are still enjoying life in Rixeyville, VA. I’m retired and fill my days with one animal chore after another. We’ve got horses, dogs, cats and a flock of egg laying ducks. Life is good.” Jill Steenhuis Ruffato: “This is

my 40th year of living in France, still with the same French guy that I met my 2nd day in Aix, June 1980, still painting almost daily, still travelling across the US to do shows linked with non-profits. What I love is seeing you as I traverse America or receiving you when you visit Provence. ‘Destiny itself is like a wonderful tapestry in which every thread is guided by an unspeakable tender hand, placed beside another thread and carried by a hundred others.’ (Rainer Rilke) You are all threads in my tapestry. Merci.” Anne Secor: “I miss New York City a lot, still doing graphic design (very) remotely in the woods of Quebec. I recently acquired some Montreal property which may become home to my now 13-year-old twin girls someday after they graduate from high school.” Lillian Sinks Sweeney: “I moved to Philadelphia in August 2018 for a job, and I quit that job and now have another. I am now working for Highmark Insurance Company. In a nutshell, my role is to manage the post-acute care space, basically ensuring that our healthcare dollars are spent more efficiently from the hospital side, to short-term nursing and home health. We need money to take care of us when we need it! Thankfully, Sweeney has worked remotely for years so he continues working from home and traveling a bit. Our son, Taylor, is also living in Philly, which is a bonus. We live in Fishtown which is an up-and-coming neighborhood that I never knew of when I lived here in the 80s. I see Jeannine Harris a lot which is so much fun—it’s like old times. I look forward to seeing everyone in May.” Laurie Newman Tuchel: “I enjoyed a cycling trip, Prague to Krakow with Lisa Sturkie Greenberg with our husbands last July. A week sketching with Silky Hart in Abiquiu, NM, last June, which included a visit with Megan Coffield Lyon in Santa Fe! Three paintings accepted into the National Art Gallery of The Bahamas depicting the trauma of Hurricane Dorian. The exhibit opened in December and will remain on display through April; I represented The Bahamas at Bahamas Haus, Fort Lauderdale Art Fair on the Water this past January; My first solo show, ‘A Sense of Place’upcoming in Northeastern, PA, in


Patti Snodgrass Borda Mullins 15 Tenth Avenue Brunswick, MD 21716 pattibmullins@gmail.com While some of you didn’t send notes, we’ve heard from a few who’ve been out of touch for a while: Mary LaVigne: “I now live in Brevard, NC Please come visit: We can tour the Biltmore, especially if you are a fan of Downton Abbey; or hike our beautiful mountains; or just hang out! My older daughter, Eugenia, is starting her own equestrian business in Fayetteville, AK, and my youngest, Henley, is a senior at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. She is a fine arts major and events her horse in her spare time. I’m just blessed beyond words to have them and my dogs and live in this beautiful part of the world! And extend my invitation to visit for any of our SBC sisters!” Ann Goebel Bain wrote somewhat self-consciously that her notes reflected a stereotypical California experience: “I’m blessed with close friends, a loving husband, and a comfortable life. I’m retired, and still living in Palo Alto, northern CA. Mark and I went to Japan in April/ May 2019 with my nephew and his fiancée, to introduce them to the Japanese side of the family (my motherin-law is from Tokyo.) Later in 2019, we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with a trip to the Cook Islands. We’re headed to Taiwan in February 2020 for 3 weeks—a combination of city/urban and mountain hikes/hot springs. We’ve been traveling a great deal in the past few years, as we’re very conscious that we’re in the “sweet spot” of independent parents and our own good health. I usher at Stanford University’s Bing Auditorium, the campus perfor-

mance space. It’s a great opportunity to see live theater, dance and music on a professional level, without the drive to San Francisco. My ashtanga yoga practice is in its 15th year, and I’ve been continuously advancing in the practice, learning so much about movement and stilling the mind. I’ve also been experimenting with naturally fermented bread with a fellow chef, and we’ve been producing high-quality and varied products.” Liz Kauffman: “I attended Sweet Weeks 2019 and had a great time. I hope more from our class will come in 2020—we really had fun and accomplished a lot of worthwhile things on campus. Meanwhile, Keith and I have continued to get our Kentucky farm in shape. We have 3 thoroughbred broodmares expecting foals in spring. We spent an evening by the fireplace planning our next garden: putting in 6 fig trees and lots of other interesting things.” Monika Kaiser: “2019 was a year of travels. In late April, I traveled to Germany with Richard and the kids to attend my niece’s wedding. I came back with my mom, spent a week in Cleveland, OH (her hometown), and brought her back to Germany in June. In October, Richard and I attended the wedding of a very good friend in Germany and another one in Guatemala. And now, I am helping my daughter plan her wedding for next December.” Catherine Adams Miller: “2019 was a year of lows and highs for my family. My mother-in-law died in May. She was a special woman we miss. My mother is doing well at 93. The year ended with the wedding of eldest daughter, Madeline, at our church in Yorktown, VA. She and her husband, Larry, live in Richmond, where she teaches kindergarten at a private school. Ali, completed her master’s to become a licensed clinical therapist. David has cut back at his very busy dental practice. I enjoy working part time for a pharmacy that services nursing homes. We volunteer at church and spend time with friends and family, and traveling. I still have my horse Clark and ride as much as possible. Our home is always open and to classmates visiting the area.” Gracie Tredwell Schild: “I had a marvelous 2019 and am hoping to keep the trend rolling in 2020. My business, started in January of

2018, finally got off the ground, and I was actually too busy in the fall. I find that I can survive just fine with only a handful of clients. As my mother needs more of my time, I’m going to continue to work 20–30 hours a week for the present. The bookkeeping is the bread and butter, but frankly I’d rather be doing more database work. The only downside is that I can’t really take much more than a long weekend off—not with weekly payroll for one of my clients! My son Christoph is thrilled to have been offered an excellent full-time job for next June, and he won’t even graduate till December! Anyone passing through Santa Fe? I now have a proper guest room and am eager for guests!” Jennifer Rae: “2019 was a productive year and rewarding year thanks to my family and friends. I am so proud of our SBC community as we all are. I am very happy that 2020 is here.” Leigh Leibel didn’t respond directly, but I stole this from her Facebook page: “What an incredible surprise and honor to have received a second-place award for Best Scientific Abstract at the International Conference on Frontiers in Yoga Research and its Applications! More than 1,500 people from around the world gathered in Bengaluru, India, for 4 days to deliberate this year’s theme Yoga as Lifestyle Medicine and recognize the important role yoga and meditation play in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. I am so grateful for this significant recognition of my work in mind-body medicine at Columbia University. I salute fellow honorees and dignitaries, and give thanks for my professors/mentors. Take home message for everyone: Do yoga!” Lee Watson Lombardy: ”I really have no news! My daughter has news, though: She graduated from the University of South Florida in August and is about to start working for Southeastern Guide Dogs, a terrific organization. I did receive a note from Karen McLain Chiapetta over Christmas; she is doing well. Nice Sweet Briar Day turnout for the Orlando Club this year—we had Lee Anne MacKenzie Chaskes ’83, representing the college, as well as theater professor Cheryl Warnock!” Lele Frenzel Casalini: “Life in

the heartland is fabulous. Get to spend time with my four grandbabies every week! Granddaughters Harper Willow, 6; Kinley Belle, 15 months; grandsons Hayes, 18 months; Gianluca 15 months. They make my heart sing! Finally ready to begin building a new house on the farm. Have just finished the design which was inspired by the barns built in 1881 and 1894 on the family farm. Work is keeping me hopping as executive director of Heartland Community Yoga, a 501(c)(3) Yoga Therapy organization offering free yoga to veterans, their families and caregivers. Have had a great year visiting campus for reunion, Sweet Weeks, Founders Day & other weekends. Best part of that is seeing lotta classmates and other alumnae.” Lorie Teeter Lichtlen: “I’m currently in San Francisco to help my 23-year-old daughter, Lauren, settle in for a semester for her bachelor’s degree in luxury management. Son Nicholas, 27, has finished film school and is currently working for Warner Bros in Paris. Dominique is still practicing corporate law, and I’m still working in corporate and financial public relations. We celebrate our 30th anniversary this summer. Time is flying by! Any classmates who find themselves in Paris should give me a shout: I love to show folks around my beautiful adopted city.” Leslie Hertz Firestone: “I retired from Clark County School District in Las Vegas and I’m “coming home” to the Lynchburg area.” DJ Stanhope: “I’m finally starting to feel at home on the West Coast and loving my work as Inland Empire Area Manager for Bob Hope USO. It’s been a great period of growth for the organization! I added a second center last year and am planning a third in 2020. My godson and his lovely wife had a baby boy in December which has me over the moon. I do keep up with all the doings at Sweet Briar but miss you Vixens! So, if you’re coming out to SoCal, let me know and I’ll leave the light on for you.” Liz Hoskinson: “Things are percolating along here, with opportunities to see and do new things filling much of the past year. Travel to Alaska, unexpected time with extended family, and some chances to connect

spring 2020

March and two-person exhibition with Silky opening in April 4, High Desert Road Trip.” Tish Longest Tyler: “I’m still working at Virginia’s Office of the Attorney General (36 years). I’m in touch with Carolyn Birbick Ownby all the time. I’m traveling to Nice and Paris in April and then Spain in October. Looking forward to reunion!”



Elizabeth Taylor Webster on the Camino de St. Iago de Compostella in May 2019


with old friends have been especially fun. And still hanging on to the horses, knitting, lots of gardening, writing, drawing and getting a kick out of my little job at Barnes & Noble. I see classmate Rhoda Harris when we have our museum outings in NYC, which are always a blast, and I always try (not very successfully) to make it to the SBC alum gatherings here in New York. I am also grateful to everyone on campus and far-flung who are helping the college find its footing again.” Monika Kaiser: “2019 was a year of travels. In late April, I traveled to Germany with Richard and the kids to attend my niece’s wedding. I came back with my mom, spent a week in Cleveland, OH (her hometown) and brought her back to Germany in June. In October, Richard and I attended the wedding of a very good friend in Germany and another one in Guatemala. And now, I am helping my daughter plan her wedding for next December.” Patti Snodgrass Mullins: “In September, I found myself laid off when the City of Frederick, MD, eliminated my public information coordinator position. The subsequent job hunt proved the adage that one has to let go of something old to grab something new. In January, the Maryland State Education Association hired me as press secretary and policy research specialist. I would not have noticed this outstanding opportunity if it were not for the layoff. For the time being, the 2-hour commute to/from Annapolis, from Brunswick is the only sacrifice. Daughter Virginia loved her first semester at the University of Maryland, College Park, where she is majoring in environmental science/ environmental policy.”

Bet and Carter Pope family at son Ross’ wedding


Virginia Claus Buyck 414 Seminole Ave. Florence, SC 29501 vbc414@aol.com So nice to hear from Mita Sanyal Felman. She was an international student from Calcutta, India. Over the years she held a number of interesting social service jobs, and lived in Indonesia and New Delhi for her husband Josh’s work at the IMF. Mita now volunteers at Jubilee Jobs and Free Minds Book Club in Washington DC. They have a place in Shepherdstown, WV, and love the contrast between DC and rural life in WV. Mita and Josh have 2 children—Maya who lives in St. Louis and Avi in NYC. Mita said she loved her years at Sweet Briar. Amy Painter Hur is in Austin, working at CPM Texas on projects such as the restoration of the historical Paramount Theatre. She has enjoyed her visits with Suzanne Turner Brennan when Suzy visits her son. Amy is also busy planning her daughter’s wedding in May. Look her up if you are in Austin! Mason Bennett Rummel and Rick are thrilled to announce they are expecting a granddaughter in February. Bennett and Christina live in NYC so they’ll be burning up the air miles soon! They just finished renovating what they hope is their final house. Work is still fun and challenging, life is good in Kentucky. Lucy Chapman Millar said her daughter Peyton will be in Gretchen Wulster Millar’s daughter Cameron’s wedding in March. Funny how life works out when the children of great SBC friends/in-laws become good friends themselves. Sarah Sutton now lives in Tacoma, WA, enjoying her sons, the

beauty of the Pacific Coast, and work as a volunteer organizer for the US cultural sector for We Are Still In (supporting the Paris Agreement). She attended the Salzburg Global Seminar and spoke at COP25 in Madrid. Wylie Jameson Small and Stuart have been busy traveling to England, France, and Italy. They were able to visit Ightham Mote, a 14th century moated manor house in Kent, England, which was originally owned by Wylie’s 18th great-grandfather and is now a property of the National Trust. Wylie’s son is finishing his corporate finance degree, and Wylie is training for her first half marathon. Elizabeth Taylor Webster retired from a 22-year career at GlaxoSmithKline and is embarking on a new consulting firm, advising clients on healthcare policy issues at the state and federal levels. Her last child entered college last fall, giving Elizabeth a little more freedom to pursue family and volunteer opportunities. They will likely continue the Camino de Santiago de Compostela Walk in Spain in May. She highly recommends this walk to all SBC alums: great for meditation, exercise and most importantly to experience God’s magnificent creation. Laura Camacho Mixon continues to politely disrupt business as usual through her communication skills training company, Mixonian Institute. Through her business travels she has visited with Mary Ware Gibson ’83 and Ashleigh Metherell. Laura’s 3 children are grown and flown. Miriam Baker Morris and Clay have loved being grandparents to their first grandbaby, Margaret Rose Morris, born in June. This summer, Miriam and Clay will celebrate their 35th anniversary. They would love to see anyone who comes to Birmingham.

Mita Sanyal Felman

SBC was well represented at the wedding of Tish Eliades’ son Jeb Byrne

Amy Boyce Osaki, husband John, and daughter Heidi hiked 170 miles of the 88 temple pilgrimage on Shikoku, Japan, in December. Follow her trips and adventures on www.MountainHikingHolidays. com! Amy was excited to see Claire Dennison Griffith ’80 in Portland in January for a Sweet Briar Day lunch. Blair Redd Schmieg has joined the AR&D team at Sweet Briar, working from home (Marblehead, MA) and Sweet Briar. Blair and Martin gathered their children in NYC for a wonderful Christmas gathering, enjoying the Christmas windows, tree at Rockefeller Center, and the Christmas Spectacular at Radio City. Family visits will continue with trips to Nassau, Charleston and Philadelphia. Great to hear from Polly Parker McClure. She and her husband have enjoyed traveling and spending time with friends. Their daughter is loving living in DC, and their son is a college sophomore. Polly works at Allstate Insurance. Bet Dykes Pope and family had a happy and busy year. Their youngest son Ross married in March at Sea Island. In attendance were Jana Portman Simmons ’82, Jane Carter Bishop, and Bet’s mother Betty Walker Dykes ’54. Bet played in 7 member/guest golf tournaments in the summer—she says it’s not her golf skills that get her invited so it must be the housewarming gifts she brings. (I know better, she’s quite good and her golf outfits, as expect-

ed, are very spiffy.) She is also the president of the Ladies Golf Association at the Driving Club. Bet said her Sweet Briar days trained her to navigate all the strong-minded golfers out there! She sees Jewett Wynn Rothschild, and will see Melissa Cope Morrisette next month in Mobile. Tish Littleton Byrne Elaides’ son Jeb Byrne II married Giulia Stavropoulos in September. Lee Anne MacKenzie Chaskes shared the wonderful Sweet Briar photo from the wedding reception. It was great to see so many Sweet Briar friends at the January event in Charleston, SC, at Carla Pellegrino Cabot’s ’84 house. Mary Pope Maybank Hutson updated the group on all the good news from Sweet Briar. Mary Pope, Lizzie Pierpoint Kerrison, and I represented the class of ’83. Loved seeing so many others, including Virginia Donald Latham and Nancy Webb Corkery from the Class of ’81, and Carla Cabot, Cheri Yates, Elizabeth Harley Willett, K.P. Papadimeitriou, Helen Pruitt Butler, Ginger Reynolds Davis, and Camille Mitchell Wingate from the Class of ’84. We spent the night in Charleston with good friends from Florence, SC: Tricia Barnett Greenberg ’74 and her husband Phil. The event was a solid reminder of the lasting friendships we made at Sweet Briar. Thanks for all the news, keep it coming!


Louise Jones Geddes 2590 Woodward Way NW Atlanta, GA 30305 ljgeddes5@gmail.com Roxane Lie has been in Oregon for nearly 22 years and still loves liv-

ing there. She has been working for Ricoh, delivering mail and packages at the Nike campus in Beaverton, for nearly 4 years now. She hasn’t been horse riding for a while and misses it! Every two years, Renee Fleming performs with the Oregon symphony and Roxane attends, as she worked with the singer several times when she stage-managed with opera companies. She still owns vizslas; Aramis is her current one. Together, she and Aramis attend the Rose City classic dog show, which is one of the biggest dog shows west of the Mississippi River. Many dogs that attend the show go on to Westminster show. Patricia Dolph Fallon enjoyed SBC graduation 2019, as her niece, Cece Mahan, graduated from SBC! Cece has gone straight to William and Mary Law School. Tricia missed our 35th Reunion last year as her youngest son was graduating high school. He is now at University of Richmond. Tricia is working full time in financial services in Boston, and has had her Beautycounter (safe beauty) business for 5 years now. This, along with Sweet Briar, are her passions, and she is already looking forward to our 40th reunion. She sees Katie Hoffner as often as possible, though not as often as she’d like! Cathy Cash Mays reports that in November her sister and only sibling died unexpectedly at age 59. This loss has been such an eye opener, reminding Cathy and her family to appreciate every minute of every day. December brought happier times as her daughter, Ashton Mays ’18, became engaged on Dec. 12. A special “ring game” arranged by her SBC friends and Sweet Tone family was held in the Wailes Lobby. A complete surprise for her! Two days later, Ashton graduated from Duke University with her BSN and was

recognized as a member of Sigma Theta Tau honor society. Once she completes her state boards, Ashton will be working in PICU at Carilion Clinics Roanoke Memorial Hospital. Then, to close out 2019, Cathy welcomed her first granddaughter (and future Vixen?), “Kenna Rae born on Jan. 31 to my son, Jason, and his wife, Lauren.” Kenna has a big brother, Brody, who is a first grader and a super baseball player. She is so fortunate that they live nearby, so she can enjoy watching the family grow. Cathy continues loving her work at Sweet Briar, welcoming SBC friends and family to campus. Remember to stop by when you are in the area and consider staying overnight at the Florence Elston Inn! Staci Skufca is residing in Ft. Lauderdale and would like to reach out or hear from anyone traveling in South Florida! Please call or text anytime you are coming through (954-275-2998). Vida Henry Fonseca bought a house in New Orleans that looks like an old Tennessee farmhouse plopped in the Upper 9th Ward. She bought it on Friday, Sept. 13, 2019, and she is still trying to get moved into it. She is secretly enjoying bouncing back and forth between Nolensville, TN, and New Orleans, even though it’s a pain, too. Leslie Kirkby retired from Leslie Caroline Photography, due to a serious accident. She is living in southern New Jersey with her 3 grown children: Ian Wardell at Seton Hall Law, Eric Wardell at Rowan University and Anthony Minerva an EMT. She has 2 dogs, a cat and 2 beautiful Arabian therapy horses Marka de Zaon EMH and Rose of Talal, who have made it possible for Leslie to be out of a wheelchair and walk again. She occasionally speaks with Jennifer Ditter Collado ’83.

Chris Svoboda has been busy! She executive produced Widow’s Walk which Amazon recently purchased for the EU and UK; she worked on the policy team during the early days of Teresa Tomlinson’s campaign; and she has just been named to Mike Bloomberg’s National LGBTQ+ Leadership Council. In her spare time, she and Meg are skiing at Whitetail and renovating their barn in PA and juggling the schedules of their 2 teenaged sons. Erika Dorr Marshall enjoys seeing the Charleston alumnae. She is adding the Palmetto Environmental Educators Certification to her endorsements, to bolster the knowledge she gained from the South Carolina Master Naturalist program. Her oldest Wiley is a buyer at Rhodes Boutique in Charleston; Foster heads up a trucking facility with another Citadel graduate; and Elise is on the cardiac ICU floor as a nurse with Prisma Health. Erika still takes people on trail rides and swimming on the beach when school is out. Jennifer Rotman loves living in Durham, NC and has been there for the past 6+ years. Her “family” is a veritable Brady Bunch—3 dogs and 3 cats (yes, 3 males and 3 females!)—and all get along harmoniously. Jen still works for Cigna as a digital content strategist, copywriter, and editor, and she will celebrate 10 years in July. She is lucky to be able to work from home now, too. Karen Williams Wickre enjoys being active in the Washington, DC, Alumnae Club. She joined others in hosting a career day for SBC students and interns, as well as other projects with fellow area alumnae such as annual grad gift bags for students. She loved seeing fellow Æ84 classmates at the widely attended 2019 Reunion! She traveled to Switzerland last summer

spring 2020

Karen Wicker Williams helped host the Career Day in DC for Sweet Briar students

Leslie Caroline Kirkby with her beautiful therapy horse, purebred Spanish Arabian stallion Marka de Zaon EMH who made it possible for her to walk again




with her family and is active in her career near Capitol Hill. Camille Mitchell Wingate reports that the 35th Reunion was so much fun and she enjoyed laughing and catching up with everyone! Camille moved to Charleston in August 2019 and loves living there. All of the SBC girls have been so welcoming! Laurie Pfeifer Scovel teaches Kindergarten at Centerville Elementary School. She and Brad (H-SC ’83) celebrated their 31st anniversary this fall. They both volunteer with the Hyannis Harbor Hawks, a summer collegiate baseball team in the Cape Cod Baseball League. She oversees the college interns. Ginger Davis Reynolds and Lynn have been to see Debbie Jones twice: July 4 and New Year’s. They also had the pleasure of seeing Debbie’s mama and daddy. Life is just moving along, and Ginger’s big news is that her son Jeffery and his wife came for Thanksgiving and Christmas! This was a very big deal for Ginger, and she reports that it made for the best holiday. Ginger visited Charleston for the Sweet Briar Day event in January and re-connected with Carla Pellegrino Cabot. Ginger reports: “OMG! Carla is just the same!” Ginger also saw Leslie Eglin and says they all had the best time. Mini reunion next year?! Lisa Burwell Reichard writes: “It was a year of changes for my family! In May of 2019, I graduated from home-schooling my 2 youngest children as I graduated my youngest (of 4) and sent him off in the fall to Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN. Meanwhile, my third graduated from college and started a career; my daughter completely changed careers; and my eldest son was promoted to management, my daughter-inlaw completed her MSW (Masters in Social Work) accreditation (4000 hours on the job!) and the 2 of them welcomed fraternal twin boys into their family in November—my first grandchildren!! I am still a nanny 3 days a week for a neighbor’s little girl (my adoptive grandchild), while I continue to look for a more ‘adult interactive’ job now—with benefits (though the flexibility and mobility of being a nanny was perfect during the last few years of my son’s more independent home schooling!).” Elizabeth Harley Willett has been involved in lots of mini re-

unions lately: She connected with Courtney Warrick Cherna, Liz Sprague Brandt, Mary Earle McElroy and Marian Wahlgren in the fall, and of course she sees Louise Jones Geddes all the time in Atlanta. Elizabeth and Chris have been spending some time in Charleston and she reports the SBC group there is growing! Carla Pellegrino Cabot and Camille Mitchell Wingate have joined in the fun along with Helen Pruitt Butler, Cheri Burritt Yates, KP Papadimitriou, Cathy Toomey Gregorie, Lizzie Pierpoint Kerrison ’83, Leslie Eglin, and occasionally Mary Pope Hutson and Virginia Claus Buyck, both ’83. Elizabeth loved seeing Ginger Davis on the last trip. Elizabeth is looking forward to a trip to Lexington for W&L Mock Con in February where she hopes to see Elizabeth Cahill Sharman. Ann Alleva Taylor reports that it is high season in Vero Beach and everyone is buzzing around. She attended a wonderful Sweet Briar Day at the home of Betty Cates ’63, and along with Betty, Sally and Lisa, Ann was thrilled at the turnout and the news of everything happening at the college. She and her family continue to reside in Vero Beach where they celebrated Christmas with Patsy Kraeger ’85. As for me, I also enjoy keeping up with our SBC friends. I love being neighbors with Elizabeth Harley Willett and staying in touch— mostly by phone—with Penney Parker Hartline. In October 2019, I ran into Elizabeth Cahill Sharman in DC and also continue to try to see Chris Svoboda, Cindy (Skip) Pierce Kohlenberger, and Mary Earle McElroy during my trips to the DC/Richmond area. My volunteer involvement with SBC keeps me in touch with lots of folks, both here is Atlanta and around the southeast, and I have especially enjoyed getting to know so many younger alumnae, who are every bit as cute as we ever were! My husband Jim keeps getting pulled more and more back to Australia, and we seem to spend more and more time there as a couple. Y’all come visit when I am there! We just wrote what we think/hope is our last ever tuition check, so…woo-hoo, let’s get this party started!


DeAnne Blanton 501 E. Riverside Dr Bridgewater, VA 22812 ddblanton@gmail.com Gale Oertli Braswell lives on a small farm near St. Louis with her husband, David, and their 3 kids, 2 of whom are in college. Gale’s farm includes horses, miniature donkeys, chickens, dogs and cats. She is happiest in her garden and her kitchen, and is also in her third year of beekeeping. Disa Johnson Cheston is riding and teaching riding in Massachusetts, where she will celebrate her 30th wedding anniversary to husband Chip in May. She spends her winters with her horses in North Carolina. Her 2 sons are all grown up. Jeanie Guthans Wilkins is in Mobile, AL, where the Sweet Briar Club recently welcomed President Woo. Jeanie’s 3 sons have flown the nest, and she and her husband enjoy visiting them in Nashville and DC. Laura Morrissette Clark is also in Mobile, working as an independent contractor with Brownell Travel, and trying to find time to lower her golf handicap. She greatly enjoys being a grandmother of 4. Another happy grandmother is Barbara Trajekis Conner, whose grandson Aaron is the light of her life. Barbara continues to enjoy her work at The Foxcroft School. Another empty-nester is Cheryl Fortin Young, who earned a Coast Guard Master-rated Captain’s license with a sailing endorsement. She recently organized a Trap-Neuter-Return program for cats, and she works with the Department of Natural Resources for local beach wildlife protection. Renata Leckszas Davis is rocking the empty nest in Annapolis, MD, with her husband Bill. Renata has a variety of volunteering positions, but especially enjoys her work with Seeds4Success, which provides tutoring and mentoring for children living in housing projects. Renata is also a substitute teacher. Lenetta Archard McCampbell is also in Annapolis, where she is a consultant at Metro, building out a new radio communications system. She joined Vixen friends Ann Martin Gonya,

Katie Hearn, Kim Knox Norman, Christine Corcoran Trauth, and Karen Gonya Nickels ’86, in St. Maarten in January for their 4th annual getaway. Mallihai Lawrence Tambyah lives in Brisbane, Australia, serving on the Faculty of Education at Queensland University of Technology, and working in history and humanities preservice teacher education. Her daughter is working on her master’s in mathematics. Mallihai and her husband, David, hope that any Sweet Briar alumnae visiting Queensland will give them a call. Laura Fry is also a college professor, in Illinois. Her twins are now in college on full academic scholarships, after having shared the valedictorian honor at their high school. Kim Knox Norman is in Atlanta with husband Bart. Her son is at UNG-Dahlonega, and her daughter is working in the music industry in Nashville. Kim still enjoys her work at Emory University. Elizabeth Morriss Srinivasan is a family law attorney in Pennsylvania. Her youngest son is graduating Emory Law School in May, while her oldest son is recently engaged. Laura Groppe lives in Santa Monica, CA, with her 2 teenagers. She also commutes twice a month to Houston for work. Her current professional research focuses on the female economy. Laurie Limpitlaw Krambeer is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Kansas, and she loves her career. She has one daughter in college and another in high school. Catty Hubbard Andry is still happy in Asheville, NC, with her husband Michael and their three kids, one of whom is in college. The Andry family has opened their home to a 10th grade exchange student from Madrid. Catty is working on the Garden Club of America’s Annual Meeting which will be in Asheville in the spring. Dale Banfield Banning is in Newport News, VA with her husband Scott. Her 2 children are grown. Dale is president of the Garden Club, and also the owner of The Vintage Pagoda, an online antique and collectible shop. Leanne Weber Kreiss is a partner with her brother in The Weber Team, a commercial furniture business. She travels throughout MD,


Alis Van Doorn 1896 Park Drive Columbus, GA 31906 alisvandoorn@hotmail.com Julia Andrews Milstead: “It’s been a busy year! It’s my 2nd year post-journalism career and I am loving my role as spokesperson for the city of Raleigh. I have more time for family which is good since our son just started middle school and it’s a whole new world! My respite comes in the form of the annual trip with Sweet Briar friends Olivia Hardin Pettifer, Christina Babcock, Lee Malley-Lowe, Tracy Gilmore Tilkin, Jenny Jahos Chaladoff and Kira Flores Ector. Met up in St.

Olivia Pettifer, Christina Babcock, Lee Malley-Lowe, Tracy Gilmore, Jenny Chaladoff and Kira Ector met up in St. Pete and will be doing it again in Charleston this spring

Pete and will be doing it again in Charleston this spring. Makes my heart happy!”


Ellen S. Smith 1360 Northview Avenue NE Atlanta, GA 30306 ellensmith10@att.net Angelyn Schmid reports that she has “one kid in college and another soon to depart!” This will leave her more time to travel and to write. Angelyn went to New York to see the fall colors and plans a Scandinavian cruise for this summer. She is also editing several books for publication. Finally, she rejoined the college fair corps to represent Sweet Briar and is glad for the many opportunities to support our College! Anna Gallant Carter is still living in Charlotte and enjoys wearing many hats: working in commercial real estate, translating and interpreting in Spanish, exploring retirement options in alternative photography, birding, salsa gardening, woodworking and spreading herself “justenough thin.” “Middle-aged Anna” learns more now than when it was a requirement; in 2009, she received an MA in Spanish and later received a BA in French. Anna volunteers for Habitat for Humanity and Refugee Support Services. She enjoys watching her mostly-grown sons enjoying life. She and hometown friend and SBC graduate Carrie Winkler remain best of friends. She misses her equine SBC companion, Shadow. Caroline Taraschi writes from Princeton, NJ, that this year marks 32 years for her landscaping company, which she started 2 years after graduation! If she is not working, she

Shannon Wood Bush Pre-Worlds tuning in Corpus Christi, TX

Anna Gallant Carter

can be found in the pasture with her rescue cows and rescue dogs. She also has an antique co-op space at the Tomato Factory in Hopewell, NJ. In her spare time, she buys and sells vintage costume jewelry. Sometimes, she says “I don’t know whether I am coming or going.” She’s very proud of her alma mater! Lee Carroll Roebuck reports that is well with her in Baltimore. After 14 years as a field hockey mom, she celebrated her daughter Emily’s senior collegiate season this past fall. Emily will graduate from Davidson College with a degree in Biology and plans to attend medical school after a gap year. Lee’s son, CJ, stayed in Nashville after graduating from Vanderbilt and is successfully “adulting.” While he was at Vanderbilt, he was well looked after by Sharon Staley Kelly. Lee very much enjoyed reconnecting with Sharon! Lee keeps busy as a “professional” dog walker, as well as with volunteering and playing lots of golf. Life is good! Kristin Kreassig Carter started a new job as director of operations for Girls on the Run Hampton Roads. The job is the perfect marriage of her passions for teaching,

working for a nonprofit, and advocating for girls and women, so it has been both exciting and challenging. Kristin visited Pam Miscall Cusick in July and they vacationed together at Wintergreen in November—a mini SBC and VMI reunion that was great fun. Kristin’s son, Scotty, is a sophomore at Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, VA, majoring in engineering physics and minoring in mathematics and computer science. He also plays NCAA volleyball. In October, she and Dave adopted a “supermutt” and named her Roo! Kathy Bryan Sanders still lives in Charleston, SC, and enjoys being an empty nester. Their oldest son, Josh, got married in December! They are very happy to welcome Stacey to the family. Josh and Stacey live in Chicago, and Kathy’s 2 other children (Emily and Tommy) live in Charleston. Kathy retired from her job as director of an early childhood education center and enjoys traveling with John. They are always looking for their next adventure! Kathy enjoyed seeing Lezlie Varisco Pinto and her family in Texas last fall for the Clemson/Texas A&M football game! Shannon Wood Bush is still living on the ranch in “middle of nowhere” Goliad County, Texas. Her daughter Eleanor finally graduated from Ole Miss in May (Hotty Toddy!!) and is looking for a job in Austin or Dallas. Her son Bennett is a junior at Sewanee (Lord, help him!). Shannon reports that Chris is enjoying his new hip and that she is still very involved with competitive sailboat racing (in an Etchells, with her crew of 3 guys) all around the world. She also continues to serve as a na-

Karen Bryan and Kathy Bryan Sanders at the Dec. 2019 wedding of Kathy’s son

spring 2020

VA and DC, and especially enjoys staying at the Elston Inn when she’s in the area. She and her husband George celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary in May. Joan Collins Wyatt and husband Richey celebrated their 21st anniversary in San Antonio, TX, where they live with their 2 kids, one of whom is in college. Joan serves on the SBC Friends of the Arts Board. As for me, I am loving life in the Shenandoah Valley with my husband Dick Higgins. I retired from the National Archives in Washington, DC, after 31 years of service.


tional race officer and national judge for sailboat racing.


Christine Diver Ans 16812 Falconridge Rd. Lithia, FL 33547 christineans@kw.com


Jennifer Crawley Lewis shares that she and Max are setting into their new lives as empty nesters. Their daughter Diana chose to attend Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in upstate NY and continue swimming for them as their primary 200 butterflier. Jennifer is enjoying country club wife life as she tries to figure out what to do with her time with God’s guidance. She enjoys her friendship and frequent lunches with Nancy Wright ’68 and Michelle Klimt ’84. Looking forward to cheering on RPI at the Patriot League Conference in February and Virgin Islands in March. Stephanie Wilt Smirnov shares that she is approaching her second anniversary as the EVP of global corporate communications at Scholastic, a company that’s been near and dear to her heart for a long time, bookworm that she is. In other anniversary news, she and husband Max celebrated their 20th last September! Their son Terry is 17, a varsity swimmer and fully immersed in his college search (the campus visits are making


Sonia Jabbar received a Presidential award in 2019 for her work in tea and elephant conservation on her Nuxalbari Tea Estate in Darjeeling, West Bengal, India

Stephanie more nostalgic than ever for our glorious SBC days!) She loves seeing everyone’s updates on social media and wishes the Class of ’88 a happy and healthy 2020. Sonia Jabbar has shared pictures showing her receiving an award for her ongoing efforts in elephant conservation in 2019 from the president of India. She has developed an elephant-friendly program and isolated area for the elephants on the 1200acre estate in Darjeeling, West Bengal and aims to keep the area a safe zone. Vixens can support Nuxalbari Tea Estate by buying Nuxalbari tea on Amazon! Much love to you. Stacey Vilar Csaplar has had a busy year representing SBC at college fairs in New England. It has been a wonderful opportunity to meet the latest class of SBC women. Her daughter Arden, an SBC junior, became engaged over winter break and her oldest son will be graduating and moving out this spring. That leaves only her youngest son home. Stacey is looking forward to meeting some classmates, Sarah, Helen and Virginia, on campus this spring for a mini reunion. Best wishes to everyone! Mary Halliday Shaw shares that on Aug. 2, 2019 they welcomed their second grandson, John Franklin Shaw. Andrew, his big brother is very excited to have another guy in the house. Kevin, their youngest son and his wife Renée are amazing parents. Their oldest, (twins) Jack and Mike turned 28 last fall. Their indie rock band, The Head just released their sixth album “What Happened To Us?” They start their next tour in April 2020. She and Brad will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary May 5, 2020. They will be touring the wine country in Sonoma to celebrate. Last October 2019 Mary had the pleasure of hosting her SBC girls in Blue Ridge, GA, for a mini reunion. Those that attended were Beth Bennett Haga, Kate Cole Hite and Kathryn Ingram Reese. Mary’s husband, Brad (W&L ’88) was the boat captain and chef. He did an amazing job pampering all of them! Staci Stockburger Fritzges shares that they had a mini Class of ’88 reunion in Richmond last April. Laura Ferrazzano; Cindy Rhoades Sherrell, Susanna Broaddus Hickman, and Staci met up to see SGG&L. While at the concert

they saw other ’88 alumnae: Stacey Vilar Csaplar, Helen Berger, Virginia Bennett Leeds, Sara Ammar Whitt, and Stacey Csaplar’s daughter who is a current student at Sweet Briar! Brooke Haw Spencer ’89 drove in and had lunch with them too! Staci also got to see Kate Cole Hite and Stacey Sickles Locke while I was at a conference in Baltimore last November. Stephanie Sprouse writes that she is doing well in CT. Very busy, her office just purchased 2 additional territories and now are providing homecare to all of Western CT. This is an exciting time, since the merges both happened at the end of 2019 in very quick succession. Her brother Mike lives nearby and is doing very well. Stephanie sees her dad and stepmom frequently; they are always around and enjoying retirement very much. Stephanie’s Dad looped her son into helping out at a nearby soup kitchen, so on Fridays they often cook and wash dishes together! They are a dynamic duo. They all had a great trip to Vancouver and Alaska last year and they have another trip they are planning to the UK to check in with Phil’s family, sometime this year. She believes that hits all the general news, and she is feeling blessed, happy and healthy so what more is there? It doesn’t get much better. She is missing all the vixens! Tracy Tigerman Hodge is still teaching after 31 years. She writes that this is, however, her very first year teaching pre-k. Ryan is 24 and working. Kaitlyn is 17 and a senior in high school. She and Mark are very happy with all of their 4 dogs. And I, Christine Diver Ans am still doing well as a realtor at Keller Williams Realty in Tampa, FL— weather is beautiful! My mother took a spill on our cruise in June of last year, so it has been a constant trip back and forth to Naples, FL, to visit her. My son, Aleks (29), just promoted to captain in USMC and his wife, Jessica is a federal prosecutor in DC. Daughter, Amanda (23), has recently begun her government career at the Dept of Defense and lives in Arlington. I look forward to more travels back to Virginia soon and would love to see any Vixens in 2020!


Jean Spillane Benning 1120 Walnut Farm Road Lower Gwynedd, PA 19002 jeanbenning@outlook.com Thanks to everyone who submitted class notes! I hope to hear from more of the Class of 1990 next time. Joie Roderick Tankard: “My oldest Grace will graduate this spring from Wofford and Harriet is a sophomore there also. Lawrence, current 9th grader, will study abroad next year in Mexico as a Rotary exchange student. Mary Blair is in 7th grade and dreading being the only one at home next year and living under the microscope as an only child. Hopefully Grace will not return home to live in the basement! Richard and I will celebrate 26 years of ‘blissful’ marriage, God willing, this June. Cheers to all and looking forward to our 30th reunion in June.” Joan Armstrong Abington: “Living north of Chicago, IL, in Libertyville with husband Bill. I have 5 great kids—Kennedy (22) graduated and is working/studying for his CPA, Blair (21) is at American University, Sawyer (19) is a student at University of Mississippi, Beckett (17) is a high school junior and Hudson (15) is a high school freshman.” Jill Armstrong Tracy: “I live in Quincy, IL, with my husband Joe. We have 5 beautiful daughters. Kristin (24) is living in St. Louis, Olivia (22) is living in Dallas, Samantha (20) is a student at Mizzou (University of Missouri), Alison is a freshman at St. Louis University and Jenna who is in the 6th grade.” Victoria Canter: “I’ve been busy raising my 13-year-old equestrian daughter and teaching HS Spanish. Excited to return to Spain this summer and reconnect with Belen Ortiz Ariza. Enjoyed hosting Adriana Beckman and family this summer and recently giving Amber Vellenga ’91 a speed tour of Baltimore neighborhoods. Would love to hear more from friends in the classes ’90, ’91, ’92, ’93.” Louise Bouldin Carter: “Still living in Huntsville. Oldest child (Virginia) is a junior and the boys are 10th, 7th and 5th graders. They all have very unique interests. Virginia plays the flute in the band, son Brian runs XC, Jack plays whatever

husband, Larry, will retire in March 2020, so I’ll have an awesome travel partner! Last year during reunion I met up with Madeleine Corbo ’89 and Kate Hilstead ’89 and enjoyed visiting with them and their daughters.” Renee Merion Everett: “I am still at the District Attorney’s Office as chief of the juvenile unit (almost 26 years). I am now serving on the PA Supreme Court’s Juvenile Court Rules Committee and some other state committees for juvenile justice, all of which keep me very busy. Greg and I travel as much as we can—each year we try for at least one Walt Disney World trip plus an international trip—always to someplace new. We like to explore new places. Our granddaughter Lily (3-1/2 yrs.) and grandson Liam (2 yrs.) are so much fun. We can’t wait to take them on their first trip to Walt Disney World! Best wishes to all!” Stacy Gilmore Hanling: “Thanks to Clemson Football I was able to reconnect with Jean Spillane Benning and Amy Donnelly Tobik this past fall. Can’t wait for next season. If you make your way to a Clemson game, please let me know, I’d love to have you join our tailgate.” Parker Schultis Pearson: “I’m in Roanoke, VA, still working with the same tech entrepreneur growing 3 businesses. We grew our software business 100% last year—well into 7 figures. Fingers crossed for success going after Venture funding this year to help us achieve our vision. If anyone can introduce me to fellow alum and venture capitalist Leah Busque—help a sister out! It’s been quite the entrepreneurial journey. I have learned so much. It’s not all work though! I’m still riding my horse, and showing pretty regularly and enjoying downtime in Hilton Head when I can. If anyone is passing by Roanoke—give me a heads up!” Meg Caulk: “I really look forward to seeing everyone at reunion. I continue to work at the National Air and Space Museum as part of the museum’s leadership team. We are undergoing a major building renovation so that keeps me busy. I love seeing our SBC friends in the DC area whenever I can and had a fun weekend in the fall in Staunton with Sarah Andres and Joie Roderick Tankard and Stacey White, who was ahead of us.” Christine Carriere Zazulak:

“John got engaged over Thanksgiving and is planning a wedding in 2021. Robert will graduate in May with his masters from Rhodes College and has a job lined up in New Orleans. David will graduate in December 2020 from LSU. Stephen is a freshman at LSU, and Philip is a freshman at Jesuit High School. Scott and I enjoy having only one at home. Looking forward to reunion.” Liz Jones Needham: “Have been married to Chuck Needham for 14 years. We live in Virginia Beach, VA, with a 5-minute drive to Chesapeake Bay and/or Atlantic Ocean. I am in my 10th year as executive church secretary at Francis Asbury United Methodist Church. I am also a member of a 3-person band where I sing and play the banjo, bass, mandolin, djembe, and harmonica. We have 6 children: Son Gunter (23) is a graduate of James Madison University ( JMU), living in Richmond and working for Intuit. Our daughter Caroline (21) is a large animal vet assistant/horse riding instructor. Our son Gatlin (21) is a senior at JMU. Our daughter Katie (19) is a sophomore at JMU. Our daughter Garlyn (19) is a United States Navy gunners mate and our son Charlie (10) is in 5th grade. Things we enjoy: Camping in our popup camper, attending all JMU home football games with awesome tailgating, yoga, weight lifting, and paddle boarding behind our house. Our frequent getaways to our oceanfront vacation home in Avon, NC, (OBX) where we surf, sunbathe, ride bikes and enjoy the view!” Julie Brooks Nyquist: “My husband Stephen and I have been busy over the past year and a half renovating a mid-century modern house and cleaning up 14 acres of fields and woods in Wayne, IL. It’s been a labor of love, laughter and some insanity. They anticipate another year or two of work ahead. Julie is volunteering at Andrew’s (10-yr-old son) school on a variety of committees and at the Lutheran church they attend in Wheaton. Julie also has joined a paddle tennis team and signed up to run the Chicago Marathon in Oct 2020.” Ann Marie Beatty Malone: “2019 was a challenging year for the Malone family. On February 26, 2018, our 16-year-old daughter Alexandra was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. After 8 months of intense chemotherapy, Alex has finally entered the maintenance phase of her treatment proto-

col that will last until June of 2021. While she will still be receiving treatment for the next 16 months to ensure her cancer does not return, the protocol is much more tolerable and as a result, has allowed her to return to high school this January. Our son Sam got engaged last November and we are all looking forward to his wedding which will take place in May of 2021 in Philadelphia. My husband Bill is still involved in the Cyber Security sector, working as president of Coal Fire Federal in Reston, VA. I enjoyed a fun Sunday with Jean Spillane Benning in Philadelphia a few weeks ago as we watched our Eagles lose to the Seattle Seahawks to end their season. Had a great time tailgating with Jean’s daughter Emma who was home from Clemson prior to the game. Brought back so many fond memories of all of the great parties the Class of 1990 shared during our 4 years at SBC. I am currently working as a stay-at-home mom until Alexandra’s situation stabilizes and I am looking forward to connecting with Meg Caulk and Amber Vellenga ’91 in the next few weeks.” Jean Benning: “My oldest daughter Emma is at Clemson University, studying nursing (Go Tigers!). My daughter Paige is a junior in high school trying to figure out what she wants to do with life and where to go to college. She enjoys playing water polo competitively. My youngest daughter Tara is a freshman in high school. I am currently working at Salesforce as a solutions engineer, not traveling as much as I used to. I am fortunate to see Ann Malone multiple times a year, including a week at our beloved Long Beach Island, NJ, getaway!”


Allene (Al) Rachelle Doucette 1501 E Lloyd Street Pensacola, FL 32503 allenedoucette@gmail.com Laura Rose Martin: Still working in retail, for Gander Outdoors now, to pay for her ponies. She and Chris celebrated her 50th birthday with a Disney cruise to the Bahamas in December. She has enjoyed being on campus a few times a year because her daughter is Class of ’22! Karen Holland Carlisle: Still living in sunny Fort Myers, FL, (go-

spring 2020

is in season, and Lewis likes to defy gravity, ie: trampoline. I have a small home staging business that keeps me busy. I play the heck out of some tennis and heart that a lot.” Candace Collins Preston: “In March, my daughter, Mother and I visited SBC for a prospective student tour. It was wonderful being back on campus and my daughter heard many stories about the 1986–1990 years. I was happy to see some of my professors, including the Magruders from the dance department. Claire Williams ’90 and I met up in New Orleans late November for a few days of relaxation and fun.” Amy KD Tobik (Donnelly) is the editor-in-chief of Autism Parenting Magazine, an award-winning international publication. She lives in Fort Mill, SC, with her husband, Steve, and they have one daughter studying biology and chemistry at Clemson University and a daughter in grad school studying genetic counseling at the University of Wisconsin. This year’s highlights include meeting up with SBC sister Stacy Hanling (Gilmore) at her festive Clemson tailgate and lunches with Liisa-Ann Weinberg (Fink) who lives nearby. Looking forward to seeing classmates at the 30th reunion. Squiffy Walker Christopher: “I’m still working at my preschool (15 years) with 2-year-olds and babysitting for 2 neighborhood families, kids age from 2–11, good times! My husband, Robert, is still working for Henrico county libraries! My youngest, Sallie, is a freshman at JMU, and loves it and doing great! Finally, Wizzie, my oldest, is in her final semester at SBC, she will graduate in May 2020! Business major, government minor! She has really loved her time at SBC, Bum Chum, ASS and earphone! She is sad to be leaving but excited for the future, we are so proud of her! Looking forward to spending the summer weekends at my mom’s river house on the Chesapeake Bay with family and friends!” LuAnn Hunt: “I will retire from the City of Lynchburg at the end of June 2020. I started to work there in October 1990, 5 months after graduating from Sweet Briar. I have really enjoyed working in local government as a career and have learned much over the last 29 years! My focus upon retirement will be to continue with my photography business, visit with my kids and grandkids (ages 6 to 16!) and travel a bit more. My



Class of 1991 Mini-Reunion in Charleston, SC, Jan. 2019 (l-r) Christine (Flint) Canterbury, Beth (Robinson) Dean, Brice(McRae) Tunison, Dawn (Monahan) Nelson, Elliott Pitts, Mamie (Farmer) Farley, Ann (Crow) Galanides


ing on year 14) and working for Chico’s. Her son is now in middle school and keeps her busy with activities. Turning 50 was truly the big event last year. She had never been to Canada so she spent the week in Montreal practicing her French—tres rusty! Brice McRae Tunison: Still living in South GA, raised 3 children, Laura (23), Kate (22), and Will (20) and got her real estate license! She is working with Coldwell Banker in Valdosta. Super excited about this new adventure! No more horses in her life but she still has 3 dogs! “I hope you all are well and happy! If you ever drive through Valdosta give me a shout! 229-269-9891. I would love to hear/see you!” Connie Gehrman: Never thought it would happen, but left DC and moved to Raleigh, NC, 2 years ago. She is very lucky to have been able to retain her position at Willis Towers Watson (going on 28 years now) and work remotely fulltime. In other news, this April she will become a blushing bride, at the tender age of 50. Jacqueline Kjono: Switched jobs and is now working in special ed due process and loves it. She has been having work done to her house and will soon have a new kitchen counter and a dishwasher! “Those of you who remember what my dorm room looked like can probably guess that I do not enjoy dish washing,” she says. George, the shih tzu/Lab mix is now 14 and going strong. He is thoroughly displeased with his new sister, Tiny, the 13-year-old calico cat. Penelope Tadler: Continues to spend most of her time teaching 4th graders in NYC and directing the 5th grade musical. We are in rehearsals for “Annie Jr.” she writes. Every rehearsal makes her so grateful for her theatre training at SBC! She spent her 50th birthday celebrating with Elliott Pitts, Allene Doucette,

Penelope Tadler, Elliott Pitts, Allene Doucette and Judith Kobliska Goetz: The class of 1991 turns 50

and Judith Kobliska Goetz. “Turning 50 was fabulous!” she says. The biggest change this year was the loss of Yolanda Reid. I miss her every day. “We had plans to get a tattoo together this year.” Fellow vixen, Carolyn Imperato ’93, met her in VA to meet tattoo artist and vixen, Laura Schein ’11. Kathryn Johnson Glass: Left her job as a family physician for the VA in March 2019 and has been enjoying working and traveling locally as an independent contractor doing Medicare wellness exams in patients’ homes. Her husband John is director of honors programs at University of TN at Martin and they hope to move from KY to TN this summer. Their third daughter graduates from high school in May and is looking at colleges including Sweet Briar. They have 5 children still at home ages 4–18; eldest daughter graduated from Ole Miss last year and the 2nd daughter is a junior there. Vickie Campo Byrd: She and husband (Garnett Byrd, HSC ’90) live in Fort Lauderdale, FL, with their 3 children. Their oldest, Garnett, is a freshman at Washington and Lee. Jenn Toomey Driscoll (’92) and Twig Odell Tucker (’89) both have daughters who are freshmen at W&L as well. Small world! Their middle daughter, Ellie, is a junior and their youngest, Caroline, is in 8th grade. “The days are long but the years fly by. Hard to believe it’s been almost 30 years since we graduated from SBC!” she writes. Tammy O’Malley Fein: Has been enjoying riding and showing her appendix Quarter Horse, Bruno! She is still a psychotherapist in a private practice in Jupiter. Her middle son, Ethan, is graduating from high school this year. Her oldest son, Ben, is working and in college. Her youngest Zach is in 4th grade and enjoying playing basketball. She and

husband Larry enjoy spending time at their cabin in the mountains of North Carolina. “I keep in touch with Judith Goetz, Margo and Amber. Hope to see them soon.” Suzanne Petrie Liscouski: Continues working in the IT field and training horses part time, she and husband Bob are busy building their new indoor riding arena for Briar Creek Farm (name inspired by SBC)! She is most excited to complete the viewing room with a bar. Their son Bobby is enjoying Boy Scouts, piano and violin and can’t wait to come back to SBC for reunion. “We love living near two active Alumnae clubs, DC/NOVA and Hunt Country so that we can stay in touch!” Amy Lemieux: Amy and Frank are still in North East, MD (yes, that’s the name of the town). “If anyone is traveling 95 and passes exit 100 we’d love you to stop in for a visit.” In January, they welcomed their second grandchild, a future vixen Katherine. “Holla Holla our 30th class reunion will be here before you know it. It’s time to start planning for the road trip!” Wendy Pressel Sullivan: “Biff and I say hello from Atlanta! She has a new role as a litigation paralegal at Colonial Pipeline Company. Biff works for the City of Cumming Police Department in CID. Elizabeth is finishing up her mechanical engineering degree at KSU and just got engaged to her fiancé, Wes Robinson, this past December at Disney World! Darby is a high school sophomore and is an active member of Marine Jr. ROTC. He was meritoriously promoted this fall to lance corporal. All is well!” Kathryn Hagist Yunk: Fun to see everyone’s pictures and daily life on Facebook! It’s been a great way to keep up. Emily is now a sophomore and has a full schedule of Irish danc-

Yolanda Reid and Penelope Tadler

ing, playing tennis and the violin. They are happily enjoying this time with her and are biting our nails as she prepares for “behind the wheel.” “It’s a new chapter for all of us!” she writes. She is loving her volunteer role on the Alumnae Alliance. It’s great to meet alums from all over the world and across the years. “We’re always looking for more people, so let me know if you are interested.” Carey Bates: will be starting a new role with BNY Mellon at the end of January. She recently got engaged to my partner of 10 years, Martha. Her family is all doing well. She saw Amber Vellenga and Stephanie Berger recently and keeps in touch with Kathryn Hagist Yunk and Suzanne Petrie Liscouski. Cathi Tavi Goslau Rainold: All is well in Colorado! Aj (12) is doing all sports but an avid golf player! She is now an assistant preschool teacher which she loves so much! Trix is still going strong at 22 so she enjoys her weekend rides with her dear friend. She has been married 13 years now! They enjoy their new camper and exploring different campgrounds. Her goddaughter, Rayvn (4) is doing wonderfully. Their health is good so amen to that! Please come visit! Joan Dabney Clickner completed her master’s degree in integrative health and wellness in May 2019 through Creighton University’s distance learning program, and is now a practicing health coach, helping people make sustainable lifestyle changes. She splits her time between Good Nature Health Clinic and Resilient Roots Collaborative in Charlottesville. Her son, Ian, is taking a “gap year” and has moved out and joined a “soul punk” band. Her daughter Georgia is in 7th grade and loves theater and art. The whole family still enjoys gathering regularly at the local climbing gym and every summer at the family island in Canada.

Margot Ten Broeck Calkin, Penelope Tadler, Elliott Pitts, Charlotte Bonini 92, Judith Kobliska Goetz and Amber a Vellenga

in England for the humanitarian sector. She has most recently been working with Save the Children and UNICEF in Bangladesh, the Philippines and the UK on issues such as climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction. She has now been a board member for a community group called the Aylsham Picture House for 5 years now. The Picture House screens films in the Town Hall each month featuring classics, blockbusters and art films alike. Victoria Hutcheson-DeMichele has been very busy balancing the barn life, home life, and work life. She’s almost finished with her master’s in special education from Liberty and is teaching at Marshall Middle School (SpEd math 7 and math 8). She’s still teaching riding lessons and enjoying taking her daughters horse showing. Shelbie Filson just completed her first year working at the University of Lynchburg with many former SBC colleagues. NYC and the beach continue to be her favorite and most frequent vacation destinations, and theatre remains her passion (she even gets paid to do it now and then!). “A note to the alums who reached out to me during the attempted SBC closure: that time was incredibly painful for all of us, but being faced with the loss of my job of 10 years was at times incapacitating, your support helped me get through it, so thank you!” she says. Jenny Romm Burris continues with her love of teaching first graders in Mooresville, NC. Her oldest son is a senior at Appalachian State University and is majoring in history. He completed a 6-month study abroad program in the Netherlands this summer. Her youngest son is

a junior at UNC Charlotte and is an engineering major. He spent the summer in Thailand as a part of the GIVE National College volunteer program. This summer, she enjoyed a trip to Amsterdam and a cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. Mamie Farmer Farley: Beth Robinson Dean, Brice McRae Tunison, Christine Flint Canterbury, Dean Monahan Nelson, Anne Crow Galanides, Elliott Pitts and I celebrated turning the big 50 in February 2019 with a getaway to Charleston, SC. 50 is not so bad!! She and husband Matthew are in the transition phase to empty nest status with older son Miller in his sophomore year at Virginia Tech and second son Harry starting at UVA in fall 2020 (only a little in-family rivalry so far!). Joanie is in 10th grade, learning to drive and planning to spend her 7th summer at Camp Mont Shenandoah. “Dawn, Anne and I have so much fun seeing Elliott when she comes through Richmond for work, creates a mini reunion each time!! Holla Holla! Thank you to our class birthday queen Susan Spurrell Andrews who always remembers to wish each classmate a Happy Birthday. Class of 1991 has a great connection thanks to Susan!” Sonia Haddad Salfity is busy working with her husband in his Cardiology Practice in Omaha, Nebraska. She loves her day off where she gets to teach women’s bible studies at her church. She started one in Arabic this past year for the Arabic speaking ladies in Omaha. Their 3 kids graduate next year. Her oldest will be done with medical school at UNMC, her middle son with law school at Duke in NC and our 16-year-old will be graduating from

high school. They love traveling to Jordan to see family and volunteering in the many capacities our church reaches out to their community. Visit us at cccomaha.org. Jen Kemper Wallis says all is well in CO. Come visit anytime! On a group text laughing regularly with Mel Duke, Laurel LeStrange, Kristin Walhberg, D’Andra Simmons, Amy Lemieux, Rin Black ’92 and Kimber Hatter Ellis. She’s still super close with Stuff Me Full of Boogers (Steph Berger) who came through in Dec. Her hubby Travis is the coolest! Sister Sara Kemper ’03 is still riding horses and raising hell outside Chicago. Daughter Tatum Wallis, current class of ’22, is adoring SBC, president of the Young Democrats, and an Ass, baby! SBC rocks and so do all of you. Lots of love. :-) Heather McGowan Sanford writes: “Hey everyone, it has been too long! I hope you are all well! It is great to be back from Europe after 20 years!” She has 4 kids: Hannah (23) is studying elementary education at Biola University, Abbey (20) is pre-med at Biola University, Matthew (15) is sophomore in high school and wide receiver, and Lilly (11) is in the 5th grade. She is in a master’s program for clinical psychology and Kevin is in a master’s program for divinity. They now live in Southern CA. They are both still in full time ministry. “If you are in the area, it would be so fun to get together! 951-428-7769!” Stephanie Berger: Grateful for my life these days! She is living between NYC and Flagstaff, AZ, with husband Travis Lamb. Just married Oct. 21, 2018 for the first time—never too late. Jennifer Kemper Wallis, Melanie Duke, Amber Vellenga were all in attendance with a special roast from Amber that I will never forget. Still working in fundraising for elected officials and non-profits. Excited to be working with fellow alum Mayor Teresa Tomlinson who is running for the US Senate in GA. Love the power of Sweet Briar Women! Please stay in touch. Signee Hoffman Swartley: She and Curt were married 16 years last October. They traveled to Bora Bora on their 15th wedding anniversary. Their girls, Piper (13) and Scarlett (8) are growing up so fast. It’s a joy to be their parents. “As for me I

spring 2020

Kana Roess Goldsmith: “Michael and our family live in Huntsville, AL, and my husband is the rector at the Episcopal Church of the Nativity, which makes me a preacher’s wife.” She loves it. They have two sons ages 20 and 17 and one daughter who is soon to be 15. She has seen Sweet Briar and Kana will take her back next year. Mary Lanford Price: “It’s been a challenging season of life, with my mother, Sarah Gay Lanford ’49, dying in June 2018 and my father in failing health at the age of 89. But I’m quite grateful for the support of family and friends.” Her girls, who are in 9th grade, both enjoy music and the arts. “Who knows, we just might add 2 members to the SBC Class of 2027!” Lea Renee Gardner Tikka: still living on the west coast of Finland. This past summer they took up sailing. She and Ari hope to spend next summer exploring the archipelago and the coast of Sweden with the kids and fur babies. Michele Williams Lusby: Happy 50th to the ladies of 1991! After living in Charlotte, NC, for 4 years, her family is wanting to relocate back to her hometown near Baltimore. My heart never left. Jennifer Vance: Still in PA! Still running and living at Blue Rock Farm with plans in the works for sustainability. Vance is now 13. Ron is a professor at the Army War College. She has recently enjoyed encouragement from Karen Hott, and really enjoyed the Sweet Days reunion with the PA/DelVal peeps. Happy to hear that our SBC seems to be growing and thriving. Anyone who may be driving through, look us up! Glad to be a part of the crew of ’91. GenX all the way! Holla Holla! Ashley Quarrier Moran: “Hi from Wilton, CT!” she writes. Her oldest, Meredith, is a freshman at Cornell University and is on the varsity women’s sailing team and loving it. “Can’t believe I have a child that old!” And her youngest, Kate, is at The Hotchkiss School and having an incredible experience. “We are all of a sudden empty nesters and our house is very quiet, but all is well! If anyone is ever in the NYC area, let me know! I would love to catch up!” Kelly Langdon Wooster: She and husband Paul and continue to run their consulting business




maintain a busy chiropractic practice in Bakersfield, CA. I’ve integrated sound therapy called Acutonics for the past few years. It is like sound acupuncture: a tonal frequency from a tuning fork is placed on key acupuncture points instead of needles for relaxation, pain relief and helping patients release tightly held patterns. Plus it helps sleep” she says. Emily Leming LaJeunesse says “My message to my fellow Vixens is get your mammograms! Mine saved my life!” She was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer in September. She had a lumpectomy. By the grace of God, her lymph nodes were clear. However, due to the type of cancer she’s going through several months of chemo and then radiation. “I am now bald as a cue ball. I think I carry it well.” Remember this motto: Have hope, be strong, laugh loud, play hard, live in the moment, smile often, dream big, remember you are loved and never give up! Elliott Pitts: “My 50th year has been fantastic; I had the chance to celebrate 50 (mine and theirs) with so many SBC friends. Happy birthday to all of you beautiful Vixens!” she writes. Birthday celebrations included a monthly trip to some new and favorite places including Hopetown, Bahamas, Winter Carnival in Quebec City, hiking in the Canary Islands, London, Madrid and Mexico City. Meanwhile she’s still raising money for children’s hospitals, organizing wellness conferences for Episcopal priests, and loving life in Portland Maine. Visitors are always welcome! Susan Spurell Andrews: Still living in Old Town Alexandria with husband Brian. She enjoyed visiting Newfoundland, Canada, in the summer and visiting with other 1991s. Nandini Sett is leading a very quiet life living with her mother. They read books, watch movies and listen to music. She attends flower shows, literary meets, music concerts held in Kolkata, her hometown. Annually, she travels in India, neighboring countries and abroad. Lorraine Haire Greer began a new job as a school director last summer at Sunrise Children’s Center running the preschool/elementary program. ”I love what I do and we have an amazing team of staff members dedicated to the welfare of our children and their families” she says. It’s a beautiful place to work. She

remains an advocate for educational change in a number of organizations throughout the state. Last year, her husband Tom lost his father. He remains close with his mother as they take lots of time to tend to her care and needs. Their son Alex received his 2nd degree blackbelt this fall. He works as a SWAT team teacher for the littles and is also a member of a drill team, plays the saxophone in a jazz band and is an honor roll student. She writes, “New England is cold, and I am still learning to adjust to the winter in NH. Oh, how I miss my NC Outer Banks. All the best to my Class of 1991 friends.” Allene (Al) Doucette: As for me, I’m still living in Pensacola, FL, with my husband Billy, our son Alastair (13) and our two Boston terriers, Logan (10) and Tobin (2). Billy has been retired from the Marine Corps since 2014 and is working as a search and rescue helicopter pilot covering the Gulf of Mexico. Alastair is busy with lacrosse, soccer, piano, Boy Scouts, science Olympiad, cycling, drawing and being a middle school teenager. I volunteer and stay creative among other things. Cheers!

Greg and Sabryna Roberson celebrate their 20th anniversary with a vow renewal

Jennifer Jarvis Ballard family at Ethan’s graduation

Dianne Hayes Doss ‘93 and Kay Pierce Sugarbaker ‘93 attend a soccer game in Houston, TX

1993 Jennifer Jarvis Ballard: It has been an adjustment this fall as her twins graduated high school in the summer and they are both in their new programs. Jesseca is loving Sweet Briar College and is rooming with Susan Hickman Mason’s ’95 daughter. They are best friends. Her son, Ethan, is at the local community college earning his diesel mechanic’s degree and really enjoying it. He is still at home so she doesn’t have a complete empty nest. She has visited Jesseca several times this year which has been fun. And to keep busy, she still leads her large Girl Scout troop. Sabryna McClung Roberson: Summer 2019 was exciting as she and Greg celebrated their 20-year anniversary with their second vow renewal! Mary Copeland Stockton ’96 was one of their friends in attendance! In 2020, their oldest is a junior in HS and their youngest is finishing elementary school; time is flying! She is proud to announce that she just marked her one-year anniversary at Team Giving, Inc. (teamgiving.org) a nonprofit organization

Dianne Hayes Doss ’93 on a hiking adventure with her family

that connects volunteers to over 125 other nonprofits in the Sacramento region! “Hoping to see any Vixens that travel through Northern California—I live halfway between San Francisco and Lake Tahoe!” Norma Valentine: Her husband, TG Tobey, passed away in April. She appreciates all the notes of support and your kindness during this time. Thomasin Foushay: “Tim and I were engaged on Memorial Day 2019. We are very happy and enjoying our engagement.” Tracy Parker: Still working with individuals that have intellectual and developmental disabilities. Celebrating 25 years with Tim and Timmy celebrated his 24th birthday.

Dianne Hayes Doss: The family is staying busy. She’s coming up on 14 years with Cox Communications. Her husband, Bill, continues to work in internet security. Their son is a sophomore in college (currently economics and computer science), and their daughter is a sophomore in high school. She visited with Kay Pierce Sugarbaker twice last year, and gets to see her roommate Tracie Lee Webber a few times a year. She also keeps in frequent touch with Sabryna McClung Roberson and Stacey McClain.

Katie Maxwell Schellhammer 22914 Goldenrod Dr. Brambleton, VA 20148-6967 Katie@schellhammer.net Gwen Hickey Babcock says she “is getting settled into the new house and finding peace out here in the country. Can’t wait for reunion this Spring! 25 years went so fast! We were at Sweet Briar in the fall. It’s on Kaeden’s shortlist as she’s graduating next year! Rory is in 6th grade and heading to jr. high next year. Devin is still enjoying running his own business and engineering the heck out of everything. I’m pretty much addicted to chlorine and Coach HS, Club and USA Swimming. See you at Reunion and we are always open for visitors here at Weimer Knob!” Kelly Hall has been the director of global initiatives at Cedar Crest College for a year and is really enjoying it. She took 120 students to London in March 2020 (thankfully not by herself!). She got to see Cari Miller James, Karen Giorgetti and Jennifer Parker Raudenbush last summer, and she sees a lot of Jen now that they live near each other. She hopes to see everyone at Reunion! In January, Cathy Cummings Krolczyk posted, “Thanking these

1996 Heather Aspinwall Chiles, Katie Maxwell Schellhammer, Holly Elkins Marshall and Anna Reilly

Eileen MacMurtrie Zuckerman 718 Larchwood Ln. Villanova, PA 19085 eileenrita@gmail.com

Robin Hendrickson Morgan, Cathy Cummings Krolczy, and Christen Cummings Dodd

Happy New Year Class of ’96. I hope 2020 is off to a great start! Thanks to everyone who sent a hello and an update—it’s always wonderful to hear what’s been happening in your lives. Mary Margaret Dixon Biss writes to us from the other side of the globe in Adelaide, South Australia, where she and her family have moved for 2 years for Andy’s job. Anna (12), enjoyed having a second summer and will start 6th grade soon. Last summer, Rachel Gray spent the weekend with fellow Vixen Dawn

Elizabeth Schwarting ’95 while her daughter was at soccer camp in New Jersey. The week between Christmas and New Year’s she travelled to Charleston, SC, and spent an afternoon with classmate Robin Bettger Fishburne. They toured the Yorktown, a World War II aircraft carrier. Robin Bettger Fishburne writes that she and her family are doing wonderfully, and are looking forward to moving across the bridge from Mt. Pleasant to Daniel Island, SC, this spring. She is in her 19th year of real estate, and loves working with referrals. Robin started her own travel agency, Cozy Cottages Travel, last year. She’s booked numerous European vacations over the years and now gets to do it as an agent. She absolutely loves sending people on vacations! If you have a moment, check out Robin’s Facebook company page to contact her. Lee Foley Dolan, Duke and children Henry (17), Mattie (15) and Fred (11) are doing well. They keep busy in Richmond with school, sports, friends and family outings. Lee, Mattie and Fred had an amazing spring break trip in April 2019 to Oahu, Hawaii visiting Laura Lechler Hornef and her family—it was the trip of a lifetime! Their next few months will be busy with college tours for Henry who will be a senior next year. Lee hopes to visit with more Sweet Briar friends in 2020. Mary Copeland Stockton shares that 2019 was a challenging year of transition and change. She and her family moved back to southern California and are in Vista, CA, enjoying the beach weather. Harper started kindergarten and loves it. Martin is running the number 1 and 2 greenhouse operations in the country and is beyond ecstatic. Mary is happily working with The Clearing Center and is fulfilling her life dream of helping individuals navigate the overwhelming emotions and anxiety in their lives. She currently teaches two programs: Breathing Beyond Grief and The Transformational Breath Personal Seminar. Jennifer Smith Rucker exclaims that life is good in Richmond, VA! October 2018 marked the end of her time as a middle school principal, and the start of a new journey of educational leadership in a neighboring school district where she serves as director of equity and student support services. 2019 was a busy and fulfill-

Robin Bettger Fishburne and Rachel Gray aboard the Yorktown in SC

Reneca Rose Levine ’97, Jennifer Smith Rucker and Andie Thomas Young ’95 celebrate Jennifer’s birthday

ing year. Her stepdaughter, Morgan, graduated from George Mason University in May and began her career in public relations in NOVA. In November, Jennifer and husband Sherman, celebrated 5 years of marriage. Jennifer is also working towards her doctorate in educational leadership and policy studies from Virginia Tech, and is currently writing her dissertation. Although her schedule is busy, she always finds time to connect with family and friends. She and Reneca Rose Levine ’97 enjoy cheering on her son ( Jennifer’s godson) Jabari, as he shows his skills on the basketball court and in the classroom during his senior year at the Steward School. They also spent time with DeAndrea “Andie” Thomas Young ’95 for Jennifer’s birthday weekend and reminisced about their time at SBC! Monica Paul Dennis checks in from Michigan where she and Matt are slowly becoming empty-nesters. Oldest daughter Carson is in her 3rd year at Wellesley College where she plays field hockey and lacrosse. Son Wyatt loves being a first-year stu-

spring 2020


besties Robin Hendrickson Morgan and sister Christen Cummings Dodd for an awesome girls’ weekend at Disney. While we left the kids and husbands behind, we showed them what amazing moms we are as we rocked a 1/2 marathon. Love that I threw out the challenge at the end of October, and these Vixens jumped on board for my crazy challenge! Can’t wait ’till we decide to go run Paris in Sept!” Heather Theis Hernandez writes, “The Hernandez family is proud to announce that Tiberius will be graduating in May. Godspeed Tiberius! I am enjoying my new role as the associate director of development for parent and family giving at UC Santa Barbara. Happy 25th!” In January, Heather Aspinwall Chiles moved from Alexandria, VA, to upper Arlington, OH, a suburb of Columbus, where Colin can work remotely. Charlotte is in Kindergarten this year, and Heather is busy renovating their home. “Heather, Holly Elkins Marshall, Anna Reilly and I met up in November in Tysons, VA. Our girls had a great time seeing each other. Holly’s daughter is a talented, competitive dancer. You can watch her routines by searching Madison Marshall Dancer on YouTube.” As for the Schellhammer family, we adopted a rescue puppy the fall. She keeps us busy —and smiling! I think you will have plenty of smiles if you come to Reunion and see all the positive changes on campus. Register and we’ll see you there!


dent at the University of MI Ross School of Business. He does a bit of sailing with the Michigan team and is smartly taking advantage of all the amazing opportunities this huge university has to offer. Lloyd is a junior in high school, beginning his college search, and thoroughly enjoying being “the only child!” Monica has shifted into a strength and conditioning coach with Detroit Thrive. She loves it and asserts “let’s be real…it keeps this old, broken body of mine moving!” She and Matt are beginning to discuss where their life, work, travels and fun will take them when the children fly the coop— she’ll keep us updated! Sarah Reidy Ferguson writes that her lifestyle blog, Duchess Fare, features her previews of design books published by Vendome Press and Rizzoli New York. She is pleased to be volunteering for our Alumnae Alliance, as co-chair of the Communications Working Group. Sarah reminds everyone to follow the AA on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter for news and updates from the College and our alumnae community! Looking forward to a mini reunion with 1996 classmates in the spring. And last, but certainly not least, Jen Beck Locke and family are enjoying life back in Alabama, stating that “Huntsville is wonderful!” Marte (16) is in 10th grade and Trae (11) is in 6th grade at Whitesburg Christian Academy. Thomas (14) attends Huntsville Achievement School. Jen keeps busy between the three schools volunteering and teaching math classes, as well as serving on the PTP board at both schools. Hunter was recently promoted to the director of national accounts at WestRock, and works during the week in Atlanta. Piano, guitar, soccer and football keep everyone busy. She is looking forward to mini SBC reunions this spring and summer. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy spring and summer!

1997 sbc.edu

Melanie Vracas mevracas@comcast.net


Alicia Anderson (King): Since earning her M.A. in mythological studies and depth psychology, Alicia

Annette Dusenbury, Amy Campbell, Alison Hall, Jessica Hiveley, Margaret Jenkins Sapp, Katie Clarkson Robertson, Katy Seder Karon and Melanie Chriscoe Peters

is continuing at Pacifica Graduate Institute in pursuit of a Ph.D. in the field. She’ll be speaking at the Pop Culture Association conference in the spring on the musical Hamilton. In the fall, her fairy tale retelling was published in an anthology, Grimm, Grit and Gasoline edited by Rhonda Parrish. Katrina Bills (Balding): Katrina and Kevin are still in the “SBC house” in the little town of Purcelville, VA. Kenny is 16 and Keara is now 10. They also have five equines and three dogs—”Needless to say our family keeps us hopping!” She loves being able to come back to campus often and cheer for her niece Katie Balding ’21 and her fantastic teammates. Her Mary Kay business continues to be great and keeps the horses fed. This year she started writing a book about her wonderful Fella, who also enjoyed 4 years at SBC and turned the ripe age of 32 last year! God bless y’all! Elizabeth Elwell (DuCharme): Greetings from London! Elizabeth still lives in the UK with her husband, Tristan, and 2 boys. Keeping busy with work at Fidelity International and lots of kid activities. “Let me know if any SBC’ers are in London. I would love to meet up!” Annette Dusenbury: Enjoyed a wonderful mini reunion with ’97 classmates in Lake Toxaway, NC. I continue to become more active with cycling in my hometown of Charlottesville, VA, serving on the board for our area mountain bike organization, and volunteer coaching with a local junior team.

Kate Hall: “It’s been a busy year! Grace loves being at SBC and is doing beautifully. Max is rocking out high school like a champ. Kate is getting married in May and we are blending our Brady Bunch family.” Jessica Hiveley: “Last spring, Alison Hall and I took a fabulous cruise to Cuba. Last summer, I enjoyed a cruise around the British Isles with my parents and a friend. That was followed by a trip to Edinburgh to see my nieces perform with their high school theater group in the Fringe Festival. This year, I’m working on knocking off more states so I can visit all 50 before I turn 50. Up next are Washington and Oregon in September!” Becky Miller (Moats): Becky is enjoying her three boys, who are now ages 11, 6 and 3. She and her husband will be celebrating 15 years of marriage this year. They have their hands full with their cattle farm, real estate businesses and the boys. She is getting to do more volunteer work in my community, which is rewarding and trying to spend as much time as possible at our home in the Outer Banks. No complaints—life is good! Katie Roberston (Clarkson): “Still outside of Winston-Salem, still working in technology at Wells Fargo. Doing the one thing SBC didn’t prepare us for: parenting 2 teenagers! Chase (17) and Gracie (14) are the loves of our lives—every day is a new adventure! Yup, still married to Mark. He’s at Carolina Farm Credit trying to keep dairymen and farmers in business. Love catching up with classmates annually—would love to do it more often. Y’all sign up for Sweet Work Weeks. It’s tons of work but so much fun!”


Cynthia Hague Hineline 1613 Finefrock Rd. Fremont, OH 43420 Cyndi.hineline@gmail.com Susan Holman Beck: After serving as an assistant district attorney for 15 years, Susan took a big leap of faith, left the DA’s office and opened a bookstore! BeeHive Bookshop opened Dec. 7, 2019 and she is having the best time serving her community in this new role! Cyndi Hague Hineline: By the time this publishes, she will have

Alison Burnett ‘98 stopped by to visit Cynthia Bumgardner Puckett ‘98 at the hospital (for IV rehydration only) on her way to FL

Anna Meres Wade ’98 visits with Cynthia Bumgardner Puckett ’98

closed a production of La Boheme, and will be assisting with a high school production of Beauty and the Beast (“As well as a couple of other opportunities on my plate!”). She and Shawn celebrated their 15-year anniversary in November, and her extended family spent Christmas in Florida this winter, which was a big change. The big news, however, is that she has changed day jobs and is now back to work as a legal assistant. “It was a big change, with a much longer commute, but I’m very happy to be back in the legal field again” she says. Bronwyn Beard Gartland is entering her 9th year at Summit Racing Equipment as their human resources manager…and loving it! She and her husband, Dennis, have 2 Weimaraners and have traveled with them to dog shows around the East Coast. In better late than never news, they are expecting their first (a boy) in June. Joanne Hopkins: Things are good and busy. She is chasing after Andrew (4.5 yrs) and Julia (3 yrs), expanding her energy policy

Michelle Dunn writes that after running a solo doctor medical practice for 15 years, she has finally stepped out of full-time practice and into a life that involves lots of much needed rest and fun trips. She traveled to Scotland, Ireland and Oahu, Hawaii 2019—amazing!! Michelle’s husband, Eric also celebrated a new position at a new company and our fur babies (Thunder and Lightning) could not be happier having daddy home as he works from his newly appointed office. Stacey Fallah Armentrout shares that things have been quite the whirlwind since September. “I went from being the parent representative on the advisory board for my daughter’s preschool, to being hired as an assistant teacher for one of the 4-year-old classes, to then becoming the lead teacher for that class ... all within the span of less than 2 weeks! At times I feel like I am flying by the seat of my pants, but I am loving every minute! On a side note, I was recommended for the job by a HSC alumnus who I met during my SBC days. What a small world!” Alicia Boldt married Justin Bartley Davis on Sept. 29, 2018, in Concord, NC. Congratulations! Katie McNamara Brown and her husband Adam Leary cannot believe that Nathaniel turned one in March! Where has the time gone?! Katie, Adam, Emma, Carolyn, and Nat have enjoyed the many exciting “firsts” a baby brings. Katie continues to enjoy her work as deputy CIO, although she is already looking forward to a sunny relaxing beach trip with the whole family this summer! Katie was thrilled to visit with Tia Trout Perez and her baby boy and hopes to coordinate a girls’ day out with SBC friends soon.

Katie McNamara Brown ’02 and daughter Carolyn Brown at the Washington International Horse Show

Alicia Boldt ‘02 married Justin Bartley Davis on Sept. 29, 2018, in Concord, NC

(l-r) Amy Mullen ’02, Donyele Wilkerson ’02, Joanna Mullen ’02 at the Baltimore Comicon

cal domestic violence shelter. “We are looking for new board members for next year, so if you are interested and live locally, drop me a line!” Dana Bordvick Poleski is excited to say that she now works at SBC as director of media relations and content strategy. Have ideas for social, web or stories? Let her know! Husband Mark’s wood sculpture business is booming, and he’s making life-size bears for boutique hotels. Their 8-month-old cattle dog Wilhelmina keeps them running, and their senior cat Yumi is still annoyed at the new dog. Lydia, her Percheron/Paint mare, turned 18 and still loves long trail rides, weekend camping trips and “isn’t shy about telling me exactly what she’s thinking.”

Susan Seitz Floyd, husband Jeff and their five children at their June 2019 wedding


Kathleen McNamara Brown 2115 Natahoa Ct. Falls Church, VA 22043 mcnamara02@gmail.com

spring 2020

Aja Grosvenor Stephens decided to do a couch to 5K running program—but only on the treadmill—which her son says is not real running because she’s not going anywhere. Aja has asked the class of 2002 to recommend a blogger, Instagrammer, or daily blast. Aja recommends @dreamcreateinspire, @tonybakercomedy, and @mytherapistsays for laughs, and @smittenkitchen for nibbles. Amy Mullen has written and illustrated a new picture book series (Animal Sounds) for Xist Publishing, coming out in early August. For social media, she recommends @amysedaris, @britboxtv and @think.make.share.

Amanda (Davis) Stevens became a named partner of her firm on the 1st of the year! She celebrated with a trip to the coast over winter break. A fox came right up to the patio door of their vacation home and her 6-year-old yelled “Look mama! It’s a Vixen!” Donyele Gibson Wilkerson enjoyed a mini-SBC Class of 2002 reunion when she saw Amy and Joanna Mullen at the Baltimore ComiCon in October 2019. Donyele still works as a program manager for the Department of Defense and lives in Hanover, MD. She finds it hard to believe that her son Earl III will be going to middle school next year. Donyele recommends Instagram posts from The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) and Complex magazine. Brook Tucker Buck and her family are headed to Walt Disney World in March! This will be James’ (4) first time! Brooke thinks she may be more excited than anyone else!! James is really into Toy Story right now and he will get to eat with Captain Hook and become a pirate for an evening! Brooke says Instagram is her favorite because it’s fun to keep up with people through pictures! Jaime Henna lives in Charlottesville, VA. She is enjoying her second year of home ownership and, by the time this is published in early spring, is soon to be rewarded for hours spent in the yard last year to establish a flower garden. Susan Seitz Floyd married Jeffrey Lane Floyd on June 29, 2019, at a private ceremony on their farm in Monroe, VA. Together they have 5 children ages 12-9. Susan is especially excited about gaining a daughter, Leeann, SBC Class of 2029, who wore her new Grandma’s (Bonnie L. Seitz ’01) pearls in the wedding.

consulting work (part-time from home), serving as Alumnae Alliance co-chair for clubs, and trying to fit in some swimming and triathlon races where she can. When asked by her husband what she would like to share, Cynthia Bumgardner Puckett replied, “Cynthia has brain cancer.” Darrin expounded: “In August, Cynthia was diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma grade 3. She had brain surgery to remove the tumor followed by a chemotherapy-radiation regimen to remove residual cancer cells. Her most recent MRI in December showed no active cancer and she is continuing a maintenance dose of chemotherapy to prevent recurrence, which this type of cancer is known for. From her surgery, she is recovering similar to a stroke victim and has learned to walk and talk all over again with lots of right-side weakness. She thinks very clearly, but has apraxia and aphasia making speech difficult. She continues to make small strides forward each day and her neurosurgeon said optimal recovery is usually at the year mark. Her husband Darrin, their 5 kids (ages 4–15), extended family, friends, and even strangers have all provided Cynthia support as she recovers from this traumatic event.” Visitors from around the country have included Kimberly Osborne Jerger, who brought a big basket of gifts from other SBC classmates, Anna Meres Wade, and Alison Burnett. Sarah Wilcoxson Bond is still with the Lynchburg Police Department but has transferred to the criminal investigations department so she is now Detective Bond. She also serves as treasurer on the board of the Central Virginia YWCA which, among other things, runs the only lo-



Nicole Crowder 11003 Howitzer Drive Fredericksburg, VA 22408 swtnic@gmail.com Hope the new decade is treating you well! Anne Bostain Legum and her husband, Ross, welcomed their third child, Millie Evelyn, in September 2019. They reside in Virginia Beach, VA. Erin Keck Walsh reports that this past year has been a busy one: “I still live in Midlothian, VA, with my husband and 3 daughters and enjoy my real estate career. A year ago, I established a new company, Black Dog Renovations, to flip houses in and around the Richmond area. We had a great first year! I was able to assist

Samm Grist Stein, Erin Keck Walsh, Alisa Cline Berry, and Anne Bostain Legum at a recent Class of 2003 mini-reunion

Hamilton Muir Gaddis born Dec. 20, son of Chesley Phillips Gaddis ‘03

Samm Grist Stein and her family in their move back to Richmond. I hosted a luncheon for Samm, Anne Bostain Legum, Alisa Cline Berry and Christi Rose Hart ’02 (and our collective 14 kids, whew) in December.” News from our class president, Lisa Renfrow: “In January, I met up with Allison Funkhouser, Ingrid Zensen Trachtenbarg and Michaela Krohn in Portland, OR, for a weekend of fun. Michaela was down from Fairbanks, AK, to compete in the Rose City Classic agility competition with her two border collies. Michaela is a chiropractor and is in the process of buying the clinic she has worked at for years, Woodland Wellness Center. Ingrid lives in Portland with her husband and twin boys. She is still teaching, and her children will be in her class next year. Allison lives in Arlington, VA, and works as a program manager for Verizon Media. I’m excited that work travel is bringing her to San Francisco often, so I get to see her on a more regular basis. I’m still at Google as a vendor manager working with global contact center teams and advanced support programs.”


tion in September 2019 at Henrico County Public Schools. It is always chaotic as they try to juggle kids from almost 2 to 13, but never boring. Schyler Ellis Burke and husband Peter welcomed their sixth baby, a boy, Axel James Burke, born last July. They continue to live outside Houston. Ginny Wood Susi celebrated her 10th anniversary with her husband Phill. They are looking forward to taking their 3 kids to Tokyo on a family trip with the Susi side of the family to visit the hometown of Phill’s stepmother. Ginny is still dancing and has gone back to horseback riding. She is discovering that muscle memory doesn’t work nearly as well if your muscles have atrophied from 4 abdominal surgeries in the last 8 years. She continues to send inappropriate gifts to Erin Coleman who lives in LA.


Victoria Chappell Harvey 8618 Waldon Heights San Antonio, TX 78254 victoria@gidgette.com

Abby Adams-Moffett is living in Ellicott City, MD, and working as a pediatric nurse practitioner. She and her husband welcomed their son, Grady Brian Moffett, on Aug. 10, 2018. Michelle Badger hopes everyone is doing well and is planning to come to our 15th Reunion on June 21, 2021. Last March she went to Iceland with Julia Schmitz ’03. They had a great time exploring the magical country. She definitely recommends a visit! Other than that, she is now the co-chair of the class leadership group within the alumnae alliance. She encourages us all to become involved as AAs and in other ways to help SBC with your time and talent and of course your best gift to support current students.

Michelle Badger and Julia Schmitz ‘03 in Iceland in Mar. of 2019

Victoria Chappell Harvey is still enjoying life in San Antonio, TX. She now works as the program manager for a first-in-class military spouse fellowship program through Hiring Our Heroes, part of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation. This past winter, she and her husband enjoyed their first cruise to the Western Caribbean. They hope to travel some more this coming year.


Emily N. Olson 5238 Lake Shore Drive Waco, TX 76710 emilynicoleolson@gmail.com Danielle Briggs-Hansen Chase married Jesse Chase on Sept. 1 with 4 SBC sisters in attendance: Elsa Mittelholtz Cannon, Hollie Jennings Payne, Zoraida Palencia ’03 and Alanna Reid ’10. Danielle also


Ginny Wood Susi 2929 Dorell Ave Orlando, FL 32814 ginnysusi@gmail.com


Allison Funkhouser, Ingrid (Zensen) Trachtenbarg, Michaela Krohn, and Lisa Renfrow in Portland, Ore. in Jan. 2020 after Michaela Krohn’s dogs placed first in the AKC agility competition

Merri Morris Park left her position at First Presbyterian Church in Richmond in April 2019, but she, Robert, and their 4 boys are still in the area. She began teaching high school science/exceptional educa-

Andrew, Abby, and Grady Moffett

Heidi Trude became engaged to John Rowe on Nov. 29, 2019

Elsa Mittelholtz Cannon, Hollie Jennings Payne, bride Danielle BriggsHansen Chase, Zoraida Palencia ‘03 and Alanna Reid ‘10 at Danielle’s wedding to Jesse Chase in Olympia, Wash. on Sept. 1, 2019

Sweet Briar for their wedding. I, Emily Olson, am in my first year of graduate school at Baylor University for theatre directing. It keeps me very busy, but I love it! In October, Eleanor O’Connor came to visit me, and we had a wonderful time!


Jessica LaTray Wilson 122 Berkshire Pl. Lynchburg, VA 24502 henson08@sbc.edu Shanna Ryan: Shanna welcomed sweet baby Jack Ryan Whalen on Nov. 2, 2019. They are adjusting to the new family dynamic and enjoying being parents. Tess Chalifour-Drahman: Tess got married in December 2019 in NYC, and was so happy that Gwen Reyes Fisher ’06 could attend! She has been working at Columbia University since 2013, and lives on the Upper East Side of Manhattan with her husband and rescue Shih Tzu, Bean.


Brooke Agee with her daughter Harper Paige riding their horse Nightly

Charlie. She is a director at AT&T. Blair Sutton Van Selow married HSC graduate Brock William Van Selow on Aug. 31 in White Stone, VA. They live and work in DC and just purchased their first home together in December. Laura Cromwell, Lauren Guyer Thomas, Megan Combs Veney, Megan Behrle, Mary Ungerer Mazgaj, Julia McClung Ferrintino, Dori Rucker Finger, Kim Shrader Butterfield, Rebecca Girten, and Alle Taylor ’10 all gathered to see Paige Cantfil Casey marry her sweetheart, Nick, in a beautiful ceremony and reception in Richmond in November! Kathryn Brock Hankinson is living in Fort Worth, TX, with her husband Ryan. She received her MBA from the University of Texas at Arlington this past August. Katie Bird Lischick and her husband Peter are loving life in Annapolis, MD. They are expecting their first child, a boy, in April 2020! They are looking forward to their babymoon in Charleston, SC, and finding all the fox-themed baby swag. Katie enjoyed catching up with Lauren Guyer Thomas during her first visit

to Austin, Texas in November. She can’t wait to introduce her son to the rest of the amazing Vixen sisterhood. Mary Susan Sinclair-Kuenning is representing Spinnovation in FL, teaching adults and children the circus art of Cyr wheel. Mz Dance Company in Clearwater, the studio she calls home and helped to start, is a full- fledged dance school and is one of the few places in the country where there is Cyr wheel for kids, as well as having an in-house Gyrotonic®️ machine! Mary Susan continues to choreograph and perform Volta®️ Wheel for her agency Eklectic Entertainment. Her husband, Dr. James Flanagan, D.O., is in the second year of his fellowship at Largo Medical. Brooke Agee is enjoying her time at CornerStone Partners LLC in Charlottesville, getting her barn renovated for her horses on her farm, White Cottage! She has been very active with the local community theater, Persimmon Tree Players, and has done 4 productions with them. One production will take place in the spring! Lauren Guyer Thomas is living in Austin, TX, with her husband

Jenny Walkiewicz Dill 13938 SW Crist Court Tigard, OR 97223 Jenny.Dill11@gmail.com Nikki Soulsby graduated from Duke University’s MBA program and recently got engaged! To top it off, she is anticipating a promotion at her job (fingers crossed). Mary Pat Jones Rodriguez lives in Dallas, TX, with husband Isaac and 3 children, Marshall (7), Patrick (5), Reese (4), and their yellow lab

Wedding of Blair Sutton Van Selow; Alexis Van Selow, Shannon Friedman, Gina Miller, Mary K McDonald, Blair Sutton Van Selow, Ginger McAdams, Sarah Balderston, Rachel Fish, Hilary McNamara

spring 2020

started a new job with Esri in their Olympia regional office in September. After about 8 years of living in Chattanooga, TN, for her pediatric residency and practice, Kendra Hawkins Simpson and her husband, Kyle, and their 2 children moved to Lynchburg, VA, in March 2019 when she was offered a job at a practice there. She writes, “It has been lovely to be able to visit SBC and reconnect with the place that turned me into the woman I am today. Shout out and lots of love to all the lovely ladies from the amazing class of ’007!” Lisa Wolff Terwey and her husband, Adam, love raising their 3 little men, John (5), Joey (3), and Paul (1). She writes, “They are the light of our lives, even if they do make for a busy schedule and often cluttered house!” In addition to her veterinary work, Lisa continues to work with her husband at the law firm they started up 5 years ago. She and her family enjoy sailing on the St. Croix River in the summer, and she is looking into studying for her captain’s license. Lisa has a trip to Spain planned for May 2020. She participated in SBC’s Junior Year in Spain program in 2005 in Seville and has not been back to Spain since 2012, so she is looking forward to it. Heidi Trude absolutely loves her new job teaching French at Loudoun Valley High School. In October, Heidi was elected President-Elect of FLAVA (the Foreign Language Association of Virginia). She will serve in this role for 2 years and then will serve for 2 years as FLAVA President starting in 2022. On Nov. 29, 2019, Heidi got engaged to John Rowe on the Capital Wheel at National Harbor. Heidi and John have not set a date yet but would love to return to

Mary Pat Jones Rodriguez, husband Isaac and three children, Marshall (7), Patrick (5), Reese (4)


Jonathan. She currently works at Army Futures Command and just got promoted! They’ve been there almost 9 months and downsized significantly from a house to a tiny condo downtown. Still no babies, still doing lots of traveling! I, Jenny Walkiewicz Dill, welcomed my second daughter, Emmeline, on Oct. 22, 2019. My husband and I are loving every minute as a family of 4. My daughter Alexa (3.5) is the best big sister a mom could ask for. I always love gathering our class notes and cannot wait to see what 2020 has in store for the class of 2009!


Carol Ferguson 978 Ravine Drive Villa Hills, KY 41017 ferguson12@sbc.edu Isabella Formento Davidovich and her husband Alex (H-SC ’12) opened their very own pizza food truck and it has been an amazing ride! They have enjoyed every moment of it, and are now moving from the sunny Florida beaches to the Memphis area. They are looking forward to their new jobs and a new city for 2020. Isabella will be continuing her career working in Logistics and Supply Chains. Isabella adds, “Holla Holla fellow Swans!” Victoria Bradley Gentry and her husband Jesse welcomed a daughter on Nov. 3, 2019. They are absolutely over the moon with their new bundle of joy. The family continues to live in Nashville, TN (and always enjoys hosting visitors!). Megan Hurst Leiphart recently

was working for Colorado State University, collecting and propagating rare and endangered native plants for restoration, to West Virginia. She now works for a non-profit, Appalachian Headwaters, starting up a native plant nursery and conducting coal mine reforestation on different sites throughout the state. She also married her best friend, Matthew Aberle, in a small October wedding in the Greenbrier State Forest. Wedding of Alex St. Pierre

graduated from East Stroudsburg University with an early childhood education degree and is currently looking for a steady teaching position. She finally got married in June 2019 to William Leiphart! Cortney Lewandowski received a promotion at her job and is now a surgical assistant at a dermatology office in Lynchburg. She enjoyed meeting up with other alums for Sweet Briar Days in January 2020 in Amherst. Emily Prince has just completed her final round of chemotherapy after being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia in July of 2019. During treatment, she moved from Miami, FL, to Fredericksburg, VA, to be closer to family. Now that treatment is complete, she will be volunteering at Empowerhouse, a local domestic violence shelter while she recovers. Following a move to the U.K. in 2018, Alexandra St. Pierre and husband Andrew were married in Normandy, France, surrounded by close friends and family. Sweet Briar sisters Kellner Pruett, Stacy Ludington and Corinne Adams were all in attendance and Madeline Wilson was Maid of Honor extraordinaire. They currently reside in Newmarket, England, where Alex works as a veterinary surgeon and from where they continue to enjoy exploring both the U.K. and beyond. Alex adds, “If you ever find yourself across the pond, do stop in—we’d love to make you a good cuppa!”


Wedding of Arielle Sperrazza Morgan’15

Acacia Salazar Robinson married Jimmy Robinson in Raleigh this past November. Amber MacKay, Kim Orchowski, Hannah Kowitz, Mehegan Morgan and Sydney Reeves ’16 all were there to celebrate. She was a beautiful bride and we were all thankful to be with her on such a special day. Not much has changed between us, we had a blast and the white wine ran out quickly!

Hayley Foraker McClendon and husband Matt visit Sweet Briar in May 2019

Lea Gray 2606 Hanover Ave. Apt 2 Richmond, VA 23220 graylm27@gmail.com

Amber MacKay, Kim Orchowski, Hannah Kowitz, Mehegan Morgan and Sydney Reeves ‘16 celebrating the marriage of Acacia Salazar Robinson




Victoria Bradley Gentry and Jesse Gentry holding their brand new baby girl

Jackie R. Montero 4949 Shannon Road Kents Store, VA jackiermontero@gmail.com Morgan Franke: This year Morgan moved from Guam, where she

SBC attendees at the wedding of Arielle Sperrazza Morgan’15

Start Planning Your Legacy

In 1899, Indiana Fletcher Williams founded Sweet Briar College through a visionary planned gift. Indiana’s vision of a college for the education of young women inspired her to establish a trust of land and other assets that became her enduring legacy. This planned gift has provided transformational education opportunities for generations of young women for more than 100 years.

Please join us as a Williams Associate to ensure that her legacy—and yours—will prosper in perpetuity.

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Not sure how to get started? Visit: plannedgiving.sbc.edu For questions, contact: Claire Dennison Griffith ’80 434-381-6479 | cgriffith@sbc.edu

Box 1057 Sweet Briar, VA 24595

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If this magazine is addressed to a daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address at your home, please email us at alumnae@sbc.edu with her new address. Thank you!

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