Sweet Briar Alumnae Magazine | Vol. 86, No. 1 | Spring 2016

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ark Twain observed that “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” In a real sense, the Sweet Briar College community, having often celebrated its birth, has now clearly discovered the true purpose for the College’s founding. The serious threat to end the school’s existence called for a response to the challenge: Why not close? Given the obstacles faced by small, residential liberal arts colleges, even harder for women’s colleges, why not close? For the Sweet Briar alumnae and extended community, the answer went far beyond a perfunctory response that an important institution would be lost. The immediate and intensive soul searching called up not only memories of the magical days spent on campus as students but fervent testimonials about Sweet Briar’s enduring value. Its value includes: • A liberal arts education; it must be preserved. • A women’s college; women’s colleges continue to play an important role in higher education. • Sweet Briar’s campus is one of the most beautiful of any college or university in America. • With its 3,250 acres, the campus is a laboratory for environmental and sustainability activities in a world faced with environmental threats. • Sweet Briar’s outstanding reputation for academic excellence, a precious asset for future generations of young women • An engineering program offering an accredited bachelor’s degree — one of only two at U.S. women’s colleges — positioning the College to place women in a field in which they are underrepresented • The “Sweet Briar Way” — its blend of liberal arts and STEM, its combination of sophistication and practicality, and its special atmosphere of creativity and innovation — provides an environment for developing the potential of each student. • Exceptional leadership development. As seen in the successful effort to save Sweet Briar, the College produces great leaders. • The heritage of the sacrifices, commitments and labors of generations over 115 years. In the face of their own challenging times, including two world wars and a great depression, they provide a vivid example to alumnae today to never surrender to difficulty. • The founders’ vision. We must keep faith with our founders who responded to the death of their young daughter, their only child, by establishing a college for women in perpetuity. In this magazine, you’ll find stories of alumnae who take these things that Sweet Briar has to give and make a difference in their world — whether that’s running a bakery in Harlem, promoting one of the world’s foremost art museums or saving their alma mater. Features include profiles of our remarkable alumnae living and working in New York City and an article on the “Saving Sweet Briar seven,” the newest Distinguished Alumna Award recipients. They are all roses of Sweet Briar. May her roses bloom forever! Sincerely,

Phillip C. Stone President


SWEET BRIAR COLLEGE MAGAZINE POLICY The magazine aims to present interesting, thought-provoking material. Publication of material does not indicate endorsement of the author’s viewpoint by the magazine or College. The Sweet Briar College Magazine reserves the right to edit and, when necessary, revise all material that it accepts for publication. Contact us any time. MAGAZINE STAFF Joelle Ziemian, director of media, marketing and communications Jennifer McManamay, editor/writer Janika Carey ’10, editor/writer Cassie Foster, photographer Meridith De Avila Khan, former photographer Catherine Bost, designer Elisabeth Mahler ’98, Web Contact information Office of Media, Marketing and Communications PO Box 1056, Sweet Briar, VA 24595 (434) 381-6262 mmc@sbc.edu SWEET BRIAR COLLEGE BOARD OF DIRECTORS Teresa Pike Tomlinson ’87, chair Please see sbc.edu/president/board-of-directors for the full Executive Committee and board members.

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Contents Sweet Briar Magazine | Spring 2016




Vixens in the Big Apple Sweet Briar alumnae dish on living and working in New York City.

The Mighty Seven 2015 was too big a year to pick just one distinguished alumna.

Departments 2-9

On the Quad Sweet Briar in China, Girls in STEM, Notes From Space, Academic Highlights, Looking Forward, New Faces


Honors & Celebrations Honor Roll of Donors, Commencement, In Memoriam, Alumnae Snapshots, Reunion



Above: President Stone talked to students at Beijing Xicheng Foreign Languages School about the value of a liberal arts education. Right: A delegation from Sweet Briar College, including President Phillip C. Stone (fifth from left), vice president for administration and general counsel Nancyellen Keane (third from right) and dean of student life and academic support Kelly KraftMeyer (second from right), met with officials in China in February.

China Visit Launches Women’s Leadership Program


WEET BRIAR IS PARTNERING WITH THE National Center for Sustainable Development, a Beijing- and Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit, to create the Women’s Leadership Program. The new program will recruit highly qualified women from China to Sweet Briar to study liberal arts and STEM fields as part of a collaborative program to prepare Chinese women for leadership roles in government, business, industry and education. President Phil Stone announced the program after a recent trip to China, where Sweet Briar and NCSD prepared to sign a memorandum of understanding with the Chinese Ministry of Education’s Dongfang International Center for Education Exchange. “While in China, I was thrilled to learn of the enormous interest in women’s college education, even though higher education dedicated solely to women is rare,” Stone said. “And there is recognition that while engineering, technology and science education is important, immersion in the humanities prepares young women for deeper, broader leadership. This will be especially important as tomorrow’s leaders navigate China’s relationship with the United States.” In June 2015, at the seventh U.S.-China Women’s Leadership Exchange and Dialogue, Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong called on China and the U.S. to explore new possibilities for educational exchange with a focus on women. “I believe that if we can release the full potential of ‘she power’ in China and the U.S., it will provide new impetus to … building a new type of major country relations,” she said at the event.



Sweet Briar’s partner, NCSD, works to support U.S. technological demonstration projects in education, energy and the environment. With its focus on sustainable development, the organization will work in China to raise awareness of Sweet Briar’s environmental science and environmental studies programs. “Tomorrow’s Chinese leaders will need to make tough choices about how to balance the need of China’s vast population for economic growth and consumption of energy with global development that will affect everyone on the planet,” said NCSD President Mitchell F. Stanley. “At every level of government and in business, women will play a greater role in that decisionmaking. Sweet Briar, where learning takes place on one of America’s most beautiful campuses with acres of open space, is an ideal place for international students to prepare for environmental and global leadership.” The Women’s Leadership Program will feature two summer sessions for Chinese students at a partner university in Washington, D.C., where women will explore U.S. government institutions, governmental history and political decision-making processes — leadership elements that Sweet Briar and NCSD believe are critical to the success of a bilateral relationship. Those sessions, in addition to a summer internship, will result in the awarding of a leadership certificate with the Sweet Briar diploma. Read more here.

Left: Local high school women build an audio speaker using a plastic pumpkin in the engineering workshop during “Girls in STEM Guion Science Day.” Below: Linda Fink, Dorys McConnell Duberg Professor of Ecology (biology), and a student participant use a dissecting microscope.

Forging Ties With Local High School Students


N MARCH, STUDENTS FROM AREA HIGH SCHOOLS participated in “Girls in STEM Guion Science Day,” an admissions outreach initiative designed to interest local students in Sweet Briar’s academic programs. “Girls in STEM” allowed them to explore biology, engineering and physics, chemistry and environmental science through hands-on activities with Sweet Briar faculty. The program was part of an effort led by Shannon Beasley ’02, the College’s director of education outreach. She also serves as an adjunct professor in biology and chemistry and director of graduate recruitment in admissions.

A similar event, “Girls in the Liberal Arts,” will take place in April. Designed to engage young women from local schools who are interested in the arts and humanities, it will feature activities such as a choral workshop with music professor Marcia Thom-Kaley, an outdoor leadership workshop with Outdoor Program director Kate Macklin, a creative writing workshop with English professor Eric Caldwell, a dance workshop with dance professor Ella Magruder and a theater workshop with theater professor Bill Kershner. Read more here.

Breaking Barriers FORMER ASTRONAUT AND UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA PROFESSOR Kathryn Thornton came to Sweet Briar in February as part of the region’s annual dinner to celebrate National Engineers Week. It was the first time the College hosted the event, which was sponsored by the Margaret Jones Wyllie ’45 Engineering Program and included area engineers, educators and members of the business community, as well as Sweet Briar engineering students, faculty, staff and alumnae. Thornton spoke about breaking new ground in her field, both as a woman and a scientist. The former didn’t prove much of an obstacle at all — orbiting Earth as the only woman among men was “like being on a camping trip with brothers,” she said. Read more here. SBC.EDU | SWEET BRIAR MAGAZINE


Left: Tony Lily, associate professor of English Right: Kimberly MorseJones, visiting assistant professor of art history

Department News Sweet Briar has been generating a lot of good news over the past several months, much of it coming from the academic departments. Recent announcements from English and art history, engineering, environmental science and mathematics top the list:

English and art history ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH TONY Lilly and visiting assistant professor of art history Kimberly MorseJones are piloting online humanities courses at Sweet Briar this spring thanks to a three-year grant from the Council of Independent Colleges. Under the grant, members of the Consortium for Online Humanities Instruction develop courses open to students at each of the member schools. Sweet Briar is offering two of about 40 consortium courses this spring, which have students enrolled from schools such as Concordia College in Minnesota or Otterbein University in Ohio. Sweet Briar students who participate in non-SBC courses can transfer credits with a grade of “TR,” although each department or program determines whether they count toward specific majors, minors or certificates. Read more here.

Engineering THE MARGARET JONES WYLLIE ’45 Engineering Program announced that Sweet Briar has been named a 2016 affiliate school of the Building, Recruiting And Inclusion for Diversity initiative. Known as BRAID, its purpose is to increase the percentage of undergraduate women and other minorities pursuing computer science majors. TaskRabbit founder and CEO Leah Busque ’01 helped shepherd Sweet Briar’s affiliation with BRAID. “Attending a women’s college built a strong foundation, gave me the confidence to explore my passions, and never secondguess my ability to step forward as a leader in the space,”



Jim Kirkwood, professor of mathematics

Busque said. “Computer science is an exciting and dynamic career, and I am so thrilled to see Sweet Briar College supporting diversity in the field by participating in BRAID and preparing the next generation of female technology entrepreneurs and leaders.” Read more about Sweet Briar’s involvement with BRAID here.

Environmental science THE FAMILY ADVISORS OF THE JUDITH Haskell Brewer Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia recently awarded Sweet Briar a two-part gift for its environmental science program and community garden. The grant provides $500,000 over three years and a $500,000 one-to-one challenge grant to be matched by other College donors, which will result in a $1.5 million gift. The grant will be used for equipment, faculty support and endowment for program operations. It also provides $50,000 to revitalize Sweet Briar’s community garden. The 0.75-acre garden, originally founded in 2002, will become a place where students, faculty and staff come together to explore “garden-to-table” food production and will contribute to the sustainability efforts of the campus community. Read more here.

Mathematics FOR THE SECOND TIME IN THREE YEARS, a professor in the College’s math department has been awarded an Outstanding Faculty Award from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia. Professor Jim Kirkwood is one of 13 faculty members statewide to earn the award in 2016. An OFA is the commonwealth’s highest honor given to faculty at its private and public universities. Kirkwood has taught at Sweet Briar for more than 30 years. During that time, his prolificacy as an author of math textbooks became legendary and he built a reputation as a quiet leader, both of his department and the College as a whole. “His patience and quiet sense of humor have won over generations of Sweet Briar students who entered believing that they were not ‘math people,’ but who graduated with majors or minors in mathematics,” Pam DeWeese, interim dean and vice president for academic affairs wrote in support of his nomination. Sweet Briar’s president Phil Stone came to know Kirkwood as one of the first community members to step forward to make sure the College would operate normally this fall following the June settlement to keep it open. He said one question he heard repeatedly from students debating their return was whether Kirkwood would be teaching. “On campus, Dr. Kirkwood has long been recognized as an outstanding teacher, scholar and colleague,” Stone said. “It gives all of us enormous pleasure to see the broader community recognize his outstanding credentials and accomplishments. By earning this significant honor, he has brought added luster to Sweet Briar. Jim would be the first to say that he represents an exceptional faculty at the College. We are very proud of him.” Read more here. SBC.EDU | SWEET BRIAR MAGAZINE


Beyond March 3 6


HE COLLEGE COMMUNITY commemorated the first anniversary of the closing announcement on March 3 with a series of observances and celebrations meant to acknowledge the events of the past year — and to look beyond them. The day began with a poignant service of reflection in Memorial Chapel, followed by the ceremonial planting and dedication of new


sweet briar roses between Gray and Pannell. A bronze plaque now marks the small garden, bearing the words: Sweet Briar Rose (Rosa eglanteria) In recognition of saving Sweet Briar College March 3, 2016 Roses still bloom.

At the rose ceremony, President Phil Stone spoke of committing to the future of Sweet Briar as a diverse, civil and engaged community keeping faith with the vision of the founders and the “generations of women … who heroically passed on this beloved college to our generation.”

saxophone, headed to the dining hall for a celebratory lunch.

Finally, with the ringing of the tower bells, the entire assembly, led by dance professor Mark Magruder on his

Read more here.

March 3 also was designated a Day of Giving with an announced goal of raising $500,000 in one day — and the community responded, giving $512,314.55 before the clock struck midnight.



Sweet Briar Welcomes New Faces to Leadership Roles Mary Pope Hutson ’83, VP for alumnae relations and development Mary Pope Maybank Hutson ’83 took over as vice president for alumnae relations and development in January, replacing A.P. “Bun” Perkinson. Hutson led Saving Sweet Briar’s major donor task force beginning in March, when the College announced closure, through September, when the group delivered its final payment. Hutson also served on Sweet Briar’s new board of directors. “Mary Pope’s ability to galvanize her fellow alumnae has made her a unique choice for this position,” said Sweet Briar College President Phillip C. Stone. “Her significant experience in nonprofit fundraising and her deep devotion to Sweet Briar will make her an invaluable leader in our efforts to restore the College to financial strength.” For the past 13 years, Hutson served as executive vice president of the Land Trust Alliance in Washington, D.C., managing the company’s policy work on Capitol Hill and yielding billions of dollars in federal funding for conservation groups. Hutson previously worked in the American embassy in Kenya and has been breaking gender barriers throughout her career. She was the first woman appointed to the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources Board in 1995, helped start the “Becoming an Outdoor Woman” group in South Carolina, and served as the only woman on the North American Wetlands Conservation Act Council for the past 11 years, appointed by the Department of the Interior. A native of Charleston, S.C., Hutson graduated from Sweet Briar with a B.A. in international affairs. She was a nationally ranked varsity athlete, a volunteer mentor to her fellow students, and active in many campus clubs. In 2012, she was inducted into the College’s Athletics Hall of Fame. She is a member of the Williams Society. “It is a privilege to serve my fellow Sweet Briar alumnae in a role where I can devote my energies to the promise of perpetuity 8


represented by Indiana Fletcher Williams’ gift of land for the sole purpose of educating women to be leaders in America,” Hutson said. “I believe we all have a responsibility to continue the legacy of her leadership as a ‘woman of consequence.’ … I know we all need to be part of ensuring the sustainability of Sweet Briar for the next century. … Sweet Briar needs all of us!”

Timothy E. Klocko, VP for finance and treasurer Timothy E. Klocko began work as vice president for finance and treasurer at Sweet Briar College on March 1, replacing Tom Connors. Klocko previously served as senior vice president for administration and finance at Thomas University in Thomasville, Ga., where he oversaw all accounting functions, human resources, the bookstore, the post office, facilities, information technology, campus security and food service. “Tim Klocko is someone who faced significant challenges at his former institutions,” President Stone said. “He found creative solutions, through an entrepreneurial team spirit, to address them. That experience, coupled with his strong background in leading all aspects of finance at three colleges, and his experience as a professor, make him an excellent choice as Sweet Briar positions itself for the future.” Klocko holds a CPA certificate in the state of Iowa, an MBA with an accounting emphasis and a B.S. in accounting and finance from Northwest Missouri State University. Prior to his work at Thomas, Klocko served at Stephens College in Columbia, Mo., as vice president for finance, vice president for finance/controller, vice president for administration and finance/ controller, and controller. He was interim president in 2003. For the first half of his career, Klocko was a professor of accounting. He earned tenure at Grand View College in Des Moines, Iowa, before being tapped to assist in the college’s administration. At Thomas University, Klocko helped create a new operating and capital budget process and oversaw a campus transformation that included new construction and renovations. He worked closely with the college’s enrollment management team in building a financial model to determine enrollment goals. His work at Stephens College focused on ensuring financial stability. Klocko led the effort to address the financial ramifications of the new strategic plan, including development of a five-year budget and cash-flow model to set specific future financial targets. At Grand View College, Klocko established an investment policy, hired endowment managers to implement the policy and supervised all functions of accounting. “I am delighted to have the opportunity to serve Sweet Briar at this important time in its history, and I look forward to meeting and working with all the wonderful people who are part of the Sweet Briar family,” Klocko said.

Nicole Whitehead, director of HR and community engagement The year began with a new director of human resources and community engagement — Nicole Whitehead, who replaced interim human resources manager Barb Watts. Whitehead was previously a human resources training and organizational development officer, as well as a corporate education consultant and trainer at Catawba Valley Community College in Hickory, N.C. She also taught courses in business and human resources at Catawba, and online human resources certification courses for Northwest Nazarene University in Nampa, Idaho. “Nicole brings to Sweet Briar twenty years in human resources, consulting and operations, and overall business leadership, as well as teaching. This breadth of experience will be invaluable to us going forward,” said President Stone. Whitehead completed a B.S. in business and an MBA with a human resources concentration and executive leadership certification at Lewis University in Romeoville, Ill. She is completing her Ed.D. in higher education and organizational change at Benedictine University in Lisle, Ill. A native of Joliet, Ill., Whitehead is a Senior Certified Professional and a Senior Professional in Human Resources. She sees her education and experiences as “tools to aid in supporting a ‘community of excellence’ where individuals and differences are valued.” Whitehead volunteers at the Safe Harbor Rescue mission, her church and in her community, serving as a mentor to women who seek to become leaders and global citizens.

Joelle Ziemian, director of media, marketing and communications Joelle Ziemian replaced Monica Dean as director of media, marketing and communications in February. Ziemian brings to Sweet Briar nearly 30 years of strategic communications experience in the corporate, nonprofit, international development and government sectors. She spent seven years at Lipman Hearne, a national firm known for its expertise in higher education. There she partnered with colleges, universities and foundations throughout the U.S. to deepen brand awareness and spur growth. Her most recent communications role was at Burson-Marsteller, where she helped multinational companies change their conversation with important audiences. “Joelle Ziemian has built, defined and enhanced the reputation of organizations ranging from colleges to startups to Fortune 50 companies,” President Stone said. “Her ideas and experience will help to drive communications with every one of our audiences.”

Ziemian holds a B.A. from Goucher College and an M.F.A. in writing for children and young adults from the Vermont College of Fine Arts. She began her career as a TV reporter before moving to state and federal government, served as press secretary in the Pennsylvania Senate and in the U.S. House of Representatives and in the executive branch of President George H.W. Bush. In the private sector, she lobbied and managed public affairs campaigns for energy clients and later at Edelman and Burson-Marsteller for global and national entities. As a consultant in Romania for a U.S. Agency for International Development project, Ziemian helped nongovernmental organizations get their message out to key audiences and impact policy. “I feel like everything I have done has prepared me for this role at Sweet Briar,” Ziemian said. “It will be a thrill to help young women in the U.S. and overseas see the life-changing value of an education at this very special place.”

Marie Grée, director of JYF in Paris Sweet Briar College has named a French woman director of its renowned JYF in Paris coeducational program — a first for the College since its administration of the academic program began in 1948. After serving as permanent resident director of the intensive immersion program for 11 years, Marie Grée will manage the semester and academic year program, effective July 1. John Lambeth has served as interim director since July 2015. “The Junior Year in France program has long embodied Sweet Briar’s core values: international education and the opportunity it provides students to attain a deeper understanding of economic, political and cultural issues from a global perspective,” said Pamela DeWeese, interim academic dean and vice president for academic affairs. “Dr. Marie Grée brings to the position the experience of having been an international student herself, since she completed her Ph.D. at New York University. Her long association with JYF ensures that she will provide both needed continuity and an intimate knowledge of the program, as well as her expertise in international education. Grée, who resides in the vibrant 11th Arrondissement of Paris with her husband and daughter, studied at Université Paris X and at Middlebury College. She received her M.A. and Ph.D. in French literature from New York University. She has taught at Tufts University, Stanford, New York University, Middlebury College and Hamilton College in Paris. Prior to joining JYF, she was resident director for SUNY-Stony Brook College in Paris. “I love working with our students here in Paris,” Grée said. “Watching even the best French speakers become absolutely fluent over the course of their time here never fails to amaze me. And beyond the language skills, they change as people — they come to Paris as Americans and leave as citizens of the world.”








here’ve been a lot of reminders lately of Sweet Briar’s motto, “Rosam quae meruit ferat.” She who has earned the rose may bear it. In February 2015, an opportunity presented itself to visit New York City — a place where bearers of the Sweet Briar rose have for decades made their presence known, from Wall Street to Broadway. We couldn’t catch up with all of the Sweet Briar women of New York — so no slight to the lawyers, artists, scientists, bankers and entrepreneurs we didn’t talk to — but in two days and two nights, we traversed Manhattan and crossed the bridge to Brooklyn to find nine alumnae where they live, work and play. New Yorkers are a special breed and New York City a special place. Wendy Weiler ’71 puts it this way:

“John Updike defined ‘the true New Yorker’ as someone who came with a ‘secret belief that people living anywhere else had to be, in some sense, kidding.’ Like most New Yorkers, I believe New York is the center of the universe.” Whether natives or transplants, ambitious youngsters or wily veterans, we wanted to know how these women have hit their strides in the Big Apple. We asked a bunch of questions and got plenty of answers. In the pages that follow, their edited responses provide a snapshot of their working lives and a glimpse of the New York experience. Each of these graduates is a testament to the wisdom of Indiana Fletcher Williams, who created Sweet Briar to teach women to be not merely educated, but “useful” members of society. And they are a testament to the women and men who for 115 years have made Indiana’s vision a reality. – Story by Jennifer McManamay, Photos by Meridith De Avila Khan



Wendy C. Weiler ’71



TITLE: Founder and managing partner of Weiler Partners, an executive search firm specializing in the banking industry

JOB IN BRIEF: Recruit senior-level bankers for clients including Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Chase and Merrill Lynch

STUDIED: B.A. in history of art; Columbia University Graduate School of Business Marketing Management Program

LIVES IN: Franklin Lakes, N.J. NEW YORKER SINCE: Childhood FROM: Ridgewood, N.J. My job is connecting people and offering career opportunities. What I am good at is finding the right people for my clients. Not only do they have to have the right experience and skill set, [they need to be] the right cultural fit. It is an art. I love what I do. I change people’s lives in a positive way. It is very rewarding. To start my day, I always check on the weather to make sure I dress appropriately. Once I leave the house, I have to be prepared. I bring evening clothes if I have a special event. (Editor’s note: Weiler is a member of, or has served on the boards of, several arts and humanitarian charitable organizations and regularly attends fundraisers.)

Commuting gives me time to read my New York Times and Wall Street Journal, think and plan my day. It’s more relaxing than driving in rush-hour traffic. Once in the city, I usually walk or use the subway. Walking shoes are a must. I carry my business shoes in shoe bags in my brief case. Taxis are hard to find and if you get one, you usually just sit in traffic. I also recommend carrying a folding umbrella. Living outside the city is the best of both worlds. I love my little bit of paradise in the suburbs. I love the energy and intelligence of the city. I am addicted to it. It also keeps me near my daughter Caroline Chappell Hazarian, Class of 2009, and 18-month-old grandson, Dylan. I spend a lot of time loving him. One of my favorite places is the Grand Central Terminal, among the most fabulous old New York structures. I walk through it several times a day as hundreds of thousands of other New Yorkers do. I love the hustle and bustle in this center hall of New York. I often run into family, friends and clients there. Growing up 30 miles from New York City, my family took advantage of all it had to offer — museums, theater, shopping, restaurants and sporting events. I have lived and worked in the New York metropolitan area most of my life and really cannot imagine living anywhere else. Photo: Weiler often passes through New York’s Grand Central Terminal several times a day.



Bonnie Insalaco Abrams ’93

TITLE: Executive director of creative services at Vogue

JOB IN BRIEF: Heads the integrated marketing and events teams at Vogue, working with clients such as Dior, Chanel and Prada

STUDIED: B.A. in sociology LIVES IN: Battery Park NEW YORKER SINCE: Forever FROM: Long Island, N.Y. The most exciting thing about my job is the people I meet. Not only do we work with influential brands, we work with incredibly influential people who include heads of industry, philanthropists, artists and tastemakers. Sweet Briar gave me my career. My junior year, the career planning office connected me with an alumna who worked at Tiffany & Co. Not only was I offered an internship for J-term, I was invited back during the summer and offered a marketing position upon graduating. I raised my two children, now teenagers, as a single working mother in New York City. I can say without hesitation that the poise Sweet Briar instilled in me gave me the confidence, drive and grace to manage it all. The most New York thing about me is that I walk everywhere. In heels! I think non-New Yorkers would be surprised to know that raising children in New York City is not very different from a small town. Each neighborhood has a close-knit community, and we really do look out for each other and care for our families in the same way you would anywhere. Photo: An afternoon snow squall at Battery Park turned our photo session into a fashion shoot. 14


Katharine “Kate” H. Dobie ’06

TITLE: Development officer for events at The Metropolitan Museum of Art

JOB IN BRIEF: Primary organizer with responsibility for approximately 20 museum events annually, in addition to supporting events led by other members of the museum’s planning team. Dobie runs the annual Family Benefit, which for two years in a row has grossed record amounts over its 24-year history.

STUDIED: B.A. in history with a minor in art history; the Virginia Program at Oxford

LIVES IN: Inwood in northern Manhattan NEW YORKER SINCE: 2007 FROM: Lake Oswego, Ore. Our most fun event is the Costume Institute Benefit. We’re often running around like lunatics one minute finalizing seating arrangements and guest lists, and 10 minutes later we’re all dressed in gowns and standing by casually as hundreds of flash bulbs blink outside and the A-listers stroll by us.

The Met is a truly remarkable place to work. Often I am rushing around [sometimes to another department that might be three city blocks away without leaving the building], but there are moments you find yourself alone in a gallery and it hits you where you’re standing — a stunning New York City landmark that holds the result of thousands of years of human art and culture. I once rode in the elevator with a Van Gogh painting. I’m very lucky. You can consider yourself a New Yorker when you’re confident giving directions. I’ve also become a real enforcer of commuter justice. There are rules: Don’t blast your music on the subway, offer your seat to someone who needs it more than you, and for God’s sake, don’t skip the line at the M79 bus stop. There will be a line of angry New Yorkers shouting at you, and I’ll be one of them. What I like most about the city is that it has everything. You can order Chinese food, dry cleaning or groceries, etc., online and it is delivered to your door. More importantly, it’s one of the world’s most visited destinations, and I only have to hop on the subway or in a cab to see it all. I can be on top of a skyscraper, spot a celebrity shopping, eat a worldclass meal and stroll through Central Park all in one day. Photo: The Temple of Dendur is one of the most popular exhibits in the Egyptian galleries at The Met.



Alexandra Farley Grobman ’12

TITLE: Development manager at Soho Rep. JOB IN BRIEF: Fundraising for a small offBroadway theater with an annual goal of just over $1 million in donations

STUDIED: B.A. in international affairs with research concentration on HIV/AIDS health policies in Sub-Saharan Africa

LIVES IN: Two Bridges neighborhood on the Lower East Side with Amrit Judge

NEW YORKER SINCE: 2012 FROM: Falmouth, Maine The best part of my job is that I never have a typical day. Because we’re a small company of five employees, I could be doing anything from planning an upcoming donor event to booking patrons into our upcoming show or writing



a grant — the list could go on and on. Everyone has their hands in everything, so you really get the feeling that you have participated in getting each show up and running in a meaningful way. Sweet Briar gave me the ability to take on the challenge of my job, allowing me to hold many different leadership positions at once and always having to juggle 50 different things. You learn to prioritize very early and also how to ask for help and lean on others to get you through the harder times. Those, I think, are very important skills that apply to many different aspects of life. The most New York thing about me is that I work in theater and love the arts. My favorite spot in the city is the High Line. It’s so beautiful and it’s a great example of how to repurpose something that was once not so beautiful. It’s also a nonprofit organization that continually raises money to preserve the space, which I appreciate. It ties in a lot of what New York is about: the old-timey subway tracks, amazing food, eclectic people and hidden gems.

Amrit Judge ’14

TITLE: Digital media manager at HilsingerMendelson Inc.

JOB IN BRIEF: All things social and digital media-related at the literary PR firm HilsingerMendelson, including mapping social strategies, then developing and rolling out the plans for clients, campaign analytics, media placement and “influencer partnerships”

STUDIED: B.A. in business and international affairs (double-major)

LIVES IN: Two Bridges, Lower East Side NEW YORKER SINCE: 2014 FROM: South Grafton, Mass. The best part of my job is working with the coolest clients. I learn so much from them and it’s awesome to see and work with them beyond the limelight. They are industry experts,

executives, entrepreneurs, academics and celebrities. Some familiar names are listed among our clients. Sweet Briar gave me confidence because I had the freedom to pursue what I wanted. That and seeing the results of my hustle help me in the real world. I love NYC because it’s a place where you can constantly reinvent yourself. There’s no such thing as fitting in; everyone stands out so it forces you to build selfconfidence. Living in NYC is expensive! I love my apartment after seeing and living in some of my friends’ places. Anything bigger than a closet works! My commute isn’t so bad, though the F train can be unreliable at times. It takes about 25 to 30 minutes on a good day. On weekends, I like venturing out to a few neighborhood favorites, a great bar that features live music — the vibe is incredible. Photo: Roommates Alex Grobman and Amrit Judge out on a Friday night at Weather Up in Tribeca



Pam Weekes ’83

TITLE: Co-owner, Levain Bakery JOB IN BRIEF: Co-owner of Levain Bakery, established in 1994 in the Upper West Side. Today, Weekes and co-founder Connie McDonald also run neighborhood bakeries in Harlem and the Hamptons — all renowned for their rustic breads, pastries and popular cookies, which have been featured on TV and in countless publications.

STUDIED: B.A. in studio art with a concentration in painting, arts management minor certificate

LIVES IN: Harlem NEW YORKER SINCE: Forever FROM: Long Island, N.Y. Our original vision for the bakery was a bit smaller than we actually are now, although we still run our business in a “hands-on” way. We wanted to be a part of a neighborhood, to give back to society and to enjoy our work. We have been able to do that in all three of our locations. We make people happy every day in a very simple way. We know our neighborhood customers; we bake everything fresh daily, donating leftover products at day’s end to local charities; we have tourists from all over the world coming to visit. I began a great career in the fashion industry, but always thought that I wanted a business of my own some day. My best friend and I were training for an ironman-distance triathlon (2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike, 26.2-mile run) and spending a lot of time on a bike discussing our lives, our dreams, the future. It turned out that Connie had the same dream of owning a business. A bakery was never in either of our plans, but it came very naturally to us. I still love fashion and stay in touch with all my friends who still work in fashion. Photo: Weekes works primarily out of the Harlem store, where Levain’s mail-order business is based.

Kara D’Ambra Dickey Moore ’95

TITLE: Managing director of global philanthropy and engagement at Bloomberg

JOB IN BRIEF: Coordinate with and promote Michael Bloomberg’s foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, globally and establish philanthropic priorities for the company

STUDIED: B.A. in English and art history with a minor in dance

LIVES IN: Midtown West (aka Hell’s Kitchen) NEW YORKER SINCE: 1999 FROM: Middleburg, Va. I worked for Mike Bloomberg during his last term as mayor, after meeting members of his administration when I was working at MoMA. After City Hall, I went to Bloomberg’s philanthropic operations in 2014. We work to create better, longer lives for people through the arts, education, environment, public health and government innovation.

I check emails first thing in the morning and sometimes in the middle of the night. We are a global company and somewhere in the world Bloomberg is open. I love the museums in New York, favorites being MoMA and the Met [both former employers]. They are beautiful places to escape from the noise of the city. I love the variety and diversity the city offers. There really is something for everyone. During my downtime I love to travel. I think it is by far the best way to learn about people, religion, arts and culture. When I’m not traveling, I take full advantage of what the city has to offer. I recently took my son to an Alvin Ailey performance. Why live here if you aren’t going to showcase how wonderful it is to be in Manhattan? I also enjoy volunteering. I often volunteer with my son, and it’s a great way to give back to the local community. Photo: Spencer Finch’s “Sunrise (Over the Atlantic Ocean)” (in background) is one of several notable artworks on display throughout Bloomberg headquarters.



Betty Skeen ’07

TITLE: Freelance dancer and choreographer; sales associate at Gaynor Minden; member, PEARSONWIDRIG DANCETHEATER

JOB IN BRIEF: Recently choreographed a short developmental piece at Judson Church’s Movement Research, an experimental theater

STUDIED: B.A. in dance with a minor in English and creative writing; M.F.A. in dance from the University of Maryland-College Park

LIVES IN: Crown Heights, Brooklyn NEW YORKER SINCE: 2010 FROM: Aiken, S.C. New York City provides this ideal environment for performance-based works by fellow artists in and outside of your own medium. All of it is relevant and informative. All of it has an impact on the way you build and see your own work. This kind of indirect and direct collaboration is not easy to find. It’s something unique to large cities and, in some respects, perhaps even to New York City alone. Making it in NYC as an artist is tough. It was difficult to decide where and how to spend my energy at first. I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to be a performer or a choreographer. I worked all week long in an office in order to spend my days off performing with PEARSONWIDRIG and simultaneously rehearsing and designing my own work. I have only recently shifted my focus entirely back to my own choreography, taking a total break from performing. Living in Manhattan isn’t for everyone. Brooklyn offers much larger spaces for equal or lesser rent than the city. Plus, all the cool kids live in Brooklyn. My day starts with coffee. Walk the dog. Check email. Run to the train! Photo: We caught up with Skeen before a Sunday rehearsal session at the arts building where she leases a dance studio in Brooklyn’s Gowanus neighborhood. 20


Katie Kirkwood ’04

TITLE: Clinical trials administrative and data manager in the Department of Population Health Science and Policy, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

JOB IN BRIEF: Biostatistician for the Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network, involving study design and planning, data management, statistical analysis and manuscript publishing, and some statistical methodology research

STUDIED: B.S. in mathematics and physics; M.S. in engineering sciences from Yale

LIVES IN: Upper East Side NEW YORKER SINCE: 2012 FROM: Sweet Briar, Va. One of the most New York things about me is Silvy’s routines. I love how dog-centric the city is. People stop to talk to dogs all the time, so I’ve met a lot of neighbors

that way. Dogs are allowed in stores, so we shop together. We also enjoy brunch with friends when the weather is warm and restaurants have outdoor seating where dogs are allowed. Also, walking everywhere, including the 12 blocks to work. It is really, really hard to pick just one favorite thing about New York! Top three are everything dog-friendly, the Philharmonic, and all the food. OK, and maybe all the different parks if I add a fourth. Becoming a New Yorker has been a slow assimilation, but it’s hard to imagine living elsewhere at this point. Buying my apartment made me feel like the move was permanent. Being able to get new places and giving directions without looking up at subway stops was another sign. Also, this may sound strange, but learning how to cross the street like a New Yorker — staring at drivers trying to turn while walking across streets instead of waiting for the car, or slipping between cars instead of waiting for the light to change. Nobody likes to waste time! Photo: The Yorkville firehouse in Manhattan (in background) is a regular stop on the way to the park for Saturday walks. Silvy visits with the firefighers, who keep a supply of treats for canine visitors.



When One Award Won’t Do … The 2015 Distinguished Alumna Award goes to the ‘Saving Sweet Briar seven’


he women of the Saving Sweet Briar Inc. board of directors personify every description of a Sweet Briar woman. They are leaders. They are unafraid. They are women with integrity. They are savvy businesswomen, community pillars and caring family women. These alumnae used their vast and varied experiences to help save the very thing that binds them together — Sweet Briar College. They were inspired by mothers, professors, classmates and, especially, the thousands of alumnae sisters who worked beside them to save the College. There was no playbook in the Saving Sweet Briar movement, but that never slowed them down. They gave their all — and then some — and prevailed to save a place worth saving. It is fitting that the Alumnae Alliance bestowed on this team of women the 2015

Distinguished Alumna Award. By giving this award to such a dynamic and diverse group of leaders, the Alumnae Alliance and the College symbolically recognize the equally dynamic and diverse alumnae who assisted in saving Sweet Briar — not just in the past year, but also those who have supported Sweet Briar for generations and are working to save Sweet Briar today and in years to come. This article can never fully capture and commend the efforts of so many. This year, we award this honor to applaud the individual contributions of the “Saving Sweet Briar seven,” but recognize that it is a tribute to all of our alumnae, who brought distinction to Sweet Briar in the fight to save her. Magnolia “Maggy” O’Donnell ’18, in collaboration with the Office of Alumnae Relations and Development, interviewed each member of the Saving Sweet Briar Inc. board to find out what enabled her to meet the challenge of fighting closure, and what she learned in the process.

Story by Magnolia O’Donnell ’18 with Jane Dure ’82 and Clélie D.D. Steckel 22


Christine Davis Boulware ’77


efore putting her efforts into Saving Sweet Briar Inc., Christine Boulware’s top priorities were her consulting business, an executive search service for nonprofit, public and private sectors, and her short-film website. Positivity was key when it came to her approach to the Saving Sweet Briar movement. “From day one, I never doubted that this was going to work out,” she says. That positive thinking was born of her experiences at Sweet Briar, including her January term in Washington, D.C., and two European tours as a political economy major. She remembers thinking: “There is a great big world out there, and all you have to do is think about what you want to do and you can do it.” For Boulware, alumnae now have a duty to Sweet Briar beyond financial contributions. Boulware continues to lead this effort, reaching out to high school guidance counselors in her community and sharing her results with the alumnae relations and development and admissions teams. Her insights were the inspiration in adding a high school tracking field to the admissions advocate software program that the alumnae admissions recruiters (AARs) are using.

“It is so important to never disengage from the College. Every year, everybody should do three things,” Boulware says. “They should send a check. They should recruit a student. Also, I think we should maintain our community. We should stay connected to our younger alumnae. We need to help people in any way that we can. We need to come back to campus for more than just Reunion. We need to come back for engagement. “Without alumnae engagement, there is no future. I think that is a distinguishing mark of Sweet Briar College in general. For a school the size of Sweet Briar, and our ‘in perpetuity’ mandate from Indiana, it’s all about our community.” The idea of community has always driven the Sweet Briar experience, and it was vital in the Saving Sweet Briar movement. With that in mind, Boulware challenges the Class of 2016 and young alumnae: “Connect yourself to the Sweet Briar network and specific alumnae. Do not lose touch. Any ideas that newly minted alumnae have about what we can do, they should pursue.”



Sarah Clement ’75


arah Clement is an administrative judge at U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board in Arlington, Va., adjudicating employment appeals of federal employees. She majored in English at Sweet Briar, earned an M.A. in English literature from Columbia University in 1977 and a J.D. in 1984 from the University of Virginia. After the closure announcement, Clement and other alumnae attorneys connected via social media and began holding conference calls to work through the legal challenges, as alumnae were told they had no standing to take a position against the closure of the College. The first attorney call was with Troutman Sanders on March 4. By March 6, legal work was underway to form Saving Sweet Briar Inc. Clement was named chairwoman of the Saving Sweet Briar Board of Directors on March 16, 2015. She later testified at the April 15 hearing. Clement says she never expected to be involved in something so life-changing in her 60s. “I just feel like I have a whole new game plan for what my sixties, seventies and eighties are going to be like. I want to do everything I can to make Sweet Briar thrive. In whatever way I can be of service, even if it is just making phone calls.” Clement is one of two co-chairs for the Alumnae Alliance working group dedicated to career development, lifelong learning, volunteerism for the College and the “Kit to Vixen” program. Her mother, Martha Mansfield Clement ’48, worked on campus as a development officer. Her sisters, Anne Clement ’78 and Ellen Clement Mouri ’80, and her



niece, Sarah Mansfield Mouri ’06, also attended the College. Sweet Briar is a family affair, and as she reminds us, “Sweet Briar is our alma mater — Latin for ‘nurturing mother.’ ” Clement urges young alumnae to not forget their alma mater. “Always think of Sweet Briar. By making connections through the alumnae network, your possibilities multiply exponentially. If we don’t know, we know someone who can probably find out or who knows herself. Just always keep Sweet Briar in mind, not only as your object of charitable giving.” However, she recognizes that a culture of philanthropy is critical to Sweet Briar’s path to sustainability. “I don’t have the means that some of our unbelievably generous donors came forward [with to save the College]. But I will never, ever forget that every nickel and every dime makes a difference. Just because I can’t give thirty thousand or ten thousand doesn’t mean that my thousand is not needed and [that it] doesn’t add up with all the other people who can put in their hundred or their thousand or their fifty or whatever it is,” she says. “I’ll never make the assumption again that Sweet Briar doesn’t need my help.” Clement also recalls what President Phillip C. Stone has taught us: that every young woman we recruit who stays with us for four years is the equivalent of writing a check for $100,000.

Sally Mott Freeman ’76


fter graduating from Sweet Briar College, Sally Mott Freeman was a speechwriter and news media division chief at the Federal Communications Commission, then spent two decades as a public relations executive before becoming a freelance writer. Right before March 3, 2015, she signed a contract with Simon & Schuster to publish her book. The book recounts the true story of how her father — the naval officer who set up the White House Map Room for President Franklin D. Roosevelt — searched for his youngest brother, also a naval officer, who was listed as missing after the fall of Manila in early 1942. When asked to join the board of directors of Saving Sweet Briar Inc., Freeman heard her mother in her head encouraging her. “There was no saying no!” she says. During her involvement with Saving Sweet Briar, she edited the original 650-page manuscript. Freeman is a self-proclaimed risk-taker, and as she reflects on the experience of leaving her job to pursue freelance writing, she thinks that it benefited her in the Saving Sweet Briar movement. “I don’t think doing things like that is for the fainthearted. In my career, I have led efforts; it’s my nature. I’ve taken risks; it’s my nature. Both of those attributes, I think, have served me well.” From her experience with Saving Sweet Briar, Freeman views social media as a key element to Sweet Briar’s sustainability, and emphasizes that it is a power not to be underestimated as it made a huge difference during the Saving Sweet Briar campaign last year.

“It certainly knocked the opposition back,” she says. “They were not expecting it, and they were not prepared for it.” Today, Freeman advises the Development Workgroup of the Alumnae Alliance in communications associated with fundraising. As Saving Sweet Briar harnessed the network that developed in March, she says younger alumnae need to understand and harness the power of our network. “The alumnae relationships are as important as our education. Obviously, that was proved in the Saving Sweet Briar movement. … That thousands of women, most not knowing each other, kicked into gear on March 3.” The Saving Sweet Briar experience was affirming and satisfying for Freeman, who believes it will profoundly influence today’s students. “It just fortified my view in life that nothing ventured, nothing gained. It was a long shot. It was a David versus Goliath. I feel great about having imparted that to a whole generation of students,” she says. “Not every eighteen- to twenty-year-old has an experience that powerful at that age. It will alter their professional lives because life is nothing but a series of challenges. They have seen an almost overwhelming challenge and seen it met and defeated. And a challenge they were so personally impacted by. I just can’t imagine a better motivational force at that formative age.”



Jo Ann Soderquist Kramer ’64 o Ann Soderquist Kramer graduated from Sweet Briar College in 1964 and went on to pursue a master’s degree in engineering at the University of Virginia. She was the only woman in her class and the first woman to graduate from the program with a Master of Engineering Administration in aerospace engineering.


Sweet Briar is keeping alumnae engaged. She wants to do her part by trying to ensure that the alumnae who were never active with Sweet Briar before continue to support the College. Kramer has served as a leader for the College for decades, and she continues to dedicate time, especially in fundraising.

Kramer believes being a woman in a maledominated field had a great impact on her ability to overcome challenges.

“A whole new set of alumnae woke up, became outraged, became engaged,” she says. “The biggest challenge to ensuring we are successful in stage two of this is to keep those thousands of alumnae engaged. That’s a real challenge. It means there must be constant communication without becoming overwhelming.”

“I spent my career in a business that was almost all men,” she says. “When you have been in that kind of environment and been successful and the men, by and large, respect you because you know what you’re doing and get results, then I don’t think anything is too hard. Including saving Sweet Briar.” According to Kramer, an active and engaged alumna since she graduated, “Sweet Briar women are unafraid to take on any challenge in this world. There are no alumnae or alumni, female or male, from any institution of higher learning that I know of who are as passionate about their school as Sweet Briar alumnae. And I think we proved that. There are very few schools, very few colleges, that, given what happened here last year, could have pulled off what we pulled off.” In her mind, one of the biggest challenges ahead for



Kramer asks alumnae, young and old, to keep Sweet Briar at the top of the list of organizations they support financially. Everyone can do something, she suggests. “It’s really easy as a young alumna, first year out, to give one hundred dollars to the Sweet Briar Fund. If you just set aside a little money every month, if you have five dollars put on your credit card every month, or something like that. Keep engaged with your classmates and learn philanthropy.” She also challenges current students to connect with alumnae, even suggesting a dinner invitation with a group of alumnae from the Class of 1964.

Brooke Linville ’04


lthough Brooke Linville did not graduate from Sweet Briar, her experience last spring is one that resonates with her fellow alumnae and anyone who has been touched by the College. She recalls how difficult it was to move to another institution after leaving Sweet Briar. Her motivation for being a leader in the Saving Sweet Briar movement was to assist students faced with transferring to other colleges as a byproduct of the March 3 announcement. For Linville, being involved in Saving Sweet Briar Inc. was an opportunity to give back to a place that had given her so much. “The closure announcement and the fight to save the College gave me the opportunity to reconnect with a place that was important to me,” she says. “For that, I am truly grateful. The fight was hard, and it was unfortunate in some ways, but there are silver linings. More of us who were not engaged are now helping the College move forward.” Linville’s work with Saving Sweet Briar is complete, but she was honored when the alumnae relations and development office asked for her help to implement some of the social media and engagement strategies that were successful during the Saving Sweet Briar campaign for a critical fundraising effort for the College. She pulls inspiration from her career. She is currently CEO of IonVR, a mobile virtual reality headset company, and

owner of Digavise, her website design and development company. “I work in technology. Innovation is a huge part of technology, but innovation is everywhere,” Linville says. “I think it belongs in fundraising, too.” She hopes to leverage social media to not only meet fundraising goals for the College, but also to engage students and younger alumnae. She believes the Class of 2016 has the opportunity to lead the way in higher education as an example of what a truly engaged graduating class looks like. Linville encourages young alumnae and students to consider that their unique experiences in higher education will affect them for the rest of their professional lives — which could be a huge advantage as they make their way in the world. “I transferred to a coed college, and the difference for me between the two experiences was incredibly profound. I was frequently aware of how often I was the only female voice speaking up in class. More women need to be comfortable with their voices. I encourage young women to recognize the importance of learning to use their voices,” she says.



Ellen Ober Pitera ’93


llen Pitera’s experience with Saving Sweet Briar reminded her of the importance of working together for something larger than oneself. Not for credit or reward, but because it’s the right thing to do. “The Saving Sweet Briar movement was not about a career move, it wasn’t about making money, or gaining personal or professional status. It was rolling up our sleeves and working hard to do something right. The experience brought to the forefront in everyone’s hearts and minds that you can actually make a difference in the world.” As Pitera says, “The recent graduates need to remember that they are part of a movement that is bigger than themselves. Everyone who is involved in saving Sweet Briar has something to share to help propel the school into the future with strength.” She also urges them to use their Sweet Briar education as a solid platform as they continue to grow personally and professionally: “Your Sweet Briar



education is a gift and one to be shared in all aspects of your life.” As a result of the threat of closure, Pitera believes that staying informed is extremely important. “Be diligent and smart about keeping up with what’s going on at Sweet Briar. We all must read and think and communicate about the progress being made,” she says. “We cannot take Sweet Briar for granted anymore. We need to be inspired by the leadership and get involved. If there is even the smallest bit of time that you can give to the College, in whatever gifting area you have, that’s what we need to be doing.” Pitera continues to serve as her class president, a class fund agent, is volunteering with the Friends of Riding, and has been an active Vixen Den participant.

Tracy Stuart ’93


day after the news of the planned closure broke, on March 4, Tracy Stuart contacted the Richmond office of Troutman Sanders LLP to fight the decision. She also identified a public relations spokesperson, Eric Cote, who began speaking to the media and alumnae to rally support. With Troutman Sanders’s counsel, Saving Sweet Briar Inc. was organized as a nonprofit and a board of directors was vetted and elected before its first meeting on March 16. The seven-member board began spreading the message that the legal fight was underway. Stuart said it was difficult at first to strike out against the College. “My mother instilled in me the importance of not following the herd. She taught me to speak my mind and stand strong in my convictions and beliefs, no matter what others are saying to you. You don’t have to accept a certain outcome, because in real life, things aren’t always what they seem.” She quit working to volunteer full time on behalf of Saving Sweet Briar Inc., and says it wasn’t always easy.

is important to do what is right even if it isn’t deemed popular.” The Saving Sweet Briar movement connected thousands of alumnae on social media and beyond. “Saving Sweet Briar rallied everyone to become one united team. I think if the College can continue to harness that energy, the more engaged the alumnae will be, and the more they will give personally and financially,” Stuart says. Stuart moved to Lynchburg during the fall of 2015 to volunteer as an assistant field hockey coach for the Vixens. Today, she continues to work with fellow alumnae to help support the College, especially in athletics and recruitment, and hopes more students and alumnae will do the same. She also was recently featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education as one of the top 10 most influential people in education in 2015 for her role in Saving Sweet Briar. Her message to the students is simple: “Never be afraid to ask the tough questions and follow your gut if something doesn’t seem right.”

“Part of being a leader is having the confidence to step up and say the things that are hard to say. That it



Sweet Briar, Sweet Briar, Flower Fair



he work of Saving Sweet Briar’s board is endlessly inspiring. I witnessed this effort, which proved that fighting for what is right and good, no matter how hard the journey, is what builds a life of integrity. As I continue my education among the red bricks and grassy dells, I will never take another moment for granted. The Saving Sweet Briar movement has confirmed what I already knew, but perhaps did not fully appreciate: My education here is unparalleled anywhere in this country. I can safely roam acres of woods and trails at any time of the day. My professors not only push me to expand my mind but also treat me as an equal with valid thoughts and arguments. I know not only everyone on my hall, but in the entire building. Honestly, I know almost everyone in the other dorms, too.

It is a late summer afternoon. The sun is high in the clear cerulean sky and the grass is so green it looks as if each blade has been painted by hand. On the main road, there is an ice cream truck. Kids ride bikes toward the chapel, and professors laugh as they wait in line. Girls crowd the lawn on blankets.

The Sweet Briar experience has lows, too, but that is life. Sweet Briar is a microcosm of the real world, but it can also be a haven where you can take a step back, take a breath. Communities like this are harder and harder to find. Let me set a scene for you:

– Magnolia O’Donnell ’18


It’s not a movie. It is not a scene from a novel depicting an idyllic, small Southern town existing some time before now. It is a real place. It is our alma mater. A place we as a community fought for in our own ways, and a place we would all drop everything again to save. So, on behalf of everyone here on campus today, thank you. We understand, just as you do, the importance of preserving a place like Sweet Briar College.

what’s next?

Please consider a truly significant gift now. Your gift to this special initiative for the Sweet Briar Fund shows your strong belief in Sweet Briar’s future — in perpetuity.

Our Path to Sustainability Sweet Briar Fund External Grants

Endowment Tuition & Fees


FY ’16 (228) FY ’17 (324) FY ’18 (433) FY ’19 (539) FY ’20 (674)

* Figures in parentheses are projected student enrollment * Endowment draw-down rate is 5% each year Five-year growth in revenue from tuition, fees, grants and auxiliary enterprises will lead to decreasing reliance on the Sweet Briar Fund for operating expenses. Increasing budgetary health will allow us to grow our endowment and meet future capital needs.

Together, we can do this. Our immediate need by June 30, 2016, is $30 million in additional unrestricted funds. Your gift now is more than a contribution; it is an investment in an extraordinary educational institution, the return on which will be reaped for generations to come. Thanks to your generosity, Sweet Briar’s future has already begun.

Give online at sbc.edu/gift or by calling 1-800-381-6131 Drawing © Edith Schermerhorn 1980



next is


Sweet Briar College 2014-2015 Honor Roll Special Edition July 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015 All donors to Sweet Briar College (including donors through Saving Sweet Briar, Inc.)

Our Future Has Begun THANK YOU and Holla Holla to each and every one of you who supported Sweet Briar College during the emotional, triumphant and historic events of the last 18 months! Support from alumnae, parents, community members and businesses near and far directly to Sweet Briar College, through Saving Sweet Briar, Inc. or through both are forever part of our story of Sweet Briar College. Despite the multiple challenges resulting from the closure announcement, Sweet Briar women won: we took back the keys and we continue to propel our beloved College toward a future that sets the standard for the education of women in this country and beyond, a future in which the beauty of the campus and its buildings are restored, a future that is worthy of our storied past. You, your sister alumnae, and Sweet Briar’s friends are the keepers of the keys to that future. Your financial support will unlock that future for generations of young women who demanded and deserve the Sweet Briar experience. The fall semester has come and gone. The spring 2016 semester is underway, and we enjoy a semester of scholarship, culture, athletics, and new endeavors and opportunities, made possible by the wonderful gifts of time, talent and treasure from our alumnae, parents, friends and community members. Whether you faithfully gave every year since you graduated or made your first gift this year, because of YOUR support, Sweet Briar’s future begins now.

Phillip C. Stone President



Mary Pope Hutson ’83 Vice President of Alumnae Relations and Development

INDIVIDUAL DONORS { July 1, 2014-December 31, 2015 } Margaret Dally Abate ’99

Sally Whittier Adams ’56

Sarah Alexander ’93

Alexa Anderson

Constance Norweb Abbey ’74

Sarah Austen Adams ’58

Bradley Alfers

Beth Anderson

Dr. Gina Abbruzzi and

Susan Finn Adams ’86

Courtney Blair Banton

Charlotte A. Anderson ’68

Carl Martin

Victoria Lee Adams ’82

Alford ’87

Christie Cardon Anderson ’96

Louise Brandes Abdullah ’54

Ann Massie Addison ’74

Alicia Allen ’97

Cynthia Bekins Anderson ’73 Elizabeth Edwards

Dana Abernathy

Natalie Brown Adee ’96

Aline Payne Allen ’59

Dorothy J. Abernathy ’11

April Adelson ’86

Ann Stevens Allen ’56

Anderson ’70

Michelle Abrahams

Patricia Adelstein

John Allen

Gene Anderson

Susan Ragland

Alison Kohlhepp Adkins ’86

Julia Hunt Allen ’63

Jana Bekins Anderson ’59

Antha Adkins

Nancy Allen

Jennifer Marie Anderson ’98

Claire Therese Affleck ’03

Samantha Allen

Judith B. Anderson

Lili Afkhami

Susan Norton Allen ’72

Judith Ruffin Anderson ’57

Brooke D. Agee ’09

Tammy Allen

Kathi and Rick Anderson

Ellen Agnew

Irene Alley

Kelley Dize Anderson ’99

Joseph Ahearn

Rebekah Reeves Alley ’83

Kristy Winstead Anderson ’98

Sandra Lynn Ahern ’83

Christine Carl Allison ’99

Lucy Otis Anderson ’63

Mary Oakey Aiken ’71

Katherine Rose Allison ’14

Maggie Anderson

Kate Ainslie

Kathryn Allison

Mary Symes Anderson ’45

Annabelle Aispuro

Susan Sumners Alloway ’67

Melissa Lee Anderson ’13

Amorette Witt Aitken ’93

Holly Pflug Allport ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Howard J.

Erin Coppersmith Aitken ’09

Rachel B. Allred ’02


Deborah Butteri Akers ’77

Margaret Almon

Brian Andrews

Ramona K. Akins ’77

Jean Meyer Aloe ’63

Harriette Hodges

Janet Albarran

Shelli Alter

Mr. and Mrs. Dale B. Alberda

Katherine Gumerson

Abrahamson ’57* Bernadette Insalaco Abrams ’93 Jessica A. Abramson ’08 Daisy Abreu Sixtine Abrial ’15 Carolyn Sample Abshire ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ackermann Amanda Mary Acuff ’97 Sara Acuff Amy Walker Adair ’06 Anne Ellice Adam ’62 Abigail Adams ’06 Carlisle Gibbes Adams ’10 Catherine Adams ’76 Charles Adams Corinne E. Adams ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Crosby

Cecilia Albert ’72 Heather Pirnie Albert ’82

Jean M. Andrews ’72

Altshuler ’97

Joelle M. Andrews ’06

Chelsea Ximena Alvarado ’17

Schuyler Andrews

Nessim A. Al-Yafi ’97

Jacqueline Andrusky

Loring Harris Amass ’70

Catharine Hubbard Andry ’85

Beverley Sharp Amberg ’65

Lea Osborne Angell ’63

Julia Kientz Ambersley ’01

Vanessa Angus

Shawn Ambrose

Elizabeth W. Anke

Cathryn Amerault

Amanda D. Ankerman ’00

Beth Bradford Amico ’81

Mary Barbara Annan ’67

Jane Yardley Amos ’63

Martha Garrison Anness ’48

Michael Amowitz

Anonymous Sara Green Ansell ’66

Lyman Adams

Jean Love Albert ’46

Katherine Adams

Julianne Albert

Park Adams

Ramona Albin

Phoebe DeFoe Adams ’52

Leslie Carson Albizzatti ’90

Priscilla Powell Adams ’78

Kristy Alderson ’73

Ms. Rebecca Adams ’09

Margaret Ryan Ale ’76

Dr. and Mrs. Robert

Harriet McNair Alexander ’86

John Adams

Kathryn Jeanne Alexander ’11

Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter N.

Adams, Jr.


Katherine Amsden ’53

Rodney Adams

Robert R. Alexander and

Cody Anders

Sheila K. Alexander

Andrews ’53





Abby Schmidt Anzalone ’00

Wayne Atchison

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A.

Shella Baker

Florence Pye Apy ’53

Martha M. Atherholt


Victoria J. Baker ’67

Deborah Pollock Arce ’73

Betty Boswell Athey ’65

Mary Bai

Yasmeen Bakht

Megan Foran Atkins ’99

Alberta Zotack Baigent ’69

Laura Pearson Balach ’04

Allison Davis Atkinson ’00

Blyth Steere Bailey ’79

Tamara Balderson

Doyne M. Atkinson

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Bailey

Ann Works Balderston ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.

Ellen Howard Attar ’83

Caroline Nell Bailey ’13

Maggie Balderston ’11


Amelia Dudman Atwill ’96

Dorothy A. Bailey ’94

Mr. and Mrs. David W.

Anne Walton Arey ’96

Christina Anne Aubin ’82

Elizabeth Bailey


Pamela Henery Arey ’71

Edward Auble

Jennifer Black Bailey ’90

Beth Baldwin

Elizabeth Kurtz Argo ’67

Pamela Fine Auble ’98

Katherine Bailey

Dorothy Tobin Baldwin ’44

Joanna D. Arias ’75

Nancy Moog Aubrecht ’65

Linda Wallace Bailey ’66

Justin Baldwin

Heather Thomas

Simone Aubry ’61

Russell Bailey and

Kathryn Renaud Baldwin ’78

Anne Lowrey

Marguerite Emmert

Susan Lazarus Bailey ’85

Baldwin ’46

Suzanne Craft Bailey ’86

Mary Dixson Baldwin ’67

Auer ’99

Robyn Bailey Orchard ’86

Monroe Baldwin III

Melinda Wick Aufmuth ’92

Ashleigh Caisse Bain ’10

Susan Baldwin

Cynthia Whitley Auman ’78

Joy Gillio Baiocco ’81

Chris and Susannah Balish

Lisa Aumiller Anderson ’96

Abby Starke Baird ’65

Julia Ball

Margaret H. Aurand ’64

Gray Baird ’62

Whitney L. Ball ’84*

Kate Ausbrook

Amanda E. Baker ’00

William Ballance

Elizabeth Aust

Ashley Elizabeth Baker ’15

Jennifer Jarvis Ballard ’93

Allie Austin

Ben Baker

Mary Fran Brown Ballard ’49

Aline Hope Carter Avery ’94

Benjamin Spencer Baker

Sarah Ballard

Claire Anderson Avery ’05

Brian and Leslie Baker

Rebeccah Ballo

Elizabeth Groves Aycock ’96

Carol Baker

Kathleen Peeples Ballou ’55

Linda Ayers

Caroline Carter Baker ’15

Kirby Baltzegar

Cassandra Smith Babbitt ’78

Dori Baker

Stephanie Bamberger

Hilary Babbitt

Elizabeth Beach Baker ’69

James Banahan

Ann Babcock

Elizabeth Davis Baker ’00

Mr. David Bandas

Gwendolyn Hickey

Elizabeth R. Baker ’11

Patricia Carroll

Babcock ’95

Jessica M. Baker ’09

Bankenstein ’74

Sarah Garland Babcock ’83

Joanna and Paul Baker

Cecily Schulz Banks ’85

Susan Babcock

Judith K. Baker

Maia Pearson Bannan ’97

Tana Malm Baber ’01

Katherine Barrett Baker ’83

Cecile Dickson Banner ’57

Anne Baber Wallis

Lella Baker

Dale Anderson Banfield

Lauren Elizabeth Babineau ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Baker

Barbara Gracey Backer ’71

Michelle Baker

April Bacon

Olivia Chaplin Baker ’81

Michelle L. Badger ’06

Patricia Baker

Barbara Wesley Bagbey ’80

Rebecca P. Baker ’94

Laura M. Arceneaux ’92 Victoria Leigh Archer ’81 Nino Ardemagni

Armbruster ’98 Susan Armbruster Leigh Anne Armstrong Lindsay S. Arnett ’12 Mr. and Mrs. George E. Arnold Leigh Anne Arnold ’10 Robin Parkinson Arnold ’05 Carol A. Arnott Jeanne Arnott Susan L. Aronhalt ’98 Mr. Fred Artibee and Ms. Martha Margrave Corinne Davies Asakevich ’07 Zehra R. Asghar ’10 Lucinda Converse Ash ’47 Barbara Ashbrook John E. Ashbrook Eleanor Johnson Ashby ’53* Susan Wilson Ashcom ’66 Christine M. Ashdown Rachael Ashdown Ashdown ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Ashe Angelia Goodwin Ashley ’83 Elizabeth Caitlin Ashley ’07 Laurel LeStrange Ashley ’91 Lauren Ashwell Mr. and Mrs. John F. Aspinwall

Marjorie Whitson Aude ’57 Frank Auer J. Alexandra Sienkiewicz

Mr. Robert Baker

Banning ’85 Dorothy A. Bannish ’55 Mr. Julian W. Banton Anita Barbee-Cunningham Charlotte Barbour Susan M. Barbour ’91 *Deceased



Michelle Storey Barclay ’03

Juliana and Scott Bartlett

Kathryn Beard ’55

Amanda M. Beller ’08

Christopher Barcomb

Sarah Barton

Marianne Muse Beard

Cynthia A. Beller ’04

Jean Beard Barden ’78

Ann Ritchey Baruch ’62

Mona Wilson Beard ’51

Lucy Bellerud

Jeanne Stoddart Barends ’54

Stephanie Marie Basinger ’11

Shannon O’Neill Beasley ’02

Melissa Bellitto

Ashton Barfield ’64

Catherine Price Bass ’45

Carley Guinevere Beatty ’15

David J. and Patricia L.

Brenda Muhlinghaus

Mary Brush Bass ’62

Ms. Rachel Beaudry


Barger ’65

Sarah Young Bass ’95

Jane Roulston Beaver ’62

Carol Covington Bellonby ’70

Rebecca Carter Barger ’81

Austin Basten

Elizabeth Churchill

Sophie MacKenzie Belouet ’68

Joanne Harrier Barker ’60

Mr. and Mrs. David D. Basten

Beazley ’06

Christopher Beltz

Katherine L. Barker ’06

Lora Isabelle Basten ’14

Carol S. Bebb ’74

Peter Benda

Tamara Barker

Andrea Bateman ’71

Sofia Becerra-Licha

Lucy-Charles Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Donald A.

John Bateman

Brandi Beck ’90

Bendall ’46

Carey Bates ’91

Kathryn A. Beck

Andrea Peacock Bender ’74

Katherine Woodson Bates ’01

Kellie J. Beck

Kathleen Bender

Marnie Tokaruk Bates ’98

Susan Holman Beck ’98

Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon

Victoria Bates ’74

Mr. and Mrs. William H.

Barkley Kathy Primm Fons Barkley ’87 Nella Gray Barkley ’55 Pamela Ythier Barkley ’87 Stephanie Barko Carol V. Barlow ’83 Robert H. Barlow Calypso Barnes Kristin D. Barnes ’08 Lisa Thompson Barnes ’88 Catherine Barnett

Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Battad Kimberley J. Battad ’07 Megan Batten ’88 Basile Baudez Tracy Pryba Baugham ’86 Melissa Jo Halstead Baugher ’86

Susan M. Barney ’98

Jill Goolsby Baumhover ’95

Florence Rowe Barnick ’80

Paul Bausch

Nora Baron ’18

Rachel Reynolds

Carroll Randolph Barr ’67

Baxtresser ’07

Thomas Barr

Robin L. Bayless ’80

Ann E. Barrett ’97

Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Bayliss II

Philippa Barrett

Julia Viola Bayliss ’15

Vicky A. Thoma Barrette ’65

Mary Baylor

Merrill Underwood

Wendy Baynard

Barringer ’54

Thomas Baynham

Jeff Barry

Myth Monnich Bayoud ’80

Louise Smith Barry ’44

Megan Bea

Katherine Reynolds

Ben and Carol Beach

Barsness ’82 Kelsey Rae Barta ’15 Tamora A. Barta Mr. and Mrs. William A. Barta Catherine Bartholomew Alexia Redick Bartlett ’06 Chantel N. Bartlett ’98

David Beach Martha Isdale Beach ’54 Hannah Casey Beall ’17 Judith D. Beall Spencer K. Beall ’14 Bronwyn E. Beard ’98 Frank Beard

Beck, Jr. Phyllis G. Becker ’74 Peggy Pattillo Beckham ’56 Darby Beckman John and Pamela Beckner Harpreet Bedi ’93 Elizabeth Pennell Bedrosian ’68 Mr. and Mrs. John H.

Benhard Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carlyle Benjamin Elizabeth Anderson Bennett ’48 Jean Bennett Lea Sparks Bennett ’83 Leigh Ringler Bennett ’86 Lindsay Bennett Mary Ann Gheen Bennett ’98

Beebe, Jr.

Teri Bennett

Page Breakell Beeler ’79

Mrs. William Bennett

Susan Beers

Andrew Benson

Josie Erin Beets ’00

Heidi A. Benson ’05

Elizabeth Leigh Begej ’13

Sally Ann Sells Bensur ’79

Robin E. Behm ’79

Lisbet Bent

Judith Howe Behn ’65

Bryan Alphin Bente ’69

Andrea Behrer

Sandra Hamilton Bentley ’70

Megan E. Behrle ’09

Isabelle Benton

Elaine Belancourt

Pamela Burwell Benton ’68

Irene Pschorr Belknap ’63

Leslie Malone Berger ’83

Carolyn and Alex W. Bell

Stephanie Lee Berger ’91

Kathleen Bell

Nicole Bergeron ’06

Melissa Bell

Mrs. Francis H. Bergh

Priscilla Bell

Rachel Bergmann

Ruth Marshall Bell ’67

Beryl Bergquist ’71

Sylviane Bellamy

Kristen E. Bergquist ’06

Melissa Jean Bellan ’00



Kristin Farris Bergquist ’03

Krista Biggs ’89

DeAnne Blanton ’85

Sara Howard Bolton ’94

Victoria Bergs

Deborah Pelham Bigum ’74

Victoria Blase

Tacy Katharine Leigh

Amanda Priddy Berkey ’90

Devon Vasconcellos

Lynn Carol Blau ’63

Bolton ’08

Barbara Denton Berlage ’57

Bijansky ’99

Christine Blaustein

Kimberly N. Bolz-

Claire Carson Berlat ’08

Diane Billings

Denise Landau Blind ’88

Pamela Subranni Berman ’93

Laura D. Billings ’96

Cynthia Craig Bliss ’66

R. Berman

Katrina Ann Balding Bills ’97

Diane Bliss

Ben Bernard

Janet Whitehurst Binder ’75

Jane Weihman Block ’68

Michelle Bernard

Anne Carr Bingham ’67

Megan Blocker

Susan Bernard

Elisabeth Brawner

Kyle DuVall Blonde ’01

Allison Bailey Bernhardt ’10 Bill Bernick Felecia C. Bernstein ’80 Logan Bernstein Helen Berry Laurel Sanders Berry ’08 Marsha Berry Mary Dance Berry ’08 Melissa Berry Michael Berry Suzanne Seaman Berry ’61 Claudia K. Berryhill ’72 Lynette Bertman Renee Besanson Ellena Bethea Kenneth Bethune Elyse Marie Betz ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Gary N. Betz Kristin Betzler Brett Beutell Karen R. Bewick ’75 Patricia Beyer Cyrus Bharucha Sandra Biagini Elizabeth Gilgan Bianco ’94 Anne Traynor Biasiolli ’04 Eleanor B. Bibb ’83 Cierra Biel Nicole Biergiel

Bingham ’51 Mary McBride Bingham ’79 Susan Page Bingham ’18 Kathryn Marie Bird ’09 Katie M. Bird ’05 Mark Bird Ashley Biser Drusilla Hall Bishop ’78 Jane Bishop Nancy Schmitt Bishop ’66 Mary Margaret Dixon Biss ’96 Katie Bitting Rachel Blacher Linda Black Scott A. Black

Joan Clinchy Blood ’65 Mary Davis Blood ’04 Margaret Blount Lynn Waterman Blum ’72 Victoria Vidal Blum ’85 Jo Ellen Lenoir Blunk ’75 Mary Blunt Jade V. Boardman ’03 Emily Taylor Boatright ’00 Stephanie H. Boaz ’94 Elizabeth Hudson Boba ’41 Stephanie Bobb Susan Christine Bobb ’00 Harriet McCormick Bobbitt ’63

Caitlin Blackwell

Louise Bock

Mary Clayton Blackwell ’67

Donna Bockian

Regan J. Blackwood ’02

Ms. Nancy Boclstael

Alexandra Cathryn Blair ’06

Julie Pfautz Bodenstab ’78

Barbara Blair

Dave Bodkin

Elizabeth W. Blake

Sarah Porter Boehmler ’65

Kendall T. Blake

Patricia Ashby Boesch ’58

Jacqueline Israel

Liesl Veazey Bogar ’89

Blakeslee ’68 Ashley Flynn Blanchard ’90 Clare Newman Blanchard ’60 Danielle Schofield Blanchard ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Blanchard, Jr.

Julia Corte Bierster ’84

Patricia H. Blanchard

Sidney Albers Bieser ’10

John Bland

Lynn Biggart

Anne McNeer Blanken ’50

Emily Boggs Louise Cobb Boggs ’61 Gregory Bogle JoAnn Bogolin ’89


Lauren Picard Bomar ’10 Carolanne Margaret Bonanno ’09 Aaron Bonar Victoria Bonasera Katherine Bonazzi Allison Akeson Bond ’86 Ina Brown Bond ’67 Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bond Kerri Bond Nancy Bond Rachelle Bond Sara Wilcoxson Bond ’98 Elliott and Laura Bondurant Kristen Boney Martha Neill Boney ’72 Robert Bongers Patricia L. Bonham Charlotte D. Bonini ’92 Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Bonnell Roselle Bonnoitt Mary Ames Booker ’82 Chimene Boone Cheryl Willits Booth ’74 Kelsey Holzman Booth ’05 Laura Booth Mary Morris Gamble Booth ’50 Sharon Booth ’85 Jennifer Dodge Booysen ’84 Jody N. Booze-Daniels ’79 Ms. Natasha Haugerud

Carol Lynn Searles Bohrer ’82

Boraas ’14

Ici Ollison Bojarczyk ’89

Charla Borchers-Leon ’81

Diane Dunaway Boles ’82

Jane Borden ’65

Jim Bolin

Kendra Marie Borden ’06

R. Lianne Johnson Boller ’74

Mary Green Borg ’64

Pauline Wells Bolton ’52 36

Andolshek ’99

Mr. and Mrs. Scott

Deborah Price Bowman ’82

Elizabeth Sprague Brandt ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Dale W. Brock


Elizabeth Williams

Nicole E. Brandt ’06

Kathryn R. Brock ’09

Jennifer Borkowski

Bowman ’72

Robert Brandt

Mary Jane Hipp Brock ’70

Claire Borrelli

S. Bowman

Megan Brandt-Meyer

Mary Baker Brockman ’84

Barbara Sampson Borsch ’59

Laura T. Bowrey ’08

Elizabeth McGovern

Robert Brockman

Lorinda Bosch

Lee Bowron

Brann ’01

Ms. Anne E. Brodie

Kathryn Bosco ’85

Diana Everitt Boxall ’86

Susan Bransford

Joan Breier Brodsky ’67

Laura Lee Bost ’76

Becky Boyd

Gale Oertli Braswell ’85

Allison Egbert Brokaw ’78

Mr. and Mrs. E. Wayne

Donna Boyd

Sarah Parson Breeden ’05


Ashley Wilson Brook ’79

Elinor Plowden Boyd ’74

Alison Brown Breene ’01

Lynn Bostain

Anne C. Brooke ’54

Elizabeth Rodgers Boyd ’84

Jenny Kelsey Breining ’79

Susan Desmet Bostic ’72

Frances Bailey Brooke ’38

Julia Boyd

Bobbie Breitkreutz

Christa Perry Boston ’96

Catie Brooks

Lee Carollo Boyes ’78

Donald Breivogel-Williams

Mrs. Veta Boswell

Cheryl Brooks

Eleanor Boylston

Bryan Brendle

Eugenia Botea

Florence Brooks Julia Skilinski Brooks ’93

Susanna D. Boylston ’87

Drs. David W. Breneman and

Saralee Cowles Boteler ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Byron W. Bracey

Donna Plasket

Blair Bunting Both ’40

Renee Tanner Bracey ’07

Amy Brener

Mary Blair Both ’65

Nadene Bradburn

Patrick Brennan

Elizabeth Harder Botzis ’93

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.

Suzanne Bresee

Desiree M. Bouchat ’83

Bradford III

Ann Smith Bretscher ’60

Judith Bell Boucher ’58

Kristen Bradford

Bryca Nikole Brewer ’10

Madeleine Lyons

Marjorie Hill Bradford ’61

Dylan Brewer

Boudreau ’14

Sarah Sutton Brophy ’83

Wendy Bradford ’77

Madeline Adelle Brewer ’10

Christine Davis Boulware ’77

Anita Brosius-Sisk

Elizabeth Bulkley Bradley ’61

Marilyn Brewer

Lucie Bourgeau

Anne Brothers

Katherine Hollister Bradley-

Martha J. Brewer ’69

Marisha G. Bourgeois ’99

Black ’92

Leslie Wilkinson Brotman ’78

Barbara E. Brewster ’70

Megan Boutwell

Beverly Ambler Bradshaw ’61

Martha Freeman Brouse ’81

Anne S. Briber ’69

Rene Roark Bowditch ’71

Helen Otelia Bradshaw ’10

Lauren Brow

Paula M. Brice ’02

Heather M. Bowen ’07

Lisa Bradshaw

Dean Browell

Allison Garrison Bridges ’10

Mr. and Mrs. John

Christina Lee Brady ’99

Lincoln P. Brower and

Melvin Bowen

Nancy Arni Briggs ’64

Linda S. Fink

Ellen Bass Brady ’74

Samantha Bower

Danielle F. Briggs-Hansen ’07

Alice Cary Farmer Brown ’59

Laura Hawkins Brady ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A.

Beth Brigham

Amy Gibbs Brown ’99

Marie Brady

Ashley Simmons Bright ’86

Antoinette Christian

Sue P. Brady

Kay A. Brimijoin

Brown ’78

Sydney Graham Brady ’57

Ann Brinsmead

Brianna Boswell Brown ’82

Rebecca Bragg

Virginia White Brinton ’43

Carrie M. Brown and John

Deborah Purvis Bramhall ’93

Phyllis Herndon

Carlisle Morrissett Branch ’44

Brissenden ’55

Corinne Brown

Barbara A. Brand ’71

Ms. Vicki Bristow-Kitchens

Courtney Totushek Brown ’97

Dorothy Wetzig Brand ’71

Nicole Brittain

Dianne Dickson Brown ’93

Judy Brandman

Beatrice Totten Britton ’65

Douglas Brown

Ann Hallsey Brandt ’16

Kathleen D. Britton ’70

Eden Zuckerman Brown ’88

Caroline Casey Brandt ’49

Mary-Dame Stubbs Broad ’50

Bowers Hannah Bowers Bowers ’15 Darcy Bowie Ruth Bowker and Greg Schlosberg Edith McRee Bowles ’74 Kay Diane Moore Bowles ’57 Nancy Fleshman Bowles ’62 Megan Knight Bowling ’05 Deborah Ohler Bowman ’70

Lindsey Brooker Brooks ’00 Margaret Brooks Nicole Hlusko Brooks ’90 Rhoda Allen Brooks ’71 Bonnie Chronowski Brophy ’74

Gregory Brown



Elizabeth Brown

Catherine Cage Bruns ’55

Mrs. Joanne M. Bump

Debra Jackson Busker ’75

Elizabeth Huggins Brown ’83

Jean Randolph Bruns ’51*

Alison Bundy

Leah Solivan Busque ’01

Ellen Apperson Brown ’72

Elizabeth and James Brunson

Marie Ironmonger Bundy ’51

Jill E. Butcher ’97

Ellen Hagan Brown ’81

Margaret Hayes Brunstad ’72

Susan L. Bundy ’73

Evelyn Day Butler ’66

Ellen Moseley Brown ’71

Ann-Barrett Holmes Bryan ’49

Tera Bunger

Helen Pruitt Butler ’84

Emily Garth Brown ’73

Jean C. von Schrader

Isabel Ware Burch ’60

Kathryn Talaber Butler ’01

Emily McNally Brown ’72

Bryan ’82

Sarah Kidd Burchett ’05

Laura Butler

Grace Wallace Brown ’52

Amanda Prine Bryant ’08

Sara Burdick

Melinda Butler

Mr. Harold G. Brown

Ana-Elisa Marie Bryant ’11

Kimberly Leach Burge ’00

Melissa Cicotello Butler ’99

Jean Rushin Brown ’69

Casey Bryant

T. Burge

Stephen Butler

Julia Harris Brown

Cecilia A. Bryant ’68

Elisabeth Chambers

Kimberly Shrader

Karen L. Brown ’90

Eleanor Grace Bryant ’12

Burgess ’59

Butterfield ’09

Kathleen McNamara

Martha Bryant

Barbara C. Burke

Mary Buxton Buxton ’73

Brown ’02

Michael Bryant

Emily M. Burke ’06

Meghan Jaffe Bynum

Laura Lee Brown ’63

Micheala Rachele Bryant ’14

Felicia Dunn Burke ’03

Victoria Campo Byrd ’91

Lauren Brown

Whitney Bryant

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Burke

Catharine Byrne

Mary Jo Biscardi Brown ’86

Rene Bryce-Laporte

Nina Sledge Burke ’64

Jean Shaw Byrne ’65

Mary Lanman Brown ’50

Sara H. Brydges ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Burke

Lauren P. Byrne ’04

Mary Perkins Traugott

Sarah Betz Bucciero ’97

Joan Phelps Burkett ’56

Michael Byrne

Brown ’45

Julia Watts Buchanan ’59

Mr. and Mrs. John L.

Catherine Caldwell

Melinda S. Brown ’98

Susanne Buchau

Burkhardt, Jr.

Cabaniss ’61

Melissa Brown ’00

Dorothy Buchli

Julianne C. Burkhardt ’87

Meghan Cade

Michelle Elizabeth Brown ’14

Alice Lancaster Buck ’44

Jessica Burks

Stella and William Cade

Pamela Jones Brown ’66

Lynn M. Buck and Jonathan

Marietta Eggleston

Jeanette Rowe

Patrick and Sue Ellen Brown

D. Green

Burleigh ’58

Cadwallender ’79

Pauline Hudson Brown ’43*

Margaret Tucker Buck ’02

Kathrin Burleson

Margaret Wadman

Peggy Kennedy Brown ’67

Marie Buck

Alison A. Burnett ’98

Cafasso ’61

Rosamond Sample Brown ’64

Amy Budd

Bonita L. Burnett

Sue Caffrey

Ruth Rowan Brown ’73

Missy McShan Budd

Emily Black Burns ’01

Mr. and Mrs. David Cahoone

Susan Glasgow Brown ’64

Rachel Dawn Buechler ’14

Shelby Burns ’86

Ann Walsh Cahouet ’54

Susan W. Brown

Lynda Lanphere Buel

Henry Burr

Allyson Welch Cain ’89

Tiffanie Rose Brown ’15

Nina Wilkerson Bugg ’60

Wynn Cole Burr ’96

Mrs. Craig J. Cain

Walter H. Brown H ’49*

Mr. and Mrs. Clive H. Bullard

Anne Cogswell Burris ’75

Patricia Cain

Wendy Norton Brown ’71

Natasha Heyworth

Rebecca Burt

Jessica Caknipe

Abigail Mason Browne ’65

Bullard ’08

Kerri Rawlings Burtner ’97

Nancy Ivonne Calderon ’16

Aja Brownell

Sidney Cauthen Bullard ’93

Amy E. Burton ’90

Eugenia Dickey Caldwell ’65

Amanda C. Browning ’07

Margaret J. Bullers ’87

Carolyn Burton

Louise Phinney Caldwell ’60

Elizabeth Browning

Deborah Donigan Bullett ’81

Katherine Burton ’68

Martha B. Caldwell

Tiffany Corbin Broyles ’07

Jacquelyne Elizabeth

Ethel Ogden Burwell ’58

Virginia Rulon-Miller

Bullett ’15

Susan Heitmiller Busch ’78

Anna Clayton Bullock

Terese DeGrandi Busch ’76

Natasha Stanfill Bullotta ’92

Bryan Bush

Christine P. Bump ’00

Deborah Lanham Bushek ’99

Helen Bauer Bruckmann ’78 Nancy Hagar Bruetsch ’72 Mary Landon Smith Brugh ’57 Catherine A. Brumley ’05

Caldwell ’68 Elaine C. Cale ’72 Tysha Noel Calhoun ’94 Dave Call *Deceased



Rushton Haskell

Anita Crossingham

Beverly Turnbull

Julia Carter

Callaghan ’86

Cannon ’77

Carpenter ’71

Maculey Carter, Jr.

Angela and Clifton Callahan

Ann Cannon

Victoria White Carpenter ’72

Stacey Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Callaway

Suzanne Jones Cansler ’63

Angela Walton Carpita ’99

Sherry Carton

Emily Virkus Calle ’98

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cantfil

Alison E. Carr ’08

Kaitlyn Chase Cartwright ’14

Anna Lydia Callicoat ’15

Cyndy Cantley

Andrea S. Carr ’78

Elizabeth Caruso

April Scarlette Callis ’02

Terrilynn Cantlon

Anna M. Carr ’12

Elizabeth Caruthers

Leslie Calman

Mr. and Mrs. Steve W.

Eugenie Carr ’68

Mario Carvajal

Sally Caltrider


Katherine M. Carr ’98

Ellen Reed Carver ’85

Deborah Camalier-Walker

Andrea L. Capano ’99

Mary Housel Carr ’38

Eli Casalini

H. Stuart Camblos ’70

Laurie Capen

Tiffany McCabe Carr ’04

Sarah Ashley Capen ’15

Elizabeth Dickson Frenzel

Anne Richards Camden ’69

Mr. and Mrs. William O. Carr

Casalini ’82

Angela Aiken Cameron ’01

Mary Noble Caperton ’54

Ann Eagles Carrell ’59

Anne Faulconer Case ’85

James Cameron

Julie H. Capodanno ’03

Mary Phillips Carrera ’72

Eric S. Casey

Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F.

Susan M. Capozzoli ’80

Katy Kruschwitz Carricato ’01

Michelle Cash


Jeff Caputo

Nancy Beekman

Caitlin E. Cashin ’07

Virginia Shipe Cameron ’75

Veatrice Carabine

Carringer ’60

Alexandra Grace Caskey ’14

L. Clay Camp, Jr.

Lisa Carangelo ’80

Ruth Simpson Carrington ’21*

Anne Elliott Caskie ’53

Rose Thomas Camp ’74

Betty Noland Caravati ’63

Mary Woltz Carrison ’70

Katherine Connors

Randy Campana

Jonita E. Carder ’74

Amanda Carris-Swan ’05

Cassada ’86

Amy Leigh Campbell ’97

Hallie Powell Cardwell ’78

Ashley Maria Carroll ’10

Deborah Ann Hauck Castle

Ann Sheldon Campbell ’51

Kate Carey

Georgia Graham Carroll ’66

Elizabeth Gantt Castles ’82

Benita Campbell

Lucy Kreusler Carey ’50

Jade Carroll

Mary Killorin Caswell ’74

Dana Varnado Campbell ’93

Gloria H. Carl

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carroll

Mr. and Mrs. David F. Catalon

James Campbell

Mary Cooke Carle ’59

Lee Huston Carroll ’64

Jennifer Taylor Catano ’02

Jan Thomas Campbell

Elaine Kimball Carleton ’57

Priscilla Newton Carroll ’87

Elizabeth Stanly Cates ’63

Janie Campbell

Karen Holland Carlisle ’91

Robert Carroll

John Cates

Jennifer Sirois Campbell ’06

Lola Carlisle

Sigrid Zirkle Carroll ’93

Mackenzie Cates Allen

Jessica Lea Campbell ’03

Susan Carlisle

Susan McGettigan Carroll ’77

Katherine Cummings

Judith Franklin Campbell ’59

Catherine Dillingham

Victoria McCullough

Catlin ’70

Lisa Rabasca Campbell ’91

Carlson ’63

Carroll ’84

Cynthia Catts

M. Lin Campbell ’66

Justina Brie Carlton ’95

Kevin Carson

Francesca Angela Catucci ’03

Mary Johnson Campbell ’58

Martha Baum Carlton ’62

Beverly and Thomas Carson

Teresa Catucci

Melanie H. E. Campbell ’06

Mary McKee Carmichael ’70

Donna Robinson Cart ’52

Elizabeth Brewer

Susan Graham Campbell ’81

Frank Carnabuci

Abigail Carter ’89

Caughman ’70

Allison S. Camper ’07

Andrew Carnahan

Ann MacDonald Carter ’97

Margaret Stephens Caulk ’90

Paige Vaught Campion ’96

Barbara Hastings Carne ’69

Anne Carter

Ashley Celis Cavalier ’93

Nancy Hanger Canada ’81

Rew Price Carne ’59

Connie Carter

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher

Ashlyn Goosens Canfield ’98

Roy Ann Carney

Eleanor Jane Wells Carter ’83

Ann Arnspiger Canipe ’69

Katherine Caron-Greig

Elsie Prichard Carter ’59

Carrie Jean Cann ’05

Barbara Vaught Carothers ’84

Erin O’Boyle Carter ’93

Kathryn Cannie

Olevia Neary Carothers ’03

Jessica Anne Carter ’04

Robin L. Cannizzaro ’84

Barbara S. Carpenter

Cavalleri Kiera Michele Cavalleri ’15 Aaron Cave Miriam Choi Cave ’06





Elaine Horton Cavener ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne A.

Amanda Chuan

Jonna Creaser Clarkson ’70

Lamar and Geri Cecil


Barbara Little Chuko ’64

Kirkland Tucker Clarkson ’53

Lori Cerato

Lee Anne MacKenzie

Victoria Chumney ’87

Lucile McKee Clarkson ’69

Diana M. Church ’01

Anita Lippitt Clay ’44

Ginger Ryon Church ’85

Kathryn Clay

Glenys Dyer Church ’73

Allan and Catherine Claypool

Lisa A. Church ’82

Amanda Clayton

Lucy Canary Church ’61

Catherine London Clayton ’99

David Churchill

Mr. and Mrs. David R. Clayton

Janet Hamilburg

Jan Schnibbe Cleary ’75

Churchill ’53

Richard Clemens

Mrs. Joan V. Churchill

David J. Clement

Sara Churchin

E. Anne Clement ’78

Mara Wegerski Ciciarelli ’03

Sarah P. Clement ’75

Ellen Kelley Cinq-Mars ’67

Heather Tully Click ’70

Sharon Van Cleve

Joan Dabney Clickner ’91

Sarai Cervantes Kathryn Ann Cesarz ’00 Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Cesarz Jill Chabut Claire Chafee Sarah Chaffee Paris ’96 Marydee Wimbish Chalfant ’60 Jennifer R. Chalmers ’98 Judith Sorley Chalmers-

Chaskes ’83 Cynthia Manning Chatham ’75 Kristy Lynn Chatham ’00 Helen J. Chatt ’10 Mr. and Mrs. James Allan Chatt, II Mr. and Mrs. John Chaussee Robert Chave Katherine Chavigny Tina Cheng

Simpson ’59

Courtney Warrick Cherna ’84

Jacqueline Razook

Cara C. Cherry ’06

Chamandy ’52

Mr. and Mrs. William H.

Jeff Chamberlain


Terra I. Chamberlain ’04

Eva Villaran Chesneau ’57

Bettye Thomas Chambers ’62

Annette Teng Cheung ’79

Lyndsay Welsh Chamblin ’05

Carolisa Cheung

Robyn Chamblin

Patricia Chick

John and Nancy Champoux

Patricia Chicka

Nell G. Champoux ’05

Jennifer Roach Childs ’88

Jamila Hyder Champsi ’80

Heather L. C. Aspinwall

Fay Martin Chandler ’43* Janna McLarty Chandler ’96 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B.

Chiles ’95 Monica Chilton Lorie Chimento


Margaret Chisholm ’51*

Claudia Chang

Pia K. Cho ’09

Larry Chang

Caitlin Anderson Choate ’07

Elizabeth Oliver Chapell ’68

Ali Chohan

Donna Pearson Josey

Dorothy Montague

Cipriano ’64 J. Cayenne Claassen-Luttner Nicole Basbanes Claire ’04 Candyce Clanton Frances Shannonhouse Clardy ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Clark Carole Clark Carrie Ruda Clark ’78 Dana Clark Deborah Clark Donald Clark Edith Knapp Clark ’58 Florence Flanigan Clark ’77 Kelly Clark Kenneth Edward Clark Lynn Adams Clark ’61

Chapman ’64

Cholnoky ’50

Margaret Rand Chapman ’65

Sharon Bradford Christhilf ’65

Melinda Musgrove

Archer and Carol Christian

Chapman ’65

Elizabeth Howie Christian ’89

Lynn Mather Charette ’86

Kate-Roy Massie

Charis Lease-Trevathan

Christian ’64

Henry Clarke

Chase ’06

Tara Christie Kinsey

James Clarke

Katharine Barnhardt

Wallace Christner

Katherine Wood Clarke ’65

Chase ’67

Claire Cannon

Nan Robertson Clarke ’73

Leslie C. Chase ’04

Christopher ’58

Suzanne Elisabeth Stovall

Gabrielle E. Chasen ’11

Kari Ann Christopher ’16

Clarke ’84

Samantha A. Clark ’09 Sonya Clark Temma Clark-Braverman ’10 Anne Rienecke Clarke ’60

Lindsey S. Cline ’06 Barbara Darnall Clinton ’56 John and Lisa Clough Jeannette Singleton Cloyd ’75 Lieschen M. Cluiss ’08 Julia Trant Coates ’87 Elizabeth Anne Lux Cobb ’15 Hope Alexandra P.C. Cobb ’10 Laurel Norris Coccio ’73 Katherine Mikell Cochran ’76 Patricia and Steve Cochran Michelle Cock Betty Farinholt Cockrill ’44 Melanie Coyne Cody ’76 Carl Coffey Leonard and Patricia Coffey Sara J. Coffey ’06 Bo Coggins Mrs. Margie M. Cogswell Lisa Doczi Cohen ’95 Tegan Danielle Cohen ’08 Sheila Cohig Vivian Yamaguchi Cohn ’77 Harriotte Bland Coke ’48 Margaretta Colangelo ’87 Martha Colangelo *Deceased



Angela M. Colarusso

Debra Combs

Elizabeth B. Cooper ’05

Mary J. Cowles

Heather Colburn

Mary W. B. Combs ’74

Fran Cooper

Susan Swagler Cowles ’86

Kaytlin Jeanette Colburn ’11

Elinor Humphrey Comer ’78

Harriet Y. Cooper ’56

Abigail Cox

Keli Colby ’84

Jon R. Comola

Martha Hays Cooper ’76

Clare and Donald Cox

Peggy Colby

Laura Jacqueline Comola ’13

Octavia Wood Cooper ’68

Cynthia Cox

Louise Galleher Coldwell ’56

Helen Compton-Harris ’80

Peter Cooper

Susan Cox

Alexandra Carpenter Cole ’58

Nancy Lenihan Conaty ’73

Leif Coorlim

Virginia Baldwin Cox ’69

Catherine Sobke Cole ’05

Deirdre S. Conley ’72

Dr. and Mrs. Kevin

Lucy H. Coyle ’79

Christine Cole

Anne White Connell ’54


Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Coyne

Constance H. Cole

Barbara Tragakis Conner ’85

Lara Jean Corazalla ’03

Christine Crabtree

Martha Bennett Conner ’68

Marc Corbett

Tom Crabtree

Catherine L. Connor ’77

Lee Corbin

Mary King Craddock ’68

Tyler Cole

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Connors

Madeleine Blanchard

Bennett Butcher Coleman ’89

Corbo ’89

Mr. and Mrs. William B.

(Jocelyn Palmer ’62)

Erin Elizabeth Coleman ’04

Amanda-Paige Conrad ’03

Bonnie Cord ’66

Heather Swenberg Craft ’93

Jean Raney Coleman ’71

Cynthia M. Conroy ’74

Martha Tisdale Cordell ’82

Anne-Ryan Sinnott Craig ’00

Joyce M. Coleman ’85

Jennifer Conroy

Nancy Webb Corkery ’81

Rachel Lynn Craig ’14

Kimberly Earhart

Michelle MacMurtrie

Durwood Corley

Susan M. Craig ’73

Coleman ’00

Constable ’93

Georgia Cornell

Cindy Craighill

Mr. and Mrs. Michael

Penelope Lagakos

John Cornell

Paula Wirtzman Craighill ’63

Charles Coleman

Constantinidi ’74

Anna Coroneos ’76

Rejinal R. Cramer

Sarah Huie Coleman ’81

Tara L. Conte ’03

Maria Corpora

Elizabeth Moore Conti ’78

Alice Dahm Crane ’49

Stephanie Ewalt Coleman ’67

Maureen Correll

Maureen Conway ’71

Kristin Crane

Kerry Elizabeth Coleman-

George Corrent

Proksch ’97

Al Cook

Courtenay Cranford ’94

Margaret Murchison

Julie Collier

Carolyn Cook

Corse ’50

Mr. and Mrs. Page D.

Virginia Marks Collier ’92

Daniel Cook

Caroline F. Corum ’88

Rose Toppin Cranz ’75

Virginia Upchurch Collier ’72

Denise Cook

Lisa Cosman

Bernard and Jeanne Cravath

Dylan Colligan

Hilary Cooper Cook ’05

Mazeppa M. Costa ’78

Sarah Cravens

Anne Collins ’96

Karen Cook

Elizabeth Meyer Costello ’74

Margaret A. Craw ’72

Carole Thrash Collins ’87

Katherine Cook ’94

Dorothy Cothran

Polly C. Crawford ’93

Cissel Gott Collins ’72

Khirsten H. M. Cook ’15

Paul Coudert

Virginia Ramsey Crawford ’59

Julie Martin Collins ’88

Louise Mueller Cook ’79

Elizabeth Dennig Coulter ’79

Grace Turner Creasey ’01

Mrs. Karen R. Collins

Margaret C. Cook ’59

Page Phelps Coulter ’57

Louise Martin Creason ’72

Lee McEachern Collins ’94

Matthew Cook

Sandra Counts

Martha Baird Boxley

Mary Henningsen Collins ’75

Paula B. Cook

Cary Lamond Courier ’62

Creasy ’85

Sean Collins

Dennis J. Cooke

Kelly Courington

Edwin Crego

Tim Collins

Kim Patmore Cool ’62

Melinda Treutle Courtland ’79

Lisa C. Crego ’92

Christine M. Colpitt

Anne Helms Cooper ’71

Alison Sims Courtney ’09

Alison Crehore

Richard C. Colton, Jr.

Anne Peyton Cooper ’50

Carol Tanner Cover ’43

Ann Kiley Crenshaw ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher

Barbara Bush Cooper ’81

Jane Ellis Covington ’60

Emily Gooch Crenshaw ’70


Carol D. Cooper ’71*

John Cowan

Laura L. Crews ’06

Verda Andrews Colvin ’87

Dale A. Cooper ’61

Jean Holmes Cole ’98 Mary Lib Holman Cole ’74







Nancy Crichlow

Jennifer Paige Crutcher ’99

Katherine Cyphert

Elizabeth Spruill Darby ’78

Flora Cameron Crichton ’46

Ameka Reeves Cruz ’01

Jessica Czajkowski

Cathy Darden

Cullen Crispen

Stacey Vilar Csaplar ’88

Kathryn Czarkowski ’95

Mary Landon Darden ’74

Lisa Crispin

Casey Cucino

Penelope Lane Czarra ’75

Bryna Darling

Paige E. Critcher

Kelly Cuddihy

Lauri L. Dabbieri ’93

Ruth Allen Darlington ’71

Colon Critz

Martha Moore Cuenod ’53

Ronald Dabbieri

Page Darney ’98

Heather M. Critz ’10

Maria Guadalupe Cuevas ’14

Mrs. Charlotte Gmelin

Lisa Buckingham Darr ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Critz

Betty Ruth Culbertson


Jennifer Warde Darrell ’04

Sarah Critz

Roberta A. Culbertson ’73

Petra Dacheva

Mary Simpson Daugette ’55

Cutler Bellows Crockard ’72

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil C.

Gerald Dackin

Alice Edwards Davenport ’45*

Spencer Crockett


Samuel Daggett

Jane R. Davenport ’70

Traci Crockett

Daniel Cullen

Suzanne Gay Dailey ’83

Elizabeth Martin Davey ’12

Susan Brush Croft ’68

Michelle Messier Cullen ’12

Beverley Stone Dale ’95

Elizabeth Ripley Davey ’47

Faith Rahmer Croker ’54

Cathy Culp

Chesley Johnson Dale ’43

Katherine Robison Davey ’83

Robert Croker

Emily Ward Culp ’64

Giovanni D’alessio

Casey Perlow Davidson ’02

Sally L. Croker ’92

Lindsay A. Culp ’98

Jacqueline Sexton Daley ’40

Diane Mott Davidson

Carol Crombie

Cory Nichelle Culver ’15

Teresa Lizeth Daley ’08

Mary Reid Davidson ’03

Laura K. Cromwell ’09

Electa Hoffman Culver ’68

Elizabeth Day Dalrymple ’78

Nancy Daugherty

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond

Jennifer Elizabeth Cumby ’95

John Dalsheim

Davidson ’82


Jill Cunningham

Diane Dalton ’67

Rebecca Liesl Davidson ’13

Cheryl Cronin

Kathryn Cunningham ’97

Susan Holbrook Daly ’70

Emily J. Davies ’11

Jessica A. Cronin ’98

Sarah Sunshine

Charlene La Fleur Damp ’98

Robin Davies and Thomas

Lindsay Cronk

Cunningham ’00

Jamie Dance


Margaret Reeder Crosbie ’64

Mary Via Cuoco ’87

Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood S.

Mr. Enrique Davila

Holly Crosby

Meagan Cupka


Amy Calandra Davis ’90

Martha Stewart Crosland ’71

Calvin Curlen

Raymond and Vera Dancy

Amy M. Davis ’94

Anne Frothingham Cross ’66

Diane Curling

Mary T. Danford ’73

August F. Davis

Mary Stoll Cross ’57

Mr. and Mrs. William K.

Sally Dobson Danforth ’59

Betty Sivalls Davis ’58


Paul and Sara Dangel

Bridget C. Davis ’08

Richard Curran

Angela Daniel

Caroline Davis

Mr. and Mrs. Hilton B.

Caitlin Bondurant Daniel ’15

Chris Davis

Pamela Boyd Daniel ’68

Mr. David Carl Davis and

Roberta T. Daniel

Ms. Anthony

Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge

Elizabeth Haeberle Davis ’01


Gina Pollock Davis ’89

Adam Curtis

Carol Daniels

Holly Chaikowski Davis ’61

Angela Marie Curtis ’13

Charles Daniels, Jr.

Ret. Col. and Mrs. James W.

Carroll N. Curtis ’75

Sandra Daniels

Davis, Jr.

Kerry Lee Buxton Curtis ’06

Sarah Davis Daniels ’82

Jane McKenzie Davis ’03

Jaquelin Ambler Cusick ’57

Lynn E. Dann ’75

Julia Brooke Davis ’81

Pamela Miscall Cusick ’87

Lara Sayler D’Antonio ’09

Kathleen Davis

Crumbliss ’98

Lindsey Michelle Custer ’00

Joan Danzansky

Lauren Davis

Marilen Crump ’00

Mrs. Charles H. Cuthbert

Rebecca Danziger

Lisa Heisterkamp Davis ’80

Walter Cross Carol Turner Crosthwait ’57 Lynne Smith Crow ’64 Hillary Crowder Katherine Nicole Crowder ’03 Susan Hobbs Crowder ’65 Nannette McBurney Crowdus ’57 Thomas I. Crowell Leona Chang Crozier ’56 Susan Andrews Cruess ’79 Laura L. Crum ’79 Blakeslee Potter

Currens, Jr. Molly Moloney Currens ’89 Rhyannon Curry Bruce and Gail Curtin

*Deceased 42


Louise Davis

Ellie Spivey Decker ’67

Laura T. Denson ’05

Dr. and Mrs. Mark W. Diehl

Mary Boyd Davis ’59

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L.

Diana G. Dent ’50

Melissa Nicole Diehl ’09

Mary Hitchcock Davis ’54


Emily Marie Dent ’12

Laura Elizabeth Dietrich ’12

Mary Reynolds Davis ’84

Amanda de Coligny ’68

Chad S. Denton

Elizabeth and Luther Dietrich

Nancy Davis

Gabrielle de Courcy

Elise Wachenfeld de Papp ’55

Cathleen Gilmore Dietz ’75

Rhonda Davis

Teresa Ramirez de Dixon ’84

Henry Deposit and

Elizabeth Buxton Dietz ’56

Sung Davis

Anne Elizabeth

Janine Ipsen

Deffenderfer ’06

Alexandra G.

Maureen A. Deppman ’86

DiFeliceantonio ’08

Kylene Smith DeFrate ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L.

Claude Diggs

Michelle Elyse Degnin ’10


Jennifer Walkiewicz Dill ’09

Brianna Meighan

Barbara Tessin Derry ’72

de Hanna ’05

Sarah A. Diller ’05

Michael DeSantis

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delaney

Daniel Dillon

Rolfe DeShazor

Kristen McCowan

Leigh Darrell Dillon ’06

Roberta Lynne Desiderio ’15

Martha Gamble Dillon ’86

Rapti M. de Silva ’88

Joseph Dimino

Judith Barthold

Anne Kinsey Dinan ’68

Whitney Waller Davis ’13 Winifred Storey Davis ’61 Sally Davoren Alain Dawson Angela Withers Dawson ’02 Lorna Dawson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Day Tara M. Day ’98 Mindy Deacon Glenn Deal, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Anthony Deal Morgan Nicole Deal ’16 Abigail Dean Christine Witcover Dean ’68 Elizabeth Robinson Dean ’91 Monica F. Dean and Robert A. Steckel Briana Lynn Deane ’08 Debra Deane Walter Deane Mr. and Mrs. William J. Deane, Jr. Janet Myers Deans ’77 Direxa Dick Dearie ’67 Ashley-Lauren Lopez De Armond ’09 Kristin Deason Ryan Debatt Mary-Elizabeth Conway Debicki ’57 Constance Williams de Bordenave ’68 Jane Pinckney de Butts ’57 Virginia S. deBuys ’64 Emily Kitchel DeCamp ’83

DeLargy ’97 Laura Delargy Vonda Delawie

De Simone ’66

Lauren Delk

Mary Dubuque Desloge ’75

Gail DellaFave

Jean Lindsay de Streel ’58

Dianne Delledera ’80

Catherine Newman

Marlene Weber Delledera ’81

Detering ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Delmas

Lynne Gardner Detmer ’68

Lynne DelMonte

Erin Detterbeck

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Del

Susan C. Detweiler ’88


Natalie Griess Deupree ’63*

Rebecca C. Waite

Margaret Twohy DeVan ’84

Del Piano ’02 Kathryn Chandor DelPlato ’93 Danielle Delude Ronda R. DeLuney ’05 Jennifer Grimm de Mello e Souza ’92 Victoria Hutcheson DeMichele ’91 Mary Jane Demling Joseph Dempsey Margaret T. Dempsey ’84 Crystal Dempsey-Gillum Debrah L. Denemark ’70 Guy and Sandra Dennehy Jessica L. Dennig ’99 Nancy C. Dennis ’76 Sarah Strapp Dennison ’10 Franklin Denson

Linda C. DeVogt ’86 Pamela J. DeWeese John P. Dewey, Jr.* Sherry Pyles Dewindt ’97 Anne DeWitt Marcia Hill Diamantis ’58 Amanda Diamond Ring ’98 Emily Diaz Adriana Beckman Diaz-Farias ’89 Susan Di Bianca Jennifer L. Dick ’07 Jan M. Dickel ’71 Morgan Dickerman James Dickinson Sarah Dicks Comer Schmoeller Diehl ’71

E. DiNello Nancy Dingman-Cobb Anne Dingus Nancy Dionne Gerianne DiPiano Katherine Wright Dippel ’69 Mary Geer DiRaddo ’49 Della Haden Dirickson Peter B. Dirlam Alice Elizabeth Dixon ’82 Allison Dixon Mrs. Joseph M. Dixon, Jr. Louisa S. Dixon ’75 Meredith Dixon Leslie MacNeil Dobbins ’81 Katharine H. Dobie ’06 Kaitlin Ann Marie Dobson ’15 Alice V. Dodd ’65 Beatrice A. Dodd ’58 Christen Cummings Dodd ’97 Mrs. Donna H. Dodd ’15 Vincent J. Doddy Janis Csicsek Dodge ’75 Mrs. Nancy Noble Dodge Angelique Milone Dodson ’03





Fredericka Dodson

Nora Douglas

Judy Loving Dudley ’73

St. Claire Hayden D’Wolf ’51*

Jacqueline Dodwell

Virginia Stanley Douglas ’67

Hal Duff

Karen Dyer

Mary Walch Doe ’80

Allison Vollmer Douglass ’94

Jeanne Duff ’53

Elizabeth Walker

Mary Burch Doering ’74

Mr. and Mrs. James V. Dove

Kerry Condy Duff ’92

Dykes-Steib ’54

Jennifer B. Doherty ’08

Tria Pell Dove ’64

Renee Dupre Dugan ’00

Sherri Brockwell Dymon ’89

Joan Dokson

Susan Dowd

Virginia A. Duggins ’42*

Meredith Taylor Eads ’01

Swee-Lan Wong Dolan ’80

True Dow-Datilio ’80

Anne Duguid

Allison Eakin

Carolyn Thomas Dold ’71

Ethel Burwell Dowling ’82

Ann Plumb Duke ’58

Gina Eakins

Elise Stine Dolinar ’11

Catherine J. Downey ’93

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Duke

Katherine Earls

Cary Dollard ’80

Joan L. Downs

Maria Shields Duke ’76

Frances Early ’62

Tamara Doloff

Ms. Alexis Samantha

Melanie C. Duke ’91

Marie Engel Earnhart ’82

Sara J. Dominick ’88

Doyle ’10

Susan Hancock Duke ’73

Mary Earnhart Earnhart ’14

Alice Warner Donaghy ’62

Alison Constance Doyle ’92

Michele Dunaway

Brentz Basten East ’05

Elizabeth Kyle Donahue ’82

Caroline B. Dozier ’08

Jennifer Duncan

Erin Wright East ’00

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery W.

Diana Muldaur Dozier ’60

Mary Major Duncan ’56

Clay and Joan Easterly


John Dozier

Mimi Galloway Duncan ’42

Julie Micou Eastwood ’51

Misty D. Donathan ’99

Elizabeth and Thomas

Phyllis and Wayne Duncan

Melissa C. Eaton ’96

Anna Kathryn Donko ’14


Theresa Duncan

Putnam Mundy Ebinger ’70

Adelaide Eshbach

Tess Drahman ’08

Evelyn G. Echols ’71

Donnelly ’78

Amelie Marie Drake ’10

Anne Fisher Duncklee ’59

Taler Alexsis Echols ’12

Angela Donnelly

Kathleen Patricia Drake ’14

Sally Dunham ’66

Kathleen Walsh Drake ’72

Barbara Baur Dunlap ’68

Mara Ryan Eckert ’81

Ann Thomas Donohue ’54

Lisa M. Drake

Celia Williams Dunn ’61

Cynthia A. Eckley

Irene Donohue

Ms. Mary Drake

Elizabeth Space Dunn ’59

Jeb Eckstine

Catherine Donovan

William B. Drake, Jr.

Helen C. Dunn ’64

Johnette Eckstine

Anne Quarles Doolittle ’78

C. Cliff Edahl

Michele Dore ’74

Elizabeth White Drbal ’77

Michelle Kristine Dunn ’02

Jennifer Eddy

Sarah J. Dorminey ’99

Patricia Markle Dresden ’65

Rebecca Dunn

Dawn Edgerton-Cameron

Palmer Lane Dorn ’73

Molly Cameron Dreux ’97

Stefanie Dunn

James Drew

Leslie Hardy Dunville ’99

Jessie Martin Edington ’13

Palmer Gulley Dorn ’71

Amanda Drewry

Sonja Gruhl Dupourque ’90

Dawn Edmiston

Julie G. Dorsett ’87

Lynne Higgins Dreyer ’86

Heidi DuPree

Amy Margaret Edwards ’93

Dianne Hayes Doss ’93

Lucy Elizabeth Drinkwater ’15

Suzanne Ireland Dupree ’83

Jane O’Neill Edwards ’12

Joelle Jackson Doss ’98

Lauren Edwards

Carol Goodman Doty ’87

Amy Ayers Peck Driscoll ’92

Jane R. Dure ’82

Mary Evans Edwards ’64

Elisabeth Doucett and

Philip Driscoll

Leon Dure

Daniel Ford

Sandra Edwards

Susan Page Driver ’66

Edwin Durgy

Mr. and Mrs. James A.

Chris Durham

Shirley Small Edwards ’47

Natalie Elizabeth

Christopher Durham

Anne Wrightson Efird ’63

Deborah L. Durham

Leslie Eglin ’84

Helen Masters Durham ’81

Catherine H. Ehlen ’95

Rhonda Griffith Durham ’72

Mr. and Mrs. James G.

Doucett III

Dubishar ’14

Allene R. Doucette ’91

William Dubishar

Martha Shorter Lanier

Sarah Dubois

Dougherty ’85 Caroline Douglas Michel Douglas Nancy Douglas

J. P. DuBuque Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. DuCharme, III Barbara Duchnowska

Angela and Don Dusenbury Annette C. Dusenbury ’97 Carol Dwire

Ehlen, Jr. Ann Wheeler Ehrich ’70 Patrick Eidman Andrea Eis *Deceased



Maria Jamal El-Abd ’12

Debra Epstein

Stuart Bohannon Evans ’61

Lenora L. Farrington-

Haley Nicole Elder ’15

Eleanor Crosby Erdman ’60

Judith Evans-Grubbs

Sarrouf ’94

Harriet Thayer Elder ’52

Caroline Szak Erickson ’82

Anne Pruitt Everett ’64

Marcy Farris

Virginia Jago Elder ’53

Don Erickson

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L.

Allison Farrow

Martha Meehan Elgar ’67

Erin Erickson


Maydelle Foster Fason ’60

Elizabeth Elgert

Katherine Taylor Erickson ’80

Joy Everett

Anthony Fastige

Patricia Littleton Eliades ’83

Kelly Wood Erickson ’90

Matthew Everett

Ann Sims Fauber ’64

Claudine Clarke Elian ’72

Laurie Erickson

Melinda Brown Everett ’68

Sarah Norman Faulconer ’44

Bryce L. Elkins

Andrea Staton Eridani ’04

Renee Merion Everett ’90

Kory Aldrian Faulkner ’92

Cheryl Elkins

Mary Jane Eriksen Ertman ’51

Chloe Briscoe Ewalt ’73

Lisa Faulkner-O’Hara ’80

Mr. and Mrs. David Elkins

Carol Ervin

Caroline Miller Ewing ’53

Chris Faussemagne

Debra A. Elkins ’93

Honore Ervin

Heather Colson Ewing ’90

Lisa Koob Fawcett ’89

Regina Jones Elkins ’75

Louise Wright Erwin ’79

Susan Sellers Ewing ’71

Mrs. Catherine I. Fawell

Ruth B. Elkins

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Esbensen

Sam F.

Barbara Fay

Caroline Robinson Ellerbe ’56

Katherine Rinehart Eskew ’98

Simone Margaret Faas ’14

Amanda Featherstone

Amy Catherine

Jane Eskildsen

Michelle Fabian

Kristina Fedorenko

Eller-Lewis ’93

Sara Hoverson Espina ’06

Olivia Fabian Slocum ’17

Nancy Banfield Feher ’64

Marguerite Rucker Ellett ’48

Sandra Esposito

Olivia Claire Fagan ’15

Melissa O’Malley Fein ’91

Diane Elliot

C. Lee Essrig ’72

Kyle Faget

Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Fein

Angela Callis Ellis ’87

Kimberly Bramley Estep ’94

Jean Ridler Fahrenbach ’45

Phyllis Feddeler Fejzuli ’83

Christine M. Ellis

Carol Ann Estes

Marianne C. Fahs ’71

Marianne Hutton Felch ’79

Kimberley Page Hatter

Carlos Estrella

Blythe Fahy

Christina Stoltz Feldkamp ’89

Norma Faye Etheridge

Jill S. Fahy ’91

Suzannah Feldman

Lydia Kathryn Ethridge ’15

Mrs. Thomas W. Fahy

Margaret Mather

Janet Pehl Ettele ’57

Victoria Grace Fairman ’17

Feldmeier ’71

Mr. and Mrs. Charles C.

Lucy Faison

Kimberly Harden Fella ’00


Gladden Adam Falivene ’90

James and Patricia Fellabaum

Amra Elmore

Helen Scribner Euston ’65

Keri L. Falk ’11

Olivia Felo

Elizabeth DuCharme

Kimberley McGraw

Ms. Linda Falk

Laura Penick Felt ’66

Euston ’92

Mary Jane Roos Fenn ’54

Brenda J. Elze ’99

Rokhsan Fallah ’92

Allison Evanow

Cassandra Corie Fenton ’18

Maxine Emerich-Jaquish ’10

Stacey Fallah

Candice Rae Evans ’07

Greg and Lee Ann Fenton

Margaret Jenks Emerson ’68

Patricia Dolph Fallon ’84

Carol Brewer Evans ’75

Charna Manning Falls ’90

Martha White Feola ’53

Vanessa Emerson

Caroline Evans

Tabb Thornton Farinholt ’59

David Ferebee

Hannah Davis Emig ’83

Donald Evans

Mary Anne Calhoun

Norris Judd Fergeson ’76

Dana Dotten Endacott ’78

Greg Evans

Farmer ’66

Ashley Sigredda Ferguson ’18

Daniel and Sally G. Eneguess

Henslee Rutledge Evans ’06

Suzanne Gipson Farnham ’57

Carol Holbrook Ferguson ’12

Jane Campbell Englert ’57

Jamie Evans

Frances Dabney Faro

Catherine and David

Michela A. English ’71

Laura W. Evans ’79

Sue Wakeman Farquhar ’63


Kenneth A. Englund

Mark Evans

Anne Marie Farrell ’87

Daniel S. and Tia D. Ferguson

Sarah Colhoun Engram ’79

Rebecca Dane Evans ’78

Sarah Engleby Farrell ’86

Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson

Greg Ennis

Richard Evans

Augusta Saul Farrier ’39

Kathy Knox Ennis ’60

Ms. Stephany Anne Evans ’10

Ellis ’91 Mary-Jo Sue Ellis ’85 Yulita Ellis Jadette Joy Ellison ’06 Leslyn Ellston

Elwell ’97



Earl Ferguson

Autum MatysekSnyder

Marion Lucas Fleming ’61

Sherri Foster

Frances McClung

Fish ’04

Mr. and Mrs. James L.

Susan Foster

Ferguson ’80

Michelle Cox Fish ’85


Sadè Denise Fountain ’15

Jennifer Stockwell

Sarah Davis Fishback ’10

Judith Brown Fletcher ’71

Ferguson ’73

Virginia Watts Fournier ’44

Robin Bettger Fishburne ’96

Phil Flickinger

Sarah Reidy Ferguson ’96

Cynthia A. Fowle ’52

Grace Jones Fishel ’52

Lucile Redmond Flournoy ’82

Wendy Alicia Ferguson ’15

Barbara Childrey Fowler ’61

Elizabeth Glenn Fisher ’83

Ann McCullough Floyd ’58

Mary Berkeley Fergusson ’50

Carol McMurtry Fowler ’57

Elizabeth Potts Fisher ’75

Jennie Lyons Fogarty ’68

Courtney McDonald

Jaclyn Marie Fowler ’07

Frances Butt Fisher ’66

Margaret Anne Fogarty ’87

Kathleen J. Fowler ’02

Margaret Fisher

Judy Schlatter Fogle ’67

Anne Gwinn Fox ’57

Susan Croker Fisher ’84

Carol Remington Foglesong ’71

Brittany Lee Fox ’12

Linda A. Fite ’67 Martha Field Fite ’56

Janet Foley

Robert and Wilma Fithian

Margaret Andrews Foley ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Fitton

Sarah Kingsley Foley ’99

Roscoe W. and Brenda L. Fitts

Stephanie Pappanikou

Fernandez ’90 Maria Elena Ferran ’84 Laura Marie Ferrazzano ’88 Jennifer Fesche Alice Johnson Fessenden ’44 Carlota Stoevhase Fetiveau ’03 Carrie Fette Alice Mighell Foster Ficken ’65 Sarah Kalber Fiedler ’66 Rosalyn Fielding Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linton Fields Katherine Guerrant Fields ’53 Nicole J. M. File ’95 Valerie File

Deborah Meister Fitzgerald ’77

Sara A. Foltz ’01

Elizabeth Harvey

Vida Henry Fonseca ’84

FitzGerald ’68

Cathy Patton Foose ’78

Janna Staley Fitzgerald ’61

Hayley Foraker

Margaret Handly

James Forbes

Fitzgerald ’67

Judy S. Forbes

Rachel Mays Fitzgerald ’73

Jeanne Brassel Ford ’68

Kelley Manderson

John Ford

Fitzpatrick ’85

Robyn Peckol Filimaua ’96

Stephanie O’Sullivan

Shelbie Brooke Filson ’91

Fitzpatrick ’04

Daniel Fine

Stephanie Stitt Fitzpatrick ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Fine

Marian Fitzsimons

Max and Martha G. Fink

Barbara J. Fivecoate

Rachel Fink

Deborah Fixter

Mary Fleming Willis

Anne Riordan Flaherty ’78

Finlay ’66

Jacqueline Weiner

Kayla Maureen Finn ’16

Flaherty ’98

June Eager Finney ’49

Jessica Flaherty

Amy Finstein

Mary-Linda Morris

Michael Fiorella

Flasche ’94

Leslie Hertz Firestone ’82

Sue Flasche

Christina Firth

Arthur Fleischmann

Georgia Compton Fischel ’72

Carey Johnson Fleming ’78

Ulrike M. Fischer ’90

Carolyn Swift Fleming ’57

Andrew Jordan Fischette

Casey Knapp Fleming ’06 Deirdre Flannery Fleming ’98



Foley ’97

Patricia Lynas Ford ’51 Patrick Ford Sarah Ford Beth Fore

May Humphreys Fox ’70 Theresa Walters Fox ’96 Bailey Foy Mary Carter Frackelton ’72 Alexandria S. Francis ’74 Chris Francovich Heather Beck Frank ’85 Daun Thomas Frankland ’74 H. C. Franklin, Jr. Kimberly Howell Franklin ’83 Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Franson Page E. Franson ’87 Kim Frawley The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Frazier, Jr. Barron Frazier Mr. and Mrs. David Joseph Frazier

C. Ashley Forehand ’05

Linda L. Frazier-Snelling ’75

Leigh McDonald Forrester ’78

Margaret M. Frederick ’93

Deborah Blair Forrey ’84

Renee Brooks Frederiksen ’94

Misty Vandergriff

Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Free

Forsberg ’04 Chloe Fort ’62 Deborah Fort

Carla de Creny Freed ’51 Catherine Gornto Freeman ’92

Jessica Megan Fortner ’15

Denton B. Freeman ’88

Ann Foserty

Heather Willson Freeman ’84

Thomasin A. Foshay ’93

Marjorie M. Freeman

Dabney Bragg Foshee ’77

Sarah Mott Freeman ’76

Alice Foster

Mary Ann Robb Freer ’54

Joanne O’Malley Foster ’52

Genevieve Freier

Sally Bianchi Foster ’50

Matthew Freil

Ria Fyffe Freil ’11

Theresa Gaasterland

Mellora Burrell Garden ’77

Angie Gazdziak

Nancy Powell French ’62

Carolyn Gabel-Brett ’63

Bridget Wray Gardner ’79

Mary C. Gearhart ’78

Shelby French

Rachel Gable

Elizabeth Moore Gardner ’58

Eileen P. Gebrian ’72

Shirley French

Chesley Phillips Gaddis ’03

Fred Gardner

Constance A. Gehrman ’91

Barbara Fretwell

Maryangela and Randolph

Laura Mink Gardner ’71

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald

Leslie C. Fretwell ’02


Barbara Gargano


Kristen Noelle Frey ’16

Mila Sarina Gaetano ’93

Michele A. Gargano ’88

Peter Geiger

Mark Frey

Mariah Read Gaffigan ’88

Jane Garland

Michael Gekas

Mary Jo Haydanek Frey ’79

Rachel Gagen

Katelin Chmielinski

Heather Minor Gelormine ’02

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest L.

Garland ’99

Alissa Genovese

Frey, Jr.

Gager, Jr.

Carolyn Garneau

Denise McDonald Gentry ’02

Mrs. Eric G. Friberg

Gay Hart Gaines ’59

Caroline Chobot Garner ’54

Victoria Bradley Gentry ’12

Mary Elizabeth Friberg ’98

Jason Gajderowicz

Elza Long Garnett ’72

Lisa George

Brian Frickie

Anne Crow Galanides ’91

Madelyn Virginia Garnett ’14

Patricia Mast George ’70

Alexandra Friedman

Jaimie Del Monte

Mary Davis Garone ’81

Thomas W. George

Nina Garrett

Allison A. Gerber ’98

Tracey T. Garrett

Edward R. Gerber

Mary Moore Garrison ’78

Stefanie Gerbig ’00

Margaret Garry

Charlotte Gay Gerhardt ’80

Virginia Carson Garver ’41

Victoria Rangel Gerken ’04

Benito Garza

Suzanne Blieszner Gerus ’02

Lynn Frazier Gas ’67

Julia H. Geyer ’05

Jean McIlhenny Gaskins ’71

Susan Stephens Geyer ’74

Nancy Gast

Amy C. Ghiz ’92

Virginia Woodward Gast ’73

Emily Irene Ghiz ’92

Ann Gateley ’70

Sara Ellen Ghrist ’89

Frances Diane Dilworth

Lucy Martin Gianino ’60

Gates ’80

Kelli Giavelli

Gay Owens Gates ’77

Ann Major Gibb ’73

Patricia Frawley Gates ’59

Nancy Corson Gibbes ’60

Ms. Dawn Gatewood

Marcia G. Gibbons ’79

Laura Powell Gatling ’96

Dorothy Gibbs

Katrina Evans Gatti ’88

Margaret Works Gibbs ’51

Kelly Turney Gatzke ’99

Cynthia Livingstone

Nicole J. Gauthier ’91

Gibert ’63

Patti Gavett

Michelle Giblin

Jill E. Gavitt ’97

Janet Nelson Gibson ’72

Matthew Gavitt

Katherine A. Gibson ’83

Nancy E. Gavitt

Mary Ware Gibson ’83

Anne Christovich Gay ’73

Patricia Gibson

Anne Pinckney Gay ’63

Susan Roessel Gibson ’69

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Frier Jill C. Frier ’06 Jane Hutcherson Frierson ’74 Tyana Frisk Mary Stockburger Fritzges ’88 Caroline Bailey Fritzinger ’50 Deborah A. Fritzler William Tell Fritzler Stephanie White Frost-Rocha ’91 Martha Stewart Fruehauf ’80 Laura B. Fry ’85 Sarah Dabbs Fryer ’72 Betty Works Fuller ’72 Kimberly Wood Fuller ’80 Nancy Bade Fuller ’80 Patricia I. Fuller ’71 Sheila Nolan Fuller ’66 Penn Willets Fullerton ’66 Elizabeth Whitley Fulton ’75 Julian Fulton Moira Fulton ’74 Natalie Roberts Funk ’66 Darcy Funkhouser Jennifer Fuqua-Calsyn Carol A. Furman Margaret Lewis Furse ’50 Mary South Gaab ’79

Galbreath ’92 Patricia Galbreath Susan Soriero Galbreath ’67 Heather MacLeod Gale ’75 Margaret Highlands Gale ’65 David Galgano Virginia Del Greco Galgano ’64 Marleni Galindo Dolores Joan Gallagher ’15 Sharon Mendelson Gallery ’75 Sybil F. Gallier Carol Provence Gallivan ’73 Fielding Clark Gallivan ’70 Joan Fisch Gallivan ’56 Gordon Galloway Marianne Schultz Galt ’68 Betsie Meric Gambel ’73 Ann Mountcastle Gamble ’51 Sarah Belk Gambrell ’39 Lynn Crosby Gammill ’58 R. Christopher Gammon Cheryl Gannon Debra Marks Gantt ’77 Clara Jackman Garbett ’79 Kristin Palbicke Garces ’06 Jane Wheeler Garcia ’59 Dolly Garcia-Simonet ’90

Karen Greer Gay ’74 Mary Bryan Gay ’72



Satania Rhiannon Gidney ’18

Stephanie Gleason ’04

Lucy Regester Goode ’51

Kathryn Keys Graham ’72

Melissa J. Giggenbach ’96

Sue Gleason

Jennifer Elise Gooding ’09

Kelly Elaine Graham ’84

Cheryl Giggetts

Carson Gleberman

Andrew Goodman

Pamela Cogghill Graham ’74

Charlotte Rognmoe Gilbar ’98

Sarah Giddens Glenday ’69

Carol Goodman

Patricia Paterson Graham ’79

Anne Green Gilbert ’69

Mary Elizabeth Ryan

Jane H. Goodridge ’63

Sherry Graham

Linda MacPherson Gilbert ’58

Glenn ’78

Shelby and Thomas Goodrum

Tiffiney Whitmire Graham ’98

Nancy Hawbaker Gilbert ’58

Gwen Maureen Fisher

Kaitlyn Katherine

Michele Gralak

Glew ’91

Goodwin ’15

Patricia S. Glick ’86

Mercedes Gravatt Grandin ’72

Elizabeth Williams

Susan Hill Glick ’68

Gookin ’44

Catherine Yerkes Grant ’52

Maggie Glickman

Balir Gordon

Gail N. Glifort ’86

Catherine Hass Gordon ’84

Angelica M. Glover ’08

Gail and George Gordon

Laura Hand Glover ’86

George Gordon

Barbara Davis Godbout ’71

Greer Westcott Gordon ’12

Susanna Bader Goddu ’97

Tarl Gordon

Ivey Godfrey

Valerie Gordon-Johnson ’74

John Godl

Margaret Laurent Gordy ’78

Gilleland ’50

Marie and Eddie Godsey

Cheryl L. Gorman ’84

Katherine McCartney

Maria Thacker Goethe ’02

Michelle Lennane

Gilliam ’97

Elizabeth Freeman Goetz ’78

Gorman ’89

Mary McGuire Gilliam ’47

Judith Kobliska Goetz ’91

Mary Murchison Gornto ’69

George and Melanie Gillies

Elizabeth A. Gold ’08

Anne Evans Gorry ’64

Nancy Lee Gillies ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Victor R.

Ann Sutton Gosack

Olivia Sophia Gillies ’11

Gold, Jr.

Karen Greer Goss ’89

Tasha Purcell Gillum ’04

Kathleen Anne Golden ’77

Mary Ann Gosser

Cheryl Bishop Gilman ’90

Nancy L. Golden ’81

Patricia Roby Gotfredson ’84

Diana Gilpatrick

Michael Goldman

Jane E. Gott ’70

Nancy Young Gilpin ’71

Mr. and Mrs. William L.

Daniel Gottlieb


Germaine Nickole Gottsche-

Elizabeth F. Goldring ’05

Wilson ’00

Laura Radford Goley ’52

Dr. and Mrs. John I. Goulde

Mrs. Tania T. Gonda

Sarah Goulde Elizares

Kathie Shirk Gonick ’75

Fairfax MacRae Gouldin ’65

Ann Martin Gonya ’85

Suzanne Taylor Gouyer ’61

Kathryn Robertson

Claire Goves

Gonzales ’06

Alex Grabiec

Ann Winfree Gooch ’66

Mrs. Elizabeth S. Grace

Rebecca Frost Good ’77

Constance Quereau Graf ’67

Wayne Stokes Goodall ’48

Anna Nicolaisen Graham ’04

Barbara Paulson

Cathleen Graham

Paula Ruth Gilbert Penelope Walsh Gilbert ’72 Mary John Ford Gilchrist ’52* Tarra Gilder-Rai Ruth Gilgenbach Anne Kilby Gilhuly ’55 Mark Whitney Gilkey Gerald Gill Jill Berguido Gill ’67 Robert Gill Elisabeth Elmore

Weezie Blakeslee Gilpin ’73 Edith Ann Gilson Kelly Gimson Marion Phyllis Girard ’69 Rebecca Anne Girten ’09 Wendy Robin Glaberson ’05 Suzanne Lockley Glad ’51 Leigh Glaeser Julia Glanz Adelaide Boze Glascock ’40 Kathryn Johnson Glass ’91 Elizabeth J. Glassman ’71 Courtney Yerdon Gleason ’03 Jane Piper Gleason ’74

Goodbarn ’83 Barbara Ross Goode ’62

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Graham

Jo Gulick Grant ’50 Judy Wilson Grant ’66 Kenneth Grant Priscilla R. Grant ’83 Brooke Grant-Snow Megan Grasham Krista Wigginton Gravatt ’99 Anne Lee Gravely ’62 Sarah Elizabeth Graves ’10 Betty Gray ’45 Jane Powell Gray ’72 Jennifer Marie Gray ’13 Lea Marie Gray ’15 Lendon F. Gray ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Gray Rachel Cooper Gray ’96 Sarah Nicole Gray ’15 Alyce Gray-Army Ivy Gray-Klein Sara K. Gredler ’04 Becky and Finnie Green Charlotte Randolph Green ’18 Clara Barton Green ’89 Deborah Green Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chamberlain Green II Mr. and Mrs. Jim B. Green Julia T. Green ’58* Kenneth Green Kristen Green Marie Green Mary Polk Green ’82 Nancy Hall Green ’64 *Deceased



Stacy Green

Ginny Grivas

K. Ellen Hagan ’81

Tracy C. Hamilton

Mr. and Mrs. William D.

Dawn Everett Grobe ’98

Whitney Crispen Hagins

Tracy Drake Hamilton ’81*


Paulina Maria Grochala ’10

Derrill Maybank Hagood ’55

Winborne Leigh Hamlin ’58

David Greenberg

Pamela Webster Grogg ’13

Carol Hague

Deirdre Hamling

Patricia Barnett Greenberg ’74

Patricia Grogg

Carol Johnson Haigh ’71

Peggy Toomey Hammann

Susan D. Greenberg

Monnie Brown Groos ’70

Michelle Lee Haigh

Lisa Waldrop

Allison Roberts Greene ’81

Marie Pickering Grose ’61

Nancy H. Haight ’75

Hammerschmidt ’90

Cheryl Greene

Allison V. Gross ’02

Kate Cecilia Haisch ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Harry D.

Nyja Greene

Betsy Shure Gross ’62

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Halberstadt

Virginia Chamblin Greene ’55

Gerhard Gross

Jackie Chatham Halcomb ’00

Whitley R. Greene ’81

Karen Gross

Marie Wright Halder ’91

Susan E. Greenwald ’71

Frances Grossman

Barbara M. Hale ’60

John and Mary-Jane

Susan Grossman

Helen Hale

Jimmie Groves

L. Pryor Hale ’65

Eleanor Gruber

Hollie Michelle Halford ’15

Mary Pederson Grum ’65

Alison S. Hall ’97

McKenzie Grundy

Bettina Batterson Hall ’65

Isabelle Viguerie Gsell ’86

Constance Hill Hall ’55

Margaret Moss Guegan ’92

Danielle Michelle Hall ’13

Hamrick ’66

Lindsay Drake Guenther ’04

Elizabeth Nott Hall ’86

Audra Hancock

Stephanie Guerlain

John and Dawn Hall

Elizabeth Foothorap

Brice Guile

Kelly E. Hall ’95

Hancock ’71

Julie Gurdin

M. C. Hall ’72

Elizabeth Wood Hancock ’63

Dawn Gurganus

Marion Dean Hall ’63

Jeanette Kennedy

Rafael Guroian

Sarah B. Hall ’09

Hancock ’55

Lynne McCullough Gush ’51

Metta Streit Halla ’55

Juliet Young Hancock ’65

Mrs. Barbara Guthans

Virginia Everett Halley ’07

Jennifer Smith Hanes ’74

Barbara Sublett Guthery ’62

Angie Vaughan Halliday ’51

Sudie Clark Hanger ’42

Linda Guthrie

Sarah V. Halman ’13

Stacy Gilmore Hanling ’90

Mary Chen Gutmann ’59

Dorothy Grant Halmstad ’60

Bettina Hanlon

Lottie Lipscomb Guttry ’56

Rick Halpern

Amy Ross Hanna ’94

Justin Guy

Mary Halsey

Elizabeth Becton Hannah ’84

Anne Percy Clarke Gwinn ’68

Brett Maher Haltiwanger ’92

Mary Elizabeth Hannah ’62

Mary Sutherland Gwinn ’65

Shannon Haltiwanger

David Hannon and

Mary Koonz Gynn ’56

Lisa La Londe Hamaker ’93

Carola Haas

Jennie Bateson Hamby ’76

Ann Young Habliston ’82

Catherine Cox Hamilton ’08

Adrienne Haden

Doreen Booth Hamilton ’54

Mrs. Sally D. Haeberle

Elizabeth Taylor Hamilton ’69

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Haes

Jeanne Bounds Hamilton ’61

Elizabeth Bennett Haga ’88

Kim Hamilton

Alice Hagan

Patricia Louise Hamilton ’01

Greenwood Kelly Bowman Greenwood ’98 Brawner Greer Mr. and Mrs. Philip Greer Jennifer Anne Gregg ’91 Laura Pratt Gregg ’67 Marian Finney Grenn ’82 Elizabeth A. Gressle ’96 Donald and Mary Grey Maryanne F. Grey ’12 Laura Grier Ann Crowe Griffin ’66 Annabeth Griffin Elizabeth Pearson Griffin ’62 Janelle Griffin Joanna Griffin Claire Dennison Griffith ’80 Katherine Griffith ’64 Leza M. Griffith ’89 Mavis Ray Griffith ’78 Viktor Grigoryan John Grigsby Anne Grimes Laura H. Grimes ’89 Courtney Kneece Grimm ’89 Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Grimm Cecelia Williamson Grinstead ’68 Susan Stetson Grist ’80

Hammock Mary M. Hammock ’08 Claiborne Gooch Hammond ’75 Melissa Reed Hammond ’89 Tracy Hammond Georgie Hampshire Hampshire ’66 Nadian Finch Hampton ’66 Katie Jo Hamre ’12 Cassandra Streett

Nancy Vogel Elizabeth Jane Hannon ’12 Keith Hannon Mr. Gregg Thomas Hanold Laura Elizabeth Hanold ’10 Daphne Johnson Hanrahan Elizabeth B. Hansbrough ’13





Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lousin

Christian Maxwell Harris ’03

Nancy Laemmel

Sally W. Hawksworth


Dale Hutter Harris ’53

Hartmann ’52

Elizabeth Puckett Haworth ’01

Rebecca Hanson

Dr. David J. Harris

Tara K. Hartnett ’99

Judith Williams

Brendy Reiter Hantzes ’81

Eleanor Magruder Harris ’74

Virginia Griffin Hartrampf ’58

Hawthorne ’79

Adelaide H. Hapala

Elizabeth Harris

Martha Mitchell Hartzog ’67

Sarah Hayden

Mary Beverley Taylor

Elizabeth Trueheart Harris ’49

Deborah R. Harvey ’82

Mr. and Mrs. Vernon B.

Emily Harris

Laurel Lea Harvey ’90


Jennica A. Harris ’08

Margaret Jordan Harvey ’74

Elizabeth Dunck Hayes ’95

Joshua Harris

Martha Mattern Harvey ’64

John T. Hayes*

Kathryn H. Harris ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Harvey

Jonathan Hayes

Kendall Foote Harris ’14

Victoria Chappell Harvey ’06

Louise L. Hayman ’70

Mary C. Harris ’99

Donna Hoogland

Nancy Hays

Harwood ’99

Tonay Schubert Hayward ’71

Mr. Joel Hasbrouck and Ms.

Caroline Chappell

Kirsten Summers

Hazarian ’09

Vesta Murray Haselden ’38

Camilla Reid Hazlehurst ’68

Lauren Ann Haser ’11

Kelly Gardner Headd ’93

Connie G. Haskell ’70

Mr. and Mrs. James C.

Kaitlyn Alexander

Healey, Jr.

Haskins ’15

Elizabeth Sutton Healy ’65

MaryAnne Haslow-Hall ’11

Mildred Carothers Healy ’45*

Allison Hassard Hassard ’15

Anne and Jeff Heaney

Anne Mobley Hassett ’87

Mary Groetzinger Heard ’63

Wendy S. Hastings ’88

Katherine A. Hearn ’85

Diane Hatch ’64

Allison Martell Heath ’06

Jessica Hatch

Adelaide Frances Hedge ’15

Trudy Dowd Hatch ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Donald L.

Jane Macdonald Hatcher ’61


Sydma Hatzopoulos

Ramona Achterberg Heers ’01

Evelyn Sanders Haugen ’55*

Beverley Crispin

Haque ’73 Louise Towers Hardage ’73 Margaret May Harden ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Harden Mrs. Stephanie Dee HardenO’Brien ’87 Dr. and Mrs. Byron B. Harder Jean Mann Hardesty ’72 Anne Hardin Austin Hardin Carolyn Gough Harding ’60 Margaret Nelson Harding ’52* Dr. and Mrs. H. Malcolm Hardy* Rosemary C. Hardy ’82 Nancy Green Hargrove ’71* Steven Haring Colleen Harland Barry Harlow Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harlow Brandy F. Harman ’04 Amanda Harner Leigh McReynolds Harpel ’01 Ariel Lynn Harper ’15 Heather Riegel Harper ’83 Sandra Elder Harper ’58 Sarah Jennings Harper ’11 Adele Vogel Harrell ’62 Margaret Harrell Mary Elmore Harrell ’64 Winston Harrell Terrell Luck Harrigan ’81 Lynn Prior Harrington ’58 Molly Harrington Alex Lowe Harris Alissa Joanne Harris ’00

Mike Harris Rhoda J. Harris ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Harris, Jr. William and Anne Harris Caroline Camp Harrison ’07 Erin Packard Harrison ’01 Julie Harrison Katherine G. Harrison ’56 Maren Harrison Marian Powell Harrison ’63 Martin Leigh Harrison Nezahat Ozmen Harrison ’92 Russell Harrison Stephanie Lucas Harrison ’67 Amy Harshfield Alexis C. Hart ’11 Ann Sterling Hart ’83 Christina Rose Hart ’02 Georgia Herbert Hart ’40 Henriette Minor Hart ’39* Ina Hart Jen Hart Lauren Anne Hart ’10 Meredith Paysinger Hart ’10 Polly Hart Sophia Crysler Hart ’81 Penelope Parker Hartline ’84 Anthony Hartman Thomas Hartman

Hildegerd Haugen Meghan M. Hauser ’03 Alexandra Hiniker

Heffernan ’75 Joe Heffernan Leslie Alexandra Heffron ’08

Hausler ’09

Barbara Cain Hegarty ’73

Damien Haussling

Christine Heikkenen-Black

Linda Havens

Stacey Heikkila

Kathryn L. Haw ’92

Lea Yejin Heil ’17

Amber Hawk

Nancie Heinemann

Christina O’Leary Hawk ’81

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Steven

Emily Hawk Janet Hawk Mary C. Hawkins ’00 Ross A. Hawkins

Heiser Lucille Held Katherine Powell Heller ’78 Robin Rodger Heller ’76 Samuel Hellier *Deceased



Elizabeth Biggar Hellmuth ’74

Kathleen Tyler Herndon ’03

Kathryn Trogdon

Donna Meyer Hodgert ’89

Caroline E. Heltzel ’12

Alexandra Herrera ’11

Hightower ’67

Corinne Judeikis Hodges ’93

Emmett and Lynn Heltzel

Margaret Pulis Herrick ’62

Elizabeth Simpson

Dorothy Duncan Hodges ’57

Susan Calhoun Heminway ’58

Sandra G. Herring ’74

Maria Wiglesworth

Anne Day Herrmann ’64

Hemmings ’67

Ann Banks Herrod ’68

Achsah Easter Henderson ’50

Deborah and James

Hilberts ’81 Anita Hildebrandt Brandi Whitley Hilder ’99 Ann Ramsey Hill ’78 Drs. Barbara A. and

Linda Schwaab Hodges ’65 Shannon Newman Hodges ’95 Mariah A. Hoelz ’11 Elizabeth Carper Hoffman ’54

Anne Johnston


Henderson ’62

Karen Goodspeed

Janet Maynard

Hertlein ’84

Debra Bogdan Hill ’73

Henderson ’60

Patricia Neithold

Harry H. Hill III

Kelly Hamrick Henderson ’87

Hertzberg ’67

John Paul Hill

Roberta Malone

Matt Herzfeld

Katherine Hill

Henderson ’57

Kristin Herzog ’70

Leslie Elbert Hill ’74

Catherine Gross Hendren ’71

Laure M. Herzog ’14

Mary A. Hill ’00

Kathryn Barnes

Gwendolyn Bombay Hess ’89

Melissa Henning Hill ’99

John and Margaret Hess

Preston Hodges Hill ’49

Elizabeth G. Hester ’79

Theodora G. Hill ’60

Anne Willis Hetlage ’56

Susan Sudduth Hiller ’66

Carolyn Mapp Hewes ’69

H. Therese Robinson

Elizabeth Gurley Hewson ’46

Hillyer ’83

Jean Heyer

Iris Potteiger Hinchman ’56

Floride Buchanan

Bettina Hindin

Heyward ’58

Cynthia Hague Hineline ’98

Kristina Pody Hibdon ’95

Abigail Phillips Hinga ’96

Susanna Broaddus

Ashley C. Hinkle ’11

Hickman ’88

Mark Hinshaw

Trienel Ahearn Hickman ’92

Dr. and Mrs. Pedro F.

Katharine Pauley Hickok ’72


Carolyn Elizabeth Hicks ’12

Eve Godchaux Hirsch ’48

Karla Kennedy Hicks ’85

Juri Hirschey

Linda C. Hicks

Cameron Cox Hirtz ’88

Andrea Priscilla Hidalgo ’01

Ginger Hite

Mrs. Derba C. Higginbotham

Katherine Cole Hite ’88

Gloria A. Higginbotham

Lisa C. Hite ’79

Melanie K. Higginbotham ’10

Ruth Hite

Paula D. Higginbotham ’02

Melissa Schoen Hitt ’85

Susannah Taylor

Jessica M. Hiveley ’97

Higginbotham ’15

Renate Weickert Hixon ’60

James and Mary-Ellen

Mary Boulware Hobbs ’86

Aliece Rowland Hollis ’81

Hugh Hochman

Kaitlyn Aki Holloway ’13

Emily Koch Hodge ’12

Alyssa Kristin Holly ’06

Hendricks ’70 Shirley Pinson Hendricks ’03 Deborah Hendrickson Sarah Hendrickson Jaime E. Henna ’02 Dorothy Hennessey Mayde Ludington Henningsen ’48 Elizabeth Henry Jacqueline Geets Henry ’92 Alexis Henshaw Geraldine and Marvin Hensley Betty Waddell Henson ’58 Mary Basten Heppner ’79 Gillian M. Heptinstall ’73 Anna Fines Herbert ’03 Dorothy Compton Marks Herbruck ’51 Carol Cody Herder ’72 Sarah Nolton Hergert ’98 Sharon McKinney Herman ’85 Hailey Hickman Hermosa ’03 Amira S. Hernandez ’99 Dr. and Mrs. Rafael E. Hernandez Wendy Hernberg

Higgins Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins Richard Higgins

John M. Hill

Suzanne Harvey Hodge ’06

Katherine Cooper Hoffman ’91 Laura Hoffman Louise Chapman Hoffman ’61 Sally Thomas Hoffman ’66 Stephanie Dewey Hoffman ’75 Virginia Faris Hoffman ’80 Peter Hoffmann Kathryn Hoffmann-Loyd Katherine M. Hoffner ’84 Audrey Elizabeth Hogan ’09 Meaghan K. Hogan ’14 Anne Hoge Mary Jewett Hogenson ’08 Linda S. Hogle ’74 Barbara Dabney Hohenlohe ’88 Charles Hoilman Lloyd Hoilman, Jr. Tricia Lynn Holcombe ’95 Jennifer Frost Holden ’86 Ethel Ann Holladay ’83 Winton Smoot Holladay ’74 Katherine Judd Holland Lucie Stevens Holland ’82 Martha C. Holland ’72 Anne Holler ’71 Harriet Broughton Holliday ’73 Helen Stanley Hollifield ’51 Paula HollingsworthThomas ’74



Kimberly Holly

Paula M. Horning ’85

Kelly McBride Hudson ’79

Mr. Ryland Hunt

Constance Grace Holman ’96

Leslie A. Hornor ’83

Laura Thomas Hudson ’95

Susan Scales Hunt ’87

Leslie Hager Holman ’99

Elizabeth Mason Horsley ’90

Michael Hudson

Amy Schroeder Hunter ’95

Rosalie Gambrill Holman ’85

Marshá Taylor Horton ’76

Rebecca Hudson

Elizabeth Hunter

Margaret Millender

Samira Hossain ’05

Susan Miller Hudson ’78

Louise Lambert Hunter ’77

Holmes ’63

Michelle Youree Hostler ’78

Alexandra Hanson

Steve Huppert

Nevil Crute Holmes ’33*

Karen T. Hott ’91

Huebner ’92

Courtney Louise Hurt ’10

Allison Holt

Laura Swope Hottel ’95

Natasha Weiss Huff ’11

Hallam Hurt ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G.

Jo Dougherty Hottenstein ’59

Cheryl and James Huffman

Jessica Hurt

Danelle J. Houck ’11

Martha Bennett Huffman ’87

Steve Hurt

Patricia Elizabeth Houser ’14

Susan Hughes Huffman ’83

Kathryn Johnstone Hurtz ’10

Dr. and Mrs. Alan Houston

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hughes

Kerry Pollock Huskey ’93

Judy Houston

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C.

Christopher Hutchens

Holthaus, Jr. Candy Holtzman Heidi Holzapfel Jessica L. Holzer ’70 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Homoki Zeda Elizabeth HomokiTitus ’94 Abigail Honeycutt Elaine Mathews

Lee and Mandy Houston David Howard Nan Howard Pamela Howard Sharon Howard

Hughes Florence and Francis Hughes Mr. and Mrs. James A. Hughes, Jr. Joanna Slusser Hughes ’01 Mary Farmer Hughes ’99

Katherine Grosvenor Hutcheson ’83 Frieda Manley Hutchinson ’47 James Hutchinson Pete Hutchinson Dawn Czaplicki Hutchison ’88

Honeycutt ’06

Kathy Jackson Howe ’78

Janet Storey Honick ’73

Mary Costello Howell ’76

Maria Garnett Hood ’61

Nancy Trimble Howell ’82

Jennifer Hooper ’00

Wanda Cronic Howell ’74

Kristen Blair Hooper ’93

Everett B. Howerton, Jr.

Lesley Bissell Hoopes ’68

Ann Pegram Howington ’59

Ruth S. Hoopes ’69

Ann Horrigan Hoy ’53*

Betsy Benoit Hoover ’65

Christina Andert Hoy ’93

Kathryn Levi Hoover ’81

Randall Hoyle


Tara Hoovestol

Carolyn Barr Hoyt ’70

Dani Humphrey

Courtney Hyers

Angela Hope

Katherine Victoria Hoyt ’16

Jacqueline Mabie

Nathalie Ryan Hoyt ’72

Humphrey ’60

Elizabeth Hyland-Swann ’00

Ashby Clark Hopkins ’85 Charlotte Gibson Hopkins ’15

Jing Wang Huang ’68

Rebecca Penny Humphrey ’08

Deborah Ziegler Hopkins ’73

Henrietta Hill Hubbard ’50

Marion McKee

Elizabeth Pease Hopkins ’61

Leverett M. Hubbard, Jr.

Humphreys ’73

Heather Hopkins

Mary Jane Schroder Oliver

Christine Patten

Suzanna Kaye Hugi ’03 Charles and Elizabeth Hulfish

Jenine Bonnet Hutton ’03

Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.

Beth and Kenneth Huus

Humenuck Arthur F. Humphrey III

Alice Wright Hyde ’65 Elizabeth Richmond

Carol Hays Hunley ’81

Susan Taylor Hubbard ’51

Linda and Samuel Hunley

Brooke Hubbuch

Barbara Plamp Hunt ’55

Jeanne Many Huber ’79

Conover Hunt ’68

David Huddle

Gannon Hunt ’98

Horenkamp ’93

Nancy Kaufmann Hudec ’72

Joseph Hunt

Mr. and Mrs. Meade P. Horne

Leigh Hudgins

Laura Hunt

Margaret Ellisor Hopkins ’76 Jessica Hopson Susan Messikomer

Huyett ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford

Sarah McCrady Hubbard ’65

Kendal Hopkins

Lauren MacMannis

Cissy Humphrey ’76

Hundertpfund ’95

Kay Hopkins

Hutson ’83

Dayna Avery Hulme ’86

Hubbard ’62

Joanne E. Hopkins ’98

Mary Pope Maybank

LuAnn Haag Hunt ’90

Hyder ’84

James E. Hyler II Renee Hylton Kathleen Meredith Iacobelli ’88 Nese Icgoren Icgoren ’80 Ruth Schmidt Igoe ’66 Elizabeth Ihle Elizabeth E. Ike ’96 Anna May Archer Imbrie ’14 Laurel Shay Imes ’98 Sonia ImMasche Carolyn Imperato ’93 Sarah Elkins Ince ’99 *Deceased



Alix Ingber and

Marian Shanley Jacobs ’44

Elizabeth Gallagher

Mrs. Mary M. Johnson

Jeffrey R. Ingber

Sarah Lindsey Jacobs ’08

Jeffery ’86

Mary Williams Johnson ’73

Sarah Paradise Ingber ’68

Julie Lindauer Jacobson ’88

Carol Williamson Jenkins ’80

Molly Katherine Johnson ’82

R. Eugene Jaegers

Dale Jenkins

Molly Marie Johnson ’12

Carol McNealus Jaffe

Hunter Jenkins

Nancy Johnson

Gabriel Jaffe

Kelly Judson Jenkins ’82

Richard Johnson

James Jaffe

Mr. and Mrs. Larry V. Jenkins

Sharon Johnson

John G. Jaffe

Susan Jester Jenkins ’67

Sondra Johnson

Carol Dickson Jahnke ’86

Elizabeth Jenkins-Joffe

Vicky Toof Johnson ’54

Charles and Merilee Jahnke

Elizabeth B. Jennings ’91

Tiffany Johnson Bidler

Doug Jahnke

Elizabeth V. Jensen ’08

Sharon Johnson Lewis

Maia Free Jalenak ’88

Jamie Lynn Jensen ’05

Kimberly Johnson-Smith ’69

Caroline Miller James ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Russell R.

Bernadette Johnston

Alice Williams Inge ’42 Karen Ingebretsen David Ingram Lynn Rosemarie Hanna Ingram ’82 Mary Amanda McThenia Iodice ’55 Suzanne Hoag Ippolito ’67 Kenton Irby Rand Irons Mike Irvin Shannon Irvin William Irvin Ryan Irving Janet Caldwell Irwin ’56 Paul Irwin Elizabeth Glaser Isaacs ’67 K. Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Ison Ian Iverson Mary Bailey Izard ’52 Kim E. Izquierdo ’98 Elizabeth Binford Jack ’12 Ann Biggs Jackson ’68 Barbara Garforth Jackson ’55*

Catherine Blaik James ’94 Deanne Dawson James ’86 Elisabeth Widdifield

Jensen Marilyn Jentzen Amy Jessen-Marshall

Elizabeth Johnston Katherine L. Johnston ’97 Lisa Johnston

McClung James ’97

Al Jette

Katelyn Patricia James ’11

Ileann Jimenez-Sepulveda

Murray Armstrong James ’48

Paige Tomberlin Jobe ’95

William James

Allison Clark Joe ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Richard G.

Rebecca Garrett Jamison ’80

Mr. and Mrs. Rolf Joerger


Susie Venable Jamison ’61

Verena Mireille Joerger ’15

Jessica Joiner Joiner ’11

Dennis K. and Linda Janiak

Katherine John

Laura Rihl Joiner ’96

Mrs. Mary Janick-Smith

Thomas John

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Joiner

Susan Janofsky

Dearing Ward Johns ’63

Benjamin Jolliff

Elizabeth Farmer Jarvis ’76

Karole Boggs Johns ’86

Alison Jones ’71

Elizabeth Washabaugh

Molly Elizabeth Johns ’12

Ann Thrash Jones ’78

Liz Johnston Rose Montgomery Johnston ’56

Jarvis ’75

Amanda L. Johnson ’14

Anne Smith Jones ’61

Barbara Jackson

Sarah Melcher Jarvis ’49

Amelia Johnson

Cassidy L. Jones ’11

Denva E. Jackson ’05

Jaclyn Jason

Ann Gumaer Johnson ’59

Colleen Handte Jones ’86

Doris Jackson

Tempe Javitz

Benita Phinizy Johnson ’52

Dallis Johnson Jones ’54

Fanchon Lewis Jackson ’50

Michelle Jay

Carol Worboys Johnson ’62*

Deborah H. Jones ’84

Kathleen Jackson

Beverly Smith Bragg

Carolyn A. Johnson ’75

Deborah L. Jones ’70

Louise Jackson ’71

Jeans ’54

Cynthia Jill Johnson ’72

Denise Jeffrey Jones ’94

Margaret Jackson

Marie-Edith Jedla ’93

George Johnson

Dona Van Arsdale Jones ’64

Marilyn Jackson

William T. Jefferies

Grace Butler Johnson ’66

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones

Mary Jackson ’67

Kelsey E. Jeffers ’07

Jaye and Brian Johnson

Elizabeth A. Jones

Nancy Ord Jackson ’53

Janet Jefferson

Jerry Johnson

Elizabeth Brooks Jones ’75

Rebecca A. Jackson ’99

Sally Ann Jefferson ’14

Jorgee Boyles Johnson ’03

Heather Daly Jones ’92

Whitney Jackson

Stephanie Christine Jefferson ’03

Kelly Johnson

Jasmine M.D. Jones ’10

Gaye Gardner Jacob ’60

Stuart Jefferson

Margaret K. Johnson ’13

Jean Jones

Alice Preston Jacobs ’68

Margaret Sexton Johnson ’77 Margery Scott Johnson ’57





Jeffrey Allan Jones

Sara Esther Kaplan ’02

Adele Laslie Kellman ’67

Debra J. Kertzman ’81

Jenni Jones

Emile Karafiol

Laura Kellner

Melissa McGee

Jillian Cody Jones ’64

Jay Kardan

Leslie Ross Kellogg ’87

Keshishian ’71

Joan Sheets Jones ’69 and

Todd Karl

Barbara LaLance Kelly ’70

Bonnie and Charles C.

James F. Jones, Jr.

Susan Ray Karlson ’76

Catherine Grier Kelly ’75

Judith Cowen Jones ’60

Stacey McKimmey

Elizabeth Kelly ’85

Louise Coleman Jones ’51

Karmen ’15

Elizabeth C. Kelly ’79

Lucy Kiker Jones ’43

Katherine Seder Karon ’97

Lindsey Neef Kelly ’99

Margaret Fitzsimons

Adele Karoum

Jones ’51

Rebecca E. Kelly

Peter Kashou

Mark Jones

Sharon Staley Kelly ’87

Anne-Claire Wackenhut

Nicole Jones

Kasten ’98

Anne Hoagland Kelsey ’52

Sarah C. Jones ’11

Juliet Jacobsen Kastorff ’84

William Jones

Jane De Butts Kates ’76

Minta M. Jones-Ford ’88

Beth Katona

Rosanna Jones-Thurman ’90

Kara Elizabeth Katona ’18

John Jordan

Erin Elizabeth Katz ’91

Phyllis Watt Jordan ’80

Lisa Michelle Katz ’90

Amoret Thissell

Martha Legg Katz ’52

Jorgensen ’82

Sarah Katz

Holly Joy

Lizbeth Lynn Kauffman ’82

Susan Joyce

Kelly Hughes Kaufman ’03

Phyllis A. Joyner ’55

Kathleen A. Kavanagh ’74

Anna Jubb

Jodie Weber Kavanah ’06

Ruina Wallace Judd ’61

Dara Kaye

Kristy Judson ’77

Barbara and Marc Kaylor

Sandra Judy

Cori Kaylor

Robin Sayre Juliana ’97

Sarah Webb Lent Keat ’50

Vanessa Corry Julsen ’01

Hope Keating ’81

Ellen Nichols Jump ’60

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Keating

Keeley Sullivan Jurgovan ’92

Alison Trout Keeports ’92

Laurna Michelle Kaatz ’01

Georgia Kegley

Serena Basten Kachinsky ’02

Briggett J. Keith ’72

Elizabeth R. L. Kadesky ’10

Katlin D. Kelety ’67

Monika Kaiser ’82

Margaret Waters Keriakos ’67

Janet Sheppard Kelleher ’75

Nicole Johnson Kaler ’96

Kathryn Waldrop

Nicole Kelleher-Linkonis ’97

Kerkering ’70

Karen Cole Kallis ’89

Leslie Keller

Donna C. Kerley ’10

David Kalman

Barbara Tillman Kelley ’67

Karen D. Kerlin ’83

Sarah Whitney Kammerer ’11

Frances Lane Smith Kelley ’82

Stacey L. Kerr ’12

Mr. Keith C. Kanaga

Mary A. Kelley ’70

Tom Kerr

Emily Clark Kang ’99

Pamela Ford Kelley ’67

Marcy Kersch

Rachel E. Kaniss ’12

Paula Brown Kelley ’78

Nancy D. Kershner ’90 and

Gwen Speel Kaplan ’60 54


Keenan Colton Kelsey ’66 Ashley Kemp Janet and Robert Kemp Denali Kemppel Keith Kendrick Stephen Kenefick Frances Barnes Kennamer ’71 Brianne Harvey Kennedy ’01 Drew Kennedy Holly Kennedy Lee Kennedy Tatum Carolyn Kennedy ’98 Karen Bender Kennelly ’98 M. L. Kenney Sarah Houston Kenning ’01 Jean Felty Kenny ’53 Holly Weaver Kenreich ’76 Jane Johnson Kent ’48 J. D. Keogh Thomas Keogh Mary Stevenson Fontaine Keown ’63

William R. Kershner

Kestner Kristen Kestner Nancy Hudler Keuffel ’62 Dianne Wood Keyser ’73 Ronda J. Keyworth ’97 Meridith Khan Amy Kidd Greta Kidd Virginia Klise Kidd ’70 Edward and Karen Kiely Mr. and Mrs. William A. Kientz III Allison Kijak Cornelia Kiley Katherine Ashley Kilgore ’12 Christina Cotter Kilhefner ’98 Elizabeth J. Killiam ’08 Marie-Therese Killiam Christina Killoran Elizabeth Giguere Kimball ’03 Gloria and Zac Kimball Courtney Pfaff Kimble ’03 Beverly Bassett Kimmel ’69 Elizabeth Scott Kimmel ’75 Stacey Kimmel-Smith Brenda Darden Kincaid ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey C. King Cary Davis King ’73 Dorothy Dana King ’67 Holly Patricia Caswell King ’92 Kaitlyn King Mary Haskins King ’45 Michaelle Palmer Connors King ’87 Sarah Strother King ’64 Susan J. King ’78 Dean Kinley James Kinney

Miriam Kirch

Mr. and Mrs. Winfield S.

Ann Lindquist Krikos ’92

Ashley Rogers LaGanga ’05

Harriet Heiden Kirchhoff ’51


Creigh Casey Krin ’73

Jamison Laib

Karen Steinhardt

Dawn Knopf

Brooke Krivokucha

Alice Cutting Laimbeer ’83

Kirkbride ’56

Amanda Bliss Knost ’95

Amy Jane Kroeger ’90

Aileen H. Laing ’57

Bessie H. and James R.

The Reverend and Mrs. Peter


N. Knost

Carol Anne Kroese ’74

Emily Leming La Jeunesse ’91

Katherine Anne Kirkwood ’04

Casey Elaine Knott ’12

Janet Kroh Kroh ’83

Heather McPheeters Lake ’10

Virginia Lynch Kiseljack ’84

Rebecca Faxon Knowles ’55

Cynthia Krohn

Dorothy Senghas Lakner

Katherine Kissling

Jocelyn Koch

Cathleen Cummings

Jaya Lakshminarayanan

Krolczyk ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Glen E.

Mr. Mark Kockler

Deborah LaLonde

Kitchen, Jr.

Lynne Kropinak

Jenny Hogan Koehn ’98

Jennifer Stringfellow

Sally Old Kitchin ’76

Anne Hauslein Kruchten ’00

Lamanna ’01

Cynthia Pierce

Virginia MacKethan

Kohlenberger ’84

Bruce Watts Krucke ’54

Katherine Wilson Lamb ’71

Kitchin ’59

Winston Kohler

Gus Krucke

Mary Johnston Lambert ’05

Ms. Misti Denise Kittman

Ann Elizabeth Knoke

Gen. Charles C. Krulak

Muriel Wikswo Lambert ’66

Page M. Kjellstrom ’70

Kohudic ’92

Linda Mallon Krulwich ’68

Benedicte Valentin

Jacqueline M. Kjono ’91

Dennis Konkel

Deanna Kubota

Lamothe ’00

Susan Walton Klaveness ’76

Summer Konneker

Emily T. Kuchar ’96

Kimberly LaMotta

Deborah Davison Klein ’78

Alexandra Kontes

Mario Kuhar

Amy Campbell Lamphere ’80

Richard Klein

Jami Elizabeth Kontkanen ’10

Jeanette Kuhn

Chris Lancaster

Savannah Klein ’16

Patricia Gilroy Koochaki ’69

Caroline Johnston Kukla ’98

Grayson Harris Lane ’83

Mr. and Mrs. William F. Klein

Karl and McKenzie Koon

Lynda Kukla

Helen Murchison Lane ’46

Heather Kleiner

Katherine Koops

James Kulikowski

Florence Baldwin Langford ’81

Hugo and Nancy Kleinhans

Greg Kope

Katherine Ann Kummer ’03

Jo Ann Langham

Megan Sinner Kleinhans ’04

Mr. and Mrs. Jan Koper

Jane Shipman Kuntz ’58

Emile Langlois

Charlotte Evans Klett ’73

Marlena Koper ’00

Beth Kurtz

Erin Coyne Lanier ’08

Lisa Hagan Kliefoth ’79

Dale Kortze

Priscilla Blackstock Kurz ’67

Diane Mann Lankford ’67

Michelle Scherrer Klimt ’84

Elizabeth Anne Koslow ’13

Daniel Kuthy

Gen A. Lanphere

Alicia Zuke Kline ’82

Ted Kouba

Nancy Kuykendall

Willie Newbury Lansing ’62

Jeanie Kline

Jana E. Koubek ’78

Amy Katherine Kvien ’15

Catherine R. Lanter ’96

Mr. Robert H. Kline

Kama Boswell Koudelka ’85

Min Ho Kwaan ’60

Shapleigh Donnelly

Ann Stuart McKie Kling ’74

Anna Kovatcheva

Jean Reeve Klinges ’53

B. Joyce Kramar

Laure Klopsis

Jo Ann Soderquist Kramer ’64

Jackie Knapper

Grace Krause

Lindsey Parr Knick ’04

Melville Douglass Krebs ’69

Kate Knight

Kathryn Kreeger

Linda Whitlow Knight ’71

Leanne Weber Kreis ’85

Randolph Knipp

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L.

Sarah Johnston


Knoblauch ’74

Alice Johnson Krendel ’72

Leslie Knodt

Linda Hill Krensky ’71

Matthew Knoester

Margaret Feild Kresge ’65

Sara Ruhle Kyle ’75 Susan Herbert Kyle ’68 Karen Malmquist Laakso ’90 Ms. Deborah A. LaBarre Sally Byron LaBarre ’79 Peter M. Labombarde Jose LaCambra Adrianna Taylor

LaPointe ’86 Elizabeth Larabell Marthe Lardanchet ’99 Reyhan Tansal Larimer ’62 Cara Ardemagni LaRoche ’92 Kirsten Vold Larsen ’84 Mary Pat Behnke Larsen ’66 John LaRue

La Candia ’14

Nicole Gilkison LaRue ’01

Anne Richardson Lackey ’90

Marisol G. Laserna ’99

Norman LaCroix

Frances Griffith Laserson ’70

Sherry Lacy Barbara Bullis LaFayette ’60



Jeannine Petersen Laskey ’75

John Leathers

Amy J. Lemieux ’91

Xinyu Li ’14

Howard and Susan Lasky

Marilyn Clark Leathers ’54

Johanna Lemieux

Annamarie Lichtenberg ’13

Linda McGuire Last ’58

Harriet Harrison Leavell ’81

Leslie Braginetz Lemish ’89

Lorie Teeter Lichtlen ’82

Nancy Dew Lathrop ’67

Katherine Leaver

Charles Lemme

Virginia Sheaff Liddel ’52

Irfan Lorraine Kiratli

Kimberly Lebar

Ann Crowell Lemmon ’60

Kristen Lientz

Latimer ’90

Courtney LeBlanc

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Francis

Nancy Palermo Lietz ’86

Hilary Taylor LeBlanc ’93


Sarah M. Lightbody ’12

Roxie LeBlanc

Nancy Newell Lennon ’64

Betsy Liles

Laura S. Lechler ’96

Ruth Willingham Lentz ’74

Gary Liljegren

Martha Dabney Leclere ’54

Liz Kent Leon

Anthony Lilly

Nicole Ledbetter

Olivia Anne McGregor

Rachel McHugh Lilly ’63

Mrs. Catherine Crowell Latimore Kirsten Latsen Cynthia Laufenberg Lynn M. Laufenberg Catharine King Laufer ’96 Sue Mossey Laufer ’73 Pamela Laukaitis Elizabeth Blackwell Laundon ’69 Melissa Carrington Laurie ’86 Daniel Lavery Karen Lavin-Sutton Stacey Marie White Law ’89 Christina Lawes Blair Walker Lawrence ’68 Irene Lawrence Katherine Schuhmacher Lawrence ’60 Moira Erickson Lawrence ’80 Adam and Lollie Lawson Dorothy Moore Lawson ’59 Josephine Shaw Lawson ’70 Karol A. Lawson ’81 Kathryn Elizabeth Lawson ’04 Kurt Lawson Mary Scales Lawson ’70 Rebecca Harris Layne ’03 Eleanor Snow Lea ’40 Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leach Mr. and Mrs. Carville B.

Scott Ledbetter Anne McGrath Lederer ’57 Ann Tremain Lee ’69 Ardyce G. Lee ’00 Camille Lee Caroline Lee Debra Lee ’90 Johnny Lee Paul Lee Paula Victoria Lee ’89 Rosemary Lee Stacey Lawrence Lee ’91 Lola Lee Beno Irene Leech Nancy Fink Leeds ’57 Virginia Bennett Leeds ’88 Adam Lees Ann Leggett Katherine Leggett Maren Howard Leggett ’95 Matthew Legner Rachel Bostain Legum ’03 Nahtaniel Lehigh Lynda Leibel ’82 Margaret W. Leigh ’73

Leaf, Jr.

Jessica B. Leiner ’10

Kaelyn D. Leake ’09

Rob Leischner

Kathleen Leake

Laura Virginia Leitch ’14

Jennifer A. Lear ’99

Claire Leland

Kelly Collins Lear ’96

Deirdre A. Leland ’68

Patricia Lear

John Leland



Leon ’65 Alexis Simmont Leonard ’11 Ann Colston Leonard ’47 Harriet Ivey Leonard ’80 Keedie Grones Leonard ’76 Richard Leonard Jessica E. Leonardi ’07 Ginger Dreyfus Lerner ’52 Diane M. Leslie ’73 Kristen Lessen Dorothy Wood Letts ’50

Mary Entwistle Limbert ’66 Crystal Limerick Camelot J. Lindauer ’93 Megan Read Lindberg ’91 Nancy Robinson Lindberg ’78 Sarah M. Lindemann ’13 Mollie Katherine Linden ’10 Ryk and Wendy Linden Karin Lindgren ’75 Susan Lynne Dickinson Lindner ’84

Emmy Sau Han Leung ’89

Brittany Griffith Lindsey ’10

Lynda Overly Levengood ’64

Douglas Lindsey

Christine Eng Leventhal ’73

Elizabeth R. Lindsey ’86

Jonathan Levi

Jenna Wasylenko Lindsey ’10

Sasha Anne Levine ’05

Kathleen Lindsey

David Levite

Sarah R. Lindsey ’04

Karyn Harcum Levy ’86

Marcia Pace Lindstrom ’66

Susan Mann Levy ’86

Susan Anthony Lineberry ’79

Ruth Darnley Lewin ’83

Christina K. Link ’02

Elizabeth Nicholson Lewis ’74

Miriam Wyse Linsky ’50

Emily Lewis

Elizabeth Linville

Helen Lewis

Julia Hanneken Linza ’92

Helen Smith Lewis ’54

Margaret Lippard

Mrs. Jack C. Lewis

Elizabeth Hanger

Jean Graceanne Lewis ’87

Lippincott ’42

Jeanne H. E. Lewis ’83

Elizabeth Johnston

Jennifer Crawley Lewis ’88

Lipscomb ’59

Lydia Frances Lewis ’15

Linda Lipscomb ’73

Sarah E. Lewis

Suzanne Petrie Liscouski ’91

Turina Nicole Lewis ’14

Suzanne M. Little ’68 Betty Mundy Littrell ’52

Col. and Mrs. Ward

Carolyn Loram

Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.

Amber Lee MacKay ’15


Elizabeth Meyerink Lord ’59


William MacKenzie

Mary A. Lively

Harrah Lord ’66

Victoria Lunsford

Elizabeth Eisinger Mackes ’86

Paul Lorio

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Luoni

Milissa Mackey

Roderick Loss

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Douglas

Julie Whitehurst

Astrid M. B. Liverman ’98 Eric Liverman Maria Burroughs Livingston ’40 Marilynn Marshall Livingston ’74 Gail P. Lloyd ’60 Jennifer Beck Locke ’96 Stacey Sickels Locke ’88 Sandy Lockridge Peggy Jean Fossett Lodeesen ’58 Patricia Lodewick ’57 Margaret E. Loebe ’06 Page Nelson Loeser ’62 Cheryl Harris Lofland ’79 Martha C. Loftin ’07 Nan Dabbs Loftin ’81 Edna Osmanski Loftus ’72 Richard Loftus Katharine Fish Lohr ’09 Michael Lokmor Brennan Lollis Kathryn Hall Lombardi ’97 Amelie Lombardini ’07 Martha Watson Lombardy ’82 Chelsea Capizzi-Walsh

Noelle Lotano ’00 Stephanie Belk Loter ’98 Hannah Lott Rosalie Morgan Louis ’10 Amy Elaine Loux ’94 Mary C. Love ’70 Virginia Page Love ’50 Amy Loveridge Angela Love-Zaranka Candida Connard Low ’68 Anne Simonds Lowe ’78 Julia Fort Lowe ’63 Katharine Tilghman Lowe ’57 Linda Lowell Danielle Catherine Lowery ’16 Joan Lowery E. James Lowrey Kristen Whitney Lowrey ’87 Christine Smith Lowry ’57 Amber Lubeck ’09 Michelle Lucado Carol Lucas Perry Liles Lucas ’85 Jane Garland Lucas ’73

Lomicka ’08

Wendy S. Lucia ’93

Eve Jackson London ’78

Frances Matton Luckett ’45

Jean Morris Long ’54

James Luckinbill

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Long

Joan Lucy

Michelle A. Long

Jerry Dreisbach Ludeke ’54

Randi Miles Long ’66

Susan Posey Ludeman ’80

Savannah Humphrey

Mary F. Ludington ’76

Long ’05

Stacy Ludington ’12

Zackariah Long

Kelli Ludlum

Elizabeth Wray Longino ’78

Melanie Luke

Amy F. Longley ’84

Peyton White Lumpkin ’76

Kathryn Lookofsky

Anne Lund

Beatrice Dingwell Loos ’46

Jennifer L. Lundy ’10


MacKinlay ’66

Courtney S. Luther

Brooke Hamilton

Barney Walker Lutsk ’65

MacKinnon ’62

Cheryl Lux ’76

John MacKinnon

Sara Finnegan Lycett ’61

Katherine Margaret

Ary Lotterhos Lyle ’60

Macklin ’13

M. Lynn Lyle ’67

Monna Simpson

Cassandra Kathleen

MacLellan ’51

Lynch ’07

G. W. MacLeod

Eleanor Lynch

Nancy E. MacMeekin ’65

Erica Thomson Lynch ’92

Josephine Wiens

Patricia Sparks Lyndon ’68 Jennifer Swisher Lynes ’97 Catherine W. Lynn ’64 Elizabeth Francke Lynn ’74 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edgar Lynn Jennifer N. Lynn ’06 Merrill Lynn Nancy Coppedge Lynn ’61 Edith Bell Lyon ’52 Megan Coffield Lyon ’80 Emily Lyons Christina Savage Lytle ’88 Clair Falcon Maasbach ’81 Margot Mabie

MacMichael ’67 Heather MacMillan Victoria Amanda MacMillan ’87 Tonia W. Macneil ’68 Melaina Macone ’11 Marion MacRae ’67 Peter T. and Claire C. Macy Michael J. Madden Stacey Dyan Maddox ’04 Diane Magasich Meta Bond Magevney ’63 Kathryn Thilking Maginnis ’73 Ella Hanson Magruder ’75

Mary Rhoda Mabry ’80

and Mark M. Magruder

Maria MacCormack

Helene Bauer Magruder ’57

Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.

Mia Magruder

MacDonald III Mary MacDonald Nina Brown MacDonald ’81 Faith Bullis Mace ’61 Mrs. Marian D. MacGregor Mr. and Mrs. Eric J. Machinist Sarah C. Machinist ’01 Whitney W. Machnik ’85

Katherine Cooley Maher ’68 James Mahon Kristen Layman Mahoney ’89 Monica C. Mahoney ’89 Blanchette Chappell Maier ’73 Michelle Maitland Alice Benton Major ’79 Jennifer Schmidt Major ’99

Marieluise Macht Elizabeth Haskell Mack ’57*





Julia Easley Mak ’49

Ms. Candice Marceau ’10

Mr. and Mrs. Danny J. Martin

Linda Mason

Ann Vandersyde Malbon ’80

Jennifer Marchal

Dixie Lynn Martin ’15

Susan Hickman Mason ’95

Sonja Malcolm

Christina E. Marchetti ’05

Edna L. Martin ’81

Tracy Meier Mason ’93

Ann South Malick ’75

Anita Marcotte

Elizabeth Hensley Martin ’91

Robin D. Mass

Stefan Belza and

Laura Reither Marcotte ’02

Erin Martin

Ellen Massey

Anna Malicka

Joan Teetor Marder ’50*

Harriet Wall Martin ’65

Meg Massey

Mariah Smith Malik ’86

Dale and Myrna Marfell

Jamie Planck Martin ’81

Antonia Bredin Massie ’77

Barbara E. Mallett ’79

Evelyn Cantey Marion ’41

Jeanette Martin

Eleanor Gilmore Massie ’66

Fannie Zollicoffer

Kathryn Marion ’84

Jennie L. Martin ’02

Joy Peebles Massie ’57

Nancy Blackwell Marion ’74

Jennifer Martin

Lourine Mays Massie ’67

Meredith-Clarissa Mark

Jesse K. Martin ’02

Mary Massie

Mr. and Mrs. Felix D.

Judith Powell Martin ’67

Mary Catherine Massie ’10

Markham IV

L. Joe and Martha Malloy

Julia Groves Martin ’42

Sara Massy

Mary Markham

Emilie Janay Malone ’04

Katherine J. Martin ’98

Mary McCall Mastin ’67

Dea Markley

Frances Redmond Malone ’77

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E.

Elinor Vorys Matchneer ’54

Alexandra Marks


Caiti Maloney

Anna Kay Matejka ’08

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Marks

Laura Gredys Martin ’90

Jane A. Maloney ’74

Ruth Ratliff Matheny ’08

Lori Saraniero Marks ’92

Laura Rose Martin ’91

Megan C. Maloney ’08

Autumn L. Mather ’97

Mary Shaw Halsey Marks ’74

Lucile Page Martin ’95

Timothy Maloney

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Mather

Sarah Elizabeth Maroney ’10

Margaret Sheffield Martin ’48

Megan C. Maltby ’95

Elizabeth W. Matheson ’64

Mr. and Mrs. Terrell L.

Molly Dunn Martin ’73

John Mammarappallil


Fionna J. Matheson ’98

Olivia W. Martin ’76

Anne Williams

Jackie Marquardt

Mr. and Mrs. James V.

Manchester ’55

Peninah Meighan Martin ’58


Mary Cole Marquis ’86

Linda Mancini

Robert Martin

Rebecca Claire Matheson ’15

Amanda Marr

Susan Jahn Mancini ’64

Debra and Ronald Martin

Ann C. Mathews ’69

Olivia Ungerer Marschall ’06

Elizabeth Mandler

Ryan Martin

Deyanne Passarello

Kenneth Marsh

Stephanie C. Martin

Mathews ’75

Jennifer Temple

Pamela Marsh

Consuelo Michelle

Jessica Steinhice Mathews ’87

Anne Randolph Marshall ’77

Martinez ’82

Melanie Stembal Mathews ’68

Bradford Marshall

Ms. Delia E. Martinez

Kathryn Carroll

Diana E. Marshall ’04

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martinez

Mathewson ’66

Eleanora L. Marshall ’70

Marcia Brandenburg

Barbara Offutt Mathieson ’70

Emily Suzanne Marshall ’15

Martinson ’74

Cornelia Long Matson ’58

Holly Elkins Marshall ’95

Elizabeth Eager Marvel ’05

Victoria Matter ’90

Liz Marshall

Mary-Ellen Martin Marvel ’67

Mr. and Mrs. Richard V.

Rosalind J. Marshall

Anna L. Maschal

Mattingly, Jr.

Sharon Marshall

Laura Maschal

Faith Mattison ’48

Carol Allison Martell

Stephen Masciola

Brigette Laib Mattox ’98

Andrew Martin

Judith Harbottle Maselli ’68

Mr. Charles Mattox

Barbara D. Martin ’01

Reda Annis Masincup ’09

Kristin Liljegren Maurice ’92

Dr. and Mrs. C. Allen

Irene M. Maslanik ’07

Laura Maus

Martin, Jr.

Kathryn Mason

Madalyn DeLaurrie

Caterine Martin

Kirstin Mason

Mallonee ’80 Margaret Milnor Mallory ’76 Susan Mallory Holly Miller Mallos ’95

Mangrum ’03 Sharon T. Mangus ’74 Nalini Mani ’93 Anne Baldwin Mann ’78 Sue Corning Mann ’49 Ursula Mann Elvira McMillan Mannelly ’65 Stephanie Mannen Megan C. Manubay ’08 Alexandra Stewart Manwarren ’94 Melissa Clough Manzo ’12 Diana Marahrens Cynthia Wacholtz Marbut ’86 Thomas Marcais

Mawyer ’12 *Deceased



Sarah Madison Maxey ’02

Jane McCarthy

Dorothy and Matt McDaniel

Christopher McGowan

Genevieve Maxon-Stark

Karen McCarthy

Nancy Moss McDaniel ’65

James McGrady

Donna and Stephen Maxwell

Mary McCarthy

Patricia J. McDaniel and

Martha E. McGrady

Mary (Mai) McCarthy ’11

William F. West

Kathleen Ann McGregor ’14

McNair Currie Maxwell ’63

Maura H. McCarthy ’93

Harriotte Dodson

Michael A. McGrew

Brenda May

Mr. and Mrs. Michael

Louise Jenkins Maybank ’60


Judy Addison Mayberry ’67

Shannon Burke McCarthy ’95

Dorothy Ulf Mayer ’59

Carol McCrary McCartney

Gay Reddig Mayl ’55

Mary Lee McGinnis

Emory Furniss Maxwell ’74

Olivia Benedict Maynard ’58 Jimmy Mayne Cheryl Tyree Mayo ’70 Cathy Cash Mays ’84 Erin G. Mays ’05 Mary U. Mazgaj ’09 Caitlin Webber Mazzucca ’04 Virginia Tripp McAdams ’05 Emily Dick McAlister ’78 June Neighbors McAllister ’58 Kathryn McAllister Ann McAllister-Thomas ’87 Anne Stupp McAlpin ’68 Linda Lee McAndrew ’64 Anna McAninch Allen McBride Anne McBride Elli McBride Caitlin McCabe Cynthia Hardy McCabe ’74 Mary McCahill Maline Gilbert McCalla ’60 Erica C. Kennedy McCallie ’07 Lenetta Archard McCampbell ’85 Allison Jennings McCance ’64 Amy Thompson McCandless ’68 Diana McCargo Deborah Koss McCarthy ’77

McDannald ’65 Lisa M. Rogness McDermott ’83 Timothy McDermott Joan A. McDevitt

McClain ’54

Mary Lee McDonald ’65

Stacey D. McClain ’93

Susan Strong McDonald ’65

Marilyn K. McClelland ’76

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel

Deborah and Richard


Sarah Kennedy McGroarty ’77 Thelma Houk McGrory ’57 Seana Lyn McGuffey ’04 Mary Boyd McGuire ’89 Catherine Roberts McHaney ’55 Comber R. McHugh ’86 Sarane McHugh ’81 Deana McInnis


Gretchen M. McDonough ’08

Kate Gorman McClung ’11

Anne Billings McDougall ’73

Margaret Graves McClung ’53

Martha Benn McDowall ’64

Polly Parker McClure ’83

Barrie Jeffrey McDowell ’81

D. D. McClurkin

Mary McDowell

Elizabeth Parker McColl ’63

Nancy B. McDowell ’63

Janet Baldwin McColloch ’79

Elizabeth Kennon McElroy ’16

Margaret Katterjohn

Randolph McElroy, Jr.

McCollom ’40

Aline Rex McEvoy ’65

Judy A. McComb ’90

Colston McEvoy

Carol Blanton McCord ’47

Fiona Margaret McFadden ’12

Marissa Jo McCord ’15

Margaret Hoy McFadden ’72

Pamela Drake McCormick ’72

Jane A. McFaddin ’73

Rita McCowan

Margaret S. McFaddin ’75

Elena McCoy

Sadie McFarlane

Leah McCoy

Lynn Ulrici McGarvey ’57

Martha Hoffman McCoy ’44

Barbara L. McGehee

Elizabeth Waring

Karis Mcgill

McCracken ’02

Mariah Leakhim McGill ’02

Mary McCracken

Sarah Dean McGill ’66

Lianne McCray

Bridget M. McGinley ’14

Julia McCready

Evah Pottmeyer McGinley ’98

Kimea W. McCuller ’15

James M. McKinnon

Sharon Kane McGinley

Ann Knickerbocker

Trudy Slade McKnight ’71

K. Holly McGlothlin ’78

Christine McLain ’71

Mr. and Mrs. Vol Forrest

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck McLamb

McCulloch ’63 Diana Landau McCulloch ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. McCulloch, Jr. Robert McCullough Andrea McCully

McGlothin Karen Jaffa McGoldrick ’79 Anthony F. McGonigle Tracey McGovern

Jordan C. McIntire ’11 Michelle McIntire Jean McIntosh ’65 Ann Mc Iver Carole Craven McIvor ’71 Cynthia A. McKay ’78 Alaina C. McKee ’10 Janine Brockie McKee ’70 Margot A. McKee ’60 Virginia Ready McKeel ’62 Lauren Friend McKelvey ’03 Susan Mckelvey Bernadean Gupton McKelway ’78 Barbara McKenna Arthur E. McKenzie Dr. and Mrs. Peter McKeown Adrienne McKinney Gwen M. McKinney ’03 Stephanie Lyon Pratt McKinney ’91

Rachel McLane William McLarty



Tara and Timothy

Doreen M. McVeigh ’09

Lisette Mendes

Aaron Michalove


Rebecca Michie McVeigh ’87

Frances Crispin Davis

Amy Daugherty Michel ’96

Ann McLean

Lynn M. McWhood

Menefee ’98

Norma Michels

Cynthia McWilliams

Carl Merat

Paul and Therese Michels

Sheila M. McWilliams ’92

Joan Messenger Merchan ’65

Meredith Slane Michener ’47

Caren J. Meade ’06

Carolyn Foster Meredith ’61

John Michie

Frances deSaussure

John Meredith

Ida Mick

Marjorie Rebentisch McLemore ’70 Sarah E. McLemore ’08 Dorothy Woods McLeod ’58 Douglas R. McLeod

Meade ’68

Karen Black Meredith ’80

Heather A. McLeod ’99

Joan Adriance Mickelson ’69

Mary Mead-Hagen

Amanda Mergenthaler

Theron Diana McLeod ’08

Jennifer Middleton

Emma Terese Meador ’09

Angela Elliott Merrick ’98

Elizabeth J. McMartin ’79

Matthew Mikula

M. Jill Meadows ’97

Justin Merrick

Lynne Pottharst McMillan ’69

Linda Mill

Margaret Meadows

Anne Rhett Taylor Merrill ’69

Rebecca Gheen McMillan ’03

Rebecca Elizabeth Mill ’15

Mary Beeler Meadows ’69

Ellen Merritt

Tia Campbell McMillan ’66

Lucy Chapman Millar ’83

Mr. and Mrs. William H.

Jacqueline Roxanne

Caroline Hayley

Meadows III

Merritt ’11

Jarrett Dudley Millard ’70

McMillian ’15

Katherine Turner Mears ’53

Ramona Merritt

Sally Hyde McMillin ’56*

Alexandra Stark Mebane ’12

Emma Marie Merritt-

Judith A. McMoran, PhD.*

M. Elizabeth Medaglia ’69

Cuneo ’14

Janie Willingham

Julia Mee

Stephanie Merves

Wendy Schnering Meehan ’76

Angela Mescall

Peter Meek

Jane Jamison Messer ’59

Rebecca Bottomley

Mary Watt Messer ’83

Meeker ’71

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin E.

Adriana L. Meeks ’05


Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.

Rebecca Young Metro ’86


Dr. and Mrs. Charles F. Meyer

Miriam Washabaugh

Elizabeth A. Meyer ’03

Meglan ’71

Faun Meyer

Megan E. Meighan ’07

Karen Gill Meyer ’63

Rachel Renzy Meima ’90

Louellen Brooks Meyer ’85

Carson Freemon Meinen ’80

Margot Saur Meyer ’60

Robert Meisel

Mary Trabue Meyer ’63

Virginia Borah Meislahn ’62

Patricia Stanton Meyer ’61

Kimberley Dickey

Richard G. Meyer

McNabb ’67 Rebecca Towill McNair ’60 Margaret E. McNamara ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. McNamara William McNamara Mary Clare Briscoe McNatt ’76 Mr. and Mrs. Colin A. P. McNease Kate McNeel Catherine J. McNider ’83 Barbara Baisley McPartlin ’92 Carolyn Ream McPheeters ’82 Margaret McPhillips Molly McQueen

Melcher ’90

Morgan Lynn McRae ’15

Bethany May Melendy ’09

Nan McRee Williams

Cecelia Clark Melesco ’75

Jack McReynolds

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Melia

Michael G. McShane

Anne Milbank Mell ’71

Rebekah A. McSpadden ’07

Mary Virginia Roberts

Catherine McSwain

Mellow ’50

Heather Marianne

Michele Melton

McTague ’11

Roy J. Melton, Jr.

Lauren McTague

Catherine and Charles Melvin

Ruth Oddy Meyer ’51 Frances Mallory Meyers ’64 Petsy Gautier Mezey ’55 Jean Chaloux Miani ’72 Deborah Glazier Michael ’62 Juliette Nicole Michael ’15 Rosalinda Guardabassi Michael ’77 Scott Michaels

Autumn Hope Miller ’17 Barbara Yocom Miller ’63 Carol Vontz Miller ’68 Carolyn Eney Miller ’03 Catherine Adams Miller ’82 Charlotte Taylor Miller ’55 Chasity Clarke Miller ’04 Georgina O. Miller ’11 Jaime Oliver Miller ’02 Jeannette Bush Miller ’71 John C. and Bette B. Miller John E. Miller, Jr. Joyce Miller Mr. and Mrs. Lewis N. Miller, Jr. Marlo Miller Mary Ann Miller Mary Fitzhugh Miller ’64 Mary Webb Miller ’57 Mary White Miller ’41 Rebecca Denise Miller ’97 Sara B. Miller ’02 Sharon Resener Miller ’81 Warren Moore Miller ’72 Mr. and Mrs. William Miller Sheila Miller-Guttenberg ’95 Amy Jenkins Millican ’89 Laura McGlamery Million ’96 Virginia Corwin Millo ’63 *Deceased



Elaine L. Mills ’74

Stephen Douglas

Cecilia A. Moore ’88

Katharine Fisher Morland ’71

James Mills


Franklin Moore

Amy Moroney

Lindsay Elizabeth Mills ’09

Sarah Bonham Mohle ’77

Ivan Moore

Lena Marie Morrill ’11

Michael and Susan Mills

Page Moir

Janes Moore

Richard Morrill

Norma Patteson Mills ’60

Virginia Edahl Molan ’10

Jennifer Moore

Alicia Markham Morris ’02

Sloane Yeadon Mills ’84

Shawn Mole

Kara D’Ambra Dickey

Carter Heyward Morris ’73

Susan Mills

Citlali Molina ’16

Moore ’95

Claiborne and Courtney

Sharon Milne

Kelly Schmitt Molique ’94

Maria Moore


Julia Walton Milstead ’86

Robert Moll

Mary Varn Moore ’72

David Morris

Alice MacKroth

Carol Jean Hadley Molnar ’83

Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell L.

Grant Morris

Minassian ’64

Amy Andrews Monahan ’80


Dr. and Mrs. J. Douglas

Meri T. Minatel-Schreiber ’89

Virginia M. Moncure ’08

Sally Hamilton Moore ’61


Lydia Marsh Mindling ’12

Gina M. Mondel ’99

Shanna Moore

Miriam Baker Morris ’83

Margaret Henning

Carmen Pinelli Mones ’85

Sonja Johnson Moore ’93

Samuel Morris

Minnick ’66

Kara Evans Mongello ’07

Taylor Moore

Scott Morris

Nancy Ettinger Minor ’56

Carolyn Monger

Virginia Freeman Moore ’76

Shauna Morris

Anne Ortengren Miranda ’01

Caitlin Monjeau

Jane C. Moorefield ’51

Simone Lucy Wallace

Lisa Mirando

Mary Gillespie Monroe ’67

Kimberly Roda Moorhead ’95

Morris ’11

Kimberley Schmidt

Catherine Montague

Randy Bruce Moorhead

Kelly S. Morrison

Edna Montague

Megan Gallagher

Mary Carozza Morrison ’59

Moosman ’91

Susan Parker Morrison ’66

Charles and Patricia Mooza

Tyler Morrison

Laura M. Mooza ’12

Peggy Morrison-Outon ’72

Montalbano ’16

Christopher Morales

Betty Booker Morriss ’66

Mr. Michael C. Montalbano

Diane D. Moran

Makanah Dunham

Hannah Rose Montalvo ’12

Julia Elizabeth Moran ’15

Morriss ’66

Jackelinne R. Montero ’13

Kenneth Moran

Agnes Towers Morrissey ’79

Jennifer Leigh Montfort ’01

Sasha M. Moran ’05

Gertrude Kelly Morron ’52

Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan W.

Hannah Craighill

Jane Clarke Morrow ’45


Morehead ’79

Margaret Moran Morrow ’67

A. Elizabeth Montgomery ’75

Betsey Belisle Moreland ’60

Wendy Morrow

Denise Montgomery ’75

Amy Morelli

Elvira Whitehead Morse ’48

Tonya Grudier

Dale Sayler Morgan ’45

Frances Kirven Morse ’68

Montgomery ’98

Daria (Dasha) Morgan ’65

Katherine W. Morse ’01

Elizabeth Braden Moody ’67

Mr. and Mrs. John Luther

Tyler Morse

Anya Elizabeth Moon ’02

Morgan III

Kristen Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. James A. Moon

Megan Lincoln Morgan ’76

Mortensen ’09

Dorothy Lear Mooney ’78

Mehegan Bennett Morgan ’15

Whitney Mortimer

Jane D. Mooney ’77

Mitzi Morgan ’85

Jenny Mortimore

Jessica Thistlethwaite

Robert Morgan

Caperton Morton ’85

Miscavage ’01 Julie Harju Misakinis ’99 Rachael Davis Mitakides ’09 Elizabeth Mitchell Elizabeth Hamshaw Mitchell ’00 Jennifer Green Mitchell ’86 Joette Keaton Mitchell ’91 Katie Pritchett Harris Mitchell ’66 Pamela Ramsdell Mitchell ’79 Rush Harris Mitchell ’98 Sarah Liston Mitchell ’06 Virginia Cates Mitchell ’63 Wendy Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mittelholtz Mary Mittell Jennifer Whitney Mix ’15 Alyssa Mobley Sue Lawton Mobley ’55 Katharine A. Mockett ’66

Mildred Moon Montague ’40* Susan Taylor Montague ’59 Hailey Beaudry

Mooney ’04

Sarah Ashley Morgan ’13

Marion Harvey Morton ’67

Sarah Adams Model ’62

Ann R. Moore ’69

Steve Morgan

Mary Payne Morton ’64

Chelsea Karina Modeste ’15

Catherine Taylor Moore ’78

Susan E. Morgan ’94





Tegan Morton

Gerald and Pamela Munro

Catherine Crowell Latimore

Jessica Newmark

Margaret Mundy Mosby ’62

Kennedy Elspeth Munro ’11

Namorato ’96

Linda Sims Newmark ’60

Steven D. and Janet Moseley

Mary Munson

Alyson G. Napier ’08

Patricia Winton Newmark ’69

Kris Murchie

Shayal Narayan ’14

Lindsay Smith Newsom ’67

Chuck and Mary Lou Moss

Valeria Murphey ’71

Maggie Mae Sherwood

Beth Ann Trapold Newton ’86

Marguerite McKee Moss ’66

Catharine Adams Murphy ’72

Miriam Molander Moss ’62

Dagmar Stoll Murphy ’64

Tay Moss

Elizabeth Burdge Murphy ’75

Lorelei Bahret Mote ’94

Emily Murphy

Jenny Motley

Erin Oney Murphy ’95

Donna Mottilla

Helen Turner Murphy ’56

Cynthia Stover Motyka ’80

Jessica Faye Murphy ’13

Joy Reynolds Mouledoux ’84

Joe Murphy

Patricia Mountrey ’68

Mary Petree Murphy ’70

Ellen Murphy Clement

Maureen Murphy

Mouri ’80

Michael D. Murphy

Sarah Mouri ’06

Pam and Tom Murphy

Lydia Plamp Mower ’55

Christina Murphy Vaughn ’06

Jim Mozingo

Bettina Patterson Murray ’64

Cleveland Muecke

Brian P. Murray

Sara Stone Mueller ’89

Caroline Tuttle Murray ’71

Susan Lykes Mueller ’70

Christine Kulczycki

Joanne Mueller-London

Murray ’68

Carlina N. Muglia ’07

Colleen Karaffa Murray ’06

Elisabeth S. Muhlenfeld ’53

Corell Lauter Murray ’56

Christina L. Muir ’97

Jane Cox Murray ’85

Sutapa Mukherjee ’93

Sally Beer Murray ’65

Karen Mulder

Winifred S. Murray ’66

Meredith Davis Mulhern ’99

Kerry Keins

Anne Carroll Mulholland ’56

Mutschelknaus ’04

Kimberly Mullane

Katherine Johnston Myatt ’64

Marilyn Mullane

Christina Hoefer Myers ’75

Amy Elizabeth Mullen ’02

Helen Myers

Audrey H. Mullen ’89

June Speight Myers ’87

Carla Lackey Muller ’93

Katharine Vaughan Myers ’06

Bonnie Mullinax

Margaret Gillmer Myers ’66

Carol Lowdon Mullis ’64

Susan Myers

Linde Mullis

Thomas E. Myers

Luke Mulock ’93

Jasmine Myers-Duncan

Christina Tellalian

Tiffany Moseley Myrick ’03

Newlyn ’62

Mulvihill ’88

Susan Waller Nading ’72

Angela Rodriguez

Melissa Gist Mundy ’03

Kathleen Bailey Nager ’53

Newman ’01

Carole E. Munn ’67

Reji Nair

Carol D. Newman ’71

Monique Moshier Moshier ’02



Nase ’10 Terry Sprouse Nash Wendy (Mary M.) Nash ’08 America Navarro Kristen Nawn Frederika Merriman Naylor ’55 Emma Malone Neave ’12 Elise Webb Neeland ’72 Caitlyn Gladstone Neilands ’10 Candace Sheffield Neilson ’73 Catherine Osuna Neis ’97 Anne Garrity Nelson ’79 Brian Nelson Dawn Monahan Nelson ’91 Diane King Nelson ’48 Elizabeth Nelson Jane W. Nelson ’66 Jennifer M.Gaudette Nelson ’95 Judith Nelson Julie Hildebrand Nelson ’96 Mary Johnson Nelson ’64 Mellie Hickey Nelson ’67 Michael Nemeth Michelle Nenov Mary Burwell Nesbit ’56 Jan Armstrong Neuenschwander ’57 Anna L. Newberg ’11 Frederick Newberg

Louise Cooke Newton ’82 Pamela Tipton Newton ’69 Rosalind Newton Frances Browder Nibley ’51 Catherine Detmar Nicholls ’63 Martha Clay Nichols ’56 Margaret Louise Nicholson ’09 Jennifer and Neil Nicholson Ruth Mackie Nicholson ’58 Karen Gonya Nickles ’86 Julia Nicodemus Barbara Ashton Nicol ’74 Britton Hassell Nielsen ’67 Tennessee Nielsen ’76 Derrick John Niemann Kathryn A. Niemeier ’05 Jera L. Niewoehner ’99 Catherine Winship Nihem ’95 Lori Smith Nilan ’02 Marcelle Blankenship Niles ’90 Frances Stith Nilsson ’72 Molly Reeb Nissman ’77 Laura Niswander Nancy Nix-Karnakis ’63 Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Noble, Jr. Laura Leigh Noble ’82 Elizabeth Coggeshall Nock ’58

Jane Shoesmith Newcomb ’48

Samuel Noe

Tasha Swales Newill ’97

Judith Wright Noel ’80

Margaret deLashmutt

Michele Noel Lossie Taylor Noell ’41 Mr. and Mrs. Vincent G. Noggle

Jill Redpath Noland ’85

Martha Bulkley O’Brien ’59

Dawn Oleksy

Melissa O’Toole

Louise Konsberg Noll ’44

Pat Obrien

Meagan L. Oliphant ’11

Shana-Tara Regon O’Toole ’95

Lindsay Crumpler Nolting ’42

Susan O’Brien

Jacqueline Alexander

Susan C. O’Toole ’73

Kathleen O’Bryant

Oliver ’14

Amanda DePriest Ott ’93

Michael Noonan

Patricia Anne

Shelley M. Oliver ’98

Cynthia Wilson Ottaway ’57

Alysha Maitland Norbury ’10

O’Callaghan ’76

Shirley M. Oliver ’84

Carol Barnard Ottenberg ’60

Lynn Watson Norfleet ’74

Dorotha Ocker

Maria Olmedo

Alton Feild Owen, Jr.

Anne Garrett Norloff ’72

Anita McVey O’Connor ’73

Elizabeth Olmstead

Elizabeth Donald Owen ’89

Kimberly Knox Norman ’85

Beth Gottlieb O’Connor ’89

Jane Ramsay Olmsted ’52

Murphy Leanna Owen ’14

Mary Kyger Norman ’70

Cecily Bay O’Connor

Mary Scully Olney ’41

Norma Davis Owen ’56

Virginia Illges Norman ’47

Eleanor O’Connor

Corey OLoughlin

Sue Ann Owen

Margaret Swann Norris ’45

Elizabeth O’Connor ’82*

Suzanne Marie

Mary Norris

O’Loughlin ’98

Catherine O’Neal Owens ’76

Justus O’Connor

Diana North

Katherine K. O’Connor ’88

Alicia Roddy Olsen ’02

Jane Gray North ’63

Kevin O’Connor

Elinor Von Rebhan Olsen ’67

Dorsey Tillett Northrup ’75

Michele O’Connor

Emily N. Olson ’07

Laurie Northrup

Sarah Whitener O’Connor ’63

Jenny Olson

Mr. and Mrs. Michael

Julie Seibels Northup ’68

Tammy O’Connor

Leslie Sidwell O’Neal ’03


Mary Bush Norwood ’74

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.

Megan C. O’Neal ’08

Ann Prichard Pace ’61


Harriet Whittaker O’Neil ’79

Elizabeth Conner Pace ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.

Barbara Callahan O’Neill ’84

William Pack

O’Connor, Jr.

Michelle Lynne O’Neill ’85

Karlina Packard

Tania Odabashian

Nora S. Oney ’92

Mr. and Mrs. Michael K.

Jessica Odell

Barbara Falge Openshaw ’57


Susanna Bernard Odence ’55

Douglas and Ellen

Sarah Anne Packard ’10

Janice P. O’Donnell ’75


Wilma L. Packard ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph

C. Gail Robins O’Quin ’67

Mary Bliss Packer ’72


Dina Ruth Orbison ’00

Leslie Farinas Padron ’98

Kerry S. O’Donnell ’93

Kimberly Anne Orchowski ’15

Stacy Lee Pae ’87

Mary Kathleen O’Donnell ’11

Carol P. O’Reilly

Janet L. Page ’87

Linda J. Odum ’72

Katherine Orr Knuth ’75

Katie Page

Megan E. Ogborn ’03

Aelica Ingenthron Orsi ’92

Virginia Marks Paget ’57

Kristin M. Ogden ’04

Mary Beth Miller Orson ’86

Anna Chao Pai ’57

Lamar Ellis Oglesby ’54

Katharine Wilson Orton ’75

Kathryn Taylor Paine ’99

Terry Ojure

Mary Anne Osborn ’73

Kerri Davis Pakalnis ’96

Alethea M. Okonak ’00

Jae Osborne

Mr. and Mrs. Carmen J.

Ally Okonak

Mrs. Douwina Osinga


Marilyn Okonak

Mr. and Mrs. Albert V.

Emanuelle Pallia

Paige Shiller Okun ’88

Osterholm, Jr.

Pauline Hanson Palm ’89

Cheryl W. Olander

Mr. and Mrs. Jerold M.

Alicia Palma

Deborah Mutch Olander ’76


Jennifer Palmer

Jay Old

Jeanette H. Oswald ’98

Nicole Brittany Palmer ’15

Deborah Fischer Oleisky ’85

Drucilla Springer Oswalt ’78

Carol Noon

Tiffany Williamson Norwood ’03 Jean Notestein ’86 Kelly Novak Loretta Fitzgerald Nowlan ’77 Pamela Noyes ’69 Virginia Marchant Noyes ’59 Beth Slayman Nubbe ’84 Sarah Nucci Mercedith M. Nuesca ’05 Nancy Nunnelley ’74 Julie Brooks Nyquist ’90 Patricia Nyquist Georgeanne Lee Oakes ’04 Ann Shipper Oates ’71 Grace Mary Garry Oates ’64 Mary Robison Oates ’87 Brittany Carlton O’Bannon ’08 Seth Obed Danielle Ross Oberg ’03 Ashley Peeples Oberlin ’89 Charles O’Boyle

Harriett Tavenner Owens ’44* Ralph Ownby Savannah Elizabeth Oxner ’05





Alica Hart Palmore ’00

Carrington Lancaster

Marsha Pearcy

Patti and Robert Perhala

Amanda E. Palmore ’05

Pasco ’40

Katherine Madden Pearl ’95

Lindsay Ann Perkins ’00

Mara Pandolfo

Cathy Pasquariello

Sarah W. Pearre ’48

Alvin P. Perkinson, Jr.

Clifton W. Pannell

Andria M. Pasquel ’10

Lucretia Crater Pearse ’55

Rachel Millrood Perlman ’82

Mr. and Mrs. H. Gary Pannell

Elizabeth Blair

Elizabeth Schell Pearson ’09

Mr. and Mrs. David Perry

Michelle Pearson

Doug and JoAnne Perry

Parker Shultis Pearson ’90

Elizabeth G. Perry ’73

Richard Pearson

Helene Perry ’57

Skylar Naomi Peavley ’17

Julie Boothe Perry ’58

Angelina Marlene Peck ’14

Kathleen Paige Perry ’18

Barbara Behrens Peck ’78

Sally Perryman

Beverly Ayers Peck ’61

Dorothea Pershing

Anne Hutchison Pede ’84

Alex Persinger

Gregory and Therese Peek

B. Person

Sally Shapard Peek ’82

Julia Huntington Pesek ’86

Shawna Peek

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Petchul

Helen C. Peemoeller

Catherine Connor Peters ’73

Lyn Clark Pegg ’63

Elaine Newton Peters ’57

Emily Pegues ’00

Greta Barksdale Brown

Kathleen Garcia Pegues ’71

Peters ’66

Janelle Peifer

Kristina Sweval Peters

John Peifer

Melanie Chriscoe Peters ’97

Matthew Peiffer

Joshua Petersen

Rebekah Pekar

Mary Petersen

Catherine Pelland

C. Gregg Petersmeyer

Karl Pelletier

Ruth Magee Peterson ’51

Courtney Gibson Pelley ’59

Carmen Petracco

Carol Cole Pelzer ’65

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Petrie

Melinda Lopez Pendino ’69

Illona Petrovits Campbell ’74

Elizabeth Few Penfield ’60

Steven Petrow

Deborah Haslam Peniston ’66

Michael Petrucelli

Kim Penn

Olivia Hardin Pettifer ’86

Jacqueline Coles Penny ’71

Barbara Bernick

Sylvia Pannell William Pannell Cristina M. Paolicchi ’01 Kathleen Papadimitriou ’84 Kathy Gagnon Pappas ’81 Virginia Conley Pappas ’73 Dennis Paranzino Kimberly Willock

Passagaluppi ’12 Helen Addington Passano ’55 Lorie A. Patel Renis Siner Paton ’55 Maggie Saylor Patrick ’07 Martin Patrick Elizabeth Patt Julia K. Patt ’09

Pardiwala ’89

Britt Patterson

Alicia Paresi

David and Michelle Patterson

Leila Kucewicz Parham ’63

Edith and Robert Patterson

Julia Paris ’99

Emily Sartor Patterson ’99

Angelia Parish

Isabel Parrish Patterson ’10

Robert Park

Mr.and Mrs. M. P. Patterson

Elizabeth Parker ’01

Margaret Pittman

Elizabeth Cheney Parker ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Parker Jo Ellen Johnson Parker H ’10

Patterson ’67 Renee Patrice Patterson Sarah B. Patterson ’01

and Richard G. Manasa

Joanne Holbrook Patton ’52

Dr. and Mrs. Mark S. Parker

Olivia Cantey Patton ’53

Amanda Parks

Elizabeth Parker Paul ’56

Katharine Johnson Parks ’82

Lindsay Eneguess Paulette ’11

Denise Parra

Stanley F. and Dorothy Pauley

Margaret Weimer Parrish ’76

Marie-Elysse B. Paulhus ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Will Parrish

Susan Verbridge Paulson ’76

George Parry

Lisa Paulus

Megan Fletcher Parry ’96

Colleen Pavce

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.

Leslie Paxton

Parry, Jr.

Barbara J. Payne ’71

Sara Buttine Parsatoon ’11

Brenda Childress Payne ’88

Tana Meier Parseliti ’74

Gail Dalton Payne

Allen G. Parsons

Mollie Archer Payne ’58

Allison Boykin Parsons ’56

Stacey Eisenberg Payne ’94

Bonnie Parsons

Jessica Peace

Mary Hamilton Parsons ’78

Aimee Armentrout

Stuart Parsons

Peacemaker ’99

Carol Parssinen

Phoebe Brunner Peacock ’68

Melissa Byrne Partington ’83

Lucy Eubank Peak ’77



Alan Perdigao Mitzi Perdue Virginia Stanford Perdue ’69 Sandra Martin Pereira ’89 Christopher Perez Kimberly Perez Tia Trout Perez ’02 Adlyn M. Perez-Figueroa ’08 Lauren Michelle Perhala ’12

Peyronnet ’77 Darelle A. Pfeiffer ’98 Lynn Norris Pfeiffer ’75 Christine Weiss Pfeil ’74 Jamie Pfister Anne Allen Pflugfelder ’54 Laura McGarry Phares ’08 Laura Pharis Marvin M. Phaup Susan Phelps

Mary Nichol Phemister ’94

Elizabeth Holloway

Thom Potts

Brienna McLaughlin

Emily Vermilya Phillips ’08

Playforth ’70

Averala Paxton Poucher ’57

Pruce ’04

Erin Bronson Phillips ’01

Claudia Forman Pleasants ’70

Catherine Cleveland

Cynthia Gridley Pruden ’71

George G. Phillips, Jr.

Craig Pleasants

Powell ’95

Kellner L. Pruett ’12

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Phillips

Ruth Myers Pleasants ’34*

David and Emily Powell

Barbara Pryor

Margery Moses Phillips ’66

Andria Calhoun Plonka ’67

Florence A. Powell ’80

Carley Przystac

Rebecca Bentsen Phillips ’70

Christi-Anne Plough

Mr. and Mrs. James E.

Cynthia Bumgardner

Kay Parham Picha ’70

Erin Plumb

Powell II

Puckett ’98

Amy Pickard

Sally Gammon Plummer ’54

Judith B. Powell ’69

Sarah Scales Puckett ’95

Laura Louise Fitton Pieper ’98

Janice E. Pogue ’71

Kitty Corbett Powell ’38*

Christina Puder

Susan B. Piepho

Jessica Pisciotta Pohl ’09

M. Anne Powell ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Pugh

Linda Duke Pierce ’70

Sarah Canovaca Poirier ’03

Margaret Morris Powell ’54

Louise E. Pulizzi ’75

Margaret Booth Pierce ’45

Karen Polensky

Tom Powell

Louise Kelly Pumpelly ’52

Gail Coyne Pierdiluca ’80

Dana Bordvick Poleski ’98

Marsha Decker Powers ’75

Dana W. Purcell ’98

Bonnie Blew Pierie ’67

Serge Polevitzky

Marion K. Poytner

Laura Purcell

Darlene B. Pierro ’69

Ivana Polic

Gregory and Janet Prato

Robin Sue Purcell

Mary Kraus Pierson ’51

Lindsay Politi

Ann Kerr Preaus ’66

Virginia Stevens Purcell ’72

Alaric Piette

Mary Collett Polk ’61

Noreen Prenty

Anne D. Purinton ’70

Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Pike

Susan Pollard

Jameson Presley

M. Claire McDonnell

Robert Martindale Pilch

Mr. and Mrs. Dale W.

Jennifer Preston

Purnell ’81

Polley, Sr.

Katherine House Beck

Connie Purvis

Virginia Spangler Polley ’76

Preston ’84

Patricia Owens Purvis ’50

Sandra Pollock

Stephen Preston

Patricia Powell Pusey ’60

Jane Polsky ’68

Christine Mendel Prewitt ’73

Serena K. Putegnat ’98

Saynor Johnson Ponder ’57

Anne Osterholm Pribble ’96

Janet Putks

Emily L. Poore ’99

Barbara Mendelssohn

Natalie A. Pye ’07

Price ’78

Steven Pye

Deborah Price

Daisy E.A. Quarm ’70

Janice Price

Leslie Heye Quarrier ’62

Margaret Craighill Price ’41

Kathleen Kraemer Quayle ’70

Mary Lanford Price ’91

Cecilia Robertson Queen ’75

Rachel Baltus Price ’96

James B. Query

Richard Price

Aurelie Queste

Jan Pridmore ’71

Elena Quevedo ’83

Day Smith Pritchartt ’79

R. M. Quicke

Anne K. Proctor ’07

Meredith Borst Quillman ’78

Elizabeth Proctor ’84

Catherine Catlett Quinlan ’76

Mr. and Mrs. James Proctor

Elizabeth Schumacher

Lindsay K. Profenno ’15

Quinn ’83

Terri Proffitt

Emma Quinn

Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Prothro

Meredith Quinn

Katherine Elizabeth

Patricia Quinn

Jessica Yvonne Pilgrim ’10 Hannah L. Pillsbury ’74 Jeannette N. Pillsbury ’72 Helen Raney Pinckney ’66 Hope Pinkerton Kathryn M. Pinner ’70 Maud Anton Pinter ’05 Kathleen Abel Pione ’93 Nancy Mortensen Piper ’74 Paul Pisano Guinevere Anne Pitcher ’16 Bonnie L. Pitman ’68 Briana Beckham Pitt ’04 Elizabeth Brawner

Mrs. Margaret A. Poore Michelle L. Poore ’04 Eleanor Cain Pope ’58 Elizabeth Dykes Pope ’83 Ardis Fratus Porter ’48 Catherine Tift Porter ’44 Elisabeth Scott Porter ’64 Sandra Porter

Pittman ’59

Kirsten A. Porter-Stransky ’09

Julia S. Pittman ’11

Paulette Porter-Stransky

Amy Jo Pitts ’99

Audrey Breitinger Post ’51

Sarah Christine Pitts ’03

Charles Poston

Sarah E. Pitts ’91

Nancy Dutton Potter

Kathryn Spencer Pixley ’63

Russell Potterfield

Rebecca Placek

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne

Susan Dern Plank ’73 Jill Whittaker Player ’89

Pottmeyer Jane G. Potts ’73

Provaznik ’15





Stacey Hannan Quinn ’89

Molly F. Randolph ’67

Mary McDuffie Redmond ’47*

Jason Reynolds

Melissa Murray Quinones ’87

Sarah Rebentisch

Nicole Leigh Redwine ’01

Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Reynolds

Jane Marie Rabadi ’95

Randolph ’74

Ann Benson Reece ’63

Marguerite Morgan

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rabuse

Milbrey Sebring Raney ’65

Bettie Katherine Arnold

Reynolds ’65

Sara Radamus

Christine R. Rangel ’01

Reed ’64

Betsy Rhame-Minor

Lori Radcliff

Jane C. Rangel ’06

Elizabeth Sheets Reed ’82

Carol Reifsnyder Rhoads ’65

Mary (Mamie) Rader

Joan Stewart Rank ’52

Gregg Reed

Marquita Belzer Rhodes ’98

Mrs. Kathleen Carr Rae ’10

Mary Kendig Rankin ’70

Katherine Reed

Sandy and Suzy Rhodes

Catherine Raeder

Whitney Jester Ranstrom ’65

Mr. Kenneth Edward Reed

Vanessa K. Rhodes ’90

Wallis Wickham Raemer ’70

Tiffany Nicholle Rapetsky ’11

Nancy Bullard Reed ’66

Lucy Batten Ricardo

Jane Richley Rafal ’70

Kaitlyn Rappleye

Noreen Conover Reed ’73

Daniela N. Ricci ’95

John Ragosta

Pamela J. Rasche ’73

Patricia Talbott Reed ’76

Amy Riccitelli

Marcia Pollock Ragsdale ’70

Nancy Pesek Rasenberger ’51

Patsey Carney Reed ’62

Paula Riccobono

Alexandra Harlan

Catharine Clark

Scarlett Leigh Reel ’13

Amanda Lynn Rice ’00

Raifsnider ’15

Rasmussen ’50

Kathryn Ingham Reese ’88

Lindsay L. Rice ’08

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Raifsnider

Maryam S. Rasoulian ’14

Kimberly H. Reese ’04

Melanie Holland Rice ’76

Carolyn Rogers Rainbow ’70

Carolyn King Ratcliffe ’60

Catherine D. Reeve ’88

Paul and Gina Rice

Heather and Robert Raines

Alyssa Ratledge

Jessica Reeves

Susan Bloomer Rice ’69

Caroline G. Rainey ’10

Rosemary K. Ratliff ’94

Bagley Reid

Ann Littleton Lassotovitch

Louise Weston Rainey ’74

Mary Scott Rauch ’62

Fergus Reid

Rich ’15

Lynn Rainville

Jennifer Parker

James W. Reid

Diana Cassedy Rich ’69

Marion Sim Reid ’36*

Kathryne Ellis Richard ’15

Nancy Reid

Dr. Sam Richard

Pamela L. Reid ’72

Alexia Albrecht Richards ’16

Cristi G. Hooper Reiger

Anna Devol Richards ’14

Diane Dale Reiling ’73

Anne H. Richards ’84

Erica Reiling

David Richards

Alicia Ann Remington ’18

Elizabeth Hooks Richards ’48

Alicia Mariane Renfrow ’03

Michael D. Richards

Page Munroe Renger ’67

Anna Richardson

Mary Lee Renken

June Lee Richardson ’86

Melinda Renken

Leslie Buchman

Janet Rakoczy ’78 Therese and Wendell Rakosky Carl Rakowski Gail Anderson Ramey ’64 Diana Ramos Melissa Ramos ’10 Bonnie Damianos

Raudenbush ’95 Nia Fonow Ravenstahl ’01 Elizabeth D. Rawles ’75 Katherine Rose Rawls ’75 Mary Lyman Ray ’71 Shannon Young Ray ’84 Betty Forbes Rayburn ’56

Rampone ’75

Jerry Raymond

Col. and Mrs. Donald A.

John G. Raymond


Michelle D. Raymond ’09

Patricia Clair Clancy

Mary Duff Rayneri

Ramsay ’85

Ellen Pringle Read ’60

Ann Wesley Ramsey ’75

Ann Morrison Reams ’42*

Kimberly Riccardi Ramsey ’73

Samuel Rebelsky

Laura B. Ramsey ’96

Natalie Ann Lindfors

Leslie Armstrong Ramsey ’72

Recupero ’98

Marianne Ramsey

Anna Carmichael

Jane Randall

Redding ’99

Melody McCormick

Camille E. Reding ’14

Randall ’64

Elizabeth Wallace

Jennifer Stone Randolph ’88

Redmond ’58

Charla Leonard Reynolds ’72

Mary Clemens Randolph ’70

Gretchen Armstrong

George Reynolds

Redmond ’55

James L. Reynolds

Fred H. Renner III Georgia Johns Renner ’84 Robin Ould Rentsch ’60 Susan Smiley Renzi ’77 Sandra Renzy Guinevere M. Reyes ’06 Annie Reynolds Catherine Cox Reynolds ’49

Richardson ’63 Lloyd Richardson Louise Winslett Richardson ’60 Robbin Richardson ’71 Margaret Anderson Richburg ’02 Meredith K. Richel ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Steven Richel Patience Richeson ’91 Susan P. Richeson ’81 *Deceased



Emily Rose Richonne ’12

Maggie Roberts

Ann T. Rockwell ’80

Ellen Rosenshein

Judy and Marc Richonne

Malone Barry Roberts ’10

Cynthia Marie Roden ’10

Anne Sargeant Rosenthal ’81

Judith H. Richter

Martha French Roberts ’75

Robin Roden ’73

Janis Roskelley ’00

Victoria Clarendon

Nancie Howe Entenmann

The Reverends D.H. and

Jean Platt Rospondek ’73

Richter ’80

Roberts ’56

Barbara Rodgers

Amy Biathrow Ross ’94

Charles Rickers

Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Raymond R.

Mr. and Mrs. James H.


Rodgers, Jr.

Ashley Ross

Amy Dickson Riddell ’92 Deborah Luby Rie ’68

Sarah Archibald Roberts ’83

Josephine Wells Rodgers ’53

Melissa Greenwood

Sarah Dennis Roberts ’96

Laurel Speilman Rodgers ’03

Riemer ’75

Anne Robertson

Julie Jacocks Rodriguez ’06

Dr. and Mrs. Gary H. Riggs

Edith Brooke Robertson ’50

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson

Amy Rigsby

Eliza Robertson


Jordel and Robert Rihl

Katie Clarkson Robertson ’97

Lee Carroll Roebuck ’87

Ursula B. Rij

Legare Thompson

Rev. and Mrs. Burlyn

Ursula Jerianna Rij ’10

Robertson ’46*

Rogers, Jr.

Niraj Rijal

Lisa Nelson Robertson ’76

Mr. and Mrs. David Rogers

Amy Waite Riley ’93

Marcia Robertson

Erin L. Rogers ’08

Hollylane Riley ’06

Wendy Hoilman

Newnie Rogers

Robertson ’73

Sascha Givanni Rogers ’04

Raina S. Robeva

Virginia Luscombe Rogers ’50

Diana Robin ’57

Lynn Kahler Rogerson ’76

Susan Robinette

Mr. and Mrs. James J.

Betsy Alden Robinson ’58


Elizabeth Beltz Rowe ’48

Carol L. Robinson ’79

Kelli M. Rogowski ’99

Mr. Josiah P. Rowe III

Christa Shusko Robinson ’00

Sarah Bradford Rohr ’01

Megan Thomas Rowe ’01

Corinna Robinson

Blair Josephs Rohrer ’69

Charity Rowland

Captain and Mrs. Evan D.

Caroline Reu Rolader ’88

Hugh Rowland


Susan Castle Rolewick ’74

Daniel Roy

Katherine-Anne Parnell

Deborah Warren Rommel ’70

Ashley Elizabeth Royal ’15

Robinson ’06

Leticia I. G. Romo ’92

Donna Daniels Rubin ’76

Marguerite Brendlinger

Elizabeth Thomas Rook ’80

Jennifer Smith Rucker ’96

Frances A. Root ’80

Joseph Rucker

Mary Ann Mellen Root ’53

Traylor Rucker ’65

Barbara Burns Roper ’64

Cynthia Rucker-Staton

Mary K. Rora ’12

Paige Kaylor Ruddy ’10

Nan Locke Rosa ’53

Eden L. Rue ’89

Jeffrey Rose

Matt Ruedinger

Patricia Parkinson Riley ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Randy M. Riley Lynne Riley-Coleman ’64 Mary Cosby Rinehart ’61 Melanie Fiorenza Rinehart ’14 Robin Rinker Catherine Howell Riordan ’72 Dana G. Ripperton ’05 Amy Whitney Rippey ’01 Jennifer Lauren Mooney Risey ’93 Charles Ritman Barbara Ritter Eileen Roach Mary Reid Roach ’74 Nancy Reid and Robert Roach Norma Neblett Roadcap ’76

Robinson ’44* MaryLou Robinson Olive Wilson Robinson ’63 Virginia Stone Robinson ’85 Kathryn Robinson

David Ross Audrey Lahman Rosselot ’48 Daniel Roth Thomas Roth Nancy Buckey Rothacker ’86 Eric Rothamel Sara Renee Rothamel ’09 Jennifer A. Rotman ’84 Suzanne and Karl Roulston Susan Hight Rountree ’59 Gary Maxwell Rousseau ’56 Katie Routh Wendy Wise Routh ’75 Alisa Yust Rowe ’71 Carolyn and Mick Rowe

Alice Haywood Robbins ’65

Hillestad ’89

Charlotte Battle Robbins ’73

Shannon Mary-Lynn

Joanne Hicks Robblee ’70

Robison ’02

Rachelle Colquitt Rose ’97

Raymond G. Ruff

Sabryna McClung

Rosie Robledo

Reneca Rose-Levine

Jill Steenhuis Ruffato ’80

Roberson ’93

Marti Robson

Jennifer Bach Rosen ’88

Erin A. Ruffead ’05

Bria Roberts

Heather Mae Roby ’94

Jennifer Memmott

Suzanne Ruffin ’61

George H. Roberts, Jr.

Nicole Balding Roca

Rosenberg ’86

Teresa Baldus Rugeley ’84

Mr. and Mrs. James J. Hiniker

John Roche

Kimberly Nicole Rosenberg ’11





Mason Bennett Rummel ’83

Sarah Andres Sale ’90

Elizabeth Wassell Sauder ’84

Katherine A. Schlech ’70

Meriwether Hagerty

Kerry J. Salem

Deborah Hooker Sauers ’74

Georgia Schley Ritchie ’80

Rumrill ’59

Marie Salgado

Catherine Callender Sauls ’86

Emily Eugenie Schlosberg ’19

Caitlin Sundby Russell ’94

Hilary Harris Salley ’87

Danielle Saunders

Anne Parker Schmalz ’62

Graham Maxwell Russell ’79

Christie Calder Salomon ’64

Whitney and Ellen Harrison

L. Angelyn Schmid ’87

John Russell

Dejerianne Ostrow

Saunders ’75

Ernest and Rita Schmidhauser

Lauranah Ison Russell ’03

Salomon ’96

Yolanda L. Davis Saunders ’96

Jenna Elizabeth Schmidt ’12

Nancy Hinton Russell ’52

Magdalena Salvesen ’65

Elma L. Savage ’68

Jennifer Wiley Schmidt ’06

Dr. and Mrs. Robin O. Russell

Margaret Lyle Samdahl ’72

Kathryn Renee Savage ’92

Julia M. Schmitz ’03

Susan Clay Russell ’81

Courtney L. Sames ’06

Tracy G. Savage ’70

Edgar and Janet Schneider

Susan Griste Russell ’78

Amanda K. Ryan Samford ’10

Anne Savarese Bigham

Evan Schneider

Fiona Russo

Jo Schneider Samp ’77

Saving Sweet Briar, Inc.

Mary T. Ziebold Sampson ’87


Ingrid Schneider

Ann P. Rutherford ’61 Fleming Parker Rutledge ’59

Maureen Sampson

Jana L. Sawicki ’74

Ron Sampson

Mark and Cris Ellen Sawyer

Jane Hubbard Sams ’79

Melanie Sayed

Patrick Schneider

Lynn Samuel

Elizabeth Miller Sayler ’55

Leslie Caroll Cantrell

Kathleen A. Ryan ’75

Heidi Samuelson

Mr. Charles Saylor and Ms.

Schoeffel ’87

Kathleen E. Ryan ’08

Layton Sanders, Jr.

Laurie Bell

Patricia Schoen

Margaret Christian Ryan ’74

Letitia Sanders ’62

Roselle Faulconer Scales ’43

Elliott Graham Schoenig ’76

Mary Johnson Ryan ’86

Margaret Mackie Sanders ’71

Cecil Collins Scanlan ’63

Jane and Richard Schoessow

Rebecca Ryan

Mary Ferguson Sanders ’43

Susan P. Scanlan ’69

Carol Schofield

Shanna P. Ryan ’08

Nicholas E. Sanders

Belinda Scanlon

Janine Paris-Mesanko

Susan Ryan

Dicksie Lee Waterhouse

Dorothy Scarborough

Schofield ’96

Carolyne Ryder

Sandifer ’61

Sallie F. Scarborough ’75

Elizabeth Kopper

Catherine Scheer Rymer ’04

Julia Grosvenor Sanford ’80

Terry Scarborough

Schollaert ’64

Eugenia Bull Ryner ’67

Lee Addison Sanford ’73

Mr. and Mrs. Brent Schaefer

Elizabeth Schreiber-Byers

Anne Cho Ryoo ’95

Norma and Stephen Sanford

Laura Jane Schaefer ’07

Lisa Schrenk

Mr. and Mrs. Michal J. Sabat

Betty Rau Santandrea ’70

Frances Dornette Schafer ’70

Alexa T. Schriempf ’97

Margaret M. Sabo

Shirley Santora

Muriel Abrash Schapiro ’44*

Vikki A. Schroeder ’87

Emilie Saccenti

Caroline Anne Sapp ’09

Elizabeth Schappert

Holly Zweigler Schroeter ’65

Katherine Michelle Sachs ’02

Margaret Jenkins Sapp ’97

Laura Christine Schein ’11

Lisa A. Schubert ’76

Debbie and Dennis Sackman

Jonathan Sargeant

Barbara Pratt Schelhorn ’83

Rowena Van Tuyl Schubert ’76

Jessica Porter Sadeq ’04

Judith Welton Sargent ’59

Katherine Maxwell

Barbara Schuh

Anne Wingfield Saelens ’09

Margaret Elizabeth Stookey

Schellhammer ’95

Amelia and Jeffrey Schultz

Sargent ’88

Ann Fulenwider Schenck ’59

Judith Greer Schulz ’61

Alyssa B. Sarmiento ’15

Linda Mae Visocan Scherr ’87

Mary Lou Schulz

David and Lisa Sarmiento

Christina Bacchiani

Alyssa Brook Schulze-

Schieffelin ’68

Stark ’09

Alicia DuPont Schiff ’92

Dirk Schumacher

Anne Schiff

Laura Schumacher

Grace Tredwell Schild ’82

Kasprzak ’88

Nancy Townsend

Jessie Ruth Schuster ’17

James Rutrough Sharon Ruvane ’76 Gina Kirsten Ryan ’14

Jonell Briggs Safford ’67 Paul and Denise Sagan Lee Grzybowski Sakowicz ’86 Carolyn Hallahan

Jessica McCarthy Sarolli ’08

Salamon ’80

Ute K. Sartin ’97

Tanya Salas Platt ’10

Claire Sasser

Acacia Marie Salazar ’15

Virginia Payne Sasser ’72

Marianne Salcedo

Polly Sattler ’88



Schlachter ’67

Kristina Schneider Linda-Jean Smith Schneider ’76


Kathleen Cochran Schutze ’73

Marguerite Sears

Marty Shapard

Dorothy Wyatt Shields ’58

Dawn Leary Schwarting ’95

Mary Sears

David H. Shapiro

Julia Shields ’62

Brenda Schwartz

J. R. Sears III

Lisa Brundage Shapiro ’77

Kristin James Shields ’92

Emily Busse Schwartz ’98

Cheryl Marie Sedlak

Ms. Anita Shapolsky

Megan Gerringer Shields ’15

Lauren M. Schwartz ’09

Seaver ’09

Elizabeth Hutchins

Anne Ross Shipe ’75

Mary Boehling Schwartz ’81

Dr. Mark E. Seaver and

Sharland ’61

Dr. Andrea J. Sedlak

Renee Shipe

Janeen K. Sharma ’96

Charles Seawell

Kari Andersen Shipley ’76

Shweta Sharma ’01

Rosemary Warner Seawell ’69

Karen Schwabenton

Sneha Sharma ’06

Shipper ’67

Mabelle Garrard

Elizabeth Cahill Sharman ’84

Deborah Shlager

Chiquita Rahnez Sharp ’14

Eva Lee H. Shober

Julie Alissa Sharp 13

Joan Shoemaker

Mary Miller Sharp ’40

Karla K. Shone

Rose Smith Sharp ’67

Mr. Robert W. Shone

Mary Cowell Sharpe ’79

Erin Shore

Andrea A. Sharples ’92

Caitlyn Jean Elizabeth

Andrea L. Sharretts ’99

Short ’18

Helen Anderson Shaw ’63

Jane Reeb Short ’74

Mary Halliday Shaw ’88

Margaret Shortlidge ’06

Michelle Shaw

Virginia Yelverton

Robert Jay Schwartz Samantha Jay Schwartz ’13 Susan Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schwartz Nancy Hatch Schwartzmiller ’79 Edward L. Schwarzschild Thomas Schweitzer Mr. Gregg Scible Caridad Scordato Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Scott Constance A. Scott ’74 Elizabeth Pinkerton Scott ’36 James M. Scott Joan Scott Joyce M. Scott ’05 Matthew Scott Nancy Pendergrass Scott ’67 Prudence Sandifer Scott ’59 Prudence Scott R. Strother Scott Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Scott Thomas Scott Kelli N. Scott-Uttley ’98 Cara Scouten Margaret Scouten James W. Scow Cornelia Harrison Scribner ’62 Angela M. Scully ’77 Ieke Osinga Scully ’78 Ebony T. Scurry ’04 Alexandra Seal Elizabeth Duke Seaman ’59 Stella Renchard Seamans ’67 Alexandria Searls Mr. John Sears

Seawright ’58 Eddie Seay Anne Secor ’80 Lesli Sedwick-Sheusi ’94 Alex Seely Amy Segposyan Amanda Thrasher Segrest ’71 Elizabeth Taylor Seifert ’83 Bonnie L. Seitz ’01 Pamela Dickens Sellars ’83 Sandra Compton Sellman ’89 Cynthia Seng Stella Sergeeff Christina Serio Susan Allan Severns ’79 Anne Frierman Sewell ’84 Sara Seyfarth ’99 Antoinette F. Seymour Marshall Metcalf Seymour ’64 Peter Seymour Randle Seymour Dayna Kinnard Shah ’70 Esme Shaller Pamela Leary Shandrick ’66 Brittany and Susan ShandsCrawford Cole B. Shanholtz ’06 Scott C. Shank Daniel E. Shannon Jessica L. Shannon ’03 John R. and Sylvia P. Shannon Patricia L. Shannon ’74 Lixin Shao

Margaret Shawley Brent M. Shea Diana K. Sheehan Jane Russo Sheehan ’52 Mary Sheehan Mr. Harold V. Sheets, Jr. Brian Shelburne Jessica Suzanne Sheleg ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jay Shepard Nancy Anderson Shepard ’55 Rebecca Patton Shepard ’63 Lola Steele Shepherd ’50 Beth Shepperd Melinda D. Sher ’88* Amy Sherman ’01 R. Anne Pankoski

Showalter ’67 Whitney Bay Shuck ’89 Katelin Shugart-Schmidt Will Shumadine Heather McKoy Shumaker ’94 Rick Shuman Carol Siddons Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Sidles Penelope Steketee Sidor ’66 Ari Siegert Emily Siegrist Jone Sienkiewicz Catherine Siewick Jane Slack Sigloh ’56 Monica Signoretti ’00 Susanna Judd Silcox ’52

Sherman ’96

Laura Greene Silsbee ’94

Stephanie F. Sherrard ’01

Hannah J. Silva ’05

Angela Sherwood

Courtney Arnott

Mary Alexander Sherwood ’53 David Shiben

Silverthorn ’03 Anne Smith Simet ’63

Alice Shields Christiana D. Shields ’00





Amy Ann Simmons ’86

Alexandra Slater

Ellen S. Smith ’87

Rachel M. Snider ’03

D’Andra C. Simmons ’91

Gracia Walker Slater ’62

Elsbet Carroll Smith ’04

Tina Hansel Snover ’99

Elizabeth Perkinson

Louise Archer Slater ’71

Emily Pleasants Smith ’65

Stephanie Frantz Snyder ’83

Simmons ’78

Carter Van Deventer

Ferrell Lyles Smith ’07

Erin E. Sobotta ’99

Jana Portman Simmons ’82

Slatery ’49

Frances Street Smith ’52

Levi Sofaer-Morse

Leigh Ramsay Simmons ’78

Rosa McGowin Slaughter ’79

Gillian M. Long ’03

Jessica Soler

Margaret Lawrence

Susan Hendricks Slayman ’60

Simmons ’49

and Kelson E. Slayman

Gordon Smith

Jane Hamill Sommer ’65

Rachel Simmons

Dawn W. Slekis ’08

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Smith

Andrea Beerman Sonfield ’68

Allison Stemmons Simon ’63

Steven and Paula Slekis

Hallie Darby Smith ’67

Colleen Sonosky

Diana Simon

Carey Thomas Slesinger ’74

Heather Smith

Suzette Morton Sorenson ’47

Jane Simon

Emily Hunter Slingluff ’55

Holly L. Smith ’72

Lorna Allen Sorley ’68

Sophie Simonard-Norman ’98

Lauren Kaplan Slobin ’01

Julie Littleton Smith ’89

Rachel C. SouderArguedas ’01

Jennifer Simpkins

Len Davis Slusser

Katharyn Kelly Smith ’76

Mary Celeste Holmes

Katherine Smith

Katherine Blythe

Diana K. Simpson ’08 Kendra Hawkins Simpson ’07

Slusser ’94

Margaret Simpson

Deborah B. Slutz ’10

Melissa Simpson

Wylie Jameson Small ’83

Mr. Michael Simpson

Alexander Smelson

Stacia Simpson ’92

Catherine Brownlee

Susan D. Sinclair and

Smeltzer ’59

Louis Burns

Alexis Smith

Ross Singletary

Alix Sommer Smith ’71

Martha Bickham Singleton ’71

Amy K. Smith ’79

Marvin Singleton

Ann R. Smith ’74

Anita Sinha

Ann Whittingham Smith ’52

Brooks Sinnen

Anne G. Smith ’86

James and Laura Sinner

Anne Herrmann Smith

Jessica Michelle Sinnott ’86

Barbara Hahn Smith ’51

Anne Sinsheimer ’51

Barret R. Smith

Cameron Clark Sipe ’87

Mr. and Mrs. Barry L. Smith

Eric Sirio

Bethannie Swisher Smith ’01

Judith E. Sirkis

Camillia Smith and

Wendy Anne Sivik ’14 Mariah Keelin Skalka ’14 Ellen Wahl Skibiak ’77 Sarah Garrison Skidmore ’56 Mary L. Skinner ’71 Nancy Howell Skinner ’62 Elizabeth Gallo Skladal ’58 Ginger Carter Skoog ’97 Stephen Slade Jennifer Slade Belovsky ’71 70


Jay Barnes Caroline Newton Smith ’92 Carolyn Smith ’53 Catherine Cassidy Smith ’81 Champe C. Smith ’73 D. Smith Daniel Smith David Smith Elizabeth Smith Ellen Bryan Tozzer Smith ’87

Kendy Allen Smith Kirby Smith Kitty Lou Smith Lisa Neuenschwander Smith ’78 Lochrane Coleman Smith ’76 Louise Streeter Smith ’50 Margaret Lotterhos Smith ’54 Maria Smith Mrs. Marilyn S. Smith Olivia Trees Smith ’14 Patricia Donaldson Smith ’73 Peggy Arduser Smith ’58 Sally Smith ’63 Saralyn McAfee Smith ’65 Sheila Haskell Smith ’61 Susan Dabney Smith ’73 Susanna Smith Wendy Weiss Smith ’71 William Smith Dereece Smither Elizabeth Shelton Smolens ’75 Ashley Smoyer Alice Allen Smyth ’62 Amy Hess Snawder ’00 Susanne Williams Snead ’64 Virginia Snell Elaine Snider Judith Whitacre Snider ’62

Southerland ’69 Chara Lindel Southworth ’15 Susan Moorman Southworth ’66 David and Rachel Soward Donald Soward Megan Sowers Nancy Lumpkin Sowers ’89 Christina Spada ’89 Tracy Glaves Spalding ’84 Cynthia Hubard Spangler ’63 Ava Spanier ’86 Katherine Lemming Sparkman ’99 Leslie Sparkman Karol Kroetz Sparks ’73 Caroline Hawk Sparrow ’81 Stephanie Bredin Speakman ’68 Kathleen Spear Alester Spears Carrie Leigh-Anne Speck ’03 Heather Anne Speer ’06 Ms. Laurel Speer Chris Anne Spehar ’90 Charlotte Speilman ’05 Rosalind Ray Spell ’74 Jared Spencer

Nancy Salisbury Spencer ’56

Caroline G. Stark ’00

Joseph Sterling

Anne Green Stone ’53

Stephanie Jeanne Sperling ’07

Nancy Sanders Starr ’46

Renee Sterling ’73

Debra Stone

Arielle Sperrazza ’15

Laurie Lyn Starrett ’87

Anne Stern

Elizabeth Smith Stone ’58

Mr. and Mrs. David Sperrazza

Robert Starrett

Linda Reynolds Stern ’66

Glenn Stone

Benjamin Spier

Jennifer Phelps Staton ’02

Margaret Jones Steuart ’54

Hattie Hughes Stone ’54

Lynne Spies

Margaret Semmes

Janet C. Steven

Jacqueline Hekma Stone ’59

Marilyn Spies

Stavropoulos ’61

Amanda Davis Stevens ’02

John Stone

Cora Morningstar Spiller ’50

Meghan Frier Stawasz ’01

Catherine McNease

Phillip C. Stone

Monica Saumweber

Clélie D. Steckel

Stevens ’86

Heather Anne Stoner

Spillias ’73

Leslie Austin Steddenbenz ’04

Cladd Stevens

Hunter Anne Stoner ’15

Katharine Osborne Spirtes ’75

Kristen Lawlor Steege ’00

Craig R. Stevens

Bonnie Moe Stook ’72

Amanda Birge Spivey ’61

Cheryl L. Steele

Elizabeth Little Stevens ’77

Catherine H. Stopher ’69

Emily Nicole Spivey ’15

Christina Steele

Hayley Stevens

Kim Storbeck

Laura Saunders Spratley ’66

Harriette Lineberger

John and Sharyl Stevens

Valeria Parker Storms ’58

William Sprecher

Steele ’54

Meredith Stevens

Carol Stout

Catherine Gumpman

Jane Street Steele ’56

Natasha Nickodem

Springer ’10

Kathleen Pretzfelder

Stevens ’01

Katharine McDill Stover ’95

Glenn King Springer ’77

Steele ’73

Stacy McKimm Stevens ’97

C. Allen Sprinkle

Kelly Steele

Lisa Claypool Stevenson ’89

Jane A. Sprouse

Linda Lucas Steele ’75

Alice Fales Stewart ’64

Adria Spruell

Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Steele, Jr.

Demis Stewart

Suzanne Spruell

Tracy L. Steele ’92

Kasey Brooke Stewart ’15

Diane Doscher Spurdle ’59

Victoria K. Steele ’70

Mary Page Stewart ’78

Susan Jayne Spurrell ’91

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Steele

Mary Stickney

Ingrid Weirick Squires ’86

Jamie Ranae Steen ’07

Charlotte Snead Stifel ’52

Rebecca Stachel

Ann Maricle Stefano ’78

Amanda Stiff

Wenllian Jenkins Stallings ’47

Janice Renne Steffen ’74

Nedra Greer Stimpson ’51

Nicole McDaniel-Carder

Melanie Bowen Steglich ’78

Megan Stine

Stamant ’02

Stephanie Steigman

Melanie Stine

Caville Stanbury-Woolery ’06

Amy Stein

Joseph P. Stinnett

Jane Johnson Stanek ’68

Jean Blanton Stein ’44

Meredith Stinson

William Stanfield

Jonathan A. Stein

Amy B. St. John ’06

D. J. Stanhope ’81

Barbara H. Steiner

Charlie Stringfellow

Blair St. Ledger-Olson

Anne Stanley ’64

Celia Newberg Steingold ’68

Margaret Strobbe

Alison Stockdale ’00

Carol MacMillan Stanley ’67

Anne Stelle ’78

Belinda Smith

Mary Copeland Stockton ’96

Struckmeyer ’94

Christina Benson Stanton ’97

Aja Grosvenor Stephens ’02

Kristin Stockwell

Christopher Stuart

Fiona Marie Stanton ’15

Elynor Neblett Stephens ’57

Anne Stoddard ’68

Nan Stuart ’75

Gary Stanton

Erica Stephens

Gracey Stoddard ’67

Tracy Anne Stuart ’93

Margaret Stanton

Jocelyn M. Stephens ’11

Susan L. Stoebner ’89

Cate Stuart-Hodges

Sarah Anderson Stanton ’89

Tamara Stephens

Kate Stoeckel

Prudence Gay Stuhr ’63

Wendy Congdon Stanton ’77

Rebecca Jane Stephenson ’00

Martha Lou Lemmon

Emily Clifton Stump ’08

Cathy Calello Staples ’79

Dr. and Mrs. Steven L.

Stohlman ’34*

Sarah Riggs Stapleton ’01


Anne K. Stokes ’75

Alexandra M. St. Pierre ’12 Kate McClure Straccia ’00 Sally C. Strain ’63 Robert Straitt Jesse Durham Strauss ’96 Ronny Strauss Tamar Strauss Lynn Gullett Strazzini ’67 Ian Street Kathy Streetman Taylor Streetman Dorothy Streett Hilary Pool Strickland ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Stringfellow, Jr.





Emily Stump

Scarlett E. Swain ’98

John Tan

Madeleine Long

Rebecca Sturdy

David Swan

Stephanie Dance Tancredi ’90

Tellekamp ’67

Katherine Haskell

Morgan Jane Swan ’04

Patricia Tang

Mary Kimball Temple ’52

Subramanian ’63

Martha L. Swanson ’85

Amelia Watkins Tankard ’87

Janet Templer

Emily Grace Suchta ’04

Martha Madden Swanson ’66

Joie Roderick Tankard ’90

Elizabeth F. Tennant ’88

Shirley Hayman Sudduth ’60

Vinca Swanson ’94

Ashley Tanner

James E. Terrell

Rebecca Sugarman

Signee Hoffman Swartley ’91

Deborah Griffin Tanner ’74

Patricia Hassler Terrell ’47

Elizabeth Nelson Suhr ’87

Elizabeth B. Swearingen-

Elizabeth Tanner

Evie Terrono

Bareara Sullivan

Edens ’80

Mary B. Tanner

Martha Roton Terry ’71

Jane Hemenway Sullivan ’78

Lillian Sinks Sweeney ’80

Sarah Pankoski Taranto ’92

Lisa Wolff Terwey ’07

Margaret Myers Sullivan ’74

Lurline Tolbert Sweet ’65

Caroline Lewis Taraschi ’87

Amy Dyer Terzian ’10

Mary Sullivan

Melinda Moore Sweet ’60

Leila Thompson Taratus ’56

Beth Bogdan Tetrault ’79

Mary Lane Bryan Sullivan ’58

Dr. and Mrs. James A.

Barbara Anne Tetzlaff ’57

Meredith Thompson


Helen Bradley Tarbutton ’89

Jennifer McDonaugh

Anina Tardif-Douglin

Deborah L. Thacker ’77

Sullivan ’74

Swiatek ’02

Patricia Tate

Leroy Thacker

Rachael Sullivan

Elena Nicole Swick ’15

Lilian Alexandra Tauber ’14

Elizabeth Ball Thagard ’60

Rachel M. Sullivan ’09

Regina M. Taurino ’10

Prerana Thapa

Sarah Sullivan

Mary Taylor Swing ’58

Wendy Pressel Sullivan ’91

Mr. and Mrs. John H. Swisher

Kerry Sullivan-Kaiser

Katharine Baker Sydnor ’66

Jennifer L. Summerfield ’07

Sarah Herndon Sydnor ’01

Carroll Waters Summerour ’75

D. Sykes

Leslie Williams Summers ’80

Anne Allen Symonds ’62

Lori Ann Harris Summers ’94

Rebecca Trulove Symons ’79

Shelley Summers

Sophie Wackenhut

Jozanne S. Summerville ’04 Carlene Harper Sumner ’94 Margaret Sumner Andrey Suntsev and

Szymanski ’02 Amy Louise Tabb ’01 Natalie Tacke Mr. and Mrs. Tim G. Tade

Katerina Suntseva

Diana Tadler

Patricia Sagasti Suppes ’93

Penelope Tadler ’91

Marie E. Sushka ’67

Elizabeth Bundy Taft ’57

Virginia Wood Susi ’04

Paulett Long Taggart ’44

Cornelia Kennedy Suskind ’81

Katherine Upchurch

Julia K. Sutherland ’78 Patricia Davis Sutker ’59 Grace E. Suttle ’60 Judith Suttles Amanda Megargee Sutton ’71 Bethany Sutton Evelyn M. Sutton Shirley Sutton Kristin Amylon Swain ’74 72


Takvorian ’72 Caroline Busby Talbot ’72 Margaret Cromwell

Alexandra M. Taylor ’10 Ann Alleva Taylor ’84 Ann Hoxton Taylor ’68 Ann T. Taylor ’58 Carol Woodcock Taylor Elizabeth Smith Taylor ’69 Evangeline Easterly

Jean Mackenzie Thatcher ’71 Laura Thatcher Martha Owen Thatcher ’48 Mildred Newman Thayer ’61 Jane Rather Thiebaud ’57 Cynthia Thiele ’92

Taylor ’00

Vera Blake Thiers ’77

Jessica L. Taylor ’06

Marcia J. Thom-Kaley

Kathleen Watson Taylor ’65

C. J. Thomas

Laura Taylor

Catherine L. Thomas ’98

Mary Herbert Taylor ’45

Charlene E. Thomas ’77

Mary Satterfield Taylor ’74

Cristina June Thomas ’13

Molly Taylor

Eugenia Stark Thomas ’95

Rodney Taylor

Kathryn Wright Thomas ’00

Rosie C. Taylor

Kay Morcom Thomas ’96

Sally A. Taylor ’70

Lucy Brooks Thomas ’00

Sandra A. Taylor ’74

Mary Sue Morrison

Terri Taylor

Taliaferro ’49

Rebecca Teachey-Peerman ’07

Elizabeth Wilkins Talley ’88

Ann Collins Teachout ’54

Marcia Dutton Talley

Rebecca Teaff

Margaret Robinson

Elizabeth Doyle Teare ’86

Tallmadge ’81

Ann B. Tedards ’70

Margaret Towers Talman ’49

Sue Rosson Tejml ’58

Joy Powell Talmon ’01

Bajracharya ’91

Thomas ’72 Penelope A. Thomas ’72 Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Thomas Robert S. Thomas Sarah Wilkinson Collins ’04 Sheree E. Thomas William Thomas

Carolyn Birbick

Rosaline Tignor

Laura Ann Humphress

Ashley Nicole Tucker ’15

Thomason ’80

Lea Gardner Tikka ’91

Toussaint ’06

Carol Exnicios Tucker ’53

Patricia Tikkala

Anita Grymes Towell ’60

Elizabeth Brown Tucker ’69

Erin Till

Audrey Townsend ’78

Emily Green Tucker ’09

Virginia Nolte Tillman ’74

Cynthia Little Townsend ’79

Freida Carpenter Tucker ’73

Elizabeth Payne Tillson

Anne P. Toxey ’86

Greyson Shuff Tucker ’72

Mary Bell Timberlake ’67

Newell Bryan Tozzer ’55

Holli Tucker

Lida Matthews Tingley ’61

Jessica Grace Pava Tra ’98

Jeanette Tucker

Ellen Tinnin

Ingrid Zensen

Katie Curling Tucker ’03

Cassandra Lynn ThomasSheehan ’97 Kelli Bergmann Thomasson ’04 DeAndrea Thomas-Young ’95 Alice Wood Thompson ’59 Amanda Nicole Thompson ’14 Cathy Weiss Thompson ’74 Christie Sears Thompson ’05 Elodie Taylor Thompson ’71 Francina Thompson Grace Quirk Thompson ’88 James Thompson, Jr. Jane Arensberg Thompson ’61 Jane Page Thompson Jennifer Stanley

Amy Tipton Maria Jones Tisdale ’75 Katherine Paige Tisher ’13 Paula Tishok Mark Tobias Nancy Tobias Teresa Tobias Amy Donnelly Tobik ’90 Eugene M. Tobin

Thompson ’03

Courtney Elizabeth Todd ’15

Joanne Bossert Thompson ’59

Elizabeth McMahan

Pamela Thompson Patricia Thompson Rachel Elkins Thompson ’91 Ray Henley Thompson ’62 Robert Thompson Susan Boline Thompson ’80 Tracy E. Imse Thomson ’93 Joan Vail Thorne ’51 Angela Renee Thornton ’16 Elizabeth Schneider

Tolbert ’57 Stephen Tolbert Jane Roseberry Tolleson ’52 Hubertina Rose Tolpa ’10 Debbie Tomlin Melanie Tomlin Teresa Pike Tomlinson ’87 Sally Anne Toms ’13 Catherine Jane Tooke ’11 Michael Tooke

Trachtenbarg ’03 Catherine Kinnear Train ’52 Randolph Anderson Trainor ’75 Dr. and Mrs. John H. Trant III Elizabeth A. Trantham ’02 Christine Corcoran Trauth ’85 Helen W. Travis ’74 Nancy Travis Amanda Trefzger Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Triana Jill A. Triana ’99 Rosemary Dunaway Trible ’71 Kathy Ann Trimble ’69 Pamela Trimingham ’68 Van Trinh Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tripp III

Troutman ’91

Eleanor St. Clair Thorp ’58

Lytch Tornow

Kristina Troxel

Janet Thrash

Leslie Charlotte Toro ’95

Gail Rothrock Trozzo ’64

Brooke Linville Thurber ’04

Mr. and Mrs. Theodore W.

Heidi L. Trude ’07

Linda Grizzard Tiffany ’67

Janelle Touma Mary Craighill Tourgee ’81

Brian Turner Carol Childress Turner ’63 David Turner Jessica Story Turner Kathleen Stevenson Turner ’64 Louisa Z. Turner Mary Stimpson Turner ’86 Mr. and Mrs. Perry E. Turner, Jr.

Eileen B. Tuttle

Virginia Hudson Toone ’53

Kate W. Toth ’93

Heidi Belofsky Turk ’85

Ted Turner

Saranna Thornton

Renee Tidwell

Ms. Elizabeth Turek

Mr. and Mrs. William

Jennifer Toomey

Terry Starke Tosh ’75

Laura Tunison

Sandra Schwartz Tropper ’73

Margaret Thornton

William Thurman

Susan Enns Tully ’63

Sidney Turner ’66

Courtney Toomey ’98

Rick Toscano

Lisa Tully

David Trop

Leslie C. Thornton ’75

Deborah Massie Thurman ’76

Elizabeth Weaver Tully ’58*

Sharon Watts Turner ’91

Sarah Tooke



Mary Montelle Tripp ’82

Thornton ’80

Daniel Thurber

Mr. and Mrs. William H.

Chamberlain Trotter III Tamara Trout ’01 Stephanie Banton

Stephen and Laura Trudeau Victoria Anne Trudeau ’11 Jenifer Trujillo Sonya Lynn Truman ’02 Ann Kays Tsuji ’96

Hazel Fellner Tuttle ’44 Elisabeth Brower Tutwiler ’07 Harriet Newman Twigg ’74 Nancy Twigg Michal S. Twine ’68 Patricia Lynn Longest Tyler ’80 Truly Tyler Elizabeth Tyree-Taylor ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Carlo A. Uchello Mr. and Mrs. Richard Uglum





Ainslie Jones Uhl ’76

Jennifer Valentine

Erin J. Vlasaty ’99

Charles Walbridge

Linda R. Uihlein ’77

Van Ness ’92

Anne Marliese Vogel ’92

Elizabeth C. Walbridge ’72

Arne Ulbrich

Louise J. Van Patten ’86

Lindsay Mactavish Vogt ’96

Margaret Walbridge

Alyssa Moonen Ullmeyer ’04

David van Roijen

Stephanie Vogt

Jennifer Ann Walcott ’90

Suzanne Stryker Ullrich ’78

Beverly Van Zandt ’71

Stephanie Vojas

Nancy Walcott

Ann Martin Goldmann

Lucy Dennington

Hollis Hutchens Volk ’80

Patricia Doran Walczak ’93

Jennifer Volk

Leah Brooks Waldrip ’01

Elizabeth Volkmann

Karen H. Waldron ’75

Krista Vollack

Anne Dickson Waldrop ’45

Maria Carozza Volpe ’62

Carolyn Milton Walker ’67

Eileen Yates Von Herbulis ’95

Carolyn Peyton Walker ’64

Sarah P. vonRosenberg ’72

Gale Young Walker ’60

Anne Souder von Weise ’86

Jane Tatman Walker ’60

Mr. and Mrs. William W.

Marion F. Walker ’72


S. AtLee Walker ’69

Albert and Diana Voorthuis

Tracy Walker

Elizabeth Carwile Voss ’11

Wendy Walker

Madge Hall Vosteen ’85

Wendy Igleheart Walker ’78

Mr. and Mrs. Bernard W.

Carrie M. Walkiewicz

Uloth ’83

Van Zandt ’73

Oliver Ulsaker

Sharon Singletary

Laura Warren Underwood ’93 Natasha K. Ungerer ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ungerer Susan Knapp Hurley

Vanzant ’69 Kelly Brown Varga ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Roy B. Varnado Claire Cartwright Vaughan ’78

Upshaw ’99

Lyssa Ann Vaught ’95

Luther J. Upton

Oscar W. Vaught, Jr.

Pilar Uribe ’84

Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Vavala

Barbara Clark Utley ’44

Melissa Leib Veghte ’74

Carolyn Rose Vaccaro ’11

Samantha Vejay

John A. Vaccaro

Amber Vellenga ’91

Ellen Vadl

Michelle Erika Venema ’84

Georgene M. Vairo ’72

Mrs. Megan Combs Veney ’09

Aria Vaitekunas

Dorothy Barnum Venter ’35

Karen Valanzano ’93

Ruth Verbunt

CeCelia E. Valentine ’95

Victoria Chainski Verity ’66

Norma Stieh Bulls

Legare Davis Vest ’89

Valentine ’93

Wanda Vest

Pam Valle

Elizabeth Scott Via ’91

Suzanne Fitzgerald Van

Sarah Underhill Viault ’60

Horne ’47

Britt Vice

Sally Schall Van Allen ’42

Amanda Vickers

Gypsie Bear Van Antwerp ’73

Marion Harrison Vickers ’67

Marie van Beek

Gretchen L. Vida ’95

Gayle Dearborn Vance ’67

Jennifer Sullivan Vieceli ’90

Jennifer C. Vance ’91

Jane Richardson Vieth ’46

Patricia Neale Van Clief ’72

Catherine R. Viette ’93

Rachael Sterling Van Clief ’16

Virginia Viette

Anne Hinshaw

Angie Villamil Novoa

Vanderweil ’68 Nancy VanDyke Katharine Weinrich van Geel ’65 Lennie Rae Vangorder Ann Pritchett Van Horn ’74 Gretchen Van Ness 74


Wackenhut Celeste C. Wackenhut ’08 Anne Rubel Waddell ’77 Anna Meres Wade ’98 Autumn Catalon Wade ’04 Elizabeth Wade ’77

Megan Walkowiak Kelly Nixon Wall ’01 Marie G. Wall ’96 Annabel Metson Wallace ’15 Catherine Matheson Wallace ’74

Janet Taylor Wade ’83

Elizabeth Fleet Wallace ’62

Lauren M. Wade ’05

Ms. Karen Wallace

Lisa Wade

Laura Sauls Wallace ’63

Victoria McClintock Wade ’95

Lisa Wallace

Kimberly Paige Wadelton ’07

Nan Wallace

Amanda K. Wager ’14

Amy Elizabeth Waller ’04

Yana Wagg ’95

Kenneth Waller

Kate Wagle Hitmar

Jennifer Kemper Wallis ’91

Mr. and Mrs. Gary R. Wagner

Diana Bradford Walsh ’92

Jennifer M. Wagner ’97

Jason Walsh

Jo Ann Wagner

Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah J.

Louise W. Wagner


Marye Taylor Wagner ’73

Kearsley Walsh ’81

Marian Roberts Wahlgren ’84

Margaret Erin Keck Walsh ’03

Virginia Haynie

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Wainstein ’86

Walters, Jr.

Tiffany Vines

Laura Waisner

Susanne Walters ’84

Joe Vitale

Mr. and Mrs. David A. Waite

Bronwyn Vincent Patricia Balz Vincent ’39 Barry Vine Glenna Jillian Vine ’11

Carolyn Jones Walthall ’71

Patricia Whitaker Waters ’44*

Maureen Wedner

Reardon C. West and

Mary Walthall ’87

Sandy Waters ’68

Pamela S. Weekes ’83

Margaret Guis

Amanda Moore Walton ’04

Kevin Watford

Seanne Weekes

Tyesha D. West ’14

Andrew Walton

Amanda Watkins

Jane Best Wehland ’57

Jane Westbrook ’53

Anne B. Walton

Chelsea Watkins

Heather Bayfield Weidle ’94

Dorothy C. Westby ’60*

Lisa Moore Walton ’04

Sarah Lawrence Watkins ’68

Katie Keogh Weidner ’88

Lynn V. Westine ’79

Patrick Walton

Lindsay Hicks Watrous ’99

Nancy J. Weigle ’95

Suzanne Torgan Weston ’68

Barbara Sullivan

Anne Mohana Watson ’04

Mr. Arthur Weil

Robin Platt Wetherbee ’82

Wanamaker ’63

Dinah H. Watson

Jeanne Weiler*

Doreen Brugger Wetzig ’45

Jessica Bemis Ward ’63

Joseph Watson

Wendy C. Weiler ’71

Tara Moran Weyer ’96

Phyllis Blythin Ward ’70

Nancy Cunningham

Pamela Weiler-Colling ’79

Alice Anderson Wharton ’75

Ms. Marian Wardle

Watson ’75

Cay Ramey Weimer ’59

Elizabeth Kemper

Christine Devol Wardlow ’63

Sarah Watson ’70

Jerrold G. Weinberg

Anne English Wardwell ’65

Aubrey Watts, Jr.

Gwendolyn Weiner ’62

Betty Byrne Gill Ware ’55

Barbara Watts

Ellen R. Weintraub ’71

Patricia Ware

Charlotte Heuer Watts ’57

Robert Weintraub

Jane Oxner Waring ’58

Emily Watts

Paul Weinwurm

Mary Waring

Margaret Murray Watts ’06

Charles M. Weis

Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.

Donna Waugh-Robinson


Lisa M. Weisbrich ’10

William Deal Waxter III*

Christine Sherwood

Micaela Jessica Weiss ’09

Erin Curpier Whipple ’94

Jenny Waybright

Betty S. Weiss

Rachel E. Whitacre

Candice Pride Waycaster ’06

James Welch

Adrienne Whitaker

Andrew D. and

Jane Feltus Welch ’55

Joel Whitaker

John Welch

Sigur Whitaker

Meredith Leslie Welch ’65

Katherine V. Whitby ’95

Patricia Welch

Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. White

Katharine Harrington

Alexander White

Warner ’73 Elinor H. Warner ’85 Elizabeth Farnsworth Warner ’05 Katherine G. Warner ’95 Dr. Lesley A. Warner ’05

Elaine S. Weaver Sarah Clifford Weaver ’95 Katharine McCardell Webb ’70

Margaret Smith Warner ’58

Larissa Guignard Webb ’90

Diane Lotz Warren ’05

Matthew Webb

Mary Wilkinson Warren ’74

Milea Webb

Pamela Walsh Warren ’82

Trisha J. Webb ’95

Wendy Hyland Warren ’84

Barbara Chase Webber ’54

Christine Warrington

Bill Webber

Emily Rose Wartella ’15

Nahliah L. Webber ’03

Anjela Washington

Tracie Allen Webber ’93

Jesse Wasserman

Ellen B. Webster ’83

Claude Becker

Heather Webster

Wasserstein ’82 Melinda P. Waterbury ’86 Caroline Waterman Catherine R. Waterman ’11 Diana Duffy Waterman ’83 Jon Waters

Mrs. John A. Webster Langhorne Tuller Webster ’58 Lindsay Douglas Webster ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W. Webster, Jr. Annegret P. Weckerle ’93

Welder ’95 Elder Witt Wellborn ’67 Marguerite Geer Wellborn ’56 Ann Denton Wells ’67 Elizabeth Melvin Wells ’99 Jason Wells Anne Harrell Welsh ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Wolfgang Wendt Kyra Jean Meelan Werner ’92 Murrell Rickards Werth ’44* Kristin Wessell Amy Larsen West ’93 Catherine O’Brien West ’99 Jessica L. West ’99

Wharton ’58 Elizabeth McKnight Whatley ’87 Christopher and Barbara Wheatley Nicole Whelan Courtney Huffman Whetstone ’95

Alice Stansbury White ’52 Angela Renee White Ann Rowell White ’56 Caroline W. White ’79 Cassandra White Elizabeth Smith White ’59 Gwin Schroder White ’72* Hedi Haug White ’64 James White Ms. Jesse A. White ’86 Joyce White Kimberly Diane Shaheen White ’96 Leigh Ann White ’86

Joan Darby West ’46 Patrick West





Mary White

Deborah Wiley

Margaret Bromberg

Allison Ditton Winger ’93

Nancy C. White ’79

Elizabeth Stoebner Wiley ’87

Williams-Jones ’47

Mary Steiger Wingerd ’43

Emily C. Wiley ’07

Austin Williamson

Patricia Wood Wingfield ’73

Erin McKinley Wiley ’01

Tara Williamson

Gail Zarwell Winkler ’76

Jane Marie Wiley ’11

Karen Williams-Wickre ’84

Patricia Layne Winks ’52

Kristin Wiley

Susan M. Willig

Betty Bentsen Winn ’53

Wendelin A. White ’74

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen T.

Deborah Edith Willis ’11

Mary Gordon Winn ’66

Wendy White

Wiley, Sr.

Faye Rathgeber Willis ’57

Rosanna Winner

William White

Marvin Wilke

Marguerite Smith Willis ’71

Jennifer Winnett Denniston

Kimberly White Alcantara

Patricia and William

Blake Willms


Celeste Rustom Winslow ’10

Carey Whitehead

Glenn Willoughby

Jacquelyn Denise Wilkins ’03

Lisa Fowler Winslow ’73

Eric Whitehead

Regina Mancusi Wills ’71

Jean Guthans Wilkins ’85

Jo C. Winstead ’77

Michelle Whitehead

Richard B. Wills

R. Alan Winstead

W. Whitehead

Linda Wilkinson

Holly Ann Wilmeth ’00

Sarah E. Winstead ’12

Donna R. Whitehouse

Margaret Butler Wilkinson ’72

Amanda Dawn Kottke Wilson ’98

Florence Barclay Winston ’57

Patricia Davis Whitehurst ’67

Robert Wilkoff

Joan McCarthy Whiteman ’49

Gail Willard

Ann L. Wilson ’54

Catherine Cranston

Jennifer Lindsey Will-

Carmen Marie Wilson

Whitham ’75

Campbell ’13

Carolyn Burke Wilson ’56

Frances Fowler Whitlow ’82

William H. Willcox

Catherine M. Wilson ’02

Mary and Lyndon Whitmore

Elizabeth Harley Willett ’84

Courtenay Sands Wilson ’66

Charlotte Whitten

Barbara Bryant Williams ’81

Elizabeth B. Wilson ’70

Jennifer Wicke

Caroline Diaz Williams ’03

Gail Hayman Wilson ’60

Christine Williams

William Wiseman

Elisa W. Wickham ’73

Jacquelyn M. Wilson ’05

Barbara R. Wiss ’72

Katherine Wickham

Elizabeth M. Williams ’78

Jane Stephenson Wilson ’67

Kathleen Wilson Wissel ’06

Margaret Gearing

Elizabeth Plunkett

Katie Tipton Wilson ’08

Jennifer Solveig Wistrand

Kimberly A. Wilson ’06

Patricia Witcher Jordan ’89

Lois Peterson Wilson ’26*

Alexia Witcombe

Madeline Wilson Wilson ’12

Christopher Whitcombe

Margaret Street Wilson ’64

Giulia Victoria Clare

Mary Beaird Wilson ’85


Natalie Wilson

Melissa Gentry Witherow ’80

Richard Guy Wilson

Mary Withers

Shyne Wilson

Megan Beley Withrow ’01

Virginia L. Wilson ’08

Rebecca Witte

Susie Wilson Lyons

Marcia G. Wittenbrook ’72

Nancy Ray Wiltshire ’86

Ariana Jones Wittke ’46

Joan O’Meara Winant

Anne Wittle

Haden Ridley Winborne ’69

Erin M. Wittle ’09

Christine Jones Winder ’86

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B.

Susan Windley-Daoust


Heather Stevens Wine ’94

Helen Harrison Witty ’75

Richard Avery White Vicky Marie Harvey White ’92 Virginia Shields White ’72

Wickham ’42*

Williams ’48

Margaret Richards

Emily Williams ’93

Wiederseim ’78

Fielding Williams, Sr.

Alysha K. Wiegand ’09

Mr. and Mrs. Gary L.

Sarah Ellen Wiegand ’03


Pamela Hellmuth

Hunter Williams

Wiegandt ’64

Leigh C. Wilson Williams ’97

Elizabeth Colwill Wiegers ’59

Louise Spilman Williams ’78

Cassandra Whaling

Margaret B. Williams ’97

Wierman ’85

Mary Ballou Handy

Herbert N. Wigder

Williams ’59

Melissa O. Wiggins

Meredith Williams ’95

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L.

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Williams


Sallie Yon Williams ’63

Wendy J. Wilcoxson ’93

Scott W. Williams

Cynthia Wilder

Shelby Snyder Williams ’95

Patricia Calkins Wilder ’63

W. Steven Williams

Carolyn Wiley

Wendy Williams



Sarah Hitt Winston ’63 Ashley C. Winters ’11 William Wayne Wirthman, Jr. Anne Brown Wise ’76 Bet Bashinsky Wise ’75 Ms. Elizabeth Carrington Wise ’14

Kelly Ann Winer ’13 *Deceased

Camilla Crocker

Sara Woodson

Margaret Jones Wyllie ’45

Thomas B. Young

Wodehouse ’71

Thomas Woodward

David Wynne

Joseph Yount

Patricia Woernet

Cornelia Redington

Jenna Evans Wynne ’02

Christine Yu

Christina Wofford

Woodworth ’86

Susan Snodgrass Wynne ’72

Hannah Ackley Yuhas

Kirkland Victoria Wohlrab ’04

Amy Woody

Xue Xia ’16

Kathryn Hagist Yunk ’91

Laura J. Wolcott ’12

Dana Dewey Woody ’58

Kelly Xing

Letha Dameron Zackowski ’81

Mary Alma Wolfe ’75

Anne Little Woolley ’83

Cindy Yablonski

Maria Zade

Molly Poole Wolfe ’65

Autumn Wooster

Janet M. Yabroff

Sandra Zahrn

Timothy T. Wolff

Kymberleigh Wooten

September Yancone

Shannon Bazar Zahrn ’99

Earle G. Wolfrom*

Jessica Wootton

Susan Tucker Yankee ’50

Mr. and Mrs. David Zak

Melinda K. Wolfrom ’05

Kurt Wootton

Sarah McClain Yarber ’15

Gregory Zak

Johanna Yaple Wolski ’70

Nancy Finley Worcester ’85

Cheri Burritt Yates ’84

Nellie Min-Ju Kan ’94

Ariana K. Wolynec-Werner ’01

Lucy Winston Works ’38

Dorothy Malone Yates ’42*

Heather Benhard Zander ’97

David Womack

Mary Boykin Wortley ’64

Suzanne Yates ’70

Jean Romanske Zaniewski ’77

Portia Wong

Beth Wortman

Ann H. Yauger ’78

Christina Margaret Love

Anita Woo

Cecilia Kirby Wraase ’74

Carolyn Griffin Yeager ’92

Zaranka ’15

Andrea Wood

Barbara Wray

Marshalyn Yeargin-

Christine Marie Carriere

Ann Benkendorf Wood ’74

K. Wray

Allsopp ’68

Zazulak ’90

Christine Sheris Wood ’73

Mary Denny Scott Wray ’61

Susan Wooldridge Yeatts ’95

Patricia Zeh

Diane Duffield Wood ’57

Gwendolyn Wray-Samans ’01

Andie L. Yellott ’76

Diana L. Zeidel ’71

Faye and Tom Wood

Andrew Wright

Ann Benet Yellott ’51

Jo Ann Zenger

Jeremy and Janie Wood

Elizabeth Finch Wright ’01

Heather Tiffany Yepez ’14

Henry C. Zenke II

Keitt Matheson Wood ’63

Dr. and Mrs. H. Boggs

Emily A. Yerby ’02

Virginia H. Zenke ’81

Kevin Wood

Wright, Jr.

Alice Yew

Boyd Zenner ’74

Kristin Wood

Heather Nicole Wright ’05

Laura J. Yim ’98

Mr. and Mrs. Frederick

Lawrence Wood

Jayne Wright

Henry M. Yochum

Marguerite McDaniel

Joan Broman Wright ’56

Dagmar Halmagyi Yon ’57

Wood ’57

Karen Wright

Lizora Miller Yonce ’59

Mary Beth Wood

Kathy G. Wright

Kendall Madison York ’16

Mina Walker Wood ’62

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth T.

Nancy Trask Wood ’52


Michael York

Nancy W. Wood ’63

Nancy Hickox Wright ’68

Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.

Sarah Schofield Wright ’11

Wood, Jr.

Sierra T. Wright ’12

Sandra Wood

Neil Wroten

Shannon M. Wood ’87

Barbara L. Wuehrmann ’71

Susan Wood

Colleen Wulff

Elizabeth Clegg Woodard ’72

Patricia Wunder

Helen Cantey Woodbridge ’44

Jeanne O. Wurster

Clark Elizabeth Woods ’12

Elizabeth H. S. Wyatt ’69

Don and Lola Woods

Joan Collins Wyatt ’85

John and Leigh Woods

Lynn Wylde

John Woodson

Alexandra Bernard Wyllie ’86

Ms. Susan York Anne Kendig Young ’63 Barbara Smith Young ’71 Cheryl Fortin Young ’85 Jacqueline Lowe Young ’53 Jennifer E. Young ’11 Jillian Young Lauren Place Young ’78 Lindsey Lewis Young ’09 Margaret Mapp Young ’67

Zensen Katherine Schupp Zeringue ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Zuhui Zhou Krista Schuler Ziegenfuss ’02 Christy Holterman Ziegler ’01 Suzanne M. Ziesmann ’91 Linda Zimmer Suzanne Weaver Zimmer ’85 Louise Swiecki Zingaro ’80 Roger L. Zissu Lindemann Rollenhagen Zook ’97 Elizabeth W. Zuckerman ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Zuckerman

Ormand Young Paula Young Roma Skeen Young ’71 *Deceased SBC.EDU | SWEET BRIAR MAGAZINE


CORPORATIONS AND FOUNDATIONS { July 1, 2014-December 31, 2015 } Abbott Laboratories Fund The Ackermann Foundation Act for Alexandria Aetna Foundation, Inc. Agilent Technologies Alliance Data American Endowment Foundation

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Brown Charitable Trust, Bruce Ford Bush Hill Enterprises Cahouet Charitable Trust Caldwell and Gregory, Inc. Calk Havens Gallery Inc.

America’s Charities-AARP

Capital Concrete

Amherst Elementary School-PTO

Capital One Bank

Andrew Sinclair

Carrie S. Camp Foundation, Inc.

Andrew W. Mellon Foundation AON Corporation

The CarMax Foundation

Cedar House Publishers

Aramark Corporation

Central Alabama Community Foundation


Certified Gold Exchange Inc

Atlanta Medical Day Spa & Surgery Center, LLC

Charlottesville-Abermarle Community Foundation

Baltimore Community Foundation

Chevron Products Company The Chisholm Foundation

The Community Foundation for The National Capital Region Community Foundation of Gaston County, Inc. Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga

Fiduciary Trust Formia Design Foundation For The Carolinas Four G’s Charitable Trust Gannett Foundation Inc. GE Foundation

Community Foundation of Louisville

Georgia Power Company

The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee

Goldman Sachs & Co.

Community Foundation of Richmond

Greater Houston Community Foundation

Connie Burwell White and William W. White Foundation

Greater Lynchburg Community Trust

Cord Charitable Foundation

Gilson Investments, Inc. Great Idea, LLC

Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation

Corning Incorporated Foundation

Greer Family Foundation

Corporate Executive Board

The Hadley and Marion Stuart Foundation

Council of Independent Colleges

Bank of America

Citrix Systems, Inc.

Bank of America Foundation, Inc.

Clara Weiss Fund

Craige Pepper Family Foundation

Clifton Foundation, Inc.

Crum Charitable Foundation

Bank of New York

Clorox Company

Bank of The James BASF Corporation

Coastal Community Foundation of South Carolina

The Davey Tree Expert Company

H. Malcolm Hardy Trust

The Harrison Foundation Henderson Foundation The Henry Foundation Henry Laird Smith Foundation

Deupree Family Foundation

Hershey Foods Corporation Fund

Dominion Resources, Inc.


Bergen County United Way

The Coca-Cola Company

Elements and Alloys, Inc.


Blue Grass Community Foundation

College Campus Art LLC

Eli Lilly and Company Foundation

The Hulme Family Foundation

Enemble Worldwide, Inc.

Human Dynamics Consulting, LLC.

Barbara C. Burke Trust

The Boeing Company Boston Foundation BP America Inc. Bright Funds Foundation



The Comegys Bight Charitable Foundation Community Found Greater Birmingham

EOS Foundation

Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta

Fidelity Investment Charitable Gift Fund

Exxon Mobile Foundation

Human Factors Associates, Inc Hunt Farms

The Huntly Foundation IBM International Foundation Intel J. C. Penney J. M. Hubert Corporation Jack Jouett Chapter NSDAR Jailbreak Brewing Company Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, Inc. John and Mary Camp Foundation

Mc Adams Charitable Foundation

Portland General Electric

SunTrust Foundation

Powell Foundation

McGraw-Hill Companies Foundation, Inc.

Pridmore Family Foundation, Inc.

Sweet Briar Alumnae Club of Atlanta

Merck Company Foundation

Procter and Gamble Fund

Tactical Rabbit, Inc.


Prudential Foundation

Take The Shot, LLC

Microsoft Corporation


Minnesota Women’s Soccer League


The Talbott and Ann Bond Family Foundation

Rain Raps LLC

TC Group

The Rains Family Foundation

Theodore Cross Family Charitable Foundation

Minor Foundation, Inc. Monte Costa Photography

John and Sarah Freeman Foundation

Montessori School of McLean

John L. Dabbs III LTD

Morgan Stanley Foundation

Jones Lippincott Family Foundation

Mountain Laurel Foundation

Moody’s Corporation

Raytheon Company Red Hat Matching Gifts Program Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Thurston Roberts Charitable Foundation The Titmus Foundation, Inc. Toledo Community Foundation, Inc.

Kahn Education Foundation

Mumpower and Sutherland PC

Kelsey Family Foundation

The Neiman-Marcus Group

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Kookaburra Foundation

New York Community Trust

Roberts Family Foundation

Travelers Companies, Inc.

KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation

New York Life Foundation

Rochester Area Community Foundation

The Turner Corporation

Lanier Goodman Foundation

NewTower Trust

Lantern Advisors

Norfolk Southern Foundation

The Law Office of Catherine Cole, P.A.

Northern Trust Company

Lettie Pate Whitehead Foundation, Inc. LeVain Bakery Cookie Company, LLC LexisNexis Loftin and Company Loraine Ince Lotos Bean Inc Luther and Claire Griffith Foundation

Newcastle Foundation

Rose and Walter Montgomery Foundation

Tomorrow, LLC Torretti Law Office

The U. S. Charitable Gift Trust UBS

Rose’s Fund for Animals

United Way of Rhode Island

Rouse-Bottom Foundation

Van Clief Foundation

Rust Foundation

Vanguard Group

Oakwood Garden Club

Saving Sweet Briar, Inc.


Off Edge

Sweet Briar Alumnae Association

Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges

Sweet Briar Club of Lynchburg

Virginia Baptist Hospital

Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving

Waters Corporation

Shell Oil Company Foundation

Wells Fargo & Company

The Northrop Grumman Foundation

Old Dominion Box Co. Omaha Community Foundation Once For All Inc P. E.O. Chapter II

Mackenzie Park Incorporated

The Paul and Merrill Barringer Family Foundation

Macy and Company

Paul H. Pusey Foundation

Marefield Meadows

Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance

Marie G. Dennett Foundation

Robbin’s Nests, LLC

The Tack Room, Inc.

Silicon Valley Community Foundation

Weisman Revokable Trust Westine Associates INC Wiegers Family Foundation

Sony Pictures

Wiley, Rein LLP

Stanley and Dorothy Pauley Charitable Trust

William and M. L. Christovich Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.

Perkins-Prothro Foundation

The Martin Agency

PNC Bank Foundation

Master and Main Enterprises, LLC

State Farm Companies Foundation

Polymer Solutions Incorporated

Stupp Bros Bridge-Iron Co.

The Pittsburgh Foundation

Vixen Enterprises LLC

Starlight Bicycles LLC

Winston-Salem Foundation



Commencement 2015

Sixtine Abrial Ashley Elizabeth Baker Caroline Carter Baker Kelsey Rae Barta Julia Viola Bayliss Elyse Marie Betz Hannah Christine Bowers Emily Boggs Brooks Tiffanie Rose Brown Jacquelyne Elizabeth Bullett Anna Lydia Callicoat Sarah Ashley Capen Alexis Morgan Cash Kiera Michele Cavalleri Katherine Elizabeth Clark 80


Elizabeth Anne Lux Cobb Carrie Danielle Cogdell Khirsten Haley Michelle Cook Sarah E Cooper Cory Nichelle Culver Taylor Nicole Daigneault Caitlin Bondurant Daniel Roberta Lynne Desiderio Emily Ann Diamond Kaitlin Ann Marie Dobson Abigail Whitney Dwire Victoria Lynn Eisenmann Haley Nicole Elder Lydia Kathryn Ethridge Kathryn Diane Fanta

Wendy Alicia Ferguson Hayley Flo Foraker Jessica Megan Fortner Sade` Denise Fountain Faith Elise Frampton Charity Loreece Gaile Dolores Joan Gallagher Amanda Lee Gandee Carter Elizabeth Garrett Morgan Claire Garrison Lea Marie Gray Sarah Nicole Gray Lambda Louise Grace Green Hollie Michelle Halford Ariel Lynn Harper

Kaitlyn Alexander Haskins Allison Ashley Hassard Adelaide Frances Hedge Susannah Taylor Higginbotham Alayna Alexandra Hoblik Charlotte Gibson Hopkins Marian Jordan Huber Leah Shannon Humenuck Sarah Angelina Javed Verena Mireille Joerger Stacey McKimmey Karmen Megan Elliott Kee Courtney Nicole Kockler Hannah Katelyn Kowitz

Photos by Meridith De Avila Khan, Kollin Kirven ’18 and Katherine Martin ’18 Lydia Frances Lewis Fumin Li Amber Lee MacKay Emily Suzanne Marshall Dixie Lynn Martin Rebecca Claire Matheson Kimea W. McCuller Caroline Hayley McMillian Morgan Lynn McRae Juliette Nicole Michael Rebecca Elizabeth Mill Jennifer Whitney Mix Chelsea Karina Modeste Julia Elizabeth Moran Mehegan Bennett Morgan

Patricia Ann Morgan Olivia Ariel Muchmore Elizabeth Erin Newhart Caitlyn Suzanne Ondrick Kimberly Anne Orchowski Nicole Brittany Palmer Laura Melisa Patlan Lindsay K Profenno Rosalie Shea Purvis Alexandra Harlan Raifsnider Ann Littleton Lassotovitch Rich Kathryne Ellis Richard Ashley Elizabeth Royal Acacia Marie Salazar

Alyssa B Sarmiento Marta Phillips Saul Jesse Caitlin Schaaf Jessica Morgan Schwarcz Jessica Suzanne Sheleg Megan Elizabeth Shields Chara Lindel Southworth Epiphany Danielle Soward Arielle Sperrazza Kasey Brooke Stewart Charlotte Harding Swenson Elena Nicole Swick Kendall Michelle Taylor Courtney Elizabeth Todd

Ashley Renee Tomlin Annabel Metson Wallace Emily Rose Wartella Eryn Patricia Wiley Leanne Marie Williams Shannon Elizabeth Williams Makenzie Hope Williamson Sarah McClain Yarber Angelic Michelle Yousef Christina Margaret Love Zaranka











1. M.A.T. graduates Caitlyn Ondrick, Faith Frampton, Victoria Eisenmann, Marian Huber, Eryn Wiley and Charity Gaile 2. Olivia Muchmore with aunt Shelley Oliver ’98 3. Anne McMurrain with mother Churchill McMurrain ’83 and godmother Tish Eliades ’83 4. Charity Gaile ’14 (M.A.T. ’15) with sister Faith Gaile ’17 5. Katherine Hoyt with mother Elizabeth Archibald ’78 and aunt Carrie Nichols ’80 6. MJ Clark with daughter Colby Stinnette ’12 7. Jacquelyne Bullet with mother Deborah Bullet ’81 (aunt Barbara Donigan ’85 not pictured) 7



Alexandra Raifsnider with great-aunts Jan Sheets Jones ’69 and Beth Sheets Reed ’82








8. Elizabeth Cobb with mother Cheryl Lux ’76 9. Turning Point graduates MJ Clark, Donna Dodd, Angel Yousef and Christy Gaulton 10. Jessica Fortner ’15, pictured here with her sister Katie, was the recipient of the 2015 Presidential Medal, the highest honor that Sweet Briar bestows on her students. She graduated with a double major in mathematics and classical studies with a language concentration and was a music minor. 11. Rachel Byrd with mother Laurel Byrd ’93 12. Ashley Baker with sister Jessica Baker ’09 To see more, click here.




Ann Morrison Reams ’42 THE SWEET BRIAR COMMUNITY WAS DEEPLY saddened to learn of the passing of a beloved member, Ann Morrison Reams ’42, who died June 28, 2015, at her home in Lynchburg. She was associate director of the Alumnae Association from 1968 to 1974 and director from 1974 until 1991, when she retired with the title of emeritus director.

In 2002, Reams was recognized with the College’s Outstanding Alumna Award for her ongoing volunteer work, which included service on the Alumnae Board, the Boxwood Circle Committee, the Friends of the Library board, as class president, and as secretary for the Class of 1942 — a role she continued until her death.

Reams was a Lynchburg native and graduate of E.C. Glass High School. She worked briefly for the U.S. Navy and as a reporter for the News & Advance, then the Lynchburg Daily Advance, after graduating from Sweet Briar with a degree in music. She married Bernard Reams in 1944 and raised four children, Bernard Jr., Stephen, Winifred (“Winkie”) and Ann Kendall.

Upon Reams’ retirement, Nannette Crowdus ’57, then president of the Alumnae Association and an emeritus trustee of the College, lauded her representation of Sweet Briar and its alumnae “with admirable charm, unfailing good humor, incredible energy,” and gift for remembering people and making them feel special.

Reams was active in her home community, serving as president of the Junior League of Lynchburg; chairman of the board for the Florence Crittendon Home; regent of the Poplar Forest Chapter of the DAR; president of the Oakwood Garden Club; president of the Katherine Tekakwitha Circle of Holy Cross Church, where she was a lifetime member; and member of the Lynchburg Garden Club, the Lynchburg Historical Foundation, the Opera on the James Guild, and a number of other civic and cultural organizations. During her tenure at Sweet Briar, her many contributions included developing a computerized alumnae network and establishing the Distinguished Alumna Award. According to a story in the 1991 issue of the Sweet Briar Alumnae Magazine, under Reams’ leadership, Reunion attendance increased fourfold and the association earned a Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) award in recognition of its 1990 Reunion. 86


“But let me assure you that while Ann is a lovely lady, there is a great deal more to be admired,” Crowdus is quoted as saying in the 1991 magazine. “She is also an outstanding administrator with an attention to detail that reaches perfection. She runs a tight ship and has trained all of us who have had the privilege of working with her to raise our standards to meet hers and to enjoy it.” The board of the Alumnae Association recognized her influence in a resolution that stated in part, “We commend her administrative abilities, her leadership skills, her patience, her sagacity, her energy and her bright spirit.” Sandra Maddox ’59 worked with Reams in the alumnae office for 24 years and last spoke to her in April. “Ann was a lovely person, so considerate of others and likeable by all who knew and worked with her,” Maddox says. “Ann was a devoted and dedicated alumna of Sweet Briar. I will miss her bright smile and cheerful ways!”

Kathy Pegues ’71 remembers Reams as “Sweet Briar’s hostess,” always making sure everyone in the room was comfortable with introductions that went beyond sharing names. “There were other roles by which she was officially known, but it was her gentle and joyful ‘working the room’ that I will remember,” Pegues says. “She had an encyclopedic memory and could pick up, with exacting detail, the threads of alumnae lives — career, family, classmates’ news — even when years had passed.” Her smile, warm hug and “Welcome back!” had authenticity, Pegues says, and they were kindnesses extended to everyone.

announcement of the College’s closure, and there was deep sadness as well as anger in the room,” Pegues says. “Afterwards, Ann consoled us in that lilting and charming Lynchburg voice, suggesting that Sweet Briar College was important as a state of mind, as well as a place. And, in that regard, whatever happened, Sweet Briar would always be.” She was preceded in death by her husband of 59 years, Bernard Lawrence Reams, and is survived by her children and grandchildren, among numerous other relatives. Those wishing to honor her memory are asked to remember Holy Cross Catholic Church, Sweet Briar College, the Garden Club of Virginia or a charity of choice.

“I last saw Ann at the annual meeting of the Friends of the Library this spring. We were still processing the

Remembering Prof. John McClenon

IN DECEMBER, SWEET BRIAR MOURNED THE loss of John Raymond McClenon, Dana Professor of Chemistry emeritus, a revered member of the community and professor emeritus with 38 years of service to the College. McClenon, 78, of Lynchburg, died Dec. 24, 2015, after a struggle with cancer. He was the husband of Mary Alice “Molly” Thornton McClenon for 56 years. Born May 1, 1937, John was the son of the late Raymond Benedict McClenon and the late Erica Weber McClenon. In addition to his wife, he is survived by three daughters, Anne McClenon and partner, Martin Rader, Marca McClenon, and Maureen Sacon and husband, Neal; and five grandchildren, Ryan, Myles and Molly Ann McClenonGrant, and Walker and Lilly Etta Sacon. Born and raised in Grinnell, Iowa, McClenon graduated from Grinnell College and earned his Ph.D. in chemistry at the University of California, Los Angeles. He was named Sweet Briar’s Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry in 1982. An obituary in the Dec. 30, 2015, issue of the News & Advance notes his love of teaching and Sweet Briar, as well as the importance of music in his life. A classical and jazz musician, he was involved in numerous local and regional

symphonies, in addition to his own 15-piece Johnny McClenon Big Band, according to the obituary. Sweet Briar students also recall his enthusiasm for the arts, even at the occasional expense of his own discipline. “Such a Renaissance man!” Vida Henry Fonseca ’84 wrote in an online condolence. “I will never forget his mock remonstrance with me for coming to Chemistry for the Liberal Arts lab when there was a master dance class in Baroque dance going on across the street — one of my dearest Sweet Briar memories!” A remembrance will be held at Sweet Briar during Reunion Weekend, June 3-5. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to the First Unitarian Church of Lynchburg, Sweet Briar College, the Lynchburg Symphony or a charity of your choice.





If you wish to write to the family of someone recently deceased, please contact the alumnae relations and development office at (800) 381-6131 for the address.




Annie Laurie Malone Bolling Date unknown

Katherine Brooks Augustine Oct. 2, 2015

Alberta Pew Baker Dec. 6, 2015

Pauline Hudson Brown Nov. 6, 2015

Louise Wilbourn Collier Oct. 1, 2014

Nancy Houriet Colton Nov. 27, 2014

Fay Martin Chandler March 3, 2015

Dorothy Caldwell Crowell June 9, 2015

Vidmer Megginson Downing Sept. 11, 2015

Sally Lerner David Feb. 3, 2016

Lee Stevens Gravely Oct. 12, 2015

Katharine Veasey Goodwin March 26, 2015

Sarah Belser Eggleston July 15, 2015

Sarah McDuffie Hardaway Feb. 19, 2015

Ann Doar Jones March 16, 2015

Camille Guyton Guething Nov. 24, 2014

Elizabeth Fruit Metzenthin March 8, 2015

Jacquelin Jacobs Leffers Nov. 8, 2015

Marguerite Hume Oct. 30, 2014

Katharine Bowdre Budd Poer July 28, 2015

Mary Sommers Booth Parker Jan. 27, 2016



Barbara Bolles Miller June 29, 2015

Legare Thompson Robertson Oct. 21, 2015

Sally Ayres Shroyer April 9, 2015

Mary Alice Durham Ellis Feb. 18, 2015

Elizabeth “Betsy” Vanderbilt Crampton April 6, 2015

Julia Horner Mulligan June 24, 2012

Carroll Cone Saxton Dec. 27, 2015


Mary Jane Lampton Peabody Feb. 11, 2015

Leila McLaughlin Thompson Feb. 13, 2014

Caroline Tillett Bailey April 26, 2015

Frances Gregg Petersmeyer Nov. 10, 2015


Mary Ellen Davis Gettel Aug. 6, 2015

Francoise Yoe Schneider March 19, 2015

Lois Andrews Cleland Dec. 31, 2015

Constance Reed Lewis Jan. 30, 2015

Florence Cheek Tutwiler July 2, 2014

Joan McCoy Edmonds July 15, 2015

JoAn Teetor Marder April 26, 2015

Peggy Roudin Weinberger Oct. 20, 2014

Sara Ann McMullen Lindsey Feb. 25, 2015

Ann Green Pangels Feb. 1, 2015


Margaret Redfern Sept. 24, 2015

Yvonne Worley Randall Aug. 29, 2015

Leslie Herrick Danford Jan. 24, 2015

Mary McDuffie Redmond Oct. 11, 2015

Nancy Storey White Jan. 13, 2015

Margaret Ridgely Keith Date unknown

Virginia Barron Summer Aug. 19, 2015


Ethel Gurney Betz Sept. 1, 2012

Marguerite Brendlinger Robinson Jan. 23, 2016


Jean “Randy” Randolph Bruns Dec. 31, 2015

Laetitia Seibels Frothingham Dec. 23, 2014

Muriel Abrash Schapiro Nov. 15, 2014

Kathryn Fulton Alston March 10, 2015

St. Claire Hayden D’Wolf Jan. 2, 2015


Eleanor La Motte Trippe Oct. 26, 2015

Ruth Harris Bennett Oct. 7, 2015

Nancy Brumback Kruvand Jan. 22, 2015

Nancy Moses Eubanks Aug. 26, 2015

Chloe Mason Smith Aug. 8, 2013

Jane Taylor Ix Oct. 24, 2015

Catherine Arp Waterman April 21, 2015

Mary Barrett Robertson Feb. 28, 2015


Beatrice Backer Simpson Jan. 12, 2015

Gabrielle Maupin Bielenstein May 18, 2015

1934 Martha Lou Lemmon Stohlman Oct. 5, 2015

1935 Roberta Cope Gerlach Sept. 27, 2000

1936 Sara Doughtie Crocker June 30, 2013 Anne Farr Foot Date unknown Marion “Sunny” Sim Reid Sept. 10, 2015

1937 Nancy Nalle Genung March 7, 2015 Elizabeth “Lib” Lee McPhail Dec. 23, 2014

1938 Marion Fuller Kellogg Nov. 16, 2015 Elizabeth Lockett Lord Aug. 10, 2015

Beverley Bailey Taylor March 16, 2015

1940 Marjorie Stock Clemens March 12, 2015 Mildred Moon Montague Jan. 24, 2015 Ruth Beach Robinson Nov. 10, 2015 Anna Feuchtenberger Stuart Aug. 17, 2015 Ellen McClintock Templeton Sept. 3, 2011


Carolyn Monteith Clarke June 29, 2015 Lucy Call Dabney Jan. 23, 2015

1945 Hilda Hude Chapin Oct. 23, 2014

Nancy Davis Damtoft July 27, 2015

Alice (Hedy) Edwards Davenport Dec. 12, 2014

Margaret Dunbar Pence Nov. 18, 2013

Kitty King Corbett Powell Nov. 13, 2015

Harriet Willcox Gearhart Nov. 27, 2014

Eloise English Davies Rankin March 3, 2015

Anne Warriner Prince Nov. 2, 2014

Mildred Carothers Healy May 1, 2015

Ann Morrison Reams June 28, 2015

Margaret Weimer Shepherd Feb. 22, 2015

Grace Clark Hornby Aug. 9, 2015

Dorothy Malone Yates Dec. 29, 2015

Sarah Temple Moore Dec. 14, 2015

Frances “Jinny” Faulkner Mathews Jan. 4, 2016

Elinor Edenton Smith Nov. 20, 2000 Dorothy Thomas Upton Jan. 23, 2015 Justine Domhoff Wright Nov. 6, 2014



Eulalie Jenkins Draper Nov. 21, 2015 Mary Marshall Dyke Jan. 2, 2014 Mary John Ford Gilchrist Oct. 31, 2014 Marion Gregory Graves Feb. 25, 2015 Margaret Nelson Harding June 2, 2015 Julia “Judy” Snowden Neumeyer Feb. 2, 2015 Mildred O’Neal Palmer June 25, 2015






Eleanor Johnson Ashby July 25, 2015

Susan Ragland Abrahamson May 24, 2015

Natalie “Nikki” Griess Deupree Dec. 26, 2015

Sarah Steel Levine Dec. 26, 2013

Whitney Lynne Ball Aug. 17, 2015

Helen (Polly) Hedge Carpenter Oct. 22, 2015

Sarah “Sally” Groce Love Jan. 2, 2016

Marilyn Mitchell Sweeney Dec. 4, 2015



Ann Horrigan Hoy April 23, 2015

Elizabeth Haskell Mack April 18, 2015


Robin Jones Eddy Nov. 25, 2014

Elizabeth “Beth” Brunson Jan. 30, 2015

Jean Ann Rosenbaum Morris Jan. 14, 2016

Mary Shaw Parker July 5, 2015

Mary Duer Colen April 1, 2015

Martha Wrenn Heron Dec. 24, 2013


Constance Werly Wakelee Feb. 18, 2015


Genie Johnson Sigler Oct. 11, 2015

Ellen Leslie Yevak Nov. 20, 2014

Mary Bliss Hartman Ross Nov. 17, 2009

Kathryn Johnson Waller March 9, 2015

Roberta Joan Nelson Bargamin Aug. 9, 2015




Barbara Buxton Waugh Jan. 11, 2015

Joan Cabaniss Harrison Aug. 1, 2015

Kirven Watson Bond Nov. 4, 2015

JoAnne Vitt Hastings Dec. 12, 2014

Melinda Diane Sher Nov. 16, 2014


Elizabeth “Betty” Weaver Tully Sept. 26, 2015


Diana Tarride Palmer Feb. 15, 2015


Elizabeth Wilson Brown March 5, 2015

Patricia Williams Twohy Nov. 3, 2015

Mary Beirne Minor Harding July 23, 2015


Beth Anne Pesiri Solomita Jan. 11, 2016

Ruth Frye Deaton Jan. 23, 2016



Tracy Drake Hamilton July 18, 2015


Randa Richani Laham Najjar Date unknown

Annika Christine Lewis March 3, 2015


Margaret Garner Gustin April 26, 2015

Snowdon Durham Byron Dec. 22, 2014

Monica West Sonnamaker Nov. 29, 2014

Sibyl Whelchel Nestor July 25, 2015

Martha Burnet Carlisle Jan. 5, 2015


Jane Keating Taylor Feb. 5, 2016

Evelyn Horton Rickert May 16, 2015

Sydney McCampbell Healey Aug. 19, 2015

Nancy Campbell Zivley Dec. 30, 2014




Yolande Tsai Chun Dec. 15, 2014

Nancy Kate Green Hargrove Jan. 25, 2016

Evelyn Sanders Haugen May 23, 2015

Frances Newman Hilton June 4, 2015


Ann Jeffers Hogarty Nov. 27, 2015

Jane Haldeman Hope June 17, 2015

Frances “Gwin” Schroder White Jan. 15, 2016

Leslie Woods May 23, 2014

Linda Canaday Mays Jan. 7, 2015



Dorothy Westby March 17, 2015

Elizabeth Smith Abse March 25, 2015

Barbara Reeves Winston July 15, 2015

Laura Hailey Bowen Nov. 6, 2015


Paula Sue Burnum Hayes July 4, 2015

Mary Hunter Kennedy Daly May 4, 2015

Mabel Harrison Luxenberg June 18, 2015


Sally Hyde McMillin Jan. 5, 2016

Jessie Morgan Christie Dec. 1, 2014

Gretchen Stauffer Torres June 30, 2015

Drusilla McEachern Martin June 15, 2015

Josephine Andrews Barksdale Jan. 1, 2015

Pamela Reynolds Jan. 3, 2015

1975 Polly Shriver Kochan Jan. 21, 2016 Billie Graves Raney Dec. 21, 2015 Cora Snyder June 17, 2015 Maria Vonetes Feb. 14, 2015

Cathleen “Cissee” Pfeiffer Ward Sept. 28, 2015

















1. Mary Copeland Stockton ’96 with daughter Harper 2. Larkin Barnett ’76 3. Stephanie Scherer McCallister ’06 and family 4. Dottie Norris Schipper ’64 with husband Roy receiving Caring for the Carolinas Awards 5. Cory Lynn Alderton Nordyke ’09 married Mark Jerome Nordyke Jr. on 12/13/14.




6. Mirielle Asakevich, daughter of Corinne Davies Asakevich ’07, on her first birthday (2/19/15) 7. The families of Molly Finney Grenn, Nancy Daugherty Davidson, Jean von Schrader Bryan and Brianna Boswell Brown met for a week of fun in Nags Head, N.C. 8. Cadence Noelle (Jessica Mercier Andryshak ’06) 9. ’72ers Cissy Gott Collins, Tobey Gilmore Shaw, Susan Norton Allen and Marilyn Pritchard Harvey at a mini reunion in Nantucket to celebrate birthdays 10. Emily Maycock ’11 and John Aniolowski say “I do” on Waikiki Beach.


11. 30 years of friendship: Denise Landau Blind ’88 and Julie Martin Collins ’88 with husbands Frederick W. Blind IV and Dr. Jerry Collins at their fifth SBC Reunion and in September 2014 12. Deirdre Conley ’72 and husband Gerard on the Mekong Delta 13. From left: Erin Sobotta ’99, Kim Izquierdo ’98, Jane Frierson ’74, Erin Wortley Valliere ’98, Joanne Hopkins ’98, Erikka Sund Neal ’98 and Janeen Sharma ’96 with professors Jim and Bessie Kirkwood at Erikka’s wedding to Tom Stark on 10/4/14 in Culpeper, Va. 14. From left: Reneca Rose Levine ’97, Jennifer Smith Rucker ’96, DeAndrea ThomasYoung ’95 and Yolanda Davis Saunders ’96 at Jennifer’s wedding 15. Katherine Carr and Cyndi Hague Hineline, Class of 1998 16. Candice Broughton Maillard and Chantel Bartlett, Class of 1998


17. Loïc Phillip Henry Courard Streetman (born January 2015) and mom, Astrid Liverman ’98 18. Amanda Swan ’05 married her best friend and partner on 9/20/14 in Highland, N.Y.


















19. Martha Schley Kemp Smith ’12 with husband Zachary E. Smith 20. Amanda Ankerman Miller ’00 married David Miller on 1/17/15 in Old Town Alexandria, Va. Her cousin Lydia Smith ’11 (a onesemester SBC girl) was a bridesmaid and best friend Evangeline Easterly Taylor ’00 was Matron of Honor. Christine Bump ’00 (right) attended as well.


21. Martha Schley Kemp Smith ’12 on her wedding day. From left, back row: Eleftheria Treklas ’12, Tiffany Hunter ’12, Allison Stansberry ’11, Catherine Wilson ’11, Caitlin Daniel ’15, Adrianna LaCandia ’14, Khristian Salters ’12, Brooke Watts ’12, Emily Jones ’12, Lydia Marsh Mindling ’12 and Caroline Heltzel ’12. From left, front row: Rachel Lasky ’12, Victoria Bradley Gentry ’12, Jordan McIntire ’11, Scarlett Reel ’13, Martha Schley Kemp Smith ’12 and P.J. Peek ’12 22. Jill Johnson, Mary Heller and Martha Holland (all ’72) under the Kwa-gulth Sun from the Kwakiutl Indian Tribe 23. Caroline Chappell Hazarian ’09, daughter of Wendy Weiler ’71, with her husband and son, Dylan Steven Hazarian, born 9/11/14 24. Bronwyn Beard and Lindsay Culp, Class of 1998 25. Kirsten Porter-Stransky ’09, Alex DiFeliceantonio ’08 and Alison Carr ’08 at Alex and Matthew Howe’s wedding



26. Patrick Robert Rodriquez, born 8/21/14, and Marshall Isaac Rodriquez, born 8/3/12, sons of Mary Pat Jones Rodriguez ’09 27. Maggie Nicholson ’09 and roommate Amanda Strickland ’09 in front of the Swan Coach House in Atlanta, Ga. 28. Visiting international students and teaching assistants gathered in Prothro, from left: Offra Elmkies Jeri ’05, French teaching assistant Eloise Poutier Tillinac, Diana Boncheva ’05, Simona Rupoli ’05, Kathryn Stubbs ’05, Cristina Tavares Alvarez ’05, Fraser “Katie” Gjeldum ’02 and German teaching assistant Friederike Nohl ’05 29. Megan Meighan ’07 and sister Brianna Meighan de Hanna ’05 with nephews William and Julian during the baptism of Julian Philip Hanna in Panama, Oct. 2014



30. Jamie Anne Murray ’78 and Armando Ferreira 31. Kathleen Wilson Wissel ’06 and daughters with sister Kimberly Wilson ’06 32. Heidi Trude ’07 (center) with a group of students and their teacher, Nicholas Houpert, visiting Sweet Briar from the Lycee Bazin in France in Oct. 2014 33. Erin Coppersmith Aitken ’09 with her husband and son, Declan Thomas Aitken, born 12/14/14 34. Gwen Speel Kaplan, Anne Reinecke Clarke and Jane Tatman Walker, Class of 1960, got together for lunch in Venice, Fla. 35. Elaine Mathews Honeycutt ’06 SBC.EDU | SWEET BRIAR MAGAZINE















36. Second- and third-generation Sweet Briar women Ellen Tozzer Smith ’87 (from left), Newell Bryan Tozzer ’55, Mary Lane Bryan Sullivan ’58 and Keeley Sullivan Jurgovan ’92 welcomed the New Year on Sea Island, Ga. 37. Phillip Wayne Broyles III, son of Tiffany Corbin Broyles ’07


38. Wedding of Kimberly Shrader Butterfield ’09 to Jeremy Butterfield in Oct. 2014. From left, back row: Linda DeVogt ’86, Julia McClung Ferrintino ’09, Dori Rucker Finger ’09, Lauren Guyer Thomas ’09, Pia Cho ’09, Megan Behrle ’09; from left, front row: Megan Combs Veney ’09, Kimberly Shrader Butterfield ’09, Paige Cantfil ’09 and Michelle Raymond ’09. 39. Marcia Wittenbrook ’72 (second from right) and family at a surprise birthday party for her brother Joe’s 60th at his culinary school in San Francisco. 40. Susan Snodgrass Wynne ’72 loves the light at Roussillon in Provence, the site of last year’s “girlfriends only” regular trip to France. 41. Abigail Adams ’06, the day after she got engaged in Puerto Rico 42. Wedding of Gordon Crenshaw, son of Ann Kiley Crenshaw ’76, with fellow SBC classmates and friends Melanie Holland Rice ’76, Sally Old Kitchin ’76, Lisa Nelson Robertson ’76 and Emily Hunter Slingluff ’55



43. Allison Martell Heath ’06 and husband Mike welcomed little Vixen Clara Nelle Heath on 9/23/14. 44. Paige L. Kaylor ’10 married Jack Ruddy (H-SC ’10) on 8/10/13. Heather McPheeters Lake ’10 and Mollie Linden ’10 were both bridesmaids. Leighanne Arnold ’10, Sarah Fishback ’10, Leslie Wilkinson Brotman ’76 (aunt) and Renn Goldberg ’11 were also in attendance. 45. Vivian Finley ’72 and her new BFF koala in Sydney 46. Petra Weisbrich Chesanek ’10 and Randy Chesanek married on the Carnival Splendor. 47. Isabele Jean-Pierre Myers, Joelle Jackson Doss, Cynthia Bumgardner Puckett and Gretchen Gravely Tucker, Class of 1998



48. Whitney Waller Davis ’13 married Michael Davis (Virginia Tech ’12) on 9/20/14 in Wake Forest, N.C. Pictured are Liz Koslow ’13, Kelly Winer ’13, Morgan Franke ’13, Whitney Davis ’13, Katie Davis and Lee Grove ’13. 49. Birthday reunion at The Homestead for the Class of 1976 with Terese DeGrandi Busch, Meg Shields Duke, Cathy Slatinshek Prillaman, Sally Mott Freeman, Ann Kiley Crenshaw, Mary Beth Hamlin Shannon, Sally Old Kitchin, Tricia Cassidy O’Callahan, Treacy Markey Shaw, Lisa Nelson Robertson, Liz Jenks Carden, Laura Lee Bost and Katy Mickell Cochran 50. Michael Shawn Tucker III, son of Emily Tucker ’09, born 12/26/14







Some members of the Class of 1965 checked out the view from above Cochran Library’s Rowe Periodical Gallery, where they celebrated their 50th Reunion with a toast (right) at a special dinner in their honor.

Caperton Morton ’85 dances with Bob Barlow, former dean of student life.

A cocktail buffet was held in the Upchurch Field House of the Fitness and Athletics Center.

Bagpiper William Plail leads the march to Monument Hill.

The quad was one of four locations for Friday night’s welcome-home picnic.



Class of 1960

Class of 1955

Class of 1945

Class of 1951

Class of 1967

Class of 1971

Class of 1976



Class of 1980

Class of 1981

Class of 1983

Class of 1984

Class of 1985

Class of 1987



Class of 1988

Class of 1990

Class of 1993

Class of 1994

Class of 1991

Class of 1995

Class of 1998


Class of 1992

Class of 2002

Class of 1996

Class of 2003

Class of 2004



Class of 2007

Class of 2008

Class of 2009

Class of 2010

Class of 2011

Class of 2012

Class of 2013

Lea Harvey ’90 and Lisa Johnston, former associate director, College library.

Professors Bessie and Jim Kirkwood at the welcome-home picnic.


The Sweet Tones held an impromptu concert in the quad.


Night Vision provided the music in the Upchurch Field House.

Fran McClung Ferguson ’80

Dance professor Mark Magruder takes Jackie Dawson for a spin.

The children took the stage and stole the show in the Upchurch Field House.

Frances Anne Root ’80

Fran and Frances were honored as Outstanding Alumna Award recipients.

Frances Root ’80 (third from left) with mother Mary Ann Mellen Root ’53 (center) and friends in the Root Green House.

The Rev. Deacon Katharine B. Chase ’67 spoke at the Service of Remembrance on Monument Hill.


Reunion 2016 June 3-5


weet Briar College will host a celebratory Reunion for alumnae and their families. These events will not only honor Reunion

classes (those ending in a “1” or “6”), but will embrace and include all alumnae. All classes are invited. More details and registration information coming soon!

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