Champions of Nigerian Content

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his publication was commissioned by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, NCDMB. No part of it may be copied, reprinted, published or stored in an electronic format without the written consent of the Board or the publisher. To obtain permission or for enquiries, please contact either the Public Affairs Department of the NCDMB, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State or the Publisher, Mt. Spiral Nigeria Limited, House 18, ‘G’ Close, 21 Road, Festac, Lagos.


Mount Spiral Publishing, 2011 Mount Spiral Nigeria Limited ISBN 978-33911-2-7


Champions of



Certification Table of Content Foreword introduction

2 3 4 6

EPCI CONTRACTORS Nigerdock Saipem Adamac Dormanlong Engineering Waventures DeltaAfrik

9 12 15 18 21 24

DRILLING, WELL SERVICES Oilserv Ariboil Halliburton Laser Mansfield Atlantic Fluids

29 31 33 36 38 40

DRILLING CONTRACTORS TECON Oil Services Lonestar Drilling Vigeo

45 47 49


53 57 60

FINANCIAL SERVICES IEI Leadway Assurance Custodian & Allied Insurance Lasaco

65 66 68 70


73 75 77 79

ENGINEERING DESIGN, FEED Netco Weltek Weco Nestoil Lonadek

83 85 87 89 91

TUBULARS & PIPE INSPECTION, PIPING, COATING Drillog Petro-Dynamics Ciscon Titan Tubular B.G. Technical LRS S.C.C. Mill

95 97 99 101 103 105

FREIGHT SERVICES, BUNKERING Energy Factor Marine Jevkon Oil & Gas Brawal Shipping Botro Marine

109 111 113 115

Foreword For Nigerian Content, Seeing is Believing T

he Chinese adage, which says that a picture is worth more a thousand words, is perhaps an apt way to describe this publication by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, titled Champions of Nigerian Content. The Board commissioned this special publication to showcase the growth in capacity of service companies and ancillary businesses since the introduction of the Nigerian Content Policy in 2005 and signing of the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry Content Development Bill into law in April 2010. This is ahead of the Board's publication of a comprehensive directory in the NOGIC Joint Qualification System which will be launched in the first quarter of 2011with accurate Nigerian Content capacity of all companies operating in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry.

The introduction of the Nigerian Content policy and attendant domiciliation guidelines by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation in 2004 laid the foundation for the development of in-country capacity to perform increased work scopes in the country. It also led to the birth and growth of many service providers and increased patronage of the industry from a dismal 5 per cent in 2004 to 35 per cent in 2010. This has translated to increased Gross Domestic Product, employment of thousands of Nigerians in the oil and gas service end of the industry and infrastructural development. Today, the structured implementation of the NOGICD Act, which spelt out specified domiciliation targets has upped the ante towards retaining a reasonable quantum of industry spend in Nigeria. In line with Federal Government's push to bring Nigerians' jobs back for Nigerians, the implementation of the NOGICD Act by the Board is centered on domiciliation of manufacturing of goods and services, promoting equipment ownership, giving first consideration to Nigerian indigenous service companies, ensuring that Nigerian Content targets are met for all projects and operations and creating training & employment opportunities for indigenes. The implementation is also focused on deploying the Nigerian Content Development Fund for




targeted capacity building, ensuring that local capacity investments have work to amortize investments and drawing on the power of the Honourable Minister to make regulations requiring operators to participate in establishing facilities needed to meet targets. By encouraging the establishment of yards and facilities in Nigeria, the implementation of the NOGICD Act will create employment for more Nigerians, link the industry with the wider Nigerian economy, increase the nation's Gross Domestic Product and create continued access to the oil fields especially when indigenes of the oil producing areas are integrated into the mainstream of the industry. Many investors took advantage of the NC Policy and its guidelines to set up facilities in the country and Board has continued to receive enquiries from investors both within and outside the country who want to latch on the opportunities provided by the NOGICD Act to set up facilities to do work in the industry. But despite all the growth recorded in the past six years and exciting interests being shown by investors under the law, some stakeholders, including top brass of the industry still hold on to the unfortunate mindset that Nigerians are incapable of owning and operating equipment or facility critical to oil and gas operations. This mindset must change for the industry to start impacting on the wider economy. The few companies showcased here demonstrated that much more can be done in Nigeria than we are often made to believe. Champions of Nigerian Content highlighted the jobs done by the featured companies, their expansion plans to take advantage of opportunities provided by the Act and how they are surmounting myriad of challenges facing their operations. The expectation is that operators in the industry and decision makers will at least glean through the pages and see the capacities that reside with the companies operating and begin to put work in their facilities. The Board also hopes that investors and multinational service companies across the world will look through this publication and identify local companies they can partner with in their bid to invest and operate in the Nigerian market.

This edition, which is the first since President Goodluck Jonathan signed the Nigerian Content Act into law on April 22, 2010, features about 40 companies, operating in different sub-sectors of the service industry who opened their doors to the Board while on this project. The Board will continue to carry out enlightenment programmes both within and outside the country in its bid to showcase existing capacities, attract the establishment of new facilities to the country and ensure the placement of jobs in the facilities so as to ensure return on investment. It is our expectation that you find the publication interesting and play your role in supporting the implementation of the NOGICD Act. Ernest Nwapa FNSE Executive Secretary, Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board Chief Eradiri Road, Onopa, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.

Ernest Nwapa, FNSE Executive Secretary, Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board

Introduction The clamour for Nigerian Content Development And implementation is a result of perceived marginalization of indigenous personnel, companies and products in the operations of the oil and gas industry in the country. While operators – the international oil companies operating joint ventures, petroleum sharing contracts and other agreements guiding operations in the upstream plead limited incountry capacity, hence the award of contracts to international service providers, indigenous services providers beg to disagree.

In the face of mounting capital flight, job losses and a seeming stunted growth in development of in-country capacity, last year, government gave added impetus to implementation of Nigerian Content policy through the instrumentality of an enabling law, as well as the establishment of the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board. Since its establishment, the Board has initiated a robust initiative to ascertain actual level of installed in-country capacity, assist prospective investors ready and willing to grow indigenous capacity, identify critical areas where in-country capacity development needs attention and solicit investment, as well as resolve complaints of perceived marginalization, among others. The initiative to compile ‘Champions of Nigerian Content’ is part of the Board’s robust effort to identify and showcase installed in-country capacity. It is also an effort to correct the erroneous impression that there is limited incountry capacity. ‘Champions of Nigerian Content’ is an astounding revelation of installed in-country capacity – with indications that given the right encouragement, a Floating Production Storage and Offloading, FPSO vessel can be designed, constructed and integrated in Nigeria within the next 5 years or less. It is on record that some indigenous service

providers have engaged in major turn key projects including development of some of the world’s largest Single Buoy Mooring, SBM including that of Bonga, Agbami and Ehra as well as engineering design, fabrication and construction of about 70 per cent of the topsides of an FPSO vessel currently being integrated overseas. The effort to accomplish 100 per cent integration of an FPSO vessel in-country may not happen anytime soon owing to the dearth of projects that has bedeviled the local industry in the last 4 years. As we showcase these ‘Champions of Nigerian Content’ we implore you to note that there are indeed other budding and no less important ‘Champions’ whose existence and accomplishments we could not capture due to space and time constraint. However, a conscious effort would be made to capture and showcase their efforts and accomplishments when this edition comes up for review.


Nigerdock Saipem Adamac Dormanlong Engineering Waventures DeltaAfrik

EPCI Contractors E

PCI - Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation. This is a common form of contracting arrangement within Offshore construction. Under an EPCI contract, the contractor will design the structure(s), procure the necessary materials, undertake construction and transportation, and set it up at the offshore site. The contractor does this either through own labour or by subcontracting part of the work. The contractor carries the project risk for schedule as well as budget in return for a fixed price, called Lump sum or LSTK depending on the agreed scope of work.

In EPCI contracts, the contractor rarely carries the project risk unconditionally. Rather, contractor and customer have detailed discussions on the division of the risk. Risk of delays and cost overruns due to lacking Weather windows is an example of a typical risk that may be born by the customer rather than the contractor.



Nigerdock Nigeria Plc FZE

Bonga buoy anchor suction piles


est Africa's leading industrial Corporation focused on oil and gas construction and major marine services offshore and pressure vessel fabrication, ship building and repair, industrial training and specialized oil and gas and specialized maritime support. It is strategically located on Snake Island Integrated Freezone, an impressive industrial free zone facility and port development on an island in the coastal water ways of Lagos, with immediate access to the open seas. Nigerdock is organised into four main divisions including Offshore Fabrication, Pressure Vessels, Shipyard and the Training Centre. Each one of these divisions is a standalone unit headed by a General Manager reporting to the Managing Director. Nigerdock has a Quality Management System that has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirement of ISO 9001:2000 UKAS standards. Furthermore, Nigerdock is ASME U & R stamp certified for the fabrication of Pressure Vessels, the only company in West Africa with this distinctive accreditation. Nigerdock Senior and Executive Management are fully committed to the highest safety standards in the industry and have defined and maintained Health, Safety and Environment Manuals, Policies and Procedures for all of their operations. The company's workforce are consistently trained and re-trained in the safe working practices of their individual fields. The Nigerdock Training Centre is a world-class training facility focused on the areas of Welding, Pipefitting, Plating and Machining, Rigging, Safety, Quality and First Aid. It

has the ability to train and test Welders in SMAW, MMAW, FCAW and TIG processes, in all positions and to any Client's requirements whilst certifying to Lloyds, ABS and DNV standards. Nigerdock has an aggressive investment programme into new plant, equipment and technologies. It is also committed to the training of its workforce and the constant improvement of its systems and procedures. The development of this great facility is consistent with the government's Nigerian Content initiative. The management team at Nigerdock is totally committed to achieving the highest levels of success in the areas of quality, delivery and value in the oil and gas and maritime industries.

Operations Nigerdock is operating within the Snake Island Integrated Free Zone ("SIIFZ"), under the direct supervision and monitoring of the Nigerian Export Processing Zones Authority ("NEPZA"), the Nigeria Ports Authority ("NPA"), Nigeria Customs Services, the Nigerian Immigration Service and the Nigeria Police. The activities of these various government agencies in the Free Zone are to ensure due compliance and that appropriate security is maintained. SIIFZ also operate in compliance with International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) as issued by the Presidential Implementation Committee on Maritime Safety and Security ("PICOMSS"). Pre-Privatisation Nigerdock was originally owned by the Federal government of Nigeria, however, as at the time of privatization, Nigerdock, as a Government parastatal, had the following problems:

Low capital base compounded with operational losses; (b) Inadequate long-term planning; Poor cash management leading to liqUidity problem; (d) Failed marketing of its services and products; Weak internal control systems in operations, accounting, marketing and administrative functions; in short it appeared there was no effective operational code installed. Employee remuneration was not competitive and this affected the morale and productivity of staff; Obsolete machinery/equipments and dilapidated structures. Consequently these problems resulted in the collapse of Nigerdock's operations in March, 2003.

Post Privatisation When the consortium of six banks who financed the acquisition of the Core Investor shares were on the verge of taking over the company for non-payment, Jagal, in agreement with the consortium of banks and GEC, and with the consent and approvals of the BPE and NCP, upon compliance with all due process, paid and secured the release of Nigerdock's shares that were used for the acquisition of the shares. In July, 2004, GSMC with the consent and approval of the BPE and NCP acquired an additional 29% of the remaining shares held by the Federal Government. A share Sale/Purchase Agreement dated 30th July, 2004 was executed between the BPE and GSMC in compliance with due process. The current shareholding in Nigerdock is 80% held by GSMC and 20% by BPE, on behalf of the Federal Government. To effect the rescue and turnaround of Nigerdock, Jagal, as the new majority shareholder in GSMC, Provided working capital with which Nigerdock became

Nigerdock able to recommence its operations; - Settled all outstanding severance benefits; - Invested substantially in the refurbishment of existing equipments and infrastructure; - Acquired new plants; - Restructured and revitalised of the fabrication facility; - Upgraded the shipyard operation; and - Put in place the capacity to provide all logistical support services, as well as the settlement of other outstanding liabilities. These investments have transformed Nigerdock into a world class facility for:- Shipbuilding, ship repair and shipyard services, - Fabrication and construction of offshore and subsea structures and - The provision of logistic supply base services All operations are carried out in full compliance with the mandate of Government and in keeping with the Memorandum and Articles of Association.

Why JAGAL Invested in Nigerdock The investment by Jagal in Nigerdock under privatisation is predicated on its confidence in the assertive assurances of Federal Government implementation of the Nigerian Content Policy, as well as its policy to actively encourage investment into the nation's economy. Jagal also shared the vision of the government in the viability of Nigerdock under private sector participation. However, the present reality is that the Nigerian Content Policy remains yet to be fUlly actualised, resulting in capacity underutilisation of Nigerian fabrication yards, with attendant distressing retrenchment of workers. For example, the work that Nigerdock has been awarded in the last five years is what it has capacity to do in one year. There is an urgent need to redress the situation.

Achievements of Nigerdock Since its privatisation, Nigerdock has successfully achieved the following: Has developed a world class Shipyard capable of meeting the demands of Nigeria's maritime service needs and provides the necessary dry-docking, hull repairs, mechanical and topsides maintainence services. Nigerdock has also for the first time attracted Non-Nigeria vessels calling into its quays for services as it has established its reputation as a leading West African Shipyard. Nigerdock has built highly complex and technical components for deepwater field developments. Among them it has successfully built the four (4) largest Deepwater SPM Buoys for Bonga (Shell), Agbami (Chevron), Erha (Mobil), and most recent, which you have seen here today, the Akpo Buoy for Total. On your tour you would have also noticed 2 other buoys being finished off and ready to go to their location where they will greatly contribute to Nigeria's development. It is also noteworthy that Nigerdock is the first company in Nigeria to export a buoy. This was done for a Total project for a field in Cameroon. Nigerdock has developed the largest specialised Training School in the industry which has trained over 2,500 Nigerian youths in the last five (5) years with the highest levels of certification available in the industry. With this it has become the leading skills provider; Nigerdock has developed substantial in-country capacity for fabrication of decks, platforms, topside modules, subsea structures, and other offshore related infrastructure to globally recognised standards; Nigerdock has achieved an impressive safety record through a stringent implementation of Health Safety and Environmental (HSE) policies and training. Nigerdock operates an ongoing policy of continuous improvement in the provision of staff benefits, welfare and pensions, as well as pursuing community development programmes, including providing school and hospital facilities Nigerdock has become the leading company and champion for the actualisation of the Nigerian Content Policy. As a result Nigerdock is now proudly used as the example for Nigeria's Government departments in their efforts to market the Nation's capability and capacity as a leader across this industry. The transformation of Nigerdock under privatisation has translated into employment opportunities, the acquisition of new skills, and security for the youth of Nigeria. Address & General Enquiries

Nigerdock Nigeria Plc FZE Snake Island Integrated Free Zone Snake Island, Lagos, Nigeria Telephone: +234 1 791 7822 Fax: +234 1 280 2002




A Questionnaire from Mount Spiral Nig. Ltd. for Tv/documenary on the Nigeria Content Policy 1. Can you describe the state of Niger Dock installed capacity before the full implementation of the Nigerian Content policy from year 2005? Nigerdock as of 2005 already had the capacity to execute major fabrication jobs inclusive of jackets, modules, subsea equipment, decks, buoys, and platforms. With or without the Nigerian Content Law being passed, our vision was to be a premier yard in the region and our focus has always been to develop into a yard with capability to do process modules, topsides for platforms and FPSO's as well as pressure vessels and more complex fabrication scope. With this in mind we have had an investment profile that focused on training, equipment and project management to ensure we are able to meet industry standards and deliver projects safely, on time and on budget. The NC policy can only give us more opportunities if it is implemented efficiently. Financing is a major concern in the industry. How has Niger Dock been able to surmount this challenge? It's been difficult; Nigerdock has relied on its shareholders for financing. There are concerns that most indigenous operators may not have the requisite installed capacity to make the Nigerian Content law operable. Do you agree with this and what is the current installed engineering and manpower capacity of Niger Dock? Nigerdock can only speak for itself and not the rest of the industry, but as far as capacity and capability, Nigerdock has well over the amount needed to execute major jobs. A true gauge for this question is while many say Nigeria or Nigerdock does not have enough capacity, then why are most fabrication yards including Nigerdock struggling for work? Also of major concern is manpower training. How is Niger Dock dealing with this concern? Are there arrangements in place with foreign entities to facilitate training and possible technology transfer? Nigerdock has the most advanced training school in the country. With highly skilled development classes that offered international certification and development. We have been able to achieve world class results that have been translated into efficiency in our production and also offer training to external clients in the country. Inextricably tied to the success of the Nigerian Content law is the steady flow of jobs in the industry. However, following the delay in the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill, PIB, there appears to be a dearth of investments in projects. What is Niger Dock doing in the face of dwindling projects from within the industry? We are barely coping with this major downturn. The little jobs available have been bundled as part of larger packages making it harder for indigenous yards to bid the scope. Overall the industry is really struggling, and it is a shame to see a yard such as ours with a lack of continuous work that challenges us as well as gives us confidence to keep investing. Nigeria has all the necessary ingredients to achieve major projects, we just need the support as well as the Jobs domesticated in country. Have you been forced to lay off workers? Yes, we have always been forced to lay of highly trained staff at intervals. This is primarily due to the lack of through put of consistent work in the yard. Overall the fabrication industry has been plagued with insufficient work being

awarded to Nigerian yards and suffers greatly from work scope being executed abroad. Have you resorted to surviving on bailouts from your foreign partners? Nigerdock is a wholly indigenous yard and we do not have any foreign partners in our company. It has been shareholders funds that have been invested and till date there has been no recovery of this massive investment. Are you satisfied with the current configuration of the NCDMB and its operations or are there areas where you perceive they can do better? It is still in its youth, only time will tell how it will impact the industry, we can only continue to champion the Nigerian Content drive and offer the solutions to our clients that we can achieve success in Nigeria. The security concerns in the delta are slowly creeping up again. How do you think this will affect implementation of the Nigerian Content law and how do you propose we tackle it? It is highly unfortunate that the issues in the Delta remain unresolved. It has a negative impact on the entire country, especially when we are asking both Nigerians and

international companies to invest in our economy. We can only support NCD, NNPC, Napims, and the government in pushing through the Nigerian Content Law and hope that it will impact more positively on the region.


Saipem S

aipem, 43% owned by Eni, is an international group with a stre global Business Units: Onshore, Offshore, Drilling. It enjoys a superior competitive position for the provision of EPIC/EPC services to the oil industry both onshore and offshore; with a particular focus on the toughest and most technologically challenging projects activities in remote areas, deepwater, difficult oil. The Group is a truly global contractor, with strong local presence in strategic and emerging areas such as West Africa, Americas, Central Asia, Middle East, Northong bias towards oil and gas related activities in remote areas and deepwater. The Company began operations in the 1950s and it is now a leader in the provision of engineering, procurement, project management and construction services with distinctive capabilities in the design and the execution of large scale offshore and onshore projects. The organisation, since providing many different kinds of services, has been rationalised into thre Africa and South East Asia. Saipem is an international company employing over 37,000 people from around 115 nationalities. The major

part of its human resources (85% in 2008) is locally employed. OFFSHORE Having handled ground-breaking projects ranging from inter-field flow lines to major trunk line systems totalling some 23,000 km in length since the late 1950s, the company has continually updated and advanced its capabilities to anticipate the ever increasing demands of the market. Saipem's pioneering work in pipeline installation is matched by its experience in installing offshore platforms around the world, in which it has mastered both the heavy lift and the float over techniques. Over the last ten years, Saipem has completed some 120 offshore construction projects including modular deck drilling and production platforms, integrated deck platforms, wellhead platforms, accommodation platforms, FPSOs (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) increasingly often in an integrated contractor role. Since the 1970s, Saipem has also been involved in the construction of marine terminals, conventional buoy moorings, jetties and piers. Saipem's offshore construction EPIC capabilities are also supported by significant and growing fabrication capabilities based at the core of major oil & gas provinces. These encompass its wholly owned subsidiary Intermare Sarda in Italy, the


Rumuolumeni yard in Nigeria, the Petromar Soyo yard in Angola, the Boscongo Pointe Noire yard in the Republic of the Congo, the Kuryk yard in Kazakhstan, the BOS Shelf yard in Azerbaijan, and the Sharjah yard in the UAE. The current potential of Saipem fabrication facilities exceeds an aggregate of 130,000 tonnes per annum. FPSO units are part of Saipem's offshore construction line of products, both as new-builds, delivered turnkey to the customer, and as tanker conversions leased to and operated for the customer. DRILLING Saipem is presently contracted to a number of major oil companies, carrying out important drilling programs in Europe, FSU, North and West Africa, Middle and Far East and Americas. It has operated for several oil companies and government agencies, gaining international and qualified recognition. Drilling services continue to be distinctive, working in many of the oil& gas industry's 'hotspots', frequently in synergy with the group's onshore and offshore activities. Over many decades of performance, Saipem has drilled over 6,400 wells, 1,600 of which have been offshore, totalling an overall depth of about 16 million metres. Saipem operates both in shallow and deep water using jack-ups and semi submersible units.




Saipem offers a complete range of project definition and execution services, from feasibility and frontend studies to design, engineering, procurement and field construction (EPC). It offers these services in virtually every world market, leveraging its specialised skills across the most significant product lines in the oil, gas, refining, chemical and power industries. The company offers integrated solutions ranging from upstream engineering to turnkey delivery of complex facilities, including onshore production, gas treatment and processing plants, pumping and compression stations and terminals. Land pipeline designand construction, particularly cross country, has historically been one of the mainstays of Saipem's business. In this market, Saipem ranks among the largest contractors in the world, having laid a record 62,000 km of pipelines on five continents. Onshore activities include also oil refining and the monetisation of gas through processing and into chemicals. The former Snam progetti business has designed and built 37 grass-roots refineries, more than 500 process units and more than 400 plants worldwide to produce chemicals from natural gas. In recent years, the company has also designed and constructed more than 40 power plants, applying various process solutions and turbines, as well as three Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle plants, two of which are the world's largest, with a total capacity of approximately 5,000 MWe. Saipem plays a significant role in the design and execution of a large-scale civil infrastructure projects and also offers integrated environmental re-mediation services, such as those relating to soil and ground water, for contaminated sites of all types, both decommissioned and operational.

SAIPEM SUSTAINABILITY TALENT Saipem's business strategy is based on the creation of long-term value by contributing to the development of local communities where the Company operates. The Company believes that a correct, open and cooperative relationships with all the stakeholders is vital for the success of each complex project Saipem carries out, frequently in very remote and most challenging areas. Saipem has a presence in many locations around the world, operating with a decentralised organisation in order to respond to local needs and sustainability issues. Everywhere it works, the Company plays an active role in the local communities, mainly offering employment opportunities, personnel training, etc.; by working effectively with local suppliers and subcontractors, creating economic and social value, and finally by contributing to infrastructures construction (e.g. access roads, construction camps with all the facilities such as hospitals, power generation, etc.). Saipem's international workforce and breath of internationalism is another facet of sustainability: all personnel is treated with dignity, always respecting their cultural values, local customs and traditions, their diversity and identity. The decentralised Saipem structure, with the strong empowerment of local operations and management, ensures that the 'voice of the customer' is heard throughout the organisation, and that the overall project strategy is aligned with the local project needs. For each project, social, economic and environmental effects are continuously monitored, as well as the satisfaction of customer's requirements.

SUSTAINABILITY ORGANISATION In 2007 the Sustainability Committee was created, joining together all Corporate Vice Presidents (representing Human Resources, QHSE, Procurement, Assets, Corporate Affairs and Administration Finance and Control, Legal Affairs, Risk & Opportunities Knowledge Management), the Chief Operating Officer and the Chief Executive Officer of Saipem sa, thus representing the entire top management. It now includes also Bus Directors. The Committee provides strategic guidance on aligning business strategy with a sustainable approach. Besides, a Sustainability Team has been established, at Corporate level, directly supporting the Committee and coordinating the sustainability activities of all relevant functions and operating units around the world. The Team focuses on reporting, planning, in cooperation with reference people in Corporate functions, assessing

social impacts, performing stakeholder engagement, identifying opportunities and providing advice on global scenarios and trends and on local sustainability initiatives as well. In the relevant geographical areas, a Sustainability Facilitator is responsible for the coordination of sustainability initiatives at local level. The Facilitator promotes and develops initiatives for the increase and improvement of local content, for the

good relationship with the local stakeholders and the sustainability accounting.

SAIPEM PRESENCE IN NIGERIA In Nigeria, Saipem's history and heritage in promoting Nigerian Content within the Group activities materialised by means of the constitution and the due incorporation of two Nigerian subsidiary companies. Saipem Nigeria Ltd (SNL) was the first Saipem Nigerian

Saipem Subsidiary, operating in the country since the mid 60s as an Onshore and Offshore Drilling Contractor. Saipem Contracting Nigeria Ltd (SCNL) is nowadays the main operating Saipem Nigerian Subsidiary Company. Incorporated in Nigeria in 1989, SCNL operates principally as Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) contractor for the execution of turnkey projects including oil, gas and water pipelines, oil, gas, and industrial plants, infrastructure, fabrication of offshore structures and maintenance services. In 1998, as a further step of Saipem's continuous commitment to the future of its presence and operations in Nigeria, Saipem invested in substantial infrastructure necessary to equip Saipem Contracting Nigeria Ltd and Saipem Nigeria Ltd, with a consolidated hub for their project related operations for the oil and gas sector in Nigeria: the Rumuolumeni Base. The Base is located at Rumuolumeni (a community about 10 km from the town of Port Harcourt). The complex covers an area of more than 700,000 square metres, including the Offices Area (main offices, the engineering building, the clients project office, the Clinic, the recreational facilities, the mess hall, the HSE Training centre, the stores, the maintenance area, etc.) and the Offshore Fabrication Yard with turner, mechanical, heavy equipment, steel carpentry, caravan repairs, blasting, painting, welding and motor vehicle workshops, jetty, electric power plant, and helipad. Saipem offshore drilling operations are carried out by Scarabeo 3 and Scarabeo 7.

THE APPROACHTO SUSTAINABILITY Saipem has been conducting its operations in Nigeria for over 30 years. Saipem strategy has always been based on the 'willingness to stay', with a strong commitment to create an adding value to the Nigerian economy and society. Saipem activities consistently interact with both the physical and social environment. In responding to the environmental challenges in the Niger Delta where it operates as an EPIC contractor in the areas of Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Construction for Oil and Gas companies, Saipem has adopted a holistic approach. In line with the Saipem corporate strategies, Saipem Nigeria strategy focuses on improving the quality of the physical environment while adding value to human capital an approach that has resulted in several initiatives that aim to ensure sustainable physical and social development. Saipem is working on the promotion and development of local content with the creation of long term investments, the creation of partnership with local companies, and the maximization of projects' value executed in country, of local employment, and of procurement executed in country. Saipem core values are employees' skills development and professional growth, their health and safety and the protection of local environment. Besides, the engagement with local communities and the support of local socio-economic development are a must for Saipem in Nigeria. Saipem executes projects within the broader framework of company policies, national statutes, international laws and conventions applicable to the environmental protection in Nigeria.

Local Content Nigerian Content Development is a major and ingrained concept in Saipem. In Nigeria over the past 30 years Saipem has been committed to developing an adding value to the Nigerian economy through its operations in the onshore and offshore oil and gas business. This has been achieved by the huge investment made in the Rumuolumeni base, as well as other related project investments to broaden the Saipem horizon in building and adding value to Nigeria. Saipem has participated and demonstrated total commitment in pursuing the Government's regulation coordinated by the Nigerian National Petroleum Corp (NNPC) on the Nigerian Content development. The strategic location of the Saipem Group projects in various Niger Delta host communities avails Saipem the opportunity to showcase its corporate commitment to sustainable community development while executing

To be successful, this security strategy had to reflect all those values that had contributed throughout the years to the success of the company; in a few words Saipem Nigeria had to develop a 'Sustainable Holistic Security Strategy projects in these communities. This commitment is expressed trough the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the local communities themselves or with Clusters of Communities. The Approach for Security Never before in its 30 years and more in Nigeria, Saipem has had to face as many security challenges as during the last three years (2006-2008). At a time when competitors were leaving the country because of a rapidly deteriorating security environment, which was putting at risk not only their

14 business but also the life of personnel, Saipem Nigeria management, in line with its motto 'Here to Stay', decided to further develop its existing security strategy and to continue its work in the area of the Niger Delta. To be successful, this security strategy had to reflect all those values that had contributed throughout the years to the success of the company; in a few words Saipem Nigeria had to develop a 'Sustainable Holistic Security Strategy'. Bearing in mind the paramount objectives of protecting people's life, material and immaterial assets through the use of Nigerian Governmental forces, this strategy had also to include strengthening even more than before the Company's relationship withlocal populations, its commitment to continuous development of host communities and its willingness to share with them the responsibilities of carrying a project to completion. Today, in every project in the Niger Delta local communities are also 'security' stakeholders and the company is using this approach to expand its local content policies even more; creating a secure environment for Company's projects to proceed unimpeded is a goal shared by those communities impacted and benefiting from the presence of Saipem Nigeria projects in their midst. Nigerian



About Us


damac Industries Limited is a 100% wholly owned Nigerian indigenous organization operating in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria since 1982 with its head office in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, and offices with support facilities in the Oil & Gas Producing Cities such as Warri in Delta State and Eket in Akwa Ibom State. The Adamac Group of Companies is one of the Largest Offshore, Swamp and Onshore Engineering, Fabrication, Construction, Installation, Logistics, Marine Support, Drilling and Production Contractors in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry. The Adamac Group of Companies owns and operates five key Onshore & Offshore fabrication, construction and marine support facilities for the Oil & Gas Industry in Nigeria. Services

 Provision of Onshore and Offshore Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning (EPIC)

 Provision of Diving, ROV and Marine Maintenance  Provision of Design and Installation of Onshore and Offshore Pipelines, Flowlines and Risers

 Provision and Supply of Offshore Platform Support Vessels, AHTS, Maintenance Construction Vessels and ancillary Marine Vessels

 Wellhead Revamp, Hook-up and Commissioning, Demaning of Platforms and Offshore Structures

 Pipe Coating Services  Provision of NDT Inspection & Control  Provision of Onshore and Offshore integrated logistics base for Oil and Gas Operations Support

 Provision of Mobile Drilling and Production Units (Offshore / Swamp)

 Provision of Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Instrumentation Engineering

 Provision of Onshore and Offshore Catering Services and Camp Facilities Vessels

 African Sea Worker  ape Endurance  Challenger

 Coral Fish  IOSL Discovery  Facilities  IOSL Explorer  Escort Protector  SPSL KRANTOR  SPSL Sarah


 Armelle  Ocean Diver IV  King Loua  IOSL Zeal  Ocean Constructor  MV Mzungu  King Loua  Rosamunde  RSB 12  SPSL Earl  Spsl Clara  Spsl 300  SPSL 215  Subsidiaries  KYE Engineering and Construction Limited  Sirpi-Alusteel Construction Limited  Suffolk Petroleum Services Limited  Suffolk Engineering and Construction Limited  Adamac Marine Services Limited  Adamac Pipes & Coating Services Limited  Geolab Technical Services Nigeria Limited  ADL Inspection Services Limited The Adamac Group Of Companies Integrated Marine Base Facility The Adamac Group of Companies Integrated Marine Base business concept is to provide for the Oil companies facilities for a “one-stop Service and Supply Basic” whereby an operational utilisation of the transport facilities by sea, air and road will be achieved to the benefit of all parties involved. In order to achieve this all movement of materials and personnel in and out, the Base must be thoroughly planned and co-ordinated with the drilling operations for the Oil and the Service Companies. It is our goal to establish for all parties involved in the use of our Marine facility, a base whereby the planning and co-ordination of their activities is made possible through the implementation of a Quality Assurance System to ISO 9000 standard and Total Quality Management (TQM) System similar to what obtains in the North Sea Oil and Gas sector. Furthermore, the scope of services offered from the Base must represent the full range of services required by major Oil and Service Companies in both exploration phase and the production phase of Oil and Gas development. The Adamac Group of Companies Integrated Marine Base facility in Port Harcourt is totally owned and operated by our subsidiary Company, Suffolk Petroleum Services Limited. The Marine Base is situated on fifteen(15) acres of land and has a Quay in excess of 270 metres long with a minimum of 7-metre draft at low tide. Our subsidiary Companies owned Offshore Support Vessels, Diving and Field Maintenance Support Vessels fleet are based and operated from this facility. Our Base is completely self reliant and self sufficient in terms of electrical power, portable water, fuel communications, hotel accommodation, catering facilities, transportation and security.


Adamac The Base Port Office is the nerve centre for all the logistic operations, and companies some of the following facilities and functions:  Operations centre, headed by the Base Superintendent.  Satellite communications centre to rig platforms and vessels.  Logistics control for materials and personnel.  Emergency Services.  Security Services. The Adamac Group of Companies Integrated Marine Base facility is located between Eastern Bulkcem Company Limited and the Nigerian Naval Base (NNS Okemini), just upstream from Aker Base and Shell’s Kidney Island on the Bonny River. The river access provides for a sailing draft of minimum 7 metres at low tide level.

The Adamac Group of Companies is a wholly Nigerian indigenous owned organisation with its head office in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, and offices with support facilities in the Oil & Gas Producing Cities such as Warri in Delta State and Eket in Akwa Ibom State. The Adamac Group of Companies is one of the Largest Offshore, Swamp and Onshore Engineering, Fabrication, Construction, Installation, Logistics, Marine Support, Drilling and Production Contractors in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry. The Adamac Group of Companies owns and operates five key Onshore & Offshore fabrication, construction and marine support facilities for the Oil & Gas Industry in Nigeria. The facilities and their addresses are listed below with a brief description attached herein together with various pictures and layout drawings.












The facility has adequate security and is 24 hours protected by The Adamac Group of Companies owned Security Services Company.







The Base has access by road from the College of Education (Wimpey road) and is only thirty (30) minutes from Rumuola Junction giving access to the rest of Port Harcourt City. Our total investment in the development and construction of this Integrated Marine facility is in excess of $15 million Dollars.



Escort Protector







orman Long Engineering Limited was founded in 1949 by a mechanical engineer named F. E. Turton Hart and Geo Cole. operating as Amalgamated Engineering Limited, one of the first structural engineering companies in Nigeria specialising in structural steel fabrication for bridges, factories and warehouses. In 1960 the company merged with British Steel's Dorman Long and became Dorman Long & Amalgamated Engineering Limited with a much wider product range including water and fuel tanks, and commercial buildings. The company, then 100% owned by British Steel, played a major role in the general industrial development of Nigeria from the 60's 80's including the spanning of the vast River Niger in the East a bridge which today remains the main link between east and west Nigeria. The name changed finally to Dorman Long E n g i n e e r i n g L i m i t e d i n 2 0 0 2 . The promulgation of the indigenisation decree in 1977 by the Federal Government, saw the beginning of a significant reduction in foreign and an increase in Nigerian shareholding and today the company is 100% owned by Nigerian institutions and individuals. By the 90's the company have moved into the manufacture of equipment for the rapidly expanding oil and gas industries starting with pressure vessels and to do so had developed the facilities and key state of the art skills required for a wide range of high precision heavy engineering products and services. The expansion of facilities and skills continues, most recently with the installation of Nigeria's only large scale engineering quality hot dip galvanising plant. Today Dorman Long is the leading Nigerian engineering company, manufacturing products and providing services to the oil, gas and other industries previously only available

Anchor Suction 5m dia Pile The current units are: 路Dorman Long Engineering Group Group head office with

The company, then 100% owned by British Steel, played a major role in the general industrial development of Nigeria from the 60's 80's including the spanning of the vast River Niger in the East a bridge which today remains the main link between east and west Nigeria

responsibility for overall strategy, policy and standards. 路Dorman Long Fabrication Manufacture of a broad range of Process Equipment, Marine Structures, Offshore Helipads, Pressure Vessels, Tanks and Structural Steelwork

Dorman Long EPC O Engineering design O International and local procurement services O Construction, Installation and Commissioning. 路Dorman Long Procurement & Logistics Services O Supply of Steel Products O Specialist valves in partnership with Larsen and Toubro O Other Oil Industry and refinery materials and equipment in partnership with Wilson Supply Company (a Division of Smith International) Logistic services

Dorman Long Asset Management Division

from overseas. Major development and expansion over recent years has and continues to be facilitated by substantial ongoing further shareholder investment. A further quantum step is anticipated in the very near future by the company being listed on the stock exchange. Dorman Long is a group of separate but interrelated units (companies and divisions) which combined provide a wide range of engineering based services and products to many industries but with particular emphasis on the oil and gas industry onshore and offshore in Nigeria, the Gulf of Guinea and other surrounding countries. The group is head quartered in and managed from Lagos, Nigeria, with three manufacturing sites in Lagos and a major procurement operation in Dubai.

Operation, Brownfield Engineering and Maintenance of Oil & Gas facilities, offshore and onshore, Power, Telecommunications Industries and other Assets.

Dorman Long Protective Coatings Limited o Large scale engineering quality hot dip galvanising A fully automated fabrication plant is under construction to manufacture standard galvanised products such as transmission towers, gratings, road barriers. 路 Dorman Long FZCo, Dubai, U.A.E. o International Procurement




ll units have well developed relationships or partnerships with world class corporations in relevant areas of expertise. Vision "To build a world class engineering, fabrication, procurement & construction company, offering competitive services to oil & gas and other industries, both within and outside Nigeria”. Mission Dorman Long Engineering will be the leading Engineering, Fabrication and Construction, Asset Management and Galvanising Company offering high value engineering products and services (Oil & Gas Equipment, Marine Structures, Steel Structures and others) to the petroleum, industrial and other sectors of the Nigerian and Regional market. In all its products/service segments, Dorman Long will Adopt the highest safety and quality standards ·be at the forefront of modern technology and quality · be a market leader (within top three) · provide excellent long-term returns to its shareholders · provide rewarding career prospects to its employees · Contribute to the development of society as a good corporate citizen HSE Values Our people, their motivation and dedication to customer service in a safe and clean environment are always a corporate priority. A “zero tolerance” approach to health and safety has proved to be one of the Group’s greatest strengths, Specific targets being: o Zero Fatalities o Zero lost time injuries o Zero recordable injuries o Zero long term occupational related illnesses o Minimise short term illnesses associated with work activities and working conditions o Minimise damage to property or the environment · Health and safety training is always a priority and is ongoing on a daily basis, formally and informally. · The Group has received many HSE prizes in recognition of the success of its HSE policy, typically: · Incentive prize for achieving over 250,000 man hours without LTI on Bonga buoy/suction piles fabrication from SNEPCO (Shell Incentive prize for achieving over 150,000 man hours without LTI on ERHA piles fabrication from STOL/Exxon Mobil · HSE Award – Technical services division (Construction & Project Department) from Total/Elf Petroleum Nigeria Alliances Engineering Partnerships · Mustang Engineering, USA · Wilson Industries inc, Houston USA, a division of Smith International - Logistics Support · EnFab inc Houston USA – process, mechanical, electrical design and instrumentation ·Merpro Limited, UK – process and mechanical engineering ·William Hare Limited, UK - structural design ·Portobello Fabrications Limited, UK ·CDS Separation Technology, Netherlands Larsen and Toubro, India – process, mechanical, electrical design and instrumentation · Sungjin Geotec, Korea – process equipment, power plant facilities and marine/offshore facilities manufacturing · Point Engineering, Nigeria · Dover Engineering, Nigeria · Omiti Engineering India PVT Ltd etc. Procurement Partnerships · Corus international Projects · Wilson Supplies Incorporated, Houston, USA – Fittings and Valves · Wilson Industries inc, Houston USA, a division of Smith International - Logistics Support · Rauturukki, Finland – Dish Ends · Audco India Limited, India – valves · Flow Control Limited, UK – Valves · Hindustan Zinc – zinc Ingots Major Clients The Dorman Long Group works for a wide range of

Agip Separator 2

To build a world class engineering, fabrication, procurement & construction company, offering competitive services to oil & gas and other industries, both within and outside Nigeria

Total Aviation Fuel Tank industries, but with an emphasis in the oil and gas industries. Typical world renowned clients include: ·Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) · SNEPCO · TSKJ/NLNG (KBR, consortium for the Nigerian LNG project) · Nigerian National Petroleum Company (NNPC) – upstream and downstream

DLPC Entire Enclosure for Galvanising kettle




West Africa Ventures Limited History 1974 Foundation of Roomans Eneli Flynn Insurance Brokers. 1978 Sea Trucks Nigeria starts providing inshore services in the Niger delta. 1980’s Sea Trucks marine bases established in Warri & Port Harcourt. Sea Trucks Group starts local vessel building businesses. 1990’s Sea Trucks Group expands rapidly adding capabilities: dry dock, supply base, offshore supply, anchor handling. 2000 – 2007 Further expansion including: - formation of offshore contracting division, - development of Jascon fleet, - fabrication yard developed, - Sharjah base, UAE. 2007 – FutureOngoing fleet development utilising strong vessel building relationships

Global Operations After the successful delivery of its first offshore pipe lay vessel, Jascon 5, in April 2004, the Sea Trucks Group entered the global contracting business. Based on the design of the Jascon 5, the group launched a massive new building program of 7 DP3 “hybrid” offshore marine construction vessels. The first three were delivered in 2007 and 2008 and the remaining four are scheduled for delivery in 2010 and 2011. The group’s headquarters are located in Lagos, Nigeria. The global management of the DP3 construction fleet is controlled from its new office in the United Arab Emirates. From this office engineering & procurement, vessel management and corporate QHSE are controlled, while project teams are located around the world to support local market requirements.

Scts, the group is able to play an important role in the global SUReastream With the launch of Seastream in 2007, a joint venture between the Sea Trucks Group and Wellstream International ,a leading manufacturer of flexible pipe produF market.

Operations West Africa Since the early 1970’s the Sea Trucks Group has been successfully providing marine services to the oil & gas industry in Nigeria. The group’s activities started in the Delta region where it has built up a fleet of passenger transportation vessels, self propelled tankers as well as tugs and barges. Today this fleet still consists of approximately 100 units. With its headquarters in Lagos and operational bases in Warri, Port Harcourt, Onne and Escravos the Sea Trucks Group operates a diversified fleet of AHTS vessels, LH tugs, cargo barges as well as offshore accommodation / construction vessels along the West African coast. In the Onne Free Zone the group operates a multi-functional oilfield supply base / fabrication yard.

West African Ventures With its indigenous operating company, West African Ventures (WAV), the group offers a considerable local content when executing sub-sea construction projects. WAV established its office in Lagos in 2001 and have since built its reputation of a reliable partner in Nigeria for



pipelay, fabrication and installation engineering services as wel as marine transportation. WAV have meanwhile built up a considerable workforce of qualified local engineering personnel managed by experienced expatriates in the Oil & Gas industry.

Offshore Contracting Due to the “hybrid” configuration of our new DP3 construction vessel fleet, which is unique to the offshore industry, the Sea Trucks Group is a diversified offshore contractor able to install both rigid pipelines in S-lay as well as flexible pipelines. Furthermore the vessels are capable to install jackets and topsides, sub-sea umbilicals and submarine power cables, mooring systems as well as Xmas trees and have well intervention capability. The Sea Trucks Group will be able to offer above services on day-rate or on a turnkey EPCI contract basis controlled from its office in the U.A.E. By means of competitive trading in a wide range of marine markets our vessels can be dedicated to a specific region avoiding the need for frequent and costly mobilizations.

Vessel Charters The Sea Trucks Group can supply additional marine spread to support the client’s offshore projects, such as Accommodation / Hook-up Barges Offshore Cargo Barges, AHTS Vessels and Crew Transporation Vessels

Experience WAV has extensive experience in fabricating in Nigeria for the Oil and Gas Industry. Prime costumers include players such as ExxonMobil, Dansole, Halliburton, Stolt, Chevron and Hyundai. To accommodate our clients requirements our Jetty and Fabrication Facilities is placing particular emphasis on the following project areas:

 Fabrication of Oil/Gas Platform Upgrade  Modification of Boatlandings and Top Sides Fabrication of Spool Pieces, Drilling Templates, PLETs etc. Fabrication of Offshore Jackets and Decks  Repair and construction of SBM Buoys Fabrication and Maintenance of Tanks

Furthermore the vessels are capable to install jackets and topsides, sub-sea umbilicals and submarine power cables, mooring systems as well as X-mas trees and have well intervention capability.



 Fabrication of High Pressure Vessels


As the oil and gas production rose in the Niger Delta, lately also extending to offshore water, STG and WAV increased their core activities not only to marine, oil and gas spread, but also to the undertaking of oil and gas associated 'Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Fabrication' contract

Commencing with onshore oil and gas marine spread in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, in the late 1970s, STG and WAV quickly understood the importance of proximate marine service bases, in case of technical failures or lack of supplies and materials. Hence in the 1980s service bases were set up in both Onne and Warri for the servicing of both the in-house fleet but also for servicing of other shipowners vessels. As the oil and gas production rose in the Niger Delta, lately also extending to offshore water, STG and WAV increased their core activities not only to marine, oil and gas spread, but also to the undertaking of oil and gas associated 'Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Fabrication' contracts. As a logistical consequence of this company growth also the Onne, and partly the Warri, service bases had to increase their activities to accommodate for the requirements of the oil and gas industry. In the late 1990's dry dock activities were added and be the now the 'Onne Fabrication Yard and Supply Base' of STG and WAV provides full value chain services for the maritime and oil and gas industries.

EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIE To be able to perform the diverse range of fabrication required WAV has invested extensively in its equipment and people. WAV is constantly upgrading and maintaining its portfolio of equipment. A non-exhaustive list of available equipment is given below: PPE Pipe Profile Machines


Profiling Pipe Cutting Machine Profile Machines Sawing Machines Heavy Duty Plate Rollers Milling Machines Self Aligning Rotators Straight Line Gas Cutters  MIG Welders Forklifts Crawler Cranes Deep Loaders  Heavy Lift Cranes

Facilities  Direct access to the Sea (12 nautical miles from Bonny)  Concrete mooring and load out quay of 200 mtrs with capacity for 1600 tons modules, 7 metres LWS water depth  100 x 30 m fabrication hall fully equipped with 10 ton overhead crane Warehouses and workshops  Open storage/construction area  Offices, generators, security  6,000 tons fuel storage  Large fleet of heavy plant and cranes  Fully equipped machine shop  Training School  Total area 90.000 m2





600 500 400 300 200 100


0 January 2004

January 2005

January 2006

January 2007

January 2008

January 2009

January 2010


The graph is an illustration of DeltaAfrik's personnel growth between the Pre-Nigerian Content Directive era and Post-Nigerian Content Bill era.



he Nigerian economy is largely dependent on the Petroleum sector. Contributions to national revenue from this sector are in excess of 70% and more than 90% of foreign exchange earning is from oil exports. However, historically the oil industry has had little direct linkage with the general economy with Nigerian entrepreneurs having limited opportunity to participate in the sector. According to NNPC before Nigerian Content Policy only 14% of the funds spent on serving the industry used to be invested in Nigeria which was quite low compared to other developing countries. The introduction of Nigerian Content Policy reversed the trend by promoting effective Nigerian participation in the sector. The policy's and recently enacted law's basis strategy is to domesticate the industry by developing in-country capacity and indigenous capabilities. By domiciling engineering in Nigeria several indigenous engineering companies have been established which are successfully providing engineering services including procurement and project management on some of the large projects. In the process Nigerian manpower is being used, trained and technical knowledge transferred; local resources are getting used thus helping to build incountry capacity and capability. It is against this backdrop that DeltaAfrik drives its Nigerian Content development efforts.

engineering services since inception till date for Oil and Gas (Producing and Servicing) companies such as Chevron Nigeria Limited, Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited, TotalfinaElf, Shell Petroleum Development Corporation, Addax Petroleum Development, Saipem and West African Ventures on the following areas: Engineering Studies Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) Detailed Engineering Design Project & Construction Management Services Procurement Services and Environmental Studies We offer the services itemized above for: Deepwater Production Facilities Onshore & Offshore Production Facilities Gas Gathering Systems Pipelines The execution of Nigerian Content Policies in DeltaAfrik Engineering was evident in the steady increase in the number of personnel from initial 68 personnel during PreNigerian Content Directive era to over 680 at PostNigerian Content Bill with 1,000,000 Billable Annual Manhours available. A total of 9,478sq metres usable office space is available in four different locations in Victoria Island Lagos out of which 7,484sq metres is available for our Lagos Engineering Design Offices in 3 different locations for execution of projects


1.Can you describe the state of DeltaAfrik installed capacity before the full implementation of the Nigeria Content policy from year 2005? From a small beginning 7 years ago, DeltaAfrik has steadily grown over the years into the Company of choice in Africa, asserting its leadership in Hydrocarbons and now expanding into Power and Infrastructure sectors in Nigeria. DeltaAfrik Engineering Limited was incorporated under the Laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in 2003 to provide World Class Project Delivery Services in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Upstream and Downstream Sectors. The company became ISO 9001:2008 Certified in 2005 by BVQI and Lloyds in 2008. The company is jointly owned by DeltaTek Engineering Limited, an indigenous company with 51% Equity share-holding and WorleyParsons (Australian Company) with 49% Equity share-holding. DeltaAfrik Engineering Limited has performed various

Our approach towards Capacity building is a scientific Gap analysis to establish the specific skills and competency and prioritize our activities in closing out those identified gaps as shown in the diagram above. With high focus on adding value to Nigeria economic development, DeltaAfrik have strived to build capacity and maximize local content by engaging as many Nigerians as possible for every project. Labour is engaged for categories of work based on personnel level of skill and competence. During the period of employment, DeltaAfrik supervises and provides on the job training, as required, to increase the skill and competence levels of these personnel. Resources are deployed to identify and place a substantive number of top performing Nigerians in positions within the upper level of a Project Management Team to eliminate succession gap and retain the next generation of leaders for DeltaAfrik, while also improving on their leadership and management skills and to further demonstrate DeltaAfrik commitment in stewarding Nigerian content development on every project. DeltaAfrik have continuously promoted not only the enhancement of technical knowledge and capability of Nigerian personnel, but also their capabilities in terms of versatility, leadership skills, work ethics and methods in contract execution. To further demonstrate the company's determination to drive Nigerian Content Policies on manpower development, the management of DeltaAfrik Engineering Limited in 2008 approved the creation of Nigerian Capacity Building Development Department (NCBD) with the sole responsibility of developing and improving the capability of personnel with its robust and strong commitment to increased local value added approach for national economic development See below table 1 showing the state of our installed capacity before the full implementation of the Nigerian Content policy from year 2005?

OPPORTUNITIES Increase Workload In-Country Domiciliation Guidelines Issued

Identify Skills Gaps

Fed. Govt. Approved incentives CHALLENGES Limited Capabilities

Implement Capacity Building interventions

DeltaAfrik ITEMS


25 2010 include but not necessarily limited to the following:

Floor size

Office Location

700sq metres

One floor in a building

9,478sq metres

Four offices in different locations

 Lack of continuous work  High cost of doing business  Engineering Services Agreements without Jobs  Inadequate infrastructure  Unnecessary elongated contracting processes  General security issues in Nigeria  Lack of skilled personnel  Erratic power supply  Execution of government reforms and policies



Over 550

governing the operations in the oil and gas industry  High training and manpower development cost  Level of commitment by internationally acclaimed technical partners



Above 100

Our current engineering and manpower capacity Engineering:









Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management, Project Management

Project Executed


2. How has the implementation of the policy boosted installed capacity and how will the enactment of the Nigerian Content law support your operations? Implementation of the Nigerian Content Development policy in DeltaAfrik provided a platform for high focus on adding value to Nigeria economic development. DeltaAfrik have strived to build capacity and maximize local content by engaging as many Nigerians as possible for every project. Labour is engaged for categories of work based on personnel level of skill and competence. During the period of employment, DeltaAfrik supervises and provides on the job training, as required, to increase the skill and competence levels of these personnel. Resources are deployed to identify and place a substantive number of top performing Nigerians in positions within the upper level of a Project Management Team to eliminate succession gap and retain the next generation of leaders for DeltaAfrik, while also improving on their leadership and management skills and to further demonstrate DeltaAfrik commitment in stewarding Nigerian content development on every project. DeltaAfrik have continuously promoted not only the enhancement of technical knowledge and capability of Nigerian personnel, but also their capabilities in terms of versatility, leadership skills, work ethics and methods in contract execution. DeltaAfrik's parent company WorleyParsons has provided its globally used systems and procedures for executing projects in Nigeria. DeltaAfrik has access to WorleyParsons global resources and expertise for incountry execution of projects.

Over 100

DeltaAfrik has leveraged on the enactment of the Nigerian Content law to explore the numerous opportunities provided in other sectors such as power, infrastructure, construction, transportation, environment and other areas in oil and gas sector. We have grown capabilities and strengths through the following strategies; •Commitment at the highest level of DeltaAfrik management and both parent companies, DeltaTek and Worley Parsons managements •Working with international firm (Worley Parsons) that imbibe and practice our culture of non-discrimination •Employing and training Nigerian technical and management staff •Employing competent and qualified local subcontractors to provide technical and non-technical services and support. •Carrying out our design with the objective of maximizing opportunities for local businesses. •Investing in office, logistics, and other business support infrastructure, goods, and services, all of which are purchased locally. •Access to Worley Parsons global systems, procedures, tools and expertise

Other major areas that have boosted our installed capacity include;

3. Financing is a major concern in the industry. How has DELTAAFRIK been able to surmount this challenge? DeltaAfrik have continually leveraged on the existing international banking relationship and goodwill enjoyed by its foreign technical partners Worley Parsons. But the most important factor to surmount this challenge is the commitment DeltaAfrik management and both parent companies, DeltaTek and WorleyParsons managements at the highest level

•The establishment of Business Relationship with qualified Nigerian Subcontractors •Specification of Work to be Performed by Nigerian Subcontractors •Engineering and Procurement Activities iinvolving Nigerian Subcontractors/Suppliers •Fabrication and Installation activities iinvolving Nigerian subcontractors •Use of Nigerian subcontractors Offices and Facilities

4. There are concerns that most indigenous operators may not have the requisite installed capacity to make the Nigerian Content law operable. Do you agree with this and what is the current installed engineering and manpower capacity of DELTAAFRIK? We agree. The lack of requisite installed capacity for most indigenous operators could be attributed to various challenges that they face operating in-country. They

 Pre-feasibility screening studies Business model development Feasibility studies Conceptual design Cost estimating Contract planning Preliminary Engineering (FEED) Cost estimating Execution planning Detailed Engineering E n g i n e e r i n g , P r o c u r e m e n t a n d C o n s t r u c t i o n Management (EPCM)

Project Management & Control (PMC) Brownfield projects Portfolio delivery Asset management Business improvement Operations and maintenance support Our strategies towards sustaining this built capacity include; The alignment of commercial and long-term business drivers Continuous investment in human resources and infrastructure to close gaps Application of DeltaAfrik full EPCM procedures, tools and systems for in-country execution Focus on long-term development, growth and profitability as opposed to short term project gains Our access to preferred global software license agreements plus other intellectual property from WorleyParsons Our proven execution capability able to fulfill commitments to our clients Our operational support is tied back to WorleyParsons technical engineering, management and systems support is readily available We are ISO 9001-2008 certified COREN Registered Engineering company SON registration in process 5. Also of major concern is manpower training. How is DELTAAFRIK dealing with this concern? Are there arrangements in place with foreign entities to facilitate training and possible technology transfer? DeltaAfrik has continued to promote not only the enhancement of knowledge and capability of Nigerian technical personnel in various projects, but also their capabilities in terms of versatility, leadership skills, work ethics and methods in contract execution. The primary objective of DeltaAfrik training program is to increase the discipline competencies of selected trainees, meet the contractual terms on training under the various projects and align with the Nigerian Content Law. In addition, a comprehensive on-the-job oriented Training & Development Program is continually implemented to broaden the knowledge and skills of the selected Trainees. This approach provides a framework where training can be applied to all departments in order to achieve an increased overall percentage of workers being trained during a project lifecycle. The training program is meant to improve the quality of work through a systematic improvement in the quality of the company workforce. These expose areas where



deficiencies exist with a view to training and updating skills required to meet expected levels of performance on the project. The company adopted the bottom-up approach to the implementation of the training program. Young graduate engineers are recruited and are still being recruited. This is a deliberate policy predicated on the need to enable the relatively young minds to imbibe the culture of work, discipline and professionalism that the business requires. DeltaAfrik also instituted a staff training and development drive for different cadres of technical staff. This is to inculcate in them the requisite skills and competence for management, supervisory and operational positions throughout the company. Significant progress has been made with the employment of Nigerians in various supervisory and management cadres within the corporate organization.

These are strategically sustained through the following programs;

Succession Plan; Overseas Secondment and Training; Coaching/Mentoring (OJT) Aspire Program; NCD training Benefits of expatriate supervision; Rotation/Exchange programs;  Recruitments of Nationals working abroad; Vigorous recruitment of nationals so as to reduce number of expatriate (Adverts Newspapers (Lagos & the NigerDelta), radio jingles (P/Harcourt). 6. Inextricably tied to the success of the Nigerian Content law is the steady flow of jobs in the industry. However, following the delay in the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill, PIB, there appears to be a dearth of investments in projects. What is DELTAAFRIK doing in the face of dwindling projects from within the industry? The delay in the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill, PIB affected huge investments expected in the industry which will create millions of engineering manhours of projects. Because of our proven track record in delivering highly professional and quality projects within budget, schedule and meeting our clients project objectives; we have been executing some of the projects through the ongoing Engineering Service Agreements (ESAs) we have with most of the Exploration & Production companies. 7 .Have you been forced to lay off workers? NO 8. Have you resorted to surviving on bailouts from your parent company, the NNPC? NO 9. Are you satisfied with the current configuration of the NCDMB and its operations or are there areas where you perceive they can do better? The configuration of NCDMB as a parastatal of the Petroleum Ministry couldn't come at a better time and it is good to know that the new management is an extraction of the NCD team in NNPC that has worked from the scratch directive stages in 2004 to present day. However, the new board must work assiduously to get all the directorates up and running to consolidate on the gains made prior to signing the bill into law. Presently, major operational activities of IOCs are left unchecked and monitored with its attendant negative impact on Nigerian Content Development. Achieving the desired results require high commitment and drive on the part of management and or authority and NCDMB is that authority . 10. The security concerns in the delta are slowly creeping up again. How do you think this will affect implementation of the Nigerian Content law and how do you propose we tackle it? In our opinion the full benefits and objectives of the Nigerian Content law may not be realized if the Niger Delta region remains restive. In the light of the above, let us take a look at the Niger Delta from an analytical point of view. Components of Niger Delta Comprises 9 states within the south-south geopolitical region of Nigeria Predominantly populated by minority groups (Ijaw, Itsekiri, Urhobo, Ibiobios) A sensitive ecosystem rich in biodiversity

DeltaAfrik Engineering Office Building value to DeltaAfrik operations

Establish long term sustainable partnerships with local Nigeria's most versatile petroleum region 90% national exports & 85% revenue Damaged by extraction and movement of petroleum Broken infrastructure/services (Government nevertheless owns the petroleum/proceeds) Oil industry thrust into debate on failed government/public services High rates of unemployment & poverty Inter-communal rivalry and violence Disaffection Militancy (sabotage of infrastructure, harassment of oil workers, ransom kidnappings) Flight of workers, capital & operational competence Reduction of production capacity & revenue receipts DeltaAfrik suggested Approach on how to build the Niger Delta enterprises Invest in infrastructure development projects Avoid 'dependency' initiatives Build the capacity of local business to innovate and add


Engage the citizens productively Encourage a sense of local ownership Encourage a sense of entrepreneurship Build the communities Invest in agreed community development projects Enforce law and order DeltaAfrik have tried it in project impacted communities in Akwa ibom state and it is working. Sincerity of purpose is key.

Oilserv Ariboil Halliburton Laser Mansfield Atlantic Fuilds

Drilling, Well Services T

he upstream oil and gas industry thrives on crude oil exploration and production and both ends require drilling and well services providers. Essentially, this end of the business covers the maintenance work carried out on an oil and gas well to improve or maintain output from a formation already producing. It usually involves repairs to the pump, rods, gas lift, valves, tubing, packers, etc.





ilserv Limited is Oil and Gas Engineering / Construction (Pipeline & Facilities) service company, incorporated in 1992 and commenced operations in 1995. Oilserv pools the expertise of experienced and exposed engineers and technicians to provide efficient services within the oil, gas and engineering industry. Jointly with Frazimex Limited, Oilserv Limited also offers services beyond Nigeria, especially in the West African sub-region. Oilserv Limited has integrated its strength in pipeline/ flowline and facilities technology including pipeline construction/maintenance of Oil and Gas facilities, fabrication, procurement and project management to offer single point responsibility under stringent delivery schedules with ISO 9001:2008 accreditation. Our detailed design and front end engineering (FEED) support is provided by Frazimex Engineering Limited. Our strong determination to give new definition to the Nigerian content plan and expansion into African Countries has not only helped in putting us at the forefront of our contemporaries but has also provided reasons for us to enhance our resource base in order to compete positively with the multinationals . Oilserv is 100% Compliant to the Nigeria Content Policy and Directives and also compliant to ISO 14001. For more information about Oilserv Limited, please visit our website:

QUALITY POLICY We, in OILSERV LTD, are committed to providing Quality services to our valued clients in the fields of project management, engineering, procurement, construction/fabrication, installation, commissioning and maintenance of the energy, Oil and Gas Industries. We are also committed to adopt the tenets of the ISO 9001: 2008 Quality Management System Standard where each individual has a responsibility to ensure continual improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management System. Our Quality Objectives set at the corporate level as well as departmental levels are compatible with this quality policy and are reviewed as at when due.

SERVICES Oilserv Limited provides the following services within the Oil & Gas and Non Oil & Gas sector of the economy, namely; ·Pipeline Flowline construction, repair and Maintenance · Mechanical/Structural fabrication · Flow station construction/upgrade · Process pipe work, including Hook-up and Tie-in · Crude oil/product storage tank construction and Maintenance (Horizontal, Vertical and Underground Storage Tanks ) · Associated civil/structural works · Associated electrical/instrument works · Oversea and Local Procurement/supply of associated materials and equipment · Maintenance of Oil and Gas/Non Oil &Gas Facilities These services are offered on Land, Swamp and Offshore Terrains. Oilserv always strives to perform its services to the highest Quality Standards that is obtainable in the Oil & Gas industry and in accordance with the tenets of ISO 9001:2008, ASME, AWS, British Standards, DIN Codes. Oilserv Limited has the capability to weld & Lay Oil & Gas Pipeline/Flowline ranging from Diameter 2-inch to Diameter 56-inch. We have been meeting our ultimate goal in delivery of services to our clients on schedule without compromising the HEALTH, SAFETY, SECURITY of our personnel and the community that are within our areas of operation, as well as the Environment. Our services cover Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Construction/fabrication, Installation and Commissioning including Maintenance. Oilserv Limited is ISO 14001 Compliant. Some other associated areas of services which Oilserv Limited is involved include;

a. THRUST-BORING SERVICES In the process of executing Pipeline Construction works, major roads and railway crossings are crossed by employing THRUST BORING SYSTEM.

This system enables the crossing of the HIGHWAYS, and

RAILWAYS without interfering with vehicular and train traffic. b. HORIZONTAL DIRECTIONAL DRILLING (HDD) SERVICES Oilserv Limited uses one of the Company's innovative technologies called Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) to cross its pipelines across the river of various width without any obstruction to the marine traffic. With HDD, Anchor blocks and cementing of pipes are not required. Directional boring minimizes environmental disruption and helps to complete the toughest crossings on time and under budget. HDD is also suitable for a variety of soil conditions and jobs including crossing of



Telecommunication lines, Heavy Duty Cables, Pipeline crossing across built-up areas, railways and across facilities.

c. WELDING AND FABRICATION Our extensive experience and capability in welding and fabrication is unequalled. Oilserv Limited has two dedicated and well equipped fabrication workshops for the services of the Land, Swamp and Offshore operations. We undertake fabrication of Spools, Swamp buggies, Mechanical and Structural fabrications, Barges, Platforms, Decks, Jackets, Crude Oil/ Product Storage Tanks. Our fabrication is in conformity with ASME B31.4 Code and also in accordance with other internationally acceptable Standards and Codes

VISION To be the Number One (1) pipeline (Oil, gas and water) and facilities EPC company in Nigeria and West African sub region including the gulf of Guinea operating on land, swamp and offshore.

MISSION STATEMENT To be known as a top quality pipeline and facilities company delivery timely and consistent quality projects and services to its clients with up to date equipment and facilities deploying high quality staff while ensuring superior returns to stakeholders.

HSE POLICY OILSERV Limited accords safety a high premium in the course of executing its projects by ensuring that equipment and personnel meet all required safety standards in terms of provision and application. To achieve this: All equipment should be thoroughly inspected and certified fit-for- purpose before use. Only trained and qualified operators shall be employed to operate equipment at work site. The workforce or personnel shall be provided with the required personal protective equipment (PPE) to mitigate the impact of incident effect(s). For any work to start, the job hazard analysis shall be carried out as to outline the associated or inherent risks as well as control measures to manage the risks. Any work considered “unsafe” should not be started, while any work that has commenced and later observed to be “unsafe” shall be stopped immediately. All non-routine works shall be covered by the appropriate or necessary permit-to- work(PTWs), safety codes, standards and procedures both at local and international levels. All sub-contractors shall comply with OILSERV Limited HSE rules and regulations. All observations and recommendations towards enhancing OILSERV Limited HSE performance shall be implemented. Awareness training and cascading of HSE technologies and information shall be organized among staff for better safety results. Good HSE performance shall be nicely rewarded while

poor HSE performance shall attract consequent management. To effectively enforce or implement these measures, HSE



Fabrication Facility Machineries And Equipment Full Cut Length 21 strokes / min. Minimum Cut Length (12ins) - 40 strokes/min Drive Motor 20Hp Approximate Weight 15,500 lbs

DESCRIPTION PIRANHA 175-ton Press Brake (NEW) Bending Tonnage 175 tons Variable Stroke 0 to 8 inches Open Height without Die Rail 17 inches Approach and Return 120 inches / min. Maximum Press 25 inches / min. Motor HP 20 Approximate Oil Capacity 100U.S. Gals. Weight 28,000 lbs Overall Height 118 inches

DESCRIPTION KNUTH HPS 80 / 150 D Knuth Hydraulic Structural Steel Cutter (NEW) Pressure Force – 85-tons ; Motor – 5.5kW Punch Capacity (max) – 40mm dia. x 15mm Table – 500mm x 470mm Diameter x Thickness – 30mm x 20mm Throat – 355mm ; Stroke – 80mm Steel Cutter (Flat) – 480mm x10mm Cutting Capacity (Flat) – 330mm x 20mm Cutting Capacity (Round & Square) – 50mm Angle / U-Channel (45deg.) – 70mm x 70mm x 8mm Angle / U-Channel (90deg.) 140mmx140mmx12mm Dimensions – 1860mm x 800mm x 1900mm

DESCRIPTION PIRANHA 10 ft X ½ Shear (NEW) Capacity Mild Steel ½ inch Capacity Stainless Steel 3/16 inch Cutting Length 10ft Full Cut Length 21 strokes / min. Minimum Cut Length (12ins) - 40 strokes/min Drive Motor 20Hp Approximate Weight 15,500 lbs


DESCRIPTION PIRANHA 10 ft X ½ Shear (NEW) Capacity Mild Steel ½ inch Capacity Stainless Steel 3/16 inch Cutting Length 10ft

KNUTH KRM-S 20/6 Three Roll Bending Machine (NEW) Working Length – 2100 mm Plate Thickness (max) – 7 mm Max. plate thickness for bending – 6 mm Bending Diameter – 285 mm Roll Diameter – 190 mm Motor Rating – 4 kW Overall Dimensions – 3900 mm x 920 mm x 1200 mm Weight – 3600 kg

KNUTH KEX 80 Eccentric Press (NEW) Pressure Force – 80 tons Ram-to-table surface distance – 400 mm Stroke Adjustment – 4 – 102 mm Table Dimension – 860 x 540 mm Reach at Ram Plate Center – 255 mm Ram Mount diameter – 45 mm Ram Adjustment – 95 mm Strokes per minute – 54 /min Table Bore Diameter – 180 mm Setup plate thickness – 80 mm Pass between columns – 400 mm Motor Rating – 7.5 kW Overall dimension – 2100mm x 1100mm x 2365mm Weight – 4350 kg


32 Fabrication Facility Machineries And Equipment

DESCRIPTION KNUTH KPB 50 Motorized Profile and Ring Bender (NEW) Shaft Diameter – 50 / 50 mm Roll Diameter – 155 mm Roll Speed – 4.3 min to 1 Motor Rating – 1.5 kW Overall Dimension – 730 mm x 830 mm Height including Base – 1350 mm Weight – 400 kg

DESCRIPTION KNUTH 330/2000 D – Lathe (NEW) Center Width – 78.74”; Turning dia. over bed– 25.98” Turning dia. over support – 17.32”; Over gap bridge - 35.43”; Travel X-axis – 14.49”; Travel Z1 axis – 9.06”; Gap bridge length – 12.6”; Bed width – 15.75; Swing range of top slide – 45 degrees; Spindle speed – (16) 25 – 1600 rpm; Spindle bore – 4.13”; Tailstock taper – MT 5; Motor – 10.06 Hp; Overall dimension – 145.94” x 48.43” x 62.8”; Weight – 6380 lbs.

KNUTH ABS 550B SemiAutomatic Band Saw (NEW) Cutting Capacity 90deg Flat – 570x550 mm; 90deg round – 550 mm; 90deg sq – 550x550 mm Stop Length – 500 mm Roller Guide length – 1000 mm Main Motor – 4 kW; Hydraulic Pump Motor – 1.1 kW; Motor Feed rating – 0.55 kW; Coolant motor -0.12kW Overall Dimensions – 3350mm x 1200mm x 2100mm Weight – 2100 kg

DESCRIPTION KNUTH SSB 50n Super Column Drill Press (NEW) Drilling Capacity, steel – 50 mm Tapping capacity, steel – M 32 Table set-up area – 580 x 460 mm Quill Stroke – 200 mm; Table Stroke – 530 mm Powered Table Travel – 410 mm Table Swivel range (max) - +/- 45 deg. Spindle nose-to-table distance – 600 mm Spindle nose-to-foot distance – 1185 mm Throat – 360 mm; Column diameter – 180 mm Spindle Speeds – 50-150; 100300; 230-750; 460-1500 revs/min; Quill Feeds – 0,1; 0,2; 0,3; 0,4; (4) mm/U Spindle Mount – MK 4 / MT 4; Supply Voltage – 380V; Motor Rating main drive – 2,4/3 kW/ ¾ Hp Overall Dimensions – 1035x680x2000mm; Weight – 670 kg

DESCRIPTION NAI 5 – Ton Double Girder Overhead Crane (NEW) Capacity – 5 Ton (Made by North American DESCRIPTION KNUTH MF 5V – Universal Milling Machine (NEW) Travel X-axis – 31.5” Travel Y-axis – 15.35” Travel Z-axis – 14.96” Table setup area – 53.94” x 9.84” Table load capacity (Max) – 770 lbs Quill Feeds – (3) 0,04; 0,08; 0,15 “/R Spindle speed (Infinitely Variable) – 70 – 3600 rpm Spindle Mount (Vertical) – SK 40 Quill Stroke – 5” Motor Rating Main Drive – 5.03 Hp Overall Dimension – 100” x 84.88” x 87.99” Weight – 3498 lbs

Industries, Woburn, MA) Voltage – 380V, 3-phase, 50Hz Cross Girder Connection – Bolted Cross Girder Size – W24 x 62 / C12 x 20.7 Hoist Speed – 20 / 3.3 FPM; Max run time – 30 mins. Trolley Speed – 0 to 50 FPM; Max run time – 30 mins. Bridge Speed – 0 to 80 FPM; Max run time – 30 mins. Wheel Load (without impact) – 8850 lbs Crane Weight – 14700 lbs; Hoist and Trolley Average Load – 65%; Temperature – 110 degrees



In Halliburton Nigeria, Local Content means…Global Experience and Market Leadership—An Overview


alliburton is the market leader in the Drilling, Evaluation, Completion and Production Enhancement services and Halliburton in Nigeria draws on the wealth of our global experience and strength. Our People—Our Most Important Asset The real value of a service cannot always be quantified immediately in terms of cost savings; the long term needs are also to be considered. By choosing Halliburton products and services, the customer has also chosen to work with some of the best local talents in Nigeria who have had the advantage of Halliburton overseas training and international job exposure. Community Development Commitment Our community involvement is multifaceted, focusing on education, health, environment, the arts and so many other life-enriching causes. By supporting the organizations that are important to our employees and their neighbors, the Company is dedicated to improving

the quality of life in the many places where we work and live. Local Content Partnership Our robust Nigerian Content plan focuses on developing both our national workforce and the local supplier base in Nigeria. We can contribute to both the success of the Oil and Gas business in Nigeria and greater sustainable economic growth for Nigerians by aligning with strategic partners such as Drillog-PDL, Oando, Wapco, etc. Facilities and Infrastructure Capability We have the infrastructure and the resources in-country, as well aspersonnel to help build local capacity in Nigeria. Training and Development A proactive program of career development for national staff has improved the nationalization trend. This benefits the morale, competency, and performance of our national workforce.

Conclusion By helping to increase reserves, boost production, limit capital expenditures, and reduce operational costs, Halliburton helps the oil and gas community succeed. But there’s more to this arrangement than going the extra mile to help our customers’ bottom lines. We are dedicated to developing technologies that leave a smaller footprint on the environment, supporting the communities where we work, and contributing to their economic development in a sustainable manner—all while helping asset owners and local citizens make the most of their natural resources. About Halliburton Halliburton is one of the world’s leading providers of products and services to the upstream energy industry, serving the life cycle of the reservoir –from locating hydrocarbons and managing geological data to drilling and formation evaluation, well construction and completion, and optimizing production through the life of the field. Business Divisions and




Drilling and Evaluation Drilling and Evaluation provides field and reservoir modeling, drilling, evaluation, and precise well-At Halliburton, our people are our most important asset.

Product Service Lines (PSLs) Halliburton consists of two divisions—Drilling and Evaluation and Completion and Production. Drilling and Evaluation Drilling and Evaluation provides field and reservoir modeling, drilling, evaluation, and precise well-At Halliburton, our people are our most important asset.Total Workforce of 752 people in NigeriaNigerians 91%Sperry Drilling ServicesProduction Enhancement Wireline and Perforating Testing and Subsea Consulting and Project MgtCementingCompletions Landmarkbore placement solutions that enable customers to model, measure, and optimize their well construction activities. This segment consists of: Consulting and Project Management Landmark Drill Bits and Services Baroid Wireline and Perforating Sperry Drilling Testing and Subsea Completion and ProductionCompletion and Production delivers cementing, stimulation,intervention, and completion services. This segmentconsists of three PSLs: Production Enhancement Completion Tools Cementing Halliburton has been in Nigeria for more than 50 years. Halliburton established its presence in Nigeria in 1959 with the original Halliburton objective to help service Nigeria’s promising new oil and gas industry, recently started by Shell and British Petroleum. Since then, Halliburton’s service offerings have grown from primarily cementing to a wide range of other oil field products and services. Today in Nigeria, Halliburton comprises four major business groups—Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Ltd., Halliburton Operations Nigeria Ltd., Baroid of Nigeria Ltd., and Landmark Graphics Nigeria, Ltd. Together, these groups have a work force of over 700 employees. Nigerian Content Halliburton Energy Services Nigeria Limited, as a front runner in the oil services industry in Nigeria, is providing growth opportunities for indigenous employees in accordance with the government’s Local Content policy. Personnel Levels

To support the operations locally, Halliburton provides to the customer three separate human resource categories: Field Personnel Field personnel are responsible for rig site service quality and safety. The vast majority of Halliburton’s field personnel in-country are Nigerian nationals. Technical Support Local Technical Advisors have the responsibility of responding to customer needs with in-depth knowledge of specific product lines.

Supervision Management The product service line (PSL) manager has operational responsibility and maintains regular contact with the customer. PSL coordinators are in charge of the job preparation, people scheduling, and equipment. This position consists of 67% Nigerians and 33% foreign Expats.


an you describe the state of your organization's installed capacity before the full implementation of the Nigerian Content policy from year 2005? As Halliburton has successfully operated in Nigeria for more than 50 years, we noted that nearly 30 percent of our 300-person strong workforce was expatriate personnel in 2005. We are proud to now have achieved more than 93 percent nationalization of our workforce that has almost doubled in size. 2. How has the implementation of the policy boosted installed capacity and how will the enactment of the Nigerian Content law support your operations? It is not expected that the implementation of the local content policy will immediately boost installed capacity as this will take sometime; however, in the future and given the right business atmosphere, we should see a boost in installed capacity. Halliburton believes the Nigerian Content policy ultimately will benefit the development of Nigerians and Nigerian industry. We started several years ago interacting with and supporting different Nigerian indigenous service companies. We continue to make these relationships success stories and look forward to sharing them in the near future. 3. Financing is a major concern in the industry. How has your organisation been able to surmount this challenge?

We continue to be proactive and have been able to successfully adjust our operations to the market conditions throughout the years. We have been in Nigeria for more than 50 years and we plan to stay for many years more to come by continuing our investments in our people and infrastructure. 4. There are concerns that most indigenous operators may not have the requisite installed capacity to make the Nigerian Content law operable. Do you agree with this and what is the current installed engineering and manpower capacity of your organisation? We believe the indigenous companies presently do not have the required installed capacity to make this law operable; however, we believe the Nigerian Content law is on-track to achieve its purpose and may change the future of local operations in Nigeria, although it is difficult to speculate regarding how much the law will change operations. Halliburton is proud that our local workforce capacity is comprised of 93 percent Nigerians. 5. Also of major concern is manpower training. How is your organisation dealing with this concern? Are there arrangements in place with foreign entities to facilitate training and possible technology transfer? At Halliburton, our employees are regarded as our greatest assets and therefore, we place a premium value on their


35 Halliburton’s Philosophy: SustainabilityIn today’s business climate our future is intertwined with the communities in which we operate. As such, sustainable sourcing and relationships are key aspects of our business strategy. Throughout our tenure in Nigeria we have steadily increased our Nigerian workforce and local supplier involvement. Today Nigerian nationals account for more than 91% of our overall Nigeria workforce and our local spend on Nigerian goods and services exceeds 38% of our total expenditure in Nigeria. Nigeria Sustainable DevelopmentAt Halliburton we recognize the need to transfer skills to both indigenous workers and businesses—by doing so we can create greater economic opportunities for the entire community. Our commitment to sustainability in Nigeria is demonstrated through: Over $100 million per year spent on locally sourced equipment, services, and personnel. Proven ability to deliver 60% of contract value as Nigerian Content for some service lines. Enhancing opportunities for Nigerians to manage the business, both locally and internationally. Working contracts with the following Nigerian companies: O Drillog Petrodynamics, Ltd. O Drillpet International O CISCON O Oilfield Inspection Services O WASCO O Gulflink Ltd. O Echodata O SDF O HydroServe O Oando O Eastline O Geoplex Ltd O ansfield

training. We have state-of-the-art training facilities located in strategic locations all over the world and have brought and conducted global training and business leadership development training from a world-renowed university (Texas A&M University) in Nigeria. We constantly seek opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer across our workforce. Annually, Halliburton employees receive on average of more than 60 hours of training per person and many programs are designed to provide compulsory training for specific job classifications as well as highlight and develop technical and professional competencies across work areas. Over 100 Nigerians currently are working in management positions with Halliburton globally and we expect many of these employees will continue as future leaders of our company in the coming years.

Community Development Community ProgrammesOur focus is to establish and maintain partnerships with other companies operating within the communities, as well as active involvement with NGO to deliver long term benefits.Our dedicated Community Relations Manager based in Port Harcourt, works in consultation with local Community Chiefs and client organizations. Initiatives to date include Investment in Education through Education Scholarships and provision and renovation of school infrastructure in Port Harcourt (Oginigba & Rebisi) and Warri (Effurun), and Community Projects. 5 million NGN is spent annually on a range of local projects:

6. Inextricably tied to the success of the Nigerian Content law is the steady flow of jobs in the industry. However, following the delay in the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill, PIB, there appears to be a dearth of investments in projects. What is your organisation doing in the face of dwindling projects from within the industry? As we joined the industry in monitoring the PIB developments this year, we sought such opportunities to seek additional aining and development of our personnel for technical and business leadership technical skills development to ensure we remain fully prepared when industry activity increases.

Boreholes Power Orphans Road Repairs Sports Development Schools Scholarships Fish farming Safety training

7. Have you been forced to lay off workers? No, we are very proud to say that we joined our colleagues in many countries around the world remaining focused on maximizing value for our shareholders and continuing to develop our workforce so we did not have any personnel reductions. 8. Have you resorted to surviving on bailouts from your foreign partners? Absolutely not. 9. Are you satisfied with the current configuration of the NCDMB and its operations or are there areas where you perceive they can do better? We continue to support the Nigerian Content law and believe that active involvement and collaboration between international service companies and others in the industry with the Board will only help the Board's goals and objectives in shaping all facets of the policy implementation.

10. The security concerns in the delta are slowly creeping up again. How do you think this will affect implementation of the Nigerian Content law and how do you propose we tackle it? Security remains a priority for Halliburton and elsewhere globally and we believe all industry parties should continue to work together with local authorities in an effort to find ways to peacefully help the development of the area and the industry.



Laser Engineering and Resources Consultants Limited Capacity Development


aser Engineering Consultants was registered in 1990 in Nigeria (Reg. No: RC 363790) to render services to the oil and gas industry in particular and also to the general public. In 1999 Laser was incorporated under the name “LASER ENGINEERING AND RESOURCES CONSULTANTS LIMITED” and it is still 100% fully owned by Nigerians. We have built capacity and competence in our areas of service over the years and have positioned ourselves to be known as one of the trusted Nigerian companies in the industry. To position ourselves better to take advantage of the opportunities provided by the Nigerian Content Act, Our services has expanded in the last six years from Reservoir Management Studies, PVT/Environmental Laboratory and Manpower training units to also accommodate a world class Geo science Training Centre, a Slickline unit. Expansion plans are also underway to acquire more equipment in the existing units especially PVT Cells in the Laboratory, start a Core Analysis Section and a Research Laboratory. Our office facility has also been expanded to include one and two-story buildings, an administrative block, a separate Water Laboratory building, and 3 classroom facility. The complex includes: Offices, Seminar/Class R o o m s , C o n f e r e n c e R o o m s , P V T L a b o r a t o r y, Environmental Laboratory, Core Laboratory (New), 2 Workstations/Reservoir Study Centers, Workshop and Living Quarters for Course participants. It also includes parking facilities for all personnel, storage facilities for machines and future expansion in the form of raw land. Our head office is situated at Km 5 East West Road, (Off Inco Petroleum), Rumuodara, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. It is strategically located aiding access by clients and movement of equipment and plants to and from sites. More so it is surrounded by good road networks. Before the year 2004, we have been making steady and continuos effort to train our staff who are the chief resources of our industry. Part of our business is training and manpower development and our staff are the chief beneficiaries of this aspect of the business. This can be confirmed from the fact that people who were trained in Laser are working in all parts of the globe including Nigeria. We have some of them in Saudi Arabia, Oman, USA (Houston- Texas) to mention but a few and a good number of them are now working for Shell Petroleum Development Company, Sclumberger, ExxonMobil etc. We believe in the development of human capital therefore we go all out sometimes to import expatriates to train our people on specific areas. Due to the explosion in terms of jobs and contracts being expected in the industry, we have also in the past few years sent our personnel abroad for training to ensure that knowledge is domiciled within in preparation to

take over the jobs that the industry will generate due to the NC Act. Our equipment are up to date and ready in expectations of the jobs being awaited for from the full implementation of the Act. Our Slickline equipment are Zone two compliant and that is the best you can get in any part of the globe. Out PVT Cells are also state of the art and Mercury –free. We also have some of the best software in Reservoir Management Studies in the country All these are geared towards ensuring that capacity is built in readiness for jobs. The staedy flow of jobs in the Industry depends so much on the full implementation of the Act and the Petroleum Industry Bill. Our installed capacity has risen in every aspect especially since the advent of the Policy and we strongly believe that the implementation of the Act will boost projects and our operations. The company is currently being financed internally and through retained earnings but we believe that with the introduction of the Nigerian Content Support Fund we will able to get more funds at less interest rates. Finally we want to commend the effort of the NCDMB for what they have started. Efforts should be geared toward ensuring that penalties are awarded to defaulters of the provisions of this Act to deter others who would want to default in future. This way the Act will be taken seriously. We salute the efforts of the Nigerian Content Divison and the Federal Government of Nigeria.

Our installed capacity has risen in every aspect especially since the advent of the Policy and we strongly believe that the implementation of the Act will boost projects and our operations

Services Slickline Laser Engineering recently added slickline to its numerous services. This is a dream come true as it will go a long way to improve services and add value to the industry by getting into data acquisition for the industry knowing the problems we encounter in analyzing data collected by vendors who pay little or no attention to appropriate procedures. We just acquired state - of the - art equipment for this service which includes rugged Slimline and CS Skid units from ASEP of Holland, Our reliable memory gauges have large memory capacities and excellent data quality. Also our software for analysis and interpretations are from the best world-class software developers. Services Include: § BHP Test § Well Integrity test § Wax Cutting § SCSSV Retrieval & Installation § Gaslift Valve Retrieval & Installation § Zone Change § Swabbing

§ Fishing § Plugging & Unplugging § Completion

WORKFLOW FOR SLICKLINE SERVICES v Pre-mobilization a) Program(job) study b) Tool preparation v Mobilization



v Field Operation a) Rig up b) Operation c) Data download (BHP) d) Rig down e) Data(BHP - QA/QC ) f) De-mobilizationg g) Operations Review h) Report

Environmental Laboratory Services LASER has a policy that emphasizes the upliftment of health and safety in its numerous areas of operation. As a crusader for the sustenance of the environment, the company ensures that its activities are carried out in the most environmentally friendly manner. We possess the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) permit and Federal Ministry of Environment permit to render specialist environmental services to the environmental, and oil exploration & production Industry in the following areas: Ø Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Ø Post Impact Assessment Study (PIAS) Ø Environmental Evaluation Studies (EES) Ø Potential Polluted Area Studies (PPA) Ø Environmental Baseline Studies Ø Biodiversity Initiative Studies Ø Environmental Sensitivity Index Mapping Ø Effluent Quality Monitoring Ø Analysis of aqueous discharge, Rain water, River, sanitary wastewater etc Ø Oil field water analysis Ø Air Quality Monitoring Ø Geographical Information System (GIS) Ø Environmental Modeling/Simulation Studies Ø Drilling compliance monitoring (Oil-On-Cutting Analysis) Ø Laboratory Analytical Services Ø Site Restoration / Remediation Ø Waste Management Ø We work closely with our clients at all phases of the Environmental study


Work Plan Preparation Field Work For Sampling Sample Preservation Field Report Submission Sample Preparation Sample Analysis Quality Control Laboratory Analysis Draft Report Submission Final Draft Report Submission Final Report Submission COMPLIANCE MONITORING

o o o o o o o o

Work Preparation Field Work For Sampling Sample Preservation Sample Preparation Laboratory Analysis Quality Control Submission Of Weekly Results Submission Of Monthly Report


Field Work For Sampling Sample Presentation Sample Preparation Sample Analysis Quality Control

Report Submission PVT Laboratory Services Laser Engineering has the first mercury-free PVT laboratory in Nigeria. All our equipments are state-of-theact and one of the best in the country. We also have personnel with wide range of experience in running a PVT laboratory. One major area of difference from existing PVT laboratory presently in Nigeria is that ours comes with an inbuilt video camera that will enable clients and staffs see what goes on in the cell or chamber. In addition our laboratory has equipment for solid detection studies. Our services under PVT laboratory studies cover the following areas; Workflow Ø Field sampling and storage services

Ø Hydrocarbon fluid compositional analysis Ø Phase behavior studies Ø Bubble / dew point determination Ø Constant Composition expansion Ø Differential liberation Ø Constant volume depletion study Ø Separation test Ø Solid detection (Asphaltene and wax) Ø Crude assay analysis (cloud point, B. S & W, oil density, API gravity, salt content etc) Ø Stock tank oil analysis up to C45+ Ø Water and hydrocarbon dew point analysis of natural gas Ø Complete oil field and waste water analysis Ø Training services Manpower Development Laser Engineering has been running short courses for companies, in the oil and gas industries since 1990. Our courses are specialized and tailored to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry. We have trained staff for various companies including Shell, Exxon-Mobil NNPC, NPDC, ELF, ADDAX etc. Some of our courses include Effective Report Writing, Presentation Skills, Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Reservoir Simulation, Reservoir Geology, General Principles of BHP test etc. We have been approved by the Federal Government of Nigeria to open a Geosciences School to train Nigeria graduates from Geology and Petroleum Engineering Departments. And thus, equip them with skills for capacity





ncorporated in Nigeria as a Limited Liability Company, Mansfield Energy started operations in May 2002, as an engineering consultancy, manufacturing and oil service company. From inception to date, our focus has been primarily on well completions and production optimization process.

 HP/HT Semi Permanent Gas Well Completion Packers, shift to release system.

 Dual Zone Completion Packers, Hydraulic Set, Straight Pull to Release Systems.

 Isolation Packers, Hydraulic Set, Shear to release

The company is 100% Nigerian owned and it is registered with the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), Nigerian Petroleum Exchange (NIPEX) and Petroleum Technology Association of Nigeria (PETAN).

systems, all size ranges available.

 Permanent Packers, Hydraulic Set, Wireline Set, Work string Set Systems.

 Multi Feed Thru Hydraulic Set Packers for Intelligent

Mansfield Energy is registered with Addax, ExxonMobil, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), SNEPCO, Chevron and Total - the major Nigerian oil and gas producers - and some marginal field operators to whom it renders well completions and related oilfield services.

Completion Installations.

 Sliding Sleeve Systems  Profile Nipples  Indexing Mule Shoes

The vision of the company is to contribute to the development of oil and gas technology in Nigeria by providing drilling and completions services, including the setting up of manufacturing facilities for well completions equipment in Nigeria. Put into practice, we are confident that our effort will contribute to the transfer of oil and gas technology through training and employment of Nigerians. We are actively involved in the development of Nigerian content. Mansfield Energy is composed of Nigerian professionals, with the backing of our foreign technical partners, we have a competent and formidable team that any operator can rely on.

 Hydro-Trip Subs  Locater Seal Assembly  Polished Bore Receptacles  Seal Bore Extensions Mansfield Energy. Products

 Lower Completions Screens and IC  Lineslot™

Mansfield Energy in addition offers the following services: Production Optimization, Drilling Engineering, Sand Control and Well Stimulation.

 ResFlow™

Our people and innovative solution approach with commitment to developing local competency is our forte; we believe that these would enhance the increase in turnover and profitability of our client's business and that of

 Dominator™

 ResCAT™  ResPunch™  Other Completions Equipment and Accessories

 Snap Latch Systems  Bridge Plugs  Cement Retainers  Flow Couplings  Pup Joints  Perforated Joints  Crossovers  Control Lines (seamless, welded)




Hydraulic Control Line Units Cross Coupling Clamps Control Line Fittings and accessories Hydraulic Actuated Gas Lift Valve System Electrically Actuated Gas Lift Valve Slickline Shifting Tool for the MRS (Mechanical Rotating Sleeve)

Casing Barrier Plugs Peak VMB Barrier Plug ISO 14310 V0 Zonal Isolation Tools Peak C-Flex cementing valves Davis Lynch internal casing packers Surface Equipment SR remote controlled cement heads Davis Lynch hydraulic fill and circulation tools Peak Ball Drop Head P&A Equipment Permanent and retrievable plugs / straddles Alpha permanent bridge plugs Alpha cement retainers with setting tools Casing / Liner Products: Peak Ball Seat Peak Float Valve Davis Lynch float equipment Davis Lynch 10 000 psi float equipment Davis Lynch floatation systems DHP reamer shoes and reamer subs DHP centralizers Pioneer high pressure dart systems Davis Lynch ICP Inflatable Packers Permanent and retrievable plugs / straddles Alpha permanent bridge plugs with setting tools Alpha cement retainers with setting tool Zonal Isolation Equipment Swellpacker™ Constrictors™ Cement Assurance™ Leak detection tools and services Services Sand exclusion screens and services Intelligent well completions and services Liner hanger equipment and services Well completions and stimulation services Reservoir monitoring and engineering Oilfield tools and services Pumping services Project management

Solutions Optimized production by equalizing Reservoir inflow

along wellbore in Niger Delta JV long horizontal open hole completions. Optimized production with zonal isolation in the completion of Niger Delta Okwuori and NDA fields. Simple, innovative completions resulting in optmized production of Niger Delta Kambo,Opukushi reservoirs. Simple, reliable and cost effective open hole completions with sand control of Niger Delta deep water development. Yoho, efficient, cost effective, optimally produced field development Contacts Lagos Office: Head office complex 8th Floor Foreshore Towers 2A Osborne Road Ikoyi Lagos Tel: +234 17 900939 Fax: +234 14 614921 Mobile: +234 802 334 8824 Email: Web: Dupe Jaiyeoba Hakeem Salau David Ajirotutu

Charles Ihekona Port Harcourt office and warehouse Plot 212 TransAmadi Industrial Estate Port Harcout. By Ordinance Bus Stop Port Harcourt Rivers State Tel: +234 84 465438 Mobile: +234 802 334 8824 Email: Web: Idika Ngele Kenneth Ezeukwu Godswill Nwachukwu Tope Adegboyo Lagos Workshop Naval Dockyard Victoria Island Lagos More than 300,000 square ft of covered warehourse space for storage and assembly of equipment. Mobile: +234 802 334 8824 Email: Web: Dupe Jaiyeoba David Ajirotutu Charles Ihekona

Atlantic FLUIDS

Welcome to Atlantic Fluids and Integrated Services


tlantic Fluids and Integrated Services Limited (AFIS) , an indigenous Drilling and completion fluids company was set up in 2005 and formally incorporated February 2007, with the sole objective of providing high quality mud, brine and engineering services and specialized training to the exploration and production companies operating in Nigeria and the West African region oil and gas industry. Atlantic Fluids is 100% Nigerian owned company. We are committed to high business integrity, transparency, dedicated to professionalism and deeply rooted in excellence through technical and commercial performance, quality assurance and quality control. With well-trained manpower, financial stability and performance, conducive and well-organized workplace, Atlantic Fluids is aimed at achieving high standard and efficiency. We having talented and skilled workforce with strong innovation which drives Atlantic Fluids quest for operational and technical excellence. Atlantic fluids Limited is formally registered with the department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) and currently with NNPC-NIPEX. AFIS has been issued with an operating permit to participate in the following category of business 1.Mud, Brine and workover chemical supply and engineering services. 2. Provision of professional and experienced mud consultants to mud companies and E & P operators Technical Manpower. 3. Professional basic Mud engineering, advanced mud engineering, basic cementing and basic drilling engineering training - Manpower training. We are Contractor/Vendor to local and international oil companies and intend to provide drilling, completion fluids and engineering services to both indigenous and International exploration and producing companies in Nigeria and West Africa. We work with a vast network of associate companies and suppliers located in Nigeria and various other countries to achieve technical and value oriented services for our customers. Atlantic Fluids management is totally committed to maintaining and consistently works to improve its Quality, Health, and Safety and Environment (QHES) systems mechanisms and ensure that adequate resources are allocated in the yearly budget and by ensuring the safety and quality assurance of each individual work process. MISSION To be a complete fluids and technology driven company with global outlook to serve the drilling industry in Nigeria and beyond the West African region, with the main objective to provide drilling fluids, chemicals, mud engineering services and other integrated project manangement services to the oil and gas industry. Leverage on the current opportunity to be a major local content vehicle (LCV) to international technical partners in providing specialized drilling fluids and cementing chemicals, technical services and other specialized Oil and Gas technical consultancy services. VISION To be a STRONG INDIGENOUS LEADER in the provision of expertise fluids, chemicals, engineering service and manpower technical training capabilities for exploration and production activity and build a reputation for quality service delivery backed by high level technical support. Our Services Current Capabilities and Experience The local content scheme and learnings are being

extended to other IOC's and independent indigenous drilling companies. The List below catalogues the wells drilled so far with AFIS providing both competent mud engineers and chemical products and systems: 1. XXG well - Four casing scheme deviated well drilled to a depth of 20,000ft with both Water and Oil based mud. 2. GHN: A Three casing scheme side track deviated well drilled to a total depth of 16,000ft with both Water and Oil based mud. 3. SB 09: Three casing scheme horizontal well drilled to a total depth of 12,000ft using both Water and Oil based mud. 4. SB 10: Three casing scheme horizontal well drilled to a total depth of 14,000ft using both Water based and oil based mud.





5. IR -10: workover / completion well with mixed brine and prepared acid soluble LCM pills to prevent brine losses. 6. CCC -08: workover / completion well with mixed brine and prepared acid soluble LCM pills to prevent brine losses. 7. CCC 21: workover and re-completion and well testing using mixed brine and prepared acid soluble LCM pill to prevent brine losses. 8. EBO 9: Three casing scheme vertical well drilled to a total depth of 10,000ft with both WBM and POBM . 9. SB 11: Three casing scheme horizontal well drilled to a total depth of 12,630ft using both Water based and oil based mud. 10. UQUO - 5: Three casing scheme vertical well drilled to a total depth of 8,400 ft using AFIS/SUN water based specialty products like Blacknite, cmul, Gumbo Shield etc. The above work experience is being built upon by continuous in-house training and review of each well recap to ensure customer get value for money on a continuous basis on subsequent wells. AFIS is currently planning and preparing a detailed and cost effective mud program to drill an exploration well for a key industry customer in the heart of Niger Delta before the end of 2008. Our mud engineers are very experienced and have knowledge of the local geological and geographical terrain of most drilling locations. CAPACITY AND GROWTH PLAN Atlantic Fluids have the ability to provide innovative, complete drilling, completion and Workover fluids solutions that are hinged on locally based solutions and partnership of international standards. Our local and overseas technical partnership allows us to speed up the learning process and develop cost effective innovative engineering solutions to meet with today's drilling and completion fluids challenges. We also offer and provide highly qualified Nigerian and expert mud engineering consultants, which meets our clients' needs through consultancy agreements and permanent employee sourcing if required. Our work force is mainly local and sometimes multinational. A resource of skilled technical and commercially experienced people with a diversified background. A resource pool from which we provide our various clients with the specific skills and knowledge they need. We provide People who believe in diversity and inclusiveness at the workplace and will integrate seemingly within your organization. Our management team mainly Nigerians have experience working for multinational companies in Nigeria. Atlantic Fluids operational and technical services are available for specific specialists or operational teams in well engineering departments and other mud services companies. Services encompass all aspects of officefield supervision, operational planning and analysis, logistics, warehousing and drilling. Manpower Resource and Training: AFIS is currently working on partnering with the American Petroleum Institute (API) to commence future special training in the following areas: 1.

Basic and Advanced mud engineering.

based mud (OBM) products and formulations to meet any drilling requirement in the Niger Delta and else where while leveraging on our current working experience.


SUBSIDIARIES AND JOINT VENTURE PARTNERS Les Hommes Limited Barges construction flat top supply barges, 2000bbls liquid mud barge, Supply boats, Tug boats, Rectangular, Cylindrical or Vertical (300-500bbls) mud storage tanks and installation and piping works, 20ft and 40ft types office portacabin design and construction. Chesnem Nigeria Limited Office Equipment supplier, Stationeries, office and home Interior decorations, minor civil construction work, I.T services and general services contractor. Anula Interglobal Resource Nigeria Limited Consultancy and Drilling Fluids Specialist.

2. Cementing Technology. We are also in the process of formally involving the Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF) in our plans to train Nigerian mud engineers to achieve high caliber specialist status required to reduce the influx of expatriates and the consequent capital flight.

Tuguma Industries Limited Completion fluids filtration and Nitrogen services.

PRODUCTS Atlantic Fluids would provide the best and competitive product, personnel and equipment price to the customer that would meet its drilling and completion project objective.

CKS Environmental Waste management and Solids control Services.

AFIS can provide Water based mud (WBM) and oil

Ariboil Nigeria Limited Solids Control, and Waste Management `Services.


AFIS has signed a wide range of technical, commercial and supply partnership with some major overseas chemical-manufacturing firms. Firm agreements with overseas training school partners such as American Petroleum Institute (API) have also been reached to conduct highly specialized basic and advanced mud engineering services in Nigeria. The following are AFIS local and international partners: 1. SUN Drilling Incorporated USA Supply of specialty wellbore chemicals.visit website 2. United Mud Chemical Company India Supply of Water based mud Chemicals. visit website 3. AFIS/API (American Petroleum Institute) mud and Cementing training school curriculum audit and final agreement is in progress. 4. CKS Environmental Services Limited Waste management and solids control services. CONTACT US For more enquiries, you can contact us with the following address Office and Warehouse Plot 265, Oceanic Bank Road, off Peter Odili Road, Trans-Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt. Tel: +234 84 896651, +234 7028712172 Warri Office and Warehouse Elf Road, Off Shell Ogunu Road, Idugboe Estate, Ogunu. Tel: +234 84 896651, +234 7028712172 USA Office 1008 Stone Wall Street, Garland, Texas 75043 Tel: +1 214-753-9809

TECON Oil Service Lonestar Drilling Vigeo

Drilling Contractors D

rilling contractors in the upstream provide drilling rigs to crude oil exploration and production companies. Usually, these rigs are contracted for a specified period of time and the contractor is responsible for operating the rig and the remuneration cum welfare of the personnel.




TECON NIGERIA Pictures of Facilities, Equipment and Tools Value Added Service Since 1990


hrough major asset acquisition, ongoing replacements and upgrades, in-house tool redressing, precision machining, maintenance and manufacturing capabilities, TECON is proud to have under its management, the largest and most versatile inventory of an independent company-owned Hydraulic Workover Units, Fishing Equipment and Tools, Casing & Tubing Running Equipment and Handling Tools, Milling Tools, Drill Strings and Downhole Drilling Tools in the Nigeria Oil and Gas theater of operations; out of large ware houses, workshops and offices in the oil cities of Port Harcourt, Onne and Warri in Nigeria. TECON also has a committed pool of highly trained, experience, and truly tested HWO Crew, Fishing Specialists for CasedHole, Open Hole, Slim Hole, Horizontal & Multilateral Wells Contingency Oilwell Fishing, Experience Casing & Tubing Running Engineers, Seasoned Drilling Engineers, Drilling Supervisors, Drill Stem Design and Well Engineering Consultants TECON OIL SERVICES NIGERIA, an established and leading indigenous oilfield services and local content provider; with long term strategic focus in developing top-tier customer relationships with leading E & P Operators in Nigeria and the extended West/Central Africa Offshore Oil & Gas fields like EQG, Cameroon’s, Sao Tome and Principe, JDZ, Ghana , Gabon, Angola etc, in late September 2003 entered into a lease agreement with INTELS INTERNATIONAL LTD, for a modest warehouse/office and stacking area at the leading West African Offshore Oil & Gas gateway, the Onne Oil & Gas Free Zone, Federal Ocean Terminal, Onne Port Harcourt,

FISHING EQUIPMENT, TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES The bulk of Tecon's Fishing tools inventory is manufactured by Bowen Tools Inc., Houston Texas, the premier fishing tools manufacturing company in the world. Other system available are tools manufactured by Baker Oil Tools, Smith International (AZ-Servco), Houston

BOWEN FISHING TOOLS Key Bowen manufactured tools in Tecon's inventory include, but are not limited to Overshot, Bowen Series 150 Releasing and Circulating Overshots, Bowen Series 70 Releasing, Short Catch Overshots Overshots, Bowen Series 10 Accessories Overshot Grapples, Extensions Subs & Accessories Jar, Bowen Super Fishing Center Jars, Type ZTM Oil Jars Jars, Bowen Super II Fishing Jars, Intensifiers / Accelerators Bowen Hydraulic Jar Tester Spears, Bowen Full Circle Spears, Bowen Itco Type Spear Grapple, Suckers Rod Overshots Fishing Lubricated Bumper Jar, Bowen Bowen Peck-O-Matic Service OTHER FISHING EQUIPMENT,TOOLS AND ACCESSORIES Washover Pipes Washover Shoes Underreamers Junk Subs Junks Baskets, Reverse Circulation Safety Joints

Underreamers Hydraulic External Cutters Internal Cutters


CASING CUTTING, PACKER RETRIEVING AND MILLING SERVICES Tecon's Fishing and Milling Specialist have over the years recorded exceptional yields in window cutting, Section Milling, Packer Milling and Retrieving, Casing Dressing and General Milling operations both on onshore and offshore well locations. Some of the technologies available at Tecon include: Servo K Mill Section Mill



Baker Lockomatic Metal Munchers Marine Support Swivel AZ Servco Marine Pipe Cutters Flat Bottom Junk Mill , Economills etc Milling Shoes Baker CJ Packer Milling and Retrieving Tools Huston Engineers Packer Milling and Retrieving Tools Bowen Parker Milling & Retrieving Tools Skirted Mills Taper Mills

Drill Strings And Downhole Drilling Tools Rental And Services Tecon has developed a strong market presence in this Oil Tool segment and now has the capacity to provide Drilling Rigs and the operators with one stop Drill String and Downhole. Drilling Equipment on call off basics, thereby reducing costs, avoiding duplication of effort and creating a reliable local clearing house for these equipment. Major Tools and Equipment include: Drilling Jars Drilling Jar Accelerators Drill Pipes Drill Collars Drill Pipe Pup Joins Short Drill Collars Horizontal / Multilateral Wells Drilling String Assemblies Slips Integral Blade Satabilizers Non Rotating Stabilizers Hole Openers Underreamers Slim Hole Equipment Heavy Weight Drill Pipes Elevators Tubular Inspection and Storage Services Safety Valves

Machineshop, Welding, Tool Redressing, Manufacturing And Maintenance Services With a Machineshop dedicated to petroleum industry applications, TECON can machine and cut threads, reface / rebuild tools and manufacture tools and spare parts to API even higher premium standards. With very experience machinist, welders and fabricators, TECON has capabilities to boost local content and value added to very substantial levels, and to save a lot in tripping time of important tools, parts and components

Tecon Nigerblossoms I – 225K HWO/ Snubbing Unit, at Otumara Well #4

Machineshop Services Api Standards Manufacturing of new Cross-Overs (including nonmegnetic), Sucker Rods, Lifting Subs and other engineered products to exact specification Rethereading of Drill Pipes, Heavy Weight Drill Pipe, Drill Collars, Reammers, Stabilizers, Cross-Over Subs etc Retheading of Tubing, Casing, Washpipes, Waterwell Pipes Refacing of Tools-Drill Pipes, HWDP, Drill Collars, Kellys Stabilizers, Underreamer, Subs, etc Stress Relief, Packerize Manufacture of Couplings, Flanges Pluges, Gears, Collars

Tool Redressing, Grinding And Fabrication Break Out, Redress, Makeup and Test Drilling, Fishing Jars and all Fishing Tools Grinding and Rebuilding of Stabilizers Fabricate Waste Tanks, Storage Units, Pipe Rack, Water Tanks, Tool Boxes Hydraulic Workover SERVICES Tecon Nigerblossoms I 225K HWO/ Snubbing Unit, at Otumara Well #4 120 GALLON KOOMEY CONTROL UNIT FOR WELL INTERVENTION SERVICES 11”API x 5,000 PSI DOUBLE RAM BOP, CAMERON TYPE “U” FOR WELL INTERVENTION SERVICES GK HYDRILL 5,000 PSI x 11” BOP FOR WELL INTERVENTION SERVICES Tecon currently owns Four (4) Hydraulic Workover Units, which are available for active snubbing operations in

Nigeria. The first 225K Unit started first worked on the 28th of July 2001 for SPDC and did over thirty (30) Wells for SPDC and is named “NIGERBLOSSOM 1”. It has a pull capacity of 225,000 pounds and a maximum snub capacity of 112,500 pounds. A second 460K Unit was deployed for Workover Operations first worked for SPDC on Ughelli Well 29 on September 2002and ended up doing over 26 Wells till date, this unit, which has potential maximum, pull capacity of 460,000 pounds and maximum snub capacity of 230,000 pounds, is named TECONHYDRASTAR II. It is equipped with a power rotary table with maximum torque of 20,000 ft/Lbs A Third 340K “JJ HENRY” Hydraulic Workover Unit was first deployed for for Saltpond Offshore Oil Wells in Ghana Offshore Fields in September 2005 and has successfully worked over seven Wells in Nigeria, this unit, which has potential maximum, pull capacity of 340,000 pounds and maximum snubbing capacity of 180,000 pounds, a power rotary table with maximum torque of 10,000 ft/Lbs. A Fourth 340K HW Unit named “JACK HARDY”, Brand New with a pull capacity of 340,000 pounds and maximum snubbing capacity of 180,000 pounds, a power rotary table with maximum torque of 20,000 ft/Lb was first deployed in May 2008 for NAOC to wok over Nembe South 2, Tiebedoba 11 and 14 Wells, it is

Casing & Tubing Running Power Packs.


We make every effort to promote understanding in all communities where our company is engaged; with due regard for local customs and practices.


ONESTAR Drilling Nigeria Limited, the first of its kind in the African continent and also the Flag ship company of the Group represents a wholly indigenous owned work over and oil drilling Services company. LONESTAR Drilling, is a leader in Oil Drilling Services. LONESTAR Drilling is headquartered in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Since its inception in 1993, LONESTAR Drilling Nigeria Limited has progressively earned an enviable reputation as a professional and cooperative work over and oil drilling services company in Nigeria. Our impressive fleets of Rigs are continually upgraded to keep abreast of the rapid advances in technology. Our Core workforces of highly experienced professionals ensure that projects are executed in a safe and efficient manner, to the satisfaction of clients. In LONESTAR Drilling Nigeria Limited, we strive to give a human face to environmental issues; we are also driven by the desire to protect the environment, and therefore committed to sustainable development. We have continually improved our compliance with standard guidelines hence the ISO 14001 certification for all our major facilities. ISO 14001 is the International Standard Organization for EMS which we intend to achieve for all Rigs / Completion and waste management sites. LONESTAR Drilling Nigeria limited advocates partnership, which will ensure our clients enjoy a safer, healthier, cleaner and sustainable environment and a more prosperous future. Our sound Internal Audit and inspection provides a vital check on all LONESTAR Drilling Nigeria Limited Procedures, Systems and Effectiveness .

SERVICE We have spent the past fifteen years operating and perfecting our skills in Drilling, Completion and Workover Services, which we render to the oil majors in their exploration and production activities in the upstream sector of Nigeria's Oil and Gas business. Our specialty is in the areas of Land and Swamp Drilling. Currently, we are the foremost Drilling Company among those that still operate in the Creeks, Swamps and Lands of the Niger Delta.

MILESTONES  LONESTAR DRILLING has achieved and sustained enviable safety records by adhering to safety standards through hard work and dedication. The Shell Petroleum Development Company re-certified LONESTAR



DRILLING in the year 2004 with another ISO 14001 Award, the first of which was received in the year 2003.  The Company has a well developed Quality Assurance Management Policy Covering recruitment, training as well as material selection, procurement and testing. A quality improvement system in place to continually monitor operations and examine ways to enhance and optimize performance.  In order to build capacity and enhance optimal service delivery in the E & P business, LONESTAR DRILLING runs a training school with the objective of ensuring that our workers know and understand all activities done down-the-hole in drilling operations. This ensures that our drilling staff are continually certified for their activities.

Our Mission We allow an open policy where relevant information can be communicated to legitimate parties

CAREERS AND TRAINING At Lonestar Drilling Nigeria Limited, our workforce is the greatest source of competitive advantage. We are committed to hiring highly skilled and dedicated workforce with a set of integrated processes for ensuring that Company objectives are met and the development of highly productive and motivated employees. We attract, motivate, align and retain individuals who have the requisite skills, abilities and knowledge to drive the business success both now and in the future. The training and development of our employees is consistent with company policies. The training is based on identified training and development needs with business priorities including strengthening the company's technical capacity. Our Performance Management System helps to attract, and retain the best talents. Our mid-career recruitment is aimed at utilizing the best of talents available in the industry, and our graduate employment policies are aimed at developing the individuals to

competency levels in their primary disciplines within the Oil and Gas drilling industry. OUR CORE BUSINESS

48 We have spent the past fifteen years operating and perfecting our skills in Drilling, Completion and Workers Services, which we render to the oil majors in their exploration and production activities in the upstream sector of Nigeria's Oil and Gas business. Our specialty is in the areas of land and swamp drilling. Currently, we are the foremost drilling company among those that still operate in the creeks, swamps and land of the Niger Delta. NIGERIAN CONTENT POLICY LONESTAR DRILLING is fully committed to closing the skill gap between expatriates and Nigerian workers. Thus, LONESTAR pursues and implements a realistic Nigerianisation of its human resource development. The ultimate objective is to attain a substantive Nigerianisation, retain some small percentage of expatriate mix in view of our planned international exposure. The company has therefore adopted the bottom up approach to the implementation of the Nigerianisation Scheme. Consequently, young science and engineering graduates are continually recruited and trained as Assistant Drillers, while experienced oil and Gas management professionals have also been employed by our company. This is a deliberate policy predicated upon the need to enable the relatively young minds imbibe the optimum work ethic, discipline and professionalism that is the hallmark of our business. To this end, the LDNL Project has instituted a significant process of staff training and development for different cadres of technical staff, to enable them acquire the requisite sikills and operational positions throughout the company. These initiatives have improved the use of Nigerian materials and services in all company business. Lonestar conducts Nigerian Content surveys across the country with the aim of identifying companies and organizations that are capable of providing requisite services to our operations.



igeo Holdings is a multi business enterprise with interests in marketing, technical and logistic supports services, oil and gas, power, hospitality and investments. Incorporated in 1985, Vigeo has an image as a quality company providing quality service consistently. Vigeo is a learning organisation that has recorded many years of successful operations. The company places great value on its intellectual capital i.e. Human, Structural and Customer capital. These are its major sources of competitive advantage in its areas of operations. The organisation is known for strong pioneering drive and continuous zeal to innovate and recreate. Innovation at Vigeo is a continuous process it could be changing approaches to the business, or in the structure of large transaction, in financing or the development of new ideas and initiatives or to the development of new business models. Innovation is an all the time, everywhere competence in the Vigeo enterprise. Vigeo continues to sharpen its competencies, capabilities, skills and strategic assets as tools for sustaining innovation and indeed competitive advantage. It offers the highest standards of service/products solutions, by leveraging on competencies, brand value and creative alliances. The structure, spread and network of Vigeo keeps changing. The only thing that has not changed is the uncommon vision, the strength of seeing things in a different light, the power of taking challenges as opportunities, the strength of seeing obstacles as “teething problems,” the longing to move performances to higher levels and the desire to rise above the crowd.

Mission “To provide quality, effective and innovative services to our diverse clients.”


Corporate Planning) Lolade Ogunbambi - ED (Vigeo Commercial Services) Ayo Maji - Head Business and Corporate Development Bashiru Ajibola - Company Secretary/Legal Adviser

Oil & Gas Our Vision is to lead in cutting edge E&P support service delivery to the Oil & Gas industry. Our Mission is to invest in specialized assets, and through the Extended Enterprise Concept (JVs) develop competences to provide a spectrum of services to the Oil & Gas industry. We partner with notable organizations around the world to provide a range of specialized services/products to our various clients in the industry with the objective of promoting skill acquisition, transfer of technology and improving local content in the Nigerian oil & gas industry. Over a decade of operations, the company has built a strong franchise and developed quality management systems leading to the award of the ISO 9001 : 2000 certification.

Board The board of directors comprises of persons of repute and of the highest standards of integrity. Lets build your confidence as you take a tour through their brief profile. Victor Gbolade Osibodu - Chairman/CEO Akin Osuntoki - Executive Director Lolade Ogunbambi - Executive Director Olufunke Osibodu - Director Foluso Phillips - Director

Management Vigeo's corporate managerial strategy is pioneered by the work of these highly experienced and professional team. Victor Gbolade Osibodu - MD/CEO Akinwumi Osuntoki - ED (Finance, Investment &

Warri: Plot 188, 35th St., Delta Dev. & Ppty Authority Est., 2nd Phase, Ugborikoko, Effurun. tel: +234 (0) 84 743898, +234 (0) 802 356 4961 Abuja FCT: Plot 212 Shehu Shagari Way, Asokoro. tel : +234 (09) 222 2023, +234 (0) 702 935 5119, +234 (0) 802 224 2977

With a multi-skilled and multi-talented professional workforce, a strong financial base, state-of-the-art IT platform, excellent in-country logistics and a strategically located office network, the company is poised to maintain its track record of high quality and excellent performance.

Eket: 26, Edoho Eket Street, off RCC Road, Eket. t: +234 (0) 84 743898

Vigeo Oil & Gas continues to invest in human capital and required infrastructure and continuously expanding capacity to establish itself as a committed and competent service provider in the oil and gas industry of Nigeria and in view, the Gulf of Guinea. Business Units/Services Operations Support Services - Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) - Safety Equipment Services - Global Procurement Services (GPS) - Project Management Oilfield Services - Datatech Energy Services Energy Business Development Vigeo Logistics Vigeo Learning Center

Contact Our office network is spread across the country in 5 major business locations as listed below:

Azeez Bello - Director Jimi Agbaje - Director

Other Business Locations Port Harcourt: Plot 278, Aba/Port Harcourt Expressway, Opposite Shell Residential Area, Rumuibekwe, Obio L.G. tel:+234 (0) 84 4461269, +234 (0) 84 898120, +234 (0) 84 759152, +234 (0) 84 743898 fax: 234 (0) 84461269

Tremendous opportunities abound in the Nigerian oil & gas industry. Oil & Gas activities are reaching an all time high in the history of Nigeria. Several multi-million dollar projects are taking off, therefore creating ample business opportunities for multinationals and multi-skilled organizations such as ours.

Vision To be a leading global company relentlessly committed to providing total support services, professionally for the ultimate satisfaction of our stakeholders'.

(1) 7264053, +234 (1) 2719452 fax: +234 (1) 2719453 email: ,

Corporate Headquarters Lagos: Vigeo House 6 Osborne Road, P.O.Box 54055 Falomo, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria. tel: +234 (1) 2719450, +234 (1) 7642809, +234

Intels Snake Island Ladol

Base Logistics, Life Camp Management



Nigerian Ports Authority In Partnership With Intels Nigeria Limited Private Sector Participation in Nigerian Seaports Historical Background Intels formally called Nicotes came into being approximately twenty six years ago with a vision to developing an integrated logistic solution, offering a complete package of facilities and services to the Oil and Gas sector participants operating in Nigeria. Intels provides its clients with the following services: Terminal operator for supply and ocean going vessels, open pipe racks for tubulars, Offices and warehouses, cargo handling and transportation equipment, workshop for equipment maintenance, skilled personnel to coordinate and perform logistics operations, dedicated facilities, personnel and equipment, fresh water, Helipad services, Telecom center, Agency services for support vessels, Data processing for shipping traffic and materials stock control, 24hr/365 day operations

Oil & Free Zone Onne Strategic Regional Maritime Hub Onne OGFZ has an unparallel position in W Africa and is strategically located as a support Base for logistical services for oil & gas projects in Nigeria both onshore and offshore as well as the remainder of Sub Sahara Africa with its duty free status.

1982 to 1984 Nigerian Port Authority (NPA) invited the private sector to operate at the Federal Lighter Terminal (FLT) Eight companies took up the opportunity, but within two years, by 1984, there were only two companies still operating, one of which was Intels then known as Nicotes Services Ltd Onne Port Complex Federal Lighter Terminal FLT Completed in the late 1970s and meant to decongest the Lagos and Warri ports Federal Ocean Terminal FOT Conceived in the '70's to be one of the deepest ports in West Africa. 1982, the foreign contractors building the Onne Port Complex abandoned the construction due to funding challenges Early Partnership Mid 1980s In 1985, Intels applied for and was awarded a five‐year lease of NPA facilities at Onne with a vision to develop “One Stop” Transit & Supply Bases within the Government owned Port Complexes and in close cooperation with the Nigerian Ports Authority 1982 to 1984 The concept of a “one stop transit and supply base” by Nicotes proved extremely suitable for the offshore exploration and development embarked upon by the Oil Companies. In 1992, Nicotes in need of long term investment towards business development applied for a 21 year extension of its leases at Onne, Warri, Calabar Port Complexes and was one of the three (3) companies that were ultimately awarded similar leases by the government of Nigeria. The company embarked on huge investments in infrastructure, including the development of stacking area, the refurbishment of warehousing and quay apron and successfully berthed the first vessels to arrive the Federal Ocean Terminal FOT in late 1995 Ports concessions objectives Private sector participation in Ports development in Nigeria Efficient ports operation Employment generation Maximizing revenue generation for the Nigerian Government

Federal Lighter Terminal



Federal Ocean Terminal



NPA Intels and Nigeria Port Concession In June 26, 2006 BPE/HMT/NPA and Intels signed a concessionary agreement for 25 years Additional boost to private sector participation in Nigeria utilizing NPA Ports 150 investors presently operating in Onne Investment done up to date is over $3bn Parameters of Tariffs FMT/NPA & BPE Concession rates Effective returns to FGN Land lease rates Throughput fees Investment sensitive specialized terminal offering customized facilities & services NNPC/NAPIMS IWST Joint Venture Partner driven Operators direct involvement and participation in joint negotiations Recognizes infrastructural investment profile & cost implications driving best practices required for oilfield materials handling Ensures pricing stability and level playing field for industry partners Cost efficient compared to regional benchmarks NPA Intels and Nigeria Achievements It is estimated that eight thousand jobs have been created directly within Intels and some twenty thousand jobs created indirectly as a result of the “ one stop shop “ concept. The major IOCs and Oil Service companies now have their bases at Onne thereby saving large logistics costs. This in turn generated revenue for NPA and saved costs for NNPC/JV operations Nigeria's deepwater offshore industry has, to a large degree, been made possible by the fact that, thanks to the NPA‐Intels relationship, the Country has, in Onne Port Complex, a modern, well‐equipped, deep‐water port facility.

NPA Intels and Nigeria Achievements

Major Projects in partnership with NPA Completed : Federal Lighter Terminal FLT 3 & 4 Main Roads FLT/ FOT Free Zone 4km Fencing works Sand filling of 95Ha of swamp area at FLT Water Distribution at FLT Federal Ocean Terminal Jetty Berth 4, 5 & 6 Ongoing : Main Gate at FLT/FOT Main Drainages at FLT Water Distribution at FOT NPA Intels and Nigeria Social Responsibility Host Community Development Projects The relationship between Intels and the host communities have been cordial and no major disruptions of operations had been experienced over the years . This was achieved through mutual understanding and Intels commitment to partnering with the communities for their developmental needs and growth.

Projects executed : Over 7km of road networks Construction of Civic Centres Scholarship Scheme to over 200 recipients annually from primary to tertiary institutions. Medical outreach to host communities. Various Constructions ; Town Halls , family meeting halls , Traditional Ruler Palaces Employment and Training at various level. ( Skilled and Unskilled ) Empowerment and Employment of Disabled persons Construction of Boreholes about 15 annually Provision of Speed boats NPA Intels and Nigeria SECURITY Intels has invested heavily on issues of security in other to protect lives and property at our various locations. Intels concession terminals in Onne Port Complex, Warri and Calabar Ports are classified as ISPS code compliant by PICCOMS/IMO. The Nigerian Government has taken bold steps towards addressing the Niger Delta issues through the amnesty programme . Militant attacks in the past have had adverse effects on national economy and businesses. Challenges and Improvement of Port Facilities



FOT Berths 4 & 5 May 2008

Future Projects Further Government approval to commence Future Projects in partnership with NPA Removal of Island at the entry of the channel and Sand Filling behind WACT Container Terminal Construction of Jetty : Additional 3 Berths after WACT Container Terminal Port Standardization ‐ Future projects for the enhancements of the existing port facilities ‐ Water Distribution System ‐ Power Distribution System ‐ Roads and Drainages ‐ ISPS Installations ‐ Lighting System Ro‐Ro facility for W.A.C.T Challenges: Unavailability of Primary Facilities / Infrastructure: The unavailability of some essential primary facilities has been a great hindrance and impediment to smooth and productive operations. Some include: Roads, Power, Telecommunication, and of course, security. Strange as this may sound, the Onne Port Complex (OGFZ) is still being powered by Generators on a 24:7 basis. Urgent need to sand fill and develop additional facilities .(on going negotiation with NPA) The Onne Port link road was in a deplorable condition for a considerable number of years before the award of contract for the dualisation of the 7 kilometer road which is on‐going by contractor as we speak. Challenges: WARRI PORT OPERATIONS The Warri Port area is slowly getting back to its glorious days of full activity as a result of the Nigerian Government Amnesty Programme. Despite the lack of activity, Intels is still committed in the long term and is maintaining a workforce of about 500 staffers. presently we are collaborating with all the various stakeholders, youth bodies and community leaders towards the restoration of full economic activity back at the Warri Port. Challenges: Calabar Port With the current concession regime, INTELS has initiated moves to fence the entire area subleased to her by NPA. However, it is necessary to note here that the success


Berth construction in progress

Intels of the Calabar port complex and its economic growth will be dependent on the speedy completion of ongoing dredging of the entrance channel which is presently narrow.

56 2007 – Berth 7 & 8 completed 570m @ 12 m LW

CONCLUSION Intels as a terminal Operator is committed to collaborate with Government vice versa to move the Nigerian Nation forward through ports development and employment generation. We estimate that 5000 new jobs could be generated in the next 5 years. There is the need for government to synergize its agencies, support and ensure proper implementation of policies that affect the growth of the Ports. Intels will continue to invest in new technologies to enhance operations and profitability and also maintain world class QHSE standards. Over 140 investors presently operating within the ports with a combine investment profile of over $3 billion and more investors are keen to establish their present in the Ports attracting additional investment at the Federal Government owned ports We solicit Federal Government assistance in ensuring the completion of the on going or abandoned infrastructural projects for the ports Speedy completion of the Onne Port dualisation of the 7 kilometer link road which is presently on going by contractor . Providing sustainable power supply to the Ports . The Onne Port Complex is still being powered by Generators 24:7 . Rehabilitation of existing rail links to the port , to ease cargo movement in and out of the port .

Present Day Operations Calabar 2006 2010

Intels has initiated fencing leased area and the channel dredging is ongoing by NPA

Snake Island


Snake Island Integrated Free Zone SIIFZ is the first, registered and operational, privately owned Free Zone in Nigeria.

Mission Operating an efficient, secure centre to Nigeria’s’


nake Island Integrated Free Zone is West Africa’s most interesting new industrial development. Focused on Maritime and Oil&Gas Services and Operations, it offers tremendous opportunities for International Businesses to participate in the Nigerian and West African Deepwater Projects.

HISTORY Snake Island is 14 kilometre’s in length and 1.4 kilometre’s wide and is located opposite Tin Can Island Port, Apapa and has immediate access to the open sea. Snake Island Integrated Free Zone (SIIFZ) occupies 250 hectares of land covering approximately 4 kilometres of Snake Island shore line which is owned by Nigerdock Nigeria PLC. SIIFZ was established in January 2005 when Presidential Approval was given on January 28th 2005 for 250 hectares of land to designated as a Free Trade Zone and Port Development. SIIFZ operates under the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Authority (NEPZA) Decree 1992 Decree No. 63. as recorded in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette No. 67 Vol. 79 dated 21st December 1992. SIIFZ and its Management company were licensed by NEPZA on April 4th 2005. SIIFZ became operational with effect from July 4th 2005.

deepwater oil and gas industry to: Support integrated services and teams, from a single site, across exploration, development and production operations Enable cost effective supply chain management solutions to the benefit of all the stakeholders in the

Snake Island

industry Sustain investment and employment through the attraction of a strong internal market from the site and the commercial efficiency of the Free Zone Promote Nigeria’s interests in deepwater oil and gas through a competitive industrial base unmatched in scale, capability and cost efficiency in the region.

Vision To create and operate a fully functional support centre to the Deepwater Oil and Gas Industry in Nigeria, through the active attraction of investment and creation of employment opportunities resulting from the progressive development of an efficient, secure, commercially effective support infrastructure, and its continued costefficient operation.

FACTS Snake Island is located opposite Tin Can Island Port, Apapa and has immediate access to the open sea. Snake Island Integrated Free Zone (SIIFZ) was established in January 2005 when Presidential Approval was given on January 28th 2005 for a Free Trade Zone and Port Development. SIIFZ operates under the Nigeria Export Processing


Snake Island

59 ·

100% Exemption from all Federal, State and Local Taxes and Levies including; o

Exemption from Income Taxes


No Corporation Tax


Exemption from Capital Gains Tax


Exemption from Value Added tax (VAT)


100% Foreign Ownership of Business


100% Repatriation of Foreign Capital Investment with Capital Appreciation anytime


100% Remittance of production into the Nigeria Custom Territory


100% Import and Export License Exemption


Prohibition of strikes and Lockouts for a minimum of 10 years


On site Vehicle Licensing Arrangement

CONTACT US Snake Island Integrated Free Zone Snake Island, Lagos, Nigeria T +234 (0) 1 793 6630 F +234 (0) 1 793 6631

Zones Authority (NEPZA) Decree 1992 Decree No. 63. as recorded in the Federal Republic of Nigeria Official Gazette No. 67 Vol. 79 dated 21st December 1992. SIIFZ and its Management company SIMCO FZC were licensed by NEPZA on April 4th 2005. SIIFZ became operational with effect from July 4th 2005. LOCATION SIIFZ has its own Port Facilities as well as being adjacent to the Lagos ports of Tin Can & Apapa SIIFZ has free access to the open sea some xx kilometres away. Access is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks of the year. SIIFZ has easy and fast access to Lagos International Airport. SIIFZ via its Tin Can jetty has immediate access to the Lagos road infrastructure and its links to the rest of Nigeria. SIIFZ has easy and fast access to the Commercial centers of both Ikoyi and Victoria Island either by car or boat. INCENTIVIES As established by the Nigeria Export Processing Zones Decree No.63 1992 and subsequent legislation. Locating in Snake Island Integrated Free Zone and registering as an Enterprise automatically confers on the Enterprise the following incentives and advantages. ·

No Destination Inspection


Duty Free Import of Raw materials, Components


Duty Free Import of Equipment, Machinery and Spare Parts


Deferred Duty on Tradable Articles


On Site Customs Processing


Quota Free Expatriate Staff


On Site processing of Combined Expatriate Residence permit and Aliens Card(CERPAC)



LADOL Vision and Mission LADOL’s VISION: • Become 1st of many Nigerian owned and operated Deep offshore logistics and fabrication bases servicing the entire West African Market • Nigeria becomes hub for oil and gas in Africa LADOL’s MISSION: • Design, build and operate 1st logistics and fabrication support Zone in Nigeria • Provide engineering, logistics support and mega fabrication • Serve Nigerian and West African markets • Maximize Nigerian content • Create 10,000s of new jobs • Attract billions of US$ in FDI of dollars and technology into Nigeria

LADOL’S Partner

Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) Presenting LADOL: The Only 100% Indigenous Privately Developed and Operated Maritime, Oil & Gas Ship Building, Logistics, Fabrication and Engineering Base.


ADOL is an Industry Leader in: Oil and Gas Logistics Base Service provision/Local Content/Maritime Sector LADOL has been and is: Endorsed by NNPC as Logistics and Fabrication Base 19th May 2009 GOLD sponsor for NOG10 CEO was a main speaker: SERVICES - REDUCING COSTS FOR DEEP OFFSHORE LOGISTICS AND FABRICATION Endorsed and toured by Delegation from NAPIMS 5th Nov 2009 Endorsed and toured by Delegation from Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board, including Acting Executive Secretary, Mr. Ernest Nwapa 21st

May 2010 Endorsed and toured by Delegation from Federal Ministry of Commerce, including Minister of Commerce 17th June 2010 Executive Chairman has been invited to Chairman and speak at several leading industry meetings/events including: Nigerian International Maritime Ports and Terminal Conference and Expo (NIMPORT) - 29th June 2010 Nigerian Association of Master Mariners (NAMM) 25th Anniversary Celebration And Lecture 3rd July 2010 Nigerian Chamber of Shipping, “Round Table on Maritime Sector within the Nigerian Content Development in the Oil and Gas Industry” 8th July 2010









Location: LADOL Free Zone, in Lagos Commercial centre of Nigeria A peninsula 5 minutes away from Personnel and Cargo Jetties. Right next to mouth of the port, guaranteeing fastest turn around time

Infrastucture-Extensive Modern Logistics Facilities Customized to support Deep Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration and Production…

The Integrity and Long-term Vision of Ladol's Founder… Over USD 100 million has been invested in the development and operations of LADOL

Why did the founders invest all they have in developing LADOL without any government contracts? The founders of LADOL are all veterans of the Nigerian business world who see the development of this wholly

indigenous logistics base as their legacy to the future. LADOL is not only the only indigenous Nigerian facility of its kind in Nigeria it is also one of the largest 100% indigenous infrastructure developments in the oil and gas sector. The development of Logistics Bases is one of the keys to making Nigeria the hub for Deep Offshore oil and gas in West Africa. Logistics Bases provide the support and environment needed to enable all upstream petroleum related activities to take place in Nigeria. This includes the full spectrum of activities from

• 200m quay wall, deep 8.5m draft, and • dedicated 25 ton/m2 load bearing area on the quay , • Fuel tanks (under construction) • Large modern warehouses / workshops, • 10 ton/m2 load bearing reinforced concrete hard standing for fabrication/assembling/testing/load out, • Laydown areas – open storage, • Central power generation • Sewage treatment plant • Water treatment plant • 24 hour power, light and security • Offices, • Hotel ..... this is a Fully Integrated SelfSustaining Facility

Ladol engineering, procurement and fabrication to personnel support, drilling and production. This will bring billions of dollars of long-term investment, create tens of thousands of jobs and enable long-term and sustainable economic growth. The personnel and financial commitment made by the founders to date is proven, as their vision has been realized through the opening and operation of the LADOL facility just over a year ago. The next phase of development will be to provide facilities for ONSHORE FPSO fabrication in Nigeria.... Government Support and Encouragement LADOL is 1. NPA's first and only classified, custom built Deep Offshore Logistics Base (see attached letter permitting intl. Vessel access) 2. in Lagos, Nigeria, servicing the market West of the Niger Delta and the Deep Offshore 3. a Free Zone area since 2006 (see attached license) 4. Endorsed by NNPC and NAPIMS for its services and prices (see attached letter of endorsement of services and prices) 5. an ISPS certified facility (see attached certificate) 6. providing Customs Clearance and processing of government documents on site through Customs, Immigration, NPA, NEPZA.....all relevant government agencies resident in LADOL Already servicing oil and gas majors, contractors and service companies the installation and commissioning of Agbami was supported by LADOL

LADOL 100% Local Content Wholly Indigenous 100% Nigerian Owned The only Nigerian owned Deep Offshore Logistics Base in the Africa Champion for long-term employment of Nigerians and career development Training programs at

62 all levels of the Company Value added Local Partner for service and fabrication companies providing a Safe, attractive and peaceful environment Customized logistics facilities/services (on- and off-shore) 24 hour power International and local highly experienced/ professional staff –Assistance with government approvals and tender applications LADOL: Lagos Deep Offshore Logistics Base Location: LADOL Free Zone, in Lagos Commercial centre of Nigeria. A peninsula 5 minutes away from Personnel and Cargo Jetties. Right next to mouth of the port, guaranteeing fastest turn around time. LADOL'S Market: the new USD 100 billion Deep Offshore Oil and Gas Acreages Total offshore spend on oil and gas Total offshore spend to grow from USD 254 bn (2007) to USD 361 bn (2012) Shallow water production will grow by 20% but Deep water will grow by 99% Deep water investments over the next 5 years will be USD 152 billion Africa is the single largest deep water oil and gas region and will get the lion share of this investment With suitable deep water support facilities Nigeria can, once again, become the oil and gas hub for Africa which will attract tens of billions of USD into the country LADOL Free Zone is the first Deep Offshore Logistics Base suitably located and constructed to support this massive and fast growing market Deep offshore and Blocks West of the Niger Delta are Most Economically Supported from LADOL in Lagos Such blocks can only be economically serviced from NEW FACILITIES in Lagos Which will be: 1. Close to the blocks 2. Offer 24hr port access 3. Customized state-of-the-art facilities 4. Competitively priced services 5. Attract additional business from neighbouring Countries Government Support for Local Content and Neww infrastructure Development… Attracting billions of USD of new investment into Nigeria…

High Load Bearing Quay + 8.5m draft + >20ha laydown area + Workshop/Warehouse s + Hotel + Offices + Passenger Jetties + Marine Craft + Certified Handling Equipment + 24hr Experienced Logistics Staff + Piping through quay wall (Water / Fuel / Cement / Chemicals / Methanol) + onsite construction and maintenance + dedicated spaces for service providers = <8 hour vessel turn around + huge cost savings from SHARED services

The Federal Government has recently re-emphasised it's support for development of Logistics facilities in Lagos by issuing a directive through the Ministry of Transport that oil and gas vessels can go directly into any suitable facility in Nigeria Further, there is an imminent policy clarification expected from NAPIMS, confirming that Oil and Gas Companies can also tender for logistics support in Lagos for the blocks, West of the Niger Delta. These important policy clarifications will enable the 6 oil majors, who have been waiting to issue tenders for support in Lagos to move forward with their programs ....which will signal the market that Lagos is well and truly open for business and opening the door to the US$20 billion that will be spent on deep offshore oil and gas development. Logistics Facilities One-stop-shop 24hrs Logistics Service PHASE 1 Completed 2009 State-of-the-art Logistics Facilities 1st New NPA quay in Lagos Harbour in 20 years N10 billion in customs duties Supported largest FPSO installation in the world

IEI Leadway Assurance Custodian Allied Insurance Lasaco

Financial Service T

he oil and gas industry and the financial services sector are inextricably linked for obvious reasons. The finance industry encompasses a broad range of organizations that deal with the management of money. Among these organizations are banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, consumer finance companies, stock brokerages, investment funds and some government sponsored enterprises. However, in this edition, we have limited our focus to the insurance sub-sector.



Brief History We established business in 1969 as Nigeria Exchange Insurance Company Limited. Over the years, we have been through series of transformations that have brought us where we are and shaped us into who we are today. With a redirection of the internal and external dynamics of the company, we focused our core business on a yawning gap in the insurance industry: Energy Insurance. In 2003 International Energy Insurance, IEI was born. This was followed by a major recapitalization, which was needed to meet the challenges of this new direction. In 2007, and with a general insurance license from the National Insurance Commission, IEI became a Plc and raised capital in the neighborhood of N7.7Billion from private placement. Our authorized share capital of 8.5 Billion has N2.5 Billion paid up and a capital reserve of N6.0 Billion as at 2007 financial year end. The company’s security is backed by a consortium of local and foreign re-insurers coupled with our technical partners Mash Ltd., London, AON Corporation, London. AON is currently rated the No.1 Global Reinsurance Brokers. IEI has in a short period experienced phenomenal growth in its business production and gained the confidence of the market, demonstrating innovation and an aggressive business development approach in a notoriously conservative industry. Mission and Vision Statement

Our Vision To be a global financial institution providing integrated solutions to the energy, industrial and service sectors.

Our Mission To be a dependable partner, helping our clients manage and protect their human and material assets while delivering superior value to all our stakeholders.

Core Values The birth of our values is consistent with our mission while aligning with our vision. Our Proficiency leads to our doing things right, first time, all the time. This leads to constant Innovation which results in constant improvement in our ways of doing things. Our Integrity is obvious in our transparent honesty in all dealings with all our stakeholders. Dependability is guaranteed as we can be counted on, all the time. By Friendliness, we shall exhibit a friendly disposition in all dealings with our client and others. Our Five core Brand values define who we are Integrity, Friendliness, Dependability, Innovation, Proficiency. Our slogan encapsulates our values ….. The Energy to Care.

IEI Assets Limited Our Company IEI Assets Limited is a wholly owned Investment Management subsidiary of International Energy Insurance Plc. The company which commenced operations in August 2007 was established to fill the service delivery gaps evident in the Nigerian financial services Industry today: and to provide the unique Investment services delivery to provide above market return on investment. It is built on a broad based knowledge and expertise in capital investment, assets financing and special situation lending. International Energy Insurance Plc emerged in June 2003, when a group of investors and management acquired 70% of Global Assurance Co Ltd. The company at the time was 34 years old and was technical management of the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM). The new team redirected the internal and external dynamics of the company changing the core business focus to a yawning gap in the insurance industry- Energy Insurance. IEI Plc. has in this short period experienced phenomenal growth in its business and gained the confidence of the market as a result of its aggressive approach to business development and quest for improvement and innovation in an industry known for its “conservatism”.

Our parent company has since become one of the strongest Insurance company’s in its industry having scales the hurdle of the recent consolidation exercise with Authorized Capital of N8.0billion, paid capital in excess of N8.5billion and Shareholders Funds in excess of N11.0billion.

What Makes Us Different We are backed by the financial strength of International Energy Insurance Plc.· Though we are wholly owned by International Energy Insurance Plc, we are independent and therefore can respond quickly to our clients needs.· W e h a v e t h e experience, the mind-set, and the infrastructure and resources to meet our client’s investment needs and also help them grow their investment.

Financial Advisory We provide comprehensive financial, economic and strategic advice to companies with complex business problems. Our dedicated team of industry specialists and financial advisors provide a range of advisory services which includes: • Business Valuation • Management Buy Out • Debt Restructuring • Financial Modeling •Reorganization & Reconstruction

Investment Focus Our investment focus is designed with in-built flexibilities and is efficiently and effectively delivered to enable our customers meet their set investment objectives. The following are the classes of investment we undertake:1. M o n e y & C a p i t a l Market Investment2. Private Equity Investment3. Project (Joint Venture) Investment4. R e a l E s t a t e and Special Projects Investment5. F u n d Management6. Corporate Finance And Advisory Services7. Retail And Small Business Management

Pension Assets Are Safe Pension administration in this country had been chaotic with pensioners protesting all over the place. People made contributions under one pension scheme or another, but were not sure where their contributions were. Many employees in the private sector were not covered by the pension schemes of their employers and many of these scheme were not funded. These and many more were the reasons the Board of Editors of THISDAY engaged Muhammad K. Ahmad, Director-General of the Pension Commission of Nigeria, as part of the THISDAY Monthly Interview Series. The Stock market is reported to have lost some N3 trillion in the last six months. Considering that a lot of pension funds have been invested in the market, how

safe are the owners of the funds and you as Pencom. The pension funds are safe and I can tell you why. At the end of August, total pensioners funds was at N970 billion. Pension assets can be categorized into two main groups. The first is what we call Savings Account Funds. These are contributions that individual employees under the scheme have made. Those who have opened an account, as at today, are 3.4 million Nigerians. That fund is being invested by pension fund administrators, but not all the funds are invested in stocks. Under our investment regulation, the maximum that can be invested in stocks is 25 percent. In other words, about 80 percent of the funds are invested in fixed income, the money market, government securities, corporate bond and real estate. Clearly, you could say substantial part of the fund is outside the capital market. There were incentives to invest in the capital market when it was booming. Now the returns are slowing down, but they are above inflation rate. The essence of pension funds investment is that you have returns in excess of inflation. The second group of pension assets are the ones we inherited from the old scheme. It is usually funded by the employers. I will give you an example, Shell and Mobil or Total, they have their own schemes. They were existing schemes before the reforms, which the law has allowed to continue. Now, the law also provided that in order not to administer the scheme in a distressed manner, they could continue in the same investment profile they had, which means that they could continue in the capital market. They can continue because the law allows that. The second reason they are allowed to invest in the capital market is that because it is an employer scheme, the employer has given an undertaking to the Commission that in case of losses on investment, and the employer is required to meet the short-fall. For that group percentage of their funds invested in the capital market is about 29 percent. That means about 70% is invested outside the capital market. So to answer your question, we don’t think the pension assets have been affected by the capital market.

Corporate Office Plot 171A Moshood Olugbani Street, Victoria Island Extension Lagos Tel: +234 1 279 9299, 462 7570 Fax: +234 1 270 6401

Head Office 51A,Oro Ago Crescent, Garki II,Abuja. Tel: +234-9-4618900 - 9. Fax: +234-9-4135171. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



eadway Assurance Company Ltd is one of Nigeria’s foremost insurance service companies, with a reputation for service efficiency and customer reliability. For over 39 years, Leadway has honoured its underwriting commitments and has earned its reputation of excellence in claims handling. The evolution of Leadway since 1970 has mirrored the dramatic expansion of indigenous insurance service providers, with Leadway remaining in the forefront as an insurer of repute. The reputation enjoyed today by Leadway has been attained by the continuing pursuit of improvements to maintain competitive advantage. All aspects of the business are approached with discipline; the recruitment of staff, the development of products, the advancement of technologies and the personal service offered to each client.

Equity Base Leadway has a Shareholders’ Funds of over N 12.3 billion. The company has also enjoyed a steady growth in premium Income and total assets, which currently stands at over N 21.7 billion (twenty-one billion and seven hundred million naira) and N 27 billion (twenty-seven billion) respectively in 2008. The company has no loan stock, and internally generates funds for capital projects, backed by a carefully planned investment portfolio.

Investments One of the unique strengths of Leadway is its investment portfolio, being one of the largest in the insurance industry. The company has over the years strengthened its participation in the Nigerian Stock Market, holding a sizeable number of blue chip stocks spread across banking, insurance, manufacturing, finance, hotels etc. Our total managed fund as at December 2008 was over N 21billion. Within this spread of investments and because of its significant holdings, Leadway has nominees on the Board of the following companies: • Union Assurance • Prestige Assurance Plc. • Globe Reinsurance Plc. • Vono Products Plc. • Adswitch Plc. • C & I Leasing Plc. • Business & Management Skills Ltd – Owners of Training & Conference Centre, Ogere. • Total Health Trust Ltd In addition, Leadway also has significant holdings in the following companies: • Oakwood Park Ltd (Protea Brand Hotel) • Protea Hotel Leadway • Leadway Pensure PFA Ltd • First Bank of Nigeria Plc. • Continental Reinsurance Plc • Cadbury Nigeria Plc. • Unilever Nigeria Plc. • Mobil Oil Nigeria Plc. • Nestlé Nigeria Plc. • Total (Nigeria) Plc. • Nigerian Breweries Plc. • Guinness (Nigeria) Plc. • Nigeria Bottling Company. The company is also an active player in the money market with over N 3.2 billion deposit placement and leases in reputable (Agusto Ratings A+ and above) banks and discount houses. Some of the parastatals and the companies that we currently underwrite their risks either

Board of Directors Leadway has enjoyed a steady growth in its commitment to providing integrated insurance services to its numerous customers. The Company’s



remarkable success has been possible because of its sound professional and business standards backed by the uncompromising level of integrity of its Directors. This is a tradition imbibed at Leadway and instilled by its late founder, Sir (Dr.) Hassan O. Odukale, (KJW, FCIIN). As an astute, honest businessman and also the founding Managing Director and later Chairman of the Board of Directors, Sir Odukale’s vision of dedicated service to all customers remains a guiding principle that shapes the policies of the company. The current Board of Directors consists of eminent Nigerians and seasoned businessmen of proven personal integrity. Alhaji Hassan Hadejia (Shettiman Hadejia) is the Chairman of the Board while other non-executive members are Mrs. Fehintola Obatusin, Mallam Umar Yahaya, Dr. A. B. C. Orjiako, Dr. Konyinsola Ajayi, SAN and Mr. Jeremy Rowse. Mr. Oye HassanOdukale is the Managing Director / Chief Executive while Mr. O. Oyedele and Mr. Tunde Hassan-Odukale are Executive Directors in charge of Northern Operations and Investments, respectively. These people have between them over a century of combined business experience with about half relating to insurance business.

Our People, Our Friends, Our Pride As an Employer, Leadway believes in the strength of human potentials as the major catalyst that makes the difference between a successful organization and a failed one. In this regard, the company’s Human Capital Development philosophy is hinged on sourcing for the best candidates in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudinal potentials. The Company welcomes all educational disciplines. Essentially, Leadway believes in building its human capital potential primarily by recruiting highly resourceful graduates and develops these individuals by a number of methods including on the job coaching and professional training through participation in local and international training programmes. The Company hardly takes on experienced hands from outside and relies on the succession of its own internally groomed staff to positions of higher responsibility.

A FRIENDLY WORK ENVIRONMENT The Company encourages commitment and loyalty to the organization by offering a friendly collegiate atmosphere where staff can interact easily and learn from each other. Given the fierce competition for good employees, the Company also recognizes hard work through adequate remuneration that is competitive within the insurance sector. Series of welfare packages are made available to staff members with a view to encouraging improved productivity. Reliable career progression scheme is put in place to enhance effective performance of the work force while a periodic performance appraisal exercise is carried out to ensure performance gaps are filled and ensure that good performance is commensurately rewarded.

PRODUCTS Leadway offers a fully integrated service covering the full spectrum of insurance products and allied financial services, some of which are as follows: — Life Assurance & Pensions —Life & Annuity Contracts —Individual Deposit Administration —Personal Savings Plan —Personal Annuity Plan —Mortgage Protection —General Insurance —Fire & Allied perils —Property/ All Risk —Personal Accident/ Workmen Compensation —Householder’s Comprehensive

—General Liability —Marine Cargo & Hull —Engineering —Electronic Equipment —Goods in Transit






USTODIAN & ALLIED INSURANCE PLC (CAI) is a wholly owned Nigerian Company. CAI’s sole purpose is to develop, package and deliver innovative insurance products that best satisfy customer needs, whilst operating a highly profitable, efficient, resourceful and ethical organization that will survive well into the future and be a valuable asset to its shareholders. CAI’s Board comprises individuals who have proven track records in their various fields of endeavor, thereby bringing several years of experience to bear upon the Board. CAI is a registered member of the Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA) and is approved by other regulatory bodies in Nigeria to offer Insurance Services.

OUR MISSION CAI’S mission is to develop, and deliver innovative insurance products that best satisfy customer needs, whilst operating a highly profitable, efficient, resourceful and ethical organisation.

OUR GOALS: ·To position ourselves strategically in the market and be perceived as a modern, dynamic and resourceful underwriter. ·To strike a fine balance between the businesses of sound underwriting, cost control and service on one hand and investment on the other. ·To assemble a seasoned team of professionals who would, with the aid of modern information processing techniques, deliver qualitative, fast and efficient service to our select clientele. ·To provide services that extend beyond national frontiers and ultimately establish and operate in the ECOWAS sub-region

Chief Michael Ade Ojo He presides over the Board as Chairman. Chief M A Ojo, an Alumnus of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka is the Founder and Executive Chairman of Elizade (Nig) Ltd, Sweet Drinks (Nig) Ltd, Crown Motors (Nig) Ltd, Classic Motors Ltd and Odua Creations Ltd. He is also the current Chairman of Toyota Nigeria Ltd and a Director of several other companies. He is a devout Christian who is happily married with children.

Chief (Mrs.) M Giwa Chief Mrs. Giwa joined the Board at the inception of the company. She is a businesswoman with experience in various sectors of the economy such as oil and Gas, Real Estate. She sits on the Board of several other companies.

Akintunde Owolabi Odunsi He is the Managing Director of Interstate Securities (ISL). He is a Fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (FCCA) and a Stockbroker by profession. He attended the Polytechnic Ibadan and City of Birmingham Polytechnic England. Mr. Odunsi worked as an Accountant for Christian Aid in England, before returning to Nigeria where he worked for a time with Union Bank Plc before joining ISL in 1985. He has also benefited from extensive local and overseas training and currently serves on the Board of Directors of Mercantile House Limited.

Anthony E. Ogunbor He is the Chairman of Grand Union Limited an i n v e s t m e n t h o l d i n g c o m p a n y. H e i s a l s o Chairman/Chief Executive of Nosak Agencies Nigeria Limited, a trading concern. Before going into private business in 1985, he had a fulfilling sales career with Lever Brothers Nig. Plc, where he rose to the post of Sales Manager. He later became National Sales \Marketing Manager of Union Carbide Nigeria Limited. Mr. Ogunbor holds a First

Wole Oshin

Class B.Sc. Degree in Agricultural Economics from University of Ibadan (1975) and an MBA from Ahmadu Bello University (1980).

B.Sc (Hons) MBA ACII FCIIN Managing Director Wole is the founder and Managing Director of the company. Having graduated from the University of Lagos with a B.Sc. in Actuarial Science, Wole at various times worked at the National Insurance Corporation of Nigeria (NICON), Femi Johnson &




Company Limited (Insurance Brokers), and Crusader Insurance Plc, from where he left to found Custodian in 1994. Wole has over 26 years experience in insurance Underwriting/Claims, Marketing and Investment. He serves on the Board of several companies and was on the Presidential Committee that set up the reforms in the Pensions Industry. Wole is a past Chairman of the Nigerian Insurers Association, former Council member of the West Africa Insurance Institute (WAII), a member of the Council of the West African Insurance Companies Association (WAICA). He is a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria and an Associate of the Chartered Insurance Institute, U.K. He is also an Ambassador of the International Insurance Society (IIS) New York, the elite society of insurance companies worldwide.

Olatoye Odunsi Deputy Managing Director Toye is an Insurance graduate of the University of Lagos. He is also a graduate of the Senior Management Programme of the prestigious Lagos Business School. He has been an insurance professional all his working life, spanning a period of over 20 years. His rise to the top of the profession began in the pensions department of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) where he left to join Financial Assurance Company Limited. As a pioneer staff, Toye together with others built Cornerstone from scratch to its current elevated status. He rose to the position of Deputy General Manager before leaving Cornerstone. He was at various times Head of the Business Development Group, and also the Core–client and Energy Group. Toye was appointed the Managing Director / Chief Executive of Signal Insurance Company Limited in October 2002, being a newly re–capitalized and re–engineered company; the position he held until the merger with Custodian & Allied Insurance Plc. Toye is a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (CIIN). He has attended various courses and seminars both locally and abroad.

Ravi Sharma Ravi is a Partner with Aureos Nigeria Advisers Limited with over 10 years experience, gained in the fields of private banking, investment banking and private equity. He joined Aureos in 2001 as a consultant and was a key member of the local team that participated in the establishment of the Aureos West Africa Fund LLC (AWAF) in 2003 which included opening a new office for Aureos in Nigeria and subsequently the Aureos Africa Fund LLC (AAF) in 2008. Prior to joining Aureos Nigeria Advisers, Ravi worked for Aureos Ghana Advisers, where he was involved in 11 exits from Ghana Venture Capital Funds (GVCF) portfolio companies. Since relocating to Nigeria, Ravi has been responsible for sourcing, structuring, monitoring and exiting investments across various sectors. He has been instrumental in the investment of over US$65 million of Aureos Funds in Nigeria. He was also responsible for the partial divestment from two of the AWAF portfolio companies in Nigeria. Ravi sits on the board of 9 Aureos’ portfolio companies. His previous experience was gained in private and investment banking with Barclays Private Bank (London) and TAIB Bank (London). Ravi holds an MBA from the University of Wales and has a B.Sc. in Economics & Accounting from the City University, London.

Mrs. Omobola Johnson Omobola graduated with a B.Sc (Honours) in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Manchester. She has a Masters Degree


in Digital Electronics from Kings College, University of London. Omobola worked in Accenture for over 25 years working in various capacities and departments before resigning as the Country Head of Accenture Nigeria. While at Accenture, she facilitated several Board strategy retreats for Boards of Profit and Nonprofit companies. Omobola is a Fellow of the Aspen Leadership Institute and was appointed to the Board of Custodian and Allied Insurance Plc as an independent Director in 2010.

CAI offers the following Personal insurance covers · Vehicle Insurance · Homeowners Insurance · Personal All Risks Insurance · Personal Umbrella Liability Insurance · Personal Accident Insurance · Boat owner/Yacht Insurance

Special Risk · · · · · ·

Oil/Gas Insurance Directors & Officers Liability Insurance Credit Card Protection Insurance Debit Card Protection Insurance Aviation Marine Hull

Lasaco L


ASACO Assurance Plc (LASACO) was incorporated on 20 December 1979 under the Companies Decree of 1968 and was granted License to carry out the business of insurance and other related business on 7 July 1980. The company commenced operations on 1 August 1980 with an authorized and fully paid-up share capital of N500, 000.00 th



The Company effected a change of name to LASACO Assurance Plc in July 1988 following the promulgation of, and its compliance with, the provisions of the Privatization and Commercialization Decree No. 25 of 1988. In accordance with the Decree, LASACO’s shares were offered to the public and were admitted to the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) by way of introduction, thus becoming the first company to be listed on NSE by introduction. Consequent upon this, LASACO became a Public Limited Liability Company (Plc) in 1991. Today, LASACO’s authorized share capital stands at N7 billion. Our current paid-up capital is well over the minimum combined capital base requirement of N5 Billion stipulated by the National Insurance Commission (NAICOM) in 2007 for companies underwriting both Life and General Insurance Businesses. The company is currently headquartered within the central business district of Ikeja, capital of Lagos State and operates branches and underwriting offices in 13 locations, most of which are in State Capitals in the North (Kano, Abuja and Kaduna), South-West (Abeokuta, Ibadan and Akure), SouthSouth (Port-Harcourt and Calabar) and South-East (Benin and Owerri). There are plans to expand the company’s branch-and-operating-bases-network to include locations, which are strategic to our business growth and prospects, particularly, in oil and gas insurance business (Warri, Eket and Bonny axis), solid minerals (Jos), Power and Energy, improved sub-regional integration and the accompanying free trade zone trade policies (i.e. cross-border expansion into selected ECOWAS countries). In addition to our branch network operations, the company also transacts its business using a network of experienced Brokers and Agents spread across the length and breadth of the country. Our goal is to deliver exceptional stakeholder value by offering first class, innovative products and services to all classes of customers both existing and potential. In meeting this objective, we seek to remain both proactive and flexible in order to meet the changes constantly occurring in the environment and, in particular, in our industry, as well as the peculiar requirements of our customers. Board of Directors The Directors of LASACO Assurance Plc are responsible for providing strategic policy planning and direction, establishing and enforcing governance standards and practices within the company, and ensuring that the entire company, its internal controls, integrity of its information and accounting systems and the management are all being well run and effectively supervised. On the whole, the Board ensures effective management oversight for the company. The various responsibilities of the Board are discharged through an effective Committee system, which ensures the active participation of all Directors in the supervision and policy direction of the company. There are two standing Board Committees: the Finance and General Purposes Committee, and the Establishment Committee. In addition, there is an Audit Committee comprising Shareholders’ representatives and Directors of the company, while

other Committees of the Board are constituted ad hoc from time to time or as dictated by circumstances. Our Articles of Association provide for 9 members for a full complement Board of Directors, each of whom is nominated, appointed and/or elected through a transparent and formal system. Of the current 8 members of the LASACO Board, 6 are nonexecutive directors, including the Chairman. The 2 executive directors are the Managing Director/CEO and the Executive Director, who are both appointed by and accountable to the Board. Over the years, we have taken various measures to ensure that the men and women who serve on our Board are knowledgeable and experienced professionals with integrity, who generally bring strategic value and commitment to the company. The present Board comprises men and women who have made their mark in various fields and are held in highe s t e e m i n t h e s o c i e t y. T h e i r p r o f e s s i o n a l backgrounds and expertise encompass such work areas as banking and finance, oil and gas, engineering, insurance, the civil service, management consultancy, and management education. Chief Edward Akin Leigh, Chairman; Mr. Babatunde Durosinmi-Etti, Member Representing Ibile Holdings; Dr. (Mrs) Toyin Adebola Phillips, Member/Chairman, Finance and General purpose committee; Engineer Ashim Adebowale Oyekan, Member/Chairman, LASACO Properties Limited; Mrs. Aduke Modupeolu Thorpe, Member/Chairman, Establishment Committee; Chief Micheal Segun Abraham, Member Representing Canon Properties & Investment Ltd; Mr. Olusola Olatayo Ladipo-Ajayi, Managing Director/CEO and Mr. Babajide Wright, Executive Director

MANAGEMENT TEAM At LASACO, we have built a top management team, which reflects a well-rounded blend of professional skills, experience and qualifications while emphasizing gender and expertise diversity. All the 10 members of top management in place as at 31 December 2008 including the 4 most senior officers, the MD/CEO, ED, DGM (Technical) and DGM (AUDIT/ STRATEGIC PLANNING), have degrees and professional qualifications in either one or more of the following disciplines: Insurance, Law, Accounting, Business Administration, Finance, Marketing. All the members of top management have

also had varied working experience in other Insurance companies honing their skills and rising to key positions in those organizations before joining LASACO. They thus bring a wealth of experience and expertise in performing their respective functions. We have built a top management and general staff team, which reflects a well-rounded blend of professional skills, experience and qualifications while emphasizing gender and expertise diversity. The Company’s total staff strength is 109 people comprising 8 Executive Management Staff apart from the Managing Director and Executive Director, and 5 Executive Non-Management Staff.

Our top management team comprises: Mr. Olusola Olatayo Ladipo-Ajayi Group Managing Director Mr. E.B. Wright Executive Director Mrs. O.M.O. Kazeem DGM, Technical Mrs. I. A. Adewara DGM, Internal Audit/ Strategic Planning Mr. Luqman Abiodun Dosunmu AGM, Plans & Marketing Mr. O.A. Popoola Company Secretary/ Legal Adviser Mr. A.O. Olona CEO Lasaco Life Assurance Mr. S.a. Shobo AGM, Marketing Mr. Adeleke Ademola Elujoba AGM, Finance

PRODUCTS LASACO Assurance Plc currently transacts all classes of insurance —Motor —Marine Cargo & Hull —Bond Oil & Gas —Contractor All Risk —General Accident —Fire —Burglary —Aviation —Individual & Group Life

IDSL Mabon Limited United Geophysical Oildata

Geophyiscals, Seismic, Data, Processing, Geology, Geoscience C

ompanies under this category are those engaged in the systematic collection of geophysical data for spatial studies. These companies conduct seismic investigations to be able to describe geological structures in the bedrock. At sea, sonar signals are transmitted from the ocean surface (pings), and the echoes are captured by special measurement instruments. Geophysical surveys may use a great variety of sensing instruments, and data may be collected from above or below the Earth's surface or from aerial or marine platforms.

IDSL Integrated Data Services Limited, IDSL NNPC set up the first indigenous seismic acquisition crew (Party X) in 1978. Following the success of Party X, a second crew (Party Y) was set up in 1984. The first indigenous Data Processing Centre (DPC) was established in 1984. In 1986 National Hydrocarbon Reserve Evaluation Centre (NHREC) was set up and merged with DPC. The Impressive performance of the two seismic crews, DPC and NHREC prompted the merger of all these units into IDSL during the 1988 commercialization in NNPC. IDSL was established in 1988 as a business unit of NNPC with a focus on seismic data acquisition/processing and reservoir engineering services. Also in 1988, IDSL won the first international seismic data acquisition contract in Ghana. The Ghana contract was successfully executed within schedule. As a front liner in the upstream of the oil and gas sector IDSL embraces a world class standard as a way of life.

Cardinal Objectives: —To acquire and process seismic —To provide geological and geophysical and petroleum engineering services. —To provide data storage and management services. —To train human resources to keep pace with technological development. Core Business

Seismic Data Acquisition — Seismic Data Processing — Petroleum Engineering Services —Data Storage and Management Services —Printing

Data Acquisition Department IDSL is the foremost seismic data acquisition company in Nigeria. We are positioned to offer the best cost effective seismic data service due to our knowledge of the terrain, state of art technology, experienced staff , a robust community relations policy and environment friendly procedures.

Reservoir Engineering Services Offer full integrated services in reservoir management. Helping our client Optimize their hydrocarbon resource by use of efficient and effective state of the art reservoir engineering tools. Data Processing Department With state of the art Processing equipment for land, swamp and marine data processing and a team of experienced professionals our Data Processing Facility.

Data Management and Storage Services Data storage, integrity and safty is a major concern of our clients. That is why we have offered over the the years qualitative data storage services to a wide range of clients in the Oil and Gas industry in Nigeria. IDSL Print Shop The IDSL Printing services was set up to offer support services (Field maps, Permit forms, assessment forms, etc) to the revenue generating Departments but has since grown up utilizing cutting edge technology, offering world class services to all NNPC subsidiaries and other external customers. QHSE




operation on the AGIP JOB, CREW 166. As an international geophysical contractor, IDSL has established an HSE management system that meets or exceeds the standards of local regulators, oil company clients, and industry associates. Guided by this system we conduct our business worldwide. 窶年o harm to people 窶年o Accidents 窶年o damage to the environment

BUSINESS DIRECTION In order to overcome some obstacles in the past, IDSL went into joint venture relationship with reputable international service companies operating in Nigeria, relationships which have in a short while enabled IDSL to overcome those problems and put it on a competitive edge. IDSL has working relationships with two companies in the area of Seismic Data Acquisition as follows: Acquisition of data on land and swamp. Joint Venture with United Geophysical Company (Nigeria) Limited (UGNL). IDSL recently acquired Sercel SN 309 for its

IDSL is in process of acquiring 4D Seismic Data Acquisition Equipment Sercel SN 408 for SPDC Job for CREW 165.

Acquisition of Data Offshore (Marine). Joint Venture with Petroleum Geo-Services ASA (PGS). On the other hand, IDSL/PGS Joint Venture have a vessel offshore acquiring data in the open acreage in the deep-offshore of Nigerian Waters. In Seismic Data Processing, IDSL has a Joint operation agreement with Compagnie Generale de Geophysique (CGG). The agreement with CGG is to jointly provide Seismic Data Processing Services in Nigeria and run the IDSL Processing Centre in Port Harcourt. IDSL and Geoquest (a Subsidiary of Schlumberger) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding to jointly offer Reservoir Engineering Services in Nigeria -IDSL/Geoquest Alliance Modelling and Management in Nigeria. As of the end of year 2001, IDSL had the historic feat of having three seismic crews operating at the same time, with a fourth crew almost ready to go. IDSL

plays a very strategic role for the NNPC in the training of technical manpower. IDSL is working very hard to add to the port-folio of services it is rendering to the oil industry. The long term objective is for IDSL to be on its own to acqualize its vision of becoming the ultimate center for the provision of Geophysical and Petroleum Engineering Services in the world Oil and Gas Industry. Contact Addresses: Integrated Data Services Limited, 36 Ogba Road, P.M.B. 1003, Cko Village, Benin City, Nigeria. Tel: 052-253114, 256591 Fax: 052-253325. Port Harcourt. Tel: 084-612890-3. Abuja Liaison Office: (6th Floor), Abujci A, IDSL Data Processing Centre, NNPC Towers, Abuja. No.7 Woji Road,

Mabon Limited

MABON LIMITED Providing the Largest 2D Database Currently Available for Offshore Nigeria Mabon Limited, an indigenous Nigerian Petroleum Service Company, has led the way in non -exclusive geophysical surveys that brought International awareness to the pro spectivity of the region and helped spur the current activities in the Nigerian offshore oil sector. Mabon has close to 100,000 kilometers of high quality 2D seismic, gravity and magnetic data, offshore Nigeria, in its database that covers the entire prospective sector from the onshore delta region to the deep offshore in water depths up to 4,500 meters. The regional coverage and quality offered by Mabon's database far exceeds that of any of its competitors. Mabon has coverage across every major find to dat e in the Nigerian Oil Sector. Offset ranges for the data are up to 8,000 meters with nominal fold of cover up to 106. Pre -Stack Time Migration and Pre-Stack Depth Migration sections are available along with a variety of associated AVO products for each line. Mabon has also embarked on related geophysical activities to assist the International Oil community such as geochemical studies, Bio-Stratigraphy and regional and block specific data interpretation studies. Mabon has offices in Lagos, Nigeria and Houston, Texas and is managed by accomplished professionals with many years of industry experience in the petroleum sector.

Services: Seismic Database Gravity and Magnetic Database Geochemical Studies Interpretation Reports Bio-Stratigraphy and Well Log Data

Seismic Database The non-exclusive seismic data acquired by Mabon Limited is available immediately for licensing and can be sub-divided into 5 distinct categories listed to the right. Parameters for each survey are as follows: AR2 Survey

AR3 Survey


Streamer Length 4800 meters Record Length 9 seconds Shot Interval 25 meters Nominal Fold 96

Streamer Length 4800 meters Record Length 9 Seconds Shot Interval 25 meters Nominal Fold 96

Streamer Length 4800 meters Record Length 11.4 seconds Shot Interval 50 meters Nominal Fold 48

AR5 Survey

AR6 Survey

NDRC Project

Streamer Length 6000 meters Record Length 12 seconds Shot Interval 37.5 meters Nominal Fold 80

Streamer Length 8000 meters Record Length 12 seconds Shot Interval 37.5 meters Nominal Fold 106

The Niger Delta Regional Compilation is comprised of a variety of data sources that have been scanned, reprocessed and displayed as continuous lines that stretch through the prolific delta region to the offshore.

Available products include: Seg Y Tape:

Pre-Stack Time Migrated relative amplitude stack (wide angle mute) Pre-Stack Migrated structural stack (steep mute) Pre-Stack Migrated gathers on tape (Optional)


Final Velocity Tape ASCII format


Final Navigation Tape.

12 AVO Attributes

(Optional) Gradient (G) Intercept (I) Gradient of the trace envelope IxG I+G (I + G) on the trace envelope Restricted gradient (|I| / I) * G Fluid Factor Near angle stack Mid angle stack Far angle stack Difference stacks (far angle - near angle)

All paper prints, sepias, films and field tape copies are available and priced at Mabon's standard cost of reproduction and tape copying. Additional Pre -Stack Depth Migration and additional AVO products are also available.

Gravity and Magnetometer Data Mabon Limited, in conjunction with our seismic efforts, acquired over 65,000 kilometers of magnetometer and gravity data offshore Nigeria. The dataset has been merged into one contiguous product that covers the entire prospective areas of the Niger Delta. This dataset was processed utilizing the following parameters: • Load Line data from AR2, AR3, AR3I & AR5 Datasets into Datapro database • Perform systematic leveling process to free air gravity, bathymetric and magnetic data • Grid bathymetry from combined database using minimum curvature gridding • Calculated the Bouguer correction with free air gravity to create Bouguer gravity • Combined the Bouguer correction with free-air gravity to create Bouguer gravity • Performed systematic leveling process to Bouguer Gravity





Deliverables for the dataset include: 1. Digital line and grid data in ASCII format on CD 2. Maps of free-air gravity, Bouguer gravity, bathymetry and Total Magnetic Intensity 50 km high pass residual Bouguer gravity anomaly from offshore Nigeria. Horizontal scale is pproximately 50 kilometers; total field shown is +/- 5 MilliGals. Total database is over 65,000 line kilometers of top quality reprocessed data, and includes gravity, magnetic and bathymetry data.

Surface Geochemical Exploration

Bio-Stratigraphy and Well Log Data Mabon Limited has an extensive database of Well Log information available coupled with Sequence/Biostratigraphic Reports. Mabon is positioned by the experience it has gained in regional geological studies toprovide services in sequence stratigraphic evaluation involving biostratigraphic analysis of wells and core samples. These studies are important in understanding the processes of maturity, depositional history and oil accumulation.

Mabon Limited, in conjunction with its technical partner, has commissioned several non -exclusive geochemical surveys offshore Nigeria. Details and pricing can be found below: Nigeria Programs • 1996 Nigeria Ultra Deep Water SGE Program 130 cores.....$123,000 • core locations (Excel / delimited text) • 1998 Nigeria Ultra Deep Water SGE Program 220 cores………$165,000 • core locations (Excel / delimited text) • Seabed Paleontology Study 130 1996 cores...…$9,900 220 1998 cores...…$9,900 • Geotechnical / Sedimentology Study 130 1996 cores….$30,000 220 1998 cores….$30,000 • 1998 Heat Flow Study 130 stations..……$55,000 • station locations (Excel / delimited text) • map (Adobe Acrobat) • 2000 Nigeria Northwest SGE Program 110 cores………$125,000 • core locations (Excel / delimited text) • map - includes 1996/98 Nigeria SGE (Adobe Acrobat) These projects were aimed at detecting upward migration of hydrocarbons in near surface sediments from deep oil accumulation and reservoir sources. This is also integrated with sedimentological, geotechnical and paleontological studies for the assessment of hydrocarbon potential. To date Mabon, and its technical partner, has successfully completed all the above Nigerian programs coupled with similar proprietary projects and surveys in other offshore African Sub-Regions.

Non-Exclusive Deepwater Interpretation Report Mabon Limited, in conjunction with its technical partner, has carried out full interpretation studies of the Niger Delta. These studies have been carried out utilizing the extensive Mabon seismic database and updated to include well information where available. Blocks Specific Reports

Main Office LAGOS 29, Sanusi Fafunwa Street Victoria Island,

· ·

Individual prospectivity reports for blocks 214, 227, 242, 243, 244, 245, 249, 250, 257, 313, 314, 315, 318, 320 and 471 Includes structure maps and prospect summary maps


Regional Overview Report

· ·

Fully illustrated synopsis of the petroleum potential deepw ater Nigeria Sections on regional geological setting, review of recent discoveries, play concepts and prospectivity of deepwater blocks

Prospectivity of the Nigeria-Sao Tome & Principe JDZ Mabon Limited has recently concluded a non-exclusive report on the geology and prospectivity of the JDZ based on the Mabon seismic data acquired within the region.

Lagos Nigeria Tel: +234.1.461.6295 Fax: +234.1.462.7936 Representative Agent HOUSTON 2200 West Loop South, Suite 1050 Houston, TX 77027. USA Tel: +1.713.871.1550 Fax: +1.713.871.1548

The report includes: · · · · · ·

Fully illustrated discussion of the petroleum geology and prospectivity Recognition of play types, prospect identification and volumetric s Regional geology of the deepwater Niger Delta, based on our extensive regional knowledge base Overview of recent industry activity and discoveries Enclosure volume including prospect summary maps and time structure maps of key horizons GIS ArcView database available

LONDON 55 Prince Albert Road London NW8 7PT United Kingdom Tel: +44.207.722.3593 Fax:+44.207.722.2854




United Geophysical ..pioneers in the acquisition of high quality seismic data

Introduction Welcome to United Geophysical, pioneers and leaders in the acquisition of 3D and 4D seismic data. For companies seeking the highest quality seismic data, acquired safely with leading edge technology within budget and timescales you have come to the right place. Beginning operations in Western Africa almost fifty years ago, United Geophysical has operated predominately within The Niger Delta. These fifty years of continuous operations have established cooperative relationships with local communities that strengthen and support United's presence as leaders in the acquisition of high quality 3D and 4D seismic data in the region. Acquiring high quality seismic data, requires teams of well trained and highly motivated personnel, the most modern technology and specialised logistical support equipment. A fleet of purpose built vehicles and boats enables safe and efficient access to even the most remote and challenging of locations. The results of our commitment and expertise economic, reliable, efficient data acquisition enabling you to make well informed business decisions. United Geophysical offices in London, Houston and Lagos are further supported logistically by workshops, offices, storage, slipways and state of the art communication facilities in many locations across Nigeria. N.B. United Geophysical does not acquire or process seismic data for our own account nor do we participate in oil or gas ventures. The data acquired and processed remains the physical and intellectual property of our clients.

Our history One of the first companies to provide geological services to the oil industry, the company was formed in The United States of America in 1937. The 1950's and 60's saw the expansion of the corporation Internationally and conducted seismic surveys in over 60 countries world-wide during this period. Ownership of United Geophysical has changed as developments have occurred. The owners during the seventies, The Bendix Corporation of North America, sold its interest to Seiscom Delta in 1981. Seiscom Delta United merged with Norpac and Grant Geophysical undergoing a re-organisation period. Only the West African operations arm of the several parent companies retained its corporate identity of United Geophysical. It was this company which was purchased from Grant Geophysical in 1997 as a management buy out by several present, past senior management staff and other investors. Leading to the present position as leaders of seismic surveys in the region.

Niger delta experience 3D operations in the Niger Delta require highly specialised equipment. Alongside United Geophysical's 50 plus four wheel drive vehicles deployed on land and urban areas, a fleet of houseboats, tugs and gunboats are put to work surveying swamp and rainforest in the region. Line equipment maintenance Acquiring seismic data of the highest quality is

quality acquisition of seismic data for all our clients. dependent upon many factors. Amongst of the most important is the quality and fidelity of a contractor's geophones and line equipment. Keeping line equipment at its optimum in harsh operating environments is challenging for any contractor. United Geophysical invest heavily in time and effort to meet the challenge to ensure the highest

United Geophysical has in place a robust and highly practical quality management system for line equipment maintenance. Our project management system defines clear standards for line equipment preventative and rotational maintenance. These standards are implemented into our workshop procedures and manuals. Frequent formal and informal training of our




workshop staff ensures the highest standards expected by our clients. All United Geophysical line equipment maintenance staff receive regular and ongoing training. Regular audit and cross audit maintained by staff and management further strengthen maintenance practices. Engineering workshop staff attend monthly quality control meetings, here problems are discussed and solutions agreed upon. Implementation of solutions are then put to use through the use of a corrective action register allowing the engineering manager to assign action parties and time frames to close out each action point. Achieving a quality loop of continuous improvement that ensures our line equipment is always at its best in the field and delivers data enabling our clients to make well informed decisions.

Project management system United Geophysical has a very comprehensive project management system which forms the basis of our quality management system. All key departments such as HSE, Recording, Surveying, Drilling, Engineering, Seismology, Transport, ALG, Community Affairs and Security have their own project management system documentation. Each of these key departments has its own set of operating standards set down in its company operating standards manual. The project management system manual is a detailed and comprehensive collection of work procedures which are compliant with the operating standards manual, also included is an organogram of the department and job descriptions for all departmental staff. A quality loop of continuous improvement is formed through staff training, scheduled auditing, monthly quarterly meeting and managed corrective action During the monthly quality meeting, corrective action points are agreed, action parties assigned and a time frame set, progress is then managed using a corrective action register. These action points can also be used as performance targets for employees and can also be incorporated into our performance improvement plan.

Project planning Once a client confirms the prospect's co-ordinates we research our unrivalled Seismic archive and database which stretches back through almost 50 years of Niger Delta operations. The data base provides us with very detailed information for the planned project. Making use of our extensive map and satellite imagery database determines the ground conditions before scouting teams are deployed from our advanced logistics group into the field. A typical team consists of a surveyor, an engineer and a community affairs manager supported by two or three 4WD vehicles. Scouting prospects by boat and helicopter where necessary. During the scouting phase ground conditions are confirmed, identifying major logistical difficulties, safety hazards, available resources and potential infrastructure sites within the prospect area. United Geophysical's team of seismologists then design the field grid geometry to client specifications and model the field of cover. On completion we determine our acquisition strategy for survey, drilling and recording operations. At this stage we formalise our HSE, Community Affairs and Security plans specifically for the prospect. Our HSE plan will identify the HSE team to be assigned to the project. The major hazards specific to the project and emergency response plans such as medivac procedures, all of which form the basis of the HSE case for the project. Our CA plan will include a community employment

strategy, community assisted projects, youth incentive schemes, crop assessment and compensation schemes. Communities and clans within the prospect area are identified and a series of meetings with the chiefs and leaders within the project area are scheduled. Our Security plan establishes a prospect specific security management system and includes contingency planning.

Community affairs United Geophysical's operational success in the Niger Delta has been more than ably assisted by the participation and cooperation of local communities. Strong and mutually beneficial ties are crucial to the obtaining of the most reliable seismic data in the region. Community Affairs planning, includes community employment strategies, community assisted projects, youth incentive schemes, crop assessment and compensation schemes. Communities and clans within the prospect area are identified and a series of meetings with the chiefs and leaders within the project area are scheduled.

The crew A companies worth is only as good as the people involved. United Geophysical's policy of seeking only the finest industry professionals, our ongoing educational updates and training ensure not only the most efficient and dependable crews, but instills a sense of pride as part of the region's most successful and reliable seismic data crew.

Nigeria Office 5B Remi Fani Kayode Avenue GRA, Ikeja Lagos Nigeria

North America Office United Geophysical Corporation 6335 Deep Canyon Drive Katy Texas 77450 USA

General enquiries For general enquiries send your email to

Oildata The Oildata Energy Group is a Nigerian-owned Energy Group providing innovative, integrated, cost effective and efficient Energy solutions to the Oil and Gas Industry. The Group, with a 100% Nigerian Ownership and 100% Nigerian Staff, has been a strong player in an industry biased towards Multinational companies. The Group began operations in 1994 by introducing the concept of Rigless Electric Line Workover in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry which has now become a niche in the Industry. The Oildata Energy Group, comprising of Oildata Wireline Services and Xenergi Oilfield Services has been at the fore-front of innovative technological solutions in the Oil and Gas Industry.

OILDATA ENERGY GROUP Championing Capacity Building in the Niger Delta Oildata Wireline Services (Fast Track Oil) Oildata is an independent Technical-Service Logging and data acquisition Company that provides Production Enhancement,Reservoir Monitoring & Maintenance applications, and related Petrophysical Engineering services. Oildata’s innovative technologies have enabled Oil and Gas Operators to achieve ‘Fast Track Oil’ using the concept of Rigless Electric Line Workover Services. This consists of utilizing innovative solutions to increase hydrocarbon production while effectively reducing costs.

Oildata’s Services include: i. Non Rig Workover Services: These involve the use of electric line well-intervention procedures to improve well productivity without the high costs of a conventional work over rig. ii. Non-Rig Logging Services: These include the memory and realtime production logging services involving data acquisition with tools deployed on Slick line or Coiled tubing. iii. Open, Cased Hole and LWD Services: These include open hole and cased formation data acquisition and analysis iv. Petrophysical Data Services: These include Digital Data Services (Map and electric log digitizing); Petrophysical data interpretation and Routine data services v. Downhole Enhanced Completion and Monitoring Services: These include installation and maintenance of permanent downhole gauges used mainly in deepwater environments vi. Fast-track marginal Field development/Integrated Project

Management Services: These services include providing a complete turn-key solution taking a brown/Marginal field from an abandoned state to full production on a fast track basis. Oildata has delivered more marginal field end-toend solutions than any other company in West Africa. Xenergi Oilfield Services Xenergi is an integrated energy services company that evolved out of a strategic divestment and integration of complementary product lines of established service companies. The company provides Gas Solutions by installing and operating Modular Gas Plants for Total Gas Utilization in Stranded Gas Fields. This approach does not utilize the traditional approach of “piping the gas to the plant”, rather, the plant is installed at the gas source. This is not only a unique solution to immediately eliminate Gas flaring, but its Modular design minimizes engineering and speeds up time to market.

Xenergi’s Services include: i. Production testing services: Production testing involve the rig up of production process equipment, 3-phase separators, burner booms, gauge tanks, choke manifolds, test trees etc. Provides valuable reservoir information, allowing production optimization while minimizing the chances for reservoir damage. ii. TCP/DST Production enhancement Services: Xenergi has

79 been successfully providing cutting edge technology Tubing Conveyed Perforating (TCP) services and Drill Stem Testing (DST) services to clients on land, swamp and offshore since 1996. Our service record has been outstanding. iii. Modular gas conversion plants: Xenergi offers Modular integrated gas plants designed for stranded gas fields with gas volumes ranging from 10 MMCF /day to 50 MMCF/day. These plants totally consume the natural gas supplied delivering Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), High Octane Fuel Additives (HOFA) as well as Excess Electrical power that can be transferred to the national grid if viable or used to power the plant utilities. iv. Early production facilities: Early-production facilities (EPFs) can help operators bring their new discoveries on stream fast (within 6 months) while full field development is being planned and permanent facilities are being built (Usually takes up to 24 months). v. Remote Monitoring Product solutions: Wireless sensors are deployed at well heads or process flow facilities to measure a variety of data such as pressure and temperature, flow rates, density of produced fluids etc. The sensors are tied into the clients existing telecommunications infrastructure or independently transmitted real time to the client via web interfaces accessible from client offices.

Technological Milestones Oildata has been at the fore of innovative solutions and has recorded quite a number of technological milestones which include: —Oildata was the first company to successfully record a horizontal well Production Log on an ExxonMobil Well in West Africa (Ubit71, Ubit 75, 1995) —Oildata was the first company to successfully record a horizontal well Production Log on an ExxonMobil Well in West Africa (1995) —Oildata was the first company to design and install an open-close-open straddle packer system to isolate a high pressure gas zone while simultaneously permitting the production of oil from a deeper horizon (ChevronTexaco, 1998, 1999) —Oildata was the first company to deploy a wireline tractor in a horizontal well in Nigeria to acquire reservoir data without coiled tubing or pipe conveyed logging equipment (Shell, 1999) —Oildata successfully re-established oil production from the abandoned Salt pond Marginal field, offshore Ghana. (SOPC/GNPC - 2002) —Oildata was the first company to successfully perforate a well using Slickline and/or Coiled Tubing in the Niger Delta —Oildata introduced the concept of Short String Perforation using the IMPACT-E. (Single rig up—single trip oriented perforation)

Championing Capacity Building in the Niger Delta Capacity Building in the Niger Delta in the past 5 years, the Oildata Energy Group has made tremendous contributions to the development and building of Human and Technological Capacity foundation. One of the major contributions is the Fast Track Development Projects for Marginal Fields. This is targeted to aid Indigenous companies who have just acquired Marginal Fields and are looking for quick and cost-effective ways to produce their fields while recouping their investments and further developing their assets. Another contribution is the installation of Total Gas Utilization Plants for Stranded Gas Fields also aimed at generating additional electrical power supply. The third contribution is in the establishment of the MIND foundation which is a not-forprofit organization focused on equipping less privileged children with IT and vocational skills.

Case 1: Energia Ltd—OML 56 (Fast Track Oil) The Field which was originally drilled and operated by Total E&P was transferred to Energia Ltd (a Nigerian company) with just one (1) prospective well. The challenge was how to produce the well and gain profitability before continuing with the development of the field. This was achieved with the Fast Track Development Plan for Marginal Fields.

Oildata The key concepts were the installation of the EPF and the Trucking of Crude. These lowcost alternatives enabled the company to recoup their investments and begin plans for the drilling of a second (2nd) well.

Production: Pre-Fast Track Project : 0 BOPD Post-Fast Track Project:: >2500 BOPD

Case 2: Walter Smith—OML 16 (Fast Track Oil) OML 16 was previously drilled and operated by Shell/Agip/Elf/NNPC JV and later transferred to Walter Smith (a Nigerian company). Again, the challenge was how to produce the well and gain profitability before continuing with the development of the field. This was also achieved with the Fast Track Development Plan.

Production Gains: Pre-Fast Track Project: 0 BOPD Post-Fast Track Project: >2000 BOPD.

Case 3: Installation of Modular Gas Plant The construction of Xenergi’s gas processing plant commenced in August 2009. The project was conceptualized and scoped to achieve the following primary objectives: —Completely utilize the associated gas produced from Energia’s OML 56 through the adjoining flow station, which would eliminate gas flaring and environmental pollution in the region. —Generate Electricity to run the plant and supply the neighbouring communities. —Production of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG), Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) and Propane which is a direct input into the domestic consumption pool of these products. An additional product for the export market is the High Octane Fuel Additives (HOFA™)

Key Contribution: —The plant is utilizing Gas that would have otherwise been flared adding to the country’s GDP. —This plant will provide job opportunities as well as develop a skilled labour pool within the host communities —The Plant will be an additional source of LPG supply to the Nigerian domestic Market

Case 4: The MIND Foundation The MIND Foundation was established by the Oildata Energy Group as one of its contribution to human capacity development in the Niger Delta with a mission to “Bridge the literacy and digital divide by using digital learning to foster life-long learning and hands-on education for children and youth of our nation and then Africa.” MIND’s efforts equip senior secondary students in rural community schools with skills and competencies required to reach their full potential in every area of personal and academic life by combining the strengths of the formal curriculum with a new and dynamic focus on ICT, vocational skills, enterprise training, leadership development and the community. Since 2007 till date, MIND has provided free training for a total of 585 students (male and female) from 5 community schools in River State, in the areas of Digital learning, Vocational skills and Leadership development.


Netco Weltek Limited Weco Nestoil Lonadek

Engineering Design, Feed T

he companies listed under this category are those engaged in the engineering design process. This is a multi-step process including the research, conceptualization, feasibility assessment, establishing design requirements, preliminary design, detailed design, production planning and tool design, and finally production. The sections these companies come up with are not necessarily steps in the engineering design process, for some tasks are completed at the same time as other tasks. This is just a general summary of each step of the engineering design process.

Netco Brief History NETCO was established in 1989 to acquire Engineering Technology through direct involvement in all aspects of Engineering in the Oil and Gas and non-oil sectors of the economy. NETCO is Nigeria’s premier indigenous Engineering Company with the strategic vision of providing Basic/Detailed Engineering, Procurement, construction Supervision and Project Management services, using state-ofthe-art Technology. It was a JV between Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and American Bechtel, Inc. The main object was to fulfill NNPC’s strategic vision of developing in-country engineering capability which will enable Nigerians to design and build plants and facilities for the nation’s oil and gas industry, and other allied industries. NETCO started commercial operations in August 1990. From 1990 to 1996, NETCO worked alongside Bechtel staff and executed more than 50 engineering projects. These include CHEVRON’s Onshore Gas Plant of the Escravos Gas Project Phase 1, a project that involved more than 143,000 engineering manhours and is still the most technologically advanced engineering effort ever undertaken in Nigeria by Nigerians. The NNPC/Bechtel joint venture lasted until April 30, 1997 when Bechtel exercised its options under the Shareholders’ Agreement and formally withdrew. NNPC purchased Bechtel’s shares, thereby making NETCO a wholly- owned NNPC subsidiary. Since the exit of Bechtel, NETCO has executed many significant projects and was awarded the prestigious ISO 9001 Quality Certificate in May 2000 by Bureau Veritas Quality International (BVQI). This achievement is the first by any indigenous engineering company in Nigeria.

Quality Policy The Quality Policy of NETCO is to satisfy and strive to exceed customer requirements through continuous demonstration of quality and active participation of all employees.

Quality Objectives ·

To implement and ensure continuous compliance to ISO 9001 Quality Management System.


To provide work environment that fosters teamwork and gives job satisfaction.


To ensure growth of the company and employees through optimum training and empowerment.


To guide sub-contractors in achieving the desired quality.


To remain the best indigenous engineering company, providing innovative and effective services to customers.

NETCO is committed to personal attention to work, constant technological advancement and continuous improvement. NETCO’s customers are its most important assets and their needs form the core of NETCO’s future development. Manpower Resources NETCO currently has a workforce of about 427 Nigerians. About 300 of these are Engineers of various disciplines who are deployed to work an projects. The others are Management staff, Services personnel and yaung graduates who are being offered training opportunities. NETCO usually retains same of the yaung graduates to work on its upcoming projects. Additional engineers, where necessary, are brought


Netco in on contract basis to work on specific projects as and when the in-house capability is inadequate to match the workload. N E T C O ’s p e r s o n n e l a r e h i g h l y e d u c a t e d , experienced and thoroughly dedicated to their work. Mast of them have undergone extensive and intensive on-the-job training both locally and in the design offices of reputable expatriate engineering companies such as Bechtel, Technip, M.W. Kellog. Halliburton KBR, AMEC etc. This training was made possible by the wide variety of engineering jobs so far executed by NETCO. It is the policy of NETCO to continuously develop its staff to keep them abreast of technological developments in the industry. The types of staff development programmes used are: ·

On-the-job training (OJT)


Short-term courses and seminars


Overseas rotational training

Under the OJT arrangement, members of staff are assigned to work on various projects under the suplnvision of more experienced personnel. OJT is the fastest way of achieving staff development. The short-term CQurses, seminars and conferences are organised both externally and internally to suit specific needs of individuals. The rotational training is an arrangement where staff are assigned to work in the overseas offices of mare experienced engineering companies. They are assigned to projects that will provide them with the experience related to their professional fields.

Our Clients —NNPC and its Subsidiaries —ExxonMobil —ChevronTexaco —SHELL —AMEC —KBR —NAOC —Saipem —TSKJ Consortium —Technip-Coflexip —Acergy






eltek Limited was incorporated in 1986 to provide advanced engineering and construction services that are inexpensive and of superior quality, committed to both quality and the most economic solutions. Weltek has changed the face of turnkey project execution in Nigeria. Servicing the oil, gas and manufacturing industries Weltek has executed several projects for ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, Shell, TotalFinaElf, Nigerian Petroleum Development Company (NPDC), NNPC Refineries and Petrochemical companies. You can count on Weltek to provide highly qualified personnel in all positions. We thoroughly train our personnel and strictly adhere to engineering and safety standards that apply to the environment we work. Our goal is to always exceed expectations, and we measure our success by the success of our customers. Engineering Weltek offers single-source production and process facilities packages from FEED (Front End Engineering Design) to commissioning. There is no need to purchase separate components necessary to fabricate a facility and the customer can be sure that all of a facilities’ systems will be fully integrated. Our capabilities include but not limited to the following: - Production Facility Design - Process System Simulation - Code Compliance Surveys - Equipment Design and Selection - Pumps / Compressor Skids

Project Management In Project Management, our pool of experienced and welltrained project managers offer · Feasibility Studies · Specifications Development · Project Engineering Management · Construction Management · Process Standardization and Control · Procurement and Expediting Document Management and Control Weltek provides turnkey services that extend to fabrication and installation. Proficiency in project management software tools (e.g Microsoft Project and Primavera) are among the capabilities of our project manager.

System Integration Weltek’s Systems Integration unit is into industrial plant automation and control. We select configure and install tools that enable you to control, manage, maintain monitor and operate an industrial plant online. These tools include both hardware devices and application software. The key tools which are used to put an industrial plant online include sensors, transmitters, digital controller, programmable logic controller, personal computer, and associated software. Given an industrial automation and/or control project, its execution involves the following stages, namely, site survey, engineering design, prototype implementation, factory acceptance test, field installation; site acceptance test, and commissioning. Staff in the unit is usually graduates of electrical engineering or a physical science. Since the job in the unit is control engineering, staff is required to improve their knowledge of industrial processes, industrial devices, instrument networking, data communication, controllers, human machine interface, and computer programming. The programming and configuration of a plant automation/control system can be implemented on diverse plat forms which vary with manufactures/supplier. However knowledge of these programming languages is essential, namely: Visual Basic, Structured Query language, Structured Text, Instruction Listing, Sequential function chart, Function Block Diagram and Ladder Logic Diagram. The programming and configuration plat forms include: YOKOGAWA Stardom, EMMERSON

Welder at work

Delta V, or SMAR System302 for both human machine interface and control strategy configuration /programming, WONDERWARE Intouch for human machine interface implementation, ROCKWELL RSLogix for PLC Ladder Logic Programming. Basically these software are used to configure/implement control strategy, design the human machine interface, and the asset management/production accounting. Usually included in the software is a server to facilitate access to data at a plant from field devices.

Literatures are available within the unit on some of the basic sub-disciplines related to industrial process automation and control. In addition, there are m a n u f a c t u r e r s m a n u a l s f r o m Y O K O G AWA , EMMERSON, SMAR, etc. Electrical Instrumentation Weltek offers Electrical Construction services for process / chemical plants, refineries, HV and LV utilities installation. We have a comprehensive resource base for the execution of projects in this category and have actively been involved in delivering these services for over seventeen years.




Other highlights of our competence in this area include maintenance services, Motor Control Centres, Process Control, Telemetry Systems, ESD systems, and fire & gas safety systems. We also offer services on High and Medium Voltage Electrical Power Upgrades Power Management Systems Power Generation We can install, configure and train personnel on system power supplies, switch gears, generator synchronisation, power monitoring and management for both peak and off peak loads. This is necessary to avoid power wastage and also safeguard power generating equipment from idle operation.System power supplies can be configured such that power generators are automated to deliver optimum power based on available power/load demands. System power supplies can be configured such that power generators are automated to deliver optimum power based on available power/load demands.

Power Distribution We carry out electrification projects to ensure that power gets to the final consumers. This is due to the ability to handle power transmitted at extremely high voltages in both the direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) modes, reducing power losses proportionately. Another is the real-time control of power generation, transmission, and distribution, using computers to analyze the data fed back from the power system to a central station and thereby optimizing the efficiency of the system while it is in operation.

Fabrication and Installation Weltek offers services in Fabrication and Construction. Major among these are fabrication of process skids, vessels / process equipment, piping spools and a range of specialized integral orifice blocks. We also carry out construction activities like interconnecting piping, bolted tank assembly and non-destructive testing.

Health Safety& Environment Policy Statement Weltek’s mission is to nurture and sustain a highly technically oriented business, through accepting responsibilities that can lead to the contribution in knowledge, skills, accomplishments, satisfactions, and efforts to the society. We are committed to nurturing and sustaining the health, safety and security of our staff, equipment and environment. To accomplish this, management feels there is nothing more important than making sure that: -We develop safe work methods, and make them appealing to employees -All equipment, tools, and machines are maintained in excellent condition -Encourage and develop a good relationship with our host communities -Be committed to the nurturing and preservation of our environment

Safety First We are a company dedicated to Safety. Our employees are trained and re-trained in every imaginable safety procedure and accident prevention Process. We do not waste time, or money on accidents that could be prevented with training and strict adherence to safety codes. Training Weltek offers an extensive in-house training programs on various areas of interest, mostly in the

prevailing technologies in the Oil and Gas Industry. These trainings are for engineers, maintenance personnel and operators. We’ve trained these three categories of Shell Petroleum Development Company employees in Foundation Fieldbus Technology and Implementation using Smar System302 and Yokogawa Stardom Fieldbus Control System.

—Cawthorne Channel Further Oil Development SPDC —Ibigwe Early Production Facility NLNG —Lekki Electrical Power Systems Upgrade Walter Smith Petroman Oil Ltd —LNG RA Substation Power Extension Chevron Nig Ltd

Other courses we offer include: · · · ·

Design, Implementation and Troubleshooting of Relay Logic Systems PLC/DCS/SCADA Systems Safety Systems Basic Instrumentation Techniques · Hydraulic Wellhead Control Technology We have a dedicated number of well-trained and experienced engineers who are onstantly developing more training programs depending on the general need of the industry and specific requirements of our customer. Often we organize training packages for our projects before handing over the project to the client.

Projects Highlights Clients —-Agbada 2 Gaslift Optimisation and Electronic Field Upgrade SPDC —Bonny Township Electrification SPDC Welder at work

—Modification of BNAG Graphics at Bonny Terminal for Bonny NLNG

Terminal Integrated Project —Obagi Flow station Fire Fighting Network Upgrade EPNL —Oziengbe South EPF Flow station Installation NPDC —Ahoada/Ogonokom 33KV Transmission Line Rehabilitation RVSG —Installation of human interface machine at Ota PRMS SNG —Supply and Installation of SDOF and Flow Computers at Ota SNG PRMS and Itoki CTS


87 Mobil’s Wellhead Project. The Jackets, Boatlandings and Piles weighed some 1200 tones and the project was successfully completed on schedule with a first class safety record. This was followed by the award of the Parabe Jacket and Bridge from Chevron. WECO continues to expand its activities in this growing market while maintaining its excellent safety track record. In addition to the foregoing, WECO also carries out Platform repairs, maintenance and hookup installations.

Equipment —230 T Manitowac Crane —20 100 T Cranes —Welding Sets, Electric and Diesel —Bevelling Machines —Cutting Machines —Bending Sets —Air Compressors —Sandblasting Equipment


WECO is a Nigerian Company with first class knowledge and ‘hands on’ experience of working in the country paying particular attention to the host communities affected by its activities. Serving the oil & gas industry since 1963, WECO brings its expertise gained in composite mechanical, electrical and instrumentation projects, land and swamp pipelines as well as the fabrication of structures for both onshore and offshore sectors to fulfil your requirements with total commitment. Our team of qualified, dedicated and experienced personnel who understand the demands of the industry provide their combined talents to solving your problems to ensure completion of your project, no matter how big or how small, in the shortest possible time to international standards. With our facilities strategically located in Port Harcourt and Warri, an extensive combination of modern construction equipment and tools in the hands of experienced manpower working to accepted quality standards WECO can handle your project first time, on time. If you are an oil major, service or drilling company make WECO your first choice for the delivery of your project.

Fabrication Capabilities WECO entered the field of fabrication and load out of structures, for the expanding offshore sector of the industry, in 1996. Contracts were obtained for the fabrication of standard well head tripods and similar structures Subsequently WECO was successful in obtaining a major sub contract from Eiffel. Construction Metallique for the fabrication, load out and sea fastening of Ubit K and Etim D Jackets for

—Jackets and Piles —Boatlandings —Bridges —Flare Towers —Appurtenances —Tripods

Manifolds Installation Capabilities WECO’s experience and capabilities are far reaching in land based construction. Our expertise in the pre fabrication and installation of pressure pipework systems, equipment/machinery installations together with flowline and pipeline construction gives proof to the strength of the organization.We can provide engineering design along with procurement, freight, clearing and delivery to location. Our well qualifiedsupervisors and skilled manpower, extensive equipment and tools are geared to execute a broad range of contracts through testing and commissioning. EquipmentPipe layersExcavatorsTractorsWelding Machines Bending Machines Beveling MachinesAir Compressors 20 50 T cranesStress Relief EquipmentSandblasting & Painting EquipmentCOMPLETED PROJECTSWECO’s accomplishments to date have included:Flow StationsFire Water SystemsPump HousesMetering StationsOil Production CentersGas PlantsFactoriesFlowline ConstructionPipeline ConstructionFlow Stations Installations and RepairsRepairs, Maintenance and ModificationsPumps InstallationConstruction capabilitiesWECO’s construction capabilities are also very strong in swamp based operations. Our experience, knowledge and dedication to the Nigerian market enables us to attend to client needs by providing them the full range of services needed by the oil and gas industry.From pipelaying capabilities, flow station installations, plant upgrades, maintenance and fabrication facilities, we are able to meet today’s challenges. Our commitment to the Nigerian oil and gas industry is exemplified by our newly acquired waterside facility to serve the offshore section of the oil industry.Equipment900hp tugboats500 750 ton lay bargesSwamp buggiesLanding craftPersonnel carrier boatsHouseboatsCOMPLETED

Weco PROJECTSSwamp platforms, decks and extensionsSwamp pipeline & flowline construction and leak repairsHookup and Risers installationsFlow stations Repairs and MaintenanceTripods fabrications and wellhead decksLocations & WorkforceWECO has facilities in two locations: One in Port Harcourt, and one in Warri, Nigeria. Both are very well equipped to service all clients in the oil and gas industry.Head Office Port HarcourtModern building with 25 offices, extensive computer facilities and telecommunications5.89 acres fabrication yard facility and maintenance workshop700 sq. meters mechanical workshop with machine tools1347 sq. meters fabrication workshopsIndustrial layoutBranch Office and Fabrication Yard – WarriWaterside fabrication yard and office situated on 16 acres of land comprised of: 70 meters piled jetty with a draft of 6.4 7.3 meters 10,000 sq.ft. hard standing area.10,000 sq. ft. fabrication workshops comprising 3 permanent structures complete with all requisite equipment and tools to perform fabrication, surface preparation and coatings.Offices and stores w i t h c o m p u t e r f a c i l i t i e s a n d telecommunications.Liaison / Procurement Office Houston, Texas U.S.AWorkforce WECO’s workforce fluctuates according to the needs of the workload. However, a core group of 200 employees include: engineers, fabricators, mechanics, electricians, welders, painters, sandblasters and operators are the engine that has gained the good reputation W E C O h a s t o d a y. W E C O E n g i n e e r i n g & Construction Co. Ltd (USA)Liaison / Procurement Office12455 Westpark DriveSuite H-12Houston, TX 77082Tel: (281) 531.0838Fax:(281) 531.0870e-mail:



89 and process required for growth , optimising local content in all aspect of our business activities as we possesses the competence and resource needed to deliver world class EPC solutions.

ENGENEERING AND PROCUREMENT Nestoil has today carved a niche for itself as a none stop service provider in the upstream sub-sector of the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry. The company was awarded its first major project by Shell (SPDC); (The Edjeba Sewage Treatment plant in Warri) in 1998. The project was executed successfully and today the plant is still in active use at the SPDC Edjeba complex. It received from SPDC for that project, an award for excellence in quality and safety. This achievement was a significant landmark in the life of the Company and indeed a boost to the nation's local content Initiative. From that point, Nestoil earned its reputation as a local company with world class project execution capacity. Multi-million dollar projects have been rolling in ever since. In the sixteen years of the company's operation in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry, it has developed human capital capacity and has invested several billions of Naira on equipment acquisition. In terms of equipment and facilities ownership in the industry, Nestoil rank as first among indigenous companies. The company's fabrication yard in Nestoil industrial Area, Abuloma port-Harcourt built by Julius Berger Plc is among the top threat best fabrication yards in Nigeria. Creek- Cawthorn Channel Trunkline replacement Project NCTL from this fabrication yard that was commissioned by the vice president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Sir, Dr Goodluck Jonathan, GCON in the year 2008. The NCTL project awarded by SPDC to both Nestoil and Saipem involves the laying of a 24 and 30 inch crude oil pipelines over a vast area.

DREDGING OPERATIONS Nestoil's dredging activities via its sister company B&Q Dredging Limited initially commenced as ancillary part of its routine oil and gas contract construction activities. During the implementation of the SPDC Egbeleku Engineered Landfill Construction Contract in delta state, it became necessary to engage in significant dredging works. To this end, the company acquired a 12 inch cutter suction dredger (NNENNA). Subsequently during river crossing activities at its 20"x 38KM KoloCreekRumuekpe trunkline Replacement Project (SPDC), NESTOIL utilised its then newly acquired 18 Cutter suction dredgers (ADAOMA). The dredger was instrumental to the speedy, safe and successful cpmpletion of several complex river and creek crossing activities on the KCTL project.

Brief history and profile of Nestoil NESTOIL PLC was incorporated in Nigeria 1991 as a new age local content in the Oil and Gas rich Niger Delta region of Nigeria. It is a part of an indigenous conglomerate actively engaged in diverse sectors of the Nigerian and international marketers. It has grown to become a leading indigenous EPC provider for major industry players in Sub-Saharan Africa like Nigerian National Company (NNPC), Shell, Exxon Mobil, Chevron, Texaco, total and others. The company is an established provider of petroleum engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) service to the energy, oil & gas and manufacturing industries, with its services backed up by some of the best known engineering companies oversees. With communication network and contract offices spread nationally and internationally, NESTOIL PLC is your one stop shop for engineering, procurement and construct services.

NESTOIL PLC deploys unique combination of local and foreign professionals to deliver excellent and cost effective EPC solutions to industry problems. We have a policy of using the best available resource combined with stringent supervision that assures safe working environment without compromising on quality. The company employs highly dedicated, skilled and goal-driven professionals using unique innovative technology to provide first class services to its client while making meaningful contribution to society.

NESTOIL prospect for its own dredging contracts and independently engages in its own dredging campaign works. To this end, additional nine dredger have been acquired, increasing the fleet to eleven dredgers, which was commissioned in 2008 by the vice president of the federal republic of Nigeria, Sir (Dr), GoodLuck Jonathan, GCON, It is pertinent to note that whenever these dredgers are not actively engaged in the company's dredging works, they become available for third party hire arrangements.

CIVIL CONSTRUCTION WORKS Our intention is not only to expand our business volume, but to grow our employees and improve their standard of living. It is our policy and continuing objective to exceed our client's expectation by providing quality services which not only meets statutory, technical and contractual requirement but are quality consistent. We are fully committed to the technological details

Nestoil has over the years delivered civil construction project for oil and gas joint venture partners. This includes the Epic Development of Shell industrial Area Hospital IPD/ Extension project which was completed and delivered in 2007. This project is worthy of note because it was implemented with highest degree of safety consciousness, considering that the site was located in the very busy shell


90 maintenance to perhaps outage/ Shutdown. We develop projects from the pre-feasibility phase through conceptual design and FEED studies, detailed design, procurement, construction and project, management and implementation. The company also renders consultancy and project management services to smaller service companies in the industry as part of its local content development initiative. PROJECT EXPERIENCE NESTOIL has demonstrated that it is a market leader in project management, design and construction management of a new build, upgrade and modification projects for oil and gas production facilities. The company has a proven track record and proven capability in the design, procurement and installation of new oil process facilities. These projects involve project definition, conceptual design and FEED studies, detailed design, procurement, construction and project management. The company also renders consultancy and project management services to smaller service companies in the industry as part of its local content development initiative.

NESTOIL PLC Head Offic): Africa Re Building, 4th Floor, Plot 1679 Karimu Street, Victoria Island, P.O. Box 56057, koyi- Lagos. Tel: 01-26266856 Fax: 01-4627933 E-mail: Website:

Can you describe the state of NESTOIL’s installed capacity before the full implementation of the Nigerian Content policy from year 2005? Nestoil has about capacity to fabricate 500Tons of steel. Jetty and load out facilities were leased. Fabrication and warehouse facility was for about 500 Ton per year. How has the implementation of the policy boosted installed capacity and how will the enactment of the Nigerian Content law support your operations? It has provided more projects of larger scale boosting the companies capacity – provided opportunities to more complex projects. Financing is a major concern in the industry. How has NESTOIL been able to surmount this challenge? It has only been possible by the corporation of a few banks in Nigeria, namely Intercontinental Bank and First Bank of Nigeria. industrial Area with a large volume of human and Vehicular traffic.

OIL EXPLORATION AND PRODUCTION With the benefit of its pedigree as a multifaceted oil and gas services company, Nestoil through its sister company Gobowen E&P Limited is vigorously pursuing a program of acquisition of oil block, including oil wells that are ready for production.

TOTAL PROJECT CAPABILITY Our services cover the following onshore and offshore broad areas: * Integrated engineering services and consultancy * Equipment procurement, fabrication and installation

*pipeline/ Flowline construction, maintenance and repairs *Production Facilities-new build, upgrade operation and maintenance *Dredging, Canalization and shoreline protection *Environmental Protection and waste management * Civil/ Structural / Platform construction *Total project capability * Onshore and offshore Activities Our strength is derived from providing a complete project package i.e. from initial planning through design, procurement, construction and installation of new oil process facilities; start up, operations and

There are concerns that most indigenous operators may not have the requisite installed capacity to make the Nigerian Content law operable. Do you agree with this and what is the current installed engineering and manpower capapcity of NESTOIL? We don’t agree to this in total. Nigerian Companies have grown in terms of engineering and manpower, but more needs to be done in terms of infrastructure and manpower development. For every company there are stages of growth which have to be nurtured to build requisite installed capacity. These growths are achieved through exposure to more complex projects. Also of major concern is manpower training. How is NESTOIL dealing with this concern? Are there




onadek is a Human Capital Development Focused Organisation with a passion and desire to implement and develop Nigerian Content in a manner that adds value to all parties involved. We have established partnerships, strategic alliances and collaboration with Local and International individuals, organisations, institutions and associations to promote our ideals. Lonadek evolved from Lonadek Oil and Gas Systems Consultants which provides state-of-the-art engineering design IT solutions, Computer-AidedDesign Draughting (CADD), 3D modelling resources and services in the oil and gas industry. Lonadek seeks to understand the need of the oil and gas industry and provides a full range of businessfocused services that are designed to meet industry requirements.

Vision To develop national content through the delivery of innovative, efficient and cost-effective Engineering IT solutions, Training, Capacity Development Programs and Consultancy Services that meet safety and quality requirements of the global oil and gas community

Mission To build capacity, capability and competencies through partnerships with world renowned technocrats. To deliver innovative solutions to our customers and serve as a vehicle of technology transfer to locals who will provide high value services in that meet International standards.

Quality Policy Lonadek is committed to providing innovative, efficient and quality services through continuous improvement and management of internal processes focused at meeting customer requirements. Lonadek will deliver excellent and exceptional customer services via our team of vibrant, worldclass professionals who benefit from continuous training within a stimulating, highly creative and merit-driven work environment. We shall comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 standard including Regulatory and Statutory requirements and continuously improve our Quality Management System. This Quality Policy Statement shall be communicated from the top management to all staff and shall be reviewed regularly as deemed fit by the management.

Services Lonadek provides its services to companies engaged in Conceptual; Basic & Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Follow-on Engineering through Installation, Fabrication and Construction projects. Lonadek's core competence is very strong in the following areas: Due Diligence for multinational Oil and Gas Companies Technology, Marine, Deepwater, Oil and Gas Research Feasible Nigerian Content. Capacity Development and Resource Optimisation for the maximization of Local Content Opportunities in the Nigerian Oil and Gas Industry. Project Automation Plan development. Oil and Gas Engineering Resource requirements from Foreign Technical Partners and Locals. Technology Transfer Agreements.

Partners and Customers Capacity Building Programme Development Quality Assurance Hardware, Software and Communications Specifications and Supervision of Procurement and Installation. 3D Modelling and CADD related Consultancy and Training. Advantage of Using Lonadek as a Local Consultant Lonadek as a local consultant assure her clients of the following and more: World class Qualification and Experience Competitive Rates

Lonadek understands the need of the industry and have developed a full range of business-focused services that constantly exceed industry requirements. We provide world standard and high quality services to Companies that are engaged in Conceptual, Basic & Detailed Engineering, Procurement, Follow-on Engineering through Installation, Fabrication and Construction projects.

Our Major Clients Chevron Texaco: Star Deep Water Petroleum Company Lt Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF)

Over a Decade Experience in Setting up and Managing Automated Design Offices.

Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited

In depth Knowledge of local conditions, processes and practices within the industry.

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)

Cost Savings in the Selection of a Formidable Project Team. Technical Review of Contractual Clauses in Memorandum of Understandings to Maximise Local Content Opportunities Identification / Exposure to resource optimization and profit generation Opportunities

Our Affiliations Lonadek operates Sales Channel Partner or training service provider to the following proprietors of worldclass Technologies AVEVA Engineering IT Solutions, Cambridge, UK Engineering Dynamics, Inc, Houston

Reduction in High Overheads throughout the Term of any Contract.

COADE/Chempute SA

Provision of a Large Database of Technically Competent Personnel and Company

TechServer Inc. Korea


MultiSuite, UK References and Contacts for these companies shall be provided upon request

Lonadek Lonadek's Principal Consultant, Dr. Lola Amao, periodically acts as a part-time Oil and Gas / Local Content Resource Person at the Lagos Business School and also writes periodical for the Houston B a s e d Oi l a n d G a s J o u r n a l a s t h e L o c a l Correspondent.

Create a fundamental database of information on Engineering Design Companies in Nigeria from which industry stakeholders and major EPCI Contractors can gather accurate and relevant information to maximize Local Content in the execution of major Oil and Gas projects.

Our Track Record

Characterize the core capabilities and capacities of the Engineering Companies by size of projects successfully completed, man-hours expended, and man-years of experience whilst taking into consideration the investment on ground.

In 1992, in the area of Computer-Aided-Design and Draughting (CADD), Lonadek took over the training of 67 indigenous Engineers from BECHTEL Inc. and within three months prepared NNPC Engineers for the executions of the CHEVRON Escravos Gas Project (Phase I). On this project our Principal Consultant, Dr. A. I. Onadeko-Amao ensured that all milestones set in Houston, Texas were met. To date, over 1250 NNPC Engineers have passed through our training modules and we now pride ourselves with our past trainees placed in responsible positions across the country in the various NNPC Joint Venture (JV) organisations. Lonadek has since 1992 produced technical/specialized survey reports and proposals for multi-million dollar projects overseen by NAPIMS for MOBIL Producing Unlimited, SHELL, CHEVRON a n d o t h e r J o i n t Ve n t u r e ( J V ) p a r t n e r s . Since 1992 we have set-up or managed Fully Automated Design Offices, with our Foreign Technical Partners applications, for the following indigenous companies: N a t i o n a l E n g i n e e r i n g & Te c h n i c a l Company Ltd (NETCO), Lagos Deltatek Engineering Ltd, Lagos. Niger Global Engineering Ltd, Lagos. Nautilus Nigeria Engineering Company Ltd, Lagos. Amazon Energy, Lagos. CAKASA Engineering, Lagos. Suddelletra (Nig) Ltd, Port Harcourt. DeltaPlus Engineerting Ltd, Port Harcourt OAG Technologies In November 1997, Lonadek introduced competitive bidding to National Engineering & Technical Company (NETCO) for the full-scale computerisation of NETCO's operations. We are committed to saving our client project execution costs through strategies to maximize Local Content. Value addition, Transparency and Integrity are our primary concern.

Training We provide training in the following areas PDMS: 3D Modeling of Oil and Gas Facilities AutoCAD: 2D Drafting of Oil and Gas Facilities Document Controls & Management SCS Facilities Engineering & Maintenance Management International Computer Driving License Routes to Chartership Executive Management Development Programme Chartered Cost Engineering Institute of Leadership Management Certification

Projects ChevronTexaco: Star Deep Water Petroleum Ltd. Engineering Design Capability and Capacity Survey of 25 Engineering Design Companies in Nigeria. The scope of the project is to identify in-country engineering design resources and create a database of available capacity and capability which can be utilized for the execution of modules and packages of work on major capital projects.

Capture the historical experience, innovative business models and developmental strategies of the successful companies whilst indicating the frustrations of those who are experiencing growth problems. Assessment and interpolation of study/audit findings. Preparation of reports. Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF): Consultancy Service The PTDF is an agency of the Federal Government of Nigeria that is committed to Nigerian Manpower Capacity Development and Technology Acquisition in t h e N i g e r i a n O i l a n d G a s I n d u s t r y. Lonadek is currently the service consultant for the PTDF Initiative on Job Creation Through Partnering which involves Engineering Capacity and capability Survey. The scope of activities are but not limited to the following: Facility and skills audit to identify skills required for Engineering design, Fabrication, Installation, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Oil and Gas facilities. Specification of framework and/or modality for skills acquisition. Placement and employment of PTDF graduates within stakeholders companies. Assistance in other areas as may be determined by the Executive Secretary of the PTDF.

DeltaAfrik Training Lonadek conducted the following training for Delta Afrik Engineers: As the sole representative of AVEVA in Nigeria, successfully executed the mandate to train 10 Engineers from Delta Afrik in Plant Design Management System (PDMS). AUTOCAD Training on 2D Deliverables for Oil and Gas Facilities for 20 working days between June 9th 4th of July 2008 An intensive 15 Day Structural Analysis Computer System (SACS) held from July 14 August 1, 2008. CAESAR II Pipe Stress Analysis was held for 2 weeks from September 22 3rd October, 2008. AUTOCAD Training on 2D Deliverables for Oil and Gas Facilities for 10 working days between June 1st 12th of July 2009. CEASAR 11Pipe Stress Analysis was held for 2 weeks from June 16th 29th June 2009. Safety and Environmental Management Training was held for 2 days from 30th June 1st July, 2009. Document Control and Management Training was held for 5 days from September 14th 18th , 2009. Recruitment and Placement Services Lonadek provided consultancy services to the following establishments in the area of recruitment and placement of technical personnel: NETCO Delta Afrik

92 CAKASA Global Petroleum Resources Inc. Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited Oando Nigeria PLC. Terra Energy Services SAIPEM Contracting Nigeria Limited Excel Energy Nigeria Limited Supply of Personnel for Addax Local Content Manager Atlas Poligenics Nigeria Limited Foster Wheeler Nigeria Limited KBR Nigeria Limited Foster Wheeler Nigeria Limited Willrbos Nigeria Limited Cooper Cameroon Nigeria Limited Compact Manifold and Energy Limited Compact Manifold and Energy Limited Responsibilities include, but not limited to: Job definition. Placement of advertisement. Short-listing of candidates. Development of selection criteria. Arrange and conduct interview. Selection and recommendation of candidates.

Coordination of PTDF/NNPC training The Federal Government of Nigeria through the Petroleum Technology Development Fund PTDF and Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation NNPCNigerian Content Department quest to develop capacity, capability and competence of indigenous Engineers and reduce unemployment commenced the Engineering Design Training Programme (EDTP) Lonadek, as the sole representative of AVEVA in Nigeria, successfully executed the mandate to train the second batch of engineers comprising of 320 young and promising engineers in Plant Design Management System (PDMS). Lonadek provided the training facilities expatriate trainers and PTDF coordinated the selection of Engineers for the training to the passing of the Engineers from the training.

Our Office: 7A, Akin Olugbade Street, Off Adeola Odeku Street, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria. Telephone:+234-803-400-2957, +234-1-822-9544,

Drillog Petro Dynamics Ciscon Titan Tubulars B.G Technical LRS S.C.C. Mill

Tubulars & Inspection, Piping, Coating T

he Companies listed under this category are those who boast of a substantial inventory of casing of all sizes and line pipe grade grades. These companies provide maximum flexibility to meet customer requirements. These companies also undertake pipe inspection, piping and coating works to maintain the integrity of new or existing pipelines.

Drillog Petro -Dynamics


“Nigerian Content Success Story” MISSION To deliver complete, cost effective suite of oil and gas drilling services at the highest level of efficiency, speedily and safely, as a vehicle for building a strong Nigerian oil and gas technology company.

OUR SERVICES •Directional/Horizontal Drilling-Mud Motor/Rotary Steerable System • Measurement While Drilling-(MWD) • Logging While Drilling-(LWD/FEWD) • Bore Hole Survey Services-(NSG/SRG & EMMS)

Local Content Outlook Service Provider of Choice One stop shop for Nigerian Operators Full Client Support From Design Stage Empowering our people Superior Product Knowledge & Deployment New Technology OUR STRENGTH Synergy of dedicated workforce and consultants Expertise in DD/MWD/LWD/FEWD/Bore Hole Survey Services garnered over many years. The use of the appropriate technology:- robust and sophisticated technology of Halliburton Sperry Drilling Services in all of its services. Unparalleled on-the-job training. The use of a most formidable and dependable software-INSITE-which provides flexible display and analysis to fit customers needs. The integration of technology, people and process to deliver fit-for-purpose service at reduced costs with zero NPT without compromising standards. Quality and safety is our culture while excellence and performance is our hallmark. The use of first-rate field engineers trained at SperryDrilling training centre in Houston for our jobs. Continuously involved in research to improve our way of doing things. Availability of an array of DD/MWD/LWD/FEWD & Bore-Hole survey tools.

CAPACITY GROWTH since 2005 Manpower Development: Have trained a formidable workforce for the industry- 20 M/LWD engineers using sperry-sun facilities in Houston Texas,12 Directional Drillers, numerous Technicians and Administrative staff. Tool Acquisition: Purchased a complete suite of the most dependable SDS LWD tools-Resistivity, Density and Neutron -16 pieces. Facilities to Support Services: Well equipped New office block, new standard maintenance workshop, LWD tool maintenance laboratory, LWD calibration pit, Radiation source pit(NNRA certified). Access to FEWD/RSS/Add on Services: Has access to the following tools via our synergy with HalliburtonBat sonic/Imaging services; At-BitGamma/Inclination(ABG/ABI); Azimuthally Deep Resistivity; RTO; Geosteering; Geo-span and Geotap-formation testing service. Established a fully computerized well planning centre for our well path design; torque and drag analysis; anti-collision analysis etc. Has maintained 100% Nigerian workforce as advocated by NNPC which has grown from 36 in

2005 to 146 in 2009 and 150 today. Successfully executed about 70 M/LWD jobs and about 80 DD jobs since 2005.

ACHIEVEMENT RECORD Set ExxonMobil 6” horizontal drain hole record in USARI- B Platform (Triplex Well) by drilling 4000ft

with 4 ¾” RSS-Geopilot and LWD Triple Combo tools. Successfully used Geo-Pilot in shallow sand in shallow depth kick off with loose sand and hole collapse challenges. Set FAST DRILL PROCESS RECORD in Exxon Mobil’s Iyak 19B by drilling 3025 ft/day.

Drillog Petro -Dynamics


Mud Motor Section: Motor and Rotor lying on Tool Trolley

Successfully deployed the first use of ADR in Nigeria in Total’s Ibewa 19 well. Set a record in SHELL Worldwide by drilling 6400ft in 18.50 hours, one bit run – Nembe – 63. Drilled SHELL’s Deepest Deviated Well in Nigeria – Nembe Waltakiri – 16,610 feet (5063m) at 68 degrees. Drilled Nigeria’s first Deep water Wells – All Bonga Field Exploration Wells Drilled the largest Hole Size in SHELL Nigeria in one

run; 29” Building to 15 degrees. Did very shallow kickoff (318ft) for Chevron where the sand was so loose that the mud in hole seeped through the formation into the cellar pit. Our MTBF is rated one of the highest in the industry

A Commitment to drilling and logging excellence

ADDED VALUE ACHIEVEMENT TO THE NIGERIAN ECONOMY Employment of a large number of Nigerians, Development of Nigerian expertise at all levels –

Series of Integral Blade Stabilizers (DD Tool) on Rack

training , Domiciliation of know-how :–technology transfer Revenue retained in country – increased GDP, Improved tax profile (employees and company) compared to expatriate companies, Improvement of local community, etc.

A maintenance Engineer balancing a Tool Trolley prior to breaking an RLL.


97 What you need to know about us

VISION To be an excellent oil field service company MISSION To secure our future through the provision of top quality and consistent professional services, both locally and internationally, while protecting the environment and improving the lives of people MILESTONES • 1 986 - First indigenous fully equipped Tubular Running Service company in Nigeria. •1 987 - Awarded first Tubular Running Service job by Ashland Oil, in June. •1 998 - Moved into her new over 7 acres facility. •2001 - Ran the longest Expandable Sand Screen (ESS) in Imo River 63 for SPDC. •2001 - First indigenous Well Completions company in Nigeria, to successfully handle a Well Completions Module, in a major offshore project - the ongoing Shell EA Project. •2001 - Achieved Shell EA first oil production on the 17th of December, and has since completed 33 other wells. •2002 - Executed EA54 - the world’s first monobore 3 Zone intelligent Completion. •2003 - First indigenous company to provide mudlogging services in the Deep Offshore. •2006 - First indigenous company to provide slickline services in the Deep Offshore. • 2007 – ISO 9001:2000 certified which was upwardly reviewed to ISO 9001:2008 in 2010. •2007 - First indigenous company to own and operate a hydraulic hammer system (S-90) for onshore and offshore conductor pilling. 2010 – API Certification for Spec 5CT and 7-1 Monogram Licenses.

Management profile Shawley Coker Chairman/Managing Director Shawley Coker is the Chairman/Managing Director of CISCON Nigeria Limited with over 25 years international and domestic experience in the oil industry. He completed of his education at the Mississippi State University in Starkville where he graduated from the school of General Business. Prior to setting up CISCON, he worked in the United States on drilling Rigs. His experience gained over the years got him a new job as sales Engineer working for an Oil service company working in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, for various multinational oil service companies. He sits on the Board of numerous companies. He is one of the founding members of PETAN. He is also a member of the governing council of the Nigerian Content Development & Monitoring Board (NCDMD) inaugurated on 3 September, 2010 by the President of Nigeria. rd

Sam Jeffrey Louis Coker General Manger, Geological Services Sam Coker is the Chief Consultant Geologist with over 38 years of work experience in teaching and consulting in related areas of the petroleum industry. His career in the petroleum sector started as a Fluid Systems Engineer for Dresser Industries in the United States and Nigeria, and later as a Mud-Logger for Kragha & Associates. He joined the University of Ilorin and later Benin, Department of Geology where he rose to become a Senior Lecturer and served as Head of Department. He was a Research Fellow at the Alberta Oilsands Technology and Research Authority, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, working on Bitumen and Tarsands. He constantly inter-phased between the academia and the minerals and petroleum industries; involved in handling several and varied Consultancy Projects; running short Field Courses and Reports for Uniben, Shell, Chevron, NNPC, Mobil, Topcon and BP/Statoil. He works frequently with consortiums on various Fossil Fuel Projects representing the Federal Government of Nigeria on road shows to Canada. He is a Resource fellow for a number of agencies, and member of several professional bodies. Boni Akpan GM, Well Services Boni Akpan assumed management duties at CISCON Nigeria Limited after serving as the International Marketing Manager at CISCCON Inc., Houston. Prior to joining CISCON, he held several Engineering and

Management positions with Flopetrol and Schlumberger Services in France, Scotland, Middle-East and the United States. He holds a Post-graduate degree in Petroleum Engineering and Engineering Management. He has 29 years International and Domestic experience in the oil industry and he is a published author on technical issues with Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) where he has been a member for over 30 years. Sam U. Orugboh MBA, CPA General Manager Admin & Finance Sam Orugboh has been with CISCON for over 10 years and he is currently the Chief Financial Officer. Prior to joining CISCON Nigeria Limited, he was a Senior Partner with White-Orugboh & Associates Accounting Firm in the United States. He also has had over 20 years experience as an Oil & Gas Accountant in the United States. He holds a Post Graduate degree in Management from the University of Houston, USA and a professional certificate as a Certified Public Accountant in the United States.

Corporate profile A Humble Beginning CISCON NIGERIA LIMITED is a fully Nigerian owned company, providing a range of services to the Oil and Gas and Solid Minerals Industries. From its humble beginning in 1986, CISCON now operates from four centres - its headquarters in Port Harcourt and branch offices in Warri, Lagos and Houston. The Houston office serves as a coordination centre for external equipment sourcing, inspection and procurement as well as staff training. The Port Harcourt and Warri offices provide Engineering, Geological, Training and Consulting services, while the Lagos office serves as a Liaison centre. In accordance with our operating maxim - Focusing on Excellence, CISCON is committed to delivery of quality Services to all its clients in the safest, cost-effective and most efficient way possible. CISCON has obtained ISO 9001:2008 quality management certifications and currently at the final audit stage for American Petroleum Institute (API) certification for our high profiled machine shop. CISCON has also completed the TRACE International due diligence review and is certified as a TRACE member intermediary. With staff strength of over 250, composed of some of the finest professionals in their respective fields, CISCON is equipped for the challenges of today and poised for those of the future, in the Oil and Gas and Solid Minerals Industries. Putting the well-being of people first, Safety ranks next as the major important area of Ciscon’s day-to-day concern. Ciscon is fully committed to and provides safe systems of work, safe equipment, personal protective equipment and appropriate training to its entire staff and contractors’ employees and other members of the public who are involved in its operations. The company’s monthly Community Affairs Safety Health Environment and Security (CASHES) meeting helps to refocus and continuously stress the company’s concern about people, safety, health and the environment to our entire staff. Happily, our safety record has been on a yearly upward rise and we hope to keep it that way. Our Services at a Glance —Geological Services —Tubular Services and Rentals —Well Completion Services —Deepwater Slickline Services —Machine Shop and Fabrication Services —Training services Geological Services

Integrated Mud Logging Services We provide full Integrated Mud logging Services to clients. In addition, we provide experienced Wellsite Geologists and assist in training client’s personnel to achieve desired proficiency. Analytical Services We carry out sedimentological, biostratigraphic, and pale-oenvironmental reconstruction studies on outcrop core (whole & SW) and ditch cutting samples. Our interpretations are integrated into a sequence stratigraphic approach to define Geologic events in both time and space, and Reserves estimation - Mineral and Hydrocarbon r e s o u r c e s . We a l s o o ff e r t e c h n i c a l a d v i c e o n Exploration/Exploitation methods for Minerals resource evaluation. Mud logging Services Summary: Formation Evaluation • Well Surveillance • Pore Pressure prediction • Engineering Services • Well Sitting Services Hydro-geophysical/Water Treatment Services We undertake hydro-geophysical investigation for groundwater, siting, drilling and completion of water wells geological terrain. Environmental Studies We provide Environmental studies services both in the areas of Impact Asssesssment, Enviromental Evaluation Studies and Compliant Monitoring, Environmental Evaluation Reports (EER), Post Impact Assessment (PIA), Groundwater Monitoring. All aspects of the studies are integrated both in schematic and spatial presentation using a GIS framework. Interactive Geophysical/Geological Services (Workstation based) Our newest facility from SMT utilizing the KINGDOM software package a) 2D/3D Seismic data processing: This involves the use of WINDOWS based softwares (RSA) to deduce advanced 3D post-stack seismic attribute calculation and 2D/3D post stack processing and Analysis using (Trace Pak) package b) 2D/3D Seismic Interpretation: This involves structural mapping (fault pattern maps) in time and depth on in-lines, cross-lines and arbitrary lines using 2d/3dPAK application. Digitizing multiple fault segments (normal/reverse) in cross-sections and log correlation of structural/stratigraphic events across adjacent wells/fields, using the EarthPAK software. Interpretation of horizons on seismic data and digitizing /editing faults on one or more attributes volumes using the VuPAK software. c) Geologic/Reservoir Modeling: Generation of simple, complex and theoretical Earth models in 2D with the user-defined parameters using the ModPAK software. Geographic Information System (GIS) Services With our new Dakota workstation, we parade one of the best leading software with various capacities in, Design and Management of GIS databases, Digitizing and printing of existing maps at user defined scales and Updating and Reviewing of maps. Resource Evaluation of Minerals We hove the professionals and state of the art technical facilities to conduct detailed geological mapping and evaluate ‘various mineral resources’. We can in addition through working along-side your staff, train and improve their competence and confidence in geological appraisals of minerals. Tubular Running and Rental Services Ciscon specializes in the running and handling of Oilfield Tubular. Our range of tubular services includes Casing and Tubing make up and break-out, with sizes from 1" to 36" OD. Ciscon Casing and Tubing crew deploy either a 4 or 6 Cylinder Duetz Power Unit or an Electrical Power Unit which, can deliver up to 40,000 ft lbs of torque to our different hydraulic power tongs. CISCON has now standardized on the CLINCHER Hydraulic Power Tongs from above 2" to 30" for better performance.

Ciscon With our Flush Mounted Spider and other heavy equipment handling tools, we are capable of handling strings of up to 750 tons and bail up to 32 feet in depth. We deploy our FLUSH MOUNTED SPIDER (FMS) regularly for easier casing handling on all our rig engagements. A Quick Stab Top Drive Fill-up and Circulating Tools (FAC Tool) from 7" to 20" OD casing sizes are available for filling casing and establishing circulation during casing operations. r

Ciscon’s Tubular unit handles all sizes of tubing during the Completion of any well with an array of equipment such as Dual Tools, thread protectors, spiders/elevators, drifts, stabbing guides, lifting nubbings, slips, pickup elevators, hydraulic and manual tongs and torque turn computers. Our computerized Torque Turn equipment is used to run tubulars with premium threads. In this case, the computer monitors and records the torque and turn values and the maximum make-up RPM which automatically signals the status of the connection against a known “finger print” for the particular thread and size of the tubing. Chrome Running Ciscon tubular services department also has the capability of running chrome tubular from 2 3/8" – 7" for single and dual completions configurations. Ciscon Hammer Services IHC S-90 HYDROHAMMER Ciscon offers the IHC model S-90 hydrohammer for driving conductor pipes during drilling operations. This hammer is described by IHC as the ‘smart hammer’ facilitated by a state-of-the-art electronic control system. The hammer control system is capable of regulating the hammer blows. The resultant energy applied to the pile, which is measured during every blow is monitored and can be regulated from maximum to minimum. The S-90 hammer has the advantage through its control system to shut off the ram automatically if the pile starts to run faster than the hammer (soft formation), if the hammer is not positioned correctly on the pile, if the stroke becomes too high or if the blow energy is too high. Other advantages of the S-90 Hydrohammer are: •S-90 hammer operates at any angle, even horizontally using the cap pressure. •S-90 is suitable to drive and extract piles. •A printer can be hooked up to print the report of the piling operation. •S-90 can be used offshore or onshore, in air or submerged underwater. •S-90 can pass through the rotary table of the drilling rig •All relevant components have been tested for piling at depths of up to 2,000 meters. In principle, this hammer can operate in deep water Rental Tools Our Tool Rentals Unit has a well-diversified inventory to meet the demands of the Oil and Gas industry. The tools include: Drilling stabilizers, Subs, Ditch Magnets, High Tensile Drill Pipes, Drill Collars, HWDR Drill Pipe Pump Joints, Elevators (HYT, HYC, YC etc.), Rotary Slips (Drill Pipes and Drill Collars), Zip Lifts, Cross-over Subs, Cameron Iron Works 13 5/8" 5m, 10m, 15m B.O.P Rams (Center Bore, Offsets, Dual Offsets, VBR, Dual Flex Packe-ers, Dual Centralizing), Stabilizers, Casing Scrapers, TIW Safety Valves, Gray Inside B.O.P’s and a host of other Rental Tools. Well Completion Services Ciscon offers a complete array of Well Completion Services including Intelligent Completions Designs, Equipment and Installation. We provide complete well completions solutions for every conceivable reservoir drainage pattern from conception design to installation. Single Completion Ciscon provides complete Well designs with the aid of the latest computer software and procures all Well Completion equipment including; Flow Couplings, Stainless Steel or Incoloy Control Lines, Sub-surface Safety Valve (Wireline or Tubing Retrievable), Gas-lift Mandrels with Live or Dummy Valves, Sliding Sleeves, Snap Latch Seal Assemblies, Single Production Packers, Blast Joints, Glocators with Seal Assemblies, Liner Top Packers and Liner Tieback Systems with Liner Hanger Assemblies. We

98 What you need to know about us also provide Bridge Plugs and Cement Retainers. Our completion engineers bring over 100 combined years of tested experience to any well. In addition we provide design and installation for the following: Dual Completions These completion styles may be installed with several Sand Face Design options of Sand Consolidation, Gravelpack or untreated. Other options we offer include horizontal well Completions with Slotted Liner, Screens, Pre-pack Screen, Expandable Sand Screens (ESS), External Casing Packers (ECP) and Swell Packers. Liner Hanger and Completion Systems Ciscon also offers a wide selection of Liner Hanger Systems to compliment the different well completion options already mentioned. In technical partnership with Smith Completion Systems, we offer the following Liner Hanger Systems: • Non-rotating Mechanical Set Single and Dual Cone. • Non-rotating Hydraulic Set Single and Dual Cone. • Non-rotating Pocket Slip Mechanical Set and Hydraulic Set • Rotating Hydraulic Set Pocket Slip. • Integral Liner top Packer Compression and Hydraulic Set. • Non-integral Liner top Packer The hydraulic running tools have a redundant mechanical release backup mechanism to ensure that the liner setting tool is always released in case of hydraulic release failure. For straight or slightly deviated holes, field proven mechanical setting tools with right Hand release are available. For case of handling, Top Drive Cement Manifolds are available for cementing operations. Remotely controlled Cement Manifold is available for use in deepwater operations and critical well control situations with any of our liner hanger systems. Our engineers and technicians are well trained and certified by Smith Completions Systems Inc., to ensure that our clients get top quality service always. Intelligent Well Completion capability Ciscon offers the latest in intelligent Well Completion technology based on the NE5COS Smart Well Solution. The NESCOS solution (Non-Electrical Surface Controlled Operation System) is an integrated advance well completion system for flow control in hydrocarbon producing and water injection wells. This system features the new and reliable Rotating Sleeve and Choking Devices. The device is hydraulically or mechanically activated to open, close or choke down flow from up to six production zones in a well. The capability of having a choking device right at the sand-face with which to control your flow, choke back water encroachment, commingle zones etc. This unique technology is available for you at Ciscon in technical alliance with Precision Completion and Triangle Equipment AS Norway. The NESCON Smart Well Solution is a game changing approach in Intelligent Well Completions and we are poised and ready to deploy it in your next intelligent well. Other Intelligent Completion products • Multi-Feed Thru Packer 10K Different Pressure. • Wireless Telemetry Monitoring Systems. • Fiber Optic Pressure and Temperature Sensors. • Distributed Temperature Systems. • Cable Based Electronic Pressure and Temperature Gauges. • Quartz and Sapphire Instruments. • Electrically Actuated Gas Lift Valves. • Down-Hole Power Generators Project Management Capability With a consortium of Service Providers, in Well Completion Project Management, we provide the client a one-stop shop for: • Completions Services. • Slick line and Electric Line Services

• Down hole Electronic Measurement • Tree Installation and Testing • Well Cleanup and Testing Ciscon provides API Certified Well Completions jewelry from any manufacturer at very competitive prices thereby cutting costs for our clients. Other Well Completion Products and Services • Multi Feed-Thru Hydraulic Set Packers • Hydraulic Set Dual Bore Packers • Permanent Hydraulic Set/Wire!ine Set Packers. • Profile Nipples, Sliding Sleeves, Blast Joints, Flow Couplings, • Entry Guides, Hydro-Trip Subs, Ratcheting and Plane Mule Shoes, etc. • Mechanically Actuated Rotating Choking Sleeve Licensed from Triangle AS Norway. • Memory Pressure/Temperature Gauges. • Installation Services. • Data Analysis, Storage and Delivery. • Engineering and Design Support. We have a full QA/QC program, detailed pre-job checklists and Lessons Learned Database to ensure hitchfree well completions service delivery. Gaslift Services Ciscon engineers are highly experienced in gasiift design, installation and optimization techniques. We use the field-proven VALCAL ™ and GLAD ™ software to calculate valve setting pressure and gasiift mandrel placement in wells. In our gasiift shop, we set repair gasiift valves as well as other related gasiift services. Deepwater Slickline Services In 2006 CISCON made a decision to acquire Slickline Equipment as a strategic compliment to our already developed Well Completions Services. This Slick-line Service is geared towards deployment in the deepwater well completions environment. Equipment Double Drum Slickline Units with 3/16" Braided line and 0.125" plow steel solid wire, Single Drum Units with option of 0.125 or .108" plow steel wire or stainless (Monel) wire. Electric Power Package (Open Loop Hydraulics) powered by 100 hp, 1800 rpm, 444TC frame, 460 volts, 3 phase electric motor. Hydraulic Power Unit (6 Cylinder Power Pack), 10k psi Pressure Control System, Grease Injection Units. Complete set of wireline tools and electronic depth measurement devices. Services Apart from the routine slickline operation either stand alone or during well completion operation. Setting and pulling crown plugs from the wellheads in a deepwater completion is a very specialized operation carried out by our slickline crew. Other services include: · Running of Wellhead Crown Plugs. · Pulling of Wellhead Isolation Sleeves · Running and pulling of RPT Plugs · Sand bailing · Running and pulling of Wellhead Nipple Protectors As stated; we can perform a variety of Routine basic Slickline operations with the current inventory in the AGBAMI package. · Bailing of junk in well bore or a downhole flow device · Running and pulling downhole flow devices · Shifting Sliding Side door Sleeves (SSD’s) · Gauging of tubing · Running of a lead impression block (LIB) to obtain a “picture of a obstruction” in the well bore ·Fishing operation Other future operations will include the above along with the following specific procedures. Any number of “contingencies” can be done as well and will be taskspecific to the problems encountered.








Technical B

.G. Technical (BGT) provides quality services and products to the Oil & Gas industry for pipelines, well services and platform protection and maintenance, specializing in the following areas: P i p e l i n e C o m m i s s i o n i n g : Wa t e r f l o o d i n g , Hydrotesting, De-watering, Drying, Nitrogen packing. Pipeline Cleaning: Pipeline Pigging: Pigging Project Design and Execution; Pipeline Commissioning; De-scaling, Desanding & De-waxing. Oil & Products Storage Tank de-sludging: BGT will remove sludge and deposits from oil and product storage tanks in greatly reduced time, using chemicals, robotics and other specialized equipment as necessary. In-line Inspection (Intelligent Pigging) Services: BGT's Inline Inspection Capability includes: MFL thickness, Metal Loss and Corrosion Inspection, Impact/Data Logger Services for dent and deposit indication; Internal Geometry/Caliper Measurement; Chemical Cleaning Services: Chemicals are used to enhance the cleaning of gas and oil lines, and improve the effectivness of mechanical cleaning tools. Pipelines are better prepared for effective inline inspection. BGT also provides chemicals for thorough de-scaling of heat exchangers, chillers, pipes. Other chemicals are used to remove wax/parrafin from wells, pipelines and to open up of plugged flow-lines, pipelines, wells Etc. Pumping Services: Hi-volume/Hi-pressure pumping for pigging support, pipeline commissioning, pipeline abandonment, drying. Well treatment. Flow-line and pipe flushing. Manifold and Valve Protection Services: Services include; Valve Interlock System Design & Installation. Anti-tamper and Anti-vandal protection, Remote monitoring and protection. BGT's SASCADA* system provides surveillance, security and control data gathering from remote locations using wireless technology.

B.G. Technical Limited (AN ISO 9001:2000 CERTIFIED COMPANY) Plot 141/149 Trans Amadi Industrial Layout, Port Harcourt, Nigeria Phone: +234 (0) 84 463592 FAX: +234 (0) 84 238647 Email:



Technical C

an you describe the state of B. G. Technical installed capacity before the full implementation of the Nigerian Content Policy from year 2005?

B.G. Technical Limited was 100%owned by Nigerians before the full implementation of the Nigerian Content policy in 2005. How has the implementation of the policy boosted installed capacity and how will the enactment of the Nigerian Content law support your operations? The policy has brought an added awareness of the inherent potentials which abound in B.G. Technical Limited in terms of getting more markets in the services that we render. Financing is a major concern in the industry. How has B.G. Technical Limited been able to surmount this challenge?

projects. What is B. G. Technical Limited doing in the face of dwindling projects from within the industry? B. G. Technical Limited is striving very hard to maintain our existing customers as well as diversifying its capabilities in order to be able to be relevant in various aspects of services we render to our customers. Have you been forced to lay off workers? Not yet. Have you resorted to surviving on bailouts from foreign partners? No Are you satisfied with the current configuration of the NCDMB and its operations or are there areas where you perceive they can do better? Implementation is still in its infancy. We need more time to

B. G. Technical Limited normally relies on self-financing. In other words, revenues earned are ploughed back into current projects and areas of interest. There are concerns that most indigenous operators may not have the requisite installed capacity to make the Nigerian Content law operable. Do you agree with this and what is the current installed engineering and manpower capacity of B. G. Technical Limited? It is a valid concern. However, in B. G. Technical Limited those Concerns are non-existent in that B. G. Technical Limited has demonstrated over time that it has the resources, equipment and personnel, to deliver projects that have safety, quality and value as their core points. Also of major concern is manpower training. How is B. G. Technical Limited dealing with this concern? Are there arrangements in place with foreign entities to facilitate training and possible technology transfer? Yes there are arrangements with both foreign and local entities for training to enhance knowledge and where necessary transfer technology. Inextricably linked to the success of the Nigerian Content law is the steady flow of jobs in the industry. However, following the delay in the passage of the Petroleum Industry Bill, there appears to be a dearth of investment in

102 ascertain how good it is and what could possibly be improved upon. The security concerns in the delta are slowly creeping up again. How do you think this will affect implementation of the Nigerian Content law and how do you propose we tackle it? It obviously will affect the implementation of the Nigerian Content law in the sense that projects that would have been created as a result of investments in these areas may be stopped or postponed. How will these Nigerian companies work and earn the revenue that they require to grow and develop their capabilities? In other words, security is probably the most important issue with regards to Nigerian Content.



Profile Leak Repair Specialists is a Vhelbherg Company. We are a 100% indigenous service company in Nigeria. We started operation in 2002. Leak Repair Specialists offers leak repair services and wall loss repair services in Nigeria. Our mission is to be the leading provider of best –in-class leak repair solutions. Our Vision is to be recognised as the company that improves the integrity of the asset of our clients in a cost effective way through the integration of process, trained people, good products and technology. Our Services —Pipeline / Flow line Leak Repairs —Flange Leak Repairs —Valves Leak Repairs —Tees Leak Repairs —External Corrosion Repairs, Clamp protection, Dielectric protection. —Elbows Leak Repairs —Wall Loss Repairs —Well loss Reinforcements —Pipeline Network Interference detection system —Pipeline Network Leak detection system —Well Services Consultancy —Marginal Fields development Consultancy CONTACT INFORMATION Leak Repair Specialists PLOT 116 Bank-Anthony Avenue, Off Ordinance Road, P.M.B 168 Trans-Amadi, Industrial Layout, Port-Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria Tel: +234-0803-339-1354, Email: Web:

Leak Repair Specialists Office

Management Profile Mazi Bank-Anthony Okoroafor Vice Chairman (Petan)

Mazi Bank-Anthony Okoroafor is the managing director of Leak Repair Specialists (a Vhelbherg company). Prior to setting up LRS, Bank-Anthony worked for Schlumberger International (oil & Gas Service Company) for fifteen years in various countries (London, France, Tunisia, Algeria, Kazakhstan and Nigeria), holding operational, technical and management positions. He is a seasoned engineer, administrator, and entrepreneur with over 25 years of experience in the following areas. Production and well Services Asset Integrity Pipeline Engineering and Maintenance Project management Coiled Tubing, Cementing, Gravel Packing and Stimulation services Teaching Bank-Anthony strongly believes in the development of indigenous capacity in the Nigerian Oil and Gas industry and Africa in general. Bank-Anthony Okoroafor holds a B.Engr (UNN) and MBA degrees (Surrey). Is a member of SPE, NACE, PLAN, PETAN, and PHCCIMA. He is the founder and MD of several companies. Bank-Anthony Okoroafor attended the prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsukka, where he graduated in flying colors in Mechanical Engineering in 1986. Following graduation, he started his career as management trainee (engineering) with Michelin factory. A year after commencing with Michelin, Bank-Anthony joined Dowell Schlumberger as a field engineer, where he worked as an international staff in the oil and gas sector in different parts of the world; Europe (Paris, France, London), North Africa (Algeria, Tunisia), West Africa (Nigeria), Asia (Kazakhstan, Russia). While in Schlumberger, his experience spanned the positions of a field engineer, Field Services Manager, Technical Accounts Manager, Training Instructor. BankAnthony Okoroafor is a member of the following Pipe leakage repairs



international professional bodies: Petroleum Technology Association of Nigeria (PETAN) Professional Pipeline association of Nigeria (PLAN) Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Port-Harcourt Chamber of commerce and industry (PHCCIMA) Bank-Anthony Okoroafor has received several awards in the course of practice of oil and gas services all over the world. Bank-Anthony Okoroafor is the present Vice Chairman of PETAN.

A major Pipe leakage being repaired

Mazi Bank-Anthony Okoroafor —Managing Director, Leak Repair Specialists

Pipe leakage repairs

S.C.C. Mill


SCC Nigeria limited Manufacturers of steel pipes In correspondence with Nigeria’s quest for development, SCC Nigeria Limited, an international engineering company, which has been executing projects in Nigeria since 1976, has established a unique pioneering factory to manufacture high helical welded steel pipes. The establishment of the factory was initiated by the combined vision of the Federal Government of Nigeria and SCC Nigeria Limited in realization of the policy to increase local content of manufactured products for projects executed in Nigeria, thereby helping the Government meet its overall objective for development. The factory is capable of manufacturing steel pipes ranging m diameter from 508mm to 3000mm and wall thickness from 4.5 to 20mm, in accordance with customers’ requirements Protective coatings and linings are part of the services provided by SCC Nigeria Ltd A program of quality assurance, registered with the American Petroleum Institute (Q1 program), and the International Standards Organization (ISO 9001 2000). is entrenched in SCC process and management systems. The pipe making mill has been equipped with top of the range ultrasonic testing equipment to meet the most stringent requirements of International Oil and Gas Companies

Helical Welded pipe The factory uses the double submerged arc welding process to manufacture helical welded steel pipes The process necessitates helically forming a hotrolled steel strip and welding it internally and externally to create a seam that is much stronger than the parent metal. Edge Milling and helical FormingHot rolled skelp is fed through an edge milling unit where after the edges are pre-formed by an edge rolling process. The skelp is then helically formed between 3 orbital movement roller beds that ensure softer forming of the steel plate.out is controlled by electric laser beams for guaranteed aligned welding even penetration. The hellical mill which was installed in 2002 includes the latest welding and ultrasonic technology for the manufacture of helical welded pipes in accordance with the highest specifications required by leading Oil and Gas companies

Internal and External welding The skelp is internally and externally welded by using two sets of welding heads. The welds seam tracking is by electronic laser been technology and ensures real time consistent weld bead positioning and on seem welding. For other special requirements the weld seam normalize system heats a 30mm wide submerged arc heat affected zone to approximately 1500 degrees Ferenheight. The steel is then completely recrystallised and any martensite formed formed in the welding operation is converted austenite. The hardness of the heat affected zone normally does not exceed the parent metal by more than 30 Brinell hardness after processing.

FINISHING AND FINAL INSPECTION The pipe passes through auxiliary machines for pipe end beveling, hydrostatic pressure test, offline UT equipment meet all requirements of the most stringent specification for oil and gas service pipes. Pipe ends and body are scanned for laminations and 100 percent of the weld is scanned.

ensure the overall fitness of the pipe.

Corrosion, Protection Application Facilities Carbon steel piping invariably exposed to different types of corrosive environment. Our pipes are protected against corrosion using the most advanced technologies available ranging from traditional bitumen glass reinforcement wrapping to Bituseal which is a high performance corrosion protection system.

BITUSEAL Bituseal is a specially formulated primer, enamel and outerwrap which in combination give the best possible performance over a Range of operational conditions. The Bituseal enamel is based on specially selected bitumen , modified with high performance engineering polymers. Preparation of pipes including removal of all surface moiture and the surface profile between 30 and 100 microns is achieved by blasting via wheelabrater. A lathe type machine is used to rotate the pipe.

LIQUID EPOXY LINING After a thorough process of surface preparation is conducted, liquid epoxies both solvent born and solvent free, are applied to the pipe inner surface through a lance and spray nozzle. For solvent free epoxies the 2 components are heated to 60 degree s Celsius using heated water jackets along the lance to the mincing nozzle.

Inspection The pipe passes through auxiliary machines which bevel the pipe ends, hydrostatically tests and x-ray to

Bitumen fiberglass wrapping is used on pipeline, which are to be buried and provides and inexpensive

, effective, protective coating. FIBRE GLASS REINFORCED BITUMEN WRAPPING Bitumen is applied in flood coats and allows for the impregnation of fiber tissue during the wrapping process. Fibre reinforcement is either fibreglass or polyester.

TESTING LABORATORY The in-house testing laboratory is equipped witha a chemical analysis machine hardness tester, charpy impact tester, micro and macro equipment, tensile and bend specimen machine.

S.C.C. Mill PIPE TRACEABILITY Pipe information is electronically stored on a computer network called the pipe management system. The pipe data is recorded and stored throughout the manufacturing process. SCC pipe meets the requirements for water, oil and gas protects, and are manufactured in Nigeria to meet stringent international standard. Already successfully used in protects in the federal Capital of Abuja, our strategic location in the heart of Nigeria, make distributing to all parts of the country n easy task. Manufacturing our pipes to this high standard for the use of water, oil and gas industries make Nigeria independent of the need for importation and make our Nation proud.

SCC Nigeria Abuja

Abuja: Plot 741 Cadestral Zone 84, off Obafemi Awolowo way, Po Box 4486, Garki nAbuja Tel: 09-6651102, 08039043000 Fax: 09-6551111, 6551040 Lagos: 7 Olosa street, plot 1656 Victoria Island P.o Box 51888, Falomo Ikoyi, Lagos. Tel: 01-26221534, 2622230, 261927, 2610100


Energy Factors Marine Jevkon Oil & Gas

Freight Services O

wing to the volume of crude oil and petroleum products involved in day to day commercial transactions, ocean going vessels are usually the best means of transportation. Companies listed under this category are those engages in provision of freight services as well as bunkering.

Brawal Shipping Botro Marine




BACKGROUND Energy Factor Marine & Oil Services Ltd was incorporated on 23rd May, 2001 to provide general transportation and logistics services. The company’s area of specialization is in marine transportation of petroleum products and offshore oil support services. In addition, the company also renders the services of road haulage transportation and shipping agency bunker delivery services at offshore locations. The company’s Head Office is located at 10 Aerodrome Road, Apapa, Lagos. BUSINESS Energy Factor is presently registered with the department of Petroleum Resources (DDPR) and National Petroleum Investment management services (NAPIMS). We currently possess the department’s permit to engage in the business of oil support services with specialization in the area of Special Marine Transportation and Equipment supply.Such services include Logistic support to the upstream oil sub-sector, Shipping agency, Husbandry, Protective Agency and supplies of bunker and potable water to all kind of vessels.In line with the Federal Government Policy of 60:40 contracting sharing ratio between foreign and indigenous companies and also the newly enacted Coastal and Inland Shipping (Cabotage) Act, 2003; ENERGY FACTOR, with the vast experience of her directors in the offshore oil services has all the prerequisite to become one of the leading companies in the business of provision of offshore logistic/transportation via marine specialized boats viz:-Anchor Handling Tug Supply Boats-Crew BoatsDive Support Boats-Line Handling Tugs-Survey Boats-Barges (Dumb and Self Propelled)Energy Factors is also developing its ability to acquire tanker vessels for lifting of petroleum products for both major and independent oil marketing companies as well as Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). Equally, Energy Factor is also developing its bunkering capacity in order to develop bigger tonnages via acquisition of storage facilities and bunkering vessel to cater for the need of our customers. SHIP MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE Currently, Energy factor marine and oil service limited was the manager of 5000 metric tons – MT Vitta Theresa, 2880 metric tons MT Falco and is currently the manager and operator tanker vessel – MT SEA PEARL. The vessel is currently leased on Bare Boat/Hire Purchase from AL-Dawood shipping Lines for trading and movement of petroleum products within Nigeria Coastal waters.The company is capable of delivering Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) and Low Pour Fuel Oil (LPFO) to any island, creek and offshore locations using barges/tug boats and tankers vessels. Energy Factors (directly and through it’s associated company – BRILA ENERGY LIMITED) has since inception has supplied more than 100,000 metric tons of AGO on behalf of our clients. CLIENTELE 1. SPA DREDGNING COMPANY LIMITED, NIGERIA 2. R&J LIMITED, NIGERIA 3. STATEGIC SHIPPING AND CHATERING B.V. NETHERLANDS 4. PREMIER ENERGY INC. SPA, CYRUS 5. LANGFIELD INC.SPA, SPAIN 6. ZOULON SHIPPING SPA, SPAINBOARD OF DIRECTORS ALHAJI AHMED MOHAMMED, TURAKI NUPE: ChairmanAlhaji Ahmed Mohammed, Turaki Nupe is the chairman of the Board of Directors. He is seasoned administrator, an astute business tycoon with over 3 decades of experience in the private s e c t o r. A l h a j i A h m e d M o h a m m e d i s t h e Chairman/CEO of Naks Nigeria Limited, Chairman of Vission Airlines Ltd, Bill Construction Limited, Petroleum Perpectives Limited, Nationwide Television Limited and a Director of Vanguard Newspapers Limited, amongst other companies. Mr. ROWAYE O.JUBRIL HND, MBA, ACIS, AMNIM, ACILT: Managing Director Mr. Rowaye Jubril is a graduate of Accountancy. He worked briefly with Lister Insurance Limited before he joined Faget Nigeria Limited in 1990.Faget Nigeria Limited is a foremost shipping company located in Apapa, Lagos and owners of 2 tankers vessels and 1 multipurpose seagoing tugboat and manger /agents to foreign owners with a fleet of 25 tanker vessels. Faget also

Energy Factor Marine and Oil Services Limited has a number of offshore contracts for service vessels with many oil producing companies in Nigeria including Mobil Producing, Texaco Overseas, Chevron, Agip Energy, Statoil Nigeria Limited and Addax Petroleum.He has held various positions including Assistant Manager in the planning and research Department, which oversees development of new business lines for the company as well as bibs packaging for offshore services vessels. He also held the position of Deputy Manager-Operations with responsibilities for the day-to-day operations of the vessels and port relations. Mr. Rowaye Jubril also has proficiency in the business of petroleum marketing/bunkering having overseen the arm of Faget that deals with bunkering operations. Mr Rowaye is a holder of Master Degree (Financial Management), an Associate Member of Nigerian Institute of Management, Associate Member Certified Institute of shipping chartered Institute of Logistics and transport in Nigeria. He is the current secretary of the Association of Indigenous Offshore Marine Operators (AIOMO) that is in the vanguard of actualizing the effective participation of truly indigenous companies in the oil service sector. CAPTAIN HANS SCHMID (SWISS): TECHNICAL DIRECTOR Captain Hans Schmid served from 1972 until 1982 various positions in the german Merchant Navy, mainly on dry cargo vessels. His last position




was Chief Mate on M/V ‘Wesertal’, a 6,500 GRT RORO vessels of the ship owner J.A. Reinecke, Hamburg, Germany.From 1982 until 1990 he served as a Port Manager for the Bong Mining Company (BMC) in Moronvia, Liberia. BMC was one of the two Iron ore mining companies and exported roughly 10 Million tons of Iron ore concentrate and pellets per year to its shareholders in Europe. The BMC port handled about 120 Panamax size Bulk and OBO carriers per year for export and about 40 vessels to import fuel and supplies for the mine. The mine goals to achieve were to reduce the berthing time of each vessel to an absolute minimum and the maintenance of the port itself. In this work, 10 expatriates from Europe and 200 local staff members assisted Captain Schmid. The assignment ended with the beginning of the Civil War in Liberia.From 1990 until 2000 Captain Hans Schmid worked as a Supercargo, and Owners representative for the seismic Ship Owner SMNG in Murmansk/Russia. For SMNG, he organized and executed class and upgrade repair on various shipyards worldwide, for its 8 vessels. He organized supplies of technical equipment, spare parts, food, bunkers etc wherever the vessels worked including crew changes every 2 month. In order to reduce to lay time in ports to a minimum, on which the vessels were ‘offshore’ it was essential to meet all the time of berthing in the various ports.Hans Schmig joined Energy Factor in December 2001. Mr. Oludayo Orojo: Director Mr Dayo Orojo is a legal Consultant, chartered administrator and arbitrator. Mr Orojo is the chairman of JPA Constructors Limited (Environmental Engineering and construction services) as well as the Vice Chairman/CEO of Michael Joseph and Associates Limited (Oil services). He is also a Director of Fusion

Energy Limited (Oil and Gas production). Alhaji Mohammed, DirectorAlhaji Isa Mohammed is a seasoned administrator who has garnered tremendous administrative skills from both public and private sector.He is an astute businessman with wide experience in investment banking. MANAGEMENT Mr. Rowaye O. Jubril HND, MBA, ACIS, AMNIM,

ACILT: Managing Director Captain Hans Schmid (Swiss): Technical Director CONTACT ENERGY FACTOR MARINE AND OIL SERVICES LIMITED10, Aerodrome Road, P.O. Box 2002, A p a p a - L a g o s Te l + 2 3 4 7 0 9 8 1 4 2 0 4 0 I n f o : energy_factor2000@yahoo.comWebsite is under construction.

Jevkon OIL & GAS


EVKON Oil & Gas is a leading provider of maritime transport services in Nigeria. We operate a fleet of 3 product /tanker barges with a total deadweight of 21,779 DWT, staffed by professional mariners with broad base experience in all facets of tanker business and we take environmental and operational safety seriously, embracing the oil and Marine industry’s goal of eliminating environmental pollution from tankers and it’s operation. We are recognized for our proactive efforts to make marine transportation safer, through operation of well designed & built tankers, manned by well seasoned team ashore and at sea, outstanding safety services & reliability, International Safety management (ISM) certification and quality implementation & management of marine transport operations. Our proactive approach to vessel maintenance policy, ensure that JEVKON ships achieve optimum performance and timely dry dockings. We are currently developing a comprehensive vessel maintenance management system to monitor preventive maintenance and improve operational performance which endears us to valuable clients such as Conoil Plc., Oando Plc., Sadiq Petroleum, Zenon, Mobil, PPI, Ascorn, Wabeco and Pokat Ltd. Our chartering expertise ensures profitable contracting of oil transportation on tanker tonnage owned and managed by JEVKON with negotiations continuing round the clock online and through our chartering / technical partner’s offices in Houston and Rotterdam to ensure that customers receive prompt, responsive services. JEVKON Oil & Gas has been licensed by the Department of Petroleum Resources and the PPMC to lift, transship and market Refined Petroleum products from the Nigerian Refineries with a coastal lifting License agreement. Letters of credits obtained through a consortium of top class Nigerian Banks including Sterling Bank, Zenith Bank, First Bank and HSBC Private Bank Plc, London in favour of PPMC for our lifting of refined products for deliveries as cargoes to West African coastal ports, Offshore operations and the international bunker market. JEVKON offers midstream services ship to ship transfers (STS) of oil cargo to ensure quick distribution. JEVKON vessels are equipped with heavy duty YOKOHAMA fenders, high tensile strength mooring ropes, bunkering hoses, 5 ton hydraulic cranes to facilitate hose handlings and safe STS transfers. Our lightening vessels transport cargo into ports that are not deep enough or where entrances are not wide enough to accommodate mother handymax vessels at Ibafon, Warri, Atlas Cove and Apapa.

Management Jevkon Oil & Gas is operated and managed by a team of marine and petroleum professionals with capabilities and experience in all facets of marine and petroleum Industry. The experienced team oversees, manages and advices on variety of customers’ needs, including dry dockings, conversions, various types of modifications, vessels life extension, etc.

Team 1. DR. OKON E. ONYUNG — Chairman/CEO 2. KENNETH ONWUALU —Operations Officer 3. CHARLES ONYENEKE —Legal Officer 4. ANIEKAN INIAMA —Computer / E --Trade Analyst 5. EUNICE EGWU —Admin Officer Policy

(a)Health Care: Jevkon shall provide a staff clinic manned by a registered nurse to handle emergency cases as well as retaining qualified physicians with well equipped





modern medical Facilities.

(b) Safety: As stated earlier safety will be given top priority attention in all our operations to avoid unnecessary accidents and man-hour losses in line with International safety Management standards. Workers would also be provided with adequate safety gears for personal protection. Double - buttom, double sides of tankers, State of the art Fire Fighting equipment, Pollution prevention strategies, and excellent crew training with First Aid / Health Certificates are among other measures that will be instituted as a minimum standard as a matter of policy.

(c) Recruitment and Training Policy Our recruitment policy is focused towards Complete Nigerianization of the work force with special consideration for recruiting qualified personnel from the community where we will operate. We shall train our staff the on job and at oil and gas and Maritime related institutions in the country or abroad. We would sponsor our personnel to attend seminars and conferences at home and abroad to keep them abreast on changes in the industry.

(d) Drug and Alcohol Policy Abuse of Drug and Alcohol and it’s effect are one of the most significant social problems of today and increasing effort is being made everywhere to reduce the problem. Working on board - no matter what position is a task of great responsibility. As managing owners we have an obligation to ensure that our ships and equipment must be operated by crewmen unimpaired by Drug and Alcohol. To ensure the above objective, delivery of legitimate drugs is recorded and controlled so that all crewmembers are able to respond at any time to any emergency situation. Jevkon oil has decided to prohibit any consumption whatsoever of alcohol on board the vessel. This prohibition applies to the vessel crew as well as for other persons who will happen to be on board the vessel. All offenders of this prohibition of consumption of alcohol on board the company’s vessel will be expelled from the vessel and for the crew members, immediate dismissal!

(e) Data Collection Policy JEVKON Oil & Gas reserves the right to use data collected on this website for analytical purposes and otherwise. Data collected is used without bias to the individual involved. The Company will ensure that the privacy of the respondent is not compromised.

(f) Quality Control Policy. Quality control will always centre on Customers’ Satisfaction, Development and efficiency. Inter ilea, this implies: Planning and Error prevention —All employees are familiar with their individual job quality requirements —Report all deviations in quality no matter the cause —Set Quality Objectives and Controls to ensure that environmental projection goals are reached. —Controls are carried out to ensure projected Quality Objective are reached Exploration & Production The Chad Basin offers an outstanding opportunity to explore for large oil and gas reserves in a proven hydrocarbon in Termit and Sedigi fields. With more Substantial 2D / 3D seismic coverage, several prospects would be identified for potential exploration drilling in OPL 723. Data availability is an issue, OPL 723 is still a wide cat area.

However, 3D seismic data is required to further refine the identifiable prospects. OPL 723 (2,571 Sq. Km) is located in the frontier Borno (chad basin) within the Termit basin, approximately 50-60 km from the fields of the basin, in the zone forming part of the tertiary and cretaceous rift system, which is controlled by the West African Rift subsystem. The stratigraphy of the Nigerian portion is correlatable with that of the Termit Basin in Chad and Niger republics where oil discoveries have been made to date. In terms of source and reservoir rocks - are crustaceous to tertiary based on Lagone Birni basin (Analogue) The sedimentary apron of the Chad Basin is thick, ranging from 3-10 Km. Total speculative oil reserves the doba, Bolobo, miandum, sedigi oil fields is 900Mn bbl based on geological, geophysical mapping and reservoir parameters derived technical studies of nearby oil pools Contact

Contact us at the following addresses; #15 Udi Street, Ikoyi, Lagos, Nigeria. Phone: (234)(1)270-8142 Fax: (234)(1)270-8141 You can also visit us on the internet at For more

Brawal Shipping


About us Brawal Shipping (Nigeria) Limited was incorporated on 9th December 1981 as a limited liability company. It is an offshoot of Aeromaritime (Nigeria) Limited which was incorporated in Nigeria in 1974 essentially to assist the government in decongesting the port during the cement armada. Aeromaritime is a specialized stevedoring company and as a result of the success made, the company, Brawal Shipping (Nigeria) Limited came into being. Brawal Shipping (Nigeria) Limited is a ship Agency outfit which renders ship husbandry services to vessels owned by our Group of companies as well as other principals. The company, Brawal Shipping (Nigeria) Limited, has offices in Lagos, Warri and Port Harcourt (Onne) and operates Terminals in those parts.In other to ensure complete participation in all facets of the maritime industry, Brawal Lines limited was incorporated in 1989 and was subsequently granted National carrier status by the National Maritime Authority in the same year after satisfying the criteria for recognition. Brawal Lines Limited, were owners of ocean going vessel – M/V Ndoni River and above all, the company is the biggest single shareholder in the Baco Liners which provide one of the most efficient liner services between Europe and West Africa with particular interest in the Nigerian Traffic. Brawal Lines also charter vessels to complement her own tonnage whenever there is demand in the freight Market. Our Organisation: Our organisation is a unique Shipping Company in the sense that apart from rendering the usual shipping services, Brawal Shipping (Nigeria) Limited provides Agency services for Baco Liner Vessels and other principals. The company also operates Lighter terminals in Lagos, Port Harcourt (Onne) and Warri. In addition, it operates oil base terminals in the major ports of Nigeria thereby contributing significantly to the development of the oil industry in Nigeria. We have representative offices and Agents in all major ports of the world to cater for thespecial needs of our customers. Brawal Shipping (Nigeria) Limited provides lighterage service in all Nigerian Ports and has a large fleet of barges and tugboats available for hire to the public.

Management Brawal Shipping(Nigeria) Limited has evolved a new management team of experts that have distinguished themselves in the industry to ensure better service to exporters and importers alike. The company is blessed with management experts in the Shipping Industry under the leadership of Chief (Dr) Victor I. Odili, OON.

Chairman/Chief Executive Chief (Dr.) Victor I. Odili, OON, was educated at Corydon Technical College, London and the London School of Economics where he obtained his first degree. He joined Lonhro limited in London and later deployed to Beirut, Lebanon, where he served for many years. He thereafter ventured into private business and later became the Chairman of Aeromaritime Group of Companies in 1975. He is a Director of many successful Companies including Baco Line of Germany and MTN Nigeria Limited.

Group Managing Director Mr. Ben Okonkwo-Atiah obtained B.Sc (Econs) Hons. Degree of the University of Ibadan in 1978. He is a Chartered Manager and Member of the Nigeria Institute of Management (MNIM) and the Nigerian Marketing Association(MNMA). He is also a fellow of the Direct Marketing Association of Nigeria (FDMN). Mr. Okonkwo-Atiah started his career as an Assistant Economist at the Central Bank of Nigeria. He worked briefly with Unipetrol Nigeria Plc. And later joined West African Glass Industry Plc. In 1988 as Marketing Manager. In 1992, he was appointed General Manager/CEO of the same company.He was also General Manager/CEO of UTC Leasing Limited, a subsidiary of UTC Nigeria plc. Before his present employment, Mr. Okonkwo-Atiah was Managing Director/CEO of Union Leasing Limited, a marine logistics and leasing company. Mr. okonkwo-

Atiah has served as instructor/Lead Facilitator for the Equipment Leasing Association of Nigeria (ELAN) on “Leasing and Contract Hire in the oil and Gas Industry in Nigeria”, since 2004. He is married with children.

Director of Commercial Services Mr. Charles Etugbo is a graduate of the University of Lagos with a degree in Business Administration. He is also a fellow of the Nigerian Institute of Shipping. He is an all round Shipping Professional having served as Boarding officer, Traffic Manager, Container Control Manager, Agency Manager and Head of Commercial services in companies like Elder Dempster Agencies, Pan Atlantic Shipping and Transport Nigeria Limited, Supermaritime (Nig) Ltd. And Groundview Development company (Terminal Operator) a member of Dangote Group.His experience in shipping and freight is an asset in our understanding of the need of the consumer and formulation of policies that guarantee the customer satisfaction.

Group Head of Administration, Personnel and Legal Davidson Maduabuchi Azuamairo is a learned gentleman duly called to the bar as Solicitor and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria. He attended the University of Lagos, Akoka and graduated with Bachelor of Laws LL.B(Hons); Nigerian Law School, Enugu Campus and graduated with Barrister at Law, BL degree; Enugu State University of Science and Technology, graduated with Master of Business Administration, MBA banking and Finance. Mr. Azuamairo is a member of the Nigerian Bar Association, a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administration, United Kingdom a student member of Chartered Institute of Bankers Nigeria. Before joining Brawal Shipping

Brawal Shipping


Our services The Business of the Company· The business of the company comprises the following:· —Lighterage and Stevedoring· —Clearing and Forwarding· —Shipping Agency· —Ship Chartering· Haulage· —Oil Base Services· —Land and Marine Services Liner Agency Brawal Shipping Nigeria Limited is today the Liner agents offering ship husbandry services to Baco Liner, a Germany based Liner company. ANL with which Brawal Shipping Nigeria Limited is a subsidiary of, also holds substantial single share with Baco Liner. The line is reputed for its carriage of goods between Europe and West African Ports and one of the highest movers of Cocoa export from Nigeria.Ship Agency(Port Agency)Brawal Shipping Nigeria Limited renders ship husbandry services to principals’ vessels whose interest are not represented in Nigeria. This involves the physical representation of the ship owner for the owner’s account, assisting the ship to have the best possible dispatch. This is done by defending the commercial interest of the ship when in port, ensuring a quick and efficient port call and turn around. Ship BROKERAGE / CHARTER Brawal Shipping Nigeria Limited has an outstanding reputation in the Ship brokerage / charter market. We perform activities relating to the brokering of shipping agreement between ship owners, charterers and shippers, or consignees as the case may be.In Brawal, we are equipped with the most modern communication technology that connects us with the outside world, manned by tested professionals.As brokers, we represent one of the parties in charter negotiations and work for the interest of the party. Specifically, our functions include:-Execute commercial shipping transactions —Act as agents for a principal / ship owner or charterer -Gather commercial shipping information through an established global network of contacts —Record, analyse and distribute relevant idea —Advice and recommend on shipping markets —Provide negotiation skills —Advise & provide contractual documents —Advise and oversee closing & delivery Cargo Consolidation Brawal Shipping Nigeria Limited is in the forefront of cargo consolidation. During the great Cement Armada incident of 1974, through the cargo consolidation process, Brawal Nigeria Limited actively participated in the decongestion of the ports. In cargo consolidation, we receive and store cargo on behalf of shippers with a view to consolidating large quantities or ship loads in such a way that the company can profitably arrange for ocean or land ward carriage to various destinations.Brawal Nigeria Limited has over 14, 800sq. Metres of warehouse space spread all over the country thus:-Lagos – 6000 sq. metres of warehouse space-Port Harcourt – 6000sq. Metres of warehouse space-Old Warri port – 8000sq. Metres of warehouse space-New Warri port – 2000sq. Metres of warehouse spaceThe company operates one of the best security networks thereby guaranteeing the security and safety of clients’ goods.Clearing and ForwardingIn Brawal Shipping

Nigeria Limited we specialize among other things in container handling, bulk cargo, wet cargo and air freighted cargo handling.We have successfully handled, cleared and transported heavy duty industrial, very large awkward cargo like Turbines, Masks to various industrial and refinery sites.We are reputed for clearing/delivery of bulk cargo like salt, chemicals, fertilizer, iron rods/steel, ceiling boards, cement, vehicles etc... with no recirds of any loss or damage.The department is manned by seasoned professionals who know their onions and are familiar with the import and export procedures, customs and excise legal requirements, the tariff, documentations and customs clearing process.Our dedicated clearing team are specialists in various aspects of the job and have good rapport/relationship with various government agencies e.g NAFDAC, SON, NDLEA, Customs, NPA etc.We also offer advisory services to our clients(if required) by preparing Form M, computation of import duties etc. We follow up at every stage to ensure safe and speedy delivery that saves both time and money. We also render other services which include:-Ship Management, Offshore Supplies-Marine Insurance Representation, Crewing, Surveys and Inspection, Sales and Purchase Agency, Special Transport related Project, Maritime Consultancy

Facilities Brawal Shipping Bases within Kirikiri Phase I, Apapa The above operational base comprises 6, 000sq

metres of warehouse space and supporting paved stacking areas of 19, 000sq. Metres together with a workshop and repair facilities for our plants, equipment and containers. Port Harcourt (ONNE) EPZ Zone· Federal Ocean Terminal —A parcel of land of about 10 hectares in extent with a waterfront width of 350 metres.· Federal Lighter Terminal —6000sq. Metres warehouse plus ancilliary offices of 192sq. Metres —Paved stacking area of 3.2 hectares including 9, 400sq. Metres of stacking area used as oil service base. —370 metres of waterfront Parcel of land –5 hectares in extent to be used for warehouse development and paved stacking area. —Parcel of land –18 hectares extent for warehousing, residential and stacking area development., Warri· Old Port —100sq. Metres of office space —800sq. Metres of warehouse space —6, 000sq. Metres of paved stacking area —150 metres of waterfront New Warri Port —200sq. Metres of warehouse space —800sq. Metres of paved stacking area —1000sq. Metres of waterfront together with 2, 500sq. Metres of paved stacking area.




BRIEF HISTORY Botro Marine & Oil Services Ltd., was incorporated in 2003 to provide support services in the Oil Sector of the Nigeria Economy with Head Office at 14b Ahmed Onibudo Street, Victoria Island. BOTRO MARINE came into the industry with a focus for the Supply of OCTG to all upstream oil companies. The company registered for business with the majors – Snepco/Spdc, Chevron, Exxonmobil, Addax, TotalfinaElf, Agip etc. Business was slow between 2004 to 2005. In June 2006 Botro Marine signed her first major Contract with SNEPCO to supply over 210,000ft of both 9-5/8” Premium Connection and 13-3/8” BTC. Since 2006, Botro Marine has maintained a constant supply business relationship with SNEPCO, Nigeria Petroleum Development Company (NPDC) a subsidiary of NNPC involved in Oil exploration; Exxonmobil, Elf, etc. We enjoy extremely cordial relationships with BRAWAL Shipping, Robbond Maritime & INTELS at Onne Port for the handling of our pipes landing at the Oil & Gas Free Trade Zone Onne. Presently, Botro Marine is increasing its network of clients to include Korean National Oil Company (KNOC), Petrobras, Sterling Oil amongst others. We are processing bids with: •SNEPCO – Casing * ADDAX – OCTG * PETROBRAS – Casing * KNOC – Casing * CHEVRON – MRO spares * ELF – Casing/Tubing * Exxon Mobil – OCTG * OANDO – Tubular goods * AGIP – Casing * NPDC – Casing / Tubing * STERLING – Casing/Tubing * BG Exploration – Casing/Tubing * Statoil – Casing / Tubing For the immediate future, Botro Marine is the Sole Agent for BK Tubulars Ltd, a threading plant with 50000 tonnes annual capacity that we attracted Raystahl of Switzerland and Nigerian Investors to establish in Onne. The Plant is 100% Completion, sits on a Total of 20,000sqm land beside Prodeco Camp, Federal Lighter Terminal, Onne. It will run with 2 lines initially and subsequently increase its capacity. Commissioning of the Plant shall be 2nd Quarter of 2010. This brings Botro Marine to an enviable position in both Pipe Supply & Threading to the Nigeria Oil & Gas Sector. R. O. ODUNAYO MD/CEO The Management Team is headed by Mr. O. Odunayo with Mr.A. Ayigbe as the Chief Operating Officer. They are supported by well qualified staff from diverse backgrounds but with immense experience in the Oil and Gas Sector. Presently, we have our DPR License for the current year as well as NNPC registration certificate and are registered as Supplier with virtually all Upstream Oil Companies. The board is made up of mainly ex-bankers with combined experience of over 60 years.

A. Salami O. Odunayo P. Ayigbe O. Fagbemi


Chairman Managing Director Executive Director Director

VISION To be the leading & preferred company in our area of core competence.

LINE OF BUSINESS Supply of the following: Oil country tubular Goods (OCTG) i.e Tubing, Casing & Conductor pipes - Line pipes - Drilling pipes Line of business

BOARD OF DIRECTORS MR. TOKUNBO SALAMI - CHAIRMAN MR. OLUWOLE ODUNAYO - MANAGING MR. PAUL AYIGBE - DIRECTOR MR. YINKA FAGBEMI - DIRECTOR ADETOKUNBO SALAMI Had his higher education in England. He attended the prestigious Southwest London College England with a degree in Management and Banking. Returned to Nigeria in 1981 and took employment immediately with Societe General Bank Nig. Ltd. (SGBN). He worked in all departments of the Bank rising steadily to the position of General Manager. He retired as an Executive Director and was on the Board of SGBN. He attended several courses locally and abroad in the course of his career. He also serves on the Boards of other companies.


MISSION STATEMENT To be dedicated to the satisfaction of our clients through an integrated, highly trained and motivated work Force.

OLUWOLE ODUNAYO Wole began his career with Cooperative Bank Ltd., Later, AfriBank Plc, later joined the Triumph Merchant Bank where he rose to the position of a Manager-Export in 1995. He served as the pioneer Managing Director of Citadel Investment and Ventures Ltd., A subsidiary/trading arm of Triumph Merchant Bank for our years with a resounding success. Citadel under Wole ventured into the exportation of Cocoa and Coffee in the Republic of Cameroon. In 1999 he had a stint with the Lagos State Board of Internal Revenue in the area of Revenue generation and Mobilization under a contract arrangement as a Tax

Consultant on Special Duties and Land matters. He is a qualified member of both the Institute of Bankers and the Institute of Taxation. He holds an MBA degree and has over 14 years experience in Commercial and Merchant Banking. PAUL AYIGBE He graduated from the University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State with a Bachelor Degree in Geology. Started his career with ALMASOL NIG. LTD an Israeli Company in Lagos as well as its base office in far East of Nigeria, as a field Geologist. Later joined JBG, a German firm on world Bank Assisted project zone-D, as a SeniorWater Engineer. He was in 1995 the Project Manager of an indigenous fabrication company, GADESK Engineering Ltd., A MAJOR Sub-contractor for pipe maintenance to HALLIBURTON Nigeria. Later, he floated a consultancy company Fountaingate Ltd that engaged in pipe maintenance training for the oil industry. Member, Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM). Had training on pipe and its related areas in Warri, Aberdeen, Leamington, United Arab Emirate and other parts of the world. Presently the Executive Director, Operations of Botro Marine & Oil Services Ltd. YINKA FAGBEMI In1988 he started his banking career with AFRIBANK PLC.




In a space of five years Yinka rose to the position of Assistant Manager – Development & Agricultural Finance. January 1994, he crossed to Societe Generale Bank (Nig.) Ltd. He worked in virtually every area in the bank – Deputy Manager – Credit & Marketing; Branch Manager, (Lagos Branch) 1994 – 1995; Branch/Relationship Manager, Ikeja Branch) 1996 –1998; Group Head – Multinationals 1998 – 1999; Head– Credit Assessment (Head Office) 1999 – 2000; Head of Division – Risk Management 2000 – 2002; also Head of Division Corporate Banking. He was the Asst. General Manager and Head of Corporate Banking, Societe Generale Banking (Nig.) Ltd. He holds a first degree in Agric Economics, University of Ibadan. MBA, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife. Attended several courses including BPP Training in Strategic Bank Management – Paris. OLUWOLE ODUNAYO - Managing Director PAUL AYIGBE - Executive Director Operations OLAYINKAFAGBEMI - E x e c u t i v e D i r e c t o r Finance HAKEEM ONI - Head Engineering Civil Engineer with 17 years experience in the oil and gas sector (Shell Development Company, Western Division) on various projects; Road, Building, Piling, Dredging/Sand filling, Foundation, Tower erection, RF and BTS works. QA/QC an oil and gas tools, Fabrication of Tanks, Construction of Bund wall & Sleepers among others. A certified QA/QC inspector be the Nigeria Society of Engineers; Associate Member Nigerian Institute of Building & Nigerian Institute of Safety Practitioners, Health Safety and Environment level 3 Competent Personnel. JOY IGBOKWE - Business Development Graduate of Linguistics from University of Jos, with 8 years experience from working at Elf Petroleum Nig. Ltd. (Total Fina/Elf), Protrades Nig. Ltd., Elf Oil Nig. Ltd., And Datex Nig. Ltd. She is a member of the Nigerian Institute of Management (MNIM). OLAOLUABIODUN (ACA) - Finance/Account A graduate of Olabisi Onabanjo University with Second class Upper Division in Accounting. A member of the Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria. He has worked in both Private and Public Sectors inWestern Nigeria.

MANAGEMENT EMEMANDU CHIOMA - Human Resource Graduate of Lagos State University with a degree in Business Administration. 8 years experience on the job. Ex-Manager (Fedex Agency) Award House Ltd., Lagos. Attend several courses/training including Mind Activation (Robbin Beggs Consulting), On-Line Bidding– Shell/NPDC, HSE training, Lagos, WIMBIZ – Women in Management & Business, Nigerian Content Consultative Forum (NCCF) among others.


OBAJE LADI - Secretary/ Computer Operator Holds a National Diploma in Computer from Lagos State University, Lagos. 5 years experience on the job. Hold a Certificate in Secretarial Studies at Limol Commercial Institute, Lagos, On-line bidding training, Shell, Lagos.

FOREIGN ASSOCIATES Botro Marine Directors/raystahl Director &tpco Staffs Visit to Onne Plant (3/12/08).

AKINOLA AKINYELE - Site Supervisor Holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Ado-Ekiti (UNAD) Six years experience in Construction, Installation and Maintenance Operations among others. KUNLE ODUNAYO - Material Officer Graduated from The Polytechnic Ibadan with HND Geology and a PGD in Applied Geology from Federal University of Technology, Akure. Six years experience in Engineering material handling. Member Nigerian Minning and Geosciences Society and Associate Member American Association of Petroleum Geologist. BIMPE IDOWU - Administration Graduate of University of Lagos with Advance Diploma in Computer Management. Holds PGD in Management Science from Ladoke Akintola University of Technology Ogbomoso. Eight years working experience as a Receptionist, Secretary and Admin.

-Executive Director, Operations

Key Achievement In furtherance to the Nigerian Government’s Local Content Development Initiative, Botro was able to facilitate the establishment of BK Tubulars, the biggest pipe threading plant in Nigeria by convincing Raystahl AG to set up the plant at Federal Lighter Terminal (FLT), Onne Rivers State. CONTACT Botro Marine & Oil Services Ltd. 14b Ahmed Onibudo Street, Victoria Island,Lagos. Tel: 01 - 2705415 Fax: 01 - 2705416 Cell: 08033084119 Official Email: Personal Email:

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