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Handmade: Sketch Tote
Inspiring DIY Projects from Lova
Sketch Tote
Create your own custom tote bag to show your ecological style

Text by Lova Blåvarg + Photography by Susanna Blåvarg
TOTES ARE the perfect bags, and they are so simple to make! I always have one close at hand for when I have unexpected things to carry. I wanted to personalize mine with a sketch and made an extra one for a friend too.
2 pieces of linen, 14 inches x 20 inches
2 pieces of cotton, for the lining, 14 inches x 20 inches
2 thick canvas ribbons, 1 inch wide x 26 inches long
transfer paper
textile paintsmall paint
sewing machine
needle and thread

1. Start by sketching on paper until you have a sketch you're happy with. Mine took some trial and error, so make a few and pick your favorite.
Or, if you want to use my designs, they are available as print outs on sweetpaulmag.com.
2. Cut the textiles to the measurements noted to the left.
3. Transfer the design to the linen fabric. Paint your motif with textile paint, and let dry. Iron to set, if your paint brand says to do so.
4. Sew the linen pieces together on three sides to make a simple bag. Do the same with the cotton pieces.
5. Turn the bags inside out. Insert the cotton bag into the linen bag. Bend the ribbons into handles and put in between the linen and cotton layers. Leave an inch and a half of overlap on the outside. Sew almost all around, but leave space in between one handle open.
6. Turn inside out.
7. Close the opening by sewing by hand.
8. Sew a seam one inch from the top, all around the bag, if you wish.