11 minute read
ST MARTIN’S CHURCH At Stokesley Parish Church Easter kids crafts, ‘Coffee and Cake’ Saturday
The next edition will cover June/July and articles should reach me by 25th May. I am struggling to produce a meaningful Grapevine due to lack of interesting articles. I have previously said that this is a reason for me to stop doing Grapevine Editing (I would continue to print and distribute it). So again I ask is there anyone who would like to take on the role of Editor? If not then Grapevine may cease to be published. With the website and Facebook’s Seamer Chit Chat now available maybe Grapevine has passed its life span. Your thoughts would be appreciated.
Dave Campy
ST MARTIN’S CHURCH At Stokesley Parish Church
Easter kids crafts, ‘Coffee and Cake’ Saturday 2nd
April, 9.30-11.30am Palm Sunday 10th April, 9.30am, Holy Communion Easter Reflections Tuesday 12th April, 7.30pm Maundy Thursday Service 14th April, 7.30pmHoly Communion with the Watch and Compline. The Hour at the Cross, a time of prayer and reflection Good Friday 15th April, 2pm Easter Vigil Saturday 16th April, 7.30pm. The Vigil and the Service of Light with Holy Communion Easter Sunday Services, Sunday 17th April, 9.30am Holy Communion
and at Seamer Church Holy Communion at 11.30am
For more information, visit www.stokesleyparishchurch.org.uk or their Facebook page @stokesleyparishchurch
St Martin’s Church Coffee Morning Stokesley Town Hall Friday 29th April 9.00 — 11.45 Gluten/dairy free options available
All the books in the Hall have been cleared out and we need some new ones. If anyone has any books they have read and no longer want, would they like to donate them to the village hall. They can be left at the hall when it is open for activities (see Hall Timetable).
Pop in is held in the village hall on Mondays during school term times from 10am – noon. Come along and meet up with friends and neighbours for tea/coffee and home made scones. The Now & Then magazines are available to collect from the village hall when it is open.
The "Play and Stay" has started on a Thursday morning in the village hall at 10am until 11.30 (term time only) £2 per child.
Allison (email: aroutledge7@sky.com) SEAMER QUEEN’S JUBILLEE CELEBRATIONS
This is the first weekend in June. Ideas already proposed: Coffee morning Afternoon tea BBQ Band Children's games...bouncy castle, pony rides, races, etc Would you like to celebrate ? What would you like to do ? We would like ideas / helpers to make this a really good celebration. Come along to the Village Hall on Tuesday April 5th at 7.30 pm to share ideas and help us get it organised!
We meet monthly to discuss our chosen book, have refreshments and a good chat. Everyone welcome, the last Tuesday in the month at 7.30 pm.
Thank you to everyone who has given me used stamps and Blister Strips. I take both to The Globe (Stokesley Library). Please keep them coming to the Village Hall or at our back door (21, The Green). Ann Thomas email catcabcam@googlemail.com mobile 07840 133857
Pop-In 10.00 -12.00 am
Tuesday Carpet Bowls 10.00am
Thursday Play and Stay 10.00am Pilates Class 6.00-7.00pm Hall Committee meeting 7.30pm (1st Tuesday every second month) Seamer Parish Council 7.00pm (3rdTuesday every second month) Book Club 8.00—9.30 pm (4thTuesday )
Table Tennis 7.00pm
Bridge Group 7.00pm
SEAMER VILLAGE HALL 100+ CLUB February winners were (122 members)
1st £20 26 Jean Bainbridge, Tanton Close 2nd £15 85 Jim Scheilling, Hilton Road 3rd £12 129 Walter Pattison, Stainton Road 4th £ 9 36 Sheila Hobson, The Green 5th £ 5 14 Lynda Moore, The Green
March winners were (122 members)
1st £20 51 Odette Price, Hilton Road 2nd £15 56 Tom McGowan, Yarm 3rd £12 79 Linda Sayer, Brackenhill Walk 4th £ 9 21 Marjorie Burn, Stainton Road 5th £ 5 48 Joan Barnes, Leconfield For those members who joined last April/May, this means that you are due to join again. I will contact you be email, phone or call and see you. If you are not at home, I will leave a letter with details of how to contact me.
To help me to remind you when your renewal fees are due, could you please let me have your e-mail address or telephone number. This is easier than me coming to see you.
If you have recently moved here and would like to become a member, it costs £12 a year per number and each month half the monthly money is given out as prize money and the other half goes to the village hall funds. I look forward to hearing from you. Christine Cooper Email chris_cooper1@hotmail.com Mobile 01642 701733
The Methodist Church leaders have suggested that some time during the service on the 3rd of April, we light candles and pray for a peaceful reconciliation of the Ukraine situation and for the refugees it has created. We would like to encourage involvement of the local community in this and will hold the event at 10.30 am in the garden or the Church depending on the weather. It is expected to last a maximum of 10 minutes and is open to all. This event will be followed by the normal service.
TIMES OF WORSHIP all at 10.30 am except Easter Sunday at 9.00
3rd April led by Rev Trevor Haigh 10th April led by Lesley Hopwood 17th April Easter Sunday led by Rev Rob Weir at 9.00am (Holy Communion)
th May led by Rev Rob Weir (Holy Communion)
th May led David Sills
May led by Rev Rob Weir 29th May led by Elaine Wilson
1. The Australian Alps get more snow than the Swiss Alps 2. 90% of Australians live on the coast. 3. Tasmania has the cleanest air in the world. 4. The Great Barrier Reef is the largest ecosystem in the world. It is made up of nearly 3,000 individual reefs and can be seen from space. 5. Australia has over 60 separate wine regions. 6. Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world. 7. The Indian Pacific train has the longest straight section of train track in the world. 8. The Great Ocean Road is the world’s largest war memorial. 9. 80% of Australian animals are unique to Australia. 10. 5 km of Uluru is underground. 11. Australia has the world’s longest golf course measuring more than 1,350kms long. 12. Australia is home to 21 of the world’s 25 most venomous snakes. 13. Perth is the only city in the world which can have aircraft land in its Central Business District. 14. Australia is bigger than we realise, it’s almost the same size as mainland USA. 15. The largest cattle station in the world is located in Australia, Anna Creek Ranch in South Australia, and it’s bigger than Israel. 16. The first Police Force in Australia was made up of well-behaved convicts. 17. It would take around 29 years to visit one new Aussie beach every day – there are 10,685 of them! 18. AFL invented to keep cricketers fit in the off season, there are claims that the game may have been influenced by Indigenous Australians. 19. The world’s largest rock is not actually Uluru, but Mount Augustus in Western Australia, and is actually twice the size of Uluru. 20. Australia is the 6th largest country in the world 21. There are 1 million camels that roam wild in Australia’s deserts, the largest number of purebred camels in the world, they are exported to the Middle East.
22. You can fly from Perth to Melbourne faster than you can fly from one end of Western Australia to the other. 23. There are over 60 different types of kangaroos, and a baby kangaroo when born is only about 2 centimetres long. 24. Aboriginal culture is the oldest on Earth – it is estimated that the continent’s original inhabitants, the aboriginal people, have been in Australia for between 40,000-60,000 years. 25. Australia has 19 World Heritage Listed sites. 26. 91% of the country is covered by native vegetation. 27. 33% of Australians were born in another country. 28. Over 300 different languages and dialects are spoken in Australia including 45 Indigenous languages. In fact, 21% of Australians don’t speak English at home! 29. Western Australia is home to what is believed to be the oldest evidence of life on Earth – the Stromatolites. 30. Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano. 31. In Australia, sheep out number people 2.5 to 1 (in 2020). (Don't let New Zealand know this) 32. Australia was the second country in the world to give women the right to vote in 1902. 33. Per capita, Australians spend more money on gambling than any other nation, with over 80 percent of Australian adults engaging in gambling of some kind. 34. Canberra was selected as the capital because Sydneyand Melbourne could not stop arguing which city should be the capital. 35. Australia is home to the longest fence in the world, the Dingo Fence. Originally built to keep dingos away from fertile land, the fence is now 5,614 km long. 36. The Australian dollar is considered to be the most advanced currency in the world – it’s waterproof, made of polymer and notoriously hard to counterfeit. 37. Australia is the only continent covered by a single country. 38. The world’s oldest fossil was discovered in Australia – 3.4 billion years old. 39. Australia has around 600 varieties of eucalypt trees. 40. Australia was one of the founding members of the United Nations. 41. Stonemasons in Australia instituted the 8-hour working day back in 1856.
42. In Aboriginal culture women are not allowed to play the didgeridoo. 43. The venom of the elusive platypus can kill a small dog. 44. Australia’s most deadly marine animal is the Box Jellyfish, and is responsible for more deaths per year than snakes, sharks and saltwater crocodiles. 45. The only two mammals in the world that lay eggs are found in Australia – the echidna and platypus. 46. Before the arrival of humans, Australia was home to megafauna, three-metre-tall kangaroos, seven-metre-long goanna’s, horse-sized ducks, and a marsupial lion the size of a leopard. 47. Both kangaroos and emus lack the ability to walk backwards. This was the reason they were chosen for Australia’s coat of arms – to symbolise a country always moving forward. 48. The termite mounds that can be found in Australia are the tallest animal-made structures on earth. 49. Australia is home to more than 1,500 species of spiders. 50. The Great Victoria Desert is bigger than the whole of the United Kingdom.
Order dates, 1st week of January, March, May, September and November. Delivery, approximately 3rd week in the month.
Contacts, David Ward 01642 710333 or Gordon Reed 01641 711495
Seamer Parish Council – would you like to be a Parish Councillor?
A vacancy has arisen for a Parish Councillor in the parish of Seamer. If you would be interested in serving the community and having an impact on local affairs, continuing to maintain and create a pleasant environment for residents, then this could be the role for you! Parish Councillors are expected to attend bimonthly meetings of the Parish Council, oversee the Community Fund, planning applications, financial conduct and to keep abreast of notifications from local governing authorities. For further details, please contact the current Clerk: Glenn McGill - glenn.mcgill57@gmail.com
The January meeting of the Parish Council was held at Seamer Memorial Hall. One member of the public was in attendance. The following matters were reported: The Police reported 7 incidents. At Hillcrest, accumulating waste had been tidied up and an overly bright light replaced. A planning application for replacement gates at St Martin’s Church was approved. Jayne Kendall was confirmed as a new Councillor. Councillor Paul Chapman advised that he would be standing down at the end of the financial year and this may precipitate a new vacancy. On financial and banking matters, progress has been made to sort out ongoing difficulties and cheques had been used to make payments in the interim. A precept was set with a 4.5% inflationary increase, to be reported to Hambleton District Council. On village maintenance, highways and footpaths had been surveyed and deemed satisfactory in general terms. Issues were reported on Rights of Way and litter and Phil Hyman from Speedwatch would be invited to the next meeting. On the village pond, the clerk had obtained a quote to undertake an ecological maintenance plan and it was agreed that this be commissioned. There was an update on Council reorganisation and projects for the community fund were discussed including a refuge over Seamer Hill crest; a shelter for children near the school pick up point; footpaths near Cooks; plastic mesh to protect grass at the Memorial Hall, with match funding from local businesses to be investigated. Vic Brown, who attended the meeting, gave an interesting explanation of his local tree planting efforts and Mr. Nicolls of Seamer Farm had planted wildflowers. Minutes of this meeting (and agendas prior to meetings) are displayed on the noticeboards and on the website. An update from the March Parish Council meeting will appear in the next Grapevine once ratified at the May Parish Council meeting. The Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 17th May will take place at the Village Hall, commencing at 7pm and will include the AGM. Residents can access information about Parish Council and Community Fund matters in the following ways: a) Attendance at the bimonthly Parish Council meetings, details of which are publicised in various locations: e.g., Parish Council noticeboards, website. b) The Grapevine, where articles are regularly published. c) Parish Council minutes; these are displayed on noticeboards and on the website. d) Residents can contact the Parish Council via email or telephone to discuss any matters that are of concern to them.