7 minute read
The Grapevine
No. 179April - May 2023
Keep up to date with what’s happening locally by visiting Seamer Village Website: seamervillage.co.uk or Facebook group: Seamer Local’s Chit Chat
What a difference the clock going forward an hour makes to the feel of the days. It seems so much more daylight and thus makes everything seem much more cheerful. Lets hope we can look forward to a good summer, weather wise, at least.
My feeling of cheerfulness may also be due to the news that I have a helper with Grapevine, Allison Routledge, who has kindly (or foolishly) volunteered to help with putting Grapevine together (She has written a little article later introducing herself)
. I have done it for over 12 years and whilst I have enjoyed it, and will still be involved, the help in editing is vey much welcomed. Her contact email is allison.grapevine@gmail.com
It is hoped that a special Grapevine for the forthcoming Coronation will be produced and any contributions for that should reach Allison or myself by April 26th .
The next full edition of Grapevine will cover June and July and articles should be sent to both Allison and I by May 25th at 08.00 am. (Contact details on last page of Grapevine.). Wishing you all a Happy Easter.
Dave Campy and Allsion Routledge
The following are to be held at Stokesley Parish Church
1st April Coffee & Cake, 9.30 - 11.30 am
2nd April Palm Sunday – Family Service 9.30am and including Holy Communion
5th April Children’s Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Garden, 10.30am
6th April, Maundy Thursday Service Holy Communion with the Watch and Compline, 7.30pm (Rev Jon Dean)
7th April Good Friday. The Hour at the Cross 2pm. A time of prayer and reflection
8th April Easter Vigil. The Vigil and the Service of Light with Holy Communion at 7.30pm
9th April Easter Sunday Service , 9.30am, Holy Communion
At St Martin’s Seamer,
9th April Easter Sunday Service, 11.30 am, Holy Communion
18th May Ascension day Service at 11am
Other events/venues
28th April Seamer Church Coffee Morning, Stokesley Town Hall, 9.30 -12.00
Stokesley Parish Church
Please note that there will be no Coffee & Cake on May 6th
Instead we will be showing the Coronation on the big screen. Church will be open from 10.00 am. We will be serving Tea/Coffee and light refreshments.

Everyone is welcome to come and celebrate with us.
Coffee & Cake will be back as usual in June
May 7th Parish Picnic at the Rectory, Stokesley, 2 .00 pm. Further details in due course on our website.
For more information, visit www.stokesleyparishchurch.org.uk or our Facebook page @stokesleyparishchurch
Seamer Village Hall
Annual General Meeting
TuesdayApril 4th at 7.30pm
Come along and show your support for YOUR village hall
What do you want from it? Any suggestions for new activities and how best to use it for the good of the community.
Village Hall News And Events Pop In
Held in the village hall on Mondays during school terms, from 10 - noon. Come along and meet up with friends and neighbours for tea/coffee and home made scones. Cost £1.50. Everyone welcome.
We will not be open on Easter Monday and the three Bank Holiday Mondays in May.
NOW & THEN magazines are available to collect from the village hall when open (see Hall Timetable)
Play And Stay
Held in the Village Hall Village Hall, Thursdays 10 – 11.30am, for all pre-school children and their parents/grandparents/carers. Cost £2 per child. For more information contact Allison at aroutledge7@sky.com
Bridge Group
The Bridge Group is held in the Village Hall on Thursdays from 7 - 9pm. Are you an experienced player or would you like to learn how to play. Come along, it costs £2.50 per session and includes refreshments.
Contact Yvonne on 01642 710804
Pilates Class
This meets Tuesdays, 6-7pm Seamer Village Hall
You can either or pay as you go at the class which is £5, or book online via the website at : https://gymcatch.com/app/provider/1491/events
Please let me know if you would like to join in just for numbers and please bring your own mat. Any questions and to book your space contact Rachel Chapman thehealthtoolkit@outlook.com 07946324080
Open to anyone at stage
Mondays 6-7pm in Seamer Village Hall £7 a class
Booking is essential
Message Rachel on 07946324080 to book your space or with any questions.
Book Club
Do you love reading? Fancy trying different types of books by authors you might not have considered?
Why not come along to Seamer book club, held in the Village Hall on the final Tuesday of each month at 8.30pm? We’re a friendly group, where there’s no pressure to have finished the book if you’ve had one of those months.
Books we’ve enjoyed recently (and the ratings out of 5 given) include:
The Swimmer by Graham Norton, an engaging and easy to read short story. 4.5/5
Magpie by Elizabeth Day, billed as a thriller, the book considers themes of infertility and domesticity. 3.5/5
Voyage of Innocence by Elizabeth Edmundson, a tale set in the 1930s exploring key themes of the day through the story of three young women. 4/5
All the Lights We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr, an epic story set in occupied France, this multi-award-winning book was unputdownable. 4/5
The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah, a novel of wartime France, told through the eyes of two sisters and their different experiences of occupation. 4/5
Dirt Town by Hayley Scrivenor, a crime story set in the Australian Outback, and considering themes of community and outsiders. 3/5
March’s choice was Hope Nicely’s Lessons for Life by Caroline Day.
Why not come down to the Village Hall on the 25th April to find out what’s next on the list?
Ann Thomas
Village Hall Book Swap
Do you have any books that you have read and no longer want? Would you like to donate them to the village hall book swap for other residents to read and enjoy.
They can be left at the hall when open for activities (see Hall Timetable)
Items To Recycle
Used stamps
Please save your used postage stamps to donate to charity. Stamps need to be left with a 1 centimetre border all around.
Blister packs
The blister packs from all your medicinal tablets.
Plastic milk bottle tops
All coloured plastic milk bottle tops can be left at the village hall to be donated to charity.
Please make sure they are washed.
Thank you very much to everyone who has already given me used stamps and blister strips (the silver packet that contains your tablets). Please keep bringing all of these to the Village Hall or put them in the basket on the bench at the back door of No.21, The Green (In the back lane/alley).
Ann Thomas
We had a lovely afternoon in the Village Hall with over 20 children and their families attending.
The children made cards, paper lizards and pom-poms, decorated hard boiled eggs, made chocolate krispie nests, decorated biscuits and cakes and had a good time. (As did many adults!).

Our Raffle winners were Jean Bainbridge, Rita McNicol, Barbara Hutchinson and IreneThompson.
The Tombola was very popular and the children all took an Easter Egg home with them.
Many thanks to everyone who provided Tombola prizes and to all our wonderful helpers for their preparation and help on the day … Gill, Jan, Dianne, Janet, Christine, Jo, Mark and Carolynn, Kath, Joan and Anne
This event was supported by The Village Community Fund. (Thank you too)
Ann Thomas
Air Fryer For Village Hall Funds
A resident kindly donated this air fryer to the village hall as it has proved too small for their needs.

It has only been used twice and cost £60.
As the hall does not have any use for it, we are able to sell it to raise funds for the hall.
If you are interested in purchasing it, we are open to offers. It is in the hall if you would like to see it. Please contact Christine Cooper on 01642 701733.
Lost Property
Have you left your gloves in the village hall. (2 pairs found). Contact Christine Cooper on 01642 701733 or any committee member
Hall Time Table
Monday Popin 10-12 Pilates for Menopause Class 6-7pm
Pilates Class 6-7pm Hall Committee meeting 7.30pm (1stTuesdayeverysecondmonth)
Tuesday Carpet Bowls 10.00am
Seamer Parish Council 7.00pm (3rdTuesdayeverysecondmonth) Book Club 8—9.30pm (4thTuesday)
Wednesday Table Tennis 7.00pm
Thursday Play and Stay 10.00am Bridge Group 7.00pm
February winners (128 members)
1st £20 86 Bill & Lynne Burn, Stainton Road
2nd £15 5 Doris Allen, Hilton Road
3rd £12 92 Christine Taylor, School Cottages
4th £10 43 Lina Garnett, Seamer Hill
5th £ 7 131 Pauline Sawney, off Hilton Road
March winners were (128 members)
1st £20 16 Christine Cooper, Hutton Rudby
2nd £15 96 Myra Robinson, Stokesley Road
3rd £12 46 Jimmy Hutchinson, Hilton Road
4th £10 75 Ethel Alton, Tanton Road
5th £ 7 87 Eddie Coates, Brackenhill Walk
Last year the 100+ Club raised £1,494. This was divided in half with £747 given out as prize money and £747 donated to the village hall funds. Thank you for your continued support.
For those members who joined last April/May, this means that you are due to join again. I will contact you be email, phone or call and see you. If you are not at home, I will leave a letter with details of how to contact me.
To help me to remind you when your renewal fees are due, could you please let me have your e-mail address or telephone number. This is easier than me coming to see you.
If you have recently moved here and would like to become a member, it costs £12 a year per number and each month, half the monthly money is given out as prize money and the other half goes to the village hall funds. I look forward to hearing from you.
Christine Cooper chris_cooper1@hotmail.com, 01642 701733
Northumbria Basketry Group
The first regular session of the group will start on 29th April 2023 as the original day is now Coronation Day. Future dates are 3/6/23 and 1/7/23
All group meetings are in Seamer Memorial Hall 10am to 3pm .
Everyone is welcome but they must contact me at least 7 days before to book a place so that I bring enough willow for everyone. Cost £15 per session
For further details and to book contact
Jane Chapman at teesvalley@northumbriabasketrygroup.co.uk