Pediatric dental care in Weston City, Florida
Many people assume that brushing your teeth is only about the tools, the amount of time you spend brushing, or the amount of toothpaste you use.
Many people assume that brushing your teeth is only about the tools, the amount of time you spend brushing, or the amount of toothpaste you use.
While brushing will help remove surface stains and plaque, it's important to clean between the gaps of your teeth to ensure good oral hygiene, and this is a task that can be accomplished only by flossing regularly.
When a child eats something sugary, it takes the saliva in their mouth a minimum of 30 minutes to neutralize the acidity caused by decay-producing bacteria, leading to an increased chance of cavity formation.
Selectawell-knowncompany, likeSweetTooth,togetthe greatestservicessupportedby knowledgeandtechnologyas wellastheadvantageof receivingindividualizeddental care.
Yourchildrendeservethebestdentalcare,andat SweetToothPediatricDentistry,wespecializein caringforyourchildren.Wewanttomakeeach dentalvisitapositiveandfunexperience.What makesusdifferent?Wetreatyoulikefamily.We wouldn’twanttobetreatedanyotherway,andwe believeinthisgoldenrule.Fromthefirstphonecall tothevisityourchildgraduatestoageneraldentist, wetreatyouwithrespectandlove.Wewantyour childrentohavehealthysmilesforever.