M. Arch Application Portfolio of Jon Galbraith

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M. Arch Applicant University of utah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx jxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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1. Stairs 2. Elevator 3. Lobby 4. Cafe 5. Storage/Mechanical 6. Performance Hall 7. Balcony/Upper Entry 8. Green room/Studio

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Studio II Jake Gines Duration: seven weeks. The Salt Lake Music Box is a music venue in the heart of downtown salt lake. The music genre Hip-Hop was studied in order to understand the lifestyle. After multiple studies on multiple Hip Hop groups the concept was derived. Ego is a large element in the Hip- Hop genre, after experimentation with the hierarchy of vertical and horizontal planes, the overall form of the space was created. The layout of the programmatic spaces where all laid out in a hierarchal order to represent the status of the specific occupant in the space. The Daunting stairwell is a symbolism of the struggles that Hip-Hop artist often go through in order to make it to the “Top�.

Studio III Anne Mooney Duration: Three weeks The Roundhouse Brewpub is located in an old service bay of the historic roundhouse that is located in Evanston Wyoming. This is a unique integration of new construction within a historically preserved building. The design process began by visiting multiple local breweries in Salt Lake City, in order to gain an understanding of the brewing process. The concept of the design was the importance of the brewing equipment and in order to keep the integrity and the industrial feel of the space, the programmatic elements began being dictated by the brewing lines and equipment. By doing so all of the lines were left exposed and helped give the industrial feel while at the same time the overall character of the space was not altered. along with the design porcess building codes and LEED analysis were performed in order to refince the overall design of the space to accomadate these importan elements.

Studio III, Anne Mooney Duration 3 weeks The flying object was designed and created after rigorous of the hang glider and important flight mechanics. After multiple diagrammatic studies the importance of the profile of the glider in cross section was the important element that made the gliders fly. To successfully represent the importance of the cross section of a glider this common profile became the dominant element in the abstracted form. During multiple test flights the overall weight and shape was altered until the object successfully glided.

Studio III Anne Mooney Duration: 6 weeks. The Evanston Airport was designed based off of the precedent studies of the formality and mechanics of a hang glider as well as the study of the nature of an airport. An airport is an independent element within a dependent system. Each programmatic space was analyzed in order to understand whether it was a dependent space that was needed for the airport to properly function or if it was a space that simply could be used independently. These independent elements were articulated to show their independence from the airport. The dependent elements are heavily anchored by the monolithic concrete mass in order to show their dependence on each other in order to make the airport functional, while the independent spaces are breaking free of the heavy support in order to articulate their independence from the necessities of the airport.

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1. Public counter/ lobby 2. Waiting 3. Pilot’s Lounge 4. Manager’s Office 5. Hangar 6. Restroom 7. Mechanical 8. Storage

Studio II Jake Gines Duration: seven weeks. The bike co-op/chiller plant was an amalgamation of two programs that were extremely different. After extensive study on the chilling process the concept of the building was derived. The concept was the phenomenal process of the physical change of state of water. The building’s form mimics the form of water changing from a liquid to a gas. The space that mimics water in liquid form is embedded in the hill side showing the sense of weight and the space mimicking the gas form of water is a large space that is slightly pulled off of the ground plane showing the independent nature of a gas. As an individual moves throughout the space one would feel the sense of space drastically change as the individual moves closer to the large fenestration that frames the Salt Lake Valley.


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1. Restroom 2. Editor’s Office 3. Production 4. Gallery 5. Storage/Mechanical 6. Meeting Area 7. Observation Rm 8. Lobby



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Studio I John Diamond Duration: seven weeks The Salt Flats News Building is a building designed for an odd newspaper company that was popular in the sixties and seventies. The site was located in the Silver Island Mountains which bordered the Bonneville Salt Flats. The concept was inspired by the interesting conditions of the site. The concept was conglomeration. The shapes of the different spaces were derived from natural shapes from the site and were studied carefully to see how the different shape could come together to create a efficient space for the newspaper company to write and produce their unique newspaper..


** Reinterpretation of surreal art work

Work Related, Dixon Associates, Summer 2009. All renderings created during schematic and design development process on a particular project Each rendering was modeled using AutoCad, Sketch up, and Revit. and rendered in Kerkythea. Renderings were used for experimentations with materiality, lighting, and spatial qualities.


Design Competition\ Studio I, John Diamond Duration: 4 weeks. Group Members: James Hall, Nalinthorn Phoncharden, Scott Moses, Katianne Jones. Each person in the world has a story full of twists and bends that follow a unique path that describes who we are. To celebrate the New Year celebration we focused on creating a unique space that gave individuals to reflect on the past year. The Installation’s formality was created through abstract artistic drawings of how we expressed expected and unexpected events in life. The maim requirement for the installation stated that 90% of the installation had to be built out of used material. All material was gathered from local construction sites and all bolts were donated by a local hardware store.

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