What Shape is a Grape?

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Help Elmo and his friends name shapes! You know something, Elmo, me see lots of shapes at this picnic. Me love shapes!

Elmo and his friends are having a picnic!

I do, too! Let’s name some shapes!

Help Elmo and his friends name shapes! You know something, Elmo, me see lots of shapes at this picnic. Me love shapes!

Elmo and his friends are having a picnic!

I do, too! Let’s name some shapes!

What a delicious shape! Me also love cookies!

What shape is a grape? Elmo knows! It’s a circle!

A cookie is a circle, too.

A circle is round. lt has no angles. What other circles do you see?

What a delicious shape! Me also love cookies!

What shape is a grape? Elmo knows! It’s a circle!

A cookie is a circle, too.

A circle is round. lt has no angles. What other circles do you see?

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