32 minute read
Create the Perfect Calm-Down Corner at Home
by Marlaina Donato
Children and teens are sensitive beings, and like adults, they need daily tools to offset the stresses of life. Whether a child is overwhelmed by COVID-19 protocols at school, is on the autism spectrum or is highly sensitive or anxious, creating a special place to decompress can help manage big emotions. “Children, including teens, often don’t recognize the combination of sensory stimuli that is causing anxiety, irritation or exhaustion that can then lead to emotional reactivity in the form of anger, outbursts, silence, crying, inappropriate laughing or teasing,” says occupational therapist April Christopherson, owner of ExplorationTherapy.com, in Gunnison, Colorado.
Peace, Not Punishment
A calm space can be an inviting corner, a designated room or a place outdoors. “Sensory processing is a blanket term for how our brains and bodies integrate and use the sensory information/input around us. This is mostly environmental,” says Christopherson. Triggers may include uncomfortable room temperature, noise, inadequate or intrusive lighting, even scratchy clothing. Unlike time-out spaces that prompt kids to process actions and think about behavior, calm-down spaces can soothe a nervous system in overdrive and quell uncontrollable meltdowns. “It’s common for kids with sensory processing needs to be misunderstood and labeled as overly sensitive or explosive. Creating a space that meets your child’s sensory needs gives them a safe space to retreat to when they’re feeling overwhelmed,” says Alisha Grogan, a Pittsburgh occupational therapist and creator of YourKidsTable.com for picky eaters.
Kids’ tranquil areas can be simple or elaborate, but part of the magic formula is including objects that soothe the senses. “Th e calm space can contain items that allow time for stress hormones to decrease,” says certifi ed autism specialist Cara Koscinski, of Jacksonville, Florida, founder of PocketOccupationalTh erapist.com, an online source for parents, therapists and students. She recommends including sensory allies such as bean bags, therapy putty or dough, slow or classical music, a white noise machine, books, emotion identifi cation cards and fi dget toys (squishy or gel-fi lled balls, tangle toys or a Rubik’s Cube). A weighted blanket or stuff ed animal, especially for younger children, is also a good option. “Time to refocus and allow deep breathing can make a world of diff erence,” says Koscinski, recommending cards with cues or instructions for deep breathing.
Sarah Norris, founder of the coaching website SensoryCoach.org, with offi ces in Denver, Atlanta and Chicago, believes we can all benefi t from sensory strategies. “Using sensation is a powerful way to change how you feel without much thought or expression,” she says. “Sensory objects can oft en be used in more than one way, which allows you to discover how to help yourself feel better in a fun, nonjudgmental way.” She recommends including scented items with calming essential oils and drawing pads, as well as ageappropriate coloring books.
Grogan’s sensory picks are stress balls, kinetic sand, noise-cancelling headphones, scented teddy bears and chewy necklaces for a child to bite on. “Families may want to have a variety of sensory tools and toys available so a child can choose what’s helpful for them,” she says. Ambient lighting, including lava lamps and yearround holiday lights, can set the mood of any sensory space.
Tranquil Possibilities
Setting up stress-free zones at home doesn’t have to be a one-sizefi ts all approach. Norris favors going outside the box. “If you have the space to set up a reading nook or a semi-permanent pillow fort, your kids will love you for it. Don’t overlook the possibility of using outdoor spaces as places to promote calm. Being in nature can be very regulating, especially if there is a comfy seat or fun swing to enjoy.” If making an area at home doesn’t work for some families, Norris suggests highly eff ective portable kits that can come along in the car or to doctor’s appointments.
Christopherson encourages creative options like a comfortable beanbag at the bottom of a closet, a rocking chair with a heavy blanket or an outside fort or tree house. For multi-sibling homes, Grogan recommends a pop-up tent in a corner or in smaller spaces or a blanket thrown over a table for an instant fort.
Whatever the setup or individual needs, calm spaces encourage kids to fi nd their center and claim their space in a chaotic world. “All kids should be given what they need for success,” underscores Koscinski.
Marlaina Donato is an author and a recording artist. Connect at Wildfl owerLady.com.
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The events described in this section were scheduled to take place at the time we went to press. Please check ahead to confirm their status.
Access Bars Practitioner Certification – 9am5pm. Also Jan 16. Facilitated by Michele. $350. Access Holistic Healing Center, 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Springs. 776-2211. AccessHolisticHealing.com. White Stone Ceremony – 10am. This ceremony is symbolic of a clean slate that allows you to be open to receive what spirit calls you to be in the new year. Stones are supplied. Unity of Fort Myers Sanctuary, 11120 Ranchette Rd. UnityOfFortMyers.org. Rap with the Rev – 11:30am-12:30pm. 1st Sun. Whether you’re new to Unity and want to know what’s next, or a long-time member seeking spiritual expansion, join in the sanctuary after Sunday service for a one-hour gathering. Bring your thoughts and questions and dive deeper into the morning discussion. Free. Unity of Naples Church, 2000 Unity Way. 775-3009. UnityNaples.org.
Complimentary Organic Wine Tasting – 6-8pm. Vendors serve several wine varieties along with culinary offerings from the store. Complimentary. Food and Thought, 2132 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. 213-2222.
Learn Self Hypnosis to Transform Yourself – Jan 6-Mar 3. 7-8pm. With Michele. Nine-week class, one day a week on Zoom or in person. $450 ($900 value). Access Holistic Healing Center, 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Springs. 776-2211. AccessHolisticHealing.com.
New Year’s Holistic Cleanse – Jan 7-14. A transformative, yoga based mind-body detox. Start the New Year off right! Available live online or in person. Info/register: 437-9355 or SanibelWellness.com/ NewStart2020. Sound Healing Drum Circle – 6pm. Join Ted Myerson in this sound healing drum circle to learn meditation, healing and empowering rhythms. Learn ways to clear, heal and energize with sound, and feel the power of playing together with intention to affect others with positive rhythmic energy. $15. CasaShanti, 2052 Cottage St, Ft Myers. 208-9872. Astrology School: Lesson I – 6-7:30pm. This class is part of a Magick School series, but can be taken as single lesson. Basics and fundamentals of how astrology works, along with symbols, terms and meanings of the signs. $50. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com.
Intro to Tibetan Heart Yoga – 9-11am.WithJulie. $15. Access Holistic Healing Center, 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Springs. 776-2211. AccessHolisticHealing.com. Embrace The Dragonfly Effect – 11am-3pm. Also Jan 15. A two-part four-hour workshop in a salt cave. Uncover the illusions, lies and paradigms that hold you hostage. Techniques to get super-clear on your desires and manifest them into reality. $398/ workshop, early bird $320 by Jan 2. Sol of Life Salt Cave & Tibetan Tea House, 2400 First St, Ste 100, Ft Myers. 918-4716. Info: Candace Tranter: 745-2860. EmbraceTheDragonflyEffect.com. See ad on page 54 and news brief on page 12. Fashion Show – 12:45pm. Models showcase winter fashions from Thoughtful Threads. Free. Food and Thought Courtyard, 2132 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. 213-2222.
Community Kirtan and Vegetarian Potluck
– 5-8:30pm. Hosted by Linda Collins and Dan Gorney. Potluck (5pm) followed by kirtan. Bring a vegetarian dish to share and a mat or cushion for comfort. Chairs provided. Bring a musical instrument – chords and lyrics are displayed on a large screen for all to follow along. $20 love offering. Unity of Naples Church, 2000 Unity Way. 775-3009. UnityNaples.org.
Light Code Activations – 9-10:30am. Join for channeled energy, activations and messages. These activations can be shortcuts to ease and grace, healing and prosperity. $22. Goddess I AM. 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com. Purpose Workshop – 11:45am-1:45pm. Also Jan 22. Blue Zones Project partners with Unity Naples for an insightful and life-changing experience! Each person has an individual set of strengths and talents that can be used to lead a truly meaningful life. Knowing and using your gifts and strengths is called “living with purpose” or “doing one’s life work”. Gift yourself the opportunity of finding or reinforcing your strengths and talents. Free. Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way. 775-3009. UnityNaples. org. Register: PurposeUnity.eventbrite.com. See ad on page 54 and news brief on page 13. Essential Oils Workshop – 2-3:30pm. With Dr. Michelle Brown, an essential oils expert and Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor. Learn what essential oils are, how to use essential oils and make and take an essential oil spray or rollerball. Free class; $10 for a spray or rollerball.Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399. LotusBlossomClinic.com. Building Personal Resilience Intro Class – 4-5:15pm. Nick Kidawski provides coaching, tools and healing for holistic individuals to befriend their heart, learn to manage stress and emotions in the moment, connect with and trust their intuition, renew and replenish their energy during the day, and live a heart-centered life. $20. CasaShanti, 2052 Cottage St, Ft Myers. 208-9872. Reiki Healing Circle – 5-6pm. Join amazing facilitators for a reiki healing circle every 2nd Sunday. Experience an atmosphere of healing while using reiki energy to remove blockages by balancing the many chakra energy channels. Reiki practitioners, students, first-timers welcome. RSVP or drop-ins welcome. $10. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd, Naples. GoddessIAm.com.
Pendulum Class – 7pm. With Tasha. $15. Access Holistic Healing Center, 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Springs. 776-2211. AccessHolisticHealing. com.
Calusa Waterkeeper’s Film Viewing – Waterborne, a documentary exploring the public health impact of harmful algal blooms (HAB) and waterborne bacteria. Hear from scientific experts and officials on how Florida’s policies are failing to reduce the occurrence of HABs and bacteria contamination, and inadequately protecting the public from exposure. Collaboratory, 2031 Jackson St, Ft Myers. CalusaWaterkeeper.org, 941-479-2560, Info@CalusaWaterkeeper.org. Purely Social Club – 5:30pm. Hosted by Jennifer Alvarez Linguidi. A new area women’s organization that will focus on personal and professional growth, building strong relationships and spreading love throughout our community through special charitable events. Purely You Spa, 3066 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 302, Naples. Info/RSVP by text: 233-9633, call 331-8266 or Jenn@PurelyYouSpa.com. See ad on page 5 and news brief on page 10. Crystal Bowl Service – 6:30-7:30pm. 2nd Wed. Join on the second Wednesday of each month for a healing crystal bowl service facilitated by the gifted Linda Collins. Bring a mat, pillow or blanket, although chairs will be provided. Experience this serene, peaceful practice and melt into the divine with the gorgeous sounds of the singing bowls. $20 love offering (no one turned away). Unity of Naples Church, 2000 Unity Way. 775-3009. UnityNaples.org.
Lecture on Stem Cell Treatment – 5:30pm. Co-hosted by Dr. Chadwick C. Prodromos, and Illinois Sports Medicine and Orthopaedic Center. An in-person and webinar lecture on the safe and evidence-based non embryonic stem cell treatment for a variety of disorders, such as MS, autism, diabetes, ALS, spinal cord injury paralysis and more. Free. Tiburon Golf Club, 2620 Tiburon Dr, Naples. Info/register: 847-699-6810, Care@ThePsci.com, ThePsci.com or TheForem.org.
Somatic Movement Workshop – 11am-12:15pm. 3rd Fridays. These slow and mindful techniques can physically help reduce pain, mental stress, and
emotional anxiety. Stay supple, reduce fatigue and insomnia, improve joint mobility, and regulation of the autonomic nervous system. Bring a mat (or borrow). $20. Class package pricing available. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399. Preregister: JoanieFlavin@gmail.com. LotusBlossomClinic.com. Psychic Fair – 5-8pm. Mini readings with some of Naples’ most experienced psychics and healers. Services include: mediumship, tarot, reiki, angel, past-life, chakra balancing, intuitive, body scanning, oracle and more. $30/20 minutes. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com. Let’s Chat Skin! – 6pm. Aesthetician Leah Ryan hosts a discussion on skincare, including Q&A on skincare problems and solutions, and a “make it and take it” exfoliating scrub. Enjoy a glass of wine and get the answers you’ve been looking for about taking care of your skin. $20. CasaShanti, 2052 Cottage St, Ft Myers. 208-9872.
Lose Weight in Group Hypnosis – Jan 15-Feb 19. 9-10:30am. With Michele and Stacy. In person or Zoom. Six-week group includes pre-class consultation with registered dietitian and licensed nutritionist with a recommended meal plan. $800 ($1,500 value). Access Holistic Healing Center, 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Springs. 776-2211. AccessHolisticHealing.com. Yoga Nidra Workshop – 10-11am. With Julie. $25. Access Holistic Healing Center, 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Springs. 776-2211. AccessHolisticHealing.com. Embrace The Dragonfly Effect – 11am-3pm. Begins Jan 8. A two-part, four-hour workshop in a salt cave. Uncover the illusions, lies and paradigms that hold you hostage. Techniques to get super clear on your desires and manifest them into reality. $398/ workshop, early bird $320 by Jan 2. Sol of Life Salt Cave & Tibetan Tea House, 2400 First St, Ste 100, Ft Myers. 918-4716. Info: Candace Tranter: 745-2860. EmbraceTheDragonflyEffect.com. See ad on page 54 and news brief on page 13. Psychic Fair – 11am-4pm. Mini readings with some of Naples’ most experienced psychics and healers. Services include: mediumship, tarot, reiki, angel, past-life, chakra balancing, intuitive, body scanning, oracle and more. $30/20 minutes. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com.
Jivin’ Jazz: The Dan Miller/Lew Del Gatto Sextet
– 6pm. Join for an evening of hard swinging acoustic jazz music with Dan Miller, Lew Del Gatto and Glenn Basham, Roy Gerson, and Tony Vigilante to celebrate the Great American Songbook (George Gershwin, Jerome Kern and Cole Porter) and jazz music’s greatest composers (Duke Ellington, Thelonious Monk, Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gillespie). Refreshments available before and during intermission at Higher Grounds Café and Bookstore (on campus). $35. Unity of Naples Church, 2000 Unity Way. 775-3009. Tickets: UnityNaples.breezechms. com/form/jivinjazz21. See ad on page 22 and news brief on page 13.
Access Intuition via Heart, Crystals and Cards to
Reconnect with Your Authentic Self – 2-3:30pm. Experience deep calm and internal alignment with your authentic self in this class led by Nick Kidawski and Deb Martín (certifications in Heart Math, Emotion Code, Intuition and Oracle Card Reading). Access your heart’s wisdom, explore your intuition, and receive your own insights using crystals and cards. Go home with a crystal that chooses you! $20. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399. LotusBlossomClinic.com. Singing Bowls and Gongs Meditation Series – 6-7pm. 3rd Sun. Thru Apr 17. Dana Marie House will facilitate relaxing and meditative crystal bowls and gongs, in an hour of sound therapy bath in an outdoor courtyard under the stars. Bring your mat, bean bag, lawn chair or blanket and pillow. $20 donation. Weather permitting. RB Institute, Inc, 13550 Reflections Pkwy, 5-502 Ft Myers. Advance RSVP: 571-5234. QuantumHealing-SacredSound.com/about.html.
Open House at Trim and Tone Med Spa – 4-7pm. Attendees can call ahead to arrange for free demonstrations of Cryofacials and ultrasound EpiWave facials along with EmSlim Neo and red light LED Therapy bed treatments.Tours of the facility and one day-only specials that can be used within 30 days will also be provided to attendees. There will be limited seating at the event. Having been in operation for more than 15 years, the venue keeps up with cutting-edge treatments with state-of-the-art technology, products and services. 13020 Livingston Rd, Unit 16. Info: 596-5522, TrimAndToneSpa@ gmail.com or TrimAndToneMedSpa.com. See ad on page 21 and news brief on page 12. PhosFate: Documentary Series – 6pm. Distinguished water quality series hosted by Collier County Waterkeepers. With director Eric Crown. The disastrous public health and environmental impacts of phosphate mining in Naples. Silverspot Cinema, 9118 Strada Pl, Naples. 784-0880. Info@ CollierCountyWaterkeeper.org. See article, page xx. Cleansing Your Personal Energy – 6-8pm. Reiki and energy healer Trish Trapnell leads this workshop that provides the tools and instruction for three easy ways to cleanse your personal energy. She will also teach the way to thoroughly and correctly sage yourself. Class includes crystal and sage clearing kit.$27. CasaShanti, 2052 Cottage St, Ft Myers. 208-9872.
Shanti Serenity Spa Saturday – 10am-5pm. It’s the perfect time to keep that New Year’s resolution to take better care of you! Experience services at special pricing one day a month! Choose a reading, reiki, facial, or ionic detox footbath or any combination of services for your 2022 wellness. $35-$45 per session. CasaShanti, 2052 Cottage St, Ft Myers. 208-9872. Riverside Park Drum and Dance Circle –6-8:30pm. Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, and self-expression. Family-friendly. BYO chair. Check Facebook for updates. Free. Riverside Park Band Shell, 10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle. See news brief, page 14. Purpose Workshop – 11:45am-1:45pm. Blue Zones Project partners with Unity Naples for an insightful and life-changing experience! Each person has an individual set of strengths and talents that can be used to lead a truly meaningful life. Knowing and using your gifts and strengths is called “living with purpose” or “doing one’s life work”. Gift yourself the opportunity of finding or reinforcing your strengths and talents. Free. Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way. 775-3009. UnityNaples.org. Register: PurposeUnity.eventbrite.com. See ad on page 54 and news brief on page 13.
Hempra Box Exhibit at Bridal Show – Noon-2pm. Among the many displays of wedding vendors and related businesses, company founder Stacy Roberts and other experienced “hemptenders” will offer a new Bridal Box of hemp cannabidiol products and answer questions about their use and health benefits. $10/admission, with each attendee receiving a gift. Shangri-La Springs, 27750 Old 41 Rd, Bonita Springs. Info: SipShopSocialize.com. See ad on page xx and news brief on page xx.
Reiki Circle – 7pm. With Tasha. $20. Access Holistic Healing Center, 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Springs. 776-2211. AccessHolisticHealing.com.
Climate Change – Now or Never – 6pm. With Dr Harold Wanless and Dr John Capece. Distinguished water quality series hosted by Collier County Waterkeepers. Two esteemed environmental experts give the skinny on the future of our planet. Norris Center, 755 8th Ave S, Naples. 784-0880. Info@ CollierCountyWaterkeeper.org. See article, page xx.
Food as Medicine Class – 1:30-4:30pm. Join Dr. David Martín, Deb, and Vickie for this popular, medicinal foods sampling class based on Conquering Any Disease High Phytochemical Food Healing System, by Jeff Primack. Learn which foods are scientifically proven to help reverse illness and disease and create radiant health. Held in a large room, social distancing, masks optional, HEPA filters. $40. Preregistration required: 277-1399. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. 277-1399. LotusBlossomClinic.com/events. Cambier Park Drum and Dance Circle – 6-8:30pm. Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, hula-hooping and self-expression. Familyfriendly. BYO chair. Check Facebook for updates. Free. Cambier Park, 755 8th Ave S, Naples. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle. See news brief, page 14.
Plant-Based Potluck – Noon-2pm. All welcome to join monthly plant-based potluck at home of Sue Mahany, owner of Spark Health Technologies (SparkHealthTechnologies.com), in Naples near Pine Ridge and Livingston roads. The plant-based lifestyle can significantly shift your odds in favor of a long healthspan. Bring any plant-based dish (even cut up fruit) and enjoy nice food and great conversation. Call 802-752-6342 to RSVP as max size is 15 people. Free. SparkHealthTechnologies.com.
plan ahead
Yoga and The Heart of Communication – 4-6pm. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. LoveYogaCenter.com. See ad, page 42.
Reflexology – 9am-3pm (in person) or 7-9pm (webinar). Release stress from the whole body through the feet and hands. The ancient art and practice of reflexology uses specific points on the feet and hands to enhance the natural healing abilities of the body’s corresponding organs and glands. Learn these simple, effective techniques for keeping the body in balance. Great for couples, bodyworkers, caregivers, and self-care. $50. aohmassage.com/ project/art-holistic-massage-aohm-foundation-3.
Cambier Park Drum and Dance Circle – 6-8:30pm. Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, hula-hooping and self-expression. Family- friendly. BYO chair. Check Facebook for updates. Free. Cambier Park, 755 8th Ave S, Naples. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle. See news brief, page 14.
Good Points Acupressure Arm and Hand Release
One-Hour Webinar – 7-8pm. Acupressure for self-care with well-known Naples therapist Alvina Quatrano, LMT MA 50896. Anyone can do it. Monthly offerings by Zoom. $10. aohMassage. com/project/60-minute-good-points-seva-self-care/.
Riverside Park Drum and Dance Circle –6-8:30pm. Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, and self-expression. Family- friendly. BYO chair. Check Facebook for updates. Free. Riverside Park Band Shell, 10450 Reynolds St, Bonita Springs. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle. See news brief, page 14.
ongoing events
Community Yoga – 8:30-9:30am. Free the first Sunday of every month. Weekly classes include Monday and Friday at 9am, Wednesday at 6:15pm, and Sunday at 10:30am. $20/class with package deals available at MysticalBookshop. com. Free. Jaycee Park, 4125 SE 20th Pl, Cape Coral. 338-7816. Higher Shelf Bookstore – 9am-noon. Spiritual/metaphysical books, inspirational cards, meditation cd’s, sacred ceremonial instruments, jewelry, incense and more. Unity of Fort Myers campus, 1112 Ranchette Rd, Bldg B. 278-1511. UnityOfFortMyers.org. Mid-Cape Farmers’ Market – 10am-2pm. 125 SW Third Pl, Ste 200, Cape Coral. MercolaMarketcc.com.
Sunday Morning Celebration Service: Unity of
Ft Myers – 10-11am. A spiritual community open to all. Experience loving acceptance and comfort during challenging times. Come listen to inspiring, empowering, and uplifting messages from Rev. Crystal. 1112 Ranchette Rd. 278-1511. UnityOfFortMyers.org.
Sunday Morning Celebration Service: Unity of
Fort Myers – 10-11:15am. A non-denominational spiritual community rooted in radical loving acceptance. No matter who you are, or where you are on your spiritual journey, all are welcome. Listen to inspiring, empowering, and uplifting messages from Rev. Crystal. Free. Unity of Fort Myers Sanctuary, 11120 Ranchette Rd, Ft Myers, 1120 Ranchette Rd. UnityOfFortMyers.org. Sunday Celebration Service – 10-11:15am. Spiritual inspiration from Rev. Denise Schubert and Rev. Claudia René. Musical inspiration by Amy and Jesse Hughes. Love offering. Unity of Naples Church, 2000 Unity Way. 775-3009. UnityNaples. org. Livestream at Facebook.com/unityofnaples or YouTube.com/unityofnapleschurch. Sunday Night Spiritual Gathering – 5:30-7pm. A Zoom venue for spiritual seekers to gather and have positive conversations. We teach and practice affirmative prayer and embrace our inherent divinity. Our principles are positivity as we work through life’s puzzles. Love offering. Obtain link by emailing RevLuluLogan@gmail. com. RevLulu.org. Fort Myers Drum Circle – 7-9pm. Dance, drum, hoop or just enjoy the beats. BYO chair. Downtown Fort Myers Regional Library, 2450 First St, Ft Myers. Facebook page: Fort Myers Drum Circle. Info: Facebook.com/groups/fortmyersdrumcircle.
Lunar Flow – 7am. With Maggie. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. LoveYogaCenter.com. Gentle Flow Yoga – 7pm. With Chrissie. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com.
Chair Yoga – 10:30am. With Carla Hyde. All levels. Calm the mind as you stretch, strengthen, and balance the body. The chair offers so many possibilities for movement. Heart Space Yoga Collective, 13451 McGregor Blvd, Ste 30, Ft Myers. 850-8177. HeartSpaceYogaCollective.com. $15 per class or 5/$60. Kundalini Yoga – 11am. With Dama. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. LoveYogaCenter.com. Multidimensional Healing Group – 6:30-8pm on Zoom. Connecting and healing with spirit guides and loved ones in spirit. Mediumship master Patti Wilson facilitates therapeutic conversations with loved ones that have crossed over and helps develop your own abilities in multidimensional communication. $30/class or $100/4-classes. Register: 2701876, SpiritualCoach@hotmail.com.
Lunar Flow Yoga – 7am. With Maggie. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. LoveYogaCenter.com. Qigong – 10-11am. Join JaySun (Jason) Wechs in person to learn and practice the ancient art of qigong (Sheng Shen form), a spiritual form of the practice. Qigong has been taught in China for thousands of years. Experience and expand your own healing energy. $15. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399. Love Flow Yoga – 5:30pm. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. LoveYogaCenter.com. Wisdom Wednesday Service – 6-6:45pm. Mid-week service on Facebook Live or YouTube. Engage in topics and conversations that awaken the mind, lift the spirits and open the
heart. Musical inspiration provided by Amy and Jesse Hughes. Free. Love off ering. Unity of Naples Church, 2000 Unity Way. 775-3009. Facebook.com/ UnityOfNaples.
A Search for God Edgar Cayce Study Group
– 6-8pm. Weekly study group meeting based on the Edgar Cayce Readings. New members welcome. Call 850-556-7604 or email JanEselman@ gmail.com. Now meeting at Unity of Ft. Myers and online in Zoom. Free. Unity of Fort Myers Sanctuary, 11120 Ranchette Rd. 1120 Ranchette Rd, Ft Myers.
Guided Walk at CREW Flint Pen Strand – 9-11:30am. Join CREW Trust volunteers on an interpretive walk through Flint Pen Strand, a unique part of the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW). Your guide will show you around the Kehl Canal, headwaters of the Imperial River and through various habitats that are undergoing habitat restoration. Wildlife sightings include white-tailed deer, swallow-tailed kites and wading birds. $5. 15970 Bonita Beach Rd SE, Bonita. Register: Eventbrite.com/e/guided-walk-thursdays-atcrew-fl int-pen-strand-tickets-183727492877?aff = ebdssbdestsearch. Iyengar Yoga – 9:15am. With Carla Hyde. All levels. Explore the art and science of letting go and experience gratitude and joy, all while enjoying the physical aspects of Iyengar yoga. $15 per class or 5/$60. Heart Space Yoga Collective, 13451 McGregor Blvd, Ste 30, Ft Myers. 850-8177. HeartSpaceYogaCollective.com. Love Flow Yoga – 5:30pm. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. LoveYogaCenter.com. Crystal Bowl Meditation – 6:45-7:45pm. With Jenny Hong. Participants will comfortably lie down or sit while the frequencies reverberate throughout the body, promoting deep relaxation and healing on all levels. Physical distancing and face masks required. $15. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. 277-1399. Preregister: JennyLotusBlossom@gmail.com. LotusBlossomClinic.com/events.
Sacred Alignment – 11am. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com. Live Music – 6-9pm. Rotating list of local artists entertain guests in the courtyard. Free. Food and Thought Courtyard, 2132 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. Gentle Beach Yoga Class – 9-10am. With Dr. Brian Healy. All levels and beginner-friendly. Bring sunscreen, insect repellent, water and at least one beach towel. A yoga mat is optional. Free; parking fee: $2. San Carlos Bay Preserve and Bunche Beach, 18201 John Morris Rd, Ft Myers. Info: 437-9355 or FortMyersAcupunctureMassage.com. The Green Market – 9am-1pm. Fresh air and fresh produce make Saturday mornings worth rising for. Discover an exclusive selection of locally grown, caught and cultivated foods and other products available for purchase. Alliance for the Arts, 10091 McGregor Blvd, Ft Myers. 939-2787. ArtInLee.org/ experience/saturday-greenmarket. SWFL Community Drum Circle – 6-8:30pm. Meets biweekly at Cambier Park, Naples or Riverside Park, Bonita (except most holidays). Sponsored by House of Gaia. Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, hula-hooping and self-expression. Family-friendly. BYO chair. See event section for dates/locations. Check Facebook for updates: SWFL Community Drum Circle. Couples Massage – 6-9pm. With Alvina Quatrano, LMT: MA50896.Part 1: Concepts of Meaningful Touch. Part 2: One-On-One Tutorial. $400/couple ($500 value). CE’s for MT’s CEBroker 50-9777. Art of Holistic Massage, 3323 Olympic Dr, Ste 721, Naples. 732266-5276. aohMassage.com/project/couples-massage. Live Music – 6-9pm. Rotating list of local artists entertain guests in the courtyard. Free. Food and Thought Courtyard, 2132 Tamiami Tr N, Naples.
†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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Dr. Xiu Qiong Cen, AP, OMD (China) 5683 Naples Blvd, Naples 34109 P: 239-513-9232 • F: 239-513-9293 DrCenAcupuncture@gmail.com Licensed acupuncture physician with 28 years experience in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Experienced in pain management, women’s health, insomnia, migraines, digestion issues and much more. See ad, page 6.
Acupuncture – Oriental Medicine David Martin, AP, DOM Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Estero, Bonita 239-277-1399 • LotusBlossomClinic.com
Off ering treatment for many health issues: pain, anxiety, stress, PTSD, fertility, heart, strokes, digestive and immune disorders. U.S. veterans: no cost with a V.A. referral.
Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine 6249 Presidential Ct, Ste E, Ft Myers 33919 239-841-6611 • GulfCoastAcupuncture.com Specializing in pain, chronic disorders, overall wellness, allergy treatments (NAET) and kinesiology. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s ability to heal all on its own! AP771.
Ayurveda Clinic, Massage & Yoga Therapy 501 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Ste A107, Naples 34102 • 239-450-6903 Practicing holistic medicine since 1987. Professional Member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, specializing in highly personalized Ayurvedic treatments and lifestyle consultations, Massage and individual Yoga sessions for chronic and acute problems. Pancha Karma, Shirodhara and skin care. Ayurveda and Yoga Study program available. MA0023929, MM0008584, FB0716888. See ad, page 6. BODYWORK
Alvina Quatrano, LMT FL MA 50896 For Info or Appt: 732-266-5276 AOHMassage.com CDC guidelines followed (mask etc). Zero Balancing, Process Acupressure, Reiki. Webinar classes all discounted; call for registration. Refl exology, SEVA Stress Release, Insomnia, MT’s get CEs. Free self-massage video at AOHMassage.com.
239-821-3088, by appt. (Collier & Lee) Trained at the Upledger Institute, Paula utilizes CranioSacral Therapy combined with Heart-Centered Therapy, Somato Emotional Release™, Lymphatic Drainage, love and nurturement to foster the healing your body needs. Doula services. MA35358.
Lisa A. Hall, RYT 732-766-2002 By Appt Only - In Person or Virtual Reiki Master, Lifewave skin patches (phototherapy), Holobody coach, yoga/pilates, personal training. Optimal health from the inside out; certifi ed and insured since 1999.
13141 McGregor Blvd, Ste 7, Ft Myers 33919 239-338-7816 • MysticalBookshop.com Contact@MysticalBookshop.com Mystical Bookshop is not just books! We also off er one-of-a-kind handmade jewelry, crystals, classes, monthly community circles and much more.
Dr. Michele Pelletiere 3411 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 302, Bonita Springs • 239-949-1222 N.S.A. Practitioner level III. “Healing waves” release tension throughout the body, increasing wellness and quality of life, promoting new strategies for a healthy spine and nervous system. C. Robyn Berry, LMT, CRR, CCT, CLDT 13550 Reflections Pkwy, 5-502 & 5-503, Ft Myers • 239-939-4646 • RobynBerry.com Since 1994, gravity-enclosed UV/ Oxygen/Ozone sterilized medicalgrade water colonics, therapeutic, relaxing, chair, sports, prenatal massage, Craniosacral/SER, Heart Centered therapy, manual lymph drainage & XP2 System, visceral manipulation, HALO Photonic Blue-Violet Laser Botanical System, Asyra/Quest4 MSA Bio Meridian Stress Analysis, ear candling, Lakota YLEO Raindrop Therapy, Tuning Fork/Crystal/Bowls Therapy, refl exology, MPS, cupping, ozone steam cabinet and applied ozone therapies, infrared sauna, ionic foot detox by AMD, BEMER sessions, Power Plate, Hyperbaric Chamber, PER 2000 PEMF and notary. MM7376. See ad, page 15.
Pharmacy, Compounding, Wellness Norman Ruiz-Castaneda, PharmD, Owner/ Pharmacist 2700 Immokalee Rd, Ste 24, Naples 239-431-4217 • UptownChemist.com Norman is a licensed pharmacist with 15+ years of experience, specializing in compounding. He off ers a personable approach in consultation, practicing with integrative medicine and fostering a relationship with the prescribing doctor; creating a “hometown” pharmacy for all of our patients.
9200 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 111 Bonita Springs, 34135 • 239-676-8730 BonitaDentalStudio.com Dr. Pint can join your health journey and play a role in minimizing toxicity; this includes protection while removing dental materials plus consultation. All X-rays are digital and minimal. See ad, page 22.
Dr. Lindsey Berkson, MA, DC, CNS, DACBN, CAN 800 Goodlette Rd N, Ste 270, Naples 34102 229-649-7400 • NaplesCFM.com Dr. Lindsey Berkson is a hormone scholar and functional medicine specialist focusing on hormones, anti-aging and medical nutrition at Naples Center for Functional Medicine. See ad, page 55.
Eduardo Maristany, MD 800 Goodlette Rd N, Ste 270, Naples 34102 239-649-7400 • NaplesCFM.com Eduardo Maristany, M.D. is a board-certifi ed internal medicine physician trained in functional/integrative medicine, genomic interpretation, and anti-aging. Dr. Maristany incorporates genomic intelligence and cutting-edge tools to provide his patients with comprehensive genetic health risks and benefi ts, and a personalized health plan for optimal wellness. See ad, page 55.
Carol L. Roberts, MD 800 Goodlette Rd N, Ste 270, Naples 34102 239-649-7400 • NaplesCFM.com Carol L. Roberts, M.D. has practiced functional/integrative/holistic medicine for 25 years. She provides patients with testing to uncover causes of chronic illness, guidance in resolving health issues and education to assist the patient in her own healing. She is Medical Director at the Naples Center for Functional Medicine, formerly the Hughes Center. See ad, page 55.
Internal Medicine, Functional Medicine Office: 239-444-5636 • UpstreamMD.com Dr. Torres is a board-certifi ed internist with over 17 years of experience and knows the limitations of conventional internal medicine. She is among the few Certifi ed Practitioner M.D.s, trained by the Institute For Functional Medicine. See ad, page 12.
2132 Tamiami Trl N, Naples 239-213-2222 • FoodAndThought.com Open Mon-Sat 7am-8pm. Florida’s only 100% organic market and café. Fresh produce delivered daily. Homemade breakfast, lunch and dinner. See ad, page 10.
Michele Durham, CH, MBA 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Spgs 34135 office: 239-301-3501 • cell: 239-776-2211 AccessHolisticHealing.com Specializing in hypnosis, QHHT, NLP, SRT. Off ering sound and light therapy, massage therapy, reiki, access bars, salt therapy, Conscious1Vibe crystals and bookstore. Joined by Dr. Daniel Stanciu off ering IV Infusions and nutrition testing. See ad, page 14. Top Expert in Science of Happiness Positive Pyschologist Coach – 30 Years of Experience Chief Happiness Officer/President of House of Gaia 239-290-7008 • Lulu@HouseOfGaia.org HappinessBeyondBorders.com HouseOfGaia.org Ready for positive changes in your life in 2021? First session is free – call to schedule. Private sessions on-line, aff ordable packages. Get inspired, learn, transform and be happy! English, Spanish and Portuguese. See ad, page 47.
7070 College Pkwy, Ft Myers 33907 Mon-Sat: 9am-8pm, Sun: 9am-7pm Ph: 239-939-9600 • Fax: 239-288-6210 AdasMarket.com Natural and organic produce and grocery items. Vitamins and supplements. Organic juice and smoothie bar. New Green Leaf Café. Market-prepared foods. 1000s of gluten-free items. See ad, page 31.
447 Broadway, Ste 204 New York City, NY 10013 347-762-1268 • AnattaMarket.com Anatta is a global online marketplace for natural, organic and raw products from farmers worldwide. The newly-formed company’s products include a variety of essential oils and waters, and its unique business model eliminates overhead costs by connecting customers directly with farmers.
MagnetudeJewelry.com/LisaDoyle ljbluestar@hotmail.com 239-851-4729
We use the strongest Neodymium bio-magnets (4000 gauss) to attach our “‘tudes” to our bases. These bio-magnets help to overcome the harmful eff ects of EMFs by increasing cellular energy and vitality. Interchangeable, beautiful and most are designed with powerful gems with your health in mind. Dee Harris, RDN, LDN, CDE Bonita Bay Executive Center 3531 Bonita Bay Blvd, Ste 300, Bonita Sprgs 239-676-5249 • D-SignedNutrition.com Nutrition is our lifeblood. Healing with food starts with a personalized plan to address infl ammation, nutrient insuffi ciencies, toxic burden and imbalances in the body. See ad, page 26.
501 Goodlette Rd N, Ste C208, Naples 239-231-6028 ThePerfect10Strength@gmail.com Looking and feeling strong and healthy is the fi rst reason for working with a nutrition coach. Let me help you get back on track for life without dieting! See ad, page 51.
Plant-based Chef & Educator 646-642-0083 FreeFlowingHealth.com Chef Lisa off ers customized, personal, plant-based chef services and catering to busy professionals and individuals looking to eat healthier and feel better.
Transformational Workshops Candace Tranter, MA, CQI Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Bonita, Naples 239-745-2860 EmbraceTheDragonflyEffect.com Energy transformer, women's workshops, classes and retreats. Emotional, physical and spiritual Empowerment through prayer, breath, movement, nutrition and nature.
Master Yoga Teacher and massage therapist with 28 years experience, serving Naples since 1999. Sundamaged skin repair clinician, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, sports and neuromuscular therapy, cranio facial and TMJ relief, heal injuries. Improve posture: alignment-based yoga and posture classes.
Fee for classifieds is a minimum charge of $25 for up to the first 20 words and $1 for each additional word. Must be pre-paid. Email listing, include billing contact info, by 10th of month prior to publication to: NAClassifieds@ NaturalAwakenings.com.
SIONATE ABOUT – Publish your own Natural Awakenings magazine. Home-based business complete with comprehensive training and support system. New franchises are available or purchase a magazine that is currently publishing. Call 239-530-1377 or visit NaturalAwakenings. com/mymagazine. See ad, page 52.
ROOM FOR RENT – Full- or part-time room. Ideal for professional practitioner of coaching, yoga or massage. Bonita Beach Rd. 239-776-2211. ROOMS FOR RENT – Massage establishment Medical RB Institute Wellness Suites: $400, $450, $550 plus tax. By appointment. Text: 239939-4646.
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coming in the february issue
Heart-Centered Living