3 minute read

Psychedelic Ketamine Therapy for Men’s Mental Health Crises

by Adam Mitchell, MA

Men’s mental health is an area where improved mental health services can benefit all of society. Ketamine therapy is revolutionizing the way negative psychological and behavioral patterns are interrupted in truly meaningful, lifeenhancing ways.


The plight of men’s mental health crisis is a patchwork of suicidality, drug abuse, and destructive behaviors haunting individuals, not only globally, but here in Collier and Lee county. Supportive psychedelic ketamine therapy provided at MY Self Wellness in Bonita Springs serves to interrupt self-critical patterns of negative mood and unhealthy behaviors that keep many men from fulfilling and authentic lives.

Too many men are tragically more likely to commit suicide than seek help. According to the Illinois Department of Health, suicide is one of the top 10 causes of death in men. Globally, men die by their own hand at rates three to five times more frequently than women. More men struggle with substance abuse than women, although according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, more women seek help for it and other issues than men. Stigmas against needing help—undermining male ideals of strength and unflinching independence—lead men to not seek help, even when in dire need. Rather than seeking help and growing healthy enough to contribute to the community, men too often keep things to themself and never deal with the roots of their angst. Therapeutic use of ketamine permits men to dig deep and discover how strong they can be after honest self-inquiry and healing.

Men are taught to stuff their feelings away from the knowledge of others. Despite the disguises of strength and social assumptions society encourages men to assume, men too rarely reveal courage in dealing with emotions. Inadequacy, fear, unfulfilled longing and desire for acceptance are issues all people endure, but society discourages men from confronting these emotions. Unattended feelings don’t go away. Rather, they consume us from within and erode the well-being of the world around us. ketamine therapy can be a key to unlock the self-acceptance each man must deliver to himself, the way to reconnect to love within and without.

Stereotypically, men like tools they can use. Ketamine therapy is just another tool, not something that does the job done without proper use. It does not hinge on a therapist to dispense the benefits, despite the therapeutic value of support in the process. Rather, it swings open doors to patients’ own self-discovery, capacities to forgive, powers to love and the psycho-spiritual release toward fuller, more satisfied lives.

It is not up to a doctor, a therapist, medication or the world to make things better for men. It is what we’ve always feared—our psycho-spiritual healing is up to us and the tools we put to wise use. Alone, ketamine doesn’t solve problems, but it can help to clear the mind and heart, loosening knots of suffering which have tormented us long enough.

Adam Mitchell, MA, is the director of clinical research at MY Self Awareness. Call MY Self Wellness at 239908-9958 to arrange a tour of the facilities. Learn about the available healing resources and get answers to any questions as well as a free consultation. See ad, page 23.

Meet Victor Presto, RN Naples Resident

Work: Registered Nurse/President MVP Autism Foundation

Proudest achievement: In 2011, my wife Diane, my son Michael and I founded the MVP Autism Foundation to help those with autism and other varying abilities reach their fullest human potential. Over the past 12 years through our partnership with the Florida Division of Vocational Rehabilitation we have placed close to 400 individuals with autism and others with varying abilities in jobs. We have given medical grants to families to defray the cost of uninsured therapies and scholarships to attend training for spelling to communicate programs. We also sponsor weekly yoga and have provided several health and wellness seminars.

Expectations for the future: I look at a future where non-speaking and unreliable speaking autistic individuals are treated with respect and acceptance.

Favorite websites: MVPautism.org, Spellers.org, I-asc.org

Local or global causes supported: We support several nonprofits locally and nationally that provide services to the special needs community.

Favorite thing about Natural Awakenings: Every month it is jam-packed with informative articles and resources that help me live a healthier life.

Where I pick up my copy of Natural Awakenings: Unity of Naples

Most frequented healthy food restaurant: Lake Park Diner and Organically Twisted

How I support my community: Both personally and through our foundation, we are constantly giving back to our community. This past year we sponsored a baseball team for special needs individuals. We have provided mental health counseling during the COVID epidemic and provide triage services for special needs families moving into Southwest Florida.

Favorite inspirational quote: “Quiet people have the loudest minds.” ~ Stephen Hawking, and “My life is my argument.” ~ Albert Schweitzer

What I am doing to be the change I want to see in the world: My life is dedicated to a most underserved and underestimated population in our society; those who are nonspeaking and minimally speaking autistic individuals. Through our collaboration with the Naples Spelling to Communicate Center, the MVP Autism Foundation is conducting presentations to medical and educational institutions for the Spellers Method and recently conducted an exclusive screening of the movie Spellers. Through the use of letter boards, non-speaking and minimally speaking autistics learn to express their thoughts, feelings and emotions. This process is creating a paradigm shift in how these individuals are perceived and how they can make significant contributions to our society.

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