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CALMING KIDS Ways to Turn Anxiety Around
by Ronica O’Hara
It is diffi cult for children to make sense of the time and disappeared completely 60 of what’s happening in response to percent of the time. Parents drew closer to COVID-19 as schools close, sports and their children and felt less stressed themextracurricular activities stop and many selves, and the kids continued to improve people wear masks. Before these unsettling even aft er the study ended. circumstances took place, one in eight chil According to Lebowitz, lead author of dren experienced anxiety disorders, but now the study, the key is to reduce parental acparents are reporting that even happy-gocommodation—actions that parents take to lucky children that skipped through life have soothe and protect their anxious children, turned clingy; regressing to playing with old like texting to provide constant reassurtoys or becoming withdrawn. “Th e dramatic ances, speaking for a child with social fears change in schedules, reduced social contact or staying with a child that fears separation and worry about the illness itself can all until they fall asleep. Th ese actions may not contribute to the anxiety,” says Eli Lebowitz, be a problem in the short term or in tough Ph.D., director of the Program for Anxiety times, but when used repeatedly, the child Disorders at the Yale Child Study Center. oft en becomes more fearful, less confi dent “Some children will also have relatives or and unable to function in a normal manner. friends directly impacted by the virus.” In a new study published in the Journal As the situation improves, so should of the American Academy of Child and children’s emotional well-being, but if anxiAdolescent Psychiatry, parents learned in 12 ety lingers, parents can take heart in new weekly sessions how to slowly pull back from research from the center that shows how accommodating actions while validating the childhood anxiety can be reversed before child’s emotions and conveying confi dence it becomes a crippling adult condition. Th e in their ability to handle challenges. Notastudy of 124 children aged 7 to 14 with bly, a parent-focused program, Supportive anxiety disorders found that when parents Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions, made simple behavior changes, their kids’ produced better results than the control symptoms sharply decreased 87.5 percent group, in which the children underwent
12 sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy learning to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. More information on this program for parents and therapists can be found at SpaceTreatment.net.
Everyday Anxiety-Busters
Here are some other straightforward strategies that can lower childhood anxiety.
Getting physical. “Encourage your child to do any kind of exercise: jumping, swinging, running, catch, tag, hopscotch, biking, hiking, skateboarding. Th ese activities are all considered weight-bearing because they place deep pressure on the joints and muscles, which calms their sensory systems that help regulate emotions,” advises Brittany Ferri, a Rochester, New York, occupational therapist specializing in pediatrics and mental health.
Getting outdoors.Sunlight stimulates the production of vitamin D and moodboosting serotonin, and studies show that even brief nature walks can lower anxiety and improve focus in kids.
Giving them seeds and a shovel.
Planning and working in their own garden give kids a healthy dose of fresh air, physical activity and a sense of accomplishment, and growing their own vegetables makes them more likely to enjoy eating them.
Breathing deep. “Parents can teach children coping skills such as relaxing their body or taking slow deep breaths to help them regulate their anxiety,” says Lebowitz. For example, a child can lie on their back and pretend to blow up a balloon. Or using a fresh fl ower, a child can breathe in the scent through the nose for a count of four, hold the breath for the same amount of time and then breathe out slowly through the mouth.
Playing it out. “Parents can help a child role-play what they could do in a situation that they’re nervous about,” says Leigh Ellen Watts Magness, a clinical social worker and play therapist, in Athens, Georgia. “Th ey can create a puppet show where the characters have a similar problem, create a poster about some strategies they might use to relax or have their fi gurines talk to other toys about how they feel. All of these things help kids process feelings of anxiety.”
Ronica A. O’Hara is a Denver-based health writer. Connect at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.
Words Have Consequences
Some words don’t help anxious kids, says things they were afraid of that never came University of Minnesota psychology to pass or bringing to the attention of a professor Abigail Gewirtz, author of When child the ways that the child was able to the World Feels Like a Scary Place: Essential face their fear and overcome it,” says Bruce Conversations for Anxious Parents and WorL. Th iessen, a San Diego clinical psycholoried Kids. “Th ese kinds of statements dismiss, gist. “Past reminders can increase selfminimize or even punish children for their effi cacy and build self-confi dence, which anxiety, and they teach children that anxiety are powerful anxiety buff ers. “Children isn’t important, or worse, is damaging and fi nd it all the more diffi cult to cope with should be ignored or stuff ed away,” she says. anxiety if they feel that they are alone in Amanda Walker, a Los Angeles clinical their struggle,” he adds. “It is important to psychologist, advises, “It is important to reassure them by saying something like, try and respond to the anxiety with loving ‘We are in this together. I am here for you.’ kindness, with compassion and openness. It may be important to add, ‘No matter Asking ‘What happened?’ instead of ‘What’s what happens, you and I are going to fi nd wrong?’ changes the way that a challenge is a way to be okay.’” viewed. Other approaches are, ‘I can see why Statements to avoid: “You don’t need you might feel that way’, or, ‘It’s okay to be to worry. You have nothing to worry about. scared; lots of kids feel that way.’” I’m the adult, let me do the worrying. To reinforce a child’s confi dence, When I was your age, I had much bigger “Th e key is reminding a child of past things to worry about.”
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Earth-Friendly Pets Our Animals Can Go Green, Too
by Julie Peterson
Although cats and dogs don’t require much more than food, a cozy napping spot and human attention, U.S. pet owners spent $95.7 billion last year on their furry companions, according to the 2019 National Pet Owners Survey Statistics produced by the American Pet Products Association. Th at’s a lot of products, all of which require packaging, shipping, shopping, consumption and waste that the environment must bear. Finding eco-friendly alternatives is key to having a pet that doesn’t inadvertently harm the planet. and leach harmful substances into the pet. Purchase toys that have minimal packaging and remember that it won’t be any fun to play with if it is constantly stuck under the furniture or falls to pieces during the fi rst roughhouse session. Soft toys can be salvaged. Tie them in knots, sew them together or braid them into tug toys. Make soft or tug toys by upcycling old towels or T-shirts. Stuff some catnip in an old sock and let the playing begin. Cats can have as much fun with a paper bag as with an expensive toy. Consider simplicity.
Proper Playthings
Pet toys can be costly to the wallet and the environment. Dogs can destroy fl imsy items in seconds and the growing number of cat toys under the couch is money out the window. When choosing a toy, consider the pet’s play style. Look for nontoxic natural fi ber, recycled, upcycled and locally sourced products. Reject plastic and other toxic materials that degrade
Homeopathic Remedies
Many chemicals and pharmaceuticals can be replaced with simple, natural products. Essential-oil-based insect repellants are safer for pets and people. Apple cider vinegar contains nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes that can be helpful for the treatment of allergies, urinary tract problems, hot spots, dandruff , ear discharge, eczema and stiff joints in dogs,
according to Organic Pet Digest. Dr. Marc Smith, a veterinarian at Natchez Trace Veterinary Services, in Nashville, advises, “Apple cider vinegar is a good source of potassium and has excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties to boost the immune system.” A veterinarian trained in traditional Chinese veterinary medicine can oft en provide natural treatments and preventatives using herbs, essential oils and other natural substances. Find such a practitioner at tcvm.com.
Green Grooming
Taking a bath in chemicals seems wrong for both humans and pets. Eco-friendly alternatives are available. “We use shampoos without chemicals, preservatives or phosphates,” says Kim Molnar, owner of Salon Fido LLC, in Cross Plains, Wisconsin. “It keeps the dog from inhaling or absorbing hazardous chemicals and keeps the same from washing down the drain.”
Natural Nourishment
A quality diet is good for the health of pets and the Earth. Many companies use local ingredients, sustainable manufacturing and recyclable packaging. Avoid artifi cial dyes, preservatives, fi llers and chemicals. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 56 million cats and 50 million dogs in the U.S. were overweight or obese in 2018. Judicious feeding will trim a pet’s waistline and reduce the amount of packaging and bodily waste a pet produces. “You can reduce the number of products you need by sharing your food with pets. Saving whole-food left overs reduces waste and helps move pets away from processed food,” says Molnar. “Th ere’s so much common sense involved. Feed them food.” Dogs love cooked sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli and eggs. Cats can have cooked eggs, rice, spinach, pumpkin, salmon and chicken. Be aware of which foods are unsafe for pets. Some examples include onions, chocolate, bones, avocado and grapes.
Pooper Scoopers
Poop happens. Clean it up right. Kitty’s litter can be nontoxic and kept fresh with regular scooping. Picking up aft er the pup keeps green spaces clean and limits excess nutrients going to waterways. “If your dog is harboring any type of intestinal parasites such as hookworms, roundworms or whipworms, then the eggs of those parasites can be present in poo and spread worms to other dogs and people,” says Sarah J. Wooten, DVM, CVJ, in Greeley, Colorado. Dogs and cats may seem to tread lightly on the Earth, but their carbon footprint can be heavy. Help them get green by evaluating what they consume and getting them in step with Mother Nature.
Julie Peterson writes about wellness and environmental issues. Reach out at JuliePeterson2222@gmail.com. We stand together to fight racism, injustice, brutality and backlash. To the black members of our community: we see you, we
support you and we stand by you.
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The events described in this section were scheduled to take place at the time we went to press. Please check ahead to confirm their status.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 Tarot Part I –7pm. Learn the meanings of the cards and how to utilize this wonderful tool. A Rider Waite deck is required. $30. Part II on 7/8 at 7pm. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, Ste 108, Ft Myers. RSVP: 939-2769.
FRIDAY, JULY 3 Altars and Sacred Space – 2pm. Discover what sacred space is and how to create it. Learn what altars are for and the diversity of altars depending on your belief system. $30. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, 108, Ft Myers. RSVP: 939-2769.
SUNDAY, JULY 5 Womb Blessing – Rites of the Munster-Ki – 1:30- 4:30pm. With Dolores Gozzi. Hands-on healing to help balance the archetypes, restore their energies and release blocks. Returns our female nature back to its sacredness and awakens/restores our female energies.$45.Goddess I AM 600, Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com.
TUESDAY, JULY 7 Virtual Reiki Share by Zoom – 6:30-8pm. 1st Tue. Join Pattie Carney, Usui and Holy Fire master reiki teacher and others. Open to the general public, whether you have reiki experience or not. Begins with group guided meditation and moves to distance reiki in private chat rooms. Join online a few minutes before 6:30pm. Free. Visit Lotus Blossom Clinic on Facebook. Register: Pattie@pcarney.net. Reiki Master Class – 7pm. Learn advanced energy work, master symbols, chakra diagnosis and crystal grids to enhance the reiki experience. Certifi cation and attunement available upon completion. Prerequisite: Usui reiki levels one and two. $50. RSVP. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, Ste 108, Ft Myers. RSVP: 939-2769. WEDNESDAY, JULY 8 Your Animal Companion Is Your Mirror – 11am2pm. A virtual workshop with Pattie Carney, animal communicator. Live life more fully! With your animal friend as your guide, take a deep dive into old beliefs that are keeping you from expressing your true self in the world. $95. Register: 774-209-9393 or Pattie@pcarney.net. See ad on page 11 and news brief on page 16. Crystal Bowl Meditation – 6:30pm. With Laurie. The crystal bowls are a form of sound vibrational healing and gently remove energetic blockages and instantly align your chakras. Bring a pillow and/ or blanket. $10. The Mystical Moon, 8951 Bonita Beach Rd SE, Ste 255 Bonita Springs. RSVP: 301- 0655. TheMysticalMoon.com.
Lee County Chapter of Citizens’ Climate
Lobby (CCL) – 11:30am-12:30pm. A nonpartisan, nonprofi t organization focused on national policies to address climate change. To join, email +FortMyersccl@gmail.com to receive a ZOOM link to access the call. Free. Meditations for Spiritual Health – 2pm. Learn several meditations and visualizations that are essential for spiritual health and well-being. $30. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, Ste 108, Ft Myers. RSVP: 939-2769.
FRIDAY, JULY 10 Psychic Fair – 5-8pm. Mini-readings with some of Naples’ most experienced psychics and healers. Services include: mediumship, tarot, reiki, angel, past-life, chakra balancing, intuitive, body scanning, oracle and more. $30/20 minutes. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com. SUNDAY, JULY 12 Light Code Activations ؘ– 9-10:30am. Join for more than an hour of channeled energy, activations and messages. These activations can be shortcuts to ease and grace, healing and prosperity. $22. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com.
MONDAY, JULY 13 Breath Workshop with Singing Bowls – 7:30- 9pm. With Christar Damiano. RB Institute, Inc, 13550 Refl ections Pkwy, Ste 5-502 & 5-502 in the Courtyard. 939-4646. RobynBerry.com. Tarot Part I –2pm. Learn the meanings of the cards and how to utilize this wonderful tool. A Rider Waite deck is required. $30. Part II on 7/20 at 2pm. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, Ste 108, Ft Myers. RSVP: 939-2769.
The Holistic Chamber of Commerce Monthly
Meeting – 6:30-8pm. 2nd Tues. Join Fort Myers and Cape Coral members online to network, connect and learn from one another and hear featured speaker Lisa Doyle from Natural Awakenings. She will present what’s new with the magazine and ways to cross market your business between the Holistic Chamber of Commerce and the magazine. Monthly raffl es, gratitude shout-outs, networking and marketing opportunities and something new to learn. $5/guests (up to two times). Members/free. Facebook.com/hccfortmyers.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 Altars and Sacred Space – 7pm. Discover what sacred space is and how to create it. Learn what altars are for and the diversity of altars depending on your belief system. $30. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, 108, Ft Myers. RSVP: 939-2769.
FRIDAY, JULY 17 Usui/Holy Fire Art and Master Class – July 17-19. 6-9pm, Fri; 9am–5pm, Sat-Sun. With Pattie Carney, Usui/Holy Fire III reiki master and teacher. Expand your reiki skills with new techniques to incorporate into your reiki practice creating powerful and transformative experiences. Prerequisites: reiki II practitioner for at least six-months. $240 (manual included). Available online & in person (social distancing, HEPA fi lter, etc). Lotus Blossom Clinic, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399.
The Food Healing Oracle Deck: Reader’s Cer
tification – 9am-5pm. With Joanna Salerno and Lainie Sevante Wulkan. A comprehensive course that includes learning the deeper meanings of all 60 cards of The Food Healing Oracle Deck, the fundamentals of the book’s contents which include food healing, nutrition, color and chakra therapy, nature’s five elements, intuitive development, divination, eight sacred spreads, working with adults, children and those with health challenges. Plus, how to create a business using The Food Healing Oracle Deck. $475. FoodHealingDeck.com/readercertification-program. Psychic Fair – 11am-4pm. Mini-readings with some of Naples’ most experienced psychics and healers. Services include: mediumship, tarot, reiki, angel, past-life, chakra balancing, intuitive, body scanning, oracle and more. $30/20 minutes. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com.
Sacred Sounds Equinox, New Moon, Eclipse
Ceremony – 5:30pm. Join Dana House to connect to the divine spark within through the energies of the grace-filled gongs and the blissful bowls using 3-D mandalas and ancient aromatic blends to enhance our powers of creative expression. $20. RB Institute, Inc, 13550 Reflections Pkwy, Ste 5-502 & 5-502, Ft Myers. Fort Myers. RSVP: 571-5234. Quantum Healing-SacredSounds.com. RobynBerry.com. New Moon Circle – 6-8pm. Sacred new moon gatheringto support, listen, love, laugh and heal with others. Dance, cry, howl, drum, meditate and MONDAY, JULY 20 Reflexology Webinar – 10am-noon. With Alvina Quatrano. The ancient art and practice of reflexology uses specific points on the feet and hands to enhance the natural healing abilities of the body’s corresponding organs and glands. 6 CEs for LMTs. Receive links for class materials and Zoom class. Includes video and manual. $75. Register: 732-266-5276. AOHMassage.com.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 Your Animal Companion Is Your Mirror – 11am2pm. A virtual workshop with Pattie Carney, animal communicator. Live life more fully!With your animal friend as your guide, take a deep dive into old beliefs that are keeping you from expressing your true self in the world. $95. Register: 774-209-9393 or Pattie@pcarney.net. See ad on page 11 and news brief on page 16. Crystal Bowl Meditation – 6:30pm. With Laurie. The crystal bowls are a form of sound vibrational healing and gently remove energetic blockages and instantly align your chakras. Bring a pillow and/or blanket. $10. The Mystical Moon, 8890 Salrose Ln, Ste 107, Ft Myers, RSVP: 939-3339. TheMysticalMoon.com. Meditations for Spiritual Health – 7pm. Learn several meditations and visualizations that are essential for spiritual health and well-being. $30. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, Ste 108, Ft Myers. RSVP: 939-2769.
SATURDAY, JULY 25 Psychic Faire – 10am-4pm. Join for monthly reduced special on readings and services. Choose from an assortment of well-established and gifted psychics and healers. Tarot readers, soul chart progression, full chart astrology analysis, oracle card readers, rune caster, mediums, chakra cleansing and alignment and BioMat treatment, including EFT or chakra clearing and cleansing. $25/25 minutes. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, Ste 108, Ft Myers. 939-2769. Intuitive and Energy Healing Support – 2-3:30pm. Online panel discussion hosted by Holistic Chamber of Commerce Fort Myers Chapter. Free. Info: Facebook.com/hccfortmyers. See ad, page 55. SUNDAY, JULY 26
The Food Healing Oracle Deck: Reader’s Cer
tification – 9am-5pm. With Joanna Salerno and Lainie Sevante Wulkan. A comprehensive course that includes learning the deeper meanings of all 60 cards of The Food Healing Oracle Deck, the fundamentals of the book’s contents which include food healing, nutrition, color and chakra therapy, nature’s five elements, intuitive development, divination, eight sacred spreads, working with adults, children and those with health challenges. Plus, how to create a business using The Food Healing Oracle Deck. $475. FoodHealingDeck.com/readercertification-program. Adopt-A-Student Fundraiser – 11am-2pm. Hosted by the Multicultural Centre of SouthwestFlorida to kickoff the 21st annual Big Backpack Event, a back-to-school festival and school supply giveaway. Each $10 donation will “adopt a student” for the 2020/2021 school year and provide them with a new backpack and school supplies, including notebook paper, folders, Crayola crayons, Elmer’s glue, pencils, pens and more. The Skatium, downtown Fort Myers. Info: Info@MultiCultural-Centre.org or Multicultural-Centre.org.
NFSH The Healing Trust Community Healing
Circle – 6:15-8:45pm. Join to receive the gift of energy healing therapy. Refresh, regenerate and bring love into your being. Arrive at 6:15pm to register. No walk-ins. $20 at event by check to Karen Coratelli-Smith or cash. Unity of Naples Church, 2000 Unity Way, Fellowship Hall, Naples. RSVP: 692-9120. kSmith727@comcast.net.
WEDNESDAY JULY 29 Reiki Master Class – 2pm. Learn advanced energy work, master symbols, chakra diagnosis and crystal grids to enhance the reiki experience. Certification and attunement available upon completion. Prerequisite: Usui reiki levels one and two. $50. RSVP. The Labyrinth, 12995 S Cleveland Ave, Ste 108, Ft Myers. RSVP: 939-2769.
plan ahead
SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 House of Gaia Safe Car Parade Fundraiser – 10:30am-noon. Help raise funds for the nonprofit House of Gaia, in Naples, and support St. Matthew’s House and the Guadalupe Center Immokalee. Par-
ticipants can stay in their cars to donate funds via checks or PayPal to the facility that serves as a safe center for our special needs community and food and essential products to the two nonprofi t organizations that assist in-need individuals and families that are the most vulnerable. Requested supplies to donate include sealed and packaged rice, beans, grains salt and oil, along with soap, toothbrushes and toothpaste, diapers, wipes and face masks. 1660 Trade Center Way, Ste 1, Naples. Info/register by Jul. 25: 290-7008 or HouseOfGaia.org. See news brief on page 16.
SATURDAY, AUGUST 22 Usui/Holy Fire Reiki I & II Workshop – Aug 22-23. 9am-5pm. With Pattie Carney, reiki master and teacher. Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique. Learn hands-on reiki for yourself and others, and how to send reiki to those at a distance. Plus time for practice. $190 (manual included). Available online and in person (social distancing, HEPA filter, etc). Lotus Blossom Clinic, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399.
SWFL SpaceCon Comic and SciFi Convention
– 10am-7pm. Features special guests from the fi lm and comic book industries, vendors, gaming, costume contests and more. Special guests, vendors, drop-in gaming, game demos from 10am-6pm. Kids and teens costume contest starts at 4pm. Adult costume contest starts at 6pm. Tickets: $15/ages 13 and up at the door. $12/advance, in costume or with official SWFL SpaceCon shirt. $5/ages 5-12. Crowne Plaza Hotel, 13051 Bell Tower Dr, Ft Myers. Crowne Plaza Hotel, 13051 Bell Tower Dr, Ft Myers. Info: 482-2900. swfl Spacecon.com.
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 Swim with Dolphins in the Bahamas – Oct 4-10. Co-hosted by Pattie Carney, animal communicator, reiki master and teacher. Wildquest trip to the Bahamas featuring swimming with dolphins. After a chartered fl ight from Fort Lauderdale, activities include catamaran sailing in open water, swimming and snorkeling, homecooked meals, small animal communication lessons, meditation and circles. $2,250 (upgrades available). Info: 774-209-9393, Pattie@pcarney.net or Wildquest.com. See ad on page 11 and news brief on page 16.
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For more info, visit: NaturalAwakenings.com
ongoing events
NOTE: All calendar events must be received via email by the 10th of the month and adhere to our guidelines. Submit print and online events at swfl.Natural Awakenings.com/pages/calendar-listings. Email NAMCalendar@Natural Awakenings.com with any questions. No phone calls or faxes, please.
Virtual Yoga with Chairs – Mon-Thur. 9-9:45am. With Kandy Love. Start your day with love and yoga and chairs via Zoom. Class content: breathing, grounding, immune system enhancing,focusing and quieting. Free/donation. Info: YoginiKandy62@gmail.com.
Restorative Yoga – 5pm.With Miriam.Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. 692- 9747. LoveYogaCenter.com. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) – 6:30pm. A 12-step program for food addiction. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins. Cape Christian Fellowship, 2110 Chiquita Blvd, Cape Coral. Barbara S: 410-0081. FoodAddicts.org. Drum and Dance Circle – 6:30-9pm. Drummers, dancers, jugglers, everyone welcome. BYO chair and instrument or come just to enjoy. Under the pavilion by the water in Centennial Park, Ft Myers. Alternate location is the downtown library. Check for updates on Facebook page: Fort Myers Drum Circle.
Gentle Yoga – 9:15-10:15am. Gain flexibility, mobility, and balance using gentle movements and breath to calm and relieve stress. Emphasis on seated postures and standing balance. This class is suitable for beginners. $20/person. Dim Jandy Ranch, 13151 Pinto Ln, Ft Myers. 651-283-7590. DimJandy.com/classes.
Virtual Mat Yoga Combo (Chairs & Mat) –
6-6:45pm. Also Wed. Via Zoom. Class content: breathing, grounding, immune system enhancing, focusing, and quieting. Free/donation. Info: YoginiKandy62@gmail.com. Journey Within Meditation – 6-7pm. Join likehearted people for a guided meditation with crystal singing bowls. Comfortable meditation seats and blankets provided. Bring water to drink and an open heart. Free. Donations accepted. Kunjani Craft Coffee & Gallery, 780 Seagate Dr, Naples. FireflyWithin.org. Gurdjieff/The Fourth Way Discussion Group –7-8pm. An exploration of the teachings of G I Gurdjieff, with readings and discussion. Introductory sessions meet in Bonita Springs. Info: 565-1410. TheGurdjieffSocietyOfFlorida.org. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) – 7-8:30pm. A 12-step program for food addiction. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins. 13510 N Tamiami Tr, Ste 6, Naples. FoodAddicts.org.
The Holistic Chamber of Commerce Fort Myers and Cape Coral Monthly Meeting – 6:30-8pm.
2nd Tues. Join members online to network, connect and learn from one another and hear featured speakers. Monthly raffles, gratitude shout-outs, networking and marketing opportunities and something new to learn. $5/guests (up to two times), members/free. Facebook.com/hccfortmyers. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) – 7pm. A 12-step program for food addiction. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins. Gulf Coast Church of Christ, 9550 Six Mile Cypress Pkwy, Ft Myers. Andy: 850-4467. FoodAddicts.org.
Vinyasa Flow – 7am.With Jenn. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) – 9am. A 12-step program for food addiction. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins. St Leo Catholic Church, 28290 Beaumont Rd, Bonita Springs. Mary: 216- 870-0653. FoodAddicts.org. Virtual Qiqong with JaySun – 10am. With Jason Wechs on Facebook. Time for blue skies and palm trees with your meditative qigong master and Lotus Blossom Clinic affiliate. Facebook Page: Jason Wechs. Info: LotusBlossomClinic.com. Chi Yoga – 4pm. With Sue. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com
Virtual Mat Yoga Combo (Chairs & Mat) –
6-6:45pm.Via Zoom. Class content: breathing, ground ing, immune system enhancing,focusing and quieting. Free/donation. Info: YoginiKandy62@gmail.com. Gentle Yoga – 6-7pm. Gain flexibility, mobility and balance using gentle movements and breath to calm and relieve stress. Emphasis on seated postures and standing balance.This class is suitable for beginners. $20/person. Dim Jandy Ranch, 13151 Pinto Ln, Ft Myers. 651-283-7590. DimJandy.com/classes. A Search for God Edgar Cayce Study Group – 6-8pm. New members welcome. Unity Church of Ft Myers, 11120 Ranchette Rd. Info: 850-556-7604. UnityOfFortMyers.org.
COVID-19 Antibody Testing – Noon-3pm. Offering antibody serum testing. $214. Fort Myers Chiropractic Studio, 12655 New Brittany Blvd, Ste 13W, Ft Myers. 243-8735. FortMyersChiroStudio.com. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) – 1:30pm. A 12-step program for food addiction. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins. Ft Myers Community of Christ, 368 Herron Rd, N Ft Myers. Cheryl: 603- 702-1898. FoodAddicts.org. Crystal Bowls Meditation – 6:45-7:45pm. With Jenny Hong. Experience the healing power of sound vibration with quartz crystal singing bowls. Participants will comfortably lie down or sit while the frequencies reverberate throughout the body, bringing it back into a state of harmonic resonance and promoting deep relaxation and healing on all levels. Ft Myers. LotusBlossomClinic.com. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) – 7pm. A 12-step program for food addiction. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins. Riverside Church, 8660 Daniels Pkwy, Modular B, Ft Myers. Andy: 850-4467. FoodAddicts.org. The Spiritual Way – 8pm.Virtually via Facebook Live on the device of your choice (phone or computer). Join in the “zoom room” for a full hour of inspiration, guidance, the opportunity to share and ask questions, and to receive personal prayer from Mark Anthony Lord. Hosted by Unity of Naples. Love offering. UnityNaples.org/the-way-of-mastery.
Virtual Mat Yoga with Props – 9-10:30am. With Kandy Love. Via Zoom. Class content: breathing, grounding, immune system enhancing,focusing and quieting. Free/donation. Info: YoginiKandy62@ gmail.com. Gentle Flow – 4pm. With Heather. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. 692- 9747. LoveYogaCenter.com.
NFSH The Healing Trust Community Healing
Circle – 6:15-8:45pm. 4th Fri. Join to receive the gift of energy healing therapy. Refresh, regenerate and bring love into your being. Arrive at 6:15pm to register. No walk-ins. $20 at event by check to Karen Coratelli-Smith or cash. Unity of Naples, 2000 Unity Way, Fellowship Hall. RSVP: 692-9120. kSmith727@comcast.net.
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) – 10am. A 12-step program for food addiction. No dues, no fees, no weigh-ins. Moorings Presbyterian Church, 791 Harbour Dr, Naples. Sandy: 301-938- 7503. FoodAddicts.org. Intuitive and Energy Healing Support – 2-3:30pm. 4th Sat. Join Holistic Chamber of Commerce Cape Coral Chapter Members to explore the varied modalities of intuitive and energy healing support. This panel is a virtual, online panel held live on both Fort Myers - Holistic Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and HCCSWFL YouTube page at https://bit.ly/2B0kG7c. Free. Facebook. com/events/580699749513713. SWFL Community Drum Circle – 6:30-8:30pm. 3rd Sat. Meets once a month (check Facebook for updates). Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, hula-hooping and self-expression. Meet at the bandshell. Cambier Park, 755 8th Ave S, Naples. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle.
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FOR LEASE – New Executive Wellness Suites $400-$550 month/lease at RB Institute, Inc. Must have Florida state license, liability insurance and occupational license. 13550 Reflections Pkwy 5-503, Ft Myers. 239-939-4646. LUXURY TREATMENT ROOMS available in professional Pilates & Therapeutic Wellness Center. Perfect for massage, nutrition, electrolysis or similar. Located close to Pelican Bay and Park Shore just off Tamiami Tr North and Pine Ridge, in North Naples. From $410/mo. Call Jim at 398-5578.
INSURED WITH YOGA MAMA –Tara Mina, Independent Insurance Agent, protecting Florida families, off ering health/wellness benefi ts, survivor benefi ts and income protection. Call 239-989-5229 or email TaraMindful108@gmail.com. Healing Artisan Jewelry Sage & Incense Aura Photos Crystals Readings/Healing Inspirational Gifts
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ACUPUNCTURE ACUPUNCTURE CARE OF NAPLES Charles Caccamesi, Acupuncture Physician, DOM 501 Goodlette Rd N, Unit D100, Naples 239-877-2531 • AcupunctureCareNaples.com New England School of Acupuncture graduate with 30 years experience. Charles specializes in complex symptomology, chronic pain conditions, expert FDA-approved low light laser therapy for pain . Licensed acupuncture physician with 28 years experience in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Experienced in pain management, women’s health, insomnia, migraines, digestion issues and much more. See ad, page 12. Off ering acupuncture treatment to U.S. Veterans at no out-ofpocket cost. Requires referral thru a V.A. doctor. Dr. David Martin, AP, treats pain, other chronic conditions and PTSD using acupuncture, e-stim, cold laser, acupressure and Chinese medical massage. See ad, page 15. Specializing in pain, chronic disorders, overall wellness, allergy treatments (NAET) and kinesiology. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s ability to heal all on its own! AP771. ASTROLOGY
COSMIC MOTHER DIANE DALPE, MPA-LRM Co-Creator of "Tell A Fortune by Daphne" App 239-919-3724 • TellAFortune.com Renown TV and radio personality and intuitive life coach uses her patented deck of cards (cardomancy) to channel insightful answers and predictions for wise decision making related to relationships, fi nances, career and health issues. 20% discount on services when
ACUPUNCTURE CENTER OF NAPLES Dr. Xiu Qiong Cen, AP, OMD (China) 5683 Naples Blvd, Naples 34109 P: 239-513-9232 • F: 239-513-9293 DrCenAcupuncture@gmail.com
LOTUS BLOSSOM CLINIC Acupuncture – Oriental Medicine David Martin, AP, DOM Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Estero, Bonita 239-277-1399 • LotusBlossomClinic.com
PHYLLIS C. WEBER, AP Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine 6249 Presidential Ct, Ste E, Ft Myers 33919 239-841-6611 • GulfCoastAcupuncture.com mentioning this ad. AYURVEDA
CHRISTINA CARLIN, AYURVEDIC PRACTITIONER Ayurveda Clinic, Massage & Yoga Therapy 501 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Ste A107, Naples 34102 • 239-450-6903 Practicing holistic medicine since 1987. Professional Member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, specializing in highly personalized Ayurvedic treatments and lifestyle consultations, Massage and individual Yoga sessions for chronic and acute problems. Pancha Karma, Shirodhara and skin care. Ayurveda and Yoga Study program available. MA0023929, MM0008584, FB0716888. See ad, page 6.
FIREFLY WITHIN, LLC Karin S Wolfe, CBS Bonita Springs • 239-980-3257 FireflyWithin.com • Info@FireflyWithin.com Certifi ed Biofeedback Specialist by the Natural Therapies Certifi - cation Board. Testing nearly 7,000 patterns in your body, mind and spirit, and providing energy to the most imbalanced areas creating a space for healing. A consultation and report is provided with each session. CBS#5563.
BODYWORK ART OF HOLISTIC MASSAGE Est. 1991 Alvina Quatrano, LMT FL MA 50896 For Info or Appt: 732-266-5276 AOHMassage.com Remote sessions by donation during COVID-19 call or Zoom. Zero Balancing, Process Acupressure, Reiki. Webinar classes all discounted; call for registration. Refl exology, SEVA Stress Release, Insomnia, MT’s get CEs. Free self-massage video at AOHMassage.com. PAULA TERRY, LMT 239-821-3088, by appt. (Collier & Lee) Trained at the Upledger Institute, Paula utilizes CranioSacral Therapy combined with Heart-Centered Therapy, Somato Emotional Release™, Lymphatic Drainage, love and nurturement to foster the healing your body needs. Doula services. MA35358.
STUART WRIGHT, ND Certified Advanced Rolfer Advanced Cranial Therapist Advanced Visceral Therapist Certified Movement Educator Naturopathic Wellness Consulting By Appointment: 239-272-6443 Over 30 years excelling in quick pain relief. Specializing in back pain, structural integration & alignment, all joint-pain-related issues, mobility improvement, sports injuries, non-chiropractic spinal release. MA36890.
NETWORK CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Michele Pelletiere 3411 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 302, Bonita Springs • 239-949-1222 N.S.A. Practitioner level III. “Healing waves” release tension throughout the body, increasing wellness and quality of life, promoting new strategies for a healthy spine and nervous system.
RB INSTITUTE, INC. C. Robyn Berry, LMT, CRR, CCT, CLDT 13550 Reflections Pkwy, 5-502 & 5-503, Ft Myers • 239-939-4646 • RobynBerry.com Since 1994, gravity-enclosed UV/ Oxygen/Ozone sterilized medicalgrade water colonics, therapeutic, relaxing, chair, sports, prenatal massage, Craniosacral/SER, Heart Centered therapy, manual lymph drainage & XP2 System, visceral manipulation, HALO Photonic Blue-Violet Laser Botanical System, Asyra/Quest4 MSA Bio Meridian Stress Analysis, ear candling, Lakota YLEO Raindrop Therapy, Tuning Fork/Crystal/Bowls Therapy, refl exology, MPS, cupping, ozone steam cabinet and applied ozone therapies, infrared sauna, ionic foot detox by AMD, BEMER sessions, Power Plate, Hyperbaric Chamber, PER 2000 PEMF and notary. MM7376. See ads, pages 17 and 37.
DENTAL HEALTH ROGER J. PINT, MPH, DMD 9200 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 111 Bonita Springs, 34135 • 239-676-8730 BonitaDentalStudio.com Dr. Pint can join your health journey and play a role in minimizing toxicity; this includes protection while removing dental materials plus consultation. All X-rays are digital and minimal. See ad, page 21.
DENTISTRY LASER DENTISTRY Mark Corke, DDS 1550 Matthew Dr, Ft Myers 33907 239-936-5442 • FortMyersLaserDentist.com Dr. Corke enjoys working with holistic patients and practitioners on the journey to wellness. His practice “gets it” and is worth the trip to Fort Myers to experience his many services. From dental lasers to ozone he has many tools and a sympathetic ear. See ad, page 14.
ENERGY HEALING REV. KAREN CORATELLI-SMITH nfsh-TheHealingTrustTrainingusa.org HugsForHappiness.com 239-692-9120 • KSmith727@comcast.net Certifi ed instructor & practitioner, NFSH-The Healing Trust & ThetaHealing. Past Life Regression Counselor, Shaman Mesa Carrier, CranioSacral therapy, Esoteric Healing, Seraphim Blueprint, spiritual counselor.
HILLIS PUGH Soul Mentor & Energy Facilitator 773-569-2527 Hillis@HillisPugh.com • HillisPugh.com Let's release old thoughts, patterns and energy! Hillis is a certified psychic medium, reiki and Lemurian Light energy practitioner. Let's co-create a deeper soul connection together. 10% off all services for NA readers. NAPLES CENTER FOR FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE Carol L. Roberts, MD 800 Goodlette Rd, Ste 270, Naples 34102 239-649-7400 • HughesCenterNaples.com Carol L. Roberts, M.D. has practiced functional/integrative/holistic medicine for 25 years. She provides patients with testing to uncover causes of chronic illness, guidance in resolving health issues and education to assist the patient in her own healing. She is Medical Director at the Naples Center for Functional Medicine, formerly the Hughes Center. See ad, page 63.
ZORAYDA “JIJI” TORRES, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP Internal Medicine, Functional Medicine Office: 239-444-5636 • UpstreamMD.com Dr. Torres is a board-certifi ed internist with over 17 years of experience and knows the limitations of conventional internal medicine. She is among the few Certifi ed Practitioner M.D.s, trained by the Institute For Functional Medicine. See ad, page 12.
WELLBRIDGES, INC 9200 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 213, Bonita Springs 239-481-5600 • 239-481-5603 fax DebPost.com Comprehensive, fully integrated health care individualized for adults and children. Chronic fatigue, male and female hormone imbalance. Digestive disorders, women’s health care, autism, ADHD and related issues. See ad, page 21.
FOOD & THOUGHT ORGANIC FARM MARKET & CAFÉ 2132 Tamiami Trl N, Naples 239-213-2222 • FoodAndThought.com Open Mon-Sat 7am-8pm. Florida’s only 100% organic market and café. Fresh produce delivered daily. Homemade breakfast, lunch and dinner. See ad, page 10.
ACCESS HOLISTIC HEALING & HYPNOSIS 9853 Tamiami Trl N, Ste 215, Naples 239-776-2211 • AccessHolisticHealing.com Info@AccessHolisticHealing.com Certifi ed. Now off ering online-hypnosis sessions. Call for free consultation. Off ering wellness coaching. Light and sound therapy to heal stress, change behaviors and relieve pain from arthritis, neuropathy, etc. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Reiki and more! See ad, page 22. Offering many natural healing options in a single location: acupuncture, clinical psychotherapy (RRT, hypnotherapy, couples therapy), energy work, therapeutic massage, Transformational Breath ® , full-spectrum infrared sauna, classes (yoga, tai chi, stretch ’n strength), workshops, retail therapy and more. See ad, page 52.
EYES WIDE OPEN 239-948-9444 • SilviaCasabianca.com Neuroscience-based, holistic counseling (via televideo) to help you regulate emotions, cope with change, stress, depression or anxiety. Empathic parenting guidance. Sliding scale. Online CEUs for health professionals. Call for further information.
NATURAL & ORGANIC MARKET ADA’S NATURAL MARKET 7070 College Pkwy, Ft Myers 33907 Mon-Sat: 9am-8pm, Sun: 9am-7pm Ph: 239-939-9600 • Fax: 239-288-6210 AdasMarket.com Natural and organic produce and grocery items. Vitamins and supplements. Organic juice and smoothie bar. New Green Leaf Café. Market-prepared foods. 1000s of gluten-free items. See ad, page 45.
AUGUST Biological Dentistry
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OCTOBER Stress Management plus: Joint Health
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NATURAL AND ORGANIC PRODUCTS ANATTA 447 Broadway, Ste 204 New York City, NY 10013 347-762-1268 • AnattaMarket.com Anatta is a global online marketplace for natural, organic and raw products from farmers worldwide. The newly-formed company’s products include a variety of essential oils and waters, and its unique business model eliminates overhead costs by connecting customers directly with farmers.
D-SIGNED NUTRITION, LLC Dee Harris, RDN, LDN, CDE Bonita Bay Executive Center 3531 Bonita Bay Blvd, Ste 300, Bonita Sprgs 239-676-5249 • D-SignedNutrition.com Nutrition is our lifeblood. Healing with food starts with a personalized plan to address infl ammation, nutrient insuffi ciencies, toxic burden and imbalances in the body. See ad, page 22.
MARCY HESS, BS 501 Goodlette Rd N, Ste C208, Naples 239-231-6028 ThePerfect10Strength@gmail.com Looking and feeling strong and healthy is the fi rst reason for working with a nutrition coach. Let me help you get back on track for life without dieting! See ad, page 53.
KAREN L. BEATTY, ABR, GRI Downing-Frye Realty, Inc Naples • 239-269-7788 Klbeatty48@aol.com • KarenBeatty.com Florida native, loving and selling Naples since 1977. Karen knows the market, off ers expert counseling with effi cient reliability. She takes the stress out of buying or selling and gets the job done with a smile. Choose Karen for ease and joy in your real estate transaction!
I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
FARMADELICA SOUND Howard and Lainie Wulkan Pine Island in Bokeelia, FL 239-785-0809 facebook.com/FarmadelicaSound/ Full-service conscious and energized recording studio: music, meditations, affi rmations, channeling, audio books, commercials, podcasts. Global marketing.
REGENERATIVE MEDICINE CARING MEDICAL REGENERATIVE MEDICINE CLINICS Ross Hauser, MD Katherine Worsnick, MPAS, PA-C 9738 Commerce Center Ct, Ft Myers 239-308-4747 • CaringMedical.com Specialists in stem cell therapy, PRP and H3 Prolotherapy: the most scientifi cally curative regenerative injection method for chronic pain, sports injuries and arthritis. Since 1993, we’ve helped patients who have plateaued with other pain “management” treatments to permanently resolve their pain, nerve entrapments and disabling symptoms without surgery or medication.
MEREDITH MUSICK, LMT, E-RYT 2000 239-269-8846 MeredithMusick.com Master Yoga Teacher and massage therapist with 28 years experience, serving Naples since 1999. Sun-damaged skin repair clinician, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, sports and neuromuscular therapy, cranio facial and TMJ relief, heal injuries. Improve posture: alignmentbased yoga and posture classes.
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