21 minute read


Healthy, Homemade Cookie Treats

by Amy Coyle

One morning, Randy Roach awoke to a delicious aroma waft ing from the kitchen of his Philadelphia home. Mouth watering, he peeked in the oven to fi nd a dozen bone-shaped cookies—meant not for him, but for Woods, the family dog. “Such is life when you live with a dog lover,” laughs Randy’s wife Kate, who had peanut butter, oat and fl ax seed cookies baking for their rescued Labrador mix, a picky eater. Cooking treats for canine family members is a smart move, as they are eco-friendly, cost less and are healthier than company-made ones, say veterinarians.

A Smaller Pawprint

With the focus on decreasing personal carbon footprints, an Earth-conscious dog owner may want to make dog biscuits at home purely for the lower environmental impact. Research from UCLA shows that industrial production of dog and cat food creates the equivalent in greenhouse gases of 13 million cars annually. Storebought dog treats require oil, energy and water to produce and transport. Th e packaging oft en contains plastic or other non-biodegradable materials, which cause pollution, block drains and harm wildlife. Making treats at home is simple and less tricky nutritionally than making a dog’s regular meals. “When it comes to regular dog food, I’m not a proponent of home-cooked food. It is far too diffi cult to balance nutrients. For treats, I am not so concerned,” says Lawrence Gallagher, VMD, at Villanova Vet, in Villanova, Pennsylvania. “But you need to watch calories.

Treats should be ‘high-reward’ and low-calorie, not necessarily big in size. Th ey are used as a reward, not to fi ll the stomach.” Homemade dog treats cost less over time. Many popular traditional dog treats are $5 to $10 per bag, with organic costing more. Kate fi gures she saves as much as $20 a month making Woods’ treats.

A Healthy Choice

Th e labels on many commercial dog treats list dubious ingredients such as meat by-products, sugar, sodium metabisulfi te (a bleaching agent), propylene glycol and artifi cial colors. “My general rule of thumb is if you cannot pronounce or don’t recognize an ingredient, it is probably not healthy for your pet,” says Alison Streit Birken,

DVM, owner of Victoria Park Animal Hospital, in Fort Lauderdale.

In addition, some packaged treats are produced in countries where ingredient and manufacturing regulations are less rigorous, which has led to illness and even death in dogs.

Getting Started

No special equipment is required. Mixing bowls, measuring spoons, a wooden spoon, baking sheets and a cooling rack will

suffi ce. More ambitious treat-makers might want a muffi n pan for custom shapes. Common ingredients include pumpkin, bananas, yogurt and peanut butter. When choosing a recipe, aim for no or little sugar. (Honey and molasses are simple sugars.) Also, because homemade treats have no preservatives, be sure to follow storage requirements such as refrigeration or freezing.

Jen Jovinelly, a DVM candidate at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, promotes simple treats. “Treats are not food. Keep the caloric intake from treats under 10 percent of your dog’s daily caloric requirement.” She also cautions to avoid foods that could be dangerous, such as chocolate, grapes, raisins, avocados, certain nuts, onions, garlic or artifi cial sweeteners. If unsure about the safety of an ingredient, check the online list at Th e Humane Society of the United States (HumaneSociety.org) or consult with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist.

For those that aren’t inclined to bake, toys fi lled with organic peanut butter, then frozen, keep dogs happy, while others love the crunch of raw carrots or broccoli. As Birken says, “You can always go to your own refrigerator and pick out some great, healthy dog treats!”

Amy Coyle is a freelance writer in Wynnewood, Pennsylvania.

More Healthful Treat Recipes

Th e internet has countless dog biscuit and treat recipes, along with collections of recipes for special occasions and holidays. For a simple start, look for recipes that only have a few ingredients that are already in the kitchen, such as those at PuppyLeaks.com/ simple-dog-treat-recipes. Great books include Th e Ultimate Dog Treat Cookbook, by Liz Palika, and Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook, by Th e Bubba Rose Biscuit Company.

Healthy Treats for Dogs

Good Dog Treat

Yield: varies

1 15-oz can pumpkin ½ cup peanut butter ½ cup coconut oil, melted 4 (organic, cage-free) eggs 1¾ cups coconut fl our Preheat oven to 350° F. In a large bowl, whisk together pumpkin, peanut butter, coconut oil and eggs until smooth. Add coconut fl our. Mix until well combined. Let rest for 5 to 10 minutes to thicken. Place dough in between two pieces of parchment paper and roll the dough until it’s about one-quarter paper and roll the dough until it’s about one-quarterinch thick. Remove the top layer of the parchment paper and cut shapes inch thick. Remove the top layer of the parchment paper and cut shapes with cookie cutters (consider the size of the dog when selecting with cookie cutters (consider the size of the dog when selecting cutter sizes). Bake for 45 to 55 minutes until treats are dry and hard. Let Bake for 45 to 55 minutes until treats are dry and hard. Let cool completely. Store in an airtight container. Grind fl axseed to powder in a food processor or coff ee grinder. Combine fl axseed, oats and peanut butter, adding just enough water to make a dough. Roll into 24 balls and chill in sealed container in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Courtesy of Kate Roach.

Kate’s PB Oat Cookies

Yield: 24 dog treats

1 cup peanut butter ½ cup rolled oats 2 Tbsp fl axseed Water, as needed Grind fl axseed to powder in a food processor or coff ee grinder. Combine fl axseed, oats and peanut butter, adding just enough water to make a dough. Roll into 24 balls and chill in sealed container in refrigerator for 30 minutes. Place on a cookie sheet, evenly spaced, and bake at 350° F for 15 minutes.

Courtesy of Kate Roach.

Natural Awakenings recommends using recommends using organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and organic, non-GMO (genetically modified) and non-bromated ingredients whenever possible. non-bromated ingredients whenever possible.

The events described in this section were scheduled to take place at the time we went to press. Please check ahead to confirm their status.


SWFL Community Drum Circle – 6:30-9pm. Every other Saturday (also July 17 & 31). Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, hula-hooping and self-expression. Family friendly. BYO chair. Check Facebook for updates. Free. Cambier Park, 755 8th Ave S, Naples. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle.


An Evening of Reiki Share with Chat Rooms – 6:30-8pm. 1st Tues. Join for monthly reiki share online using distance reiki. Begins with a Holy Fire meditation and then chat rooms for private sessions. Donation. Register by email to receive the Zoom link: Pattie@pcarney.net.


Good Points –7-8pm. Self-Care Acupressure Leg and Foot Release with Alvina Quatrano. One-hour self-care relaxation time on Zoom. Sit back and receive or follow along. Register: aohmassage.com/ project/60-minute-good-points-seva-self-care/ includes Zoom link. Free 29-minute intro video and acupressure protocol will be shared for future reference. $10 suggested donation.Adifferent protocol offeredmonthly.732-266-5276.AOHMassage.com. MONDAY, JULY 12

Playing with Prana – 5:30-6:30pm. Join Kandy Love in unmasking and moving back into a new normal with the HEPA filter and social distancing. Prana means life force, so playing with prana looks like increasing our breath capacity and playfulness with living. This one-hour class will introduce yogic breath practices, simply and easily, and known to achieve mental, physical and emotional balance. $15. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Preregister: YoginiKandy62@gmail.com.


Psychic Fair – 5-8pm. Mini-readings with some of Naples’ most experienced psychics and healers. Services include mediumship, tarot, reiki, angel, past-life, chakra balancing, intuitive, body scanning, oracle and more. $30/20 minutes. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com.


Dream Catcher Workshop – 1-3pm. Make a small dream catcher and learn some of the history. All supplies are included, just bring good vibes. $30/person includes supplies. Mystical Bookshop, 13141 McGregor Blvd, Ste 7, Ft Myers. 338-7816. MysticalBookshop.com/mystical-bookshopspecial-events.


Light Code Activations – 9-10:30am. Join for channeled energy, activations and messages. These activations can be shortcuts to ease and grace, healing and prosperity. $22, Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com. Women’s Health Protocol – 9am-noon. SelfCare Acupressure with co-teachers Missy Grace Oleaga and Alvina Quatrano. Webinar style. A proactive approach to health and well-being. Men welcome. 3 CE’s MT’s FL & NCBTMB. $65. Info: AOHMassage.com. Register: aohMassage.com/project/the-womens-health-protocol or 732-266-5276. SATURDAY, JULY 17

Psychic Fair – 11am-4pm. Mini-readings with some of Naples’ most experienced psychics and healers. Services include mediumship, tarot, reiki, angel, past-life, chakra balancing, intuitive, body scanning, oracle and more. $30/20 minutes. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com. SWFL Community Drum Circle – 6:30-9pm. Every other Saturday (also July 31). Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, hula-hooping and self-expression. Family friendly. BYO chair. Check Facebook for updates. Free. Cambier Park, 755 8th Ave S, Naples. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle.


Usui/Holy Fire Reiki I & II Workshop – 9am-5pm. Also July 25. Join Pattie Carney, reiki master and teacher to learn an ancient Japanese healing technique.Learn hands-on reiki for yourself and others, and learn to send reiki to those at a distance. Plus, time for practice. $190 for both days or $120 for Reiki II only (manual included). $50 deposit. For your protection, social distancing, HEPA filter and bring a mask. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399.


connect with like-minded people? Join to circle up in a safe and sacred space with one another! A place to be yourself, empower others, learn and grow. Free. Mystical Bookshop, 13141 McGregor Blvd, Ste 7, Ft Myers. 338-7816. MysticalBookshop.com. Thriving in the New Normal – 6:30-8pm. Join Dr. David and Deb Martín for a continuing series of topics on life in the new normal. In person (HEPA filter, bring a mask). $5 donation. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. RSVP: Deb@LotusBlossomClinic.com.


Recovery Circle – 6-7pm. Whether you are currently in recovery from substances or looking for support recovering from trauma, we welcome all comers in a safe and sacred space. The Recovery Circle is for those looking for healing and joy. Meets every 4th Friday of the month. Free. Mystical Bookshop, 13141 McGregor Blvd, Ste 7, Ft Myers. 338-7816. MysticalBookShop.com. Master Tarot Class – 6-7:30pm. Learn everything from the meaning of the cards to methods of reading in one night. This class is a full course in everything you need to become a professional tarot reader. $50. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 2286949. GoddessIAM.com.


Food as Medicine Class – 1:30-4:30pm. Join Dr. David Martín, Deb and Vickie for this popular, medicinal foods sampling class based on Conquering Any Disease High Phytochemical Food Healing System, by Jeff Primack. Learn which foods are scientifically proven to help reverse illness and disease and create radiant health! Held in a large room, social distancing, masks, HEPA filters. $35. Reservations and prepayment required. $35. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. RSVP: 277-1399.


Manifest Your Beautiful Life – 6:30-8pm. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own towel and yoga mat, will learn and experience breathing techniques, stretching and guided meditation exercises to enliven their senses and uplift wellbeing. $25. Purely You Spa (rooftop deck), 3066 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 302, Naples. Info/register by July 19: 233-9633, Jenn@PurelyYouSpa.com, or PurelyYouSpa.com. See ad on page 5 and news brief on page 10.


Runes 101 Class – 1-3pm. Learn the basics of runes, the meaning of each rune and the casting of them, plus make your own set. All supplies included, plus river rocks to make a set of 24 Runes. $30/person. Mystical Bookshop, 13141 McGregor Blvd, Ste 7, Ft Myers. 338-7816. MysticalBookshop.com/ mystical-bookshop-special-events. SWFL Community Drum Circle – 6:30-9pm. Every other Saturday (also Aug 14 & 28). Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, hula-hooping and self-expression. Family friendly. BYO chair. Check Facebook for updates. Free. Cambier Park, 755 8th Ave S, Naples. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle.


Spirit Fest: Metaphysical and Holistic Fair – Aug 21-22. 10am-6pm. Enjoy 100 booths with vendors, practitioners, intuitive readers, artists, and demonstrations. Something for everyone. Speakers throughout both days on a variety of topics. $15/ entry fee. Children 12 & under free. Vendor opportunities still available. Visit SanctuaryFL.com. Charlotte Harbor Event Center, 75 Taylor St, Punta Gorda. See ad, page 20.

ongoing events


Community Yoga – 8:30-9:30am. Free the first Sunday of every month. Weekly classes include Monday and Friday at 9am, Wednesday at 6:15pm, and Sunday at 10:30am. $20/class with package deals available at MysticalBookshop. com. Free. Jaycee Park, 4125 SE 20th Pl, Cape Coral. 338-7816.

Learn Access Bars and Become a Practitio-

ner – 9am-5pm. 3rd Sun. Become a certified practitioner in one day. Learn the 32 points on the head that when gently touched, release thoughts, feelings and emotions that keep us blocked. Class includes: book, three head charts, two giving and two receiving sessions. $350. Access Holistic Healing and Hypnosis, 9853 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 215, Naples. 776-2211. AccessHolisticHealing. com/access-bars. Sunday Night Spiritual Gathering – 5:30-7pm. A Zoom venue for spiritual seekers to gather and have positive conversations. We teach and practice affirmative prayer and embrace our inherent divinity. Our principles are positivity as we work through life’s puzzles. Obtain link by emailing: RevLuluLogan@gmail.com. Free (love offerings accepted). RevLulu.org. Fort Myers Drum Circle – 7-9pm. Dance, drum, hoop or just enjoy the beats. Bring your own chair. Downtown Fort Myers Regional Library, 2450 First St, Ft Myers. Facebook page: Fort Myers Drum Circle. Info: Facebook.com/groups/ fortmyersdrumcircle.


Gentle Flow Yoga – 7pm. With Chrissie. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com.


Reiki Share with Chat Rooms – 6:30-8pm. 1st Tues. Join for monthly reiki share online using distance reiki. Begins with a Holy Fire meditation and then chat rooms for private sessions. Donation. Register by email to receive the Zoom link: Pattie@ pcarney.net. Multidimensional Healing Group – 6:30-8pm on Zoom. Connecting and healing with spirit guides and loved ones in spirit. Mediumship master Patti Wilson facilitates therapeutic conversations with loved ones that have crossed over and helps you develop your own abilities in multidimensional communication. $30/class or $100/4-classes. Register: 270-1876, SpiritualCoach@hotmail.com. Sunset Slowdown – 7-8pm. With Nancy. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com.


Qigong – 10-11am. Join JaySun (Jason) Wechs in person to learn and practice the ancient art of qigong (Sheng Shen form), a spiritual form of the practice. Qigong has been taught in China for thousands of years. Experience and expand your own healing energy. $15. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399. Gentle Flow Yoga – 7pm. With Karen. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Ste 204, Naples. LoveYogaCenter.com.


Crystal Bowl Meditation – 6:45-7:45pm. In person with Jenny Hong. Participants will comfortably lie down or sit while the frequencies reverberate throughout the body, promoting deep relaxation and healing on all levels. Physical distancing and face masks required. $15. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. 277-1399. Preregister: JennyLotusBlossom@gmail.com. LotusBlossomClinic. com/events. Gentle Flow Yoga – 7-8pm. With Megan. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. 6929747. LoveYogaCenter.com.


Sound Healing/Breathwork – Thru July. 10am. Weekly sound sessions begin with grounding breathwork followed by a short guided visualization meditation and sound bath. Bring a yoga mat or cushion to use to settle into the healing. $20. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 2286949. GoddessIAM.com. Love Rocks – 6pm. With Chrissie. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com.


SWFL Community Drum Circle – 6:309pm. Every other Saturday (July 3, 17 & 31). Drummers of all nations and spectators are welcome to attend for community drumming, dancing, hula-hooping and self-expression. Family friendly. BYO chair. Check Facebook for updates. Free. Cambier Park, 755 8th Ave S, Naples. Facebook group: SWFL Community Drum Circle.

Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email NAadvertising@naturalawakeningsmag.com to request our media kit.



Dr. Xiu Qiong Cen, AP, OMD (China) 5683 Naples Blvd, Naples 34109 P: 239-513-9232 • F: 239-513-9293 DrCenAcupuncture@gmail.com Licensed acupuncture physician with 28 years experience in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Experienced in pain management, women’s health, insomnia, migraines, digestion issues and much more. See ad, page 6.


Acupuncture – Oriental Medicine David Martin, AP, DOM Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Estero, Bonita 239-277-1399 • LotusBlossomClinic.com

Off ering acupuncture treatment to U.S. Veterans at no out-ofpocket cost. Requires referral thru a V.A. doctor. Dr. David Martin, AP, treats pain, other chronic conditions and PTSD using acupuncture, e-stim, cold laser, acupressure and Chinese medical massage. See ad, page 37.


Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine 6249 Presidential Ct, Ste E, Ft Myers 33919 239-841-6611 • GulfCoastAcupuncture.com Specializing in pain, chronic disorders, overall wellness, allergy treatments (NAET) and kinesiology. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s ability to heal all on its own! AP771.



Ayurveda Clinic, Massage & Yoga Therapy 501 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Ste A107, Naples 34102 • 239-450-6903 Practicing holistic medicine since 1987. Professional Member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, specializing in highly personalized Ayurvedic treatments and lifestyle consultations, Massage and individual Yoga sessions for chronic and acute problems. Pancha Karma, Shirodhara and skin care. Ayurveda and Yoga Study program available. MA0023929, MM0008584, FB0716888. See ad, page 6. BODYWORK


Alvina Quatrano, LMT FL MA 50896 For Info or Appt: 732-266-5276 AOHMassage.com Remote sessions by donation during COVID-19 call or Zoom. Zero Balancing, Process Acupressure, Reiki. Webinar classes all discounted; call for registration. Refl exology, SEVA Stress Release, Insomnia, MT’s get CEs. Free self-massage video at AOHMassage.com.


239-821-3088, by appt. (Collier & Lee) Trained at the Upledger Institute, Paula utilizes CranioSacral Therapy combined with Heart-Centered Therapy, Somato Emotional Release™, Lymphatic Drainage, love and nurturement to foster the healing your body needs. Doula services. MA35358.


Anthony F. Hansen, LMT, MFR, CST, ML,D/CDP 824 Anchor Rode Dr, Naples 34103 239-262-8722

Tony is celebrating his 20th year as a therapist. He practices myofascial release, cranial sacral therapy and is a certifi ed lymphedema therapist. Free infra-red sauna. MA32797 MM21480.


Certified Advanced Rolfer Advanced Cranial Therapist Advanced Visceral Therapist Certified Movement Educator Naturopathic Wellness Consulting By Appointment: 239-272-6443 Over 30 years excelling in quick pain relief. Specializing in back pain, structural integration & alignment, all joint-pain-related issues, mobility improvement, sports injuries, non-chiropractic spinal release. MA36890. Dr. Michele Pelletiere 3411 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 302, Bonita Springs • 239-949-1222 N.S.A. Practitioner level III. “Healing waves” release tension throughout the body, increasing wellness and quality of life, promoting new strategies for a healthy spine and nervous system.



C. Robyn Berry, LMT, CRR, CCT, CLDT 13550 Reflections Pkwy, 5-502 & 5-503, Ft Myers • 239-939-4646 • RobynBerry.com Since 1994, gravity-enclosed UV/ Oxygen/Ozone sterilized medicalgrade water colonics, therapeutic, relaxing, chair, sports, prenatal massage, Craniosacral/SER, Heart Centered therapy, manual lymph drainage & XP2 System, visceral manipulation, HALO Photonic Blue-Violet Laser Botanical System, Asyra/Quest4 MSA Bio Meridian Stress Analysis, ear candling, Lakota YLEO Raindrop Therapy, Tuning Fork/Crystal/Bowls Therapy, refl exology, MPS, cupping, ozone steam cabinet and applied ozone therapies, infrared sauna, ionic foot detox by AMD, BEMER sessions, Power Plate, Hyperbaric Chamber, PER 2000 PEMF and notary. MM7376. See ad, page 26.



9200 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 111 Bonita Springs, 34135 • 239-676-8730 BonitaDentalStudio.com Dr. Pint can join your health journey and play a role in minimizing toxicity; this includes protection while removing dental materials plus consultation. All X-rays are digital and minimal. See ad, page 19.



Eduardo Maristany, MD 800 Goodlette Rd N, Ste 270, Naples 34102 239-649-7400 • NaplesCFM.com Eduardo Maristany, M.D. is a board-certifi ed internal medicine physician trained in functional/integrative medicine, genomic interpretation, and anti-aging. Dr. Maristany incorporates genomic intelligence and cutting-edge tools to provide his patients with comprehensive genetic health risks and benefi ts, and a personalized health plan for optimal wellness. See ad, page 55.

Carol L. Roberts, MD 800 Goodlette Rd N, Ste 270, Naples 34102 239-649-7400 • NaplesCFM.com Carol L. Roberts, M.D. has practiced functional/integrative/holistic medicine for 25 years. She provides patients with testing to uncover causes of chronic illness, guidance in resolving health issues and education to assist the patient in her own healing. She is Medical Director at the Naples Center for Functional Medicine, formerly the Hughes Center. See ad, page 55.


Internal Medicine, Functional Medicine Office: 239-444-5636 • UpstreamMD.com Dr. Torres is a board-certifi ed internist with over 17 years of experience and knows the limitations of conventional internal medicine. She is among the few Certifi ed Practitioner M.D.s, trained by the Institute For Functional Medicine. See ad, page 12.



2132 Tamiami Trl N, Naples 239-213-2222 • FoodAndThought.com Open Mon-Sat 7am-8pm. Florida’s only 100% organic market and café. Fresh produce delivered daily. Homemade breakfast, lunch and dinner. See ad, page 10. Michele Durham, CH, MBA 27975 Old 41 Rd, Ste 200, Bonita Springs, 34135 office: 239-301-3501 • cell: 239-776-2211 AccessHolisticHealing.com Specializing in hypnosis, QHHT, NLP, SRT. Off ering sound and light therapy, massage therapy, reiki, access bars, salt therapy, Conscious1Vibe crystals and bookstore. Joined by Dr. Daniel Stanciu off ering IV Infusions and nutrition testing. See ad, page 31.


239-948-9444 • SilviaCasabianca.com Neuroscience-based, holistic counseling (via televideo) to help you regulate emotions, cope with change, stress, depression or anxiety. Empathic parenting guidance. Sliding scale. Online CEUs for health professionals. Call for further information.



Top Expert in Science of Happiness Positive Pyschologist Coach – 30 Years of Experience Chief Happiness Officer/President of House of Gaia 239-290-7008 • Lulu@HouseOfGaia.org HappinessBeyondBorders.com HouseOfGaia.org Ready for positive changes in your life in 2021? First session is free – call to schedule. Private sessions on-line, aff ordable packages. Get inspired, learn, transform and be happy! English, Spanish and Portuguese. See ad, page 41.

Coming Next Month AUGUST

Boost Happiness & Well-Being

Plus: Shamanism Today Back-to-School Wellness Tips Benefits of Having a Life Coach

7070 College Pkwy, Ft Myers 33907 Mon-Sat: 9am-8pm, Sun: 9am-7pm Ph: 239-939-9600 • Fax: 239-288-6210 AdasMarket.com Natural and organic produce and grocery items. Vitamins and supplements. Organic juice and smoothie bar. New Green Leaf Café. Market-prepared foods. 1000s of gluten-free items. See ad, page 27.



447 Broadway, Ste 204 New York City, NY 10013 347-762-1268 • AnattaMarket.com Anatta is a global online marketplace for natural, organic and raw products from farmers worldwide. The newly-formed company’s products include a variety of essential oils and waters, and its unique business model eliminates overhead costs by connecting customers directly with farmers.



Dee Harris, RDN, LDN, CDE Bonita Bay Executive Center 3531 Bonita Bay Blvd, Ste 300, Bonita Sprgs 239-676-5249 • D-SignedNutrition.com Nutrition is our lifeblood. Healing with food starts with a personalized plan to address infl ammation, nutrient insuffi ciencies, toxic burden and imbalances in the body. See ad, page 15.


501 Goodlette Rd N, Ste C208, Naples 239-231-6028 ThePerfect10Strength@gmail.com Looking and feeling strong and healthy is the fi rst reason for working with a nutrition coach. Let me help you get back on track for life without dieting! See ad, page 37.




Master Yoga Teacher and massage therapist with 28 years experience, serving Naples since 1999. Sun-damaged skin repair clinician, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, sports and neuromuscular therapy, cranio facial and TMJ relief, heal injuries. Improve posture: alignmentbased yoga and posture classes.

Fee for classifieds is a minimum charge of $25 for up to the first 20 words and $1 for each additional word. Must be pre-paid. Email listing, include billing contact info, by 10th of month prior to publication to: NAClassifieds@ NaturalAwakenings.com.


LUXURY TREATMENT OFFICES – For lease in Castello Professional Center near U.S. 41 and Pine Ridge. Perfect for massage or similar. From $420/month. 239-398-5578.



HEALING – By JamesSteven Farnsworth. The Fiddle Flowers Fiddle Gram. Gift of 12 beautiful roses in a vase and gift card, plus a lovely miniconcert of violin/fiddle music. Special intro price: $55 local delivery. Additional services: Artistic violin performance: weddings and all special events. The Healing Violin: transformative sound therapy for the elderly and those affected by physical and mental disabilities. Graceful Passages: Funerals and end-of-life celebrations. Call/text: 510-292-7786, JsfViolin@gmail.com. TheHealingViolin.com.

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