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Coronavirus as a Calling

by Gregg Levoy


Not to diminish the fact that we’re from our goals and how it can block our dealing with a serious and worldwide intentions, but as a vehicle of meditation itepidemiological threat, the pandemic can self: How do we feel, what wants to emerge be transmuted into golden opportunities, and what do we truly know? especially if we follow the sometimes blind spiritual instinct that tells us this crisis— Appreciate it as connective tissue in indeed each of our individual lives—has society. We’re seeing fi rsthand how our purpose and meaning, and that we need to individual actions can aff ect those around act on this impulse despite the temptation us, for better and for worse, and that we deto back down and run for cover. Here are pend on one another for survival. Washing four ways to respond to the call of these our hands and sheltering in place are acts of turbulent times: both self-care and community care. In the weeks following 9/11 when the fi ction of our Use it as a reset. For months, it has been invulnerability was so shockingly revealed, impossible to conduct busyness-as-usual, many of us began holding doors open for and we may be left with unaccustomed strangers, spending more time with our time on our hands. But like the asteroid kids, honking less and listening more. Life’s that ushered out the dinosaurs and gave fragility, our fragility, woke us up to our the mammals underfoot a shot at promineed for each other. Now that social isolanence, once the thunder lizards of everytion is suddenly forced on us, it reminds us day busyness and distraction are sidelined, how precious those connections are. parts of us that are normally overshadowed may be given an entrance cue—not Approach it as a reminder of mortality. just projects we’ve back-burnered in Th e pandemic is a perfect opportunity to deference to the daily grind, but deeper practice the fi ne and fearsome art of nonthoughts and feelings about our prioriattachment, because life will ultimately ask ties, the status quo, work/life (im)balance us to surrender everything. “We all owe or our inner life. Th e better part of valor God a death,” Shakespeare wrote. We can and wisdom may lie in asking, “What can use this time to clarify what’s important I learn here?” rather than, “How can I and how to best use our precious nick of overcome this?” time. When we strip ourselves of any illusions of immortality, we are thus free to Consider it a powerful meditation.Medilive our lives to the fullest. tation teachers tell us that distractions aren’t obstacles, they are the meditation, so Gregg Levoy is the author of Callings: Findthat we say to ourselves, “Ah, the dog-bark ing and Following an Authentic Life and meditation,” or “Ah, the weed-whacker Vital Signs: Th e Nature and Nurture of Pasmeditation.” Th e same with the coronavision, and a regular blogger for Psychology rus. Approach it not just as a distraction Today. Learn more at GreggLevoy.com. Get treatment for


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TAI CHI AND QIGONG Life Force in Motion

by Marlaina Donato

The fl owing movement of tai chi mirrors the serenity of water, but still waters run deep. Th is ancient practice of gentle meditative movement is an off shoot of Chinese martial arts that off ers a spectrum of surprising benefi ts, including healthier soft tissues and bones, as well as improved sleeping.

According to Harvard Health Publishing, when practiced consistently, tai chi supports both upper and lower body strength with eff ects that are akin to resistance training and brisk walking. Tai chi helps to fi ne-tune neurons of the inner ear and encourages muscle and ligament fl exibility, resulting in better balance and fewer falls. Th e practice is highly adaptable and anyone can benefi t, even those that are wheelchair-bound or recovering from surgery.

“It appears eff ortless, with slow and smooth movements, but there is immense power underneath the tranquility,” says Paul Lam, family physician and director of the Tai Chi for Health Institute, in Sydney, Australia. “Tai chi has been shown by over 500 medical studies to benefi t almost all aspects of health, including mobility, immunity and heart and lung function.” Lam also highlights other related benefi ts, including lower blood pressure, less arthritis pain and stress relief.

Research published last year in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine shows that 12 weeks of tai chi practice initiated beneficial changes in the immune system with subsequent improvement of lung function in children ages 6 to 12 with asthma.

A River of Energy

While tai chi is a modifi ed martial art with a focus on form, its close relative, qigong, is a mind-body wellness system that uses breath, simple movement and stillness. Both cultivate qi, or life force, that is believed to permeate all natural existence. Th e concept of qi, yet to be understood scientifi cally, is the basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the focus of many studies in China and elsewhere.

“It is believed that qi fl ows throughout and around the body. If we are healthy, the qi will be moving smoothly and abundantly. If we are not healthy, the qi may be stagnant, excessive or defi cient,” says qigong instructor and acupuncturist Jeff rey Chand, in British Columbia, Canada.

Robert Chuckrow, a retired phys

ics professor in Ossining, New York, and the author of Tai Chi Dynamics and Th e Tai ChiBook, explains, “When muscles are tensed, qi is inhibited. Instead, when muscles are relaxed and the body is open and moves naturally, qi is enhanced. Such cultivation of qi is the main component of qigong. Tai chi actually includes qigong.” Chuckrow currently has two students that are 100 years old and notes that seniors greatly appreciate and benefi t from these arts once they experience the connection between mind and body.

Lee Holden, a qigong master teacher at the Holden QiGong Center, in Santa Cruz, California, emphasizes the consequence of being in perpetual “fight-or-flight” mode from everyday, nonthreatening life stresses. “The waves crashing to the shore, the river flowing down the mountain, demonstrate nature’s boundless energy. We, as human beings, have cut ourselves off from that source of energy. Through qigong practice, we plug back into that natural energy reserve and circulate it through our minds and bodies. Stress, like a kink in the hose, causes a stagnation of qi. Relaxation, like unwinding the kink, gets the qi to flow.”

Nourishing the Nervous System

Tai chi and qigong lower the stress hormone cortisol, improve brain function and have been shown to decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression. Both approaches are part of many addiction recovery programs to help nourish mind-body connections for better managing stress.

“In my view, both qigong and tai chi are wonderful exercises for the nervous system, which during practice, undergoes intense moment-to-moment receiving, processing and sending of neural electrical information. Th is electricity stimulates cells to absorb oxygen and nutrients and expel waste products, and it benefi cially helps arrange material within cells,” says Chuckrow.

In essence, it’s all about encouraging calm, something we all need. Chand summarizes its benefi ts superbly. “It empowers individuals to help themselves. Th e more stress management tools we have to help ourselves, the better our overall health and quality of life is.”

Marlaina Donato is a body-mind-spirit author and visionary composer. Connect at AutumnEmbersMusic.com.

Helpful Links Communi Qi is an online video library of qigong practices off ered temporarily on a complimentary basis “to help people thrive through this challenging time,” says Jeff rey Chand. Tinyurl.com/PositiviQiSeries

How Does Practicing T’ai Chi Reduce Falls? by Robert Chuckrow Tinyurl.com/TaiChiReducesFalls

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Cancer-Free Pets Five Ways to Help Keep Them Healthy

by Karen Shaw Becker

Veterinarians are seeing cancer in more and younger pets these days than ever before. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, approximately one in four dogs will develop cancer at some point in life, including almost half of dogs over the age of 10. But taking practical steps can help lower a pet’s risk. Don’t allow a dog or cat to become overweight.Studies show that restricting the number of calories an animal eats prevents and/or delays the progression of tumor development across species. Fewer calories cause the cells of the body to block tumor growth, whereas too many calories can lead to obesity, which is closely linked to increased cancer risk in humans.

There’s a connection between too much glucose, increased insulin sensitivity, inflammation and oxidative stress, all factors in obesity and cancer. It’s important to remember that fat doesn’t just sit in a pet’s body harmlessly—it produces inflammation that can promote tumor development. Feed an anti-inflammatory diet.Anything that creates or promotes inflammation in the body increases the risk for cancer. Current research suggests cancer is actually a chronic inflammatory disease fueled by carbohydrates. The inflammatory process creates an environment in which abnormal cells proliferate.

Cancer cells require the glucose in carbohydrates to grow and multiply, so work to eliminate this cancer energy source. Carbs to remove from a pet’s diet include processed grains, fruits with fructose and starchy vegetables like potatoes.

Keep in mind that all dry pet food (“fast food”) contains some form of potentially carcinogenic, highly processed starch. It may be grain-free, but it can’t be starch-free because it’s not possible to manufacture kibble without using some type of starch. The correlation between consuming fast foods and cancer has been established in humans, so

it’s wise to incorporate as much fresh, unprocessed food into an entire family’s diet as can be afforded.

Cancer cells generally can’t use dietary fats for energy, so high amounts of good-quality fats are nutritionally beneficial for dogs fighting cancer, along with a reduced amount of protein and no carbs—basically a ketogenic diet.

A healthy diet for a pet is one that’s anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer, and consists of real, preferably raw, whole foods. It should include high-quality protein, including muscle meat, organs and bones. It should also include high amounts of animal fat, high levels of EPA and DHA (omega-3 fatty acids) and a few fresh-cut, low-glycemic veggies. This species-appropriate diet is high in moisture content and contains no grains or starches.

Also make sure the diet is balanced following ancestral diet recommendations, which have much more rigorous standards (higher amounts of minerals and vitamins) than the current dietary recommendations for pets. A few beneficial supplements like probiotics, medicinal mushrooms, digestive enzymes and super green foods can also be very beneficial to enhance immune function. Reduce or eliminate a pet’s exposure to toxins and minimize chronic stress.These include chemical pesticides like flea and tick preventives, lawn chemicals linked to cancer (weed killers, herbicides, etc.), tobacco smoke, flame retardants, household cleaners and air-scenting products like candles and plug-ins. Because we live in a toxic world and avoiding all chemical exposure is nearly impossible, a periodic detoxification protocol can also benefit a pet.

Research points to the benefits of identifying and removing sources of chronic stress in an animal’s life. Focusing on providing environmental enrichment and opportunities for dogs to just be dogs (play, sniff and run) on a daily basis is important in keeping them happy and healthy.

For dogs, especially a large or giant breed, hold off neutering or spaying until the age of

18 months to 2 years. Studies have linked spaying and neutering to increasing cancer rates in dogs. Even better, investigate alternative ways to sterilize a pet without upsetting their important hormone balance. Refuse unnecessary vaccinations. Vaccine protocols should be tailored to minimize risk and maximize protection, taking into account the breed, background, nutritional status, lifestyle and overall vitality of the pet. Vaccines may cause cancer, and titer testing is a responsible way to ensure a pet has adequate immunity in place of over-vaccinating on an annual basis.

Karen Shaw Becker, DVM, a proactive and integrative veterinarian in the Chicago area, consults internationally and writes Mercola Healthy Pets.

10 Classic Symptoms Not to Ignore

Dogs and cats can develop cancer almost anywhere in the body, which is why the symptoms vary depending on the tissues and organs involved and the severity of the disease. Make an appointment with a veterinarian if a pet displays any of these warning signs of cancer. 1. Unusual swellings that don’t go away or that grow. The best way to discover lumps, bumps or swelling on a dog or cat is to pet them. 2. Sores that won’t heal. Non-healing sores can be a sign of infection or cancer and should be evaluated by a veterinarian. 3. Weight loss.Illness could be the reason a pet is losing weight when it isn’t on a diet. 4. Loss of appetite. Reluctance or refusal to eat is a sign of possible illness. 5. Bleeding or discharge. Bleeding can occur for a number of reasons, most of which signal a problem. Unexplained vomiting and diarrhea are considered abnormal discharges, as well. 6. Offensive smell. An unpleasant odor is a common sign of tumors of the anus, mouth or nose. 7. Difficulty eating or swallowing. This is a common sign of cancers of the mouth or neck. 8. Reluctance to exercise or low energy level. This is often one of the first signs that a pet is not feeling well. 9. Persistent lameness. There can be many causes of lameness, including nerve, muscle or bone cancer. 10. Difficulty breathing, urinating or defecating. These symptoms should be evaluated by a veterinarian as soon as possible. Many of these symptoms also occur with other disorders and diseases, but any pet showing one or more of these signs needs prompt veterinary attention.

Stressed-Out Teens Ways to Help Them Chill

by Ronica O’Hara

Being a teenager is never easy, but it’s even harder these days, with the upheaval of the pandemic intensifying the normal academic, social and hormonal turmoil of these pivotal years. It’s no wonder teens are reporting record levels of stress, anxiety and depression: In a Pew Research survey, 70 percent of teens said mental health was a major problem among their peers—and that was in February, before the pandemic hit. A recent online poll found that most teens are worried that the pandemic will affect their family’s physical or financial health and that many feel lonelier than usual and worry about losing ground in academics and activities.

Extending a helping hand to teens is not always well received. They can be notoriously resistant to advice, even when they’re stressed, partly because of their brain chemistry, explains Gail Saltz, M.D., clinical associate professor of psychiatry at the New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell School of Medicine and host of the Personology podcast. A teen’s highly active amygdala makes risk-taking a thrill even as the frontal lobe that weighs consequences is not fully developed, while at the same time, a teen seeks independence—an identity and freedom to be more like an adult. “This combination means their capacity and interest in taking parental direction is not there,” she says. “As a result, parents in reaction often get louder and more insistent in telling them what to do, which fails and drives them further away.”

The best way to communicate with a stressed teen, say many child psychologists, is to listen deeply while letting them do most of the talking, and offering sympathetic support while withholding judgment. Instead of giving advice, “Validate your teen’s experience and attempt to step into their shoes. Let your teen know that you hear them, that you support them in their decisions and ask your teen what you can do to help them,” advises clinical psychologist

Alyssa Austern, PsyD, of Chatham, New Jersey. Other steps can help a teen weather this time of high stress:

1Back up the basics. Make sure there’s healthy food and snacks in the fridge. Encourage teens to exercise daily, especially outdoors, and support them in getting eight to 10 hours of sleep.

2Make self-compassion a family habit. The self-compassion approach to self-care, which is rapidly gaining ground among psychologists, has three elements: treating ourselves as kindly as we would a dear friend, realizing that many other people have the same problems so we’re not alone, and mindfully and nonjudgmentally observing our emotional state.

This method has proven to be helpful not just for adults, but for teens, as well. A University of Edinburgh meta-analysis that synthesized 17 studies of more than 7,000 teens in six countries concluded that those with high levels of self-compassion had lower levels of stress caused by anxiety and depression. University of North Carolina researchers found that teens exhibited lower stress, anxiety and depression, as well as more resilience and gratitude, after six self-compassion sessions.

A good place for parents to start is with themselves: If they are anxious, overprotective or fearful, a teen is likely to follow suit, reports a study in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.

Helpful books, websites and programs for both teens and adults can be found at Self-Compassion.org, operated by Dr. Kristin

Neff, an associate professor of educational psychology at the

University of Texas at Austin who was a pioneer in the concept.

3Engage them with creative activities. As teens can seek independence, making sure they spend quality time with the family is also important for their well-being, research shows.

“Find ways to connect, converse and unwind together as a family,” advises Crissy Fishbane, of Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, co-founder of HER Health Collective, an online community for mothers. “Teens need to see their parents engaging in self-care behaviors themselves, and it’s even better if you can engage in self-care as a family.” She suggests taking a virtual or outdoor yoga class together, playing a board game, having sudoku competitions, learning deep-breathing techniques or starting a family book club.

4Encourage reaching out to help others. A study in theJournal of Adolescence suggests that altruistic behaviors, including large and small acts of kindness, may increase teens’ feelings of self-worth, especially if it involves helping strangers. In Poland, the more teens helped out others in a flood, the more supportive and proactive they became, another study found. Depending on their interests, teens may be drawn to local environmental, social justice, religious or political activities. DoSomething.org offers useful ideas and links, and environmental projects for teens can be found at

EarthForce.com, SierraClub.com and GlobalClimateStrike.com.

Ronica O’Hara is a Denver-based health writer. Connect at OHaraRonica@gmail.com.

The events described in this section were scheduled to take place at the time we went to press. Please check ahead to confirm their status.


Clinical Acupressure 1: Basic Applications We

binar – 8:30am-4pm. A four-day class on how to use acupressure to balance and energize the whole body and specific parts. Demonstration and practice show the application of formulas for all parts of the body, and many symptoms. Participants will learn to locate and access more than 35 potent acupressure points. Clinical handbook and study guide provided. Appropriate for clinical applications. Continuing Education: 24 hours NCBTMB; AHNA. Full tuition: $645 ($695 value). Register: aohMassage.com/project/clinical-acupressure1-basic-applications. Crystal Bowls Meditation– 6:45-7:45pm. Thursdays with Jenny Hong. Experience the healing power of sound vibration with quartz crystal singing bowls. Participants will comfortably lie down or sit while the frequencies reverberate throughout the body, bringing it back into a state of harmonic resonance and promoting deep relaxation and healing on all levels. Jenny will also channel the healing energy of reiki. Social distancing and face masks required. $15. Preregister: JennyLotusBlossom@gmail.com.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6 Heal Relationship Triggers with EFT – Oct 6-Dec 15. 1-2:30pm. In-person social distancing group sessions with Jenny Li Ciccone. Learn to deal with adulthood relationship triggers which are conditioned in childhood and have impacted your overall wellness and blocked your daily life/ work efficiency. $100 for four weekly 90-minute sessions or $30/walk-in.Register: 851-5415, Jenny. Ciccone@joyfuljourneycoaching.net or 277-1399. Virtual Reiki Share by Zoom – 6:30-8pm. 1st Tue. Begins with group guided meditation and moves to distance reiki in private chat rooms. Join online a few minutes before 6:30pm. Free. Visit Lotus Blossom Clinic on Facebook. Register: Deb@ LotusBlossomClinic.com.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9 Psychic Fair – 5-8pm. Mini-readings with some of Naples’ most experienced psychics and healers.

Services include mediumship, tarot, reiki, angel, past-life, chakra balancing, intuitive, body scanning, oracle and more. $30/20 minutes. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com. Universe Within Crystal Bowl Meditation – 6-7pm. 2nd Fri. Enjoy a planetary star show while feeling the healing frequencies of crystal singing bowls all in the air-conditioned comfort of Our Yoga Place. Bring your own mat, pillow and blanket to be super comfortable. Brought to you by Firefly Within Foundation. Free/donation. Must register to maintain social distancing guidelines. Our Yoga Place, 8002 Mediterranean Dr, Estero. 360-2730. OurYogaPlace.com.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14 Ethical Wisdom – 7-9pm. Relate the field of ethical behavior with several well-known and popular teachers’ timeless guidelines relevant today. Stimulate your thought process about your application of ethics in your personal and professional life. Inspired by meditation practices; unique, fun, thought-provoking and progressive. 2 CEs, LMTs. $25. aohMassage.com/project/aohm-ethics-withthe-masters.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15 Southwest Medical Thermal Imaging – 5-7pm. Join to celebrate the new location at SWFL Integrative Medicine, The office of Heather Auld, MD; Terry Spano ND, CNS; and Caroline Larson, DMD. Enjoy refreshments, learn about the benefits of medical thermography and meet the team of Southwest Medical Thermal Imaging and SWFL Integrative Medicine. 1570 Colonial Blvd, Ste A, Ft Myers. 949-2011. SouthwestMedicalThermalImaging.com. ThermalClinic.com. See ad on page 15 and news brief on page 13. New Moon Circle – 6-8pm. Sacred new moon gathering to support, listen, love, laugh and heal with each other. We may dance, cry, howl, drum, meditate and more. Bring a small, healthy dish to share and connect with our tribe. $30. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949, GoddessIAM.com. The Medicine and Messages in Food – 6:30- 8pm. Join Deb Martin, medicinal foods consultant, and Robin Joy, certified health coach and holistic chef, for a fun meet-up style Zoom event. Explore medicines in our foods to enhance health and wellbeing. Based on the Food Healing Oracle Deck. Learn new recipes to try, knowledge to apply. $20. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Road, Ste 2-3, Fort Myers. Registration required: 277-1399. LotusBlossomClinic.com/events-2. Reflexology – 7-9pm. With Alvina Quatrano. Release stress from the whole body through the feet and hands. The ancient art and practice of reflexology uses specific points on the feet and hands to enhance the natural healing abilities of the body’s corresponding organs and glands. Learn these simple, effective techniques for keeping the body in balance. Great for couples, bodyworkers, caregivers and those that just want to treat themselves. 6 CEs for LMTs. $75 ($100 value). aohMassage.com/project/art-holisticmassage-aohm-foundation-3.


The Healing Trust Healer Development Course

Part 1-2 – October 16-18. Certified energy healing therapy course through National Federation of Spiritual Healers. Join tutors Karen Coratelli-Smith and David C. Karg for a joyous weekend of hands-on healing. Learn the techniques of world-renowned UK healer Harry Edwards. Local home in Naples and on ZOOM. Cost: $425, includes books and materials, plus membership with THT $40. Preregistration required: 692-9120 or ksmith727@comcast. net. Info: nfsh-TheHealingTrustTrainingusa.org. Magickal Tools and Creating an Altar – 6-8pm. Construction, consecration, and usage of magickal tools such as the wand and pentacle. Plus, learn a variety of ways to construct and use an altar. $50. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228- 6949. GoddessIAM.com.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17 Psychic Fair – 11am-4pm. Mini-readings with some of Naples’ most experienced psychics and healers. Services include: mediumship, tarot, reiki, angel, past-life, chakra balancing, intuitive, body scanning, oracle and more. $30/20 minutes. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Naples. 228-6949. GoddessIAM.com.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 Sacred Sound Ceremony – 5:30pm. Resonating to your One True Note, with Dana House. Connect to your initiating spark that shines through the holistic resonance of the invocative gongs and grace fi lled-bowls using 3-D mandalas and ancient aromatic blends to enhance our powers of creative intension. Come prepared to leave all your limitations behind and begin fully living the divine spirit that you truly are. Bring pillow, blanket, mat for comfy body so spirit can soar. $20. RB Institute, Inc, 13550 Refl ections Pkwy, Ste 5-502 & 3. Ft Myers. RSVP: 571-5234. QuantumHealing-SacredSound.com.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20 Medical Advanced Directives Class –1-2:30pm or 6:30-7:30pm. With Kat Udell, nurse practitioner and AMP; Phee Licis, LICSW. Have you chosen a medical health care surrogate or completed a living will? Join for an educational discussion. Leave class with your completed documents and peace of mind. Lotus Blossom Clinic, Ft Myers. $20. Register: 978-729-3500.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24 Intuitive and Energy Healing Support – 2-3:30pm. 4th Sat. Join Holistic Chamber of Commerce Cape Coral chapter members to explore the varied modalities of intuitive and energy healing support. This panel is a virtual, online panel held live on both Fort Myers - Holistic Chamber of Commerce Facebook page and HCCSWFL YouTube page: Bit.ly/2B0kG7c. Free. Facebook.com/ events/580699749513713.

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27 Meditation Simplifi ed – 6:30-7:30pm. With Kat Udell, nurse practitioner and AMP; Phee Licis, LICSW. Experience four easy ways to meditate with music/sound, guided imagery, open-eye focus, silence. Be amazed how simple it is. Lowers blood pressure, reduces stress/anxiety. Promotes relaxation and a sense of peace. $20. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Register: 978-729-3500. Info: 277-1399. LotusBlossomClinic.com/ events-2.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30 ThetaHealing Basic DNA – Oct 30- Nov 1. A three-day class with instructors Karen CoratelliSmith and David C. Karg. This is the fi rst course in Vianna Stibal’s ThetaHealing series. Learn how to co-create changes in your life and health through powerful belief discovery and energy work. Class offers practitioner certification. Local home in Naples. $444 includes books and class materials. Preregistration required: 692-9120 or kSmith727@ comcast.net.

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 31 Food as Medicine Class –1:30-4:30pm. Join Dr David Martín, Deb Martín and Vickie Gelardi for this popular medicinal foods sampling class based on the Conquering Any Disease High Phytochemical Food Healing System, by Jeff Primack. Learn which foods are scientifi cally proven to help reverse illness and disease and help create radiant health. Social distancing, limited space, fabulous information, great energy. Halloween surprises. $35. Lotus Blossom Clinic, Ft Myers. Reservations and prepayment required: 277-1399.

plan ahead

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Sacred Oil Course – Nov 13-15. With Dolores Gozzi, of Wisdom of the Sacred. Participants will learn about nine carrier and 12 essential oils; how to blend them energetically to create anointing oils for themselves and clients; the history of the myrrhphores with meditations; the theory and practice of aromatherapy; how to conduct an herbal infusion and activate into the sisterhood; and more. $297 by Nov 1; $350/after. Goddess I AM, 600 Goodlette Rd N, Ste 103, Naples. Info/register: 228-6949 or GoddessIAM.com. See ad on page 42 and news brief on page 11.

Healing Artisan Jewelry Sage & Incense Aura Photos Crystals Readings/Healing Inspirational Gifts

(239) 228-6949

600 Goodlette Road N. Naples FL 34102 Classes & Events Psychic Development 2 Monthly Psychic Fairs Goddess Gatherings Energy Healings


Promote your special service, class or event in our print and online calendar. Easy to use! Affordable options. Visit swfl.naturalawakenings. com/pages/calendarlistings.

ongoing events


Recorded Phone Readings – 10am. Phone sessions to connect with a seasoned, professional, spiritual advisor to help you navigate through personal challenges. $40-$95. The Mystical Moon, 8890 Salrose Lane, Ste 107, Ft Myers. TheMysticalMoon.com.


Tai Chi – 11am-noon. With Hector. In studio only. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. Preregistration required: 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com. Heal Relationship Triggers with EFT – Thru Dec 15. 1-2:30pm. In-person social distancing group sessions with Jenny Li Ciccone. Learn to deal with adulthood relationship triggers which are conditioned in childhood and have impacted your overall wellness and blocked your daily life/work efficiency. $100/4 sessions or $30/ walk-in. Register: 851-5415, Jenny.Ciccone@ joyfuljourneycoaching.net. Info: 277-1399. LotusBlossomClinic.com.

Put Your Dream to the Test: Master Mind Group

– Thru Nov 17. 6:30-7:30pm. What Do You Need to Make Your Dreams Come True? In this 10-week Zoom Master Mind Group, Jeanne Comeau coaches you from Dr. John C. Maxwell’s Put Your Dream to the Test program. Participant guides will be provided. $99. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. Register: 277-1399. LotusBlossomClinic.com.


Virtual Chi Yoga – 4-5pm. With Sue. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. Preregistration required: 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com.


Virtual Mixed Level Flow – 6:30-7:30pm. With Jackie. Love Yoga Center, 4949 Tamiami Tr N, Naples. Preregistration required: 692-9747. LoveYogaCenter.com. Crystal Bowls Meditation – 6:45-7:45pm. With Jenny Hong. Experience the healing power of sound vibration with quartz crystal singing bowls. Participants will comfortably lie down or sit while the frequencies reverberate throughout the body, bringing it back into a state of harmonic resonance and promoting deep relaxation and healing on all levels. Lotus Blossom Clinic, LLC, 6710 Winkler Rd, Ste 2-3, Ft Myers. 277-1399. LotusBlossomClinic.com.


Virtual Yoga with Love and Mat – 9-10:15am. With Kandy Love via Zoom. Props: mat, two blocks, two or three blankets, yoga belt (or strap), chair, wall nearby. Free/donation. Info/register: YoginiKandy62@gmail.com. Fee for classifieds is a minimum charge of $35 for up to the first 20 words and $1 for each additional word. Must be pre-paid. Email listing, include billing contact info, by 10th of month prior to publication to: NAClassifieds@ NaturalAwakenings.com .


LUXURY TREATMENT ROOMS available in professional Pilates & therapeutic wellness center. Perfect for massage, nutrition, electrolysis or simi

lar. Located close to Pelican Bay and Park Shore just off Tamiami Tr North and Pine Ridge, in North Naples. From $410/mo. Call Jim at 398-5578. SPACE AVAILABLE in boutique fi tness and massage studio located near Vanderbilt Galleria. Ideal for personal trainer, massage therapist or concierge physical therapist. Call for details: 239-325-9082.


INSURED WITH YOGA MAMA –Tara Mina, independent insurance agent, protecting Florida families, off ering health/wellness benefi ts, survivor benefi ts and income protection. Call 239-989-5229 or email TaraMindful108@gmail.com.

If you have questionable amalgam restorations that need to be replaced, removal should be done with caution.

Dr Pint uses IAOMT protocols which provide layers of protection to minimize oral exposure to Mercury

He is experienced with full mouth revisions and complex restorations providing a personal approach and excellent result

He uses the latest technology available to ensure a pleasant, positive office visit

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Roger J. Pint, Jr. MPH DMD Conservative Biological Approach Mercury-Safe Protocols

239.676.8730 9200 Bonita Beach Road Suite 111 Bonita Springs, FL 34135 (In the Sunshine Professional Building)


community resource guide

Connecting you to the leaders in natural health care and green living in our community. To find out how you can be included in the Community Resource Guide email NAadvertising@naturalawakeningsmag.com to request our media kit.

ACUPUNCTURE ACUPUNCTURE CENTER OF NAPLES Dr. Xiu Qiong Cen, AP, OMD (China) 5683 Naples Blvd, Naples 34109 P: 239-513-9232 • F: 239-513-9293 DrCenAcupuncture@gmail.com Licensed acupuncture physician with 28 years experience in acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Experienced in pain management, women’s health, insomnia, migraines, digestion issues and much more. See ad, page 12.

LOTUS BLOSSOM CLINIC Acupuncture – Oriental Medicine David Martin, AP, DOM Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Estero, Bonita 239-277-1399 • LotusBlossomClinic.com Off ering acupuncture treatment to U.S. Veterans at no out-ofpocket cost. Requires referral thru a V.A. doctor. Dr. David Martin, AP, treats pain, other chronic conditions and PTSD using acupuncture, e-stim, cold laser, acupressure and Chinese medical massage. See ad, page 27.

PHYLLIS C. WEBER, AP Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine 6249 Presidential Ct, Ste E, Ft Myers 33919 239-841-6611 • GulfCoastAcupuncture.com Specializing in pain, chronic disorders, overall wellness, allergy treatments (NAET) and kinesiology. Acupuncture stimulates the body’s ability to heal all on its own! AP771.


CHRISTINA CARLIN, AYURVEDIC PRACTITIONER Ayurveda Clinic, Massage & Yoga Therapy 501 Goodlette-Frank Rd N, Ste A107, Naples 34102 • 239-450-6903 Practicing holistic medicine since 1987. Professional Member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association, specializing in highly personalized Ayurvedic treatments and lifestyle consultations, Massage and individual Yoga sessions for chronic and acute problems. Pancha Karma, Shirodhara and skin care. Ayurveda and Yoga Study program available. MA0023929, MM0008584, FB0716888. See ad, page 6. BIOFEEDBACK

FIREFLY WITHIN, LLC Karin S Wolfe, CBS Bonita Springs • 239-980-3257 FireflyWithin.com • Info@FireflyWithin.com Certifi ed Biofeedback Specialist by the Natural Therapies Certifi - cation Board. Testing nearly 7,000 patterns in your body, mind and spirit, and providing energy to the most imbalanced areas creating a space for healing. A consultation and report is provided with each session. CBS#5563.

BODYWORK ART OF HOLISTIC MASSAGE Est. 1991 Alvina Quatrano, LMT FL MA 50896 For Info or Appt: 732-266-5276 AOHMassage.com Remote sessions by donation during COVID-19 call or Zoom. Zero Balancing, Process Acupressure, Reiki. Webinar classes all discounted; call for registration. Refl exology, SEVA Stress Release, Insomnia, MT’s get CEs. Free self-massage video at AOHMassage.com.

PAULA TERRY, LMT 239-821-3088, by appt. (Collier & Lee) Trained at the Upledger Institute, Paula utilizes CranioSacral Therapy combined with Heart-Centered Therapy, Somato Emotional Release™, Lymphatic Drainage, love and nurturement to foster the healing your body needs. Doula services. MA35358.

THERAPY ON THE GULF Anthony F. Hansen, LMT, MFR, CST, ML,D/CDP 824 Anchor Rode Dr, Naples 34103 239-262-8722 Tony is celebrating his 20th year as a therapist. He practices myofascial release, cranial sacral therapy and is a certifi ed lymphedema therapist. Free infra-red sauna. MA32797 MM21480. Receive $20 off by mentioning the ad on page 14. STUART WRIGHT, ND Certified Advanced Rolfer Advanced Cranial Therapist Advanced Visceral Therapist Certified Movement Educator Naturopathic Wellness Consulting By Appointment: 239-272-6443 Over 30 years excelling in quick pain relief. Specializing in back pain, structural integration & alignment, all joint-pain-related issues, mobility improvement, sports injuries, non-chiropractic spinal release. MA36890.


NETWORK CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Michele Pelletiere 3411 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 302, Bonita Springs • 239-949-1222 N.S.A. Practitioner level III. “Healing waves” release tension throughout the body, increasing wellness and quality of life, promoting new strategies for a healthy spine and nervous system.


RB INSTITUTE, INC. C. Robyn Berry, LMT, CRR, CCT, CLDT 13550 Reflections Pkwy, 5-502 & 5-503, Ft Myers • 239-939-4646 • RobynBerry.com Since 1994, gravity-enclosed UV/ Oxygen/Ozone sterilized medicalgrade water colonics, therapeutic, relaxing, chair, sports, prenatal massage, Craniosacral/SER, Heart Centered therapy, manual lymph drainage & XP2 System, visceral manipulation, HALO Photonic Blue-Violet Laser Botanical System, Asyra/Quest4 MSA Bio Meridian Stress Analysis, ear candling, Lakota YLEO Raindrop Therapy, Tuning Fork/Crystal/Bowls Therapy, refl exology, MPS, cupping, ozone steam cabinet and applied ozone therapies, infrared sauna, ionic foot detox by AMD, BEMER sessions, Power Plate, Hyperbaric Chamber, PER 2000 PEMF and notary. MM7376. See ad, page 23.

CUPPING BODYWELLNESS OF NAPLES, LLC Mary Lambrecht, LMT, FB, CCT 1000 9th St N, #203, Naples 34102 BodyWellnessOfNaples.com 239-595-2094 • MaryVSRT2@aol.com Cupping aids lymphatic activation, toxin release, reduced muscle pain and scar tissue, increased oxygen fl ow in fascia and muscular tissue. Experience immediate fascial release and rehabilitation when enhanced with therapeutic massage. Private wellness center also off ers specialized skin care and red light (medical-grade LED low-level laser) full-body therapy bed. Serving Naples since 2004. MA#40467, MM#23474, FB#9754375. Nationally Certifi ed NCBTMB #398123-00, CCT (Certifi ed Cupping Therapist, International Cupping Therapy Association).

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Lisa DoyLe - MitcheLL • Certified Biofeedback Specialist by the Natural Therapies Certification Board #5771 239.851.4729 www.BlueStarBioFeedback.com

Follow us! @bluestarbiofeedback.com DENTAL HEALTH ROGER J. PINT, MPH, DMD 9200 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 111 Bonita Springs, 34135 • 239-676-8730 BonitaDentalStudio.com Dr. Pint can join your health journey and play a role in minimizing toxicity; this includes protection while removing dental materials plus consultation. All X-rays are digital and minimal. See ad, page 43.

DENTISTRY LASER DENTISTRY Mark Corke, DDS 1550 Matthew Dr, Ft Myers 33907 239-936-5442 • FortMyersLaserDentist.com Dr. Corke enjoys working with holistic patients and practitioners on the journey to wellness. His practice “gets it” and is worth the trip to Fort Myers to experience his many services. From dental lasers to ozone he has many tools and a sympathetic ear. See ad, page 30.

ENERGY HEALING REV. KAREN CORATELLI-SMITH nfsh-TheHealingTrustTrainingusa.org HugsForHappiness.com 239-692-9120 • KSmith727@comcast.net Certifi ed instructor & practitioner, NFSH-The Healing Trust & ThetaHealing. Past Life Regression Counselor, Shaman Mesa Carrier, CranioSacral therapy, Esoteric Healing, Seraphim Blueprint, spiritual counselor.


NAPLES CENTER FOR FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE Carol L. Roberts, MD 800 Goodlette Rd, Ste 270, Naples 34102 239-649-7400 • HughesCenterNaples.com Carol L. Roberts, M.D. has practiced functional/integrative/holistic medicine for 25 years. She provides patients with testing to uncover causes of chronic illness, guidance in resolving health issues and education to assist the patient in her own healing. She is Medical Director at the Naples Center for Functional Medicine, formerly the Hughes Center. See ad, page 47. ZORAYDA “JIJI” TORRES, MD, ABIHM, IFMCP Internal Medicine, Functional Medicine Office: 239-444-5636 • UpstreamMD.com Dr. Torres is a board-certifi ed internist with over 17 years of experience and knows the limitations of conventional internal medicine. She is among the few Certifi ed Practitioner M.D.s, trained by the Institute For Functional Medicine. See ad, page 12.

WELLBRIDGES, INC 9200 Bonita Beach Rd, Ste 213, Bonita Springs 239-481-5600 • 239-481-5603 fax DebPost.com Comprehensive, fully integrated health care individualized for adults and children. Chronic fatigue, male and female hormone imbalance. Digestive disorders, women’s health care, autism, ADHD and related issues. See ad, page 43.


FOOD & THOUGHT ORGANIC FARM MARKET & CAFÉ 2132 Tamiami Trl N, Naples 239-213-2222 • FoodAndThought.com Open Mon-Sat 7am-8pm. Florida’s only 100% organic market and café. Fresh produce delivered daily. Homemade breakfast, lunch and dinner. See ad, page 10.


AHA! A HOLISTIC APPROACH CENTER 15971 McGregor, Ft Myers • 239-433-5995 AHolisticApproachCenter.com

Offering many natural healing options in a single location: acupuncture, clinical psychotherapy (RRT, hypnotherapy, couples therapy), energy work, therapeutic massage, Transformational Breath ® , full-spectrum infrared sauna, classes (yoga, tai chi, stretch ’n strength), workshops, retail therapy and more.

EYES WIDE OPEN 239-948-9444 • SilviaCasabianca.com Neuroscience-based, holistic counseling (via televideo) to help you regulate emotions, cope with change, stress, depression or anxiety. Empathic parenting guidance. Sliding scale. Online CEUs for health professionals. Call for further information.

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice. ~Wayne Dyer

IN2UITIVE WISDOM MEDIA 239-785-0809 facebook.com/in2uitivewisdom In2uitive Wisdom Media off ers professional video and radio commercial productions and promo videos for your business’s greater visibility. Get noticed!

NATURAL & ORGANIC MARKET ADA’S NATURAL MARKET 7070 College Pkwy, Ft Myers 33907 Mon-Sat: 9am-8pm, Sun: 9am-7pm Ph: 239-939-9600 • Fax: 239-288-6210 AdasMarket.com Natural and organic produce and grocery items. Vitamins and supplements. Organic juice and smoothie bar. New Green Leaf Café. Market-prepared foods. 1000s of gluten-free items. See ad, page 17.

NATURAL AND ORGANIC PRODUCTS ANATTA 447 Broadway, Ste 204 New York City, NY 10013 347-762-1268 • AnattaMarket.com Anatta is a global online marketplace for natural, organic and raw products from farmers worldwide. The newly-formed company’s products include a variety of essential oils and waters, and its unique business model eliminates overhead costs by connecting customers directly with farmers.


D-SIGNED NUTRITION, LLC Dee Harris, RDN, LDN, CDE Bonita Bay Executive Center 3531 Bonita Bay Blvd, Ste 300, Bonita Sprgs 239-676-5249 • D-SignedNutrition.com Nutrition is our lifeblood. Healing with food starts with a personalized plan to address infl ammation, nutrient insuffi ciencies, toxic burden and imbalances in the body. See ad, page 30. MARCY HESS, BS 501 Goodlette Rd N, Ste C208, Naples 239-231-6028 ThePerfect10Strength@gmail.com Looking and feeling strong and healthy is the fi rst reason for working with a nutrition coach. Let me help you get back on track for life without dieting! See ad, page 37. MEREDITH MUSICK, LMT, E-RYT 2000 239-269-8846 MeredithMusick.com Master Yoga Teacher and massage therapist with 28 years experience, serving Naples since 1999. Sun-damaged skin repair clinician, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi massage, sports and neuromuscular therapy, cranio facial and TMJ relief, heal injuries. Improve posture: alignmentbased yoga and posture classes.

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