Competative Review & Analysis

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Compe&&ve Review and Analysis Brand Development Discussion, BDV 3.4.4 Stacie Wilson

Campaign Project: Melvin Variety Store •  Melvin Variety Store does not spend any money on adverBsing of any kind. They don’t have a logo or a tagline. •  You can Melvin’s on Facebook and on EBay, where you will find some of there product listed for sell. •  Selling of their products are sold only on EBay and in the store. •  The only paid adverBsing Melvin’s has done in a long Bme is in the local paper. •  They also have recently goNen free adverBsing from Channel 14 News. The store has been in business for 50 years and you will sBll find the founder’s son and grandson working in the store almost everyday. They sBll run the store on the same principles as the founder, that without customers, there is no store; so they go above and beyond for their customers. This photo was taken from Melvin’s Facebook page. This is just one photo they have posted to show what items they have for sale. This is just one of the few adverBsing’s they have done to promote their products. hNp:// MelvinVariety/photos_stream

This is a clipping of the Channel 14 News coverage that was done on 11/24/2012, for their “small business” story. Free adverBsing. hNp:// content/top_stories/672785/ nc-­‐variety-­‐store-­‐celebrates-­‐50-­‐ years-­‐in-­‐business-­‐on-­‐-­‐small-­‐ business-­‐saturday-­‐

Project CompeBtor: Walmart “ Save money. Live beNer” •  •  •  •  •

Walmart does some adverBsing, mostly TV commercials. The products can be purchased at their online store or at their many locaBons across the states. They have designed a mobile app for even easier shopping. They also can be found on Facebook. Walmart just released a holiday-­‐shopping app where customers can buy items through


hNp://­‐unveils-­‐holiday-­‐ shopping-­‐mobile-­‐app/

Project CompeBtor: Dollar General “Save Bme. Save money. Everyday!”

•  Dollar General’s adverBsing can be seen mostly on their website and in some local papers. •  Their also have a Facebook page that helps keep them in the minds of consumers. •  They are currently a compeBtor of Walmart. •  They have launched a mobile app that helps the consumer shop easier at the locaBon closet to them. •  Their products can only be purchased at the online store or at the many locaBons.

This is just a few photos of their Facebook adverBsing hNp://­‐ dollar-­‐general-­‐mobile-­‐app-­‐for-­‐ android-­‐and-­‐iphone

hNp:// photos_stream

Compe&&ve crea&ve works of the companies: Walmart, Dollar General and Melvin Variety Store. * The markeBng varies with each company. Walmart is cheap when it comes to adverBsing. They do not do much of it. They do some commercial ads and they have their website and mobile app. * Dollar General has web, print and commercial ads. They try hard to keep the brand on the consumers minds. They place stores in lower income areas to appeal to more people with less income than the ones that are more likely to shop at Walmart. * Melvin Variety Store really has no adverBsing. What adverBsing they do get is free from local news stories. They have no logo, no tagline. They do have a Facebook page and they sell things on Ebay. A whole new markeBng plan would do really well for Melvin’s would increase awareness of business ans increase profits. References: hNp://­‐unveils-­‐holiday-­‐shopping-­‐mobile-­‐app/ hNps:// hNp:// hNp:// hNp:// hNp:// hNp://­‐variety-­‐store/ hNp://­‐General-­‐Vs-­‐Wal-­‐Mart-­‐173928.html hNp://

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