1 minute read
Text: Elena Robinson | University of Basel Abeelan Rasadurai | University of Basel
In February 2021, five medical students sat together in a Zoom Call and pondered for hours about how NCWiki should help shape the future. In the meantime, we, the NCWiki team, are over 50 medical students from various regions and universities all over Switzerland. All three NC languages are represented in our team. We are all united by the mission to make the requirements for the aptitude test for medical studies fairer. It is important to us that the chances for the Numerus Clausus do not depend on the financial resources of the applicants. In addition, we aim to promote linguistic equality through our trilingual offer. For before NCWiki there was hardly any practice material for French- and Italian-speaking NC participants. The last year was uncertain. For us university students it was marked by online lessons, for EMS participants by an unfamiliar new exam constellation. Setting up an association during these times and working together nationwide was an additional challenge that could only be mastered thanks to determined and daring members. Together we were able to achieve a lot. Among other things, we were able to gather information and tips and tricks for the individual subtests, produce two entire exercise series and launch our website in three languages. All this content is free and available to everyone. It is great to see our volunteer work bearing fruit and to already be receiving grateful and positive feedback from EMS participants and the broader public (i.e. through the youngCaritas audience award (see picture))!
This year we want to go one step further. We will run our first free test simulations, publish more exercise series and hopefully become definitive members of swimsa. Unlike last year, we are now broader, more experienced and more structured as an association with 11 board members and over 50 members.
We are overjoyed to be Candidate Members of swimsa and are very grateful for the support and appreciation. We are looking forward to working together to hopefully achieve our goal of becoming a real alternative to private for-profit companies!