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Exchange the world
Your turn! A step-by-step guide
Text: Felice Hess | University of Bern Cédric Follonier | University of Geneva Edit: Nadja Morello | Vice-President for Exchanges Until 2019, more than 15’000 medical students from more than 90 countries each year used to embark on a journey to explore health care delivery and health systems in different cultural and social settings. After the worldwide pandemic, we strive to make this possible again. The aim of the exchange program is to help future health care professionals develop cultural sensitivity and skills in research intent on shaping the world of science in the future.
The Swiss Medical Students’ Association is part of the exchange programs of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA): SCOPE, the Standing Committee for Professional Exchanges and SCORE, the Standing Committee on Research Exchange. Both types of exchange last for four weeks and the participants are offered a spot in a department or a research project in their hosting country as well as accommodation and a social program organized by local medical students.
Professional exchange is an educational program offering clerkships abroad to future physicians. It gives Swiss medical students the possibility to work within a different cultural setting and at the same time practice the skills learned on the benches of their university. They can apply for it starting from their second year and finally go abroad after they finish their 3rd year. Research exchange offers students the opportunity to get a glimpse into the world of research and deepen their knowledge in the specific area of their research interest. All of this while collaborating with a team in a laboratory or clinical research project abroad. Swiss medical or biomedical students can apply for it starting from their first year of studies.
What it costs and what is included in an exchange
There are two types of exchanges, bilateral and unilateral, for which the costs are different. The bilateral exchange works both ways, a Swiss student has the opportunity to go to another country and this country gets the opportunity to send a student to Switzerland. In unilateral exchanges, a Swiss student goes on exchange without swimsa Exchanges receiving a student in return.
Participating in the exchange program costs 560 CHF for a bilateral exchange and 350 CHF for a unilateral exchange with an additional countryspecific fee, to be paid to the hosting country.
Choosing a country within Europe, green means of travel and getting active yourself will be rewarded!
A partial refund can be received if a report is written at the end of the internship, for volunteering in the swimsa Exchanges program or by travelling to the exchange by bus or train.
In return for this fee, a fourweek internship is organized, accommodation is provided as well as one meal per working day (or pocket money) and the opportunity to take part in a social program with other exchange students that will allow to discover the wonders of the hosting country and its culture.
swimsa is part of the worldwide IFMSA exchange program with all its terms and conditions. To secure efficient communication and reduce the volunteers’ workload, strict international communication guidelines were implemented. It is not permitted to directly contact someone of the desired country. The swimsa Exchanges team happily assists with any question and is in close contact with the other officers worldwide.
How to apply
Doesn’t it sound amazing? We thought so! Below, you can find a step-by-step guide to register for your next exchange.
1. Choose your exchange
Research exchange: registration from the first year on, exchange possible after a completed second year. Professional exchange: registration from the second year on, exchange possible after a completed third year.
2. Choose your three preferred countries
amongst more than 100. You will find a complete list of participating countries on https://swimsa. ch/exchanges/laender/.
3. Visit swimsa.ch/exchanges for more information, read the exchange conditions of your favourite countries and check if you meet the requirements. If so, fill out the registration form open from March until the end of June 2022.
After completing these few steps, you are registered within swimsa as an outgoing. Congratulations! The exchanges team will get in touch with the country of your choice and will possibly sign a contract during the IFMSA General Assembly in August. You will be informed if it is possible to participate in the program and in which country your exchange will take place by the end of September. Once you’ve been accepted, there are still a few steps left to register in your host country within the set deadlines.
4. Pay the exchange fee which will be used to organize the accomodation and meals.
5. Upload the necessary documents on the IFMSA’s website with the login you will receive from us and choose your four favourite departments and three cities of your assigned country.
6. Inform your NEO-out or NORE about your completed Application Form (AF).
You want to get to know the world without travelling?
You can become a Contact Person (CP)!
IFMSA’s huge exchange network is organized by local volunteer students. As a Contact Person, you will be the local “exchange buddy” of a student and will be helping with organizing their internship and place to live. If possible, you will pick up the incoming at the train station, take them on a guided tour of your city and engage in social programs. This way, you can get a taste of the exchange experience in Switzerland, make friends from all over the world and help make their stay a memorable one.
Bonus: You will be reimbursed 30 CHF if you help out according to the local officers’ (LEO’s) conditions!
If you have any questions or would like to participate in swimsa Exchanges nationally or locally, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your national or local exchange teams. You will find further information on swimsa.ch/exchanges.